Bolted Beam Column Connections

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Steel Design Bolted Beam-Column Connections S.F.


1. Introduction
Bolted Beam-Column Connections Usually two types of forces are transferred by bolted beam-column
(Design and Cost Estimation) connections: shear and moment. A connection may be designed to
transfer shear force if the beam is supposed to be hinge connected
to the column only. If the beam is rigidly connected to the column,
the requirement of a moment connection arises. Shear force is
Abstract usually involved in moment connections also. Bolts are arranged to
be in shear condition to resist shear force in the beam web and
One of the most favorable features of steel structure is reducing the tensile and compressive force in the flanges invoked by moment.
labor required on site. This is achieved by using bolted connections.
Obviously, if lots of field weld is required, the benefit of fast Another situation is that the connection is designed to transfer
installation will be reduced. Bolted connections are the most tension from the beam to the column or bracing. The bolts then
commonly used ones in modern steel constructions. If sorted by may be in shear or tensile condition or combined shear and tensile.
beam-column profiles, bolt types, connection types and the forces If prying is intend to happen, it should be taken into consideration.
to be transferred, there could be hundreds of bolted beam-column In all these conditions, usually four members need to be checked
connections while only some of them are commonly used. A for strength or buckling: the column, the beam, the connection
properly designed bolted connection is able to transfer shear force member(s) and, of course, the bolts. If shop weld is involved, that
and/or moment and tension. To fulfill the force transfer, quite a is another item to be calculated.
few items need to be checked. Different connections require
Different connections could be used to fulfill a certain beam-
different items to be checked. But some common calculations is
column joint. Sometime it is not obvious which one is most
required for almost all bolted connections, such as bolt shear, bolt
economical. The cost estimation is necessary for this situation. A
tension, connection member bearing, tension and shear block etc.
general idea of cost estimation will be introduce in this paper.
This paper will list the most commonly used bolted beam-column
connections and discuss the characteristics and usual design 2. Types of bolted beam-column connections
procedure of these connections. Then an example will be explained
more detailed and a spreadsheet will be developed for the design of Bolted beam-column connections can be sorted to groups by
this connection. It is worth to be noted that although the different circumstances, e.g. by beam and column profiles (I shape
spreadsheet is developed for the particular connection, it can also or HSS), by bolts working conditions (bearing-type or slip-critical),
be used for other connections to check the same working by forces to be transferred (axial force, shear or moment), by types
circumstances or further development could be made accordingly. of connection members (plate or angle), and by methods of
connecting (framed or seated). It is reasonable to sort connections
into groups according to the force to be transferred and then
continue to sort each group into sub-groups by the other factors

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Steel Design Bolted Beam-Column Connections S.F.Stiemer

mentioned above. Connections transferring axial force are usually (b) shows beam connecting to web of column. Stiffeners may be
used for bracing members which will not be discussed in this paper. required to stiffen the thin web of the column in order to avoid
local buckling caused by the eccentric moment.
(1). Connections transferring shear force
(c) is different with (a) only of an additional flange cope. The cope
Two common methods can be used to transfer shear force from is necessary when the beam web height is too tight to arrange a
beams to columns, framed connections and seated connections. certain number of bolts. With the cope existing, an additional item
needs to be checked which will be discussed later.
A. Framed connections (d)(e)(f) are connections with HSS columns.
The wall of HSS is usually thin, so the tab plate is usually not
Framed shear connections are designed to transfer shear force by
welded directly to the wall surface to avoid local buckling, the
connecting the beam web to the column. Commonly used types are
same reason of (b).
shown in Fig 2.1. , Fig. 2.2 and Fig. 2.3. It can be found in these
figures that columns could be I shape or HSS. These are the most (d) is Tee-type connection. The connection member could be WT
commonly used column profiles. The beams are usually I shape. profile or built-up Tee (two pieces of plate shop welded Tee shape).
Although HSS profiles may be used as beams, they are usually The later is more commonly used because of the variety of size. In
hard to be bolt-connected to columns. Usually HSS beams are field this type of connection, the Tee is welded at the flange edge close
weld with erection bolts only. In this paper, only I shape beams are to the corner of the HSS column so that the eccentric moment can
considered. Channels may be used as small beams. Most of the be resisted by the walls on the other sides cross the corner. By
connections can still be used for channels. doing this, the eccentric moment is transferred from weak-axis-
bending part to strong-axis-bending parts.
(A.1). Shear tab beam-column connection (e) and (f) are through-plate connections. If two sides of beams are
connected to HSS column, (f) may be more economical (and/or
Fig. 2.1 shows some typical shear tab beam-column connections. more reliable) than using two Tee-type connections at each side.
These connections are widely used to facilitate both fabrication
and installation. (A.2). End plate beam-column connection

(a) is the simplest one. The connection member is only a plate Fig. 2.2 shows typical end plate connections at one side or two
with bolt holes shop welded to the column. The beam web is shop sides. An end plate with bolt holes is shop welded to the web of the
prepared with bolt holes accordingly. With different column beam. The column is shop prepared with bolt holes accordingly. It
profiles and connecting location, the connection could be not should be noted that if the beams are framed two sides to the
exactly the same, as other types shown in Figure 2.1, but the main column web, and the two end plates are of the same size, at least
idea and the design procedure remain similar. one end plate should be coped off one bolt to facilitate installation,

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Plate coped for

safe connection

(a ) (b )
(a ) (b)

Fig. 2.2 End Plate Connection


(d )

(b )


(e) (f) (c )
Fig. 2.1 Shear Tab Connection Fig. 2.3 Bolted Angle Connection

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(b ) (c )
Fig. 2.5 Seat Angle Connection and Built-up Tee-stub Connection

Fig. 2.4 Column Top Seat Connection
(a )

(a ) (b )
(c ) (d)
Fig. 2.5 Seat Angle Connection and Built-up Tee-stub Connection Fig. 2.6 Moment Connection

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of circumstances will end up with not-matching bolt holes. i.e. the

bolt connection can not be fulfilled on site. This may be caused by
the mistake of detailer, or shop worker, or site worker. Common
reasons are mis-locating of bolt holes in shop or mis-locating of
columns on site. These mis-locations are usually very small, but if
it is bigger than 2mm or more, it is big enough to kill the bolted
connection. Slot holes can be used if applicable for shear tab
connections to allow bigger tolerance, while end plate connections
do not have this option. If the tiny mis-location happens to a shear
tab connection, it can be easily fixed by field welding beam web to
the tab plate. For the same problem happening to end plate
connections, say, the beam is a little too long or too short, costly
(e ) modification has to be made.
Fig. 2.6 Moment Connection (A.3). Bolted angle connection
as shown in (b) of Fig. 2.2..
Comparing with shear tab connections, the end plate connections Fig. 2.3 shows three types of double angle connections. Single
have advantages as follows: angle connections are also commonly used to transfer less shear
force if applicable.
For both shear tab plate and end plate length within the height of
beam web, double number of bolts can be used in end plate (a) is all bolted connection. The angles are usually shop bolted to
connection. That is to say, end plate connection is capable of the beam and can be shipped along with the beam to avoid small
transferring as twice of shear force as that of shear tab connection. loosing members. The shop bolts are only finger tight which can be
It may not be that much because other parameters may govern. easily taken off on site if necessary. If double angles are used, the
When large shear force needs to be transferred and one row of bolts on the beam web are double sheared (two shear planes in a
bolts can not be arranged within the height of the beam web, end bolted joint) so that the bolt strength is most efficiently used. This
plate connection is a good alternation. type of connections has the advantages of end plate connections
Eccentric moment is not involved in end plate connections as that and avoids the disadvantage of them. The price of having these
occurs in shear tab connections. So the bolt shear resistance can be advantages is consuming more material.
fully used to transfer shear force. This is also an advantage for
moment sensitive columns. Shop weld is usually more economical than using bolts. That is the
The disadvantage of end plate connection is its accuracy advantage of (b) and (c) comparing with (a). (b) is similar with end
requirement. The tolerance of bolt connections is only 2mm. A lot plate connections while the weld is not so dense at the beam web

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edge to avoid high stress. The bolts in (c) are double sheared which Although seated beam shear connections are designed to support
is an economical way of using bolts as mentioned before. However, vertical loads only, eccentricities produced by these connections
the bottom flange of the beam has to be coped as shown to allow may be greater than by simple framed shear connections and can
the beam to drop in. This cope also reduces the capacity of the influence the design of supporting members.
beam in the vicinity of the connection which will be discussed later. The seat angle can be stiffened as shown in (a) or unstiffened as
All these factor may lead (c) to an uneconomical connection. shown in (b). The unstiffened angle seat consists of a relatively
thick angle either shop-welded or bolted to the column. When the
B. Seated connections supporting member is a column web, access for welding may be
Fig. 2.4, Fig. 2.5 and Fig. 2.7 show some typical beam-column restricted. Load capacity of an unstiffened angle seat is limited by
seated connections the angle thickness. This capacity can be increased by stiffening
(B.1). Beam seated on top of column. the angle; however, stiffened angle seats are more expensive to
fabricate, and stiffened seats using tee-stubs built up from plate as
Fig. 2.4 shows connections of beams seated on top of columns. If shown in (c) are usually more economical.
lateral force and uplift force are not considered in these
connections, bolt calculating is not required. The bolts are selected The seated beam must be stabilized laterally with a flexible clip
to be compatible with the size of the beam and the column. At the angle attached either to the top flange of the beam as shown in (a)
top of the column, the cap plate is provided simply as a practical and (b) or to the beam web near the top of the beam as shown in
convenience to assist in the connection between the beam and the (c). The clip angle must be thin enough to permit end rotation of
column. The length of the cap plate is selected to provide sufficient the beam. Either welds or bolts can be used to connect the clip
space for bolting to underside of the beam, and the plate is of angle to the beam and the column. When welds are used, the fillet
nominal thickness. However, when checking the bearing resistance welds should be located along the toes of the angle.
of the beam, if the bearing length is taken as the length of the cap
plate instead of the column width, the thickness of the cap plate (2). Connections transferring moment
has to be checked to resist the bending moment caused by the When a connection is designed to transfer moment, the flanges of
uniformly distributed bearing force transferred from the beam. the beam have to be connected to the column. The moment is
(c) is usually used when the column is located against a wall, so transferred by the pair of tension and compression forces in the top
the beam is not allowed to stick out too much out of the column. and bottom flange of the beam. It should be noted that usually
moment connections transfer shear force as well, so the web of the
(B.2). Seat angle connection and built-up tee-stub seated beam is also connected to the column.
Fig. 2.6 shows some commonly used moment connection.
Seat angle connections and built-up tee-stub seated connection are
usually used at floor level to connecting beams to the column (a) and (b) are connections with bolted flanges and shear tab bolted
while the column continues to upper floor as shown in Fig. 2.5. at the beam web. The beam flanges are bolted to plates to transfer
tension and compression force which composing moment. The

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moment plates are spaced to accommodate rolling tolerances for 3. Materials used in bolted beam-column
beam depth and flange tilt, and nominal shims are provided to fill connections
any significant gap. Minor gaps are closed by the action of bolting.
(c) illustrates beam flanges field-welded directly to the column (1). Bolt
with groove weld. The beam flanges are shop prepared with There are three kinds of bolts used in steel construction in Canada.
grooves and rat holes are also prepared on the web to facilitate These are high-strength structural bolts manufactured under the
field welding. Backing bars and run-off tabs for the welds may be American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
required. Shear capacity is developed by web framing plate. Other specifications A325 and A490, and common bolts manufactured
types of shear transferring methods such as seat angle or web under ASTM A307. The A325 and A490 bolts are structural bolts
framing angle can also be used. The shear connection also acts as and can be used for any building application. A307 bolts, which
construction support while the field welds are made. Actually this were referred to previously as common bolts, are also variously
connection should be considered as a welded connection which is called machine bolts, ordinary bolts, and unfinished bolts. The use
beyond this paper. of these bolts is limited primarily to shear connections in
(d) illustrates the use of short beam sections shop welded to the nonfatigue applications. Only high-strength structural bolts A325
column, and field-bolted to the beam near a point of contra flexure. and A490 are involved in this paper.
An end-plate connection is shown but lapping splice plates for the Structural bolts can be installed pretensioned or snug tight.
web may be more economical depending on the forces to be Pretensioned means that the bolt is torqued until a tension force
transferred and the relative ease of achieving field fit-up. This approximately equal to 70 percent of its tensile strength is
connection avoids field welds and also avoids using a lot of bolts produced in the bolt. Snug-tight is the condition that exists when
and thick plates to transfer the significant tension and compression all plies are in contact. It can be attained by a few impacts of an
forces in the flanges. The disadvantage is that the contra flexure impact wrench or the full effort of a person using an ordinary spud
point is usually not certain. If the assumed contra flexure point is wrench. Pretensioned bolts are usually used in slip-critical
too far away from the real one, the actual moment will be less than connections or when the bolts are carrying tensile cyclic loading.
or even over the design value. Refer to [1]$22.2.2 for requirement where pretensioned bolts
(e) shows a heavy plate shop-welded to the end of the beam and should be used.
field-bolted to the column. The end plate distributes flange forces Structural bolts are available in many sizes in both imperial and
over a greater length of column web than a fully welded joint, but metric series. The bolt diameter ranges from 1/2” to 1-1/2” in
prying action must be considered. Stiffeners can be used as shown imperial series and from 16mm to 36mm in metric series. Most
to reduce the prying action. standard connection tables, however, apply primarily to 3/4” and
7/8” imperial bolts and 20mm and 22mm metric bolts. Shop and
erection equipment is generally set up for these sizes, and workers
are familiar with them.

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Different types of washers are required depending on the specified c. Choose bolt grade, size and connection part grade and size.
conditions. Refer to [1]$23.5 for detailed requirements. d. Calculate number of bolt required.
(2). Plate and Angle e. Check connection part capacity (bearing, tension, compression,
shearing, buckling, etc.).
Plate and angle are the most commonly used materials for bolted
connections. The plate and angle should provide adequate f. Calculate shop welds.
flexibility for group of bolts to work together. i.e. potential for g. Check beam and column capacity at connection (bearing,
minor bolt hole deformation is required. For this reason, the buckling etc, in most case, stiffener design)
maximum thickness of the material is limited to a certain level.
Calculations involved in a bolted connection design are discussed
Refer to connection design tables in [2] for detailed information.
High strength material should not be used, for the same reason.
Common grade of plate and angle is 300W.
(1). Bolt capacity
4. Design of bolted beam-column connections Bolt capacity of force resistance needs to be calculated in most of
the connections except some seated connections as shown in
The general procedure of bolted beam-column connection design is: Fig.2.4 and Fig.2.5 (bolts on beam flange).
a. Determine the factored load to be transferred by the connection. (a). Bolts in Shear
Different load combinations should be checked according to
National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) 1995-$4.1.3 to find This is the most common working condition of bolts. This item
out the most severe effect. needs to be checked in the following sample connections:
b. Choose connection type All of Fig.2.1, Fig.2.2, Fig.2.3, Fig.2.6 (a)~(d)
The parameters to be taken into consideration are:
Code citation
Load to be transferred.
$13.12.1 Bolts in Bearing-Type Connections
Economy (Material, Shop cost, Erection cost, Time consuming, φb
Climate, Weather, etc.) For bolts subject to shear or tension, shall be taken as 0.80.

Beam and column profiles. $ Bolts in Shear

Location. The factored resistance developed by a bolted joint subjected to

shear shall be taken as the lesser of
(a) the factored bearing resistance, Br, given in Clause 13.10(c); or
Material availability.
(b) the factored shear resistance of the bolts, which shall be taken
etc. as

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Vr = 0.60фbnmAbFu Resistance of shear tab connections using common bolts can be

found in Table 3-41 in [2].
When the bolt threads are intercepted by any shear plane, the
factored shear resistance of any joint shall be taken as 0.70 of Vr. (b). Bolts in Tension
For lap splices with L≥15d, where d is the bolt diameter and L is
Code citation
the joint length between centers of end fasteners. The shearing
resistance of the bolts shall be taken as 1.075-0.005L/d, but not $ Bolts in Tension
less than 0.75 of the aforementioned values. The factored tensile resistance developed by a bolt in a joint
$13.10(c) Load bearing in bolted connections subjected to tensile force, Tr, shall be taken as
Br = 3фbrtdnFu Tr = 0.75фbAbFu
whereф = taken as 0.67 The calculated tensile force, Tf, is independent of the pretension
br and shall be taken as the sum of the external load plus any tension
Fu = tensile strength of the connected material caused by prying action.
[1] no longer implies that threads are excluded from the shear Detailed explanation of prying action and design tables can be
plane when the material thickness adjacent to the nut is equal to found in [2] Section3, bolts in tension and prying action.
10mm or bigger. Without special precautions, thickness less than (c). Bolts in Combined Shear and Tension.
10mm may allow threads to be intercepted. For practical reasons, it
is suggested that bearing-type shear connections be designed on Fig. 2.6(e) is a typical connection in which bolts are in combined
the assumption of intercepted threads when combinations of thin shear and tension. The total 8 blots resist shear force and the 4
material and detailing for minimum bolt stick-through (the nuts) bolts adjacent to the top flange of the beam also arise tensile force
are expected. to resist moment.
Special condition of shear tab connections When bolts are supposed to resist eccentric moment, like the bolts
on column flange in Fig. 2.3(a), combined shear and tension also
Astaneh identified that the strength of shear tabs is a function of need to be checked.
several variables. The first is the stiffness of the supporting
member. Shear tabs on flexible supports have larger bolt Code citation
eccentricity, and therefore lower resistances, than do those on rigid
supports. The eccentricities are also a function of the number of $ Bolts in Combined Shear and Tension
bolts in the connection. For rigid supports, such as columns, A bolt in a joint that is required to develop resistance to both
efficiency in terms of capacity per bolt is a maximum for four bolts tension and shear shall be proportioned so that
because the effective eccentricity is zero.

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2 2 Code citation
⎛ Vf ⎞ ⎛ Tf ⎞
⎜ + ⎜ ≤ 1
⎜ Vr ⎜ Tr $13.13.1 Welds general
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
The resistance factor, φw , for welded connections shall be taken as
Where Vr is as given in Clause and Tr is as given in
$ Fillet welds
(a) Bolts in Slip-Critical Connections.
The factored resistance for shear and tension or compression-
Refer to [1] $13.12.2 for capacity of bolts in slip-critical induced shear shall be taken as the lesser of
(a) for the base metal
(2). Weld capacity Vr = 0.67фwAmFu
The main types of welds used for structural steel are fillet, groove, (b) for the weld metal
plug, and slot. The most commonly used weld is the fillet. For light
loads, it is the most economical, because little preparation of Vr = 0.67фwAwXu(1.00 + 0.50sinθ1.5)
material is required. For heavy loads, groove welds are the most Where
efficient, because the full strength of the base metal can be
θ = angle of axis of weld with the line of action of force (0o for a
obtained easily. Use of plug and slot welds generally is limited to
longitudinal weld and 90o for a transverse weld).
special conditions were fillet or groove welds are not practical.
Shop welds are usually more economical than bolts. In bolted Am = shear area of effective fusion face
beam-column connections, the connecting parts (plates or angles) Aw = area of effective weld throat.
are usually shop welded to one member and field bolted to the
other one to be connected. $13.13.3 Tension Normal to Axis of Weld

Fillet welds should be used in all the sample connections shown in $ Complete Joint Penetration Groove Weld Made with
Fig.2.1 through Fig. 2.5. Groove welds should be used in the Matching Electrodes
moment connections at beam flanges locations as shown in Fig. 2.6. The factored tensile resistance shall be taken as that of the base
to obtain full strength of the beam. metal.
Only three types of working conditions of the shop welds are $13.13.4 Compression Normal to Axis of Weld
involved in the sample connections, these are: $ Complete and Partial Joint Penetration Groove Weld,
Fillet welds for shear. Groove welds for tension and compression Made with Matching Electrodes
normal to axis of weld. The compressive resistance shall be taken as that of the effective
area of base metal in the joint. For partial joint penetration groove

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welds, the effective area in compression is the nominal area of the Refer to [1] $22.3.4 for the requirement of minimum end distance.
fusion face normal to the compression plus the area of the base The resistance of tension and shear block failure as shown in (c) is
metal fitted in contact bearing. illustrated in [1] $13.11.
According to $ and $, in a moment connection,
if a part is connected by complete joint penetration groove welds Code citation
made with matching electrodes, the welds do not need to be $13.11 Tension and Shear Block Failure
calculated. Complete joint penetration groove welds are commonly
used in moment connections. The factored resistance of a connected part whose failure mode
involves both tensile fracture and either shear yielding or shear
(3). Connecting part capacity fracture shall be taken as
(a). Framed shear connection (a) for gusset plates, framing angles, and shear tabs, and the ends
of tension members, the lesser of
Possible failure mechanisms of connecting parts in framed shear
connections are shown in Fig. 4.1. (i) Tr + Vr = фAntFu + 0.60фAgvFy
The end shearing failure as shown in (b) is that the plate be sheared (ii) Tr + Vr = фAntFu + 0.60фAnvFu
out between the end fastener and the end of the plate. This failure
(b) for coped beams the lesser of
(i) Tr + Vr = 0.50фAntFu + 0.60фAgvFy
(ii) Tr + Vr = 0.50фAntFu + 0.60фAnvFu
Ant = the net area in tension for block failure
Agv = the gross area in shear for block failure
Anv = the net area in shear for block failure
The shearing failure resistance as shown in (a) should be taken
FAILURE (b) END SHEARING BLOCK FAILURE from the same formulae as those of tension and shear block failure
FAILURE except that Ant equals to zero.
Fig. 4.1 Failure mechanisms of shear plate or angle (b). Seat angle connection and built-up tee-stub seated connection
mechanism is avoided by limiting the distance between the
centerline of the bolt and the end of the plate (end distance).

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Commonly used seated connections are unstiffened seat angle as The tension and shear block failure has been discussed before. The
shown in Fig. 2.5(b) and built-up tee-stub seated connection as capacity to resist the other two failure mechanisms, net section
shown in Fig. 2.5(c). fracture and gross section yielding, are required by [1] $13.2(a)
The capacity of unstiffened seat angle connection is governed by
the stiffness of the angle seat and the bearing resistance of the Code citation
supported beam. Detailed explanation and design tables can be $13.2 Axial Tension Member and Connection Resistance
found in [2] Section 3~Seated beam shear connections. The factored tensile resistance, Tr , developed by a member
The capacity built-up tee-stub seated connection is governed by the subjected to an axial tensile force shall be taken as
welds which connect the tee-stub to the column. The thickness of the least of
the tee-stub plates is required to be not less than the web thickness
of the supported beam. The bearing capacity of the beam needs to (i) Tr = фAgFy; (Gross section yielding)
meet the requirement also. Detailed explanation and design tables (ii) Tr = 0.85фAnFu; (Net section fracture)
can be found in [2] Section 3~Stiffened seated beam connections.
(iii)Tr = 0.85фAneFu (Net section fracture considering shear lag)
(c). Moment connection
The plates connecting the beam web in moment connections like The effective net area Ane considering shear lag is defined in [1]
(a)(b)(d) in Fig. 2.6 are same as those in framed shear connections. $12.3.3
The failure mechanisms of the plates connecting flanges are same The required stiffness of the end plate in (e) of Fig. 2.6 can be
as (b) and (c) in Fig. 4.1 plus failures as tension member as shown calculated using the similar method as the seated connection of (b)
in Fig. 4.2. Compression is equal in value with tension, usually the or (c) of Fig. 2.5.
plates connecting flanges are of same size and the slenderness ratio
of the plate in compression is very small, so usually the (4). Beam and column capacity at connection
compression plate needs not to be checked. With the bolt arrangement meet the requirement of [1] $22, usually
only tension and shear block of beam and bearing stiffeners need
to be considered for beam and column capacities. The bearing
capacities at bolt holes are considered when checking bolt
When a beam is coped as shown in Fig. 4.3, the tension and shear
block capacity is required by [1] $13.11(b) (See Code citation on
Page 11). It should be noted that the capacity of tension and shear
(a)Tension and (b) Net section
block of a coped beam is less than that of a framed plate or angle
(c) Gross section
shear block fracture yielding because the tensile strength attainable on the net section of a coped
Fig. 4.2 Tension failure

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beam is reduced. This is done because it is observed in tests that for end reactions, the smaller of
the block of material rotates as it resists the load and the tensile
(i) Br = фbew(N + 4t)Fy
stress is not uniform across the length of the net section.
(ii)Br = 0.60фbew2 √(FyE)
N = length of bearing
фbi = 0.80
фbe = 0.75
wherever the bearing resistance of the web is exceeded, bearing
stiffeners shall be used ( see $14.4)
$14.4 Bearing Stiffeners
F ig . 4 .3 T en sio n an d sh ear b lo ck failu re Pairs of bearing stiffeners on the webs of single-web beams and
o f co p ed b eam girders shall be required at points of concentrated loads and
Stiffeners are required for I shaped beam or column when the force reactions wherever the bearing resistance of the web is exceeded
acting on the flange exceeds the bear capacity of the web as shown (see $14.3.2). Bearing stiffeners shall also be required at unframed
in the sample connections. ends of single-web girders having web depth-to-thickness ratios
greater than 1100/√Fy. Box girders may employ diaphragms
Bearing stiffeners may be required in seated connections as shown designed to act as bearing stiffeners.
in Fig. 2.4 and Fig. 2.5.
Code citation Bearing stiffeners shall bear against the flange or flanges through
$14.3.2 Web Crippling and Yielding which they receive their loads and shall extend approximately to
the edge of the flange plates or flange angles. They shall be
The factored bearing resistance of the web shall be taken as designed as columns in accordance with $13.3, assuming that the
follows: column section consists of the pair of stiffeners and a centrally
(a) for interior loads (concentrated load applied at a distance from located strip of the web equal to not more than 25 times its
the member end greater than the member depth), the smaller of thickness at the interior stiffeners, or a strip equal to not more than
(i) Br = фbiw(N + 10t)Fy 12 times its thickness when the stiffeners are located at the end of
the web. The effective column length, KL, shall be taken as not
(ii)Br = 1.45фbiw2 √(FyE) less than three-fourths of the length of the stiffeners in calculating

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Steel Design Bolted Beam-Column Connections S.F.Stiemer

the ratio KL/r. Only that portion of the stiffeners outside of the db = depth of beam
angle fillet or the flange-to-web welds shall be considered effective
hc = clear depth of column web
in bearing. Angle bearing stiffeners shall not be crimped. Bearing
stiffeners shall be connected to the web to develop the full force The stiffener or pair of stiffeners opposite either beam flange shall
required to be carried by the stiffener into the web or vice versa. develop a force equal to
Stiffeners for moment connections are required by [1] $21.3 Fst = (Mf / db) - Br
Stiffeners shall also be provided on the web of columns, beams, or
Code citation girders if Vr calculated from $ is exceeded, in which case
$21.3 Restrained Members the stiffener or stiffeners shall transfer a shear force equal to
When beams, girders, or trusses are subject to both reaction shear Vst = Vf - 0.55фwdFy
and end moment due to full or partial end restraint or to continuous In all cases, the stiffeners shall be connected so that the force in the
or cantilever construction, their connections shall be designed for stiffener is transferred through the stiffener connection. When
the combined effect of shear, bending, and axial load. beams frame to one side of the column only, the stiffeners need not
When beams are rigidly framed to the flange of an I-shaped be longer than one-half of the depth of the column. When an axial
column, stiffeners shall be provided on the column web if the tension or compression force is acting on the beam, its effects
following bearing and tensile resistances of the column are (additive only) shall be considered in the design of the stiffeners.
5. Connection design example (Bolted end plate
opposite the compression flange of the beam when
connection Formatted Spreadsheet developed)
Br = фbiwc(tb + 10tc) Fyc < (Mf / db)
Except that for members with Class 3 or 4 webs
Br = 640000фbiwc(tb + 10tc) / (hc / wc)
opposite the tension flange of the beam when
Tr = 7фtc2Fyc < (Mf / db)
wc = thickness of column web
tb = thickness of beam flange
tc = thickness of column flange
Fyc = specified yield point of column
Fig.5.1 Example of End Plate Connection

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Fig. 5.1 shows a W410X60 beam to be connected to the flange of a V 450 ⋅ 1000
L 223 mm
W310X86 column. The factored shear force to be transferred is 0.67 ⋅ φw ⋅ F ⋅ 5
0.67 ⋅ 0.67 ⋅ 450 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 2
450KN. Beam and column are 350W steel and end plate will be
300W steel. A325M bolts and E49xx electrode are available for 5.4 Check weld length required according to beam web shear:
the connection. V 450 ⋅ 1000
L 281mm
Parameter of column steel section: φ⋅ w ⋅ 0.66 ⋅ F 0.9 ⋅ 7.7 ⋅ 0.66 ⋅ 350
y ----$
Flange thickness t = 16.3mm
Plus 2 times weld size at start and end, so at least 291mm end plate
Paremeter of beam steel section: length is required.
Web thickness w = 7.7mm Plate size and hole locations are shown in Fig 5.1
5.1 Calculate number of bolts required. Horizontal pitch of bolt is taken to be 130 as usual gauge.
From $ Assume M20 A325 bolt with thread intercepted. 5.5 Check bolt pitch and edge distance
V 450⋅ 1000 Bolt pitch and edge distance are check according to $22.3. OK
n 5.2
0.6⋅ φb⋅ m⋅ A ⋅ F ⋅ 0.7 0.6⋅ 0.8⋅ 1⋅ 314⋅ 825⋅ 0.7
b u ---$ 5.6 Check end plate shear resistance
Take 6 bolts, 2x3 Agv = 310 x 6 = 1860mm2
5.2 Check plate bearing resistance at bolt holes. Anv = Agv – 3 x ( 20 + 4 ) x 6 = 1428mm2
Use 6mm plate, W310X86 flange thickness is 16.3 > 6, so 6mm Vr = 0.66*ф*Agv*Fy = 0.66*0.9*1860*350/1000 = 387KN
end plate thickness will govern. Vr > V/2 OK
450 5.7 Check end plate tension and shear block resistance
Br = 3 ф brtdn Fu 3⋅ 0.67⋅ 6⋅ 20⋅ 6⋅ 651KN
1000 >450KN OK -- Ant = (35 – 20/2 -2) * 6 = 138mm2
Agv = (240 + 35) * 6 = 1650mm2
5.3 Calculate weld
Anv = Agv – (20 + 4) * 2.5 * 6 = 1290mm2
Fillet weld length required:
T + V φA nt F + 0.60 φA gv F 323KN
r r u y ---$13.11(a)(i)
According to CSA W59, both end plate and beam web thicknesses
are between 6mm~12mm, minimum of 5mm fillet weld size is T + V φA nt F + 0.60 φA nv F 369KN
r r u u ----$13.11(a)(ii)
Try 5mm fillet weld both sides of beam web. 323 > V/2 OK

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Steel Design Bolted Beam-Column Connections S.F.Stiemer

6. Cost estimation of bolted beam-column should consider certain parameters such as cost, shop fabrication,
connections shipping and installation to choose a proper one.
The cost of bolted connections includes: Even for a very simple connection such as shear tab, a lot of items
need to be checked. Connection design can be time consuming if
Cost of material: connection parts (plate or angle), bolt done by hand and important checking may be missed which may
Cost of connection parts preparation: cut plate or angle, punch or cause trouble.
drill holes Well developed spreadsheets are good tools for connection design
Cost of column and beam preparation: cut, cope, punch or drill and cost estimation.
Cost of shop weld: material (electrode etc.) and labor
Cost of installation
The costs of detailing drawing and shipping are not included
because these items usually do not differ with connection types to
be chosen.
The volume of material and labor for different types of connections
can be calculated once the forces are known and the type of
connection is chosen, while the rates for the items listed above
differ with locations, shops, installers, material providers, time etc. References
To do a cost estimation of connections, the designer needs to get [1] CAN/CSA S16-01 Limit States Design of Steel Structures
all the information of these rates according to certain situation.
Then put these rates in the formatted spreadsheet, cost can be [2] Handbook of Steel Construction, Canadian institute of Steel
calculated for different types of connections. An optimal Construction, Eighth Edition, 2004.
connection can then be chosen. [3] Kulak, Grondin “Limit States Design in Structural Steel”,
An example of cost estimation of an end plate connection is Seventh Editon, 2002
provided in the developed the spreadsheet. [4] Akbar R. Tamboli “Handbook of Structural Steel Connection
Design and Details”, 1999
7. Conclusion
Bolted beam-column connections are widely used in steel
construction. Various connections could be chosen to fulfill a task
while they all have advantages and disadvantages. The designer

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