Design & Implementation of JPEG2000 Encoder Using VHDL: Kanchan H. Wagh, Pravin K. Dakhole, Vinod G. Adhau

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Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol I

WCE 2008, July 2 - 4, 2008, London, U.K.

Design & Implementation of JPEG2000 Encoder using VHDL

Kanchan H. Wagh, Pravin K. Dakhole, Vinod G. Adhau

Abstract 2. Applications-Requirement-Features
This paper deals with the design and implementation of
JPEG2000 Encoder using Very High Speed Integrated Circuit The JPEG 2000 standard provides a set of features that are
Hardware Description Language (VHDL). The new still of vital importance to many high-end and emerging
compression image standard, JPEG2000 has emerged with a applications, by taking advantage of new technologies. It
number of significant features that would allow it to be used addresses areas where current standards fail to produce the
efficiently over a wide variety of images. The scalability of the new best quality or performance and provides capabilities to
standard is intended to allow trading off between compression
rates and quality of images. Due to multi-resolution nature of
markets that currently do not use compression. The markets
wavelet transforms, they have been adopted by the JPEG2000 and applications better served by the JPEG2000 standard
standard as the transform of choice. In this paper, an are Internet, color facsimile, printing, scanning (consumer
implementation for a reconfigurable fully scalable Integer Wavelet and pre-press), digital photography, remote sensing, mobile,
Transform (IWT) unit that satisfies the specifications of the medical imagery, digital libraries / archives & E-commerce.
JPEG2000 standard has been presented. The implementation is Each application area imposes some requirements that the
based on the lifting scheme, which is the most computation standard should fulfil [1]. The features that this standard
efficient implementation of the discrete wavelet transform. should possess are the following:
Key Words- JPEG2000, Run Length Encoder, Wavelet transform,
2.1 Superior low bit-rate performance:
Le-Gall 5/3-filter bank, Lifting scheme, data compression.
This standard should offer performance superior to the
1. Introduction current standards at low bit-rates (eg. Below 0.25 bpp for
highly detailed gray-scale image). This significantly
The most common form of image compression is known as improved low bit-rate performance should be achieved
JPEG. The joint photographic Expert Group in the late without sacrificing performance on the rest of the rate-
1980’s developed this standard. The committee’s first distortion spectrum. Examples of applications that need this
published standard was named as Baseline JPEG. In 1996’s, feature include network image transmission & remote
JPEG committee began to investigate possibilities for new sensing. This is the highest priority feature.
image compression standard that can serve current & future
applications. This initiative was named as JPEG2000.The 2.2 Continuous-tone and bi-level compression:
implementation of the JPEG2000 arithmetic encoder was
written in the VHDL. It is desired to have a coding standard that is capable of
The paper is organized in the following way. In section 2 compressing both Continuous-tone and bi-level image. If
the main areas of application & their requirement are given. feasible, this standard should strive to achieve this with
The architecture of the standard is described in section 3. It similar system resources. The system should compress &
contains the general block diagram of JPEG 2000. In decompress image with various dynamic ranges (e.g. 1bit to
section 4 in short DWT is explained. In section 5 the Lifting 16 bit) for each color component. Example of application
scheme is described, which is the most computation that can use this feature include compound documents with
efficient implementation of the discrete wavelet transform. images & text, medical images with annotation overlays,
In section 6 the Block diagram, Design and Simulation of and graphic and computer generated images with binary
the different blocks namely Huffman coder, Quantizer and and near to binary regions, alpha and transparency planes,
Level Shifter are reported. and facsimile.

Ms. Kanchan H. Wagh , Department of Electronics and Communication

2.3 Lossless and lossy compression:
Engineering , VLSI Laboratory, Yeshwantrao Chavan College Of
Engineering , Nagpur, India (Mobile-+919922016452, Phone No.- It is desired to provide lossless compression naturally in
+917122286333, e-mail: the course of progressive decoding. Example of
Pravin K. Dakhole, IEEE Member, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering , VLSI Laboratory, Y.C.C.E College,
applications that can use this feature include medical
Nagpur ,( images, where loss is not always tolerated, image archival
Vinod G. Adhau, Department of Electronics and Communication applications, where the highest quality is vital for
Engineering , VLSI Laboratory, Y.C.C.E College, Nagpur, (e- preservation but not necessary for display, network

ISBN:978-988-98671-9-5 WCE 2008

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol I
WCE 2008, July 2 - 4, 2008, London, U.K.

application that supply devices with different capabilities & .

resources, and pre-press imagery.

2.4 Progressive transmission by pixel accuracy and


Progressive transmission that allows images to be

reconstructed with increasing pixel accuracy or spatial
resolution is essential for many applications. This feature Figure 1 : Block diagram of JPEG2000 Encoder and Decoder
allows the reconstruction of images with different
resolutions & pixel accuracy, as needed or desired, for data. The transform coefficients are then quantized and
different target devices. Example of applications includes entropy coded, before forming the output code stream (bit
the World Wide Web, image archival application & stream).The decoder is reverse of the encoder (Fig 1) .The
printers. code stream is first entropy decoded, dequantised and
inverse discrete transformed, thus resulting in the
2.5 Random code stream access and processing: reconstructed image data. The quantization reduces the
precision of the values generated from the encoder &
Often there are parts of an image that are more important therefore reduces the number of bits required to save the
than other. This features allows user define Regions-Of- transform coefficients. This process is lossy . An entropy
Interest (ROI) in the image to be randomly accessed and/or encoder further compresses the quantized values. This is
decompressed with less distortion then the rest of image. done to achieve better compression. The various commonly
Also, random, translation, filtering, features extraction and used entropy encoder are the Huffman encoder, arithmetic
scaling. encoder. In this paper Huffman encoder is designed &
2.6 Robustness to bit-errors:
4. The Discrete wavelet Transform
It is desirable to consider robustness to bit-errors while
designing the code stream . One application where this is
important is wireless communication channels. Portions of Discrete wavelet transformation (DWT) transforms discrete
the code stream may be more important than others in signal from time domain into time frequency domain. The
determining decoded image quality. Proper design of the transformation product is set of coefficient organized in the
code stream can aid subsequent error correction systems in way that enables not only spectrum analyses of the signal,
alleviating catastrophic decoding failures. but also spectral behavior of the signal in time. This is
achieved by decomposing signal, breaking it in to two
2.7 Open architecture: components, each caring information about source signal.
In wavelet transform, dilation & translation of a mother
It is desirable to allow open architecture to optimise the wavelet are used to perform a spatial/frequency analysis on
system for different image types & applications. With this the inputs data varying the dilation & translation of the
feature, a decoder is only required to implement the core mother wavelet, produces a customization time/frequency
tool set & a parser that understands the code stream. If analysis of input signal compared to traditional DCT-based
necessary, unknown tools are requested by the decoder & processing, DWT yields higher compression ratio & better
sent from the source. visual quantity [2].

2.8 Sequential build-up capability (real time coding): 5. The lifting scheme

The standard should be capable of compressing & The wavelet “Lifting Scheme” is a method for decomposing
decompressing images with a single sequential pass [1]. wavelet transforms into a set of stages. Fast implementation
This standard should also be capable of processing an of DWT is the lifting scheme [2], which can be used to
image using component interleave order or non-interleaved construct both first & second-generation wavelet. The
order. During compression & decompression, the standard lifting scheme is a very general and highly extensible tool
should use context limited to a reasonable number of lines. for building new Wavelet decompositions from existing
ones. Lifting Scheme algorithms have the advantage that
3. Architecture of the standard they do not require temporary arrays in the calculation steps
and have fewer computations. Using the lifting coefficients
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of JPEG 2000 encoder represents the DWT kernel. The technique was introduced
and decoder. The source encoder reduces or eliminates any by Wim Sweldens. The algorithm consists of three simple
source coding, interpixel, psychovisual redundancies in the steps, applied repetitively on the samples: Split phase,
input image [1]. The DWT is first applied on source image predict phase & update phase as illustrated in figure 2.

ISBN:978-988-98671-9-5 WCE 2008

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol I
WCE 2008, July 2 - 4, 2008, London, U.K.

Figure 2: Split, predict and update phases in lifting scheme

(forward transform) Figure 3: Implementation of the wavelet transform of L- Gall
Lifting scheme representation for the 5/3 Le Gall Wavelet
filters. In our design for the hardware lifting scheme-based Figure 3 shows interesting property of the lifting
DWT module, here we choose 5/3 Le-Gall filter .The representation, where predict or update lifting steps are
JPEG2000 standard committed has recommended using the applied. All the samples in the stream are replaced by new
Le-Gall Wavelet filters for the integer mode operation. The samples and at any time we need only the current streams to
following equations shows how the lifting equation for the update sample. In lifting literature, the two basic steps are
Le-Gall filters along with the block diagram can be derived. the predict step, and the update step. The idea behind this
terminology is that lifting of the high-pass sub band with
Filter transforms equation: the low- pass sub band can be seen as prediction of the odd
samples from the even samples. The 2D-DWT was
obtained by performing the designed 1D-DWT on both the
1 1 3 1 1
h ( z ) = − z −2 + z −1 + + z − z −2 ------(1) rows and columns. Figure 4 shows how the 2D-DWT
8 4 4 4 8 modules operate on an input image and what would be the
final output.
1 1 1
gi ( z ) = z −2 − z −1 + ------(2)
4 2 4

The factorized polyphase matrix for the Le Gall

Filter is

⎛1 1 ⎞⎛ 1 1 ⎞⎛ 1 0⎞
ip ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 1 + z ⎟⎜ ⎟
(Z ) = ⎜ 0 − 1 ⎟⎜ 4 4 ⎟⎜ 1
− z −1 −
1 ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎟⎜0 ⎟⎜
⎝ 2 ⎠⎝ 1 ⎠⎝ 2 2 ⎠
the lifting equation can then be directly obtain:

Figure 4: JPEG2000 compression

y2i +1 = −0.5( x2i + x2i + 2 + x2i +1 ) ------(4)
JPEG 2000 is able to offer higher compression ratios for
y2i = 0.25( y2i +1 + y2i +3 ) + x2i ------(5) lossy compression. For lossy compression, data has shown
that JPEG 2000 can typically compress images from 20% to
200% more than JPEG. Another advantage of JPEG 2000 is
Using above equation, one can sketch how the lifting
its ability to display images at different resolutions and
scheme based realization for the 5/3 Le Gall filter would
sizes from the same image file. With JPEG, an image file
look like Figure 4. Represent the basic building block of the
was only able to be displayed a single way, with a certain
1D-DWT using Le Gall filters since all coefficients are
resolution. Because JPEG 2000 is based on wavelets, the
multiples of 2, all multiplication & division can be replaced
wavelet stream can be only partially decompressed if the
by shifting operations. The idea behind this technology is
user only wants a low-resolution image, while the full
that lifting of the high-pass sub-band can be seen as
resolution image can be views if this is desired.
prediction of the odd samples from the even samples.

ISBN:978-988-98671-9-5 WCE 2008

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol I
WCE 2008, July 2 - 4, 2008, London, U.K.

6. Design and Simulation Advantages of the lifting scheme

This project aims to provide modules designed & simulated • Requires less computation and less memory.
using VHDL that can be used to accelerate an existing • Easily produces integer-to-integer wavelet transforms
software implementation of JPEG2000 encoder. for lossless compression.
• Linear, nonlinear, and adaptive wavelet transform is
feasible, and the resulting transform is
invertible and reversible.
image Coded
Preproc DWT Quanti RLE Huffman Image
essing zation Coding For lifting scheme level shifter design is implemented
which calculates the average of sample values (add and
shift operation). Figure 6 shows the simulation waveform of
Figure 5.Block diagram of JPEG compression level shifter.

6.3 Quantization
Figure 5 shows the block diagram of JPEG compression
which is designed & presented in this paper. It consists of Image compression using vector quantization [VQ] is a
preprocessing, DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform), lossy compression. Qunatization is the process by which the
Quantization, RLE (Run length Encoder) and Entropy coder coefficients are reduced in precision. This operation is lossy
(Huffman Coder). unless the quantization step 1 and coefficients are integers
as produced by reversible integer 5/3 wavelet. After
quantization the result obtained is shown in figure 7.
6.1 Reading the original Image Quantization is an extremely important step in the JPEG
The original image which is uncompressed is stripped off
with its header information. Only the necessary information
is retained while reading the image header. These are
number of rows and number of columns in the image. The
image size is then calculated which is equal to the product
of number of rows and columns. The information after the
header inside the image is the pixel intensities. These values
are then read in an array of integers. The image is ready for
further processing.

6.2 Wavelet Transform Routine

The basic concept behind wavelet transform is

hierarchically decompose an input signal into a series of
successively lower resolution reference signals and their
associated detail signals. At each level, the reference signal
and their associated detail signal contain the information figure 6 : Simulation result of Level Shifter
needed to reconstruct the reference signal at the next higher
resolution level. compression algorithm, as it removes a considerable
The Wavelet transform routine employs a lifting amount of information, thus reducing the entropy in the
scheme to simplify the wavelet transform implementation. input data stream. Unfortunately, quantization is
Therefore, it only requires integer add and shift. The DWT irreversible making JPEG lossy. [5] Quantization alone, is
can be irreversible or reversible [1]. The standard support essentially a lossy compression technique. However,
two filtering modes: a convolution based and a lifting quantization does benefit the compression process,
based. Convolution-based filtering consists of performing a regardless of the lossy artifacts that are produced. The high
series of dot products between the two filter masks and the frequency AC coefficients typically will become zero,
extended 1-D signal. Lifting-based filtering consists of a which aids in entropy coding. Quantization is intended to
sequence of very simple filtering operations for which remove the less important components to the visual
alternately odd sample values of the signal are update with reproduction of the image. JPEG allows for custom
a weighted sum of even sample values and even sample quantization tables to be defined within the encoded file
values are updated with a weighted sum of odd sample headers. The quantization tables can be linear or non-linear.
values. For the reversible (lossless) case the results are However, quantization is most effective when less
rounded to integer values. The lifting scheme is an important elements are quantized more coarsely. Larger
alternative method of computing the wavelet coefficients quantization values will result in visual artifacts. Non-zero
AC coefficients after quantization are worse for
compression, but will suppress blocking artifacts in the

ISBN:978-988-98671-9-5 WCE 2008

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol I
WCE 2008, July 2 - 4, 2008, London, U.K.

reconstructed image. Blocking artifacts indicate high spatial

frequencies caused by an absence of AC coefficients [5]. Figure 8 : An example of RLE
Essentially, quantization, when used effectively, will result
in high compression, with minimal loss in quality. Figure 7 The purpose of this step is to compress the image size based
shows the simulation waveform of quantizer. on the pixel values from quantization, which are between
integer values 0 to 16. The image can be compressed as
Types of Quantizer much as up to 10% of the original after the run length
encoding. As in the quantization routine, the image is also
Quantizer can either be linear or non-linear. Linear divided into 10 blocks. Each block will run the same run-
quantization is when input values map to a set of evenly length encoding algorithm.
distributed output values. This is adequate when a high
level of precision is required across the entire range of 6.5 Entropy Coding Routine
possible input values. Non-linear modes treat each input
value differently. The last routine in the image wavelet compression
algorithm is entropy coding .This process based on
6.4 Run Length Encoding calculation result from run length encoding .Using Huffman
coding algorithm for the entropy coding the resulting image
RLE is the next routine following the quantization process. file can be compress as much as up to 2 - 3% of the original
The basic concept is to code each contiguous group of 0’s image size .In the algorithm two 256 size integer arrays are
encountered in a scan of a row by its length and to establish used to hold the parameters for a fixed Huffman coding
a convention for determining the value of the run . This is tree. Huffman coding is an error free (lossless) compression
shown as an example in Figure 8. RLE is useful for technique. The principle method of this technique is to
compressing data that contains repeated values e.g. output encode more probability data by the less bit code . It can be
from a filter, many consecutive values are 0. It is very summarized as following algorithm
simple compared with other compression technique. RLE is 1. Find the probability of each data and sort them
reversible (Lossless) compression technique. In this 2. Generate new node by combination the two smallest
decomposition is just an easy. The RLE algorithm may be probabilities together then sort the probability of new node
adapted to suit the needs, but the main idea is to replace with the remainder probabilities.
runs of the same data (like 'aaaaa' or '00000') with a counter 3. Define 1 for a branch of new node and 0 for another.
saying how many repetitions are there. The idea is quite 4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until the final probability is 1.0.
An example of Huffman coding can be shown in figure 9
many repetitions. and figure 10 shows the resulting waveform of Huffman

Figure 9 : An example of Huffman coding

figure 7 : Simulation result of Quantizer

Figure 10 : Simulation result of Huffman Coder

ISBN:978-988-98671-9-5 WCE 2008

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol I
WCE 2008, July 2 - 4, 2008, London, U.K.

Figure 5 module is implemented using Modelsim version.

The implementation of JPEG 2000 arithmetic encoder was
written in the VHDL language .Following are the important
reasons why this language was used. VHDL is widely used
for creating designs that will be programmed into FPGA
devices. It is general and versatile language in which to
design a digital system. It is true that sections of c encoder
design produced that are tied to FPGA architecture.
However, using VHDL allows as much of the design as
possible to be portable to other synthesis tools.

Implementing the JPEG 2000 encoder in VHDL

therefore results in a much simpler design flow than if
alternate language entry technique had been used. The
Simulation are performed on Modelsim and the design
synthesis is done using Altera Quartus II software. The
image is given as an input and on that image DWT
transform is applied for image compression. Then the
image is compress by different compression techniques like
quantizer, Run length encoder (RLE) and Huffman Coder
(Entropy Encoder). Individual module is tested to meet the
specifications of JPEG2000.


[1] A.N.Skodras,C. A.Christopotlos, T. Evrahimi “JPEG2000 :

The Upcoming Still image compression standard ”IEEE transction
on Image Processing .vol 11,May 2000.

[2] Georgei Kuzmanov Bahman Zafarifar, Prarthana Shrestha,

Stamatis Yassiliadis “Reconfigurable DWT Based On Lifting.”

[3] N. Skodras, T. Evrahimi “JPEG 2000 image coding System

Theory and Application.”

[4] Marco Grangetto, Ecrico magli,MaurizioMartina and

Gabriellaolmo “Optimization and Implementation of the Integer
Wavelet Transform for Image Coding.”

[5] Weidong Kou. Digital Image Compression - Algorithms and

Standards. Copyright by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995
(ISBN 079239626X)

ISBN:978-988-98671-9-5 WCE 2008

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