Northwester District Attorney's Annual Reports, April 2017
Northwester District Attorney's Annual Reports, April 2017
Northwester District Attorney's Annual Reports, April 2017
David E. Sullivan
2017 Annual Report
Veterans Justice Partnership, Western Mass Veterans Treatment Court, Restorative Justice, LEAP,
Opioid Task Force of Franklin and the North Quabbin Region, Hampshire HOPE,
Northampton Recovery Center, School Safety and Security Task Force, NoFIRES, Internships,
Federal Grants, Drug Diversion & Treatment Program
Message from District Attorney David E. Sullivan
I am pleased to share the Office of the Northwestern District Attorney
(NWDA) 2017 Annual Report. The hallmark of our success continues to
be our emphasis on smart and fair prosecutions, progressive prevention
initiatives, and outstanding victim assistance. Our dedicated prosecutors,
victim advocates, and staff are committed to addressing the challenges of
child abuse, substance abuse, domestic violence and other serious
matters impacting the safety and quality of life in our 47 Northwestern
communities. Our 2017 Annual Report highlights the achievements of
NWDA and our many community partners.
In 2017, there were many cases in which our prosecutors distinguished themselves in the courtroom
seeking justice for victims of crime. Our victim advocates provided outstanding assistance to our victims
and survivors. We have highlighted some of these cases in this report.
Although the Opioid Crisis continues to have a devastating impact on families and communities in our
region, the NWDA has been able to strengthen its role in bringing community and state resources
together to address this epidemic. We take a leadership role in the Opioid Task Force of Franklin and
North Quabbin and in the Hampshire Heroin Opioid Prevention and Education Coalition (Hampshire
HOPE). In 2017, our collective efforts resulted in a 38% decrease in opioid fatalities in the
Northwestern District. We also continued to strongly advocate for improved treatment, recovery, and
prevention services.
During 2017, the NWDA was awarded a second year of federal grant funding to expand our successful
Drug Diversion and Treatment Program (DDTP), an innovative court diversion program which offers drug
treatment in lieu of prosecution to non-violent adult offenders who have a substance use disorder and
are charged with certain drug-related crimes. Additionally, Lynn Ferro, our Director of Opioid Research
& Recovery Services, was instrumental in establishing the Northampton Recovery Center, a peer
recovery center that provides support and services to fill the needs of people in recovery in Hampshire
Consumer protection education about telephone and internet scams; addressing teen dating violence
and college sexual assault; our annual Safe & Healthy School Summit; and strengthening partnerships
with local substance abuse prevention coalitions; are just some of the prevention and public safety
efforts our DA Office was engaged with in 2017.
We were pleased to bring a nationally recognized Fair and Impartial Training to many of our police
departments and prosecutors. This training was vital in helping law enforcement and prosecutors
understand and address unconscious bias that may impact their fair and just handling of criminal
I am proud of the many justice initiatives our dedicated prosecutors and staff have worked on in the
past year. We appreciate our state and federal legislators, community partners, and law enforcement
professionals that support our mission and efforts. I am deeply honored and grateful for the
opportunity to serve as District Attorney for the people of the Northwestern District. I look forward to
working with you and many other community members in the future.
David E. Sullivan
District Attorney 3|Page
Superior Court
Appellate Unit
First Assistant DA Steven E. Gagne
ADA Thomas Townsend, Chief
Chief Trial Counsel Jeremy Bucci
ADA Steven Greenbaum
ADA Jayme Parent
ADA Cynthia Von Flatern
ADA Linda Pisano
Jamie Foster, Paralegal
ADA Jennifer Suhl
ADA Matthew Thomas
ADA Anne Yereniuk District Court
ADA Caleb Weiner
Ann Metzger, Senior Case Administrator ADA Rosemary Tarantino, Chief (Retired)
Mary-Elizabeth Connly, Superior Court ADA Michael Russo, Chief
Administrator ADA Marie Angers, (AIC/DV) Northampton
ADA Nicholas Atallah
Economic Crimes Unit ADA Andrew Covington
ADA Becky Michaels, (AIC/DV) Greenfield*
Child Abuse Unit ADA Lori Odierna
ADA Robert Opsitnick (AIC/DV), Eastern
ADA Linda Pisano, Chief Hampshire
ADA Caleb Weiner ADA Sarah Pascal
Kellie Beaulieu, Unit Coordinator/ ADA Elizabeth Priest (AIC/DV), Orange
Advocate/Forensic Interviewer ADA Matt Russo
Kathy Bengtson, Family Service Advocate ADA Ryan Scott
Heather Hubbard, Unit Administrator ADA Joseph Webber (AIC/DV) Greenfield
Deb Kierstead, Family Service Advocate *AIC=Attorney-In-Charge
Suzanne Koch, Forensic Interviewer *DV=Specialized Domestic Violence ADA
*Formerly held position
Linda Rogers, Family Service Advocate
Sonia Serrazina, Forensic Interviewer/Advocate Juvenile Justice Unit
Jamie Foster, Paralegal
ADA Yvonne Pesce, Chief (Retired)
Elders & Persons with Disabilities Unit ADA Elizabeth Mulcahy, Chief
ADA Bruce Patryn
ADA Jayme Parent, Chief ADA Caitlyn Rock
Chris Geffin, EPD Unit & TRIAD Coordinator Luisa Cruz, Juvenile Court Administrator
Rachel Senecal, EPD Unit & TRIAD Coordinator
Victim/Witness Assistance Unit State Police Detective Unit
Communications Unit
Mary Carey, Director
Donna Dudkiewicz, Chief Financial Officer
Higy Chan, Fiscal Assistant
IT Department Jess Diemand, Fiscal/Administrative Assistant
Often times, a case must be prosecuted in
Superior Court because, due to the nature of
the crime, the District Court lacks jurisdiction
over it; examples include murder, rape,
robbery, extortion and drug trafficking. But
many times, a case that could be prosecuted in
District Court is instead indicted and prosecuted
in Superior Court, where lengthier state prison
sentences are available. The decision to indict a
case is based on many factors, including the
nature of the crime, the defendant’s criminal
record, and any aggravating factors that may
NWDA Senior Management Team left to right, exist. Once indicted, a case is resolved either
Donna Dudkiewicz, Deputy DA Janice Healy, through a jury trial (with a 12-person jury), a
Director of Operations Martie Murphy Kane, “jury-waived” trial (in which the judge hears the
DA Sullivan, First ADA Steve Gagne evidence and renders a verdict), or a guilty plea.
Grand Jury
In order for a case to reach Superior Court, it
Some of the most serious and/or complex must first be presented to the Grand Jury for
criminal cases are prosecuted in the Hampshire indictment. The Grand Jury is comprised of 23
and Franklin Superior Courts, where those citizens who, during their three-month term of
convicted of crimes can receive sentences service, hear a variety of cases and determine
ranging from lengthy probation to periods of whether there is probable cause to believe a
incarceration in either the House of Correction crime has been committed by a particular
or state prison. There are eight Assistant person or persons. “Probable cause” means
District Attorneys who primarily prosecute reasonable grounds to believe that a particular
cases in Superior Court, covering crimes that person committed a crime, and is a lower
occur in all 47 cities and towns within the standard of proof than is required to convict a
Northwestern District. defendant at trial.
When an Assistant District Attorney presents a Early Involvement
case to the Grand Jury, he or she must include
any significant exculpatory or mitigating Police and prosecutors often work together
evidence that might seriously affect the Grand from the very earliest stages of an investigation,
Jury’s decision to indict. This requirement which ultimately leads to stronger cases and
ensures that the integrity of the Grand Jury better outcomes. Superior Court Assistant
process is preserved, and that indictments are District Attorneys participate in a 24/7 “on-call”
based on sufficiently trustworthy evidence. rotation, ensuring that a prosecutor is available
at all hours of the day (or night) to assist local
Although Grand Jury proceedings are police departments when a major crime and/or
confidential, a stenographic record of each suspicious death occurs. This assistance can
presentation is created, and is capable of being consist of answering any legal questions that
reviewed by a Superior Court judge if a may arise, reviewing search warrant
defendant later challenges the sufficiency or the applications, and weighing in on the
integrity of the evidence presented to the appropriate charges to file. Once involved in a
Grand Jury. A recent development in case from its earliest stages, the prosecutor will
Massachusetts case law also requires that any then keep the case as it makes its way through
legal instructions provided to the Grand Jury be the court system.
recorded as well, to ensure the Grand Jury was
properly and sufficiently instructed on the law
that applies to the cases they hear.
Among some of the more notable Superior Assistant District Attorney Steven E. Gagne,
Court cases prosecuted in 2017 were: together with Victim-Witness Advocate Wendy
Commonwealth v. Jesse Carrillo (Hampshire
Superior Court) – the defendant, a graduate
student at UMass-Amherst, was charged with In 2017, Superior Court prosecutors
involuntary manslaughter for selling a fatal dose obtained indictments in 150 new
of heroin to an undergraduate student, on the cases in the Hampshire and Franklin
theory that heroin is an inherently dangerous Superior Courts. During the year,
drug whose risks are widely known. The case 108 cases were resolved by way of trial,
was tried before a jury in May 2017, resulting in plea, or other disposition. Convictions
the defendant’s conviction for involuntary or admissions of guilt were obtained in
manslaughter and distribution of heroin. The 82% of all cases resolved in 2017.
defendant was sentenced to serve one year in
the Hampshire County House of Correction, Commonwealth v. Jovan Robinson (Franklin
followed by a period of probation. The case Superior Court) – the defendant, an interstate
was prosecuted by Chief Trial Counsel Jeremy truck driver, pled guilty to solicitation and
Bucci, with assistance from Chief Victim Witness
threatening to commit a crime, after he held a
Advocate Jackie Gaw. woman against her will and transported her
Commonwealth v. Edward Fleury (Hampshire over state lines. The victim was able to escape
Superior Court) – the defendant, a former from the defendant at a truck stop in Whately,
Pelham police chief, was charged with where she called 911. The prosecution of this
numerous counts of improper storage of case became much more difficult once the
firearms, many of which were high-capacity victim tragically died of an overdose.
weapons, which police discovered strewn Notwithstanding that, the prosecutor pursued
throughout his residence. The defendant was other avenues of introducing enough
convicted of several felonies after a jury trial, circumstantial evidence to sustain a conviction,
for which the Court placed him on probation for which resulted in a plea agreement that sent
two years and fined him $7500. As a result of the defendant to jail for 18 months. The case
his felony convictions, the defendant can no was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney
longer possess firearms of any kind. The case Anne Yereniuk, with assistance from Victim-
was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Witness Advocate Lori Roy.
Matthew Thomas.
Commonwealth v. Eric Legare & Brian
Commonwealth v. Ryan Brunelle (Hampshire Welvaert (Franklin Superior Court) – these
Superior Court) – the defendant’s vehicle codefendants were charged with involuntary
crossed over the center line on Route 116 in manslaughter and distribution of heroin in
South Hadley and collided with an oncoming connection with the fatal overdose of a 21-year-
car, claiming the life of a 29-year-old father of old man in Athol. Legare was indicted as the
two young children. The defendant claimed he actual dealer, whereas Welvaert was charged as
had fallen asleep behind the wheel, but a joint venture for driving Legare from location
toxicology testing on his blood revealed both to location. Both men ultimately pled guilty,
prescription and non-prescription medications with Legare receiving a five-year state prison
in his system. He pled guilty to felony motor sentence and Welvaert being placed on
vehicle homicide, for which he was sentenced probation. These cases were prosecuted by
to one year in the Hampshire County House of Chief Trial Counsel Jeremy Bucci, with
Correction, accompanied by a 15-year loss of assistance from Victim-Witness Advocate
license. The case was prosecuted by First Heather Darling.
Tarantino, together with Victim-Witness
Advocate Bonnie Press.
INSURANCE FRAUD Quabbin Region to provide a multi-disciplinary
approach to responding to child abuse.
2017 marked the fifth year that the
Northwestern District Attorney’s Office has
partnered with the Insurance Fraud Bureau of
Massachusetts (IFB), to identify and prosecute
instances of insurance fraud. The IFB was
authorized by an Act of the Massachusetts
Legislature and signed into law in 1990, and
conducts criminal investigations and refers
appropriate cases for criminal prosecution.
Although most insurance fraud prosecutions
handled by the Northwestern District Attorney’s
Office involve automobile insurance fraud, CAU Chief, ADA Linda Pisano
recent years have seen an uptick of cases Daily Hampshire Gazette photo
involving large-scale health insurance fraud.
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10/7/17: Recognizing and
Responding to Child Abuse
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charged with dissemination of obscene matter
in connection with his posting sexual images of
a 10-year-old boy. While being held in custody
awaiting trial, LeCompt conspired with another
person to destroy digital evidence connected to
this case. This conspiracy led to additional
charges against the defendant of conspiracy to
tamper with evidence, tampering with evidence
and posing a child in the nude. Subsequent to
this, federal authorities working on an
unrelated child sexual exploitation case, Forensic Interviewer Suzanne Koch
discovered additional pictures of the 10-year-
old boy who was the original victim whose
exploitation was the basis of the original
charge. This information provided a basis for
bringing additional indictments for aggravated
rape and abuse of a child, posing a child in the
nude, and unnatural acts with a child. The
defendant pled guilty to all charges, and
accepted an agreed-upon plea that resulted in a
of 15-20 years in state prison, followed by
probation. Prosecuted by Assistant District Forensic Interviewer & CAC Family Service
Attorney Caleb Weiner. Advocate Sonia Serrazina
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In 2017, 201 children were served by the
Children’s Advocacy Center for Hampshire
County and the Children’s Advocacy Center
of Franklin County
and North Quabbin Region.
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the North Quabbin Region. The Greenfield- CAU held monthly case review meetings in
based CAC is led by Executive Director Irene Hampshire and Franklin Counties involving
Woods. Thanks to its collaboration with NWDA representatives from the Department of
and Baystate Health, it offers the same services Children and Families, medical
that the CAC of Hampshire County provides. professionals, law enforcement and a
mental health professional;
District Attorney Sullivan and NWDA staff
participated in the Children’s Memorial
Flag-raising and Mayoral Proclamations in
Northampton and Greenfield to
commemorate April as National Child Abuse
Awareness month;
Comprehensive trainings for mandatory
reporters of child abuse were held at
various locations. The attendees included
teachers, principals, nurses, doctors, mental
health providers and an array of other
“Mandated Reporters.”
CAC Directors Susan Loehn and Irene Woods
Massachusetts Children’s Alliance Director Dr. Stephen Boos and ADA Linda Pisano
Tom King, Irene Woods and DA Sullivan
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state civil agencies including adult protective
services agencies and human resource agencies,
on joint investigations where there are
allegations of abuse or neglect by caretakers or
In 2012, the NWDA formed a Child Sexual Cases are referred to the Unit by the Disabled
Predator Task Force with the help of a Persons Protection Commission (DPPC), adult
Department of Justice COPS Grant. The work of protective service agencies, local and state law
this Task Force continues under the leadership enforcement agencies and private citizens.
of ADA Anne Yereniuk and Massachusetts State
Police Detective Sgt. Tom Bakey.
In 2017, the Elders and Persons with Disabilities
The protection of children has been the core Protection Unit investigated and/or prosecuted
mission of this Task Force which works to hold 153 cases in which elders or persons with
child sexual predators accountable through disabilities were victims.
investigations, prosecutions, probation and
parole home audits.
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2017 EPDU Case Highlights: Outreach and Education
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2017 Outreach
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consistent prosecution, continue to result in
successful prosecution of domestic violence and
sexual assault in our district.
Karin Sheehy
2017 Superior Court Case Highlights:
Karin had been our "go to" person for years
assisting Unit staff with countless workshops, Commonwealth v. Kevin E. Pardee – In January,
meetings, program statistics, brochures, Pardee pled guilty to eleven charges related to
conferences, billing procedures and grants. a prolonged assault on his then-girlfriend at his
Many had come to rely on her steadfast home in Easthampton and in a vehicle in
knowledge and skill and she will surely be Holyoke during which he held her against her
missed. We were pleased to welcome will, struck her repeatedly, stabbed her in the
Samantha Johnson in October who has taken leg, pointed a gun at her, and threatened to kill
over as our new Administrative Assistant. There her and her family if she called the police.
was also a change in the High Risk Team Pardee was sentenced to 4 to 5 ½ years in state
Coordinator position with Carly Estrela moving prison followed by two years of probation.
to a new position within the DA’s Office. Carly is Prosecuted by ADA Sarah Pascale.
now a Victim Witness Advocate in the Victim
Witness Unit and Katie Rosewarne was Commonwealth v. Jeffrey Laffond – In March,
welcomed as our new High Risk Team Laffond pled guilty to attempted murder by
Coordinator. strangulation and related charges for
repeatedly strangling his wife during an
The majority of domestic violence (DV) cases in argument in their home in Wendell to the point
2017 were handled in the District Courts. In of unconsciousness while simultaneously trying
order to provide comprehensive and consistent to break her neck, in the presence of their 3-
treatment of domestic violence cases at the year-old child. Laffond was sentenced to 5 to 7
District Court level, the District Attorney has years in state prison followed by three years of
designated a specialized domestic violence probation. Prosecuted by ADA Jennifer Suhl.
prosecutor in each of the four district courts:
Joe Webber in Greenfield, Liz Priest in Orange, Commonwealth v. Steven Deblois – In April,
Marie Angers in Northampton and Sarah Deblois pled guilty to stalking in violation of a
Pascale in Belchertown. restraining order, breaking and entering, assault
and battery, and intimidation of a witness. The
The DVSAU collaborates with numerous convictions arose from numerous incidents that
community and law enforcement partners to occurred in the summer of 2015 in Athol and
deliver coordinated, best-practice prosecution Orange during which Deblois stalked and
of all domestic and sexual violence cases. These intimidated his ex-girlfriend and the mother of
collaborations, as well as effective training and
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his children while on release on a GPS Health Commission, The Northampton Recovery
monitoring bracelet from a prior case involving Center and the MA Trial Court Probation
the same parties in Worcester County. Deblois Services.
was sentenced to four years in the House of
Correction to be followed by three years of Task Force members also received information
probation. Prosecuted by ADA Jennifer Suhl. on legislation pertaining to tracking sexual
assault kits, economic security resources for
Commonwealth v. Jason D. Coons – In survivors and consumer and financial tips for
November, Coons pled guilty to two counts of survivors of domestic violence.
aggravated rape, intimidation of a witness, and
conspiracy to commit murder. These A new brochure was created focusing on
convictions arose from conduct that began in violence and abuse in teen dating relationships.
November 2014, when Coons kidnapped and The brochure entitled, “Dating Relationships-A
raped a young female acquaintance at night on Guide for Teens” offers specific information on
a secluded road in South Hadley. While that defining abuse, signs of an unhealthy and
case was pending in court and Coons was held healthy relationship and available local
in jail, he conspired with his wife and another resources. The brochure, along with our other
individual to kill the woman that he had raped domestic violence and sexual assault brochures,
so that she would not be able to testify at trial. is available on our website under the
Coons was sentenced to 15 to 17 years in state prevention-domestic violence tab.
prison. Prosecuted by ADA Jennifer Suhl.
Domestic Violence Intervention Project (DVIP)
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Unit
Initiatives The Domestic Violence Intervention Project
(DVIP) is funded through a Massachusetts
The number one goal of the DVSAU is to Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
provide best practice intervention strategies, in S.T.O.P. Grant. The DVIP is an early
collaboration with our community and law intervention program for victims of DV designed
enforcement partners, aimed at holding to coordinate the efforts of police and
offenders accountable and keeping victims safe. community advocates. Specially trained
The Unit coordinates numerous prevention and advocates from local battered women's
intervention initiatives designed to meet this programs, NELCWIT & Safe Passage, are
goal. immediately available following a domestic
violence incident. Police departments, in
District Attorney’s Task Force on Domestic and Franklin and Hampshire Counties and the Town
Sexual Violence of Athol, contact an on-call advocate who in
turn contacts the victim. Advocates offer
The District Attorney’s Task Force on Domestic victims immediate support, safety information
and Sexual Violence is comprised of members and referrals for counseling, shelter and/or legal
representing law enforcement, victim services advocacy.
and community programs. The Task Force
meets monthly and offers training and DVIP Partnership meetings are held twice per
networking opportunities for people working to year for police, dispatchers, advocates and all
end domestic and sexual violence. In 2017, project partners. A highlight of 2017 was a
meetings included current information and presentation by UMass Associate Professor,
training on many topics with presenters from Donna Sabella, who provided training on
Visioning B.E.A.R. Circle Intertribal Coalition, the “Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking.”
Start Strong Initiative through the Boston Public The presentation included how to recognize
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signs of human trafficking and a review of Probation Departments, Houses of Correction,
available local resources. Parole Board, Police Departments, 911
dispatchers, District Attorney’s office,
A DV law enforcement newsletter was also Department of Children and Families and
published and distributed to law enforcement community victim advocates. Once an offender
and first responders in May and June. Articles is identified as high risk, detailed information
included information on non-fatal strangulation, regarding that offender, as well as his/her
how utilizing the strangulation worksheet can victim(s), is distributed to all partners to ensure
positively affect prosecution and help victims, a coordinated, comprehensive, and consistent
the Governor’s Task Force risk assessment pilot response to any future incidents involving the
program and human trafficking. The newsletter offender.
also features an “Advocate Spotlight’ to help
familiarize officers with DVIP Advocates. Prior to 2010, when the HRT Project first began,
there were 15 DV homicides over a 12 year
The year 2017 was an open bid year for funding period. Even in the early stages of the project
under the Violence Against Women S.T.O.P. there were five more homicides, three in 2010
Grant Program. The Northwestern District and two in 2012. However, the district has now
Attorney’s Office was awarded full funding to seen a decline with zero DV homicides over a
continue the DVIP for another year, with the five year period from June 2102-June 2017. We
option to re-apply for three additional years. attribute this decline, in part, to the success of
The funds will allow us to reinstate evening the high risk team model and the increased
visits by DVIP Advocates to police departments. monitoring and containment of high risk
This provides a great opportunity for advocates offenders.
to meet patrol officers face to face and to build
a stronger understanding of the advocate’s role. In 2017, the High Risk Project continued to build
The grant also includes funds to update police on the lessons learned at the non-fatal
DV Charging Booklets originally distributed in strangulation conference held in September
2006. Updated booklets will be electronic and 2016. The strangulation worksheet for police
will incorporate the “Act Relative to Domestic officers was expanded and improved to include
Violence” signed into law in 2014. questions recommended by our national
trainers. In addition, two new risk assessment
tools, one focused on offender behavior and
Domestic Violence High Risk Team Project one for victims, were created and distributed to
all project partners and police report writing
High risk teams in each county were established pocket cards were updated to include
in 2010 in an effort to reduce domestic violence information on strangulation and referral to the
homicides and to identify the most serious, high risk team.
repeat offenders. Evidence-based research has
identified a set standard of high risk behaviors An application was submitted to renew funding
that can substantially increase the level of risk of the High Risk Team Project. The office was
for victims. By identifying high risk behaviors awarded the full amount allowed of $450,000
and sharing case information, the teams make over three years to continue the project. The
recommendations to maximize offender funds will allow us to reinstate the Coordinator
accountability and safety for victims. The position to full time, increase support and
purpose of the project is to identify and closely follow-up for victims of strangulation and
monitor high risk offenders in order to prevent provide training for EMS responders and
further incidents of abuse and homicide. Teams dispatchers.
are comprised of representatives from
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District Attorney Sullivan is a member of the
Governor’s Council to Address Sexual Assault
and Domestic Violence. The council has been
actively involved in the development of a
statewide risk assessment tool for police
officers and the creation of a statewide model
for high risk teams. The Greenfield Police
Department was selected as one of five pilot
departments to utilize the risk assessment tool
and give feedback to the Governor’s Council. In
April, Mary Kociela and Greenfield Police
Deputy Chief Mark Williams trained officers
from the five pilot police departments at the
MA Police Training Academy on risk assessment
in DV cases, use of the new assessment tool and
non-fatal strangulation.
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White Ribbon Campaign campaigns at Belchertown, Gateway,
Northampton and Ware High Schools.
The White Ribbon Campaign
(WRC) was founded and
launched in Canada, two years
after the Montréal Massacre
in which 14 women students
at the École Polytechnique were systematically
killed, and 13 other students wounded, by a
lone gunman on December 6, 1989. Some
100,000 men wore white ribbons across Canada
that first year. Today, the WRC is a worldwide
campaign in 60 countries and growing.
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department received the posters in a format Victim/Survivor Advocates. The SART reviews
allowing them to add their own logo and best practice models in responding to sexual
messaging. The new posters and PSA are now assault that are victim centered and increase
available on our website and Facebook page. In the chances of effective prosecution. SART
2017, the PSA and posters were distributed to members share these models within their own
LGBQ/T student groups on the five college department and develop and implement cross
campuses and GCC. The response was very training opportunities. The team meets
positive, with the PSA and posters being utilized monthly at the District Attorney’s Office.
as training tools for dormitory Resident
Assistant’s and student peer leaders. In 2017, the SART worked on educating the
team and our local agencies on a number of
developments and initiatives regarding the
system’s response to sexual assault. These
included newly developed Adult Sexual Assault
Law Enforcement Guidelines published by the
Commonwealth’s Executive Office of Public
Safety and Security, a change in the law
regarding retention of sexual assault evidence
collection kits to mirror the applicable statute of
limitations, a proposed sexual assault victim’s
bill of rights in the legislature, and changes
made by the United States Secretary of
Education to Title IX regulations relating to
colleges and universities responses to sexual
assault cases on campuses.
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NWDA staff members in Northampton
Appellate Chief Thomas Townsend welcomes
APPELLATE UNIT appellate prosecutors to Northampton
The Appellate Unit is comprised of ADAs In October, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial
Thomas Townsend (Chief), Cynthia Von Flatern, Court conducted a special sitting in Greenfield,
and Steven Greenbaum. The three members of the first time the court has sat there since 1999.
the Appellate Unit represent the NWDA before The NWDA had three cases on the docket.
the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and
the Massachusetts Appeals Court.
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The NWDA Appellate Unit is the most
experienced Appeals Unit in the
Commonwealth. Each member has at least 20
years of experience in appellate prosecution.
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Therefore, no SDP petitions for commitment (Greenfield District Court). In addition,
were filed in 2017. In 2017, a petition filed in experienced ADAs in each of these courts are
2016 was tried. The Respondent was found SDP designated as "Domestic Violence" (DV)
by a Jury and was committed to DOC for 1 day prosecutors and/or as Child Abuse (CAU)
to life. One case (Petition filed in 2015) is prosecutors.
scheduled for trial in January 2018.
There were several staff-related changes in
2017. The former Chief of the District Court
Unit, Rosemary Tarantino retired. ADA Michael
DISTRICT COURT Russo was selected to take her place as Chief.
ADA Becky Michaels accepted a new position
The District Court serves as the gateway to the with the Attorney General’s Office. ADA Ryan
criminal justice system. The vast majority of Scott joined the Orange District Court staff as a
criminal cases are prosecuted there. The District new hire.
Courts in the Northwestern District are located
in Northampton, Belchertown, Greenfield and Assistant District Attorneys in the 4 District
Orange. These courts have jurisdiction over all Courts handled 15,421 cases in 2017. Some
misdemeanors, including drug offenses, public 6,195 were new arraignments.
order offenses and motor vehicle offenses. The
District Courts also have jurisdiction over those
felonies that are punishable by imprisonment in
the state prison for not more than 5 years,
which include, but are not limited to, certain
weapon-related offenses and property crimes.
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In 2017, the Juvenile Unit handled 258
delinquency cases in Hampshire County, out of
both the Hadley and Belchertown Juvenile
sessions. In Franklin County and the Town of
Athol, the Juvenile Unit handled 124
delinquency cases out of the Greenfield and
Orange Juvenile Courts.
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schools in their response to bullying and
harassing behavior targeting students and to
serve as a resource to schools, parents, and
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agencies to address school violence and
violence prevention. CBJ meetings are
convened regularly by a Juvenile Unit ADA in
each county throughout the school year and
provide a forum to share information regarding
violent and at-risk youth, as well as individual
students whose conduct has raised concerns
about their health, safety or well-being. These
meetings also serve to provide a means to build
relationships and foster communication
between the NWDA, local law enforcement
agencies, schools, and state service agencies. Victim Witness Unit Director Jackie Gaw
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records. This is an 8% increase from 2016. focused on their journey through the Criminal
Statewide, in comparison with other larger, Justice System and the positive and negative
more urban District Attorney’s Offices, the aspects of their experiences.
NWDA Victim/Witness Assistance Unit is highly
competitive in total accepted applications. This In addition, advocates attended two Domestic
reflects not only the success in prosecutions Violence related trainings. One was sponsored
and incarceration of offenders for victim- by the Secretary of State’s Office and focused
centered crimes, but also reveals the attention on the Address Confidentiality program. The
of the advocates to providing post- conviction second was a view from the bench in which
services to victims, witnesses and family several local judges discussed their experiences
members. and viewpoints on DV matters that they see
before them. They spoke to what factors they
take into account as to lethality and risk
assessment in the decisions they have to make.
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CPU developed a computerized game board to The Consumer Protection Unit is a member of
teach Financial Literacy to high school students. the Hampshire and Franklin County Money
Our “Financial Literacy Throw Down” game Management Advisory Boards. CPU staff
contained questions in 4 categories: Credit members regularly participate in professional
Reporting, Building Credit, Student Loans and development in order to enhance the Unit’s
Financial Aid Myths. Our goal was to teach expertise and ability to help consumers. We are
students about financial literacy in a fun, a member of the Consumer Federation of
competitive, pressure free situation. The game America, an association of non-profit consumer
has been adapted for seniors and scouting organizations to advance the consumer interest
groups. through research, advocacy, and education.
The Unit has reached out to consumers who In 2017, the Consumer Protection Unit received
have been homeless, recovering from addiction 1,486 calls, opened 367 cases and recovered
or have been incarcerated. We have given $181,868 for consumers. In the past 5 years,
presentations on how to protect your financial CPU has recovered $1,500,285.
future when there is substance abuse in your
family and participated in several sessions at
the Franklin County House of Correction on
financial literacy. In an effort to continue
supporting our underserved and vulnerable
populations, the CPU spoke with the NWDA’s
task force on domestic and sexual violence
about how we may be able to help victims as
they work to rebuild their lives.
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The documentary chronicles the medical studies
that make the scientific link between early
trauma and negative health outcomes later in
life and also looks at initiatives that tap into the
innate resilience of human beings.
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The 14th Amendment: Transforming American As schools do not exist in a vacuum, it falls to
Democracy was the theme for our 2017 Law the entire community to help ensure students
Day projects. The NWDA teamed up with bar learn in an environment where they feel safe
associations in Hampshire and Franklin counties and valued. Presenters at the Summit included
to offer educational presentations in area high attorney Michael Joyce, who discussed the legal
schools and a panel discussion at the Franklin framework for ensuring safe and supportive
Justice Center on the 14th Amendment and its school environments and Dr. Sara Whitcomb,
guarantee of citizenship, due process and equal who talked about social and emotional issues
protection under the law. These sessions and how to develop strategies for a whole
focused on how that important addition to our school approach. NWDA wants to support
U.S. Constitution advanced the rights of schools in their efforts to build a solid
Americans while serving as a cornerstone for foundation based on dignity and respect for all.
landmark civil rights legislation and court
decisions that seek to protect citizens by
ensuring fairness and equality.
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ADAs Matthew Russo and Andrew Covington,
2017 Amherst Block Party
Mary Carey and Laurie Loisel at the 2017
Amherst Block Party
The Communications Unit is vital in keeping the
Northwestern District Attorney’s Office
accessible and responsive to the public and
media. The Communications Unit is led by
Mary Carey, who coordinates with prosecutors,
staff, and law enforcement to get information
to the public in a timely, accurate and ethically
sound way. NWDA Staff at Franklin Justice Center
Grand Opening
In 2017, the Communications Unit continued to
enhance the Northwestern District Attorney’s
Office website and Facebook pages, which
provide up-to-date information to the public on INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNIT
cases being prosecuted by the NWDA, as well as
access to information about the work of all of The Information Technology (IT) Unit works in a
our units and community partners. critical behind-the-scenes role to support the
work of all Units within the NWDA. IT Director
The Communications Unit also worked closely Bruce Fieldman and IT System Support Engineer
with all of the NWDA Units to plan, promote Nathan Foote are charged with procuring,
and document in print, photos and video a wide installing, developing and supporting
range of events, trainings and educational information technology hardware, software and
programs. applications for all of our offices in both
Hampshire and Franklin counties. The IT Unit
also actively assists our prosecutors with
courtroom presentations and educational
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smooth, efficient and secure operations. New County Justice Center, and worked closely with
computer workstations, laptops, printers and the administration to develop technical
other equipment were purchased and requirements for the new NWDA Greenfield
deployed. New software and software upgrades office to be occupied in 2018.
were acquired. All NWDA workstations were
upgraded to the latest version of the Windows Supporting prosecutors in the preparation and
operating system, and new procedures were presentation of cases in the courtroom
put in place to accommodate Microsoft’s new continues to be a major focus of the IT Unit. IT
approaches to ongoing OS maintenance. New staff works closely with prosecutors to prepare
encryption methods were deployed to protect multimedia courtroom presentations, and
information on NWDA laptops. assists them in working with case management
data. Assistance was provided for numerous
Working closely with the Massachusetts District remote depositions. IT played a major role
Attorney’s Association (“MDAA”), the IT Unit assisting the NWDA in querying its case
oversaw the installation of expanded server management system to identify Amherst Drug
capacity in both the Hampshire and Franklin Lab cases for review. The IT Unit also continued
County main offices. These upgrades included to provide technical assistance in court, and
the installation of two new virtual server hosts assisted prosecutors in the utilization of the
that will provide space to run larger and faster new modern multimedia systems deployed in
servers for years to come, and a new server the new Franklin County building.
providing significantly increased capacity for
storage of the NWDA’s growing digital case file With the IT Unit’s support, the NWDA
system. continued to improve its ability to extract
evidence from seized mobile devices and
Communications were improved in 2017 with computers. The IT Unit upgraded the NWDA’s
the migration of the NWDA to a new Digital Evidence Center’s equipment, including
Commonwealth of Massachusetts email server an expansion of its NAS’s storage capacity, and
platform. The IT Unit also worked closely with the purchase and deployment of a powerful
the MDAA to deploy a new cloud-based system new workstation tower computer.
to provide secure document transmission to
and from outside agencies, which also provides
a secure and efficient method of transmission
of discovery documents to defense attorneys.
The IT Unit continued to oversee the NWDA
website,, and work with
the Communications Director to update the site
to provide the community with current
information on NWDA operations and events.
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MASSACHUSETTS STATE POLICE Trial Counsel Jeremy Bucci lead the
Northwestern District Anti-Crime Task Force
DETECTIVE AND NARCOTICS UNIT which has an additional 10 officers from local
police departments and the Hampshire and
Franklin County Sheriff’s Offices. These officers
investigate illegal narcotics offenses, firearms
offenses, and other organized criminal
MSP State Troopers assigned to the NWDA The Veterans Justice Partnership (VJP) was
founded in 2011 by District Attorney David
Sergeant Christopher Baran from the Sullivan and other community leaders. VJP’s
Massachusetts State Police and NWDA Chief mission is to help court-involved and
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incarcerated veterans. VJP is a collaboration of one of the best Veterans guidebooks in the
the Office of Northwestern District Attorney, United States.
veteran’s organizations, mental health
providers, local, state and federal veteran
agencies, and numerous criminal justice and
community partners.
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health and substance abuse needs. They also Panels of community members meet once a
receive assistance in locating stable, long-term month to hear new criminal cases and to review
housing and employment. probationers' progress in open cases. The
boards give the community members a forum
Judge Laurie McLeod is the presiding justice of to uphold the values of the community, to
the court. She leads the Veteran Court team support and involve those victimized and to
which is comprised of a cross section of the build avenues for offenders to make amends.
district court community. The team includes
representatives from the Northwestern and We are very grateful for the leadership of
Hampden County District Attorney’s Offices, the Probation Officer Kristy Paciorek, Lucinda
probation department, the Holyoke Police Brown, and Steve Linsky who have
Department, defense attorneys and clinical spearheaded these initiatives. Many thanks to
support from Soldier On and the VA Hospital in the community members who volunteer their
Leeds. It is only appropriate that we have a Vet time to serve on restorative boards.
Court devoted to saving the lives of those who
were willing to give up their lives for their Northwestern Law Enforcement Assistance
country. Program (LEAP)
ADA Mike Russo is the coordinator for the Our Law Enforcement Assistance Program
NWDA. (LEAP) has conducted numerous professional
development trainings and provided assistance
Restorative Justice Programs to law enforcement agencies throughout the
Northwestern District since it was launched in
Restorative Justice programs serve Orange and 2011. The monthly LEAP Newsletter gives
Greenfield District Courts, Eastern Hampshire valuable legal updates to all of our law
District Court and Franklin/ Hampshire Juvenile enforcement partners. Our LEAP website portal
Court. The principles of restorative justice is available on the NWDA website and provides
recognize that criminal behavior harms both 24/7 access to training videos and materials.
individuals and the community as a whole. This training portal is accessible only to law
Restorative justice principles also hold that enforcement agencies.
offenders have an obligation to understand the
harm that they have caused, accept
responsibility for their actions and actively
participate in making amends.
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Battling Drug Addiction and continued educating the public in its effort
to reduce stigma and remove other barriers
NWDA staff continued working closely with that get in the way of people receiving the help
Hampshire HOPE and the Opioid Task Force of they need.
Franklin County & North Quabbin Region, the
regional opioid prevention coalitions engaged in
the fight to end the opioid epidemic. Among other key initiatives, Hampshire HOPE,
formed in 2015 and operating out of the
District Attorney Sullivan supports the coalitions Northampton Health Department, hosted a
with his time on their executive teams and forum featuring former national drug czar
working groups and his advocacy on Beacon Hill Michael Botticelli as keynote speaker in June.
and elsewhere, fighting for resources to support The forum featured a wall of remembrance and
prevention and intervention as well as hope, on which members of the community
treatment and recovery services for people posted words and pictures to honor loved ones
dealing with opioid misuse disorders. lost and tributes to those in recovery and
distributed Narcan to first responders.
Both coalitions are models of how to harness
community energy to introduce harm reduction
initiatives, public education and evidence-based
practices to reverse the tide of this deadly
epidemic. They work within the cities and
towns they serve to address the rise in
prescription opioid misuse, heroin use,
addiction, and overdose death in the region
through policy, practice, and systems change. Hampshire HOPE collaborated with faith
communities and worked with other coalitions
In 2017, they offered Narcan trainings, to organize overdose awareness vigils and
promoted safe drug storage practices and launched a partnership with police departments
worked with the District Attorney’s office to to send out intervention teams to people who
promote drug collection days to keep drugs have overdosed, making important connections
from being misused. and offering support and information about
resources to get help.
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attenders and nearly 500 people who attended Connecticut , District Attorney Sullivan,
some of NRC’s offerings at some point over the Massachusetts State Police, Sheriff’s
course of 2017. Departments, and local law enforcement
formed a Western Massachusetts Safe School
The Center offers all-recovery support Security Task Force. The Task Force has helped
meetings, wellness activities such as yoga, to coordinate law enforcement and first
meditation and writing groups, safety trainings, responder trainings, school safety audits, school
meals and social events, to name a few. Peer lockdown and emergency protocols, active
members conceive of, plan and design the shooter trainings, improved building designs,
center’s wellness activities, ensuring that the and safe school climate initiatives. This Safe
offerings are of interest to people engaged in School Security Task Force is spearheaded by
the recovery process. Massachusetts State Police Sergeant Rick
Lynn Ferro. The NWDA’s Director of Opioid
Research and Recovery Services, continued to NoFIRES
play an integral role in expanding the services
and support offered by the Recovery Center.
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fire-related behavior. The NoFIRES program has
quickly become a national model program for
helping youth fire setters.
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Interns assigned to the Victim Witness Unit
work directly with advocates who serve as
liaisons between the prosecutors, victims and
witnesses as developments occur in cases. They
also assist victims with compensation forms and
referrals to community services and promote
awareness of victims’ rights in the community.
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Program Director Dan Carey launched the pilot
DDTP program in February of 2016 in the
Greenfield District Court. DDTP is now fully
functioning in all four of the district courts in
the Northwestern District.
The NWDA’s Drug Diversion & Treatment Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
Program (DDTP) provides eligible candidates S.T.O.P. Grant
with the opportunity to obtain comprehensive The DVIP/AWARE Project
substance use disorder treatment and recovery
support in lieu of being prosecuted through the The Domestic Violence Intervention Project
criminal justice system. By offering (DVIP) is funded by the Office on Violence
comprehensive treatment and recovery Against Women, The S.T.O.P. (Services Training
support, DDTP seeks to improve overall public Officers Prosecutors) Grant. DVIP is an early
safety by reducing substance use and criminal intervention, collaborative program that
recidivism in our district. combines the services of forty-five police
departments, five state police barracks, two
45 | P a g e
dispatch centers, three courts, two victim
service providers and our local certified
batterer’s intervention program. This regional
approach to domestic violence spans two
counties and forty-seven towns. Advocates
hired by the New England Learning Center for
Women in Transition (NELCWIT) in Franklin
County, and Safe Passage in Hampshire County,
are available by cell phone to assist police in
providing an immediate response to victims of
domestic abuse.
DA Sullivan and friends on Monte’s Walk to
Office on Violence Against Women-Grants benefit the Food Bank of
to Encourage Arrest Program Western Massachusetts
The Domestic Violence High Risk Team
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The Fiscal Unit is led by Chief Financial Officer
Donna Dudkiewicz with the assistance of Fiscal
Assistant Higy Chan, and Fiscal Administrative
CY17 Total Appropriation Funding
Assistant Jess Diemand. The Fiscal Unit oversees $6,614,497
the 2017 Northwestern DA’s Office budget
which includes all grants awarded to the office
from federal and state sources. The Unit is CY17 Total Grant Funding
responsible for the management and allocation $536,620
of state and federal funds received by the office
and ensures that all our funds are expended in a
fiscally responsible manner. In addition, the Grand Total
Unit coordinates the tracking of forfeiture funds
recovered by the Office through successful
prosecution of narcotics cases with Chief Trial
Counsel Jeremy Bucci. The Fiscal Unit also plays
an integral role in the writing and
Appropriation Funding Percentage
administration of state and federal grants. 92.5%
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DA Sullivan and Assistant District Attorneys at the Franklin Justice Center in Greenfield
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Our Mission
To Seek Justice For All. The Office of the Northwestern District Attorney, in
partnership with the communities we serve, is dedicated to the pursuit of
truth and justice, protection of the innocent, and safety of the public.
Our Vision
Our vision is to enhance public safety and quality of life for all citizens in the
47 Northwestern communities. We will be leaders in fair and effective
prosecutions and progressive prevention initiatives.
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