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Programme: BA Photography

Course Tutors: Jacob Weeks, Rachel Letchford & Tom Groves

Course Title: Extended Professional Practice
Date of Issue: October 2017
Date of Submission: Friday 18th May 2018


Course Summary and Aims

This assignment is designed to contribute to both the end of year group exhibition and your own individual portfolio/profile.
Through group discussion and agreement with your tutor you will be working as part of a small team, heading up a specific
task for the Lewisham Arthouse Show. This will give you the opportunity to work as a professional on a ‘live’ project. The tasks
will be varied and whilst you may not associate them directly with the act of photographing, they are, without doubt, the key skills
you will need out in the work place and as a practicing professional.

Tasks may include one of the following or more; project management, fundraising, planning, booking keeping, timetabling,
designing, construction, letter writing, cold calling or marketing, the design and production of a catalogue, the design and
production of an exhibition poster, postcards etc. The success of the show will largely depend on your level of dedication and hard
work; we will be constantly monitoring the work carried out by individuals and your ability to work together as a team, the
outcomes of which will reflect in your overall grade for this course.

In addition, you will also need to be continuously developing your own individual portfolio of work, this can also be used for your
online profiles, competitions and catalogue entries. You can build your own presence in anyway you see fit, whether it be a
dedicated website, blog, profile, solo exhibition or traditional printed material, such as a book or folio. We do expect to see
evidence that you have researched your specific area of photography thoroughly and are marketing yourself appropriately. You
are required to develop your own identity as a photographer, creating an original, relevant, honest and effective form of self-


 to enable students to work to specific audiences (EXHIBITION & PORTFOLIO);

 to reflect on the development of the student’s own practice (EVALUATION & REFINEMENT);

 to enable students to promote their work through appropriate media (MARKETING & PROMOTION);

 to further develop skills in undertaking the creative process (FMP & LIVE WORK).

Things to consider including in your workbook:

 Outline of any business plan you may have, this could already be in existence and trading or could be something you
are currently progressing.
 Any applications you are currently undertaking for employment
 an up to date CV
 a reflective piece of writing about your photography and its development or statement of professional intent
 examples of live project or professional work – in physical or online form
 examples of where your work is ‘meeting an audience’ in publication, online or in exhibition
 a reflective journal or similar about the development of your photography
 promotional materials you are using to market yourself and your work (business cards etc)
 reference to contemporary photographic practice and where your work sits in context.
 discussion and ideas for your future developments in photography

Your workbook should demonstrate evidence from both your input to the group exhibition and developments in your
individual professional practice.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course the student will have:

 Critically analysed their own work in relation to other specialism’s within creative practice;

 Worked with clients and other professionals leading to the successful outcome of a live project;

 Clearly identified potential markets for their work and devised a strategy to address them;

 Promoted their work to specific audiences using a range of media;

 Worked to briefs and deadlines and had a distinctive personal creative influence on outcomes;

Principal Objectives:
 Career planning and CVs

 Research on contemporary photographic practice

 Using research to work ideas and themes into a coherent body of work;

 Project planning and monitoring;

 Presenting work for promotional purposes.

To achieve higher grades, it is expected that a student will:
 Show how they have developed a coherent strategy for their live project or professional work from research into
contemporary practice and reflection on their own photography.
 Make photographs that are of a consistently high technical and creative quality.
 Establish and maintain appropriate professional relationships.
 Produce a well-conceived, well-presented and persuasive CV.
 Develop a visual style to imagery through a series of visually and conceptually linked images that clearly address
issues relevant to the intended audiences.
 Have a high standard of presentation of the completed work – that is client appropriate.

Overall mark %

Comments and improvement points:

Marker: Date:

Moderator’s comments:

Moderator: Date:

Student comment and proposed actions (where appropriate link to Personal Development Plan/E-Portfolio)


Components of Assessment Marking Grid

Grade Very Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent
Mark (%) 0-29% 30-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-100%
Knowledge & Knowledge is Some superficial Some relevant There is a broad Sound knowledge Comprehensive
Research superficial, with awareness. knowledge and awareness of demonstrated, and detailed
inadequate Some evidence research, but issues but with good evidence of knowledge, with
research of research limited gaps research substantial
evidence of
Views Arguments not Some views Arguments Views expressed Own views stated Arguments clearly
Expressed developed expressed, but given but lacking but lacking depth clearly stated with articulated with a
and/or illogical. lacking in coherence at and scope. substantiating balance of views.
Majority of views evidence or times. Limited More supporting evidence. Evidence well
unsubstantiated structure supporting evidence Evidence used to selected and
evidence required support relevant
Analysis Work descriptive Work generally Tendency to Some analysis Analysis is Few assumptions
and any analysis descriptive and description. and questioning consistent made. Awareness
is of poor lacking depth. Analysis limited of assumptions. throughout. of limitations of
standard. No Some valid to some Awareness of Understanding findings
satisfactory points made but sections only significance of shown of acknowledged.
conclusions little analysis. e.g. conclusion. research relevance of Analysis often
drawn. No Limited Some relevant findings. Links research findings. probing.
linkage to conclusions points made. made to current Good links made Conclusions well
practice drawn. Links to Some attempt to practice to current practice thought through
practice are link to relevant
inadequate practice
Language Language used Mostly Generally Generally Clearly, Concise and
is confused, comprehensible, comprehensible academic in accurately and academic in style.
simplistic or but language is but not style. academically Choice of
irrelevant. anecdotal rather academic in References used expressed. vocabulary
Referencing than academic. style. Some are relevant References well appropriate to
inadequate or References referencing used selected and subject and level.
inappropriate limited appropriate References well
selected and used
with care
Organisation Generally Some attempt to Work is A logical Clear logic to Each section
disorganised. select relevant structured. structure to work, structure and relates logically to
No rationale material, but However poor although arguments well next. Clear
given. No lacking linkage in some occasional formulated process of thought
structure to consistent places. Some repetition. Some and analysis
assignment organisation repetition of attempt to development
thoughts and formulate
material coherent
Assessment Few presentation Limited Some Good Generally well Well prepared and
by skills displayed. preparation. preparation. presentation & prepared and presented with
Presentation Poor resources. Poor Limited presentation presented with confidence. Good
Little attempt to presentation presentation skills. Some confidence. supporting
engage audience skills. Limited skills. Some confidence in Interaction with resources with
resources. resources delivery. audience. Well evidence of
Some attempt to employed. Adequate prepared and research
engage audience Attempts to resources. relevant
engage Audience resources
audience engaged

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