FREETpTPricingChartsforSellers PDF

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Pricing products can be one of the most challenging parts

of selling on TpT. That is why I created these two charts.

To use the charts, just find the number of pages in your

document in the left hand column (most people do not
count the cover page, ads/information about your store,
and answer keys) ,then use the two right columns as a
guide. Most sellers reduce the price per page for larger
products, so the second chart shows lower per page

Of course, these charts are only guides, you can price

your items any way you want.

You can find more about pricing as well as tips and

strategies for selling on TpT at SoS on TpT - a blog
devoted to helping teachers sell successfully on TpT.

"Like" my facebook page to find out about

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TpT Pricing Charts
Pages .20/Page .25/Page Column1 Page .20/Page .25/Page
10 $2.00 $2.50 56 $11.20 $14.00
11 $2.20 $2.75 57 $11.40 $14.25
12 $2.40 $3.00 58 $11.60 $14.50
13 $2.60 $3.25 59 $11.80 $14.75
14 $2.80 $3.50 60 $12.00 $15.00
15 $3.00 $3.75 61 $12.20 $15.25
16 $3.20 $4.00 62 $12.40 $15.50
17 $3.40 $4.25 63 $12.60 $15.75
18 $3.60 $4.50 64 $12.80 $16.00
19 $3.80 $4.75 65 $13.00 $16.25
20 $4.00 $5.00 66 $13.20 $16.50
21 $4.20 $5.25 67 $13.40 $16.75
22 $4.40 $5.50 68 $13.60 $17.00
23 $4.60 $5.75 69 $13.80 $17.25
24 $4.80 $6.00 70 $14.00 $17.50
25 $5.00 $6.25 71 $14.20 $17.75
26 $5.20 $6.50 72 $14.40 $18.00
27 $5.40 $6.75 73 $14.60 $18.25

Page 1
28 $5.60 $7.00 74 $14.80 $18.50
29 $5.80 $7.25 75 $15.00 $18.75
30 $6.00 $7.50 76 $15.20 $19.00
31 $6.20 $7.75 77 $15.40 $19.25
32 $6.40 $8.00 78 $15.60 $19.50
33 $6.60 $8.25 79 $15.80 $19.75
34 $6.80 $8.50 80 $16.00 $20.00
35 $7.00 $8.75 81 $16.20 $20.25
36 $7.20 $9.00 82 $16.40 $20.50
37 $7.40 $9.25 83 $16.60 $20.75
38 $7.60 $9.50 84 $16.80 $21.00
39 $7.80 $9.75 85 $17.00 $21.25
40 $8.00 $10.00 86 $17.20 $21.50
41 $8.20 $10.25 87 $17.40 $21.75
42 $8.40 $10.50 88 $17.60 $22.00
43 $8.60 $10.75 89 $17.80 $22.25
44 $8.80 $11.00 90 $18.00 $22.50
45 $9.00 $11.25 91 $18.20 $22.75
46 $9.20 $11.50 92 $18.40 $23.00
47 $9.40 $11.75 93 $18.60 $23.25
48 $9.60 $12.00 94 $18.80 $23.50
49 $9.80 $12.25 95 $19.00 $23.75
50 $10.00 $12.50 96 $19.20 $24.00
51 $10.20 $12.75 97 $19.40 $24.25
52 $10.40 $13.00 98 $19.60 $24.50
53 $10.60 $13.25 99 $19.80 $24.75
54 $10.80 $13.50 100 $20.00 $25.00
55 $11.00 $13.75 101 $20.20 $25.25
Pages .10/Page Pages .15/Page .10/Page

TpT Pricing Charts

51 $7.65 $5.10 97 $14.55 $9.70
52 $7.80 $5.20 98 $14.70 $9.80
53 $7.95 $5.30 99 $14.85 $9.90
54 $8.10 $5.40 100 $15.00 $10.00
55 $8.25 $5.50 101 $15.15 $10.10
56 $8.40 $5.60 102 $15.30 $10.20
57 $8.55 $5.70 103 $15.45 $10.30
58 $8.70 $5.80 104 $15.60 $10.40
59 $8.85 $5.90 105 $15.75 $10.50
60 $9.00 $6.00 106 $15.90 $10.60
61 $9.15 $6.10 107 $16.05 $10.70
62 $9.30 $6.20 108 $16.20 $10.80
63 $9.45 $6.30 109 $16.35 $10.90
64 $9.60 $6.40 110 $16.50 $11.00
65 $9.75 $6.50 111 $16.65 $11.10
66 $9.90 $6.60 112 $16.80 $11.20
67 $10.05 $6.70 113 $16.95 $11.30
68 $10.20 $6.80 114 $17.10 $11.40

Page 2
69 $10.35 $6.90 115 $17.25 $11.50
70 $10.50 $7.00 116 $17.40 $11.60
71 $10.65 $7.10 117 $17.55 $11.70
72 $10.80 $7.20 118 $17.70 $11.80
73 $10.95 $7.30 119 $17.85 $11.90
74 $11.10 $7.40 120 $18.00 $12.00
75 $11.25 $7.50 121 $18.15 $12.10
76 $11.40 $7.60 122 $18.30 $12.20
77 $11.55 $7.70 123 $18.45 $12.30
78 $11.70 $7.80 124 $18.60 $12.40
79 $11.85 $7.90 125 $18.75 $12.50
80 $12.00 $8.00 126 $18.90 $12.60
81 $12.15 $8.10 127 $19.05 $12.70
82 $12.30 $8.20 128 $19.20 $12.80
83 $12.45 $8.30 129 $19.35 $12.90
84 $12.60 $8.40 130 $19.50 $13.00
85 $12.75 $8.50 131 $19.65 $13.10
86 $12.90 $8.60 132 $19.80 $13.20
87 $13.05 $8.70 133 $19.95 $13.30
88 $13.20 $8.80 134 $20.10 $13.40
89 $13.35 $8.90 135 $20.25 $13.50
90 $13.50 $9.00 136 $20.40 $13.60
91 $13.65 $9.10 137 $20.55 $13.70
92 $13.80 $9.20 138 $20.70 $13.80
93 $13.95 $9.30 139 $20.85 $13.90
$14.10 $9.40 140 $21.00 $14.00

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