Mushroom Cultivation

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From being referred to as the “food for the Gods” and being only consumed by Pharaohs,

mushrooms has long been used by mankind as a savoury. In spite of having a reference in the
Vedas, not until the mid-80s did Indians know about the delicacies mushroom offered.
However, looking at the present day, mushroom have become a most popular dish, starting
from being used in Chinese cuisines to adding a desi style to it, mushrooms has win over our

Mushroom belonging to the genus Agaricus, Pleurotus,& Volvariella are precisely cultivated
in India, commonly known as button mushroom, oyster mushroom( local name dhingri) and
paddy straw mushroom.

Button Mushroom Oyster Mushroom Paddy Straw Mushroom

Mushroom Cultivation in India

India recently got introduced to the prospect of mushroom cultivation/ farming. Solan was the
first to see the beginning of mushroom cultivation during the mid - sixties due to the effort of
Dr. E.F.K Mental. Later on, Maharaja of Patiala started the trend of mushroom farming at
Dochi and Chail and gradually it descended down from the north, and today nearly every
state has either cottage scale or large-scale mushroom industry.

Mushroom as a culinary dish is growing widely popular among Indians and thus is a growing
profitable area with a low start-up capital investment.

With the initiative of empowering rural India, many SHGs (self-help groups) approaches
farmers and village women to start mushroom cultivation at a small scale, making them
How to start cultivating mushroom?

Depending on the type of growers, i.e. seasonal or all year around, the type of mushroom to
be grown depends. As a start-up, oyster mushrooms are the best because they are profitable
and easy to grow. Cultivating mushroom takes place precisely in three steps:

1. Preparation of spawn
2. Preparation of compost
3. Spewing

And later comes harvesting and storage.

1. Spawn Preparation: Spawn is a pure culture of the mycelium grown on a special

medium. Precaution must be taken to avoid contamination. Spawn production also
consists of three steps:
i. Substrate preparation

ii. Substrate inoculation

iii. Incubation of the inoculated spawn.

Mother Culture Commercial Spawn

The spawn produced can also be sold at this point of time when the grains are all covered
with white mycelium.
1. Compost Preparation: Compost is the substrate on which mushroom grows.
Composting is done in trays:

Steps in Compost Preparation:

1. Packing of wet straw inside plastic bags or

layering of straw in a mushroom tray bed
2. Allow the compost to decompose for about 28-
30 days under aerobic conditions in the compost
3. Periodic turning is done after every 3 days.
4. On the 6th day fertilisers like CAN and
ammonium sulfate are added
5. Gypsum is added on 10th day along with more
6. 25th day is the last day of turning.

After 28 to 30 days, compost turns dark brown in

colour .
In case of oyster mushrooms, composting is even more easy, only dry straw or hays are used
as compost.

2. Spewing: Mixing of spawns with the compost is called spewing. It can either be in
layers or surface spewing.

Layer Spewing: The compost and spawns are distributed evenly in each layer. Big, clear
polythene bags are used. Holes are poked on the bags to allow the mushrooms to grow
out of the holes. This technique is used to grow oyster mushrooms.

Surface Spewing: Here compost and spawn are mixed together and spread along the length
of the area used for cultivation. Casing layer comprises of either chalk powder or sterilized
hay. Usually done in case of button mushrooms.
Through Spewing: Spawns and compost are mixed together and pressed in trays which are
then arranged in tiers. A polythene sheet is used to cover the beds, newspapers can also be

Fruiting of Mushrooms

In case of oyster mushrooms small fruiting bodies will poke out from the holes of the plastic

After 3 to 4 days

After few

After 20 to 22 days
Harvesting and Storage:

Harvesting techniques slightly differ according to the type of mushrooms been grown. In case
of oyster mushrooms, first harvesting done 20 to 22 days after spawning.

Second harvesting is done after 27 to 29 days of spawning and after 34 to 36 days, the third
harvesting is done.

Before storing wipe, the mushrooms with a damp tissue, and then they are ready to be packed
and stored in a dry environment.

1. The temperature of the room should be in the range of 20°C and 26°C and relative

humidity of 70 to 90 %. Although the temperature and humidity requirement may

differ with the variety of mushroom being grown.

2. The mushroom beds should be kept in light for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes each


Why Mushroom cultivation?

India is a country with ever growing population as a result food scarcity is a major

problem to be dealt with. Mushrooms being high source of protein is the answer to the

question of food shortage. With a very low start-up capital invest and a high profit gain

mushroom cultivation is a very economically blooming area of farming especially in rural

areas, where women will find a decent way to earn their needs. Mushrooms are also low

in calories lacks in cholesterol but rich in vitamins like B1, B12, Niacin and C.

With the scales of merits raised higher than that of demerits which includes either
contamination of spawns or mushroom suffering from diseases like soft mild dew, watery
stipes, etc which can easily be taken care of, mushroom cultivation is the most easiest and
cost efficient form of cottage industry.
To end with a conclusion, mushroom farming will really boost the economy as well as
improve the health standards of Indians. People with all sorts of food habits can get their
daily dose of proteins.

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