Zones of Regulation Activity Ideas

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The documents describe planning sheets for group therapy sessions focused on teaching students about different emotional states and coping strategies.

The goal is to practice categorizing emotions by labeling them with the appropriate zone and name.

The activities planned are to read a book called 'Theo's Mood' and have students identify the emotions and zones, then create zone posters by gluing emotion cards onto construction paper zones.

Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Thursday October 12, 2017 Topic: Class 1 -Creating Wall Posters of the Zones

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: Practicing categorizing the emotions we are feeling by labeling them with the
zone we are in, and the name of the emotion.

Objective: Providing students the opportunity to learn about the different Zones of Regulation
and the emotions in each Zone to utilize in their lives.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive ways.

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice the skills.

Materials Needed:
● “Theo’s Mood” by Maryann Cocca-Leffler
● Zones Package that includes:
○ Yellow Construction Paper cut in the shape of a diamond.
○ Blue Construction Paper cut in the shape of a hexagon.
○ Green Construction Paper cut in the shape of a circle.
○ Red Construction Paper cut in the shape of a octagon.
○ All Zone emotions cut out.
● Glue
● Pencil
● Lesson 1 Document
● Zone Emotion Definition Document
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Program Introduction
○ Discuss what self-regulation is
and the importance of labeling
● Lesson Introduction
● Review Rules:
○ Raise your hand.
○ Try your best.
○ Be respectful of each other and
the space.
○ Listen to each other when
○ Wait your turn

Content: (15 Minutes)

● Review points below:
○ What are the 4 Zones?
○ Define each emotion.

Activities: Creating Wall Posters of The (20 Minutes)

1. Staff will read “Theo’s Mood” to the List of Zone Emotions:
group. Red: Elated, Out of Control, Mad, Yelling,
2. While reading the book, ask students Terrified, Aggressive, Angry, Mean.
what emotion the character is feeling
and which zone they think the emotion Yellow: Excited, Silly, Frustrated, Nervous,
would belong under, after every page. Anxious/Worried, Uncomfortable,
3. After reading the book, distribute Embarrassed, Annoyed, Overwhelmed,
zones package to each student. Scared, Jealous, Upset, Confused,
4. Have students write their names on the Grouchy/Crabby.
back of each zone sign.
5. Re-read “Theo’s Mood” and have Green: Ready to learn, Happy, Good Listener,
students glue the specific emotions to Good, Calm, Content, Proud, Thankful, Okay,
the correct zone sign after reading Relaxed, Focused, Appreciated.
each page.
6. Have students glue on remaining Blue: Sad, Bored, Exhausted, Hurt, Shy,
emotions to the correct zone sign. Tired, Depressed, Sick.

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Monday October 16, 2017 Topic: Class 2 -Zones Bingo

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: Practicing categorizing the emotions we are feeling by labeling them with the
zone we are in, and the name of the emotion through a verbal listening interactive activity.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice their skills.

Materials Needed:
● Zones of Regulation Bingo Sheets
● Bingo Chips 4 Zones Colours)
● 1 Blue Construction Paper Poster Size
● 1 Red Construction Paper Poster Size
● 1 Yellow Construction Paper Poster Size
● 1 Green Construction Paper Poster Size
● All Zones Emotions cut out.
● Store cut out Zone Emotions in plastic bag.
● Scotch Tape
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below:
○ What are the 4 Zones?

Activities: (15 Minutes)

1. Explain the rules of the game Bingo to
all of the students.
2. Provide an example of what type of
line students need to form in order to
call out Bingo. Ex: straight line across,
diagonal, straight line down, etc.
3. Distribute bingo sheet to each student.
4. Distribute handful of bingo chips to
each student.
5. Randomly pick a Zone Emotion from
plastic bag and announce the Emotion
to the group.
6. Ask the students which Zone the
Emotion belongs to.
7. Continue this process until Students
have called out Bingo.

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Thursday October 19, 2017 Topic: Class 3 -Learning the Zones Check In

Location: Gym

Workshop Goal: Students will be able to identify the zone different emotions belong to by
using their listening skills.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive ways.

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Students will use their non-verbal skills to demonstrate their understanding of
each definition of the different emotions.

Materials Needed:
● Zone Emotions Definitions Document
● Zones of Regulation Poster Signs
● Pre-Cut Zone Emotion Definitions
● Masking Tape
● Ziploc Bag (place zone emotion definitions into bag)
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below:
○ What are the 4 Zones?

Activities: Learning the Zones Check In (20 Minutes)

1. Have students sit in a circle on the Ziploc Bag with Zone Emotion Definitions
2. Each wall has a coloured zone poster
on it with the emotions belonging to
each zone.
3. The circle in the middle of the gym is
labelled Neutral.
4. Staff will read out definition of
emotions and students will guess
which zone the emotion falls under.
5. The last student to go to the correct
zone is to sit on the side.
6. Call Neutral for students to return to
7. Read out next definition and continue
process until 1 student is only
8. Start activity over with all students.

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Monday October 23, 2017 Topic: Class 4 -Expected and Unexpected
Behaviours & Our Behaviour Impacts the
Feelings of Those Around Us

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: Students learn about labeling behaviours as expected or unexpected and
understand how their behaviour can impact those around them.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learns ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice the skills.

Materials Needed:
● Our Behaviour Impacts the Feelings of Those Around Us Document
● 2 Chart Paper
● Black, Green & Red Permanent Markers
● “Miss Nelson is Missing” by Harry Allard
● Ruler
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below:
○ Expected behaviours are
behaviours that give people
around you good or
comfortable thoughts about
you.(Write this down on chart
○ Unexpected behaviours are
behaviours that give people
uncomfortable thoughts about
you. (Write this down on chart

Activities: (20 Minutes)

1. Have students sit in front of chart. Our Behaviour Impacts the Feelings of Those
2. Ask students what an example of Around Us Document
expected behaviour is? (Write down
their answers on the chart paper with
Green Permanent Marker)
3. Ask students what an example of
unexpected behaviour is? (Write down
their answers on the chart paper with
Red Permanent Marker).
4. Have discussion on how our behaviour
impacts the feelings of those around
5. Ask students what an example of
expected emotions are? (Write down
their answers on the chart paper with
Green Permanent Marker).
6. Ask students what an example of
unexpected emotions are? (Write
down their answers on the chart paper
with Red Permanent Marker).
7. Read the book “Miss Nelson is

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Thursday October 26, 2017 Topic: Class 5- Good Thoughts vs. Uncomfortable

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: To learn about good and uncomfortable thoughts, and labeling the different
types of thoughts that occur as good or uncomfortable thoughts.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice their skills.

Materials Needed:
● Good Thoughts vs. Uncomfortable Thoughts Discussion Document
● Good Thoughts vs. Uncomfortable Thoughts Activity Document
● Orange Popsicle Stick (1 per Student)
● Purple Popsicle Stick (1 per Student)
● Styrofoam Cup (1 per Student)
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below: Good Thoughts vs. Uncomfortable Thoughts
○ Good Thoughts Discussion Document
○ Uncomfortable Thoughts

Activities: (10 Minutes)

1. Distribute 1 cup, 1 orange popsicle Good Thoughts vs. Uncomfortable Thoughts
stick & 1 purple popsicle stick to each Activity Document
student to put in front of them.
2. Inform the students that the purple
popsicle stick represents & the orange
popsicle stick represents
uncomfortable thoughts.
3. Staff will be reading them different
4. After each example is read, have the
students put in their cup which
popsicle stick they think should be
based on the thought they had.
5. Ask the group if they put a purple stick
in their cup why they did? If they put a
orange stick why they did?

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Monday October 30, 2017 Topic: Class 6 -The Zones in Video

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: Students will have the opportunity to practice identifying expected and
unexpected behaviours while watching clips from Inside Out & participate in a role-play

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice their skills.

Materials Needed:
● Movie “Inside Out”
● Expected vs. Unexpected Behaviour Discussion Document
● Expected vs. Unexpected Behaviour Examples Document
● “Inside Out” Clips Document
● Expected Signs (1 per Student)
● Unexpected Signs (1 per Student)
● Zones Role-Play Document
● Pre-Highlight Person 1-6’s lines for both inappropriate and appropriate language scene
● Pre-cut and staple scenario package for each student.
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below: Expected vs. Unexpected Behaviour
○ Expected Behaviours Discussion Document
○ Unexpected Behaviours
Expected vs. Unexpected Behaviour Example

Activities: (20 Minutes)

1. Have students sit in a semicircle facing “Inside Out” Clips Document
2. Distribute Expected & Unexpected Zones Role-Play Document
3. Inform students they will be watching
clips from Inside Out and they will
guess if the behaviour in the clip was
expected or unexpected by raising the
4. Staff will ask the group after each clip
if the behaviour in the scene was
expected or unexpected and why.
5. After video clips are completed,
inform group that they will be
practicing what they have learned
through acting out scenarios.
6. Divide the students randomly into two
7. Provide each student with their own
8. Staff read through scripts with
students and then students practice
acting out scenes.
9. Students present scenario to the whole

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Monday November 2, 2017 Topic: Class 7 -The Zones in Me

Location: Gym

Workshop Goal: Students will practice using their non-verbal skills to identify what the
expected zone is to be in for different scenarios, and identifying how they look in each zone
through drawing.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice their skills.

Materials Needed:
● The Zones in Me Activities Document
● Zones Colour Laminated Construction Paper
● Masking Tape
● Ziploc Bag filled with Phrases
● Zones in Me Worksheet (1 per Student)
● Pencils
● Erasers
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below:
○ What are the 4 Zones?

Activities: (20 Minutes)

1. Put tape on laminated zone colour and
make lines with colours going: red, The Zones in Me Activities Document
yellow, blue, green. (To figure out
how many pieces needed: 1 student = Zones in Me Worksheet
4 laminated zone sheets of each
2. Instruct students to stand on a green
zone square.
3. Inform the students that Staff will pick
a random situational phrase out of the
ziploc bag and read it out loud to
4. They are to select which zone they
think they would be in by traveling to
the coloured zone on the floor.
5. Ask students why they picked that
zone and to label the behaviour they
6. Can ask if the behaviour was expected
or unexpected in the situation or how
the behaviour impacted their feelings
or if they had good or uncomfortable
7. Once completed, provide the students
with the Zones in Me Worksheet for
them to complete.

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Monday November 6, 2017 Topic: Class 8 -Understanding Different Perspectives
Part 1
Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: Students learn about how peers may interpret their behaviour when they are in
a specific zone.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice their skills.

Materials Needed:
● Understanding Different Perspective (1 per Student)
● Pencils
● Erasers
● 4 Chart Papers
● 1 Black Permanent Marker
● 1 Green, Red, Blue & Yellow Marker
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below:
○ Discuss how others can be
impacted by our behaviours.
(20 Minutes)
1. Replicate Understanding Different
Perspectives Worksheet onto Chart
2. Distribute Understanding Different
Perspectives Worksheets to each
student. (Complete Green & Yellow
3. As a group, fill out the worksheet
together by writing the answers on the
chart paper under the different blank
spots. (Students can use this as ideas to
help form their answers).

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Thursday November 9, 2017 Topic: Class 9 -Understanding Different

Perspectives Part 2

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: Students learn about how peers may interpret their behaviour when they are in
a specific zone.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice their skills.

Materials Needed:
● Understanding Different Perspective (1 per Student)
● Pencils
● Erasers
● 4 Chart Papers
● 1 Black Permanent Marker
● 1 Green, Red, Blue & Yellow Marker
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below:
○ Discuss how others can be
impacted by our behaviours.

Activities: (10 Minutes)

1. Replicate Understanding Different
Perspective Worksheet onto chart
2. Distribute Understanding Different
Perspective Worksheets to each
student. (Complete Blue & Red Zone).
3. As a group, fill out worksheet together
by writing the answers on the chart
paper under the different blank spots.
(Students can use this as ideas to help
form their answers).

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Topic: Class 10 -Me in My Zones Part 1

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: Students to learn about recognizing and labeling their body signs when they
are in the Green & Yellow Zone.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice their skills.

Materials Needed:
● Me in My Zones Document
● Me in My Zones Worksheets (1 per Student)
● 2 Chart Paper
● 1 Black Permanent Marker
● 1 Green & Yellow Marker
● 1 Ruler
● Pencils
● Erasers
● Pencil Crayons
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below:
○ What are the signs you think
your body gives when you are
in a specific zone?

Activities: (10 Minutes)

1. Replicate Me in My Zones Green &
Yellow Worksheets on to chart paper. Me in My Zones Document
2. Distribute Me in My Zones
Worksheets to each student.
3. Inform students to write their name on
the Me in My Zones worksheets front
4. Staff read to the group Me in My
Zones Document Green Zone
5. As a group, fill out Green Zone
worksheet together by writing the
answers on the chart paper under the
different blank spots. (Students can
use this as ideas to help form their
6. Staff read to the group Me in My
Zones Document Yellow Zone
7. As a group, fill out Yellow Zone
worksheet together by writing the
answers on the chart paper under the
different blank spots. (Students can
use this as ideas to help form their

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Topic: Class 11 -Me in My Zones Part 2

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: Students to learn about recognizing and labeling their body signs when they
are in the Blue & Red Zone.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice the skills.

Materials Needed:
● Me in My Zones Document
● Me in My Zones Worksheets (1 per Student)
● 4 Chart Paper
● 1 Black Permanent Marker
● 1 Green, Red, Blue & Yellow Marker
● 1 Ruler
● Pencils
● Erasers
● Pencil Crayons
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below:
○ What are the signs you think
your body gives when you are
in a specific zone?

Activities: (10 Minutes)

1. Distribute Me in My Zones Zone
Yellow Worksheets to each student. Me in My Zones Document
2. Staff read to the group Me in My Which Zone are you in? Phrases
Zones Document Yellow Zone
3. As a group, fill out Yellow Zone
worksheet together by writing the
answers on the chart paper under the
different blank spots. (Students can
use this as ideas to help form their
4. Distribute Me in My Zones Zone Blue
Worksheets to each student.
5. Staff read to the group Me in My
Zones Document Red Zone Scenario.
6. As a group, fill out Blue Zone
worksheet together by writing the
answers on the chart paper under the
different blank spots. (Students can
use this as ideas to help form their
7. Distribute Me in My Zones Red
Worksheets to each student.
8. Staff read to the group Me in My
Zones Document Red Zone Scenario.
9. As a group, fill out Red Zone
worksheet together by writing the
answers on the chart paper under the
different blank spots. (Students can
use this as ideas to help form their
10. Use Which Zone are you in? Phrases
document and have group guess which
zone they think the phrase would fall
under. Can ask what emotion they may
have in the phrase.

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Monday November 20, 2017 Topic: Class 12 -How Do I Feel?

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: Students to learn about how the events around them may impact their feelings.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice the skills.

Materials Needed:
● “The Day the Crayons Quit” by Drew Daywalt
● Pencils
● Pencil Crayons
● Erasers
● Pre-cut zone emotions
● Chart paper
● Ruler
● Black Permanent Marker
● Red, Yellow, Blue & Green Marker
● Masking Tape
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below:
○ How can the way we are
feeling be changed by what is
going on around us?

Activities: (20 Minutes)

1. Replicate chart image on to chart
2. Distribute How I feel? Worksheet to
each student.
3. Instruct them to draw a picture of
themselves and label what zone they
are in and which emotion under the
Before heading.
4. Read the book “The Day the Crayons
Quit” to the Students. After each page
ask the Students which zone they think
the character is in?
5. Have Students select which emotion
they think the character is portraying
and have them put it in the correct
zone on the chart paper.
6. Continue this until the book is
7. Ask Students to draw a picture of
themselves and label what zone they
are in and which emotion under the
After heading.

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Thursday November 23, 2017 Topic: Class 13 -My Zones Across the Day

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: To learn about how our behaviours and feelings can change across the
duration of the day.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice the skills.

Materials Needed:
● My Zones Across the Day Script
● My Zones Across the Day Worksheet (1 per Student)
● 1 Chart Paper
● 1 Black Permanent Marker
● 1 Green, Yellow, Blue & Red Marker
● Pencils
● Erasers
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below:
○ Do you think you change from
one zone to another across the

Activities: (20 Minutes)

1. Replicate My Zones Across the Day
Worksheet on to Chart Paper. My Zones Across the Day Worksheet
2. Distribute My Zones Across the Day
Worksheet to every student. My Zones Across the Day Script
3. Inform them to write their names on
the worksheet, and that Staff will be
reading out scenarios from My Zones
Across the Day Script.
4. After each scenario, ask the group
what zone they think the individual is
in and graph it on their My Zones
Across the Day worksheet by making
a circle in the box of the specific
coloured zone. (Graph it on the chart
paper to provide an example).
5. Once all the scenarios are read, using a
ruler connect the dots to make a line
graph. (This is to show the students
how our feelings and behaviours can
change across the day).

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Monday November 27, 2017 Topic: Class 14 -Caution! Triggers Ahead

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: Students to learn about what their specific triggers are in situations.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice the skills.

Materials Needed:
● Examples of Triggers Document
● Red & Yellow Construction Paper to make Trigger Signs (1 per Student)
● Pencils
● Erasers
● Coloured Markers
● 1 Chart Paper
● 1 Black Permanent Marker
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review the points below:
○ Define the word Trigger.

Activities: (20 Minutes)

1. Replicate Examples of Triggers
Document on to Chart Paper.
2. Distribute Trigger Signs to each
3. Inform them to write their names on
their Trigger Sign.
4. Ask the students if they can think of
something that triggers them that
causes them to go into the Yellow or
Red Zone.
5. Inform them to write their answers on
their Trigger Sign.
6. Also, write their answers on to the
Chart Paper to give as examples for
fellow students.

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Thursday November 30, 2017 Topic: Class 15 -ZONES Check-In

Location: Gym

Workshop Goal: For students to practice taking the time to check-in with themselves in their
understanding of the Zones of Regulation.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice the skills.

Materials Needed:
● Zones Check-In Document
● 48 Zones Check-In Worksheets
● 12 Icons of the four ZONES
● Pencils
● Erasers
● Masking Tape
● 4 Chart Paper with replica of ZONES Check-In Worksheet
● 1 Emotion Sheet of each Zone Colour
● 4 Strips of Red, Yellow, Blue & Green Construction paper
● Zones Posters
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below:
○ Which emotions belong in
which zones?
Activities: (20 Minutes)
1. Instruct students to sit in a semi-circle
to explain instructions.
2. Inform students that they will each be
receiving a package with four ZONES
Check-In Worksheets when they arrive
at their first chart paper.
3. Randomly number them into groups of
4. They will be traveling around to each
chart paper that is a specific zone with
their group.
5. When they arrive at a zone, they are
going to provide an example of feeling
an emotion and which zone you are in.
6. Staff will stick the emotion icon and
zone colour to the chart paper.
7. Next the students will draw a picture
of themselves feeling that emotion in
the box.
8. Once that is completed, Staff will give
them a zone colour square for the zone
they are currently at.
9. After all the group members have
gone, move to the next zone colour
clockwise/to your right.
10. Students cannot repeat the same
emotion as someone in their group.
11. Use a 5 minute timer. Once you hear it
go off, switch to the next zone.

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Monday December 4, 2017 Topic: Class 16 -Size of the Problem Part 1

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: Students to learn about labeling problems based on their size, and how to
differentiate between inner coach and inner critic.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice the skills.

Materials Needed:
● Size of the Problem Part 1 Document
● Size of the Problem Worksheets (1 per Student)
● Pencils
● Erasers
● 1 Chart Paper
● 1 Ruler
● Coloured Markers
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Define each of the problem sizes.
○ Tiny
○ Small
○ Medium
○ Big
○ Huge
● Discuss Inner Coach vs. Inner Critic

Activities: (20 Minutes)

1. On the first Chart Paper write out the
definition of each of the problem sizes Size of the Problem Scenarios Part 1
& Inner Coach vs. Inner Critic. (See
example for details).
2. Replicate Size of the Problem
Worksheet Big vs. Little Problems on
to the second Chart Paper.
3. Distribute Size of the Problem
Worksheet to each student.
4. Inform them to write their names on
the top of the page.
5. Ask the group to use their hand to
measure how big they think a huge
problem is?
6. Have them draw a straight line
horizontal in the box beside the
number 5. (Draw a line on the chart
paper to provide an example).
7. Continue this process until all the sizes
are completed.
8. Inform the group that Staff will
reading out scenarios and they have to
guess which size the problem is. Use
the Size of the Problem Scenarios Part
9. Discuss with the group about what an
inner coach vs. inner critic is.
10. Ask the students what are some
examples of what an inner coach
would say and an inner critic would

Wrap Up:
Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Thursday December 7, 2017 Topic: Class 17 -Size of the Problem Part 2

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: To continue practicing identifying problems based on their size, and
understanding how to use inner coach in situations.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice the skills.

Materials Needed:
● Size of the Problem Worksheets (1 per Student)
● 12 Tokens (1 per Student)
● 1 Chart Paper
● Inner Coach Worksheet (1 per Student)
● 1 Black Permanent Marker
● Pencils
● Erasers
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below:
○ The 5 Sizes of Problems.
○ Inner Coach vs. Inner Critic

Activities: (20 Minutes)

1. Replicate Inner Coach Worksheet on
to Chart Paper. Inner Coach Worksheet
2. Distribute Size of the Problems
Worksheets and tokens to students. Size of the Problem Worksheet
3. Inform the students that Staff will be
reading out scenarios, and they have to
guess which size the problem is by
putting a token on the name of the
problem on their worksheet.
4. As a group take up the answer to each
5. Once completed, distribute Inner
Coach Worksheet to every student.
6. Have the students write their names on
the worksheet.
7. Using chart paper, ask the group the
questions on the chart. Write the
answers on the chart paper for the
students to copy.

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Monday December 11, 2017 Topic: Class 18 -Exploring Sensory Support Tools

Location: Gym

Workshop Goal: Student are to self-identify what tools they think will be useful for them when
they are in a specific zone.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self-awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice the skills.

Materials Needed:
● ZONES Tools Worksheets (1 per student)
● 2 Benches
● 1 Weighted Blanket
● 1 Fidget Ball
● 1 Fidget Spinner
● 1 Bouncy Ball
● 1 Play-Doh
● 1 Headphone
● 1 Bean Bag Pillow
● 1 Bouncy Band
● 1 Wobbly Chair
● 1 Meditation Ball
● 3 Deep Breathing Worksheets
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review points below:
○ Importance of identifying
which tools work when you are
in a specific zone.

Activities: (20 Minutes)

1. Instruct students to sit in a semi-circle
to be given instructions. ZONES Tools Worksheet
2. Inform them that they will be traveling
around the room to try each tool to see
if they would find it useful when in a
specific zone.
3. Distribute ZONES Tools Worksheet to
each student and have them write their
names on the worksheet.
4. They will be circling which zones they
would use the tool in or circling none
meaning they wouldn’t use the tool in
any of the zones.
5. They will hear a two minute buzzer
and once it goes off, they are to rotate
to their right.

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Expectations of the next class
Group Session Planning Sheet

Session Date: Thursday December 14, 2017 Topic: Class 19 -The Toolbox

Location: Classroom

Workshop Goal: Students identify what they think is the best tools for them to use when they
are in a specific zone.

Objective: Teaching students how to use/implement Zones into their day to day life.

Areas you are hoping to influence:

Attitude The belief that self awareness will help our students to recognize when feelings
arise and teach them how to cope and manage their feelings in productive

Knowledge Students will learn ways to cope, engage, and problem solve their own issues.

Skill Giving our students an opportunity to learn and practice the skills.

Materials Needed:
● Toolbox Worksheet (Transfer information from ZONES Tools Worksheet onto Toolbox
Worksheet) (1 per Student)
● Tools for Each of My ZONES (1 per Student)
● Pre-Cut ZONES Tools Menu (1 per Student)
● Glue Sticks (1 per Student)
● Pencils
● Erasers
● Zones License (1 per Student)
● Scissors (1 per Student)
Workshop Structure:

Warm Up: (5 Minutes)

● Review previous session highlights
● Review Rules
● Lesson Introduction
● Program Closure

Content: (5 Minutes)
● Review the points below:
○ How to decide which tools are
most useful when in a specific

Activities: (20 Minutes)

1. Distribute Tools for Each of My
ZONES, ZONES Tool Menu, Glue
Sticks & Scissors to every student.
2. Instruct the students to write their
names on all of the worksheets.
3. Inform the students to choose tools
from the precut ZONES Tool Menu to
glue into each zone.
4. Once they completed each zone, they
are to fill out the ZONES License.
5. Distribute their Toolbox Worksheet at
the completion of the session.

Wrap Up: (5 Minutes)

Program Wrap Up

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