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3, June 2012
IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2012
2) Location of Resistance [3]: The resistance of earthing d) Ground system design: Different ground systems have
electrode has 3 basic components different ground resistivity calculations. Various types
• The ground electrode and its connections of ground systems are shown in Fig. 5 to Fig. 8.
• The contact resistance of the earth to the electrode
• The resistance of the surrounding body of earth
The ground resistance due to first two reasons is negligible
with respect to the resistance of the surrounding body of
3) Parameters for Earthing Electrode resistance: The
parameters which affect the ground system resistance are Fig. 5. Single electrode [2]. Fig. 6. Multiple electrodes [2].
as follows:
a) Length/Depth of the ground electrode: One very
effective way of lowering ground resistance is to drive
ground electrodes deeper. The variation in soil resistivity
with length/depth of earthing electrode can be shown by
Fig. 2. [3].
Fig. 7. Mesh network [2]. Fig. 8. Earth plate [2].
IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2012
“normal” soil resistivity. Soil resistivity usually is to produce an adequate grid design. The permissible touch
decreases with depth, and an increase of only a few and step potential are given by following expression
percent of moisture content in a normally dry soil will presented in Table I.
markedly decrease soil resistivity. The effect of seasonal
variables on soil resistivity is shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. TABLE I: TOUCH AND STEP POTENTIAL [9].
ts = duration of shock current (in second)
ρs = soil resistivity of ground (in Ωm)
Fig. 9. Effect of moisture on soil resistivity [4]. Cs = reduction factor for derating the nominal value of
surface layer resistivity ρs with a thickness of hs laid on a
native soil of resistivity ρsoil and could be assigned [8] as
0.09(1 − )
Cs = 1 −
2hs + 0.09 (1)
B. Sizing of Earthing Electrode
In sizing the earthing electrodes, three considerations must
Fig. 10. Effect of temperature on soil resistivity [4]. be borne in mind [1]:
• All grounding conductors should be suitable for the
c) Other factors: Other soil properties conducive to low expected mechanical stresses.
resistivity are chemical composition, soil ionization, • The impedance of the grounding system should be
homogeneous grain size and even grain distribution - all low enough for the current to reach the value for
of which have much to do with retention of soil moisture, actuating the protective schemes.
as well as providing good conditions for a closely • Current carrying capacity of the conductors should be
packed soil in good contact with the earth rod. Variation sufficient to carry the maximum current for a fault to
of soil resistivity with salt content is as shown in Fig. 11. ground for a minimum period of 5 sec without
damage to the conductor from overheating [10].
C. Designing
The earth electrode resistance should be 1Ω or less [10].
The formulae for calculating earthing system resistance for
various types of earthing system can be presented as in a
Table II.
Fig. 11. Effect of added salts on soil resistivity.
Type of
Sr. Earthing System
2) Soil Resistivity Measurement Technique [8]: The Earthing Terms involved
No Resistance
techniques for measuring soil resistivity are essentially Single ρ = Soil Resistivity (Ωm)
100ρ ⎛ 4l ⎞
the same whatever the purpose of the measurement. 1 Earth R= ln ⎜ ⎟ l = Length of the strip (cm)
Electrode 2πl ⎝ d ⎠ d = Diameter of rod (cm)
Complexity caused by non uniform soils is common, and
in only a few cases are the soil resistivities constant with ρ R1 = Resistance of one rod in
a= isolation (Ω)
increasing depth. Some of the techniques for measuring Multiple
2πR1S ρ = Soil Resistivity(Ωm)
soil resistivity are 2 Earth n = No. of rods
a) Wenner Array Method (4-pole equally spaced method) Electrode ⎛ 1 + λa ⎞ S = Distance between rods
R = R1 ⎜ ⎟
b) Schlimberger Arrangement (4-pole unequally spaced ⎝ n ⎠ (m)
λ= Factor as per Table III
100ρ ⎛ 2l 2 ⎞ ρ = Soil Resistivity(Ωm)
c) Fall of Potential (3-point method) Strip R= ln⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ l = Length of the strip (cm)
3 Conductor 2π ⎝ wt ⎠ w = Depth of burial of
Earthing electrode (cm)
ρ = Soil Resistivity(Ωm)
A. Criteria for Safety Earthing ρ π
Plate R= A = Area of both sides of
The maximum allowable touch and step voltages are the 4 A plates ( in m2)
ρ = Soil Resistivity(Ωm)
criteria that should be met to insure a safe design. If the touch ⎡ ⎛
⎟⎥ A = Area of earth grid(m2)
and step voltages of the grid design are below the maximum Earthing ⎢
R=ρ +
1 ⎜
1 ⎟⎥
5 h = Depth of grid (m)
Mat ⎢L 20 A ⎜ 20 ⎟⎥
values, then the design is considered adequate [8]. Lower the ⎢
⎜ 1+ h
A ⎠⎥⎦
l = Total length of the
conductor (m)
maximum allowable touch and step voltages more difficult it
IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2012
TABLE III: FACTOR FOR PARALLEL ELECTRODES [11]. It therefore acts as a ground element. Hence the concrete
Number of Electrodes Factor λ foundations may carry substantial amount of leakage and
2 1.00
fault current. Therefore, steel embedded in the concrete
3 1.66
foundations forms a ground element which gets connected in
4 2.15
5 2.54
parallel with the installed grounding system [14]. Currently
6 2.87
the part of the grid which lies embedded in concrete and also
7 3.15 reinforcement connected to the grounding system which do
8 3.39 lower the grid resistance are not taken into account while
9 3.61 designing the grounding grid. But, once the ground resistance
10 3.81 of a foundation is determined, the rebars in the foundation
can then be represented by a simple equivalent conductor for
The basic flow chart for designing an earthing system can further analysis of the grounding system formed by the
be given as shown in Fig. 12. foundations
[1] IEEE Guide for Generating Station Grounding. IEEE Std. 665 – 1995.
[2] Electrical Grounding Techniques, Ground Resistance Principles,
testing methods and applications, LEM, 2010.
[3] Principles, testing methods and applications, Fluke Corporation, 2010.
[4] IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance and
Earth Surface Potentials of a Ground System. IEEE Std 81 - 1983.
[5] Rong, Z., Jinliang, H., Zanji, W., Yanqing, G., Weimin, S., and S. Qi,
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Power System Technology, Vol 3, pp. 1475-1480, 2000.
[6] Earthing and EMC, Earthing Systems - Fundamentals of Calculation
and Design, Power Quality Application Guide, Copper Development
Association, 2003.
[7] Earthing, rfi-ind.com.au, RFI Industry Pty. Ltd., 2010.
[8] IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding. IEEE Std 80 –
[9] G. Sverak, K. Dick, H. Dodds, and H. Heppe, “Safe Substation
Grounding - PART I,” IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and
Systems, Vol. PAS-100, Issue No. 9, pp. 4281 – 4290, 1981.
[10] Code of practice for Earthing, IS: 3043 – 1987.
[11] Code of practice for Earthing, BS: 7430:1998.
[12] U. Ubeku and F. Odiase, “Substation Earthing Grid Safety Analysis,”
2009, International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering, vol
3, Issue 5, pp. 262-267.
[13] H. G. Ufer, “Investigation and Testing of Footing Type Grounding
Electrodes for Electrical Installations,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Apparatus and Systems, vol 83, Issue 10, pp. 1042 – 1048, 1964.
[14] Thapar, B. and Gerez, V., Balakrishnan, A., “Foundations in Power
System acts as Grounding Element,” Power Symposium 1989, pp. 237
– 243, 1989.