Keystone K-Lok 360-370 Data Sheet

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Keystone K-LOK® Figure 360/362 and 370/372

K-LOK® High Performance Butterfly Valves

Sizes 2" to 36"
ASME Class 150 and 300

Features and Benefits

• Integrally cast mounting pad provides
direct mounting of many actuators.
• Rocker-shaped gland bridge
compensates for uneven adjustment
of gland nuts.
• Extended neck allows for two inches
of pipeline insulation.
• Flattened body bore at stem journal
ports positions stem bearings near
disc, providing maximum stem
• Disc taper pins are tangentially
positioned half in disc and half in
stem, placing them in compression
rather than shear, which eliminates
potential for failure.
• Integrally cast disc position stop
perfectly locates the disc in seat,
achieving maximum seat and seal life.
• K-LOK polymer, elastomer, and
fire-safe seats provide bi-directional,
drop-tight closure in vacuum and
throughout all pressure ranges, as
well as at full rated differential
pressure. A variety of materials allows
optimum seat life in all applications.

General Applications
• Airport Refueling
• Hydrocarbon Processing
• Chemical Processing
• Purified Gas Technical Data
• Steam and Vacuum Services Size Range: 2" to 36"
• Potable Water
Pressure Rating: ASME Class 150
and 300
Temperature Rating: -20°F to 1000°F
Fire-Safe Option

Keystone and K-LOK are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Tyco International Services AG or its
Flow Control affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks
belong to their respective holders.

Copyright © 2010 Tyco Flow Control. All rights reserved. KEYMC-0032-US-1007

Keystone K-LOK® Figure 360/362 and 370/372

Materials 1
Part Material Material Standard 2
1 Stem and 17-4 PH ASTM A564 Condition H1075 or H1100 3
taper pins 316B SS ASTM A276-316 Condition B (10" and smaller)
K-Monel® 500 QQ-N-286 UNS N005500 Class A age-hardened 4
Inconel® 718
2 Body Carbon steel ASTM A216-WCB
Stainless steel ASTM A351-CF8M 5
Nickel aluminum bronze MIL B24480 CDA C95800/ASTM B148
3 Gland bridge 17-4PH stainless steel
Carbon steel
4 Packing gland 316 stainless steel
5 Stem packing PTFE
Graphite 6
Style 9000 EVSP simplified
6 Stem bearing 316 stainless steel/Nitride,
PTFE/Bronze, 7
PTFE/Composite 1
7 Body gasket Non-asbestos fiber, 8
8 Disc 316 stainless steel ASTM A351-CF8M 10
316 stainless steel/ENP ASTM A351-CF8M/electroless nickel plated
Monel® QQ-N-288 Composition A
9 Seat Polymer PTFE, RTFE, UHMWPE
Elastomer NBR, EPDM, Fluoroelastomer (FKM) 11
Metal 316 stainless steel, Monel®
Fire-safe RTFE/316 stainless steel 6
10 Seat Stainless steel
backing ring
11 Seat Carbon steel
retainer ring 316 Stainless steel
Nickel aluminum bronze
12 Flange Stainless steel
locator plate Carbon steel/zinc plated
13 Disc locating 13
shoulder 316 stainless steel 14
14 Bottom cover Non-asbestos fiber or 15
gasket Graphite 16
15 Bottom 316 stainless steel
cover plate
16 Thrust washer Stainless steel/Nitride

Recommended Standards and Specifications

ASME – B16.34 Steel valves
B31.1 Power piping (Sect 107)
B31.3 Chemical plant and petroleum refinery piping
B16.5 Steel pipe flanges and flange fittings
MSS – SP-6 Standard finishes for pipe flanges
SP-25 Standard marking systems for valves
SP-55 Quality standard for steel casting
SP-61 Pressure testing of steel valves
SP-68 High pressure offset disc butterfly valves
API – 609 Butterfly valves (most models)
607 Fire test for soft seated quarter-turn valves
598 Valve inspection and test
BS – 5146 Inspection and test of steel valves for the petroleum,
petrochemical and allied industries
4504 Flanges and bolting for pipes, valves and fittings
JIS – 2215 Basic dimensions for steel pipe flanges
Potable water
Standard 61

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Keystone K-LOK® Figure 360/362 and 370/372

Principles of Operation

Double Offset Disc/stem Two-piece Stem vs. One-piece Stem

K-LOK®’s unique two-piece stem and The second offset locates the stems K-LOK®’s disc geometry maximizes flow
double-offset disc/stem design allows off-center of the vertical axis of the seat. capacity by increasing the available flow
for high cycling and creates a lower disc The combination of these two offsets area through the valve. This increase in disc
profile with increased capacity and a creates a camming effect as the disc efficiency results in a higher valve Cv.
range of 33:1. swings into and out of the seat. The disc
In addition to increasing the flow area lifts quickly out of the seat in the first few Competitor K-LOK®
across the disc, this design minimizes degrees of travel and does not contact one-piece stem two-piece stem
wear points between seat and disc. the seat again until it is nearly closed.
The first offset is achieved by locating There are no wear points between the
the stems downstream of the center-line seat and disc, while operating torques
of the seat. This allows for a totally are reduced and seat life is extended.
unobstructed 360° sealing surface.

Double Offset First Offset Second Offset

Aspect Ratio = Open Area ÷ Disc Area

Fire-Safe Valve Fire-Safe Packing

API 607 4th Edition Approved by K-LOK fire-safe packing is composed of
Third Party Witness three rings of preformed graphite
The K-LOK fire-safe design uses a between one ring of woven graphite
stainless steel or alloy seat of convoluted rope at the top and bottom.
shape that mates with an RTFE member. In
the full-closed position, the K-LOK This arrangement creates a superior,
provides continuous two-plane contact high temperature seal against the outer
between the disc and both metal and RTFE wall of the packing box and around the
seats. The fire-safe seat utilizes wire
rotating stem.
windings to provide the circumferential
stiffness necessary to maintain interference
between disc and seat.

Fire-Safe Seat

Copyright © 2010 Tyco Flow Control. All rights reserved. KEYMC-0032

Keystone K-LOK® Figure 360/362 and 370/372

Seat Materials
Seat Material Typical Applications
1. PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene Pharmaceuticals, water, jet fuel,
river water, air
2. RTFE Reinforced Saturated steam, chlorine, ammonia,
Polytetrafluoroethylene natural gas vacuum, oxygen, nitrogen
3. UHMWPE Ultra high molecular weight Abrasives, suspended solids,
polyethylenescaling mediums
For Seats 1 thru 3
Wire Wrap Stainless steel braided wire
Seat Backing Ring Polyester, phenolic or General purpose services
stainless steel Steam, ammonia

Seat Material Typical Applications

4. EPDM – Cooling water, chilled water,
5. NBR – HVAC, river water intakes,
abrasives, vacuum
6. Fluoroelastomer (FKM) –
For Seats 4 thru 6
Metal Insert Carbon steel

Seat Material Typical Applications

7. Metal 316 stainless steel or alloy High temperature, low temperature,
(flash chrome coated) abrasives, fly ash, slurries

8. Fire-safe Reinforced polytetrafluoro- Fire-safe installations, abrasives,

ethylene combined with slurries, steam
316 Stainless Steel
(flash chrome coated)
For Seats 7 and 8
Wire Wrap Stainless steel braided wire

Seat Design
The K-LOK seat is a true interference seat design and does not rely on line pressure to
assist in sealing. All seats seal drop-tight bi-directionally at low pressure as well as
high pressure.
Polymer (PTFE, RTFE and UHMWPE) seats incorporate a stainless steel braided wire
winding, enclosed in a U-shape envelope to provide seating energy and memory. This
wire winding allows axial flexibility in both directions of flow. The winding also allows
radial flexibility when the disc is not fully closed, reducing seat/disc interference, seat
wear and stem torque. When the disc closes, it provides circumferential stiffness and
assures the required disc/seat seals tight.
Elastomer seats are molded around a stack of V-shaped steel rings that provide the
same stability, support and flexure as the wire windings in polymer seats.
Metal seats employ a stainless steel or alloy ring of convoluted shape, reinforced by
stainless steel wire windings. The thin, convoluted shape allows for expansion and
contraction from thermal cycling. Long life is assured by flash coating the seat with

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Keystone K-LOK® Figure 360/362 and 370/372

ANSI/FCI 70-2 Control Valve Seat Leakage, Tolerances, and Test Specifications
ANSI Maximum Test Pressure and
B16.104-1976 Leakage Medium Temperature
Class VI Nominal Port Bubbles per ml. per Air or Nitrogen Service DP or 50 psig [3.4 bar differential],
Diameter (in.) Minute3 Minute whichever is lower, at 50° to 125°F [10° to 52°C]
2 3 0.45
21/2 4 0.60
3 6 0.90
4 11 1.70
6 27 4.00
8 45 6.75
Class V 5 x 10-4 ml/min/psig/in. port dia. Water Service DP at 50° to 125°F [10° to 52°C]
[5 x 10-12 m3/sec/bar differential/mm port dia.]
Class IV 0.01% valve capacity at full travel Air or Water Service DP or 50 psig [3.4 bar differential],
whichever is lower, at 50° to 125°F [10° to 52°C]

1. K-LOK polymer, elastomer and fire-safe seats provide ANSI Class VI shut-off.
2. K-LOK metal seats and firesafe seats (post fire exposure) provide ANSI Class IV shut-off.
3. Using the ANSI/FCI specified calibrated measuring device.

Reference ANSI/FCI 70-2 for further information.

Cv Values vs. Travel Position

Angle of Opening CL 150 CL 300
Size (in.) 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 90°
2 6 10 19 34 51 78 105 134 163 160
21⁄2 6 10 19 34 53 80 111 148 175 170
3 8 12 24 43 67 100 139 186 220 215
4 16 23 44 80 130 194 269 360 425 413
5 30 44 83 149 242 366 504 673 795 785
6 50 70 130 230 370 550 760 1,010 1,195 1,140
8 83 117 251 437 695 1,052 1,496 2,001 2,440 2,300
10 144 202 454 754 1,185 1,821 2,611 3,541 4,540 4,333
12 208 304 678 1,051 1,625 2,766 3,838 5,325 6,915 6,600
14 257 360 747 1,186 1,909 3,121 4,416 6,225 8,300 7,920
16 308 432 803 1,422 2,289 3,614 5,251 7,530 10,040 9,580
18 373 548 1,121 1,869 2,990 4,735 6,728 9,845 12,460 11,890
20 463 680 1,390 2,315 4,010 6,175 8,795 12,655 15,430 14,720
24 650 991 2,076 3,803 6,060 9,091 13,301 18,466 21,660 20,665
30 1,015 1,550 3,240 4,670 9,460 14,200 21,400 29,800 36,000 35,500
36 1,460 2,300 4,640 5,950 13,700 21,000 30,400 44,000 56,000 55,500

Vacuum Rating
The combination of interference fit seats Standard K-LOK high performance
and bi-directional packing makes the valves are rated to an absolute pressure
K-LOK especially well suited for vacuum of 4 x 10-5 inch Hg. Higher vacuum
service. applications are available.

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Keystone K-LOK® Figure 360/362 and 370/372

Common Available Trims

Number Valve Type
To order a K-LOK, specify the valve size,
F360 ASME Class 150, Wafer the valve figure number (listed above)
F362 ASME Class 150, Full-lug and the specific application trim code.
F370 ASME Class 300, Wafer The most common codes, together with
the materials of construction, are listed
F372 ASME Class 300, Full-lug
below. (Example: 10 inch F360-104)

General Purpose Trims (up to 250°F)

Trim Code Body Disc Shaft Seat/Backing Ring
106 Steel 316 SS/ENP 17-4PH SS UHMWPE/SS
107 316 SS 316 SS/ENP 17-4PH SS UHMWPE/SS

General Purpose Trims (up to 500°F)

Trim Code Body Disc Shaft Seat/Backing Ring
123 Steel 316 SS/ENP 17-4PH SS RTFE/SS
124 316 SS 316 SS/ENP 17-4PH SS RTFE/SS
158 Steel 316 SS 17-4PH SS RTFE/SS
159 316 SS 316 SS 17-4PH SS RTFE/SS

Metal Seated – High Temperature Trims

Trim Code Body Disc Shaft Seat/Backing Ring
113 Steel 316 SS/ENP 17-4PH SS 316 SS chrome plated
114 316 SS 316 SS/ENP 17-4PH SS 316 SS chrome plated

Corrosion Resistant Trims

Trim Code Body Disc Shaft Seat/Backing Ring
133 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS Cond. B RTFE/SS
134 316 SS 316 SS NITRONIC 50® RTFE/SS

Fire-Safe Trims
Trim Code Body Disc Shaft Seat/Backing Ring
115 Steel 316 SS/ENP 17-4PH SS 316 SS chrome plated
and RTFE
116 316 SS 316 SS/ENP 17-4PH SS 316 SS chrome plated
and RTFE

Other trims are available; please contact your sales representative.

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Keystone K-LOK® Figure 360/362 and 370/372

Seating and Un-seating Torque PTFE and RTFE Bi-Directional Seating and Un-Seating Torque Values
Seating and un-seating torques are a
Valve Shaft Mounting Seating and Un-seating Torque (lbs. in.)
function of the size of the valve and the Size Code (ASME) System Shut-off Pressure (psig)
shut-off pressure of the system. (inch) 150 300 150 200 285 400 500 740
Specific torque ratings can be found in 2 BAB BAB 220 280 380 460 520 580
the Seating/Un-seating chart at the 21⁄2 BAB BAB 220 280 380 460 520 580
intersection of the ‘size’ row and the 3 BAC BAC 250 320 430 520 590 650
‘shut-off pressure’ column.
4 BAD BAD 475 600 820 995 1,120 1,235
Torques listed are for PTFE and RTFE 5 BAD BAD 925 1,125 1,350 1,570 1,750 1,900
seated valves. For different seat 6 CAD/CAE* CAE 1,370 1,600 1,850 2,150 2,390 2,900
materials specific multipliers are to be
8 CAF CAF 2,060 2,330 3,200 4,020 4,870 6,720
used as stated.
10 CAF/CAG* CAG 3,340 3,650 4,700 6,250 7,450 9,850
All torques listed are for normal service 12 DAG DAG 4,590 5,250 6,400 8,160 9,690 12,940
conditions (i.e. operating frequency is a
14 DAH DAJ 6,750 7,560 9,150 11,450 13,300 17,200
minimum of once per month; disc
16 DAH DAK 9,350 10,450 12,600 15,000 17,500 22,200
corrosion is expected to be mild or
minor, the media is a clean gas, liquid or 18 DAJ DBA 11,900 13,300 15,800 19,500 21,900 28,500
steam, and is non-abrasive) and 20 DAK LAX 15,600 17,500 21,000 25,200 28,700 36,140
chemical effects upon the seat are 24 DAK MAY 21,700 25,340 30,600 36,900 42,100 54,000
minor. 30 MAZ NAW 29,200 35,000 43,500 54,500 62,500 80,000
36 MBE EBD 52,500 58,500 70,000 85,000 97,500 125,000
*CAE and CAG mounting codes apply for shaft mounting of UHMWPE, metal and fire-safe seats.

1. Torques are applicable only to PTFE and
RTFE seats in noncorrosive or non-abrasive
services such as water. For fire-safe and
metal seats, select only the torque for the
valve at 285 psig and multiply by 2.0.
2. For other seat materials, select the torque
applicable for the maximum differential
pressure and multiply by the following factor:
EPDM/NBR/Fluoroelastomer (FKM): x 1.4
UHMWPE (Clean Service): x 1.3
3. For corrosive, abrasive or other services than
water, multiply by the following factor:
High solids slurry: x 1.5
Dry gas: x 2.0
Dry powders: x 2.7
Liquids other than water: x 1.2
Lubricating fluids: x 0.8
For services that combine unfriendly
conditions such as extreme temperatures
and high solids, or corrosive with high
temperatures, contact the factory.

Copyright © 2010 Tyco Flow Control. All rights reserved. KEYMC-0032

Keystone K-LOK® Figure 360/362 and 370/372

Extension Brackets For Various Temperatures

Required Extension Lengths (inches) Notes:
Pipeline Fluid 200°F Std. 450°F High Temp. Standard 1. Surrounding air temperature is assumed to
Temperature Handle Gear F79U F79U F777 be 70°F. For every degree over 100°F of the
surrounding air, deduct 2 degrees from the
-100°F - 375°F – – – – – temperature ranges shown above.
376°F - 460°F 4 – – – 4 (Example: 125°F external reduces maximum
temperature values to 325, 410, 510, 600, etc.)
461°F - 560°F 6 4 4 – 4
2. Valves may be insulated or uninsulated.
561°F - 650°F 6 4 4 – 4 3. Brackets may be open rectangular tubes or
651°F - 725°F 6 6 6 4 6 the standard closed Keystone tubular stem
726°F - 825°F 8 8 8 6 8
4. All actuators have a maximum service
826°F - 925°F 10 8 8 6 8 temperature (outside atmosphere). These
926°F - 1,000°F 10 10 10 8 10 temperature limitations apply regardless of
K-LOK extension lengths.

Flange Gaskets K-LOK Services

The K-LOK high performance butterfly valve is designed to Many services have specific requirements. Tyco Flow
accommodate the use of standard, non-metallic gaskets for pipe Control can meet most of these needs. The K-LOK
flanges (such as compressed fiber, rubber, non-asbestos, flexible product line can be ordered for the following special
graphite, asbestos or equivalent gasket materials), meeting the services:
dimensional requirements of ASME B16.21-1992. Metallic wound
• Food processing • Chlorine
gaskets may also be used, however, please note that any valve with a
bolted on retainer requires the wound gaskets material to be • Sour gas • Reverse osmosis
manufactured to the following dimensions (inches):
• Military • Category ‘M’ fluids
Outside Diameter Inside Diameter
• Vacuum • Slurry
2 33/8 23/4
21/2 37/8 31/4 • Oxygen • Modulating control
3 43/4 4 • Pharmaceutical • Steam
4 5 41/8
• Ammonia
5 61/8 51/4
6 73/16 61/4
8 93/16 8
10 115/16 101/8
12 13 111/2
14 141/2 13
16 161/2 143/4
18 18 16
20 193/4 18
24 261/4 24
30 291/2 271/2
36 361/2 341/4

Copyright © 2010 Tyco Flow Control. All rights reserved. KEYMC-0032

Keystone K-LOK® Figure 360/362 and 370/372

Recommended Flange Bolt Lengths

Lugged Body 150 Class - Fig. 362 Lugged Body 300 Class - Fig. 372 Wafer Body 150 Class - Fig. 360
Valve Hex Head Machine Bolt All Thread Valve Hex Head Machine Bolt All Thread Valve Hex Head Machine Bolt All Thread
Size Qty. Size Length Qty. Size Length Size Qty. Size Length Qty. Size Length Size Qty. Size Length Qty. Size Length
(in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.)
2 4 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 13⁄ 4 4 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 2 1⁄ 2 2 16 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 2 16 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 3 2 4 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 5 4 5⁄ 8 - 1UNC x 5 1⁄ 2
4 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 2 4 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 2 3⁄ 4 21⁄ 2 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 13⁄ 4 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 2 3⁄ 4 21⁄ 2 4 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 41⁄ 2 4 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 5
21⁄ 2 8 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 13⁄ 4 8 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 21⁄ 2 3⁄ 4 3⁄ 4 3 4 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 41⁄ 2 4 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 51⁄ 4
8 - 10UNC x 2 8 - 10UNC x 2 3⁄ 4
3 4 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 2 4 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 2 3⁄ 4
3 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 21⁄ 4 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 31⁄ 4 4 8 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 4 3⁄ 4 8 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 51⁄ 2
4 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 11⁄ 2 4 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 21⁄ 2
8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 13⁄ 4 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 2 3⁄ 4 5 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 5 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 6
4 8 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 2 8 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 2 3⁄ 4
4 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 21⁄ 2 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 31⁄ 4 6 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 5 1⁄ 4 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 6
8 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 13⁄ 4 8 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 2 1⁄ 2 3⁄ 4
8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 2 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 3 8 8 - 10UNC x 5 3⁄ 4 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 6 1⁄ 2
5 16 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 2 16 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 3 7⁄ 8
5 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 21⁄ 2 16 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 31⁄ 2 10 12 - 9UNC x 6 1⁄ 4 12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 7
6 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 2 1⁄ 4 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 3 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 2 1⁄ 4 12 12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 7 12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 7 1⁄ 2
8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 2 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 31⁄ 4 6 12 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 2 3⁄ 4 24 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 31⁄ 2 14 12 1 - 8UN x 7 1⁄ 2 12 1 - 8UN x 8 1⁄ 2
8 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 2 1⁄ 2 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 31⁄ 2 12 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 21⁄ 4 16 16 1 - 8UN x 8 16 1 - 8UN x 9
8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 2 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 3 7⁄ 8 18 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 91⁄ 4 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 101⁄ 2
8 12 - 9UNC x 31⁄ 4 12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 41⁄ 2
10 12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 2 3⁄ 4 12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 4 12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 21⁄ 2 12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 31⁄ 2 20 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 10 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 11
12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 2 1⁄ 4 12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 31⁄ 4 10 16 1 - 8UN x 3 3⁄ 4 16 1 - 8UN x 5 4 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 31⁄ 2 4 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 5

12 12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 3 12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 4 16 1 - 8UN x 3 16 1 - 8UN x 41⁄ 4 4 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 3 4 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 41⁄ 2

12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 2 1⁄ 2 12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 3 3⁄ 4 12 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 4 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 51⁄ 2 24 20 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 111⁄ 2 20 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 121⁄ 2

14 12 1 - 8UN x 31⁄ 2 12 1 - 8UN x 4 3⁄ 4 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 31⁄ 2 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 43⁄ 4 30 24 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 131⁄ 4 24 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 16

16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 41⁄ 2 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN 4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 31⁄ 2 4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 51⁄ 4
12 1 - 8UN x 3 12 1 - 8UN x 4 1⁄ 4 14 x 6
4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 31⁄ 4 4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 43⁄ 4
16 32 1 - 8UN x 3 32 1 - 8UN x 4 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 4 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 51⁄ 2
36 28 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 15 28 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 183⁄ 4
18 32 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 33⁄ 4 32 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 5 4 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 31⁄ 4 4 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 43⁄ 4
20 32 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 4 32 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 51⁄ 2 4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 5 4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 63⁄ 4
4 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 3 4 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 41⁄ 2
8 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 3 8 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 41⁄ 2 4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 4 4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 6
16 16 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 5 16 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 61⁄ 2
24 20 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 5 20 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 6 1⁄ 2 16 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 41⁄ 2 16 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 6
20 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 41⁄ 2 20 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 6 8 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 31⁄ 2 8 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 5 Wafer Body 300 Class - Fig. 370
30 48 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 6 48 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 7 1⁄ 2 18 40 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 5 40 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 6 1⁄ 2 Valve Hex Head Machine Bolt All Thread
8 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 41⁄ 2 8 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 6 8 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 31⁄ 2 8 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 5 Size Qty. Size Length Qty. Size Length
36 28 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 71⁄ 2 28 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 91⁄ 2 (in.) (in.) (in.)
20 40 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 51⁄ 2 40 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 7
2 8 5⁄ 8 - 11UNC x 5 1⁄ 4 8 5⁄ 8 -11UNC x 5 3⁄ 4
28 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 7 28 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 9 4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 4 4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 51⁄ 2
4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 5 4 2 - 8UN x 7 4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 41⁄ 2 4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 6 21⁄ 2 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 4 3⁄ 4 8 3⁄ 4 -10UNC x 5 1⁄ 2
3 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 5 8 3⁄ 4 -10UNC x 5 3⁄ 4
4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 6 4 2 - 8UN x 8 24 40 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 6 40 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 8
4 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 51⁄ 2 8 3⁄ 4 -10UNC x 6 1⁄ 2
4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 5 4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 7
5 8 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 6 8 3⁄ 4 -10UNC x 7
4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 41⁄ 2 4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 61⁄ 2
6 12 3⁄ 4 - 10UNC x 6 12 3⁄ 4 -10UNC x 7
30 48 1 3⁄ 4 - 8UN x 7 48 1 3⁄ 4 - 8UN x 9
8 12 7⁄ 8 - 10UNC x 7 1⁄ 4 12 7⁄ 8 - 9UNC x 8
8 13⁄ 4 - 8UN x 51⁄ 2 8 13⁄ 4 - 8UN x 7 1⁄ 2
10 12 1 - 8UN x 8 1⁄ 4 12 1 - 8UN x 9 1⁄ 2
4 1 - 8UN x 37⁄ 8 4 1 - 8UN x 47⁄ 8
4 1 - 8UN x 31⁄ 8 4 1 - 8UN x 41⁄ 8
12 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 9 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 10
14 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 101⁄ 4 16 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 111⁄ 2
4 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 31⁄ 4 4 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 4 3⁄ 4
4 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 3 4 11⁄ 8 - 8UN x 41⁄ 2
16 16 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 111⁄ 2 16 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 121⁄ 2
4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 31⁄ 4 4 11⁄ 4- 8UN x 4 3⁄ 4
4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 3 4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 41⁄ 2
18 20 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 12 20 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 131⁄ 2
Wafer Body Lugged Body 4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 31⁄ 2 4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 5
4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 3 4 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 4 3⁄ 4
20 20 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 13 20 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 14

8 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 4 8 11⁄ 4 - 8UN x 51⁄ 2

24 20 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 141⁄ 2 20 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 16

4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 4 3⁄ 4 4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 61⁄ 2
4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 41⁄ 4 4 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 61⁄ 4
30 24 11⁄ 2 - 8UN x 19 24 13⁄ 4 - 8UN x 201⁄ 2
8 13⁄ 4 - 8UN x 51⁄ 2 8 13⁄ 4 - 8UN x 7 3⁄ 4

Copyright © 2010 Tyco Flow Control. All rights reserved. KEYMC-0032

Keystone K-LOK® Figure 360/362 and 370/372

Wafer Style


Upper Shaft/Keyway C
8" to 24"

Top Plate View

ASME Class 150 Figure 360 Dimensions (inches)

Top Plate Drilling
DD or Bolt No. Hole Wt. Actuator
Size A B C D E F G H Q Keyway Circle Holes Dia. Lbs. Code
2 41⁄ 8 6 41⁄ 4 4 2 3⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 9⁄ 16 1 7⁄ 8 3⁄ 8 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 8 BAB
21⁄ 2 41⁄ 8 6 41 ⁄ 4 4 17⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 9⁄ 16 2 5⁄ 16 3⁄ 8 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 9 BAB
3 5 6 5⁄ 8 4 13⁄ 16 4 17⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 5⁄ 8 2 3⁄ 4 7⁄ 16 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 12 BAC
4 6 3⁄ 16 71⁄ 2 5 13⁄ 16 4 2 1⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 3⁄ 4 3 11⁄ 16 1⁄ 2 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 20 BAD
5 71⁄ 4 7 9⁄ 16 5 13⁄ 16 4 2 1⁄ 4 11⁄ 4 N/A 3⁄ 4 4 3⁄ 4 1⁄ 2 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 25 BAD
6 819 ⁄ 32 8 3⁄ 4 6 15⁄ 16 6 2 1⁄ 4 11⁄ 4 3⁄ 4 7⁄ 8 5 5⁄ 8 1⁄ 2 5 4 9⁄ 16 32 CAD
6* 819 ⁄ 32 8 3⁄ 4 6 15⁄ 16 6 2 1⁄ 4 11⁄ 4 N/A 7⁄ 8 5 5⁄ 8 5⁄ 8 5 4 9⁄ 16 33 CAE
8 10 5 ⁄ 8 101 ⁄ 8 8 3⁄ 8 6 2 1⁄ 2 2 N/A 11⁄ 8 7 7⁄ 16 1⁄ 4 x 1⁄ 4 x 1 5⁄ 8 5 4 9⁄ 16 50 CAF
10 12 3⁄ 4 11 3⁄ 8 911⁄ 16 6 2 13⁄ 16 2 11⁄ 8 1 3⁄ 8 9 7⁄ 16 1⁄ 4 x 1⁄ 4 x 1 5⁄ 8 5 4 9⁄ 16 77 CAF
10* 12 3⁄ 4 11 3⁄ 8 911⁄ 16 6 213⁄ 16 3 N/A 1 3⁄ 8 9 7⁄ 16 5 ⁄ 16 x 5 ⁄ 16 x 2 5⁄ 8 5 4 9⁄ 16 78 CAG
12 14 3⁄ 4 13 10 7⁄ 8 8 3 3⁄ 16 3 13⁄ 8 11⁄ 2 111⁄ 4 5 ⁄ 16 x 5 ⁄ 16 x 2 5⁄ 8 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 124 DAG
14 161⁄ 4 131⁄ 4 11 7⁄ 8 8 3 5⁄ 8 3 N/A 1 5⁄ 8 12 5⁄ 16 3⁄ 8 x 3⁄ 8 x 2 5⁄ 8 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 141 DAH
16 181⁄ 2 141⁄ 2 12 7⁄ 8 8 4 3 15⁄ 8 1 3⁄ 4 14 1⁄ 8 3⁄ 8 x 3⁄ 8 x 2 5⁄ 8 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 230 DAH
18 21 16 13 7⁄ 8 8 4 1⁄ 2 4 1⁄ 16 N/A 1 7⁄ 8 15 15⁄ 16 1⁄ 2 x 3⁄ 8 x 41⁄16 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 305 DAJ
20 23 17 7⁄ 16 15 7⁄ 16 8 5 4 5⁄ 16 N/A 21⁄ 4 17 5 ⁄ 8 1⁄ 2 x 3⁄ 8 x 4 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 350 DAK
24 271⁄ 2 19 11⁄ 16 17 13⁄ 16 8 6 1⁄ 16 4 1⁄ 4 21⁄ 4 21 ⁄ 2 211⁄ 16 1⁄ 2 x 3⁄ 8 x 4 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 620 DAK
30 33 3⁄ 4 241⁄ 2 21 3⁄ 16 91⁄ 2 7 3⁄ 8 7 N/A 3 26 7⁄ 8 3⁄ 4 x 3⁄ 4 x 6 9 3⁄ 4 4 11 ⁄ 16 1,020 MAZ
36 401⁄ 4 28 3 ⁄ 8 24 11⁄ 16 91⁄ 2 8 1⁄ 2 8 N/A 31⁄ 2 33 5⁄ 16 7⁄ 8 x 7⁄ 8 x 5 11⁄ 16 9 3⁄ 4 4 11 ⁄ 16 1,850 MBE

* E.N.P. discs require larger upper stem connection diameters on 6 inch and 10 inch valve sizes for UHMWPE seat, metal seat and fire-safe seat trims.

ASME Class 300 Figure 370 Dimensions (inches)

Top Plate Drilling Tapped Lug Data
DD or Bolt No. Hole No. Bolt Wt. Actuator
Size A B C D E F G H Q Keyway Circle Holes Dia. Holes Circle Tap Lbs. Code
2 41⁄ 8 6 41⁄ 4 4 23⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 9⁄ 16 17⁄ 8 3⁄ 8 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 – – – 8 BAB
21⁄ 2 41⁄ 8 6 41⁄ 4 4 17⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 9⁄ 16 25⁄ 16 3⁄ 8 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 – – – 9 BAB
3 5 65 ⁄ 8 413⁄ 16 4 17⁄ 8 11⁄4 N/A 5⁄ 8 211⁄ 16 7⁄ 16 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 – – – 12 BAC
4 63⁄ 16 71 ⁄ 2 513⁄ 16 4 21⁄ 8 11⁄4 N/A 3⁄ 4 311⁄ 16 1⁄ 2 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 – – – 20 BAD
5 71⁄ 4 79⁄ 16 513⁄ 16 4 25 ⁄ 16 11⁄4 N/A 3⁄ 4 43⁄ 4 1⁄ 2 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 – – – 25 BAD
6 819 ⁄ 32 83⁄ 4 615⁄ 16 6 25 ⁄ 16 11⁄4 N/A 7⁄ 8 55⁄ 8 5⁄ 8 5 4 9⁄ 16 – – – 32 CAE
8 105 ⁄ 8 101⁄ 8 8 3⁄ 8 6 27⁄ 8 2 N/A 11⁄ 8 77⁄ 16 x 1⁄ 4 x 15 ⁄ 8
1⁄ 4 5 4 9⁄ 16 – – – 65 CAF
10 123⁄ 4 113⁄ 8 9 11⁄ 16 6 31⁄4 3 N/A 1 3⁄ 8 9 3⁄ 8 5⁄ 16 x 5⁄ 16 x 25 ⁄ 8 5 4 9⁄ 16 4 151 ⁄ 4 1-8UN 95 CAG
12 143⁄ 4 13 10 7⁄ 8 8 35 ⁄ 8 3 13 ⁄ 8 11 ⁄ 2 111⁄ 4 5⁄ 16 x 5⁄ 16 x 25 ⁄ 8 61 ⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 – – – 145 DAG
14 161⁄ 4 143⁄ 8 12 5⁄ 8 8 45 ⁄ 8 41⁄4 N/A 1 7⁄ 8 12 1 ⁄ 2 x 3 ⁄ 8 x 41 ⁄ 8 61 ⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 4 201 ⁄ 4 11⁄ 8-8UN 270 DAJ
16 181 ⁄ 2 161⁄ 16 13 3⁄ 4 8 51⁄4 41⁄ 8 N/A 2 1⁄ 4 135⁄ 8 1 ⁄ 2 x 3⁄ 8 x 4 61 ⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 4 221 ⁄ 2 11 ⁄ 4-8UN 305 DAK
18 21 17 15 1⁄ 8 8 57⁄ 8 4 7⁄ 32 N/A 2 1⁄ 2 157⁄ 16 5⁄ 8 x 5⁄ 8 x 4 61 ⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 4 24 3⁄ 4 11 ⁄ 4-8UN 385 DBA
20 23 203⁄ 16 16 3⁄ 4 71⁄ 2 61⁄ 4 61 ⁄ 2 N/A 2 3⁄ 4 171 ⁄ 4 5 ⁄ 8 x 5 ⁄ 8 x 63⁄ 8 8 4 13⁄ 16 4 27 11 ⁄ 4-8UN 450 LAX
24 271⁄ 4 233⁄ 8 19 13⁄ 16 91⁄ 2 71⁄ 8 613⁄ 16 N/A 3 1⁄ 2 203⁄ 4 7⁄ 8 x 7⁄ 8 x 511⁄ 16 9 3⁄ 4 4 11 ⁄ 16 4 32 11 ⁄ 2-8UN 770 MAY
30 333⁄ 4 265⁄ 8 24 9⁄ 16 10 91 ⁄ 2 7 7⁄ 8 N/A 4 1⁄ 2 26 1 x 1 x 61⁄ 2 10 4 11⁄ 8 4 39 1 ⁄ 4 13⁄ 4-8UN 1,100 NAW
36 401⁄ 4 307⁄ 8 28 7⁄ 16 121⁄ 4 103⁄ 4 8 N/A 5 327⁄ 16 11⁄ 4 x 11⁄ 4 x 7 12 4 11⁄ 8 4 46 2-8UN 1,590 EBD

Copyright © 2010 Tyco Flow Control. All rights reserved. KEYMC-0032

Keystone K-LOK® Figure 360/362 and 370/372

Lug Style


Upper Shaft/Keyway C
8" to 24"

Top Plate View

ASME Class 150 Figure 362 Dimensions (inches)

Top Plate Drilling Tapped Lug Data
DD or Bolt No. Hole No. Bolt Wt. Actuator
Size A B C D E F G H Q Keyway Circle Holes Dia. Holes Circle Tap Lbs. Code
2 41⁄ 8 6 4 1⁄ 4 4 2 3⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 9⁄ 16 17⁄ 8 3⁄ 8 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 4 43⁄ 4 5⁄ 8-11UNC 13 BAB
21⁄ 2 41⁄ 8 6 4 1⁄ 4 4 1 7⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 9⁄ 16 2 5⁄ 16 3⁄ 8 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 4 51⁄ 2 5⁄ 8-11UNC 14 BAB
3 5 6 5⁄ 8 4 13⁄ 16 4 1 7⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 5⁄ 8 2 3⁄ 4 7⁄ 16 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 4 6 5⁄ 8-11UNC 15 BAC
4 63⁄ 16 7 1⁄ 2 5 13⁄ 16 4 2 1⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 3⁄ 4 3 11⁄ 16 1⁄ 2 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 8 71⁄ 2 5⁄ 8-11UNC 26 BAD
5 71⁄ 4 7 9⁄ 16 5 13⁄ 16 4 2 1⁄ 4 11⁄ 4 N/A 3⁄ 4 4 3⁄ 4 1⁄ 2 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 8 81⁄ 2 3⁄ 4-10UNC 31 BAD
6 819 ⁄ 32 8 3⁄ 4 6 15⁄ 16 6 2 1⁄ 4 11⁄ 4 3⁄ 4 7⁄ 8 5 5⁄ 8 1⁄ 2 5 4 9⁄ 16 8 91⁄ 2 3⁄ 4-10UNC 40 CAD
6* 819 ⁄ 32 8 3⁄ 4 6 15⁄ 16 6 2 1⁄ 4 11⁄ 4 N/A 7⁄ 8 5 5⁄ 8 5⁄ 8 5 4 9⁄ 16 8 91⁄ 2 3⁄ 4-10UNC 41 CAE
8 105⁄ 8 10 1⁄ 8 8 3⁄ 8 6 2 1⁄ 2 2 N/A 11⁄ 8 7 7⁄ 16 1⁄ 4 x 1⁄ 4 x 1 5⁄ 8 5 4 9⁄ 16 8 11 3⁄ 4 3⁄ 4-10UNC 63 CAF
10 123⁄ 4 11 3 ⁄ 8 9 11⁄ 16 6 2 13⁄ 16 2 11⁄ 8 13 ⁄ 8 9 7⁄ 16 1⁄ 4 x 1⁄ 4 x 1 5⁄ 8 5 4 9⁄ 16 12 141⁄ 4 7⁄ 8-9UNC 106 CAF
10* 123⁄ 4 11 3 ⁄ 8 9 11⁄ 16 6 2 13⁄ 16 3 N/A 13 ⁄ 8 9 7⁄ 16 5 ⁄ 16 x 5 ⁄ 16 x 2 5⁄ 8 5 4 9⁄ 16 12 141⁄ 4 7⁄ 8-9UNC 107 CAG
12 143⁄ 4 13 10 7⁄ 8 8 3 3⁄ 16 3 13 ⁄ 8 11⁄ 2 11 1⁄ 4 5 ⁄ 16 x 5 ⁄ 16 x 2 5⁄ 8 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 12 17 7⁄ 8-9UNC 160 DAG
14 161⁄ 4 131⁄ 4 11 7⁄ 8 8 3 5⁄ 8 3 N/A 15⁄ 8 12 5⁄ 16 3 ⁄ 8 x 3 ⁄ 8 x 2 5⁄ 8 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 12 18 3⁄ 4 1-8UN 265 DAH
16 181⁄ 2 141⁄ 2 12 7⁄ 8 8 4 3 15⁄ 8 13⁄ 4 14 1⁄ 8 3 ⁄ 8 x 3 ⁄ 8 x 2 5⁄ 8 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 16 21 3⁄ 4 1-8UN 305 DAH
18 21 16 13 7⁄ 8 8 4 1⁄ 2 41⁄ 16 N/A 17⁄ 8 15 15⁄ 16 1⁄ 2 x 3 ⁄ 8 x 4 1⁄ 16 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 16 22 3⁄ 4 11⁄ 8-8UN 415 DAJ
20 23 17 7⁄ 16 15 7⁄ 16 8 5 45⁄ 16 N/A 21⁄ 4 17 5 ⁄ 8 1⁄ 2 x 3 ⁄ 8 x 4 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 20 25 11⁄ 8-8UN 500 DAK
24 271⁄ 2 1911⁄ 16 17 13⁄ 16 8 6 1⁄ 16 41⁄ 4 21⁄ 4 21⁄ 2 21 1⁄ 16 1⁄ 2 x 3 ⁄ 8 x 4 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 20 29 1⁄ 2 11⁄ 4-8UN 750 DAK
30 333⁄ 4 24 1⁄ 2 21 3⁄ 16 91⁄ 2 7 3⁄ 8 7 N/A 3 26 7⁄ 8 3⁄ 4 x 3⁄ 4 x 6 9 3⁄ 4 4 11⁄ 16 28 36 11⁄ 4-8UN 1,360 MAZ
36 401⁄ 4 28 3 ⁄ 8 24 11⁄ 16 91⁄ 2 8 1⁄ 2 8 N/A 31⁄ 2 33 5⁄ 16 7⁄ 8 x 7⁄ 8 x 5 11⁄ 16 9 3⁄ 4 4 11⁄ 16 32 42 3⁄ 4 11⁄ 2-8UN 2,250 MBE

* E.N.P. discs require larger upper stem connection diameters on 6 inch and 10 inch valve sizes for UHMWPE seat, metal seat and fire-safe seat trims.

ASME Class 300 Figure 372 Dimensions (inches)

Top Plate Drilling Tapped Lug Data
DD or Bolt No. Hole No. Bolt Wt. Actuator
Size A B C D E F G H Q Keyway Circle Holes Dia. Holes Circle Tap Lbs. Code
2 41⁄ 8 6 4 1⁄ 4 4 2 3⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 9 ⁄16 1 7⁄ 8 3⁄ 8 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 8 5 3⁄ 4-10UNC 17 BAB
21⁄ 2 41⁄ 8 6 4 1⁄ 4 4 1 7⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 9 ⁄16 2 5⁄ 16 3⁄ 8 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 8 5 7⁄ 8 3⁄ 4-10UNC 18 BAB
3 5 6 5⁄ 8 413⁄ 16 4 1 7⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 5⁄ 8 2 11⁄ 16 7⁄ 16 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 8 6 5⁄ 8 3⁄ 4-10UNC 20 BAC
4 63 ⁄ 16 7 1⁄ 2 513⁄ 16 4 2 1⁄ 8 11⁄ 4 N/A 3⁄ 4 3 11⁄ 16 1⁄ 2 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 8 7 7⁄ 8 3⁄ 4-10UNC 26 BAD
5 71⁄ 4 7 9 ⁄ 16 5 13⁄ 16 4 2 5 ⁄16 11⁄ 4 N/A 3⁄ 4 4 3⁄ 4 1⁄ 2 31⁄ 4 4 7⁄ 16 8 9 1⁄ 4 3⁄ 4-10UNC 31 BAD
6 819 ⁄ 32 8 3⁄ 4 6 15⁄ 16 6 2 5 ⁄16 11⁄ 4 N/A 7⁄ 8 5 5⁄ 8 5⁄ 8 5 4 9⁄ 16 12 10 5⁄ 8 3⁄ 4-10UNC 55 CAE
8 105⁄ 8 10 1⁄ 8 8 3⁄ 8 6 2 7⁄ 8 2 N/A 11⁄ 8 7 7⁄ 16 1⁄ 4 x 1⁄ 4 x 15⁄ 8 5 4 9⁄ 16 12 13 7⁄ 8-9UNC 80 CAF
10 123⁄ 4 11 3⁄ 8 9 11⁄ 16 6 3 1⁄ 4 3 N/A 13⁄ 8 9 3⁄ 8 5⁄ 16 x 5⁄ 16 x 25⁄ 8 5 4 9⁄ 16 16 15 1⁄ 4 1-8UN 137 CAG
12 143⁄ 4 13 10 7⁄ 8 8 3 5⁄ 8 3 13⁄ 8 11⁄ 2 111⁄ 4 5⁄ 16 x 5⁄ 16 x 25⁄ 8 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 16 17 3⁄ 4 11⁄ 8-8UN 185 DAG
14 161⁄ 4 14 3⁄ 8 12 5⁄ 8 8 4 5⁄ 8 4 1⁄ 4 N/A 17 ⁄ 8 12 1⁄ 2 x 3 ⁄ 8 x 41⁄ 8 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 20 20 1⁄ 4 11⁄ 8-8UN 340 DAJ
16 181⁄ 2 16 1⁄16 13 3⁄ 4 8 5 1⁄ 4 4 1⁄ 8 N/A 21⁄ 4 13 5⁄ 8 1⁄ 2 x 3 ⁄ 8 x 4 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 20 22 1⁄ 2 11⁄ 4-8UN 432 DAK
18 21 17 15 1⁄ 8 8 5 7⁄ 8 4 7⁄ 32 N/A 21⁄ 2 15 7⁄ 16 5⁄ 8 x 5⁄ 8 x 4 61⁄ 2 4 13⁄ 16 24 24 3⁄ 4 11⁄ 4-8UN 550 DBA
20 23 20 3⁄ 16 16 3⁄ 4 7 1⁄ 2 6 1⁄ 4 6 1⁄ 2 N/A 23⁄ 4 171⁄ 4 5⁄ 8 x 5⁄ 8 x 63⁄ 8 8 4 13⁄ 16 24 27 11⁄ 4-8UN 850 LAX
24 271⁄ 4 23 3⁄ 8 19 13⁄ 16 9 1⁄ 2 7 1⁄ 8 6 13⁄ 16 N/A 31⁄ 2 20 3⁄ 4 7 ⁄ 8 x 7⁄ 8 x 511⁄ 16 9 3⁄ 4 4 11⁄ 16 24 32 11⁄ 2-8UN 1,278 MAY
30 333⁄ 4 26 5⁄ 8 24 9⁄ 16 10 9 1⁄ 2 7 7⁄ 8 N/A 41⁄ 2 26 1 x 1 x 61⁄ 2 10 4 11⁄ 8 28 39 1⁄ 4 13⁄ 4-8UN 2,450 NAW
36 401⁄ 4 30 7⁄ 8 28 7⁄ 16 12 1⁄ 4 10 3⁄ 4 8 N/A 5 32 7⁄ 16 11⁄ 4 x 11⁄ 4 x 7 12 4 11⁄ 8 32 46 2-8UN 2,850 EBD

Copyright © 2010 Tyco Flow Control. All rights reserved. KEYMC-0032

Keystone K-LOK® Figure 360/362 and 370/372

Pressure/Temperature Ratings for Seat Materials

Elastomer Seats Polymer Seats

800 800

700 700 Carbon

Carbon Steel
Steel ANSI 300
ANSI 300

600 600

500 500
316 SS

Pressure (psig)
316 SS
Pressure (psig)

ANSI 300 ANSI 300

400 400 Steel
ANSI 150
ANSI 150
300 300

316 SS 316 SS
ANSI 150 ANSI 150
200 200

100 100



0 0
-40 100 200 300 400 500 -40 100 200 300 400 500
Temperature (°F) Temperature (°F)

Fire-Safe and Metal Seats


Carbon Steel ANSI 150 Body

400 316 SS ANSI 150 Body
For continuous service above
650˚F, please consult your
sales representative
Pressure (psig)


I 30
200 ANS 0M
I 150 etal
Meta Sea
l Sea t

ANSI 300
ANSI 150


-40 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Temperature (°F)

Tyco Flow Control (TFC) provides the information herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This data sheet is intended only as a guide to TFC products and services.
Individuals using this data sheet must exercise their independent judgment in evaluating product selection and determining product appropriateness for their particular purpose and system requirements. TFC MAKES NO
property of their respective owners. Tyco reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice. All registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Printed in the USA.

Copyright © 2010 Tyco Flow Control. All rights reserved. KEYMC-0032

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