2009 04 Oct Dec
2009 04 Oct Dec
2009 04 Oct Dec
Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy
Y.S.R Chopper Crash shall examine this in the next issue. At
present we examine the swearing-in charts
”Don’t count the years you want to which are by far, the most important political
live. Ask yourself how much you have charts.
done for society at large with whatever
opportunities the Almighty has provided At 1.39’pm1 IST on Friday, 14 May 2004
you” - Dr. Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy YSR was sworn-in as the Chief Minister of
Andhra Pradesh by Governor S.S.Barnala.
Dr. Yeduguri Sandinti Rajasekhara Leo lagna shows that the government will be
Reddy, popularly known as YSR, was strong and with the fifth lord Jupiter placed
an astute politician and a charismatic in it, promises fame, protection and return
mass leader. He was born to a Christian to power. Weekday and horā lord is Venus
middle class family on July 8, 1949 in carrying the fire and light of agni devatā, its
Pulivendula, AP (78E24’ 14N50’), in the placement in a friendly sign in the 11th house
month of Āsāḍha śukla caturdasī tithi is considered extremely auspicious. The
(S14 - Venus lord) in Mūlā nakṣatra government will have the energy (agni) to
(gaṇḍānta tārā) in Brahma yoga, Garija fulfil its commitments (Venus is 10th lord of
karaṇa. The birth time is stated as either commitments) and will show great enterprise
8pm or 10pm by two sources and we (3rd house lordship of Venus). The ekādaśī
tithi ruler Mars is a yogakāraka forming
Chief Minister Andhra [Swearing-in chart, 2004] dharma-karmādhipati yoga with Venus in the
11th house. It shows that YSR government
will use very strong methods to establish the
rule of law and will also intervene in matters
pertaining to religious establishments, some
of which may not be taken very well (Mars).
However, there will be good discipline, which
is something India really needs. In simple
words, YSR government would be strong
in the face of criticism in all matters and
will not hesitate to use strong arm methods
to establish the rule of law. It is noteworthy
1 Other sources give a time of 1.59’pm. The lagna does not
change from Leo although the navāṁśa does change from
Virgo to Scorpio, which is incorrect given the facts of his gov-
ernment’s continued popularity.
2 • Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • Oct. - Dec. 2009
ॐ Sanjay Rath
that during this tenure YSR saw to it that
the murderers of his fathers were brought to
court. He preferred to follow the rule of law
rather than use thugs and gangsters, a lesson
for many other politicians to learn.
Elections 2009
Even his detractors will agree that during
this first tenure YSR outperformed every
expectation and returned to power in the
next election in 2009 with an overwhelming to prey on a weak government when
majority. In the swearing-in chart, the lagna comments from some politicians, like
shows the government while the 6th house “ām chakhoge” (are you ready to taste
shows the enemies and 7th house in general mangoes), were published showing
stands for the opposition which is the check that the only reason for supporting the
and balance. Congress was to make a quick buck.
What was most surprising was that
Many things happen in an election of which none of the political pundits could see
two important factors are (1) general mood this seething anger in the Indian public
of the people as being anti-incumbency already boiling with rage after the
or otherwise or simply neutral and (2) Mumbai 26/11 terror attack. The only
party politics including partnerships. In the thing the people understood was that all
elections of 2009, the Indian public was in these political tie-ups and horse trading
a very angry mood against ‘partners of any only makes the government weak and
kind’, particularly after the Left Bloc (CPI, in the process the security and wealth
CPIM etc) was seen as having blackmailed of India is compromised. We must give
the Congress for many years and then when credit to the brilliant Rahul Gandhi as
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh refused to being the only person who was able to
budge any further, they took the nation to see this and gave the clarion call for the
ransom by trying to topple the government Congress to fight the elections alone
in Delhi. What peeved the public mood even without any minor alliances (only major
further was the manner in which the new state level alliances in a few states).
supporters were also seen as vultures trying A man who can feel the pulse of the
Helicopter Accident
YSR died due to a helicopter crash in a
storm when the chopper was hit by lightening
[Mercury rules natural calamities]. Please
note that in the swearing-in chart Mercury
had chosen to do the misdeed. The helicopter
crash (Mars) and death happened on 2nd
n 2006 the astronomers demoted “Politics and astrology might at first seem
Pluto to a dwarf planet. Pluto probably strange bedfellow,” Jessica Murray writes
couldn’t care less; like the rest of in her thought provoking book, Soul-Sick
the celebs with one name he knows the Nation, An Astrologer’s View of America
importance of good buzz and a high profile. (MotherSky Press, 2008). But maybe not
Besides, since the planet of death and so strange. These are extraordinary times
rebirth entered no-nonsense Capricorn with unparalleled problems; everybody has
(the sign that rules business, banking, an opinion but no one seems to have the
government, and corporations) in 2008, answers. Why not invite metaphysics into
we’ve seen the collapse of those once the conversation? If we’re going to heal
impenetrable institutions. Who’s calling this country we need to think bigger and
look deeper. Jessica Murray does exactly
spectrometers and dust detectors will A popular idea is that icy comets brought
measure the concentrations of 18 different water to the Moon in a series of ancient
chemicals in the exosphere, including impacts. But there’s a problem: Even
methane and water vapor. These sensors if a comet landed in one of those dark
will document how those chemicals vary, polar craters by sheer luck, the heat of
both from place to place and over time. impact would evaporate most of the ice.
So how could significant amounts of ice
Beyond the inherent scientific value of accumulate?
understanding the chemical makeup of
The Moon’s exosphere could help.
the Moon’s exosphere, knowing how
chemicals move within the exosphere Suppose a comet hits the Moon and
could help answer a question of keen leaves some H2O molecules on the
exposed surface. That water could survive
by, essentially, leaping to safety. Water
molecules could “jump” across the lunar
surface by escaping into the exosphere
and later be recaptured by the surface
as the exosphere breathes in and out.
Individual water molecules could move
around in this way until they land in one
of the dark polar craters, where they would
accumulate as solid ice.
Sanjay Rath
Sign 1st Drekkāṇa 0° - 10° 2nd Drekkāṇa 10° - 20° 3rd Drekkāṇa 20° - 30°
1. Aries 1. Aries 5. Leo 9. Sagittarius
2. Taurus 2. Taurus 6. Virgo 10. Capricorn
3. Gemini 3. Gemini 7. Libra 11. Aquarius
4. Cancer 4. Cancer 8. Scorpio 12. Pisces
5. Leo 5. Leo 9. Sagittarius 1. Aries
6. Virgo 6. Virgo 10. Capricorn 2. Taurus
7. Libra 7. Libra 11. Aquarius 3. Gemini
8. Scorpio 8. Scorpio 12. Pisces 4. Cancer
9. Sagittarius 9. Sagittarius 1. Aries 5. Leo
10. Capricorn 10. Capricorn 2. Taurus 6. Virgo
11. Aquarius 11. Aquarius 3. Gemini 7. Libra
12. Pisces 12. Pisces 4. Cancer 8. Scorpio
Sign 1st Drekkāṇa 0° - 10° 2nd Drekkāṇa 10° - 20° 3rd Drekkāṇa 20° - 30°
1. Aries 1. Aries 2. Taurus 3. Gemini
2. Taurus 12. Pisces 11. Aquarius 10. Capricorn
3. Gemini 4. Cancer 5. Leo 6. Virgo
4. Cancer 9. Sagittarius 8. Scorpio 7. Libra
5. Leo 7. Libra 8.Scorpio 9. Sagittarius
6. Virgo 6. Virgo 5. Leo 4. Cancer
7. Libra 10. Capricorn 11. Aquarius 12. Pisces
8. Scorpio 3. Gemini 2. Taurus 1. Aries
9. Sagittarius 1. Aries 2. Taurus 3. Gemini
10. Capricorn 12. Pisces 11. Aquarius 10. Capricorn
11. Aquarius 4. Cancer 5. Leo 6. Virgo
12. Pisces 9. Sagittarius 8. Scorpio 7. Libra
Sign 1st Drekkāṇa 0° - 10° 2nd Drekkāṇa 10° - 20° 3rd Drekkāṇa 20° - 30°
1. Aries 1. Aries 2. Taurus 3. Gemini
2. Taurus 4. Cancer 5. Leo 6. Virgo
3. Gemini 7. Libra 8. Scorpio 9. Sagittarius
4. Cancer 10. Capricorn 11. Aquarius 12. Pisces
5. Leo 1. Aries 2. Taurus 3. Gemini
6. Virgo 4. Cancer 5. Leo 6. Virgo
7. Libra 7. Libra 8. Scorpio 9. Sagittarius
8. Scorpio 10. Capricorn 11. Aquarius 12. Pisces
9. Sagittarius 1. Aries 2. Taurus 3. Gemini
10. Capricorn 4. Cancer 5. Leo 6. Virgo
11. Aquarius 7. Libra 8. Scorpio 9. Sagittarius
12. Pisces 10. Capricorn 11. Aquarius 12. Pisces
sustenance [nomenclature D-2 chart] are in Cancer Horā, then the particular
and the Kaśinātha Horā for wealth availability is low and can cause production
[nomenclature D-2K chart]. However, problems. Even in viṁśopāka strength
tables are provided for the following calculations, the placement of Jupiter, Mars
Horā chart calculations: or Sun in Cancer Horā does not contribute
• Parāśara Horā [trines] to their strength. These three planets are
also called ‘day strong’ (Leo) planets. Moon,
• Parivṛttidvāya Horā
Venus and Saturn are strong in the Moon’s
[zodiacal] Horā (Cancer) while they are weak in the
• Maṇḍuka horā [first – third Sun’s Horā (Leo). These three planets rule
houses] the three methods of ‘demand generation’.
• Jagannātha Horā [first – Moon Horā – Cancer: There is a very strong
seventh houses,
day-night line] demand for any product or commodity if
people love it (Moon) or if they are well aware
• Kāśinātha Horā [same lord of its benefits (Venus) or if the product is in
basis, day-night line] short supply (Saturn). These three factors
forms the fundamental basis of marketing
Parāśara Horā:
where the peoples choice of colour, taste,
odour and everything else associated with
Parāśara Horā deals with the sense organs (Moon controls the senses)
sustenance and is a function in looked into. Venus is the advertisement
of demand and supply. The side of marketing and being the asura guru
Moon shows the demand for any he is always speaking of the benefits of
commodity as it rules the manas the various material products. Saturn is the
(mind) while the Sun shows the time factor which can cause products to get
supply of the same. outdated and lose demand or can create a
strong ‘false’ demand by short supply. These
Sun Horā – Leo: Jupiter, Mars and
three planets Moon, Venus, and Saturn are
the Sun are strong in the Sun’s Horā
also called ‘night strong’ planets for Horā
(Leo) while they are weak in Cancer
(Moon’s Horā). Even though Jupiter gets
exalted in Cancer, in the Parāśara Horā Always strong Mercury: Mercury is different
chart it is considered weak if placed in from both these groups and in the trader
it. These three planets ruled the three who is strong in both Leo (Sun’s Horā)
vital resources of production – Jupiter and Cancer (Moon’s Horā). He is the one
shows ‘Men’, Mars shows ‘Material’ and who picks up the product or commodity
Sun shows ‘Money’. If all three planets from the producers (Leo) and gives it to
are in Leo Horā then there is abundant the retailer (Cancer) or people. Mercury is
availability of Men, Money and Material strong in both Leo and Cancer Horā, and
for production. If either of these planets is especially strong at the junction between
18 • Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • Oct. - Dec. 2009
ॐ Sanjay Rath
horās. Mercury is changeable by nature and weak. Ketu is like an army getting
tends to favour those he is influenced by. into business and being headless, is
If Mercury is in the Sun’s Horā he tends the master of automation. Production
to favour the producer/supplier and will shoots up and production carts decline
encourage very good production and quality causing the currency to become more
thereby becoming a ‘bearish trader’. Instead valuable. In simpler words, the dollar
if Mercury is in Cancer Horā he will favour can buy more and the Sun (both
the demand side and ensures higher demand currency and government) become
for available commodity/product thereby strong.
becoming a ‘bullish trader’. In stock markets
Lagna just shows what a person
one can see trends when Mercury transits the
favours – If the lagna is in Sun’s
horās of Sun and Moon making the bear’s
Horā the person favours production
and bull’s, respectively stronger.
while in Moon’s Horā, he favours
The Nodes: Rāhu and Ketu are strong in demand. ‘The buyer is always right’ is
Moon’s Horā (Cancer) and Sun’s Horā (Leo) a typical statement of a good marketing
respectively. They tend to create extreme executive with lagna in Moon’s horā
situation of demand and supply. Rāhu can and the Moon also in Cancer horā.
create very acute stronger and inflation can
surge making the money (Sun) worthless. Sub-divisions of a Horā
This is the real effect of a solar eclipse as Parāśara advises that the Horā should
Rāhu causes demand to outstrip supply and be divided into 3 parts (of 5° each to
the currency (and indirectly government that understand the potential strength of
issued the currency) become worthless; and the planets). The illustration he cites
Mo Ra Ke Ve Mo Ra Ke
Ma Ma Ve
4 4
5 5
Ju Ju Me
Sa Su Me Sa Su
North India East India
Figure 3: Parāśara Horā Author
is of the Sun itself in its own Horā reduces to 25% (I.e. at 22° 30’ of odd signs
(svahorā). and 7° 30’ of even signs). At the end of the
Moon’s Horā its strength is nil (zero) (i.e. at
“When the Sun is in the beginning of its
15° of even sign and 30° of odd sign).
horā its fruits (yield or strength) is at its
peak, middling in the middle and lowest If we draw a graph to show the fluctuations in
at the end of a horā.” money flow for production (supply/creation),
we find a sharp upswing at the middle
The Sun rules the first horā (0°-15°) of
of even signs and end of odd signs. The
odd signs and second horā (15°-30°) of
example given by Parāśara showing the
even signs. Its strength (money power)
Sun’s strength is an indicator of money
is the highest 100% in the beginning
flow. The initial peak at the beginning of odd
(0° of odd signs and 15° of even signs).
signs is the capital available which goes into
As the seen moves further, its strength
production. The second peak is actually the
diminishes to 75% in the middle of the
Moon’s money i.e. money which has been
Sun’s horā (7°30’ of odd signs and
made available from the demand side by
22°30’ of even signs). When the Sun is
way of loans, working capital etc. to ensure
at the end of its horā, its strengths is the
continuing of production as the goods go to
least i.e. when at 15° of signs or 30° of
the market. The third peak at 15° of even sign
even sign, its strength reaches 50% of
is again the Sun’s money which is realised
its vimsopāka value for horā.
after sales are completed.
When the Sun is in Moon’s horā its
The example given for the Sun does not
strengths reduces even further. When
exactly apply to the remaining planets and
the Sun is at the beginning of Moon’s
the production/supply side of Men (Jupiter)
horā its strength is 50% (i.e. at 15° of
and Material (Mars) is different. Similarly
odd signs and 0° of even sings). In the
the demand side strength of Moon, Venus
middle of the Moon’s Horā its strength
and Saturn also vary over the Horās of the
20 • Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • Oct. - Dec. 2009
ॐ Sanjay Rath
Moon and Sun in the three-fold manner. The Table 6: Parivṛttidvāya horā
strength of the nodes is reversed from the end No. Sign
g 0º - 15º 15º - 30º
of the sign. Parāśara goes on the say that 1 Aries A Aries B Taurus
the vimsopāka strength (whether ṣaḍvarga, 2 Taurus B Gemini A Cancer
saptavarga, daśavarga or soḍaṣavarga) 3 Gemini A Leo B Virgo
4 Cancer B Libra A Scorpio
is to be determined in this mannger. He
5 Leo A Sagittarius B Capricorn
has explicitly stated the ‘three-fold strength 6 Virgo B Aquarius A Pisces
measurement for drekkāṇa, navāṁśa and 7 Libra A Aries B Taurus
other divisional charts. Suffice is to say 8 Scorpio B Gemini A Cancer
9 Sagittarius A Leo B Virgo
that the computer programs and calculators
10 Capricorn B Libra A Scorpio
available should be upgraded to do this 11 Aquarius A Sagittarius B Capricorn
detailed calculation if the strength of planets 12 Pisces B Aquarius A Pisces
in the various division (aspects of life) are to
resources of money supply for meeting
be used effectively.
his personal needs as this is his birth
We give an illustration to show the use of chart.
the Sun’s position (Horā) to determine the
money supply it may be noted that the same Parivṛttidvāya Horā: Māraka
cannot be literally applied to other planets (Apamṛtyu)
as their calculation are slightly different. In a The effect of Saturn is to follow the
horoscope (Chart 77), Sun is at 21° 4’ Cancer. zodiac blindly as this is created by the
Cancer is an even sign and the Sun’s Horā Sun and Yama is the son of Sūrya,
extends from 15° to 30°. Therefore the Sun the Sun god. Yama the god of death
is in its own Horā. symbolises this nature of Saturn to
The viṁśopāka proportion for the Horā chart follow the elders blindly with the hope
is at 2 points for ṣaḍvarga (6 divisions), 2 that one day they will achieve the
points for saptavarga (7 divisions), 1.5 points same perfection, the same light and
for daśavarga and 1 point for ṣoḍaṣavarga. shine. Whether it is the Parivṛttitrāya
Since we are studying horoscopy in this drekkāṇa or the Parivṛttidvāya horā,
illustration, we use ‘1 point’ as the maximum parivritti simply means going around the
or 100% strength of the Sun. zodiac as people circumbulate around
a temple or holy shrine to be forgiven
Sun at 15° Cancer = 100% = 1 Point
of sins (Saturn). The word used for the
Sun at 30° Cancer = 50% = 0.5 Point spiritual circumbulation is pari-krama
and is close to the word parā-krama.
Therefore Sun at = {[(21°04’ - 15°) “
Dvāya means twice and traya means
21° 4’ Cancer (30° - 15°)] x (1 – 0.5)}
thrice – thus Pari-vṛtti-dvāya means to
+ 0.5
circumbulate twice while Pari-vṛtti-trāya
= {[6°4’ ÷ 15°] x 0.5} + 0.5
means to circumbulate thrice.
= {0.4044 x 0.5} + 0.5
= 0.2022 +0.5
= 0.7022 Points
In the Parivṛttidvāya horā (PD Horā)
This strength of the Sun does not simply
chart of Rajiv Gandhi, the lagna is
mean tons of money. It just shows the extent
Sagittarius and the lagna lord Jupiter
to which the person will have to get his own
is placed therein. Sagittarius is both
Oct. - Dec. 2009 Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • 21
Siddhaḥ ॐ
Chart 1: Rajiv Gandhi PD Horā for the same. It is evident that this horā
chart is based on the principle of Saturn
as explained earlier and its use for timing
the māraka (death) period using Viṁśottarī
daśā is exceptionally accurate. The principle
used is the standard rules to check the
second and seventh house from lagna for
death in old age, especially if the Moon
associates with the eighth house. In the
case of apamṛtyu (premature death) like
assassination, accident at young age etc,
the second and seventh houses from pāka
lagna (sign occupied by lagna lord) has been
found to be very accurate.
Maṇḍuka Horā
Table 7: Maṇḍuka Horā
The table for drawing the maṇḍuka horā
No. Sign 0º - 15º 15º - 30º chart is given below.
1 Aries A Aries B Gemini
2 Taurus B Taurus A Cancer Kalyanavarma: Zodiac Bifurcation
3 Gemini A Gemini B Leo
Kalyanavarma in his monumental classic
4 Cancer B Cancer A Virgo
Saravali teaches:
5 Leo A Leo B Libra
6 Virgo B Virgo A Scorpio Öadz c³ Ég[StSyaxaE is<hta rivnaw,
7 Libra A Libra B Sagittarius
8 Scorpio B Scorpio A Capricorn kkRqkat! àirlaeÉm! zzI twaNyeip tTSwanat!.
9 Sagittarius A Sagittarius B Aquarius
dvādaśa cakra bhagaṇastasyādhau
10 Capricorn B Capricorn A Pisces
siṁhatā ravirnātha |karkaṭakāt pratilobhaṁ
11 Aquarius A Aquarius B Aries
12 Pisces B Pisces A Taurus
Jupiter or the Moon ins lagna brings fame 4 Cancer B B B Cancer A Leo
5 Leo A A A Leo B Cancer
and here it is the lord of wealth and power
6 Virgo A C B Gemini A Virgo
showing the cause of the fame.
7 Libra A D A Libra B Taurus
The Horā lagna in Capricorn (own sign of 8 Scorpio A E B Aries A Scorpio
here was a sannyasin who read end. Hence the insistent warning given in all
books on pranayama, and thought scriptures of yoga. The prana should not be
it was all very good. In spite of forced to get concentrated in any part of the
instructions to the contrary by elders, the body. One should not concentrate on any
Swami went on practicing pranayama, spot of the body above the neck, especially
concentrating his mind on the point in the initial stages. Concentration on parts
between the two eye-brows, which in the head directs the prana to that centre,
should not be resorted to in the beginning the blood supply gets speeded up to the
stages without an expert guide by one’s area and it is then that generally people
side. Once, he was at his practice inside complain of headache, shooting pains, and
his room for three days, and was found the like. No meditative technique should be
missing by others around him. After a wholeheartedly resorted to without proper
search, it was found that his room was initiation.
bolted from within and he was inside. No
Also, one should not be under the impression
shouting by people could wake him and
that one can heal others by passing the
the door had then to be broken open.
prana over their bodies. Beginners should
Even shaking of his body by others
not try these methods. One may pray to God
could not bring him to consciousness;
for the health or prosperity of any person to
probably his pranas were locked up in a
whom one wishes good-will, but one should
centre and could not move up or down.
not place one’s palm or pass the prana over
His Guru came and keeping his palm on
another in the earlier stages of practice; else
the forehead of the student, he uttered
one would be a loser. What little one has
OM, thrice. The practitioner came to his
gained through sadhana might get depleted
consciousness. People thought he had
by such interferences. Out of enthusiasm,
attained samadhi, but, to everyone’s
one is likely to exhaust one’s tapas in these
surprise, he was the same old person,
ways. In advanced stages, where one is
with all his negative qualities, and
full with power, there is, of course, no such
exhibited no signs of one who had tasted
danger, for one cannot exhaust the ocean
samadhi. Later, on his death, his body
by taking any amount of water from it; only
got so decomposed and melted that it
if the reservoir is a small well, there is fear
could not be lifted and had to be swept.
of its being emptied. This is the reason
The student had no spiritual illumination,
why many seekers do not allow people
but only got into a knot through wrong
to prostrate themselves before them and
pranayama and spoiled his health in the
32 • Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • Oct. - Dec. 2009
ॐ Swami Krishnananda
touch their feet. This rule does not apply of electricity, as a protection against this
to advanced souls, but Sadhakas should natural occurrence. If someone touches the
definitely be careful. The gravitational pull feet of a student, the prana which he has
of the earth draws the prana down and it conserved may pass on to the other, by
tends to pass through the extremities of means of the contact. The prana can be
the body. Brahmacharins and, sometimes, drained off by misdirection and overstrain.
also Sannyasins are often seen putting on Let the pranayama continue slowly, and let
wooden sandals, which are non-conductors no one be quick in the practice.
Yanmaṇḍalaṁ dvīptakaraṁ viśālaṁ ratnaprabhaṁ tībramanādirūpam|
dāridraduḥkhakṣayakāraṇñca punātu māṁ tatsaviturvareṇyam||
Concept of Bhavottama
House Bhava Vartottama
G.K. Goel
he savants are well conversant explained this concept to his disciple Maitraye
with Vargottama Ascendant and in chapter 3, slokas 4, 5 and 6 of BPHS:
Planets, which means that the
“Those, celestial bodies are called the planets
ascending sign or planet(s) are in
(Grahas) that move through the Nakshatras
same zodiacal sign in birth (D-1) and
(or asterisms) along the Zodiac (Bhachakra).
any Varga charts. A planet is called
The Zodiac comprises of 27 asterisms from
Bhavottama when it is in same bhava
Aswin to Revati and also divided in 12 equal
(house) in birth and any Varga chart
parts known as signs (Rashis) from Aries to
irrespective of sign occupied in these
Pisces. The Zodiac sign which contains the
charts. This concept has almost become
rising (ascending) point at the time of Birth
defunct when astrologers had started
is called Lagna (ascendant)”. Based on
adopting different methods of house
the ascendant and the planets joining and
division and ignored the arsh (ancient)
separating from each other, the native’s good
method of house division.
and bad fortune is deducted”.
Sage Parasara in BPHS teaches
Parasara has given the concept of Bhavas
us following method of house
(houses) along with 12 signs in the above
narration. This is called the compartmental
The Concept of Vargottama and system of houses. In this, system the whole
Bhavottama leads the list and is a sign in which the degree of ascendant falls
very important and powerful tool in is considered the first house and subsequent
predictive Astrology. This Concept sign as 2nd house and so on. The longitude
can only be applied and adopted if of the ascending point becomes the most
method of judgment of the nativity sensitive points of the ascendant i.e.1st
is based on divisional charts. house, and the sensitive points of other
house will be 300 apart. The sensitive point
The predictive astrology is based
of 10th house will fall in 10th sign from
on three main pillars, namely,
ascending sign and will have the same
1. Planets longitude as that of the ascending point in
Lagna. In this system M.C. is not considered
2. Signs
as the Mid-point or cusp of 10th house. M.C.
3. Houses is however given prime-importance due to it
and is widely used for many other important
Maharishi Parasara has precisely
34 • Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • Oct. - Dec. 2009
ॐ G.K. Goel
Prasana Marg annunciates following Planet(s) become both Bhava
seven yogas, which lays down the basis and Sign Vargottama and all the
of formation of yogas of all categories houses of two Vargas become Sign
in Chapter Nine-Sloka: 49, 50, 51 Vargottama. This gives strength to
and 52: Lagna and it becomes auspicious.
The dominant cause of the yoga created The last yoga (d) is termed as “Bhavottama
by the combination of planets, houses “ and this is the topic of discussion of this
and signs or any two of them indicates article.
the nature of results to be experienced.
Mr. C.S.Patel has given the terminology of
The strongest in bringing about yoga is
‘Bhavottama ‘planets on pages18 to 21 of
called Yogakarta (composer of yoga) and
his book“Navamsa in Astrology” after
it is this combination which gives the yoga
scanning various classics and Nadi
granths. Mr. Patel says 0n page 20 of
In the context of Vargottama last four this book:
yogas are most significant and are given
“Bhavottama means a planet in same
in order of their merit and importance:
house in Rasi and Navamsa charts. It
a) Yoga of house, sign and planet- This enhances the good results of the house
yoga is formed when same sign is occupied. Research on this point is
rising in two or more Vargas and necessary”
simultaneously one or more planet(s)
It is suggested that the following
is / are in same Bhava(s) – obviously
classics, books and including articles
in same Signs
of this scribe may be scanned for better
Oct. - Dec. 2009 Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • 35
Concept of Bhavottama ॐ
understanding on this subject: other option were not available.
1. Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra However, savants may adopt true or mean
Rahu according to their experience.
2. Navamsa in Astrology by C.S.Patel
–published Sagar Publication, New D) JH HORA soft ware is used
E) When Sixteen Varga scheme is adopted
3. Varga Chakra – a SJC Publication as per the teaching of BPHS, A SIGN IS
–same publisher as above. DEVIDED IN 150 unequal SECTORS –
4. Article –CONCET OF VARGOTTAMA largest sector is being of 30min arc and
by G.K.GOEL smallest sector is only of 1min. 40 sec.
arc. Thus Ayanamsa value becomes
5. Article- HOW TO JUDGE VARGA very crucial in the construction of Varga
CHARTS by G.K.GOEL charts.
This study is based on following basic F) For the shake of convenience, let
parameters (Savants may verify the us call HOUSE VARGOTTAMA as
findings in this articles based on their ‘Bhavottama’
own parameters)
G) Bhovottama planet enhances the good
A) Bhava are adopted on whole sign effect of Varga chart as a whole. As an
basis-i.e. one sign represent one example if a planet is in Bhavottama
complete house in all varga’s in D-1 and d-9 charts, it will enhance
prospects of marriage even if placed in
B) C h i t r a P a k c h h a A y a n a m s a i s
adverse bhava say in 8th house. The
adopted. The definition is as under:
planets’ placement even in 8 house
H) I f a B h a v o t t a m a p l a n e t w i l l b e
This Ayanamsa value could be associated with one or more than one
obtained by deducting 57 secs from planet by association or aspect-(both
the value of Lahiri’s Ayanamsa for a planetary or sign aspect) it becomes
period of 1950 -2050. ‘YOGAKARTA”.
C) True Rahu is adopted in this study- I) Other rules of judgment will be similar as
Mean Rahu is being use based on given in references given above in this
long tradition because at that time article.
MD and Ketu AD .
Example -3
Example - 4
38 • Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • Oct. - Dec. 2009
ॐ G.K. Goel
Male born on March 18, 1917, at 2.18 AM
IST, 79E23, 28N21, India, Tz 5.30hrs E.
Example - 6 and 7
Husband and wife
For Progeny
1 Mars is in fifth house in D-1 and D-7
and becomes both Vargottama and
bhavottama. Mars is aspected by
Mercury in D-1 chart and by Jupiter in
Separated on commencement of Venus D-7 chart.
Dasa on 24-8-2003
2 Venus is in house Vargottama in D-9
This is an interesting nativity which depicts and D-7 chart and aspected by Jupiter
the role of Vargottama placements: in D-7 chart.
As fifth and seventh houses are occupied 3 Ascendant of both D-1 and D-7 charts
by retrograde malefics, the chances of are in Vargottama.
marriage are bleak.
4 The native was blessed with the child in
Similarly, fifth house is occupied by Ketu/Mercury period. Vargottama Ketu
retrograde Mars in Acvani Nakshatra. is giving auspicious argala to 5th house
The Karka Jupiter is in debilitation and and Vargottama Mercury is aspecting 5th
its dispositor Saturn is retrograde and house and its lord.
placed in Rahu/Ketu axis in 7th house.
5 In D-7 chart, Ketu is placed in 8th house
These are also not good indications
and Mercury in 3rd house. With the
either for progeny.
result, the native should lose the custody
However, the following features in this of the child or child may not survive.
nativity are worth noticing.
6 In D-9 and D-7 Venus is Bhavottama
For Marriage and this indicates the strong affinity of
mother with child.
1 Ketu and Rahu are house Vargottama
and associated with Venus, Saturn, Separation
Jupiter and Mars in D-1 and D-9
As soon as, Venus dasa commenced after
24-8-2003, both partners separated from
2 The 7th lord Mercury though is in each other and wife returned to her parental
the sign of debilitation in D-9 chart, home with the child.
but in BHAVOTTAMA. Mars is in
It may be noted that no sooner Vargottama
Vargottama. Mercury and Mars are in
Ketu dasa was over; the marriage could
mutual aspect in D-1 chart. Mercury
not sustain on account of other evil Yogas
is aspected by Sun and Mars are
and also resulted in the separation from the
aspected by Moon in D-9 chart.
42 • Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • Oct. - Dec. 2009
ॐ Visti Larsen & Andrew Foss
Mātaṅgī: A Writeup
Begun Śravaṇa, Śukla Dvadaśi, Sunday, Mūla Nakṣatra during
Sun’s Horā at 1 PM, Petrovaradin, Serbia.
Emergence of the Mahāvidyā find its Māraṇa Kāraka Sthāna in the third
house which is signified by Mars. This can
The Mahābhagavata Purāṇa speaks of
also be adverse to life as for Jupiter the
the emergence of the Mahāvidyā (Kinsley
eighth or Grahaṇa Graha in the Vārachakra is
1998, 22). The story goes that Śrī Śiva
Mars which is quite devastating for the body
and his spouse Sati were arguing about
of Jupiter. Mars further rules the sourthern
whether to attend a spiritual rite held by
direction which is the path of Mars clearly
Śrī Dakṣa Prajapati the father of Satī, as
showing the negatives of Mars manifesting
they had not been invited. Śiva argues
during this incident.
that it is his right to attend the same as
his divinity is required for the rite to bear Satī seeing this immediately manifested
fruit, but as they had not been invited herself in the form of Kalī blocking his path.
they should not attend and forbids Satī Śiva then looks up to see Tārā. He then
to do so. turns around to find Bagalamukhī blocking
his path (north). He turns to his left (east)
Commentary: Here Śiva is referred to
to find Bhuvaneśvari and right (west) to find
as the Guru as he gives the fruits of
Chinnamastā. In the process of turning he
all Karmas by sitting in the center of
the Digchakra. In the tradition he is
Direction Dikgraha Mahāvidyā Kāraka
worshipped here as Śrī Vedavyāsa for
the same reason. East Sun Bhuvaneśvarī Moon
As Śiva had not being invited implied that South East Venus Dhūmavatī Ketu
Dakṣa had performed great Adharma.
South Mars Kālī Saturn
The argument ensued and Satī began
to glow red with anger. Śiva closed his South West Rāhu Kamalātmikā Venus
eyes in fear and when he opened them
West Saturn Chinnamastā Rāhu
saw Satī appearing in a most terrible
form. Śiva in fear walked away from Satī North West Moon Mātaṅgī Sun
in the southern direction.
North Mercury Bagalāmukhī Mars
Commentary: This situation holds special
North East Jupiter Tripurasundarī Mercury
meaning since as per implication God will
walk away once arguments ensue, and Up Ketu Tārā Jupiter
as per Horā Śastra Śiva, or Sadaśiva
Down Lagna Bhairavī Lagna
signified by Jupiter in the chart, and will
Oct. - Dec. 2009 Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • 43
Mātaṅgī: A Writeup ॐ
finds all ten Mahāvidyā blocking direction is the direction of loka or tala which
his path in all eight horizontal follows after leaving this body provided
directions and further also Tārā rebirth in the same world is not indicated, and
blocking his upward path whilst is based on Karma. Based on this Ketu is the
Bhairavī manifests underneath natural cause of dissolution and Pralaya.
him. Mātaṅgī appeared in the Satī is later reincarnated as Parvatī and
north-west. marries Śiva after great penance.
Here Satī manifesting in the ten
directions is symbolic of Satī also
Mātaṅgī Appears
presiding over the ten directions According to the Śakti Saṁgama-Tantra
of Karma. According to verse (Kinsley 1998, 213), at an occasion Viṣṇu
four of the Śiva Taṇḍava Stotra, and Lakṣmī had travelled to visit Śiva and
the Daśamahāvidyā preside over Parvatī. There they offered food to Śiva
the fruits that the ten Digpalaka give to all and Parvatī and some of the food fell to the
those pursuing their Karmas. Worship of the ground. From these food-remnants arose
Mahāvidyā can ensure the fruits of all ones a maiden who asked for leftover foods.
work and grants success especially if such The four then offered her their leftovers as
worship is prescribed keeping the Daśāṁśa Prasāda. Śiva then blessed the maiden that
(D-10) divisional chart in mind. those who worshipped her would subdue
their enemies and attain their desires. She
The story does not end here as Satī ends
then became known as Ucciṣṭa-mātaṅginī.
up attending the spiritual rite alone and
without Śiva’s knowledge. There Satī after The leftover foods are the Prasāda of the
lamenting and complaining about the non- Iṣṭa Devatā. Mātaṅgī is worshipped in this
presence of her husband to her father form so that we may receive the Prasāda
Dakṣa, leaves her body in the middle of of our own Iṣṭa Devatā. The boon arising
the spiritual rite. from Śiva implies that this is a means ot
purifying or correcting the Atma itself as Śiva
For this reason all Mahāvidyā worship
is the pratyadhidevatā of the Sun which is
cannot give fruit without the worship of
the naisargika Ātmakāraka. This is further
Śiva, as then surely all the fruits acquired or
exemplified under the next heading.
sought will surely disappear as the sanction
of the Guru has not been sought. Mātaṅgī Appears to Śiva
When Śiva shortly after learned of this According to the Prāṇatoṣinī Tantra (Kinsley
from Devaṛṣi Nārada, he in a furious 1998, 213), Parvatī had travelled to visit her
mood creates Virabhadra from a strand father in the Himalayas and had left Śiva at
of his hair and sent him and his Gaṇa to home. Śiva, who had unwillingly consented
demolish the rite which was held. Śiva then to her leaving for more than a few days, had
began to dance the Taṇḍava in a process become jealous and felt deprived of her when
of causing the destruction of the universe she had not arrived home and travelled to
or Pralaya. visit her in the guise of an ornament vendor.
Ketu represents hair and further represents In her presence he offered to sell her seashell
the upwards direction of the Dig- and bangles but when enquired of his price he
Kālachakras. This vertical up- or downwards sought to test her fidelity by asking Parvatī
to repay him with sexual favours. Śrī Parvatī
44 • Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • Oct. - Dec. 2009
ॐ Visti Larsen & Andrew Foss
feeling enraged by this statement was Adhidevatā of Venus is Śacī, the spouse of
ready to curse the vendor but realised Indra, and is responsible for giving everyone
through her intuition that this was no other taste and a desire to explore the sense of
than her own husband Śrī Siva himself. taste through which all sensual experiences
Hence, in reply she merely answered yes arise. Once this taste has been satisfied, the
but asked that the payment be given at a Pratyadhidevatā of Venus being Indra ends
later time. The vendor agreed and left the the desire for exploring this sense anymore,
residence of Parvatī for his home. and Indra further being the Adhidevatā of
Jupiter brings children into this world. The
Later that evening at his home as Śiva
goal of Venus thus becomes Jupiter and
prepared to perform his evening prayers
the Pratyadhidevatā of Jupiter is Sadaśiva
Parvatī arrived there at the Mānasa Lake
making this the real goal. Therefore herein
in the guise of a highly attractive outcaste
the process of Vaśīkaraṇa is to attract God
woman and began to dance. When Śiva
and Mātaṅgī thus can enable the worshipper
enquired as to the ladies purpose there
to attract his/her Iṣṭa Devatā or personal
she answered that she was the daughter
aspect of God for worship.
of a Caṇḍāla and had arrived to perform
austerities. Śiva revealed that he himself Chaṇḍālī is a lady who does not ascribe to
was the giver of all boons and then took the caste system and by implication also
her hand, kissed her and prepared to does not partake in the order and roles
make love to her. In the course of the governing an established society. The male
same Śiva found that he himself had been equivalent of the same being a Chaṇḍāla.
turned into a Caṇḍāla. Realising himself
The incident occurring at the evening time is
to be in this state he further recognised
a reference to Śiva Gāyatri or sunset. Sunset
the woman that had arrived to be his
is the time of the seventh house as the sun
wife Parvatī. Following their lovemaking
is placed in the seventh from the Lagna at
Parvatī asked Śiva for a boon, namely
this time. The natural seventh house is the
that the form that she had taken to unite
sign of Libra which happens to be the cause
with Śiva be known forever as Ucchiṣṭa-
of debilitation for the Sun, hence Mātaṅgī
caṇḍālinī and that all those who seek to
is associated with the Sun. Being further
reach Śiva have to worship this form for
associated with the Sun whose
their penance to bear fruits.
Pratyadhidevatā is Śrī Śiva, the
Notably the name Ucchiṣṭa-caṇḍālinī importance of Mātaṅgī Sadhana
specifically refers to Mātaṅgī in the in attaining the blessings of Śiva
form where she united with Śiva. This comes to fore.
name is not interchangeable with that of
The Sun, signifying Mātaṅgī,
Ucchiṣṭa-Mātaṅginī despite indicating the
attains its Digbala in the natural
same form.
tenth house. As per the tradition,
The process of attracting is known as the tenth house signifying
Vaśīkaraṇa and the two Graha responsible Siddhi brings Mātaṅgī under
for this are Moon and Venus. Herein the grouping of Siddhividyā.
Venus is the one who helps one to attract Similarly Dhūmavatī (Ketu)
oneself to the thought of marrying and and Bagalāmukhī (Mars) are
finally also attracts a spouse through also Siddhividyā, Vidyā are
which the marriage can occur. The Kamalātmikā and Bhuvaneśvarī
Oct. - Dec. 2009 Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • 45
Mātaṅgī: A Writeup ॐ
Śudra father, Mataṅga despite having all
the rites performed for him as if he were a
Brahmin became aware of his factual caste
from a she-ass, when she complained about
his mistreatment of her own child, which
she ascribed to the caste from which he
scissors (kartari) which symbolises the syllables long and less than sixty-four. Herein
bija mantra for the first house that helps if the Vīṇā is making the first step towards
overcome all problems with the Lagna or spirituality it would correspond to between
first house. sixteen and twenty-four syllables (S. Rath
2007) to cross over the spiritual hurdles in
According to Mantra Maharnava, the life. Therefore, to arrive at the fifth house
form which appeared to Mataṅga Ṛṣi the Vīṇāstra mantra should be seventeen
is described as playing the Vallakī, an syllables long. This also corresponds to the
instrument compared to the Vīṇā. As the mantra arrived at as the Prasiddha mantra
form which appeared to Mātaṅga was for Mātaṅginī.
Rājamātaṅginī we may ascribe the Vīṇā
to her.As Rājamātaṅginī is her Mahāvidyā Colours
rūpa we can ascribe her Astra-manta to
Varṇa or complexion defines the colour of
any Devatā. The forms of Mātaṅgī carry four
mātaṅgyai vināhastāya svāhā|. distinct colours, namely Śyāma (dark gray,
dark blue or dark green), Kṛṣṇa (black), Pīta
The Kāraka of all musical instruments is
(yellow) and Rakta (blood red). Specifically
the Sun as well as the natural fifth house
her form as Rājamātaṅginī can, as per her
Leo. Therefore mantras which carry the
Dhyāna, be depicted as either dark gray or
power of the Vīṇā should have akṣaras
yellow. Yellow is the natural colour of the
corresponding to the fifth house. The fifth
Devi which makes her yellow complexioned
house also carries the Sarasvatī Bīja ‘aiṁ’
form the Mahāvidyā rūpa (Rājamātaṅginī),
which carries the power of the Vīṇā. The
whereas the other is the Siddhividyā rūpa,
syllables have to be more than sixteen
and shares this colour with her forms
48 • Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • Oct. - Dec. 2009
ॐ Visti Larsen & Andrew Foss
as Mātaṅginī, Ucchiṣṭa-caṇḍālinī and enables one to attain dikṣa of a qualified
Vaiśya-mātaṅgī. Sumukhī is depicted as Guru.
red whilst Ucchiṣṭa-Mātaṅginī is depicted
The importance of birds in teaching is
as black.
pronounced in the Markendeya Purāṇa where
Ucchiṣṭa-caṇḍālī is the favourite of Śiva the Mahaṛṣi Jaimini is said to have learned
whom which he united with during the the entire Purāṇa from four birds named
evening. As a result her rūpa can be Piñgākṣa, Vivodha, Suputra and Sumukha.
associated with the sunset which is also Likely, the four birds each symbolise the four
the Śiva Gāyatri. Rājamātaṅginī appeared heads of Brahmā each reciting the Vedas.
to Ṛṣi Mataṅga during the day time after
his many years of penance, hence her Spouse
rūpa and the light-yellow colour may be The spouse of Mātaṅgī is known as Śiva
associated with the midday. Sumukhī is Mataṅga. The prefix to his name helps to
depicted as sixteen years old and of red distinguish him from the Ṛṣi Mataṅga bearing
complexion, an image which has a striking the same name. Śiva Mataṅga attained his
similarity with that of Ṣoḍaśi (a rūpa of form when in unison with Parvatī in her
Tripurasūndarī) and has a complexion form as Ucchiṣṭa-chaṇḍālinī. Here Śiva had
compared to that of the sunrise. Sumukhī changed to that form on account of Parvatī’s
is further described as holding a skull desire. Further, it was in this union that Śiva
representing the intelligence of human granted the boon that all those who had to
beings which is associated with the reach him had to worship Mātaṅgī first.
Lagna and Brahmā Gāyatri. This finally
brings Ucchiṣṭa-mātaṅginī to the midnight The natural Rāśi of Śiva is Aquarius, the
and Kalī Gāyatri which is the form which natural Hara bhava. It is during the Suns solar
received the Prasada from the Devatās transit in this sign in the month of Māgha that
and therefore may symbolise the means the Kumbha Mela is performed and when
to approach the Iṣṭa Devatā. Jupiter arrives here it is Mahākumbha mela.
Mātaṅgī sits in the sign opposite in the sign
Vahaṇa and Animals of Leo and acts as the doorway to Śiva as
a result. This is notably also the natural sign
Whilst never described as riding any
of Mātaṅgī and is where the Moon will exist
particular animal, Mātaṅginī is primarily
during the Full Moon of Māgha, perfectly tying
depicted as being surrounded by parrots.
into the boon that Śiva had given.
Birds in general are signified by the Sun
and Leo where Śrī Garuḍa is the king of Mantras of Mātaṅgī
birds. The significance of the parrot is that
among birds it has the power to imitate the Based on the teachings of the tradition the
spoken word or voices of other creatures. Tithi of worship of the Mahāvidyā furnishes
It symbolises the perfect student whose the Rāśi where the Mahāvidyā reside. This
ability of repetition (Mercury) enables it further furnishes the Prasiddha mantras
to repeat acquired knowledge. Mātaṅginī of the Mahāvidyā. And example is worth
therefore represents the voice of the mentioning herein. The Dakṣiṇakālī mantra
teacher as the parrot symbolises the is traditionally well known as the twenty-two
student. Worshiping her with this in mind syllable mantra:
he casting of horoscope is an
important step in the initial stage
of astrology learning. After the
ascendant and longitudes of planets are
computed, the horoscope can be cast in
any convenient format viz. North- Indian,
South- Indian, Eastern etc. However,
none of these formats can give a proper
picture of the actual planetary positions in
their orbits. This knowledge is essential in
order to appreciate astronomical terms and
phenomena such as ascendant, janma-
rashi (moon-sign), geocentric longitudes, The longitudes of planets measured with
heliocentric longitudes, Rahu, Ketu, the Sun as reference point i.e. heliocentric
combustion and retrogression. With this longitudes, are different. These longitudes
objective in view, the author has prepared can be computed using Lahiri’s Indian
a set of three diagrams pertaining to a Ephemeris.
specific horoscope. The birth particulars
of the native are as under:-- Having computed the geocentric and
heliocentric longitudes at birth time of the
The natal chart and longitudes of planets native, the author has prepared a set of
are as under three diagrams. For the sake of simplicity,
Asc 16:44, Sun 29:54, Moon27:7,Mars planetary orbits in the diagrams are shown
21:3, Merc 21:57, Jup 21:19 Ven(R) as circular (instead of elliptical) and
29:37 secondly, they are plotted ‘ not to scale
‘ ; this is unavoidable owing to very wide
Sat(R) 15:2, Rahu/Ketu 14:21, Uranus range of orbits from Mercury to Pluto. The
14:19, Neptune 22:29, Pluto 1:24 three diagrams are as under:--
It is needless to say that the above Diagram 1 : This diagram shows Denver
longitudes are the usual geocentric (the place of birth), Delhi, Ascendant(I,e,
longitudes with earth as fixed reference the sign rising in the East at birth time),
point for their measurement. But in reality Sun, Moon, Moon-sign, Rahu and Ketu and
the Sun is fixed and earth and other planets their longitudes in geocentric system.
(except Moon) are revolving around him.
Oct. - Dec. 2009 Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • 51
Jyotish Basics Illustraed ॐ
Diagram - 1 : Ascendant & Positions of Sun & Moon
At 8.51 PM (Denvert Time) on Jan 13, 2006
(Geocentric System)
includes spiritual instructions to develop
the mind in order to grasp the entire
A five year online and contact program subject. The student is to develop a keen
understanding of Vedic astrology and will
Objectives master all the shloka of Brihat Parashara
The Parashara Jyotisa course is to be Hora SHastra (BPHS).
taught in the tradition of Puri, India and
Year-1 Year-2
3 Rashi 1 10 Ṣadbala 6
4 Lagna 4 Year-4
5 Bhava 6 15 Rajayoga 6
6 Dristi 2 16 Dhanayoga 2
Year-3 18 Avastha 3
11 Arudha 6 19 Dasha 6
13 Karaka 8 Year-5
14 Yoga 6 21 Astakavarga 6
participants 28 Prashna 3
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Online Course End 28-Jul 15-Aug 04-Aug 24-Jul 12-Aug SHravana Krisna 3
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Book Review
Paramparika Jyotisha Rahas
Karu Heenkenda, Thusitha Publications, Ratmalana-Colombo-Sri Lanka,
2006, 376 pages ISBN955-1419-02-2
he appropriate English Sri Lanka where he presented interesting
translation for the book basics in Vedic Astrology which were not
writte n in S in h a le s e is generally in practice in Sri Lanka. At a
“Traditional Secrets of Astrology”. certain instance it is reflected as though
The book consists of 376 pages the author is concentrating specially on
where first page is dedicated to his students/admirers who have read
Guru Pt. Sanjay Rath with a brief these lessons, to bring in what was lack
note of gratitude fo him (Guru in those lessons. In that case, it seems
Pranam). more like a Astrological hand book than
12 chapters grouped each under a traditional astrology book. Therefore it
12 Genesha Mantras is the theme is presumed very useful for those who
of the book. It is very clear that the have a background in Vedic Astrology.
author’s intention was to impart the On the other hand, the book will storm the
knowledge through the pacification brain of those who seeks knowledge, to
of Load Ganesha . The reader was become inquisitive to dig in for more and
presented with Narada Ganesha more knowledge on this divine subject.
Yantra at the end of the book , As given in the preface supplied by him
wishing them success in grasping to the book, he mentions that,” When the
contents without any hindrances in the contents of the book is thoroughly studied,
mind. readers would be able to understand that
The author Karu Heenkenda tries to unveil Vedic Astrology is not merely confined
some of the astrological rules given in great to forecasting. In fact, since there are so
treatise like Brihat Parasara Hora Shatra of many other methods which can be applied
sage Parasara and other famous manuscripts. for forecasting, if any body wants to study
In each chapter, he exposed and introduced the foundation of creatures on earth who
very interesting secrets from the tradition are roaming round in birth after birth due
which were supposed to be new experience to their karmic bondage and the desire of
for the Sri Lankan Sinhalese reader. Karaka soul as to the way they select to fulfill
Sidhantha , Aragala, Nakshatra, Arudha, Kala their ultimate goals , I believe that the only
and Dig Chakra could be cited as some of subject which is prevailing in the world is
the examples. Above all , he managed to non other ,Vedic Astrology.”
consolidate validity of all the rules given in
“As a Teacher of Astrology, I expect
the book supported by his own research
not the followers who stay behind me in
along with quite a number of notable Sri
knowledge but who make their efforts to
Lankan horoscopes. In this context, it is
surpass me in knowledge.”
presumed that he is the first Sri Lankan to
write such an elucidated book based on his The “Paramparika Jyotisha Rahas”
own research. will be a land mark among the books
of Astrology printed in Sri Lanka in
Karu Heenkenda wrote a series of lessons,
Sinhalese media.
during the period of 2004/2005, published in
one of the leading astrological news papers in MDPT Goonatilaka
62 • Jyotish Digest Vol. V Issue IV • Oct. - Dec. 2009
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