Flat Slab
Flat Slab
Flat Slab
In two way slabs the slabs are resting on T-Beams and the
Answer slab load transfer to the beams and then in to the columns.
Flat slabs means A concrete slab which is reinforced in two
or more directions, usually without beams or girders to
transfer the loads to supporting members.
1-In two way slab, the slab is supported by beams, the load
of both slab and beams is conveyed to columns and footings.
Flat slab, or more accurately flat plate the slab is
supported by columns, no beams to be used.
2-In two way slab,shear is critical in beams and considered
in slab.
In flat slab, the shear is very critical at the area of
Answer connection of slab with column (called punching shear).
#3 here the column due to load is trying to punch through the
slab and we need the slab to be thickened ( by using Caps)
and/ or heavily reinforced to resist this shear.
3-In two way slab, due to (drop) beams, some of the floor
height is lost (we need more height for different piping
In flat slab, we don't have this problem because we don't
have drop beams
1-In two way slab, the slab is supported by beams, the load
of both slab and beams is conveyed to columns and footings.
Answer Flat slab, or more accurately flat plate the slab is
#4 supported by columns, no beams to be used.
2-In two way slab,shear is critical in beams and considered
in slab.
In two way slab, the slab is supported by beams, the load
of both slab and beams is conveyed to columns and footings.
Flat slab, or more accurately flat plate the slab is
supported by columns, no beams to be used.
Answer In flat slab, the shear is very critical at the area of
#5 connection of slab with column (called punching shear).
here the column due to load is trying to punch through the
slab and we need the slab to be thickened ( by using Caps)
and/ or heavily reinforced to resist this shear.