Skeletal System

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The evolutionary and physiological

impacts of having
Huge diversity
an exoskeleton.
1. Support and strength of the organism and its limbs
2. Protection of animal, especially the internal organs
3. Attachment for muscles
Kennedy, C.H. 1927. The exoskeleton as a factor in limiting and
directing the evolution of insects. Journ. Morph. 44:267-312.
Overall strength of an exoskeleton versus an endoskeleton

Support for body. Outside tubes that are hollow of an

exoskeleton are stronger than inside, solid tubes of an
Sclerites ( tergites, pleurites and sternites)
Apodemes-Cuticular ingrowths or 4, deep invaginations that meet
internally and form a brace for the head and for muscle
attachment and found in all insects.
In the pterygote insects, however, these ingrowths start
at the tentorial pits on the face and have evolved
to form the head endoskeleton or tentorium.

Apodemes can take the form of

being just a point-like invagination
or a line (or sulcus or suture).
4 major apodemes provide sort of an internalized
‘endoskeleton’. Gives tissue support and attachment sites
For muscles.

Why does the head and thorax need

additional support?

Japyx stained red to show tentorium

Various modifications of the tentorium-from pg. 117 Snodgrass
Phragma are transverse partitions of the endoskeleton used mainly
for muscle attachment.
Phragma development in the thorax-Notice none in larva, somewhat
more in the apterygote? and much more in the winged adult. The
flight muscles need attachment sites, which the phragma provide.
Apophyses-plates of the endoskeleton that provide both extra strength
and muscle attachment sites for muscles in the thorax.
Furca-Forked endoskeletal ridge of the sternum of higher insects
Evolution of the furca and apophyses to support evolution of wings
Apophysis in abdomen of the lubber grasshopper. Endoskeletal
ingrowths that provide for muscle attachment.
Involvement of various apophyses for muscle attachment for muscle
Tonofibrillae-definition from Snodgrass-Cuticular fibrils connecting
the muscle fibers with the inner surface of the cuticula. Because of
TEM we now know that these fibrils are microtubules that usually
pass through the epidermal cells and are probably produced by them.

Note that in most cases

the microtubules
extend into the epithelial
cells. Also note that the
muscle can attach to the
Schematic representation of cartoon and model showing how the
epidermal cells are involved in attaching the muscles to the cuticle
via microtubules and thus forming tonofibrillae.
Note the microtubules extend from
the muscle through the epidermal
cell and to the surface of epicuticle
Lateral, abdominal, cuticular plaques of Tabanus nigrovittatus
Research on cuticular plaques in
Tabanus nigrovittatus. Originally
people thought these plaques were
sensory. No research on them. When
sections were made through the
plaques, we found that the tonofibrillae
(T) had penetrated the cuticle. These are
remnants of muscles used by adult to
exit the puparium. Separates the
Orthorrhaphous from Cyclorrhapha

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