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Pagina da W rae iw jum Alloys | Cast ots | Extrusion Billets | Thixalloy® jum Tanks | Fuel Tanks | Combitanks | Air Rec nd Busses | Aluminium-Alloys Aluminium alloys a la carte ‘The SAG product mix ranges from casting alloys to extrusion billets as well as to the new materials group Thixalloy®. SAG's subsidiary Alumi Lend GmbH has proved a reliable partner for casters and extrusion plants world wide since 1898. A wealth of know-how and experience in production of aluminium ingots and billets together with a quality system certified according to DIN ISO 9001 are the base for its ‘metallurgical competence. SAG is also a registered brand name with the LME. Casting Ingots . Technologies Alloy Analysis characteristic Brand Si [Fe [Cul[Ma[Mg][Zo][_Ti || others _|wimMw|swisP| [EN AB- l4,2- (0.20, , lfo.15- JAtufont-47 [Arcuaneri [0-45 fO-15}s'0 0-1 fo'ss | foras |r jo js it z i4.0-]fo,1- ]fo,15- ,15- [Atufont-48 atcuariaigag 0.05 ]0.1 | os Jo's [2-%5|o:30 fO4 tose | Jo > i aa W 2de 10 JAtutont-s2 [te 0.12 Jo.r2}5 foie: [0-03 Jo-o7 fps lk Jos I JAtufont.60 [AIcusnicosbero.2 fo. fe>"|0'5 Jo. jo. [sy |}s Jo js fa oicorodal |AISi0,sMg, ts los |o.oi}o.01 hs lo.07}0.01 |- hk ib kb [Apticorodal |AISiSMg 0.03 fi25 Ke lo.1 20 fF nf ip fb [Anticorodal ae [rs fo-15}0.03fo.05 |P2= lo.07 bas, Isr) rie fh pp [Ansicorodallaisi7migo,s [= fo-1s}o.0ifo.o1 bas o.o7}0.01 iss) hy2 fh fe [Anticorodal mene [> fo.1s}o.03fo.05 0.70 [°7lo'rs [SD nk fh b _..|Sitafont-30 lAsione foo .1sjo.os}o.. [P45 |o-o7fo.1s |(sx) bis | jp * ISitafont-34 Aston fog 0.3 0.03} nal os lo.1 |lo.15 Isr) Ris fh je Silafont-35 Asie) Io KS o.08 re a jo.isjo.. b Is |b jp —|gisore'3 en aB-aisin 11g f0-15}0.03}0.05 J0.0s Jo.o7) 4 |se bib ft fp _Hsitafont-14 lo ease 13'3 J03 .03/0°5, 0.05 o.10}0.1. bis |i ib —|siafone-20 Jarsi2me 55 Jo.ts lo.o7}o.015|(s2) bib fi ip xp |Sitafont-72 ene 3 | ta lout fot fini Iso |p |b eratuman- IEN AB-AIMg3 0.4/0.3 j0.10 Re [Be ni iB fit me |AIMgsSiCu Ns 0.30] lo.10 han IBe la lo a Ii [Unifont-54 ||AlznSMg 0.25 0.3 Pal al Icr B |b |b |e lUnifont-90 ||Alzn10Si8Mg Rs l0.15]0.01\)0.05 o| hod L bla je fh pment |aiznt0sig¢My Bs [o-tsjo-o1fo.05 par aol Ise Bis ie fi lUnifont-94 |Alzn10Si8Mg Rs all o.01 C3 Kiso | ee 1 fe b 4 |p fh ye |A199,5 E {0.15 }}0.40}0.02/(0.02 0.03 {fo.07}0.01 |- 2 ja fia 03/05/00Pagina da W daety [Rotoren- | |Al99.7 [x 99,7 [0.10 jJ0.25}/0.01}}0.02 0.02 }o.07}}0.01 }- i 2 4 ‘W: Consistency against water D: Decorativeness MW: Consistency against salt water SW: Weldability SP: Tension [Brand Name| ‘Alloy. [siklpluse. ae For highly stressed parts with particularly demanding \Alufont-47 ‘ 13] | |lfacture toughness; e.g. in all types of vehicles and textile JAICudMgTi " LIL |_|machinery " IIL, ||, |The mechanical properties supersede all standard alloys; [Alufont-48JAICUATIMeA [SIP lor weaponry, rail cars, constructional engineering . ~ Iolfa|[, |[For high-stress parts of all kinds demanding better [Aluont-52_ EN AB-AICuAT: [PIB JO) ceric than standard AICuaTi 7 teeny, ally, [Developed for applications demanding elevated [Alufont-60JAICUSNiCoSbZr_ 51100 | emperature resistance and rapid change in temperatures [Anticorodal |AIsi0,5Mg, [33 [3 |For castings requiring excellent electric conductivity [Anticorodal- || 16. lh Ij [for fittings and apparatus manufacturing, shipbuilding, Isa |AISiSMg P a ump components and food industry [Anticorodal- [EN AB- ba If [Used in constructional engineering, electrical engineering, I70 |AISi7Mg0,3 77 |? Jlautomobiles, rolling stock and aviaton, wheels [Anticorodal [si7v4g0,3 bb Js [For castings with good electric conductivity and high In [7 |P mechanical properties [Anticorodal- [EN AB- bl [fs For constructional engineering, electrical engineering, [72. |AISi7Mg0,6 (IPP fjautomobite stock and aviaton, wheels stafont-30 [EN AB-Aisiom [ola For mechanical engineering, engine construction, textile PIP]? machinery Silafont-34 [EN AB-aisitome [ap [o |For mechanical engineering, engine construction, textile PIC IP machinery Siafont33 [EN AB-AISi10Mg |], Por mechanical engineering, engine construction, textile Oo) POY ffmachinery [Silafont- 13 7 [-I[, ||, [For constructional engineering, complicated construction lav EN AB-AISiIT || | lelements with high impact resistance, wheels cpm ia ie : [For constructional engineering, complicated construction Silafont- 14 JBN AB-AISi12() JI} 1 | iements with high impact resistance, wheels a F [, ||For Constructions with high impact strength for parts of fees accu 11? complicated design and high mechanical stress, wheels 03/05/00. Pagina da W 4ae1u [EN AB- |AlSil2CuNiMg, [For parts of elevated temperature resistance, pistons, jooth wheels, pump components [For decoratively anodised, top finished and corrosion lresistant parts, fixtures, furniture, the food industry [For construction components with elevated temperature resistance in engines and cylinder heads for air-cooled lengines [Anodic oxidable, self-hardening alloys esp. for welding |constructions in rail cars, cranes, fixtures [For constructional engineering, hydraulic castings, textile (0 machinery, cable car construction, moulds, large parts without heat-treatment [For constructional engineering, hydraulic castings, textile (0 machinery, cable car construction, moulds, large parts without heat-treatment \Silafont- 72 wo [Peraluman-34||EN AB-AIMg3 S [Peraluman-57||AIMgSSiCu S |Unifont-54 | AlZnSMg [Unifont-90 ||AlZn10Si8Mg |Unifont-91 lav |AIZnl0Si8Mg LUnitones4 [aizntosigme — |ofo|l [Fox constructional engineering, vehicle construction, louse hold applications [Rotoren-Al IE A1 99,5 -| B |For rotors of electrical engines [Rotoren-Al IE AI99,7 a 13 ||For components with excellent electric conductivity Extrusion Billets SAG Extrusion Billets are exclusively produced in a horizontal continuous casting process permitting highest flexibility and a wide range of standard, fast extrusion- and bright finish qualities. Please contact Mr.Karl Repaski for further details. Thixalloy® - the Material of the Future Thixotropic Aluminium materials are the superb alternative for particularly demanding castings. Typical Characteristics: |AISI7Mg0.5T6| [RM = 300 [Némm2] [|[Rp0.2 = 280 (N/mm2] [as =91%1 SAG has been holding a pole position in the development of thixotropic Aluminium alloys. Aluminium Lend GmbH, a member of the SAG group, is the specialist for horizontal continuous casting (HCC) of aluminium and implementing and optimising the process of electromagnetic stirring during casting. html 03/05/00vagina da W dae iu Under the trademark THIXALLOY® SAG has developed t alloys. ropic materials of various shapes and For extensive research purposes a one-strand horizontal continuous casting plant is available for test lots and small series. Together with the THIXALLOY® -Components Division Aluminium Lend offers its customers taylor-made solutions for finished products - from the development of the optimal alloy to the best suiting forming technique. Advantages of Thixalloy® high flow rate avoiding gas and oxide inclusions. Also thin-walled parts with long flow distances ‘can be cast without turbulence. The castings can be heat treated and are weldable. # Shorter solidification time reduces the susceptibility to shrink holes, increases near-net shape in the castings and allows greater differences in wall thickness compared to parts from traditional die-casting. ‘+ In comparison to traditional die-casting only 35-50% of the residual heat must be evacuated. This permits shorter tact intervals and a longer life of the die. Applications THIXALLOY® is used where the advantages of die-casting must meet highest demands in mechanical properties and where parts need to be weldable. This is especially true in the production of safety components for the automobile industry where some industrial series have already been realised or are in a planning stage, e.g. Parts of the braking system © Wheels Parts of the car body Available Alloys and Shapes [Alloy si ire cu In ie zn Wri ther THIXALLOYe.- (aiGueTinese fos ooos [oF Ineo7 lp ove. |(AlIsisCu3Mg) b2,5-3,5. llo,1-0,5 Os BA OY® [canmessip jnax.0,03]max.0,1 [ES [EHIXALLOY® | ngea,ssi2min) jnax.0,03)0,7-1,0 | [io 0s: |e htm! 03/05/00Pagina da W [TAIXALLOY®- [(AISI7Mg0,37 —_][6,5- |fmax [0.2- imax. J0,01- [630 |A356) Irs fo.ts m®05fmex-01019°4 Ho.os fois |S" [THIXALLOY®- [Pico por (6,7- [0,7- (0,3- Imax. |0,01- 639 (AISi7MgFe) 73. los jmax.0,05}|0,2-0,4 los Jo,10 ous Sr [THIXALLOY®- |(AISi7Mg0,6/— ][6,5- |[max | ),45- imax. |0,01- l6s0 B57) 7s for _fmee-05}max-0.03} 60 jo.0s [St Mechanical Properties in the Component from the Thixoforming Process Processed as recommended mechanical properties can be achieved in the component which are much higher than the specifications for Euronorm EN1706 for gravity die-casting. Indicative values are quoted in our alloy descriptions which are available for all industrially produced THIXALLOY® billets. A prerequisite for the achievement of these good values are an optimal process control avoiding oxide inclusion, shrink holes and hot cracking. and Busses | ystems for Rail C: Aluminium Tanks Less Weight - More Freight The advantages of Alutech's tanks are weight reduction # no corrosion # good looks + minimal servicing over the entire life cycle Fuel tanks Depending on the quality of the diesel corrosion through acids will sooner or later damage a stee! tank from the inside - not so the eee ‘Aluminium tank, It remains good looking to the outside and leak \ yee proof and safe from the inside. Our production range covers 14 diameter sizes resulting in 330 different tank types of 150 to 9901. Kisco ON ‘The most popular models have a capacity of 400 and htm! 03/05/00Pagina da W uci 800 |. We are Original Equipment Manufacturer for MERCEDES BENZ, IVECO, ISUZU and MAN as well as a direct supplier of the spare part market. Combi-Tank for Gas and Lubrication ‘The Combi Tank has all the advantages of Alutec Aluminium Tanks. In addition it Sheaper than two tanks « is lighter than two tanks + has two brackets instead of four « is less space consuming Air Receivers Alutech Air Receivers are high-tech, high-safety products with all the advantages of aluminium tanks: Corrosion proof No corrosion = no rust flakes, which could cause problems in the breaking system - an important safety factor. Light The weight reduction is best expressed by the fact that in a bus equipped with 8 Alutech Air Receivers from aluminium, 80 kg are saved in comparison to using stee! tanks, translating into one additional passenger on board. With EU Certificate "CE 0036" ‘The combination of our 13 different diameters and joints results in 130 different models. The capacity ranges from 5 to 4001 With an air pressure ranges of 10 to 14 bar. We are Original Equipment Manufacturer for IVECO, MERCEDES BENZ, RENAULT V.L and AUFWARTER NEOPLAN in the bus market. Furthermore trailer manufacturers like KOGEL, ROHR, SCHWARZMULLER, SCHWINGENSCHLOGEL and SPITZER are our customers. Tanks for rail cars Besides tanks for the road we also produce air receivers for rail cars with a capacity of 40 to 4001. You will find our products in the ICE and TGV. To fully cover this market niche we complete our product mix with air drying units and the corresponding frame work system. ‘ars and Busses | 03/05/00Pagina da W ouciy Taylor-made Constructions in Aluminium Aluminium - Furniture ‘The waste container designed by Luigi Blau and produced by Alutech GmbH, gives the city of Vienna a new appearance. Luigi Blau: The simple function of a garbage container should be noticed without a special hint: big volume, cover and opening. The oval shape of the garbage bin results ‘from volume-oriented thoughts. An oval bin is less space consuming than a round ‘one. It can be mounted even in very narrow passages. Using the optical appearance of corrugated aluminium sheet makes the bin look smaller and gives it more strength. Since the bin is manually emptied it must be light a perfect application for aluminium. ingots | Extrusion Billets | Thixalloy® | anks | Air Receivers | ium-Furniture | ndow Systems for Rail Cars and Busses | Finished Products for the Automotive Industry Euromotive is the specialist for automotive components. Constructions in the car which minimise insurance payments in case of an accident become highly valued components as damages resulting from collisions carry a price tag in the insurance business. Therefore. T he new generation of light construction crash elements, a development of Euromotive, already lower the insurance premium in the AUDI A4 and AB, Side Door Impact Beams Side Door Impact Beams are components to assure passive safety in car doors by granting the car occupants extra protection in the event of impact from the side. « The weight of the beam is about 70% of comparable steel constructions. An especially strong Aluminium Alloy has been especially conceived for use in this case. 03/05/00Pagina da W yae iv ¢ Energy absorption in case of a crash is exactly defined. ‘« The Aluminium beam does not corrode, even without additional surface treatment. Bumper and Bumper Stiffener ‘As bumpers are parts of weight the use of Aluminium sheet as well as extruded profiles is preferred for bumpers and bumper reinforcements. Similarly to the beams Euromotive also manufactures Bumpers and Bumper Stiffeners with ‘+ lower weight than comparable bumpers made of other materials jefined energy absorption © optimised cross sections They conform with the regulations and specifications set out in the USA-norm and the ECE- norm respectively. Knee Catching Honeycombs Knee Catching Honeycombs support the airbag as an additional safety measure. Window Systems for Rail Cars and Busses Railcar, Bus and Truck Windows ‘Windows for one and multi-deck rolling stock, lorries, busses and heavy duty cabins are highly specialised products meeting extreme mechanical and safety demands. ive produces a wide range of windows with aluminium frames and window panes tailor made to the respective purposes. 03/05/00Pagina da W avaei notive s proud to offer windows extremely simple and light weight for cabins of heavy duty construction equipment as well as pressure tied window systems for high velocity trains. The scope of services ranges from the production of windows according to customer specification up to the development of customer speci ‘window systems with cost saving solution alternati Euromotive’s quality system is set up in accordance with the stipulations of the VDA and ISO 9001/EN29001 and is checked in regular audits. By appointment of the Deutsche Bahn AG and OBB rromotive has become supplier of passenger rail car windows, is staffed with certified welding engineers with authorisation by the Deutsche Bahn AG and the Osterreichische Bundesbahnen. Euromotive is sIso licensed by Deutsche Bahn AG for powder coating, and is an appointed supplier to SNCF for windows and component construction for rolling stock. ttp:// 03/05/00Pagina da W Titel Suchen e-mail Aluminjum Rheinfelden Bitte beachten Silafont-36 Anwendungsgebiet ‘Maschinenbau, Kraftfahrzeug- und Motorenbau, Textilmaschinen, Elektromaschinen, Klimaanlagen. Kennzeichnende Eigenschaften Ausgezeichnet giessbare Druckgusslegierung, sehr gute Dehnung im Gusszustand, héchste Dehnung nach ‘Wairmebehandlung. Sehr gute Korrosionsbestindigkeit, gut polierbar, sehr gut spanbar. Legierungskennzeichnung chemisch: AISI9Mg Zusammensetzung [Masse-%] Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Ti andere 98- 0,5- Tis OFS 003 0,1-0,5 0,10 0,15 Sr 08 Mechanische Eigenschaften [Giess- Behandl.-[Dehngrenze||Zugfestigkeit|Dehnung][Brinelliirte lverfahren||zustand [/'p0,2{%mm2]]tniNind] As (9] HB 5/250-30] [Druckguss} [F_fiz0- 150 |pso-290 _|[s-10 __rs-95 [Druckguss|faw |[rs |[iss-245 |p7s-340 |[a-9 _|Jo0- 110 [Druckguss)ka |[rs los-140 |pio-260 __|[is-22_|[oo-75 [Druckguss)wa |[re |210-280 |p90-340 [7-12 _|[io0- 110 Druckguss|fa_|[r7 |fiz0-170 |poo-240 _|[is-20 |[oo-75 03/05/00GARANTIA DA QUALIDADE MEIOS DE, ESPECIFICAGAO CONTROTE FREQUENCIA Cert, Qualidade Cada Lote 025 Cert. Qualidade Cada Lote 9% Cobre - Cu 0,05 Cert, Qualidade Cada Lote 56 Manganés - Mn 0.05) Cert. Qualidade Cada Lote [% Magnésio - Mg 0,05 Cert, Qualidade Cada Lote [% Cromo- Cr 0 Gada Lote [26 Niquel - Ni 0 Cada Lote % Zinco - Zn 0,05 Cada Lote [% Estanho - Sn 0 Cada Lote 1% Calcio 0,05 (Cada Lote te Berylium - Be 0 Cert, Qualidade Cada Lote 4.42 [% Titanio-Ti 0,08, Cert. Qualidade ‘Cada Lote 4.43 [% Outros (0,02 - MAX Cert. Qualidade Cada Lote Outros 2.1 [[dentificagao e Visual Cada Lote 2.2, [Aspect Visual (Os lingotes devern estar cintados, cobertos com plastico, isento de 6leo,4gua,poeira e com a etiqueta de identificagao do fornecedor em local | contendo 0 peso do amarrado ( Mix. cle 700 Ky) 2.3 [Rastreabilidade Cada lote deve ser acompanhado do respectivo corpo de prova, Cerliicado de Qualidade com caracteristica quimica e mecanica, OBSERVACOES: Acada 10 lotes REVISAO DATA: ogio4o2___ DATA: 09/04/02 ‘QUAL 088 (08/11/00)
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