Engine Selection
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
ENGINE SELECTION AND SUPPORT SYSTEMS 3. What is the Average Annual Usage (AAU) in hours? The AAU is sim-
ply the expected number of hours of use per year and should be com-
Engine Selection piled from actual field history whenever possible. For new applications,
an analysis should be performed and documented to establish a his-
The process to properly select an engine results with a choice that maxi- torical reference point.
mizes engine performance, reliability, and durability. An “Application Flow-
chart” is provided on a following page to show the steps in that process. To 4. What is the Application Load Factor (LFAPP)? As with AAU, field
begin the process, several pieces of information from the application are data should be used in the analysis whenever possible. With field data
needed: available, the LFAPP may be calculated using a variety of methods.
The data may be coarsely grouped as shown in the table below, or, al-
1. What is the maximum power (PMAX) that the application will demand ternatively averaged across time as shown in the equation below. Re-
from the engine? This includes fan power, front drive power, auxiliary sults of this analysis should be recorded in the Power Tab of the
drive power, and flywheel power. All applicable systems that may op- AppRev.
erate concurrently should be considered when establishing PMAX. To
assist in the bookkeeping of the various power needs, the Power Tab With the answers to 1-4 above known, the process is fairly straightforward
in AppRev Depot provides a convenient place to enter data. to specify the correct engine and rating. When the application meets the
definition and criteria for Continuous or Heavy-Duty, a curve with that clas-
2. What is the maximum engine speed required? If this speed is signif- sification that provides PMAX across all speeds may be directly chosen.
icantly different than the speed at which PMAX is needed, this should When an application falls outside those definitions, LFAPP and AAU must
be documented. be plotted on the following ratings chart to determine whether the applica-
tion is Heavy-Duty or Intermittent.
Application Load Factor Two Methods to Determine the Application Load Factor
T Σ t=0
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Application Load Factor (LFApp)
Yes No
Yes No
Heavy-duty Intermittent
Application Flowchart
COLD STARTING • For gen sets, fan drives, blower drives, or similar equipment driven
A larger displacement engine may be required when high parasitic from the back of the engine or add on pulleys from the front of the en-
loads are present during starting conditions. gine, submit component and driveline mass elastic data and engine
configuration to Application Integration Engineering or Sales Engineer-
LOW SPEED TORQUE ing for a torsional analysis.
A smaller displacement engine does not supply as much low speed
(<1400 rpm) torque as the higher displacement engine. • When using a torque converter, clutch drive, or flexible coupling, con-
sult supplier.
The smaller displacement engine may require higher boost pressure to • A tail support must be used for components weighing over 20 lbs (9.1
achieve the same power level, which may result in perceived sluggish kg) if mounted on the engine auxiliary drive or, 11 lbs (5.0 kg) if mount-
performance. ed on the offset auxiliary drive. A tail support is required for all air com-
INERTIA EFFECTS pressor drives.
The smaller displacement engine will have reduced rotating inertia, • Air compressor intake supply lines connected to the engines intake
which results in less capability to absorb sudden loads. Increased iner-
tia flywheels can help in this situation. manifold should be metal where possible and supported to prevent
rubbing against other objects.
For approval to replace a currently running, larger displacement engine in
an application with a smaller displacement engine, please contact Appli- • For other situations, see Engine Application Guidelines, Transmission
cation Integration Engineering or Sales Engineering. of Power section.
• Monitoring System
1) Locate the coolant sensors in the thermostat housing on 4045
and 6068 engine models.
2) The recommended high coolant temperature shutdown limits for
non-critical 2.9L, 4.5L and 6.8L engines is between 230oF
(110oC) and 239oF (115oC). For non-critical 10.5L and 12.5L
engines, it is recommended to use 220oF (104oC) to 229oF
(109oC) temperature limits. And on 2.4L and 3.0L, integral bore
engines, it is recommended to use 212oF (100oC) to 221oF
(105oC) temperature limits.
Performance data shown on John Deere Engine Performance Curves applies at ambient conditions specified in the Standard Conditions listed on page
one of each Performance Curve. Standard conditions that apply are:
• 29.31 inches of Mercury (99 kPa) dry air pressure
• 0 % relative humidity
• 77 °F (25 °C) air intake temperature
• 104 °F (40 °C) fuel inlet temperature
• Altitude Capability - See Engine Performance Curve \ Performance Data
The following table can be used to estimate engine power as environmental factors vary from these standard SAE values.
Fuel Temp. Rise Air Temp. Rise Altitude Rise Relative Altitude Rise
of 1.8 °F (1 °C) of 10 °F (5.5 °C) of 1000 ft (300 m) Humidity of 1000 ft (300 m)
Engine Models
above stated turbo Rise within stated turbo
altitude capability of 10 % altitude capability
Mechanical - 2.4L, and 3.0 L 0.15 0.50 4.00 0.07 0.5
2.9L, 4.5L, 6.8L 0.17 1.50 N/A 0.10 3.0
Aspiration: D
Mechanical - 2.9L, 4.5L, 6.8L 0.19 0.50 4.00 0.07 0.5
Aspiration: T, A, H
Electronic - 2.4L, 3.0L, 4.5L, 6.8L (Tier 2 / Tier 3) None (ECU 0.50 4.00 0.07 0.5
Aspiration: T, A, H compensated)
Mechanical - 8.1L 0.29 0.50 4.00 0.07 0.5
Aspiration: T, A, H
Electronic - 8.1L / 9.0L (Tier 2 / Tier 3) None (ECU 0.50 4.00 0.07 0.5
Aspiration: T, A, H compensated)
Electronic - 10.5L / 12.5L None (ECU 0.50 5.00 0.07 0.5
Aspiration: A, H compensated)
Electronic - 4.5L, 6.8L, 9.0L, 13.5L None (ECU None (ECU 5.00 0.07 None (ECU
(w/VGT and Inlet Air Temperature Sensor) compensated) compensated) compensated)
Actual Flow
When the pump displacement (in.3/rev.) and speed (rpm) are known, the
flow in gallons per minute may be determined as follows:
Speed x V.E. x Pump Displacement
The following formulas and curve may be used to determine the "approxi- gpm = Flow in gallons per minute at pump outlet.
mate" horsepower requirements for irrigation engines: H1 = Vertical distance in feet the water travels from water table to pump
H2 = Vertical distance in feet from pump outlet to the highest point water
Open Ditch System: travels.
+ kW
0.746 x generator efficiency
+ gpm x psi
1714 x P.E.
Pump HP Requirements
Determining the horsepower needed for a specific irrigation application will Irrigration Engine Application
require a detailed analysis. The following information and forms provide a
process to make this detailed analysis. This section provides the information and detailed instructions required to
calculate the power requirements for an irrigation application.
Friction loss tables for various valves, fittings, and types and sizes of pipe
are used in the calculations and may be found following the discussion
(Exhibits V-IX).
The best sources of data for a given application include the system oper-
ator, system designer/supplier, pump supplier, and well driller (where a
well is the water source). The system designer/supplier or pump supplier
may provide only a power figure. While this may seem a convenience to
the engine supplier, it is advisable to verify the power requirement from ba-
sic system data. This will insure consideration of all possible power con-
suming accessories, system components, and temperature and altitude
characteristics that influence total system power requirements.
1. Pressure required at Lateral Lines or Pivot Point __________ psi 7. Column Pipe:
2. Total Flow required at Lateral Lines or Pivot Point _________gpm Length ______ ft Gage ______ Diameter ______ in.
3. Main Line: Type (Steel, PVC, Aluminum, Concrete) 8. Pump and Gearhead Efficiency ________ %
Length ______ ft Gage ______ Diameter ______ in. 9. Maximum Air Temperature during Season * ________ °F
4. Supply Line: Type (Steel, PVC, Aluminum, Concrete) 10. Maximum Elevation above Sea Level * _________ ft
Length ______ ft Gage ______ Diameter ______ in. 11. Power Requirements of Major Accessories
(e.g., Alternator gen. power for center pivot drive motors) ______ HP
5. Elev. Diff. between Gearhead and Lateral Lines or Pivot ________ ft
12. Power Requirements of other Misc. Accessories ________ HP
6. Max. Depth from Gearhead and Lateral Lines or Pivot Point _____ ft
13. Power Unit equipped with Fan and Radiator for Cooling? Yes / No
* For altitude and ambient temperature correction information, see “Engine Performance Curves” material (Introduction Section).
3. Pump and Gear Head Efficiency ________ % (C) = ________ ft (_____ + _____) = _______ hp**
* For altitude and ambient temperature correction information, see “Engine Performance Curves” material (Introduction Section).
** Heat exchanger cooled. Add fan power for radiator and fan cooled applications.
For John Deere cooling fan power curves, see “Engine Accessories” material (Engine Fan Performance Curves Section).
1. Pressure required at Lateral Lines or Pivot Point ____45___ psi 7. Column Pipe:
2. Total Flow required at Lateral Lines or Pivot Point ___800__ gpm Length __118_ ft Gage __12__ Diameter __12__ in.
3. Main Line: Type (Steel, PVC, Aluminum, Concrete) 8. Pump and Gearhead Efficiency ___78__ %
Length _N/A_ ft Gage __- - -__ Diameter __- - -_ in. 9. Maximum Air Temperature during Season * __130__ °F
4. Supply Line: Type (Steel, PVC, Aluminum, Concrete) 10. Maximum Elevation above Sea Level * __360__ ft
Length _1360_ ft Gage __12__ Diameter __10__ in. 11. Power Requirements of Major Accessories
(e.g., Alternator gen. power for center pivot drive motors)___16__ HP
5. Elev. Diff. between Gearhead and Lateral Lines or Pivot ___14___ ft
12. Power Requirements of other Misc. Accessories __- - -__ HP
6. Max. Depth from Gearhead and Lateral Lines or Pivot Point _118___ ft
13. Power Unit equipped with Fan and Radiator for Cooling? Yes / No
* For altitude and ambient temperature correction information, see “Engine Performance Curves” material (Introduction Section).
2. Total Flow Requirement (B) = __800_ gpm 6. Total Engine Power Requirement: ** (D + K)
3. Pump and Gear Head Efficiency ___78___ % (C) = __0.78___ ft (_64.4_ + __19_) = __83.4__ hp**
* For altitude and ambient temperature correction information, see “Engine Performance Curves” material (Introduction Section).
** Heat exchanger cooled. Add fan power for radiator and fan cooled applications.
For John Deere cooling fan power curves, see “Engine Accessories” material (Engine Fan Performance Curves Section).
NOTE: In this example 4 hp is added for the fan, resulting in a total engine power requirement of 83.4 + 4 = 87.4, or 88 hp.
Power Requirement Calculation All pipelines in the system have inherent frictional losses. Items 1.b - 1.d
are provided to calculate these losses. While provision is made for both a
When determining the power requirements for an irrigation system, all pos- main line and a supply line, center pivot systems usually have only a sup-
sible load varying factors must be considered. Variations in operating con- ply line. The supply line may consist of two or more pipe sizes. If so, both
ditions, such as water supply drawdown, can affect the total power line 1.b and 1.c may be used to accommodate frictional loss calculation for
necessary to operate the system. Power output of the engine will vary with two different sizes of pipe. Additional lines will be necessary where more
factors such as ambient air temperature and altitude. than two sizes are used. The column pipe (1.d) is the pipe from the water
source to the gear head. This is the same as the suction line for a centrif-
Power necessary to supply water to the system is a function of desired vol- ugal-type pump.
ume, pressure or head, distance water is lifted, and system frictional loss-
es. Volume or flow is generally expressed in gallons per minute (gpm). Friction loss in a pipe is directly proportional to the length of the pipe. To
Operating pressure is usually expressed in pounds per square inch (psi), determine the amount of loss, the loss factor for the pipe diameter is found
but is converted to equivalent feet of head to facilitate power requirement in a table of frictional loss values. These factors give losses per 100 foot
calculations. System frictional losses are also usually expressed as feet length of pipe for varying rates of flow. Therefore, to determine loss in a
of head, and lift distances are measured in feet. The System Specification given pipeline, the length of the pipeline is multiplied by the loss factor di-
sheet (Exhibit I) and the Power Calculation Worksheet (Exhibit II) summa- vided by 100. This is the method followed in lines 1.b - 1.d. Friction loss
rize these factors and serve as aids in matching power units to irrigation tables are provided following this discussion (Exhibits VI-IX).
Lift distance from the water source to the lateral lines or pivot point is de-
The System Specification sheet provides a place to gather all information termined on lines 1.e and 1.f. On line 1.e, the difference in height from the
necessary to determine system power requirements and match the proper gear head or pump (if centrifugal type) to the lateral lines, pivot point or dis-
engine to an irrigation system. After all the system information has been charge point when pumping into an open ditch is used. This value will be
gathered on the specification sheet, the power requirement can be deter- negligible on relatively level terrain (Figure AG-16 - 2). The distance from
mined using the Power Calculation Worksheet. the gearhead or pump to the water supply surface is placed on line 1.f. In
determining distance to the water supply, drawdown during operation and
On the Power Calculation Worksheet (Exhibit II), Item 1 includes operating seasonal fluctuations in water supply level must be considered. Maximum
pressure, lift distance, and frictional losses. All these elements are includ- distance to the water supply expected during the pumping season should
ed in the heading "Total Dynamic Head". be used.
Pressure required at the beginning of the lateral or at the pivot point (1.a, Valves and fittings introduce additional frictional losses into the system. A
Exhibit II) is considered the system operating pressure for calculation pur- table listing common valve and fitting sizes is provided for reference (Ex-
poses. This is usually expressed in psi and is converted to equivalent feet hibit V). Friction losses for specific fittings used in a given system may be
of water by multiplying by 2.31. In a sprinkler irrigation system, lateral or provided by the manufacturer or system designer.
pivot pressure is quite often the largest component of total dynamic head.
Where an open discharge is employed, such as pumping into an open The sum of line 1.a - 1.g is the Total Dynamic Head and should be listed
ditch, system operating pressure is considered zero. on line 1.h (Identified as A).
The amount of water flow required in a system can vary considerably (e.g., The performance data on John Deere Engine Performance Curves are
with varying number of lateral lines), therefore the maximum flow expected measured at ambient conditions as specified in standards listed on perfor-
at any time must be used. Flow in gallons per minute (B) is placed on line mance curve graph pages. A list of standard test conditions used to deter-
2. mine performance curve engine power and derating factors for operation
under other conditions can be found in the “Engine Performance Curves”
Pump efficiency indicates how effectively the pump and gearhead use in- material (Introduction Section). The continuous power required for irriga-
put power to pump water. Efficiencies for specific applications with total tion applications should be adjusted for altitude (operating elevation) and
head and capacity calculated as outlined above may be found in the pump temperature (maximum expected operating temperature) using the per-
curve of the particular pump to be used. Pump curves are provided by the cent of power decrease information included in this section.
pump manufacturer. Where gearhead efficiency is not included in the
pump efficiency curve, combined pump and gearhead efficiency should be Whenever altitude or maximum expected operating temperature exceed
calculated by multiplying the efficiency factors for each component togeth- standard condition values, this information is entered on line 5.c. to deter-
er. For example, given an application using a pump with 82% efficiency mine the appropriate correction factor (G) for altitude and (H) for tempera-
and a gearhead with 95% efficiency, combined pump and gearhead effi- ture. The total altitude and temperature correction (J) is the sum of altitude
ciency would be .82 x .95 = .78 or 78%. Pump efficiencies for deep well (G) and temperature (H) correction factors. This total correction (J) is add-
pumps and gearhead typically run from 72-80%, though efficiency values ed to (E) and (F) to give a total of “Other Power Consuming Consider-
may vary over a wider range for differing pumps and applications. Where ations” on line 5.d (K).
a specific pump and gearhead efficiency value is not available, an efficien-
cy of 75% is commonly assumed for deep well (turbine) pumps and 65% The total application engine power requirement for the system is (D) + (K)
for centrifugal pumps. Line 3 on the worksheet converts percent pump ef- on line 6. This power figure is used to match a proper power unit to the
ficiency into its decimal equivalent (C). application when the engine is heat exchanger cooled.
Total dynamic head (A), total flow requirement (B), and pump efficiency (C) For radiator and fan cooled power units, the fan power for the desired en-
are used on line 4 to determine the total power required to pump water (D) gine rpm is added to the power on line 6 before matching a power unit to
in the system. the application. Care should be taken that the engine continuous limit per-
formance curves are used when selecting an engine for irrigation applica-
In addition to pumping water, engine power may be used to drive auxiliary tions.
equipment, such as an alternator generating electricity for center pivot tow-
er drive motors. Some center pivots employ hydraulic motors on the tow- Note: Preliminary engine selection for radiator and fan cooled applica-
ers and an engine-driven auxiliary hydraulic pump to power the motors. tions can be made by subtracting 5% from the engine continuous
The system manufacturer or designer should provide the continuous pow- limit rating to match with the total engine power requirement on
er requirement figure for the auxiliary alternator or hydraulic pump. This is line 6. This can be adjusted to actual fan power when the engine
the power figure to be placed on line 5.a (E). In a case where this power selection is made to confirm a good continuous limit match has
figure is not available, a factor of 1.3 times the kW rating of the alternator been established.
might be used as a power requirement allowance. As an example, a 12
kW alternator may require approximately 16 continuous HP from the power
unit for center pivot applications.
Power required for other accessories that might be driven by the power
unit, but not included in the manufacturer's rating, should be placed on line
5.b (F).
Example Irrigation Application 1.g The total effect on head requirements of all valves and fittings is
found to be 5.99 ft. (Line 14, Exhibit III). Exhibit V gives equivalent
Data from an actual irrigation system is presented in Exhibit III, and an ex- feet of steel pipe for various fittings. These are equivalent feet of
ample worksheet, Exhibit IV, has been filled out using this information. In pipe figures used on Exhibit III. This figure is rounded to 6.0 ft. and
the following discussion of the worksheet items, reference is made to the entered on the worksheet.
line on the example specification sheet (Exhibit III) from which the data is
taken. 1.h The sum of 1.a through 1.g gives a total dynamic head of 248.5 ft
Exhibit IV -- Worksheet
2 The total system flow requirement of 800 gpm (Line 2, Exhibit III) is
Item entered here (B).
1.a. The 45 psi requirement at the pivot (Line 1, Exhibit III) is converted
to 104 ft of head (45 x 2.31 = 104 ft). 3 The combined pump and gearhead efficiency of 78% (Line 8, Exhibit
III) is converted to its decimal equivalent, (78 ÷100) = .78 (C).
1.b No main line is used in this example.
4 Total power required to pump water (D) is found by multiplying total
1.c Supply line diameter and gage (Line 4, Exhibit III) determine the col- dynamic head (A) by total flow requirements (B) and dividing by
umn in Exhibit VI to use in finding the appropriate frictional loss fac- pump efficiency (C) and the constant 3960. For the example, (248.5
tor. The row is established by total flow (Line 2, Exhibit III). The flow x 800) ÷ (.78 x 3960) = 64.4 hp is required to pump water in the sys-
rate in Exhibit VI closest to the prescribed 800 gpm is 800 gpm. tem.
Reading across the 800 gpm row to the 12 gage, 10" pipe column, a
loss factor of 0.464 ft per 100 foot length of pipe is found. Applying 5.a Average continuous power of 16 hp (Line 11, Exhibit III) is required
the loss factor to the 1360 foot supply line length (Line 4, Exhibit III), to run the auxiliary alternator (E).
the supply line head loss is found to be
5.b There are no other power consuming accessories in this example
1360 x (0.464÷100) = 6.3 ft. (F).
1.d The loss factor for the column pipe is found in the same way as the 5.c For altitude and ambient temperature correction information, see
factor for the supply line. In this case, we have a 12", 12 gage, steel “Engine Performance Curves” material (Introduction Section).
pipe, 118 ft. in length (Line 7, Exhibit III). Frictional head loss for the
Because of the low elevation (360 ft), no altitude correction is re-
column pipe is 118 x (0.187÷100) = 0.2 ft.
quired for either a naturally aspirated or a turbocharged engine in
1.e The 14-foot difference in height from gearhead to pivot is entered di- this application. The altitude correction factor (G) becomes zero for
rectly from the specification sheet (Line 5, Exhibit III). this example. A temperature correction needs to be made since op-
erating temperature exceeds 77°F. (25 °C).
1.f The 118 foot depth of the water source below the gearhead is also
entered directly from the specification sheet (Line 6, Exhibit III).
Naturally Aspirated Engine Calculation Fan power must be added when the engine is radiator cooled. The recom-
mended John Deere suction fan requires 2-4 hp in the 1760-2350 engine
The temperature correction factor (H) for a naturally apsirated en- rpm operating range (1950-2600 fan rpm using a 1.11:1 fan drive ratio).
gine would be [(130-77) ÷ 10] x (1.5 ÷ 100) = 0.0795 (use 0.08). Use 4 hp.
Using correction factors (G) and (H) in the total correction equation, This results in total engine power with Fan:
an additional =6.99 hp (use 7 hp) (J) must be allowed for a naturally
aspirated engine. 83.4 + 4 = 87.4 (use 88 hp)
This falls within the continuous limit (See Engine Performance Curves) for
Turbocharged Engine Calculation the 4045TF150 engine (115 hp Intermittent @ 2500 rpm) when operating
at 1936 (11:10 gearhead ratio) or higher engine rpm.
The temperature correction factor (H) for a turbocharged (also turbo-
charged and aftercooled) would be: Operating the engine at 1936 rpm will provide better fuel economy com-
pared to operating at 2112 rpm (6:5 gearhead ratio), 2200 rpm (5:4 gear-
[(130-77) ÷ 10] x (0.5 ÷ 100) = 0.0265 (use 0.03) using correction
head ratio) or 2347 rpm (4:3 gearhead ratio).
factors (G) and (H) in the total correction equation, an additional
[(64.4 + 16 + 0) x (0 + 0.03)] ÷ [1 - (0 + 0.03)] =2.49 hp (use 3 hp) (J)
must be allowed for a turbocharged engine.
5.d The sum of lines 5.a through 5.c (K) for a naturally aspirated engine
is 16 + 0 + 7 = 23 hp
The sum of lines 5.a through 5.c (K) for a turbocharged (also turbo-
charged and aftercooled) engine is 16 + 0 + 3 = 19 hp.
64.4 + 23 = 87.4 hp
Turbocharged engine
64.4 + 19 = 83.4 hp
Note: Line 13, Exhibit III specifies this application will be equipped with
a fan and radiator for cooling.
Exhibit V
I n s i d e P i p e D i a m e t e r i n I n c h e s
4 5 6 8 10 12
feet feet feet feet feet feet
45-Degree Elbow 5 6 7 10 12.5 15
Long-Sweep Elbow 7 9 11 14 17 20
Standard Elbow 11 13 16 20 25 32
Close Return Bend 24 30 36 50 61 72
Gate Valve (Open) 2 3 3.5 4.5 5.5 7
Gate Valve (Half Open) 65 81 100 130 160 195
Check Valve 100 110 30 40 45 35
Electric Shutoff Valve 50 60
* Friction Loss Factors for Steel Pipe are presented in Exhibit VI.
FLOW: 3-in. OD / 2.194 ID 4-in. OD / 3.906 ID 5-in. OD / 4.896 ID 6-in. OD / 5.884 ID 7-in. OD / 6.872 ID 8-in. OD / 7.856 ID 10-in. OD / 9.818 ID
*From Engineering Handbook. Chapter 11, Section 15, Irrigation, Soil Conservation Service.
**Note:Where 20-ft. sections of pipe are used, increase values shown in the table by 7.0%. Where 40-ft. sections of pipe are used, decrease values shown in the table by 3.0%.
FLOW: N o m i n a l P i p e D i a m e t e r i n I n c h e s
Gal./Min. 4” (I.D. = 3.95”) 6” (I.D. = 5.85”) 8” (I.D. = 7.85”) 10” (I.D. = 10.00”) 12” (I.D. = 12.00”)
200 2.53 0.372
220 3.03 .447
240 3.56 .525
260 4.16 .611
280 4.77 .705
300 5.44 .803
320 6.16 .910
340 6.91 1.02
360 7.70 1.14
380 8.54 1.26
400 9.40 1.39 0.324
420 10.3 1.52 .355
440 11.3 1.66 .389
460 12.3 1.81 .423
480 13.3 1.96 .458
500 14.4 2.12 .495
550 17.2 2.55 .594
600 20.3 2.99 .701 0.214
650 23.7 3.49 .818 .249
700 27.3 4.02 .935 .287
750 31.1 4.57 1.07 .328
800 5.18 1.21 .370 0.152
850 5.81 1.36 .415 .170
900 6.46 1.51 .464 .190
950 7.17 1.68 .511 .210
1000 7.91 1.85 .564 .232
1100 9.45 2.21 .675 .278
1200 11.2 2.62 .800 .328
1300 13.0 3.04 .932 .384
1400 15.0 3.50 1.07 .438
1500 17.1 3.99 1.22 .502
1600 19.3 4.52 1.38 .566
1700 5.06 1.55 .637
1800 5.67 1.73 .710
1900 6.26 1.91 .787
2000 6.90 2.11 .864
2200 8.27 2.53 1.04
2400 9.75 2.98 1.23
2600 11.4 3.47 1.43
2800 13.1 4.00 1.64
3000 14.9 4.56 1.87
Exhibit X