Reserve Estimation

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The main aim of geological survey is to size up rocks, minerals, oil.

gases and underground water etc. for the use of men kind. This sizing up of the ore
body is known as reserve, which tells about the quantity, the quality and amenability
to commercial exploration of raw material (ore, rock, coal, oil etc.). The calculation of
reserve of prospects, deposit and mine is done at every stage right from preliminary to
last stage of exploration and mining.

Reserve are computed to determine the extent of exploration, development;

distribution of values; daily and annul output probable and possible, productive life of
the mine: method of extraction; plant design treatment, processing, requirements of
capital equipment, labour, power and to prepare raw material report of a project.

7.1 Principles and Assumptions

Ore reserves and grade estimation principle involve certain unavoidable

but un- provable (i.e. geological uncertainties) assumptions based upon some accepted
principles like.

1. The sampling followed is reliable and random enough for enabling the
sampling average judiciously arrived at the approximate deposit mean vise
population mean.

2. Basic parameters established in any ore body based upon points estimates such
as surface, drill holes etc. extent to the adjoining areas, only in consonance with
appropriate principle of interpretation.

3. The commonest principles of rule of gradual change and/or rule of nearest

points have capability of generating realistic estimate in the matter of ore
volume computations.
Rule of Gradual Change

According to rule of gradual change or law of linear function, all elements of a

mineral body can be expressed numerically, change gradually and continuously along
a straight line connection two adjoining stations (Fig.7.1). With the help of this
principle one can calculate the grade, thickness or reserve of any unknown point or
block falling between two known points or block values.

While mining this helps in prediction the grade or reserve of the sub-blocks for
future planning, the volume reserve grade or thickness of the unknown point falling
between two points can be determined by graphical and mathematical procedure.

Mathematical Procedure : The following formula are used to determine value,

reserve, grade or thickness:

Ga (d1) + Gb (d2)
Gc = ----------------------
(d1) + (d2)

Ta (d1) + Tb (d2)
Tc = ----------------------
(d1) + (d2)

Ra (d1) + Rb (d2)
Rc = ----------------------
(d1) + (d2)

Gc = Grade at point ‘C’ the unknown point

Ga = Grade at point ‘A’ the known point
Gb = Grade at point ‘B’ the known point
d2 = Distance of ‘C’ from ‘B’
d2 = Distance of ‘C’ from ‘A’

Ta, Tb and Tc are the thickness at point A, B, and C respectively. Similarly Ra,
Rb and Rc are the reserve at point A, B and C respectively.

Graphical Procedure: In Fig. 7.2 the measurement of vertical height at any

point between point A and B of reserve, volume, grade or thickness will be value at
the point. Similarly in Fig. 7.3 the required distance from point. A or B can be
determine from the known value.

Rule of Nearest Points: This is also known as rule of equal influence and
according to this the value of any point between two station is considered constant,
equal to the value of the nearest station. In a general case of borehole A and B with
thickness t1 and t2, the value of each one extent to midpoint ‘M’ between holes (Fig.
7.4). Any point on line AB or in the area of t1 or t2, except M; is inside the “linear or
area of influence” of a station A or B and near to it than to the adjoining one. Thus this
property gives the rule its name of nearest point.
The rule of nearest point is widely used for construction of equal area of
influence for areas and volumes of individual intersection. In most of the cases the
rule of nearest point is used for reserve calculation.

Geological, Mining and Economic Constrain

The rule of nearest point and gradual change is governed by geological,

mining and economic considerations. In a simple case of two drill holes with
corresponding thickness t1 and t2 of ore and a prominent fault between them, the area of
influence may be assigned on the basis of geological interpretation as shown in Fig 7.5
and 7.6 (depending on the strike and dip of the fault).

The geological interference include natural geological boundaries due to

structural features (folds, faults, change in strike and dip and other discontinuity)
change in characters of mineralization, thinning out or pinching of ore shoots,
zoning, weathering, different physical properties, heterogeneous composition varied
alteration and presence of detrimental constituents.

Common technological, physiographic and economic grounds for inference in

construction of blocks are topography, thickness of overburden or ratio of overburden
to thickness of ore body, depth of water level, mining method, processing methods and
cost of extraction; also property section, township and state boundaries.

Beside this administrative problem also play an important role in demarcation

of the blocks. Fig. 7.7 shows an example of construction of block on the basis of
geologic structures.

a) Physical continuity of the ore body within the point of testing and also beyond
but disrupted by geological discontinuities.

b) Success in replicating any irregular natural shape and size to possible

geometrical configuration, capable of measurements.

c) Nature of ore necessarily changes smoothly from point to point in any

general pattern sampling, geological, mathematical or like.

d) Applicability of mensuration and integration techniques for ore volume

estimation in all probable shape and sizes.

e) Characters of samples recovered to be representative in spite of the

known recovery of only 52.2% in case of NV size hole (by volume ), under test
condition and assured 100% recovery on the basis of length parameter

The ultimate object of an exploration at any stage is to compute the reserve of

the mineral body and that include the following:

1. Determination of the quantity of minerals and all its valuable contents.

2. Determination of quality and grade of mineral.

3. Assertaining spatial distribution of the mineral in the deposit as a whole and

in its separate blocks and

4. Reliability of the estimates of reserve (Categories).

By the exploration technique normally insitu ore reserves (or geological

reserve) are computed without allowing the loss or dilution. Other classes of reserves
are calculated at the mining stage. The insitu reserve can be subdivided in two major
1 Industrial reserves: Economically important with present mining techniques,
beneficiation and smelting under present economic conditions.

2 Non-Industrial reserves: Industrially important in future when new mining

beneficiation and smelting methods are developed and / or there is change in
general economic condition of the area.

Parameters for Reserve Estimation

Reserve is determined by multiplying the volume of the ore body by the

bulk density. For the calculation of reserve the following parameters are to be
defined and determined.

1. Cut off grade

2. Stopping width
3. Weighted average and average grade
4. Tonnage factors
5. Core recovery
6. Thickness
7. Strike influence or strike length
8. Dip length or width influence
9. Correlation of lode

7.2 Cut off grade

Cut off grade mainly depend upon many factors such as economic scenario of
the area, country, international market, value, strategic minerals, nature of deposit,
nature of occurrence, concentration techniques, method of mining and requirement
of industries.

The cut off which is taken directly from mine without admixing is known as
natural cut off. On the basis of economic consideration the cut off is determined by the
following formula
Pc x 100
Ct = -----------

Ct = Cut off grade

Pc = Production cost
Vm = Value of mineral content

Statistical Determination of Cut off Grade

The cut off grade of a prospect can be determined by preparing the histogram
of all samples analysed. The sharp fall and flattening point may be taken as the natural
cut off (Fig 7.8 & 7.9)

To determine the optimum reserve and average grade of a deposit the reserve
should be calculated at different cut off say for copper the calculation may be done for
0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8% or if required for more cut off. Similarly for Pb- Zn cut
off grade may be taken as 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 6% or as per requirement. Looking
at the present economic condition of the market about 10% to 12% average grade is
required to exploit the lead + zinc mine in a new area.

Stopping width

In general the minimum stopping width is taken as 2.0 m for underground

mining methods. However, for open cast mining the bench thickness is taken as
stopping width, which varies from 2m to 5m. In some cases like noble metal the
minimum stopping width may be taken as 1.0 m but that is in rare case.

Weighted Average and Average Grade

The mineralised zone may be termed as the zone, which contains the ore
mineral in traces or in visible quantity. However, the zones that contain the ore
mineral or element equivalent to or more than the cut off grade are defined as lode or
ore zones. The weighted average of lode may be determine by taking the average of
samples value if the samples are equal in volume, but this is in rare case. The sample
width depends upon run length, percentage of core recovery, lithological change and
grade. Therefore, all the samples may not be of equal length or volume. In such cases
the weighted average of the lode is determined by the following formula.

Vta = Σls x AsΣ1s

Vta = Weighted average or average grade
Is = Length of sample
As = Assay value of sample
Is = Length of samples

For the determination of lode only those sample will be considered which have
value equal to or more than cut off grade and the thickness of the continuous sample is
equal to or more than stopping width i.e. 2 m or more. However, while determining
the lode thickness, samples with lean values (i.e. less than cut off grade) with less than
stopping width (i.e. less than 2 m) falling between high values (more than cut off
grade; have to be considered provided that overall grade of lode do not fall below cut
off grade. Suppose in one opening or drill hole three lode are intersected than in that
case overall average grade of the opening have to be determined by the following

Wta1 x t1 + Wta2 x t2 + Wta3 x t3

Agr = -----------------------------------------
t1 + t2 + t3
Wta = Weighted average of lode No. 1

t1 = Thickness of the lode No. 1

Agr = Average grade

Similarly the reserve and average grade calculated for different block
have to be further averaged to determine the overall reserve and average grade
of the deposit with the help of following formula

Ag = ΣR x Agr/ΣR

R = Reserve of the block

Ag = Average grade of deposit

Agr = Average grade of deposit or block

Tonnage Factor

Tonnage factor or bulk density is a multiplier to the volume for the

determination of reserve. The bulk density is determined by the following methods.
The difference in density and bulk density is the volume of voids. The bulk density
is determined for large volume in which the opening in the rocks (joint, fracture,
brecciation, gouge material etc.) are also included where as density is determined of a
small piece of rock or mineral. The bulk density or density may be determined by
the following method.

Cubical opening method

Dig up a pit of lm x lm x lm size and weight all the material (rock, mineral
etc.). This weight is the tonnage factor. In general (in exploration stage) in case of
sulphide ore deposit at initial stage of exploration it is not possible to determine the
bulk density by this method. However, in the case of limestone, iron ore, rock
phosphates etc. exposed on the surface it is easy to determine tonnage factor by
this method. In the mining state normally bulk density is determined by this method.
Conventional Density Measurement Method

The density of samples (small or hand specimen) is determined by measuring the

weight and volume of the samples by traditional method. This may also be determined
by weighing the sample in the air and in the water by steel yard balance by the
following formula:

D = W/V
D = Density
W = Weight
V = Volume
D = W1/W1-W2
W1 = Weight in air
W2 = Weight in water

This method will give the actual density where as the bulk density is
found slightly less than the density.

Determination of Bulk Density Using Drill Cores

The bulk density can be determined by measuring the length of the core
or half split core. Since diameter of the NX, BX, AX, NUT, AUT etc. bit size
are known, therefore, the volume of the core can be computed by the following

V = πR 2 1 (if the core is not split)

V = 1/2πR 2 1 if the core is half split (Fig. 7.10)
V = Volume, R=Radius of core sample, l=length of core sample

Weight the measured core and determine the bulk density by DB =M/V
where D B is the bulk density and M is the mass of the measured core. The
average on very sizable number of determination may be taken to represent the
insitu tonnage factor. The samples should be taken from all the variations of
the grade , which are taken for lode computation for true representative of the
lode or deposit.
Core Recovery

Core recovery plays an important role in computation of ore reserves.

Therefore the core recovery should be very high at least in the mineralized
zone. In NX core the actual core-recovery by volume is 52.2% and BX size is
40%. However, here for all practical purpose the core recovery is measure
lengthwise i.e. by recovery = (Lr/L) x 100 where ‘Lr’ is core recovered and
‘L’ is run length.

If core recovery in the lode is more than 95% then for the reserve
calculation purpose it may be taken as 100%. However, it will depend upon the
nature of deposit, its occurrence and mineral content. If core recovery is less
than 95% than correction factor have to be applied while calculation of
thickness of the lode. Mainly there are three options.

Dilution Method

In this method the assay value of recovered core is distributed in the

whole run assuming that the part of core which is not recovered is barren; By
this method the grade will go down the assay value.

Gr = A* x L 1 /L Where Gr = Grade

A = Assay value of sample

*Only in case where core recovery is more than 90%.

Reduced Width Method

In this case the core loss is considered as voids and the lode width is
taken as the length of the core recovered. Thus the thickness of the lode will
reduce; however, the grade will be as per assay value.

Equal grade method

This method is adopted where core recovery is more than 90%

or 95%. In this method the grade of recovered length is taken as the grade of run with the
assumption that the uncovered portion also contains the same assay value. Thus the run
length is the thickness of the lodes. In the loss of the core, the sludge samples may give
some idea but that cannot be considered for the following reasons.

i) The sludge represents fully the uncased column in borehole rather than the bit

ii) The sludge collection contraption could only hold middling, with the slim
falling running off and the heavier particles going down in the rock crevasses.

iii) The sludge extraction is the function of return water, which were minimized
(water loss) near the fault or shear zone.


After fixing up the cut off grade the thickness of the body is determined by
computing the thickness of the lode in individual hole, after giving the angle
correction to determine the true thickness and then taking the average of lode thickness
of all the boreholes. The openings or boreholes may not cut ore body perpendicular,
therefore it will give the apparent thickness (Fig-7.11). The corrections of apparent
thickness are required to be determined in zenith and azimuth deflection of the path of
borehole. Thus, there are three possibilities and the true thickness can be determined
with the help of following formula:
Azimuth and Zenith Perpendicular to Strike and Dip Plane

In this case the intersection of the boreholes will give true thickness and
there is no need of any correction (Fig. 7.12 A & 7.12B).

Azimuth perpendicular to the strike and zenith oblique to the dip plane

In this the borehole falls in the vertical plane perpendicular to strike but not
perpendicular to the dip plane (Fig. 7.13 A & B and 7.14 A & B)
Strike influence (strike length)

The strike length is determined on the basis of openings along the strike of the
ore body, the strike influence of each opening is determined on the basis of nearest
point and gradual variation. In the case of correlate able lode the strike influence is
taken as half the distance between two openings (Fig-7.16). In non-correlate able lode
also the distance along strike is taken as half the distance between two points or less
than that depending upon the nature and variation of the ore body. More details are
discussed under reserve calculation method.
Dip length influence

As strike influence the dip length influence, for each opening is also taken as
half the distance between the adjacent openings in the case of inclined ore body (Fig.
7.17), if the ore body have been intersected at different levels.

For the computation of the reserve of each opening the volume is determined
by multiplying the strike influence with dip length influence and thickness intersected.
On the basis of strike length, dip length and thickness the geometry or
morphology of the ore body can be determined and that is classifed as follows:

7.3 Morphology of the Ore Body and Variability

To determine the geometric configuration of the ore body the exploration by

opening carried out in all the spatial direction.

Say X, Y and Z where

X= Strike length

Y= Depth or dip length

Z= Width or thickness

Geometrically mineral bodies fall into three main morphological type:

Sheet like bodies

The horizontal, low to steeply dipping beds, sheet like bodies lenses and other
flat bodies will have two long and one short dimensions (Fig 7.18). Horizontal,
low dipping bed, X and Y > Z to steeply dipping beds.
Pipe or Lensoid Body

In this ore body will have one long and two short dimensions, either X>Y and
Z or Y >X and Z (Fig 7.19).

Isometric Bodies

Isometric bodies such as great stock works, pockets and other small bodies
have more or less all dimension equal i.e. X= Y = Z

In simple homogeneous ore bodies ‘morphological features’ like thickness etc.,

vary gradually and continuously, excepting, in cases of abrupt tectonic disturbances. In
complex ore bodies' variation are irregular in thickness and quality. Sometimes the
mineral bodies suddenly pinches out and thickness tends to be zero. Sometime
deposits consists a series of parallel en-echelon ore bodies or a group of small lenses
and pockets separated by barren interval (Fig. 7.20). Depending upon the shape, size
and quality of the mineral bodies the different methods are used to compute the ore

7.4 Ore Reserve Calculation Methods

The exploration delineates the geometry and quality of the ore body and with
the help of interpolation and extrapolation the volume of the ore body can be
determined. This volume estimation is a geological exercise rather than mathematical
exercises as lots of interpretation, interpolation and extrapolation are required on the
basis of geological variations. The volume of the ore can be determine by using
various method depending upon the type of exploration, opening space, complex or
simple nature of deposit and quality of deposit. Therefore, two or three methods
should be used to check the volume or reserve.

The tonnage and grade is calculated by conventional methods based on

geometrical models such as square, rectangular, polygonal and triangular blocks and
method of sections such as cross, longitudinal vertical and plans or horizontal
(structural contours) sections. Successful application of a particular method
depends upon the shape, attitude, complexity of a deposit and pattern of sampling.
The conventional methods have the following shortcomings:

a) The area of influence assigned to individual openings / drill holes usually

not actual.

b) The methods do not provide confidence in reserve and

c) They do not relate with amount of drilling and hence hamper optimization
of drilling cost.
To overcome the above shortcomings classical statistical techniques using
probability concept, moving average, variogram, krigging etc. are in practice by the
exploiting agencies.

In conventional methods the different methods are used for different types
of deposits as detailed below:

Reserve computation of homogeneous bedded horizontal or low dipping deposits

In general this type of deposit consists limestone, iron ore, coal, gypsum,
potash, evaporites bauxite etc. In such type of deposit the different methods are used
depending upon the type of opening on grid pattern, irregular pattern and alternate
pattern (Fig. 7.21) etc. and these arc described in details in following page:

Grid pattern and included area methods

This method is adopted where the opening samplings or borehole drilling is done
along a rectangular or square grid pattern. In this method one rectangle or square of the
grade is taken (Fig. 7.22) and the grade thickness is computed of the center point of the
grid by taking the average of thickness of all the four openings (at the corner of the
rectangular of square) as detailed below.
Thickness T= ----------------

This thickness of center point or average thickness of the four openings T1. T2,
T3 and T4 are thickness intersected in BH1, BH2. BH3 and BH4 respectively (Fig.23).

T1C1 + T2C2 + T3C3 + T4C4

Average grade Gav = ---------------------------------------
T1 + T2 + T3 + T4

C1, C2, C3 and C4 are the assay value of lode intersected in each borehole

Volume V = X x Y x T

Reserve of one rectangle or square = R= V x Bd

X - Length along strike or length along X grid

Y = Length along Y grid

Bd=Bulk density

Extended area and grid pattern method

In this method, the area of influence is taken around each opening, thus
constructing a rectangular keeping opening at the center of the rectangle (Fig. 7.23).
Thus the thickness intersected in the borehole becomes the thickness of rectangle and
reserve of each rectangle is as follow and grade remain as intersected in the borehole.
Volume = V = ST

Where T = Thickness of borehole

S = Area of recharge

Reserve of one block of rectangular = R = V x Bd = S x T x Bd

Where Bd = Bulk density

R = Reserve of one rectangle

Reserve of total deposit =

RE = R 1 + R 2 + R 3 ………………Rn

R1G1 + R2G2 + R3G3 + ...........................Rn Gn

Grade of deposit, Gd = ------------------------------------------------------
R 1 + R 2 + R 3 + ...........................Rn

G1, G2, G3……………. Gn is the grade of each rectangle or block

R1 + R2 + R3……………. Rn is the reserve of each rectangle or block.

Irregular grid pattern included area methods or Triangle Method

When the sampling or opening drilling is done at irregular pattern,

triangles are drawn to determine the area using included area method.

In this the triangles are constructed keeping each open at the apex of
triangle (Fig. 7.24). The average thickness and grid of the triangle is determined
along with the surface area as detailed below :
T1 + T2 + T3
Average thickness = Ta ---------------

T1, T2, and T3 are the thickness of lode intersected in three boreholes.

T1 C1 + T2C2
Average Grid = ---------------------
T1 + T 2 + T 3

C 1 , C 2 and C 3 are the grade of lode intersected in each of the three boreholes.
Surface area triangle S = ½ perpendicular x base.

Volume of triangle = V 1 = S x Ta

Irregular grid pattern and area influence method or polygon method.

The procedure is to determine the area of influence of exploratory point

or opening (pit or borehole) and construct polygon blocks by perpendicular
bisectrix method of the triangle (Fig.7.25) as described above the apex of
triangle are located at the point of opening. The polygon can also be
constructed by joining the angle of bisectrix of each triangle (Fig. 7.26) but
sometime this may give false influence area therefore, perpendicular bisectrix
should be used for the computation of the surface area. The area may be
measured by the graphical method or by planimeter or by computation dividing
into simple triangles. The height of each polygon is the thickness of the ore
body with a polygonal base. The entire outlined ore body is divided into
number of polygonal prism of different height i.e. thickness. The grade
intersected in the opening is the grade of entire polygonal prism.

Volume of polygon= S x T

Where S = Surface of polygon

T= Thickness of polygon or ore body.

Method of Isolines

The method of isolines is used in geological exploration to represent the

variability of shape and properties of mineral bodies. This method depends
upon the rule of gradual change from one opening to other. In this technique
the equal value (thickness or grade) points are joined by a simple line just like
drawing the topographic contours. This is too laborious especially when
applied to multi elemental deposits where the isolines are to be drawn separate
for each element. However, with the help of computer ii has become easy. The
determination of reserves and grade by this method is very helpful in open cast
mining especially when one has to decide the bench .wise reserve and grade.
When contours are drawn using different values the different terminology are
used as below.
Isopach Maps Method

The isopach maps are drawn through points at which the formation or
lode are of equal true thickness (Fig-7.27). In open cast mining for benching
purpose the contour interval may be taken equal to bench height and that will
give the bench wise reserve and total reserve. Suppose the bench height is kept
2m then contour interval should be taken as 2m. Besides this-the benches are
kept horizontal, therefore the contours are drawn with the RL of the thickness
i.e. just like the topographic contours.

In Fig. 7.27 isopach plan is prepared on the basis of extrapolation

contours at 2m intervals for actual thickness. The area falling between each
contour is to be determined for example in S 1 from 0-2m, S 2 from 2m -4m, S 3
from 4m -6m, S 4 from 6m - 8m and S 5 from 8m -9m (9m is the maximum
thickness). In such case the volume is calculated as follows.

V=S x T, V,= S 1 x (0+2)/2

Therefore, V=S 1 (0+2)/2+S 2 (2+4)/2+S 3 (4+6)/2+S 4 6+8/2+S 5 (8+9)/2

The isopach can also be transferred on the vertical plane considering the
horizontal thickness; this may be named as longitudinal vertical isopach map. In this
case the horizontal thickness is considered with 2 m contour interval (Fig. 7.28). The
method of calculation of volume is same as described above.
Isochore Map

The map is prepared just like the isopach map but here instead of true
thickness the thickness intersected in the opening is considered and contours are

Isograde Map

In isopach map the contours of different thickness are drawn which gives the
quantity of the deposit. To understand the quality of the deposit the grade of
respective thickness is plotted and isograde lines are drawn which gives an idea about
the quality of the deposit and its variation (Fig. 7.29 and 7.30).

The isograde map of particular slice or bench can also be drawn to understand
the variation of the quality in that particular slice or bench (Fig. 31). In this way
different isograde maps are drawn for different slice or bench.
Reserve computation of moderately to steeply dipping tabular ore body
(more or less homogeneous)

In general base metals and noble metals, especially in India, occur in the
tectonically disturbed area. In such area the ore body shows complex geometry because
of folding and faulting. To understand the geometry of the ore body in three dimension
different section and plans are prepared which give an idea of variation in the shape and
quality of the ore body in three dimensions. These sections are also used for reserve
calculations as detailed below.

i) Cross section method ii) Longitudinal section method

iii) Level plan method.

7.4.1 Cross Section Method

The cross section or transverse section prepared across the ore body represent
the actual geological features in shape and quality. Cross section is prepared
perpendicular to the strike along which openings or borehole have been drilled and in
such case azimuthal corrections are not required. The preparation of cross section is as
simple as preparing the geological cross section of any body, however, in this case the
data collected by openings or boreholes are also considered (Fig. 7.32).

For the calculation of the reserve by this method the area of influence and
quality is considered on the basis of the rule of nearest point. In estimates made by this
method the ore bodies are divided into various segments by transverse cross section
lines spaced at equal or in some cases at unequal intervals. In the cross section area
method the reserve is calculated for individual opening and the area of influence of
that opening is measured on the cross section (Fig. 7.33) or calculated by measuring
actual thickness and dip length (Table-1). In this way the reserve of individual lode
intersected in individual opening is estimated and from that reserve and grade of
cross section with its strike influence is estimated. Thus reserve of each section is
estimated and there by whole of the block. With the help of cross section the areas
of different influence distance with degree of confidence and reliability are
measured which can be defined to different category (Fig. 34).
Longitudinal vertical projected section method

This method i s very helpful in correlating the ore body along the strike
which is very important factor. This method is useful in determining the reserve
of complex ore body like lensoid, vein like tabular and ore shoot body. !n
longitudinal vertical project section the R.L. of the intersection of the ore body
is projected on any vertical plane parallel to the strike of the ore body (Fig.
7.35) and lodes are correlated. In this the area of influence is taken half the
distance between openings and that is measured on the section or computed by
multiplying the X and Y.
If the ore body is inclined in the dip correction is applied to determine
the actual area or the dip correction is given to the dip length to determine the
actual dip length or actual dip length is measured by the cross section. In this
method the reserve of individual lode in individual intersection is determined just
like above described case, the difference is that in this case the area determined
by the longitudinal vertical section (Fig. 7.35) is multiplied by the true thickness
to know the volume of the body.

The volume can also be determined by constructing the panel. Panel

length for each intersection falls between half the distance between two
intersections on either side. Width is taken the difference between upper RL and
lower RL. The thickness is taken as the ore body intersected by a horizontal plane
i.e. horizontal thickness.

After determining the reserve and grade of the individual lode the
reserve and grade of whole of the deposit is determined.

7.4.2 Level Plan

Level plan is prepared by plotting of the lode intersection on a

horizontal plan passing through the level of intersection or at particular R.L.
(Fig. 7.36). It represents the lode at that particular level. The lode can be
joined along strike on the level plane and the strike length can be determined.
The level plan gives the horizontal thickness of the lode, which can be
converted into true thickness. Level plane is very helpful in deciphering the
correlation of the lode, geometry of the ore body and strike length. The dip
length of the ore body can be determined by the two level plane prepared at
different R.L (The dip length between two level plane with different R.L.
can be determined by the following formula). Since strike length, dip length and
the thickness is known, therefore, the volume of the ore body can be determined.

Dip L= Difference in R.L. / Sin Q

Q-is the dip angle of the ore body

Average method

In this method the complex body is transferred to a simple average

body (Fig. 7.37) by taking the average of thickness (true thickness intersected
in the each openings and dip length. The strike length is determined by level
plane or by L.V. Section. Volume of the ore body equivalent to average thickness
x average dip length x strike length.

7.4.3 Statistics and Error Estimation

While computing the reserves by conventional methods there are ample

chances of committing errors at various stages because of limitation of classical
methods. To overcome the limitations of conventional methods the classical statistical
techniques are employed as an efficient and handy tool for the exploration geologist

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