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PG-QP – 02 -4- *PGQP02*


1. Find the odd one out from the following :

A) sitting B) standing C) observing D) eating
2. Choose which of the conclusion/s logically follow/s from both the premises.
A. Some cushions are soft.
B. All pillows are soft.
Conclusion I: Some pillows are cushions.
Conclusion II : Some pillows are not cushions.
Conclusion III: No cushion is a pillow.
Conclusion IV: Some cushions may be pillows.
A) I and II B) I and III C) Only IV D) Only III
3. Read the short passages and answer the question that follow.
No one would confuse a glass of apple juice with Pinot Noir, a wine, but apple growers
want you to believe they share one property to reduce the risk of heart disease.
A study suggests that a quarter litre of apple juice works just as well as wine to
reduce the risk of heart disease.
Which of the following would strengthen the argument ?
A) The saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” must have some truth in it.
B) Apple juice is packed with powerful anti-oxidants known as flavonoids.
C) Apple juice like wine helps delay the formation of artery clogging plaque.
D) Wines made out of apples are packed with blood thinning agents.
4. Arrange the phrases to form a meaningful sentence.
A. they could not release their contents
B. tests on herbal supplements
C. or were so badly made that
D. half did not contain their listed ingredients
E. taken to reduce cholesterol confirmed that
5. The passage is written by
A) an architect B) a historian C) a journalist D) a priest
6. For the word below, a contextual usage is provided. Pick the word from the
alternatives given that is most APPROPRIATE in the given context.
Ignominy: Only after committing the crime was he aware of the ignominy and shame
that it would bring to his family.
A) tranquillity B) satisfaction
C) embarrassment D) displeasure
*PGQP02* -5- PG-QP – 02
7. Four statements with blanks are given followed by four words. Choose the word that
fits the set of statements the maximum number of times.
1. Haggling always went against his _________
2. We must all share the _________ for this deplorable situation.
3. The prisoner proved his _________
4. There is not a _________ of truth in this rumour.
A) blame B) innocence C) wrong D) grain
8. In the below sentence, part/parts of the sentence is/are left blank. Choose the word
for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Consumption of _________ food and _________ physical activities among the
general public was contributing significantly to a greater incidence of heart disease
among the populace.
A) nutritious, strenuous B) unhygienic, desirable
C) junk, fewer D) delicious, restricted
9. Choose the grammatically correct and concise statement.
A) It is appalling the fact that so many children have to suffer at the hands of adults.
B) It is appalling that so many children have to suffer in the hands of adults.
C) It is appalling that so many children have to suffer at the hands of adults.
D) It is appealing that so many children have to suffer under the hands of adults.
10. Three out of four words below are related to each other in some way and hence form
a group. Find the odd one out.
A) Pineapple B) Guava C) Grapes D) Papaya
11. How many players are there on each side in the game of Basketball ?
A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7
12. Professor Amartya Sen is famous in which of the fields ?
A) Biochemistry B) Electronics C) Economics D) Geology
13. Shankaracharya, the founder of the Bhakti movement belonged to
A) Maharashtra B) Assam C) Bengal D) South India
14. Whose signature appears on ten-rupee currency note ?
A) Minister of Finance B) Governor, RBI
C) Secretary, Ministry of Finance D) Prime Minister
15. India’s longest road tunnel is located in the state of
A) Arunachal Pradesh B) Sikkim
C) Meghalaya D) Jammu and Kashmir
16. If 2p + 3q = 18 and 2p – q = 2, then 2p + q = ?
A) 6 B) 7 C) 8 D) 10
PG-QP – 02 -6- *PGQP02*
17. In an examination, 35% of total students failed in Hindi, 45% failed in English and
20% in both. Find the percentage of those who passed in both the subjects.
A) 35% B) 40% C) 45% D) 50%

18. How long will it take a sum of money invested at 5% p.a. simple interest to increase
its value by 40% ?
A) 5 years B) 6 years C) 7 years D) 8 years

19. A person has to pay 20% tax on first Rs. 4,500 earned, for amount earned between
Rs. 4,500 and Rs. 7,500 the tax is 25% and for the amount earned more than
Rs. 7,500, the tax is 30%. If he paid 23.33% of his income as tax, then what is his
A) Rs. 9,000 B) Rs. 8,500 C) Rs. 10,000 D) Rs. 10,500

20. A and B can do a piece of work in 45 days and 40 days respectively. They began to
do the work together but A leaves after some days and then B completed the remaining
work in 23 days. The number of days after which A left the work was
A) 6 B) 8 C) 9 D) 12

21. 5358 × 51 = ?
A) 273258 B) 273268 C) 273348 D) 273358

22. In a certain language, 36492 is written as SMILE and 058 is written as RUN. How
are the 90089 coded in that language ?

23. Pointing to an old man Kamal said. “His son is my son’s uncle.” How is the old man
related to Kamal ?
A) Brother B) Uncle C) Father D) Grandfather

24. Statements :
I. The State Government has announced special tax package for the new industries
to be set-up in the State.
II. Last year the State Government had hiked the taxes for all industrial activities in
the State.
A) Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
B) Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
C) Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
D) Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.

25. Constitution is to Amendment as Book is to .....?

A) Errata B) Contents C) Preface D) Acknowledgement
*PGQP02* -7- PG-QP – 02

26. Under which Section of I.P.C. sexual harassment is considered a criminal offence ?
A) 354 A B) 354 C C) 509 D) 326 A

27. Gang Rape is punishable under

A) 376 A B) 376 B C) 376 C D) 376 D

28. In which case did the Supreme Court of India propound the doctrine of “rarest of
rare” cases in relation to the Death Penalty ?
A) Nalini V. State of Tamil Nadu
B) Bachan Singh V. State of Punjab
C) Machi Singh V. State of Punjab
D) Mithu V. State of Punjab

29. Abolition of death penalty is provided under

B) Convention against Torture
C) Protocol I ICCPR
D) Protocol II ICCPR

30. Kidnapping for ransom is punishable under Section _____________ of I. P. C.

A) Section 366 B) Section 361
C) Section 366 A D) Section 364 A

31. Which one of the following is provided within UNDHR but not under ICCPR ?
A) Right to asylum
B) Right to non-refoulment
C) Right to privacy
D) Protection against ex-post -facto criminal laws

32. Stockdale V. Hansard pertains to

A) Judicial review B) Parliamentary privileges
C) Fair procedure D) Right to equality

33. Marbury V. Madison relates to

A) Personal liberty B) Due process of law
C) Judicial review D) Freedom of religion
PG-QP – 02 -8- *PGQP02*
34. “It is not essential to stand up while national anthem is played in the movie shown in
a cinema halls’ was held in
A) Bijoe Emmanuel V. State of Kerala
B) Shyam Narayan Chowksi V. Union of India
C) Jolly George V. State Bank of Cochin
D) Nila Behati Bahera V. State of Orissa

35. In which of the following cases Supreme Court recently approved centre‘s guidelines
to protect good Samaritans, who help road accident victims, from being harassed in
hospitals and police stations ?
B) Save Life Foundation and Anr V. U.O.I and Anr
C) Novartis V. U.O.I and Anr
D) Life Saving foundation and Anr V. U.O.I

36. Which of the following was adopted on 10th December apart from UNDHR ?
C) Convention against Torture D) Convention on Rights of Child

37. Which of the following was replaced by UN Human Rights Council ?

A) Economic and Social Council
B) Security Council
C) U.N Human Rights Committee
D) U.N Human Rights Commission

38. The judges of the ICJ are elected for a term of

A) 3 years B) 5 years
C) 9 years D) 10 years

39. The term ‘International Humanitarian law’ was coined by

A) Grotius B) Rousseau
C) Henry Dunant D) Jean Pictet

40. Under which Section of the IPC the term ‘good faith’ has been defined ?
A) 23 B) 40 C) 52 D) 176

41. Khulaah is a type of separation between spouses at the instance of

A) husband B) wife
C) mutual consent D) option of puberty
*PGQP02* -9- PG-QP – 02
42. Who has said, “the only right that a man possess is to perform his duty” ?
A) Bentham B) Duguit
C) Savigny D) Roscoe Pound

43. Jural co-relative of immunity is

A) Liability B) Disability C) Liberty D) Power

44. Special rights of domiciles of the state of J and K are secured under
A) Art. 370 B) Art. 35 A C) Art. 253 D) Art. 32

45. Which Article of the Indian Constitution is excluded from the purview of Art. 368 ?
A) Art. 35 A B) Art. 21 C) Art. 14 D) Art. 370

46. Which Article of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties provides that a state
cannot plead its domestic law as an excuse for non-fulfilment of treaty obligations ?
A) Art. 27 B) Art. 53 C) Art. 24 D) Art. 10

47. Caroline case provides limits to

A) Right to private defence B) Right to self defence
C) Right to personal liberty D) Freedom of expression

48. Who has mentioned that, tort is a violation of Right in Rem ?

A) Salmond B) Wenfield C) Fraser D) Pollock

49. The maximum period for which a person can be detained in police remand under
A) 5 days B) 10 days C) 15 days D) 20 days

50. The Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2016 increased the maternity leave available
to a working woman in case of first two children from 12 weeks to
A) 14 B) 15 C) 24 D) 26

51. Friendly relations with a foreign state became a ground for restriction of freedom of
expression through __________ amendment of the Constitution.
A) 1st amendment B) 13th amendment
C) 16th amendment D) 21st amendment

52. A.K Kraipak case pertains to

A) Audi Alteram Partum B) Delegatus non potes delegare
C) Nemo judex in causa sua D) Res judicata
PG-QP – 02 -10- *PGQP02*
53. Which one of the following is not included in the definition of an animal under
Wildlife Protection Act ?
A) Vermin B) Egg
C) Fossil D) Mammal

54. The acceptance must be absolute and unqualified has been provided under which
Section of the Indian Contract Act ?
A) Section 3 B) Section 7
C) Section 7 A D) Section 8

55. M. C. Mehta V Kamal Nath incorporated the following doctrine within Indian corpus
A) Class Action B) Polluter Pays Principle
C) Public Trust D) Precautionary Principle

56. Non-disclosure of identity of a rape victim was provided in

A) Delhi Domestic Working Women’s forum V. U.O.I
B) Vishaka V. State of Rajasthan
C) Chandrima Das V. Chairman Railway Board
D) Nirbhaya case

57. opinio juris stands for

A) opinion of a jurist B) juristic writing
C) psychological element of a custom D) ratio of a judgement

58. Which one of the regional conventions on Human Rights does not provide duties
along with rights ?
A) American Convention on Human Rights
B) African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights
C) European Convention on Human Rights
D) Arab Charter on Human Rights

59. Number of judges in the American regional court on Human Rights is

A) 7 B) 11 C) 15 D) 20

60. The term ‘procedure established by law’ in Art. 21 of Indian Constitution has been
borrowed from
A) Australian Constitution B) U.S. Constitution
C) Japanese Constitution D) German Constitution
*PGQP02* -11- PG-QP – 02
61. Even aliens are entitled to some rights provided under Part III of the Indian
Constitution was held in
A) Maneka Gandhi V. U.O.I
B) NHRC V. State of Arunachal Pradesh
C) Jolly George V. State Bank of Cochin
D) Francis Coralie Mullen V. U.O.I

62. The principle of “effective nationality” was laid down in

A) Lotus case B) Asylum case C) Lockerbie case D) Nottebohm case

63. The following amendment deleted the reference to privileges of House of Commons
from Art. 105 of the Constitution
A) 42 nd B) 44 th C) 51st D) 54 th

64. Lifting of the veil doctrine was laid down in

A) Solomon V. Solomon and Co. B) Bridges V. Hakesworth
C) Masjid Shahidgunj case D) Hannah V. Peel

65. Section 354 C of the IPC deals with

A) Stalking B) Voyeurism
C) Disrobing a women D) Trafficking of human beings

66. People have a right to know antecedents of their election candidate was provided in
A) Bandhua Mazdoor Mukti Morcha V. Union of India
B) Union of India V. Association of Democratic Reforms
C) State of U. P. V. Raj Narain
D) S. P. Gupta V. Union of India

67. There is no Fundamental Right for govt. employees to go on strike was laid down in
A) T. K. Rangarajan V. State of Tamil Nadu and Others
B) Armugam V. State of Tamil Nadu
C) Principal, Guntur Medical V. Y. Mohan Rao
D) T. M. A. Pai Foundation V. State of Kerala

68. Clean slate theory is associated with

A) State responsibility
B) State succession
C) Extradition
D) Relation between Municipal Law and International Law
PG-QP – 02 -12- *PGQP02*
69. Lombroso was associated with
A) International Law B) Criminology
C) Human Rights D) Interpretation

70. Theory of Justice has been written by

A) Bentham B) Justice Krishna Ayer
C) John Rawls D) Salmond

71. While elaborating his theory of law ‘Paterfamilias’ is a term used by

A) Savigny B) Austin
C) Roscoe Pound D) Maine

72. Which one of the following is not associated with social contract theory ?
A) Hobbes B) Locke
C) Rousseau D) Luther

73. Exclusive Economic Zone is a term used in

A) International Trade Law
B) Public International Law
C) Law Relating to Foreign Investments
D) Labour and Industrial Law

74. Bovine Slaughter is a crime

A) In India
B) In the State of J and K only
C) In whole of India Except the State of J and K
D) In the State of U. P. Only

75. Triple Talaq is

A) Talaqul Sunnah B) Talqul Biddah
C) Judicial Separation D) Option of Puberty

76. A writ of certiorari may be issued on the following ground/s

A) Absence of Excess of Jurisdiction
B) Error of Law apparent on the face of the record
C) Violation of the principles of Natural Justice
D) All of the above
*PGQP02* -13- PG-QP – 02
77. In which case did the Supreme Court devise the method of filing ‘curative petitions’?
A) Minnerva Mills V. Union of India
B) S. P.Gupta V. Union of India
C) Rupa Ashok Hurra V. Ashok Hurra
D) Bharat Bank Ltd. V. Employees

78. Which Article of the Constitution of India declares that “The Law declared by the
Supreme Court shall be binding on all courts within the territory of India ?
A) Article 141 B) Article 142
C) Article 143 D) Article 144

79. Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, embodies the principle of
res judicata ?
A) Section 10 B) Section 11 C) Section 12 D) Section 13

80. Which among the following writs is issued to the ‘usurper of a public office’ ?
A) Habeas corpus B) Mandamus C) Quo Warranto D) Prohibition

81. Desertion may come to an end in the following way/s

A) Resumption of Cohabitation B) Supervening animus revertendi
C) Both (A) and (B) D) None of these

82. In which judgment did the Supreme Court uphold the constitutional validity of
Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 related to the restitution of conjugal
A) T. Sareetha V. T. Venkata Subbaih B) Bhagwat V. Bhagwat
C) Dastane V. Dastane D) Saroj Rani V. Sudarshan

83. Which provision under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 deals with the Bars to
Matrimonial Relief ?
A) Section 10 B) Section 12
C) Section 22 D) Section 23

84. Who among the following is not a Class I Heir under the Hindu Succession Act,
1956 ?
A) Father B) Mother C) Widow D) Son

85. According to the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 a minor is a person
who has not completed the age of ______________years.
A) 14 B) 15 C) 16 D) 18
PG-QP – 02 -14- *PGQP02*
86. Which among the following sources of Muslim Law literally means ‘Consensus of
Opinions ?
A) Qiyas B) Ijma
C) Istislah D) Ijtihad

87. Islam places a restriction on the testator’s power so that he was not allowed to
bequeath more than ____________of his estate.
A) One Half B) One Third
C) One Fourth D) One Eighth

88. Which among the following kinds of hurt can be designated as ‘grievous’ under
Section 320 of the Indian Penal Code ?
A) Emasculation
B) Fracture or Dislocation of a bone or tooth
C) Permanent disfiguration of the head or face
D) All of these

89. In which case did the Supreme Court lay down the ‘Triple Test’ for the purpose of
defining an ‘industry’ under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 ?
A) Bangalore Water Supply and Sewage Board V. A. Rajjapa
B) Safdurgung Hospital V. K. S. Sethi
C) Delhi University V. Ram Nath
D) Cricket Club of India V. Bombay

90. Which among the following provisions in the Indian Penal Code deals with the
offence of ‘Criminal Elopement’ ?
A) Section 493 B) Section 494
C) Section 497 D) Section 498

91. In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court lay down that the “Right to
Life does not include the Right to Die”?
A) P.Rathinam V Union of India
B) Maruti Shripati Dubal V. State of Maharashtra
C) Gian Kaur V Union of India
D) K.M.Nanavati V State of Maharashtra

92. Which Chapter of the Indian Penal Code deals with the ‘offences affecting the Human
Body’ ?
A) Chapter X B) Chapter XI C) Chapter XV D) Chapter XVI
*PGQP02* -15- PG-QP – 02
93. Who is credited with having formulated the volksgeist theory in relation to the
Historical Approach ?
A) Maine B) Savigny
C) Duguit D) None of the above

94. The Spirit of Roman Law is a work of

A) Ihering B) Ehrlich
C) Holland D) Bentham

95. “The aim of social engineering is to build as efficient a structure of society as

possible”, the statement has been given by
A) Blackstone B) Julius Stone
C) Roscoe Pound D) Mill

96. Who among the following jurists represented the ‘Scandinavian Realism’ ?
A) Hagerstrom B) Olivercrona
C) Ross D) All of These

97. In the words of _______________, “The Principle of legitimacy is restricted by the

principle of effectiveness”.
A) Hans Kelsen B) Austin
C) Hart D) Bodenheimer

98. Who wrote the book “Taking Right Seriously” ?

A) R. Dwozkin B) Lon Fuller
C) H. I. A. Hart D) Justice Holmes

99. Which provision under the Indian Contract Act 1872 provides the definition of
Contract ?
A) Section 2(a) B) Section 2(b)
C) Section 2(d) D) Section 2(h)

100. What does the expression consensus ad idem imply ?

A) Common Intention
B) Meeting of the Minds
C) Theme of Contract
D) Common Purpose
PG-QP – 02 -16- *PGQP02*


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