SRD Tollgate-basedProjectManagement PDF
SRD Tollgate-basedProjectManagement PDF
SRD Tollgate-basedProjectManagement PDF
from Industry
(9/17/96) (9/30/96) (10/18/96) (11/30/96) (1/10/97) (3/31/97) (9/97) (4/98) (12/99) (12/00)
1 2 3 4 5 6 Launch 7 8 9 10
Get Consensus Propose - Prepare Launch Produce &
Idea Strategize Prepare detailed plan Design Develop Validate
Feedback Support
+ Need identified for NPI + Define key technical + Expand team + Establish program launch + Finalize technical + Tech Reqmnts issued. + Launch program. + Procure/manufacture + Complete component + Review producibility
Process. requirements. membership. scenario. requirements. hardware. tests, engine, and flight data.
+ Performance stack up + Refine critical path
testing as required.
+ Establish Senior + Brainstorm issues. + Begin risk abatement + Communicate status of complete. elements/schedule. + Validate process + Review field data. 90%
+ Update business and
Leadership Team. plans. program direction. technical plans. Business capability. + Confirm all program
+ Develop risk + ICD approved. + Identify CTQ’s. + Identify ongoing
plan approved by requirements are met,
+ Identify Leadership assessment criteria. + Generate preliminary + Define detailed customer + Finalize detailed improvements.
business council. + Quote deck delivered. + Initiate concurrent and complete
Team. approach. requirements. cert/qual test plans.
+ Hold conceptual detail design & documentation. + Hold periodic Tollgate 10 80%
+ Identify NPI Scorecard + Preliminary Type Board
+ Establish NPI Team. design & program + Obtain stakeholder + Initiate QFD to identify manufacturing + Prepare test hardware. reviews.
metrics. held. + Obtain customer/agency
cross functional feedback and revise top-level CTQ’s. process planning.
+ Evaluate business + Review Tollgate 8 approval.
reviews. approach as required. + Establish launch + CERT/QUAL plan
impact. + Prepare detailed program + Hold detailed design checklist.
requirements. reviewed. + Review Tollgate 9 70%
+ Finalize alternative + Vendor partners plans. reviews.
+ Define initial program + Conduct Tollgate 8 checklist.
approaches identified. + Confirm funding, + Block test configuration
requirements. + Baseline configuration + Finalize detail review.
(strategy). participants, and facilities defined. + Conduct Tollgate 9
+ Identify installation frozen. design/test definition.
+ Conceptual designs available. review.
+ Identify impacts. + Program funding finalized. 60%
evaluated. + Commercial engine + Review Tollgate 7
manufacturing + Sources selected &
+ Customer study deck aircraft system specs + Update integrated program checklist.
+ Tollgate 1 checklist approaches. approved by source
complete. completed and signed. master plans/Identify
review completed. board. + Conduct Tollgate 7
+ Perform risk critical path elements.
+ Engine operability & + Approve plan to close review. 50%
assessment. + Cycle, flowpath &
deterioration target cost/current cost + Configuration Mgt. plan
+ Selling price requirements defined. gap. configuration frozen, cycle frozen.
established, target audited.
+ Detailed maintenance + Tollgate 4 checklist + Finalize make/buy
cost reviewed, + Nacelle & fan reverser 40%
cost rolled up. review completed. decisions.
current capability supplier specs issued.
cost defined. + Airframer acceptance of + Finalize manufacturing
design. + Revenue sharing processes.
+ Prepare prelim. participant agreements
program plan. + Confirm all technologies + Identify design review & 30%
finalized and plans
on hand. completed. program scorecards review
+ Tollgate 2 checklist
review completed. + Review Tollgate 3 + Process capability
checklist. (Cp/Cpk) known for all + Identify Review Tollgate 6 20%
CTQs. checklist.
+ Conduct Tollgate 3
review. + Configuration Mgt system + Conduct Tollgate 6 review.
defined. 10%
+ UG Master Model
components selected.
+ Tollgate 5 checklist 0%
review completed.
Percent Tollgate
Checklist Items
Percent Overall Mission: Develop and certify by December 1999 the GE-P&W Engine Alliance
NPI Program
GP7000 engine for the 747-600 airplane with airplane certification by December
2000 to satisfy our customers and shareholders with world class products and
services . Page 3
July 2000, Version 1.0
GEES Japan.ppt GE Proprietary Information Unauthorized Reproduction Prohibited
ME471, Dr. Kremer
Close up view of Design through production tollgates
(9/97) (4/98) (12/99) (12/00)
7 8 9 10
Produce &
Design Develop Validate
Final Design
A “near-optimal” (or at least acceptable) final design requires
• Definition of nominal values and tolerances for all design parameters
• Sizing/selection of mechanical elements to
o Satisfy requirements for form/fit/function
o Avoid common failure modes
o Address important design issues
ME471, Dr. Kremer