Physics (E.M.) 01-02-2017
Physics (E.M.) 01-02-2017
Physics (E.M.) 01-02-2017
Figure shows some of the electric field lines (A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 8 ( )
corresponding to an electric field. Figure suggest 8. Quality of sound is related to :
that : (A) Frequency (B) Amplitude
(C) Wave structure (D) None of these ( )
9. In a sine wave, position of different particles at
time t=0 is shown in figure. The equation for
this travelling along positive x−¿ axis can be :
(A) EA > EB > EC (B) EA = EB = EC
(C) EA = EC > EB (D) EA = EC > EB ( )
2. Mark out the correct option :
(A) The total charge of the universe is constant
(B) The total positive charge of the universe is
constant (A) y= A sin ( wt −kx )
(C) The total negative charge of the universe is (B) y= A cos ( kx−wt )
constant (C) y= A cos ( wt−kx )
(D) The total number of charged particles in the (D) y= A sin ( kx −wt ) ( )
universe is constant ( ) 10. The mechanical equivalent of heat :
3. The electric field in a region is directed outward (A) Has the same dimension as heat
and proportional to the distance r from the (B) Has the same dimension as work
origin. Taking the electric potential at the origin to (C) Has the same dimension as energy
be zero, then electric potential : (D) Is dimensionless ( )
(A) is uniform in the region 11. For a solid with a small expansion coefficient :
(B) is proportional to r (A) CP – CV = R (B) CP = CV
(C) is proportional to r 2 (C) CP is slightly greater then CV
(D) increases as one goes away from the origin (D) CP is slightly less then CV ( )
( ) 12. Weight of 1 litre alcohol :
4. The length of a conductor is doubled and its radius (A) In winter decreases as compare to summer
is halved, its specific resistance is : (B) In summer decrease as compare to winter
(A) unchanged (B) halved (C) In winter and summer will remain same
(C) doubled (D) quadrupled ( ) (D) None of these ( )
5. The temperature coefficient of resistance for a 13. A beaker is completely filled with water at
wire is 0.00125 ° C .
At 300 K its 4 ° C . It will overflow :
resistance is 1 ohm. The temperature at (A) when heated, but not when cooled
which the resistance becomes 1.5 ohm is : (B) when cooled, but not when heated
(A) 450 K (B) 727 K (C) 454 K (D) 900 K ( ) (C) both when heated or cooled
6. Variation of current (I ) and voltage (V ) (D) neither when heated nor when cooled ( )
in a conductor has been shown in figure. The 14. A ball is released from the top of a tower of height
resistance of the conductor is : h meters. It takes T sec to reach the
ground. What is the position of the ball in
T /3 sec ?
(A) h/ 9 m from the ground
(B) 7 h/9 m from the ground
(C) 8 h/9 m from the ground
(D) 17 h/18 m from the ground ( )
(A) 1 W (B) 2 W (C) 3 W (D) 4 W ( ) 15. Figure (i) and (ii) below show the displacement
7. Equation of a stationary wave is time graph of two particles moving along the
πx x−¿ axis. We can say that :
y=10 sin cos 20 πt Distance between two
consecutive nodes is :
y being in metre. The magnitude of force on
the particle is :
(A) 25 Unit (B) 24 Unit
(C) 7 Unit (D) None of these ( )
(A) Both the particles are having a uniformly 20. A ‘NO PARKING’ board of mass 5 kg is
accelerated motion suspended from a horizontal beam by two
(B) both the particles are having a uniformly supporting wires, each at an angle of 45 ° to
retarded motion the vertical. The tension of each wire is
(C) Particle (i) is having a uniformly accelerated
( g=10 ms−2) −¿
motion while particle (ii) is having a uniformly
(A) 50 N (B) 35 N (C) 12.5 N (D) 20 N ( )
retarded motion
21. In inelastic collision kinetic energy of body :
(D) Particle (i) is having a uniformly retarded
(A) increases (B) may increases
motion while particle (ii) is having a uniformly
(C) decreases (D) remain constant ( )
accelerated motion ( )
22. Power applied to a particle varies with time as
16. For the velocity – time graph shown in figure
below the distance covered by the body in last
P=( 3 t 2−2 t+1 ) watt, where t is in second.
two sec of its motion is what fraction of the total Find the change in its kinetic energy between
distance covered by it in all the seven second : t=2 s and ¿ 4 s ?
(A) 32 J (B) 46 J (C) 61 J (D) 100 J ( )
23. A water pump driven by petrol raises water at a
rate of 0.5 m /min. from a depth of
30 m. If the pump is 70 efficient, the
power developer by the engine is :
(A) 1750 W (B) 2450 W
(C) 3500 W (D) 7000 W ( )
1 1 1 2 24. If gravitational acceleration at a point is g/ 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 4 3 3 then gravitational field intensity at the point will
( ) be :
17. A force – time graph for the motion of a body is (A) g/2 (B) 2 g (C) g (D) Zero
shown in figure. Change in linear momentum ( )
between 0 and 8 s is : 25. The diameters of two planets are in ratio 4 : 1.
Their mean densities have ratio 1:2. The ratio
of ' g ' on the planets will be :
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 1 : 4 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 4 : 1 ( )