Parts of Speech

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Words are divided into different kinds or classes, called Parts of Speech,
according to their use; that is, according to the work they do in a sentence. The
parts of speech are eight in number:
1. Noun.
2. Adjective.
3. Pronoun.
4. Verb.
5. Adverb.
6. Preposition.
7. Conjunction.
8. Interjection.

A Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, or thing; as,

Akbar was a great King.

Kolkata is on the Hooghly.
The rose smells sweet.
The sun shines bright.
His courage won him honour.
Note: The word thing includes (i) all objects that we can see, hear, taste, touch, or
smell; and (ii) something that we can think of, but cannot perceive by the senses.

An Adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun; as,

He is a brave boy.
There are twenty boys in this class.

A Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun; as,

John is absent, because he is ill.

The book are where you left them

A Verb is a word used lo express an action or state; as

The girl wrote a letter to her cousin.

Kolkata is a big city.
Iron and copper are useful metals.

An Adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, an

adjective, or another adverb; as,

He worked the sum quickly.

This flower is very beautiful.
She pronounced the word quite correctly.
A Preposition is a word used with a noun or a pronoun to show how the person
or thing denoted by the noun or pronoun stands in relation to something else; as,

There is a cow in the garden.

The girl is fond of music.
A fair little girl sat under a tree.

A Conjunction is a word used to join words or sentences; as,

Rama and Hari are cousins.

Two and two make four.
I ran fast, but missed the train.

An Interjection is a word which expresses some sudden feel ing; as,

Hurrah! We have won the game. Alas! She is dead.

Some modern grammars include determiners among the parts of speech.

Determiners are words like a, an, the, this, that, these, those, every, each, some,
any, my, his, one, two,etc., which determine or limit the meaning of the nouns
that follow. In this book, as in many traditional grammars, all determiners except
a, an and the are classed among adjectives.

As words are divided into different classes according to the work they do in
sentences, it is clear that we cannot say to which part of speech a word belongs
unless we see it used in a sentence.

They arrived soon after. (Adverb)

They arrived after us. (Preposition)
They arrived after we had left. (Conjunction)

Pick out all the Adjectives in the following sentences

1. The ship sustained heavy damage.

2. I have called several times.
3. Every dog has his day.
4. A live ass is better than a dead lion,
5. Every man has his duties.
6. Say the same thing twice over.
7. Several persons were present at the time,
8. He is a man of few words.
9. Neither party is quite in the right.
10. What time is if?
11. Which pen do you prefer?
12. The way was long, the wind was cold, the minstrel was infirm and old.
13. He comes here every day.
14. I have not seen him for several days.
15. There should not be much talk and little work.
16. Abdul won the second prize.
17. The child fell down from a great height.
18. He was absent last week.
19. He died a glorious death.
20. A small leak may sink a great ship.
21. Good wine needs no bush.
22. I like the little pedlar who has a crooked nose.
23. King Francis was a hearty King and loved a royal sport.
24. In the furrowed land the toilsome patient oxen stand.
25. My uncle lives in the next house.
26. Some dreams are like reality.
27. A cross child is not liked.
28. It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good.

Supply suitable Adjectives:-

1. The town stood a --- siege.

2. The --- prize was won by a Hindu.
3. The --- woman lives in a wretched hut.
4. This is a very --- matter.
5. The battle of Waterloo ended in a --- victory.
6. Suddenly there arose a --- storm.
7. It is a --- lie.
8. The --- tidings were a heavy blow to the old man.
9. Here is a rupee: pay the fare and keep the --- money.
10. His reading is of a very --- range.
11. The injured man wants --- advice.
12. You cannot have it --- ways.
13. India expects --- man to do his duty.
14. The --- bird catches the worm.
15. Have you any --- reason to give?
16. ---anxiety has undermined his health.
17. There were riots in --- places.
18. An --- man will not reason calmly.
19. He stands --- feet in his stockings.
20. Nelson won for himself --- fame.
21. I have no --- cash.
22. He always walks with a --- step.
23. --- errors are not easily corrected.
24. Every cloud has a --- lining.
25. He was a man of --- ambition.
26. He was listened to in --- silence.

Name the Verbs

1. The sun shines brightly.
2. The boy cut his hand with a knife.
3. The clock stopped this morning.
4. The policeman blew his whistle.
5. The sun rises in the east.
6. An old beggar stood by the gate.
7. The clock ticks all day long.
8. I looked down from my window.
9. Put away your books.
10. The moon rose early.
11. The cat sleeps on the rug.
12. Cocks crow in the morning.
13. Your book lies on the table.
14. The fire burns dimly.
15. Time changes all things.
16. We eat three times a day.
17. Tell the truth.
18. The birds sing in the green trees.
19. The little bird hopped about and sang.
20. My new watch does not keep good lime.
21. The beggar sat down by the side of the road.
22. I could not spare the time.
23. He took shelter under a tree.
24. The boy easily lifted the heavy weight.
25. Balu wrote a letter to his uncle.
26. A tiny bird lived under the caves.
27. I know a funny little man.
28. Birds fly in the air.
29. A light rain fell last night.
30. I shall bring my camera with me.
31. You speak too loudly.
32. The dog ran after me.

Fill blanks with suitable Prepositions:-

1. The dog ran --- the road.
2. The river flows --- the bridge.
3. The work was done --- haste.
4. He is afraid --- the dog.
5. I am fond --- music.
6. He goes --- Sunday --- church.
7. He died --- his country.
8. The steam-engine was invented --- James Watt.
9. The burglar jumped --- the compound wall.
10. The village was destroyed --- fire.
11. What is that --- me?
12. It cannot be done --- offence.
13. He spoke --- me --- Urdu.
14. They live --- the same roof.
15. I have not seen him --- Wednesday last.
16. I have known him --- a long time.
17. The moon does not shine --- its own light.
18. This is a matter --- little importance.
19. I am tired --- walking.
20. He has not yet recovered --- his illness.
21. I shall do it --- pleasure.
22. God is good, --- me.
23. I will sit --- my desk to do my lesson.
24. I am sorry --- what I have done.
25. O God! Keep me --- sin.
26. I bought it --- fifteen rupees.
27. He broke the jug --- a hundred pieces.
28. It has been raining --- yesterday.
29. I have been working hard --- arithmetic.
30. We suffered --- your neglect.
31. The exercise was written --- me --- a Camlin pen.
32. “Will you walk --- my parlour?” said the spider --- the fly.
33. It is ten o'clock. --- my watch.
34. There is nothing new --- the sun.
35. Do not cry --- spilt milk.
36. You, boys, must settle it --- yourselves.
37. The public are cautioned --- pickpockets.
38. They drove --- Mumbai --- Pune.

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