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Guitar 1987-02
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Guitar Magazine - Guitar 02 1987 partituras, música
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Guitar Magazine - Guitar 02 1987 partituras, música
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Guitar 1987-02
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Guitar Magazine - Guitar 02 1987 partituras, música
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Tablature Explanation Page 20 YOU'RE RE EAN LOVE (Fem he sum BURSON GF YOUR PRIVACY Aan) and musi Grocer Ds ASH os vein @-0 Hi Be . eI Moderate Rock J= 144 Fete Rhy. Fig Gri & ED > As cH a 3%: t : Poa = 3 a be — *DMinalyeen (DE, F4,6,A, 8,0) avons a bs Ce ——— Bk 1 Tt » Coys eel g2= = z = You're struck by eht = ning, Rhy, Fig. 2As+----ecseeceeone Cg 8,7 Se Mae. at a Cn A aman Cope Sst et ie USh body ume anoany 196r,curran 212nd Vere Repeat Rhy. Fig. I (doubled by Gtr. 11) Orme Repet Rhy. Fig 2(2 dns) as Br cs Qo oD 72 > oc outa Sa (SESS "You tke the eve ~ ning S i= = => = = 7 = Ses yovieon-fy wing have in tn eoubes Cor > Ep cD > _ = en = === =< —— = You want to we me tke me tome to Hh TH make you wih ht Om Om Repeat i. Pi 28 cs em (Gt. tps FAL 2nd) pero ps3 : c C= = SS = —— | = you veel You's ack by Wht alg, you in on om om Om & pp» dh To33 STI 22 Guan, Feanuany 3867(cm) wh Qon Gere Qe Gam roms Bis c pb pod ep Dc bcs as os FIIs 4 FITA SITS STITT TT se ee ee gS ; =e ne nw Mev srw ne gaaeos wees FS = == | as os os oss Acs cs TFTG 48 y ASTID 14 yy NTI ST Sf ee th tag Peart aye ee. = E te ; * = = = = You're in (2nd tne Yahi Yeah yah a e Eten foe ss aS Tie a oy FEMMUARY 1987, CUTAN 28Sra Vee Orn @ove rR Fig 2(2 tines > yD cD oo) a a ee = SS = 7 ove. Yourke yourlv in’ lov = in! ot you spin me ke ¢ top — + = = = | = 1 DS al Codg Om Om # asd cs > ED © 2, D JI72 a7 You take the. eve + ning one on one, — ‘you're on =ly liv «ing to have fun (on one) " Gata lo Ry. Fe 3 avn Ou Om on con D dD oD D ep > ao eS? ££ TTT = = = = = — “Ripon ree Ove Owe Oun D 24 GurTaR, FEORUARY 967: Pe 2 > , - : a {3} = 2 2 Sat ee we tT I LFF ae f Se ere ee = pe asa : Se = for es = aes TS a ji ae Gm Om Om Om . > w 8" B Bo — TB FG Th te ++ eS a pee “ 2 = IaTTa fi rs + f —< Vocal: =e “ = +i “= eee curan 25(Qum— 2 + round), (ay voicngs below) Be) ale cts a SOc SIT de pr TTS pitt = the one who's out and 26 GUITAR, FEBRUARY 3087Ome Oem > Gun ASD cs D fy neBlen PS Repeat Rhy. Fig. 4+ 44 (tl fade) D ED cp, D> As os oc Youre in dove, Youre in PEBRUARY 1967, GUITAR 27Ep D Got) sub = wy awe > oe love). You take the eve - ning one-on-one, (you're in love) You're on = Iy_—liv sing 1 wm in ap Z. AW 28 GUITAR, FEBRUARY 1987=p on) aby __¢# — tare 3 Se em MOM WO, At Woe ne Bein fade D> = Jj As cs Fade out & = (You're fn) FEBRUARY 1987,GUTTAR 29Tablature Explanation Page 20 LIGHTNING STRIKES {Fm he aon THE UCHMATE°NNEBS Aaa) Words and music by ‘osbeume, ake & L20 cad and Bob Daisley gro: Ds cua. Dmsd Est ean Si Moderate Rock d= 138 Intro No.5) as No. cF45) Ist, 2nd Verses Ncwrss) as NGOS) =| ame Tm at it agin that you're gonna beste. wart cats) AS__ NCHS) £ ae itt =e te a == ee = Light ning stk - ing, nd on that you can de- pend Butnot "to wor se ell jrt be rock ll ght mi “Bite ee PBA ase AUMGHTS RESEWED USED BY FEMASSION [FEBRUARY 1967, GUITAR 31® 6 — a Pee an pet cok = == = “f= They sy that ight = ming nev = thes ‘The light - ning tren” ‘be = fore you Haare Play Fu 2nd time same plae fun = der as NGOS) FAS as = = = — stand watch thee + vent — the cil - dren “ofthe sieht i ou 32 GUITAR, FEBRUARY 19574s my bick’s_ fo the wall Tama what Tam slum wo Rd 2nd ates FEBRUARY 1987,GUTTAR 38Chor ES Ds ES Ds BS BBS Ds(ous2) rock - tall Ry. Fig! Es Ds ES ps Es Bs ‘al aight, rockin all— night un = tthe cr) Rook (2a a) ra ra ery Dstsus2) Bs Nike is) = ning strikes a So 34 GUITAR, Fennuany ian?FEBRUARY 1087,GUTDAR 35bs 4 Guitar solo 36 GUITAR, FEBRUARY 1957eos? Esco) DS. al CodaCoda Repeat Ry. Fig. 1 (weve notes) @ ss Ds ES Ds ES EBS D5(sus2) ook i all night rook it all night, cll the light ~ ning stikes a gun, ya gots ta ES. Ds Bs Ds eS EssDsinu2) Bs ~~ rock it all meh, rock it all night um +t the ght» ning. tikes a ~ gin, ont ouve Es Ee AS NCHS) Outro sto Repeat Rhy, Fig 2 (il fade) oH ra_NC.CFtS) N.S) AS NC.(FES) AS NCCES) ES “Wie ieee. each Tear Spruce roe ten balm ber up one mae se. Nec. (P45) i 18h Wann ™ as No. 45) 1 ee steady gis % fi * Ease eros ZS 38 GUITAR, FEBMLARY 187Besin fade as Bs NGS) fat bem ™ 2 7 ea = Se = = z : - 7S a a; nm MN» 2 “— = = a ~ as ta ora 2 rent Neots) (i) —— ‘ember Feiner FRR OF No. (P45) N Prmwwnn a | No. (FS) ee No.cF#s) a kok Sao PEBAUARY 1967, GUITAR 89Tablature Explanation Page 20 REELIN.IN THE YEARS (From be abu GANPAUY A THRILL ABC) mete Je a” ae" AF riper fot TD. J Ds Into Ne. : © “ Get pew Lye SA Mao aN B.CED.E FLO) wenason Copigh Sonne AL AIOSTS ESEVED ‘Une by Poison FEBRUARY 1987, GUITAR 61.@ Sesiestieones sesetstn 5a a TE = ie = SS === et Se 3 se ts = = : — sl 4 — sh H wn ‘Straight Sthe------y 7 = 1 == SS == Tepe Ps s 12 a a : 7 = —————— aa es 5 SS te Z | a a* e + —- 7 7 : 7 hone 62 GUITAR, Fenauany 39471st, 2nd, 3d Verses 2nd time WIFI » oO act A D Your ev = er- lasting sum + mer, you can sce it fad ing You've been fell = in’ me youre "a gan Ms. since you were sey ~ an Tve spent a lot of mon - ‘ey and Ive spent a lot of gab apiece of somesthing that you think is gon = na last — Wat, you would't ‘al the Hine Tre Known you 1 atl don'tknow whst you mesn.— "The week- tip we made to Hol = Iy-wood is etched up = on my ine — Atte 3 | even know a dla = mond ir you held * it in your hand, — the tnd “at the col > ‘lege did - mt turn ont_‘Bke You plansed— the | the tines wee one and seen you Mind an = oth - er man, the [FEBRUARY 1967, GUITAR 632ud time to Chonss It Bo? A 3rd te fo Chora Ht things you things that things you der stand cant oun *Ger- sang Ase you reel fa! inthe cnt oun * der- sand PRL “ ~~ ————_p 7 = oo SS eS Z fe yeant____________ Stow-in’ away the met sve you had enough of, 64 curran,reanuany 1967© eS == EEE 2 aa ‘Are you mel in’ in the years. Gt 1 ro a all « « t SSS Pee Bo =e ‘Are you gath=er ~ in! up the : ae “ fe Se ee q _ st at A at sere oTo and Vere © on Have you had e-nough of — mine? tors sew LoS) oy a yeu? Stow ain? away the ime? Are you esther in! up the (Gt ey teat Have you had e-nough of mine? — ‘Ave you real-int in the 66 ~ curren, resnuany 3987Se SEI eS years Stow-in’ a-way the time? Are you gath-er- in’ up the anwar 1967, GUAR 67Intirude nd me tz I pays Fill 2 ‘om atc om. 3 ¢ He ‘ oa Rhy. Fig. 1 a $. 3 4 u cr SII 2 SIS SIS TI OI Gut 3 3 fie ne ee 3 Repeat Rhy. Fie Gri See ser Sete atestGitar sol0 c cnn TIT I TT Get To 3nd Vers D Gtr eon = ‘PeBRUARY 1987, GUTTAR 69Chom Stow-in’ away the time. f= Hive you had e-nough of ‘Are you rol -iat in the 7 CGUTTAR, FEBRUARY 1987 7 : cx may 2 ” lbs an i eo ; [SS = = vue” we SSP es Ts = = = = at a or PRepeat Rhy Fig. 2 Sa ——- w _ $e ‘Are you gath= er - in’ up the _—__— Have you had enough ofOutro ate solo a NCW)Repeat Rhy. Fig 3 fade) © gees Begin fase “ a ae io rat ra a Fa Pa : FEOMUARY 1087, GUITAR 73a) iinet eet Rade out ga = ee ia ZI i. mF y SSS —— : 4 ‘OUTPAR, FEBRUARY 1987BASS LINE FOR REELIN’ IN THE YEARS and music Donate Fagen Water osha Moderate Rock d= gt tet OD Intro NC.) eE—— = === — = == ~~ rr es A Mitts, 8,04, 2, EF, wo ® St tes her eS = = = —— 7 ae = <# : 7 + 7 aS Seen sm. ea we, novo che mast Cori Sanses AL NENTS RESENED aud Pemieton PEMRUARY 1987, GUITAR 75Ist, 2nd, 3rd Vers > a= * TYou'e ey er lat ing sum -mer, you can se Te —Tadvinght, ec, 2 You've been” tel - Ing me youte "a genvive since you were ev-en-teen ef 3. ve spent a) Tot “of mon -ay and “Tvespent “a lot of time, ete Es = ——s = = — hy co ter tine nly De ‘A =; SS SSS SE : ee eel tt a == = + — : — = TE + cS aa i Saad (2nd, 3rd times) — : os . = + aaa Tie Bad Ver © ro ois, aInterude Pras Fim @ a w © Guttrsol0 [EBRUARY 1967,GUITAR 77Ne © a © w © w Play 4 mes © peat and fade * w Repost and fae 78 curraR, eaRUARY 1967 .Tablature Explanation Page 20 SAMBA Paaa onsen sate by Caos Satna ee a ao a a noteasyton Jas g He OY a ge Em 17a ae Per 5 nu ATMS Let Raman PERRUARY 1967, GUITAR50 GUTTAR, FEBRUARY 1987efly rs Pape = Ss Ss ees epnUARY 1967, GUITAR 81Asi ar) fifee _¢ Pf t : = Sa = 2 <4 6— = ran, me — i ee a 82 UTTAR, Feanuany 3987a he rameter ete ce Mier wer wer wre ae 7 Fr £ == epRUARY 2967, GUAR 8884 GUITAR, resmUARy 3087
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