Capnography Ped
Capnography Ped
Capnography Ped
and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE, 1950 to March inhalational with spontaneous, assisted or mechanical
2010 Week 3), Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied ventilated [6–8]. In inhalational anesthesia, capnography
Health Literature (CINAHL, 1982 to December Week 1 can additionally detect breathing circuit disconnections or
2007 using the Ovid interface and updated to March 19 other component malfunction [6]. During intravenous
2010 using the EBSCO interface) and the Cochrane anesthesia, respiratory rate, depth and effort have been
Library (up to Issue 1, 2010). The search terms used determined from capnography [9]. In non-rebreathing
were– ‘‘Capnography’’, ‘‘Capnometry’’ and ‘‘End-tidal systems capnography is used to detect rebreathing of ex-
CO2 monitoring’’. The searches were limited to material haled carbon dioxide (CO2) can aid in prevention of
published in English, French, German and Spanish. No hypercarbia through the adjustment of fresh gas flow [10].
study design limits were imposed. In closed anesthesia breathing systems, it detects soda lime
Final search results were limited to publications in exhaustion, one-way valve malfunction, and sampling line
which the primary intent was to describe applications disconnections [11–13].
and/or interpretations of capnography in clinical situa-
tions and scenarios with or without other monitoring Airway
modalities in children. Randomized controlled trials
(RCTs) that compared capnography with another mon- In awake children, the continued patency of the natural
itoring modality and/or commented on the utility of the airway is demonstrated by capnography [8, 14]. During
monitor were identified. laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation, it is used both to
Once the application was identified and if there were confirm tracheal and to rule out esophageal intubation
multiple citations for the same application, the investiga- [15]. This is considered the ‘first and foremost’ use of
tors chose the most relevant and recent reference that best capnography. Volatile-based anesthetics with supraglottic
supported the capnography application or interpretation airway devices (laryngeal mask airways or laryngeal tubes)
described. in children have been monitored with continuous cap-
Reference Manager Version 12 ( nography to detect dislodgement [16, 17]. Capnography
was used to review the citations. The applications iden- can indirectly detect a leak around an uncuffed tracheal
tified were then classified using a previously described tube and thereby aid appropriate tube size selection in
system of clinical applications and interpretation of cap- children [18]. Blockage or kinking of the tracheal tube (or
nography [4]. Recommendations for each application other airway devices) has been detected by capnography
were assigned based on the guidelines from the Oxford [6]. Its detection of CO2 that confirms tracheal serves as a
Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM) [5]. useful adjunct in difficult airway maneuvers such as
fiberoptic intubations, blind nasal intubations or bron-
choscopy [19–21]. Capnography has been used in anes-
FINDINGS thesia for pediatric thoracic surgery requiring lung
isolation techniques with the placement of double lumen
The search methods identified eight hundred and 21 (875) tubes [22].
citations. From these, 44 different clinical applications or
interpretations of capnography in children were listed. Breathing
In Table 1, the applications or interpretations of cap-
nography in children are listed, classified into six catego- In the perioperative period, capnography has been used to
ries [4] and recommendations for the use of each confirm adequacy of spontaneous or mechanical ventila-
application is made based on the CEBM level of evidence tion [23, 24]. Careful observation of the trace can be
[5]. useful to detect the onset, waning or reversal of neuro-
muscular blockade [6]. It is useful to demonstrate distal
Anesthetic delivery and small airway obstruction and or bronchospasm [25,
26]. The efficacies of advanced ventilatory strategies
Capnography is considered a basic anesthesia monitor and including trans-tracheal or high frequency jet ventilation
its use during anesthesia, sedation or even in awake have been monitored with capnography [27, 28]. Heliox
children is primarily to detect and prevent hypoxemia [6]. therapy in bronchiolitis and other distal airway diseases
Its use confirms adequate fresh gas flow (oxygen, air and have been monitored with capnography [29]. In all these
or nitrous oxide), effective intra-operative ventilation and situations, adequate CO2 removal can be monitored with
other intra-operative events. It has been used during Capnography. It has also been used to detect dead space
various anesthetic techniques—whether intravenous or ventilation and estimate the dead space fraction from the
Eipe and Doherty: Capnography in Children 263
difference relationship between the arterial CO2 and the monitors tracheal tube patency [48, 49]. Capnography has
end-tidal CO2 [25]. proven invaluable during pediatric cardiopulmonary
resuscitation; presence of end-tidal CO2 during cardio-
Circulation pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) not only confirms tracheal
tube placement, but can be, in the continued absence of a
In children, while heart rate and blood pressure moni- recordable pulse or blood pressure; the first sign of return
toring are directly indicative of cardiovascular stability, of circulation [50]. An important clinical corollary in
capnography has been described as an adjunctive, albeit cardiopulmonary arrest situations is no end-tidal CO2
indirect measure of cardiac output [30]. Direct estimation detection even when the tracheal tube is correctly placed
of cardiac output from the end-tidal CO2 concentration is (‘true negative’), as a result of lack of circulation. Suc-
also possible and has been found in healthy children to be cessful resuscitation and prognosis thereafter have been
comparable Fick method calculations [31]. The capno- correlated with capnography [51].
graphic features of venous air embolism in which a sudden Other uses of capnography include detecting sleep
fall in the end-tidal CO2 concentration often precedes associated gas exchange abnormalities in children [52] and
that of the blood pressure or any other recordable effect in the routine Sleep Lab Studies (polysomnography) for
have been well described [1, 32]. The application of obstructive sleep apnea [53]. It has been utilized as an
capnography as an indirect indicator of pulmonary blood adjunct to neurophysiological monitoring of seizure
flow has been reported in congenital heart diseases [33– thresholds [54]. Home capnography has been suggested as
35]. It has been found useful during corrective or pallia- early detector of home cardiopulmonary events, such as
tive cardiac surgery in which improvement in pulmonary those which may occur in infants with high risk of sudden
blood flow, cardiac output, or both are indicated by an infant death syndrome (SIDS). Capnography can act as a
increase in the end-tidal CO2 concentration [36, 37]. In substitute to pulmonary function testing in neonatal lung
instances where persistent cardiac arrhythmias correlate testing [55]. Lung growth patterns have also been analyzed
with hypercarbia, capnography is useful in arrhythmia non-invasively using capnography [56]. As the neonatal
evaluation [38]. The ‘cardiogenic oscillations’ often seen lung grows and alveoli mature characteristic changes in
on capnography are reflections of pulsatility of pulmonary capnograms have been described [57]. Entral feeding tube
blood transmitted to the airway [39]. placements have been confirmed by capnography—the
absence of CO2 in a correctly placed feeding tube rules
Homeostasis out inadvertent placement within the airway [58]. Newer
monitoring equipment, notably transcutaneous capnom-
Capnography has been used to reflect the child’s overall etry, has been compared to capnography [59].
metabolic state [40]. End-tidal CO2 concentration can
be elevated in sepsis, fever and malignant hyperthermia
[6, 41]. Capnography can estimate carbon-dioxide absorp- DISCUSSION
tion during laparoscopic surgery 42]. It has been used as a
continuous monitor of acid–base balance in pediatric pa- Capnography is the non-invasive monitoring of this
tients with diabetic ketoacidosis or respiratory failure, or in concentration or partial pressure of carbon dioxide (CO2)
those receiving sodium bicarbonate therapy [43, 44]. Non- in respiratory gases. CO2 is produced in the tissues, carried
invasive and continuous end-tidal CO2 monitoring offer in the blood, exchanged in the lungs and expired through
an early warning system for unexpected changes in acidosis a patent airway. We therefore consider capnography to be
that may decrease need for and cost of blood sampling. an integrated indicator of the functions of the respiratory,
Capnography has been used as an indirect monitor of cardiovascular and metabolic systems and this concept was
cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure [45]. In the basis for the system of classification of the applications
intensive care, nutritional support can affect weaning from or interpretations of capnography [4]. In the monitoring
ventilatory support as the metabolism of carbohydrates of children, this review has confirmed capnography’s well
increases CO2 production. The effect of vasoactive drugs established role in anesthesiology and perioperative
on capnography has also been described [46]. medicine.
After tracheal intubation, the presence CO2 detected
Non perioperative by capnography is the most sensitive confirmation of the
correct position of the tube in the trachea. This test also
Capnography confirms tracheal intubations by paramedics specifically rules out esophageal intubation. When the
and ambulance crews [47]. During transport its use failure to detect esophageal intubation was identified as
Eipe and Doherty: Capnography in Children 265
the leading cause of perioperative/anesthetic morbidity capnography compared with another monitoring modal-
and concurrently capnography identified as the most ity [14, 62, 69, 70]. The double blind RCT reported by
sensitive monitor for preventing this—these two funda- Lightdale et al. (Pediatrics 2006) [14] included 163 children
mental facts probably led to capnography become a stan- between 6 months and 19 years undergoing 174 elective
dard of perioperative monitoring [2, 60]. The initial gastrointestinal procedures under moderate sedation. All
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) guidelines children received routine care and supplemental oxygen
(1986) determined capnography to be useful for confir- and capnography (blinded to all patients and endoscopy
mation of placement and continuous presence of a tracheal staff). For patients randomized to the intervention arm
tube. Updated ASA standards (2005), recommend standard (n = 83), independent trained observers signaled to the
capnography use to confirm adequate ventilation during clinical staff if capnograms detected alveolar hypoventi-
general anesthesia with or without a tracheal tube [2]. lation for >15 s. Patients in the intervention arm were
During anesthesia, capnography is an indispensable significantly less likely to become hypoxemic (<95% for
monitor of both the physiology and the safety of the >5 s) than those in the control arm. Odds Ratio and 95%
patient. Hypoventilation results in an increase in CO2 confidence intervals were 0.36 and 0.15–0.87 respec-
before the decrease in oxygen saturation and this caveat tively.
makes capnography useful in the early detection (and In a single blind RCT, Cote et al. (Anesthesiology 1991)
appropriate prevention) of hypoxemia [61]. Pulse oxim- [62]; randomized 402 children to four groups of moni-
etry in combination with capnography have been dem- toring—pulse oximetry, capnography, both or none to
onstrated to be reliable and sensitive intra-operative detect ‘major’ or ‘minor’ intraoperative events. They
monitors for the detection of critical incidents such as reported that blinding of the oximeter and capnography
malignant hyperthermia, circuit disconnection or leak, data significantly increased the number of ‘major’ desat-
equipment failure, accidental extubation etc. [6]. Detec- uration and ‘minor’ capnographic events (p = 0.003 and
tion of hypoventilation can be made by capnography prior 0.0026 respectively). They concluded that the number of
to a decline in arterial blood saturation on pulse oximetry problems observed can be significantly reduced when
[14]. Capnographic abnormalities have alerted the health both monitors are used.
care provider to impeding adverse events even when no Mallick et al. report a RCT, (Anaesthesia 2003) [69]; on
desaturation is observed [62]. 55 patients (adults and children) undergoing percutaneous
Recent applications or interpretations described in tracheostomy who had tracheal tubes. Patients were ran-
adults include the detection of opioid-induced respiratory domized to either capnography or bronchoscopy. The
depression (during patient controlled analgesia) and for authors concluded that capnography would be as useful as
the diagnosis of apnea in the diagnosis of brain death [63, bronchoscopy to confirm needle placement for this pro-
64]. As these have not yet been described in children they cedure. We note that all patients below 18 years were in
were not included in our current list of applications the capnography group and bronchoscopy was not pos-
(Table 1). sible in one patient (as it interfered with ventilation).
Previous reviews of monitoring in children have These findings support the use of capnography over
described the applications or interpretations of capnogra- bronchoscopy in percutaneous tracheotomy.
phy but have not attempted to classify them [30, 65]. We In a double blind RCT evaluating pre-hospital venti-
applied Eipe and Tarshis’ system of classification because lation of trauma patients, Helm et al. (British Journal of
of its simplicity and applicability [4]. We also presume it Anaesthesia 2003) [70] report 97 patients (adults and
would be easy to use in teaching and simulation. children) who were monitored during transfer with
Capnography deserves its status as a basic standard based standard monitors. While all were monitored with cap-
on observational data from adults [66] and all applications nography, 57 were randomized to have their caregivers
or interpretations of capnography in pediatrics do not observe the capnogram during the transfer. They found
require controlled trials before their use can be recom- that the incidence of normoventilation significantly
mended [59]. Despite the widespread acceptance of cap- increased while that of hypoventilation significantly
nography in anesthesiology, its use in intensive care and decreased (p < 0.0001). The incidence of hyperventila-
emergency departments has often been variable [67, 68]. tion was however not reduced in the monitor group.
This is possibly related to the fact that some of the There has been considerable ongoing debate about the
important applications or interpretations may not have accuracy of capnography in the dynamic monitoring of
been yet validated by studies of sufficiently high levels of patients during mechanical ventilation [71, 72].
evidence to justify widespread use. Criticism of our study of the applications or interpre-
There are till date, four randomized controlled trails tations of capnography in children may firstly include the
(RCTs) that describe an application or interpretation of methodology and analysis of the results. Our primary
266 Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
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