Tube Exposure Repair: 10.5005/jp-Journals-10008-1121

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Tube Exposure Repair

Tube Exposure Repair

Stirbu Oana, Jorge Vila

ABSTRACT Tube Exposure

All across the world, glaucomatologists are adopting broader The causes of the conjunctival erosion are not well-defined.
use of glaucoma drainage implants even as a primary surgical
Early tube exteriorization is usually related to a dehiscence
modality. To avoid tube exposure, which may predispose the
eye to endophthalmitis, the implanted tube must be covered by of the suture, while late onset tube extrusion is produced by
a patch graft. However, these patch grafts also carry a high erosion of the scleral/graft patch and of the overlying
rate of progressive thinning and erosion, which is believed to conjunctiva in the context of a quiet eye. One mechanical
result from the lack of cellular infiltration from the surrounding
host conjunctival stroma and poor integration of these patch
factor that might influence is the micromotion of the tube
grafts to the host tissue. An ideal patch graft should offer good with ocular movements and blinking, in a pathologic ocular
tensile strength, be suitable for tectonic support, and have tissue or in elder patients, in which thinning and micro-
biological activities to promote cellular infiltration by the filtration lead to hypotonia with its entire syndromic picture.
surrounding host conjunctival stroma, thus reducing progressive
allogeneic patch graft thinning/erosion. This review talks about The tube of a glaucoma drainage implant must not be
various materials and modalities used for an exposed tube left in direct contact with the overlying conjunctiva. The
repair. use of patches or grafts of different materials has improved
Keywords: Conjunctival erosion, Patch graft, Tube shunt. the development of this technique to reduce the frequency
of endophthalmitis. 3 Various authors have proposed
How to cite this article: Oana S, Vila J. Tube Exposure Repair.
J Current Glau Prac 2012;6(3):139-142. different tissues for the graft with successful results:
Autologous or human donor sclera,4 pericardium,5 dura
Source of support: Nil
mater,6 cornea or human cadaveric fascia lata,7 amniotic
Conflict of interest: None declared membrane,8 autologous Tenon9 and expanded polytetra-
INTRODUCTION In the late 90s, various case reports have drawn the
More than three decades after the addition of tubes in the attention on the possibility of patch melting, involving
glaucoma surgical armamentarium, tube implantation different tissues, such as pericardium patch graft11 or dura
technique (known under several names, such as tube shunt, mater.6 A comparative study of the tube coverage on 62
aqueous shunt, aqueous tube shunt, seton, glaucoma eyes with donor sclera, dura mater or pericardium patch
drainage device, glaucoma drainage implant, glaucoma grafts in the initial surgery showed that no material was
drainage shunt, etc.) has gained numerous adepts worldwide more prone to melting than the other.12
and various designs have been invented in order to improve The frequency of tube extrusion when Ahmed device is
its efficacy and lower the complications. implanted varies from 5 to 7% to 14.3%13-15 and in a recently
The growing confidence in glaucoma drainage device published study on 12 patients, the authors report a 30.8%
implants is accredited by the recent results of the tube vs of tube exposure.16 Nevertheless, these high frequencies are
trabeculectomy study. After 5 years of follow-up, shunt not present in multicenter or meta-analysis studies.
surgery proved a higher success rate compared to In a multicenter study on 276 patients which determined
trabeculectomy with mitomycin C (MMC). Both procedures the relative efficacy and complications of the Ahmed FP7
were associated with similar reduction of the intraocular glaucoma valve and the Baerveldt 101 to 350 glaucoma
pressure (IOP) and use of supplemental medical therapy, implant in refractory glaucoma, the authors present a
while additional glaucoma surgery was needed more frequency of tube erosion of 2% in Ahmed device and 3%
frequently after trabeculectomy with MMC than tube shunt in Baerveldt implant at 1 year follow-up. Interestingly, no
placement.1 tube erosion was depicted as early postoperative
The complications described after tube surgery include: complication, defined as occurring in the first 3 months after
Immediate hypotony after surgery, excessive capsule tube implantation.17
fibrosis with decreased permeability of the capsule formed A meta-analysis of 38 studies including 3,255 eyes with
around the plate, erosion of the tube or plate edge, strabismus an average follow-up of 26.1 ± 3.3 months evaluated
and infection. The most common shunt-specific delayed conjunctival erosion and tube exposure in Ahmed, Baerveldt
complication is exposure of the tube through overlying and Molteno implants. The overall incidence of exposure
eroded conjunctiva.2 was 2.0 ± 2.6% (n = 64) of eyes with an average exposure/
Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice, September-December 2012;6(3):139-142 139
Stirbu Oana, Jorge Vila

month of 0.09 ± 0.14%. Among individual drainage devices, Table 1: Materials used for tube coverage and/or tube
exposure repair
the authors did not find significant differences in the
Ocular tissues
incidence of exposure or percent exposure per month.18
Autologous Conjuntiva, tenon, cornea,
As for the early onset of the leak, between postoperative sclera, collagen fibrous tissue
months 1 and 3, few studies approached the topic. One of Heterologous Sclera, cornea
them includes three patients with iridocorneal endothelial Extraocular tissues
syndrome and one patient with chronic panuveitis, on which Autologous Fascia lata, buccal mucosa
uneventful implantation of Molteno (1), Ahmed (2), and Heterologous Dura mater, pericardium, acellular
dermis, amniotic membrane
Baerveldt (1) aqueous shunts was performed. The use of
aqueous suppressants, bandage contact lens, conjunctival Synthetic tissues
Ologen®, polytetrafluoroethylene
photocoagulation, sutures, tissue adhesives, conjunctival
autografts and scleral patch grafts were unsuccessful in the
described cases. The authors described resolution of the leak The graft tissues reported to have been used in the tube
after removal of the aqueous shunt.19 exposure repair include autologous and donor eye tissues
Notably, good results were reported with a modified (full thickness sclera,11 split-thickness hinged scleral flap31
implant technique in which the need for tube coverage patch cornea,32 autologous scar tissue,33 conjunctival pedicle
is obviated. In a retrospective study on 35 consecutive flaps34), extraocular tissues (amniotic membrane,35 donor
patients who underwent Molteno implant with a partial acellular dermis,36 buccal mucosa37) and synthetic materials
thickness scleral tunnel to cover the tube, conjunctival such as biodegradable scaffold collagen matrix Ologen®.38
dehiscence and tube exposure was not observed in the In a case series of two patients presenting tube erosion
4-year follow-up period. The authors suggest that outcome after Ahmed and Baerveldt implant respectively, with
may be related to an absence of the immune-mediated original pericardial patch graft, a full thickness donor scleral
processes proposed for thinning and melting of patch graft was used to cover the tube.11 A conjunctival pedicle
grafts.20 flap attached to its original vascular supply was used to
cover tube exposure in 4 eyes with Baervaldt implant, in
Tube Exposure Repair addition to a new human pericardium graft.34 Erosion of
The externalization or extrusion of the tube through an the drainage tube was reported to be successfully managed
eroded conjunctiva represents one of the most serious using a double layer of amniotic membrane in a consecutive
complications of the glaucoma drainage device, as it seems series of three patients with exposure of the tube secondary
to represent a major risk factor for endophthalmitis.21 When to necrosis of the overlying bovine pericardial patch and
tube exposure occurs, prompt surgical revision is highly conjunctiva. The repair of the defect was carried out with a
recommended to prevent this potentially devastating double layer of amniotic membrane, the inner one acting as
complication. Endophthalmitis after aqueous drainage a graft and the outer as a patch. The authors also used
device may occur in the first 2 to 30 days postoperatively22,23 autologous serum postoperatively to promote epithelial
or in the late postoperative period, related to the tube growth.35 A retrospective review of 8 eyes that underwent
externalization24-26and its frequency varies from 0.9 to corneal patch graft repair of exposed tubes showed stable
6.3%.27,28 Interestingly, a report of a case of late onset conjunctival coverage with no epithelial breakdown over
H. influenzae endophthalmitis in an immunized child after the corneal patch graft and with no tube reexposure, scleral
bilateral glaucoma drainage implants without evidence of thinning or ocular infection in 7 eyes.32 The use of oral
conjunctival erosion or wound dehiscence was found in the buccal mucous membrane in combination with a lamellar
literature.29 In a study on late endophthalmitis associated corneal patch graft for repair of 3 exposed tubes was
with Baerveldt glaucoma implants, exposure of the described in cases with limited supply of local conjunctiva.37
glaucoma drainage implant tube was present in all cases A recent and highly recommended study details a new
and the authors recommended prophylactic surgical revision surgical technique of repairing tube erosion using donor
with a patch graft in all cases in which there is an exposed acellular dermis graft, as also the complications of the repair
tube.30 surgery. The author used the dermis graft in 30 cases, leaving
No author cited below advocates simple conjunctival a 2 to 3 mm intentional gap between the conjunctival edges
closure without a graft; the graft materials used to repair over the dermis graft, with complete epithelization within
the tube extrusion are mainly the same used to initially cover weeks.36 Also, a split-thickness hinged scleral flap technique
the drainage implant tube (Table 1). resulted in the successful recovery of the tube without


Tube Exposure Repair

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following glaucoma tube shunt surgery. Br J Ophthalmol Stirbu Oana (Corresponding Author)
2006;90:4 417-19.
36. Kalenak JW. Revision for exposed anterior segment tubes. J Consultant, Barcelona Institute of Ophthalmology, Barcelona, Spain
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drainage device erosión repair with buccal mucous membane
Jorge Vila
grafts. J Glaucoma 2009;18:618-22. Consultant, Clinical University Hospital, Valencia, Spain


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