Personal Background Questionnaire

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Personal background questionnaire



With this questionnaire I would like to get an impression of the personal background and
language use of Dutch emigrants in Canada. It consists of 79 items. It is important to note that
not all items may apply to you personally. Should you think that a certain item does not apply
to you (for example when you are asked about the language use of your children and you
don’t have any children), you may cross out the number in front of that particular question
and move on to the next. It is important that you answer these questions on your own, because

I am interested in your language use. If you don’t understand a certain question, please do not
hesitate to ask me. There are no right or wrong answers!
1) What is your date of birth? ……………………………………………19………………….

2) Are you:  male  female

3) Where were you born: Village/Town:………………………………………………………


4) What nationality do you have?  CA  CA & NL  NL

5) Would you say that you spoke a variety of Dutch while you lived in the Netherlands or a
 standard Dutch  a dialect, namely: ………………………………………………...

6) What is the highest level of education you have completed?

 primary school  secondary school, level: ………………………………………….
 higher education, namely: ……………………………………………………………
 university, degree: ……………………………………………………………………

7) When did you come to Canada (year)? ………………………………..19…………………

8) Why did you emigrate and why to Canada in particular?

 job  partner’s job  partner  other, namely: ……………………………………

9) Apart from Canada, have you ever lived in a country other than the Netherlands for a
longer period of time (that is, more than 6 months)?
 no
 less than 1 year, in: (town)…………………………..(country)……………………...
 1 year or more, in: (town)…………………………..(country)………………………

10) What language(s) did you acquire before starting school?

 Dutch  Dutch & other  other

11) Did you attend any English classes before coming to Canada? (this has to be in an
educational environment, like a school or some similar institution):
 no
 yes, less than 1 month
 yes, less than 3 months
 yes, less than 6 months
 yes, less than 1 year
 yes, more than 1 year

12) Have you pursued further education while living in Canada (this does not have to be
language-related) ?
 yes, for (number of years):……………………………………………………………
 no

13) What language or languages did you learn professionally or at school? …………………...

14) What language or languages did you learn outside of an educational environment (so
outside of school or work)? …………………………………………………………………

15) What is your current profession? If you are retired, could you please indicate your last
profession before retirement? ……………………………………………………………….

16) If you have had several professions, could you indicate each one of them in chronological

17) Have you ever attended Dutch heritage classes while living in Canada?
 yes, in (year): 19………for the period of: ……….months,……………hours a week
 no

18) Have you ever been back to the Netherlands since leaving for Canada?
 never
 seldom
 regularly, 1-2 times a year
 regularly, 3-5 times a year
 regularly, over 5 times a year

19) If you have indicated that you have been back to the Netherlands, could you please
indicate what the reason or reasons for such a visit were (you may tick more than one box
 because of urgent family matters (such as a wedding or a funeral)
 to visit without a particular reason
 for another reason

20) Do you ever go to church in Canada?

 no, never
 yes, sometimes
 yes, regularly

21) If you have indicated you go to church, could you please indicate in which language the
services are held?
 EN  NL  EN & NL  other

22) In general, how would you rate your English language proficiency before you moved to
 none  very bad  bad  sufficient  good  very good

23) In general, how would you rate your English language proficiency at present?
 none  very bad  bad  sufficient  good  very good

24) In general, how would you rate your Dutch language proficiency before you moved to
 none  very bad  bad  sufficient  good  very good

25) In general, how would you rate your Dutch language proficiency at present?
 none  very bad  bad  sufficient  good  very good

26) How often do you speak Dutch?

 rarely  few times a year  monthly  weekly  daily

27) Do you consider it important to maintain your Dutch?

 unimportant
 relatively unimportant
 not very important
 important
 very important

28) Do you consider it important that your children can speak and understand Dutch?
 unimportant
 relatively unimportant
 not very important
 important
 very important

29) In general, do you have more Dutch- or English-speaking friends in Canada?

 only English-speaking friends
 both, but more English-speaking friends
 as many Dutch- as English-speaking friends
 both, but more Dutch-speaking friends
 only Dutch-speaking friends

30) Do you feel more at home with Dutch or with Canadian culture?
 with Canadian culture
 with both, but more with Canadian culture
 with both cultures, equally
 with both, but more with Dutch culture
 with Dutch culture

31) Do you feel more comfortable speaking Dutch or English?

 English  Dutch  no preference

32) Could you elaborate on your answer: why do you feel more comfortable speaking either
Dutch or English or why don’t you have any preference? ………………………………….

33) What is your current marital status?

 married  separated/divorced  widow/widower
 with partner  single

34) With what language(s) was your (ex)partner brought up?

 Dutch  English  other, namely: ………………………………………………….

35) If your (ex)partner was not born in Canada, what were the reasons that he or she came to
 job  partner’s job  partner  other, namely: …………………………………….

36) When did your (ex)partner come to Canada (year)? …19…………………………………..

37) Where did you meet?

 NL  CA  other, namely: …………………………………………………………

38) What language or languages do you mostly use when talking to your (ex)partner?
 only English
 both Dutch and English, but mostly English
 both Dutch and English, without preference
 both Dutch and English, but mostly Dutch
 only Dutch
 other or no answer

39) What language or languages does your (ex)partner mostly use when talking to you?
 only English
 both Dutch and English, but mostly English
 both Dutch and English, without preference
 both Dutch and English, but mostly Dutch
 only Dutch
 other or no answer

40) What is the current profession of your (ex)partner? If your (ex)partner is retired, could you
please indicate what his or her last profession before retirement was? …………………….

41) Do you have children?

 no  yes, number: …………………………………………………………………...

Their names are:…………………………………………………………………………

…………………………….and they are………………………………………years old

42) What language or languages do you mostly use when talking to your children?
 only English
 both Dutch and English, but mostly English
 both Dutch and English, without preference
 both Dutch and English, but mostly Dutch
 only Dutch
 other or no answer

43) What language or languages do your children mostly use when talking to you?
 only English
 both Dutch and English, but mostly English
 both Dutch and English, without preference
 both Dutch and English, but mostly Dutch
 only Dutch
 other or no answer

44) Do you have grandchildren?

 no  yes, number: …………………………………………………………………...
Their names are:…………………………………………………………………………
…………………………….and they are………………………………………years old

45) What language or languages do you mostly use when talking to your grandchildren?
 only English
 both Dutch and English, but mostly English
 both Dutch and English, without preference
 both Dutch and English, but mostly Dutch
 only Dutch
 other or no answer

46) What language or languages do your grandchildren mostly use when talking to you?
 only English
 both Dutch and English, but mostly English
 both Dutch and English, without preference
 both Dutch and English, but mostly Dutch
 only Dutch
 other or no answer

47) Do you encourage your children to speak Dutch?

 no, never  yes, occasionally  yes, often

48) Did your children ever follow Dutch heritage classes (Saturday classes for example)?
 yes  no

49) Did /do you ever correct your children’s Dutch?

 never  very rarely  sometimes  regularly  very often

50) If your children do not speak or understand Dutch, do you regret that?
 not at all  not much  no opinion  a bit  very much  no answer

51) Are you in frequent contact with relatives and friends in the Netherlands?
 very rarely  rarely  sometimes  frequently  all the time

52) How do you keep in touch with those relatives and friends in the Netherlands?
 telephone  letters  e-mail  another way, namely: ……………………………...
53) What language or languages do you mostly use to keep in touch with relatives and friends
in the Netherlands?
 only English
 both Dutch and English, but mostly English
 both Dutch and English, without preference
 both Dutch and English, but mostly Dutch
 only Dutch
 other or no answer

54) Do you think Dutch plays an important role in the relationship between your direct family
 not at all  not much  probably  a bit  very much  no answer

55) Have you made many new friends in Canada?

 yes  no

56) What is the mother tongue of the majority of these people?

 English  Dutch  equal  another language

57) How did you meet most of these people?

 through a Dutch club or organisation
 through mutual friends
 through work or the children’s school
 through another way, namely: ……………………………………………………….

58) Could you please fill in those people that you are most frequently in touch with in the
following table? These people can live in the Netherlands or in Canada. I wish to see
through this table which language you most frequently use in your daily life: Dutch or
English. You don’t have to fill in the name of the person if you do not wish to. I would
like to ask you, however, to provide the rest of the information asked for.
Name Does this What How did How long What is your
(optional) person live in language(s) do you meet have you relationship
Canada or you use when this person? known this with this
the communicating person? person?
Netherlands? with each

59) Could you, in the following tables, please indicate to what extent you use Dutch (table 1)
and English (table 2) in the domains provided? You may simply tick the box. If a certain
domain is not applicable to you (for example, if you don’t have any pets), you may leave
the box empty.

I speak English
all the time frequently sometimes rarely very rarely
With relatives
With friends
To pets
At work
In church
In shops
At clubs or

I speak Dutch
all the time frequently sometimes rarely very rarely
With relatives
With friends
To pets
At work
In church
In shops
At clubs or

60) Have you ever been a member of a Dutch club or organisation in Canada?
 yes, namely (name of the organisation and period of membership): ………………..
 no

61) Are you now a member of a Dutch club or organisation in Canada?

 yes, namely (name of the organisation):……………………………………………...
 no

62) Do you ever get homesick in the sense of missing the Netherlands?
 yes, what I then miss most is/are: ……………………………………………………
 no

63) Do you ever listen to Dutch songs?

 yes  no

64) Do you ever watch Dutch television programmes?

 yes  no  I would love to, but I can’t get them

65) Do you ever listen to Dutch radio programmes?

 yes  no  I would love to, but I can’t get them

66) Do you ever read Dutch newspapers, books or magazines?

 yes  no

66b) If you have indicated that you never listen to Dutch songs or radio programmes, nor read
Dutch newspapers, books or magazines and that you don’t watch Dutch television
programmes, could you indicate why you think that is? ……………………………………

67) Do you think your Dutch language proficiency has changed since you moved to Canada?
 yes, I think it has become worse
 no
 yes, I think it has become better

68) Do you think you use more or less Dutch since you moved to Canada?
 yes, I think I use less Dutch
 no, I don’t think I use more or less Dutch now
 yes, I think I use more Dutch

69) Do you ever feel uncomfortable when speaking Dutch with a Dutch person who has never
spent a considerable amount of time in an English-speaking country?
 yes, sometimes  no, never

70) If you ever do feel uncomfortable in such a situation, could you indicate whether this is
also the case when you speak Dutch with someone who, like you, has lived in Canada for
a long time?
 yes  no

71) Do you see yourself as bilingual? In other words, do you think you are as proficient in
Dutch as in English?
 no, I’m more proficient in English
 yes
 no, I’m more proficient in Dutch
 I don’t know, because:………………………………………………………………..

72) Are you better at guessing a person’s social position/status when they speak Dutch or
 English
 equal
 Dutch
 I don’t know, because: ……………………………………………………………….

73) How do you feel about Dutch people (tourists for example) who speak English with a
heavy Dutch accent?
 that annoys me (no)  I don’t have any problems with that (yes)

74) Do you ever intend to move back to the Netherlands?

 yes, I would eventually like to move back to the Netherlands
 no, I don’t intend to ever return to the Netherlands
 I have never really given it much thought

75) If you have indicated that you do not intend to ever move back to the Netherlands, can
you explain why you feel that way? ………………………………………………………...

76) Looking back, do you think you have made the right decision in moving to Canada?
 yes  no, I wouldn’t do it again if I had to make the choice again, because: ……….
 I don’t know, because:………………………………………………………………..

76b) Would you mind if I were to contact your relatives in the Netherlands (preferably
siblings) to interview them about life with a family member abroad? Naturally, all of this
information will be treated confidentially. If you do not mind, could you please indicate
the name(s) of your siblings as well as their addresses and phone numbers? ………………

77) You have come to the end of this questionnaire. Is there anything you would like to add?
This can be anything from language-related comments to remarks about the questionnaire
or research itself. ……………………………………………………………………………

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