Developmental Delay

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Developmental Delay

Drew Crane

IDEA Definition:

Child with a disability for children aged three through nine (or any subset of that
age range, including ages three through five), may…include a child-

(1) Who is experiencing developmental delays as defined by the State and as

measured by appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures in one or
more of the following areas: physical development, cognitive development,
communication development, or adaptive development; and
(2) Who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services.

Common Characteristics:
Can be delayed in one or more areas

 Communication developmental (speech and language)

 Physical developmental (Motor and fine motor delays)
 Cognitive development
 Social or emotional development
 Adaptive development (self-care skills)

Learning Strategies:

 Use boundary markers such as barriers, rugs, and colored tape

 Classroom material on accessible shelves
 Post a clear and predictable daily schedule
-schedule should format to the child’s skill level
 Build motivation
- Use verbal prompts
-provide meaningful choices that give the child some autonomy and control
in the classroom
-alternate preferred and less-preferred activities
 Explicit instruction
 Provide structured opportunities for student to participate in social interac-
 Teach only a small number of 'key' skills at one time


Parent Center Hub: This website provides the IDEA definition as well as resources
for parents with a child that has DD /dd/

Encyclopedia of Children’s Health: The link below demonstrates characteristics

within the different milestones that could be associated with DD.

How Kids Develop-warning signs/characteristics of a child with developmental de-

lay (DD)

Intervention central-detailed information on different learning strategies to use

with a child who had developmental delay (DD)

Milestone Chart

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