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Modelling of Installation Effect of

Driven Piles by Hypoplasticity

Delft, December 2009

MSc Thesis
Pham Huy Dung
Modelling of Installation Effect of
Driven Piles by Hypoplasticity


Graduation committee:

Chairman: Supervisor:
Prof.Ir. A.F. Van Tol Dr.Ir. R.B.J. Brinkgreve

Ir. J.G. De Gijt Dr.Ir. J. Dijkstra

Daily assistance: Coordinator:

Ir. A. Rohe Ir. J.P. Oostveen
H.K. Engin, MSc

Student: Pham Huy Dung

Section of Geotechnical Engineering

Water Resources University - Vietnam

Section of Geotechnical Engineering

Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences
Delft University of Technology – The Netherlands

Table of contents

Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................... 6
Abstract ........................................................................................................................... 7
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Motivation ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Objectives of study............................................................................................................ 9
1.3 Structure of report ............................................................................................................. 9
2 Background Knowledge.........................................................................................11
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Literature study on driven piles....................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Analytical methods................................................................................................ 11
2.2.2 Experimental methods ........................................................................................... 12
2.2.3 Numerical methods................................................................................................ 13
2.3 Soil models...................................................................................................................... 16
2.3.1 Mohr-Coulomb model (MC) ................................................................................. 16
2.3.2 Hardening Soil model (HS) ................................................................................... 17
2.3.3 Hypoplastic model (HP) ........................................................................................ 18
2.4 Numerical framework ..................................................................................................... 19
2.5 Interface elements ........................................................................................................... 19
2.6 Conclusion....................................................................................................................... 20
3 Hypoplasticity ........................................................................................................ 21
3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 21
3.2 Constitutive equation....................................................................................................... 22
3.3 Parameter determination ................................................................................................. 23
3.3.1 Critical state parameter ϕc ................................................................................... 24
3.3.2 Stiffness parameter hs and n ............................................................................. 25
3.3.3 Minimum void ratio at zero pressure ed 0 ............................................................ 26
3.3.4 Maximum void ratio at zero pressure ei 0 ............................................................. 27
3.3.5 Critical void ratio ec 0 at zero pressure................................................................ 27
3.3.6 Exponent α ......................................................................................................... 28
3.3.7 Exponent β ......................................................................................................... 28
3.4 Intergranular strain (IGS) ................................................................................................ 29
3.5 Conclusion....................................................................................................................... 31
4 Parametric Sensitivity Analysis ........................................................................... 33
4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 33
4.2 Verification and validation of the HP model ................................................................... 33

4.2.1 Comparison with Baskarp sand ............................................................................. 33
4.2.2 Comparison with Karlsruhe sand .......................................................................... 35
4.3 Sensitivity of the hypoplastic parameters........................................................................ 36
4.3.1 Parameter variation................................................................................................ 36
4.3.2 Influence of parametric variation on drained triaxial tests .................................... 37
4.3.3 Influence of parametric variation on oedometer tests ........................................... 41
4.4 Effects of intergranular strain.......................................................................................... 43
4.4.1 Intergranular strain parameters for Karlsruhe sand ............................................... 43
4.4.2 Simulation of oedometer test................................................................................. 43
4.4.3 Simulation of triaxial test ...................................................................................... 45
4.4.4 Sensitivity of IGS parameters................................................................................ 46
4.5 Conclusion....................................................................................................................... 48
5 Numerical Modelling of Pile Jacking .................................................................. 50
5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 50
5.2 Centrifuge pile test .......................................................................................................... 51
5.2.1 Test set-up.............................................................................................................. 51
5.2.2 Test results ............................................................................................................. 52
5.3 Numerical modeling of pile jacking................................................................................ 54
5.3.1 Mesh and boundary conditions.............................................................................. 54
5.3.2 Simulation of installation effect ............................................................................ 56
5.3.3 Constitutive model and parameters ....................................................................... 57
5.3.4 Calculation procedures .......................................................................................... 58 Initial stresses................................................................................................ 58 Calculation phases ........................................................................................ 59
5.3.5 Numerical results................................................................................................... 60 Change of void ratio ..................................................................................... 61 Stress distributions........................................................................................ 63 Void ratio evolution ...................................................................................... 65
5.3.6 Influence of prescribed displacements .................................................................. 66
5.3.7 Modelling of shearing effect.................................................................................. 68
5.4 Conclusion....................................................................................................................... 71
6 Numerical Modelling of Cyclic Loading on Pile Shaft ...................................... 74
6.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 74
6.2 Mesh and boundary conditions ....................................................................................... 75
6.3 Simulation of installation effect ...................................................................................... 76
6.4 Constitutive model and parameters ................................................................................. 77
6.5 Calculation procedures.................................................................................................... 78
6.5.1 Initial stresses ........................................................................................................ 78
6.5.2 Calculation phases ................................................................................................. 78

6.6 Result and discussions..................................................................................................... 79
6.6.1 Dense case ............................................................................................................. 79 After jacking process .................................................................................... 79 After cyclic loading process ......................................................................... 82
6.6.2 Loose case ............................................................................................................. 88 After jacking process .................................................................................... 88 After cyclic loading process ......................................................................... 90
6.6.3 Modelling of shearing effect.................................................................................. 93
6.7 Conclusion....................................................................................................................... 94
7 Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................................... 96
7.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 96
7.2 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 96
7.2.1 Hypoplasticity ....................................................................................................... 96
7.2.2 Modelling of pile jacking ...................................................................................... 97
7.2.3 Modelling of cyclic loading................................................................................... 99
7.3 Recommendations ......................................................................................................... 100
Appendix A.................................................................................................................. 101
Estimation of intergranular strain parameters for Baskarp sand ............................................... 101
Appendix B.................................................................................................................. 104
Estimation of Hardening soil parameters for Baskarp sand ...................................................... 104
References .................................................................................................................... 107


Doing the final thesis has been the most challenged work in my study. This report
would not have been finished without the help from my supervisors.
Firstly, I would like to express my thankfulness to Professor van Tol for accepting me
as his MSc student and his guidance and encouragement. I also deeply acknowledge Dr.
R.B.J. Brinkgreve as my main supervisor with the continuous guidance and advice for
my thesis.
Secondly, I am grateful to Ir. A. Rohe and Ir. H.K. Engin for their daily assistance and
suggestions as well as for correcting my report.

I also would like to thank Dr. J. Dijkstra and Ir. J.G. De Gijt for their comments and
suggestions during the meetings.
I want to thank CICAT organisation for the support relating to the fund and all
procedures during my studying, also the help from Plaxis staffs and valuable guidance
from my coordinator Ir. J.P. Oostveen.
I also specially thank all of my colleagues at Geotechnical Engineering Section of
Water Resources University, Vietnamese friends in Delft and international students for
the help in studying as well as in the daily life.

Finally, I am grateful to my family, my parents; greatly indebted to my wife N.T.N.

Thanh and my little child P.T. Minh for their continuous encouragement and belief.
They are always in my inspiration and motivation.

Delft, December 2009

Pham Huy Dung


Driven piles have been selected as a powerful technique to deal with the construction on
soft soil. Many case studies have been carried out to capture the soil behaviour during
the pile installation, both numerical and experimental methods. In terms of the
numerical method, it is proved to be difficult due to the large displacement in the
installation process, leading to a significant change of stresse and void ratio. Therefore,
it is required to have some special techniques such as Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian or
Particle methods, and also a proper constitutive model to describe the continuous
changing of stress and void ratio during the installation.
On the other hand, the installation effect of driven piles is proved to be
modelled by using a conventional small strain analysis in Plaxis 2D finite element code,
whereas the installation effect is taken into account by increasing the volume of the pile
cluster, e.g. using the prescribed displacements at the pile-soil boundary or volumetric
expansion. Moreover, the hypoplastic model with intergranular strain concept is a
powerful constitutive law to describe the soil behaviour for granular soil. It uses a
unique equation; the stress rate is a function of the stress tensor, the current void ratio
and the strain rate as T = F (T, e, D) . The dependency of stress and density are also
accounted in this model, whilst the excessive accumulation of deformations in the
region of small stress cycles is overcome by the introduction of intergranular strain.
This study proposes a procedure to simulate the pile jacking method in Plaxis
2D finite element code with the improvements based on the suggestions as showed by
previous authors [6, 33], where the installation effect is taken into account by applying the
prescribed displacements at the pile-soil boundary. A centrifuge pile test [10] is chosen in
order to validate the numerical simulations. In the analyses, the hypoplastic model
formulated by Von Wolfferdorff with intergranular strain is used. The hypoplastic
parameters are derived from laboratory tests as shown in [13], while the intergranular
strain parameters are derived from the numerical simulations. The results show a good
agreement with the experimental and other numerical results. Besides, a simplified
procedure is also used in order to investigate the cyclic loading effect in the vicinity of
the pile shaft. Promisingly, the numerical results fit quite well with the soil response
found in reality and other numerical results. It shows that a compaction results from the
continuous cyclic loading, leading to a reduction of stresses around the pile.

Chapter 1

1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation

Driven piles have been commonly used as a technical solution for deep foundations.
Consequently, many case studies have been executed to establish a reliable approach for
determining the bearing capacity of a single pile. Most of the methods use soil
parameters such as friction angle, cohesion, cone resistance, etc., which are collected
from standard site investigations carried out before pile installation (e.g. CPT, SPT).
However, during the pile installation process the surrounding soil is displaced and
compacted, leading to large stress increases around the pile and an associated increase
in strength and stiffness of the soil [6]. Definitely, the soil properties will change,
influencing in the correctness of above-mentioned parameters.
Thanks to the modern development of the finite element method (FEM) and the
increase of computational power, many complex geotechnical problems can be solved
in the numerical frameworks. However, when the modelling of pile foundations is
attempted in the finite element code, the installation phase is often not taken into
account, partly due to the inability to cope with large strains and mainly due to the
limited knowledge of the material behaviour around driven piles [11]. Hence, it is very
important to have an appropriate model that can simulate the real soil behaviour and
soil-pile interaction caused by the pile installation process.

A huge number of studies in modelling of driven piles using soil models like
Mohr-Coulomb, Drucker-Prager or Hardening Soil, have been published, but its results
are still not completely according to experimental ones [9, 11, 13]. The main reason is
the inability of those models to capture the soil behaviour, taking into account the
continuously changing soil properties during the pile installation process. Promisingly,
the hypoplastic model which is developed by Kolymbas [22] is proved to be a good
model for granular soil. For this model, the soil behaviour is defined by stress state and
the current void ratio so that the continuous changing of stresses and void ratio during
the installation phase could be taken into account. However, the shortcoming of this
model is the over-accumulation of deformation for small stress cycles. For this reason,
the concept of intergranular strain is introduced by Niemunis & Herle [28] to take this
behaviour into consideration. As a result, the hypoplastic model with the intergranular
strain is chosen as the main model to simulate the installation effect of driven piles.

1.2 Objectives of study

The objective of this study is the investigation of the installation effect of driven piles in
sand using the finite element method while the change of stresses and void ratio is
looked into more detail. Therefore, this study mainly focuses:

9 To evaluate the possibilities and limitations of the Hardening soil and

the Hypolastic models in describing the installation effect.
9 To describe a procedure using the FEM (Plaxis 2D) for analysing the
installation effect of driven piles in sand.
9 To visualise the installation effect of driven piles in terms of stresses
and void ratio.
9 To evaluate the bearing capacity of driven piles in terms of the shaft

1.3 Structure of report

This is the report of the study on the investigation of the installation effect of driven
piles using the FEM. The report begins with Chapter 1 in which some information of
the study is introduced and analysed roughly in order to choose the research
methodology. Then, Chapter 2 illustrates literature review in which previous studies on
driven piles and soil models are described. Next, the hypoplastic model with the
intergranular strain concept are described in more detail in Chapter 3, including

parameter determinations. Chapter 4 verifies the validity of the hypoplastic model and
investigates the influences of various hypoplastic parameters on the soil behaviour. In
Chapter 5, the installation effect of the pile jacking method is analysed using the
commercial available Plaxis 2D package. Here, the installation effect is taken into
account by applying the volumetric expansion or prescribed displacements at the pile
shaft and pile tip. Then, the impact of cyclic loading is examined in Chapter 6 whilst the
possibilities and limitations of the hardening soil and the hypolastic models are
evaluated. At the end, Chapter 7 gives the conclusions and recommendations obtained
from this study.

Chapter 2

2 Background Knowledge

2.1 Introduction

In this chapter, a series of researches on driven piles are reviewed in order to get a
general idea on the developments of this field. Then several soil models which are
already applied in numerical methods on driven piles are expressed. Finally, the
hypoplastic model, Plaxis 2D finite element code and the interface element are
described briefly, too.

2.2 Literature study on driven piles

2.2.1 Analytical methods

Gorbunov & Posadov [15] analysed the displacement and compaction of soil by a driven
pile. They assumed that during the pile driving, the soil being displaced is moved only
horizontally, whereas in reality the pile displaces the soil also vertically. The state of
stresses in the soil established in this study will correspond to the original state after
driving. The results from their study suggested that the points immediately adjacent to the
central pile axis should be displaced to the edge of the pile. However, the radius of the
displaced zone decreases with a reduction of penetration depth (z) of the pile (Fig. 2.1).


Displaced zone
r o ro h

Fig. 2.1: Longitude (left) and cross section (right) of the pile [15]

If z = h (h being the length of the pile) then the radius of the gap reaches 1.15ro
(ro being the radius of the pile) this value reduces to 1.03ro when 0.4 < z/h < 0.6 and
remains 0.5ro with smaller penetration depth. Please note that, above results are found
from the case of h/ro =10.

2.2.2 Experimental methods

A series of model pile tests are carried out in the centrifuge in sand by Klotz & Coop
[20]. Some remarkable conclusions can be found from their results. Firstly, the base
resistance and the average shaft friction at a certain depth of the penetration increase
with an increase of the acceleration levels. However, no clear trend of the average radial
stress can be found relating to the acceleration level except the fact that this value
increases along the penetration depth. Moreover, the mobilised friction angle of the
interface between the pile and soil had a very low value compared to the internal
friction angle of the soil. Surprisingly, after increasing along to the depth of penetration,
the radial stress shows a decrease towards the pile tip.
On the other hand, drum centrifuge tests have been conducted by White &
Lehane [37] to examine the development of the horizontal stress acting on the pile shaft
during the installation with respect to different methods. The horizontal stress
distribution is relatively similar to the findings by Klotz & Coop [20], but no reduction
of this stress towards the pile tip could be found. The results show an independence of
the ratio between the horizontal stress and the cone resistance corresponding to an
independence of the friction ratio. However, the horizontal stress degrades significantly
during both cyclic installation and cyclic load test, this phenomenon leads to a
considerable reduction of the shaft friction. This effect can be seen in the Fig. 2.2.

Fig. 2.2: Degradation of stationary horizontal stress with cycling during load tests
(a) one-way compression load test, (b) two-way compression load test [37]

Furthermore, Bement and Selby [4] also conducted several tests to quantify a
potential compaction settlements of granular soil due to vibration, typical of these
experiments when piles are installed by vibrodriver. The tests are carried out in a Rowe
cell (70 mm x 150 mm diameter) in which samples is kept at a constant vertical stress
(10, 20, 50 or 100 kPa). After this process, the entire cell is shaken vertically at an
increments of acceleration (typically of 0.1 g, 0.2 g, 0.3 g, 0.4 g, 0.5 g, 0.6 g, 0.8 g, 1.0
g and 2.0 g, and in some tests up to 6.0 g), while the vertical effective stress is
maintained. The trend of results show that: increased surcharge pressure reduced the
subsequent vibratory compaction; well-graded soil showed greater compaction than
more uniform sands; compaction raised markedly when acceleration exceeded 1g;
saturated soil demonstrated lager compaction than dry and unsaturated soil and
compaction is influenced little by frequency within the range from 25 Hz to 120 Hz
although rate of compaction reduced with frequency increase.

2.2.3 Numerical methods

Dijktra et al. [12] used the FEM for the modelling of stress and strain development in
the soil due to the installation effect of a displacement pile. The first analysis used small
strain finite element method in PLAXIS package with the Mohr-Coulomb and the
Hardening models, whilst the second one used Arbitrary Lagrangian Eularian (ALE)

numerical scheme with the Drucker-Prager model. Then, the results of both methods are
compared with experimental outcomes of a jacked pile in sand. For the first method,
they used interfaces element along the pile in analysis, it is shown that the results fit
best the experimental test when it is applied a prescribed horizontal displacement equal
to 7.5% of the pile radius at the pile shaft and a prescribed vertical displacement equal
to 7.5 times of the pile radius at the pile tip (Fig. 2.3). On the other hand, in the ALE
environment it is difficult to get results using advanced soil models or even the
Mohr-Coulomb model so it is only applicable for determining the stress change due to
the pile installation.

Fig. 2.3: Load-displacement curves for fine meshes with interfaces (R = 0.75)
along the pile, for HS model with ψ =0 [12]

The same principle is used to model the bearing capacity of displacement piles
in sand in which the prescribed displacements are applied at pile-soil boundary to
simulate the installation effect. Broere & Van Tol [6] found that the results are strongly
influenced by the horizontal displacement rather than the vertical displacement.
However, even with advanced model-Hardening soil, the horizontal stress along the pile
are differ from findings by White and Lehane [37], resulting in a difference in terms of
the shaft friction after the pile installation process and at failure in comparison with
Lehane et al. [25]. They concluded that the Hardening model does not capture all
installation effects so that another model would be developed in order to deal with the
large strain happening during the pile installation.
Henke & Grabe [17] published a paper investigating the influence of the
installation method (jacking, impact driving and vibratory driving) on the soil-plug
behaviour inside open-ended piles using numerical simulation. Here, an open-ended pile
with a diameter of 61 cm is penetrated into medium dense Karlsruhe sand. The
commercial code ABAQUS with the hypoplastic model and the intergranular strain is
used to simulate the pile penetration process in all analyses. The results showed that the
jacked pile exhibited high horizontal stress inside the pile than impact driving or

vibro-driving methods. In contrast, vibro-driven piles showed a high compaction inside
the pile down to the minimum void ratio caused by the continuous cyclic shearing.

Fig. 2.4: Void ratio around the jacked pile (left) and radial stress distribution (right)
at certain depth after 4 m of pile jacking [18]

Fig. 2.5: Void ratio around the jacked pile (left) and radial stress distribution (right)
at certain depth after 4 m of vibratory pile driving [18]

Finally, a special technique is introduced by Henke & Grabe [18] in a

three-dimensional finite element model to simulate the pile installation effect. A tube of
1 mm radius is modelled at the axis of penetration. The contact between the tube and the
surrounding soil is only activated during the pile penetration in which the pile slides
over the tube and the soil separates from the tube. The hypoplastic model with
intergranular strain is used in the commercial code ABAQUS. The results from jacking
method show that a dilatant zone appears close to the pile shaft while the soil is

compacted at a distance from the pile. Moreover, the radial stress increases around the
pile during the pile penetration. On the other hand, the results from vibrating method
display difference behaviour from the jacking method. Around the vibrating pile, the
soil is compacted leading to a decrease of void ratio and radial stress. Furthermore, the
influenced area is much wider for pile jacking than vibratory pile driving and the radial
stress for jacked pile is also higher that for vibrating pile (Fig. 2.4 and Fig. 2.5).

2.3 Soil models

2.3.1 Mohr-Coulomb model (MC)

The Mohr-Coulomb (MC) model is an elastic- perfectly plastic model; it is very simple
to approximate the soil behaviour in the first approach. The basic principle of this model
includes an elastic part with the reversible strain and a plastic part with the irreversible
strain [5]. In the elastic part, the stress-strain relation follows Hooke’s law while the MC
failure criterion is used in the plastic part. A yield function (f) is introduced in order to
evaluate the appearance of the plasticity. The plasticity occurs when f = 0. The full MC
model yield condition includes six yield functions:
1 1
f1a = (σ 'xx − σ 'zz ) + (σ 'xx + σ 'zz ) sin ϕ − C cos ϕ ≤ 0 (2.1)
2 2
1 1
f1b = (σ' zz −σ' xx ) + (σ' xx +σ' zz ) sin ϕ − C cos ϕ ≤ 0 (2.2)
2 2
1 1
f 2a = (σ' yy −σ' xx ) + (σ' yy + σ' xx ) sin ϕ − C cos ϕ ≤ 0 (2.3)
2 2
1 1
f 2b = (σ' xx −σ' yy ) + (σ' yy + σ' xx ) sin ϕ − C cos ϕ ≤ 0 (2.4)
2 2
1 1
f 3a = (σ' zz −σ' yy ) + (σ' zz + σ' yy ) sin ϕ − C cos ϕ ≤ 0 (2.5)
2 2
1 1
f 3b = (σ' yy −σ' zz ) + (σ' yy +σ' zz ) sin ϕ − C cos ϕ ≤ 0 (2.6)
2 2

Although this model describes quite well the failure behaviour of the soil, it
involves many limitations for the real soil behaviour. First, the linear elasticity occurs
until failure so it includes neither stress-dependency nor stress-path dependency of
stiffness. Furthermore, care must be taken in undrained condition due to unrealistic
stress path [5]. Lastly, this model also does not include either hardening or softening

Fig. 2.6: Basic principle of MC model (left) and MC yield surface in principal
stress space with c= 0 (right) [5]

2.3.2 Hardening Soil model (HS)

The Hardening Soil model (HS) can be considered as an advanced model for the soil
behaviour. The main difference with the MC model is the taking into account the
stress-dependent and stress-path dependent stiffness. The basic idea for the formulation
of the HS model is the hyperbolic relationship between the vertical strain ε1 and the
deviatoric stress q in primary triaxial loading [34]. This relation is as the following:

qa q
ε1 = for q < qf (2.7)
2E 50 q a − q

6 sin ϕ q
qf = (p + c. cot ϕ) with q a = f (2.8)
3 − sin ϕ Rf

Fig. 2.7: Hyperbolic stress-strain relation in HS model [5]

Moreover, the soil behaviour is described much more accurately by using three
different stiffnesses: triaxial loading stiffness E50, triaxial unloading stiffness Eur and the
oedometer loading stiffness Eeod. The dependence of soil stiffness is accounted for as the

⎛ σ ⎞
E oed = E ref
oed ⎜⎜ ref ⎟⎟ (2.9)
⎝p ⎠

ref ⎛ c. cos ϕ + σ 3 . sin ϕ ⎞
E 50 = E 50 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (2.10)
⎝ c. cos ϕ + p . sin ϕ ⎠

⎛ c. cos ϕ + c. cot ϕ ⎞
E ur = E ⎜⎜ ref
ur ⎟⎟ (2.11)
⎝ σ + c. cot ϕ ⎠

ref ref ref

Here, E eod , E 50 , E ref
ur are the corresponding modules at reference pressure p

= 100 kPa and m is the power to account for stress-level dependency of stiffness. The
MC criterion at failure behaviour is also utilized for the HS model.
Besides the advantages of stress-dependency and memory of pre-consolidation
stress, the HS model still has a number of limitations. Firstly, this model does not
capture the softening behaviour caused by dilatancy and de-bonding effects [5]. In the
HS model, the dilatancy continues to infinity, unless the dilatancy cut-off option is used.
Moreover, the HS model does not take into account the increase of stiffness at small
strain in comparison with reduced stiffness at large strain level. Lastly, this model also
has a shortcoming in the region of small stress cycles due to an excessive accumulation
of deformations in cyclic loading.

2.3.3 Hypoplastic model (HP)

The hypoplastic model (HP) has been developed since 1985 by Kolymbas [22] and is
considered as a good model for granular materials. First, the hypoplastic constitutive
law describes the stress rate ( σ ) as a function of the strain rate ( ε ) and the stress tensor
(σ). Then, it was improved by many following authors like Bauer, Herle, Gudehus, Von
Wolfferdorff, etc., and Kolymbas himself. The outstanding of this model is the
introduction of void ratio (e) as a state variable. The HP model recognizes anelastic
deformation without using any additional notions such as yield surface or plastic
potential [21]. However, this model has a shortcoming in the region of small stress
cycles as an excessive accumulation of deformation occurs and therefore the
displacements are overpredicted. Thereafter, the concept of intergranular strain is
introduced by Niemunis & Herle [28] allows to account for this behaviour. In short, the
HP model includes eight parameters describing the soil behaviour at different states and
five parameters representing the intergranular strain. The HP model will be explained in
more detail in Chapter 3.

2.4 Numerical framework

Plaxis is a two-dimensional FE program to model geotechnical problems in which a real

situation may be modelled by a plane strain or axisymmetric analysis. One of the special
features of this software is the use of a simple graphical input procedure in order to
provide detailed computational results [5]. Herein, specific elements will be used to
model a structure (e.g. plates, anchors, geogrids). A series of soil models can be utilized
to simulate the soil behaviour while interface elements are used to model soil-structure
interaction. Soil layers and other volume cluster can be modelled by 6-node or 15-node
triangular elements. In the numerical scheme, stresses and strains at Gauss points are
interpolated and calculated from displacements at nodes. Moreover, several analyses
may be applied to perform deformation and stability analyses such as staged
construction, consolidation or safety analysis. Lastly, in case of a conventional small
strain analysis may lead to a significant change of geometry, updated Lagrangian
analysis could be used to take into account the continuous changing of the FE mesh.

2.5 Interface elements

One notable feature of Plaxis finite element code is the possibility to use interface
elements. A typical application of interfaces would be to model the interaction between
a structure and the soil, which is intermediate between smooth and fully rough [5]. So
this element could be used in the modelling of the pile installation process as
suggestions by many authors [6, 33]. Interface elements are defined by a pair of nodes
(Fig. 2.8). In this figure, the interface element can be seen to have certain thickness but
in the calculation the coordinates of each node pair are identical, so the element has zero

Fig. 2.8: Illustration of interface elements

The MC model is used to describe the behaviour of interfaces for the modelling
of soil-structure interaction. The main interface parameter is the strength reduction
factor Rinter which is taken into account the strength decrease of interface element in the
corresponding soil layer.

2.6 Conclusion

As can be seen so far, there are a lot of studies on driven piles using not only
experiments but also analytical or numerical methods. However, the results of numerical
methods can not completely reproduce the experimental results. Moreover, the
experimental results are even not completely in accordance with each other [20, 25, 37].
The measurements only focus on the soil behaviour nearby the pile, but not inspecting
the soil behaviour at a distance from the pile. In the FEM, the fundamental problem is
the use of such models could describe the soil behaviour which changes continuously
during the pile installation. Obviously, the MC model has many limitations for the real
soil behaviour and it seems not to be used in this case. This model only includes an
elastic part with the reversible strain and a plastic part with the irreversible strain [5].
The HS model can be considered as an advanced model to simulate the soil behaviour.
However, some important features are still not involved in the HS model. For example,
this model does not capture the softening behaviour caused by dilatancy and de-bonding
effects [5], also including a shortcoming in the region of small stress cycles as an
excessive accumulation of deformations in cyclic loading. Indeed, the HP model seems
to be the currently most suitable model for driven piles because of the introduction of
the void ratio as a state variable and the intergranular strain concept. As a result, this
study aims to investigate the soil behaviour under the installation effect of driven piles
by using a conventional small strain analysis with the application of an advanced soil
model-HP model in Plaxis 2D finite element code.

Chapter 3

3 Hypoplasticity

3.1 Introduction

As referred in Chapter 2, the hypoplastic model is selected for modelling of the soil
behaviour of driven piles. This model is considerably introduced by Kolymbas [22],
which describes the stress-strain behaviour of granular materials in a rate form. It is
developed from the stress rate, written as a function of the stress tensor and the strain
rate. Later on, the void ratio is added as an additional state variable by following authors
(e.g. Gudehus [16], Bauer [3]). The outstanding of this model is its simplicity, this
model recognizes anelastic deformation without using any additional notions such as
yield surface or plastic potential [21]. However, small deformation due to cyclic loading
and creep are not included, leading to an excessive accumulation of deformations under
stress cycles. Then the concept of intergranular strain is introduced by Niemunis and
Herle [28] allows to account for this behaviour. Currently, the hypoplastic model could
be able to use for not only cohesiveless materials but also clays and organics.
Nevertheless, the purpose of this study only limits for sand, the constitutive law given
by Von Wolffersdorff [36] with the improvement of intergranular strain would be

3.2 Constitutive equation

The hypoplastic model by Von Wolffersdorff [36] is selected since this version has
advantages compared to previous hypoplastic formulations. For example, more realistic
friction angles are obtained for deviatoric loadings other than conventional triaxial tests.
Also, the upper limit is defined by comparing different proportional compression curves
[36]. Moreover, this model could be used with and without intergranular strain.
The general form of the hypoplastic model is:
 = F(T, e, D)
T (3.1)
 being the stress rate
Where: T
T being the current Cauchy stress
e being the void ratio
D being the stretching tensor
The modified constitutive equation given by Von Wolffersdorff is as follows:

= f f
T b e
ˆ 2
tr (T )
{ ˆ )T
F 2 D + a 2tr (TD ˆ + f aF (T
ˆ +T
ˆ *) D } (3.2)

3 ( 3 − sin ϕC )
In which: a= (3.3)
2 2 sin ϕC

The factor F is a function of T̂*

1 2 − tan 2 ψ 1
F= tan 2 ψ + − (3.4)
8 2 + 2 tanψ cos 3θ 2 2 tanψ

ˆ * ; cos 3θ = − 6
tanψ = 3 T
( )
ˆ *3
tr T
ˆ *2 ⎤ 2
⎡tr (T
⎣ ⎦

Herein, T ˆ* = Tˆ − 1 I is the deviatoric part of the stress ratio tensor T̂ . I is the

ˆ = T / trT , ps = -trT/3.
unit tensor and T
The hypoplastic model includes three characteristic functions of limiting void
ratios as a function of mean skeleton pressure ps, ei describes the loosest possible state,
ec corresponds to the critical state and ed denotes the maximum densification. According
to Bauer [3] these limiting void ratios decrease with increasing ps. They reach the limit
values ed0, ei0, ec0 at vanishing mean skeleton pressure and approach zero for very high
ps, following the equation:

ei ec ed ⎡ ⎛ 3p ⎞ n ⎤
= = = exp ⎢ − ⎜ s ⎟ ⎥ (3.6)
ei 0 ec 0 ed 0 ⎢⎣ ⎝ hs ⎠ ⎥⎦

Typically, the influence of stress level on soil properties (an increase of stress
level leads to a decrease of the dilatant angle but an increase of the stiffness) in the
hypoplastic model is taken into account by introducing barotropy factor fb. fb is directly
determined from the consistency requirement that the simulation of a perfect isotropic
compression must provide the same exponential relationship between the current void
ratio and the mean pressure as assumed in the Equation 3.6:

β α −1
⎛ e ⎞ h 1 + ei ⎛ −trT ⎞
1− n
⎡ ⎛ e −e ⎞ ⎤
fb = ⎜ i ⎟ s ⎜ ⎟ ⎢3 + a 2 − a 3 ⎜ i 0 d 0 ⎟ ⎥ (3.7)
⎝ ec ⎠ n ei ⎝ hs ⎠ ⎢⎣ ⎝ ec 0 − ed 0 ⎠ ⎥⎦

Moreover, the influence of density is denoted by pycnotropy factor and fd and fe.
For ec > e > ed the factor fd controls the maximum stress ratio T̂ at peak as well as the
dilatancy connected with this ratio. The pycnotropy factor fe controls the influence of
the void ratio e on the incremental stiffness.

⎛ e − ed ⎞
fd = ⎜ ⎟ (3.8)
⎝ ec − ed ⎠

⎛e ⎞
fe = ⎜ c ⎟ (3.9)

3.3 Parameter determination

Parameter determination is the central key of the model. It is discussed in several

publications (e.g.Gudehus [16], Bauer [3], Von Wolffersdorff [36]). Here, the methods
of determination are taken from Herle & Gudehus [19]. For the case of an axially

symmetric compression ( T1 > T2 = T3 ), the tensorial Equation 3.1 then reduces as


(T + 2T2 ) 2 ⎡ 2 T1 D1 + 2T2 D2 a 5T1 − 2T2 ⎤

T1 = f s 12 ⎢ D1 + a T1 + f d D12 + 2 D22 ⎥ (3.10)
T1 + 2T22 ⎣ (T1 + 2T2 ) 2
3 T1 + 2T2 ⎦

(T + 2T2 ) 2 ⎡ 2 T1 D1 + 2T2 D2 a 4T2 − T1 ⎤

T2 = f s 12 ⎢ D2 + a T2 + f d D12 + 2 D22 ⎥ (3.11)
T1 + 2T22 ⎣ (T1 + 2T2 ) 2
3 T1 + 2T2 ⎦

The subscript 1 denotes the axial direction and 2 the radial one. Other factors
are already mentioned above. The factor fs is defined as the product of the pycnotropy
factor fe and the barotropy factor fb, written as:

α −1
⎛ e ⎞ h 1 + ei ⎛ −trT ⎞
1− n
⎡ ⎛ ei 0 − ed 0 ⎞ ⎤
fs = ⎜ i ⎟ s ⎜ ⎟ ⎢3 + a − a 3 ⎜
⎟ ⎥ (3.12)
⎝ e ⎠ n ei ⎝ hs ⎠ ⎢⎣ ⎝ ec 0 − ed 0 ⎠ ⎥⎦

In short, the hypoplastic model given by Von Wolffersdorff includes eight

parameters that allow for a realistic description of granular material behavior over a
wide range of stresses and densities. The proposed methods of determination are given
in the Table 3. 1:
Table 3. 1: Parameter determinations in the HP model
Parameter Physical meaning Method of definition
φc Critical friction angle Angle of repose
ed0; ei0, ec0 Minimum, maximum and critical void ratio Index tests
at zero pressure
hs Granular hardness Oedometer compression test
n Exponent relates to sensitivity of granular Oedometer compression test
skeleton to changes of pressure
α Exponent describes the transition between Monotonic triaxial test
peak and critical stress
β Exponent represents the change of stiffness Oedometer compression test
at current density

3.3.1 Critical state parameter ϕc

The critical state is reached during large monotonic shearing if both the tress rate and
the volumetric deformation rate vanish [35]. It means:

T1 = T2 = D1 + 2 D2 = 0 (D1 ≠ 0) (3.13)

Substituting into Equations 3.10 and 3.11, we have:

⎛ T −T ⎞
sin ϕ = max ⎜ 1 2 ⎟ (3.14)
⎝ T1 + T2 ⎠

Then the relation between the parameter a and ϕc in the critical state:

3 ( 3 − sin ϕC )
a= (3.15)
2 2 sin ϕC

A simple estimation of ϕc can be obtained from the angle of repose of a dry

granular material. This simple method almost gives the same result with shear test or
triaxial test methods. Herle and Gudehus [19] suggested to use a small excavation at the
toe of the slope in order to reduce the influence of the heap preparation.

Fig. 3.1: Determination of ϕc from the angle of repose [19]

3.3.2 Stiffness parameter hs and n

hs represents the granulate hardness of material and is used as a reference pressure.

The exponent n takes into account the pressure-sensitivity of a grain skeleton here, is
the non-proportional increase of the incremental stiffness with increasing mean
granulate pressure ps (ps = -trT/3). The relation between void ratios and ps is described
by the equation:

⎡ ⎛ 3 p ⎞n ⎤
e p = e p 0 exp ⎢ − ⎜ s ⎟ ⎥ (3.16)
⎢⎣ ⎝ hs ⎠ ⎥⎦

Fig. 3.2: Relation between ei, ec, ed and ps (left) and determination of n (right) [19]

For the determination of hs and n, a compression test with an initially very
loose specimen must to be carried out. In practice, an eodometer test is chosen since it is
simpler than isotropic compression test. Formulations for determining hs and n are given
ln(e p1Cc 2 / e p 2Cc1 )
n= (3.17)
ln( ps 2 / ps1 )

1/ n
⎛ ne p ⎞
hs = 3 ps ⎜ ⎟ (3.18)
⎝ Cc ⎠

Where: ep being the void ratio during a proportional compression

ep0 being the void ratio at zero pressure
Cc being the compression index
n being the constant value in a specific range of stress
Obviously, the determinations of hs and n are valid in a certain stress range.
Parameter n reflects the curvature of a compression curve, and hs the its slope. If grain
crushing takes place, values of hs and n will change with changes of granulometric

3.3.3 Minimum void ratio at zero pressure ed 0

The best densification of granular material can be generally reached by mean of cyclic
shearing with small amplitude under constant pressure. The relation between the
minimum void ratio at zero pressure ed0 and minimum void ratio ed as followed:

⎡⎛ 3 p ⎞ n ⎤
ed 0 = ed ⎢⎜ s ⎟ ⎥ (3.19)
⎢⎣⎝ hs ⎠ ⎥⎦

Fig. 3.3: Pressure dependent minimum void ratio ed [19]

In practice, a minimum void ratio emin is determined from index tests described

in various standards is chosen. These densification tests are performed at certain
pressure (ps = pemin) and they are not effective as cyclic shearing, so the value of emin lies
above the one of ed in Fig. 3.3. The value of ed depends mainly on non-unifomity and
grain shape. ed decreases with the increase of the coefficient of uniformity Cu due to
filling the voids between big grains by smaller ones. Moreover, the decrease of ed also
results from diminishing angularity of grains.
In comparison, ed0 and emin are proved close each other, so in reality the
minimum void ratio at zero pressure is taken from index test, ed0 ≈ emin.

3.3.4 Maximum void ratio at zero pressure ei 0

The parameter ei0 can be explained as the maximum void ratio of a simple grain
skeleton. In theory, this situation is reached during an isotropic consolidation of grain
suspension in a gravity-free space. It is considered as a percolation threshold related
with the birth of a grain skeleton (Fig. 3.4). However, it is proved that impossible to
determine experimentally but we can be approximated by relation with maximum void
ratio emax, taken from index test. Normally, the relation i 0 ≈ 1.15 to 1.2 can be

Fig. 3.4: Idealized packings of spheres and cubes at minimum density ([19])

3.3.5 Critical void ratio ec 0 at zero pressure

The decrease of the critical void ratio ec with the mean pressure is described by next

⎡⎛ 3 p ⎞ n ⎤
ec 0 = ec exp ⎢⎜ s ⎟ ⎥ (3.20)
⎢⎣⎝ hs ⎠ ⎥⎦

ec can be obtained together with ϕc from a shear test on a soil sample. But it is
difficult to keep a homogeneous deformation up to the critical state. In practice, ec0 can
be assumed to be equal to emax.

3.3.6 Exponent α

Exponent α describes the transition between the peak and critical state. This is
determined by using a triaxial compression test. At the peak state, the axial stress rate

vanishes ( T1 = 0 ). Then substituting into Equation 3.10, we obtain:

⎡ (2 + K p ) 2 + a 2 K p ( K p − 1 − tanν p ) ⎤
ln ⎢ 6 ⎥
⎢ a (2 + K p )(5 K p − 2) 4 + 2(1 + tanν p ) 2 ⎥
α= ⎣ ⎦ (3.21)
⎛ e − ed ⎞
ln ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ec − ed ⎠

T1 1 + sin ϕ p
with the peak ratio: Kp = = (3.22)
T2 1 − sin ϕ p

D1 + 2 D2
tanν p = − (3.23)

⎛ T −T ⎞
sin ϕ p = ⎜ 1 2 ⎟ (3.24)
⎝ T1 + T2 ⎠ p

in which ν is the dilatancy angle.

ϕ p is the friction angle at peak

3.3.7 Exponent β

Exponent β represents the change of stiffness at current density. β plays an

important role if e substantially lower than ei , i.e. for a dense soil. According to

Equation 3.12, the incremental stiffness E = T1 / D1 increases with increasing density

and pressure. For the case of an isotropic compression, the stress rate is given by:

T1 = f s (3 + a 2 − f d a 3) D1 (3.25)

Substituting into Equation 3.10, we have:

⎡ 3 + a 2 − f a 3 e n ⎛ 3 p ⎞ n −1 ⎤
ln ⎢ E d0 i

⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣ 3 + a − f d a 3 1 + ei hs ⎝ hs ⎠ ⎥⎦

β= (3.26)
ln(ei / e)

ei 0 − ed 0
in which fd 0 = (3.27)
ec 0 − ed 0
For simplification, β can be determined by considering the ratio of the
stiffness modulus at two different void ratios e1 and e2, but the same pressure, in order to
eliminate the influence of ps:

ln ( β o E2 / E1 )
β= (3.28)
ln ( e1 / e2 )

3 + a 2 − a 3 fd1
with βo = (3.29)
3 + a2 − a 3 fd 2

3.4 Intergranular strain (IGS)

The original hypoplastic model (e.g.Gudehus [16], Bauer [3], von Wolffersdorff [36])
has a shortcoming in the region of small stress cycles as an excessive accumulation of
deformation occurs and therefore the displacements are overpredicted. This model
predicts saw-tooth-like diagram instead of loops, such phenomenon is called ratcheting
[28]. According to measurements [2, 30], the soil stiffness at a given state defined by
stress and void ratio depends strongly on the deformation history and the direction of
strain rate. The maximum value of stiffness is reached when the direction of strain path
is reversed.

Fig. 3.5: Different intergranular strains h related with different deformation histories [28]

However, if the strain is continued in a fixed direction, the stiffness decreases

gradually, and get almost the same stiffness at a certain strain path ε = εSOM.
Subsequently, in order to improve the performance of the hypoplastic model in the

range of small load cycles, Niemunis and Herle [28] have introduced a new state
variable called intergranular strain, h. This tensorial state variable is supposed to take
into account the deformation of intergranular interface layer and rearrangement of the
particles during application of small strains.
When the intergranular strain is included in the hypoplastic model, the current
stiffness is controlled by the difference in the direction of the actual strain rate and the
intergranular strain rate as well as the magnitude of the intergranular strain rate. The

magnitude of the intergranular strain rate, ρ = h /R, can not become larger than the

intergranular strain radius, R, a material parameter which varies between 10-7 for very
large grains and 10-3 for very small grains [24]. The evolution of stiffness degradations
are described by Niemunis [27] in Fig. 3.6.

Fig. 3.6: Characteristic stiffness values for the hypoplastic model [27]

As can be seen, the 180o reversal strain path direction leads to an elastic
behaviour with an increased granular stiffness by a factor mR (mR = ER/Eo). The 90o
change of strain path direction also leads to an increased granular stiffness by a factor
mT (mT = ET/Eo). For other changes of the strain path direction, a steady interpolation is
carried out.
The parameter βR influences the evolution of intergranular strain and can be
correlated with εSOM. This value is defined as the length of a strain path, need for the
additional stiffness to decline in 90% (Fig. 3.6). Then the stiffness evolution is

E = mR. E0 for ε < R (3.30)

E = E0 + E0(mR – 1)(1 - ρχ) for ε > R

The parameter χ (χ > 1) describes the degradation of the stiffness from ER to E0
during the monotonic deformation. Fig. 3.7 depicts the correlation of βR and the strain
for different value of χ.

Fig. 3.7: Correlation of βR vs εSOM/R for different value of χ [27]

For the determinations of the intergranular strain parameters, the methods

given in the Table 3.2 could be used. In fact, the factor mT and mR are usually taken the
value of 2.0 and 5.0 respectively, as the “rule of thumb”. The radius of elastic range R
varies between 10-7 and 10-3, normally is taken as 10-4. The remaining parameters need
to be defined by the cyclic tests at small strain.

Table 3.2: Parameter determinations of intergranular strain [31]

Parameter Physical meaning Method of definition
Stiffness increase for a 90 change of strain path
mT Cyclic shear test
mR Stiffness increase for a 180o reversal Biaxial test
R Radius of elastic range Cyclic triaxial test
βR Material constant controls the rate h Cyclic triaxial test

χ Material constant represents stiffness degradation Cyclic triaxial test

3.5 Conclusion

This chapter describes the hypoplastic model given by von Wolffersdorff [36] in more
detail. The constitutive law is given in the rate form, the stress rate is a function of the
 = F(T, e, D) . The outstanding
stress tensor, the current void ratio and the strain rate as T

of this model is using an unique equation, this model recognizes anelastic deformation
without using any additional notions such as yield surface or plastic potential [21].
Typically, the influence of the stress level on soil properties (an increase of the stress
level leads to a decrease of the dilatant angle but an increase of the stiffness) in the
hypoplastic model is taken into account by introducing barotropy factor fb. Moreover,
the influence of density is also denoted by pycnotropy factors and fd and fe.
This model requires eight parameters. The critical angle ϕc is defined in the
case of both the tress rate and the volumetric deformation rate vanish. For simplification,
ϕc can be taken from the angle of repose of a dry granular material.
The granular hardness hs and the exponent n are determined from the
oedometer test and valid in a certain stress range. Parameter n reflects the curvature of a
compression curve, and hs the its slope.
Three characteristic void ratios, ed, ec, and ei denote the maximum densification,
the critical state and the loosest state, respectively. These limiting void ratios decrease
with increasing ps, according to Bauer’s formulas [3]. They reach the limit values ed0,
ec0, ei0 at vanishing mean skeleton pressure and approach zero for very high ps. Due to
the difficulties in testing, these limit void ratios are assumed to be emin, emax and
approximately 1.2emax.
Exponent α describes the transition between the peak and critical state. This

is determined by using a triaxial compression test at the peak state ( T1 = 0 ). On the other

hand, exponent β represents the change of stiffness at current density. It is defined by

comparing the ratio of the stiffness modulus at two different void ratios, but the same
pressure in an oedometer test.
A shortcoming of this model is an excessive accumulation of deformations in
the region of small stress cycles is overcome by the introduction of intergranular strain
h. The intergranular remembers the deformation history and the current stiffness is
controlled by the direction of strain rates.
The intergranular strain includes five parameters. The factor mR and mT take
into account the increase of the stiffness for the 180o and 90o change of strain path
direction. The radius of elastic range R varies between 10-7 and 10-3, normally is taken
as 10-4. The parameter βR influences the evolution of intergranular strain and the
parameter χ describes the degradation of the stiffness. They are determined by using a
cyclic triaxial test.

Chapter 4

4 Parametric Sensitivity Analysis

4.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the influences of various hypoplastic parameters on the model behaviour
are investigated. First, a series of drained triaxial tests using the hypoplastic parameters
are simulated, its results are then compared to measured results, in order to check the
reliability of the hypoplastic model. Next, the influences of individual parameter are
evaluated by varying this parameter and keeping the others constant. The effects of
intergaranular strain on the soil behaviour under cyclic loading are also examined.

4.2 Verification and validation of the HP model

In order to check the reliability of the HP model, the drained triaxial tests are simulated
by using the Soil test facility in Plaxis 2D, the results are then compared with those
which are measured and simulated on Baskarp and Karlsruhe sand.

4.2.1 Comparison with Baskarp sand

A series of drained triaxial tests on Baskarp sand are perform in [13]. After completion
of isotropic consolidation, the void ratios are measured. For initially dense samples,
Baskarp sand shows the high dilatancy behaviour. The results of drained triaxial tests
with different cell pressures are plotted in Fig. 4.1. On the other hand, the numerical
simulations of drained triaxial using element tests in the FEAT program with model
parameters in Table 4.2 are also plotted in Fig. 4.2 (see Elmi Anaraki [13] for more
Similarly, drained triaxial tests are also simulated in Plaxis 2D using the Soil
test facility. One thing need to be remembered is that the state variable (e0) of the HP
model in Plaxis 2D is the void ratio at zero pressure. Using Bauer’s formula as referred
in Chapter 3, the initial void ratios (e0) are 0.598, 0.611 and 0.615 respectively in order
to get comparable soil states at cell pressure as performed in [13].

As can be seen, both softwares, the FEAT and Plaxis 2D give completely
similar soil responses in drained triaxial tests. Moreover, the peak and residual shear
strengths from both simulated tests are in accordance with laboratory experiments. Also
the initial simulated stiffness is as expected, except for the confining pressure of 50 kPa.
This is explained by logging error in the measurement as mentioned by Elmi Anaraki
[13]. For the volumetric strain and dilatancy angle, the simulated results are
qualitatively in accordance with experimental results. Both numerical results show a
smaller dilatancy angle compared with measured results (see Fig. 4.1 to Fig. 4.3 ).

Fig. 4.1: Measured results of triaxial compression tests with Baskarp sand [13], the initial void
ratios are measured at cell pressure

Fig. 4.2: Simulated results of triaxial compression tests with Baskarp sand [13],
using FEAT program

q (kPa)

εV (%)

ε 1 (%)
0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4.3: Simulated results of triaxial compression tests with Baskarp sand,
using Soil test in Plaxis 2D

4.2.2 Comparison with Karlsruhe sand

Likely, a series of drained triaxial tests on Karlsruhe sand are also perform in [23]. All
tests have the same initial void ratio (e0) of 0.53 after isotropic consolidation. Outputs of
standard triaxial compression tests [23] with a dense Karlsruhe sand at different cell
pressures are plotted in Fig. 4.4. The results show the trend: the stress deviator increases
with the cell pressure whereas the dilatancy decreases. The initial stiffness, the secant
stiffness and the differences between the peak strength and residual strength also
increase with cell pressure. Additionally, the numerical simulations of triaxial tests with
hypoplastic model parameters derived by Herle & Gudehus (Table 4.1) are also plotted
in Fig. 4.5.

Table 4.1: Hypoplastic parameters for Karlsruhe sand [19]

Parameters ϕc (o) hs (MPa) n ed0 ec0 e i0 α β
Values 30 5800 0.28 0.53 0.84 1.0 0.13 1.0

Fig. 4.4: Measured results of triaxial compression tests with Karlsruhe sand [23].
Numbers donate the cell pressure in MPa

Once again, drained triaxial tests are also performed in Plaxis 2D using the Soil
test facility. The void ratio at zero pressure also calculated using Bauer’s formula to
make sure that the initial void ratio reaches the value of 0.53 at the cell pressure as in
measurements. The results are plotted in Fig. 4.6.
As can be seen that the simulated results from Plaxis 2D are completely the
same as the simulated results by Herle & Gudehus [19]. These simulated results fit the
measured ones also very well. There is only a small difference results in terms of the
peak strength and the residual strength at very high cell pressure.

Fig. 4.5: Simulated resulst of triaxial compression tests with Karlsruhe sand [19]
using the HP model

3,500 6
3,000 5

Stress deviator (kPa)

200kPa 4

Volumetric strain (%)

2,000 300kPa
1,500 400kPa
1,000 500kPa

600kPa 1

800kPa 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Vertical deformation (%) -1
Vertical deformation (%)

Fig. 4.6: Simulated results of triaxial compression tests from Soil test in Plaxis 2D
with Karlsruhe sand using the HP model

4.3 Sensitivity of the hypoplastic parameters

4.3.1 Parameter variation

The hypoplastic parameters for Baskarp sand in which they were derived from
laboratory tests by Elmi Anaraki [13] are chosen as a reference set (see Table 4.2). Then
each parameter is varied by increasing 30% of the reference value while keeping the
others constant. Next, a drained triaxial test with different cell pressure and an
oedometer test are simulated in Plaxis 2D in order to see the influence of parameter

Table 4.2. Hypoplastic parameters for Baskarp sand [13]
Parameters ϕc (o) hs (MPa) n ed0 ec0 ei0 α β e0
Ref 30 4000 0.42 0.548 0.929 1.08 0.12 0.96 0.709
Changes 9 1200 0.126 0.164 0.279 0.324 0.036 0.288 0.213
+30% 39 5200 0.546 0.712 1.208 1.404 0.156 1.248 0.922

4.3.2 Influence of parametric variation on drained triaxial tests

Fig. 4.7 shows the numerically simulated response of drained triaxial tests for varying
the initial void ratio. As can be seen, the initial void ratio has a big influence on the soil
response. As expected, an increase of the initial void ratio leads to a significant
reduction of the strength, stiffness and dilatancy. But, the dependence on cell pressure
decreases with the increase of the initial void ratio.

600 3.0
Ref, s3=100
500 Ref, s3=200
2.0 +30%, s3=100
+30%, s3=200
q (kPa)

ε v (%)

Ref, s3=100 ε 1(%)
100 Ref, s3=200
+30%, s3=100 0.0
ε 1 (%) +30%, s3=200 0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4.7: Influence of initial void ratio (e0) on drained triaxial test

1200 3.0
Ref, s3=100
1000 Ref, s3=100 Ref, s3=200
Ref, s3=200
800 +30%, s3=100 2.0 +30%, s3=100
+30%, s3=200 +30%, s3=200
q (kPa)

ε v (%)


200 ε 1(%)
ε 1 (%) 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4.8: Influence of ϕc on drained triaxial test

On the other hand, the critical friction angle has the positive effect on the peak
strength, the residual strength and the initial stiffness. An increase of the critical friction
angle results in the rise of those values. The dilatancy angle also enhances with smaller
influence however. Different from the initial void ratio, the dependence on cell pressure
increases with the increase of the critical friction angle.
The influence of the granulate hardness hs and exponent n can be seen on
the Fig. 4.9 and Fig. 4.10. Both parameters have more or less the same influences on the
soil behaviour as they are the stiffness parameters and determined as a pair. Only initial
stiffness is slightly increased by rising the granulate hardness, other influences can be
negligible. On the other hand, the higher of exponent n causes the noteworthy raise of
initial stiffness. A reduction of this exponent delays the happening of dilatant behaviour,
but does not influence the dilatancy angle. The peak strength and residual strength
mostly are not influenced by both hs and n parameters.

600 3.0
Ref, s3=100
500 Ref, s3=200
400 2.0 +30%, s3=100
+30%, s3=200
q (kPa)

ε v (%)

200 Ref, s3=100
Ref, s3=200
+30%, s3=100
+30%, s3=200 ε 1(%)
ε 1 (%) 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4.9: Influence of hs on drained triaxial test

600 3.0
Ref, s3=100
Ref, s3=200
400 2.0 +30%, s3=100
+30%, s3=200
q (kPa)

ε v (%)

200 Ref, s3=100
Ref, s3=200
100 +30%, s3=100 ε 1(%)
ε 1 (%) +30%, s3=200 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4.10: Influence of n on drained triaxial test

As can be seen in Fig. 4.11 and Fig. 4.12, the limit void ratios ed 0 and ec 0
have the same influence on the dilatant behaviour. Its higher values lead to the strongly
dilatancy behaviour of the soil. However, ed 0 shows stronger influences on initial
stiffness and strength. Especially, the higher value of ed 0 causes a significant increase
of the peak strength and a small increase of the residual strength. The bigger cell
pressure also result in the larger differences of the stiffness and strength.
The influence of the limit void ratio ei 0 and the exponent β can be
considered as the same. Only small increment of the initial stiffness can be found when
enhancing these parameters. Its effects on the strength and dilatancy behaviour are
negligible. Finally, the exponent α has the similar impacts on the soil behaviour as the
limit void ratio ec 0 . Both the strength and the dilatancy angle increase when increasing
the exponent α . However, its influence on initial stiffness is little.

1200 6.0
Ref, s3=100 Ref, s3=100
1000 Ref, s3=200 5.0 Ref, s3=200
+30%, s3=100
800 +30%, s3=200 4.0 +30%, s3=100
q (kPa)

+30%, s3=200
600 3.0
ε v (%)

ε 1 (%)
0 ε 1(%)
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4.11: Influence of ed 0 on drained triaxial test

700 4.0
600 Ref, s3=100
Ref, s3=200
500 3.0
+30%, s3=100
q (kPa)

+30%, s3=200
300 2.0
ε v (% )

200 Ref, s3=100

Ref, s3=200
100 +30%, s3=100 1.0
ε 1 (%) +30%, s3=200
ε 1(%)
0 2 4 6 8 10 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4.12: Influence of ec 0 on drained triaxial test

600 3.0
Ref, s3=100
500 Ref, s3=200
400 2.0 +30%, s3=100
+30%, s3=200
q (kPa)


ε v (%)
Ref, s3=100
Ref, s3=200
100 +30%, s3=100 ε 1(%)
ε 1 (%) +30%, s3=200 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4.13: Influence of ei 0 on drained triaxial test

700 3.0
Ref, s3=100
Ref, s3=200
500 2.0 +30%, s3=100
+30%, s3=200
q (kPa)

400 ε v (%)
200 Ref, s3=100
Ref, s3=200
100 +30%, s3=100 ε 1(%)
ε 1 (%) +30%, s3=200 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4.14: Influence of a on drained triaxial test

600 3.0
Ref, s3=100
Ref, s3=200
400 2.0 +30%, s3=100
q (kPa)

+30%, s3=200
ε v (%)

200 Ref, s3=100
Ref, s3=200
100 +30%, s3=100 ε 1(%)
ε 1 (%) +30%, s3=200 0.0
0 0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4.15: Influence of β on drained triaxial test

To summarise, the initial void ratio controls the soil behaviour as it is a state
variable in the hypoplastic model. A reduction of the void ratio leads to a significant
increase of the initial stiffness and strength. A stronger dilatancy also occurs with a
reduction of the initial void ratio. As can be seen, the dilatancy behaviour strongly

influenced by ed 0 and ec 0 , a smaller impact can be found from ϕc and α , while the
influence from other parameters can be negligible. This means that the increase of ed 0
and ec 0 lead to the significance of the dilatancy angle but smaller increase for ϕc and
α . In terms of the strength, the biggest influence is caused by ϕc , followed by ed 0 ,
ec 0 and α . This soil property is not controlled by hs , n , ei 0 and β . Finally, the
initial stiffness are mainly controlled by ϕc , n , and ed 0 , other parameters only
include little influence on the initial stiffness.

4.3.3 Influence of parametric variation on oedometer tests

Similarly, the influence of individual parameter on an oedometer test is also

investigated. The parameter set for Baskarp sand is also given in Table 4.2. In the
simulations, the axial stress is increased until 10 MPa to make sure that a large stress
range is covered. As can be seen in Fig. 4.16, the initial void ratio has a significant
influence on the stiffness. The higher initial void ratio leads to the decrease of the
stiffness. This decrease is larger with stress level. The critical friction angle also has a
slight influence on the stiffness at high stress level.
On the other hand, the stiffness increases when enhancing other remaining
parameters. But their importances are different. The exponent n has a huge influence,
followed by ed 0 , ei 0 , hs and β . Finally, the exponent α , ec 0 and ϕc have only a
slight effect on the stiffness at high stress level.

10000 10000
Ref Ref
8000 +30% e0 8000 +30%

6000 6000
q (kPa)
q (kPa)

4000 4000

2000 2000
ε 1 (%) ε 1 (%)
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 4.16: Influence of initial void ratio (left) and ϕc (right) on oedometer test

10000 10000
8000 +30% hs 8000

6000 6000

q (kPa)
q (kPa)

4000 4000

2000 2000 +30% n

ε 1 (%) ε 1 (%)
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 4.17: Influence of hs (left) and n (right) on oedometer test

10000 10000
8000 8000
+30% ec

6000 6000
q (kPa)
q (kPa)

4000 Ref 4000

+30% ed
2000 2000
ε 1 (%) ε 1 (%)
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 4.18: Influence of ed 0 (left) and ec 0 (right) on oedometer test

+30% ei

q (kPa)


ε 1 (%)
0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 4.19: Influence of ei 0 on oedometer test

10000 10000
Ref Ref
8000 +30% alpha 8000 +30% beta

6000 6000
q (kPa)

q (kPa)
4000 4000

2000 2000
ε 1 (%) ε 1 (%)
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 4.20: Influence of α (left) and β (right) on oedometer test

4.4 Effects of intergranular strain

4.4.1 Intergranular strain parameters for Karlsruhe sand

As mentioned the hypoplastic model developed by many authors (e.g. Kolymbas [22],
Gudehus [16], Bauer [3]) does not account for an excessive accumulation of
deformation for small stress cycles. Then the concept of intergranular strain (IGS) is
introduced by Niemunis & Herle [28] to take this behaviour into consideration. Here, a
stress cycle during an oedometer compression and triaxial tests are simulated using
Plaxis 2D in order to verify the effect of intergranular strain. Its results are compared for
the case of using the intergranular strain and not used. Karlsruhe sand is selected to
examine this behaviour. The intergranular strain parameters of Karlsruhe sand defined
by Niemunis & Herle [28] are given in the Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 Parameters for intergranular strain for Karlsruhe sand [28]
Parameters mT mR Rmax βr χ
Values 2 5 0.0001 0.5 6.0

4.4.2 Simulation of oedometer test

An oedometer compression test is simply modelled in Plaxis 2D by mean of an

axisymmetric mesh. The dimensions of the model are a square of 1 m. These
dimensions does not influence the results, provided that the soil weight is not taken into
account [5]. The right and left sides of model are applied horizontal fixities so that
similar the real situations in an oedometer test. The bottom is fixed both horizontally

and vertically. Also a distributed load is applied on the top.
In order to simulate a stress cycle during compression test, the distributed load
is increased step by step, subsequently it is un-loaded and re-loaded at certain stress
range. As a result, in the calculation phases, the distributed load is increased from 0 kPa
to 100, 300, 1000 and 2000 kPa respectively. Then, this load is cycled between 1000
kPa and 2000 kPa.
These analyses are carried out on Karlsruhe sand. First, the HP model with
parameters defined by Herle and Gudehus [19] given in Table 4.1 is used. This model
does not include the intergranular strain. Next, the IGS given in Table 4.3 is involved in
the HP model in order to see the effect of the intergranular strain. Both results are
plotted in Fig. 4.22. It is evident that the HP model with IGS accumulates much less
strain than for the case not using IGS.

Distributed load
1.0 m

1.0 m

Fig. 4.21: Simplified modelling of an oedometer test

7.0 7.0
With IGS Without IGS
6.0 6.0

5.0 5.0
Vertical strain (-)

Vertical strain (-)

4.0 4.0

3.0 3.0

2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0
Vertical stress (kPa) Vertical stress (kPa)
0.0 0.0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Fig. 4.22: Oedometer compression stress cycles

4.4.3 Simulation of triaxial test

Similarly, a drained triaxial test is also simply modelled in Plaxis 2D by mean of an

axisymmetric mesh. The dimensions of the model are also a square of 1 m. Once again,
these dimensions does not influence the results, provided that the soil weight is not
taken into account [5]. However, only the left side of model are applied horizontal
fixities while the bottom is fixed both horizontally and vertically. The distributed load is
applied on the top and the right side.
The simulation of the triaxial test under stress cycle is performed as the
following. First, the distributed load of 100 kPa is applied on the top and the right side
in order to create the confining pressure. Then all displacements from this phase are
reset to zero. Subsequently, the vertical load is increased gradually until 200, 300 and
400 kPa respectively, while the horizontal load is kept constant at 100 kPa. After that,
the vertical load is cycled between 300 kPa and 400 kPa.
Karlsruhe sand is used in this analysis. As can be seen from Fig. 4.24, the
effect of the intergranular strain is evident under stress cycle. The use of IGS also leads
to the very small accumulation of strain.

Distributed load
1.0 m

1.0 m

Fig. 4.23: Simplified modelling of a drained triaxial test

500 500
With IGS Without IGS

400 400
Deviatoric stress (kPa)

Deviatoric stress (kPa)

300 300

200 200

100 100

Axial strain (-) Axial strain (-)

0 0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Fig. 4.24: Drained triaxial stress cycles

4.4.4 Sensitivity of IGS parameters

This section evaluates the sensitivity of the simulated response of triaxial and
oedometer tests to parametric variation of intergranular strain parameters. As mentioned,
the intergranuar strain includes 5 parameters. However, the increase of granular
stiffness for 90o and 180o change of strain path direction by the factor mT and mR are
usually taken the value of 2.0 and 5.0 respectively, as the “rule of thumb”. The radius of
elastic range R varies between 10-7 and 10-3, but normally is taken as 10-4. As a result,
this section only considers the variation of parameters βr and χ.
As can be seen from Fig. 4.25, the change of βr only influences the initial
stiffness on the triaxial test. Obviously, this effect only occurs at very small strain. The
increase of βr leads to the decrease of the initial stiffness and delays the occurrence of
the dilatancy behaviour but does not influence on the magnitude of dilatancy angle. In
the oedometer test, the increase of βr also results in the decrease of the modulus at high
stress level (Fig. 4.26).
On the other hand, the parameter χ has different effects on the soil response.
The increase of this parameter leads to an increase of the initial stiffness, but speeds up
the occurrence of dilatancy behaviour. Once again the increase of χ also results in an
increase of the modulus at high stress level in the oedometer test.

250 1.0
0.3 0.5
0.5 1.0
150 1.0
q (kPa)

ε v (%)
ε 1 (%)
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
-50 ε 1(%)

Fig. 4.25: Influence of β r on drained triaxial test

4000 0.5

q (kPa)


ε 1 (%)
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 4.26: Influence of β r on oedometer test

250 1.0
2.0 6.0
6.0 10.0
150 10.0
q (kPa)

ε v (%)

ε 1(%)
ε 1 (%)
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5


Fig. 4.27: Influence of χ on drained triaxial test

4000 6.0

q (kPa)

ε 1 (%)

0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 4.28: Influence of χ on oedometer test

4.5 Conclusion

A series of drained triaxial tests using the HP model without IGS are simulated by using
the Soil test facility in Plaxis 2D. These results show good agreements with other
numerical and measured results for both Baskarp and Karlsruhe sands. Especially, the
simulated results on dense sand show the softening behaviour after the peak strength has
been reached that reflecting the real soil behaviour in drained triaxial tests. This
phenomenon overcomes the limitations of the HS model. There is only a small
difference of the peak strength at very high cell pressure. Moreover, the shortcoming of
the HP model as an excessive accumulation of deformation for small stress cycles is
improved by the introduction of the intergranular strain, is also examined. The
numerical results show that, the accumulation of deformation is much smaller when the
intergranular strain is included in the HP model. If combined with the characteristic of
the HP model that given in conclusion part of Chapter 3, subsequently, the HP model
seems to be a good model to simulate the real soil behaviour which occurs in driven
As can be seen from the simulations, the initial void ratio (e0) controls the soil
behaviour as it is a state variable in the hypoplastic model. A reduction of the void ratio
leads to a significant increase of the stiffness and strength of the soil. A stronger
dilatancy also occurs with a reduction of the initial void ratio.
From the simulations of drained triaxial and oedometer tests, it is shown that
individual parameters have a different influence on the soil response. Among other
parameters ϕc , ec 0 , and ed 0 have the significant influence on the soil response in
triaxial tests. The parameters ei 0 and β only have a small effect in terms of the initial
stiffness. On the other hand, the exponent n has a huge influence on oedometer tests,
followed by ed 0 , ei 0 , hs and β . The exponent α and ec 0 only have slight effects
on the stiffness at high stress level.

Finally, the influences of intergranular strain parameters are only found at very
small strain and high pressure. An increase of βr leads to a decrease of the initial
stiffness and delays the occurrence of the dilatancy behaviour but does not have an
influence on the magnitude of dilatancy angle. In the oedometer test, an increase of βr
also results in a decrease of the modulus at high stress level. On the other hand, the
influences of the parameter χ on soil response are reversed in comparison with the
parameter βr.

Chapter 5

5 Numerical Modelling of Pile Jacking

5.1 Introduction

Driven piles have been commonly used as a technical solution for deep foundations.
Consequently, many case studies have been executed to describe the soil behaviour in
driven piles, not only experimental but also analytical or numerical methods [1, 10, 15,
33]. However, the soil behaviour around a driven pile is not completely understood.
Even that the results from some experiments are not totally in accordant (e.g.[25, 37]).
Obviously, in driven piles the surrounding soil is distorted and compacted, leading to
the continuous changing of stresses and void ratio. In the FEM, the modeling of the pile
installation effect becomes difficult, due to the limited knowledge of the soil behaviour
and large displacements during the installation process [11]. A series of studies using
the FEM investigate the soil behaviour in driven piles, but the outcomes are still not
totally reasonable in comparison with experimental results [6, 12, 13]. Hence, it is very
important to have an appropriate model that can simulate the real soil behaviour and
soil-pile interaction caused by the pile installation process. As mentioned in Chapter 4,
the hypoplastic model is a currently good model to simulate the real soil behaviour
which occurs in driven piles. As a result, this chapter will focus on the investigation of
the soil behaviour in driven piles with respect to a jacked pile method. A conventional
small strain analysis is used in a commercially available FEM package, Plaxis 2D [5].
The hypoplastic model with intergranular strain is chosen for the simulation of the soil
However, it is confirmed that it is impossible to model completely the pile
installation process, in which the pile is jacked continuously from the surface to its final
installation depth in Plaxis 2D finite element code [6]. Therefore, this study aims to find a
suitable procedure in order to model properly the installation effect at final depth of the
penetration. Then the changes of the soil behaviour will be evaluated in term of stress and
void ratio. The basic principle are based on the proposals as showed in [6], [33]. They

suggested that it is possible to model the installation effect by increasing the volume of the
pile cluster by volumetric expansion or applying prescribed displacements at the pile-soil
boundary. Then the numerical results are validated by means of comparison with centrifuge
pile test performed in [10].

5.2 Centrifuge pile test

The centrifuge pile test performed by Dijkstra et al. [10] is chosen to validate the
numerical simulation of the installation effect of pile jacking. During the test, the
continuous changing of the soil porosity near the pile shaft is evaluated from the change
in electric resistance of the saturated soil. Moreover, the load-displacement curves are
also produced.

5.2.1 Test set-up

In these tests, a closed-ended model pile with a 405 mm length and 15 mm diameter are
used. For a 35g test, this would represent a real pile of approximately 14 m in length and
0.5 m in diameter. The pile already initially embedded by 205 mm into the sand. Then it is
hydraulically jacked a further 200 mm into the soil body. Three sensors are attached at
certain positions on the pile shaft in order to measure the density changes during the
installation process. Moreover, the forces on the pile head and pile base and the
displacement of the pile head are also continuously measured. (See Fig. 5.1).

Fig. 5.1: Pile model set-up [10]

Baskarp sand is used as the material for the soil body. First, the pile model is
fixed in the model container. Then the sand is pumped in until certain level so that the
pile is embedded a length of 205 mm. By this way, the loosest state of the soil body is
created with an initial porosity (n) of about 0.455. The denser states are made by using a
shock wave, allowing the sand to consolidate.

5.2.2 Test results

Dijkstra J. et al. [10] carried out five tests in which the initial porosity ranges from 0.386
to 0.439. His results showed a significant increase of measured force on the pile head and
pile base when the porosity changes from the loose to dense condition. At the installation
level of 200 mm, the measured force on the pile head is 85% bigger than those on the pile
base with the dense sand while for the medium and loose sand the differences are 55%
and 42% respectively. This trend shows the reasonable soil behaviour that the shaft
friction for dense case is much higher for either medium or loose case. However, there are
big discrepancies of these forces for dense case in comparison with medium and loose
cases. The detailed results are shown on the Fig. 5.2.

Fig. 5.2: Measured force (kN) on the pile head (left) and pile base (right)
during installation [10]
In terms of porosity changes, the results show that there is an increase of the
porosity near the pile shaft during the installation process. Generally, the porosity at the
instrument level 2 is little higher than either at the instrument level 1 or 3. Besides, the
porosity at the instrument level 3 rises gradually over the penetration depth of the pile,
while the porosity at the instrument level 1 increased very fast until 40 mm of the
penetration depth then stays stable until the end. Unfortunately, no clear relation
between the development of the porosity and the penetration depth could be found.
Furthermore, the effect of the initial relative density on the change of the porosity is not
discovered (see Fig. 5.3)

Fig. 5.3: Measured change of porosity during pile installation at instrument level 1 (left),
level 2 (right) and level 3 (below) [10]

Three samples are selected from Dijkstra’s experiments for comparison with
the FE, representing three conditions: dense (no = 0.389), medium dense (no = 0.415)
and loose (no =0.439). The results at 200 mm of installation depth show that the void
ratios near by pile shaft increase by in average of 18%, 16% and 14% for dense,
medium dense and loose sands respectively. Moreover, there is a significant increment
in the vertical stress at the pile tip when the soil condition changes from the loose to
dense state. These results will be used to evaluate the numerical simulation (Table 5.1).

Table 5.1: Void ratio and vertical stress at 200 mm of the installation depth
Case Initial Initial Void Void Void Average Average
porosity void ratio ratio ratio void ratio σyy (kPa)
no ratio, at level at level at level at pile at
eo 1 2 3 shaft pile tip
Dense 0.389 0.637 0.692 0.767 0.802 0.754 18,150
Medium 0.415 0.709 0.835 0.841 0.792 0.823 6,507
Loose 0.439 0.783 0.883 0.919 0.876 0.893 4,244

5.3 Numerical modeling of pile jacking

In this analysis, a procedure is described to simulate the pile installation process in the
FEM by a commercially available package, Plaxis 2D. Since it is proved impossible to
model the pile installation process, jacking from the surface in Plaxis 2D [6], therefore
the pile is modeled at its final depth of the penetration. Then the stresses and void ratio,
after the installation process of the numerical simulation, are compared with those
obtained from the centrifuge pile test (see Table 5.1).

5.3.1 Mesh and boundary conditions

Pile (red region)


Part 1

3.5 m
Finer zone (yellow region)

3.5 m Part 2

Part 3

14 m

15 m

Fig. 5.4: Model geometry (left) and numerical mesh (right)

The numerical simulations are performed using Plaxis 2D [5] in which the geometry is
defined in an axisymmetric mesh. In this analysis, the pile dimensions are 14 m length
and 0.5 m diameter so that representing the pile model in the centrifuge test [10]. The
boundaries are chosen such that their influence is negligible. As the result, the width
and the length of the mesh are 15 m and 30 m respectively. The soil cluster is modeled

by 15-noded triangular elements. The left and the right sides of the geometry are applied
horizontal fixities whereas the bottom is fixed both horizontally and vertically.
In order to get a better prediction of the soil behavior around the pile, where a
big displacement occurs, a zone near the pile is refined (Fig. 5.4). This requirement is
realized by choosing a different Local element size factor in Plaxis 2D. Firstly, three
points (point number 7, 8 and 9 in Fig. 5.5) are added to make a cluster near the pile.
Subsequently, the Local element size factor at point numbers 0, 2 and 3 (Fig. 5.5) are
reset to 2.0 while the remaining points are reset to 0.1. By this way, the mesh is shown
in the Fig. 5.4. Since the pile model in the centrifuge test is already embedded 205 mm
in the sand body before jacking hydraulically a further 200 mm. Thus, in the numerical
model, a transitional zone is created at the middle of the pile cluster (point 11 and 12) to
transit from the part 1 (from the surface to the level of 7 m depth) to the part 2 (from the
level of 7 m depth to the pile tip), in which they show a different behaviour due to the
installation process (see Fig. 5.4 and Fig. 5.5 for more detail).

10 9 2

Pile D=0.5m


Transitional zone

12 30m

Finer zone


6 5

7 8

0 3

Fig. 5.5: Detailed pile model (left) and prescribed displacements (right)

5.3.2 Simulation of installation effect

Robinsky and Morrison [32] Chong [8]

Fig. 5.6: Observed changes in density during the installation

Fig. 5.7: Displacement field during the installation [7]

In the centrifuge test, the pile initially embeds by 205 mm into the sand and is
hydraulically jacked a further 200 mm into the soil. Logically, in the part 1 of the
numerical model (from the surface to the level of 7 m depth) the pile is moved vertically
and continuously leading to the mostly vertical movement of the soil particles close to
the pile shaft, when going further from the pile shaft the soil body can be considered
stable. However, the soil surrounding the pile in the part 2 (from the level of 7 m depth

to the pile tip) behaves in a different way during the pile installation. Near the pile shaft,
the soil particles move both vertically and horizontally, subsequently leading to a
dilating zone [8, 15, 32], whilst at a further distance the soil body is densified and
compacted [8, 18]. Furthermore, the soil skeletons below the pile tip (part 3) express the
outward and downward movement from the axis of the pile [7]. As a result, the models
need to consider a different behaviour of the soil body in three parts.
The fundamental principles of modelling the pile installation using regular FEM
are based on the proposals as showed by Broere & Van Tol [6] and Said et al. [33], where
the installation effect is taken into account by applying prescribed displacements at the
pile-soil boundary. In their analyses, the horizontal prescribed displacement is applied at the
pile shaft while the vertical prescribed displacement is applied at the pile tip. By this way,
the bearing capacity of the pile founded from the FEM fits relatively well to the
experimental results [6]. However, these simulations lead to an incompatibility at the corner
of the pile in which different directions of the prescribed displacements are applied at the
corner point. These problems will be considered in this analysis. In order to model more or
less properly the soil behaviour due to installation effect in the jacking pile method as in the
centrifuge tests, it is recommended as the following:

• Along the pile shaft (part 1) is only applied the vertical prescribed displacement.
• Along the pile shaft (part 2) and below the pile tip (part 3) is applied both
horizontal and vertical prescribed displacements.
• However, care should be taken at the corner point (point 5) and the center point
(point 6) of the pile tip. In order to make the compatibility with the pile shaft
movement, the magnitude of the horizontal prescribed displacement at the point 5
must be equal to those applied along the pile shaft (part 2). Furthermore, no
horizontal displacement is applied at the center point (point 6) of the pile tip due to
axisymmetric geometry.
• Additionally, two transitional points are added at the pile-soil boundary (point 11
and 12) in order to transit the differences of the prescribed displacements between
part 1 and 2.

5.3.3 Constitutive model and parameters

All analyses are realized on saturated Baskarp sand as performed in the centrifuge tests.
Baskarp sand is an uniform sand, the grains are classified as angular to sub-angular with
D50 of approximately 140 µm [13]. This sand has a total unit weight of 20 kN/m3, a
fiction angle of 37o and a dilatancy angle of 8o[10]. Dijkstra et al. [10] carried out five
tests in which the initial porosity ranges from 0.386 to 0.439 (the initial void ratio
ranges from 0.629 to 0.783). However, for the validation of the numerical simulation,

first the medium dense sample (eo = 0.709) is selected to define the appropriate
prescribed displacements applied at the pile-soil boundary. Then these values are
verified again with dense sample (eo = 0.637) and loose sample (eo = 0.783).
In the FEM, the hypoplastic model formulated by Von Wolfferdorff [36] is
used for the soil material. All parameters are derived from laboratory tests in [13] given
in the Table 5.2. For this model, the soil behaviour is defined by the stress history and
the current void ratio. However, the excessive accumulation of strains and stresses due
to cyclic loadings is still a drawback of the hypoplastic model [14]. Later, Niemunis and
Herle [28] have introduced an intergranular strain tensor as an additional state variable
to take this behaviour into account. In these analyses, the parameters for intergranular
strain are estimated by using the Soil tests facility in Plaxis 2D, in such a way that the
soil responses from the HP model without intergranular strain are similar to those
obtained from the HP model with intergranular strain (see appendix A for more detail).
The intergranular strain parameters are recommended in Table 5.3.

Table 5.2: Hypoplastic parameters for Baskarp sand [13]

Parameters ϕc (o) hs (MPa) n ed0 ec0 ei0 α β
Values 30 4000 0.42 0.548 0.929 1.08 0.12 0.96

Table 5.3: Estimated parameters of the intergranular strain for Baskarp sand
Parameters mT mR Rmax βr χ
Values 2 5 0.0001 1.0 2.0

5.3.4 Calculation procedures Initial stresses

In Plaxis 2D, the initial stresses in the soil body are influenced by the weight of the
material [5]. The initial horizontal stress is calculated from the initial vertical stress by
using Ko procedure (Ko = 1 - sinϕ). Furthermore, the water level is also selected at the
ground surface level to make a fully saturated soil mass.
For the hypoplastic model the void ratio is a state variable which is dependent on
the pressure level. Therefore, after the initial stresses are generated, the void ratio in the
soil body varies according to Bauer’s formula [3]. In the analysis, the stress level at the
middle cross-section A-A of the part 2 is chosen to define the initial void ratio (Fig. 5.4).
As a result, the initial void ratios at zero pressure using in Plaxis 2D is determined as eo =
0.720 (back-calculating for the mean stress using Bauer’s formula) in order to get the
similarly initial soil state for medium dense sample obtained from centrifuge test.

58 Calculation phases

This phase is applied directly after the initial phase. All calculation phases are carried
out under drained analysis. In order to simulate the installation effect of driven piles in
the numerical framework, the prescribed displacements are applied at the pile-soil
boundary as mentioned on the section 5.3.2. Care should be taken during this phase is
that all displacements from the initial phase are reset to zero. Secondly, the cluster
representing the pile is not activated to avoid the extension of the soil material.
Furthermore, the horizontal (∆ux) and vertical (∆uy) displacements are applied
simultaneously at pile-soil boundary to simulate the installation effect of driven pile, if
they are applied separately, leading to the inaccuracies of the numerical results. Finally,
to avoid a big distortion of the mesh in one phase, the horizontal and vertical
displacements are increased step by step and the check box “reset displacement to zero”
is not activated in these phases. The magnitudes of the prescribed displacements are
given in Tables 5.4 and Table 5.5 .

Table 5.4: Prescribed displacements applied in calculation phases

Point 10 & 11 Point 12 & 5 Point 6
∆x1(cm) ∆y1(cm) ∆x2(cm) ∆y2(cm) ∆x3(cm) ∆y3(cm)
Case 1 0 1 2 4 0 50
Case 2 0 1 6 4 0 50
Case 3 0 1 2 6 0 50
Case 4 0 2 18 8 0 74
Case 5 0 2 14 8 0 74
Case 6 0 2 16 8 0 74
Case 7 0 2 20 8 0 74
Case 8 0 2 22 8 0 74
Case 9 0 2 18 4 0 74
Case 10 0 2 18 6 0 74
Case 11 0 2 18 10 0 74
Case 12 0 2 18 12 0 74
Case 13 0 2 18 8 0 70
Case 14 0 2 18 8 0 72
Case 15 0 2 18 8 0 76
Case 16 0 2 18 8 0 78
Case 17 0 2 18 8 0 80
Dense 0 2 18 8 0 74
Loose 0 2 18 8 0 74

5.3.5 Numerical results

The first trial is made with a small magnitude of the prescribed displacements applied at
the pile-soil boundary. Then these values will change based on its results in terms of the
void ration distribution at the pile shaft and the average vertical stress at the pile tip. The
measured results from Dijkstra J. et al. [10] are used to validate the numerical results. In
the first analysis, the magnitudes of the horizontal (∆x2) and vertical (∆y2) prescribed
displacements applying at the part 2 of the model are 2.0 cm and 4.0 cm respectively.
Furthermore, the vertical prescribed displacements at the part 1 (∆y1) and part 3 (∆y3)
are correspondingly selected 1.0 cm and 50 cm. In the calculation phases, these
displacements are increased step by step to avoid a big distortion of the mesh in one
phase (the calculation phases include 20 steps).

Table 5.5: Prescribed displacements and numerical results

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 σ’yy
Case 1 2 2 3
e (-)
∆y (cm) ∆x (cm) ∆y (cm) ∆y (cm) (kPa)
Case 1 1 2 4 50 0.738 10,520
Case 2 1 6 4 50 0.761 8,290
Case 3 1 2 6 50 0.746 10,632
Case 4 2 18 8 74 0.821 6,586
Case 5 2 14 8 74 0.807 7,863
Case 6 2 16 8 74 0.814 7,213
Case 7 2 20 8 74 0.826 5,990
Case 8 2 22 8 74 0.831 5,447
Case 9 2 18 4 74 0.816 6,328
Case 10 2 18 6 74 0.819 6,432
Case 11 2 18 10 74 0.823 6,719
Case 12 2 18 12 74 0.825 6,818
Case 13 2 18 8 70 0.821 6,210
Case 14 2 18 8 72 0.821 6,447
Case 15 2 18 8 76 0.821 6,795
Case 16 2 18 8 78 0.821 6,955
Case 17 2 18 8 80 0.821 7,202
Dense 2 18 8 74 0.798 9,015
Loose 2 18 8 74 0.845 5,263

* The case gives expected result for medium dense sand

** and *** are cases for dense and loose sand respectively, remaining case for medium dense sand.

The results from the first analysis shows that there is an increase of the void
ratio along the pile shaft (part 2) leading to a shear band as mentioned by many authors
[8, 18, 32]. Especially, a compacted zone appears at a distance from the pile shaft which
is also found from the simulation of Henke & Grabe [18].The zone directly below the
pile tip is also loosened similar to the zone near the pile shaft and this phenomenon can
be considered similar to Chong’s findings [8]. So far, the results are quite promising
even the fact that the void ratio at the pile shaft is far small than the measured one and
the average vertical stress at the pile tip is much bigger than the measured one (see
Table 5.5 for more detail).
In the next steps, only the horizontal or vertical prescribed displacements at the
pile shaft (part 2) are changed while keeping those at other parts in order to see how the
change of the soil behaviour in terms of stresses and void ratio respect to displacement
changes. In general, when the horizontal displacement at the pile shaft (∆x2) is increased
leading to a raise of the void ratio at the pile shaft and a large reduction of the vertical
stress at the pile tip. The width of the shear band also increases. On the other hand,
when the vertical displacement at the pile shaft (∆y2) is increased, results in a small
growth of the void ratio at the pile shaft and the vertical stress at the pile tip. But the
width of the shear band decreases.
For the medium dense case, after varying the magnitudes of the prescribed
displacements, the numerical results fit very well with the centrifuge test results when
the magnitudes of the horizontal (∆x2) and vertical (∆y2) displacements applying at the
pile shaft are 18 cm (72% radius of the pile) and 8 cm (32% radius of the pile)
respectively while the vertical displacements (∆y3) applying at the pile tip to be 74 cm
(10.6% the length of the jacked pile). Then, the results from this case will be analyzed
in the following sections. Change of void ratio

Fig. 5.8 shows the void ratio around the jacked pile after 7 m of penetration in initially
medium dense Baskarp sand. As can be seen, the void ratio increases along the pile
shaft until the distance of approximately 1.0 to 1.5 times the diameter of the pile,
making a shear band as mentioned by Chong [8] or Henke & Grabe [18]. The width of
the shear band is larger than the previous authors’ finding, the reason could be due to the
properties of Baskarp sand itself with strongly dilatant behaviour. At a distance from the
pile shaft, the soil body is compacted leading to a decrease of the void ratio. The highest
degree of compaction is located near the pile tip. This compaction could be explained
by the increase of the volumetric strain at a zone close to the pile tip resulting in the
decrease of the volumetric strain in the compacted zone.


Fig. 5.8: Void ratio (left) and horizontal stress distribution (right) after 7 m of pile jacking

The effect of pile jacking at cross section A-A can be seen in Fig. 5.9. Until the
distance of 1D, the void ratio rises notably (5 to 15%) while between 2D and 10D the
soil is compacted. Additionally, below the pile tip the soil body is loosened up to a
distance of 3D. This loosening is shown much more than in the pile shaft, mostly by the
bigger prescribed displacements. This phenomenon is in good accordance with the
finding by Chong [8] for initially dense sand. This effect will be checked again for
initially loose sand, come later on.

10.5 m depth
0.80 13.0 m depth
Dilation initial
Void ratio (-)




0 5 10 15 20 25
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 5.9: Void ratio distribution at cross-section AA after 7 m of pile jacking

62 Stress distributions

It can be seen from Fig. 5.8 and Fig. 5.10 that the horizontal stress decreases by moving
away from the pile. The significant increase of horizontal stress can be found until the
distance of more than 5D. Moreover, there is also an increase of the horizontal stress
leading to an increase of the shear stress along the pile shaft (Fig. 5.11). These stress
distribution is similar to the measurements by White & Lehane [37]. But it differs from
the measured results by Klotz & Coop [20] as well as the numerical results by Broere &
Van Tol [6], in which the horizontal stress shows a decrease towards the pile tip.
Obviously, the ratio between the shear stress and the horizontal stress after installation is
smaller than in findings from Broere & Van Tol [6], could be due to smaller the
mobilized friction angle found in this analysis.


10.5 m depth
Horizontal stress (kPa)

13.0 m depth




0 4 8 12 16 20
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 5.10: Horizontal stress distribution at cross-section AA after 7 m of pile jacking

The vertical stress distribution can be seen in the Fig. 5.12, which reaches a
maximum value at the bottom of the pile. This maximum stress and a strong shear force
near the pile tip (Fig. 5.12) can lead to a stronger compaction of the soil around the pile
tip as mentioned before. This phenomenon fit quite well with finding by Henke &
Grabe [18]. However, a strange zone appears at the corner of the pile which is similar to
the horizontal and shear stresses. This drawback could be due to the numerical scheme
with large displacement below the pile tip.
The total displacement of the soil body can be seen in Fig. 5.13. Here, the
irregular movements of the soil particles close to the pile tip results in an appearance of
the strange zone as mentioned before. Furthermore, the rotation of the principal stress
direction near pile corner can be observed.

-4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000

σ_xy -1.0



Depth (m)



Stresses (kPa)

Fig. 5.11: Horizontal and shear stresses distribution along the pile shaft after 7 m of pile jacking

Fig. 5.12: Vertical stress (left) and shear stress distribution (right) after 7 m of pile jacking

Fig. 5.13: Total displacement field after 7 m of pile jacking

Fig. 5.14: Principal stresses direction after 7 m of pile jacking Void ratio evolution

In Fig. 5.15, the evolution of the void ratio during the simulation of the installation
effect of several points is plotted (see point locations in Fig. 5.8). Both point S (near the
pile shaft) and point T (below the pile tip) display a dilatant behaviour. This can be
explained by an increase of the volumetric strain accompanied by an increase of the
prescribed displacements at the pile-soil boundary. However, point T shows higher the
void ratio and the mean stress at every calculation phases due to higher values of
prescribed displacements of point T. On the other hand, at point R (a distance of 2D
from the pile), there is a compaction. This occurs as an decrease of the volumetric strain
at this point that explained before. So far, this procedure gives promising result in terms
of the void ratio evolution. By increasing displacements at the pile-soil boundary step

by step, the soil behaviour a round a driven pile is more or less similar to the reality.



Void ratio (-)

Point S
Point T
Point R

10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000
Mean effective stress (kPa)

Fig. 5.15: Void ratio evolution during the jacking phases, the point locations
according to Fig. 5.8

5.3.6 Influence of prescribed displacements

In this section, the influences of the prescribed displacements on the soil behaviour in
terms of stresses and void ratio are investigated. The case 4 (Table 5.5) is chosen as the
reference case. First, only the horizontal displacement at the pile shaft (part 2) is varied
while keeping the others constant. Similarly, the sensitivity of the soil behaviour around
the pile to the variation of the vertical displacement at the pile shaft (part 2) and at the
pile tip is also investigated.


Vertical variation
Void ratio (-)



Horizontal variation
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Horizontal and vertical displacements (cm)

Fig. 5.16: Influence of prescribed displacements at the pile shaft on void ratio

As can be seen, the void ratio at the pile shaft linearly increase accompanied by
the rise of either the horizontal or vertical displacements at the pile shaft. But, the
horizontal component shows a higher influence than the vertical one on the soil
behaviour in terms of the bandwidth and the void ratio (see Fig. 5.16).


Effective vertical stress (kPa)

Vertical variation



Horizontal variation
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Horizontal and vertical displacements (cm)

Fig. 5.17: Influence of prescribed displacements at the pile shaft on effective vertical stress

On the other hand, the effective vertical stress at the pile tip increases when
rising the vertical component but decreases when increasing the horizontal component
(Fig. 5.17). Once again, the horizontal displacement shows a stronger influence than
vertical displacement. This finding is also confirmed by Broere & Van Tol [6].
Moreover, the vertical stress at the pile tip also linearly increase accompanied by the
rise of the vertical displacements at the pile tip (Fig. 5.18).

Effective vertical stress (kPa)




Vertical variation

68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82
Vertical displacements (cm)

Fig. 5.18: Influence of prescribed displacements at the pile tip on effective vertical stress

Finally, the dense sample (eo = 0.637) and loose sample (eo = 0.783) are
investigated by applying the same amounts of the prescribed displacements at the

pile-soil boundary as for medium dense sample. For the dense case, the results
demonstrate a higher void ratio than the measured one at the pile shaft but much lower
the vertical stress as expected at the pile tip. These discrepancies can be solved by
reducing the amount of the horizontal displacement at the pile shaft and increase the
amount of the vertical displacement at the pile tip. For the loose sample, the differences
are also found but reversely to the dense case. Moreover, no compaction zone can be
found below the pile tip for the loose case as mentioned by Chong [8]. From this point,
it could be concluded that there may be a relation between the amount of the prescribed
displacements applied at the pile-soil boundary and the relative density or density index.
The higher relative density leads to the higher prescribed displacements applied at the
pile tip but the smaller prescribed displacements at the pile shaft.

5.3.7 Modelling of shearing effect

This section investigates the bearing capacity of the model pile in terms the evaluation
of the shaft friction. After applying the horizontal and vertical prescribed displacements
at the pile-soil boundary in order to simulate the installation effects, the pile is allowed
to shear by increasing the vertical component at the pile shaft while keeping the
horizontal component, subsequently the soil close to the pile shaft come to the critical
state (failure). At this state, the shear strength of the soil is equal to the shear stress.
As can be seen in Fig. 5.19, the horizontal stress at a reference point (point S as
shown in Fig. 5.8) increases gradually during the jacking phases. However, it decreases
rapidly due to the shearing process, subsequently becomes plateau at failure. The
horizontal stress at failure is much smaller than after jacking phases, reduced by 80%.
On the other hand, the shear stress at failure is only smaller of 9% than that after jacking
phases. During the shearing phases, the shear stress increases enormously at the
beginning then decreases steadily until the failure (Fig. 5.20).
Taking the ratio between the shear stress and the horizontal stress, the
mobilised friction angle can be calculated (tanδ = σxy/ σxx) in Fig. 5.21. The results show
that these values are small and mostly remain constant during the jacking phases. This
phenomenon is also found by Klotz & Coop [20]. However, during the shearing phases,
the mobilised friction angle is in the range of 30o and 28o. It mean that only the friction
reduction factor R = 0.87 and 0.82 could be found at peak state and at failure
respectively (the internal friction angle of medium sand is ϕ = 34.5o, see appendix B for
more detail)

Point S


Horizontal stress (kPa)



Jacking phases Shearing phases
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Vertical displacement (cm)

Fig. 5.19: Horizontal stress development during shearing process

Point S

Shear stress (kPa)




Shearing phases
Jacking phases
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Vertical displacement (cm)

Fig. 5.20: Shear stress development during shearing process

Point S
Mobilised friction angle (o)


Jacking phases Shearing phases


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Vertical displacement (cm)

Fig. 5.21: Mobilised friction angle development during shearing process

Fig. 5.22 shows the stress path p-q at point S. During the jacking phases, there
is a linear increase of the effective mean stress p’ with the deviatoric tress q. However, it
decreases in the shearing phases accompanied by a reduction of the deviatoric stress q.
Moreover, it can be seen in Fig. 5.23 that the volumetric strain at point S increases in
both the jacking phases and shearing phases due to an increment of the prescribed
displacements applied at the pile-soil boundary. This phenomenon leads to an increase
of the void ratio as seen in Fig. 5.24. Lastly, the void ratio evolution at point S is plotted
in Fig. 5.25. Clearly, the dilatant behaviour occurs in both the jacking phases and
shearing phases and this void ratio reaches the critical line at the end of the shearing
phases (at failure).

Point S
Deviatoric stress q (kPa)


600 Shearing phases

Jacking phases


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Mean stress p' (kPa)

Fig. 5.22: Stress path in p-q plane during shearing process

Point S
Volumetric strain x 1000 (-)

Jacking phases


20 Shearing phases

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Vertical displacement (cm)

Fig. 5.23: Volumetric strain development during shearing process

Jacking phases: Increasing both the horizontal and vertical displacements simultaneously.
Shearing phases: Increasing the vetertical displacements while keeping the horizontal displacement

Point S

Jacking phases

Void ratio e (-)


Shearing phases

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Vertical displacement (cm)

Fig. 5.24: Void ratio development during shearing process

Shearing phases
Void ratio (-)

Jacking phases

0.30 ed
Point S

10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 1000000
Mean effective stress (kPa) 0

Fig. 5.25: Void ratio evolution in e-p’ plot during shearing process

5.4 Conclusion

This chapter proposes a procedure to simulate the pile installation process in Plaxis 2D,
based on the suggestions as showed by Broere & Van Tol [6] and Said et al. [33], where the
installation effect is taken into account by applying the prescribed displacements at the
pile-soil boundary. The centrifuge pile test performed by Dijkstra et al. [10] is chosen in
order to validate the numerical simulation. The hypoplastic model formulated by Von
Wolfferdorff [36] with the intergranular strain is used for the soil material. The
hypoplastic parameters are derived from laboratory tests by Elmi Anaraki [13], while
the intergranular strain parameters are estimated in such a way that the soil responses
from the HP model without intergranular strain are similar to those obtained from the
HP model with intergranular strain.

In the numerical framework, the calculations phases are applied directly after
the initial phase. Moreover, the horizontal and vertical displacements are increased step
by step to avoid a big distortion of the mesh in one phase. In this way, the installation
effects of driven piles are modelled. For the case of a pile with 0.5 m diameter and 14 m
length, jacking into medium dense Baskarp sand to the depth of 7 m, the numerical
results fit very well with the centrifuge test results when the magnitudes of the
horizontal and vertical displacements applying at the pile shaft are 18 cm (72% radius of
the pile) and 8 cm (32% radius of the pile) respectively while the vertical displacements
applying at the pile tip to be 74 cm (10.6% the length of the jacked pile).
The numerical results show that the void ratio increases along the pile shaft
until a distance of approximately 1.0 to 1.5 times the diameter of the pile, leading to a
shear band as mentioned by Chong [8] or Henke & Grabe [18]. At a distance from the
pile shaft, the soil body is compacted leading to a decrease of the void ratio. The highest
degree of compaction is located nearby the pile tip. This compaction could be explained
by the increase of the volumetric strain at the zone close to the pile tip, resulting in an
decrease of the volumetric strain in the compacted zone.
On the other hand, the horizontal stress decreases by moving far away from the
pile. A significant increase of the horizontal stress can be found until a distance of more
than 5D. Moreover, there is also an increase of the horizontal stress leading to an
increase of the shear stress along the pile shaft. These stress distribution is similar to the
measurements by White & Lehane [37]. But it differs from the measured results by
Klotz & Coop [20] as well as the numerical results by Broere & Van Tol [6], in which
the horizontal stress shows a decrease towards the pile tip.
Moreover, the influences of the prescribed displacements on the soil behaviour
in terms of stresses and void ratio are investigated. From the results, it can be concluded
that the void ratio at the pile shaft linearly increases accompanied by the rise of either
the horizontal or vertical displacements at the pile shaft. But the effective vertical stress
at the pile tip increases when rising the vertical component, and decreases when
increasing the horizontal component. Furthermore, the horizontal displacement shows a
stronger influence than the vertical displacement. This finding was also discovered by
Broere & Van Tol [6].
The same amount of the prescribed displacements as for medium dense sample
are also applied for dense and loose samples. For the dense case, the results demonstrate
a higher void ratio as measured at the pile shaft but much a lower vertical stress as
expected at the pile tip. For the loose sample, the differences are also found but
reversely to the dense case. Moreover, no compaction zone can be found below the pile
tip for the loose case as mentioned by Chong [8]. From this point, it is concluded that
there could be a relation between the amount of prescribed displacements applied at the
pile-soil boundary and the relative density or density index. A higher relative density

leads to a higher prescribed displacement applied at the pile tip but a smaller prescribed
displacement at the pile shaft.
Finally, the model pile is sheared by increasing the vertical component at the
pile shaft while keeping the horizontal component from jacking phases, subsequently
the soil close to the pile shaft come to failure. The results show that both the horizontal
and shear stress decrease during the shearing phases, but the magnitude of the horizontal
stress reduces by 80% while only 9% can be found for the shear stress. Especially, only
the friction reduction factor R = 0.87 and 0.82 could be found at peak state and at failure
respectively. This finding could be investigated further in order to apply in the
calculation of the bearing capacity of driven piles.

Chapter 6

6 Numerical Modelling of Cyclic

Loading on Pile Shaft

6.1 Introduction

The previous chapters already discussed the hypoplastic model and its capacities to
simulate the soil behaviour for the pile jacking method by using the FEM (Plaxis 2D
finite element code). Herein, a procedure is introduced to simulate the pile installation
process based on the proposals as showed in [6, 33], where the installation effect is taken
into account by applying the prescribed displacements at the pile-soil boundary. The results
show good agreements with experimental and other numerical results from previous authors
[8, 18, 37]. However, the development of stresses and void ratio with respect to cyclic
loading is more complicated. This process leads to a loosening of the soil body, causing
a reduction of the void ratio and shear resistance in the surrounding zone [17, 18, 29]. In
this chapter, the soil behaviour around a driven pile with respect to the vibrating method
will be investigated by using Plaxis 2D. For simplification, only the cyclic effects in the
vicinity of the pile shaft are considered. In these analyses, two soil models are used: the
hardening soil and the hypoplastic model without intergranular strain, afterwards the
results are compared in order to evaluate its capacities in modelling of cyclic loading

6.2 Mesh and boundary conditions

Similar to Chapter 5, the numerical simulations are also performed using Plaxis 2D finite
element code [5] in which the geometry is defined in an axisymmetric mesh. Due to a
difficulty in modelling of a full pile, the main aim of this chapter is to examine the soil
behaviour around only a part of the pile under cyclic loading. In the analysis, the pile
dimensions are 7 m length and 0.4 m diameter. Subsequently, the length of the mesh is
chosen to be equal to the pile length while the width of the mesh is 15 m (more than two
times the pile length). The soil cluster is modelled by 15-noded triangular elements. In the
model, the left side of the geometry is fixed at a distance of 0.2 m from the axial line,
representing the pile-soil boundary. For boundary conditions, the left and the right sides
of the geometry are applied horizontal fixity whereas the bottom is fixed both horizontally
and vertically. A distributed load of 100 kPa is applied on the top of the boundary to
create high stresses in order to simulate a real situation of the pile installation at certain
depth of penetration (See Fig. 6.1 for more detail).

Distributed load q = 100 kPa

Prescribed displacement

Transitional points 7m

0.2m 14.8m

Fig. 6.1: Geometry of the model

In order to have a better prediction of the soil behaviour around the pile where
the big displacements take place, the zones near the pile are made finer than other parts
of the mesh (Fig. 6.3). This requirement is realized by choosing a different Local
element size factor in Plaxis 2D. Two points situated at the right side of the geometry
are set to 1.0 while other points located at the left side are set to 0.05. Otherwise, this
requirement could be completed by choosing the Refine cluster option for the zones
close to the pile. Furthermore, two transitional points (point 4 and 5) are also added at
the pile-soil boundary to avoid a big distortion of the mesh when applying prescribed
displacements, this necessity will be explained later on (Fig. 6.2).

Point 3


Point 5
Point 4


Point 0

Fig. 6.2: Detail of top-left corner and bottom-left corner of the geometry

Fig. 6.3: Finite element mesh of the model geometry

6.3 Simulation of installation effect

As mentioned in Chapter 5, the installation effect of the pile jacking can be simulated
by applying the prescribed displacements, both horizontally and vertically, at the
pile-soil boundary. Based on this principle, the simulation of the cyclic loading is also
developed. It means that, after applying the horizontal and vertical prescribed
displacements at the pile-soil boundary, in order to simulate the pile jacking process,
and then the vertical component is cycled while keeping the horizontal component to be
constant, to model the cyclic loading process.
On the other hand, the magnitude of the horizontal and vertical components of
the prescribed displacements as well as the amount of the cyclic vertical part depend on
various factors, such as the pile diameter, the penetration depth of the pile, soil

properties, vibrating frequency, etc. Nevertheless, the main aim of the investigation is to
see how the soil behaves under the cyclic loading which results from the vibrating
process at certain depth of the pile penetration. Therefore, it is recommended to apply
the total amount horizontal and vertical components equal to 0.25D (10 cm) and 0.125D
(5 cm) respectively in order to simulate the pile jacking process at a certain penetration
depth, while the amplitude of the oscillation of the vertical part equivalent to 0.05D (2
cm) with respect to the simulation of the vibrating process.

6.4 Constitutive model and parameters

Once again, Baskarp sand is chosen as material set. Baskarp sand is an uniform sand, the
grains are classified as angular to sub-angular with D50 of approximately 140µm [13].
This sand has a total unit weight of 20 kN/m3, and shows a strongly dilatant behaviour
when prepared in a dense state [10]. The initial soil state is varied between loose and
dense condition, in order to see the density dependency of the soil behaviour under cyclic
loading. Consequently, the initial void ratio is selected 0.83 (Dr = 0.26) and 0.65 (Dr =
0.73) respectively.
For the hypoplastic model, all parameters are shown in Table 6.1. They were
derived from laboratory tests by Elmi Anaraki [13]. Unfortunately, the intergranular strain
is not included, because of numerical problems in calculation phases.

Table 6.1: Hypoplastic parameters for Baskarp sand [13]

Parameters ϕc (o) hs (MPa) n ed0 ec0 e i0 α β
Values 30 4000 0.42 0.548 0.929 1.08 0.12 0.96

Furthermore, the hardening soil model is also used in the numerical simulation
for a consistency check and comparison with the hypoplastic model. The material set of
the hardening soil model is derived from definitions by Brinkgreve & Broere [5] using
the Soil tests facility in Plaxis 2D, in such a way that the soil responses from the
hardening soil model are similar to those obtained from the hypoplastic model (see
appendix B for more detail). The parameters of the hardening soil model for Baskarp
sand are suggested in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2: Estimation of hardening soil parameters for Baskarp sand

Parameters ref ref
E 50 E eod E ref
ur ϕ ψ m νur Pref

Unit (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (o) (o) - - (kPa)

Dense 40,500 50,000 121,500 37 9 0.5 0.2 100
Loose 31,000 33,000 93,000 31.3 2 0.5 0.2 100

6.5 Calculation procedures

6.5.1 Initial stresses

In Plaxis 2D, the initial stresses in the soil body are influenced by the weight of the
material [5]. The initial horizontal stress is calculated from the initial vertical stress by
using Ko procedure (Ko = 1 - sinϕ). Furthermore, the water level is also selected at the
ground surface level to make fully saturated soil mass.
Once again, for the hypoplastic model the void ratio is a state variable which is
dependent on the pressure level. Therefore, after the initial stresses are generated, the
void ratio in the soil body varies according to Bauer’s formula referred in Chapter 3. In
the analysis, the stress level at middle cross-section (A-A) of the geometry is chosen to
define the initial void ratio. As a result, the initial void ratios at zero pressure using in
Plaxis 2D are 0.838 and 0.657 in order to get the loose and dense states after generating
the initial stresses.

6.5.2 Calculation phases

This phase is applied directly after the initial phase. All calculation phases are carried
out under drained analysis. Firstly, the distributed load at the top is activated while all
displacements from the initial phase are reset to zero. Then the horizontal (∆ux) and
vertical (∆uy) prescribed displacements are applied simultaneously at pile-soil boundary
to simulate the installation effect of the pile jacking process as discussed in the Chapter
5. In these phases, the check box “reset displacement to zero” is not activated. To avoid
a big distortion of the mesh in a phase, the horizontal and vertical prescribed
displacements are increased step by step, and they reach the magnitude of 0.25D (10
cm) and 0.125D (5 cm) respectively after 5 phases. Next, the effect of cyclic loading is
simulated by cycling the vertical component whilst keeping the horizontal component
from previous phases. As chosen, the amplitude of the oscillation of the vertical part
equivalent to 0.05D (2 cm). Two transitional points (point 4 and 5) are also added at the
pile-soil boundary in order to avoid a big distortion of the mesh at the corners when
applying the vertical prescribed displacements. Therefore, the horizontal and vertical
components are applied at two transitional points (point 4 and point 5), while two
remaining points (point 0 and 3) are only applied horizontal component (Fig. 6.2). The
magnitudes of the prescribed displacements are given in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3: Calculation phases in numerical simulation
Phase Point 4 & 5 Point 0 & 3 Note
order ∆ux (cm) ∆uy (cm) ∆ux (cm) ∆uy (cm)
1 0 0 0 0 Distributed load
2 2 1 2 0 Jacking phase
3 4 2 4 0 Jacking phase
4 6 3 6 0 Jacking phase
5 8 4 8 0 Jacking phase
6 10 5 10 0 Jacking phase
7 10 3 10 0 1st unloading
8 10 5 10 0 1st reloading
9 10 3 10 0 2nd unloading
10 10 5 10 0 2nd reloading
11 10 3 10 0 3rd unloading
12 10 5 10 0 3rd reloading
13 10 3 10 0 4th unloading
14 10 5 10 0 4th reloading

6.6 Result and discussions

Herein, the results of the loose and dense cases for the hypoplastic and hardening soil
models will be analyzed and compared, then validated with the findings from previous
studies [18, 37]. To quantify the installation effect around the pile, stresses and void ratio
distribution at the middle cross-section of the geometry (cross section A-A, see Fig. 6.1)
will be chosen.

6.6.1 Dense case After jacking process

Fig. 6.5 plots the void ratio distribution at cross-section A-A after jacking phases (phase
6 in Table 6.3). In the hypoplastic model, the void ratio is taken directly from the output
while in the hardening soil model the void ratio is calculated from the volumetric strain.
As can be seen, the void ratio distributions are almost the same for the hardening soil
and hypoplastic models after jacking phases. They also demonstrate a decrease of the
void ratio when going far away from the pile shaft and create a shear zone close to the
pile shaft until a distance of 2D. On the one hand, both models also show a compaction
zone between the distance of 4D and 8D but the degree of the compaction is very small

because the soil mass is in an initially dense state. On the other hand, the void ratio in
the hardening soil model is little higher than those in the hypoplastic model after
jacking phases, this can be explained by not completed compatibility of model


Fig. 6.4: Visualisation of void ratio distribution after jacking phases (phase 6) for HP

0.82 Hypoplastic
Void ratio




0 4 8 12 16
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.5: Void ratio distribution after jacking phases (phase 6) at cross AA

Horizontal stress (kPa)

1000 Initial stress





0 4 8 12 16
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.6: Horizontal stress distribution after jacking phases (phase 6) at cross AA

0 4 8 12 16


Shear stress (kPa)




-250 Hardening
-300 Initial stress

Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.7: Shear stress distribution after jacking phases (phase 6) at cross AA

Fig. 6.8: Visualisation of horizontal stresses distribution after jacking phases (phase 6)
for HS (left) and HP (right)

In terms of the horizontal stress distribution, the numerical results from the
hardening soil and hypoplastic models can be similar. They display an increase along
the depth and a decrease far way from the pile. But numerical problems appear at the
pile corner with the high concentration of tresses. This could be due to a large
displacement and big distortion at the pile corner that does not totally incorporate the
numerical scheme in Plaxis 2D. For both models, the influenced zone in which the

horizontal stress increases considerably is until 4 times the diameter of the pile (Fig.
6.6). At a further distance, the horizontal stress is close to the initial one. However, the
hardening soil model gives a higher values of σxx than those from the hypoplastic model,
approximately 40÷50 kPa in average, as the hardening soil model has a higher void ratio
as explained before. This discrepancy leads to an increment of the shear stress for HS
model in comparison with HP model (Fig. 6.7) After cyclic loading process

For the hypoplastic model, after the cyclic loading it can be seen that the void ratio
increases close the pile-soil boundary (r < 0.2D) due to an increase of the volumetric
strain caused by increasing of the prescribed displacements at the pile-soil boundary
whilst further away until a distance of 3 times the diameter of the pile the soil is
compacted. This compaction appears in both the reloading and unloading phases.
Because of this compaction resulting from the continuous cyclic shearing, the horizontal
stress substantially reduces in the compaction zone, from the maximum value of 1000
kPa after jacking phases to 80 kPa after 3 cycles. Furthermore, the vertical stress also
declines quickly, much more below the initial stress line, which is accompanied by a
reduction in the void ratio. Also, the shear stress degrades rapidly because of the
reduction of the void ratio due to cyclic loading. It can be seen that more cycles of
cyclic loading leads to a higher reduction of stresses and void ratio. Promisingly, this
phenomenon fits quite well with the soil response in reality caused by cyclic shearing
(see Fig. 6.9 to Fig. 6.12 in more detail).

0.87 After jacking

Dilatancy 1st reloading
0.82 2nd unloading
Void ratio

3rd unloading


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.9: Void ratio distribution at cross AA after cyclic loading for HP

After jacking
1st reloading

Horizontal stress (kPa)

2nd unloading
3rd unloading
Initial stress
Stress reduction


0 4 8 12 16 20
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.10: Horizontal stress reduction at cross AA after cyclic loading for HP

After jacking
1st reloading
2nd unloading
Vertical stress (kPa)

3rd unloading
Initial stress
Stress reduction



0 4 8 12 16 20
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.11: Vertical stress reduction at cross AA after cyclic loading for HP

After jacking
150 1st unloading
1st reloading
100 2nd unloading
Shearl stress (kPa)

Stress reduction 2nd reloading

50 3rd unloading
Initial stress
0 4 8 12 16 20


Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.12: Shear stress reduction at cross AA after cyclic loading for HP

On the other hand, the hardening soil model shows a different behaviour after
cyclic loading phases. Evidently, the void ratio distribution does not change after cyclic
loading except these points extremely close to the pile-soil boundary (r < 0.2D).
Therefore, a compaction due to the cyclic loading does not incorporate in the hardening
soil model. As a result, there is no reduction of the horizontal stress can be found in this
model. Surprisingly, the vertical stress displays an increase and keeps this high stress
after cyclic loading, this phenomenon happens reversely in comparison with the
hypoplastic model. The shear stress also keeps a high stress level in cyclic loading. This
could be explained by the limitations of the model itself, the HS model is an isotropic
hardening model so it dilates continuously and does not incorporate the softening
behaviour due to dilatancy and cyclic loading, (see Fig. 6.13 to Fig. 6.16).

After jacking
Dilatancy 1st reloading
1.02 2nd unloading
Void ratio

3rd unloading



0 2 4 6 8
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.13: Void ratio distribution at cross AA after cyclic loading for HS

1200 After jacking

1st reloading
Horizontal stress (kPa)

2nd unloading
800 3rd unloading
Initial stress



0 4 8 12 16 20
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.14: Horizontal stress distribution at cross AA after cyclic loading for HS

1200 After jacking
1st reloading
2 rd unloading

Vertical stress (kPa)

800 3rd unloading
Initial stress



0 4 8 12 16 20
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.15: Vertical stress distribution at cross AA after cyclic loading for HS

After jacking
500 1st unloading
1st reloading
300 2nd unloading
Shearl stress (kPa)

2nd reloading
3rd unloading

-100 0 4 8 12 16 20


Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.16: Shear stress distribution at cross AA after cyclic loading for HS

For more evidently, several points at the cross section A-A (see Fig. 6.4 for
more detail) are chosen to see the change of stresses and void ratio due to the cyclic
loading process. The first point is located at pile-soil boundary (Point A, rA = 0), the
second and the third points are further away from the pile shaft, (Point B, rB = 0.2D and
Point C, rC = 0.5D). Fig. 6.17 displays how the soil behaves around the pile due to the
installation effects including the jacking and cyclic loading phases for the HP model.
Clearly, for initially dense sand the zone which is close to the pile shaft (r < 2.0D)
dilates during the jacking phases which is accompanied by an increase of mean stress
and void ratio. Subsequently, the void ratio evolution of three points (A, B and C) is
mostly similar in the jacking phases. However, the soil behaves differently in cyclic
loading whereas the void ratio at point C decreases as the illustration of the compaction
due to cyclic loading. No compaction can be found at point A and B, the void ratio at
point B mostly doesn’t change while the void ratio at point A continues to rise and

reaches the critical state after some cycles. This fact is caused by an increase of the
volumetric strain due to applying the prescribed displacement at pile-soil boundary.

ei Cyclic phases

Void ratio

0,60 ed Jacking phases

0,20 Point A (r = 0)
Point B (r = 0,2D)
Point C (r = 0,5D)
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000
Effective mean stress (kPa)

Fig. 6.17: Void ratio evolution at several points at cross AA for HP,
point locations given in Fig. 6.4

For the HP model, the stress reduction due to the cyclic loading is illustrated
in Fig. 6.18 and Fig. 6.19 where the point C is chosen. During the jacking phases, the
soil dilates causing an increase of the soil volume, consequently the stresses rise
significantly. Nevertheless, all stresses degrade quickly in the cyclic phases because the
soil is compacted. After some cycles the stresses reduce to nearly zero, the soil reaches
an isotropic state, and then the calculation phase will finish since several points in the
soil mass reach critical state.

σ'_xx Point C
Stress (kPa)






0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Vertical displacement (m)

Fig. 6.18: Horizontal and vertical stresses reduction at point C for HP

Point C

Shear stress (kPa)





0 100 200 300 400
Step number

Fig. 6.19: Shear stress reduction at point C for HP

On the other hand, for the HS model the void ratio evolution at point B and C
exhibit differently in comparison with the HP model. They always dilate in both jacking
and cyclic phases. In the cyclic phase, the dilatancy is much larger with the points close
to the pile-soil boundary. This fact can be explained by the capacity of HS model itself
which is mentioned before. As a result, no reduction of stresses at point C appears
whereas the vertical, horizontal and shear stresses always stay at high level (see Fig.
6.20 to Fig. 6.22 in more detail).


0.84 Poin B
Poin C
Void ratio




0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Vertical displacement (m)

Fig. 6.20: Void ratio evolution at several points for HS, point locations given in Fig. 6.4

σ'_xx Point C

800 σ'_yy

Stress (kPa)



0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Vertical displacement (m)

Fig. 6.21: Horizontal and vertical stresses developments at point C for HS

Point C
Shear stress (kPa)




0 50 100 150 200 250
Step number

Fig. 6.22: Shear stress development at point C for HS

6.6.2 Loose case After jacking process

When the same amounts of prescribed displacements are applied at the pile-soil
boundary as the dense case, similar results can be found. The tendency of the void ratio
and stresses are mostly the same as mentioned in the dense case for both the hypoplastic
and hardening soil models. One exception is a wider compacted zone after the jacking
phase between the distance of 1D and 10D, this can be explained by an initially loose
state of the soil so that the soil body has more the pore volume than the dense case. The
degree of this compaction is also much higher than the dense case (Fig. 6.24).
Furthermore, the magnitude of stresses after the jacking phase is also smaller compared
to the dense case.

Fig. 6.23: Visualisation of void ratio distribution after jacking phase (phase 6) for HP

0.86 Hypoplastic
Void ratio




0 4 8 12 16
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.24: Void ratio distribution after jacking phase (phase 6) at cross AA

Horizontal stress (kPa)




0 4 8 12 16 20
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.25: Horizontal stress distribution after jacking phase (phase 6) at cross AA

89 After cyclic loading process

It can be seen that the mechanism of the soil around the pile after the cyclic loading for
the loose sand exhibit similarly to those for the dense sand for both the HP and HS
model. For the hypoplastic model, the void ratio increases close the pile-soil boundary
(r < 0.2D) due to dilatancy as explained before while further away until the distance of 5
times the diameter of the pile the soil is compacted. This compaction is much more
evident than in the dense case, in particular up to the distance of 2D. The more cycles
leads to the movement of compaction zone to the pile. Because of this compaction
resulting from the continuous cyclic shearing, the stresses around the pile also decrease
as for the dense case (see Fig. 6.26 to Fig. 6.29 for more detail)

After jacking
1st reloading

0.88 2nd unloading

Void ratio

3rd unloading



0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.26: Void ratio distribution at cross AA after cyclic loading for HP

After jacking
1st unloading
Horizontal stress (kPa)

500 2nd unloading

3rd unloading
Initial stress



0 4 8 12 16 20
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.27: Horizontal stress reduction at cross AA after cyclic loading for HP

After jacking
1st reloading
2nd unloading

Vertical stress (kPa)

3rd unloading
300 Initial stress



0 4 8 12 16 20
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.28: Vertical stress reduction at cross AA after cyclic loading for HP

After jacking
1st unloading
1st reloading
2nd unloading
Shearl stress (kPa)

50 3rd unloading

0 4 8 12 16 20


Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.29: Shear stress reduction at cross AA after cyclic loading for HP

Conversely, for the HS model the void ratio distribution does change after the
cyclic loading except these points extremely close to the pile-soil boundary (r < 0.2D).
It means that a compaction due to the cyclic loading does not appear in the hardening
soil model. Consequently, no reduction of the horizontal stress can be found as in the
hypoplastic model. This can be explained by the limitation of the model itself as
mentioned before.
The effects of cyclic loading can be seen clearly in the Fig. 6.34, whereas the
evolution of point A (rA = 0)) and point C (rC = 0.5D) are plotted. Once again, the
dilatancy occurs at the zone close to the pile shaft in both jacking phases and cyclic
phases. This is confirmed by an increase of the void ratio at the point A in the whole
processes. However, at a distance from the pile shaft the compaction appears leading to
a decrease of the void ratio at point C during cyclic loading phases.

1.07 After jacking
1st unloading
2nd unloading

Void ratio
0.97 3rd unloading



0 2 4 6 8
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.30: Void ratio distribution at cross AA after cyclic loading for HS

After jacking
1st unloading
Horizontal stress (kPa)

2nd unloading
500 3rd unloading
400 Initial stress




0 4 8 12 16 20
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.31: Horizontal stress distribution at cross AA after cyclic loading for HS

After jacking
700 1st unloading
600 2nd unloading
Vertical stress (kPa)

3rd unloading
Initial stress




0 4 8 12 16 20
Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.32: Vertical stress distribution at cross AA after cyclic loading for HS

After jacking
300 1st unloading

200 1st reloading

2nd unloading

Shearl stress (kPa)

100 3rd unloading

0 4 8 12 16 20



Normalized distance from pile r/D

Fig. 6.33: Shear stress distribution at cross AA after cyclic loading for HS


Cyclic phases

Void ratio

0.60 Jacking phases

Point A (r=0)
Point C (r=0.5D)
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000
Effective mean stress (kPa)

Fig. 6.34: Void ratio evolution at several points at cross AA for HP,
point locations given in Fig. 6.4

6.6.3 Modelling of shearing effect

Herein, the development of the shear stress is investigated. The effect of cyclic loading
is also considered. Similar to the previous chapter, the shearing process is simulated by
increasing the vertical prescribed displacement at the pile shaft while keeping the
horizontal component from previous phases. This process is applied after jacking phase
and after few cycles of cyclic loading. At the end of this process, the shear strength of
the soil is equal to the shear stress.

The developments of the shear stress at a point close to the pile shaft (point A)
are plotted in Fig. 6.35. As can be seen, when the shearing processes are applied directly
after jacking phases, the similar results are found compared with Chapter 5. During the
shearing phases, the shear stress increases enormously at the beginning then decreases
steadily until failure.
However, when the cyclic loadings are included, no increase of the shear stress
during the shearing phases could be found. It always decreases until failure. Importantly,
the soil strength at failure is also decreased due to the effect of cyclic loadings, more
cycles of cyclic loading leads to a larger decrease of the soil strength. By the simplified
simulation, the peak strength decreases by 38% and 60% whilst the residual strength
decreases by 26% and 48% after 1 and 2 cycles respectively.

After jacking
210 After 1 cycle
180 Jacking phases After 2 cycles
Shear stress (kPa)

150 Shearing phases





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Vertical displacement (cm)

Fig. 6.35: Shear stress development during shearing process

6.7 Conclusion

This chapter investigates the soil behaviour of Baskarp sand under cyclic loading using
the FEM with Plaxis 2D whereas the hardening soil and hypoplastic model without the
intergranular strain are used. The installation effect of the cyclic loading in the vicinity
of the pile shaft is simply modelled. First, the horizontal and vertical prescribed
displacements are applied at the pile shaft in order to simulate the pile jacking process,
subsequently the vertical component is cycled while keeping the horizontal component.
The development of stresses and void ratio around the pile are utilized to evaluate the
capacities of both soil models.
Generally, both models show a similar soil behaviour after the jacking process.
It means that they both demonstrate a decrease of the void ratio when going far away

from the pile shaft and create a shear zone close to the pile shaft until a distance of 2D.
Moreover, both models also show a compaction zone between the distance of 4D and
8D but the degree of compaction is higher when the soil mass is in an initially loose
state. Subsequently, the stress distribution of both models display an increase over the
depth and a decrease far way from the pile shaft. Of course, the dense state has higher
stresses than the loose state.
However, after the cyclic loading phases the results are completely different.
For the HS model, the void ratio distribution does not change after cyclic loading except
these points extremely close to the pile-soil boundary (r < 0.2D). It means that a
compaction due to cyclic loading does not appear which leads to the no reduction of
stresses. The reasons could be related to model itself since the HS model is an isotropic
hardening model so it dilates continuously and does not incorporate the softening
behaviour due to dilatancy and cyclic loading.
Promisingly, after the cyclic loading the HP model without the intergranular
strain shows that the void ratio increases close to the pile-soil boundary (r < 0.2D)
caused by an increase of the volumetric strain due to applying the prescribed
displacements, while further away until a distance of 5 times the diameter of the pile the
soil is compacted. The amount of this compaction depends on the initial state where the
loose state displays the higher compaction. Because of this compaction resulting from
the continuous cyclic shearing, the stresses degrade quickly. This phenomenon fits quite
well with the soil response in reality [26] caused by cyclic shearing and the findings
from prior studies [18, 37].
Lastly, the effect of cyclic loading and shearing process on the soil behaviour is
also investigated. The results show that the soil strength at failure decreases due to the
effect of cyclic loading, more cycles of cyclic loading leads to a bigger decrease of the
soil strength. The reductions of 38% & 60% for the peak strength and 26% & 48% for
the residual strength could be found after 1 and 2 cycles respectively.

Chapter 7

7 Conclusions and Recommendations

7.1 General

The installation effect of driven piles in sand, with respect to different installation
methods is investigated by using the finite element method in Plaxis 2D. The soil is
modelled with the hypoplastic model with and without the intergranular strain

7.2 Conclusions

7.2.1 Hypoplasticity

In this study, the hypoplastic model formulated by Von Wolffersdorff is chosen to

model the soil. The constitutive law is given in the rate form, the stress rate is a function
of the stress tensor, the current void ratio and the strain rate as T  = F(T, e, D) . This
property makes the hypoplastic model quite suitable for modelling the installation effect
of driven piles, whilst the continuously changing of soil density is taken into account by
the state variable-the void ratio. The model also accounts for stress-dependency and

density-dependency of stiffness and strength. The softening behaviour is included in this
model to overcome the limitation of the hardening soil model (Chapter 4). In particular,
the excessive accumulation of deformations in the region of small stress cycles of the
hypoplastic model by Von Wolffersdorff is overcome by the introduction of
intergranular strain. When the intergranular strain is included, the current stiffness is
controlled by the direction of strain rates and the recent history of deformation.
From the simulation it can be concluded that, the initial void ratio (e0) controls
the soil behaviour as it is a state variable in the hypoplastic model. A reduction of the
void ratio leads to a significant increase of stiffness and strength. A stronger dilatancy
also occurs with a reduction of the initial void ratio.
Among other hypoplastic parameters, ϕc , ec 0 , and ed 0 have a significant
influence on the soil response in triaxial tests. The parameters ei 0 and β include only
very small effects in terms of the initial stiffness. On the other hand, the exponent n has
a huge influence on oedometer tests, followed by ed 0 , ei 0 , hs and β , while the
exponent α and ec 0 have only slight effects on the stiffness at high stress level.
Finally, the influence of intergranular strain parameters is only found at very
small strain and high pressure. An increase of βr leads to a decrease of the initial
stiffness and delays the occurrence of the dilatancy behaviour but does not have an
influence on the magnitude of the dilatancy angle. In the oedometer test, an increase of
βr also results in a decrease of the modulus at high stress level. On the other hand, the
influences of the parameter χ on the soil response are reversed in comparison with the
parameter βr.

7.2.2 Modelling of pile jacking

In this part, a procedure is proposed to simulate the pile installation process in Plaxis 2D,
which based on the suggestions as showed by previous authors [6], where the installation
effect is taken into account by applying the prescribed displacements at the pile-soil
boundary. A centrifuge pile test [10] is chosen in order to validate the numerical simulation.
In the centrifuge test, the pile has an initial embedment length of 205 mm into the sand,
subsequently it is hydraulically jacked a further 200 mm into the soil body. As a result,
different prescribed displacements are applied at the pile-soil boundary as mentioned in
Section 5.3.2. The hypoplastic model formulated by Von Wolfferdorff with the
intergranular strain is used in all analyses. The hypoplastic parameters are derived from
laboratory tests [13], while the intergranular strain parameters are estimated as shown in
Section 5.3.3.
The numerical simulation is performed in an axisymmetric mesh. The
representative pile diameter and length are 0.5 m and 14 m, respectively. As it is
confirmed that impossible to model completely the pile installation process, in which the

pile is jacked continuously from the surface to its final installation depth in Plaxis software
[6]. Hence, the installation effect is model after the pile is jacked until the final depth of the
For initially medium dense Baskarp sand (eo =0.709), the numerical results fit
very well with the centrifuge test results when the magnitudes of the horizontal and
vertical displacements applied at the pile shaft are 18 cm (72% radius of the pile) and 8
cm (32% radius of the pile) respectively while the vertical displacement applied at the
pile tip to be 74 cm (10.6% the length of the jacked pile).
The numerical results show that the void ratio increases along the pile shaft
until the distance of approximately 1.0 to 1.5 times the diameter of the pile, making a
shear band as similarly mentioned by previous authors [8],[18]. At a distance from the
pile shaft, the soil body is compacted leading to a decrease of the void ratio. The highest
degree of compaction is located near the pile tip.
On the other hand, the horizontal stress decreases by moving far away from the
pile. A significant increase of the horizontal stress can be found until a distance of more
than 5D. Besides, there is also an increase of the horizontal stress leading to an increase
of the shear stress along the pile shaft. These stress distributions are similar to the
measurements as shown in [37].
From the sensitivity analyses, it can be concluded that the void ratio at the pile
shaft linearly increases accompanied by a rise of either the horizontal or vertical
displacements at the pile shaft. Also the effective vertical stress at the pile tip increases
when rising this vertical component, and decreases when increasing this horizontal
component. However, the horizontal displacement applied at the pile shaft shows a
stronger influence than the vertical displacement. This finding is also similarly
mentioned in [6].
The same amount of the prescribed displacements as for medium dense sample
are also applied for dense and loose samples. It is possible to conclude that there could
be a relation between the amount of the prescribed displacements applied at the pile-soil
boundary and the initial soil condition (e.g. the relative density). The higher relative
density leads to a higher prescribed displacement applied at the pile tip but smaller
prescribed displacement at the pile shaft.
Finally, the effect of the shearing process adjacent to the pile shaft is
investigated by increasing the vertical component at the pile shaft while keeping the
horizontal component from jacking phases. The results show that both the horizontal
and shear stress decrease during the shearing phases, but the magnitude of the horizontal
stress reduces by 80% while only 9% can be found for the shear stress. Especially, only
the friction reduction factor R = 0.87 and 0.82 could be found at peak state and at failure
respectively. This finding could be investigated further in order to apply in the
calculation of the bearing capacity of driven piles.

7.2.3 Modelling of cyclic loading

Based on the previous procedure for modelling the installation effect of driven piles, a
simplified procedure is used in order to investigate the cyclic loading effect near the pile
shaft. Only a part of a pile is considered due to the difficulty in the modelling of the full
pile. First, the horizontal and vertical prescribed displacements are applied at the
pile-soil boundary to simulate the pile jacking process, subsequently the vertical
component is cycled whilst keeping the horizontal component. The hypoplastic model
formulated by Von Wolfferdorff without the intergranular strain is used, since the
limitation of the existing numerical scheme for the use of the intergranular strain. The
hardening soil model, where the parameters are derived from the hypoplastic model, has
also been used for evaluating the capacities of both soil models.
Generally, both models show similar results after the jacking process. An
increase of the void ratio resulting in a shear zone close to the pile shaft and a
compaction at a distance from the pile is observed. Moreover, the horizontal stress
distribution of both models display an increase over the depth and a decrease far way
from the pile shaft.
However, the soil behaves differently during cyclic loading. For the hardening
soil model, the void ratio distribution does not change after cyclic loading except for the
points extremely close to the pile-soil boundary (r < 0.2D). No compaction is found
from cyclic loading. As a result, no reductions of stresses are found either.
On the other hand, for the hypoplastic model a compaction occurs at a distance
from the pile shaft. More loading cycles lead to more compaction of the soil. The
initially loose state displays the highest compaction. This compaction results from
continuous cyclic shearing, therefore the stresses degrade quickly. This phenomenon fits
quite well with the soil response found in reality [26] caused by cyclic shearing and the
findings from prior studies [18, 37].
Finally, the effect of cyclic loading on the soil strength is also investigated. The
results show that the soil strength at failure is also decreasing due to cyclic loading,
more loading cycles leads to a larger reduction of soil strength at failure. The reductions
of 38% & 60% for the peak strength and 26% & 48% for the residual strength could be
found after 1 and 2 cycles respectively.

7.3 Recommendations

The hypoplastic model with intergranular strain is suitable for the modelling of driven
piles. The current simulations performed without the intergranular strain formulation
shows the reasonable results for the cyclic loading. However, future studies should
incorporate the intergranular strain. Furthermore, the influence of the number of cycles
and the amplitude of the oscillation on the stress reduction and soil compaction could be
also considered.
In these analyses, a zone near the pile is refined by reducing the Local element
size factor in Plaxis 2D. Further studies could consider the influence of the finite
element meshes (i.e. fine mesh or coarse mesh) on the numerical results.
Additional numerical simulations should incorporate the experimental results,
to investigate a possible relation between the amount of the prescribed displacements
applied at the pile-soil boundary and the penetration depth, the pile diameter and (or)
the initial soil conditions (i.e. the relative density).
The current numerical simulation could be continued to evaluate the bearing
capacity of driven piles in terms of the base resistance and the shaft friction. As shown
in [6], after the pile installation process is modelled the pile cluster is activated then the
distributed load applied at the pile head is increased until failure, in order to evaluate the
bearing capacity.
Finally, another procedure could be tried in Palxis 2D to simulate the
installation effect of driven piles by using the Updated mesh analysis. This method
allows the continuous changing of the finite element mesh. In this procedure, the pile
cluster is linearly increased step by step from a rectangular element, by applying the
prescribed displacements around this element.

Appendix A

Estimation of intergranular strain parameters for Baskarp sand

In this part, the intergranular strain parameters for Baskarp sand are estimated. In fact,
these parameters are derived by laboratory tests as given in Table 3.2. Here, the
parameters for intergranular strain are simplified estimation by using the Soil tests
facility in Plaxis 2D, in such a way that the soil responses from the hypoplastic model
without intergranular strain are similar to those obtained from the hypoplastic model
with intergranular strain.
As mentioned in Section 3.4, the intergranuar strain includes 5 parameters.
However, the increase of granular stiffness for 90o and 180o change of strain path
direction by the factor mT and mR are usually taken the value of 2.0 and 5.0 respectively,
as the “rule of thumb”. The radius of elastic range R varies between 10-7 and 10-3, but
normally is taken 10-4. As a result, this section only considers the determination of
parameters βr and χ.
First, these parameters (βr and χ) are assumed to be equal to those as for
Karlsruhe sand. It means that βr and χ have the values of 0.5 and 0.6 respectively. Then,
they are corrected, based on their sensitivity to the soil response.
As can be seen in Fig. A.1, if the intergranular strain is included the initial
stiffness is much higher than without the intergranular strain, and the dilatancy also
occurs earlier. Moreover, the modulus is also much higher in oedometer test if the
intergranular strain is included (Fig. A.2).

300 3.0
No IGS 0.5 & 6
200 2.0
0.5 & 6
q (kPa)

ε (%)


ε 1(%)
ε 1 (%) 0.0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0


Fig. A.1: Drained triaxial tests for Baskarp sand without IGS and with IGS (βr = 0.5 and χ = 6)

400 0.5 & 6


q (kPa)

ε 1 (%)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. A.2: Oedometer tests for Baskarp sand without IGS and with IGS (βr = 0.5 and χ = 6)

As discussed in Section 4.4.4, an increase of βr leads to a decrease of the initial

stiffness and delays the occurrence of the dilatancy behaviour. In the oedometer test, an
increase of βr also results in a decrease of the modulus at high stress level. Therefore,
the magnitude of βr needs to be increased in order to make comparable results with the
case of without the intergranular strain.

300 2.0
No IGS 1.0 & 2.0
200 1.0 & 2.0
q (kPa)

ε (%)

ε 1(%)
ε 1 (%) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Fig. A.3: Drained triaxial tests for Baskarp sand without IGS and with IGS (βr = 1 and χ = 2)

1.0 & 2.0

q (kPa)


ε 1 (%)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. A.4: Oedometer tests for Baskarp sand without IGS and with IGS (βr = 1 and χ = 2)

On the other hand, the influences of the parameter χ on soil response are
reversed in comparison with the parameter βr. From these points, it is concluded that
there should be the combination of increasing βr and decreasing χ. After several trials, if
βr and χ have the values of 1.0 and 2.0 respectively, the soil responses from the
hypoplastic model without intergranular strain fit very well with those obtained from
the hypoplastic model with intergranular strain (Fig. A.3 and Fig. A.4). Finally, the
intergranular strain parameters for Baskarp sand are suggested in Table A.1.

Table A.1: Estimated parameters of the intergranular strain for Baskarp sand
Parameters mT mR Rmax βr χ
Values 2 5 0.0001 1.0 2.0

Appendix B

Estimation of Hardening soil parameters for Baskarp sand

As mentioned in Chapter 6, the hardening soil model is also used in the numerical
simulation for a consistency check and comparison with the hypoplastic model. Here,
the hardening soil parameter is derived from definitions by Brinkgreve & Broere [5],
using the Soil tests facility in Plaxis 2D in such a way that the soil responses from the
hardening soil model are similar to those obtained from the hypoplastic model.

Fig. B.1: Determinations of E 50 , E ref ref
ur , E eod , from drained triaxial and oedometer tests

Fig. B.2: Determinations of ϕ and ψ from drained triaxial test

In Fig. B.1, the definition of stiffness parameters is visualised. E 50 and

E ref ref
ur are determined from a drained triaxial test while E eod is determined from an

oedometer test. Moreover, the friction angle (ϕ) and the dilatant angle (ψ) are also
determined from a drained triaxial test (Fig. B.2).
First, a drained triaxial test and an oedometer test are simulated by using the
Soil tests facility in Plaxis 2D, in which the hypoplastic model are used as the input
parameters. Based on its results, some parameters of the hardening soil model are
defined as shown in Fig. B.1 and Fig. B.2. Remaining parameters (m, νur, Pref) are
taken as suggested by Brinkgreve & Broere [5]. Subsequently, they are improved so that
the results of drained triaxial and oedometers tests from the hypoplastic and the
hardening soil models are qualitatively similar (see Fig. B.3 to Fig. B.5 for more detail)

400 4,0
3,0 Hardening
Deviatoric sstress (kPa)

Volumetric strain (%)



100 Hypoplastic
Hardening 0,0
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
Axial strain (%) Axial strain (%)

Fig. B.3: Result of drained triaxial tests at reference pressure (dense sample)

300 1,0
Deviatoric sstress (kPa)

Volumetric strain (%)

200 0,5

Hypoplastic 0 2 4 6 8 10

0 2 4 6 8 10 -0,5
Axial strain (%) Axial strain (%)

Fig. B.4: Result of drained triaxial tests at reference pressure (loose sample)

600 400
Hypoplastic Hypoplastic
Hardening Hardening
Axial load (kPa) 300

Axial load (kPa)


300 200


0 0
0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00 0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00
Axial strain (%) Axial strain (%)

Fig. B.5: Result of oedometer tests on dense (left) and loose (right) samples

Finally, the parameters of the hardening soil model for Baskarp sand are
suggested in Table B.1. In this analysis, the power for stress-level dependency of
stiffness (m) of the hardening soil model is set to default value (0.5). However, it could
be increased slightly to get more precise results in comparison with the hypoplastic
model (Fig. B.5).

Table B.1: Estimated parameters of hardening soil model for Baskarp sand
Parameters ref ref
E 50 E eod E ref
ur ϕ ψ m νur Pref

Unit (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (o) (o) - - (kPa)

Dense 40,500 50,000 121,500 37 9 0.5 0.2 100
Loose 31,000 33,000 93,000 31.3 2 0.5 0.2 100
Medium 36,000 38,000 108,000 34.5 2 0.5 0.2 100

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