اسئلة علم الدواء

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Ministry of Higher Education

........................................................................: ‫السام‬
...........................................: ‫رقم القيد‬
Tripoli Institute for Medical Science


Subject: 2 ‫علم الدأوية‬ 5th Semester / Spring 2018

Midterm Examination (A)
Date: / / 2018 Time: one hour

Q1- Write T for true sentences and F for false sentences

1. Four structures are key to the conduction of electrical ( )

2. The sinoatrial (SA) node located in the left atrium ( )
3. The atrioventricular (AV) node located between the right atrium and right ventricle ( )
4. The bundle of His (or SA bundle) & bundle branches (right & right bundle branches
RBB & LBB) ( )
5. changes in ability of the pacemaker cells in the SA node to generate electrical impulses
spontaneously ( )
6. Through the occurrence of action potentials from sites other than the AV node ( )
7. All arrhythmias originating above the bundle of His are referred to as supraventricular
arrhythmias ( )
8. Arrhythmias originating high the bundle of His are referred to as ventricular
9. Arrhythmias are associated with decreased morbidity and mortality ( )
10.Bradycardias tend to cause symptoms that reflect low cardiac Input( )
11.Extreme bradycardias or tachycardias can precipitate cardiac arrest or sudden death
12.Since these signs are not unique to arrhyth- mias, arrhythmias are not always
easy to diagnose and 24-hour recordings of the ECG (Holter monitoring) may be
used ( )
13.bradycardia due to a Higher in the frequency of impulse generation within theAS
nodal pacemaker cells( )
14.Second degree AV block: all beats are conducted throughout the SA node( )

15.Second degree AV block: some, but not all, beats are conducted( )
16.Third degree or complete heart block implies that there is no conduction of sinus or
atrial beats through the AV node( )

17.The need for treatment depends upon whether a satisfactory ventricular rate and
output can be maintained or not( )

18.β-blockers and class IV agents (verapamil, diltiazem) ( )

19.the SA node before it can be conducted to the ventricles

20.Tachycardia's cause normal palpitation, dizziness, chest comfort or higher
breath( )

21. VF is a medical emergency, because cerebral and myocardial damage will occur(
22. (VF) is a rapid & uncoordinated contraction of the ventricular tissue. It severely
reduces cardiac output( )
23. Torsade's de pointes can rapidly degenerate and must therefore be treated( )
24. Ventricular ectopic beats associated with heart disease Treatment is usually needed(
25. The significance of ventricular ectopic beats (VEBs) depends on the presence or
absence of underlying heart disease( )
26. Ectopic beats produce a low stroke volume because left ventricular
contraction occurs before filling is complete( )
27. The risk of stroke increases after restoration of abnormal sinus rhythm( )
28. As a result, one of the Sever important complications of AF is the decreased risk of
thromboembolic stroke( )
29. In general, when compared with atrial flutter, AF is associated with Risck atrial
rates( )
30. Other causative factors include hyperthyroidism and high alcohol consumption( )

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