Letter Recognition Mini Lesson

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Lawrence Kindergarten Small Group Mini Lesson Date:_________________

Letter Recognition Mini Lesson

Overview: During these lessons students will be introduced to letter names, letter, sounds, and
initial sounds in CVC words in small group instruction.

Objective: Students will recognize lower case letters, listen and identify initial sound, and
produce consonant’s primary sounds.

Common Core State Standards

RF.K.1.D Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
RF.K.2.D Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-
phoneme (consonant-vowel consonant, or CVC) words.1 (This does not include CVCs ending
with /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
RF.K.3.A Demonstrate basic knowledge of one to-one letter-sound correspondences by
producing the primary sound or many of the most frequent sounds for each consonant.

Alphabet Chart ¡ Letter Tiles or magnet letters ¡ Sand Trays (one per student) ¡ Dry Erase
Markers & erasers ¡ Letter Checklist ¡ Pencils ¡ Timer ¡ Small cups ¡ Sound boxes

All three activities are done in 15 minutes. Set purpose of lesson by telling students, “today we
will be learning letter names and letter sounds. Once we practice letter names and letter
sounds, we will play a game using picture cards and listen for the “sound” the word begins with.
1. Letter Matching on alphabet chart (5 minutes)
2. Write and name letters on Sand Tray (4 minutes)
3. Listen for the Beginning sound using pictures. (3 minutes)
4. Close, ask students what they learned and why they are learning that.


Alphabet Checklist for letter names and letter sounds. Highlight letters and sounds student has
mastered. Then teach letters they haven’t mastered.

For Students who already recognize and can name all upper case & lowercase letters, skip
activity 1 and begin with Activity number 2, Teacher says letter sound and students write
Uppercase & Lowercase letters instead. For activity number 1, pick letters that are in student’s
names, as students recognize and name letters, select letters not found in their names.

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