Introduction To Antenna and Wave Proagation PDF

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& Wave Propagation

Presented by
J. Prabin Jose
Kamaraj college of Engineering and
Technology ,Virudhunagar
Learning objective of Antenna and Wave
Propagation (EC6602)

To give insight of the radiation phenomena.

To give a thorough understanding of the radiation characteristics

of different types of antennas.

To create awareness about the different types of propagation of

radio waves at different frequencies

To design and simulate various antenna for various

Introduction to Anntenna and Wave
Why we need Antenna

Are Extremely important in all wireless

Any wireless communication require an antenna.
It is an exciting field in communication.
Radio Communication, Defense Communication,
Radar Communication,
Defense Antenna ---Need good performance with high cost

Commercial /Mobile application – Performance with low cost

Cell phones : CDMA(800MHz) ,GSM900(890 to 960MHz)

,GSM1800(1710-1880Mhz), 3G(2110-2170)Mhz,4G, wifi/bluetooth
(2.4Hz)(use monopole ,helical ,micro strip antennas,

Satellite and Defense Communications :micro strip ,horn ,spiral ,yagi

uda, log periodic antenna
What is an Antenna?

 An antenna is a device for converting the guided waves

present in a waveguide, feeder cable or transmission line
into radiating waves travelling in free space, or vice versa.

An antenna is a passive structure that serves as transition

between a transmission line and air used to transmit and/or
receive electromagnetic waves.

 Converts Electrons to Photons of EM energy

It is a transducer which interfaces a circuit and free space

Antennas are reciprocal devices

A simple antenna that uses two identical elements is called a

The changing electric fields along the length of the antenna create
radio waves that propagate outwards.
The changing electric fields along the length of the antenna create
radio waves that propagate outwards.
Jobs for Antenna engineers
mmWave IC Design Engineer
RF Circuit Design Engineer
Antenna Design Engineer

Softwares used to design Antennas

Industries Manufacturing antennas
Various Project Schemes for Students
Tamilnadu State Council For Science And Technology
–Student Project scheme (10,000Rs)
National Instruments(NI) student project contest
Renesas Project design contest – (1.5 lakhs)
Atmel project design Contest
IETE student innovator project Awards –National
QuEST Ingenium 2017 Design Contest (Last date
June 30-2017)
Types of project
Hardware based project
Embedded system based project
Micro controller based project
Software based Project
Matlab , Labview , Xilinx , NS2 , OpenCv
The fields surrounding an antenna are divided into 3 principle
Reactive Near Field
Radiating Near Field or Fresnel Region
Far Field or Fraunhofer Region

The far field region is the most important, as this determines the
antenna's radiation pattern. Also, antennas are used to communicate
wirelessly from long distances, so this is the region of operation for
most antennas.
Antenna Parameters
Radiation pattern of the antenna
Horn Antenna :
 The horn antenna is used in the transmission and
reception of RF microwave signals, and the antenna is
normally used in conjunction with waveguide feeds.

A horn antenna form of antenna that consists of a flared

waveguide which is shaped like a horn and it has the effect
that it enables a transition between the waveguide and free
space and it also directs radio waves in a beam
Horn antenna history
One of the first recorder instances of the appearance of the horn
antenna was in 1897 when one was constructed in by an Indian
radio researcher named Jagadish Chandra Bose who was
experimenting with wireless signals we now call microwaves.

Then around 1936 much experimental research was undertaken

by Southworth and Barrow. Later this was followed by theoretical
analysis of the horn antenna in 1939 by Barrow and Chu.

The onset of World War 2 provided a significant level of impetus

to the development of the horn antenna as it was suitable for use as
a feed horn in radar antennas that were starting to be used.

Then in1962 Kay invented the corrugated horn which has become
widely used as a feed horn for microwave antennas such as satellite
dishes and radio telescopes.
Horn antenna advantages

Wide bandwidth: The horn antenna possesses no resonant

elements and therefore it is able to operate over a wide

Simple construction: The horn antenna consists simply of a

flared horn. As a result they are relatively easy to construct.

Easy interface to waveguide: By the very nature of their

shape, these antennas are very easy to interface to waveguide,
although they can also be designed with a transition so that
standard coaxial feeder can also be used.
In E Plane Sectoral horn antenna the opening is flared in the direction of E field.. The
horizontal dimension is constant at w.

Figure 1. E-plane horn antenna

In H Plane Sectoral horn antenna the opening is flared in the direction of H field.
This horn is flared in the H-plane, with a constant height for the waveguide and horn of h.

Figure 2. H-Plane horn antenna.

The most popular horn antenna is flared in both planes as shown in Figure 3. This is
a pyramidal horn, and has a width B and height A at the end of the horn

Figure 3. Pyramidal horn antenna.

Exponential horn antenna
 This form of horn antenna is also called a scalar horn antenna and it is one that has
curved sides.
The separation of the sides increases as an exponential function of length. The antenna
can come as either a pyramidal or conical cross sections.
 The advantage of exponential horns is that they have a minimum level of internal
reflections, and almost constant impedance and other characteristics over a wide frequency
range. They are used in applications requiring high performance, such as feed horns for
communication satellite antennas and radio telescopes.

Corrugated horn:
 The corrugated horn antenna has parallel slots or grooves along the inside surface
of the horn, transverse to the axis.
These corrugations are small when compared to the wavelength.
Corrugated horns have several advantages including a wider bandwidth, and smaller side-
lobes that other types.
The corrugated horn provides a pattern that is nearly symmetrical, with the E and H plane
beam-widths being nearly the same.
As a result corrugated horn antennas are widely used as feed horns for satellite dishes and
radio telescopes
Antenna Arrays
HFSS antenna design
1)Open the softwareClick Insert HFSS
Design (3D Coordinated system)
Commonly used parameter
Select Draw Box  And do Three clicks to draw the rectangular box . This Box is our
Double click the substrate and change the properties

Click create substrate

Consider the substrate dimension as 60mmX60mm


-30 30
Click Ok and Click Fit all the contents in the view
Now create the Ground Plane. Click draw boxand click on three points

Double click box and rename the parameters and materials. Click ok

Click create box and the box is created

Double click the create box and edit the parameters

Now create the Patch .The patch is also a rectangular box.

Patch length 29.5 and width is 38.

The half of 29.5 is 14.75 and half of 38 is 19.

Dimension of the Patch antenna

Now we have to give feed line to the Patch .Let us assume the thickness of the feed
line is 2mm. Thickness along y axis

Dimension of the feed line

Press control and select patch and feed line and click unite option .Now feed
became the part of the patch
The basic Structure is designed . Now we have to give the excitation port .

Give the feed signal to YZ plane . So select YZ

To give feed signal we have to draw a rectangular port (with two clicks)

The width of the rectangle is equal to the width of the feed line
Right Click the rectangular Port select assign excitation and slect lumped port
Now I have to design the radaitation boundary which is noting but a air box

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