Nordic Ware Unusual Old World and American Recipes 1972
Nordic Ware Unusual Old World and American Recipes 1972
Nordic Ware Unusual Old World and American Recipes 1972
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Oilr leading item - mo st NORDIC-WARE is proud to present the newest edition of the Nordic Recipe Booklet. It con-
versatile and widely u se d
SERVO-KING . Ideal for fam · tains an outstanding collection of recipes that will bring savory success to your table.
ily service as well as gener-
ous individual portions. Fea - This new booklet endeavors to offer you a wide variety of cooking and baking adventures,
ture is tree design in platter.
Heavy 8 ga . Aluminum Pl at - including .recipes collected from authentic old world sources plus old favorites adapted from
ter 8'/z" x 12W' . holder 15" our own American culinary heritage. You will also find exciting new time-saving ideas using
Cat. No. 20110 Anodized the very latest convenience foods.
Aluminum Platter & Bake -
lite Holder . $4.98 Illustrated in this booklet is the beautiful line of NORDIC-WARE which includes the
finest cast, heavy formed and spun aluminum bake, cook and serve ware. You will note that
Same style platter-holder many of our molds now feature Teflon''"'' interiors. Also, our latest cookware has the improved
set except for individual
use, size 7"x10'/4'; hold er interior of hard-base Teflon IF''"'' with Permo-Porcelain exteriors in striking colors.
13" overal l. · NORDIC-WARE offers unlimited possibilities for your ingenuity and creativity in cooking
Cat. No. 20510 Anodize d
Aluminum Platter & Bako and baking. We believe you will enjoy perfect results time after time with these recipes espe-
lite Holder ...... . $3.49 cially developed and tested for use with your new NORDIC-WARE products.
* Reg . U.S. Pat. Off.
**Teflon is DuPont 's regi stered trademark for its non-stick finish .
" ' Teflon II is DuPont' s certification mark for scratch resistant Teflon-coa ted cookware which meets DuPont standards .
SERVO-KING ANODIZED Servo King Platters and Servers . 2,42 MINI-BUNDP Pan 10
ALUMINUM PLATTER Teflon Instructions . .. . 4 Bake and Salad Molds 15
Shown as serving for on e BUNDP Pan . . . 5, 25 Specialty Bake Ware 29
with f ilet mignon . The quality
item - of 11 ga. anodized Custom Line Cookware 45
aluminum offers an inexpen -
sive service with the work -
manship of an Ameri can
made produ ct. Perman ent
beauty and utility. Size of
platter i s 7"x 10'/4' ; holder
12" overall. .NORDIC
+4 Cat. No. 20810 Natural
++ '41 Aluminum Platter & Bake-
- lite Holder ... .... $2.69 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416
Teflon is one of the most remarkable plastic coatings yet developed. 12 CUP SIZE
A product of more than a decade of research in DuPont's laborator- NORDIC-WARE'S World Famous BUNDr:• Pan is now America's largest selling baking mold.
ies, it is unmatched for non-sticking characteristics, and ease of clean- This unique pan has been a prize winner each of the past several years at the famed "BAKE-
ing. Now you can bake or fry almost any food fat free, if you wish. OFF". It is exclusively designed for pound cakes, specialty cakes, gelatin salads, frozen desserts
Use your NORDIC-WARE Teflon coated utensil with the knowledge and meat loaves. Made of heavy cast aluminum or sturdy formed aluminum, it offers the ultimate
that it is the ultimate in utility, beauty and design . in beauty and baking performance. Now available in fashion colors, America's favorite baking
Teflon's popularity continues to grow because of its non-sticking pan is a bright fresh accent to any kitchen decor.
characteristics, and its freedom from attack by household chemicals
are unmatched. Like other synthetic plastics, it is softer than porce- The beautiful BUNDT':' Cake Stand, the perfect complement to the World Famous
lain, glass or the metals used on the interiors of cookware; hence, BUNDr:• Pan is fashioned of heaviest aluminum with a base finished in colorful enamel or
reasonable care must be exercised to prevent damaging the finish in natural cast aluminum.
use. Note: Over heated Teflon loses its non-stick advantages. To avoid, No. 50330 Jumbo Fluted Mold, formed aluminum, Teflon coated .... . . . ....... . . . .. . .. . .... $ 4.69
do not heat utensil without food being in it! No. 50130 Large cast aluminum BUNoT· Pan, Teflon coated, natural exte ri or....... . ........ 6.98
Before using: No. 50100 Large cast aluminum BUNDT' Pan , natural exterior and interior. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.98
l. Wash the utensil in hot, soapy water; rinse thoroughly and dry . No. 50301 Jumbo Fluted Mold formed aluminu m, Copper anodized exterior and interior...... 3.49
2. Oven bake ware should be seasoned. Grease lightly but well with No. 50335 Jumbo Fluted mold, formed aluminum, Teflon coated, Avocado exterior............ 4.98
unsalted shortening. (Do not use liquid shortening.) Place in 300° No. 50135 Large Cast aluminum BUNDT' Pan , Teflon coated, Avocado exterior........ . . . . . . 7.49
oven for one hour. Remove and allow to cool on wood surface. No. 50133 Large Cast aluminum BUNDT' Pan, Teflon coated, Harvest exterior......... . . . . . . 7.49
3. For cook ware or top-of-the-range bake ware, precondition by No. 50138 Large Cast a lu minum BUNDT' Pan , Teflon coated, Tangerine exterior..... . . . . . . . . 7.49
greasing the Teflon II surface lightly with shortening. No. 0221 BUNDT' Cake Stand w/cover in natural , Harvest, Tangerine or Avocado . .... . . ... 14.95
Cooking Instructions: (Please designate color when ordering.)
I. Teflon coated utensils have often been advertised as greaseless cookware. While these uten
sils can be used without shortening of any type, some cooks prefer to use fats to add flavor
and aid in even browning.
I. Season your BUNDT"' Pan before use . Grease lightly but well with unsalted shortening. (Do
2. Non-metallic utensils are recommended for use with Teflon II cookware. Since the finish is not use liquid shortening.) Place in 300° oven for one hour. Remove and allow to cool on
soft enough to be damaged by the edge on a metal utensil, the homemaker must exercise wood surface.
reasonable care in using such utensils. Some minor scratching may eventually occur. Though
it will affect the appearance of the pan, it will not seriously impair the non-sticking qualities. 2. Grease and flour pan when baking butter cakes. Allow cakes to cool in BUNDr:• Pan for
3. Food should never be cut in a Teflon coated pan with a sharp-edged knife. 15 minutes before turning out. ·
4. Frying pans and griddles, which are to be used to sear meat, should be preheated carefully 3. Do not grease the BUNDr:· Pan for angel food, sponge or chiffon cakes. To remove cake,
over medium to medium -high heat for 1\12 min. Do not heat an empty pan over high heat! loosen edges carefully with non-metallic spatula then strike edge of inverted mold on
Cleaning Instructions: counter top.
1. Wash non-stick cookware thoroughly in hot suds after each use. 4. To unmold gelatin, moisten top of gelatin and a chilled plate. (Moist surfaces allow adjust-
2. Metal scouring pads or abrasive cleaners should not be used. Stubborn spots can be re- ment of gelatin after it has been unmolded .) Dip mold, just to the rim, in warm water; lift
moved with a plastic mesh pad or sponge . from the water and shake slightly to loosen. Invert moistened plate on mold, then turn
3. Over a period of time, the Teflon finish may disco lor in use. However, this will not materially plate and mold together.
affect the performance of the pan. Such staining may be lightened by placing a heaping Tbsp.
of baking soda and l/3 cup of liquid household bleach in 1 cup of water and heating to
Differences in Baking Times for BUNDT* Pans
boiling point in utensil. The mixture should be heated for 5 minutes. After this treatment,
It is advised that you experim ent with your particular SUNDT• Pan as the baking times given in the
the utensil should be thoroughly washed and rinsed. The pan must be re-seasoned before use . recipes are recommended averages only and apply to most colors as well as natural finish pans. The
Storage Instructions: Harvest color SUNDT' Pan will usually need about 5 minutes longer baking time because of heat being
It is suggested that cookware finished with Teflon II should be stored upside down or sideways reflected from the light color pan surface.
to avoid damage from objects which might accidentally fall on it.
4 5
2 pkg. active dry yeast 4 eggs
V. cup warm water grated rind of 1 lemon
¥• cup warm milk 2V. cups flour 2V. cups flour 1 cup butter or margarine,
13l\UIJ\i!IDT !'IIJt Y2 cup butter or margarine Y4 tsp . mace 2 cups sugar softened
1 cup sugar 1 tsp. salt V. tsp. salt 1 carton (8 oz.) spiced apple
1 cup flour grated nuts 1fz tsp. baking soda yogurt
Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add warm milk and 1 tsp. vanilla 3 eggs
1 cup flour. Beat well and allow to rise in a warm
' place until doubled in bulk. Cream the butter or Combine ingredients in large mixi ng bowl. Blend
margarine th oroughly with the sugar. Add egg s at low speed . Beat 3 min. at medium speed ,
one at a time, beating well after each addition , scrap ing bowl occasionally. Pour batter into well
Add lemon rind. Mix creamed m ixture with th e greased and floured BUNDT* Pan. Bake at 325 °
raised dough. Add remain ing flour which ha s for 60-65 min. or until top of cake springs back
been sifted with mace and salt. Grease BUNDT' when li ghtly touched . Cool cake 15 min . before
Pan and sprinkle wi th grated nuts to cover tho removing from pan.
' inside of the mold . Place dough in pan and lol
rise until double in size. Bake at 350 ° fo r 50-60
Gl aze : Combine 1 cup confecti oners' sugar, 2
Tbsp. mi l k and 1 t s p. cinnamon . Beat until
min. smooth . Drizzle glaze ove r cake , th en sprinkle
11 \\,_ \ w ith chopped pecans.
'-._jlj_j1j P C/\r E
1 pkg. yellow, white or
devil's food cake mix
1 square (1 oz.) semi-
sweet choco late,
1 envel ope whipped coarsely g rated
topping mix Brandied Choco late
4 eggs Glaze
1 cup co ld water
SOUR CREAM COFFEE CAKE Mix together, cake mix, whipped topp ing mi x, POPPYSEED CAKE
eggs and water. Blend until moistened; beat at
medium speed for 4 min. Blend in grated choco-
cup margarine or butter 1 '14 cup silted flour pkg. white or yellow 1 pkg. instant coconut
late. Turn into greased and floured BUNDT* Pan . cake mix cream or lemon
3 eggs sepa rated 1 tsp. b aking soda
1 c up sugar 1 ts p . baking powder
Bake at 350 ° for 40-45 min. Allow cake to cool 1 cup water pudding mix
1 cup dairy sour cream in pan for 15 minutes before turning out. Finish V. cup liquid shortening 4 Tbsp. poppyseed
cooling on rack ; spread with glaze. 4 eggs
Cream shortening and sugar. Add egg yolks and Mi x together dry ingredients ; add water and liqu id
1 square (1 oz.) semi-sweet chocolate
sour cream. Beat until light and fluffy. Add flour, 11fz Tbsp. butter shortening . Add eggs, one at a time, beat ing well
baking powder and baking soda . Beat egg whites Jf• cup unsifted confectioners' sugar after each addition. Pour batter into well greased
until stiff ; fo ld in. Pour batter into a greased and 2 Tbsp . brandy
and floured BUNDT* Pan. Bake at 350 ° for 45 min-
floured BUNDT' Pan. Sprinkle with a topping In small saucepan over low heat, melt chocolate
utes. Allow cake to cool in pan for 15 min. before
made of '14 cup sugar, Y2 tsp. cinnamon and Y2 with butter, stirring constant ly until smooth . Re-
removing .
c up chopped nuts. Dot with extra butter. Bake at move from heat. Gradua lly add sugar alternately
325 ° for one hour. A llow to cool in pan for 15 with brandy. Stir until mixture is of glaze con - Drizzle with glaze made of confectioners' sugar,
min. before turn ing out. sistency. Spread over cake . lemon juice and butter.
6 7
8 9
Designed particularly as the bride's size version of the famous BUNDT'' Pan, NORDIC-
WARE'S MINI-BUNDT"' PAN shares the distinction of being America's largest selling baking
mold . The MINI-BUNDT'' PAN accommodates standard size cake mix and gelatin recipes and
lends itself beautifully to standard family recipes. It too, is available in colorful decorator
finishes with easy-care Teflon interiors.
No. 50200 Cast aluminum Min i-BUNDT' Pan, natural exterior and interior . . ...... . . . . .. .. .. .. $3.98
No. 50230 Cast alumin um Mini-BUNDr Pan, Teflori coated, natural exterior .................. 4.98
No. 50233 Cast aluminum Mini-BUNDT' Pan , Teflon coated, Harvest exterior .. .. . .. . . .. .. . ... 5.98
No. 50238 Cast aluminum Mini·BUNDT * Pan, Teflon coated, Tangerine exterior .. .... .. .. . .... 5.98
No. 50235 Cast aluminum Mini-BUNDT' Pan , Teflon coated, Avocado exterior .. .............. 5.98
No. 50431 Formed alum inum Mini-Fluted SUNDT' Pan , Teflon coated . .... .............. . .... 3.69
No. 50401 Formed al uminum Mini-Fluted SUNDT* Pan, Copper anodized .... . . . .. .. ..... .. . .. 2.98
J ~D l
1. Season your Mini-BUNDT"' Pan before use. Grease lightly but well with unsalted shortening.
(Do not use liquid shortening.) Place in 300° oven for one hour. Remove and allow to cool
on wood surface.
2. Grease and flour pan when baking butter cakes. Allow cake to cool in Mini-BUNDT"' Pan
for 15 minutes before turning out.
SAUSAGE CAKE PINEAPPLE 3. Do not grease the Mini-BUNDT'' Pan for angel food, sponge or chiffon cakes. To remove
UPSIDE-DOWN CAKE cake, loosen edges carefully with a non-metallic spatula, then strike edge of inverted mold
1 lb. pork sausage 1 tsp. baking powder on counter top.
11/2 cups firmly packed 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
brown sugar 1 tsp. baking soda
1 can (1 lb. 4 oz.) 3 Tbsp. melted butter 4. To unmold gelatin, moisten top of gelatin and a chilled plate. (Moist surfaces allow adjust-
crushed pineapple 1 tsp . lemon peel ment of gelati n after it has been unmolded.) Dip mold, just to the rim, in warm water; lift
1 \12 cups sugar 1 cup cold strong coHee 1 tsp. vanilla
1 pkg. pound cake mix from the water and shake slightly to loosen. Invert moistened plate on mold, then turn
2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 cup raisins
'I> cup brown sugar
3 cups silted flour 1 cup chopped walnuts plate and mold together.
1 tsp. ginger
MANDARIN COFFEE BREAD Soften ice cream or sherbet and press firmly
Arrange candied cherries and a few nuts in mold into Mini-BUNDr . Pack solidly with back of large
to garnish . Combine milk, marshmallows and rum spoon to insure filling all contours of the mold .
1 pkg. (133/4 oz.) 20 small sugar cubes
flavoring . Combine remaining ingredients; work Hot Roll Mix orange extract or Curacao Return to freezer. When firm , remove from freezer
in milk mixture until all crumbs are moist. Pack 1 can (11 oz.) mandarin melted butter or margarine and loosen from mold by applying hot towels to
into well greased Mini-BUNDT* Pan; chill for two orange sections, orange marmalade bottom and sides of Min i-BUNDT* Pan. Turn out
well drained
days before serving. on serving plate and return to freezer. When firm,
apply buttercream icing and decorations. Again ,
Prepare Hot Roll Mix and let rise as package di- fr eeze , until serving time.
FALSE FROMMAGE rects. Grease Mini-BUNDT* well. Place 7 orange
slices in contours of pan. Knead raised dough
several times and cut into 20 equal pieces. Form
30 large marshmallows 1 pint whipping cream
1 cup fresh orange juice orange sections to garnish each piece into a ball around a sugar cube which
has been lightly dipped in orange extract or Cura- BASIC GELATIN FOR
cao and an orange section. Dip each ball in melted
Place orange sections in bottom of Mini-BUNDT* butter or margarine and layer in greased pan. Let Ml~l BUNDT::' PAN
Pan; arrange in contours. Melt marshmallows in rise in warm place 30-40 min. or until doubled in Prepare 2 (6 oz.) packages of gelatin according
orange juice. Cool, stirring occasionally. Whip size. Bake at 350° for 40-50 min. Remove from to package directions. When thickened, fold in 2
cream and fold in marshmallow mixture. Chill Mini-BUNDT* and coat with melted orange mar- or 3 cups of fruit , vegetables, miniature marsh-
overnight or until firm. malade. mallows, etc.
12 13
y, cup chocolate chips 3 tsp. baking powder
1 package (6 oz.) raspberry 1 cup sour cream
2/.J cup shortening 1 tsp. salt
or strawberry gelatin Appropriate fruit
1 cup sugar "J2 cup milk
}Iiiii BUNDT !}," 4 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 cups boiling water
2Y2 cups crushed pineapple
slices for Fruit
Salad Mold
2 cups silled cake flour with syrup .(No. 2 or
1 lb. 4 oz. can)
Melt chocolate over hot water; set aside. Cream
shortening and sugar thoroughly. Add eggs, one Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Add crushed
at a time, beating after each addition. Add sifted pineapple and syrup and chil l until thickened.
dry ingredients alternately with combined milk Arrange fruits in Fruit Salad Mold and add gelatin
and vanilla. Beat until smooth after each add iti on . mixture to cover. Place mold in refrigerator to
Mix melted choco late with VJ of the batte r. Pour set. Add sour cream to remaining gelatin; pour
V3 of the plain batter into greased and flour ed into mold and chill until set.
Mini-BUNDT* Pan. Pour half of choco late batter
on top of the plain. Repeat, finishing w ith plain
batter. Cut a zig-zag pattern through the batter
with a knife. Bake at 350° for 35-40 min. Cool
TOFFEE CRUNCH 15 min. before removing from pan. Sift confe c-
COfFEE CAKE tioners' sugar lightly over top.
No. 3033 Christmas Tree Mold with Teflon Interior, Orange or Lime exterior, 1 Y2 qt. . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.49 '
No. 3043 Sweetheart Mold with Teflon interior, Lemon or Orange exterior, 1 Y2 qt. . .. . ... . . . . .. 3.49
No. 3053 Deluxe Ring Fruit Mold with Teflon interior, Lemon or Orange exterior, 1 Y2 qt. . . . ..... 3.49
No. 3083 Twin Part! Bell Mold with Teflon Interior, Orange or Lime exterior, 1 Y2 qt. . . . . . . ...• . . . 3.49
No. 3093 Rose Mold with Teflon interior, Lemon or Orange exterior, 2 qt. .. .. . . . . . . ........ . . . . 3.49
No. 3133 4 leaf Clover Mold with Teflon interior, Lemon or Lime exterior, 1 Y2 qt. . . . . ... .... . . . 3.49
No. 4303 Pineapple Mold, Teflon interior, Lemon or Orange exterior. 2 qt. . . . . ... ..... . . . .. . ... 3.49
No. 3113 Fruit Salad Mold with Teflon interior, Orange or Lime exterior, 2 qt. . . . . .. .. . . ... . . . . . 3.49
(Please designate color when ordering.)
No. 30101 Fish Mold, Copper anodized, 1 Y2 qt. . . . . . . .. . . . .... . .. . . . . . . .. ..... .. . . . ... . . . . 2.49
No. 30201 Giant Ring Fruit Mold , Copper anodized, 2Y2-3 qt. ... • ... . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 3.98
No. 30301 Christmas Tree Mold, Copper anodized, 1 Y2 qt . . .. . . . .. . .... . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . ... 2.49
No. 30401 Sweetheart Mold, Copper anodized , 1 Y2 qt. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .... . . . •. . . ..... . . . . . 2.49
No. 30501 Deluxe Ring Fruit Mold, Copper anodized, 1 Y2 qt. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ..•. . . .. . . .... . 2.49
No. 30601 Sea Sheil Mold, Copper anodized, 1 Y2 qt. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . ..... . 2.49
No. 30701 Harvest Mold, Copper anodized, 1 Y2 qt. . . . . . ....... . • .. .... . .... .. . .. . . . . . ... . . . 2.49
No. 30801 Twin Part! Bell Mold, Copper anodized, 1 Y2 qt. . .. . ... • . . . .. .... . .... ... .. .. . .. . . 2.49
No. 30901 Rose Mold, Copper anodized, 2 qt. ..... . ... .. .. . . . . ..... . . • .. . ... ... . . . . . . . . ... 2.49
No. 31001 Tall Tyrolean Mold, Copper anodized , 2Y2-3 qt. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . ... . . . 3.98
No. 31101 Fruit Salad Mold, Copper anodized, 2 qt .... . . .... . .. . . .. . . .. .... . .• .. . . . . . . . . . .. 2.49
No. 31201 Swirl Mold, Copper anodized, 2Y2 qt. . .... . ...... ... • . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . ... 3.49
No. 31301 4 Leaf Clover Mold, Copper anodized, 1 Y2 qt. ... . . . . . . . . .. . .... . ... . .. . .. ...... . . 2.49
No. 31401 Ginger Bread Mold, Copper anodized, 1Y2 qt. . .... . . . . . . . . .... .... . . . . ... . . . ...... 2.49
l. To unmold gelatin, moisten top of gelatin and a chilled plate . Dip mold , just to the rim,
in warm water; lift from the wate r and shake slightly to loosen. Invert moistened plate on
mold then turn plate and mold together.
2. For baking, season your mold before use. Grease lightly but well with unsalted shortening.
(Do not use liquid shortening.) Place in 300° oven for one hour. Remove and allow to cool
on wood surface.
3. Grease and flour mold when baking butter cakes. Allow cake to cool in mold for 10 minutes
before turning out. To remove cake, loosen edges carefully with non-metallic spatula then
Prepare 1 pkg. of white or yellow cake rnix ac-
RING FRUIT cording to package directions. Tint lightly with pkg. yeast, compressed 1 egg
3 packages raspberry 2 packages frozen green food coloring. Bake in well greased and or dry
gelatin Y4 cup brown sugar
raspberries Y4 cup lukewarm water
3 whole slices of canned 3 mandarin orange slices 2V. cups boiling water 1 package frozen
floured Christmas Tree Mold at 350 ° for 35-45 '14 cup chopped nuts
pineapple or grapefruit slices minutes. After cake is baked , let stand 10 minutes '12 cup milk 112 tsp. cinnamon
¥4 cup ginger ale cranberry-orange relish
2 Tbsp. sugar
1 whole banana 2 packages gelatin 1 lemon before removing. Allow to cool thoroughly before 6 Tbsp. brown sugar
3 canned pear halves 21 maraschino cherries V2 tsp. salt 3 Tbsp . melted butter
icing. Frost cake with a buttercream or boiled 1/4 cup shortening
27 grapes or margarine
icing. 1-l/4 cups silted flour 1 Tbsp. water
Dissolve gelatin in water. Add ginger ale, rasp-
Prepare 1 package of your favorite fruit gelatin. berries, relish and juice from one lemon . Pour Take out V2 cup white icing and set aside. Tint
(Lighter colors show fruit to better advantage.) into oiled Twin Party Bell Mold. Refrigerate un- remaining icing a delicate green color and frost
Place in refrigerator until gelatin begins to thicken. til firm. cake. Tint half of the reserved icing (V. c.) a Soften yeast in lukewarm water. Scald milk. Add
Pour gelatin into lightly oiled Ring Fruit Mold and darker green and outline boughs with it. Use the sugar. salt and shortening. Cool to lukewarm.
You may wish to use a contrasting colored gela- Add 1 cup flour and mix well. Add softened yeast
press fruit into the indicated areas. The banana is mold as your pattern. The remaining Y4 cup icing
tin in the ribbon section of mold. Let this set be- and egg. Beat well. Add more flour to make a
to be cut in half (crosswise), making 2 pieces. should be left white and used to create a snow
fore adding your favorite gelatin recipe. Other- stiff batter. Beat thoroughly until smooth.
Place in refrigerator until firm. Check to see that effect on the boughs if desired. The trunk of the
wise you may highlight the ribbon with cut up Cover and let rise until bubbly (about one hour).
the fruit has remained in place and has not tree is attractive when decorated with either
citron or cherries or you can outline with colored When light, stir down and divide batter in half.
"floated up." Should the fruit shift, simply repress finely chopped nuts or halves of pecans laid
cream cheese.
into proper position before gelatin becomes too side by side to form a solid effect. To one half, add Y4 cup brown sugar, nuts and
firm. Candied cherries, etc. may be placed on the tree ci nnam on and beat until thoroughly blended . Add
to look like Christmas decorations. th is to the plain half of batter and stir light ly
While the above mold is setting-up in refrigerator, about 15 seconds.
mix in separate bowl the additional package of
gelatin and chill. Any desired fruit may be added
WEDDING-ANNIVERSARY Combine last three ingredients in Lucky 4 Leaf
to this. Finally, add this to the mold, making sure BELL CAKE Clover Mo ld. Spread batter on top.
that the gelatin and fruit placed in the mold have Let rise until light (about 30 minutes). Bake in
become firm. moderate oven (375 degrees) for about 30 min-
1 pkg. (3 oz.) strawberry
gelatin (dry)
V2 tsp. almond
SPICY COFFEE MATE utes. Turn out.
1 package white cake mix 1 Tbsp. butter
Walnut halves 1 cup brown sugar LIME RICE MOLD
2 pkg. refrigerated biscuits 1 tsp. cinnamon
Add gelatin to cake mix, blending these dry in- Melted butter or margarine 3 Tbsp. raisins
FROZEN FRUIT RING gredients well. Prepare cake mix as directed on Green colored sugar 2 (3 oz.) pkgs. lime gelatin 1 small can crushed
package. Add almond flavoring and butter. Bake 1 cup miniature pineapple and juice
in well greased and floured Twin Party Bell Mold marshmallows 1 cup whipping cream
Strawberries Mint l eaves Plac e walnut halves in bottom of Christmas Tree 2 cups cooked rice
at 350° for approx. 45 min.
(sliced if desired) Water or 1 cup lemon or Mold. Dip biscuits in melted butter, then in the
Pineapple cubes limeade concentrated and Frost with your favorite white butter cream icing mixture of brown sugar and cinnamon. Place bis-
Orange sections 2 cups water recipe and decorate ribbon appropriately for your Dissolve one pkg. lime gelatin in 2 cups hot
cuits in mold , overlapping edges. Tuck raisins
most special occasion. Use cherries for bell water. Cool and pour into greased Lucky 4 Leaf
in-between biscuits. Bake at 425 ° for 15-18 min.
clapper. Clover Mold. Chill until firm . Chill together marsh-
Arrange fruit and mint leaves in Ring Fruit Mold. Unmold on serving tray and sprinkle with green
mallows, rice and pineapple. Disso lve second
Carefully add liquid and freeze . Unmold and float tinted sugar.
pkg. lime gelatin in 2 cups boiling water. Chil l
in punch to chill.
until partially set. Whip gelatin. Fold in whipped
cream and other chilled ingred ien ts. Pour into
To make a contrasting rose on your favorite gel-
atin recipe, we suggest the following- oil Rose Prepare 1 pkg. of yellow or white cake mix, ac- 4 whole slices of canned 4 mandarin orange slices
Mold Pan. Then, dissolve : pineapple (or grapefruit)
cording to pkg. directions. Tint lightly with pink
Y2 Tbsp. unflavored gelatin Add : 2 whole bananas 12 maraschino cherries
food coloring. Grease and lightl y flour the Sweet- 4 wnol e canned pears 4-5 packages of gelatin
V• cup cold water Y2 cup boiling water
3 Tbsp . sugar heart Mold and pour batter into mold. Bake in 24 grapes
2 Tbsp. lemon juice 350 ° oven for 35-45 min.
Add a contrasting color to half of gelatin and After cake is baked , let stand 10 min. before re- Prepare 3 packages of your favorite fruit gelatin .
spoon into rose petals. Add green coloring to re- moving. Frost when cool with buttercream or Place in refrigerator until gelatin begins to
maining half of gelatin and spoon into leaves. boiled icing, tinted pink. Reserve a small amount thicken . Pour gelatin into lightly oiled mold and
Let set until firm and then proceed to make your of white icing to outline quilted pattern and lacy press fruit into the indicated areas. The bananas
favorite gelatin recipe. border. Use the mold as your pattern . Base may are to be cut in half (crosswise), making four
be further accented by use of white icing as de- pieces. Place in refrigerator until firm. Check to
sired. see that the fruit has remained in place and has
not "floated up." Should the fruit shift, simply
repress into proper position before gelatin be-
comes too firm.
2 pkgs. cherry gelatin 3/4 cup orange juice While the above mold is setting-up in the re-
1 No. 2 can bing cherries '14 cup sherry or wine frigerator, mix in separate bowl, the additional
Drain juice from cherries and add water to make two packages of gelatin and chill. Any desired
2-'¥<1 cups. Boil water-cherry juice; add orange fruit may be added to this. Finally, add this to
juice, wine and gelatin. Fold in cherries when
STRAWBERRY SOUR the mold , making sure that the gelatin and fruit FRESH APPLE CAKE
cool. Pour into Rose Mold Pan. Chill until set. CREAM MOLD placed in the mold have become firm. Serves 18
Serve with sour cream and grenadine. Dilute sour or more. Y2 cup shortening 1 tsp . nutmeg
cream with grenadine until slight ly thick. Tint if 1 cup sugar 1 tsp . allspice
2 pkg. (6 oz.) strawberry 2 medium bananas,
desired. gelatin mashed 1 egg 1 cup chopped dates
1 Y2 cups ground or finely 1 cup chopped walnuts
2 cups boiling water
2 (1 0 oz .) pkg. frozen
1 cup chopped nuts
1 pint dairy sour cream
RASPBERRY ICE CREAM chopped apple Y2 cup chopped
strawberries, thawed RING 2 cups silted flour
1 Y2 Tbsp. cocoa
candied cherries
1 cup chopped
2 tsp. baking soda candied pineapple
Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Add all ingred- 2 (10 oz.) pkgs. thawed 1 tsp. salt 3/4 cup cold coffee
2 (6 oz.) cans frozen
ients except sour cream . Pour half of mixture in- frozen raspberries pink lemonade 1 tsp. cinnamon
ABC ASPIC to Sweetheart Mold. Let chill one hour. Spread 4 (3 oz.) pkgs. raspberry concentrate, thawed
sour cream over gelatin in mold and spoon re- gelatin Y2 cup chopped
4 cups boiling water pecans Cream shortening, sugar and eggs. Sift dry in-
3 (3 oz.) packages 2 tsp. seasoned salt maining mixture over top and chill. gredients and add alternately with coffee. Add
lemon gelatin 1 qt. vanilla ice cream
3 Tbsp. vinegar nuts and fruits. Pour into greased and floured
4 cups boiling water salt and pepper to taste
3 (8 oz.) cans seasoned Giant Ring Fruit Mold. Bake at 325° for 1 V4 hrs.
Dissolve gelatin in boiling water, add ice cream, Remove from mold. Top with a sauce made by
tomato sauce.
stirring until melted. Stir in lemonade and juice combining :
from raspberries. Chill until partially set, then
Dissolve gelatin in boiling water; add other in- fold in pecans and raspberries. Pour into oiled V4 cup melted butter, Y2 tsp. orange juice and
gredients. Pour into Rose Mold Pan. Chill until Giant Fruit Ring Mold; chill until serving time . 1 cup confectioners' sugar.
set. Serves 18. Place under bro iler for 5 min.
20 21
1 Y2 cups flaked tuna salt and pepper If you wish to make "Corn on the Cob" section
2 chopped hard-cooked eggs to taste of mold, we suggest that you mix V4 pkg. (3 oz.)
1 cup finely cut celery salad dressing lemon gelatin with Y2 cup boiling water. When
Y2 cup cut stuffed olives 1 pkg. raspberry gelatin begins to thicken, slightly tilt oiled Har-
1 Tbsp. minced onion gelatin
2 cups cranberry juice vest Mold and fill corn section of mold. For the
1 cup coarsely cut
cashews green husk, we suggest placing whole cooked
green beans, cooked asparagus , thinly sliced
green pepper or avocado in place . Cooked whole
Mix together tuna, eggs, celery, olives, onions, kernel corn or drained crushed pineapple can
cashews, salt, pepper and enough salad dressing be used for corn . Let chill until firm ly set, making
to moisten. (Do not make mixture too wet.) Pack sure mold remains tilted until firm. Then proceed
firmly into Fish Mold. Mix together gelatin and with your favorite recipe.
hot cranberry juice. When slightly thickened, pour 2 envelopes unflavored Y2 cup vinegar
over salad and refrigerate until set. Serve on gelatin 2 cups ·pineapple
greens. Serves 10. Y• cup sugar chunks, drained
Y• tsp. salt 1 cup mandarin oranges,
1 Y• cups canned drained
Y2 cup orange juice
1 Y2 cups gra.ted carrots
SEAFOOD SALAD Mix gel atin , sugar and salt in pineapple juice and
1 lb. frozen crabmeat or 2 1 Tbsp. grated onion sti r over low heat until dissolved. Add orange
(6 oz.) pkg. crab plus 1 1 cup mayonnaise juice and vinegar and let stand until slightly
STEP 1 2 tsp. vinegar (6 oz.) pkg. shrimp
1 pkg. lime gelatin 1 cup commercial sour cream 1 cup chili sauce thickened . Fold in remaining ingredients and
20 stuffed olives, sliced 2 envelopes unflavored
1 cup boiling water V3 cup salad dressing Y2 cup sweet pickle relish pour into chilled Harvest Mold that has been pre-
1 tsp. grated onion 2 large cucumbers, peel, gelatin
1 tsp. salt grate and drain Y2 cup chopped celery
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
V3 cup cold water pared with the "Corn on the Cob " section . Chill
until firm. Serves 12-16.
Dissolve gelatin in water. Add onion, salt and
vinegar. Chill until slightly thickened. Fold in re- Soften gelatin in cold water. Dissolve over hot
water. Combine ingredients, adding gelatin mix- 4-5 ripe medium bananas, 1 pkg. (14 oz.)
maining ingredients and chill in lightly oiled Sea peeled (2 cups mashed) gingerbread mix
Shell Mold. ture last. Arrange sliced olive for eye and 'pimento
slices for scales of Fish Mold. Spoon mixture into 3 Tbsp. lemon juice 1 cup golden raisins
mold; chill until set.
STEP 2 1 Yl cups cold water Sprinkle bananas with lemon juice and mash with
2 cans (6-7 oz.) tuna or 1 Tbsp. grated onion
crab meat
potato masher. Add to gingerbread mix and beat
1 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. French dressing % cup vinegar
until well mixed. Fold in raisins and pour batter
2 pkg. apple gelatin Y2 cup diced celery into well greased Gingerbread Mold. Bake at
2_cups boiling water 350°, 35-40 min. Allow to stand in mold for 10
min., then unmold onto serving plate. Decorate
with wh ite buttercream icing and raisins.
Dissolve apple gelatin in hot water. Add cold
water, onion, salt and vinegar. Chill until slightly
thickened. Fold in sea food, French dressing and
celery. Pour over set cucumber layer. Chill
thoroughly. Serves 12-16.
(no bake) 12 CUP SIZE
,~!~\1V ~.·
4 cups ground Brazil nuts Y2 cup orange 1u1ce
", ____/ _Ji.\~
2Y2 tsp. vanilla or lemon
,. /
' .
Combine orange juice and gelatin and cook over
low heat unti l gelatin is dissolved. Add sugar,
!, 2Y• cups sugar
7 eggs
6 Tbsp. minced onion
Combine ingredients in order given. Pack firmly
~\/.·.:/? '------ \ _/ / ~~
/ into greased SUNDT' Pan. Bake at 350 ° for about
molasses, spices and orange rind and beat at 2 hours. Let stand 10 minutes before unmold ing.
high speed for 15 min . or until very creamy. Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs, one at Garnish with cinnamon apple rings , broiled
' ~
Combine Brazil nuts, raisins, glaceed fruit, cher-
ries and graham crackers in large bowl. Combine
creamy mixture with dry ingredients and mix well
(Since mi xture will be very thick, yotL may have
to use your hands to mix well .) Firmly press th e
a time, beating well after each addition . Add
vanilla or lemon extract. Combine creamed mix-
ture with flour, beating well. Pour batter into well
greased and floured SUNDT' Pan. Bake at 325°
for one hour or until top of cake spring_s back
peaches or onion rings.
1 pkg. dry yeast grated r ind of 1 lemon EGG CUSTARD CAKE Drain blueberries , reserve 1 cup syrup for sauce .
V. cup lukewarm water 1 tsp. rum Rinse blueberries and drain. Combine dry cake
:V.. cup scal ded milk 1 cup buller r~ 1 pkg. (3 oz.) egg 2 eggs
mix, yogurt and eggs. Blend 1 m in. at low speed .
3 cups flour :V.. cup sugar c ustard mix 1¥2 cups milk Then beat 2 min. at medium speed , scraping
1 tsp. salt 5 eggs 1 pkg. yellow cake mix sides of bowl occasionally. Ca refully, fold in well-
drained blueberries. Pour batter into a generously
Soften yeast in water. Add milk and beat in 1 cup greased and lightly floured SUNDT' Pan . Bake
Co mbine egg custard mix, milk and eggs in large
flour. Let rise 1 V2 hrs. at 350 ° for 35-45 min. until top springs back when
mixi ng bowl; blend at low speed until smooth .
touched lightly in center. Cool cake 15 min. be-
Cream butter and sugar. Beat in eggs, one at a
d,t·L: V-' Ad d cake mix and beat 2 minutes. Pou r into well
fore removing from pan . Cool completely ; sprin-
time. Add yeast mixture and remaining flour. Add greased and floured SUNDT' Pan. Bake at 350°
kle with confectioners' sugar. Serve with sauce
salt, lemon rind and flavoring and beat well. Pour fo r 40-45 min. Cool 15 min. before removing from
pan. and , if desired, whipped cream .
into greased Swirl Mold and let rise until light.
Bake at 350 ° for 50-60 min. Let stand 5 minutes
II Blueberry Sauce : In small sauce pan , combine
before removing from pan. V. cup sugar with 1 Tbsp . cornstarch . Gradually
stir in reserved blueberry syrup (add water to
Cover with Apricot Glaze. Sieve 1 cup apricot make 1 cup, if necessary). Bring to a boil over
jam. Heat and thin with fruit juice or rum and medium heat; stir constantly until thickened and
pour over cake. c lear.
24 25
MADEIRA POUND CAKE DREAM CAKE IMPORTANT: Have all ingredients at room temper-
ature for two or three hours before starting cake.
1 pkg. white cake mix 4 eggs
1 cup butter or 2 tsp. baking powder 1 envelope whipped 1 cup water 1 cup butter 4 egg whites
margarine Va tsp. ground nutmeg top ping mix 1 cup granulated sugar 3 cups cake flour sifted
2 cups sugar '¥4 cup Madeira or cream sherry 1 cup powdered sugar three times
6 eggs '¥4 cup finely chopped pecans 4 egg yolks 2 teaspoons baking
3 cups flour Combin e cake mix, whipped topping mix, eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla powdef, pinch salt
and water; beat at medium speed for 4 min. Pour 1 teaspoon almond extract 1 cup milk
batter into we·ll greased and floured SUNDT* Pan ; Cream butter, sift the two sugars together and add
Cream together butter and sugar until light and
bake at 350° for about 40 min. Cool in pan for gradually to butter. Add unbeaten egg yolks, one
fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after 15 min. Remove from pan.
each addition. Add flour, baking powder and nut- at a time, and beat until smooth . Mix in extract.
meg alternately with the wine to the creamed Sift flour, measure, sift together with baking pow-
der and salt three times. Starting with flour and
mixture. Mix well after each addition . Blend in 1 sq. unsweetened chocolate dash of salt
chopped pecans. Pour batter into well greased 1 Tb sp. butter 2 Tbsp . hot milk ending with flour, add flour and milk alternately to
and floured Jumbo Fluted Mold. Bake in 350 ° '¥4 cup confectioners' sugar batter. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites.
oven for 50-60 min. Cool cake in pan for 15 min. Grease BUNDTwell. Put large dabs of butter along
before turning out. Dust with confectioners' sugar Me lt chocolate and butter over low heat. Remove creases of mold, embedding almond in each dab.
before serving . from heat. Add sugar and salt; blend in milk un- Pour batter into mold and bake for 1 or 1 V4 hours
til mixture is of glaze consistency. Drizzle over at 350°. When baked let stand fifteen minutes
cooled cake. before turning cake out of pan. Turn carefully and
gently. Makes 24 pieces.
4 eggs 1 '¥4 cups of package (JEWISH ORIGIN)
1 12 oz. carton sour cream of coconut pecan
GATHER ROUND 1 pkg. yellow cake mix frosting mix
4 Tbsp. butter or
COlD POUND CAKE 1 cup shortening
1 V2 cups sugar
cups flour
tsp . baking powder
POUND CAKE margarine 4 eggs, separated 1 cup milk
1 lb . confectioners' sugar 1 cup warm water V• tsp. salt 1 tsp . vanilla
Grease and flour Jumbo Fluted Mold . If desired, 4 eggs 2 tsp. vanilla, lemon
1 (6 oz.) pkg . butterscotch 3 cups flour place whole pecans in flutes of bottom of the 3 cups flour or orange extract Sift all flour 6 times. Set Yz cup of flour aside
morsels V2 tsp. baking soda pan. Combine eggs and sour cream; beat well. 1 tsp. baking powder 1 cup margarine and to this add baking powder. Sift and set aside.
2 Tbsp. instant coffee V. tsp . salt Add cake mix. Melt butter and add to frosting Make mixture of Yz cup sugar, 1 Tbsp. cinnamon
114 cup water >f• cup buttermilk
1 cup butter 4 eggs mix. Spread V3 of cake batter in mold. Sprinkle and 1Yz Tbsp . cocoa. Set aside.
Cream margarine and sugar. Add eggs, one at a
1 V2 cups sugar '13 of frosting mixture over batter. Continue alter- Cream sugar and shortening. Add egg yolks one
time. Add flour and water alternately. With the
nating layers. Bake 30 min. at 350° or until done. at a time and beat well. Add flour and milk alter-
las t addition of flour, add baking powder and
Melt together in double boiler; morsels, instant Cool 10 min . in pan before removing. Sprinkle nately. Add salt to egg whites and beat until stiff.
flavo ring . Pour batter into well greased and
coffee and water. Cream butter and sugar. Blend with confectioners' sugar. Add the Yz cup of flour mixture to batter, then
in butterscotch mi xture. Combine flour, soda and fold in egg whites.
Place cake in oven . Now, bake at 350° for 1 hour.
salt and add to creamed mixture alternately with Sprinkle with confectioners' sugar when cool. Pour batter into well greased and floured
buttermilk. Add eggs , one at a time, beating well SUNDT' Pan, alternating batter in layers with
after each addition. Turn into well greased and cinnamon mixture. Bake 1 hour at 375°. Let cool
floured SUNDT' Pan and bake at 350° for 55-60 15 min .; loosen sides with knife and invert to
min. Cool 15 min. before removing from pan . remove.
Dust with powdered sugar on top if desired . 27
Our Specialty Bake and Coo k Ware brings to y ou unique o ld world b aking m o ld s and favorite
1 pkg. (3 oz.) lime gelatin V2 cup sugar 1 lb. ricotta cheese juice of 1 lemon American stand-by s. Th ey f eature life t im e durability in h eavy formed and cast aluminum .
1 pkg. (3 oz.) cherry gelatin 1 cup pineapple juice (dry cottage cheese) 1 tsp. salt I nlcri ors on some of the B ake Ware ar e n o w Teflon coated for no-stick baking and no-scour
4 cups boi ling water 2 envelopes whipped 1 lb . cream cheese 1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup cold water topping mi x v, cup melted butter c lea nup. C ooking for fest i ve and family o ccasions will be a r eal adventure with the ideas that
3 Tbsp. flour
1 pkg. (6 oz.) lemon gelatin 1 cup sugar 3 Tbsp . cornstarch
NORDIC-WARE Specialty Bake and C ook W are offers t o yo u.
4 eggs 1 pint sour cream No. 41700 Snoball Mold , cast aluminum . ..... ... . .. . ......... . . . .. ... . . •. . .... • . . . . ... . . $ 3.98
Prepare the lim e and ch·erry gel at in separately , l :i \ No. 41600 Bridge Part Pan, cast alum inum ...... .. . ... .... . . .. ... . .. .. .. ... .. ..... ... . 3.98
using 1 cup of boiling water and Y2 cup cold Mi x cheeses well with beater. Add butter and No. 43100 Bell Cupcake Pan, cast aluminum . ..... .. .. .. .. . . . . ... ... . ... . ..... . .. . . . .. . . . 3.98
water for each . Pour each flavor into an 8" square eggs. ·Add rem aining ingredients ; fold in sour No. 42830 Tube Cake Pan, formed aluminum , Teflon interior . .... . . ... . . . .. .. . . .. ... . . . .. . . 4.98
pan and chill overnight or until firm. c ream. Thoroughly grease SUNDT* Pan and dust N o. 01800 Platte Panna, cast aluminum . . .... . . .. .. .... . . . . ... . .. ... . . ... . .... .... . . . . . . 4.95
Combine the lemon gelatin , sugar and remaining with fine zwieback crumbs. Pour batter into pan
ill No . 01830 TEF Platte Panna, cast aluminum, Teflon interior . . . ... .. . .. . . . . . .... . . . . . . 6.95
2 cups boiling water ; stir u ntil gelatin and sugar and bake at 350 " for one hour. Turn off oven and
allow cheese-cake to remain in oven for one No. 42600 Sandbakkelse Set, formed aluminum (24 forms) .. . .. ... . .. . ...... .. . .... ..... .. . 2.98
are dissolved. Stir in pineapple juice. Chill until
slightly thickened . additional hour. Glaze with Strawberry Glace '. No. 42700 Sandbakkelse Set, formed aluminum (12 forms) . . .... ... ... ... .. . .. . .. .. .... . .. . 1.49
No. 01700 Ebelskiver Iron , cast aluminum . ..... . . . ... . . . ... . .. .. . .. .. . ......... . . ... .. . . 4.95
Cut the firm gelatins into V2 inch cubes. (Score STRAWBERRY GLACE' No. 01730 TEF Ebelskiver Iron , cast aluminum, Teflon interior .. . . . .... . ... . . .. ... . .. .. ... . 6.95
into squares in pan) . Then , prepare the whipped :V. cup cold water
1 pkg. ( 3oz.) strawberry No. 1323 Las agna Baking-Serving Dish w/Hardwood Base, Avocado or Tangerine exterior .. . . 16.95
topping mix at directed on the package. Blend gelatin 2 cups sweetened sl i ced
with lemon gelatin. Fold in gelatin cubes . Pour No. 1333 Lasagna Baking-Serving Dish w/Bakelite Base, Avocado or Tangerine exterior ... .. . 12.95
1 cup ··boiling water fresh strawberries
into SUNDT* Pan and chill until set. No. 1353 Lasagna Baking-Serving Dish w/Wire Holder, Avocado or Tangerine exterior . . . . .. . . 9.95
Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Add cold water. No. 02830 Jon'E Bake Pan , cast aluminum , Teflon interior . ....... . .. .. . . ... .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . 5.98
Cool until syrupy. Add strawberries and spoon No. 02800 Jon 'E Bake Pan , cast aluminum . . ... .. . ... . .. . ... . . .. ... . .. ... . . . ..... .. . .... . 3. 98
over cheesecake.
No. 01600 Large Krumkake Iron, cast aluminum ......... . .. . ...... . . . . . .... ... . . .... . ... . 7.95
No. 01500 Krumkake Iron , cast aluminum .. ... ... . ............ . ...... .. . .. .... . ... . . . . . . . 6.95
No. 01200 Deluxe Cookie King (Spritz Press). formed aluminum . ... . ... . .. . . ... . ...... . . .. . 4.98
CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM PISTACHIO BUNDP' CAKE No. 41430 Patty Shell & Tart Pan, Teflon, cast aluminum ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . •... . . . . . .. 7.95
No. 42400 Deluxe Cupcake & Muffin Pan, formed aluminum, Teflon .. ... . . .•. . .... . ... . . . . .. 2.49
CAKE 1 pkg. white or yellow '12 cup cooking oil No. 42200 Sheet Cake Pan , formed aluminum ... . .. . ..... . ...... . . . ... ... .... ... . . . . ..•.. 3.98
cake mix 1 box pistach i o instant No. 42530 Cookie Sheet, Teflon , formed aluminum . . . . . . . . • .. .. ... . . . . . ... ... .. . .. . ... . . .. 3. 49
4 eggs pudding mix No. 40400 Bell Cake Mold, cast aluminum .. .... . ... .. . . .. . . .... . . ..... .......•..... . . • .. 2.49
1 package chocolate cake mix 3 large eggs
1 cup orange juice
1 pint chocolate ice cream, 1 cup water No. 40600 Egg Cake Mold , cast aluminum . . ..... . . ..... .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .... . ...... . . • .. 2.98
softened No. 41900 Egg Cupcake Pan, cast aluminum .......... . ...... . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . ....... . .. . 3.98
Place ingredients in bowl and mix at low speed No. 411 00 Two Piece Lamb Mold, formed aluminum .. . . .. .......... . .. .. .... .. .. . ... . .. .. 2.49
Combine ingredients and beat for 4 min. Pour for 1 min . and at higher speed for about 3 min.
No. 41200 Two Piece Bunny Mold , formed aluminum .. . .... ... .... . ............... ..... .. . 2.49
batter into a well greased and floured SUNDT* or until well blended. Pour 2/a of the batter into
No. 41300 Two Piece Santa Mold , formed aluminum . . . . . . ... . .. .. ... . ...... . .... . . . .. . . . . 2.49
Pan and bake at 350 " for 45 min. Cooled cake a well greased and floured SUNDT* Pan and to
the remaining V3 of the batter add : No. 01300 Rosette-Timbale Set, cast aluminum . .. . ... . . . ...... . .. . ........ . ..... .... . • ... 2.49
can be frosted with coconut fudge frosting or
glazed with chocolate icing. :V. cup chocolate syrup No. 10100 Ten-In-One Griddle King , heavy ga. aluminum . . ...... . .. ... .... . .. . . ... . .. . ... . 4.98
When well mixBd, pour over the batter in the pan No. 10230 Ten-In-One Griddle King, heavy ga. aluminum , Teflon II coated . ...... .. . . . . . . . .. . 6.98
and run a knife through the batter to marble it. No. 42130 Twelve Form Corn Stick Pan , Teflon , formed aluminum . ... ..... .... . .. ... . .. • . . . 3.98
Bake for 1 hour at 350 ". Allow to cool in pan for No. 1063 Divided Skillet-Omelet Pan , Avocado or Tangerine exterior, Teflon interior . . . . .. . . . . 8.95
15 min. before turning out. No. 10600 Divided Skillet-Omelet Pan, natural formed aluminum . ... . . . . ............ . .. . . . . 5.95
28 29
1 pkg. yellow, while or
chocolate cake mix
Food coloring
Prepare cake mix according to pkg. directions 1 lb. butter 1 cup sugar
using V. cup less liquid. Pour batter into well 1 cup sugar Y2 cup butter
greased and floured Bridge Party Pan, Snoball 1 egg Y2 cup other shortening
Pan or Bell Cupcake Pan. Bake at 350" for 15-20 5-6 cups flour 1 egg, unbeaten
min. 10 drops almond extract flour (see below)
1 cup brown sugar V. tsp. cinnamon
Ice with white or tinted buttercream icing. Sno-
balls can then be rolled in coconut. Bells can be li \ Mix both recipes the same way :
striped or ringed and a cherry used for the Cream together shortening and sugar; add eggs
clapper. Bridge Party Cakes can be outlined with
and flavoring. Then, mix or knead in as much
red or blue icing. flour as dough will hold - the more flour you
can add, the better your cookie will be.
Press dough firmly into Sandbakkelse Forms, cut-
ting it off evenly around the top edge. Place
forms on cookie sheets and bake at 350" until
slightly browned.
CRANBERRY PECAN BREAD NOTE : There is period after baking when sand-
---- ' \____./ 1Y2 cups chopped pecans 12 tsp. salt
bakkelse are most easily removed from the forms.
When you have taken the baked cookies from
., .~ r . I 1 Y2 cups coarsely Y2 cup shortening 3 eggs, separated
y, cup fl our
Va tsp. salt the oven, let stand for a short time until the
ground cranberries 2 tsp. grated lemon 2 Tbsp. sugar sandbakkelse are partially crisp, BUT NOT COOL,
1Y• cups sugar rind I Y2 cups milk 3 Tbsp. melted butter and gently lift cookies from forms.
/"' 3 cups sifted flour 2 eggs
4Y2 tsp. baking powder 1 cup milk
~ ·Mix batter a few hours before using and allow
~ \....______/
Grease Angel Food Pan and sprinkle Y2 cup of
l o stand in slightly cool place .•
\...______) ~ chopped pecans evenly over bottom. Mix cran- 13oat eg g yolks with sugar, salt and melted but-
~ - ~ berries and V. cup of sugar in sma ll bowl; let lor. Stir in flour and milk. When ready to use, add
~ ~ stand wh ile preparing batter. Sift flour, remaining lh e well beaten egg whites. Melt a little butter in
1 cup of sugar, baking powder and sa lt into a ouch depression of hot Platte-Panna. Spoon a
large bowl; cut in shortening with a fork until mix- little batter into each. Bake until brown and serve
r--< "'r \~ ture resembles cornmeal. Stir in remaining 1 cup wi th lingonberry preserves or cranberries. 25-30
bowl and stir in milk. Add all at once to flour
mixture; stir just until evenly moist. Fold in
sweetened cranberries . Spoon into prepared pan.
Bake at 350" for 1 hour, 10 min. or until a wooden
pick inserted near center comes out clean. Cool
in pan for 10 min. before turning out.
V. cup flour 1 8 oz. corn muffin mix 1 egg
Y2 pkg. yellow cake mix
1 cup water butter or margarine Y2 cup cre am styl e corn \13 c up milk
1 egg confectioners' sugar Combine corn muffin mix w ith egg , c ream-style
corn and milk. Stir un ti l dry ingred ients are ju st
Combine cake mix, water, egg and flour. Blend mixed. Fill we ll grease d and pre-heated Jon 'E
on low speed . Beat 2 min. at medium speed. Bake Pan two-thi rds ful l. Bake 8-10 minutes on
Place a small amount of butter or margarine in top of ran ge, then turn wi th fork and complete
each cup of Ebleskiver Pan. Heat pan slightly; fill baking .
cups 2h full with batter. Cook until bubbly ; turn
I // carefully with fork and finish baking on the other CORN BREAD
..side. Remove from pan and place on paper
1 c up silted flour 1 c up yellow or while corn
towels. Sprinkle confectioners' sugar on top. If 3 tsp. baking powder meal
desired, serve with sweetened lingonberries. 1 tsp. salt 2 eggs
2 Tbsp. sugar 1 cup milk
V. cup oil or melted
Ser vo-King Sizzling Platters, Holders and Server Sets feature platters made of heavy formed
:modi zed aluminum (also in stainless steel). Their beautiful ebony bakelite holders provide per-
fec t protection for hands and table . All foods remain piping hot, retaining their natural juices
and flavor. These strikingly designed sets provide gracious service from the broiler to the table
and promise lifetime durability.
No. 20110 Large Anodized Aluminum Platter w/Bakelite Holder, II Ius. p. 2 ... ... .. . . . . ........ $4.98
ANODIZED ALUMINUM PLATTER - Hardwood No. 20210 Identical Stainless Steel Platter w/Bake lite Holder ...... . . . ........ . . . ......... . 6.98
Holder (individual size) 8 gauge (.125" thick). (Regal Size) - super heavy 7 ga. (.145" thick)
Contemporary rectangu lar platter with tree design No. 20510 Individual Aluminum Anodized Platter w/Bakelite Holder, II Ius. p. 2 ... .. ......... . .. 3.49
striking rectangular platter with tree design is
(or plain) is T' x 103/4 "; Holder, 14Y2 " overall. For 13% " x 9" ; holder 1 T' overall. For buffet and No. 20610 Ide ntical Stainless Steel Platter w/Bake lite Holder ... ... .. ... . ................. . . 4.98
generous individual servings. party service.
Cat. No. 21630 ........... . ... ...... . .. $6.95 Cat. No. 21930 Aluminum Platter-Hardwood No. 20810 Individual Anodized Aluminum Platter w/Bakelite Ho lder, II Ius. p. 2 . ...... . ... . ..... 2.69
Holder .. . ... ... . .. . . . . ... . ............ $9.95
LARGE GOURMET S I ZZLER SERVER SET - No. 21930 Large Anodized Aluminum Platter with Wal nu t Finish Hardwood Holder ............ 9.95
Heaviest gauge anodized aluminum (.145" thick) ,
forms generous 15 Y2" x 10" Platter fo r gourmet No. 21630 Individual Anodized Aluminum Platter w/Walnut Finish Hardwood Holder .... . . .... . 6.95
service of ent ire meal. Spacious serving area w ill No. 21 910 Large Gourmet Anodized Aluminum Sizzler Server Set w/Bakelite Holder .. . ... .. . . . 6.98
accommodate roasts, fish and fowl ,
Cornish Gam e Hens as shown. Food No. 21610 Individual Anodized Aluminum Gourmet Sizzler Server Set w/Bakelite Holder ... . . . . 3.98
o n sizzling pl atter r emains h o t
through the meal. Add glamour
to your table with this beau-
tiful serving set ! Cat. No.
Sizzler Server Set -
Bakelite Holder
$6.98. Individual N OR DIC-WARE presents their Gourmet Service, Bakelite or Walnut Finish Hardwood Sizzler
Gourmet Sizzler
Server Set identi- Sets. These handsome Platter-Holders feature trays made from American hardwoods. The
cal to above except disti nctive beauty of grain is enhanced by a finish which seals against moisture and grease.
size 12Y2" x 8 %".
Cat. No. 21610. Ba kel ite holders are ebony black and give lifetime service. Meats and seafoods are broiled on
lhe heavy anodized aluminum Platter, then carried to the table in the insulating base.
42 43
I. When broiling steak, score fat on the edges of the meat so that it will not buckle or warp
in cooking.
2. Let stand at room temperature for I hour.
3. Grease the broiling platter lightly.
4. Place platter 3 inches from the source of heat.
5. Season before turning and also, after. CUSTOM LINE COOK AND SERVE WARE
6. To test for doneness with minimum loss of juices, slit the meat near the bone with point
of sharp knife. NO RDIC-WARE proudly presents its Custom Line Cook and Serve Ware. This heaviest gauge
,·ookw are features china-like Permo Porcelain exteriors with cooking surfaces of triple layer,
Time Each Side in Minutes hard base Shield Coat Teflon II.
Thickness Rare Medium Well
3/4-1" 5 7 9 America's finest heaviest aluminum Cook and Serve Ware comes in beautiful blended
11f2' 8 10 13 nmtemporary colors of Harvest Gold, Tangerine and Avocado Green. The gleaming porcelain
2" 15 18 20 l1nish is heatproof, fadeproof and strongly resists scratching and staining. The Teflon II cook-
"'~ surfaces insure that the utensil is non-stick, easy-to-clean and improved in scratch resistance.
Broiled steak is attractively garnished with broiled mushroom caps, parsley, watercress or \<HI will notice the sleek rounded contours that provides high heat conductivity with no scorch-
tomato halves, brushed with garlic butter and broiled. "'~ or sticking ever' Covers are designed to fit securely to condense steam , allowing foods to
Following are two sauce recipes to be used with broiled poultry or meats. h01ste in their own natural juices. The cover exteriors are also made of matching Permo-
Porcelain . New high style heat resistant handles are featured with metal flame guards. These
SAUCE DIABLE ,,nd th e cover knobs are molded of heat resist ant bakelite with safety finger grips.
In a saucepan, add 2 shallots, chopped and 8 peppercorns, crushed, to 113 cup dry white wine
<;>r vinegar. Cook until reduced to a thick paste. Add I cup brown sauce, I tsp. Worcestershire You will find Cook and Serve Ware in th e NORDIC-WARE Custom Line to fill your every
sauce and 1/z tsp. chopped parsley. , ooking need. This cookware has been designed and produced to bring the ultimate in per-
lormance and beauty to your kitchen. You can find one of our stunning colors to fit beauti-
GARLIC BUTTER fully with your own decor and go proudly from the range to the table.
Boil 2-8 cloves unpeeled garlic in I qt. boiling water for I min. Drain, peel and rinse under
cold water. Bring to the boil again for 30 seconds, drain and rinse. Pound to a smooth paste NORDIC-WARE'S Custom Line insures you of successful cookery ; let it be your guide
or put through garlic press. Cream 1/2 cup butter with garlic. Season to taste with salt, pepper to happy hours in the kitchen!
and 1-2 Tbsp. minced parsley.
NORDIC Gourmet Sizzler Server Sets provide impressive service for cold foods, as well as hot.
Relishes, salads, fruit and canapes will remain ice cold when placed on chilled platter. The
deluxe trays are used alone for hors d'oeuvres, cheeses and buffet service.
44 45
No. 103- Gourmet's Set
No. 1104 71/2' Skillet, Teflon II interior, w/cover ......... . ... $ 9.95 - 8 pieces (not ill us.)"
Skillet, 71/z", $5.95; Sauce
No. 1114 10" Skillet, Teflon II interior, w/cover .............. 12.95
Pan, 2 qt. , w/cover, $10.95;
No. 1181 1 Vz qt. Sauce Pan, Natural Sunburst interior, w/cover 7.95 Sauce Pan, 3 qt., w/cover,
$11.95; Dutch Oven, 5 qt.,
No. 1184 11/z qt. Sauce Pan , Teflon II interior, w/cover . . .. ... 9.95 w/cover, $14.95; Large
Skillet, 10", $7.95. Special
No. 1121 2 qt. Sauce Pan, Natural Sunburst interior. . . . . . . . . . 8.95 set price ... $49.75. Avail-
able in Tangerine or Avoca
No. 1124 2 qt. Sauce Pan, Teflon II interior, w/cover ..... . .... 10.95
do. Specify color.
No. 1131 3 qt. Sauce Pan , Natural Sunburst interior, w/cover.. 9.95
No. 104- Contemporary
No. 1134 3 qt. Sauce Pan , Teflon II interior, w/cover ...... .. . 11.95 Set- 8 pieces (illus.)
Skillet, 71/z", $5.95; Sauce
No.1144 3 qt. Sauce Pot, Teflon II interior, w/cover ....... .. . 11 .95 Pan, 2 qt. w/cover, $10.95;
Sauce Pan, High Style, 1 1/z
No. 1151 5 qt. Dutch Oven, Natural Sunburst interior, w/cover . 12.95 qt., w/cover, $9.95; Dutch
No. 1154 5 qt. Dutch Oven, Teflon II interior, w/cover ... . . .... 14.95 Oven , 5 qt. , w/cover,
$14.95; Large Skillet, 10",
No. 1164 2 qt. Casserole , Teflon interior, w/cover ............ 10.95 $7.95. Special set price ...
$47.95. Available in Tang-
No. 1174 Deluxe 3 qt. Casserole , Teflon interior, w/cover ...... 12.95 erine or Avocado. Specify
(When ordering , please designate color with suffix as follows to No.:
Avocado, "5", Tangerine, "8".)
Gourmet Chef Saute Skillet features gleaming Stainless Steel or Teflon II* interiors with genuine
porcelain exteriors- heatproof and fadeproof. Bakelite handle stays cool always. Heavy 8 ga.
formed aluminum is clad with Stainless Steel or Teflon II*- sloping side design allows gourmet
method for vegetables, meats, fish, omelets- ends stirring, foods stay firm and crisp.
No. 1303 9" Teflon Interior ....... . . . ... . .. . . . .......... .. ........... .... .. . .. .. . . . .. . . $ 6.95
No. 1313 11" Teflon Interior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 8.95
No. 1301 9" Stainless Steel Interior.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 8.95
No. 1311 11" Stainless Steel Interior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.95
(When ordering, please designate color with suffix as follows to No.: Avocado, "5", Tangerine, "8".)
46 47