Semester Vi Ec 1601 Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation

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Module I.
Introduction- Measurements- Monitoring, Control, Analysis. Instruments- Transducer, Signal Conditioner and
Transmitter, Display/Recording Devices. Static characteristics of Instruments. Estimation of Static errors and
reliability-errors, types of errors, probability of errors, limiting errors, Reliability Principles. Dynamic characteristics
of Instruments- Transfer function-Zero, first and second order instruments-Dynamic response of first and second
order Instruments.

Module II.
Transducers and Sensors: Transducers- active and passive, Magnetic effect based Transducers. - Selection Criteria-
Smart Sensors and IEEE 1451 Standard. Temperature measurements-RTD, Thermocouples. Displacement
Measurement- Strain Measurement-Pressure Measurement- Measurement of acceleration, force, and Torque. LVDT.
Piezo-electric transducers. Bridge measurements:-dc bridges for low, medium and high resistance-ac bridges for
capacitance and inductance. Sources of error in bridge circuits- Precautions. Vector impedance meter. Multimeters: -
Principles of analog and digital multimeter.

Module III.
Signal generators: - Sine-wave Generators-AF and RF Signal Generators- Non-sinusoidal Generators, Function
generator- Sweep frequency generator- Frequency synthesizers. Digital Signal Generators- Arbitrary Wave form
Generator, Arbitrary Function generator, Data Generator. Signal analyzers-Wave Analyzer –Harmonic Distortion
Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer. FFT Analyzer, Vector Analyzer, Logic Analyzer. Digital storage oscilloscope
(DSO).Recording instruments- Strip chart recorders, x-y- recorders.

Module IV.
Industrial Instrumentation: Basis of Pressure measurements, Flow measurements and Level Measurement. Data
Acquisition System- Telemetry- characteristics and different types. Industrial Communication Techniques-OSI Net
Work Model, Network Topologies, Interface Standards- RS 232, RS 422, RS 423, RS 485, IEEE 488 (GPIB),
HART, Ethernet or CSMA/CD. Virtual instrumentation Systems- What It is, Problem to Tackle. Instrumentation in
Hazardous Areas.

1 Arun K Ghosh, Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation, PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 3/e, 2010.
2 M.M.S Anand, Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation technology, PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, India,
3 Oliver-Cage, Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill,2008
4 Albert D.Helfrick and W.D.Cooper, Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques,
PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 2011.
5 H S. KALSI, Electronic Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill,3/e
6 D. Patranabis ,Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill,3/e,2010
7 K. Padmanabhan, S. Ananthi, A Treatise on Instrumentation Engineering, Ik International, Pvt. Ltd.
8 C.S. Rangan, G.R. Sharma ,VSV Mani, Instrumentation Devices and Systems , Tata McGraw Hill,
9 D. Patranabis, Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, 1/e, 2011.
10 BC. Nakara, KK Chaudhary, Instrumentation Measurements and Analysis. Tata McGraw Hill.
11 Ernest O Doebelin,Dhanesh N Manik,Doeblins’s Measurements System,6/e,2011,McGrawHill

Type of Questions for University Examination

Q1. Eight short answer questions of 5 marks each with two questions from each of the four modules.
Q2 to Q5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each module with option to answer either A or B.

Module I
Introduction to microwaves - frequency range, significance, applications; Guided waves: TE, TM, TEM waves,
Velocities of propagation; Transmission line theory: Lumped element circuit model, Transmission line parameters,
Transmission Line equations, Characteristic impedance, Input impedance of a Lossless Line, short circuited and
open circuited lines, Standing Waves, Reflection Coefficient, VSWR, Impedance matching devices – Quarter wave
transformer, Stub matching, Smith Chart and its applications; Waveguides - Rectangular Waveguide: TE waves, TM
waves, dominant and degenerate modes, Impossibility of TEM waves in wave guides; Excitation of modes in
Rectangular Waveguides; Planar Transmission lines: Strip lines, Microstrip lines, Slot lines and Coplanar lines.

Module II
Scattering matrix - Concept of N port scattering matrix representation - Properties of S matrix- S matrix formulation
of two-port junction; Microwave Passive devices - Tee junctions – E plane Tee, H plane Tee, Magic Tee, Rat race,
Two hole directional coupler, Isolator, Circulator, Phase shifter, Attenuator, Power divider; S matrix of E plane Tee,
H plane Tee, Magic Tee, Directional coupler, Circulator only; Microwave Resonators: Transmission line resonators
– λ/2 and λ/4 resonators, Rectangular and Circular Cavity resonators - Resonant frequency and Q factor, Cavity
excitation and tuning, Coupled cavities; Microstrip resonators – Disc and ring resonators

Module III
Microwave filters – Filter implementation at Microwave frequencies, Low Pass Butterworth and Chebyshev Filter
design by Insertion loss method and implementation using discrete components, Design of Stepped impedance
Butterworth and Chebyshev Low Pass filters.
Microwave measurements and applications: Measurement of Power, VSWR, frequency, wavelength, insertion loss,
impedance and attenuation; Basic concepts of Network Analyzer and Anechoic chamber; Applications of
Microwaves - ISM applications, Microwave radiation hazards.

Module IV
Solid state microwave devices:- Diodes – Principle of operation and applications of Crystal diode, PIN diode,
Varactor diode, Tunnel diode, Gunn diode and Avalanche Transit time devices; Basic principle of operation of
parametric amplifiers, Manley-Rowe power relations, Negative resistance amplifiers; Microwave tubes - High
frequency limitations – Structure and Principle of operation of Two Cavity Klystron, Reflex Klystron, Traveling
Wave Tube Amplifier, Magnetron Oscillator (detailed mathematical analysis not needed), Characteristics of
Microwave Transistors – FET and BJT.

1. David.M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, John Wiley, 2/e, 2003.
2. Samuel Y Liao, Microwave Devices & Circuits, Pearson Education, 3/e, 2003.
3. Jordan and Balmain, Electromagnetic waves and Radiating systems, PHI Ltd, 2/e, 2010.
4. Peter A. Rizzi, Microwave Engineering – Passive circuits, PHI Ltd, 1/e, 2010.
5. Robert E. Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engineering, Wiley India, 2/e, 2009.
6. Annapurna Das and Sisir K Das, Microwave Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 2/e, 2009.
7. Herbert J.Reich, Microwave Principles, Affiliated East-West Press Limited.

Type of Questions for University Examination

Q1. Eight short answer questions of 5 marks each with two questions from each of the four modules.
Q2 to Q5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each module with option to answer either A or B.

Module I
VLSI process integration: fundamental considerations in IC processing - NMOS IC technology - CMOS IC
technology- n-well process, p-well process, twin-tub process, silicon on insulator - Ion implantation in IC
Second order MOS device effects: short-channel effect, narrow width effect, sub-threshold current, field dependent
carrier mobility, device saturation characteristics, drain punch through, hot electron effect.

Module II
Switch logic- pass transistors and transmission gates, Gate logic - The basic inverter using NMOS - pull up to pull
down ratio- transfer characteristics- Alternate forms of pull up. CMOS logic – inverter, NAND, NOR, 0 compound
gates - CMOS inverter DC characteristics. Design rules and Layout of static MOS circuits: general principles &
steps of lay-out design - use of stick diagrams – NMOS and CMOS design rules - Layout examples of inverter,
NAND and NOR - Interlayer contacts, butting and buried contacts - use of layout tools like MICROWIND for
integrated circuits.

Module III
Circuit characterization and performance estimation: resistance estimation - sheet resistance, capacitance estimation
- Switching characteristics of CMOS inverter- rise time, fall time, delay time, delay unit, inverter delays - driving
large capacitive loads - cascaded inverters, super buffers, BiCMOS drivers. Scaling of MOS circuits: scaling models
and scaling factors for device parameters, limitations of scaling.

Module IV
Timing issues in VLSI system design: timing classification- synchronous timing basics – skew and jitter- latch based
clocking- self timed circuit design - self timed logic, completion signal generation, self timed signaling–
synchronizers and arbiters.


1. Weste and Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design-A Systems Perspective, Pearson Education
2. Jan M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, B. Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits- A Design perspective, Pearson
education, 2/e,2003
3. Douglas A Pucknell, Kamran Eshraghian , Basic VLSI Design, Prentice Hall India, 3/e,2010
4. S M Sze, VLSI Technology, Mc Graw Hill, 2/e,2003
5. Wolf, Modern VLSI Design-System- on -Chip Design, Pearson Education, 3/e,2002
6. Mead & Conway , Introduction to VLSI System Design , Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1980
7. Fabricius, Introduction to VLSI Design, McGraw-Hill, 1990
8. Thomas E. Dillinger , VLSI Engineering , PHI,
9. Charles H Roth Jr ,Fundamentals of Logic Design , Jaico Publishers,5/e
10. A. Albert Raj and T. Latha, VLSI Design, PHI Learning private limited, 2008,ISBN-976-61-203-3431-1

Type of Questions for University Examination

Q1. Eight short answer questions of 5 marks each with two questions from each of the four modules.
Q2 to Q5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each module with option to answer either A or B.

Module I
Entropy and Loss-less Source Coding: Entropy, Entropy of discrete random variables- Joint, conditional and relative
entropy- Chain rule for entropy, Mutual information and conditional mutual information, Relative entropy and
mutual Information
Lossless source coding- Discrete Memory-less sources, Uniquely decodable codes- Instantaneous codes- Kraft's
inequality – Average codeword length, Optimal codes- Huffman coding, Arithmetic Coding, Lemplel-Ziv Coding,
Shannon's Source Coding Theorem.

Module II
Channel Capacity and Coding Theorem: Channel Capacity- Discrete memory-less channels (DMC) and channel
transition probabilities, Capacity computation for simple channels- Shannon’s Channel Coding Theorem, Converse
of Channel Coding Theorem
Continuous Sources and Channels: Differential Entropy- Mutual information- Waveform channels- Gaussian
channels- Shannon-Harley Theorem, Shannon limit, efficiency of digital modulation schemes-power limited and
bandwidth limited systems.

Module III
Introduction to linear algebra- vector spaces-matrices. Coding – linear block codes-generator matrices-parity check
matrices-encoder-syndrome and error correction-minimum distance-error correction and error detection capabilities-
BCH codes-description-coding & decoding –Reed Solomon codes-coding & decoding cyclic codes-coding and

Module IV
Convolutional codes-encoder -state diagram-distance properties-maximum likelihood decoding-viterbi decoding-
sequential decoding interleaved convolutional codes-Turbo coding- coding & decoding -Trellis coding- coding &
decoding- Low-Density Parity check (LDPC) codes.


1. John P Proakis&Salehi Digital Communication, McGrawHill,5/e, 2008, ISBN 9780070591172

2. Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, Wiley India, ISBN
3. Shu Lin and Daniel. J. Costello Jr, Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and applications, Pearson
India, 2/e.
4. Richard B Wells, Applied Coding and Information Theory , Pearson Education ,2009
5. J C Moreira Essentials of Error Control Coding Wiley India ,2006 ,ISBN 9788126528691
6. Bernard Sklar, Digital Communication Fundamentals and applications ,Pearson education , 2006
7. B. P. Lathi, Modern Digital and analog Communication Systems, Oxford University Press, 3/e
8. Ranjan Bose, Information Theory ,Coding and Cryptography ,Tata McGraw-Hill ,2/e, 2008

Type of Questions for University Examination

Q1. Eight short answer questions of 5 marks each with two questions from each of the four modules.
Q2 to Q5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each module with option to answer either A or B.

Module 1
General schematic diagram of control systems - open loop and closed loop systems – concept of feedback -
modeling of continuous time systems – Review of Laplace transform - transfer function - block diagrams – signal
flow graph - mason's gain formula - block diagram reduction using direct techniques and signal flow graphs -
examples - derivation of transfer function of simple systems from physical relations - low pass RC filter - RLC
series network - spring mass damper.

Module II
Analysis of continuous time systems - time domain solution of first order systems – time constant - time domain
solution of second order systems - determination of response for standard inputs using transfer functions - steady
state error - concept of stability - Routh- Hurwitz techniques - construction of bode diagrams - phase margin - gain
margin - construction of root locus - polar plots and theory of Nyquist criterion - theory of lag, lead and lag-lead

Module III
Basic elements of a discrete time control system - sampling - sample and hold - Examples of sampled data systems –
pulse transfer function - Review of Z-transforms - system function - mapping between s plane and z plane - analysis
of discrete time systems –- examples - stability - Jury's criterion - bilinear transformation – stability analysis after
bilinear transformation - Routh-Hurwitz techniques - construction of bode diagrams - phase margin - gain margin -
digital redesign of continuous time systems.

Module IV
Introduction to the state variable concept - state space models - phase variable and diagonal forms from time domain
- diagonalization - solution of state equations - homogenous and non homogenous cases - properties of state
transition matrix - state space representation of discrete time systems - solution techniques - relation between
transfer function and state space models for continuous and discrete cases - relation between poles and Eigen values
– Controllability and observability.

1. Dorf R.C. & Bishop R.H., Modern Control Systems, Addison Wesley,9/e,2001
2. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering Prentice Hall of India , 5/e, 2010
3. Norman S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering John Wiley and Sons Inc,4/e, ISBN 9788126510979
4. Kuo B.C., Digital Control Systems, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 2/e,2007
5. Ogata K., Discrete Time Control Systems, Pearson Education, 2001
6. Nagarath I.J. &Gopal M., Control System Engineering, Wiley Eastern Ltd,1995
7. ZiemerR.E.,Tranter W.H&FaninD.R ,Signals and Systems, Pearson Education Asia
8. J Wilkie, M Johnson, R katebi, Control Engineering an Introductory Course, Palgrave 2002
9. G. Frankline, J David Powell, A E Naeini, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Pearson Education 5/e,
10. Kuo B C &Golnaraghi ,Automatic Control Systems 8/e, 2003, Wiley India, ISBN 9788126513710
11. Gopal, Control System principles and design McGrawhill,3/e

Type of Questions for University Examination

Q1. Eight short answer questions of 5 marks each with two questions from each of the four modules.
Q2 to Q5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each module with option to answer either A or B.
Module I
Overview of optical communication systems, History of optical communications, Wave theory of light, Reflection
and refraction of plane waves; Optical waveguides Planar waveguides, Characteristics of optical fibers , numerical
aperture, Wave propagation in multimode and single-mode optical fibers, Coupling into and out of fibers,
attenuation, group-velocity dispersion, optical nonlinearities, polarization-mode dispersion.dispersionshifted and
polarization maintaining fiber

Module II
Optical sources and transmitters: Optical sources, Physics of light emission and amplification in semiconductors, -
direct and indirect band gap materials-LED structures- quantum efficiency- modulation. Laser diodes- rate
equations- diode structure- single mode laser-modulation- temperature effects- quantum cascade lasers-vertical
cavity surface emitting lasers- modal noise- partition noise- reflection noise. Light coupling-source to fiber
coupling.Photo detectors-PIN, APD, Photo detector noise - response time- structure of detectors- receiver units.

Module III
Components of fiber optic networks: – couplers - splitters- semiconductor optical amplifiers- Erbium doped fiber
amplifiers- wavelength division multiplexers/ demultiplexers. Filters- isolators-circulators-optical switches-
Wavelength converters- Fiber gratings tunable sources-tunable filters.

Module IV
Dispersion in optical communication systems, Dispersion in single-mode and multimode fibers, Dispersion-induced
pulse broadening in single-mode fiber, coherent & non coherent detection, channel capacity, various limits of
transmission rate- Optical link design, Power and noise budget, Jitter and rise time budgets.


1. Gerd Kaiser , Optical fiber communication, McGraw Hill ,4/e, 2007, ISBN 9780070648104
2. John M. Senior, Optical fiber Communication, Pearson Education India, 3/e
3. John Gowar, Optical communication systems, Prentice Hall Inc, 1984
4. Mynbaev and Scheiner, Fiber optic communications technology, Pearson Education, 2001
5. Ray Tricker, Optoelectronics and Fiber Optic Technology, Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd, 2006
6. Joachim Piprek, Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd, 2005
7. Govind P. Agrawal, Fiber-Optic Communication Systems, Wiley India, 3/e
8. Max Ming-Kang Liu, Principles and applications of optical communications, McGraw hill,1/e,2010
9. Kasap, Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and Practices ,Pearson Education ,2009 ,ISBN

Type of Questions for University Examination

Q1. Eight short answer questions of 5 marks each with two questions from each of the four modules.
Q2 to Q5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each module with option to answer either A or B.

Module I
Digital Image Fundamentals: Representation of digital image -Elements of visual perception – Image sampling
and quantization- Basic relationship between pixels.
Review of Matrix Theory: Row and column ordering-Toeplitz, Circulant and Block Matrices
Image Transforms: 2D DFT, Hadamard, Haar, DCT, Wavelet Transforms.

Module II
Image Enhancement: Spatial domain methods: Basic Gray Level Transformations-Histogram Processing:
Equalization and specification- Fundamentals of Spatial Filtering: Smoothing, Sharpening spatial filters. Frequency
domain methods: low pass filtering, high pass filtering, homomorphic filtering.

Module III
Image segmentation: Detection of discontinuities: Point Line and Edge Detection - Edge linking and boundary
detection - Hough transform – Thresholding - Region based segmentation: Region growing-Region splitting and
merging - Use of motion in segmentation.
Representation and Description: Representation, Boundary Descriptors: Shape numbers, Fourier descriptors,
statistical moments - Regional Descriptors: Topological descriptors, texture.

Module IV
Image Restoration: Degradation Model- Restoration in the presence of Noise only-Spatial Filtering - Periodic
Noise reduction by frequency domain filtering- Linear position Invariant degradations-Estimating the degradation
function- Inverse filtering - Wiener filter - Constrained Least squares filtering.
Fundamentals of Colour image processing: Colour models - RGB, CMY, YIQ, HIS - Pseudo colour
image processing - intensity slicing, gray level to color transformation.

1. Gonzalez and Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education,3/e, 2008
2. Anil K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall India, 2010
3. William K Pratt, Digital Image Processing, John Wiley and Sons, 4/e, 2007

Type of Questions for University Examination

Q1. Eight short answer questions of 5 marks each with two questions from each of the four modules.
Q2 to Q5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each module with option to answer either A or B.

Module I
Introduction: Hardware Abstraction- Basic Terminology- Entity Declaration- Architecture Body- Basic Language
Elements –Identifiers- Data Objects- Data Types- Operators. Example designs: Basic Combinational Circuits.
Behavioural Modelling: Process Statement- Variable Assignment Statement- Signal Assignment Statement- Wait
Statement- If Statement - Case Statement- Null Statement- Loop Statement- Exit Statement- Next Statement-
Assertion Statement- Report Statement- Other Sequential Statements- Multiple Processes

Module II
Dataflow Modelling: Concurrent Signal Assignment Statement- Concurrent versus Sequential Signal Assignment-
Multiple Drivers- Conditional Signal Assignment Statement- Modelling of Basic Binary Arithmetic Circuits,
Sequential Circuits, Registers.
Structural Modelling: Component Declaration- Component Instantiation- Resolving Signal Values - Generics-

Module III
Subprograms- Subprogram Overloading- Operator Overloading- Signatures- Packages and Libraries. Models of
Advanced Features: Generate Statements- Aliases- Attributes.
Model Simulation: Simulation- Writing a Test Bench- Reading Vectors from a Text File.
Modelling Delays- State Machine Modelling.

Module IV
CPLDs and FPGA: FPGA types- FPGA versus custom VLSI- FPGA based system design
FPGA programming technologies: antifuse-static RAM-EPROM-EEPROM.
FPGA families: Actel- Actel1 logic module, Xilinx- xilinx LCAXC3000CLB, Altera-Altera FLEX logic element.
Logic expander.


1. S S Limaye,VHDL – A Design Oriented Approach,TMH,2008,ISBN: 13: 978-0-07-064825-8, ISBN: 10:

2. Micheal John Sebastian Smith, Application Specific Integrated Circuits,Pearson,2001,ISBN: 978-81-
3. Gaganpreet Kaur, VHDL basics to programming, Pearson,2011
4. Stephen Brown,Zvonko Vranesic ,Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design with VHDL,TMH,2/e,2007
5. Cyril, Fundamentals of HDL Design,Pearson,2009,ISBN: 978-81-317-3247-2
6. Mark Zwolonski,Digital System Design with VHDL,Pearson,2/e,2004
7. Zainalabedin Navabi, VHDL Modular Design and Synthesis of Cores and Systems, TMH,3/e,2008
8. Douglas L. Perry, VHDL Programming by Example,TMH,4/e,2002
9. John F Wakerly, Digital Design Principles and Practices,Pearson,4/e,2008

Type of Questions for University Examination

Q1. Eight short answer questions of 5 marks each with two questions from each of the four modules.
Q2 to Q5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each module with option to answer either A or B.

Module I
Introduction to nano Electronics, Top down and bottom-up approach- classical particles- waves quantum particles-
Quantum mechanics of Electron – Time dependentshordinger equation - Probability density- Free and confined
Electron- finite potential well- Electron in a periodic potential well- kronig and penny model- Band theory

Module II
The physics of low dimensional structures - basic properties of two dimensional semiconductor nanostructures,
square quantum wells of finite depth, parabolic and triangular quantum wells - -Tunneling Junction- resonant
tunneling - coulomb blockade

Module III
Review of density of states-Semiconductor hector junction - Quantum well – Nano wires and quantum wires -
Quantum dots and nanoparticles, Fabrication Techniques. Carrier transport in nano devices-Ballistic transport.
Transport of spin- spintronic devices.

Module IV
Nanoelectonic devices and systems - MODFETS, heterojunction bipolar transistors, resonant tunnel effect, RTD,
RTT, hot electron transistors, Carbon nanotube transistor, heterostructure semiconductor laser, quantum well laser,
quantum dot LED, quantum dot laser, quantum well optical modulator, quantum well sub band photo detectors,


1. G W Hanson ,Fundamental of nano electronics Pearson education ,2009, ISBN 9788131726792

2. M Duart, R J Martin, F Agullo Rueda Nano Technology for Micro electronics and optoElectronics,
Elsevier ,2006
3. J.M. Martinez-Duart, R.J. Martin Palma, F. Agulle Rueda Nanotechnology for Microelectronics and
optoelectronics, Elsevier, 2006.
4. W.R. Fahrner, Nanotechnology and Nan electronics, Springer, 2005
5. SupriyoDutta, Quantum Transport- Atom to transistor, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
6. K goser, P Glosekotter, J. Dienstuhl ,Nano Electronics and Nano Systems,Springer ,2005
7. J JRamsden, Nano-Technology An introduction ,Elsevier ,2011
8. T Pradeep, Nano : the essentials McGraw Hill Education ,2007

Type of Questions for University Examination

Q1. Eight short answer questions of 5 marks each with two questions from each of the four modules.
Q2 to Q5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each module with option to answer either A or B.

1. Familiarization of Signal processing tool box-MATLAB

2. Familiarization of DSP trainer kit (Sampling & reconstruction of signals)


1. Generation of basic input signals ( both discrete & continuous)

2. DFT and spectral analysis - computation of DFT, properties of DFT

3. Convolution

4. Correlation

5. Digital filter design- FIR & IIR Filters

6. FFT

7. Spectral estimation

The above experiments should be done using MATLAB and DSP Trainer Kit. The student should be able to apply the
above tools in a small application.


1.Vinay.K.Ingle, John G. Proakis, Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB, Thomson, 1/e, 2003
2. Dr.Shailendra Jain, Modelling and Simulation using MATLAB – Simulink, 1/e, 2011

Note : 50 % marks is earmarked for continuous evaluation, and 50 % marks for end semester examination to be
assessed by two examiners .A candidate shall secure a minimum of 50 % marks in the aggregate and 50 % minimum
in the end semester examination for a pass.

1. Active Filters - Band Pass, Band reject (II order Butterworth)-Magnitude and phase characteristics, Q-
2. Amplitude modulation - frequency modulation
3. Balanced modulator
4. PLL characteristics and demodulation using PLL
5. AM generation and demodulation using OP-AMPs and IC multipliers
6. PAM .modulator and demodulator
7. PWM modulator and Demodulator
8. PPM modulator and Demodulator.

SPICE: Simulation of experiments listed above using CAD tools

(It is desirable to carry out the implementation followed by simulation)

Note : 50 % marks is earmarked for continuous evaluation, and 50 % marks for end semester examination to be
assessed by two examiners .A candidate shall secure a minimum of 50 % marks in the aggregate and 50 % minimum
in the end semester examination for a pass.

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