Midrex Process Brochure Dec 12
Midrex Process Brochure Dec 12
Midrex Process Brochure Dec 12
for Steelmakers
Midrex Technologies, Inc. along with its parent company Kobe Steel, Ltd., recognizes the importance of protecting the
environment and conserving natural resources. Through the years we have been proactive in increasing efficiency and
productivity while reducing the environmental impact of our processes.
MIDREX® Plants are designed to minimize water, noise and air pollution.
MIDREX® Plants meet applicable World Bank standards and more importantly, Midrex can and will provide DR Plants
designed to meet any local emissions or environmental standards regardless of location.
“Midrex is a technology company founded on the pursuit of innovation and is dedicated to continuous
improvement especially in the iron and steel industry.” - Don Beggs, inventor of the MIDREX® Process
The MIDREX® Process is the best industry example of this philosophy and its proven results. Plants using the MIDREX
Process are the world’s largest, most flexible and longest running Direct Reduction (DR) plants. Product quality and flexibility
to produce various forms of iron together with some of the best production records industry-wide make MIDREX® Plants the
most profitable DR plants in the world to own and operate. Midrex builds DR plants that work day in and day out, year after
year to provide value for our clients. We provide dependable solutions so our clients can make the most of their investment and
maximize their profits for years to come.
DRI is premium iron that is made from oxide by removing A MIDREX® Plant can feed a single EAF or various combina-
chemically bound oxygen from the iron without melting. It is a tions of EAFs and integrated complexes supplementing Blast
metallic low in residual metals and nitrogen. It has been used Furnace (BF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) operation.
for making almost every form of steel product from all types A single Super MEGAMOD® MIDREX® Plant is well-suited
of sheets up to and including exposed auto body steels, extra to feed EAFs to replace a blast furnace/BOF complex. A
deep drawing quality steels, wire and fine wire products, spe- MIDREX® Plant is also an excellent alternative to importing
cial bar quality, forging bar quality and seamless tube products. large quantities of scrap steel or to building a high cost blast
furnace complex.
DRI products are a staple of the electric arc furnace (EAF)
industry and have found increasing usage in integrated mills MIDREX® DRI products are high quality metallic, low in re-
to improve their productivity and lower fuel consumption. sidual metals, that dilute undesirable elements contained in
other charge materials. High metallic iron content, adjustable
Its purity allows EAFs to produce steels that were historically carbon levels and consistent chemical and physical character-
considered to be solely within the domain of oxygen furnace istics provide steelmakers broad flexibility in selecting their
steelmaking. Prior to the application of DRI, EAF’s had ex- furnace charges, along with the ability to produce higher
treme difficulty making these products because of the very quality steels than possible with scrap alone.
limited supply of low residual, high grade scrap steel that
could be sourced to feed to these EAF’s.
With the advent of the thin slab caster (TSC) in the early
1990’s, a renewed appreciation arose for the purity of DRI
and its usefulness in making sheet steels. This caused DR
plants to be built to supply iron for the EAF/TSC mills.
Product Form Pellet & lump Briquettes* (density ≥ 5.0 Pellet & lump
grams per cubic centimeter
Charging Method Continuous & Batch Continuous & Batch Continuous & Batch
Description: CDRI (Cold DRI) is a high HBI (Hot Briquetted Iron) is a HDRI (Hot DRI) is discharged
quality metallic ideal for use premium form of DRI and is hot from the shaft furnace and
in a nearby EAF. It can also be the industry and regulatory transported to an EAF for
transported via rail to another preferred method of preparing melting and provides the
site when proper precautions DRI for long term storage and optimum way for DRI users
are made. It is not recommend- transport. HBI is commonly used to increase productivity and
ed for ocean transport. in EAFs and can also be added reduce cost.
to the Blast Furnace and BOF.
* The MIDREX® Process requires less oxide coatings than competing DR technologies, which allows for easier briquetting of DRI and stronger physical
HBI characteristics.
Even though DRI use is often associated with the production Continuous charging systems can be used to feed up to
of high grade, low residual metal, low nitrogen products, 100 percent of the required metallics. More commonly, one
most of the product is actually used to make common grades bucket of scrap is charged and the remainder is continuously
of long products, reinforcing bar and light structural prod- fed CDRI, HBI or HDRI. This can reduce the number of batch
ucts. This is simply because in many locations there is not charges and allows the furnace roof to stay on, retaining
enough scrap steel available and local demand for these light valuable heat. Maintaining a consistent temperature leads
construction steels is sufficient to justify building of an EAF to improved bath heat transfer and faster metallurgical
mini-mill. In such a location, a MIDREX® Plant is an excellent reactions. HDRI can be charged directly using the MIDREX
alternative to importing large quantities of scrap steel or to HOTLINK® System, the hot conveyor-based Hot Transport
building a high cost blast furnace complex. System developed by Midrex and Siemens VAI or by hot
transport vessels. HDRI usage reduces operating cost and
The benefits of DRI products are not limited to their chemical increases productivity.
characteristics. In an EAF, DRI products can be either batch
or continuously charged.
Melting Benefits of HDRI in EAF
In batch charging, the use of high bulk density DRI/HBI can
eliminate the need for a second or third scrap charge. This • Increases EAF productivity by 15-20% or higher
results in lower energy losses, more power on-time and • Decreases EAF electricity requirements by at least
improved productivity. Midrex DRI or HBI is mixed with scrap 120-140 kWh/t liquid steel
in the bucket. Generally, DRI or HBI can be added at up to 30
• Decreases EAF electrode consumption by at least
percent of the charge.
0.5-0.6 kg/t liquid steel
Integrated works employ HBI in their blast furnaces to remarkably A BLAST FURNACE - PRODUCTIVITY INCREASE
increase hot metal production and lower coke consumption. HBI
may be used for up to 30% of the blast furnace charge with no
Its use is cost effective when the steelworks is hot metal short,
or if a blast furnace is down for a reline or idled until hot metal
demand increases. Use of HBI also decreases CO2 generation. 10
Practiced mostly in North America and in Western Europe, it is
used for two main reasons. One is to routinely increase the pro- 0 10 20 30 40 50
duction from a specific blast furnace, to either increase the steel Percent of iron charged as metallic iron
output from a works or to allow for the closure of a smaller, older,
less efficient blast furnace. The other is to raise the output of
a blast furnace while another blast furnace is taken down for
Million Tons/Year
provide a wide range of product combinations that 2.0 MEGAMOD
include CDRI, HBI and multiple ways to charge HDRI. 1.5 SUPER MEGAMOD
This allows users to create the plant best suited
for their project and site-specific requirements,
providing greater flexibility for the needs of captive 0.5
use or merchant sale.
Plant Size
MIDREX Plants may be sized to support the Client’s
needs whether that need is to provide a partial or
total charge for EAF(s), for Blast Furnace(s), for Basic
Oxygen Furnace(s) or for merchant purposes (sales
to other steel works). Only MIDREX Plants have Flexibility of MIDREX® Plants
proven performance in this regard.
• Combination plants allow for simultaneous discharge of
Midrex is proud to be the leader in this field with HDRI and CDRI or HBI
as determined by EAF operation
plants making more than 60% of total worldwide and market conditions.
DRI production. In addition more than 80% of all DRI
• The MIDREX® Plant can continue operation when EAF is
products made with natural gas as the fuel are made
by MIDREX Plants. The steel industry will need more
and more clean sources of iron and Midrex will be at • Use of proprietary SIMPAX® Software for process
the forefront, always developing new and ever more automation and HDRI quality prediction enables plant
efficient and profitable technologies. operators to optimize plant availability, efficiency
and productivity.
SynRG™ Reformer
Natural Gas
NG Plant
Steam Reformer
Pet Coke Gasifier MIDREX®
Refinery Bottoms Shaft Furnace
Most naturally occurring iron ore exists as hematite (Fe2O3), and contains about 30% oxygen by weight. In the MIDREX®
Process, the chemically bonded oxygen in the iron ore is removed using a high temperature reducing gas composed of
hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO) to produce metallic iron (Fe).
The direct reduction of the iron oxide occurs inside the MIDREX® Shaft Furnace, a cylindrical refractory lined vessel. Iron oxide
is fed from the top and DRI is discharged at the bottom allowing for consistent even flow assuring uniform reduction.
H2 CO2
FeO Fe
The range of carbon needed is directly related to the metallization and amount of DRI charged in relation to the amount and
quality of the scrap also in the charge. Based on comprehensive and exhaustive modeling and testing, the world’s leading EAF
Technology Suppliers have determined that the optimum content should range from 2.0% to 2.7% when the EAF is charged
with 100% HDRI. Slightly higher carbon levels in the DRI may be preferable when CDRI is used as all, or part of the DRI Product
charge to the EAF.
Flexibility to produce variable amounts of carbon can be instrumental to optimum operation. MIDREX® Plants are unique in
their ability to control DRI Product carbon levels from 0.5% to 3.0% independent of other parameters unlike other competing
Pellets Lump
Midrex has a comprehensive testing program
that evaluates existing raw material sources and Fe (%) 67.0 67.0
SiO2 + Al2O3 (%) 3.0 3.0
investigates new ones. The Midrex Research and
S (%) 0.008 0.008
Technology Development Center is fully equipped
P (%) 0.03 0.03
to assess the suitability of pellets and lump ores
TiO2 (%) 0.15 0.15
for direct reduction use. Midrex works with iron
oxide suppliers to develop new and improved
Pellets Lump
Lower quality iron ores are often used in MIDREX® Plants depending on the cost of the raw materials and the
impact of down stream steelmaking operations. The Midrex Materials Testing Lab can evaluate all types of iron
oxide pellets and lump ore to determine suitability for Direct Reduction.
Natural Gas More than 60 modules MIDREX® Reformer 1.5 to 1.7 Since 1969
in operation
Natural Gas FMO (formerly OPCO) Steam Reformer, Heater + 3.2 to 3.9 1990
MIDREX® Reformer
COREX® Offgas Arcelor Mittal South Africa CO2 Removal + Heater 0.3 to 0.4 1999
COREX® Offgas JSW Projects Limited CO2 Removal + Heater 0.5 to 0.6 Construction
Reducing gas can be produced using natural gas through a traditional steam reformer or the unparalleled stoichiometric
MIDREX® Reformer. When the source is coal including high sulfur coals or Coke Oven Gas (COG), Midrex uses the MXCOL®
flowsheet by means of either a gasifier or Thermal Reactor System™ (more on page 15). Reducing gas can also be produced from
the off gas generated by COREX® or FINEX® Plants. An important property of the reducing gas is the reductant / oxidant ratio,
or “gas quality.” The gas quality is a measure of the potential for the gas to reduce iron oxide. The higher the gas quality the
lower the volume of gas required to react with the iron; pushing less gas means the process is more efficient.
Hadeed Module E MIDREX® Plant, Saudi Arabia Comsigua MIDREX® Plant, Venezuela
ArcelorMittal South Africa Plant FMO Planta de Briquetas (formerly OPCO) JSPL Angul I, India - Under Construction
COREX®/MIDREX® Venezuela, Using Steam Reformers MXCOL® Coal Gasifier
Midrex designed and built the world’s first commercial high temperature, stoichiometric CO2 reformer. This concept is unique
to the MIDREX Process and enables the production of a high quality reformed gas that can be fed directly to the direct
reduction shaft furnace.
The MIDREX Reformer converts recycled offgas MIDREX® PROCESS FUELED BY NATURAL GAS
from the MIDREX® Shaft Furnace plus fresh natural MIDREX REFORMER®
gas into hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO).
Iron Ore
Natural gas plus recycled top gas is heated in a
refractory lined furnace and catalytically reformed.
The use of recycled gas and the ability to feed hot
reformed gas to the shaft furnace without quenching
and reheating provide for a very efficient process.
Top Gas Fuel
Unique to the MIDREX Process specifically due to the Top Gas
MIDREX Reformer is the recycle of waste CO2 from
the reduction furnace creating an additional reaction Scrubber
Natural MIDREX®
of CH4 + CO2 to produce 2H2 and 2CO. Gas MIDREX® Shaft
Reformer Reducing Gas Furnace
Through continuous innovation and commercial
application, Midrex has introduced its next genera-
tion MIDREX® SynRG® Reformer that provides even
greater efficiency of operation and lower capital
To date Midrex has supplied more than 70 MIDREX® Reformers for projects around the world. The largest MIDREX®
Reformers produce nearly 400,000 Nm3/hr of reducing gas, enabling the production of more than 2.0 million tons per year
of DRI. Even larger units are available.
• Refractory lined furnace with catalyst tubes through which gas flows upward
• Natural gas plus recycled top gas (feed gas) is catalytically reformed
Flue Gas
H2 35 55
CO 19 35
CO2 15 2
H2O 13 6
The optimum way to use natural gas to produce reducing gas is to use a MIDREX® Reformer; however, MIDREX has
produced reducing gas with a conventional steam reformer such as used in the petro-chemical industry.
One such example is the FMO Planta de Briquetas (formerly OPCO) in Puerto Ordaz,
Venezuela. This MIDREX® Plant started up in 1990 using an existing steam reformer
originally supplied for another process technology.
The FMO Plant decided to increase capacity in the 1990s. A number of options were
studied and eventually it was decided that best solution was to augment the steam
reformer by adding a small MIDREX® Reformer. The MIDREX Reformer began
operation in 1996 with the steam reformer and increased the capacity of the plant
to more than one million tons of HBI per year.
MXCOL® can receive syngas from many sources including commercial gasifiers (using high or low quality coals or other alter-
native fuels) and the new Thermal Reactor System™ (technology using an innovative partial oxidation system). The MIDREX®
Shaft Furnace can also use the off gas of the coal-based COREX® Hot Metal Process from Siemens VAI Metals Technologies.
Coke Oven
Commercially available gasification technology can be paired with a MIDREX® Shaft Furnace through MXCOL® to produce DRI.
The designs include gas-cleaning and conditioning systems to provide a reducing gas suitable for direct reduction. After cleaning
and conditioning, the gas is reheated to the proper temperature and introduced to the furnace. After scrubbing and CO2
removal, the offgas is recycled with fresh syngas.
Turbo Expander
The world’s first application of
coal gasification to produce DRI Iron Oxide
in a MIDREX® Plant started up in
1999 at ArcelorMittal Steel South
Africa (formerly Saldanha Steel). COREX®
This is known as the COREX®/ Export
Reduction Top Gas Syngas Recycle Gas
MIDREX® Process. Shaft
Midrex pioneered the Shaft Furnace design for HDRI that has been part of all MIDREX® Hot Discharge plants since 1984. For
any of the hot transport options, the MIDREX® Plant can be designed to produce CDRI or HBI as a secondary product stream
when the meltshop cannot accept HDRI. Plants are designed to produce the two products simultaneously and to switch from
one product to another quickly without disrupting product flow.
Reference: Jindal Shadeed (Oman) Reference: Hadeed Mod E (Saudi Arabia) Reference: Lion HBI (Malaysia)
HOTLINK® is based on proven technology and HOTLINK® Shaft Furnace
the design using primarily gravity transport
minimizes HDRI metallization and temperature
losses. HDRI
Distance to EAF
less than 40 m
HOTLINK® delivers HDRI to the EAF at tempera-
tures up to 700° C by positioning the MIDREX®
Hot Discharge Furnace just outside and above DRI Cooler
the exterior wall of the meltshop. This allows hot Briquette Hot Transport
DRI to be discharged from the shaft furnace to a Machine Conveyor
The primary goal is to supply hot DRI to the EAF Electric Arc Furnace
as demand requires. HOTLINK® Plants have been HBI Storage
built in Egypt and Oman.
In this case, DRI is discharged hot from the Machine
Hot Transport EAF
furnace onto a fully enclosed and insulated DRI Storage Conveyor
conveyor, which is designed to minimize Electric Arc Furnace
temperature loss and prevent re-oxidation. The
conveyors are specially designed for Midrex by HBI Storage
Aumund Fördertechnik GmbH.
The HDRI is fed to storage bins located above the EAF. As one bin is being filled, the other one is discharging HDRI to the EAF.
It is critical that the transport method from the shaft furnace to the EAF be capable of delivering HDRI without adversely affect-
ing product quality, while providing maximum operational flexibility. Module E at Hadeed in Saudi Arabia is the first MIDREX
Plant to incorporate this option. This patented hot transport system was pioneered by Midrex Technologies, Inc., Siemens VAI
Metals Technologies and Aumund Fördertechnik.
MIDREX® Plants are designed to help owners and operators best deal with real world market changes. There are several
factors that can affect the profitable operation of a direct reduction plant such as ore costs, energy costs, labor and the
unpredictability of the steel market. Out of all the variable factors, the choice of process technology is the only one that the
owner can truly control and more importantly, it is the one that can affect profitability in both good and bad economic times.
MIDREX® Plants demonstrate by far the greatest availability (hours of continuous operations) of any direct reduction
technology. Every MIDREX Plant ever commissioned has exceeded its annual rated capacity on a real annual basis. Numerous
MIDREX Plants have produced up to 500,000 or more tons of DRI in a calendar year than their original design capacity. In
terms of both total tons produced and percentage of rated capacity, MIDREX® is the industry leader.
MIDREX® Plant Performance is defined by how well the flexibility and proven reliability of the MIDREX Plant operation allows
a client to take advantage of boom markets as well as weather the storm of bad times.
In good market conditions MIDREX Plants overwhelmingly produce more DRI than any other technology. When the market
is down, MIDREX Plants can be efficiently operated at lower capacities to provide the best economics for overall operation.
DR plant owners that have both MIDREX and competing technologies routinely idle the DR plant utilizing the competing
technology and run only their MIDREX Plant during the tough economic period.
Further, MIDREX Plants stay in production for many years. Even plants built in the early-1970 continue in operation, exceeding
their original planned product quality and productivity. MIDREX Plants are so reliable that if local economic conditions cause
profitability to decline, they are typically moved to another location.
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1.0 Techn
35 or more 30 to 35 25 to 30 20 to 25 15 to 20 10 to 15 10 or less
Prior to 1977 1977 to 1982 1982 to 1987 1987 to 1992 1992 to 1997 1997 to 2002 2002 to present
Overcoming technical, commercial and geographical challenges, MIDREX® Plants are able to perform reliably at or above rated
capacity in climates that range from the dry, sandy heat of Saudi Arabia to the frigid cold of Canada and Russia. To-date only three
MIDREX® Modules have ever been decommissioned, the two small demonstration plants built in Portland, Oregon in 1967-69 and
the first full sized commercial scale plant built in Georgetown, South Carolina, USA in 1969-71. Much of the equipment from the
Georgetown facility remains in operation at sister plants operated by the same owner.
Oregon Steel Mills 1 Pilot Plant1 Portland, Oregon, USA 0.08 1 CDRI ‘69 D
Oregon Steel Mills 2 Pilot Plant1 Portland, Oregon, USA 0.08 1 CDRI ‘69 D
ArcelorMittal Georgetown2 South Carolina, USA 0.40 1 CDRI ‘71 D
ArcelorMittal Hamburg Hamburg, Germany 0.40 1 CDRI ‘71 O
ArcelorMittal Canada 1 Contrecoeur, Quebec, Canada 0.40 1 CDRI ‘73 O
TenarisSiderca Campana, Argentina 0.40 1 CDRI ‘76 O
ArcelorMittal Canada 2 Contrecoeur, Quebec, Canada 0.60 1 CDRI ‘77 O
SIDOR I Matanzas, Venezuela 0.35 1 CDRI ‘77 O
Acindar3 Villa Constitucion, Argentina 0.60 1 CDRI ‘78 O
Qatar Steel I Mesaieed, Qatar 0.40 1 CDRI ‘78 O
SIDOR II Matanzas, Venezuela 1.29 3 CDRI ‘79 O
ArcelorMittal Point Lisas I & II Point Lisas, Trinidad & Tobago 0.84 2 CDRI ‘80/’82 O
Delta Steel Warri, Nigeria 1.02 2 CDRI ‘82 I
Hadeed A & B Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia 0.80 2 CDRI ‘82/’83 O
OEMK I - IV Stary Oskol, Russia 1.67 4 CDRI ‘83/’85/’85/’87 O
Antara Steel Mills Labuan Island, Malaysia 0.65 1 HBI ‘84 O
Khouzestan Steel Co. I - IV Ahwaz, Iran 1.84 4 CDRI ‘89/’90/’92/’01 O
EZDK I El Dikheila, Egypt 0.72 1 CDRI ‘86 O
LISCO 1 & 2 Misurata, Libya 1.10 2 CDRI ‘89/’90 O
Essar Steel I & II Hazira, India 0.88 2 HBI/HDRI ‘90 O
FMO Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela 1.00 1 HBI ‘90 O
VENPRECAR Matanzas, Venezuela 0.82 1 HBI ‘90 O
Essar Steel III Hazira, India 0.44 1 HBI/HDRI ‘92 O
Hadeed C Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia 0.65 1 CDRI ‘92 O
Mobarakeh Steel A - E Mobarakeh, Iran 3.20 5 CDRI ‘92/’93/’94 O
JSW Ispat, Ltd. Raigad, India 1.00 1 CDRI ‘94 O
EZDK II El Dikheila, Egypt 0.80 1 CDRI ‘97 O
LISCO 3 Misurata, Libya 0.65 1 HBI ‘97 O
ArcelorMittal Lázaro Cárdenas Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico 1.20 1 CDRI ‘97 O
COMSIGUA Matanzas, Venezuela 1.00 1 HBI ‘98 O
ArcelorMittal Point Lisas III Point Lisas, Trinidad & Tobago 1.36 1 CDRI ‘99 O
ArcelorMittal South Africa4 Saldanha Bay, South Africa 0.80 1 CDRI ‘99 O
EZDK III El Dikheila, Egypt 0.80 1 CDRI ’00 O
Essar Steel IV Hazira, India 1.00 1 HBI/HDRI ‘04 O
Nu-Iron5 Point Lisas, Trinidad & Tobago 1.60 1 CDRI ‘06 O
Essar Steel V Hazira, India 1.50 1 HBI/HDRI ‘06 O
Mobarakeh Steel F Mobarakeh, Iran 0.80 1 CDRI ‘06 O
DRIC I & II6 Dammam, Saudi Arabia 1.00 2 CDRI ‘07 O
Hadeed E7 Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia 1.76 1 HDRI/CDRI ‘07 O
LGOK II8 Gubkin, Russia 1.40 1 HBI ‘07 O
Qatar Steel II Mesaieed, Qatar 1.50 1 CDRI/HBI ‘07 O
5. Original module first built in 1990s in the USA as the 1.2 mtpy AIR
plant idled due to low industry demand and record high natural gas
prices in North America; moved to Trinidad & Tobago in 2005, and
the plant was expanded by Midrex Technologies Inc. to new a new
design capacity of 1.6 mtpy.
** Status Codes:
O – Operating
I – Idle
C – Under Contract or Construction
D – Decommissioned
Midrex UK Ltd.
Two London Bridge
London, SE1 9RA
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)207 0891520
Email: [email protected]
Midrex Metallurgy Technology Services
(Shanghai) Ltd.
1505 Park Place
1601 Nan Jing West Road
Shanghai 200040 PRC
Tel: +86 21 61573700
Email: [email protected]
Midrex Technologies India Private, Ltd.
Global Foyer, Golf Course Road
Gurgaon-122002, Haryana | India
Tel: 0124-4908712
Email: [email protected]
November 2012