Mini Lesson Plan 7

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Mini Lesson Plan EDU 536 (Based on SIOP Model)

Lesson Plan Title: Repeated Reading—Using Script Writing and Reader’s Theatre #12
Reader’s Theatre

Name: Dahiana Castellon Grade Level: 12th

ELD Objectives: ELA Language Standards for Grade Level

ELD students in grade 12 will be able to use content words and vocabulary SL.11-12.6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating
while reading text aloud. a command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

ELD Language Objective:

ELA Content Standards for Grade Level
ELD students in grade 12 will be able to read fluently aloud using content
vocabulary and academic language. 1.1 Demonstrate control of grammar, diction, and paragraph and
sentence structure and an understanding of English usage.
ELD Content Objective: 1.2 Produce legible work that shows accurate spelling and correct
punctuation and capitalization.
ELD students in grade 12 will be able to use and understand content that 1.3 Reflect appropriate manuscript requirements in writing.
is read and written in this assignment.
ELD Standards (2014) that apply
Cog. Taxonomy/DOK Levels
Level 1: Define, Label, Recognize Exchange information and ideas with others through oral collaborative
Level 2: Categorize, Organize, Construct discussions on a range of social and academic topics.
Level 3: Contrast, Compare, Explain, Differentiate
Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic

Analyzing how writers and speakers use language to support ideas and
arguments with details or evidence depending on modality, text type,
purpose, audience, topic, and content area.

Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic

Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and other language
resources to effectively convey ideas.

Materials Key Academic Vocabulary Research Based Learning Strategies (provide

text chapters/reference)
- Copies of “Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Theatre: The activity or profession of acting in,
Allen Poe producing, directing, or writing plays. A play or - 50 Strategies- #12
- Highlighters, Pens, Pencils other activity or presentation considered in - Tapping into Prior Knowledge (SDAIE)
- Chromebooks or iPads terms of its dramatic quality. - Student to Student Interaction (SDAIE)
- Scratch Paper - Hands on Activities (SDAIE)
- Props and Costumes Script: The written text of a play, movie, or

Summarize: Give a brief statement of the main

points of (something).

Pre-Assessment: How will you determine prior Motivation Strategy: How will you catch Real World Connection: How are learning goals
knowledge? attention of students and focus their minds on relevant to students’ lives?
the learning goals?
Student knowledge will be determined Students are learning to engage with a text. They
according to previous lesson engagement. Students will be motivated to complete and are practicing their summarizing skills and
Students have experienced this reading with the participate in assignment by first viewing speaking skills. They will be able to practice
teacher in previous lesson about listening. This is examples done by previous classes (YouTube). verbal skills in a safe and fun environment where
an extension lesson. This lesson will be the activities are not to be taken too seriously.
personalized to student abilities according to Students get excited to recreate YouTube videos
previous lesson’s assessment. and activities. I will use this tool to engage my This assignment is meant to get the students
students in the lesson’s activity. comfortable with speaking in front of peers and

All strategies will be research based and from one of the texts. Please Students: Practice and Application
provide reference for each.
1. Students will read the text and collaborate with one another to
Teacher: Presentation/ Learning Activities (Strategy Steps) re-tell the story through acting.
2. Students will utilize technology to create a script to use for their
1. Students will review the short story, “Tell-Tale Heart,” by Edgar assignment.
Allen Poe. 3. They will focus on using target words and phrases to re-tell the
2. Students will highlight main parts, ideas, and events of the text. story accurately.
3. Students will be instructed to summarize and re-tell the story in 4. Students will practice their presentation and collaborate with
a way that will be informative and entertaining. one another to improve or revise their scripts.
4. Students will have to script the story and act it out in front of the 5. Students will present and watch their peers’ presentations.
class. 6. Each group will analyze all other presentations and verbally give
5. All students must have some kind of spoken part in the feedback on each presentation, together as a group.
recreation of the story.
6. All students are encouraged to tell the story in a new creative
way. The tone of the story can change but the actual story line
should stay the same. Collaborative (engagement with others)
7. Students will perform their creation and view all other group 2. Students will collaborate with one another to complete the
presentations. assignment and other tasks.
8. Each presentation should not exceed 15 minutes but they will
not be any less than 7 minutes. Interpretative (comprehension and analysis of written and spoken texts)
3. Students will interpret text and re-tell the story creatively and
Collaborative (engagement with others) accurately.
1. Students will collaborate with one another to complete the 4. Students will verbally re-tell the story through acting and story
assignment and other tasks. telling.

Interpretative (comprehension and analysis of written and spoken texts) Productive (creation of oral presentations and written texts)
1. Students will interpret text and re-tell the story creatively and 2. Students will produce a presentation to demonstrate their ability
accurately. to re-tell the story they have been working on.
2. Students will verbally re-tell the story through acting and story

Productive (creation of oral presentations and written texts)

1. Students will produce a presentation to demonstrate their ability
to re-tell the story they have been working on.

Review and Assessment: What specific assessment tools are being used? Student Reflection: How will you provide for student reflection on
Students will be assessed by their scripts and performance. They must
demonstrate and understanding for the text and its main idea by the way Students will be able to reflect on their performance and script and submit
they re-tell the story. Students will be assessed by peer reviews as well, any ways to improve them. This will allow them to develop their critical
these will be submitted anonymously to make sure all students thinking skills and will allow them to edit and revise their own work after
participated in the assignment. This will give me insight to see if EL they have had time to see other ideas and examples. It will allow them to
students actively participated in collaboration process. incorporate new ideas to their own.
Teacher Reflection Extension:
What do you anticipate to be a problem for specific students? Based on data/evidence, what are the next steps for future lessons?
Provide evidence for your answer.
 ELD Objective: Students may struggle to speak aloud or participate
in the lesson verbally. Students will be able to practice presentation and communication skills
through this lesson. They will be able to develop these skills with similar
 Content Objective: Students may have difficulty completing tasks assignments. I will be able to determine how often and how much
because of confusion or misunderstanding the text. practice they need in this area based on their performances and
participation is this assignment.

What theory or theorists would most strongly support use of this


Motivation Research Article: Add growth mindset to your reflection.

1. What part of your lesson prompted students to move into a

growth mindset toward learning 2nd language?

2. Why do you think this particular activity/or learning task

prompted a GM?

3. Mention students by name and describe specific demonstrations

of growth for language learning.

4. How will you let students know they have developed more GRIT /
GM in learning a new language?

5. What changes overall have you seen in your class that indicate
that a Growth Mindset has been supported and expanded to this
point in the semester?

6. What did not work that you will change for next lesson:

7. Next steps based on analysis of this lesson:

Attach copy of student work

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