Response To Trauma and Metabolic Changes: Posttraumatic Metabolism
Response To Trauma and Metabolic Changes: Posttraumatic Metabolism
Response To Trauma and Metabolic Changes: Posttraumatic Metabolism
DOI: 10.5152/UCD.2014.2653
ABSTRACT Stress response caused by events such as surgical trauma includes endocrine, metabolic and immunological chang-
es. Stress hormones and cytokines play a role in these reactions. More reactions are induced by greater stress, ulti-
mately leading to greater catabolic effects. Cuthbertson reported the characteristic response that occurs in trauma
patients: protein and fat consumption and protection of body fluids and electrolytes because of hypermetabolism in
the early period. The oxygen and energy requirement increases in proportion to the severity of trauma. The aware-
ness of alterations in amino acid, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism changes in surgical patients is important in
determining metabolic and nutritional support. The main metabolic change in response to injury that leads to a
series of reactions is the reduction of the normal anabolic effect of insulin, i.e. the development of insulin resis-
tance. Free fatty acids are primary sources of energy after trauma. Triglycerides meet 50 to 80 % of the consumed
energy after trauma and in critical illness. Surgical stress and trauma result in a reduction in protein synthesis and
moderate protein degradation. Severe trauma, burns and sepsis result in increased protein degradation. The aim
of glucose administration to surgical patients during fasting is to reduce proteolysis and to prevent loss of muscle
mass. In major stress such as sepsis and trauma, it is important both to reduce the catabolic response that is the key
to faster healing after surgery and to obtain a balanced metabolism in the shortest possible time with minimum
loss. For these reasons, the details of metabolic response to trauma should be known in managing these situations
and patients should be treated accordingly.
Key Words: Posttraumatic metabolism, stress response, trauma response
Response to trauma includes various endocrine, metabolic and immunological changes. The severity of
these changes is related to the amount of exposed stress. In the activation of central nervous system and
hormonal responses against injury, the direct effect of mediators like TNF-α and IL 1, which are released
from traumatic tissue, on the hypothalamus has been well-known. However, many new studies refer to
nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) in this regard. In a burn-rat model study, it was stated that melatonin,
which is protective against liver damage, played a role in the suppression of NF-kB that is accepted
as a mediator of inflammatory response, and melatonin treatment reduced the significantly increased
hepatic NF-kB and TNF-α activity (1).
Clinic of General Surgery,
Sakarya Toyotasa Emergency Protein malnutrition affects defense against infection by disrupting inflammatory response. Glutamine,
Service Hospital, Sakarya, Turkey although considered as a non-essential amino acid, has been shown to be essential in cases such as
Department of Obstetrics and trauma, surgery, or sepsis where cytokine synthesis is modulated. In a study, it was noted that the effect
Gynaecology Sakarya University of glutamine on macrophage activation and TNF-α synthesis is dose-dependent, and it effects the NF-kB
Training and Research Hospital,
signaling pathway in a negative way (2). Cocoa has been shown to suppress inflammation by inhibiting
Sakarya, Turkey
NF-kB (3).
Department of General Surgery,
Kocaeli University Faculty of
Medicine, Kocaeli, Turkey Stress hormones and the release of cytokines play a role in the formation of post-traumatic stress reac-
Address for Correspondence tions. The greater the stress, the more reactions and catabolic impact it causes. The main issue in these
Nuh Zafer Cantürk reactions and subsequent metabolic status is reduction of the normal anabolic effects of insulin, i.e., the
Department of General Surgery, development of insulin resistance (4). Intensive catabolic reactions usually harm the body. The catabolic
Kocaeli University Faculty of state associated with destruction of muscle tissue and reduction of energy storage will prolong recov-
Medicine, Kocaeli, Turkey ery time. Faster recovery after surgery is achieved by elimination of the negative metabolic effects with
Phone: +90 505 539 48 28 reduction of catabolic response and maintaining metabolic equilibrium as soon as possible. For these
reasons, nutritional support within perioperative care is essential for healing.
[email protected]
Received: 09.01.2014
©Copyright 2014 The relationship between trauma and metabolic response and mortality are well known. The body re-
by Turkish Surgical Association sponds to trauma with tachycardia, an increase in the use of oxygen, an increase in respiratory rate, body
Available online at temperature and negative nitrogen balance, i.e. catabolism. Cuthbertson showed in trauma patients 50 years ago that the characteristic response that consumes protein and fat as a result of hypermetabolism 153
Şimşek et al.
Posttraumatic metabolism
and protects body fluid and electrolytes occur primarily dur- Surgery affects metabolism and substrate utilization. Postop-
ing the early phase. These metabolic changes are character- eratively, the utilization of glucose is reduced due to insulin
istic in patients with severe infection. However, sometimes a resistance, with an increase in triglyceride and free fatty acid
septic cause can not be diagnosed in such a clinical scenario. break down due to an increase in catecholamine secretion
In order to define this general inflammatory process the Sys- (11). The increase in the use of lipid does not affect glucose
temic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) term has been management (12). However, the relative insulin resistance can
introduced by the American College of Chest Physicians and be reduced by preoperative glucose loading (13). The degree
the Society of Critical Care Medicine at a consensus meeting. of hyperglycemia significantly affects postoperative outcome
Many authors have proposed a final common pathway that and morbidity (14). The metabolic response to stress is mediat-
can be applied to all catabolic states. Because the metabolic ed by catabolic hormones such as glucagon, catecholamines
response is similiar in both infectious and non-infectious con- and corticosteroids and by insulin resistance. Cytokines, oxy-
ditions, it is not known which one leads to this metabolic re- gen radicals and other local mediators are also involved in this
sponse (5-7). Surgical trauma does not significantly influence process. These have both anabolic and catabolic effects. The
energy metabolism in adults (6). Cuthbertson et al. (8) report- catabolic effects usually develop in peripheral tissues such as
ed about 20-25% increase in metabolic rate after trauma, and muscle, fat and skin. This is used to create the necessary re-
stated that the size of the metabolic response was associated sponse to wound healing. Amino acids play a major role in
with the severity of trauma. Changes in the metabolism are not only the synthesis of acute phase proteins, which are very
associated with changes in body core temperature and heart important, but also in wound healing and successful recovery
rate. The increase in energy metabolism in the postoperative from a disease. These amino acids include those required for
period was confirmed by many recent studies. Metabolism protein synthesis as well as specific but non-essential amino
has been shown to increase by 15-30%. Cuthbertson et al. (8) acids such as glutamine, alanine, and even arginine (9). The
determined that the postoperative response may change with anabolic phase is the late period of flow phase.
alterations in preoperative and postoperative management.
The postoperative changes in energy metabolism, thermo- The transition from the catabolic state to the anabolic state
regulation and fluid and energy requirements vary between during the early phase of the anabolic phase depends on inju-
newborns, children and adults (6). The metabolic response to ry severity. This transition occurs approximately 3-8 days after
trauma in humans has been defined in 3 phases: uncomplicated elective surgery. However, it takes weeks after
severe trauma and sepsis. This is known as the corticoid with-
1) Ebb phase or decreased metabolic rate in early shock phase, drawal phase and is characterized by reduction of net nitrogen
2) Flow phase or catabolic phase, excretion and appropriate potassium-nitrogen balance (10).
3) Anabolic phase (if the tissue loss can be replaced by re-syn-
thesis once the metabolic response to trauma is stopped) (9, 10). Clinically, this period will coincide with the beginning of diure-
sis and oral intake request. The early anabolic phase may take
The Ebb phase develops within the first hours after injury a few weeks to a few months depending on adequate nutri-
(24-48 hours) (6). It is characterized by reconstruction of body’s tion supply and protein storage capacity. The positive nitro-
normal tissue perfusion and efforts to protect homeostasis. In gen balance ensures increase in protein synthesis, and a rapid
this phase, there is a decrease in total body energy and urinary and progressive increase of weight and muscle force. Achiev-
nitrogen excretion. An early increase is detected in endocrine ing maximum positive nitrogen balance of 4 g/day results in
hormones such as catecholamines and cortisol. Generally, protein synthesis of approximately 25 g/day and body mass
there are hemodynamic disturbances (hypotension) due to gain of 100 g/day (10).
the decrease in effective circulating volume.
The late anabolic phase is the final phase of the recovery
The flow phase can be defined as an ‘all or nothing’ reaction. period, and is characterized by gradual restoration of body
This means that the substrate flow should be high enough for protein and fat stores and normalization of positive nitrogen
the ‘hit-or-run’ reaction. Thus, it is tried to prevent situations like balance after the metabolic response to trauma is stopped. It
bleeding, and infection. Although this response is necessary for may take a few weeks to several months after serious injury
survival in the short term, if it persists over a long period of time (10).
or if the response is severe it leads to the onset of body damage
(2-7. days). As a result of this long lasting response, the adipose METABOLIC CHANGES AFTER TRAUMA
tissue, skin and other tissues are destructed. Therefore, the Oxygen and energy requirements are increased in proportion
response to stress and how this response can be modified to to the severity of the trauma. The sympathetic nervous system
treat patients should be known as part of the current manage- and catecholamines are mainly responsible from the increase
ment of critically ill patients. The flow phase is an early period in energy consumption. A large portion of energy consump-
catabolism that provides compensating response to the initial tion is used to compensate for the deterioration in membrane
trauma and volume replacement, except most minor injuries. potential due to endotoxin and cytokines. It is believed that
In this phase, the metabolic response is directly related to the 40% of the total body energy consumption is used for ion
supply of energy and protein substrates in order to protect tis- pumps and transport process. In the surgical patients, knowl-
sue damage repair and critical organ functions. The increased edge of changes in amino acid, lipid, and carbohydrate metab-
body oxygen consumption and metabolic rate are among olisms is important in determining the appropriate metabolic
these responses. In the early catabolic stage, mainly catechol- and nutritional support (10). It is emphasized that the severity
amines (adrenaline) are responsible from the increase in en- of metabolic response and mortality can be predicted by the
154 ergy production and consumption (10). increased anion gap, particularly in elderly patients (15).
Ulusal Cer Derg 2014; 30: 153-9
LIPID METABOLIZM: Free fatty acids are primary sources of organs such as the liver and kidneys were being preserved
energy after trauma. Triglycerides provide 50-80% of the en- while skeletal muscles were particularly used for this purpose
ergy consumed after trauma and critical illness. The energy (10).
necessary for the increased gluconeogenesis is provided from
either lactate or amino acids in the liver. Lipolysis is acceler- Elective surgery and minor trauma lead to a decrease in pro-
ated in the early period because of increased ACTH, cortisol, tein synthesis and mild level protein degradation. Severe
catecholamine, glucagon, growth hormone, and insulin levels trauma, burns and sepsis progress with increased protein ca-
and decreased sympathetic activity (9, 10). The energy released tabolism (10). Lattermann et al. (23) detected catabolism by a
by fat oxidation of fat is the most important energy source for decline in protein synthesis and an increase in amino acid oxi-
liver cells. Since glucose is only partially oxidized, and 80-90% dation within the first two hours following surgery, in patients
of the energy required for gluconeogenesis is derived from fat who underwent colectomy. In another study, Carli et al. (24)
oxidation, the patient’s respiratory coefficient is between 0.8 -1. pointed to decreased protein catabolism intraoperatively and
in the first 2 hours postoperatively. Increase in urinary nitro-
Body lipid stores are durable and in large amounts. Irrespective of gen levels and negative nitrogen balance can be detected at
the etiology, increased rate of lipolysis is an expected condition an early stage after injury peaking at day 7. Protein catabolism
within metabolic responses in critically ill patients, nevertheless, may continue upto 3 to 7 weeks (10).
the amount of fatty acids as a result of lipolysis may exceed en-
ergy requirements. If the patient is given glucose in a dose more Young men lose more nitrogen, whereas this loss is less in
than he can oxidize this will lead to more hepatic steatosis. This the elderly and women. Previous physical condition of the
phenomenon is more frequent in septic, diabetic, and obese pa- patient, factors such as age and gender influence the degree
tients. Hepatic ketogenesis is stimulated less in situations where of proteolysis. Cortisol increase, insulin resistance, hypoxia
starvation is together with an illness as compared to starvation and acidosis in muscle cells cause early proteolysis (10). The
alone due to high insulin levels. In this way, glucose is used as an protein catabolism is significantly increased in sepsis and
energy source in the peripheral injured tissues (9). reaches 260 grams a day. This means the breakdown of
muscle mass more than 1 kg per day. In this case, if the pa-
The activity of lipoprotein lipase is reduced in fat and muscle tient does not receive nutritional support, he will rapidly lose
by the action of increased proinflammatory cytokines (TNF) muscle tissue, cannot be separated from mechanical ventila-
in trauma and sepsis. During the ebb phase, plasma fatty acid tor and cannot heal (9). Protein catabolism is carried out by
and glycerol levels increase by lipolysis. Lipolysis continues degradation of skeletal muscle (6). The amino acids released
in the flow phase and the increased free fatty acids inhibit by muscle cannot be used again for protein synthesis in the
glycolysis. Fatty acid synthesis is inhibited with the effects of critically ill. Therefore, a negative nitrogen balance occurs
increase in glucagon and intracellular fatty acids. However, in- (9). The increase in protein metabolism is followed by the
hibition is not enough in cases of severe trauma, hemorrhagic increase in flow phase. The increase in protein metabolism
shock and sepsis. In contrast to what is detected in prolonged parallels to changes in oxygen uptake and heart rate. Current
fasting, glycolysis and proteolysis continues. The rate of keto- isotope studies provide an understanding of the changes
genesis following trauma is inversely proportional to injury in protein metabolism after surgery (6). Muscle catabolism
severity. Ketogenesis is reduced in major trauma, shock and can be reduced by nutritional support during flow phase.
sepsis due to an increase in insulin and increased use of free Protein synthesis can be stimulated, but complete suppres-
fatty acids. In minor trauma, ketogenesis is increased but this sion of muscle catabolism is not possible. Net muscle protein
increase will not reach the level of starvation ketozis (10). recovery can be obtained during the anabolic period of the
disease only with enough exercise and nutritional support.
PROTEIN AND AMINO ACID METABOLISM During this period, protein turnover gradually decreases.
Surgical stress results in alterations in total body protein Protein gain is not due to increased protein synthesis but a
metabolism (6), characterized by an increase in protein ca- consequence of decreased destruction. In the posttraumatic
tabolism (16), negative nitrogen balance (17), and increased period, the absorption of glutamine and alanine from the
protein turnover (18, 19). The net changes in protein catabo- intestine and the release from skeletal muscle cells into the
lism and synthesis are related to the duration and the level of bloodstream is increased (9).
injury. In metabolic response to trauma systemic proteolysis
begins especially by the action of glucocorticoids, the catabo- CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM
lism is increased and excretion of urinary nitrogen rise upto 30 During starvation, glucose production is carried out by us-
g/day. This translates to an average of 1.5% daily loss in body ing the protein storage. The proteolysis in this period mainly
mass (6, 7, 10). According to this calculation, a traumatized in- takes place in skeletal muscle, however, protein degradation
dividual with no oral nutrition is going to lose 15% of his body is also observed in solid organs. Administration of glucose to
mass in 10 days. Therefore, amino acids cannot be accepted as surgical patients during fasting aims to reduce proteolysis and
long-term fuel reserves, and excess amounts of protein losses to prevent the loss of muscle mass. Daily infusion of 50 g of
are incompatible with life (10). glucose increases fat oxidation and suppresses ketogenesis.
In case of excessive glucose administration excessive carbon
By gluconeogenesis after posttraumatic protein catabolism, dioxide production will occur, resulting in adverse effects in
amino acids are provided for the synthesis of acute phase pro- patients with suboptimal pulmonary function. Administration
teins, albumin, fibrinogen, glycoproteins, complement factors of glucose during fasting reduces protein breakdown for glu-
and similar molecules (9, 10, 20-22). In studies on radioisotope coneogenesis, but this reduction is not sufficient to meet the
labeled amino acids, protein analysis revealed that tissues in requirements in trauma and sepsis.This situation explains that 155
Şimşek et al.
Posttraumatic metabolism
there are other hormonal and proinflammatory factors effec- tabolism and circulates glucose carbons between peripheral
tive in protein degradation under stress conditions, and in this tissues and the liver (Cori cycle). The lactate metabolism capac-
case muscle breakdown is inevitable. Administering insulin in ity is normally 150 grams, and increases to large amounts un-
increased stress decreases protein breakdown in muscle tis- der stress. In this cycle, the total energy loss is four molecules
sue. This effect has been found to occur by increasing muscle of ATP. Glucose is synthesized from alanine in a similar manner.
protein synthesis and by preventing protein degradation in Alanine mainly consists of lactate and amino groups in muscle.
hepatocytes. Circulating galactose, fructose and exogenous In this way, the nitrogen that is formed during amino acid me-
mannitol (used for neurological damage) do not stimulate tabolism is introduced to blood stream, and glucose produc-
insulin response. Although it is known that intravenously tion in the liver is ensured. Glucose may be synthesized from
administered fructose protects nitrogen in patients suffering glycerol that results from adipose tissue destruction (lipolysis) (9).
from malnutrition, the effects of fructose after injury remains
One of the most important body responses to traumatic stim- The decrease in the normal anabolic effect of insulin, i.e. the
ulation during critical illness is providing sufficient substrate development of insulin resistance, is the main source of a
to organs and cells where mitochondrial respiration is not series of reactions in response to injury and the consequent
possible. Leukocytes, macrophages, and endangered organs metabolic state (4). Hinton et al. (25) and Woolfson et al. (26)
cannot perform mitochondrial respiration. Therefore, endog- showed the positive effects of insulin in stress metabolism 30
enous glucose production should increase in trauma patients years ago. Insulin is the most important anabolic hormone in
(150% increase as compared to the control value). In this re- the body. Insulin regulates glucose metabolism to keep glu-
gard, glucose is an essential substrate since in a certain period cose levels on very tight limits in healthy people. Insulin pro-
of glycolysis oxygen is not required and energy supply contin- vides normalization of glucose level after food intake by acti-
ues during that period. vating quick glucose uptake and storing it as glycogen in the
liver, muscle and adipose tissue. This uptake is carried through
Glucose can be used in hypoxic tissue and inflammatory cells GLUT4, which is a specific glucose transporter activated by
with this feature. Glucose is also important in recovering insulin. The carriers provide active and rapid glucose uptake
wounds (where mitochondria has not yet developed). The “fat” in these organs and in many other organs and cells, and can
cannot reach here because capillaries have not yet developed, cause a temporary increase in glucose uptake after carbohy-
and they cannot be used as an energy source. Therefore, im- drate ingestion. This uptake also uses other carriers that affect
mune cells, fibroblasts, granulation tissue and brain tissue glucose levels.
mainly use glucose. Moreover, metabolites of glucose may en-
compass pyruvate-NH2 groups and be transferred to the liver Insulin controls protein metabolism by primarily reducing
as alanine (9). muscle protein degradation, and supporting protein synthesis
in the presence of amino acids. Insulin also controls fat me-
The severity of injury and tissue damage after trauma paral- tabolism by stimulating the formation of triglycerides and
lels hyperglycemia. In the early period of Ebb phase, glycogen inhibiting their breakdown. Insulin acts at the cellular level
stores, primarily hepatic, are used only for a period of 12-24 via specific receptors, in insulin sensitive cells such as muscle
hours. A net increase in splanchnic glucose production has and fat cells. The specific signalling pathways in insulin sensi-
been identified at a rate of 50-60% in septic patients, and 50- tive cells are activated to provide anabolic reactions such as
100% in burn patients (10). It is consumed in a shorter time glycogen storage, protein synthesis in muscle, or as to block
in critically ill patients. In the late phase of trauma, the flow lipolysis in fat cells.
phase, amino acids, lactate, pyruvate and glycerol is used for
renal and hepatic gluconeogenesis. Increased endogenous In all major stress conditions such as major surgery, the effect
glucose synthesis occurs in critical illness. This situation can- of insulin increases due to secretion of stress hormones like
not be completely inhibited by exogenous glucose and insu- glucagon, catecholamines, cortisol and growth hormone and
lin administration. Gluconeogenesis metabolic events taking the inflammatory reaction generated by cytokines. Amino
place in contrast to starvation is not inhibited (9, 10). Gluco- acids, free fatty acids and glucose is released into the blood-
neogenesis is an essential process that is driven by stress hor- stream from various tissues in stress response. The substrate
mones and cytokines. The first metabolic change after trauma metabolism also changes and fat is consumed in the body
is gluconeogenesis. The increased synthesis of glucose is es- rather than glucose. These reactions can be corrected with
sential for the continuation of human life in critical conditions exogenous insulin therapy after operations like colorectal sur-
and is important. gery. It has been reported that by infusing sufficient amount
of insulin to keep glucose within normal range, the remain-
Hepatic gluconeogenesis provides energy to cells that can ing metabolism is normalized (27). In these studies, nutrition
utilize glucose without insulin supply such as neurons, eryth- was provided by total parenteral nutrition. When nutrition is
rocytes and cells that are present in the wound. Posttraumatic provided and the effect of insulin on the metabolism re-estab-
insulin resistance is most evident in skeletal muscle. The resul- lishes, protein degradation, free fatty acid levels and substrate
tant hyperglycemia also helps to protect the effective circulat- oxidation are normalized. From a clinical point of view, insulin
ing volume by osmotic action (10). infusion sufficient enough to normalize glucose levels can be
used as the final aim to achieve these reactions. From a clinical
Quantitatively, lactate is the most important precursor for glu- point of view, insulin infusion can be used to achieve glucose
156 coneogenesis. Lactate is the result of anaerobic glucose me- control. Tight glycemic control will improve the outcomes of
Ulusal Cer Derg 2014; 30: 153-9
critically ill patients (6). Postoperative insulin resistance can be METABOLISM IN SURGICAL PATIENTS
prevented in elective surgery by specific perioperative practic- Adequate nutrition of patients who lost weight and will un-
es (31) such as preoperative carbohydrate administration (28), dergo surgical procedures is critical. Nutritional support is
epidural block (29) and minimally invasive surgery (30). There not only required for survival but also to reduce postopera-
are significant differences between short or long-term starva- tive complications, and shorten recovery time. These patients
tion and critically ill patients with trauma or sepsis in terms of generally die not due to their present diseases, but because of
metabolic changes and requirements (9). secondary complications due to malnutrition.
Stress-hyperglycemia and insulin resistance are extremely In starvation, glucagon and epinephrine stimulate glycoge-
common, especially in critically ill patients with sepsis. Multi- nolysis through the cAMP pathway, while cortisol and gluca-
ple pathogenic mechanisms are responsible for the metabolic gon stimulate gluconeogenesis. Following the first 24 hours of
response. Thus, the release of proinflammatory mediators and fasting, liver and kidney glycogen stores will be depleted, and
counter-regulatory hormones that may play a role increases. the glucose demand of tissues is provided by protein degrada-
Current data indicate that while insulin shows the opposite ef- tion and gluconeogenesis. For the first 5 days of fasting, there
fect, hyperglycemia may enhance proinflammatory response is upto 75 g/day of protein degradation. After the fifth day, the
(32). Cohort studies showed the relationship between intraop- stress hormone response decreases and protein degradation
erative hyperglycemia during elective surgery and postopera- levels decrease down to 15-20 g/day (10).
tive morbidity, and this can be used as an early stage marker
Age: Surgically induced metabolic and endocrine responses
The incidence of sepsis has increased dramatically in the are usually different in children than in adults (41). Differences
last decade. The reasons for this are use of immunosuppres- even between term and preterm neonates have been identi-
sive therapy, an increasing number of invasive procedures, fied. As age increases, the hormonal response in the postop-
and the increasing age in the population (33). Each year, ap- erative period lasts longer (42).
proximately 750 thousand cases of sepsis are admitted in the
United States and approximately 225 thousand of them are Nutrition and diet: Perioperative nutritional status and espe-
fatal (34). With the use of antimicrobial agents and advanced cially the degree of diet affect the metabolic response to sur-
intensive care conditions, the mortality rate has remained at gery. Postoperative metabolic response is increased by preop-
30-40% during the past three decades (34). Recent data sug- erative nutritional support. Patients who received nutritional
gest that tight glycemic control with insulin can establish a support for prolonged periods have more postoperative insu-
balance between proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory lin resistance (13). The type of fluid given intraoperatively also
mediators and can improve the condition of critically ill pa- affects the metabolic response directly or indirectly.
tients (32).
Anesthesia: The type of anesthesia also affects surgical stress
Critical illness related stress is characterized by the activation response. Both general and local/regional anesthesia has been
of hormonal response in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal used to reduce the inflammatory response to surgery. Some
axis, cortisol is released from the adrenal gland (35). The re- authors suggested that mortality was reduced in newborn
lease of cortisol by the activation of this axis is a major compo- infants with major cardiac surgery by reduction of metabolic
nent of general adaptation to disease and stress, and contrib- response with administration of deep anesthesia and postop-
utes to maintaining cell and organ homeostasis. erative analgesia (43). It was reported in a randomized con-
trolled trial that endocrine response to surgery and postopera-
In addition to the cortisol increase in stress response, epineph- tive complications were reduced in preterm with the addition
rine, norepinephrine, glucagon, and growth hormone also of fentanyl to general anesthesia (44). Epidural block with local
increase (36). Insulin levels are usually normal or decreased anesthetic agents particularly alters the metabolic response
together with increased peripheral insulin resistance (37). As to surgical stress (45). Epidural block significantly decreases
a result of increased activation of pancreatic alpha receptors, protein degradation without affecting whole body protein
insulin secretion is suppressed (37). In addition to insulin resis- synthesis in adults, within the first 24 hours after surgery. Epi-
tance, IL1 and TNF also suppress insulin secretion. Low or nor- dural block with bupivacain has no effect on protein, carbo-
mal levels of insulin, and increase in other counter-regulatory hydrate, or lipid metabolism when a surgical procedure is not
hormones result in stress hyperglycemia. When the increase performed (46). Epidural block alters postoperative response
in counter-regulatory hormones such as glucagon, growth rather than directly affecting the metabolism (6).
hormone, catecholamines and glucocorticoids, and cytokines
such as IL1, IL6 and TNF is combined with the increase in cat- Surgical method: Insufflation of the abdominal cavity with
echolamines, dextrose and nutritional support, they play an CO2 or other gases affect response to metabolism. It is impor-
important role in relative insulin resistance (38). tant to define metabolic changes associated with CO2 pneu-
moperitoneum. CO2 insufflation can cause both local and
Sepsis is characterized by insulin resistance (37, 39). The insu- systemic responses affecting metabolic response to surgery.
lin resistance in sepsis is directly proportional to the intensity As shown in the example of cholecystectomy, metabolic re-
of the stress response (37). Alpha-2 adrenergic blockage is sponse is less common in minimally invasive surgery (30). Carli
characterized by decreased insulin resistance in septic mice et al. (48) identified similar findings in laparoscopic segmental
(40). Glucocorticoids correct insulin-mediated glucose uptake colectomy. Laparoscopic hysterectomy resulted in less and
in skeletal muscle. shorter IL6 and CRP elevation as compared to open surgery. 157
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