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Cross-platform development
of smartphone application
with the Kivy framework


Bc. Ondřej Chrastina

Brno, Autumn 2015

Hereby I declare, that this paper is my original authorial work, which
I have worked out by my own. All sources, references and literature
used or excerpted during elaboration of this work are properly cited
and listed in complete reference to the due source.

Advisor: Mgr. Juraj Michálek

I would like to thank my supervisor Mgr. Juraj Michálek for his valu-
able help, comments, suggestions and time he spent helping me
with this work.

The purpose of the thesis is to analyze Kivy Framework (www.kivy.org)
and summarize its capabilities. The main goal is to deliver sufficient
information about the framework to decide on the possibility of its
use it in commercial development. The practical part is devoted to
a prototype application development that is used as a proof of con-
cept. The prototype helps to identify potential problems during the
implementation and deployment.
The text is structured in three parts. The first part familiarizes
the reader with the framework and dependent technologies. The
second part is concerned with using the collected information and
uses that as a base for developing the application. The last part va-
lidates the strengths and weaknesses of the framework during the
application’s development process and describes the problems found
during the implementation.
The results of this research are used as a decision point on whether
the Kivy Framework is suitable for commercial development in Y
Soft Corporation, a.s. The benefit of the thesis is that the compre-
hensive description of the Kivy Framework can be beneficial not
only to Y Soft Corporation but to any potential programmer who is
concerned with this framework and its potential use.

Kivy Framework, Python, KV language, Y Soft Corporation, a.s., YSoft
Safeq, REST, multiplatform development, user interface,
Raspberry Pi


1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Thesis goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Kivy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Y Soft Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Thesis structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1 Kivy Framework Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.1 Kivy Organization and Sister Projects . . . . . . 9
2.1.2 Community and Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.1 IDE Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.2 Raspbery Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3 Application Development using Kivy . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3.1 Python and KV language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3.2 Widgets and Behaviors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3.3 Properties and Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3.4 Clock and Animations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.3.5 Development Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.3.6 Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.4 OS-specific functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.5 REST, json and hal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.1 User interace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.1.1 Defining GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.1.2 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.1.3 Animations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.2 Communication with Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.3 Development guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.3.1 Code structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.3.2 Bad and Best Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.4 Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.4.1 Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.4.2 Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.4.3 OS X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.4.4 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.4.5 iOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.4.6 Android . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4 Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.1 Other testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.2 Raspberry Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
A Attachment Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
B Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

List of Figures
2.1 Kivy Sister Projects 11
2.2 Kivy Simple application example 20
2.3 KV Language Sample 22
2.4 Kivy Properties Declaration 26
2.5 Sample Folder Structure 28
2.6 JSON and HAL example 31
3.1 Mockup describing general
workflow in developed application. 33
3.2 Print Tab Mockup 35
3.3 Screen Manager Division 36
3.4 Job Detail Modal Dialog 39
3.5 Layouts Example 40
3.6 Sub Tab Selectors Animation 42
3.7 Data Access Layer Architecture 43
3.8 SafeQ Folder Structure 45
3.9 KV language Inheritance Definition 47
3.10 PyInstaller specification file 49
4.1 Raspberry Pi Testing Results 61
B.1 Kivy architecture 69
B.2 Application livecycle 70
B.3 Event dispatching 71
B.4 List Adapter Principle 71

Chapter 1

Today, the market is filled with many platform and operating sys-
tems. When developing software, it is often necessary to implement
applications for every single system and support them separately.
However, a different approach exists. Implementing application once
and finding out how to run the application on the majority of plat-
forms on the market. One of the frameworks providing a support for
this development approach is the Kivy Framework. It allows to im-
plement an application once and then create a distributable pack-
age for the majority of operating system.
This thesis describes how to create an application using the Kivy
Framework, how creating distributable packages for the supported
platforms works and the inner workings of the framework itself.

1.1 Thesis goal

The goal of this thesis is to analyze the Kivy Framework. This ana-
lysis should comprise the complete set of information for potential
developers. The following text includes frameworks architecture, ca-
pabilities, strengths and weaknesses. This thesis in not a transcrip-
tion of the official Kivy documentation. It meant as a practical guide,
describing best practices, guidelines and tips on how to use the frame-
work and how to develop maintainable programs efficiently.
All the instructions are validated on an application that was de-
veloped in parallel as a proof of concept. It is a multi-platform client
that uses a Terminal Server REST API developed by Y Soft and de-
scribed in section 3.2. The application provides management of print
jobs in the printer network. This interface was primarily purposed
to serve print job data to applications in a computer network. It is


currently used by a web application that allows it to manage print

jobs. This thesis is a research in whether Kivy is sufficient to provide
a user-comfortable application for print job management.
The combination of research and development cover this frame-
work from a theoretical and practical perspective. It includes some
significant topics that aim on the community, services and develop-
ment process and the potential of this framework.

1.2 Kivy
Kivy is an open source community project for multi-platform deve-
lopment supporting most of the desktop and mobile platforms as
Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS and Android. It also allows to run appli-
cations on Raspberry Pi1 . The framework is written in Python and it
can be developed on all three supported desktop operating systems,
on Windows, Linux and OS X.
The first version of Kivy was released on February 1st, 2011. The
current version is 1.9.0, which was released in April 3, 2015 2.1. The
framework has a complete support for Python version 2.7.x. Deve-
lopment of a version with full support of Python 3.x, which is not
fully backward compatible with the previous major version [20], is in
progress. This is possible largely because of $5000 grant from PSF2 .
Kivy is published under the MIT license3 (version prior 1.7.2 are
under LGPL4 ), so it is business friendly and it is possible to use it in
commercial sphere. The main authors are Thomas Hansen, Christo-
pher Denter, Edwin Marshall, Jeff Pittman and Brian Knapp [8]. It
is not only one a core library. It also cooperates with sister projects
such as Python for Android, Kivy for iOS, Kivy Designer, Buildozer,
and others [10, 8].
This was only a brief review of Kivy, mostly from an organiza-
tional point of view to get an idea before the actual research. Tech-

1. Credit-card sized computer that plugs into a monitor or TV.

2. Python Software Foundation - Nonprofit organization, devoted to the Python
programming language.
3. The type of Open source license
4. GNU Lesser General Public License


nical aspects and analysis are described in section Research 2.

1.3 Y Soft Corporation

Y Soft Corporation is the Czech company, founded in Brno in 2000.
It focuses on printing services. After fifteen years of improvements,
Y Soft employs nearly three hundred experts mostly situated in its
Brno headquarters. Today, Y soft aims on two main sectors in print-
ing. The first one is 3D5 printing, which offers simple solutions for
creating things using printers. The product is called bee3D. This sec-
tor is not an interest of the thesis.
This work is focused on the second branch of Y Soft interest—YSoft
SafeQ—a system for managing and monitoring print, copy and scan
jobs in computer networks. This program helps customers reduce
the cost of print management, increases document security and of-
fers reports about all printing operations. It comprises a complex
set of features such as authentication, rule-based printing, mobile
print, scan management, billing functionality, reporting, etc.
Thanks to its double-digit revenue growth, Y Soft needs to follow
modern trends [1] to keep its prestige. This is also the main reason
for this research, because Y Soft is contemplating creating a mobile
client of its application. Currently, it is possible to send a document
or image to a printer with mobile device via email, or a web page.
However, the YSoft SafeQ software offers much more functionality
than simply sending documents to printers. It would be difficult to
provide all the other functionality by mobile devices without a na-
tive6 or hybrid application7 [21].

1.4 Thesis structure

Thesis is structured in three main sections. The first section is Re-
search 2 and it is about the Kivy Framework and its capabilities and

5. Three-dimensional space.
6. Program that does not require any external support (i.e. emulation) for run-
7. Application that is written with web technologies, and provided as native app-
lication using an embedded web browser.


architecture in general. The second section is Implementation 3 and

it covers a practical implementation of an application using the Kivy
Framework. It contains functional requirements, guidelines and in-
formation on how to implement these. It also involves deployment
on various platforms. The last section is dedicated to Validation 4.
The results are then compared with expectations. At the end of the
section, there is summary containing pros and cons of Kivy deve-
lopment for this particular type of application.
At the very end of the thesis, there is an overall evaluation of de-
velopment using the Kivy Framework and the final application.

Chapter 2

This chapter deals with Kivy in general. It contains a description of
the framework, its architecture and purpose. The main goal of this
part is to convey the main idea of the framework and its capabilities.
It also contains information about the authors and the organization
standing behind the framework. The framework is open source [11],
so the community is a really important part of it. That is why there is
a section about community, support and whole organization, about
its works and description about communication channels in section
It is good to know the general idea of the development process.
When a programmer makes this initial step and wants to make the
application in a maintainable way, it is necessary to follow certain
rules to make the final application testable, extendable. The sec-
tions that follow in this chapter contain best practices and specific
guidelines. Information that is not covered by the official documen-
tation is written in the form of tips that are mainly based on practical
experience with development of the sample application.
Before the text starts digging down to various technical themes,
let’s summarize all the possible sources that Kivy offers for learning.
Since it is an open source framework which was launched only four
years ago according to the changelog 1 , there are not many sources
to learn from. The main resource is the documentation [7] which
includes an API reference. When a problem comes up during deve-
lopment, the best way to solve it to check the support google group
[4]. The group is called “Kivy users support”2 . This is usually the best
way how to solve any issues that come up during the development

1. Kivy changelog: http://kivy.org/#changelog

2. Kivy support forum: https://goo.gl/yP5fOD


phase. There are nearly five thousand of threads and if not one co-
vering the programmer’s problem, it is possible to create a new one
and ask for help. Be aware that official documentation is connected
with the last developed version. The documentation for stable and
released versions are versioned using the Git versioning system 3 .
When a programmer starts writing the application, it is good to
know the basic concepts of the framework. An effective way on how
to get knowledge about the framework is to go through the tuto-
rial, which is part of the documentation. This tutorial is very basic.
A more detailed one is the Kivy Crash Course by Alexander Taylor4 .
This tutorial shows how to work with Kivy objects, describes its ca-
pabilities and explains particular behavior, e.g., setting the size of

2.1 Kivy Framework Development

First version of Kivy was released February 1, 2.1.2. Since that ver-
sion, the application was multi platform. Base concept of frame-
work does not changed until the current version 1.9.0. First ten mi-
nor versions released during the year 2011 was focused on archi-
tecture. Kivy did not offered many ready made widgets at that time,
just a basic set. The main focus was on creating a robust and relia-
ble core. After the version 1.1.0 Kivy started to release new widgets
to satisfy needs that require modern UI building. In version 1.8.0
and 1.9.0 was released many small improvements for widgets in-
spired modern trends as mobile development. The highlights of all
versions are summarized in following time-line 2.1. Kivy Framework
currently supports Python version higher than 2.7 and Python ver-
sion higher than 3.3 for development. Full functionality for creating
a distributable package is released for Python version higher than
2.7. The current official recommendation is to develop in Python
2.7+ or use a conversion between two version branches to achieve
ability to package application written in Python 3 [7, 20].

3. Sources for the last released version of Kivy Framework:

4. Youtube channel containing Kivy Crash Course:


February 1, 2011 • 1.0.0 Running application for Windows,

OS X, Linux and Android. Multitouch
support using platform specific API.
Graphics API using OpenGL ES 2.0.
Released with complete documentation
and API examples.
February 10, 2011 • 1.0.2 Performance improvements,
reduced memory requirements and
simplified callback logic.
February 22, 2011 • 1.0.3 Fixed bugs in packaging process.
Added new widgets. Shader functionality
March 20, 2011 • 1.0.4 Widget set extension. Generated
documentation with Programing guide.
April 14, 2011 • 1.0.5 OS X packaging improvements. New
template support for KV language with
recursion detection.
June 3, 2011 • 1.0.6 Android deployment improvements.
Graphic rendering boost.
July 16, 2011 • 1.0.7 Enhanced graphics and core
October 24, 2011 • 1.0.8 Introduced virtual keyboard widget.
Ability to detect platform.
November 14, 2011 • 1.0.9 Video enhancements. Prevention of
memory leaks.
February 13, 2012 • 1.1.0 Markup rendering for all text
widgets. New KV language parser.


February 15, 2012 • 1.1.1 Bug fix for audio loader.

April 2, 2012 • 1.2.0 Application monitoring module.
Bug fixing for packaging.
June 19, 2012 • 1.3.0 New UI theme. Optimized handling
for platform specific button actions.
February 9 2012 • 1.4.0 New Programing guide. New form
September 30, 2012 • Properties extension for essential
geometric shapes.
December 9, 2012 • 1.5.0 Scale independent and density
independent units.
December 13, 2012 • 1.5.1 Bug fixing release. Line instruction
March 10, 2013 • 1.6.0 Scheduling methods calls. Widgets
improvements for sophisticated content.
May 13, 2013 • 1.7.0 Padding and spacing improvements
used cascade style concept of value list.
May 28, 2013 • 1.7.1 Fixing development blockers.
August 4, 2013 • 1.7.2 Memory leak preventions.
January 30, 2014 • 1.8.0 Base refactoring. Focused on widget
properties improvements. New mobile
centered Programming guide.
April 3, 2015 • 1.9.0 Minor widget properties.
Documentation improvements.

Table 2.1: Timeline


2.1.1 Kivy Organization and Sister Projects

Authors of the Kivy Framework call themselves the “Kivy Organi-
zation”. They are a non-profit membership organization develop-
ing this multi-platform product. All contributed code is provided as
Open Source. The Kivy itself is under MIT license (starting 1.7.2) 2.1
and LGPL 3 license for the previous versions. The framework can be
used in commercial products. Kivy is a community project, led by
professional developers as is written on the Organization section of
the official site [8]. It is possible to contact them and ask for help or
share new ideas. The developers also participate in conferences and
present their project in “Kivy talks”. As was mentioned, this project
is open source and it is possible to contribute code right into deve-
lopment after the acceptance the contribution request.
This group, besides the main project, develops sister projects that
help cover all the announced functionality. These projects are mainly
used to provide functionality for all the supported platforms. The
main task is to use system-dependent API to process requirements
from Kivy. The main projects are Python-for-android, Kivy-ios,
PyJNIus, PyOBJus, Plyer, Buildozer and Kivy Designer. All of the men-
tioned projects are released under the MIT license. These projects
cooperate to create a distributable package. The detailed descrip-
tion of the particular projects is in following paragraphs. Coopera-
tion of these project is summarized in figure 2.1

Python-for-android Python for Android is a project used for An-

droid platform packaging. The main goal of this set of scripts is to
create a standalone Android application package (APK)5 . It is possi-
ble to place the package on an official repository provided by Google,
Inc. It is also possible to place it on any other compatible repository.
The result of the packaging is the same as is produced by native app-
lication development. It can be also used for commercial purposes.

Kivy-ios A compiler that manages the creation of the Xcode project

[23]. This is the only way to create applications. It is also the only op-

5. Package format used for Android application distribution. It is based on the

JAR format.


tion how to run the code on an emulator during the development

and how to export the application into a distributable package. To
be able to create it, the developer has to have a device running the
OS X operating system [19] and be registered like a iOS developer.

PyJNIus A Python module that is used to access Java classes as

Python classes using Java Native Interface (JNA)6 The provided con-
nection is used to join Python code and platform specific functio-
nality i.e. mobile vibrations, because the interface for this parts of
Android is written in Java. In fact, this module uses Cython to call C
or C++ code from Python and then JNA which allows for running C
or C++ code in Java [16].

PyOBJus Another Python module to make a link between platform

specific interface and Python code. It is an alternative to the PyJNius
module for OS X and iOS operating system. These systems provide
access for functionality written in Objective-C. PyOBJus uses reflec-
tion of the Objective-C runtime to access Objective-C classes from
Python [17].

Plyer Player is a platform-independent API that allows to access

platform-specific functionality summarized in table B.1. It is a proxy,
or a distributor of method calls between Python and specific plat-
form API. It is an interlayer between Python for android, or Kivy-ios
and specific programs that provide that functionality as PyJNIus for
Android, PyOBJus for iOS and common libraries for Windows, OS X
and Linux [13].

Buildozer A tool that works as a packaging provider. It is basically

a set of scripts that allows packing applications on all platforms us-
ing the same source code. Buildozer automatically downloads and
installs the required programs and create a portable package. This
process is configured by one specification file for all supported plat-
forms [3].

6. It is an interface that allows to run code written in C and C++.


Figure 2.1: Kivy Sister Projects

Kivy Designer This tool enable to design the graphical user inter-
face (GUI) using the WYSIWIG7 concept. It provides a way for cre-
ating a definition of the GUI and customize widgets by KV language
2.3. This designer is written in Python using the Kivy Framework [6].

2.1.2 Community and Support

As mentioned in the research chapter 2, the main development re-
source is the official Kivy documentation. Besides of that, Kivy pro-
vides a way how to solve problems during the development that are
not described in documentation. The primary place is a support
group. This group is a forum where developers using Kivy ask for
help. Questions are answered by the Kivy developers. There is a pos-
sibility to get an answer from other members of the community as
well, because this forum is open to anybody with a Google account.

7. Acronym for: “What You See Is What You Get”. It is a way of editing documents
that provides a final appearance interpretation by the text editor itself.


The support group is implemented as a Google Group [4]. The name

of the forum is called “Kivy users support” and it already contains
around five thousand threads. These questions are in a flat struc-
ture. Categorization is possible by tags and there is also a full-text
search in all of the topics. The forum contains various topics from
basic question to very specific ones.
The Kivy organization does not make any commitment on answe-
ring questions. It is possible that nobody answers certain questions.
Currently, about one third of all the posted questions are left unan-
During the research, the request8 was made through this forum
to verify proposal for Kivy application development. This request
was also left unanswered. So, the proposed best practices were based
on object oriented concepts and best practices [22, 14] and with En-
gineering Team Lead from Y Soft Corporation.
Another way to solve development difficulties is to use different
forums. The recommended forum is one of the biggest forums on
the Internet. This forum is called “Stack Overflow” and in 2012 it
had 1.3 million registered users according to the The Empirical In-
vestigation [2]. Currently, there are about 4.6 million of them. This
forum contains nearly two thousand questions (based on tag Kivy).
These questions are also answered by developers from Kivy organi-
zation and also from other registered users. The relevance of ques-
tions and answers is possible and verifiable thanks to ratings. Regis-
tered users can up-rate and down-rate both questions and answers.
This approach does not guarantee the quality of the answer, but it is
possible to compare answers for a specific question between each

2.2 Development Environment

Setting up the environment is one of the first steps before the ac-
tual program coding. This procedure includes choosing the operat-
ing system, preparing all the necessary programs like compilers and
integrating them into the environment and an optional but usual

8. Link for thread: https://goo.gl/BZOpGA


step, installing and configuring an IDE9 .

The first task is to choose an operating system. All main desk-
top platforms are supported. Potential developers could develop the
application on Windows, OS X and Linux. The specific supported
versions can be found in the official documentation [7]. As a part of
the research, all three platforms were tested. The goal of this com-
parison is not to pick the best operating system, but to summarize
all relevant information that help potential developer to choose.
The use case is to install the necessary minimal set of programs
required for creating and running the application and comparing
the results. The native installation of operating systems is used for
this test to avoid result defacement caused by virtual emulations10 .
Windows 8.1, Linux Ubuntu 15.04 and OS X 10.9.5(Mavericks) are
the specific system versions used for test. The application is just
a window containing a label with text “Hello word”. The following
were selected as the criteria: the availability of the Kivy Framework,
availability of the depending programs to run application via a com-
mand line and the number and severity of problems during use case
execution. The following list describes the generic goals to accom-
plish the use case, the others are dedicated to specific platforms.

Generic use case

1. Install operating system (not evaluated).

2. Install minimal required set of programs to be able to write

specified application and run it using the Kivy Framework.

3. Write code for the specified application and run it via com-
mand line.

9. Integrated Development Environment

10. Technology that enables one computer system to virtually simulate another
computer system.


Windows 8.1

• Setting Kivy Framework prerequisites

– Download self-extracting portable package from the Kivy
official site [8].
– Depending on Python version (Python 2.7, or Python
– Depending on Central processing unit (CPU) archi-
tecture (32bit system x86, or 64bit system x64)
• Extract downloaded package, this requires about 1.2 GB of
It contains:
– Python interpreter
– GStreamer multimedia platform library [5].
– Minimalist GNU for Windows MinGW11
– Cross-platform development library Simple direct
media layer (SDL2)12 .
– Set of batch13 scripts running Python and Kivy mo-
dules in isolated environment.
• Writing code and running application
– Default text editor (Notepad) is sufficient to write a basic
– Kivy accepts source files with all types of end of line cha-
– Run the application by a prepared batch script kivy.bat
from portable package. It is also possible to include the
command into the command line by adding it into the
windows environment variable called PATH.

11. Development environment that provides access to the functionality of the

Microsoft C runtime and some language-specific runtimes:
12. Library providing low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and
graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D: https://www.libsdl.org/.
13. Script files (“bat” file extension) that contain series of commands that can be
executed by the Windows command line interpreter.


Linux Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet)

• Setting Kivy Framework prerequisites

– Install as a package using Advanced Packaging Tool (Apt),
which is a standard package manager for Linux Ubuntu.
– Other supported distributions of Linux have equivalent
package compatible with particular package manager.
• Writing code and running application
– Default text editor (Notepad) is sufficient to write a basic
– Kivy accepts source files with all types of end of line cha-
– It is possible to create a symbolic link between Kivy and
source code folder and then run application as a classic
python script. This approach requires adding
#!/usr/bin/kivy line at the first line into the boot-
strap file main.py.
– Run an application by kivy command installed and ac-
cessible from terminal or run as a Python script using
previous step.

OS X 10.9.5(Mavericks)

• Setting Kivy Framework prerequisites

– Download a Mac OS X disk image (dmg)14 file and in-
stall it by drag and drop into the Applications folder. Also
contains application that creates links and sets environ-
ment paths to make the Kivy accessible from the com-
mand line.
• Writing code and running application
– Default text editor (Text Edit) is sufficient to a write basic
– Kivy accepts all types of new line characters in default
text editor.

14. Disk image file used for program distributions in OS X.


– Run an application by kivy command installed and ac-

cessible from terminal.
The comparison did not reveal any serious issue. It is possible to
set up environment on any of the tested operating system. There are
two main differences between these three platforms.
The first one is installation of external modules. Windows does
not require any additional installations. All external modules are in-
cluded in the distributed package. That is why the package has more
than one gigabyte. In Linux, it is possible to use apt, or any distribu-
tion specific package manager to install the external modules. These
modules are installed into the global environment as is Kivy in the
default configuration. It is possible to use pip15 and install Kivy and
external modules into the virtual environment to not influence the
whole system. Same approach is used in OS X by default. So all ex-
ternal modules have to be installed using pip.
The second difference is not important in the tested use case,
but it makes a significant difference in the real application develop-
ment. It is a command line access to Kivy. The only way how to run
Kivy on Windows is to use a prepared batch file that set all environ-
ment paths for current session. This session uses programs from in-
stalled package including the python itself. Linux and OS X is able
to include Kivy command into the terminal or into the virtual envi-
ronment. This approach is compatible with IDE configuration and
it enables to use standard configuration of these tools to run appli-
cation from them.
To create a complete set of packages runnable on every supported
platform, it is necessary to install all supported desktop operating
systems and additional utilities for packaging as is described in sec-
tion 3.4. Previous description was focused on development environ-
ment setting.

2.2.1 IDE Configuration

Development environment preparation research discovered proble-
matic topic in application development. It is necessary to configure
IDE to be able to interpret, run and debug the application.

15. Tool for installing Python packages.


In most cases it is required to have a compiler or interpret com-

mands accessible from command line. Setting up an IDE to use Kivy
generally involves pointing it to the appropriate interpreter and pos-
sibly configuring environment variables. Kivy describes how to do
that for three IDEs: PyCharm, Visual Studio and Eclipse in the wiki
section on the “Setting Up Kivy with various popular IDE’s page”16 .

Windows Windows is, in comparison with the other operating sys-

tems, the most difficult to configure the IDE in. Classical develop-
ment environments are not made to set python as interpreter for
batch files, the same way that Kivy uses for running on Windows.
Research was made on Visual Studio Enterprise 2015, Eclipse ver-
sion Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2), PyCharm 4.0.4. All of them allow
to set batch file as an interpreter.
To run the application in Visual Studio, it is necessary to down-
load the Python tools for Visual Studio feature from Programing Lan-
guages section. Another step is to create an interpreter using
kivy.bat file instead of the classic distribution of Python. This in-
terpreter environment can be created in the Tools/Options menu.
Configuration settings are in the Python Options/Environment
Options submenu. Then it is required to set following Environments

• Path: <KIVY>\kivy-2.7.bat
• Window Path: <KIVY>\kivywineenv-2.7.sh
• Library Path: <KIVY>\Python27\Lib
• Architecture: Depends on Windows architecture (x86/x64)
• Language version: 2.7
• Path Environment Variable: PYTHONPATH

After this configuration it is possible to develop the application

right into the Kivy. It is required to set Python Environment in Solu-
tion Explorer to the newly created Python Environment. All features
of Python tools are available for development i.e. debugging. There

16. Ide configuration maunal http://git.io/v01tm.


is just one disadvantage. Editing of KV files that contain GUI defini-

tion 2.3.1 does not have syntax highlighting. It is also unavailable as
an extension that would cover this feature’s absence.
Eclipse is configured in a manner similar to that of Visual Stu-
dio. To run Kivy application, it is required to install the PyDev ex-
tension to be able run classic Python applications. The next step is
setting up the Python interpreter. The configuration is more simple
than in Visual Studio. In Window/Preferences tab menu action
in PyDev/Interpreters/Python Interpreter sub section, it
is required to create a new interpreter and set Interpreter Executable
path to kivy.bat batch file. Then in Run/Run Configurations
tab menu item open context menu on Python Run/
New configuration and create new configuration. The last step
is to set configuration Project to point to Kivy application, point Main
module to main.py file and on Interpreter tab select newly created
interpreter. Now, it is possible run or debug applications using Kivy
Framework as an application written in pure Python. The KV lan-
guage syntax is also absent for the syntax highlighter and no exten-
sion for this functionality is available as of today.
The last tested IDE was PyCharm. Configuration is nearly the
same as in Eclipse. In File/Settings tab menu item in Project/
Project Interpreter, it is necessary to create a new local in-
terpreter that points to kivy.bat file. Kivy interpreter is the set as
an external library. It is listed in Project file tree under the Exter-
nal Libraries node. This IDE has one big advantage in comparison
with two previous ones. It is designed specifically for Python de-
velopment. It is not necessary to install any extensions. It is also
possible to import syntax highlighter for the KV language. This edi-
tor allows to use intellisense, syntax highlighting and debugging in
python code, because KV language syntax allows to use Python code
directly in the KV syntax.

Linux and OS X These two operating systems have very similar

settings. Visual Studio is not supported because it is impossible to
run this IDE on these platforms. The tested version is strictly availa-
ble only on Windows. Eclipse has exactly the same configuration, as
is described in previous text. The only difference is that as a path to


interpreter, the path to Kivy in the bin folder is used. The problem
with syntax highlighting for KV files is the same as on Windows.
PyCharm configuration for Linux is exactly the same as on Win-
dows. It is different in case of OS X, though. It is necessary to perform
one additional step before development. That is the configuration of
the interpreter environment variables. This configuration can be set
in Run/Edit Configurations/Environment Variables in the
created interpreter in environment section, there is a property called
Environment variable. It is necessary to set these variables as it is
stated on the official Kivy manual referenced in the beginning of
subsection 2.2.1

2.2.2 Raspbery Pi
Kivy also offers a support for Raspberry Pi. This platform was not
included, but there is a prepared distribution for Raspberry [9] with
a manual and required resources about this approach.

2.3 Application Development using Kivy

This section analyzes the base architecture of applications written
in Python using the Kivy Framework. It focuses on general build-
ing blocks and components of the framework that are used in de-
veloped application. The main task of the following text is to pro-
vide general knowledge on how Kivy works. This information will
be used in the implementation part of the thesis 3. All the follow-
ing information is based on the official Kivy documentation section
Programming guide [7].
The basic concept of an application is that the whole user inter-
face is one single canvas. This canvas is loaded while the application
is started and it is reanimated using a clock module. This means the
user interface is periodically refreshed based on the application’s
current state. The content of the canvas is defined by widgets. Wid-
gets on a canvas are organized in a tree.
The application live cycle is similar as in Android native deve-
lopment, which is described in thesis about Android development
[12]. It is possible to save the state before the application is closed or


import kivy

from kivy.app import App

from kivy.uix.label import Label

class MyApp(App):

def build(self):
return Label(text=’Hello world’)

if __name__ == ’__main__’:

Figure 2.2: Kivy Simple application example

when it is suspended and allows brining the application to the front

by the system if requested. This live cycle is described in appendix
B.2. Creating a Kivy application structure comprises of the following
steps. The first one is creating a bootstrap file called main.py. Then,
it is necessary to create a class that inherits from the kivy.app.App
class and implement its build() method. This method is respon-
sible for creating a tree of widgets. The tree is described in the fol-
lowing text. For the first test, it is possible to return an instance of
kivy.uix.widget.Widget. That class represents a base class for
most of the widgets. The last step is to call the Run() method on the
new instance of the class inherited from kivy.app.App in
__main__() method. This configuration creates a new application
that contains only one empty widget (an empty window).
Architecture is divided into the three layers. The lowest one uses
the open source projects that provide a way how to call native API
provided by operating systems 2.1.1. Above this layer there are three
components, Core, Graphics and Inputs. The core block contains
a set of providers for managing text, audio, video, images etc. The
graphics block is used for editing the canvas as a drawing. The last
is the Inputs block. It processes motion events and distributes them


to the system. Above these two layers is a top level layer. This layer
is divided into the two sub-layers. The first layer encapsulates the
functionality of widgets in the widget tree and their visible defini-
tion described by the KV language and the second sub-layer ensures
connection between widgets tree and the second layer by modules
like Cache, Clock, Gesture, Event loop and properties. Whole archi-
tecture is summarized in figure B.1.

2.3.1 Python and KV language

Kivy respects the concept of dividing presentation and business layer.
For this purpose, it is possible to use the KV language for defining the
user interface and classic Python code for business logic implemen-
tation. This concept makes implementation more maintainable and
easy to read for external developers.
The KV language syntax is a mixture of xml, json and Python
syntax rules. An example of syntax is in figure 2.3 which allows to
create complex UIs, defining widgets and their properties and set-
ting a widget tree structure. The structure is defined by indentation
like in Python. Properties consists of name-value, divided by dou-
ble dots. Name as a classic string and the value is pure Python code.
This approach makes definition easy to read with all the advantages
of Python syntax. GUI definition is based on templates. It is possi-
ble create a widget and inherit business logic, including properties,
by inheriting build-in widgets. Another feature is to organize GUI in
KV language source files have the *.kv extension. Naming con-
vention defines that source file with Python representation contain-
ing business logic and the GUI definition kv file have the same name.
If a developer wants to use a single responsibility principle and have
one Python class in one file, it is necessary to specify all kv files that
are used in UI in the build() method. Loading of these files is pro-
vided by the kivy.lang.Builder class. The method used for load-
ing kv files is called load_file(path).
There are two ways how to create a GUI definition. The first one
is by a text editor. The only editor that offers syntax highlighting is
PyCharm 2.2.1. With an extension it is possible to create complex
UIs in this IDE using syntax highlighting and intelliSense. The se-


text_size: self.size
font_size: ’25sp’
markup: True

id: my_custom_label
info: str(self)
orientation: ’vertical’
padding: 20
text: ’My controller info is: ’ + root.info
on_release: root.do_action()
id: my_custom_label
text: ’My label before button press’

Figure 2.3: KV Language Sample

cond approach is to create a definition by the Kivy Designer 2.1.1.

This program is specialized for creating GUI definition files using
the WYSIWIG approach. This designer is also written in Kivy.

2.3.2 Widgets and Behaviors

Widgets are organized in a tree. That means one node could have
zero, one or multiple children in every single level. The tree has only
one root node and it contains two types of nodes. The first ones are
functional widgets and the second are layouts. Layouts are respon-
sible for organizing the position of their children. Widgets hold the
functionality and functional properties.
When the tree is loading (in build() method), Kivy starts to
load the root widget and if it has children, it recursively load them
until the leaves of the tree are reached.
In general, all widgets and layouts inherit from the base class
kivy.uix.widget.Widget. This class provides a basic API for
event dispatching, passing through the tree and working with the


canvas that the widget contains. It is basically the most general build-
ing block that is used for an application construction.
Layouts are like managers that define where will the child wid-
gets be placed, and what size will they have. The base size of a widget
is inherited from the parent. In case of more child widgets, the sizes
are divided equally. It is possible to define the size ratio relatively
between sibling widgets or by an absolute value.
Kivy Framework provides a means of setting the concrete size
of the widget for the specific platform, display resolution or display
density. In combination with layouts, it is possible to create a com-
plex GUI that is responsive and able to be used on various devices.

Layouts This type of organizational widgets enables you to create

a complex user interface that is independent on device and its at-
tributes. The base set contains eight layout widgets that allows to
create all types of user interface by nesting approach. Relative layout
provides an API for positioning and setting the size of child widget.
Scatter layout has the same functionality, but it offers more flexibi-
lity in translating, scaling and rotating field. For organizing widgets
in a horizontal or a vertical line, it is possible to use a box layout. It
is also easy to use a stack layout to organize widget blocks in rows or
columns without additional ensuring, if the next widget should fit
to the remaining place or it should be placed on the next line. Com-
bination of a box and stack layout is grid layout that enables to align
child widgets in a grid by setting column or row count. Anchor lay-
out is used for centering child widget to the center or on site of the
layout canvas. The last one is the float layout which has no restric-
tion for position and a size of the child widget that attributes has to
be set by properties.

Widgets The base widget is a label. This widget provides a string

property “text”. Value of this property is rendered in GUI. It is also
possible to use complete API of the “widget” class. On this widget,
there is a button and a text input built in by default. In combination
with another form widget, such as check box, radio buttons, drop-
down list etc. It is possible to create an interface for user input and


The other group is a manager set. This group mainly contains a

screen manager and carousel. These two widgets allow for changing
its content. The content itself is made by child widgets. An anima-
tion is displayed when changing the content. It is then possible to
have animated transition between different content out of the box.
With this set of widgets, it is possible to create a complex UI that
contains semantically different content and is able to interact with
user and all in responsive and flexible layout.

Behaviors Kivy provides many other extended widgets besides the

base ones. This structure is achieved by using the widget inheri-
tance. Python offers multiple inheritance. That means a widget can
use the functionality of more than one parent widget.
To make a system in inheritance, Kivy uses behaviors. The idea
of behaviors is to encapsulate properties and events into one object
and make them reusable in other widgets. That means it is possible
to replace the standard widgets with custom ones by implement-
ing the correct behavior. For example, it is possible to create a new
widget with two base classes. The image widget and the button be-
havior. The result of this combination is a widget that appears like
an image but provides all the events as a button class without any
appearance aspects of button.

2.3.3 Properties and Events

Properties and events are made to a persisting state of widget ob-

jects and hold implementations of a reaction for user interaction,
this reaction is called the Callback action. A property represents an
extension of the classic class properties in Python. Base property
classes are implemented in the kivy.properties module. This
group of properties provides a functionality for value checking and
value validation, ability to bind and observe and to be able to react
on property’s value change and better memory management for the
property live cycle.
Events are actions that are processed after the property of a wid-
get is changed. It is possible to use that to process user interaction
and to react to property change. Events bubble up from the most re-


cently added widget through the widgets in widget tree to the leaves
and then backwards. It is possible to reverse this order by calling
base implementation of a currently called callback on the parent
class. Another option is to process an event and kill the event in
the current callback method by returning the True value. By com-
bination of these approaches, it is possible to distribute events to all
the nodes in the widget tree and also to save the processor time by
killing the event after successful processing.
Creating a Kivy property automatically creates one event that is
fired every time the value is changed. The naming convention for
this event is on_<PROPERTYNAME>(). After that, it is possible to
bring a custom callback on this event or overwrite the implemen-
tation of this event.

2.3.4 Clock and Animations

User interaction with an application is processed by the main loop.

This loop is managed by a clock. Every clock tick is processing com-
ing events from the GUI, network, another threads etc. The com-
plete set of operations in the main thread is described in diagram
from Kivy official documentation copied in appendix B.3.
It is also possible to create animations besides the user events
processing. It is possible to plan to animate the widget every tick
of the clock. It is also possible to use predefined animations to cre-
ate a smooth modern application with interactive GUI. Kivy Frame-
work also offers predefined transitions and it is also possible to de-
fine custom ones by the provided API.
The clock provides an API for planning to schedule and callback
action once or to schedule it periodically. This approach is similar to
JavaScript 17 and this exact functionality is used in animating wid-

17. Programing language used to make the web pages interactive and providing
a way of animating HTML elements by scheduling animation actions


class MyClass(Widget):
presure = BoundedNumericProperty(1, min=0, max=100)
store_item_manager = ObjectProperty(null)

Figure 2.4: Kivy Properties Declaration

2.3.5 Development Guidelines

These topics are not described in the Kivy official documentation.

But it is necessary to respect a set of rules to make the application
maintainable, easy to read and to make for an easier orientation in
its code. This section focuses on object programing paradigm and
modern design patterns taught, for example, in the Python course
PV248 [14] and in the book “Concepts of Programming languages”
The first rule is to follow some coding style guide. Official style
guide described on the official Python site [18] is PEP 8. This guide
describes how to format the code, how to document it and how to
use that format style to orient yourself in the code. With this set of
rules, it is possible to understand code written by someone else ef-
The next approach that make code more maintainable is the con-
cept of responsibility. That concept states that every class should
have responsibility over a single part of the functionality provided
by the software. That means one class file and one kv file for one
class code with a GUI definition. It is also good to name that file the
same as the class name contained in the file, just in lower case.
To create the code of the widgets readable it is useful to declare
Kivy Properties according to the Kivy official documentation. This
approach allows you to see the list of settable properties right from
class definition of the widget with default values without the neces-
sity for comments. On the figure 2.4 it is visible that it is not neces-
sary to define the default value in a constructor. Kivy also automati-
cally binds the properties with possibility to validate or make other
processing when the value of the property is changed. Another ad-
vantage of Kivy properties is the possibility to define the value in KV


To prepare applications for using different data layer or a diffe-

rent type of presentation layer, it is good to divide the program into
three layers. The presentation, business and data layer. Data layer
is responsible for loading and storing the data. It generally holds
the persistence of the application. Business layer is responsible for
using the data layer and providing it to the presentation layer. The
presentation layer is responsible for rendering the data in GUI and
dispatching user interaction into the business layer.

Code Structure The main goal of this section is to create a struc-

tured and maintainable application. This goal could be achieved by
dividing the application into layers and design classes and GUI de-
finitions according to object paradigm as was mentioned in the pre-
vious subsection 2.3.5.
Application structure should respect the three layered architec-
ture. The most general way how to achieve this is to create three
modules. The module is in the Python folder with an initialization
script, which is a file called __init__.py. Optionally, it is possible
to create a separate folder for resources such as images, localization
files etc. Under the layer modules, it is possible to nest another se-
mantic hierarchy based on semantics.
To give a better idea on how to create an easy to read source code
and maintainable application, it is possible to start with the follow-
ing folder structure 2.5. That example is just a template of how is
possible to create a structured application. The official Kivy docu-
mentation does not provide best practices on how to structure the
code. This sample is to give you a general idea. In fact, the nam-
ing conventions of folders, according to PEP 8, are wrong because
of better readability. Name of the folders should be in lowercase if
you were to follow the PEP 8 rules.

2.3.6 Localization

To create a multicultural application, it is necessary to design the

GUI to be able to handle different length of displayed strings. Be-
side that, it is necessary to create a robust user interface that is able
to handle all culture specifications as special characters in alpha-


Sample application
|-- Presentation Layer
| |-- Initial Screen
| |-- Menu Screen
| |-- Setting Screen
| ‘-- Main Screen
| |-- Menu
| ‘-- Content
|-- Business Logic
| |-- Settings Provider
| ‘-- Data Provider
|-- Data Layer
| |-- Rest Service
| ‘-- Database Service
‘-- Resources
|-- Images
‘-- Resource Strings

Figure 2.5: Sample Folder Structure

bet, RTL and LRT layouts etc. Kivy does not provide an embedded
functionality to create multicultural GUI.
It is possible to implement this feature, but all of the functiona-
lity mentioned in the previous paragraph has to be implemented
from scratch. It is possible to create text widgets from the Kivy de-
fault set by inheritance and implementing them the required fun-
ctionality. To make these widgets able to display all special chara-
cters, it is possible to use encoding and custom font. To ensure that
these widgets show text in the defined language, it is possible to cre-
ate a Python class (language manager) that returns string according
to a language and string key. Then, in the Kivy KV language GUI defi-
nition, import this language manager and use it for setting text pro-
perty of text widgets. Custom font could be also used for rendering
font icons. The font uses vector graphics. This approach allows for
using scalable icons without the necessity to store images in all re-
quired sizes.


The most complicated part is to defining the GUI for RTL18 cul-
tures. Kivy provides widgets that are able to work with input and out-
put text in LTR.L19 To be able to create a layout and text widgets in
RTL, it is necessary to implement the complete functionality. That
step requires complete knowledge about rendering, positioning and
animation implementation in Kivy Framework. To cover all the fun-
ctionality that provides Kivy, is it is necessary to add functionality to
all widgets including the text and layout ones.

2.4 OS-specific functionality

All of the platform specific functionality is provided by the project
Plyer 2.1.1. This fact makes development application using Kivy
Framework dependent on Plyer. All unsupported functionality that
Plyer does not provide is necessary to implement by developer. This
implementation has to be implemented separately for all supported
platforms. This approach loses the advantages of the multi-platform
development. This approach also increases the amount of configu-
ration for packaging the final distributable application.

2.5 REST, json and hal

Representational state transfer (REST) is an approach for creating,
reading, updating and deleting information on servers using the hy-
pertext transfer protocol (HTTP) or its secure version (HTTPS). It is
an interface architecture. The information that are transferred be-
tween requester and server are serialized into XML20 or JSON21 .
Terminal server REST API provides an ability for managing print
jobs and dependent objects. The information is represented in JSON
formatting. The data is divided into the two main groups. The first
one is the data part, which contains the actual information about

18. Writing system where text starts on the right and continues to the left. This
system is used in Arabic speaking countries.
19. Writing system that starts writing on the left and continues to the right.
20. Extensible markup language that is used for structuring information in text.
21. Javascript Object Notation is definition of how the object in JavaScript can be
defined by text.


the objects. The second one is a link part. It is provided by hypertext

application language (HAL22 )
Example of the simple object that is retrievable from a server as
a request body is shown in figure 2.6. It represents user information.
The _links member objects contain a list of links that are possible
to access.

22. Hypertext Application Language defines hyperlinks between resources



"name": "John Doe",
"balance": "150 EUR",
"billingCode": {
"code": "5.1",
"description": "Internal"
"hasEntitlement": true,
"userRights": [
"logoutTimeout": 15,
"_links": {
"self": {
"printApplication": {
"href": "/et/v1/1000000000000027/jobs"
"scanApplication": null,
"copyApplication": null,
"billingCodesApplication": {
"href": "/et/v1/1000000000000027/billingCodes"

Figure 2.6: JSON and HAL example

Chapter 3

The output of this chapter is a set of development guidelines for po-
tential programmers, installable packages for all supported mobile
and desktop platforms and a list of obstacles blocking their creation.
Focus is put on structured description of problematic topics of de-
velopment in Kivy. Tips and guidelines are made by modern prin-
ciples of object oriented programming, such as dividing the pre-
sentation layer and the business logic or the Single Responsibility
Concept. These principles were taken from following the sources
[22, 14].
The goal is to create functional multi-platform client for Termi-
nal server REST API. This API provides set of functions for the man-
agement of printer actions. These actions are called jobs. Job is a
printable file sent into the printer with meta data used by the printer.
The final application connects to one specific printer. The specifica-
tion consists of a protocol, domain, port and path to accessing the
printer by the HTTP protocol. User logs in the job management in-
terface. After login, the user is able to manage jobs sent by himself
into the connected printer. This application is in general a client that
is able to visualize print jobs and provide user friendly interface to
manage these jobs. General workflow is shown on diagram 3.1.
The minimal part of the functionality the application provides
includes ability to log in into the specified printer using a PIN. An-
other part is managing print jobs, which includes previewing, send-
ing to print, marking as favorites. The last part is to preview the list
of billing codes and list help topics that are able to display manual.


Figure 3.1: Mockup describing general

workflow in developed application. 33

3.1 User interace

The user interface was provided by Y Soft in four iterations. All iter-
ations are available in attachments A.
Final design is described in figure 3.1. This diagram will be refe-
renced from the following paragraph.
The application is divided into two main views. The first view
is used to provide login. The second one provides print job man-
agement. These two will be called screens. User is able to log in by
PIN and also by user name and password. Login screen is displayed
in the first two images of the mockup. After a successful login, the
user is shown a second screen offering the main functionality. This
screen is divided into the three main zones. The top zone is used to
display information about the logged user, left zone provides a set
of tabs that change the content of the third zone. Detailed analysis
is provided in subsection 3.1.1.

3.1.1 Defining GUI

Login screen provides an ability to log in via a PIN and by user name
and password. It is necessary to display two separate user interfaces
for each type of login. In first two images in figure 3.1, it is shown that
the screen is split into the two main areas. The first one is the static
top header. The logo of the Y Soft is placed on the right site and the
color theme is unified with the main screen of the final application
summarized in figure 3.1. The second zone contains form for login.
The PIN part displays the label and an embedded keyboard. This
approach is possible to use on devices without keyboard i.e., prin-
ters. The second approach describes how to make form without an
embedded keyboard and rely on its resource on a specific device.
The second and main screen contains a more complex GUI in
comparison with the login screen. It is possible to divide the main
screen into the separate zones with dynamic content and the static
header. The header contains the same logo as the login screen, but
it is placed on the left site. Right side of the top header is designed to
hold information about the current user. The rest of the screen is di-
vided into the two main zones. On the left side, there is a placeholder
for tabs. In this zone, there are five tabs: Print tab, Copy tab, Scan tab.


Figure 3.2: Print Tab Mockup

Billing codes tab and a Help tab. These tabs are used for switching
the content of the zones on the right zone from tab buttons. A more
detailed description is in paragraph 3.1.2. Possible views are shown
in figures 3.2 and 3.3.

3.1.2 Components

According to the Kivy official documentation [7], it is recommended

to use the ScreenManager widget to divide the application into
separate screens. In this specific case, it is the login screen and the
main screen. It is possible to nest these widgets to manage dynamic
content more granularly.
According to the figure 3.3 , the Root Manager responsible for
switching content between the login screen and the main screen.
The Content Manager tab controls content switching according to
the selected tab on the left site. When the Print tab is selected, the
Content Manager sub tab displays a list of jobs according to the


Figure 3.3: Screen Manager Division

selected sub tab. These sub tabs are shown under the Sub Tab Menu
Manager. If one or more items in the print job list is selected, Sub
Tab Menu Manager changes its content from sub tab menu into the
selection menu. This change is visible in figure 3.2.

Login screen

Authentication screen contains two components. First one is a ba-

sic form containing two text inputs, labels with one button for sub-
mitting the button. In the second component is one text input and
a group of buttons, simulating the numeric keyboard. All of the fol-
lowing components are already implemented in the framework. The
only additional code is for event handling and styling the widgets.
The static part only contains a logo.


Main screen
The second screen contains complex information architecture. The
header contains a logo and one label for the current user name and
billing code and one styled button. The left tab panel is a group of
styled toggle buttons. The Kivy Framework does not provide as ro-
bust an API as is required for the left tabs. So the tabs are styled
toggle buttons with a constraint that enables to select exactly one
button. Switching the tab content is implemented by Tab Content
Manager described in subsection 3.1.2.
Zone managed by Tab Content Manager contains five type of lay-
out. Following description is sorted from the simples to the most
complex one. Copy and scan content is only an image describes how
to perform action on the printer, because it not possible to perform
these actions without presence of the user next to the printer. The
help tab is a group of five buttons. These are only styled buttons that
open a page with manual site about a specified topic. Billing codes
are a list of billing code items. This component is implemented as a
list view using dictionary adapters described in paragraph 3.1.2.
The most complex component managed by the Tab Content
Manager is the Print tab. This component contains three lists or-
ganized into the three tabs. Tab selectors are implemented as styled
toggle buttons, similarly to the tab selectors in the left tab panel. Ad-
ditional support for animation is also implemented. This feature is
described in 3.1.3. Lists contain print job items. The first list is called
“Waiting” and it contains jobs that are ready for print. “Printed” list
lists already printed and “Favorites” list displays job items that are
marked as favorites. Every item in every list has similar layout and
provides an information button for showing the modal dialog that
is described in paragraph 3.1.2. The last component is the selection
menu that is shown, if one or more job items are selected. Selection
menu offers actions for selecting or deselecting all items in the list
and the delete action. Delete button visibility depends on value of
the _show_delete_button boolean property. Delete action is vi-
sible only in list containing items ready to be printed.

Lists List visualization belongs to the most robust form elements.

Lists can theoretically contain an infinite number of items. This re-


quirement is satisfied by the principle of adapter visualized in figure

B.4. This concept consists of three main classes.
The first class represents data. Kivy Framework accepts
SimpleListAdapter that is a wrapper for classic Python list. The
second one is a ListAdapter that contains more behavior pro-
perties. It is possible to specify a selection mode, caching etc. Last
type of data adapter is DictAdapter which is a wrapper for clas-
sic Python dictionary with some additional properties. The second
class in the adapter principle is a template. Template is used to dis-
play an item in the list. It is based on SelectableView and its main
purpose is to display data in the user interface. The last class con-
nects the previous two. It is called Argument converter. Its purpose
is to transform data item from data adapter to the instance of a tem-
plate. This concept loads only as much items as necessary to display
them in user interface. If any other item is required, it is loaded dy-
namically in the runtime. This allows to recycle templates without
necessity to instantiate them again.
Kivy provides more simple implementations of list visualization
that require only list of data items and embedded templates based
on a button or on a label. This set is sufficient for primitive data types
and simple view requirements.
Specific example of using list visualization is in the billing codes
tab and in all sub tabs in the print tab. Billing codes tab is less com-
plicated. As a data adapter, a dictionary of a billing code objects re-
trieved from the server is used. Argument converter is a lambda ex-
pression that gets a billing code id, name and description from the
data objects and pass them as a constructor argument of the tem-
plate. Template BillingCodeItem is a class inherited from
SelectableView and a BoxLayout described in paragraph 2.3.2.
Template accepts properties from argument converter in the con-
structor and creates a widget for a list view. The same principle is
used in sub tab lists in the print tab. The only difference is that list
items allow to select items by a check box. It is also possible to show
the modal dialog (description in paragraph 3.1.2) and set or unset
the item as favorite. Selection is implemented as a standard event
of a check box that calls select method of SelectableView. Fa-
vorites functionality is implemented as a styled toggle button that
sends REST request with specific id of the list item on server.


Figure 3.4: Job Detail Modal Dialog

Modal dialog Modal dialog is implemented by a widget Popup.

This widget can contain any type of child widgets. It is basically an-
other root of the widget tree injected into the classic widget tree
when the method open() is called. Passing data to the modal dialog
is the same as for other widgets, by Kivy properties or as construc-
tor arguments. Closing the dialog is implemented by dismiss()
Specific example of the modal dialog containing complex GUI
including another screen manager, form and carousel is implemented
in every list item in the print tab content. All the logic is implemented
in JobDetailPopup widget. Every print job list item holds the id of
the job that it represents. This id is passed into the modal dialog, di-
alog sends request for getting the detail of the job and renders the
summary form and the editable form using carousels. Screen shot
containing job detail modal dialog is in figure 3.4.

Layouts Layout represents the concept of widget placement the

directive way. Every type of layout described in paragraph 2.3.2 has
its own implementation of positioning and sizing the child widget.
Widget size could be set by ratio according to the size of the layout
widget or by fixed size in one of Kivy units. Kivy property size_hint
is used for a set ratio that is a list of size_hint_x and size_hint_y
that specifies ratio of width and height.
A specific layout usage with a login screen containing anchor
and box layout and a help tab content of the main screen was cho-


Figure 3.5: Layouts Example

sen as an example of the grid layout.

Example interface is highlighted in figure 3.5. On the left site is
a login screen. It contains an anchor layout to achieve padding and
centering of the child. Child of the anchor layout is box layout con-
taining form elements as labels, text inputs, button and empty space.
Empty space is used as a place holder to display embedded key-
board, because Kivy Framework does not adapt user interface, when
the keyboard is shown. There is also a highlighted y-axis ratio of
every single form element by red color. On the right site a usage of
grid layout is illustrated. By the width of the grid layout, the number
of help buttons that fit in one row is calculated. Layout is recalcu-
lated for every resize. This ensures responsive behavior as is visible
on the screen shots.

3.1.3 Animations

Animations are one of the features how to make an application more

user friendly. Feeling from the application with animations and loa-
ders affect looks more smooth than without it.


Animations are embedded into the screen manager and carousel

that was described in 2.3.2. For carousel, it is possible to define length
of animation of switching slide. For application a default duration
0.3 seconds between slides was used. Screen manager provides an
API to define transitions between slides. It is possible to choose one
from embedded transitions or to implement a custom one. For im-
plemented application, slide transition with different transition di-
rections was used. For example the Content Manager tab from figure
3.3 sets the direction according to the direction between currently
selected tab and newly selected one. This make an impression that
tab contents stand on each other.
An example of the classic animation is in sub tab menu in print
tab content shown in figure 3.2. Under the tabs in sub tab selector
menu, there is an orange rectangle that identifies the selected tab.
Detail of change is shown on figure 3.6. That animation is imple-
mented as a separate widget under the tab selectors. This widget
is a placeholder for the orange rectangle. When the selected tab is
changed, an animation is created and the rectangle changes posi-
tion by linear speed under the selected tab selector. Moving the rec-
tangle is implemented by changing x-axis coordinate. The duration
of the animation has to be set for the same duration as transition
of screen manager that controls sub tab content to synchronize tab
animation with content switching.
Other implementation method for animation is to use clock ob-
ject, described in section 2.3.4. This approach is used for loader. This
loader is used in all cases until an information is loading, for exam-
ple when job items are loaded. It is a font icon from Font Awesome1 .
Using custom fonts was described in subsection 2.3.6. Every half se-
cond is fired an animation that changes angle of the label containing
loader icon. This ensures that icon is rotating.

3.2 Communication with Server

Data layer of the application is provided by Terminal Server REST
API. The application itself does not store any data. The server is able
to communicate with various devices. The API is able to manage

1. Font containing scalable vector icons. Home page: http://git.io/vGTdX.


Figure 3.6: Sub Tab Selectors Animation

Get authentication methods. AUTHENTICATION

Log in using user name.
Get information about currently logged user.
Log user out.
Get jobs waiting for print. JOBS
Get already printed jobs.
Get jobs marked as favorites.
Print one or more jobs.
Delete one or more jobs.
Mark job as favorite.
Unmark job as favorite.
Update job information.
Get billing codes. BILLING CODES

Table 3.1: Required REST Operations

more objects than an implemented application requires. The appli-

cation requires the API for authentication, print job management
and for billing codes. The rest of the API is not used and not de-
scribed. The required set of operations is summarized in figure 3.1.


Figure 3.7: Data Access Layer Architecture

The required set of API operations can be semantically divided

into three groups according to the subject. According to object re-
sponsibility concept, the communication is divided into three classes
called Authentication, BillingCodes and Jobs. These three
managers are called through one data access manager called
TerminalServerManager visualized on figure 3.7. This approach
allows to extend data layer by creating a new class and connect it
into the data access manager. It is also possible to switch data layer

3.3 Development guidelines

The following section is dedicated to specific guidelines that are used
for the proof of concept application. These guidelines were made
during the development process. The goal is to create a set of rules


to make an application extendable, maintainable and easy to read.

All of the rules respect object oriented paradigm and design patterns
from these resources [22, 14]. Some of these rules are broken inten-
tionally. These are used as an examples subsection 3.3.2.

3.3.1 Code structure

It is not effective to divide application code structure into the three
logic parts to respect the three layer architecture described in para-
graph 2.3.5. Data layer on server and its access is divided into the
special sub tree in file system and this approach respects the three-
layer architecture. Presentation and business layer are in one sub-
tree. That is because separation of business and presentation layer
in Kivy is made by dividing widget presentation into KV language
files and its logic into python files. It is required to place these files
into the same folder and with the same name. This limitation blocks
division of presentation and business logic. The only way how to
achieve division on file system structure is to use widget python
classes just as wrappers for business class objects. This approach
was tested on the proof of concept application and it makes the code
more complicated and hard to read.
The final folder structure is visualized in figure 3.8. All folders all
named by lower case according to PEP 8 specification [18]. Folder
dataaccess holds classes for communication with server. It con-
tains contracts folder, where all required API is defined in one
place. The only type of resources used in developed application are
images, that is why the resources folder is named images. Folder ui
respects screen managers responsibility described in section 3.1.2.
File system folder tree also respects widget tree structure of an app-
lication. Kivy Framework does not describe how to structure an app-
lication that is why it is created empirically.

3.3.2 Bad and Best Practices

This subsection describes bad and good practices used in imple-
menting the application. This approach was defined during the de-
velopment. All of the examples including bad practices are in the
source code for illustration purposes.


|-- dataaccess
| |-- contracts
| ‘-- rest
| |-- auth
| |-- billingcodes
| ‘-- jobs
|-- images
‘-- ui
|-- loginscreen
‘-- mainscreen
|-- tablayout
| |-- billingtab
| |-- copytab
| |-- helptab
| |-- printtab
| | |-- favoriteslist
| | |-- printedlist
| | |-- topsubmenu
| | ‘-- waitinglist
| ‘-- scantab
‘-- topheader

Figure 3.8: SafeQ Folder Structure


First example is a list of the visualization architecture. How lists

work is described in 3.1.2. List is built from two widgets. The first one
is ListView and the second is list item, which is the widget inher-
ited from SelectebleView. It is good to divide an implementation
for these two classes into two separate files. Example of this separa-
tion is illustrated in BillingTab and BillingCodeItem classes.
These classes are divided and now it is possible to use
BillingCodeItem in more than one list. Bad practice is to store
an item and a list in one file. This example is included in Waiting,
Printed and Favorites list on the Print tab. Every list has its own list
item definition. All items in all three lists are similar. The only differ-
ence is that in the Favorites lists, there is a missing star toggle button
for marking job item as a favorite. The best practice is to extract de-
finition for all job items into one item class and implement ability to
change visibility of the start toggle button depending on a boolean
property. This approach is used in top selection menu described in
subsection 3.1.2 that has configurable visibility for delete button.
Another practice is to use KV language inheritance syntax. Ac-
cording to the template concept, described in subsection 2.3.1, it
is possible to create widget based on already created one and pre-
set some of its properties, or define new ones. It is possible to in-
clude all the code in KV language definition without the necessity
to create a Python logic class. Example in code is included in the
loginscreencontent.kv and loginscreencontent.py files.
A bad practice is to define widget inheritance link in Python logic.
Example of this notation is in the PinNumberButton widget. Pro-
perty values are set in the KV language file and the information that
this widget inherits from Button widget class in Python logic file.
To make the code easier to read, it is possible to define inheritance
in KV definition file together with setting widget properties. This is
illustrated in the FormItem widget. The difference is illustrated on
figure 3.9.

3.4 Packaging

One of the biggest advantages of the Kivy Framework is its multi-

platform packaging. It is possible to pack the application into one


# loginscreencontent.kv
<FormItem@BoxLayout>: # loginscreencontent.kv
orientation: ’horizontal’ <PinNumberButton>:
label_text : ’default’ background_normal:
padding: 5,5 ’images/pinnumberbutton_normal.png’
Label: background_down:
id: item_label ’images/pinnumberbutton_down.png’
size_hint_y: None color: 0,0,0,1
size : self .texture_size font_name: ’DroidSans−Bold’
padding: 5,5
text : root. label_text
color: 0,0,0,1 # loginscreencontent.py
TextInput: from kivy.uix.button import Button
id: item_input
size_hint_y: None
size : item_label.size class PinNumberButtofn(Button):
padding: 5,5 pass
multiline: False

Figure 3.9: KV language Inheritance Definition

distributable package. This operation consists of compiling for a par-

ticular operating system, creating distributable package according
to environment and optionally security steps, such as signing, ob-
fuscation etc. Packaging is the most difficult operation for Kivy. The
framework has to provide a way how to run an application writ-
ten in Python on environments with different complier implemen-
tations as automatically as possible. Description is included in the
2.1.1 subsection.
Developers from Kivy provide a semiautomatic way for creating
packages for all platforms. The packing principle is almost the same
for all operating systems. First of all, source codes must be in Python
2.7+, because every packaging tool supports only this version. Sup-
port for Python 3.3+ is on the way according to the official docu-
mentation, but the specific date is not announced. The next step is
to download the packing tools 2.1.1. These tools are platform spe-
cific. The next step is to configure compilation and set meta data for
environment and final package.
To find out how the whole process works more deeply. As a part of
implementation process and one of the goal of this thesis is to create
a package for every single supported platform or describe problems
that block the creation. In the following paragraphs, the process of
creating a portable package for each supported operating system in-
cluding the packaging problems is described. The following subsec-
tion is only general a description of the process, for detailed guide


use packaging section in official Kivy documentation [7].

According to section 2.2, it is necessary to install all Windows,
Linux and OS X operating systems to create all types of application.
The following will be used for this testing: Windows 8.1, Linux Ubuntu
15.04 and OS X 10.9.5(Mavericks).

3.4.1 Windows
Windows uses PyInstaller [15] as a packing tool. It is possible to down-
load PyInstaller using pip. This packaging tool and the Kivy portable
package are required to create a package for distribution. When a
developer wants to perform any action in the packaging process,
he is required to set all necessary environment properties as PATH,
PYTHONPATH etc. These settings can be performed automatically.
Simply run script file kivy.bat, located in Kivy portable package.
The first step is generation of the specification file. This specifi-
cation file is generated by running Pyinstaller main script
pyinstaller.py with parameter name and a value represents
a name of final package. Another parameter is path to main.py, the
bootstrap file containing entrance point into the application. It is
obligatory to name this file main.py. That is the most basic way
how to generate a new folder with specification file.This command
generates a default specification file with spec extension. There are
many possibilities how to change the configuration in generated file.
All of them are described in PyIstaller documentation [15]. The most
important result is a basic template for specification file. This file is
displayed in figure 3.10. Specification file has to be edited according
to Kivy documentation [7] or PyInstaller manual [15].
The second and the last step is to run application compilation.
This is performed by calling pyinstaller.py with path to spec-
ification file as an argument. The program collects all required re-
sources and compile them into one folder. This folder mostly con-
tains dll2 and pyd3 . It also contains Source code and some meta-

2. Dynamic linked library - type of container for shared code using in Microsoft
3. Python script made as DLL.


# -*- mode: python -*-

a = Analysis([’..\\Temp\\SafeQ\\main.py’],
pyz = PYZ(a.pure)
exe = EXE(pyz,
console=True )
coll = COLLECT(exe,

Figure 3.10: PyInstaller specification file


The most essential thing in this process is to set all the environ-
ment variables as was mentioned above. In case of skipping this
step, it is not possible to generate the specification file. It is impor-
tant to keep in mind that environment path setting is valid only for
one session of the command prompt. So the environment set up has
to be performed after every start of the command prompt.


Packaging application for Windows is really vulnerable to errors be-

cause of version incompatibility. It is necessary to find in the docu-
mentation version history what version of Kivy is compatible with
specific versions of PyInstaller. It is also impossible to use an exter-
nally installed PyInstaler. The only combination of versions that was
able to create distributable package is Kivy version 1.9.0 and PyIn-
staller 2.1. By following steps for specified version4 , it was not possi-
ble to create a functional package. This procedure requires to install
PyInstaller into the Kivy portable package using installed pip. Then,
it was not possible to import kivy.uix.selectableview for un-
known reasons. This class was copied into the application sources.
After that and another additional action was able to create a portable

3.4.2 Linux

Linux distribution is the easiest operating system to run Kivy app-

lications. All requirements for running are provided in one pack-
age. It can be installed by apt-get5 or alternative packaging system
installed on a speicfic distribution. After the installation, the Kivy
Framework can be run as a standard Python program. No packag-
ing is required.

4. Concrete documentation version of Windows packaging manual:

5. Package handling utility. http://linux.die.net/man/8/apt-get


During the installation and running Kivy application on Linux Ubuntu
15.04, there were no problems to run the developed application and
any of the examples provided by the Kivy Framework.

3.4.3 OS X
Packaging application for this operating system is similar as on Win-
dows described in previous subsection 3.4.1. One requirement is a
portable package containing Kivy Framework. The second prereq-
uisite is also PyInstaller [15]. Generating the specification file is si-
milar, just with another argument windowed. Running the compi-
lation is the same. The only difference between OS X and Windows
is finalization. Windows package would be distributed as a folder.
OS X uses dmg6 files to distribute applications. The standard way to
create this image file is hdiutil7 tool. After the compilation, the
package contains most of the Kivy modules. It is possible to delete
the unused parts to reduce the package size. After this step is pro-
gram ready for distribution.

3.4.4 Problems
The first tested version of the OS X operation system was 10.11 (El
Capitan). During the compilation, PyInstaller writes into the ’/usr’
directory. This version of the OS X contains new System Integrity
Protection8 that blocks any writes into this folder. Deployable pack-
age was created on version OS X 10.9.5.

3.4.5 iOS
Packaging process for iPhones and iPads is the most complicated.
Prerequisites are summarized in table 3.2

6. Mac OS X Disk Image file.

7. Tools for managing disc images on Mac OS X
8. Security technology used on OS X: https://support.apple.com/


Name Description URL

autoconf Package of macros for http://www.gnu.
shell scripts. org/software/
automake Tool for generating a https://www.gnu.
compiling script . org/software/
libtool Support script library. https://www.gnu.
pkgconfig Helper tool for setting http://pkgconfig.
compiler options. freedesktop.org
pip Python packages instal- https://pip.pypa.
lation manager. io/en/stable
cython Python compiler uses http://cython.org
implementation of rou-
tines in C language.

Table 3.2: iOS Prerequisities


The main packing procedure consist of four steps to create

runnable application. The first step is to download and compile the
Kivy distribution for iOS. Compilation script called toolchain.py
is included in the distribution package. The next step is to create an
Xcode project [23]. This action is also performed by the toolchain
script as well as all another steps. After opening the project, it is pos-
sible to compile all the external python modules i.e. numpy9 and in-
clude into the project and link to the XCode project. After all these
steps, it is possible to build the Xcode project and distribute, same
as standard one10 .

The package for iOS was not created because the required mem-
bership to create the portable package is paid11 . That decision was
made with thesis supervisor.

3.4.6 Android
There are two main approaches on how to build applications for An-
droid. The first one is to copy the source code to the Android device
and run it by KivyLauncher12 . This application loads sources from
an SD card and provides Kivy runtime environment. Using this ap-
proach, it is impossible to publish the application on Android store,
The second option is to compile the application locally and get
an APK file. Creating an APK can be performed using two approaches.
The first one is to use python-for-android descibed in paragraph
2.1.1. This process requires Android Software Development Kit
(SDK)13 and Android Native Development Kit (NDK)14 . After the in-
stallation, it is necessary to configure python-for-android and

9. Scientific module for Python: http://www.numpy.org/

10. Manual for XCode project distribution: https://goo.gl/SOIerh
11. Developer membership summary: https://goo.gl/ujOoxa
12. Kivy Launcher application on Google Play: https://goo.gl/mrg2So
13. Development kit required to develop Android applications:
14. Toolset that allows to use C/C++ for development on Android:


set location of Android SDK and NDK. The last step is to configure
APK package meta data and run the compilation process.
All steps described in the previous paragraph can be automated
by a tool called buildozer described in paragraph 2.1.1. To build
an application, it is required to generate a specification file. Edit the
configuration file and set the application package meta data, includ-
ing a list of required system permissions. After that, the rest of the
process is performed automatically by one command.
To create the package for Android, it is necessary to use the Linux
operating system. There are mainly two possibilities on how to do
that. The first one is to use a prepared virtual image with Linux with
already installed prerequisites. This approach is easier for installa-
tion, but it is hard to deploy application directly to an Android de-
vice from a virtual environment. The other choice is to install Linux
and all its prerequisites and use native installation. For the testing of
package compilation was used a native installation of Linux Ubuntu
15.04 and buildozer.

A recommended step before every single packaging is to update all
the required programs. Updating just a single support program can
block the compilation process.
The development application uses custom fonts called Font Awe-
some. File with font definition has to be copied between the stan-
dard font to enable the Kivy Framework to load it and include it into
the distributable package.

Font definition paths:

• .buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/

• .buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/

Chapter 4

This section describes the usability issues of the developed applica-
tion. This chapter is one of the most valuable for deciding whether
the Kivy Framework is appropriate for commercial use. The first part
is a usability test on the provided use case. In this, a specification
of the tested devices and terminal server, initial data on the server,
testing use case and results, is described. The rest of this chapter is
dedicated to additional testing and deployment on Raspberry Pi.

Use Case Validation

Target Terminal server

Domain with terminal server is http://demo.ysoft.com. REST

API is listening on port 5021 on path /et/v1/1000000000000027.
This server is intended to be a testing machine, it has some limita-
tions in comparison to the real machine. This configuration does
not provide a PIN login option, it is not possible to update job item
and preview of the document is available only in the Y Soft local net-
work. The demo server does not send jobs to print, it only deletes the
job from waiting list for a minute and then sends it back to waiting
list. Testing of missing functionality is described in section 4.1

Initial data

Two print jobs are sent to the testing server. Both of them are in wait-
ing list. The first one is marked as a favorite. On this server, a testing
account is created.


Tested Platforms
• Android 5.1 (Google Nexus 4)

• Android 4.3 (Rockchip tablet)

• Android 4.4 (Samsung M 5370 printer)

• Windows Vista 32bit (Desktop)

• Windows 8.1 (Notebook)

• Windows 10 (Tablet Acer Iconia Tab 8)

• Windows Server 2008R2

• Linux Ubuntu 15.04 (Notebook)

• OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks (Mac Mini)

• OS X 10.11 El Captain (Macbook Pro)

Testing scenario
1. Run the application.
• Login screen with user name and password input is dis-
2. Swipe right.
• Login option is switched to PIN.
3. Swipe Left
• Login option is switched back to user name and pass-
4. Click OK
• Modal dialog about bad credentials is displayed.
5. Set user name and password according to testing account.

6. Click OK button.
• Login is successful.
• Main screen with tabs on the left sites is displayed.


• Print tab is preselected.

• Waiting list is preselected
• First job item is selected as favorites by full start.
• User name is on the top right corner next to the log out
7. Click info icon in first job item.
• Modal dialog is shown
• Job item information is loaded.
• Preview is available only in Y Soft local network.
8. Click Change options button.
• Values of the carousel are preselected according to job
• It is possible to change values by buttons.
9. Click OK button
• Options are not updated, because of demo server limi-
10. Select first job using check box.
• Job is selected
• Job selection menu is displayed
11. Click Select all button in job selection menu.
• All jobs are selected.
12. Click Left arrow button in job selection menu.
• All jobs are unselected.
• Job selection menu disappeared.
13. Set second job as a favorite using star button.
• Start is colored.

14. Print first job.

• Job disappeared from list.
15. Navigate to printed list.
• Printed list is empty because of demo server limitations.
16. Navigate to favorite list

• List contains two jobs.

17. Select scan tab
• Tab content is changed by rolling down animation.
• Tab content contains image describing scan action.
18. Select copy tab
• Tab content is changed by rolling up animation.
• Tab content contains image describing scan action.
19. Navigate to billing tab
• List of two billing codes item is displayed.
20. Click Help tab
• Tab content contains six help buttons.
21. Click on scanning help button.
• Internet browser is opened with manual page.

Testing discovered that if it is possible to run the application, then
it is possible to go through the use case without a problem. In some
cases, it was not possible to run the application. Results of the test-
ing are summarized in table 4.1.

4.1 Other testing

The goal of this section is to test functionality that is not covered by
the server as login by PIN, send job for print and update job meta
data. This functionality was tested in Y Soft local network on real
server. This functionality was tested on Windows 8.1, Linux Ubuntu
15.04, OS X 10.11 El Captain and Android 5.1. All of mentioned fea-
tures are functional.
Other goal was to find limitations of the lists. In case of more than
thirty items in a waiting, printed or favorite list scrolling animation
starts to lag. The first hypothesis was that this behavior is caused by
images in list items but this disadvantage appears also in simple lists
that are contains only a label.


System Result
Android 5.1 (Google Nexus 4) Executed without a problem dur-
ing the use case. One disadvan-
tage are long loading times of the
application. Time from applica-
tion start to the log in screen ren-
dering is about nine seconds.
Android 4.3 (Rockchip
Android X.X (Samsung Same result as on Android 5.1
Windows Vista 32bit (Desk- Final package was made on 64-bit
top) environment, it is not possible to
run it in 32-bit Windows.
Windows 8.1 (Notebook) No problems during the use case.
The only disadvantage is that app-
lication run requires a visible com-
mand line window.
Windows 10 (Tablet Acer Ico- According to Kivy Windows 10 is
nia Tab 8) currently unsupported. It is not
possible to run a Kivy application
on this system.
Windows Server 2008R2 Running application ends with er-
ror: “The application has failed to
start because its side-by-side con-
figuration is incorrect.”
Linux Ubuntu 15.04 (Note- Linux does not required any
book) portable package. Just run the
source code. Testing did not
uncover any problems.
OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks (Mac Testing did not uncover any prob-
Mini) lems.
OS X 10.11 El Captain (Mac- Testing did not uncover any prob-
book Pro) lems. It is not possible to create
the distributable package, but it is
possible to run a package created
on previous versions- 59

Table 4.1: Testing Results


4.2 Raspberry Pi
This section is beyond the scope of the thesis. The goal of the follow-
ing text is to test the application on a Raspberry Pi. For more infor-
mation on Raspberry Pi, go to the official site 1 . Raspberry Pi is, ac-
cording to Kivy official documentation, able to run Kivy source code.
There are three ways how you can prepare environment and run a
Kivy application. First two are by installing Linux (one for Raspbian
Jessie and the second for Raspbian Wheezy distribution) and Kivy
requirements separately. The third is to download an image con-
taining a preinstalled Kivy Framework and all its requirements.
Within this test, it was decided to use the image with preconfi-
gured system. The specific version of the computer is Raspberry Pi
B+. This computer will be controlled by mouse and keyboard con-
nected via the USB port. Internet network is connected by the RJ-45
The goal of the test was to go through the use case described in
subsection 4. It was, however, not possible to go through with the
testing without first overcoming the following complications. The
preinstalled image does not contain the same set of fonts as Kivy on
other platforms. This could be fixed by copying font files to the sys-
tem. Another error that blocked passing the use case was caused by
keyboard input. One click on the keyboard wrote two same chara-
cters in the text input. This error made logging in impossible. After
setting user name and password to text inputs in code, it was pos-
sible to go through the use case. List of all discovered errors is sum-
marized in list 4.1

1. Official site of Raspberry Pi: https://www.raspberrypi.org/


• Missing default set of fonts on installed image.

• Input one character into the text input widget causes input
of two same characters (i.e hit “x” input “xx”)

• Cursor perform clicks on different place than where it is

placed (The difference was about twenty pixels on both co-

• Values of transition direction were not respected by screen

managers. Animation still has the default direction.

• It was not possible to switch to UI with carousel on job detail

modal dialog.

• Internet browser was not opened after clicking on one of help


Figure 4.1: Raspberry Pi Testing Results

Chapter 5

The main goal of this thesis was to find out whether the Kivy Frame-
work is sufficient for commercial development. All of the programs
and tools that were used during the development are distributed un-
der the licenses that allows commercial utilization. It is possible to
use all procedures described in the thesis in commercial sphere.
One of the main advantages in the research phase of the thesis
is that the framework supports multiple platforms. After the test-
ing phase, which included a creation of a distributable package and
deployment on the supported operating systems, the value of this
advantage degraded. It is necessary to make additional changes in
code to make the application run on all officially supported plat-
The basic set of the widgets provides sufficient functionality to
creating a basic GUI. It is possible to extend this functionality to sa-
tisfy complex user interface requirements. Architecture of the Kivy
Framework is not prepared for a fully localized application. Lack
of localization support, described in subsection 2.3.6, is one of the
main disadvantages in using the Kivy Framework for larger com-
mercial applications.
It is not possible to access many sensors on mobile devices with
the application. Access to devices sensors is described in paragraph
2.1.1. One of the requirement from Y Soft was to analyze the ability to
access camera for barcode scanning. Only Android supports taking
pictures by a camera.
The next disadvantage is the Kivy support. As it is a community
project, the support is provided by community and Kivy developers.
Support did not make any commitment on resolving raised issues.
This leads to a significant chance for unanswered queries to stall the


development process for commercial teams. More on the Kivy sup-

port is written in subsection 2.1.2. This means that all of the support
of the Kivy Framework in case of a commercial use has to be covered
by the developing company.
Kivy is sufficient for creating interactive applications with com-
plex graphic user interface that does not require localization sup-
port and access to the device sensors. It is suitable for creating graphic
games or utilities for internal purposes. But because of the reasons
mentioned before, it is not sufficient for commercial use, especially
for creating a terminal application using the Y Soft SafeQ REST API.

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[6] Kivy designer [online].

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[8] Kivy homepage [online]. http://kivy.org/, [cit.


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[12] Offline editor wiki pro android [online]. http:

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[13] Plyer [online]. https://github.com/kivy/plyer, [cit.


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[21] Tools and techniques for creating mobile applications

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[23] Xcode project [online]. https://developer.apple.com/

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Appendix A

Attachment Content
As a part of the thesis, it contains:

• Source code in LATEX format and final version of thesis as a

portable document format (pdf).

• Source code for developed application.

• The latest version of portable packages of the Kivy Frame-


• Screen shots including all provided versions of mockups.

• Text file containing abstract text.

Appendix B



Figure B.1: Kivy three layer architecture devided into build blocks.


Figure B.2: Livecycle of a Kivy application with API for saving and
loading state [7].


Figure B.3: Diagram describing processing user interaction events

in a loop [7].

Figure B.4: List Adapter Principle


Platform Android iOS Windows OS X Linux

Accelerometer X X X X
Call X
Camera (taking picture) X
Notifications X X X X
Text to speech X X X X X
Email (open mail client) X X X X X
Vibrator X X
Sms (send messages) X
Compass X X
Unique ID X X X X X
Gyroscope X X
Battery X X X X X
Native file chooser X X X
Orientation X
Audio recording X
Flash X X

Table B.1: Plyer Supported API [13]


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