Clinical Medicine 2
Clinical Medicine 2
Clinical Medicine 2
Learning objectives
It is an aid in
selection of superior individual
Detect qualitative and quantitative adequacy of the diet
Recognize limiting factors for growth in young animals
Assessment of tolerance to exercise and training in horse
To monitor fertility and health (in domestic and wild ruminants) in relation to
metabolic status
To monitor ill effects of stress and welfare
For early detection of problems associated with seasonal changes and
agricultural system adopted
To detect and control inherited congenital defects associated with micro-
PCV intake Cholesterol
Glucose Blood glucose
K & Na Albumin
Total serum protein Between 4-10 weeks after
A:G Done at the interval of 4-
6 weeks.
o Age
o Date of calving
o Milk yield and mastitis status
o Amount and type of concentrate and fodder fed/day
o Body condition
o Consistency of feces
Whole herd
o Average daily forage intake.
o Analysis of forage and grains
o Total herd production & number of cows in milk & milk quality data.
o Individual daily yield of 6 cows during 3 consecutive peaks.
o Presence of clinical signs if any
The nutritional status of the animal in terms of energy , protein and mineral status is
being interpreted based on the data available on various blood components
Decrease at the time of milk secretion
Influenced by chemical nature of carbohydrate, physical form of feed &
roughage content of ration.
Stress, excitement, low environment temperature and corticosteroids increase
the glucose level
Low blood glucose produces ketosis and is responsible for poor conception
Urea, albumin, total protein, PCV & Hb reflect the protein status
Globulin and total protein increase with age.
Albumin, urea decrease with increasing age.
Urea and Hb with PCV: Increase during summer.
Hb and PCV inversely related to current milk yield.
Low urea reflects low protein status
Albumin and Hb decrease reflects long standing low protein status
Albumin concentration related to conception rate.
A satisfactory way to monitor blood composition routinely will be to use mini
profile or individual preventive examination at regular interval, between
full Compton metabolic profile tests performed say bi-annually.
Learning objectives
High prevalence during 3 rd – 7th calving
Jerseys breed is the most susceptible than other breeds.
High susceptibility when animals are fed with high protein diet before and
after calving.
No specific seasonal occurrence
Complete milking in first 48 hrs- precipitating factor
Certain families with in the breed – more susceptible
Cases may occur during the last few days of pregnancy and immediately after
Majority cases occur within 72 hours postpartum
Acid - diet decreases the incidences
Alkaline diet increases the incidence
Clinical signs of milk fever varies with the stage of the disease
Muscular tremor of head and limbs
Disinclined to eat and move
Grinding of teeth
Protruding tongue
Stiff hind limb
Animals ataxic and falls easily
Lateral recumbency
Limbs – flaccid, unable to get up
Pulse – impalpable
Heart sounds – inaudible 120/min
Unable to raise the vein
Bloat if without treatment – animal dies within a period of 12 – 24 hrs
Milk fever with hypomagnesaemia and hyperphosphatemia
Tetany and hypersensitiveness beyond 1st stage
Excitement and fibrillary and twitching of the eyelids
Tetanic convulsion by touch or sound
Heat and respiratory rate-accelerated
Heart sound – increased
Death occurs due to respiratory failure
Reproductive tract
Dose of Calcium
Muscle tremor – flanks→ whole body
Pulse rate decreases and amplitude improves
Heart sound intensity is increased
Sweating of muzzle
Defecation – firm stool with mucous
Urination does not follow until cow rises
Wait for 5-8 hrs until it stands. If not repeat the dose
If it doesn’t stand after 24 hrs – use hip lifters.
Cardiac irregularities
Heart rate increased
Shallow respiration.
Feed low Ca (<20 g Ca /day) and normal level of P for 2 weeks prior to
Avoid drastic change in the diet (3 or 4 days time for change)
Dietary cation- anion difference programme
Vitamin D2 20-30 million units / day for 3-7 days antepartum (predicting the
date of parturition is a problem)
1,25 (OH2)D3 – 10,000 IU i/m / 24 hrs prior to parturition. If no delivery
repeat at 24 hrs interval 270 mg until delivery
Calcium gel oral dosing before calving, at calving and 12 and 24 h after
CaCl2 40-50 g
Learning objectives
10 | P a g e
Clinical signs
Slight tremors
Hyper excitability
Slight ataxia
Incordination of limbs
Coma and death
11 | P a g e
Etiology: Hypocalcaemia
Predisposing factors
Clinical signs
Poor maternal care
Increased respiratory rate
Stiffness of joints
Ataxia and staggering gait
Tonoclonic convulsions
Stiff tilted gait due to muscular tetany
12 | P a g e
Common occurrence in draft horses breeding, mortality rate is high i.e.> 60%
Occurs in lactating mares- at about 10th day of foaling or 1-2 days after
Mares grazing on lush pasture - heavy flow of milk - more susceptible
Hard physical work , housing wild ponies and prolonged transport are
precipitating factors
Sometimes- no apparent cause
Severe cases -sweat profusely, difficulty in moving because of tetany and in-
coordination, stiff gait, tail is slightly raised, rapid violent respiration, wide
dilatation of nostrils, distinct thumping sound from chest(due to spasm of
diaphragm), muscular fibrillation-massseter trismus, no prolapse of
membrane nictitans.
Hyper sensitive to sound.
Handling precipitates tetany.
Temperature normal or increased slightly.
Pulse rate-normal early, later elevated and irregular.
Attempts to eat and drink, but unable to swallow.
Urination and defecation kept in abeyance.
Peristalsis is reduced.
Recumbency with in 24 hrs-convulsions- die after 48 hrs of illness.
Serum Ca: > 8mg% - excitability ; 5-8 mg% -spasm ; <5 mg % -
recumbency and stupor
Differential diagnosis
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Learning objectives
This is a general term for the diseases of bone which may be due to failure of
normal development or abnormal metabolism of mature bone.
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Detailed history
Clinical signs
Radiographic examination
Learning objectives
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Alert & can support on fore quarters but unable to use hind quarters after
therapy for Milk fever.
May occur due to hypokalemia.
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Occurs as a sequele of milk fever 2 or 3 days after calving in heavy milk
Concurrently with milk fever in many cases
Common during peak lactation years of high producers
It is a complication arising due to delayed or incomplete treatment of various
diseases after parturition
Poor housing conditions , excess body fat, septic conditions and malnutrition
may act as predisposing factors.
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Differential diagnosis
Medical cases
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Diseases of brain and CNS - sporadic bovine encephalitis.
Peripheral nerve paralysis - Obturator, femoral
Metabolic - milk fever, hypomagnesaemia, transit fever, ketosis, fatty liver, P
deficiency and paralytic myoglobinuria.
Nutritional –rickets, mineral deficiency & vitamin A deficiency
Poisonings – ergot poisoning
Toxemic conditions
Infectious diseases - black quarter, tetanus, botulism, rabies
Parasitic diseases - tick paralysis, babesiosis
Others- weakness, ephemeral fever, acidosis, foreign body, pneumonia,
Pyelonephritis and heat stroke
Surgical cases
O & G cases
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Learning objectives
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Failure to provide sufficient glucose when the animals are subjected to heavier
demands on their resource of glucose and glycogen, than can be met by
their digestive and metabolic activity.
Dysfunction of adrenal gland. Stress of parturition, lactation (cattle) and
stress of late pregnancy (in ewes) and stress of malnutrition leads to
decreased ACTH activity.
Relative hypothyroidism.
Composition of ration - ensilage (high in butyric acid) are more ketogenic than
Composition of ruminal flora influences digestive process and thus changes in
end products of digestion and their relative concentrations. Hence, there is
difference in ketogenicity between feeds. Eg. High protein diets produces
more butyric acid.
Factors those decrease energy supply, increase demand for glucose and
increase utilization of body fat will lead to ketosis.
Animals in 4 -10 weeks post-partum, peak milk yield and decreased dry mater
intake are prone for ketosis.
Starvation decrease propionic acid (relative) resulting in excessive utilization
of fat.
From quantitative and qualitative estimations of ketone bodies in rumen
liquor and body fluids, it appears that abnormal ruminal conditions may
play an important part in the production of clinical ketosis.
Hepatic insufficiency - primary or secondary . Hypoglycemia results in
mobilization of fat & its deposition in liver - perpetuation of hepatic
Highly fatal, may occur as out break, mostly during last month of pregnancy
Ewes carrying more than 1 lamb are more susceptible
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Precipitating factor - fall in plane of nutrition precipitated by sudden short
periods of starvation up to 48 hours (by management), cold inclement
Bovine ketosis
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Wasting form
Gradual but moderate decrease in appetite and decreased milk yield over 2-4
First refuse grains, ensilage but continue to eat hay.
Loss of body weight is rapid due to off-feed
Woody appearance (due to loss of cutaneous elasticity and s/c fat)
Feces firm and dry
Cow moderately depressed
Disinclined to move
Normal temperature, pulse and respiratory rates.
Rate and amplitude of ruminal movements normal and may be decreased in
prolonged cases
Ketone odour from mouth and milk
Staggering and partial blindness may occur transiently.
Severely affected animal die.
Spontaneous recovery in about a month, but milk yield never return to normal
level; sharp drop in SNF content of milk in wasting form.
Nervous form
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Clonic contraction of cervical muscles,dorsal flexion or lateral deviation of
head, circling, convulsions spread to the whole body.
Course: become recumbent in 3-4 days and then coma for 3-4 days
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Secondary hypoglycemia
>40 mg or above
Field test (Rothera’s reaction) : Milk and urine can be tested. It measures only
Aceto acetic acid.
o ß hydroxybutyric acid – no reaction
o Acetone - very little reaction
o Primary ketosis - strong colour
o Secondary ketosis - moderate reaction
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Response is less satisfactory. It depends on severity of cases and duration of
the disease. Neither replacement therapy nor hormonal therapy have any
o Oral- glucose 45 g, NaCl 8.5 g , glycine 6.17 g, and electrolytes in 160
ml every 4-8 hrs.
The flock should be examined for any evidence of ketosis and to be treated
with propylene glycol or glycerol.
Increased carbohydrate intake in flock.
In clinical cases - caesarian section, glucocorticoids parentally, glucose or
Chloral hydrate- Initially, 30 g orally as capsule, later 7 g bid for several days
as drench in molasses or water. It breaks the starch in the rumen and
stimulates production and absorption of glucose. Also, selectively influence
rumen fermentation to produce more of sodium propionate.
Potassium chlorate can also be given but in some cases it causes severe
Vitamin B12 and cobalt - for the activation of coenzyme A.
Cysteamine (precursor of co-enzyme A)- 750 mg i/v
Sodium fumerate (precursor of co-enzyme A) 3 doses at 1-3 days interval.
Provide adequate food and water.
Sheep at pasture are to be driven to shade to avoid heat stroke.
Caesarian or corticosteroid to induce parturition.
Monensin sodium enhances the propionate production in the rumen. Dose
25mg/day in grain feed mix.
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Estimation of β hydroxy-butyrate levels in early lactation.
Palatable feeds and frequent feeding.
1/3rd of total D.M consumption through good quality roughage helps to
maintain appetite.
Learning objectives
Characterised by
Clinically clonic-tonic muscular spasms and convulsions, death due to
respiratory failure.
Tetany associated with depression of Mg.
Two types
Short period of starvation (24-48 hrs) which may occur in association with
transport also.
High Po4 intake competes with Mg absorption (cereals rich in K, lush green).
No readily mobilizable large storage of Mg in the body.
No efficient homeostatic mechanism.
Loss of Mg in milk, urine & digestive secretions.
Reasonably low level along with starvation may precipitate the disease.
During inclement weather (cold, wet, windy weather), hyper activity of thyroid
leads to inadequate calorie intake.
Variation in susceptibility between individual animals .
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Cows turned out to lush pasture during spring after closed housing in winter.
Grazing on young green cereal crops may cause wheat pasture poisoning.
Dry cattle or beef cattle running at pasture in winter time, when nutrition is
usually inadequate.
Sub acute
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Sudden movement, noise, restraint and injections can precipitate violent
May recover spontaneously within days or the disease progress to a stage of
Treatment is usually effective with marked tendency to relapse.
Serum Mg decreased
No clinical signs, but sudden death.
Few animals show vague syndrome - dullness, unthriftiness (more obvious
syndrome), indifferent appetite and reduced milk yield.
Paresis / milk fever like syndrome (in lactating cattle) but not responding to
Calcium treatment.
May also occur from the sub-acute form.
Clinical pathology
In clinical cases- serum Mg level will be from 0.3 to 0.7 mg%. (Normal: 1.7 to
3 mg.)
Estimation of Ca:Mg ratio in bone. Normal is 70:1, If Ca <70 – safe , >70 –
problem Eg. 90:1 could be taken as a severe case.
Serum creatinine phosphokinase increased.
SGOT increased (marginally).
Decreased levels of CSF Mg (sample can be collected upto 12 hrs after death).
Normal being 2 mg%. i.e similar to plasma level. In clinical cases: 1.25
There may be clinically normal cows with hypomagnesaemia (0.4 mg% - 1.84
Low Urine Mg is a good presumptive evidence.
Postmortem examination
Extravasation of blood
in subcutaneous area, endocardium, pleura,
peritoneum and intestinal mucosa.
30 | P a g e
Laboratory measurement of blood magnesium levels
CSF magnesium concentration
Herd diagnosis done by assessing urine magnesium concentration
Differential diagnosis
10% MgSo4 - 100 ml s/c gives only a transient effect and should be followed
with feed supplement
Narcosis with chloral hydrate
Morphine to avoid respiratory paralysis
50% MgSo4 50-100 ml s/c on one side and Ca borogluconate -150 ml on other
Calcium magnesium preparation - 25%: 500 ml i/v followed by concentrated
solution of 50 % MgSo4 200 ml s/c (or) 20 % Mg So4: 200-300 ml i/v
Learning objectives
31 | P a g e
A disease of high producing dairy cows occurring soon after calving.
It is also
called postparturient haemoglobinuria and is characterised by intravascular
hemolysis, haemoglobinuria and anemia.
Precipitating factor
Grazing Brassica sp. plants, rape and turnip and other cruciferous plants,
large quantity of beet pulp, sugar cane top (low in p).
Exposure to cold weather, cold water - erythrocytes becomes more sensitive to
hemolysis when there is hypophosphatemia & hypocupremia
32 | P a g e
Haemoglobinuria and hemolysis does not occur always. Death is mainly due
to anemic anoxia.
The possible role of Cu and Se deficiency in hypophosphatemia is unclear. In
cases of Cu deficiency, there will be microcytic hypochromic anemia.
Cu and Se provide protection against effects of orally acquired hemolytic
agents of cruciferous plants.
Acute cases
Rapid onset after 2-4 weeks of calving, course is 3-5 days, red coloured urine,
anorexia, weakness, severe depression of milk yield.
Eats and gives milk for 24 hours after red coloured urine.
Dehydration occurs quickly.
Haemoglobinuria, inappetence, severe depression of milk yield.
Heart rate is increased and bounding.
Augmented irregular pulse.
Temperature – Normal or raised (40ºC).
Mucous membrane – pallor, later yellow.
Dyspnoea is obvious.
Diarrhoea; sometimes constipation.
Gangrenous necrosis of tail, feet, pastern, ear and teeth (occasionally).
Milk yield reduced.
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Suffer for 2-3 days and then recumbent followed by death in few hours /days.
If survive
PM changes
Jaundiced carcass
Blood: Dark and thin
Swelling of spleen
Liver: Fatty infiltration, swollen
Dropsy in lower part of the body
Discolored urine in bladder
Differential diagnosis
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Parasite – Babesia, Theileria
High altitudes
Copper Poisoning
Plant – Rape
Bacteria: Anthrax, Leptospira, Bacillary Haemoglobinuria
Virus – Rinderpest
Cold water
Enzootic nutritional muscular dystrophy
Drug induced Eg. Phenothiazine
Enzootic haematuria
Chronic hill haematuria
Blood transfusion
Metabolic ketosis
Learning objectives
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Large stores of glycogen are laid down in muscles during a period of idleness
and when exercise is taken the glycogen is rapidly metabolized into lactic acid.
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Outbreaks have also been recorded in horses grazing on pasture but taking no
Mycotoxins were also suggested as a predisposing factor, but supporting
evidence was not available.
Gluteal muscles are commonly involved due to their high content of glycogen.
Myopathic lesion cause pressure on the sciatic nerve and other crural nerve.
Necrotic muscle fibers, hard, painful swelling of the large muscle masses
result in secondary neuropathic degeneration of rectus femoris and vastus
muscles leading to myoglobin liberated from the necrotic muscle fibers
followed by dark red brown urine.
Death due to decubital septicemia or myohemoglobinuric nephrosis and
uremia and degeneration of myocardium.
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Sodium bicarbonate orally or I/V- to keep the urine alkaline to avoid
putrificaton of myoglobin in renal tubules.
Hot fomentation to affected part.
Learning objectives
38 | P a g e
The reported prevalence of canine hypothyroidism is from 0.2% to 0.8%.
Mean age at diagnosis is 7 years, with range of 0.5 to 15 years. Golden
retrievers and Doberman pinschers are among the breeds reported to be at
higher risk for hypothyroidism.
In one study, Neutered males and females were reported to be at increased
risk for developing hypothyroidism compared with sexually intact animals.
Clinical signs
Dermatological changes
Reproductive abnormalities
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Male reproductive problems attributed to hypothyroidism include low libido,
testicular atrophy, hypospermia and azoospermia.
Clinicopathologic changes
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A complete history
Physical examination
Minimum data base: T4 concentration - 1.5 – 3.5 µg/dL; TSH response test
; TRH response test
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Antithyroglobulin antibody is found in 36% to 50% of hypothyroid dogs.
Thyroid biopsy
Differential diagnosis
Diabetes mellitus.
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Insulin non-availability
Pathogenic mechanism
Idiopathic atrophy
Clinical signs
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In diabetes increased concentration of glucose in aqueous and vitreous
humour. So glucose penetrates into lens. There, it is metabolized into
sorbitol and further into fructose. The increased concentration in lens leads
to entry of water into lens fiber and causing swelling.
Diminished resistance to bacteria and fungal infection. So, recurrent or
chronic infection such as suppurative cystitis, prostatitis,
Bronchopneumonia and dermatitis.
Hepatomegaly due to cirrhosis or accumulation of fat. Rough palpation leads
to intra abdominal haemorrhage.
Chronic renal disease.
Blindness due to microangiopathy.
Ketone bodies accumulate in blood. Loss of sodium through urine – H+
conserved – so, acidosis leading to coma.
Laboratory diagnosis
Glycosuria (urine more viscid, sweety odour & specific gravity increase.
Fasting hyperglycemia - increases to 140 mg/ 100ml.
Glucose tolerance test (GTT) (i/v or oral).
Ketone in blood and urine and smell in respiratory tract.
Elevated serum cholesterol and triglycerides.
Differential diagnosis
44 | P a g e
In milder cases - Soluble insulin- absorbed quickly, act within 20-30 minutes;
reach peak levels within 4 hrs and maintained at these levels for maximum
of 8 hrs
Protamine Zn insulin s/c : reach peak in 8-12 hrs and this level is maintained
for nearly 24-36 hrs
Intermediate action: - Lente insulin, Globulin insulin and Isophan insulin.
They start acting in 4 hrs, reach peak in 8hrs and maintained for 18-26 hrs.
NPH (Neutral Protamine Hagedorn) : 1 unit /kg in morning along with food.
Stabilize the patient: To start with 2 units of soluble insulin + 2 units of other
types; then 4 + 4; then 6+6 units
Check the urine daily.
In advanced case – several hundred units i/v.
Good grade of canned food and green vegetables + pancreatin – 2 tablet.
Oral therapy – unsuccessful.
Learning objectives
Macro minerals
45 | P a g e
Heavy application of nitrogen fertilizer can reduce the Cu, Co, Mo and Mn
content of the plants.
Heavy application of lime reduces the plant Cu, Co and Mn level but increase
in Mo level.
Abnormal absorption
In piglets
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Piglets at birth have 9-11 gm/dl of Hb.
Physiological fall at 8-10th day to 4-5 g/dl.
If iron is sufficiently given the Hb returns to normal starting from 10th day;
otherwise, develop anaemia due to fast growth.
Normal pig and cats: Post-natal fall of 8 gm/dl Hb- (Physiological fall) some
times as low as 4-5 gm/dl in first 10 days.
In deficient animals 2-4 gm / dl during 3rd week.
When 4 gm /dl Hb – clinical sign appears.
47 | P a g e
Blood picture – RBC decreased to 3-4 million/µl with microcytic hypochromic
Postmortem examination
o Pallor and thin watery blood, moderate anasarca, dilated heart.
o Liver – Enlarged, Mottled appearance and fatty infiltration.
Differential diagnosis
Cattle: Oral Iron sulphate / gluconate 2-4 gm daily for 2 weeks. As iron is
unpalatable, mix with feed or molasses as liquid.
Horse: Individual Idiosyncratic reactions are common.
o Dose: 0.5-1 gm elemental iron in one injection /week.
o Organic iron preparation – Iron dextran.
o Iron – sorbital acid complex: Iron saccharase /gluconate.
o Inj. vit B12 5000 µg /week as single dose.
Prepare the following iron Paint and apply on the mammary gland for the baby
piglets to suckle
Ferrous 450G -
48 | P a g e
CuSo4 75oG -
Sugar 450G -
Water 2 lit -
Excess oral iron cause diarrhea
Iron 9G For every 50 lb of soil and throw it in the pen
CuSo4 1.5 G -
Learning objectives
49 | P a g e
The amount of Cu in the diet may be inadequate when the forage is grown on
deficient soils or on soils in which the Cu is unavailable. In general there are
2 types of soil on which Cu deficient plants are produced.
o Sandy soils –poor in organic matter.
o Peat or muck soils –reclaimed from swamps.
Pasture containing less than 3 ppm DM of Cu will produce signs of deficiency
in grazing ruminants.
Levels of 3 -5 ppm DM can be considered as dangerous and levels greater than
5 ppm DM ( preferably 7-12) can be considered as safe unless complicating
factors cause secondary Cu deficiency.
The diseases caused by a primary deficiency of Cu in ruminants are enzootic
ataxia of sheep in Australia, New Zealand and USA; Licking sickness of
cattle in Holland and falling disease of cattle in Australia.
In pigs Cu deficiency may cause anaemia in sucking pigs.
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Adult horses are unaffected but there have been reports of abnormalities of
limbs and joints of foals reared in Cu deficient area.
A concurrent deficiency of both Cu and Co occurs in Australia (coast disease),
Florida and USA (salt sickness) and is characterized by the appearance of
clinical signs of both deficiencies. The disease is controlled by
supplementation of the diet with Cu and Co.
Cu deficiency of ruminants in India usually results in infertility and low
51 | P a g e
Sway back of lambs in UK has been classified as a secondary Cu deficiency but
no conditioning factor has been determined.
Mo appears to be the conditioning agents in enzootic ataxia in the United
A dietary excess of Mo is known to be the conditioning factor in the diarrheic
diseases. Peat scours in New Zealand, California and Canada and teart in
Cu-Mo-sulfate relationship
Cu absorption
Cu utilization
Hepatic storage
52 | P a g e
When sheep are fed a Cu deficient diet both molybdate alone or sulfate alone
will decrease the levels of Cu in plasma, liver and kidney as well as
decreasing ceruloplasmin activity.
With adequate dietary levels, the liver Cu level are less in the presence of
molybdate and sulfate.
Molybdate and sulfate together impair the movement of Cu into or out of the
liver, possibly by affecting Cu transport. Sulfate alone exerts an effect. An
increase in intake reduces hepatic storage of both Cu and Mo.
Tissue utilization
Clinical sign of hypocuprosis (such as steely wool) can occur in sheep where
blood Cu levels are high. Under these circumstances Cu is not utilizable in
tissues and the blood Cu raises in response to the physiological needs of the
Blood vessels
Nervous tissue
53 | P a g e
has been shown that Cu deficiency does interfere with the synthesis of
Anoxia is cause of demyelination. Anemic anoxia is likely to occur in highly
deficient ewes, and anemic ewes do produce a higher proportion of lambs
with enzootic ataxia. However, there is often no anemia in ewes which
produce lambs with the more common sub acute form of the disease.
Severely deficient ewes have lambs which are affected at birth and in which
myelin formation is likely to have been prevented. The lambs of ewes less
severely deficient have normal myelination at birth and develop
demyelination in postnatal life.
Effects on tissues
54 | P a g e
The syndrome caused by secondary Cu deficiency includes the signs of
primary Cu deficiency except that anemia occurs less commonly.
In addition to the other signs, there is a general tendency for scouring to
occur, particularly in cattle. Diarrhea is a prominent sign in experimental
Cu deficiency.
The characteristic behavior in falling disease is that the cows are apparently
healthy, but throw up their heads below and fall.
Death is instantaneous in most of the cases, but some fall and struggle feebly
on their sides for minutes with intermittent bellowing and running
movements and attempt to rise. Rare cases show signs for up to 24 hours or
Persistent diarrhea with the passage of watery, yellow, green to black feaces
with an offensiveness odour occurs soon after the cattle go on to affected
pasture, in some cases with in 8-10 days.
Debility, rough hair coat and depigmentation manifested by reddening or grey
flecking especially around the eyes in black cattle.
Affected animal usually recover in a few days following treatment with Cu.
Enzootic ataxia
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Affect only unweaned lambs. Lamb may be affected at birth. Most cases occur
in the 1-2 month age group. Severity of the paresis decreases with
increasing age at onset.
Lambs affected at birth or within the first month usually die within 3-4 days.
The diseases in older lambs may lost for 3-4 weeks. Inco-ordination of the
hind limbs occur.
Respiratory rate and heart rate greatly accelerated by exertion. As the disease
progresses, the incoordination become more severe and may be apparent
after walking only a few yards.
Excessive flexion of joints, wobbling of the hind quarters and finally falling.
Hind legs are affected first and the lambs may be able to drag itself about in
a sitting position. Then once forelimbs are involved, recumbency persists
and lamb die of inanition. There is no true paralysis; the lambs able to kick
vigorously even in the recumbent stage. Appetite remains unaffected.
Sway back
Congenital form
Begins to develop some weeks after birth with lesions and clinical signs
appearing at 3-6 weeks of age.
56 | P a g e
Enzootic ataxia - characterized by (lambs, deers and pigs)inco-ordination,
recumbency begins with hindlegs progress to the fore limbs.
Inadequate keratinization of wool due to imperfect oxidation of free thiol
group during hair growth and keratinization.
Copper containing enzyme, tyrosinase is needed to convert L- tyrosine to
melanin. With Cu deficiency this conversion is slow and hair is lighter in
colour than normal
Cu deficiency leads to decreased immune function in ruminants. Also
associated with anaemia (altered iron metabolism), decreased weight gain
or weight loss.
Clinical signs of Cu deficiency are more prominent in young animals and may
include retarded growth rate, rough depigmented hair, diarrhea,
osteoporosis with spontaneous fractures, anaemia and changes in the coat
In lambs- sway back or enzootic ataxia, demyelination syndrome.
Cu deficiency has also been associated with hemolytic anaemia in post
parturient dairy cattle.
Cu plays an important role in the transport of iron from the gut to the marrow
and in the incorporation of iron into the heme moiety.
Anemia - moderate, slowly progressive and closely resembles iron deficiency.
Cu deficiency can be documented by measuring serum Cu as ceruloplasmin,
erythrocyte-superoxide-dismutase or the Cu content of hair, liver and
Serum iron is low in ruminants with Cu deficiency. Cu can be supplied as a
dietary supplement or as injectable Cu glycinate preparations.
Differential diagnosis
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Oral dosingwith 4 gm of CuSo4 for calves from 2-6 months of age and 8-10 gm
for adult cattle given weekly for 3-5 weeks is recommended for primary or
secondary Cu deficiency.
The diet of the affected animals should also be supplemented with Cu. Cu
sulfate may be added to the mineral salt mixture at a level of 3-5 % of the
total mixture.
A commonly recommended mixture for cattle is 50 % Ca- P mineral
supplement, 45% of cobalt iodized salt and 3-5 % Cu sulfate. This mixture is
offered free of choice or can be added to a complete diet at the rate of 1 % of
the total diet.
Prognosis is guarded to good.
Excess Mo and sulfate can be over come by increasing the dietary Cu or by
injecting Cu.
Parentral injection of Cu glycinate may also be used. Brisket region is suitable
for injection site.
Cu So4 can be added to molasses at 0.363 g / head / day for mature cattle.
In some countries, EDTA (Cu disodium edeate) solution is used as injectable
Cu supplements. Dose: Adult- 400 mg (120 mg Cu) S/C ; Calves: 100-200
mg .One injection is effective as a treatment for 4-6 months in primary Cu
Oral administration of Cu oxide needle (fine rods of 1-10 mm long) placed in
gelatin capsules that dissolve in the reticulorumen and liberate the CuO
wires. These wires reside in the reticulum and abomasum and slowly
release Cu for absorption.
In case of excess Mo / sulfates repeat the injection for 4-6 weeks
Learning objectives
58 | P a g e
Sheep: Pine in Britain
Bush sickness in Newzealand
Grand Traverse Disease – USA
In sheep
59 | P a g e
Estimation of Co or vit B12 content of liver (0.3 ppm).
Hematology: Animal anemic, but Hb and RBC are normal due to hemo
concentration. Normocytic normochromic anemia.
Methylmalonic acid (MMA) in plasma and urine, Forminoglutamic acid
(FIGLU) in urine are diagnostic and prognostic indicators of cobalt
Hypoglycemia, usually <60mg / gm/dl plasma.
Low serum alkaline phosphatase (<20 I.U / liter).
Learning objectives
60 | P a g e
Parakeratosis in swine.
Depression of productivity and parakeratosis in pig, less in other ruminants.
Characteristics: Parakeratosis, alopecia, wool eating, abnormal hoof growth,
lameness and unthriftiness.
Secondary (Conditioned)
61 | P a g e
Mildly affected
Reduced appetite.
Sub optimal weight gains.
Poor feed utilization.
Severely affected
Thrive badly.
Parakeratosis of lower
parts of legs, within the thighs or scrotum and face.
Decreased cell mediated immune function.
Rough coated. The affected skin is thick, wrinkled and partially fissured.
Leg joints may swell and excess salivation may occur because of hemorrhage
in teeth and ulcers on dental pad.
Lesions usually involves udder, muzzle, vulva, scrotum, anus and tail head
Milk yield decreased.
Low zinc may cause infectious pododermatitis.
In sub clinical cases there is ‘depression of reproductivity'.
62 | P a g e
Infertility in ewes.
63 | P a g e
0.5 g ZnS04 in water once in a week for 3 months.
In calves, 2-4 gm Zn So4 once in a week.
Ca content of feed must be corrected (restricted to 0.65 to 0.75% in diet) to 50
mg /kg of diet for pigs.
A dietary deficiency of manganese (Mn) may cause infertility and skeletal deformities
both congenitally and after birth.
Manganese plays an active role in bone matrix formation, and in the synthesis
of chondroitin sulfate which is responsible for maintaining the rigidity of
connective tissues.
In manganese deficiency, these are affected deleteriously and result in skeletal
64 | P a g e
Only 1 % of manganese is absorbed from the diet and the liver removes most
of it, leaving very low blood levels of the element.
Clinical findings
In cattle
65 | P a g e
o The bones of affected lambs are shorter and weaker than normal and
there are signs of joint pain, hopping gait, and reluctance to move.
o Affected calves manifest poor growth, dry coat, and loss of coat color.
o An outbreak of congenital skeletal malformations in Holstein calves
was characterized clinically by small birth weights (average 15 kg).
Abnormalities included joint laxity, doming of the foreheads,
superior brachygnathia, and a dwarf like appearance due to the short
long-bones. The features of the head were similar to those of the wild
beast. The majority of affected calves were dyspneic at birth, and
snorting and grunting respiratory sounds were common. Affected
calves failed to thrive and most were culled due to poor performance.
In pigs
Clinical pathology
66 | P a g e
Reproductive functions in male and female, are most sensitive to manganese
deficiency and are affected before possible biochemical criteria, e.g. blood
and bone alkaline phosphatase, and liver arginase levels are significantly
The only certain way of detecting moderate deficiency status is by measuring
response to supplementation.
Necropsy findings
In congenital chondrodystrophy in calves, the limbs are shortened and all the
joints are enlarged.
Histologically, there is poor cartilage maturation with excessive amounts of
rarefied cartilage matrix.
There are degenerative changes in the chondrocytes and severe reduction in
the mucopolysaccharide content of all body hyaline cartilage.
Learning objective
About 99% of total body Calcium and 75% of body Phosphorus are found in
Teeth contains 80-85% of total P.
70% Ash of the body contains Ca & p.
Most of the calcium is present in extracellular fluid. Only minor portions are
in the body fluids.
67 | P a g e
Normal calcium metabolism
Disease conditions
68 | P a g e
fractures may occur due to minor falls and bumps, or bones may even break
under their own weight.
Functions of phosphorous
Deficiency signs
Common in cattle.
Young animals grow slowly and develop rickets.
Retarded growth, low milk yield and reduced fertility
Cows in late pregnancy often become recumbent. Although, they continue to
eat but are unable to rise.
Characteristic conformation – leggy appearance, narrow & slab sided chest,
small girth, small pelvis, fragile bones and rough & stairy coat
69 | P a g e
Daily requirements
o Cattle: 3-20 G/day
o Sheep: 2.5 – 3.5 G/day
o Ewes in lactation: 5G/150 lb
o Swine: 5-10 G / day twice daily during pregnancy.
Provision of P supplements. (Bone meal, Dicalcium phosphate, Disodium
phosphate, Sodium pyrophosphate with feed or salt mixure).
Monosodium dihydrogen phosphate (Monosodium orthophosphate): 10-20 g
/ 20 lit. water to drink
Super juice: Plain Super phosphate @ 2.5 Kg / 40 lit water is mixed and
stirred vigorously and allowed to settle. 100-200 ml supernatant is
sprinkled on the feed of each cow.
o High phosphate containing sources: Bran, cottonseed, Linseed
meal, milk, gluten, Soya bean.
Learning objectives
70 | P a g e
71 | P a g e
The myocardial and diaphragmatic form of the disease results in acute heart
failure, respiratory distress and rapid death inspite of treatment. Acute
muscular dystrophy results in liberation of myoglobin into the blood
resulting in myoglobinuria.
Selenium and vitamin E deficiency in swine results in hepatic necrosis,
degenerative myopathy of cardiac and skeletal muscles, edema,
microangiopathy and yellowish discolouration of adipose tissue.
Clinical signs
Cardiac form
Sudden onset, present with lesion in the heart, diaphragm and intercostal
Depression, respiratory distress-Dyspnoea, nasal discharge,blood stained-
pulmonary edema, profound weakness, recumbency, rapid often irregular
heart beat.
Cardiac murmurs-occasionally on auscultation.
Rectal temperature normal, but may be elevated because of increased
muscular work associated with respiratory efforts.
Calves are depressed with dyspnoea, tachycardia and increased rectal
Differential diagnosis: pneumonia
Death with in 24 hours despite medical therapy
Skeletal form
72 | P a g e
Heart rate may be increased, but heart sounds are normal.
Animals with skeletal NMD often responded to rest and treatment within 3-5
days; animals can often stand and walk.
Differential diagnosis: Pneumonia, septicemia and toxemia may have similar
presenting signs.
In calves: dullness and severe respiratory distress accompanied by frothy or
blood stained nasal discharge. Affected calves and foals are in lateral
recumbency and unable to sit in sternal recumbency even when assisted.
Heart rate increased to 150-200/minute. Affected calves are thirsty and die
within 6-12 hours after onset of signs. Temperature is normal.
Sub acute enzootic muscular dystrophy in calves - 'white muscle disease' and
in young lambs- 'stiff lamb disease'. Affected animals will be in sternal
recumbency. Unable to stand, trembling of limbs, weakness, shoulder muscle
and gluteal muscles are swollen bilaterally, major involvement of diaphragm
and inter costal muscles occur in many cases and causes Dyspnoea and
abdominal type of respiration. Heart rate increased. In severe cases upper
border of the scapula protrude above the vertebral column and widely
separated from chest the toes are spread.
In foals - edema of the head and neck are common. The horses may be
presented initially with clinical signs of colic.
Clinical pathology
73 | P a g e
Muscular dystrophy
Oesophago gastric ulcers cause ulcerations
Exudative diathesis.
By characteristic symptoms.
By laboratory findings of CPK and SGOT.
Confirmed by analysis of glutathione peroxidase.
Estimation of selenium content in soil, feed samples and animal lesions.
Enzootic muscular dystrophy may be easily confused with other diseases when
the myocardial or diaphragmatic involvement is severe. Dyspnoea and with
fever is difficult to distinguish from pneumonia.
Differentiation from infectious diseases which cause septicemia, pneumonia
and toxemia is necessary.
In acute muscular dystrophy, the serum CPK and SGOT levels are moderately
74 | P a g e
In lambs, differentiation from enzootic ataxia and sway back is necessary.
Learning objectives
75 | P a g e
Clinical findings
76 | P a g e
Temperature is normal and the heart rate is slow until the terminal period
when both rise to above normal levels.
Clinical pathology
Blood pyruvic acid levels in horses are raised from normal levels of 2-3
microg/dL to 6-8 microg/dL.
Blood thiamin levels are reduced from normal levels of 8-10 microg/dL to 2.5-
3.0 microg/dL.
Electrocardiograms show evidence of myocardial insufficiency.
In pigs, blood pyruvate levels are elevated and there is a fall in blood
transketolase activity. These changes occur very early in the disease.
Differential diagnosis
77 | P a g e
enlargements of the ventral horn of the spinal cord. The identical lesions
and clinical picture have been observed in naturally occurring disease.
The oral therapeutic dose rate of nicotinic acid in pigs is 100-200 mg; 10-20
g/tonne of feed supplies sufficient nicotinic acid for pigs of all ages. Niacin
is low in price and should always be added to pig rations based on corn.
78 | P a g e
In the dairy cow in the periparturient period and early lactation, the levels
of biotin may decrease. A decrease in plasma biotin levels of dairy cows at
25 days in milk (DIM), returning to constant levels from 100 DIM until the
end of lactation.
Feeding supplemental biotin at 20 g/d during the last 16 days postpar tum
and at 30 g/d from calving through to 70 days postpartum elevated
concentrations of plasma and milk compared with cows unsupplemented
with biotin.
Supplemental biotin also elevated plasma glucose and lowered nonesterified
fatty acids, which indicates that supplemental biotin is involved in hepatic
gluconeogenesis. The triacylglycerol concentration in liver tended to
decrease at a faster rate within 2 days after parturition.
The supplementation of Holstein cows in the Atherton Tablelands in
Australia, with biotin at 20 mg/head per day resulted in improved
locomotion scores compared to unsupplemented cows in the wet summer
period. The number of lame cows observed by the farmer were significantly
fewer during the rainy period for the biotin-supplemented herds and
required fewer antibiotic treatments than unsupplemented herds.
Supplementation with biotin reduced white line disease lameness by 45% in
multiparous cows down to 8.5 cases per 100 cow years, whereas the effect of
biotin supplementation in primiparous cows was not significant. A
79 | P a g e
supplementation length of at least 6 months was required to reduce the risk
of white line lameness in multiparous cows. The overall incidence rate of
lameness (per 100 cows per year) was 68.9 with a range of 31.6 to 111.5 per
Approximately 130 days of biotin supplementation is required before a
significant difference in white line lesion lameness occurs.
A controlled 14- month field trial evaluated the effect of biotin
supplementation on hoof lesions, milk production and reproductive
performance of dairy cows housed in the same free-stall facility With the
same environment, base diet, and management.
It is possible that biotin improves the quality of claw horn, which encourages
the replacement of defective horn, improves healing and makes it less likely
for sole lesions to develop from laminitis in its early stages.
The administration of biotin at 40 mg per day for 50 days to dairy cows with
uncomplicated sole ulcers, resulted in significant improvement in
histological horn quality of the newly formed epidermis covering the sole
ulcer. Biotin supplementation at 20 mg/d did not affect the tensile strength
of the white line.
Supplementary dietary biotin at 10 mg/head per day significantly increased
serum levels of biotin and increased claw hardness compared with
unsupplemented cows. After 18 months, only 15% of the biotin
supplemented cows had vertical fissures compared with 35 % in the
unsupplemented cows.
The principal source of biotin for the pig is the feed. Diets based on cereals
with a low available biotin content may provide insufficient dietary biotin
for the maintenance of hoof horn integrity in pigs.
Continuous feeding of sulfonamides or antibiotics may induce a deficiency.
An antivitamin to biotin (avidin) occurs in egg white and biotin deficiency can
be produced experimentally by feeding large quantities of uncooked egg
In pigs, experimental biotin deficiency is manifested by alopecia, dermatitis,
and painful cracking of the soles and the walls of the hooves.
Supplementation of the diet of breeding sows with biotin at an early stage of
development makes a significant contribution to the maintenance of horn
Affected animals become progressively lame after being on a biotin-deficient
ration for several months. Arching of the back and a haunched stance with
the hindlegs positioned forward occurs initially. This posture has been
described as a 'kangaroo-sitting posture'. The foot pads become softer and
the hoof horn less resilient. The feet are painful and some sows will not
stand for breeding.
80 | P a g e
The dewclaws also are affected by cracks and the accumulation of necrotic
Skin lesions also develop in affected gilts and sows. There is gradual alopecia,
particularly over the back, the base of the tail, and the hindquarters. The
hairs are more bristly than normal and break easily.
As the lesions of the feet and skin develop there is a marked drop in the serum
biotin concentrations, which is considered as a sensitive index of biotin
deficiency. Adequate biotin status may be indicated by serum biotin levels
(ng/L) >700; marginal, 600-700; inadequate, 400-600; and deficient
below 400.
Compression and hardness tests made on external hoof have also been used as
an indirect measure of biotin adequacy in pigs. The tests indicate that
significant improvements in the strength and hardness of pig hoof horn are
produced by biotin.
Reproductive performance of sows is also influenced by their biotin status.
Supplementation of the diet with biotin may increase litter size, increase the
number of pigs weaned, decrease the mean interval in days from weaning to
service and improve conception rate. Over a period of four parities, piglet
production increased by 1.42 pigs/sow year.
The dietary supplementation of horses with 10-30 mg biotin /day for 6-9
months is considered to be effective as an aid in the treatment of weak horn
hoof in horses.
The hoof horn quality of more than two-thirds of the Lippizaner horses had
moderate to severe changes: microcracks visible in the transition from the
middle to the inner zone of the coronary horn; separation of the sole from
the coronary horn in the region within the white zone.
Biotin supplementation for 19 months improved horn quality. Continuous
dietary supplementation with biotin at a daily dose of 20 mg is necessary to
improve and maintain hoof horn quality in horses
Folic acid (pteroylglutamic acid) is necessary for nucleic acid metabolism and
its deficiency in humans leads to the development of pernicious anemia. A
dietary source is necessary to all species and an adequate intake is provided
by pasture.
The vitamin has a particular interest for equine nutritionists. Permanently
stabled horses and some horses in training may require additional folic
acid, preferably on a daily basis by the oral route.
81 | P a g e
Folic acid deficiency can be induced in fetal foals and adult horses by
administration of folate orally coincident with administration of inhibitors
of folate metabolism (pyrimethamine trimethoprim, sulfonamides).
Choline is a dietary essential for pigs and young calves. Calves fed on a
synthetic choline-deficient diet from the second day of life develop an acute
syndrome in about 7 days. There is marked weakness and inability to get
up, labored or rapid breathing, and anorexia. Recovery follows treatment
with choline.
Older calves are not affected.
On some rations, the addition of choline increases daily gain in feedlot steers,
particularly during the early part of the feeding period. Supplementation of
20 g/day of rumen protected choline to dairy cows 14 days before
parturition increased milk production during the first month of lactation
and the concentration of choline in milk.
Choline increased tocopherol plasma concentrations. The NEFA
concentrations at the time of parturition were lower in treated animals than
in controls, indicating improved lipid metabolism.
In choline deficient pigs, ataxia, fatty degeneration of the liver and a high
mortality rate occur. Enlarged and tender hocks have been observed in
feeder pigs.
For pigs, 1 kg/tonne of food is considered to supply sufficient choline.
Congenital splayleg of piglets has been attributed to choline deficiency but
adding choline to the ration of the sows does not always prevent the
82 | P a g e
performance. For pigs, 10-50 mg/tonne of feed is considered to be
The vitamin is used empirically in racing dogs and horses to alleviate parasitic
and dietetic anemias at a dose rate of 2 microg/kg BW.
Cyanocobalamin zinc tannate provides effective tissue levels of vitamin B12
for 2-4 weeks after one injection.
It is also used as a feed additive for fattening pigs, usually in the form of fish
or meat meal or as ' animal protein factor'.
It is essential as a supplement if the diet contains no animal protein and
maximum results from the feeding of antibiotics to pigs are obtained only if
the intake of vitamin B12 is adequate.
Learning objectives
Vitamin A and its metabolites play diverse roles in physiology, ranging from
incorporation into vision pigments to controlling transcription of a host of
important genes.
Health depends on maintaining vitamin A levels within a normal range, as
either too little or too much of this vitamin lead to serious disease.
83 | P a g e
Hypovitaminosis - A
Night vision
o Ability to see in dim light is reduced because of interference with
regeneration of visual purple.
CSF fluid pressure
o Increase in CSF pressure is due to impaired absorption of the CSF
due to reduced tissue permeability of the arachnoid villi and
thickening of the connective tissue matrix of cerebral duramater.
Bone growth
o Vitamin A is necessary to maintain normal position and activity of
osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
o If deficiency occurs there is no retardation of endochondral bone
growth in that shaping, especially the finer molding of bones, does
not proceed normally.
o Overcrowding of the cranial activity occur with resulting distortion
and herniation of the brain and an increase in CSF pressure upto 4-6
times normal.
84 | P a g e
Epithelial tissues
o Vitamin A deficiency leads to atrophy of all epithelial cells.
o The secretory cells are gradually replaced by the stratified,
keratinizing epithelial cells common to non-secretary epithelial
o This replacement of secretory epithelium by keratinized epithelium
occurs chiefly in the salivary glands, the urogenital tract the para-
ocular gland and teeth.
Embryological development
o Vitamin A essential for organ formation during growth of the fetus.
o Constriction of the optic canal with thickening of the duramater
results in ischemic necrosis of the optic nerve and optic disc edema
resulting in blindness.
Immune mechanisms
o Vitamin A and β carotene afford protection against infection by
influencing both specific and non specific host defense mechanisms.
Clinical findings
Night blindness
Xerophthalmia -- thickening and clouding of the cornea in calf
Thin, serous mucoid discharge, corneal keratinization, clouding, ulceration
and photophobia in other animals.
Changes in the skin
o A rough, dry coat with a shaggy appearance and splitting of the bristle
tips in pigs.
o Heavy deposits of bran like scales on the skin-cattle
o Dry, scaly hooves – horse.
Body weight
o Inappetance, weakness, stunted growth and emaciation.
Reproductive efficiency
o In male – libido is retained but degeneration of the germinative
epithelium of the seminiferous tubules cause reduction in the number
of motile, normal spermatozoa produced.
o In female – placental degeneration leads to abortion the birth of dead
or weak young one.
Nervous system
85 | P a g e
Convulsion -Common in beef calves at 6-8 months
Affected calves are usually not blind and the menace reflex may be slightly
Some calves are hyper-aesthetic to touch or sound.
Blindness -- Usually occur up to 2-3 years of age. Both pupils are widely
dilated and fixed and will not respond to light.
Varying degrees of peripapillary retinal detachment, papillary and
peripapillary retinal hemorrhage and disruption of the retinal pigment
Menace reflex totally absent.
Palpebral and corneal reflex present.
Congenital defects
In pigs
Clinical pathology
Plasma Vitamin A
o Cattle - 25-60 mg / dl
o pigs - 23-29 mg/dl
o Lambs - 45.1 mg/dl
Plasma retinol
o Useful for horses - normal 16.5 mg/dl
Plasme carotene
o Useful for cattle – normal 150 mg/dl
o Vitamin A deficiency increases CSF pressure . In cattle :-Normal < 100
; in deficiency, it will rise to 200 mm
o Pig -normal 80-145 mm it will rise above 200 mm
o Sheep - normal 55-65 mm; it will rise to 70-150 mm.
86 | P a g e
The condidtions to be included in differential diagnosis are:
o Polioencephalomalacia
o Hypo-magnesemic tetany
o Lead poisoning
o Rabies
o Meningo-encephalitis.
o Peripheral blindness due to bilateral opthalmitis.
o Salt poisoning
o Pseudo rabies
o Viral encephalomyelitis
o Spinal cord compression.
Rickets in calves.
Osteomalacia in adults.
By solar radiation.
Vitamin D can be added to the milk or in milk replacers fed to calves and in
concentrates for adult cattle.
Ultra violet irradiation .
87 | P a g e
Clinical signs
G.I disorders.
Generalised tenderness.
Tiredness in puppies.
Occasional convulsion or tetany.
Walking in wrist than toes due to weakness of flexor tendons.
Failure to grow.
Bone: Bowing of legs outward, , knobs on ribs (racketty rosary)
Body is too heavy to legs.
Epiphyses of long bones are swollen.
Long bones bend; Metacarpus – thin and crouching in goat.
Ribs – bend inwards – so on both the side of thorax, there is longitudinal
shallow groove.
88 | P a g e
Pelvis – Acetabulum is pressed upwards & inwards by head of femur so,
constriction of pelvis.
Vertebrae- various deformities. Hence, it is called Rachitis.
Scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis or 2 or 3 antagonistic curves.
Skull: Thickening and deformity of Ramii of inferior maxillary region,
difficulty in respiration, Asphyxia as facial bone bulges.
Differential diagnosis
Ration containing Calcium 1.2% and Phosphorus 0.8%. (Ratio 1.5:1) with
vitamin D supplement.
Add 0.5 gm Calcium carbonate for every 100 gm of meal fed.
Feed with organic meats like liver, kidney & heart
Give cod liver oil
Cortisone and Calcium supplements.
Avoid Continuous yeast or Liquid paraffin.
Clinical signs
G.I disorders.
89 | P a g e
Generalised tenderness.
Tiredness in puppies.
Occasional convulsion or tetany.
Walking in wrist than toes due to weakness of flexor tendons.
Failure to grow.
Bone: Bowing of legs outward, , knobs on ribs (racketty rosary)
Body is too heavy to legs.
Epiphyses of long bones are swollen.
Long bones bend; Metacarpus – thin and crouching in goat.
Ribs – bend inwards – so on both the side of thorax, there is longitudinal
shallow groove.
Pelvis – Acetabulum is pressed upwards & inwards by head of femur so,
constriction of pelvis.
Vertebrae- various deformities. Hence, it is called Rachitis.
Scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis or 2 or 3 antagonistic curves.
Skull: Thickening and deformity of Ramii of inferior maxillary region,
difficulty in respiration, Asphyxia as facial bone bulges.
Differential diagnosis
Ration containing Calcium 1.2% and Phosphorus 0.8%. (Ratio 1.5:1) with
vitamin D supplement.
Add 0.5 gm Calcium carbonate for every 100 gm of meal fed.
Feed with organic meats like liver, kidney & heart
Give cod liver oil
Cortisone and Calcium supplements.
Avoid Continuous yeast or Liquid paraffin.
90 | P a g e
Physical changes
First licking the soil , faeces and urine then formation of body deformities.
Stunted, head is bigger, perverted appetite, crooked legs, cracking sound in
Lack of growth and production, stiff Limb and swollen joints and easy fracture
in hip and ribs.
Tail will become soft and it can be coiled like rope, sterility, peculiar gait,
arched back in lumbar vertebrae, recumbent due to pain or due to fracture
of pelvic bones.
Head larger.
Roof of the mouth bulging in oral cavity not able to
close, look like maxillary
paralysis difficult mastication, some time Blood stain in the tongue.
Narrowing of Nasal passage – snoring asphyxia.
91 | P a g e
X-ray – Horse Extreme porosity of entire skeleton.
Blood chemistry: Ca:P normal for long time in severe cases alkaline
phosphatase increased. serum inorganic P 1.3 to 1.6 mmol/L to 0.48 to 1.13
Histopathology of bone biopsy.
Dicalcium Po4 @ 3-4 times the daily requirement for 6 days, orally. The slow
reduction until 10th day with vit D @ 10,000 I.U / kg b.wt.
92 | P a g e
For warfarin - inducedanticoagulation in the horse, the administration of
300-500 mg of vitamin K S/C every 4-6 h until the prothrombin time
retums to baseline values is recommended.
Learning objectives
This chapter considers the principle of the diseases which occur during the
first month of life in animals born alive at term.
The need for the chapter arises out of the special sensitivities which the
newborns have
o Their immunological incompetence.
o Their dependence on adequate colostrum containing adequate
antibodies at the right time.
o Their dependence on frequent intake of readily available
carbohydrate to maintain energy.
o Their relative inefficiency in maintaining normal body temperature,
upwards or downwards.
93 | P a g e
Most diseases occurring in this period are non-infectious and metabolic. Eg.
Hypoglycemia and hypothermia due to poor mothering.
Hypothermia due to exposure to cold and low vigor in neonates due to
Congenital diseases
o Neonatal rickets
o Goiter
o Croocked calf disease
Septicemic disease
Enteric disease
Respiratory disease
White muscle disease
Determine the duration of pregnancy to ensure that the animals were born at
Collect the epidemiological information on the problem
o What is the abnormality?
o What is the apparent age at onset? And the age at death.
o What clinical signs are consistently associated with the problem?
o What is the prevalence in particular group?
o What is the birth history of affected animals? Has there been any
difference in management of the dams of the affected animals?
o What is the farm policy for feeding of colostrum?
o What have been the environmental conditions during the past 48
hours; conduct a post mortem examination of all available dead
94 | P a g e
Clinical signs
Serum biochemical profile
Imaging techniques
Blood culture
Removal of the cause of the disease from the environment of the new born.
Removal of the newborn calf from the infectious environment if necessary.
Increasing and maintaining the non specific resistance of the newborn
through colostrum as soon as possible.
Increasing the specific resistance of the newborn through the use of vaccines.
Neonatal isoerythrolysis
95 | P a g e
Neonatal mal adjustment syndrome
o Hemolytic anemia of newborn foals occurs because of immune –
mediated destruction of the neonate’s red blood cells by antibodies
acquired from the dam.
o Maternal alloantibodies to neonate's blood group antigens are
transferred to the neonate in colostrum and cause lysis of the
neonate’s red blood cells.
o Disease in progeny of multiparous mares. The dam lacks blood group
antigens possessed by the sire and inherited by the foal.
o The majority of cases in foals are due to the presence of Aa or Qa
o The interaction between the antibody and the red cells of the
newborn is followed by hemolysis with resultant anemia,
hemoglobinuria and jaundice.
Clinical signs
o Peracute cases develop within 8-36 hours of birth and the first
indication of the disease may be collapse. Severe hemoglobinuria and
pallor are evident but icterus is not apparent initially. The mortality
rate is high.
o In acute cases, signs do not develop until 2-4 days after birth and
jaundice is marked, with only moderate pallor and hemoglobinuria.
o Subacute cases may not show signs until 4-5 days after birth.
Jaundice is marked but there is no hemoglobinuria and only mild
pallor of mucosae.
o General signs include lassitude, weakness and disinclination to suck.
The foal lies down in sternal recumbency for long periods. There is
no febrile reaction but tachycardia and tachypnea. Terminally
dyspnea and convulsions may develop.
Clinical pathology
o Hematological examination reveals acute anemia ( decreased Hb,
PCV and TEC).
o Depending on the severity of the disease and its duration, there may
be leukocytosis, neutrophilia, monocytosis and the presence of
nucleated red blood cells
o Serum biochemical analysis reveals an increased serum
concentration of unconjugated bilirubin.
96 | P a g e
o Clinical signs
o Clinico- pathological findings
o Direct Coomb’s test:
A positive direct antiglobulin test, confirming the presence of
antibodies on the surface of red blood cells in foals with
o The aim of treatment is to
Prevent the deleterious effects of anemia
Prevent or treat hemoglobinuric nephrosis
Prevent secondary infection in severely ill animals
Restore normal fluid, electrolyte and acid – base status
Provide adequate nutrition
Minimize stress
o The principles of control are
Identification of incompatible matings by blood group typing
Identification of risk foals by testing of mare serum or colostrum
for the presence of alloantibodies directed against blood
factors possessed by the foal
97 | P a g e
immunoglobulin, predisposing the foal to septicemia and
Clinical signs
o Foals that are abnormal at birth can display a range of behavioral
abnormalities from lack of suckle reflex to convulsions with extensor
o Aimless wandering and a characteristic barking vocalization is
sometimes present.
o Recumbent foals may struggle wildly and in an uncoordinated
fashion to stand.
o Convulsive foals usually display opisthotonos with extensor rigidity.
Other signs of convulsive activity include facial twitching,
nystagmus, rapid blinking, chewing and drooling.
o Convulsive foals are tachypnic, tachycardic and hyperthermic during
and immediately after convulsions.
o Foals that are normal at birth may develop signs by 24 hours of age.
The signs are similar to those described above.
Clinical pathology
o There are no hematological or serum biochemical abnormalities
characteristic of the disease
o Definitive diagnosis of the disease is difficult and is based on
exclusion of other diseases that can cause similar signs and at
necropsy demonstration of intracranial lesions consistent with the
The principles of treatment are
o Control of convulsion
o Treatment of cerebral edema and hemorrhage
o Correction of failure of transfer of passive immunity
o Nutritional support and general nursing care
o Prevention of hypoxia in neonates by close monitoring of the health of
the mare and of parturition may reduce the incidence of the disease.
o Fading puppy syndrome is a term used to describe the failure of
young puppies to survive in the first 2-3 weeks of life and their
ensuring death without any obvious cause.
o Known causes – 45%
o Unknown causes – 55%
98 | P a g e
Known causes
o Nutritional – maternal / management linked causes leadind to
o Infection – (Bacterial, viral and parasitic)
o Very low birth weight
o Hypothermia
o Prematurity
o Congenital abnormality
o Low lung surfactant (phosphatidylcholine)
Pathogenesis: Not known
Clinical signs
o Lassitude
o Absence of sucking reflex
o Restlessness
o Crying
o Lateral recumbency with limb peddling
o General weakness
o Death
o History
o Physical examination
o Hematology
o Serum bio-chemical profile
o Pm findings
o Urinalysis
o Urine and blood culture
o Estimation of lung surfactant in dead puppies
o Specific treatment for infection
Amoxicillin clavulanate 12.5 – 25 mg / kg- orally BID
o Proper management practice
o Supportive therapy
99 | P a g e
to such disease as coliform septicemia, transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE),
streptococcal infections, myoclonia, congenital and hemolytic disease of the
Piglets under 4 days of age rapidly develop hypoglycemia under fasting
Clinical findings
100 | P a g e
o Champing of the jaws
o Tortuous movements
o Rigidity of the neck and trunk
o Terminally coma and death
Iron deficiency causes anemia and failure to thrive occurs commonly in young
sucking piglets maintained indoor with no access to iron/ supplementation
in diet.
101 | P a g e
Iron deficient piglets appear to be more susceptible to diarrhea at about 2
A marked impairment of gastric acid secretion leading to atrophic gastritis
occurs in iron deficient piglets
Villous atrophy of small intestine and changes in gastro intestinal flora also
occur in iron deficient piglets
Clinical signs
Nutritional history
Clinical signs
Clinico-pathological findings
o Decreased Hb 8g / dl
o TEC 3-4 x 1012/L
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Learning objectives
103 | P a g e
The term myopathy describes the non inflammatory degeneration of skeletal
muscles which is characterized clinically by muscle weakness and
pathologically by hyaline degeneration of the muscle fibers.
Primary myopathy
104 | P a g e
Sudden onset of weakness and pseudoparalysis of the affected muscles,
causing paresis and recumbency and in many cases accompanying
respiratory and circulatory insufficiencies.
Cardiac irregularity and tachycardia may be evident, and myoglobinuria
occurs in horse and yearling cattle.
The affected skeletal muscles in acute cases may feel swollen, hard and
rubbery but in most cases it is difficult to detect significant abnormality by
Acute cases of primary myopathy may die within 24 hours after the onset of
Muscle stiffness and pain, myoglobinuria, edema of the head and neck,
recumbency and death in a few days.
Lethargy and stiffness of gait are characteristic of less acute cases.
Recovery is prolonged and when initial attempts are made to stand there is
lumbar rigidity, pain and reluctance to bear weight. The limbs may be rigid
and the muscle firm on palpation.
Initially there is brief period myotonia with prolapse of the third eyelid. In
severe cases the horse becomes recumbent and myotonia is replaced by
flaccidity. Sweating occurs, and generalized muscle fasciculations are
apparent, with large groups of muscle fibers contracting simultaneously at
The animal remains bright and alert and responds to noise and painful
stimuli. In milder cases, affected horse remain standing and generalized
muscle fasciculations are prominent over the neck, shoulder and flank.
When the horse is asked to move, the limb may buckle and the animal
appears weak. The horse is unable to lift its head, usually will not eat and
may yawn repeatedly early in the course of an episode.
105 | P a g e
In secondary myopathy due to ischemia – the affected animal is unable to
raise and the affected hind limbs are commonly directed behind the cow in
the foreleg attitude.
In neurogenic atrophy there is marked loss of function in the total mass of
muscle - flaccid paralysis, loss of tendon reflexes and failure of
Learning objectives
106 | P a g e
o Haematogenously
o By extension from an adjacent focus of infection
o By direct inoculation through trauma or surgery.
The infection occur commonly in the metaphysis, physis and epiphysis which
are sites of bony growth and thus susceptible to blood borne infections. The
metaphyseal blood vessels loop towards the physis and ramify into
sinusoids which spread throughout the metaphyseal region.
Haematogenous osteomyelitis in cattle can be of
o Physeal type in which an infection generally of metaphyseal bone
orginates at or near the growth plate usually affecting the distal
metacarpus, metatarsus, radius or tibia.
o Epiphyseal type in which an infection originates near the junction of
the subchondral bone and the immature epiphyseal joint cartilage
most often affecting the distal femoral condyle epiphysis, the patellar
and the distal radius.
The epiphyseal osteomyelitides are usually due to infection with Salmonella
spp and are most common in calves under 12 weeks of age. The physeal
infection are usually due to Actinomyces pyogenes and occur most
commonly in cattle over 6 months of age.
107 | P a g e
vertebrae from C6 – T1. Salmonella dublin is commonly isolated from the
vertebral lesion.
Clinical pathology
Differential diagnosis
Healing fracture
Traumatic periosteitis or osteitis
Bone tumor
Nutritional osteodystrophy
Infection of the bone due to external trauma and fracture.
In case of long term infection or those with extensive bone necrosis, surgery is
generally recommended to remove sequestra, devitalized tissue and sinus
tracts which are harboring large numbers of bacteria.
In septic physitis, the implantation of homologous cancellous bone grafts
following debridement of necrotic bone, and the application of a walking
cast for 4 -5 weeks and antimicrobial therapy for 2 weeks are highly
Nutritional causes
108 | P a g e
Inadequate dietary nutrition and general under-nutrition of cattle and sheep
can result in
o Severe osteoporosis and a great increase in case of fracture
o Chronic parasitism can lead to osteodystrophy in young growing
o Hypovitaminosis A and hypervitaminosis can cause osteodystrophic
changes in cattle and swine.
o Prolonged feeding of a diet high in calcium to bulls can cause
nutritional hypercalcitoninism.
o Multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies and be a cause of
osteodystrophy in cattle.
109 | P a g e
enlargements of the ends of long bones and costochondral junction of the
ribs. These changes at the epiphyses may result in separation of the
epiphysis which commonly affects the femoral head.
The articular cartilage may remain normal or there may be sub-articular
collapse resulting in grooving and folding of the articular cartilage and
ultimately degenerative arthropathy and osteochondrosis.
Eruption of the teeth in rickets is irregular and dental attrition is rapid.
Osteomalacia is a softening of mature bone due to excessive resorption of
mineral deposits in bone and failure of mineralization of newly formed
Osteodystrophiafibrosa may be super imposed on rickets or osteomalacia
and occurs in secondary hyperparathyroidism. Diets low in calcium or
which contain a relative excess of phosphorus cause secondary
Osteoporosis is due to failure or inadequacy of the formation of the organic
matrix of the bone. The bone becomes porous, light, fragile and fracture
Congenital defects of bone include complete (achondroplasia) and partial
(chondrodystrophy) failure of normal development of cartilage.
110 | P a g e
o Feed analysis for calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and other
o Bone ash chemical analysis
o Histopathology of bone biopsy
o Radiographic examination of the skeleton.
The oral administration of dicalcium phosphate @ 3-4 times the daily requirement,
daily for 6 days followed by a reduction to the daily requirement by the 10th day,
combined with one injection of vitamin D @ 10,000 IU/kg body weight is
Learning objectives
The term osteoarthropathy and degenerative joint disease are used here to
describe non inflammatory lesions of the articular surfaces of the joints
characterized by:
o Degeneration and erosion of the articular joints
o Eburnation of subchondral bones
o Hypertrophy of bone surrounding the articular cartilage resulting in
lipping and spur formation at the joint margins.
Nutritional causes
Steroid induced
111 | P a g e
The intra-articular injection or prolonged parenteral administration of
corticosteroid in horse may lead to degenerative joint disease.
Biochemical trauma
Primary osteo-arthropathy
112 | P a g e
This is due to normal aging processes and ordinary joint usage. The initial
lesions occur in the superficial layer of the articular cartilages where, with
increasing age, there is loss of normal resilience of the cartilage, a lowering
of the content of chondrointin sulfate and reduction in the permeability of
the cartilaginous matrix which results in progressive degeneration of the
articular cartilage.
Secondary osteoarthropathy
113 | P a g e
Gross Colourless, Pale yellow, may contain Turbid, yellow
appearence clear flocculent debris
114 | P a g e
Calves Caused by Actinomyces pyogenes, Fusobacterium necroforum,
Staphylococcus spp
115 | P a g e
Inflammation of the synovial membrane causes pain and lameness in the
affected limb, sometimes to the point that the animal will not put it to the
Pain and heat are usually detectable on palpation.
Pyogenic bacteria cause the greatest degree of swelling and may result in the
rupture of joint capsule.
Some enlargement of the epiphysis is usual and this may be the only
enlargement in non-pyogenic infections, particularly that caused by
Erysipelothrix insidiosa.
Fever, inappetence to anorexia, endotoxemia, loss of body weight and
discomfort may occur in animals with only one severely affected joint. In
many of the neonatal infection there will also be an accompanied
Arthritis in older animals may also be accompanied by signs of inflammation
of the serous membrane and endocardium when the infection is result of
haematogenous localization.
The joint most commonly involved are the hock, stifle and knee but infection
of the fetlock, interphalangeal and intervertebral joints is not uncommon.
In chronic cases, there may be physical impairment of joint movement
because of fibrous thickening of the joint capsule, periarticular ossification
and rarely ankylosis of the joint.
Clinical pathology
Analysis of joint fluid
Culture of joint fluid
Serology of joint fluid
Differential diagnosis
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Learning objectives
117 | P a g e
Clinical signs
The clinical signs may appear within one week after infection. They result
from mechanical irritation and hypersensitivity.
Severe and constant pruritus often leading to a rapid appearance of extensive
Primary lesions
Secondary lesions
Lesion distributions
118 | P a g e
Margins of the ear pinnae and the bony prominence, especially elbows and
hocks, and the ventral portion of the chest and abdomen.
Pinna pedal reflex is highly suggestive and positive in more than 80% of the
cases and rare in other pruritic dermatosis.
Examination of scrapings from crusted papule (elbow and hocks) and ear
margins. This is the only way to obtain absolute confirmation of the
o Put a drop of liquid paraffin or mineral oil on a microscopic slide,
lubricate the scalpel blade and soften the skin. Then scrape until
capillary bleeding results and examine the entire sample present
under the cover slip under 10X objective. Every field must be
examined carefully.
o Skin biopsies: At best these are only suggestive, with parasites only
rarely observed.
Differential diagnosis
119 | P a g e
Their habitat is restricted to skin, but in severe demodicosis all stages may be
found in the lymphoid tissues and in many other internal organs. It is
assumed that they reach these sites by simple drainage via the lymphatics.
High incidence of demodicosis in malnourished puppies and also in
association with severe internal parasitism.
Adult onset of generalized demodicosis is usually associated with a serious
internal disease and is not infrequently seen with multicentric lymphoma,
hyperadrenocorticism and hypothyroidism. It may also develop secondarily
to chronic corticosteroid or immunotherapy.
Proliferation of mites within the hair follicle interferes with the normal
clearing mechanism of the follicle and predisposes to infection with
staphylococcus intermedius. Subsequent rupture of the hair follicle leads to
a bacterial furunculosis and free mites in the dermis initiate a foreign body
In long standing cases the infection can go deeper and cellulitis develops. This
is particularly serious when it involves the interdigital area, leading to
severe pododermatitis.
Areas of predilection are the face particularly the periocular area and
commissures of the lips, and the forelegs. Focal, demarcated areas of
alopecia accompanied by a fine scale. Such areas may be erythematous.
Focal or generalized areas of seborrhoeas manifested by excessive scales and a
waxy surface lipid film.
120 | P a g e
Most cases of demodicosis are non pruritic unless there is a secondary
pyoderma. Some cases, usually those with marked follicular plugging,
develop a bacterial folliculitis and show pustule which tend not to progress
to the development of marked epidermal collarettes.
Deep pyoderma, either furunculosis or cellulitis is often a sequel and indeed
this may be the only presenting signs.
Examination of scrapings
Generalised demodicosis
Resistant cases
Oral ivermectin at 400 -600 mcg/kg daily for upto 8 months as required.
121 | P a g e
Milbimycin – orally at the dose of 0.5 – 2 mg/kg
Moxidectin has also been used orally at 200 -400 mcg/kg daily for upto 6
Some three to five sites selected for skin scraping. The hair, if present, is
clipped. The skin is gently squeezed between thumb and forefinger to force
the mites more superficially in the hair follicle.
Put a drop of liquid paraffin or mineral oil on a microscopic slide, lubricate the
scalpel blade and use it to soften the skin. Then scrape until capillary
bleeding results and examine the entire sample present under the cover slip
under the 10X objective. Every field must be examined carefully.
Examination of hair pluckings as the mites are deep in the hair follicles. They
are often readily observed around the hair bulb of hairs plucked from the
periphery of the lesions.
Skin biopsies of affected skin are an effective method of diagnosis, but are
unnecessary for routine cases.
Differential diagnosis
122 | P a g e
123 | P a g e
Cytology is reliable, allows the rapid performance and interpretation and
Various sampling techniques exist:
o Direct impression smear, cellophane tape test, smear from a skin
scraping and swab smear.
A slide is placed and rubbed against the lesional areas. The edge of the slide
may be sufficient if the area to sample is small.
Perform several smears in different lesional areas.
Let the samples dry for 1 – 2 minutes in open air.
Immerse the slides in the three different dyes used for classic hematological
fast acting dye (generally 30 seconds each).
Rinse the slides thoroughly with clear water and blot them carefully with an
absorbent paper, examination side upwards, until the water is completely
A hair dryer may be used for final drying.
A clear cellophane tape is pressed firmly on the lesions. Sample several times
in different lesional areas. Make a loop with the piece of cellophane tape by
fixing it at the end of a slide, the adhesive side carrying the material
sampled outwards.
Immerse the slides in the three different dyes used for classic hematological
fast acting dye (generally 30 seconds each).
Rinse the slides thoroughly with clear water and blot them carefully with an
absorbent paper, examination side upwards, until the water is completely
A hair dryer may be used for final drying.
Unroll the adhesive tape and stick it on the slide.
Microscopic observations
Locate microscopically well stained areas and centre them under the
microscope lens. Take care to position the slide on the right side with
materials sampled or cellophane upward.
Look for the areas with most cells under low magnification, particularly
epidermal cell debris malassezia tend to cluster.
Semi quantitatively scale (from 0 - +++) the number of the malassezia
Differential diagnosis
124 | P a g e
Hypersensitivity skin conditions (atopy, FAD,food allergy or even contact
dermatitis) which are also the most frequent primary causes.
Parasitic dermatosis
Any other cause of kerato-seborrhoeic disorders combined with a dermatitis.
Sytemic therapy
Topical therapy
Fleas are extremely common in temperate and warmer climates, with varying
levels of infestation of pets and their environment closely linked to ambient
temperature and humidity.
Dogs that are atopic and suffer from atopic dermatitis are predisposed to the
development of flea allergy.
125 | P a g e
Hypersensitive dogs can develop their disease via number of
immunopathogenic pathways, which are :
The majority of sensitive dogs develop IgE antibodies (type I hypersensitivity),
and thus mast cell- derived mediators are involved.
In additions, some dogs manifest cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity with an
influx of basophils armed with IgE antibody in to the site of application of
Most dogs also have cell mediated, delayed or type IV hypersensitivity.
Injection of the allergen causes an influx of lymphocytes and macrophages
and a variety of interleukins are involved. In a certain number of
cases(probably 15-30%), delayed hypersensitivity alone exists.
126 | P a g e
Common causes of Hypothyroidism in dogs include
oLymphocytic thyroditis
o Idiopathic follicular atrophy
Many cases of hypothyroidism have a genetic basis and many breeds are
prone to developing hypothyroidism.
Hypothyroidism may result from dysfunction of any part of the hypothalamic-
pituitary - thyroid axis.
Canine thyroiditis is believed to be immune mediated, but the immunologic
and molecular pathogenesis has not been well characterized.
Because thyroid hormone influence the functions of many organs,
hypothyroidisim is considered in the differential diagnosis of a wide range
of problems.
Clinical signs
Over 50% of hypothyroid dogs have high blood cholesterol and often
increased triglycerides and lipoproteins. Thyroid hormones commonly
measured include total T4, total T3 and free T4.
Skin Biopsy reveals non-specific endocrine changes- follicular keratitis,
follicular dilatation, telogenisation of hair follicles, evidence of pyoderma ,
malazessia and demodicosis.
TSH response test is a test of thyroid gland reserve and is the criterian
standard for diagnosis of canine hypothyroidism. TRH response test is
sometimes used to evaluate thyroid function in dogs.
Scintigraphy and thyroid ultrasonography may also be useful in evaluation of
dogs with suspected hypothyroidism.
127 | P a g e
128 | P a g e
Learning objectives
129 | P a g e
o Nutritional deficiency of B vitamins, especially of riboflavin and
nicotinic acid in pigs, or linolenic acid, and probably other essential
unsaturated fatty acids
o Poisoning by iodine
Secondary pityriasis: characterized by excessive desquamation of epithelial
cells and usually associated with:
o Scratching in flea, louse and mange infestations
o Keratolytic infection, e.g. with ringworm fungus.
Pityriasis scales are accumulations of keratinized epithelial cells, sometimes
softened and made greasy by the exudation of serum or sebum.
Overproduction, when it occurs, begins around the orifices of the hair
follicles and spreads to the surrounding stratum corneum.
Primary pityriasis scales are superficial, accumulate where the coat is long,
and are usually associated with a dry, lusterless coat. Itching or other skin
lesions are not the features. Secondary pityriasis is usually accompanied by
the lesions of the primary disease.
Pityriasis is identified by the absence of parasites and fungi from skin
130 | P a g e
Secondary infection of deep fissures may occur if the area is continually wet.
However, the lesion is usually dry and the plugs of hyperkeratotic material
can be removed, leaving the underlying skin intact.
Confirmation of the diagnosis is by the demonstration of the characteristically
thickened stratum corneum in a biopsy section, which also serves to
differentiate the condition from parakeratosis and inherited ichthyosis.
Primary treatment depends on correction of the cause. Supportive treatment
is by the application of a keratolytic agent (e.g. salicylic acid ointment).
131 | P a g e
moved easily over underlying tissue. The skin surface is unbroken and there
are no lesions and no crusts or scabs as in parakeratosis and hyperkeratosis.
Confirmation of the diagnosis depends on histopathological examination of a
biopsy. The cells in all layers are usually normal but the individual layers
are increased in thickness. There is hypertrophy of the prickle cell layer of
the epidermis and enlargement of the interpapillary processes.
Differential dianosis
Cutaneous neoplasia
132 | P a g e
The only specific examples of impetigo in large animals are
o Udder impetigo of cows
o Q Infectious dermatitis or 'contagious pyoderma' of baby pigs
associated with unspecified streptococci and staphylococci
Small (3-6 mm) vesicles appear chiefly on the relatively hairless parts of the
body and do not become confluent. No irritation is evident. Vesicle rupture
occurs readily but some persist as yellow scabs. Involvement of hair follicles
is common and leads to the development of acne and deeper, more
extensive lesions. Individual lesions heal rapidly in about a week but
successive crops of vesicles may prolong the duration of the disease.
Confirmation of the diagnosis is by culture of vesicular fluid and identification
of the causative bacterium and its sensitivity.
Differential dianosis
Cowpox, in which the lesions occur almost exclusively on the teats and pass
through the characteristic stages of pox.
Pseudocowpox, in which lesions are characteristic and also restricted in
occurrence to the teats.
Primary urticaria results directly from the effect of the pathogen, examples
o Insect stings
o Contact with stinging plants
o Ingestion of unusual food with the allergen, usually a protein
o Occasionally an unusual feed item, e.g. garlic to a horse
o After a recent change of diet
o Administration of a particular drug, e.g. penicillin; possibly
guaifenesin or other anesthetic agent
133 | P a g e
Allergic reaction in cattle following vaccination for foot-and mouth
o Death of warble fly larvae in tissue
o Milk allergy when Jersey cows are dried off
o Transfusion reaction
Secondary urticaria occurs as part of a syndrome
o Respiratory tract infections in horses, including strangles and the
upper respiratory tract viral infections
o Erysipelas in pigs .
134 | P a g e
Adverse reactions in dairy cattle following annual vaccination for foot-and-
mouth disease are characterized by wheals (3-20 mm in diameter) covering
most of the body, followed by exudative and necrotic dermatitis. The
affected areas become hairless and the wheals exude serum and become
scabbed over. Edema of the legs is common and vesicles occur on the teats.
The lesions appear 8-12 weeks postvaccination and may persist for 3-5
weeks. Loss of body weight and lymphadenopathy also occur. Pruritus,
depression and a drop in milk yield are common.
Primary treatment
Supportive treatment
135 | P a g e
Foot-and-mouth disease – vesicles around natural orifices.
vesicular stomatitis with lesions on teats and coronet
Rinderpest, bovine virus diarrhea, bovine malignant catarrh, bluetongue -
erosive lesions around natural orifices, eyes, coronets.
Dermatitis on legs - potato poisoning, topical application of irritants
Plaque-like and cracked skin lesions on the udder, hindquarters, lips and
muzzle of cattle bedded on straw heavily contaminated with Fusarium
136 | P a g e
Pemphigus, lupus erythematosus, erythema multiforme, eosinophilic
dermatitis and stomatitis
Molluscum contagiosum
Linear hyperkeratosis
Nodular necrobiosis
Ear plaque
Cutaneous habronemiasis
Tropical lichen
Clinical findings
Initially erythema and increased warmth; later, may vary from discrete
vesicular lesion to diffuse weeping lesion depending on the severity of the
causative agent.
Edema of the skin and soft tissue in severe cases.
Necrosis and gangrene of the affected skin in much more severe cases.
Diffuse cellulitis and phlegmonous lesion if infection involves s/c tissues
Systemic reaction when affected skin area is extensive
o shock with peripheral circulatory failure
o Toxemia / septicemia
Differential diagnosis
137 | P a g e
Primary treatment must be to remove the noxious physical or chemical
agent from the environment or to supplement the diet to repair a
nutritional deficiency. The choice of a suitable treatment for infectious skin
disease will depend upon the accurate identification of the etiological agent.
Supportive treatment includes both local and systemic therapy. Local
applications may need to be astringent either as powders or lotions in the
weeping stage or as greasy salves in the scabby stage. The inclusion of
corticosteroids or antihistamine preparation is recommended in allergic
states and it is desirable to prescribe sedative or anesthetic agents when
pain or itching is severe.
If shock is present, parenteral fluids should be administered. If the lesions are
extensive or secondary bacterial invasion is likely to occur, parenterally
administered antibiotics or antifungal agents may be preferred to topical
applications. A high protein diet or the administration of protein
hydrolysates or amino acid combinations may find a place in the treatment
of valuable animals. Nonspecific remedies such as gold-containing remedies
(e.g. aurothioglucose) are commonly used in autoimmune diseases such as
The use of vaccines as prophylaxis in viral and bacterial dermatitides must
not be neglected. Autogenous vaccines may be most satisfactory in bacterial
infections. An autogenous vaccine is particularly recommended in the
treatment of staphylococcal dermatitis in horses and bovine udder impetigo
in which long and repeated courses of treatment with penicillin produce
only temporary remission. An autogenous vaccine produces a cure in many
138 | P a g e
o Congenital hypothyroidism (goiter) due to iodine deficiency in the
o After viral infection of the dam, alopecia congenitally in the
newborn, e.g. after bovine virus diarrhea in cattle
Metabolic alopecia: subsequent to a period of malnutrition or severe illness -'a
break in the wool', e.g. excessive whale, palm or soya oil in milk replacers to
calves; the fibers grown during the period of nutritional or metabolic stress
have a zone of weakness and are easily broken.
Traumatic alopecia: due to excessive scratching or rubbing associated with
louse, tick or itch-mite infestations; rubbing against narrow doors, feed
troughs or tethers in confined housing, against harness in working animals.
Poisoning by thallium, selenium, arsenic, mercury or the tree Leucaena
Idiopathic hair loss from the tail switch of well- fed beef bulls. In sterile
eosinophilic folliculitis of cattle.
Wool slip: In many primary skin diseases, e.g. parakeratosis, hyperkeratosis,
dermatitis, cutaneous neoplasia, sarcoid; pythiosis. Hair is lost at the site of
local lesions.
Clinical findings
When alopecia is due to breakage of the fiber, the stumps of old fibers or
developing new ones may be seen.
When fibers fail to grow the skin is shiny and in most cases is thinner than
In cases of congenital follicular aplasia, the ordinary covering hairs are absent
but the coarser tactile hairs about the eyes, lips and extremities are often
Absence of the hair coat makes the animal more susceptible to sudden
changes of environmental temperature. There may be manifestations of a
primary disease and evidence of scratching or rubbing.
139 | P a g e
Patchy depigmentation of the skin with premature graying of the local hair is
not uncommon in cattle and horses. The usual manifestation is the
appearance of patches of gray or white hair -'snowflakes' in an otherwise
pigmented coat. The defect is esthetic only.
Histopathological examination reveals a complete absence of melanocytes
from affected areas but the cause is unknown in most cases. A genetic
etiology is suspected in Arabian horses and Holstein-Friesian cattle.
It can also be caused by
o Application of'supercooled' instruments that selectively destroy
melanocytes, the basis for freeze branding.
o Prolonged pressure, e.g. by poorly fitting harness
o An idiopathic state in horses, usually during a debilitating disease,
with patchy depigmentation of skin appearing on the prepuce,
perineum, underneath the tail, and on the face.There is no
discontinuity of the skin.
140 | P a g e
Seborrhea is an excessive secretion of sebum on to the skin surface. In large
animals it is always secondary to dermatitis or other skin irritation, e.g.:
Exudative epidermitis of pigs associated with S. hyicus, Greasy heel of
horses including infection with S. hyicus.
Increased blood supply to the skin and increased hair growth appear to
stimulate the production of sebum, but why seborrhea is provoked in some
individuals and not in others is unknown.
Clinical findings
The skin must be kept clean and dry. Affected areas should be defatted with
hot soap and water washes, then properly dried, and an astringent lotion,
e.g. white lotion, should be applied daily. In acute cases of greasy heel, the
141 | P a g e
application at 5-day intervals of an ointment made up of five parts salicylic
acid, three parts boric acid, two parts phenol, two parts mineral oil and two
parts petroleum jelly is recommended.
Long-standing cases profit from the twice-daily washing of the part and
covering with an ointment containing an antibiotic, a fungistat and a
corticosteroid, e.g. gentamicin, clotrimazole, betametasone.
Clinical findings
The sequence of lesion development is: nodules around the base of the hair,
then pustules, then crusts, finally hair fiber loss. Itching may occur, but
pain and rupture of pustules under pressure are more common.
Pustule rupture leads to contamination of the surrounding skin and
development of further lesions. In bovine sterile eosinophilic folliculitis, the
multiple lesions are crusted, alopecic, 3-5 cm diameter nodules on all parts
of the body except the limbs. They are composed largely of eosinophils and
are negative on culture.
142 | P a g e
broad-spectrum preparation such as trimethoprim-sulfadiazine is
Supportive treatment – infected animals should be isolated and grooming
tools and blankets disinfected.
Learning objectives
There are certain principles which apply to all cases of poisoning and they are
listed briefly below. The three main principles are,
o Removal of the residual poison from the alimentary tract or skin
o Provision of chemical and physiological antidotes to the poison that
has been absorbed. Effective supportive care, nursing, and
convalescent care.
o In farm animals, gastric lavage and emetics are of little or no
practical value and the removal of residual poison from the
alimentary tract depends largely upon the use of adsorbents and
purgatives. The only effective adsorbent is activated charcoal. The
dose rate is 1-3 g/kg BW repeated as necessary. It adsorbs
chlorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphorus compounds,
mycotoxins and plant alkaloids, the common feed additives,
antibacterial agents and bacterial toxins. It does not adsorb cyanide,
heavy metals, halogens, nitrite, alcohols, caustics, sodium chloride or
A purgative is necessary to remove the combined adsorbent and poison; it can
be administered simultaneously with the adsorbent. The use of irritant
purgatives is not advisable when the poison is an irritant and has already
been associated with gastroenteritis, and non-absorbable oily purgatives
(e.g.mineral oil) are preferable in these cases.Saline purgatives (sodium
sulfate) are of value in the treatment of non-irritant poisons such as
cyanogenetic glucosides.
Neutralization of residual poison in the alimentary tract includes use of
Oxidizing agents or tannic acid preparations for precipitating alkaloids.
Proteins, including milk and eggs, are effective chemical antidotes for
poisons that coagulate proteins. Lead is precipitated by the addition of
sulfates to the alimentary tract contents.
143 | P a g e
Poison that has already been absorbed can in some instances be inactivated or
its excretion facilitated by the provision of chemical antidotes. For instance,
sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate are effective systemic antidotes to
hydrocyanic acid, and calcium versenate is an effective antidote against
Treatment of the effects of a poison includes provision of physiological
antidotes, e.g. the injection of a calcium salt in cases of overdosing with
magnesium salts.
Ancillary or supportive treatment, include the provision of fluids in
dehydration due to diarrhea, demulcents in gastroenteritis, sedatives in
excitement, stimulants in cases of central nervous system depression.
It is essential when undertaking the treatment of animals for poisoning;
especially those which are producing milk or which are destined to become
meat in a short time, to take into account the possible unsuitability of the
product for human consumption because of the presence of the poison or
the antidote.
The case fatality rate of acute lead poisoning of cattle is high because of their
high susceptibility and the nature of the material ingested. Sedation by i.v
injection of anesthetic doses of pentobarbital sodium in calves and chloral
hydrate in adults temporarily relieves the convulsions.
Calcium versenate (calcium dis odium ethylenediamine tetra-acetate,
CaEDTA) at a dose of 110-220 mg/kg BW i/v over 12 hours, which is
approached by rapid i.v. injections of two doses of 110 mglkg BW weight, 6
hours apart. This can be done daily for 3-5 days. CaEDTA is available as a
6.6% solution for i.v. administration.
CaEDTA removes lead directly from bone-sensitive sites and not from
parenchymatous organs because cell membranes form a barrier to the
therapeutic removal of intracellular lead. The lead is removed from soft
tissues by equilibration with bone. The process takes time and thus
necessitates multiple treatment.
An increase in the heart and respiratory rates and the development of muscle
tremors during injection indicates a toxic reaction but can be avoided by
slow administration. Recovery may take 5-15 days and parenteral or
stomach tube alimentation may be required. Blindness may persist for
several days after general recovery and may continue indefinitely.
Oral dosing with small amounts of magnesium sulfate has been used on the
basis that soluble lead salts will be precipitated as the insoluble sulfate and
excreted in the feces.
144 | P a g e
Primary treatment
Supportive treatment
145 | P a g e
Astringent preparations given by mouth may help to reduce the loss of body
At least 10 days should be permitted between ceasing to feed the arsanilate
and slaughter to avoid poisoning of humans.
Therapeutic preparations containing arsenic should be labelled 'Poison' and
strict instructions given on dosage, particularly the length of time for which
administration should continue.
Animals to be dipped in arsenical solutions should be watered before dipping
to prevent them drinking the dip.
Seed grains dusted with mercury compounds should not be fed to animals.
Primary treatment, apart from removing the animals from the source of
fluorine, is largely impractical. Acute cases require gastrointestinal
sedatives. Supportive treatment to neutralize residual fluorine in the
alimentary tract and calcium salts intravenously is recommended.
Aluminum salts act as neutralizers of the hydrofluoric acid produced in the
stomach and because of their insolubility they are safe even in large
quantities (30 g of aluminum sulfate daily for prevention, more for
146 | P a g e
The calcium salts given intravenously should be given to effect, using the
disappearance of tetany and hyperesthesia as a guide. These treatments will
probably have to be repeated.
The parenteral administration of glucose solutions is recommended because
of the interference by fluorine with glucose metabolism. Irrespective of
treatment used, no improvement in dental or osseous lesions can be
anticipated but there may be amelioration of the other clinical signs.
Primary treatment
147 | P a g e
1g anhydrous sodium sulfate significantly reduces the copper content of
tissues and appears to prevent deaths in lambs known to have toxic
amounts of copper. The mode of action is by increasing the fecal excretion
of copper. Under experimental conditions injection intravenously or
subcutaneously has an ameliorating effect on copper poisoning by reducing
the capacity of circulating copper to enter erythrocytes and cause their lysis.
Injection of ammonium tetrathiomolybdate (three to six times) intravenously
at 2-3-day intervals at a dose rate of 2.7 mg/kg BW is also effective. So too is
the daily intravenous injections of sodium calcium edetate (70 mg/kg BW)
for 2 days to calves.
Supportive treatment should include blood transfusion. In acute cases
gastrointestinal sedatives and symptomatic treatment for shock are
Primary treatment of both acute and chronic salt poisoning is the immediate
removal of the toxic feed or water. Serum sodium levels should not be
reduced by more than 0.5 mEq/hour. If possible, serum sodium should be
measured and a formula used to calculate the free water deficit is as follows:
Free water deficit (L) = 0.6 x body weight (kg) x ([current serum sodium
concentrationl reference range serum sodium concentration] - 1)
Drinking water for all classes of livestock should not contain more than 0.5%
sodium chloride or total salts, although sheep and beef cattle can survive on
water containing as much as 1.7 % sodium chloride or total salts.
148 | P a g e
Both salt and water should be freely available at all times. Diets fed to pigs
should not contain more than 1 % salt. The way in which whey is fed to pigs
- with minimum water intake – makes prevention difficult unless the whey
can be kept free of salt at the cheese factory.
Primary: Other than removal of the source of the zinc, none are
Supportive treatment is limited to symptomatic treatment.
Galvanized utensils and piping should be rinsed after each use in carrying
149 | P a g e
Most outbreaks occur after accidental access to compounds and this cannot
always be avoided. Animals to be treated orally with organophosphorous
insecticides should be permitted ample fresh drinking water beforehand.
Chlorpyrifos is restricted to use in beef cattle and then not in calves less than
12 weeks old nor in bulls over 8 months of age.
150 | P a g e
hydroxycoumarin) and its analogs, as well as newer 'second generation'
anticoagulants (brodificoum, bromodiolone, chlorphacinone).
Zinc phosphide is often used as an alternative to anticoagulant rodenticides.
They are all toxic to domestic animals and may cause death when ingested
accidentally. 'Quintox', a rodenticide containing cholecalciferol (0.75 g/kg),
has been associated with hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and death in
dogs, and could cause death in farm animals .
151 | P a g e
as a loading dose, followed by 70 mg/kg every six hours for at least
seven doses.
2. Fluids to maintain hydration
3. Adjunctive therapies
4. Ascorbic acid, which helps reduce methemoglobin to hemoglobin
5. Cimetidine, which inhibits cytochrome P-450 oxidation in the liver
and may help reduce acetaminophen metabolism;
S-adenosylmethionine (SAM-e) in patients in which long-term
treatment of hepatic injury is needed.
6. Monitor serum chemistry profile parameters
7. Monitor tear production - administer artificial tears and cyclosporine
if needed.
8. The facial and paw edema will resolve on its own
9. *NAC is not labeled for intravenous administration, it can be given
intravenously in life-threatening situations by using a bacteriostatic
filter (0.2 µm).
152 | P a g e
3. How to treat?
o Aticoagulant rodenticides
Induce emesis and administer activated charcoal with a cathartic
as soon as possible. Do not induce emesis in symptomatic
animals (e.g. bleeding or seizing animals).
Vitamin K1 orally for 14 to 30 days, depending on the specific
active ingredient.
Evaluate the one-stage prothrombin time at 48 hours after the
last dose of vitamin K1. or alternatively monitor the
prothrombin time at 48 and 72 hours after ingestion, and if
elevated, initiate vitamin K1 therapy.
If coagulopathy develops animals require whole blood or plasma
transfusion and oxygen and in these animals prognosis is
guarded and depends on the bleeding site.
o Bromethalin-containing rodenticide
No specific treatment
Aggressive decontamination is critical
Prognosis is guarded when clinical signs are exhibited
Resolve cerebral edema and seizures are treated by
administering corticosteroids, furosemide, mannitol, and
The cerebral edema is intramyelinic, it does not respond well to
standard therapy.
Mannitol, corticosteroids, and furosemide may temporarily
lower cerebrospinal fluid pressure
If treatment are discontinued the clinical signs recurs
o Cholecalciferol-containing rodenticide
Serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations and the renal
function parameters are to be monitored for 72 to 96 hours.
Perform saline diuresis, and administer corticosteroids,
furosemide, or phosphate-binding agents.
Salmon calcitonin or pamidronate may also be needed.
Pamidronate, a bisphosphonate used in people to treat
hypercalcemia of malignancy, is a preferred agent in treating
cholecalciferol toxicosis. It is expensive, a single dose of
pamidronate is often sufficient to lower calcium
1. What is toxic?
o Chocolate contains two types of methylxanthine, theobromine and
caffeine, with their amounts varying depending on the type of
153 | P a g e
Methylxanthine content in
milk chocolate - 60 mg/oz
dark chocolate - 150 mg/oz, and
baking chocolate - 450 mg/oz
2. What happens?
o GI upset - vomiting and diarrhea can occur with any amount because
of chocolate's high fat and sugar content.
o cardiovascular effects (e.g. tachycardia, hypertension or hypotension,
o CNS signs (e.g. agitation, pacing, hyperactivity, tremors, seizures).
o How much is toxic and how?
The toxicity depends on
type of chocolate
the amount ingested,
the size of the animal, and
the animal's sensitivity to methylxanthines.
o Ingestion of around 20 mg/kg methylxanthine causes mild
stimulation such as hyperactivity, agitation, and restlessness.
o Ingestion of around 40 mg/kg methylxanthine leads to
cardiotoxicosis and
o Ingesting more than 60 mg/kg causes severe CNS signs, such as
tremors and seizures.
3. How will you treat?
o Induce emesis or perform gastric lavage, use activated charcoal
o Monitor the patient's vital signs
o If cardiotoxicosis suspected - Continuous electrocardiogram (ECG)
o Perform baseline serum chemistry profiles
o Monitor electrolytes
o With intravenous fluids methylxanthine excretion is expected.
o If tachycardia-beta-blockers (e.g. propranolol, metoprolol)
o If nervous signs -diazepam
o To avoid reabsorption of methylxanthines from urinary bladder
avoid urine in bladder preferably catheterize and remove urine
catheter to keep the bladder empty.
154 | P a g e
GI, renal, and central nervous system (CNS) effects.
o 25 mg/kg or more often lead to gastrointestinal (GI) problems and
ulceration, manifested as vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain.
o 175 mg/kg increase a dog's risk of developing acute renal failure
whereas aged dogs and dogs with history of renal failure may exhibit
renal failure at lower doses.
o More than 400 mg/kg, CNS effects such as depression, seizures, and
comas may occur.
3. How do you manage?
o Induce emesis, administering activated charcoal (multiple charcoal
doses are indicated to reduce enterohepatic recirculation in dogs that
have ingested high doses of ibuprofen)
o GI protectants (H2-blockers, sucralfate, misoprostol),
o Induce diuresis with intravenous fluids at twice the maintenance rate
o Monitor renal function
155 | P a g e
Head bobbing, or mydriasis.
Ingesting as little as 10 to 12 mg/kg pseudoephedrine can cause
life-threatening signs.
2. How will you manage?
o gastric decontamination in asymptomatic animals
o patient monitoring, and symptomatic care.
o Acepromazine is used to control agitation and hyperactivity (Since
diazepam may aggravate the agitation avoid it)
o Phenobarbital to control severe tremors and seizures
o Fluid therapy enhances excretion of pseudoephedrine
o Hypertension is likely hence avoid exceed fluid rates of one and a
half to two times the maintenance rate unless the dog is in shock or
o Tachycardia - use beta-blockers, such as propranolol
1. How is it toxic?
o Thyroid hormones are used to treat hypothyroidism in animals and
people, is avialable as desiccated thyroid (Natural) and levothyroxine
(synthetic) derivatives
o The liver and kidneys can act as buffers by releasing small or large
amounts of hormones, depending on what the body needs, back into
the plasma.
o In an overdose situation, these buffer organs can concentrate the
extra hormone and not release the already stored hormone.
2. What happens? and How will you mange?
o 0.2 mg/kg levothyroxine - mild signs
o 1 mg/kg or more - need treatment
o Hyperactivity and tachycardia are the most common signs
o Manage by the following steps:
Initiate gastric decontamination
Monitor the patients' ECGs, blood pressures, and serum T4
Diazepam can be given to control hyperactivity
Beta-blockers can be given to control tachycardia
156 | P a g e
Fabtric bleaches contain sodium peroxide, sodium perborates, or
enzymatic detergents.
2. What happens when contacted/ingested/inhaled?
o Household bleaches can cause skin or eye irritation, mild oral or
esophageal burns, or GI irritation.
o Commercial bleaches can be corrosive and lead to severe stomatitis,
pharyngitis, esophagitis, or esophageal ulcerations.
o Inhalation exposure to bleach can cause respiratory irritation,
coughing, and bronchospasm.
o Damage can occur more seriuosly when bleach is mixed with
ammonia-containing agents, forming chloramine and chlorine gases
causing chemical pneumonitis.
3. How will you manage?
o To treat dermal exposure, bathe the dog with mild dishwashing
o Bleach ingestion initial treatment includes oral dilution with milk or
water. Dilution is most effective if it is performed early.
o Emesis is contraindicated because of the irritating and potential
corrosive effects.
o GI protectants such as sucralfate or H2-blockers can also be used to
symptomatically treat bleach ingestion.
o Treating corrosive damage may also require pain medications,
antibiotics and nutritional support.
o Oxygen and bronchodilators may be needed to treat respiratory signs
in cases of inhalation exposure.
157 | P a g e
Treat animals with GI signs supportively with antiemetics,
fluids, and GI protectants.
Heavy metals, such as iron, are generally not bioavailable but
can cause problem when large amounts are ingested.
Cats are choosy and can reach places considered to be out of reach they are
characteristic nibblers and groomers hence likely to get access for poisonous agents
in and around and also those applied on skin.
158 | P a g e
Various types have been dealt in our previous topic Common poisononing in
Clinical signs in cats generally occur three to seven days after exposure when
circulating clotting factors are depleted.
Signs may be nonspecific like weakness, lethargy, and dyspnea due to bleeding
in any site.
cough or respiratory difficulty as bleeding in lungs is common.
Frank hemorrhage or ecchymoses may be seen.
Lameness may occur if bleeding occurs in a joint
Various neurologic signs may be noted if bleeding occurs in the brain or spinal
Perform prothrombin time (PT) estimation
Induce emesis and administering activated charcoal is effective at reducing
the amount absorbed systemically if presented immediately.
If not Vitamin K1 (3 to 5 mg/kg orally divided twice daily) is antidotal.
Vitamin K1 should be given for 14 days after warfarin exposure
21 days after bromadiolone exposure
30 days after brodifacoum and unknown anticoagulant exposure
PT is done about 48 hours after vitamin K1 treatment to check the
effectiveness of treatment
Whole blood or plasma transfusions are done bleeding and also administer
Vitamin K.
If bleeding tendency occurs prognosis is poor.
What happens and How will you manage and How do they get access?
159 | P a g e
o Start oxygen therapy combined with a blood transfusion or
polymerized bovine hemoglobin solution administration for
o Oral administration of N-acetylcysteine solution is diluted to a 5%
concentration with 5% dextrose or sterile water; this will yield a 50-
mg/ml solution.
o The loading dose is 140 mg/kg followed by 70 mg/kg every six hours
for seven additional doses.
o Intravenous fluids
o Cimetidine (to inhibit CP450 liver enzymes that activate
acetaminophen to the toxic metabolite), and ascorbic acid, which
may be used to help reduce methemoglobin to hemoglobin.
o The prognosis in these cases is fair to be guarded.
These products used on dogs when applied on cats cause tremors and seizures
Bathing the cat in a liquid hand dishwashing detergent as they remove the
agents from the sebum
The tremors are best treated with slow intravenous boluses of methocarbamol
(total initial dose 55 to 220 mg/kg).
Barbiturates, propofol, or both can be used if methocarbamol is ineffective.
Diazepam is preferred if seizures are present.
Body temperature is monitored.
Administering intravenous fluids.
No antidote.
Prognosis is good if aggressive supportive care is done.
160 | P a g e
How do you manage?
Main ingredient dibutyl phthalate, an oily liquid that has a wide margin of
Unpleasant taste shows hypersalivation, agitation, and, occasionally,
Wipe the tongue and give some food for ingestion to remove taste.
What to do?
Ingesting any part of the plant may cause signs and should be aggressively
Ingestion causes vomiting and depression within two to four hours
Polyuria, polydipsia, and more severe depression occurs after a day
Renal blood profile like Creatinine, BUN and phosphorus are elevated
Urinalysis may show cellular casts beginning about 18 hours after exposure.
Induce emesis and activated charcoal.
For 2 days put the cat on diuretics
Immediate treatment gives good prognosis if oliguria or anuria sets then poor
prognosis is given.
161 | P a g e
American association of feline practitioners 2006 feline vaccination guidelines.
Summary: Vaccination ingeneral practice.
162 | P a g e
Rabies Administe Administer 2 Annual Core
r a single doses, 12 months booster
Injectable dose as apart. is In states and
early as 8 required. municipalitie
Canary or 12 s where feline
pox weeks of Vs. every rabies
virus- age 3 years vaccination is
vectored depending or as required
recombi on the required veterinarians
nant product by state must follow
(rabies), label. or local applicable
non- ordinanc statutes
adjuvan Revaccina e for 3 Booster
ted. te 1 year year. vaccination
1-year later. with a 1 year
killed, rabies
adjuvan vaccine is
ted only
3-year appropriate
killed, in states and
adjuvan municipalitie
ted s where
permitted by
Any rabies
vaccine can
be used for
, even if the
product is not
the same
brand or type
of product
No laboratory
c data exist to
support the
annual or
163 | P a g e
n of 3 year
following the
initial series
164 | P a g e
on system.
Only FeLV
cats should
FeLv testing
prior to
on is
Cats should be
tested for
before their
and where
there is a
that they
have been
exposed to
FeLV since
they were
165 | P a g e
annually antibodies
in cats indistinguis
determine hable from
d to have those
sustained developed
risk of in response
exposure. to FIV
with all
based FIV
tests for
atleast a
Cats with
positive FIV
results may
as a result
infection or
FIV antibodies
are passed
queens to
their kittens
166 | P a g e
with FIV
past the age
of weaning
in the
majority of
kittens, but
appears to
wane by 12
weeks of
Cats should
test FIV
prior to
n of
cats (e.g.,
using a
will help
status, but
will not
that such
cats are free
of infection.
This vaccine
has been
shown to
from some,
but not all,
167 | P a g e
strains of
168 | P a g e
that are
known to be
corona virus
positive is
169 | P a g e
Avirulent intranasally for cats with may be
live, non as early as sustained considered
adjuvante 8 weeks of risk. in cases
d age where cats
Intranasal are likely to
be at
specific risk
of infection.
170 | P a g e
Cats allowed outdoors, cats residing in open multiple-cat environments, cat
living with FeLV infected cats and cats residing in households with cats of
unknown FeLV infection status or where introduction of new cats is
common. Booster inoculation is not generally recommended for cats
housed strictly indoors.
A recombinant FeLV vaccine available in Europe is designed to be
administered by subcutaneous injection; this product differs from the one
licensed in the United States.
For example, outdoor fighting cats and FIV uninfected cats living with FIV
infected cats.
For example, prior to confinement in multiple-cat environments such as
rescue shelters, boarding facilities orcatteries where bordetellosis has been
Learning objectives
To study the common diseases of sense organs like ear and eyes , which are
affecting the domestic animal species.
To learn the aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical findings, diagnosis and treatment
in diseases of sense organs.
Ear infections are one of the most commonly diagnosed problems in dogs and
are generally not difficult to detect. Around 10 - 20% of the dogs presented
to the pet clinic have ear disease. The ear disease may involve external ear,
middle ear or internal ear.
There are many different causes and numerous treatment regimens to effect a
cure. Hygiene is of major importance both in curing the problem and
prevention of recurrence.
Ear infections can easily become chronic in nature. So proper therapy early in
the course of the disease is important, along with long term commitment to
keep the ears clean.
Ears of canines and felines differ from human significantly. The main
difference is the shape and length of the ear canal. It is longer in animals
and has a downward and then inward direction.
Compared to human ear, cleaning the ear canal of a dog requires more efforts.
During the cleaning of dogs’ ears gently pull the external ear to straighten
the canal which will allow the deeper penetration of medication.
171 | P a g e
Primary causes
A primary cause is an actual inciting agent that causes ear disease by itself
without predisposing or perpetuating causes.
172 | P a g e
pathogenic when it reaches into the ear with liquid media eg.
Swimming in unclean water.
o Ringworm (dermatophyte) is a common cause of disease of the
earflap (pinna).
o Yeast infection, likewise, is pathogenic only when inoculated with a
broth type media. This can happen in a grooming saloon with poor
o The ears, which are warm, moist, and dark are a good place for
bacteria and yeast to grow. Therefore, changing the conditions of the
ear canal may be more important than killing the bacteria or yeast.
Hypersensitivity (Allergies)
o Allergies to pollens in the air (atopy)
o Food allergy and contact-allergy Eg. Atopy
o Contact allergic dermatitis of the ear canal can occur from medications
used in the ear.
o Seborrheic disorders are common in dogs and denote a defect in the
normal maturation cycle of the skin as well as excessive oil
o Breeds prone to seborrhea are: cocker spaniel, Irish setter, Beagle
and Basset hound.
Other causes include hormonal disorders like
o Hypothyroidism - the most common cause of ear related hormonal
o Male feminizing syndrome
o Sertoli cell tumors
o Some ovarian imbalances.
Nasopharyngeal Polyp
o Nasopharyngeal polyps are fleshy benign masses of fibrous
connective tissue that arise from the respiratory epithelium of the
nasopharynx, eustachian tube, or tympanic cavity of cats.
o Young cats are more frequently affected than older cats.
Auto immune diseases
o This is a group of rare diseases that are characterized by immune
o The immune system attacks normal tissues causing inflammation
and ulceration.
o The ears may be involved in this type of reaction.
Neoplasms: Ceruminous gland adenocarcinoma
Uncommon causes
o Less common causes of otitis externa in dogs or cats include
immune-mediated dermatitis such as pemphigus, lupus or juvenile
cellulitis, adverse drug reactions, erythema multiforme, canine
distemper virus and traumatic injury to cartilage.
173 | P a g e
Predisposing factors
Perpetuating factors
Perpetuating factors are those that prevent the resolution of the ear disease. In
all chronic cases, one or more of these factors will be present. Perpetuating
factors may be the reason for poor response to therapy, regardless of the
predisposing factors or primary cause.
Once bacteria like Pseudomonas spp., Staphylococcus intermedius, Gram-
negative infections, Proteus spp, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella spp.
establish infections, they cause a self-perpetuating course of inflammation
and damage.
Malassezia pachydermatis is the most common perpetuating yeast infection. It
is a budding organism that is peanut, bottle-shaped or footprint-shaped. It
is found in one-third of the normal dogs' ears. It becomes pathogenic when
the ear micro environment is changed.
Chronic inflammation stimulates the lining of the ear canal to undergo several
pathological changes resulting in a perpetuating disease process. These
changes include
o Increased production of ear secretions (oils, waxes, sebum)
o Excessive production of skin that becomes folded, thickened and
o Thickened skin leads to narrowing of the ear canal. The folds that the
skin forms prevent effective cleaning and medicating the ear canal
and also act as sites of perpetuating bacterial and yeast growth.
Inflammatory debris accumulates in the ear canal including dead,
exfoliated cells and the waxy secretions. This combination feeds
growing numbers of bacteria and yeast. These organisms produce
toxins as metabolic by-products that further initiate inflammatory
changes seen in chronic otitis.
Otitis Externa
174 | P a g e
Otitis Externa is classified as either Reactive or Infective in nature. Reactive is
characterized by acute erythematous reaction and also with chronic
proliferative and verrucous forms of the disease. In contrast, infective
includes acute and chronic inflammations, chronic ulcerative disease and
parasitic or fungal infections.
Inflammation of the external ear canal, otitis externa, is a symptom of many
diseases and not a disease or diagnosis in itself.
In cats, it is much less common and usually involves parasites (ear mites).
In most of the chronic cases, the ear drum is ruptured and extension of the
infection into the middle ear is expected. This middle ear infection becomes
the source for otitis externa recurrence.
Otitis media is also a common cause for failure of lateral ear re-section
175 | P a g e
o The otoscope cones should be kept clean and soaked in disinfectant
between patients to prevent transmission of disease.
o The examination of the ear canal should be done on the good ear
first, then the bad ear.
o If the ear is very swollen and painful, anesthesia may be necessary.
o If the ear is so swollen, it is obvious that examination will be
impossible, even with anesthesia. Medications are used to reduce the
inflammation and then anesthesia is used to examine the ear.
The type of discharge may help to indicate the type of disease
o Black, crumbly discharges - ear mites.
o Dark brown, creamy, sweet smelling discharge with itching - yeast
o Reddened earflap with scant discharge - allergies.
o Golden to brown, creamy discharge (ceruminous) - chronic, allergic
or seborrheic or hormonal problems.
o Yellow pus (purulent) discharge - bacterial infection.
o Red, painful, moist, ulcerated ear canals with a thin layer of whitish
ooze - acute moisture related bacterial infection secondary to bathing
or "swimmers ear".
The interpretation of the normalcy of the eardrum (tympanic membrane) is
difficult to assess. The membrane becomes opaque, gray or brown due to
disease and thickens, losing its characteristic fish-scale appearance. The
presence of a tympanic membrane can be determined under anesthesia
with a soft, red, rubber feeding tube placed through the otoscope under
direct visualization. If the tip of the tube stops its progression down the ear
canal with the tip still visible, then the eardrum is still present. If the tip of
the tube disappears, then the eardrum is gone and the tube has passed into
the middle ear.
Radiographs: Indicated if disease of the middle ear is suspected.
Ear Swab Stain: This is a very important diagnostic step in all patients with
ear disease prior to medication. The sample should be taken with cotton-
tipped applicators.
Performing a Roll Smear
o Cotton swabs and slides are needed to perform a roll smear.
o The cotton swab is gently placed in the ear canal to recover a sample
of the exudates. If otodectic mange is suspected, mineral oil should
be placed on the cotton swab. The cotton swab is then rolled on the
slide. A consistently thin smear should be made for bacteria and
yeast. A thick smear should be made for Otodectes. The slide is now
ready for examining mites. For microbiologic or cytologic evaluation,
the slide must be stained.
o The slide is labeled on the same side as the sample.
Culture and Sensitivity: A culture of the discharge from the ear is sometimes
used as an aid to determine what bacteria or fungus is causing the problem.
176 | P a g e
Since many organisims are usually grown in a culture, and some of them
are normal inhabitants, this test is not always advantageous.
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Carboxypenicillin eg. Ticarcillin
Ureidopenicillins eg. Piperacillin
Silver sulfadiazine - inactivated by purulent debris; so they must
be applied in a clean ear. Spectrum also includes yeast.
Tris-EDTA :EDTA is a binder of metals which are important to
the bacterial cell wall. Tris is used to buffer the EDTA to a pH
that is not irritating to the ear and to maximize the anti-
bacterial effect. Using Tris-EDTA gives extra power to the
topical antibiotics used concurrently.
o In severe yeast infections, Chlorhexidine helps to kill both bacteria
and yeast and is commonly used.
o Ketoconazole is a systemic medication that may be used orally @ 5 -
10 mg /kg q 12-24 hr for yeast infections that are present in the
middle ear.
o Topically, Clotrimazole 1%, Miconazole 1 % and Ketoconazole 2% are
commonly used.
o If severe yeast infection is observed, medications such as
Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, and Fluconazole may be administered
for two to four weeks.
o Ivermectin injection ( HITEK ) or ivermectin mixed with DMSO is
also used to kill ear mites in some exotic animals. Most Ivermectin
injectable protocols involve shots weekly or every two weeks.
o The treatment schedule for ear mites involves applying a product
that contains an antibiotic for any secondary bacterial infections, a
cortisone derivative for the inflammation, and thiabendazole to kill
yeasts and mites - 4 drops twice daily for 10 days; then, skip 10 days,
and then, repeat for 10 more days. At the beginning and end of each
treatment period, flea baths are given to kill mites that may be on the
external coat.
o There are currently several prescription products available that
reliably eradicate an ear mite infection with one single use, though a
thorough ear cleaning is still needed to remove the wax and debris
from the ear. These may be applied directly in the ear or to the pet's
skin behind the shoulders eg. topical version of ivermectin, and
topical version of milbemycin oxime, the same active ingredient as in
the heartworm preventive Interceptor.
178 | P a g e
o Flush bulla.
o Infuse topical medications into the bulla.
o Reduce inflammation with corticosteroids.
o Administer systemic and topical antimicrobials.
o Recheck weekly, and retreat 2 to 3 times.
o Consider surgery if necessary.
o Lateral ear canal resection
o Lateral Ear Removal
o Total ablation - Bulla Osteotomy 2 types
o Modified ablation technique
Medical management
The earcanal can never be cleaned with cotton tip applicator. Two major
problems occur when these are used for cleaning.
o The applicator irritates the delicate otic epithelium allowing
colonization of damaged tissues by bacteria and yeasts.
o Secondly, material in the vertical canal is usually pushed into
horizontal canal where it lodges against tympanic membrane.
The material acts as a nidus for infection or may cause pressure damage to the
tympanic membrane with the potential for development of middle ear
disease .
179 | P a g e
is effective at killing Pseudomonas spp. Acetic-acid-based products
should be used with care in ulcerated ear canals.
o Chlorohexidine is recommended by some authors as a flush solution
but must be used at low concentration (0.05%) to avoid ototoxicity.
(Harvey et al, 2001). . If the eardrum is suspected to be ruptured
chlorhexidine should not be used as it is toxic to the auditory nerve.
o A warm solution of Povidone iodine diluted 10:1 with tap water
(resulting in a tea-colored solution) may be used. However, some
consider Povidone iodine as unsuitable as a flushing agent.
o Ears with waxy, thick debris are best cleaned by applying few drops
of any one of the following ceruminolytic agents which are available
in the market.Viz:- Docusate sodium solution, Triethanolamine
polypeptide oleate condensate, Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate,
combination of Dioctyl sulfosuccinate with urea peroxide and
lidocaine hydrochloride and hexamethyltetracosane in mineral oil.
Massage with ceruminolytic agent in the ear canal for five to fifteen
minutes. Allow15 minutes to 24 hours and then use an antibacterial.
o Though, many products with various combinations are available in
the market it is ideal to choose the combination of lactic acid and
salicylic acid ( EPIOTIC ), since they are keratolytic or keratoplasstic
agents. Isopropyl alcohol is the active agent used as the base for most
drying products. This is usually accompanied by weak, astringent
acids such as lactic acid, malic acid, benzoic acid, salicyclic acid and
boric acid, or salicylic acid and phenoxy ethanol (Epiotic).
Many dogs having chronic skin disorders have chronic otitis externa as well.
These pets benefit from ear flushing as a part of their overall care.
The ears might have been waxy or dirty on examination and a preventative
measure is indicated to reduce inflammation and wax production.
The debris from the ears is rinsed away when the shampoo for the coat is
At the end of the bath, the ears are given a final rinse and a drying solution is
Ear Drying Solution is an astringent, antiprutic and anti-inflammatory.
Drying formulation which is placed in the ear while bathing is allowed to
soak. After the pet is lathered, the ears are flushed with a 50/50 mixture of
white vinegar and water. Detergents should not be used due to incomplete
rinsing as well as irritation
EPIOTIC is an home care product to clean the ears of their pet, if they have
some knowledge on anatomy of the dogs’ ear. Clients often do not
understand the need for inserting the nozzle of the medication tube deep
180 | P a g e
into the ear. They are often concerned about the pain or head shaking after
medication is applied
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retropulse both globes simultaneously. Distinction between exophthalmos
and globe enlargement is critical.
Then consider the eyelids, third eyelid, conjunctiva, sclera, and cornea, and
anterior chamber, iris, lens and anterior vitreous, using the magnifying
loupe and the focal light.
If the adnexa is inflamed and there is discharge, Schirmer Tear Test is
indicated, and cytology and culture should be considered.
If a serous discharge is bilateral without evidence of inflammation, or the
discharge is concentrated on the medial aspect and the hyperemia is
particularly evident in the medial canthus, the lacrimal drainage system
should be investigated, with a suspicion of obstruction and/or
dacryocystitis. In these cases palpation over the lacrimal sac may be painful
and induce the expression of exudates through the punctuate.
If the patient exhibits blepharospasm, look for corneal ulcers, a foreign body,
entropion, or ectopic cilia, and stain with fluorescein. Chronic disorders of
the cornea manifested by neovascularization and melanosis may be
associated with trichiasis, districhiasis, lagophthalmos, lacrimal secretory
disorders or immune-mediated disease.
If intraocular disease is suspected, based on the presence of episcleral/ scleral
injection, corneal edema, aqueous cells or flare, or abnormal PLRs,
tonometry is a requisite.
Congestion of episcleral vessels may be differentiated from conjunctival
injection by applying one drop of phenylephrine; in cases of conjunctivitis
the hyperemic pattern will almost completely disappear. Episcleral injection
is an indication of episcleritis, glaucoma, or uveitis.
Because papillary dilatation is necessary for the remainder of the ophthalmic
exam, one drop of 1.0% tropicamide should be applied to each eye at this
point; perform the rest of the general physical examination in the interim.
Gonioscopy is optimally performed prior to mydriasis.
When the pupils are completely dilated as an effect of the previously instilled
mydriatic, the lens, vitreous, and the ocular fundus may be carefully
examined. The lens can be examined by moving the transilluminator to the
right and to the left from the frontal position in such a way as to shift the
incident light and better visualize any opacity with the magnification loupe.
Using the direct ophthalmoscope with a lens setting between 0 and +2 D and
the eye examined from arm’s length it is possible to evaluate the fundus
reflex as a relatively sensitive indicator of opacities within the media, which
appear as a dark shadow when using this technique of distant direct
ophthalmoscopy. The fundus should then be examined using the indirect or
direct ophthalmoscope.
Schirmer tear test (STT): This test is used quantitatively to evaluate the
aqueous component of the tear film and thus aid in the diagnosis of
keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS).
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Inflammatory keratopathies
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Inflammatory corneal disorders can be further classified into ulcerative and
nonulcerative keratitis.
o Ulcerative Keratitis:- Corneal ulceration, or ulcerative keratitis, is
one of the most common ocular diseases in the dog. A corneal ulcer
is present when there is a break in the corneal epithelium that
exposes the underlying corneal stroma. Clinically, this results in
lacrimation, blepharospasm, photophobia, conjunctival hyperemia,
corneal edema, and possibly miosis and aqueous flare.
o The diagnosis of a corneal ulcer is made on the basis of these clinical
signs and the retention of topically applied fluorescein dye by the
corneal stroma.
o Uncomplicated superficial ulcers usually heal rapidly, with minimal
scar formation.
Uveal inflammation
Rickettsial diseases
Ocular signs may occur in both the acute and chronic forms of the natural or
experimentally induced E. canis infections.
Anterior uveitis is the most consistent ocular finding.
Additional findings may include conjunctivitis, conjunctival or iridal
petechiations, corneal opacity, panuveitis often with hyphema, diffuse
retinitis or vasculitis, retinal detachment or hemorrhage papilledema, and
optic neuritis.
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Hyphema, or blood in the anterior chamber, occurs when uveal or retinal
vessels are damaged or abnormally formed. There are multiple causes of
hyphema in the dog, including trauma, neoplasia, retinal detachments,
blood dyscrasias, preiridal fibrovascular membranes, hypertension,
infectious disease, severe uveitis, and congenital anomalies.
Squamous cell carcinomas are the most common malignant neoplasms of the
bovine eyelids, but sarcomas sometimes are found.
In the early stages new growths frequently have the pimple-like
granulomatous tissue, and often are attributed either to warts or to a
probable wound.
The rapid extension may quickly hide the eyeball from view.
The diagnosis may be substantiated by biopsy and sectioning whenever
Learning objectives
To study the clinical neuro- anatomy and neuro- physiology of nervous system
To learn about neurological examination in animals
To study the CSF analysis, EEG and other diagnostic procedures in the
diagnosis of neurological disorders.
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The function of nervous system is performed by three basic functional
divisions of nervous system viz., sensory system, integrative system and
motor system. The animal receives information (sensory), integrates it with
either stored information (memory) or presently coming information,
formulates a proper response (integration) and reacts (motor).
Anatomically this function is carried out by two major divisions, the central
nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system
(cranial and spinal nerves, their ganglia, end organs and autonomic nervous
The brain and spinal cord are situated within the neural canal of the vertebral
column. It is covered by 3 layers of meninges viz., piamater, arachnoid
membrane and duramater from inside to outside. The subarachnoid space
contains cerebrospinal fluid. The central nervous system mainly comprised
of cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus, cerebellum, midbrain, pons,
medulla and reticular formation and spinal cord
Part Function
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Hypothalamus: It is the most ventral diencephalons and is a collection of
nuclei located ventral to thalamus. The afferent pathways are connected to
subcortical structures and efferent pathways are connected to pituitary,
thalamus, tegmentum, lower brain levels and limbic system.
Cerebellum: It is the second largest part of brain and the projection tract
connect cerebellum with other parts of brain and spinal cord. It maintains
the control of skeletal muscle activity by co-ordinating movements of
groups of muscles, maintaining equilibrium and by control of posture. For
maintaining equilibrium, the cerebellum works very closely with the
vestibular apparatus. All activities of cerebellum are carried out below the
level of consciousness.
Mid brain, pons, medulla and reticular formation: These structures connect
cerebrum, cerebellum and spinal cord. The cranial nerve nuclei are located
in these structures (3rd, 4th and 5th in mid brain, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th in pons
and 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th in medulla.
The nuclei for many vital centers like cardiac, vasomotor and respiratory
centre are located in medulla. Many reflexes such as swallowing, vomiting,
coughing, sneezing and hiccuping are regulated by medulla. All projection
tracts between spinal cord and brain pass through medulla.
The reticular formation is a system of interlacing fibres and nerve cells that
form the central nerve core of brain stem. It is considered essential for
arousal from sleep, wakefulness, alertness, focusing attention and
Spinal cord: It is a cylindric continuation of medulla and extends posteriorly
up to lumbo-sacral region. In general, the spinal cord tapers gradually in
caudal direction except at brachial and lumbo-sacral plexus, where it is
slightly enlarged. From these plexuses, the nerves of limbs originates. The
terminal end of spinal cord tapers to a point where it is surrounded by the
roots of sacral and coccygeal nerves which extends caudally in the neural
canal forming cauda equine. The cross section of spinal cord shows two
fissures one dorsally and the other ventrally; they are respectively called
dorsal and ventral fissures. The outer portions of spinal cord are composed
of white matter and contain the ascending and descending nerve tracts.
This portion may be divided into dorsal, lateral and ventral white columns.
The more centrally located grey matter is made up of nerve cell bodies and
their connective synaptic processes. This region in the form of letter H can
be subdivided into dorsal, lateral and ventral grey horns. Most of the cells in
ventral grey horns is motor in function whereas that of dorsal grey horn is
sensory. There is a narrow central canal running through the middle of grey
matter. It communicates with the fourth ventricle of the medulla oblongata.
Peripheral nerves: They consist of 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 36 to 42 pairs
(according to species) of spinal nerves.
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The cranial nerves may be divided according to their function into three
o Afferent nerve: First (olfactory); Second (optic); Eighth (auditory)
o Efferent nerve: Seventh (facial); Eleventh (spinal accessory); Twelth
o Mixed nerve: Third (oculomotor); Fourth (Trochlear); Fifth
(Trigeminal); Sixth (Abducent); Ninth (Glossopharyngeal); and
Tenth (Vagus). Third, fourth and sixth cranial nerves supply motor
and sensory fibres to muscles of eye.
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Autonomic nervous system: It consists of
o cranial and sacral divisions comprising the parasympathetic section
o thoracolumbar or sympathetic division. The fibres of autonomic
nervous system innervate the glands and visceral musculature of the
body. Many of the structures are supplied by both sympathetic and
parasympathetic components which are frequently mutually
anatagonistic. The overall function of autonomic nervous system is
to maintain internal homeokinesis.
The basic units of nervous system are nerve cells viz., neurons and glial cells.
Neurons are the cells capable of transmitting an electrical impulse and are
responsible for the master control provided by the nervous system. Glial
cells are the supporting cells. Neurons may be unipolar, bipolar and
Unipolar neurons have a common dendrite and axon stalk leading to and from
the cell body. The single dendrite is very long and is located in peripheral
cranial or spinal sensory nerve. Most of the cell bodies are located in the
ganglia exterior to spinal cord or brain stem. From the cell bodies in
peripheral nerve ganglia, the axons enter spinal cord or brain stem and
synapse on other neurons. The unipolar neurons carry sensory or afferent
information such as proprioception, touch and pain from the exterior body
into central nervous system. Bipolar neurons have one dendrite and one
axon from separate areas of the cell body and transmit sensory information
for olfaction, vision, audition and equilibrium.
Most neurons are multipolar with multiple dendrites and one major axon.
They can be sensory or afferent neurons and transmit information from
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spinal cord and brain stem to the higher centres of cerebellum and
cerebrum. They can also be motor or efferent neurons and carry
information from higher brain centres to lower brain stem and spinal cord
centres and from the spinal cord through peripheral nerves to glands and
muscles. Multipolar neurons with short axons form internuncial neurons of
central nervous system which transmit information for short distances.
Multipolar neurons with long axons form the tracts of central nervous
system and peripheral nerves.
A lower motor neuron (LMN) is a multipolar neuron with its dendrites and
cell body in brain stem nucleus or in the grey matter of spinal cord. The
axon of LMN travels out of the central nervous system (CNS) through
peripheral nerves to synapse on a gland or muscle. Spinal cord or brain
stem reflexes are composed of two or more neurons. A unipolar neuron
carries information from the body to a lower motor neuron directly or
indirectly through an internuncial neuron.
The upper motor neurons (UMN) have their dendrites and cell bodies in
cerebral cortex grey matter or nuclei of brain stem. Their axons travel
through the brain stem and spinal cord in bundles of fibers called tracts,
which form part of the white matter of brain stem and spinal cord. UMN
has an overall inhibitory or calming effect on the LMN reflexes.
Neurological examination is most rewarding in dog and cat since all the
techniques can be easily employed. However, in farm animals, many of the
techniques are not applicable because of their size and poor response to
many of the neurological tests. Young lambs and piglets are satisfactory in
this respect.
Examination of nervous system includes history taking, preliminary general
clinical and detailed systematic examination of nervous system,
cerebrospinal fluid examination, radiographic examination, interpretation
of electroencephalogram and electromyogram and brain biopsy.
The primary complaint and natural history of an illness provide the most
information about the cause and special attention should be given to record
the accurate history. Duration of signs, mode of onset (acute or chronic),
progression of disease and description of signs which occur only
intermittently should be ascertained. When the disease is a herd
problem,morbidity, mortality, case fatality rates and epidemiological
pattern should be known.
Changes in behaviour and mental state can often be assessed only on history.
Access to some poison and traumatic injury are often causes of nervous
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disease and they can be known only from history. The details on
convulsions like its duration, frequency and pattern are important in the
Occurrence of pallor or cyanosis during convulsions is of particular
importance in differentiating cardiac syncope and a convulsion originating
in the nervous system.
Abnormalities of gait or reluctance to walk detected soon after the puppy has
gained its feet may be ascribed to a congenital condition present at birth,
whereas if the signs are delayed until 3-6 months of age, the animal may be
suffering from hereditary lysosomal condition leading to progressive
Documenting an animal’s description narrows down the differential diagnosis
o idiopathic epilepsy commonly occurs before the age of 3 years;
o convulsions due to intracranial neoplasia and hypoglycaemic
episodes due to tumour of pancreatic islet cells are more common in
dogs over 3-5 years old;
o inherited epilepsy is common in miniature poodles, beagle, cocker
spaniel, dachshund and Alsatian.
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Olfactory nerve (1st Cranial Nerve): Tests of senses of smell in animals usually
fail to give an unequivocal result because they are conditioned to sounds
and movements associated with feed preparation and presentation.
Optic nerve: Particular side contain outer half fibres of same side optic nerve
and inner half fibres of opposite side optic nerve. The optic tracts terminate
in optic centres and from there, a system of nerve fibres known as optic
radiation originates and conducts impulses to the cortex. Field of vision
from an eye reaches the contralateral cortex. Lesions anterior to optic
chiasma result in loss of vision of the same side; whereas, lesions posterior
to optic chiasma cause loss of vision in both eyes. Visual activity can be
tested by observing
o the movement of eye while looking at the movement of an object or
person in front of the animal,
o menace response and
o ability to avoid objects in its path or ascend or descend an unfamiliar
Oculomotor, trochlear and abducent nerves (3rd, 4th and 6th CN): They control
the movements of eye ball as they supply fibres to the muscles of eye ball as
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attempting to open mouth, lower jaw tends to deviate towards the
side on which nerve is paralysed.
Facial nerve (7th CN) : It is otherwise called nerve of expression. It supplies
motor fibres to muscles of face, lips, cheeks, nostrils and external ears.
o Paralysis of one side results in dropping of ear with no response to
pinch, eye remaining open, menace response being weak or absent,
upper lip drawn towards healthy side, lower lip hangs down on the
affected side, saliva dribbles from mouth and face on the affected
side looking stupid with vacant look. In horse, in addition to above
signs, dilatation of nostrils can also be controlled by facial nerve.
o In bilateral paralysis, there is dyspnoea on strenuous exertion,
difficulty in prehension and dropping of food and saliva by chewing.
Auditory nerve (8th CN): It consists of auditory and vestibular branches.
Auditory branch is concerned with the function of hearing while vestibular
branch is concerned with maintenance of equilibrium.
o Power of hearing can be tested by a fairly loud command. Animal
with normal hearing raises its head and turn towards the direction of
sound with movement of ear to catch the sound.
o Head tilt and nystagmus are indications of vestibular dysfunction.
Destruction of labyrinth or damage to vestibular nerve on one side
causes the animal to hold its head turned so that the affected side is
lower and animal tends to fall towards, the damaged side. Other
indications of vestibular dysfunction include ataxia, leaning or
circling to one side.
Glossopharyngeal nerve (9th CN): It is mixed nerve consisting of sensory and
motor fibres. Sensory fibres supply to mucous membrane of tympanum,
Eustachian tube, pharynx, posterior 3rd of tongue, soft palate and tonsils
while, motor fibres supply to muscles of pharynx.
o Its function can be tested by swallow or gag reflex after opening
mouth and inserting a gloved finger at the back of throat or by
pinching throat or nose to elicit a swallow reflex. This procedure is
avoided in rabies suspected case. If the animal is aggressive, it
should be observed while swallowing water or food, instead. Cranial
nerves 9th and 10th contribute to this reflex.
Vagus nerve (10th CN): The connections formed by vagus with neighbouring
nerves and with sympathetic are very extensive. Larynx, pharynx,
oesophagus and organs of thorax and abdomen are supplied by vagus.
Hence, the effects of dysfunction depend on the location of lesion. Some
significant effects are dysphagia, roaring in horse, tachycardia, digestive
dysfunction, etc.,
Spinal accessory nerve (11th CN): It is a motor nerve and consists of two parts
viz., spinal and accessory. The spinal part arises from cervical part of spinal
cord and supply motor fibres to trapezius and sternocephalic muscles.
Dysfunction of this part of nerve results in dropping of scapula on affected
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side and head slightly turned to the affected side. The accessory part arises
from medulla and supplies motor fibres to vagus for pharynx and larynx.
Hypoglossal nerve (12th CN): It is motor to the tongue. In unilateral paralysis,
tongue lies limply over the affected side while in bilateral paralysis, tongue
hangs limply from the mouth.
These reactions test the proprioceptive fibres of peripheral nerves, spinal cord,
brain stem, cerebrum, cerebellum and inner ear. They also test the long
motor pathways of UMN and their connections to LMN. The technique
involved is to either place the patient’s limb in an abnormal position to see
if the patient returns the limb to a normal position or to make the patient
carry more weight on a limb than normal and see if the limb can still be
used normally. The clinical deficit is contralateral in lesions of cerebrum
and ipsilateral in lesions of brain stem, spinal cord and peripheral spinal
nerves. Postural reactions are preserved in cerebellum and peripheral
vestibular injuries but ataxia is present. Co-ordination by vestibular nuclei -
Proprioceptive positioning: It is performed by standing the limb knuckled
over at paw and observing ability of animal to correct this abnormal
position. The limb may also be abducted or adducted into abnormal
postures, which the animal with normal proprioceptive sense should
Hemihopping / Hemistanding / Hemi walking: In this test, the patient’s limbs
on one side are held off the ground, while the patient is forced to walk
sideways on its remaining two limbs. This is an excellent test of strength as
a normal animal has no trouble in maintaining itself during the test. Weak
animals sag and / or collapse on the abnormal side. This test is also
excellent for detecting subtle asymmetries not detected on observation of
Wheel barrowing: For it, initially patient’s thoracic and then pelvic limbs are
held off the ground while he is walked forward and backward on its two
weight bearing limbs. A normal animal usually supports itself during this
test and generally, the limbs move symmetrically.
Hopping: Here, the clinician supports all limbs except one, making the patient
hop on one weight bearing limb. This test is excellent for detecting subtle
loss of strength, as well as for detecting the left to right asymmetry between
paired limbs.
Tonic neck and eye reaction: They are tested when the animal is standing in
normal posture by flexing and extending the neck throughout its extreme
range. During flexion of neck, the animal’s eyes maintain their forward gaze
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but forelegs are extended and hind legs flexed. Function of these reflexes is
to maintain the direction of vision and position of head.
Supporting or placing reaction: They are applicable either to forelimbs or hind
limbs and may be tested with or without a blind fold and accordingly called
tactile placing reaction or visual placing reaction. To test the reaction,
animal is held off the floor and slowly advanced until distal tibial or radial
region almost touches the edge of a table or chair. The normal dog or cat
immediately lifts the legs and place them on the table or chair before any
contact is made. Each leg can also be tested separately by grasping and
restraining one leg at a time. These reactions may aid in differentiating
between a lesion in anterior and posterior cortex; because visual placing
reaction necessitates an intact occipital cerebral lobe and the tactile
reaction does not so.
Extensor postural thrust reaction: The test can be applied to both fore legs and
hind legs and performed by suspending and lowering the paws of animal
until they just touch the ground, upon which the animal shuffles its feet to
adjust its position. It may also be done by pressing down on the limbs and
noting the strength and symmetry of extension of limbs combating
downward pressure. Any loss of conscious proprioception seriously affects
this reaction which is used to determine the integrity of contralateral mid-
cerebral cortical function.
Righting reaction: The dog or cat is blind folded and laid on its side and then
released in this test. The normal animal immediately assumes sternal
posture and gets up. It should be repeated with animal on its other side. A
weak or toxaemic animal may assume or remain in lateral recumbency and
then give the impression of loss of righting reaction. The reaction tests the
function of utricle, vestibular branch or auditory nerve, cerebellum and
portions of spinal cord.
These reflexes directly test reflex arcs of spinal cord and injuries within a
reflex are cause dampening or total reflex loss. The reflex arc is also referred
to as a LMN and motor pathway connecting the brain centres to reflex arc is
called UMN.The signs or changes in the reflex is accordingly called UMN /
LMN sings or reflex change. Spinal reflexes may be divided into various
types based on the type of stimulation required to elicit them like
proprioceptive reflexes, nociceptive reflexes and special (released) reflexes.
Monosynaptic reflex arc and Polysynaptic reflex arc
195 | P a g e
Proprioceptive reflexes: These reflexes are initiated by stretching of tendons
or muscle spindles and are strongly influenced by UMN. Hence, these
reflexes are diminished or absent in LMN lesion and exaggerated in UMN
lesion. As part of evaluation of proprioceptive reflexes, the muscle tone
should be evaluated.
Triceps reflex: The reflex is elicited by striking the tendon of insertion of the
triceps muscle. A normal response is a slight extension of limb at the elbow.
This reflex is often difficult to obtain in normal animals and when present,
is hard to interpret. This reflex tests the radial nerve which arises from
spinal cord segmentsC1 – T1.
Extensor caripi radialis reflex: This reflex is elicited by striking the muscle
belly of the extensor carpi radialis muscle, which results in extension of the
carpus. It is easier to elicit in many animals than the triceps reflex, but it is
also difficult to interpret. This reflex tests the radial nerve and spinal cord
segments C1 – T1.
Biceps reflex: It is initiated by striking the tendon of insertion of biceps
muscle. A normal response is a slight flexion of the elbow. The reflex is
more difficult to obtain than triceps reflex and is also difficult to interpret.
It evaluates the musculocutaneous nerve which arises from spinal cord
segments C6-C8.
Patellar reflex: It is the most important reflex in veterinary medicine and seen
only in recumbent animal. The reflex is elicited by striking straight patellar
196 | P a g e
ligament with the handle of a percussion hammer or other suitable
instrument. When it is possible to apply the test in large animal, middle
patellar ligament is struck with the head of percussion hammer or back
edge of hand. Normal response is immediate contraction of quadriceps
femoris muscle with forward extension of the limb. The reflex is mediated
via femoral nerve in segments of the spinal cord L4-L6.
Anterior tibialis reflex: It is initiated by striking belly of the cranial tibial
muscle. The normal response is flexion of tarsus but is not a reliable reflex.
This reflex tests the peroneal branch of sciatic nerve.
Gastrocnemius reflex: It can be tested by striking tendon of gastrocnemius
muscle, with the limb partially flexed. The normal response is extension of
tarsus but it is also not a reliable reflex. It tests the tibial branch of sciatic
nerve, which originates from spinal cord segments L6 – S1.
Nociceptive reflexes: They are initiated by nociceptive (painful) stimuli such
as pinching, compression of digits or pin pricks and do not have a large
UMN influence. Loss of nociceptive reflex indicates LMN lesion.
o Flexor reflexes; They are initiated by compressing a digit and normal
response is withdrawal of that limb. In fore limbs, this reflex tests
function of spinal cord segments C6-T2 and its peripheral nerves
while in pelvic limbs, it involves spinal cord segments L6-S and
sciatic nerve and its branches.
o Perineal reflex: It is tested by lightly pricking the perineal region and
the response is anal sphincter constriction and tail flexion. If a mild
weakness is suspected, the best way to test the reflex is doing a digital
rectal examination, so that the examiner can feel the sphincter’s
contracture strength. This reflex tests the peroneal and pudental
nerves, spinal cord segments S1-S3 and cauda equina.
Panniculus reflex (Cutaneous trunci reflex ): It is initiated by stimulating
truncal skin with a pin or haemostat and normal response is contraction of
skin over entire thoracic trunk and cranial lumbar trunk. This reflex tests
the spinal cord segments C8-T1. It helps to distinguish between injuries to
the brachial plexus (reflex should be present) and thoracic limb nerve roots
(Reflex often absent). In some normal animals, this reflex may not be
present and so it must be interpreted cautiously.
View video
197 | P a g e
(dorsi flex) which is known as positive babinski reflex and is
indicative of damage to UMN pathways to pelvic limb.
o Crossed extensor reflex: This can be seen in any limb and is
produced during the flexor reflex evaluation. In a normal animal, the
limb being stimulated flexes (a normal flexor reflex) and the
contralateral paired limb does nothing. In UMN disease, when there
is flexion of stimulated limb, the contralateral paired limb
involuntarily extends. This crossed extension is a consistent and
reliable sign that the limb that extends has lost some or all of its
UMN regulation.
198 | P a g e
Vertifical, positional Yes No
Strabismus Yes Yes
Cranial nerve deficits Possible 5,6,7 Possible 7
199 | P a g e
General anaesthesia is required for cisterna magna puncture but local
anaesthesia may be sufficient for lumbar puncture in cattle.
For dog, a short acting barbiturate provides satisfactory anaesthesia.
Procedure: The animal is placed in lateral recumbency and the site is prepared
as per surgical standard. The site of puncture is midline between occipital
crest and wings of atlas just cranial to dorsal spine of 2nd cervical vertebra.
Neck is fully flexed and nose held parallel to the table surface by an
assistant. The spinal needle is inserted through located site and tip is
directed towards the dog’s nose. As the needle penetration advances, a
sudden reduction in resistance indicates that sub-arachnoid space has been
reached. When stillet is withdrawn, fluid welling from the needle, confirms
that it is in the correct position and requisite sample can be collected by
attaching a sterile hypodermic syringe. To measure CSF pressure, a 3 way
tap and manometer are attached to the needle and reading is taken
immediately before collecting CSF.
For cattle, site of lumbar puncture is located by determining point of
intersection of a line joining the cranial borders of tuber coxae with dorsal
sagittal line. Then, by palpation, the soft depression between dorsal process
of last lumbar vertebra and cranial end of median – sacral crest is located.
The puncture is made in standing position. Tranquilizer may be necessary
in horse but technique of collection is the same as described for cisternal
puncture. Lumbar puncture in sheep is more satisfactorily achieved with
the animal in sitting position. For pigs, lumbo – sacral puncture usually
gives more satisfactory results than cisternal puncture and it is done in
sitting position.
Analysis of CSF: CSF is examined for various physical and chemical qualities
viz., colour, turbidity, coagulation, specific gravity, total and differential cell
counts, protein, chloride, glucose, blood urea nitrogen, etc. The normal
values for various species are given in table
200 | P a g e
Pig 80-145 Clear and - 0-7 <40 45-87 - -
Dog 24-172 Clear and 1.003- 1-8 <25 45-116 6-10 602-
colourless 1.0125 883
Cat 100 Clear and 1.005- 0-5 <20 53-67 2.3-3.2 670-723
colourless 1.007
Normal CSF is clear, colourless, watery and does not coagulate. Bright red
colour indicates contamination with pure blood, which could have occurred
at the time of puncture. Yellow colouration is the result of haemorrhage
occurred sometime previously. In haemorrhage of inflammatory or
traumatic origin, CSF is dull red to brown in colour while in suppurative
conditions, it is greenish colour with more of neutrophils. Coagulation is a
feature in suppurative meningitis, internal haemorrhage and blood
contamination. Lymphocytes are increased in viral infections, chronic
infections, fungal infections and toxaemic states. Increased levels of protein
are observed in inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases of CNS,
pneumonia, uraemia and convulsive states. Glucose concentration increases
in encephalities, spinal cord compression, brain neoplasm, brain abscess
and hyperglycaemia. In systemic hypoglycaemia and acute pyogenic
infections, glucose level is decreased while chloride is decreased in
201 | P a g e
Spinal and brain evoked potentials
Brain stem auditory evoked response
Somato sensory evoked response
Brain biopsy
202 | P a g e
Intracranial pressure elevation also compresses cerebral venous sinuses and
impairs cerebro – spinal fluid resorption and thus increase intracranial
Several methods are used to alleviate brain oedema and / or lower ICP.
Hyperventilation: There is a direct relationship between ICP and CO2 level as
its level reduces with low ICP. Hyperventilation is a simple and effective
means of lowering CO2 level.
Mannitol: It is an osmotic diuretic commonly used to lower elevated ICP.
They are short – lived in their therapeutic effect and should never be
administered in hypovolaemia. The drug is used @ 0.5-2.0 gm/kg as 20%
solution IV over 30-60 minutes and repeated every 4-6 hr.
Diuretic: It lowers ICP by both removing oedema and decreasing intracranial
volume. Furosemide is given @ 0.7 mg/kg IV and repeated every four
hours. If furosemide is administered in conjunction with mannitol, the
effect of both drugs are enhanced.
Corticosteroids: These are used in high doses within 8 hr of trauma. It has
also been successfully used to treat oedema associated with brain tumours.
Prednisolone sodium succinate or phosphate @ 30 mg/kg is given initially
followed by repeated doses of 6-10 mg/kg once or twice daily. Alternatively
dexamethasone @ 0.5-2 mg/kg IV once daily or in two divided doses gives
very good results. In emergency, combination of mannitol with
corticosteroid is advisable.
Hypertonic glucose solution: It also brings about decompression; but within
4-6 hr, there is again rise of cerebro-spinal fluid pressure. Hence, it is not
commonly used.
Glycerol therapy: It is non-toxic and there is no rebound increase. It is used
@ 1.5 gm/kg every 24 hr in 3-4 divided doses orally (or) 500 ml of 10%
glycerol by slow IV in 3-4 hr time for 4-6 days.
Dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO): The drug is used @ 2 mg / kg as 40% solution
and response is seen in 6-8 hr.
Anti-inflammatory therapy: Most effective therapy for inflammation is the
use of corticosteroids. It can be used even in infections since most of the
clinical signs are related to inflammation.
CNS stimulants: They exert only transitory improvement and indicated
during nervous shock, anaesthetic accidents and short term reversible
anoxia. Eg., in anoxia due to cyanide or nitrite poisoning, CNS stimulants
are indicated.
o Doxapram HCI is given in dog @ 5.5-12 mg/kg IV every 15-20
minutes or in horse / cattle @0.2 mg/kg iv every 15-20 minutes.
o Bemegride @ 15 mg/kg iv or Coramine @ 22-44 mg/kg IV may also
be used
203 | P a g e
CNS depressants: They are indicated in convulsions to avoid injuries.
Narcotics and genral anaesthetics are in common use to satisfactorily
control status epilepticus.
Antineoplastic therapy: Treatment for tumour of nervous tissue consists of
surgical removal, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of two
or more methods. Both radiation therapy and surgery have shown promise
in veterinary medicine. In general, they increase the length of life and
improve quality of life of animal.
Learning objectives
204 | P a g e
o Viral infections of foetus may also lead to congenital defects. It is also
common among small breeds of dogs with large skull (toy poodle,
Chihuahua, etc.) and among brachycephalic breeds (Boston terrier,
English bull dog, etc.)
Pathogenesis of hydrocephalus
Frequently young ones are born dead or born weak and die shortly after birth.
The clinical signs are referable to disturbance of cerebral hemispheres.
There is disturbed consciousness varying from lethargy to severe depression,
tendency to sleep, hypoactivity, circling, head pressing, droopy head and
ears, head tremors, muscular fasciculation, spastic paresis, hypermetric
ataxia, blindness, ventrolateral strabismus, nystagmus, tongue flaccidity,
retention of food material in cheeks and lips, slow postural reaction, hyper
reflexia, psychomotor seizures, recumbency and coma.
The clinical signs of hypertensive hydrocephalus may be unilateral or
bilateral. The unilateral sings include head tilt (towards lesion side),
ipsilateral mydriasis and contralateral menace deficit.
Necropsy findings: Cholesterol clefts are interspersed with inflammatory cells
and blood vessels
205 | P a g e
Congenital hydrochepalus may be mistaken for vitamin A deficiency in
newborn, if there is no distortion of cranium. Acquired hydrocephalus
needs to be differentiated from other diffuse diseases of brain including
encephalitis and encephalomalacia and from hepatic disease.
The other clinical sings specific to the disease (fever in encephalitis and
jaundice in hepatic disease) will be of diagnostic value.
206 | P a g e
Virus invasion causes death of neurons while bacteria and certain viruses (e.g
bovine malignant catarrh and sporadic bovine encephalomyelitis) affect
principally vasculature.
Virus may enter the nervous tissue by progressive peripheral nerve trunk (e.g.
rabies, pseudo rabies and listeria monocytogenes).
Entry of infectious agents can also occur via olfactory nerve.
Clinical findings
Encephalitis is invariably associated with systemic sings like fever and its
attendant signs of anorexia and depression.
Initially there is a period of excitement or mania which comprises viciousness
and uncontrolled activities like blind charging, bellowing and pawing. Later, it
is followed by mental depression including head pressing.
The usual irritational sings include convulsions, nystagmus, photophobia,
champing of jaws, View video salivation and muscular tremors of face and
The signs of loss of nervous functions may vary from paresis with knuckling at
lower limb joints, spasticity of limbs with resultant ataxia to complete
Deviation of head, circling, abnormalities of posture, ataxia and
incoordination occur more commonly as residual signs after recovery from
acute stage.
In listeriosis, there is unilateral facial paralysis while in pseudorabies and
scrapie, paraesthesia and hyperaesthesia occur. Ataxia video
Necropsy findings
There is no gross lesions of CNS but, lesions of other organs specific to the
disease can be seen. Histological lesions vary with the type and mode of
action of causative agent
207 | P a g e
Encephalitis and meningitis are commonly associated with fever and
toxaemia, while it is not so with other conditions. CSF analysis will reveal
increased cell count in meningitis.
208 | P a g e
Thiamine deficiency in simple stomach animal is often associated with the
Nutritional deficiency of copper in lambs resulting in sway back and enzootic
Grain overload,
Clostridium perfringens type D toxin
Hepatic encephalopathy
Viral infection in-utero causing congenital defects like hypomyelinogenesis
and dysmyelinogenesis
Feeding of mouldy corn infested with fusarium moniliformae causes
leukoencephalomalacia in horses.
Organic mercurials, lead, selenium and organic arsenicals and mulberry heart
disease of pigs causes leukoencelphalomalcia.
Clinical findings
209 | P a g e
odontoprisis, hyperaesthesis, excitement, facial twitching, muscle tremors,
opisthotonus, convulsions and terminal coma are seen in most of the
Untreated animals usually die after 3-4 days while survivors remain
irreversibly decorticated and are culled because of poor performance,
chronic anorexia, ataxia and blindness.
If it is due to grain over load, fowl smelling watery stool, distended fluid filled
rumen, normal rectal temperature if no muscular fasciculation and
increased pulse and respiration may be seen. In case of excessive sulphur
diet, odour of hydrogen sulphide may be detected on the breath.
Necropsy findings
210 | P a g e
thiamine therapy. Inj. B complex containing equivalent dose of thiamine is
preferable. Thiamine propyl disulfide can be given orally – 1 gm in sheep
and 5 gm in cattle.It suppresses bacterial production of thaminase.
Convulsion can be controlled by use of anticonvulsants as outlined under
Oedema and pressure related neuronal necrosis can be reduced by use of
corticosteroids as given under general principles of treatment.
Dietary intake of carbohydrate and fibre should be examined and thiamine to
be supplemented for animals at risk.
211 | P a g e
The pyogenic bacteria cause inflammation around nerve trunk as they pass
across subarachnoid space.
The inflammatory swelling interferes with blood supply to brain and spinal
Inflammation of meninges also affects drainage of cerebrospinal fluid and
associated sings of increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure develop. Thus,
the clinical signs appear to be related to irritation of spinal nerve roots and
neurons of cerebral cortex and to hydrocephalus.
Clinical findings
Necropsy findings
212 | P a g e
History and clinical signs are important in detecting the disease. There is
neutrophilic leukocytosis of peripheral blood.
Cerebrospinal fluid is turbid, and has tendency to clot. It contains high protein
(20-270 mg/dl), increased cell count (>100 neutrophils/ m l) and normal
(80% of blood level) or decreased (less than 50% of blood level) glucose
levels. Bacteria may be seen on gram’s staining.
Meningitis should be differentiated from encephalitis, acute cerebral oedema,
spinal cord compression, cervical inter vertebral disc protrusion,
hypoglycaemia and hypomagnesaemia.
Learning objectives
213 | P a g e
To learn about the clinical findings, diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy,
ataxia, coma and GID
Forms / Types
Two major forms of seizure are recognized on clinical, EEG and pathological
o Generalized - Grandmal seizures, petitmal seizures
o Partial / Focal - Psychomotor seizure, Jacksonian seizure
Generalized seizure
o Grandmal seizure: Grandmal seizure is the most common form of
convulsion in dogs and cats and it is characterized by behavioural
alteration followed by a combination of visceral and somatic motor
activity, as the dog loses contact with its environment and becomes
unconscious. Pupillary dilatation, excessive salivation and chewing
activity represent the visceral motor activity. The limbs become tonic
and are extended rigidly and animal falls on its side. A brief period of
opisthotonus, marked tonic limb extension and apnoea are followed
by or alternated with tonic limb activity and paddling or running
movements. This somatic motor activity is usually bilaterally
symmetric from the onset and throughout its course. Occasionally,
there are urinary and faecal excretions during or after convulsion.
The entire convulsion lasts 1-2 minutes but longer and severe
generalized seizures may be associated with toxicity and metabolic
disorders. The recovery period usually lasts a few minutes to an hour
but is variable.
o Petitmal seizure: It is much more common in man and occasionally
seen in dogs. It is characterized by a very brief loss of consciousness
and dog often does not collapse.
Focal seizure or partial seizure: It may consist of tonic or clonic contractions
of isolated muscle groups without loss of consciousness. Focal lesions
within the crerbrum often result in episodic clinical signs that are related to
the specific region of the brain involved. It might be acquired due to trauma
at birth, neonatal hypoxia, postnatal intracranial trauma, encephalitis,
214 | P a g e
neoplasia, etc. The seizure may not appear until months to years after
acquiring the epileptogenic foci.
o Psychomotor seizure: When the focus is in temporal lobe of cortex,
seizure consists of altered behaviour accompanied by complex motor
activity. This type of seizure activity is called as psychomotor seizure
and does not occur in animals.
o Jacksonian seizure: This type of epilepsy is very rare in animals and
is characterized by a spasm slowly spreading from one limb to
Extra cranial causes of seizure include hypoglycaemia, hypocalcaemia,
hyperlipoproteinaemia and gastro intestinal parasites while intracranial
causes include inflammation / degeneration, neoplasms, malformation and
Before therapy, every effort should be made to recognize the cause of epilepsy
by detailed history, physical examination including neurological
examination of the animal, laboratory examination, radiography, EEG,
scintigraphy and cerebral angiography. If no abnormality is detected in
these examinations, a diagnosis of idiopathic epilepsy can be arrived.
215 | P a g e
Anticonvulsant therapy can be commenced when no extracranial causes for
seizure disorders are evident, seizure frequency greater than once in every
four to six weeks, cluster of seizures more than once during a period of eight
weeks, recurrent seizures accompanied by aggression and severe
generalized seizures concern the owner and he is willing to comply with
recommendation for treatment regimens and monitoring.
Phenobarbitone Maximally suppresses spontaneous electrical discharge from
seizure foci at subhypnotic dosage and is most successful and inexpensive
anticonvulsant. Initial lower dosage of 3 to 5 mg/kg may give rise to
sedative side effects and slight ataxia during the first week, which
disappears in a short time on development of tolerance. The initial side
effects can be minimized by dividing the dose and later the drug can be
given as a single dosage in the evening on development of tolerance. Due to
long half-life of phenobarbitone, it takes about a fortnight to reach a steady
state of serum concentration and fits may occur during this period. Dosage
need to be raised up to 15 mg/kg in certain cases to control the seizures to
achieve the significant improvement. Increase in dose is finally limited by
sedative and hypnotic side effects to which tolerance no longer develops.
Polydipsia and polyphagia are common side effects. Clinical reports
indicate that 60 to 80% of epileptic dogs can be controlled effectively with
phenobarbitone as sole anticonvulsant agent.
Primidone is a structural analogue of phenobarbitone that undergoes hepatic
oxidation to phenobarbitone and phenylethyl malanamide (PEMA). It is
estimated that phenobarbitone accounts for 80 to 85% of the
anticonvulsant activity of administered primidone and is effective in 52 to
87% of treated epileptic animals. The disadvantage with this drug is
frequent behavioural side effects and greater hepatotoxicity compared to
phenobarbitone. In most dogs, primidone dosage must be increased to 30
to 50 mg/kg daily for an acceptable improvement.
The drung phenytoin is highly effective in the treatment of generalized motor
seizures in human beings. In the dog, however, it undergoes rapid
metahydroxylation, glycyronidation and renal excretion. It is a potent
microsomal enzyme inducer and stimulates its own degradation with
chronic administration. It leads to reduced half life on continued treatment.
On the basis of available clinical and pharmacokinetic data, it is not an
anticonvulsant of choice in dogs.
Gastrointestinal absorption of valproic acid is rapid in dog, but the half – life
is only 1.2 to 3.7 hours.
The use of diazepam as primary anticonvulsant in dog has been limited
because of significant fast hepatic clearance, rapid development of
functional tolerance to the anticonvulsant effects, short half life and high
cost. However, it has been very effective in control of feline seizure
disorders at a dose rate of 0.5 to 2.0 mg/kg orally and given every eight
216 | P a g e
Status Epilepticus
217 | P a g e
o congenital defects of spinal cord,
o hydrocephalus,
o Infectious agents- blue tongue virus in calves and lambs,botulism,
enterotoxaemia, rabies, salmonellosis, tetanus, trypnasomiasis.
o deficiency of thiamine, nicotinic acid or vitaming A,
o certain fungal and plant toxins and
o poisoning of chlorinated hydrocarbon, crude oil, lead, metaldehyde
During ataxia, there are defects in rate, range, force and direction of
movement. In true cerebellar ataxia, the abnormalities may include: base
wide stance (limb extremities placed more laterally), limbs swing to the side
and circumduct or abduct more than normal, delay in initiating protraction
of the limb on getting up, hind quarters appear slightly crouched (lower)
than usual, wobbly appearance, knuckling, hypermetria and hypometria
which may result in falling, unsuccessful attempts to reach food or drinking
bowl, head oscillates and cannot be maintained in normal spatial
relationship with rest of the body.
Nystagmus, deficient menace response and blindness.
Signs of weakness or ataxia or both may be elicited by gently pushing the hind
quarters or pulling the patient by tail to one side as it is standing and
Weak animal can be pulled easily to weak side and may stumble or fall. In
companion animals, postural reactions such as placing, hopping,
proprioceptive positioning and tonic neck test may help to detect the signs
of ataxia.
In-coordination of the hind legs is frequently a sign of a more generalized
ataxia in animal in which the lesions are located in cervical spinal cord.
Cerebellar ataxia should be differentiated from vestibular disease, which
produces varying degrees of loss of equilibrium causing imbalance and
ataxia. In vestibular disease, the strength is not interfered with and
therefore, no paresis is observed. As a rule, the disturbance is unilateral or
asymmetric and the sings are those of an asymmetric ataxia with
preservation of strength.
218 | P a g e
It is considered as a neurological emergency and patients must be rapidly
assessed and possible causes be explored in order to begin the specific
Serial examinations are necessary to detect the changes in the condition of the
animal and to provide and accurate prognosis.
219 | P a g e
possible brain enlargement leading to herniation. Any increase in the
volume of neural tissue, spinal fluid or even blood can result in an increase
in intracranial pressure because, the brain is housed within a non-
distensible structure, the skull. Increased intracranial pressure can result in
herniation of a protion of the brain.
220 | P a g e
It is caused by invasion of brain and spinal cord by intermediate stage of
Taenia parasite which inhabits the intestine of dog and wild canidae. The
syndrome is one of localized space occupying lesions of CNS.
The disease is due to intermediate stage of Taenia multiceps. It is a disease
primarily of sheep and is occasionally recorded in cattle.
Clinical findings
Cysts are seen in brain or spinal cord. Local pressure atrophy of nervous tissue
and softening of overlying bone may occur.
221 | P a g e
Mature tapeworm infestation in dogs within the farm should be controlled.
Carcass of infested livestock should not be available to dogs.
Learning objectives
Brain abscesses are focal accumulations of pus in central nervous system with
cortical signs of a steadily progressive mass lesion. They are relatively
uncommon in veterinary practices.
Aetiology: Infections of Streptococcus equi, Actinobacillus mallei, actinomyces
pyogenes, Bacteroides sp. Pseudomonas peudomallei, Fusobacterium
necrophorum, Staphyloccus aureus or spread of infection from inner ear,
respiratory tract, oral cavity,dehorning site and nasal septal infection after
nose ringing may lead to development of brain abscess.
222 | P a g e
The dogs suffering from brain abscess usually have a prior history of inner ear
and respiratory or oral infections.
History and clinical signs are of some value for its detection.
Cerebrospinal fluid examination reveals increased neutrophil counts and
protein content. Organisms are seen on gram’s staining and can also be
Computerised axial tomography (CAT) and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) are useful diagnostic procedures.
Brain abscess should be differentiated from meningitis, encephalitis, tumour,
parasitic cysts, listeriosis, toxoplasmosis and otitis.
Gram’s stained smear of CSF may be used for identifying the organisam.
Growing lesions can result in destruction and loss of function of focal parts of
the brain.
Pressure on the adjacent structures such as cranial nerves, pituitary and
cerebellum causes their dysfunction.
Secondary hydrocephalus develops due to obstruction of flow of CSF. It may
also result from the expansion of lesion itself.
Increased intracranial tension leads to papilloedema wherein the optic disc
becomes oedematous, raised, enlarged, and haemorrhagic. The presence of
papilloedema is a useful sign in detecting space occupying lesions.
223 | P a g e
The affected dogs show signs of change of temperament and loss of acquired
habits and become lethargic, reluctant to react and soil indiscriminately.
Blindness or hemianopia (righ or left visual field in both eyes are affected)
with papilloedema often follows.
Other signs include epileptiform fits, circling with wide radius towards the
side of lesion, progress in the straight line if lesion is located in mid line,
tendency to fall on contralateral side and variable ataxia.
Conscious reaction to pin prick is often depressed or absent on contralateral
side and hyperactive on ipsilateral side .
The signs of impaired function of pituitary and hypothalamus and other signs
attributable to hydrocephalus and cranial nerve paralysis are also recorded.
In case of mass at cerebro – pontine angle, there is a paradoxical vestibular
syndrome i.e head tilt/circling is away from lesion side.
Farm animals reveal sings of hypermetric gait, ataxia, depression, facial
paresis or paralysis, facial anaesthesis or analgesia, head tilt, strabismus,
nystagmus, unilateral loss of menace response, exophthalmos, Horner’s
syndrome or asymmetiric air flow through nares.
Equine polyneuritis
Equine polyneuritis (Neuritis of cauda equina): The adult horses of either sex
and any breed are affected by this disease which may be acute or chronic.
There is profound loss of function of caudal nerves to tail and sacral nerves
to anus, perineum, rectum and bladder.
Though the aetiology is unknown, the disease may follow outbreaks of
It is found to be related to equine herpes virus I or equine viral arteritis.
224 | P a g e
oThe affected horses reveal limp tail;
o rubbing the tail or buttocks on fixed objects;
o anus widely dialated and areflexic;
o rectum and bladder are full and require manual evacuation;
dribbling of urine;
o perianal desensitization surrounded by area of hyperaesthesis;
o normal sensation of external prepuce and sheath;
o mild paresis and ataxia of pelvic limbs;
o atrophy or increased sensitivity to palpation in gluteal muscles.
The signs are symmetric.
Thoracic limb deficits are rarely seen.
There may be involvement of facial and trigeminal nerve dysfunction.
Slowly progressive weakness of one or more limbs and occasionally with facial
paresis and loss of voice volume.
Asymmetry of signs is common but not constant.
Polyneuritis may also be seen in other diseases like deficienty of vitamins B1,
B6 and B12,
Diabetes mellitus
Pyaemia, septicaemia, meningitis, myelitis, etc.,
Rheumatoid disease e.g. rheumatic arthritis
Polymyositis or
Neurotoxin drugs like streptomycin, sulphur, nitrorurantoin, amprolsol,
antimony, arsenic etc., may induce polyneuritis if they are given in high
concentration for a long period of time.
225 | P a g e
Acute injury
ooccurs due to fracture or dislocation of vertebra,
ofracture of ligament,
o missile injury ,
o disc – protrusion in dogs,
o cerebrospinal nematodiasis,
o manual extraction of calf during dystocia,
o bite wounds,
o stretching due to hyperflexion or hyperextension,
o abnormal torsion and cord stretching over a bony ridge.
Chronic injury is seen in spinal neoplasia and disck protrusion.
During spinal shock, which develops immediately after severe injury, there is
flaccid paralysis of variable degree up and down the cord. Concurrently,
there is fall in local blood pressure due to vasodilatation, local sweating and
disappearance of stretch reflexes and cutaneous sensitivity.
226 | P a g e
The reflexes and sensitivity may reappear after 30 minutes to several hours.
When shock passes off, the residual signs remain. They include:
o paralysis of varying degree,
o sternal or lateral recumbency,
o muscle wasting,
o anaesthesia at and caudal to the lesion,
o hyperaesthesia at anterior edge of the lesion (due to irritation of
sensory fibres by local inflammation and oedema) and
o paralysis of bladder and rectum.
In case of fracture or dislocation of vertebra, other signs like mal-alignment of
spinous processes, pain on pressure and excessive mobility may be noticed.
If nervous tissue is not destroyed, recovery takes place in 1 to 3 weeks. If a
large section of cord is damaged, there is no recovery.
227 | P a g e
– lumbar spinal lesions, because the ataxic patient may slip and worsen the
Broad spectrum antibiotics to treat bladder infection in cases of retention of
bladder are recommended.
Good nursing like deep bedding, turning at frequent intervals, massage of
bony prominence, periodical slinging, evacuation of bladder
Learning objectives
228 | P a g e
contemporary relevance of these practices. Before the introduction of
western medicine, all livestock keepers relied on these traditional practices.
Ethnoveterinary medicine deals with people’s knowledge, skills, methods,
practices and beliefs about the care of their animals. Ethnoveterinary
knowledge is acquired through practical experience and has traditionally
been passed down orally from generation to generation.
Widespread interest in documenting and validating ethnoveterinary practices
arose in the early 1980s. Since then, several studies have been carried out,
many reports written and numerous conferences and workshops held.
These activities have saved ethnoveterinary knowledge from extinction.
Most knowledge resided with elderly community members and disappeared as
they died. The introduction of modern practices also made it difficult for the
younger generations to appreciate and use the beliefs and practices of their
forefathers. Despite recent efforts to promote the use of ethnoveterinary
knowledge worldwide, much information is only documented in field
reports and scientific publications. Few practical manuals have been written
to help animal healthcare workers, farmer leaders and farmers to actively
train others in the use of effective and validated ethnoveterinary practices.
According to the World Health Organization, at least 80% of people in
developing countries depend largely on indigenous practices for the control
and treatment of various diseases affecting both human beings and their
animals. Ethnoveterinary remedies are accessible, easy to prepare and
administer, at little or no cost at all to the farmer. These age-old practice
cover every area of veterinary specialization and all livestock species.
The ethnoveterinary techniques include treatment and prevention of disease,
extensive materia-medica preparation, ecto- and endo-parasite control,
fertility enhancement, bone setting and poor mothering management.The
materia-medica consists mainly of plants in addition to other components
such as earth and minerals, and animal parts.
Millions of people around the world have an intimate relationship with their
livestock. Many people depend on their livestock: animals provide them
with food, clothing, labour, fertilizers and cash, and act as a store of wealth
and a medium of exchange. Animals are a vital part of culture and in many
societies are regarded as equal to humans.
To keep animals healthy, traditional healing practices have been applied for
centuries and have been passed down orally from generation to generation.
Before the introduction of western medicine, all livestock keepers relied on
these traditional practices. According to the World Health Organization, at
the moment, at least 80% of people in developing countries depend largely
on these practices for the control and treatment of various diseases that
affect both animals and humans. These traditional healing practices are
called ‘ethnoveterinary medicine’.
229 | P a g e
Interest in ethnovet practices has grown recently because these practices are
much less prone to drug resistance and have fewer damaging side-effects on
the environment than conventional medicine.
India has a rich heritage of ethno-veterinary medicinal practice but it has not
been utilized properly for the purpose of indigenous development i.e.
development from within, a case very much similar to Gaushala system in
the country.
The potential of Gaushalas as breed improvement and conservation centers
and their role in rural development is yet to be exploited to the desired
extent. Existing infrastructure, committed private management and
leadership of devoted persons coupled with flow of resources in terms of
donations are some of the important factors which render Gaushalas as
ideal centers for their use in improving cattle productivity and conservation.
Since there is huge gap between the demand and supply of veterinarians for
the adequate treatment of animals, the ethno-veterinary medicine sets this
imbalance right. It provides a sustainable, economically viable and eco-
friendly system of animal treatment and provides an opportunity to develop
a closer contact with Gaushalas and understand their problems.
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modern systems, many of these treatments are not validated "clinically" or
empirically and cannot be promoted on a large scale.
Many of the medicinal plants are not available due to deforestation. Modern
medicine is technology dependent and needs skilled practitioners. Levels of
safety are low and care should be taken in dispensing antibiotics and
steroids. It can create health problems if improperly used. An integrated
livestock health care system that is economically viable and sustainable is
There are a number of plant and mineral derivatives, which are having
anthelmentic properties. If farmers could be taught to use these
preparations routinely it can considerably reduce the incidence of worm
Mixed farming, rotational grazing and quick composting of animal wastes will
reduce the incidence of anthelmintic resistance. Scientific feeding and water
management coupled with regular deworming will decrease the incidence of
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