OBE Syllabus - Introduction To Linguistics 1st Part
OBE Syllabus - Introduction To Linguistics 1st Part
OBE Syllabus - Introduction To Linguistics 1st Part
Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Textbooks/Reference Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLD) Matter (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
1. Explain the Nature A. Nature of Human Fromkin, Victoria., Forum-Discussion: Conduct a Pen and Paper KWL chart 1 week
of Human Language et, al. Introduction to forum about the nature of Test template
Language 1. What is Language? Linguistics. Manila: Language
1.1. Confidence in 1.1. Linguistic Cengage Learning Asia KWL Chart Computer
explaining Knowledge Pte. Ltd, 2010 Projector
facts or ideas 1.2. Grammar
1.2. Memorize with 1.3. Language Fromkin, Victoria., Computer
understanding Universal et, al. Introduction to
1.3. Organize 1.4. Origin of the Language Seventh Graphic
one’s thoughts Language Edition.Boston: Organizer
1.5. Language and Massachusets, 2003
Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Textbooks/Reference Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLD) Matter (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
1. Analyze evolution 2. Brain and Language Radford, Andrew., Individual Research: Encourage Computer 1 week
of language 2.1. Human Brain et, al. Linguistics an the students to research about
2. Correlate the 2.2. Autonomy of Introduction. New York: brain and language Internet
autonomy of Language Cambridge University Connectivity
language and brain 2.3. Language and Press, 2009
development Brain Development
1. Analyze the word B. GRAMMATICAL Learners’ Computer
of language ASPECTS OF Fromkin, Victoria., Demonstration: Demonstrate a written Projector 1 week
2. Understanding LANGUAGE et, al. Introduction to sample of words of Language description
sign language 1. Morphology: The Words Linguistics. Manila: Computer
morphology of Language Cengage Learning Asia Pen and paper
3. Analyze sentence 1.1. Dictionaries Pte. Ltd, 2010 test
pattern of languag 1.2. Content Words and
4. Apply phrase Functional Words Fromkin, Victoria., Rubrics
structure and word 1.3. Morphemes et, al. Introduction to
formation rules in 1.4. Rules of Word Language Seventh
formulating Formation Edition.Boston:
sentences. 1.5. Morphological Massachusets, 2003
2. Syntax:The The Sentence Radford, Andrew., Oral Computer 1 week
Pattern of Language et, al. Linguistics an Think-Pair-Share: In pairs, Examination Projector
2.1. Grammatical or Introduction. New York: students will discuss about the
Ungrammatical Cambridge University sentence pattern of language. Practical Test laptop
2.2. Sentence Structure Press, 2009
2.3. Phrase Structure
2.4. Sentence Relatedness
3. The Meaning of Language 1 week
3.1. Lexical Semantics
3.2. Phrase and Sentence
3.3. Pragmatics
Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Textbooks/Reference Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLD) Matter (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
1. Explain the sound 4. Phonetics: The Sound of Fromkin, Victoria., Panel Discussion Pen and paper Video clip 1 week
of language language et, al. Introduction to test
2. Understand 4.1. Sound Segments Linguistics. Manila: Multimedia
phonetic symbols 4.2. Spelling and Speech Cengage Learning Asia Drill and Review : Oral Projector
and sign language 4.3. Articulatory Speech Pte. Ltd, 2010 Examination
3.Follow instructions 4.4. Diacritics
from the instructor 4.5. Phonetics Symbols Fromkin, Victoria., Rubrics Computer
4. Differentiate the and Spelling et, al. Introduction to
different elements Correspondence Language Seventh
of the sound of 4.6. Sign Language and Edition.Boston:
language Primes Massachusets, 2003
5. Phonology: The Sounds 1 week
Pattern of Language Radford, Andrew.,
5.1. The pronunciation of et, al. Linguistics an
Morphemes Introduction. New York: Brief Lecture: With the aid of
5.2. Phonemes Cambridge University powerpoint presentation,
5.3. Distinctive Feature Press, 2009 provide the topic anout the
5.4. Natural classes sounds pattern of Language
5.5. The Rules of
5.6. Prosodic Phonology
5.7. Sequential
1. Internalize the C. The Psychology of Fromkin, Victoria., Lecture Discussion on the Essay Video clip
value of the Language et, al. Introduction to Psychology of Language
psychology of 1. Language Acquisition Linguistics. Manila: Exemplar Multimedia
Language 1.1. Mechanism of Cengage Learning Asia analysis Projector 1 week
2. Understand how Language Acquisition Pte. Ltd, 2010 Output
the children 1.2. Children Construct
construct Grammar Fromkin, Victoria., Computer
grammar. 1.3. Knowing More than et, al. Introduction to
One Language Language Seventh
1.4. Second Language Edition.Boston:
Teaching Mehods Massachusets, 2003
Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Textbooks/Reference Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLD) Matter (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
1. Differentiate 2. Language Processing Radford, Andrew., et, al. Open Forum about the Human Restricted Laptop 1 week
Human language Human and Computer Linguistics an Language Processing and Essay
processing and 2.1 Human Mind Introduction. New York: Computer Processing Language
computer Language Processing Cambridge University
processing 2.2. Computer Processing Press, 2009
language. of Human Language
1. Recognize the D. Language and Society Case Method: research about Oral Video clip 1-2
differences of 1. Language in Society Fromkin, Victoria., different study of the language Examination weeks
language in the 1.1. Dialects et, al. Introduction to in Society and Language Multimedia
society 1.2. Standard English Linguistics. Manila: change Presentation of Projector
2. Interpret gathered 1.3. Style, Slang and Cengage Learning Asia Output
data Jargon Pte. Ltd, 2010
3. Compare styles of 1.4. Taboo or not taboo? Computer
English Language 1.5. Language Sex and Fromkin, Victoria.,
4. Explain the secret Gender et, al. Introduction to
languages 1.6. Secret languages Language Seventh
5. Discuss and and Languages Edition.Boston:
demonstrate the 1.7. Games Massachusets, 2003
language change 2. Language Change
6. Explain the types 2.1. Regularity of Sound Radford, Andrew.,
of languages change et, al. Linguistics an
7. Classify the 2.2. Phonological Change Introduction. New York:
different language 2.3. Morphological Cambridge University
change Change Press, 2009
2.4. Lexical Change
2.5. Reconstructing Dead
2.6. Extinct and
2.7. Genetic
Classification of
2.8. Types of languages
Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Textbooks/Reference Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLD) Matter (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
1. Trace the History 3. Writing: the ABC’s of Fromkin, Victoria., Individual Research: Encourage Pen and Paper Video clip 1 week
of Writing language et, al. Introduction to the students to trace the history test
2. Explain modern 3.1. History of Writing Linguistics. Manila: of writing and the modern writing Multimedia
writing system 3.2. Modern Writing Cengage Learning Asia system Projector
System Pte. Ltd, 2010
3.3. Reading, Writing and
Speech Computer