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Programme taught in English at the Raleigh, Paris, Suzhou

and Belo Horizonte campuses.
This MSc is accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles

INTAKES: January & August (Raleigh)

January & September (Paris, Suzhou)
September (Belo Horizonte)

Global and multi-campus with immersion in local

business environments in France, China, the USA and Brazil
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The teaching approach is applied and participatory: real projects with
businesses are carried out so students are operational, employable
With the MSc in International Business, you will take a decisive step managers by the time they graduate.
in your international career. Students on this MSc will understand the challenges and issues
associated with sharing knowledge and innovation across borders
Graduates are easily employable in a broad range of firms and and continents. The programme strikes the balance between practical
organisations from born-global start-ups, exporting SMEs and business applications and cutting-edge research and ideas.
multinational companies, b2b and b2c, to international government
agencies and NGOs. The hiring companies are from diverse sectors: Core courses provide the knowledge to survive in the global
consulting, manufacturing, banking and insurance, logistics... An MSc knowledge economy:
IB graduate may work as an international product manager, business how firms decide to go abroad and manage their
operations manager, international business development manager, internationalisation process
export-area sales manager, global account manager, international how industries change and firms compete
sourcing manager, international purchaser, strategic consultant, how markets should be managed and financial decisions made
international project manager etc. how to cope with diversity and legal issues.
Graduates of this MSc can offer companies their competences in:
Understanding the legal, economic, business, and cultural issues of
internationalisation, WHY CHOOSE THIS PROGRAMME
Addressing the impacts of cultural, administrative, political,
geographical, economic distance on developing business abroad, Business is in a phase of unprecedented internationalisation. This
Using methods and tools for analysis and evaluation of MSc will prepare you for it.
international contexts, and conducting the process of business The programme is well suited to students with a broad range of
internationalisation, backgrounds, nationalities, qualifications and experience. Thanks
Managing multiculturalism & diversity. to its localisation in four different countries (France, USA, China
and Brazil), it enhances your international exposure and gives you
the opportunity to learn more about the main internationalisation
PROGRAMME OUTLINE issues and challenges in each country.
The philosophy is to embed the programme in the ecosystem of
Our one-year multi-campus programme is designed for future global each location. This will offer you a real global experience and will
business leaders, providing students with the necessary general help you to acquire a strong knowledge in international business
management and multicultural skills and knowledge. Each semester, and also to learn more about each location when moving from one
students can study at a different SKEMA campus in Asia, Europe or campus to another.
America; this means students gain real exposure and experience in Our international faculty members have both strong academic and
different markets. professional experience and their teaching is built on the latest
research works and is closely connected to real-world business
The same disciplines are taught in each campus, with strong situations.
contextualisation relevant to the location.

Our professors come from all around the globe. They are
entrepreneurs, innovators, research directors, CEOs, VPs of
marketing, directors of finance; and they have worldwide reputations
in their fields.
Classes are small enough to allow for close personal contact with
teachers and classmates. In recent years, MSc IB classes have been
made up of students of some 25, or so, countries.

Admission contacts
French students International students
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1 (919) 535-5701 - China: +86.512.6260.2865
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn

MSc Programme taught in English at the Raleigh, Paris, Suzhou

and Belo Horizonte campuses


The formation of the Single European Market and its recent This programme offers total immersion in the US at Raleigh, one of
enlargement meant that Europe became the largest trading bloc in the country’s most important science parks and academic centres.
the world with a population of more than 540 million people, making Students are based in Raleigh’s world-class academic environment;
it a powerful competitive force in the global market. The SEM has they study with American students and learn from professors who
greatly enhanced market opportunities because regional integration come from all over the world. The professors are also practising
precedes and maintains the globalisation of economies and firms. professionals in their areas of expertise. This learning experience
encompasses a wide range of strategic and technical knowledge
Our programme is a unique opportunity for European and in trade with and from the Americas (import-export project,
non-European students to become specialists of this economic international market research study…).
area and to customise a global international learning programme Theoretical concepts, in this integrative learning programme, are
with a focus on how to commerce and trade with Europe. In this, always backed up with real-life experience and applications. The
the understanding of its moves towards a unified market is crucial: campus location, close to some of the most prestigious US based
Many regions and trade agreements in the world strive for a free and global companies also offers unbeatable opportunities for hands-on
unbridled large internal market in the increasingly interdependent projects, internships and future employment.
and global economy. This specialisation track with a large number of Students on this option who spend one year on the Raleigh campus
electives develops skills that will be vital in a career in international are granted a US-recognised master’s degree as well as the degree
management, in Europe, with Europe and/or in similar regions of from SKEMA. They are also eligible to receive an OPT visa to
economic integration. This learning experience encompasses a optimise their professional insertion in the US.
wide range of strategic and technical knowledge in trade with and
in Europe. Theoretical concepts are always backed up with real-life WHY CHOOSE “DOING BUSINESS IN LATIN AMERICA”
experience and applications.
This programme offers the opportunity to study in Brazil, the giant
of South America and a far-reaching country with many diverse
WHY CHOOSE “DOING BUSINESS IN CHINA” landscapes and subcultures.
It is the fifth largest country in the world, both in size and population
One of this programme’s principal strong points lies in its real and it is becoming an increasingly important player in the global
immersion in China at one of the country’s most important economy.
science parks. Students thus benefit from an exceptional academic With a population of more than 200 million people, Brazil is
environment, studying alongside Chinese and Asian students and one of the chief consumer markets in the world. Knowing it well
learning from professors from all over the world who are also and learning its language can only help students in their future
professionals in their respective specialist areas. The campus location professional endeavours.
also offers unbeatable opportunities for internships and future The SKEMA campus is located in Belo Horizonte, Brazil’s third most
employment. important city for business, in a region with a booming economy.
It has been opened in partnership with Fundação Dom Cabral,
There are also many SKEMA alumni in the region who can Latin America’s best business school according to the Financial
provide contacts leading to internships or employment. Students’ Times Executive Education ranking 2016. This partnership provides
understanding and analysis of Chinese, Asian and foreign companies great opportunities to students for action learning on International
in China is enhanced through courses where students are involved Business with local companies.
with firms in a consultancy mode. These courses‘ structure gives
students the advantage of learning by doing, and may even kick start
their career in marketing, supply chain management, purchasing, RECRUITING COMPANIES
management accounting, auditing, consulting…with local businesses.

2015 graduates were recruited by :

Amadeus, Amazon, British Airways,Centre Culturel de Chine, Dolphin
Shippingand Logistics, Investance Partners, KPMG, Maupin, Travel,
Moovel Group, OCP, Pearson, SMAG, Tatrans, Urbany Treffel, Vizwell...
Luana Furlanetto , MSc IB, class of 2016-2017 Denis Johnson , MSc IB, class from 2014-2015

“ The MSc in International Business on the Raleigh campus has

immersed me in American culture, but always with an international
point of view thanks to the diversity of the students.
“ This year within the MSc International Business was fascinating.
Indeed, I had the opportunity to discover new topics related to
globalisation, finance or project management. I was particularly
involved in my group projects in international teams applying what
we had learned in concrete situations.
The partnership with North Carolina State University offers many
opportunities to be involved in all kinds of student organisations,
I would recommend this master for those who would like to work in
conferences, and workshops. Completing all the requirements, I
international services or companies. I have built a strong network
have been able to obtain the Visionary Leader Certificate. I have also
with people from around the world and I am sure that it will be very
been awarded the Ronald C. Butler certificate for my outstanding
useful in a few years.
commitment to my leadership development.
My best experience was a collaboration with a French local company
Through SKEMA professors, I have been able to find my internship
which came to SKEMA and asked us to take part in their strategic
as a consultant in international business development at SBTDC in
development. I also appreciated the fact that our professors were
committed and open minded. They were always available for any
suggestions or recommendations in our work.

I’m currently doing my internship as an industrial buyer within the

purchasing department of EDF.”

Importing and Exporting in a Global Market (Incoterms) X X X X
International Project Management X X X X
Internationalisation of the Firm (with local firms) X X X X
Customer Engagement Technology In Business to Business Development X
Managing Multicultural Teams X
International Marketing Management X
Global Supply Chain Management X
Chinese Banking and Wealth Management X
Globalization: Risks, Challenges and Opportunities for Latin America X
Global Leadership: a Brazilian Perspective X
Accelerator Agents X
Geopolitics of World Business (1) X
Global Stakeholders Management (2) X
Balanced Scorecard for Strategy Execution (3) X
Open Innovation for Global Entrepreneurs X
The Geopolitics of Europe X
Marketing to Chinese Customers X
Cultural Aspects of Business X
Launching an Innovative Venture in China X
Corporate Social Responsability in Brazil X
Brazil and the International Economy X
Research Method X
Cross-Cultural Competencies (with GTI-NCSU) I, II, III or IV X


Employability and Career 1 X X X X
French or Chinese or Portuguese X X X X


SEMESTER 2: JANUARY Paris Suzhou Raleigh
International Finance X X X X
International Business Simulation: Skema SIM X X X X
Advanced Strategy X X X X
US Perspectives on Business Law X
European Legal Issues for Business X
China Legal Issues for Business X
Legal Challenges to Business in Latin America X
International Technolology Management X
Global Product Development and Management X
International Entrepreneurship X
Management in International Environment from a Chinese Perspective X
New Business Models: Internet Applications in Business with a focus in China X
Environment, Sustainability and Development in Latin America X
Innovation in Emerging Economies: a Brazilian Context X
Consulting in International Business Development X
Risk & Crisis management for Global Businesses X
Negotiation Practice X X X X
Research Method X
Risk and Crisis Management for Global Businesses X
Company Failure and Renewal in China X
Multi-national Consulting Project X
Cross-cultural Management in Latin America (Jointly with FDC specialization) X
Global Cluster of Innovation: Brazil Technology Cluster in Minas Gerais X
Brazilian International Markets X
Logistics and Value Chain Management in Latin America X
Cross-Cultural Competencies (with GTI-NCSU) I, II, III or IV X


Employability and Career 2 X X X X
French or Chinese or Portuguese X X X X


Dissertation (30 credits) X X X X


All information in this document is correct at time of publishing. However, SKEMA reserves the right to make any changes deemed necessary
without prior warning if circumstances warrant such action.


Rate of recruitment six months after
graduation for this MSc: 97%
Average starting salary: €39,800

Source: SKEMA Career Center employment survey, class of 2015

Oussama Ammar

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