Interaction Between Inclined Pile Groups Subjected To Harmonic Vibrations
Interaction Between Inclined Pile Groups Subjected To Harmonic Vibrations
Interaction Between Inclined Pile Groups Subjected To Harmonic Vibrations
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Vertical and inclined piles are used in seismic areas where they could be subjected to oblique harmonic vibration loads. The effect of closely
spaced battered piles on the pile–soil–pile interaction has not yet been fully recognized. A simple analytical method, based on the elasto-dynamic
theory by Novak and his associates, is used in the present study to characterize vertical and inclined isolated cylindrical piles subjected to inclined
harmonic vibrations. The free field movement of the ground in the vicinity of the piles is determined using an approximate approach based on the
interference of the cylindrical wave field originating along each pile shaft and spreading radially outward. In calculating the interaction factor
between two battered piles, an analysis has been carried out to demonstrate the effect of the presence of a neighboring pile (receiver) while the
first pile (source) is loaded. In this situation, it has been found that the movement of the source pile head is decreased when a receiver pile is
present. Also, the effects of the pile–pile distance, the group geometry, the length of the piles, and the inclined angle for each or all of the piles
have been studied and the corresponding results will be presented.
& 2013 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Inclined pile group; Pile–soil–pile interaction; Closed-form solution; Elasto-dynamic theory; Harmonic vibration
0038-0806 & 2013 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
790 M. Ghazavi et al. / Soils and Foundations 53 (2013) 789–803
Fig. 2. Source batter pile subjected to harmonic force P ¼Poexp(iωt) under load angle ζ.
where SU1 and SU2 are real and imaginary parts of the layer
reaction in the horizontal direction and T is given by
4K 1 ðbn0 ÞK 1 ðan0 Þþ an0 K 1 ðbn0 ÞK 0 ðan0 Þþ bn0 K 0 ðbn0 ÞK 1 ðan0 Þ
T ¼
b0 K 0 ðbn0 ÞK 1 ðan0 Þþ an0 K 1 ðbn0 ÞK 0 ðan0 Þþ bn0 an0 K 0 ðbn0 ÞK 0 ðan0 Þ
a0 i 2ð1υÞ n a0 i
bn0 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; η ¼ ; a0 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4bÞ
η 1þ i2DS ð12υÞ 1 þ i2DS
where K0 and K1 denote the zero-order and the first-order
second kind of modified Bessel functions, respectively.
The differential equation governing the soil–pile system is
given by (Novak, 1974), namely,
Fig. 3. Illustration of influence of laterally loaded source pile on adjacent free-
d4 U 11 ðzÞ
loaded receiver pile (‘S’ and ‘R’ stand for Source pile and Receiver pile, EP I P þ ððk1 mp ω2 Þþ iðk 2 þ cωÞÞU 11 ðzÞ ¼ 0 ð5Þ
respectively). dz4
For horizontal harmonic vibrations, the horizontal displace-
ment assumes u11(z)¼ U11(z).exp(iωt), and the solution for
3.1. Evaluation of horizontal displacement of source pile Eq. (5) is given by
Rða þ biÞz Rða þ biÞz Rðc þ diÞz Rðc þ diÞz
U 11 ðzÞ ¼ AU
11 e þBU
11 e þ CU
11 e þ DU
11 e
The lateral response of a single source pile subjected to
horizontal loading or to deformation due to the surrounding
soil may be calculated using a beam-on-Winkler-foundation Considering appropriate boundary conditions gives
formulation. For a two-pile group, with only one pile (source ( )
U 11 ¼ 0
pile) loaded laterally, a general approximation method is z1 ) 11 ¼ d 11 ¼ 0;
) AU U
θ11 ¼ dUdz11 ¼ 0
proposed that involves modeling the soil based on the Winkler
8 9 ð7aÞ
method (Fig. 3). < θ11 ¼ dUdz11 ¼ 0 =
The pile is considered to be linear elastic with a circular z¼0 ) ) ða ¼ d; b ¼ cÞ
: V 11 ¼ EP I P dz3 ¼ Ph ;
d U 11
cross-section of AP, a diameter of d, a second moment of area
IP, a Young's modulus of EP, a damping ratio of DP, a mass
density of ρP, a length of L, and a mass per unit length of the
11 ¼ ;
BU E P I P R3 ½ða þ biÞðc þ diÞ2 ða þ biÞ3
pile mP ¼ ρPAP. The soil parameters are assumed to be Young's ð7bÞ
11 ¼
modulus ES, shear modulus GS, shear wave velocity VS, CU E P I P R3 ½ðc þ diÞ3 ðc þ diÞða þ biÞ2
damping ratio DS, and Poisson's ratio ν. The soil reaction on
the pile motion is modeled using continuously distributed The final solution is obtained as
frequency-dependent springs k1 and dashpots k2. The complex u11 ðzÞ ¼ U 11 ðzÞeiωt ¼ fBU Rða þ biÞz
þ CU Rðc þ diÞz iωt
ge ð8Þ
11 e 11 e
horizontal stiffness per unit length of the pile is given by
(Novak, 1974) as where
( 1=8
ku ¼ k1 þ ik 2 ¼ πGa20 T ¼ G½SU1 ða0 ; υ; DS Þþ iSU2 ða0 ; υ; DS Þ ðk1 mp ω2 Þ2 þ ðk2 þ cωÞ2
R¼ ;
ð3Þ ð4EP I P Þ2
792 M. Ghazavi et al. / Soils and Foundations 53 (2013) 789–803
8 (
< θ ¼ arctan ðk 2 þ cωÞ C w1 ¼ 8:00 þ2:18a0 12:63a20 þ 20:73a30 16:47a40 þ4:458a50
ðk1 mp ω2 Þ ; 0o θ o π=2 ν ¼ 0:5 )
ð9Þ C w2 ¼ 7:414a0 2:986a20 þ4:324a30 1:782a40
: a ¼ cos θ θ θ θ
4 sin 4 ; b ¼ cos 4 þ sin 4
> k1 ¼ G SU1 The equilibrium of the pile–soil system at a certain depth can
> be expressed as (Novak, 1974)
< k2 ¼ G SU2
Soil ) cms ω ¼ 2DS K S ; with : G SU2 ða0 ; υ; DS ¼ 0Þ d2 w11 ðz; tÞ dw11 ðz; tÞ d2 w11 ðz; tÞ
> mp þcp E P AE þ k w w11 ðz; tÞ ¼ 0
> K S ¼ δE S dt 2 dt dz2
: δðFixed head pilesÞ ¼ 3:1097 ðlog EP =ES Þ0:7413 ð14Þ
Fig. 4. Illustration of influence of vertically loaded source pile on adjacent Fig. 5. Four steps for determination of interaction factor for two batter
free-loaded receiver pile. identical piles.
M. Ghazavi et al. / Soils and Foundations 53 (2013) 789–803 793
Fig. 6. a) Illustration of a two-pile group with spacing s/d and departure angle β; b) geometry of batter pile groups with four piles and batter angle θ.
In Fig. 5, u and w are lateral and axial displacements of the pile is evaluated in order to calculate the displacement of the
source batter pile along its own axis, and ut and wt are its receiver pile. This displacement field can be evaluated
displacements along the global horizontal and vertical axes. considering the attenuation of the ground displacement from
The attenuated horizontal and vertical ground displacements the location of the source pile to the location of the receiver
adjacent to the receiver pile are u′t and w′t , respectively, and pile located at distance s from the source pile, as shown in
finally, u′ and w′ are the lateral and axial displacements of the Fig. 5(c).
receiver batter pile along its own axis. The calculation of these
displacements is given in detail in the following section. 4.2.1. Lateral movement [(ut) to (u′t)]
The displacement field around the loaded source pile is
4.1. Transfer of response of source batter pile to ground approximately evaluated considering an attenuation function.
response [(u,w) to (ut,wt)] This approximation yields a variation in lateral soil displace-
ment US with distance s from the lateral source loaded pile.
The first step involves the calculation of lateral and axial When a pile located along a line perpendicular to the
displacements of the source batter pile along its own axis. In direction of loading (β¼ 901) is affected essentially only by
the second step, these values are projected along the global S-waves with phase velocity Vs, the S-waves propagate from
axis of the free field in order to determine the displacement of the active pile. However, when β ¼ 01, the pile is affected by
the ground adjacent to the pile (Fig. 5(b)). The horizontal compression-extension waves coming from the active pile. For
displacement, ut, and the vertical displacement, wt, are β¼ 01, such waves propagate with an apparent phase velocity
obtained from and they are approximately equal to VLa (Gazetas and Dobrv,
" # " # 1984). In this approach, the displacement of a segment of the
þ cos θ1 sin θ1 u ut
¼ ð19Þ receiver pile at depth z can be estimated from the displacement
þ sin θ1 þ cos θ1 w wt
of the source pile using an interaction factor, ψH. This
The resultant displacement of the ground adjacent to the source interaction factor depends on the spacing to diameter ratio
pile, δ, is given by between the two piles, s/d, the damping ratio of the soil, DS,
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi and the angle β between the line connecting the two piles and
δ ¼ u2t þ w2t ð20Þ the direction of the horizontal applied force (Fig. 6), i.e.,
As illustrated in Fig. 5(b), this resultant displacement is us ðs=d; β; z; tÞ ¼ ψ H ðs=d; βÞU 11 ðzÞexpðiωtÞ ð23Þ
inclined at angle γ with the normal axis (deflection angle), It may be sufficient to compute ψ (s/d,β) for any departure
which is given by angle of β between piles by using ψH(s/d, β ¼ 01) and ψH(s/d,
ut β¼ 901). These are given by Gazetas and Dobrv (1984) and
tan γ ¼ ð21Þ
wt expressed as
Considering the loading direction of the source pile (θp), the αh ¼ ψ H ðs=d; βÞ ψ H ðs=d; 0Þ cos 2 β þ ψ H ðs=d; Þ sin 2 β ð24aÞ
direction of the soil stiffness (ϕ), and the inclination of the 2
source pile (θ1), the deflection angle (γ) is given by s 0:5 D a s ia s
S 0 0
ψ H ðs=d; 0Þ ¼ 2 exp 0:5 exp 0:5
tan ðθp þ θ1 Þ= tan ϕ tan θ1 d ρ d ρ d
tan γ ¼ ð22Þ
1 þ tan ðθp þ θ1 Þ= tan ϕ tan θ1 ð24bÞ
where tanϕ¼ Kh/Kv. π s 0:5 s s
ψ H s=d; ¼ 2 exp DS a0 0:5 exp ia0 0:5
2 d d d
4.2. Attenuation of ground displacement away from source ð24cÞ
pile [(ut,wt) to (u′t,w′t)]
The displacement of the ground affects the response of the ωd V La 3:4
a0 ¼ ; ρ¼ ¼ ð24dÞ
receiver pile. Thus, the displacement field around the source VS VS πð1υÞ
794 M. Ghazavi et al. / Soils and Foundations 53 (2013) 789–803
tan γ′ ¼ ð28Þ
The relationship between the directions of movement δ and
movement δ′ is explained with tanγ and tanγ′, respectively
(Fig. 5), as expressed by Fig. 7. Batter angle (θ2) of receiver batter pile.
u′t αh ut αh ut
tan γ′ ¼ ¼ ¼ ð29Þ
w′t αv wt αv wt and along the resultant direction is defined as
or qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u′t þ w′t
2 2 αh 2 ðut Þ2 þ αv 2 ðwt Þ2
γ ¼ γ′ þ α ð30Þ αt ¼ δ′=δ ¼4 αt ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u2t þ w2t ðut Þ2 þ ðwt Þ2
where α can be obtained from
tan γ ð1 tan ðαh =αv ÞÞ
tan α ¼ ð31Þ
1 þ tan ðαh =αv Þ tan 2 γ By combining Eqs. (19) and (26), the lateral and axial
Ιt is noted that αv and αh are not equal; thus, based on Eq. (31), movements of the receiver batter pile are given by
it is concluded that γ′ a γ. " # " #
þ αh cos θ1 αh sin θ1 u u′t
¼ ð35Þ
þ αv sin θ1 þ αv cos θ1 w w′t
4.3. Ground displacement along local axis of receiver batter
pile [(u′t,w′t) to (u′,w′)] By combining Eqs. (32) and (35), the following equation can
be obtained:
Following the calculation of the ground displacements " #" #
adjacent to the receiver pile, these values must be projected þ cos θ2 sin θ2 þ αh cos θ1 αh sin θ1 u
to the local axis of the receiver batter pile, as shown in Fig. 7. þ sin θ2 þ cos θ2 þ αv sin θ1 þ αv cos θ1 w
Lateral displacement u′ and axial displacement w′ at the
receiver pile head are obtained from u′ u u′
" #" # ¼ or ½I½II ¼
w′ w w′
þ cos θ2 sin θ2 u′t u′
¼ ð32Þ ð36Þ
þ sin θ2 þ cos θ2 w′t w′
In Eq. (36), matrix [I] represents the influence of the batter
The interaction factor for two batter piles along their own
angle of the receiver batter pile and matrix [II] shows both the
horizontal and vertical axes
influence of the batter angle of the source pile and the presence
ααh ¼ u′=u and ααv ¼ w′=w ð33Þ of the receiver pile. For the two batter piles with an equal
M. Ghazavi et al. / Soils and Foundations 53 (2013) 789–803 795
Fig. 8. Interaction factors for horizontal displacement of pile 2 due to horizontal force on pile 1 for θ ¼01, s/d ¼5, L/d¼ 15, EP/ES ¼1000, ρS/ρP ¼ 0.7.
796 M. Ghazavi et al. / Soils and Foundations 53 (2013) 789–803
The dynamic equilibrium for the second pile under vertical 5. Parametric results and comparisons
loading is
The various components of the interaction factor in matrix
d2 w11 ðz; tÞ d 2 w11 ðz; tÞ form, represented by Eq. (37) (for example, αu′u is the portion
mp 2
E P AP þ k v ðw21 ðz; tÞw21 ðz; s; tÞÞ ¼ 0
dt dz2 displacement u′ of displacement u), varying with the departure
ð43Þ angle (β), the distance ratio (s/d), the dimensionless frequency
(a0), the pile diameter (d), and the batter angles of the source
Using w21(z,t)=w21(z)exp(iωt), the particular and general and the receiver pile (θ1, θ2), are shown in Figs. 10 and 11
solutions for W21(z) are obtained from where either the presence or the absence of the receiver batter
pile is considered.
Λψ V zðζ′Þ In Eq. (37), if parameters αh and αv, defined in Eqs. (24) and
W 21 ðzÞ ¼ W P ðzÞþ W G ðzÞ ¼ ðAW
11 expðΛzÞ
2 (25), are used, the various components of the interaction factor
þ BW between a two-pile group in matrix form are for the absence of
11 expðΛzÞÞ þ ðA′21 expðΛzÞ þ B′21 expðΛzÞÞ
the receiver batter pile. If parameters αh and αv, defined in Eqs.
ð44Þ (42) and (47), are used, (instead of αh and αv), these
where components are for the presence of the receiver batter pile to
ðkv þ icv ωÞ determine the interaction between a two-pile group. Other
ðζ′Þ ¼ ð45Þ results showed a similar trend.
ðkv mP ω2 þ icv ωÞ
From Figs. 10 and 11, it is observed that the absence or
A′W W presence of the assumption of the receiver pile leads to
21 and B′21 are new integration constants determined from
the boundary conditions of the receiver pile which are different interaction factors. If the presence of the receiver
pile is ignored, greater vibration amplitudes are computed.
ð1Þ p21 ðz ¼ 0Þ ¼ p0 ¼ 0 This gives greater displacements, and thus, lower pile group
ð46Þ stiffness. As a result, the design of pile groups may be
ð2Þ K b w21 ðz ¼ LÞ ¼ p21 ðz ¼ LÞ
uneconomical. In practice, when the pile group is loaded, all
piles are usually present and installed close to each other.
The pile-to-pile interaction for z=0 is expressed as
Thus, in the computation of the pile–soil–pile interaction, the
w21 presence of the receiver pile must be taken into consideration.
α′v ¼ ð47Þ
w11 Therefore, the findings of this paper could be used for design
The vertical dynamic interaction factor, defined by Eq. (47), Fig. 12 shows the influence of the inclined angle of the
is applied to consider the presence of the receiver pile, receiver pile on the interaction factor, while the presence of the
whereas Eq. (25) is used for the case when the receiver pile receiver pile is considered. Fig. 13 shows the variation in the
is absent. For verification, a two-pile group with s/d ¼ 5 is inclined angle of either the source pile or the receiver pile,
considered and the dynamic response results for the fixed- while the presence of the receiver pile is considered. Changes
head vertical piles subjected to vertical oscillation are in the interaction factors are more pronounced with an
computed, as shown in Fig. 9. Other results showed similar increasing batter angle of the receiver batter pile, while the
behavior. As seen in Fig. 9, the interaction factors are source pile is vertical. In addition, changes in the interaction
determined assuming the presence or the absence of the factors are more remarkable with increasing batter angles of
receiver pile and compared with the rigorous solutions given both source and receiver piles in a two-pile group, as expressed
by Kaynia and Kausel (1982). by Eq. (37).
Fig. 9. Interaction factors for vertical displacement of pile 2 due to horizontal force on pile 1, θ¼01, s/d¼5, L/d¼ 15, EP/ES ¼1000, ρS/ρP ¼ 0.7.
M. Ghazavi et al. / Soils and Foundations 53 (2013) 789–803 797
Fig. 10. Comparison between various components of interaction factor (I.F) in matrix form represented by Eq. (37) with presence and absence of receiver batter pile
and for β¼451, θ1 ¼θ2 ¼ θ¼ 151, and S/d¼8.
798 M. Ghazavi et al. / Soils and Foundations 53 (2013) 789–803
Fig. 11. Comparison between various components of interaction factor (I.F) in matrix form represented by Eq. (37) with presence and absence of receiver batter pile
and for β ¼451, θ1 ¼ 01, θ2 ¼ 151, and S/d¼ 8.
M. Ghazavi et al. / Soils and Foundations 53 (2013) 789–803 799
Fig. 12. Comparison between various components of interaction factor (I.F) in matrix form represented by Eq. (37) with presence of receiver batter pile and for
β¼ 451, θ1 ¼ 01, θ2 ¼ θ¼01, 10 and 201, and S/d¼ 5.
800 M. Ghazavi et al. / Soils and Foundations 53 (2013) 789–803
Fig. 13. Comparison between various components of interaction factor (I.F) in matrix form represented by Eq. (37) with presence of receiver batter pile and for
β¼ 451, θ1 ¼θ2 ¼ θ¼ 01, 101 and 201, and S/d ¼5.
M. Ghazavi et al. / Soils and Foundations 53 (2013) 789–803 801
6. Conclusions For a given batter angle, with an increasing pile spacing and
departure angle, the interaction between two batter piles decreases.
In this paper, the behavior of a two-batter pile group The interaction decreases with an increasing batter angle
subjected to an inclined external force has been investigated with respect to the vertical direction.
using an analytical solution. Parametric studies have been Assuming the presence of the receiver pile in a two-pile group,
performed to determine the interaction factor with various pile the interaction factor between the two piles decreases, resulting
properties, pile geometries, pile distances, soil properties, in lower vibration amplitudes, greater stiffness, and a more
dimensionless frequencies, and batter angles for the source economical design. This reduction with a variation in dimen-
and receiver piles. The effect of the absence or presence of the sionless frequency, for both real and imaginary components of
receiver pile in a two-pile group has also been investigated. interaction factors for the battered pile group, is non-uniform.
The general findings in this research may be outlined as The changes in interaction factors are more pronounced
follows: with increasing batter angles in a two-pile group.
802 M. Ghazavi et al. / Soils and Foundations 53 (2013) 789–803
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