Summary: Part Five, Chapter III - The Royal House of Athens

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Summary: Part Five, Chapter III —The Royal House of Athens

Hamilton takes these stories from Latin poets, largely Ovid, but also borrows
from the Greek tragedians, which increases the stories’ pathos and reduces
their sensationalism and gory detail. The Royal House of Athens is notable in
the number and degree of supernatural feats that befall its members. The
ancestor is Cecrops, who in some cases is a magical half-man, half-dragon
creature. Cecrops is said to have chosen Athena over Poseidon to be the
protector of Athens. The angered Poseidon floods the land, and the men of
Athens, who have voted for the god, take the vote away from the more
numerous women. In other stories, Cecrops is merely the son of Erechtheus,
a great Athenian king. Erechtheus has two sisters, Procne and Philomela.
Procne is married to Tereus, a son of Ares. When Tereus sees the lovely
Philomela, he seduces her into a false marriage by telling her that Procne has
died. When Philomela learns the truth, Tereus cuts out her tongue and
imprisons her to prevent her from telling anyone. He then tells Procne that
Philomela has died. But Philomela weaves a beautiful tapestry as a gift for her
sister and secretly embroiders into it the story of her troubles. Procne then
rescues her sister and, for revenge, kills Itys—her son with Tereus—and
cooks him and serves him to his father. The women escape, but Tereus
pursues. As he is about to catch them, the gods take pity on the women and
turn them into birds: Procne becomes the beautiful singing nightingale, the
tongueless Philomela into the songless swallow.
Erechtheus also has a daughter, Procris, who is married to Cephalus. Just
after their wedding, Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, falls in love with
Cephalus and kidnaps him. He resists her advances and finally she gives up
but not before spitefully planting the suggestion that his wife may not have
been faithful as he has. To test it, Cephalus returns home disguised as a
stranger and repeatedly tries to seduce Procris, but she always remains
faithful to her missing husband. One day, however, she briefly hesitates
before rejecting his advances. He becomes angry and reveals his deception,
and Procris runs away, furious. Realizing his error, Cephalus follows and
apologizes. The two reunite, but tragedy strikes again later when, while
hunting, Cephalus accidentally kills Procris with his javelin.
Two of Procris’s sisters also have tragic love stories. One, Orithyia, wins the
heart of Boreas, the North Wind. Her family opposes the marriage, but Boreas
carries the girl off. Creüsa is kidnapped and raped by Apollo. Shamed at the
encounter, she bears their baby boy in secret and leaves him to die in the
same cave where Apollo assaulted her. Creüsa later feels guilty and goes to
retrieve him, but he has vanished. Her father, meanwhile, has married her to a
man named Xuthus. Unable to conceive a child, the pair go to the Oracle at
Delphi for advice. While Xuthus confers with one of the priests, Creüsa
speaks to a beautiful young priest named Ion, wanting to ask, out of Xuthus’s
earshot, what happened to the baby she abandoned. Xuthus suddenly
appears and hugs Ion, saying that Apollo has told him that Ion will become his
own son. An older priestess reveals that she found Ion as a baby, wrapped in
a cloak and veil. Creüsa recognizes the garments as her own and realizes
that Ion is her son. Athena then appears and confirms this revelation,
announcing that Ion will one day become a great king of Athens.

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