Key For Schools Focus Exam Practice
Key For Schools Focus Exam Practice
Key For Schools Focus Exam Practice
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The right of Rosemary Ara vanis to be identified as author of this Work has been
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ISBN: 978-1-292-12112-3
(Parts of Test 1 and Test 2 taken from Practice Tests Plus Cambridge English Key for
Schools with Key)
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Exam Overview 4
Practice Test 2 28
Reading and Writing 28
Listening 39
Speaking 45
Reading Part 1: matching. Matching five sentences to eight Part 1: reading short texts for the
and Writing notices, plus one example. main message.
Nine tasks ·- ---- - ------ ---- ----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----
56 questions Part 2: three-option multiple choice sentences. Part 2: reading and identifying
Reading five sentences on a related topic and appropriate vocabulary
selecting the correct answer.
Part 4: right/wrong/doesn't say or three-option Part 4: reading for detailed understanding and
multiple choice. Seven items on one long text or main idea.
three short texts.
Part 5: three-option multiple choice doze. Part 5: reading and identifying appropriate
Reading a text with eight gaps and se lecting the structural words.
correct word to complete each gap
Part 6: word completion. Five words to complete, Part 6: identifying appropriate item
using a definition. and spelling.
Part 7: open doze. Short text wit h ten gaps . Part 7: reading and identifying
Completing the text with one word in each gap. appropriate words.
Part 8: information transfer. Two short texts to Part 8: reading with focus on content
prompt completion of a third text with fi ve gaps. and accuracy.
Comp leting the text with words or numbers.
Part 9: guided writing. Short text or rubric to Part 9: Writing a short note, email or postcard
prompt written response. Three messages to of 25- 35 words.
commun icate .
Paper Format Task focus
Listening Part 1: three-option multiple choice. Li sten ing to fi ve Part 1: li stening to identify
Five tasks short dialogues and choosing the correct picture for key information.
25 questions each answer.
Part 4: gap-fill. Listening to a longer dialogue and writin g Part 4: listening and w riting
the missing wo rd(s) or number in five gaps. down information.
Part 5: gap-fill. Listening to a longer dialogue and writing Part 5: listen ing and writing
the missing word(s) or number in five gaps. down information.
Practice Test 1 with Guidance
Parts 1-9
The Reading and Writing paper lasts for one hour and ten Part 5: Factual text
minutes. lt contains nine parts and has a total of 56 questions. In Part 5, you read one long text, e.g. a newspaper/magazine
There are a range of text types and a variety of quest ion types. article or encyclopaedia entry. The text has eight gaps and you
Part 1: Signs need to choose the right word (A, B or C) to complete the text
In Pa rt 1, you read eight short texts (usua lly signs and notices This part tests your use of grammar (e g. verb forms, auxiliary
found in schools, railway stations, airports, shops and on ve rbs, determiners, pronouns, prepositions and connectives).
road s, for example) and fi ve sentences that explain the signs Part 6: Word completion
and notices. You have to match the five sentences to the eight In Part 6, you read five definitions and complete five words
short texts. This part tests your ab ility to understand the main wh ich are related by topic (e.g food, education). You have to
message of a very short text spell the word correctly. There is one space for each letter of the
Part 2: Topic vocabulary word and the first letter of the word is given to you. Part 6 tests
In Part 2, you read five sentences with gaps. The sentences are your ability to read and identify the right w ord and you r ability
linked by top ic or story line. You have to fill the gap by choosing to spell that word correctly.
the best word (A, B or C) These word s are verbs, nouns or Part 7: Notes, short message, letter
adjectives. This part tests your ability to read and choose In Part 7, you read a short text, usually a note, letter or email,
approp riate vocabu lary. with ten gaps. You have to think of one w ord to fit each gap.
Part 3: Everyday conversations This part tests yo ur use of grammar and vocabu lary, as well as
Pa rt 3 ha s two tasks. For questions 11 - 1 5, you choose the best your spelling (you must spell the missing word correctly).
option (A, B or C) to complete five two-line conversations. Part 8: Information transfer
For quest ions 16-20 you choose from a list of eight options to In Part 8, you read two short texts (e g. emails, adverts) and
complete a longer conversation. There are three extra options you use the information to complete a short text (e.g. a form,
that you do not use. This part tests your ability to understand a note, a diary). You have to complete five spaces with one
language used in everyday conversations. or more w ords or numbers, spelled correctly. Part 8 tests your
Part 4: Factual text ability to read and understand short texts, and to write down
In Part 4, you read one long text or three short newspaper words, phrases or numbers (not sentences) to complete a
or magazine articles and answer seven questions. There are different type of text
two possible form ats to the questions: a) decide whether the Part 9: Continuous writing
sta tements are right, wrong or the text doesn't say; b) choose In Part 9, you write a short message (an email, note or postcard)
the right option fro m A, B or C. Part 4 tests your ability to of 25-35 words. You are given a short text (a note, an email or
understand main ideas and some details of a longer text a postcard) or some instructions wh ich tel l you what you need
to write. This part tests your ability to communicate a short
written message to a friend .
Questions 1-5
~ - ------------------------------------- -- ---J
G A black and white pencil case
Call Fiona 0789654334
Questions 6-10
6 Like many kids his age, Daniel enjoys ..... ... video games.
A doing B making C playing
silently to yourself. Do they
sound correct7 new people that you like' Also, think about when people
I live here. J
Are you new here?
Yes, I am. J
0 = A
Questions 16-20
Maria: Really? I was calling to see what you were A My mum and I are going shopping.
doing on Saturday. I want to buy some new jeans.
Maria: Oh, I need to get some too. I was thinking c I'd love to go. What do you want
about seeing a film. to see?
Yolanda: 18 ........
G I can't come on Sunday.
Maria: Yes, and I was hoping you could come . H Maybe we could go on Sunday.
Yolanda : 20 ........
to do.
Questions 21-27
Tip strip 20 10 . Is th is more or less than and it says how ma ny peop le Question 26
7 month s? went t o meet her. Look at t he sentence with
Question 21
Question 23 Question 25 '2 000 nautical miles' careful ly
Jessica started in Sydney an d
Does t he text say w hen Notice how old M ike Perha m Did Jessi ca sa il th is ext ra
'ended up back in' w here7
Jess ica's birthday is? was w hen he sai led around dist ance or not7
Question 22
Question 24 th e world , not how o ld he Question 27
Look at the starting date in
Jessica 'got a hero's welcome' is now. Does the text talk about
2009 and t he end date in
Jessica's futu re plans7
21 Jessica started and ended her trip from the same city.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
22 Jessica took a little more than seven months to complete the journey.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
24 When Jessica arrived back in Sydney, there were many people there to greet her.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
25 Mike Perham was two years older than Jessica when he sailed around the world .
A Right B Wrong C Doesn 't say
27 Jessica said she will sail around the world again next year.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
Questions 28-35
Example :
0 A B C
0 A of B from C at - = =
28 A as B where c like
29 A is B has c will
31 A a B th e c th is
32 A to B in c from
34 A a B with c the
35 A she B it c they
Questions 36-40
37 This person is someone you know well and that you like. f
Questions 36-40
• Read each definition carefull y. Is the word a noun, a verb or an adjective'
• Make sure to spell the missing w ord correctly. You w ill lose marks for spelling mistakes.
Questions 41-50
Example: 0 ~
Hi Rob,
I (0) ..... ... .. just thinking about the party on Saturday. Are you (41) ......... .
to bring any music? I need to know so that I can (42) . ......... someone else
to if you can't. I was also thinking about what (43) ... .... ... said today about
inviting Hannah. I think it's a (44) ... .... ... idea. I'll invite her tomorrow when
I (45) ........ .. her in maths class.
What are you (46) ........ .. tomorrow after school? Why don't you come over
to my place to help (47) .......... with (48) .... ..... . party arrangements? You
could stay for dinner and my mum could (49) .......... you home later. Let
me (50) .. ..... .. . .
Bye for now,
Tom .
Questions 51-55
Time: [ill
them there. party starts.
a month.
Question 56
From: Matt
Can't wait to see you on Saturday. Which film do you want to go and see?
What time do you want to meet? Would you like to get a burger after
the film?
Tip strip • You need to write betw een 25 and 35 words, so count them
Question 56 carefully.
• Make sure you answer all three question s in the email. • Remember to start with a greeting (e.g. Hi Matt) and to add
your name to sign off at th e end.
Parts 1-5
The Listening paper lasts for about 30 minutes. lt contains five Part 3
parts with a total of 25 questions, each carrying one mark. lt In Part 3, you listen to a longer informal or neutral conversa tion.
includes texts of varying lengths and cou ld be monologues or You have to answer five three-option multip le cho ice questions
dialogues. You w ill hear each recording twice. You have time to This part of the paper tests your ab 1lity to understand key
read the questions before you listen. This paper tests your ab il1ty information in the conversation (e.g. numbers, add resses,
to understand texts and identify and write down information. places, times, dates, names, prices, etc.)
Part 1 ~rt4 ~
In Part 1, you listen to five short informa l conversations . You In Part 4, you listen to a longer informal or neutral con versation.
have to answer one three-option multiple choice question, You are given notes to complete. Five pieces of information are
choosing the correct picture, for each conversation. Thi s part missing. You have to listen and complete the gaps, usually w ith
of the paper tests you r abil ity to understand simple facts and a single word or number. This part of the paper tests your ab ility
important information in a conversation. to listen and w rite down specific information (e.g. numbers,
Part 2 t imes, dates, prices, spell ings and words).
In Part 2, you listen to a longer informal conversation. You have Part 5
to match five items w ith eight options, for example, people In Part 5, you listen to a longer informal or neutral conversation .
with food they like to eat, or days of the week w it h activities, You are given notes to comp lete. Five pieces of information are
etc. This part of the paper tests your ability to understand key missing . You have to liste n and complete the gaps, usually with
information in the conversation . a single word or number. This part of the paper tests your ability
to listen and write down specific information (e.g. numbers,
t imes, dates, prices, spellin gs and words)
Part 1 Part 3
Before you listen to each extract, look at the pictures and • Before you listen, read the instructions and the questions.
question to prepare you for what you are going to hear. • Li sten careful ly for the detai l. More than one of the options
The first time you listen, try to get a general understanding may be mentioned in t he text, but only one of them answers
and choose the best option. Remember that there may be a the question.
reference to all of the options, but only one option answers • Listen aga in to check that your answer is correct.
the question.
Parts 4 and 5
• The second t ime you listen, check carefully to ensure that
Before you listen, read the instructions and the notes.
your answer is correct.
Think about the type of information that is missing in each
Part 2 sentence. lt may be a word or a number. Occasionally it will
• Before you listen, read the instructions, the f ive items and the be two words.
eight options to give you a general understanding of what • Listen and complete the gaps. If you miss a detail, don't
the text wil l be about. worry. Continue onto the next piece of information .
• Listen carefu lly for the detail. Remember that there are three When you listen a second time, complete any missing
options which do not match any of the items. information and check your answers.
• Listen again to check that your answer is correct.
Part 1
"'"' "',"it
Questions 1-5
.-.- IIIJI
,-,. ,.D11Jl
I. - ,_,-
A B ©
1 How much did the girl pay for her shoes?
A B c
3 How many children are in Pam's class?
25 20 5
A B c
A B c
A B c
she corrects herself. father says.
price at the end of the conversation.
Part 2
Questions 6-10
0 Monday
6 Tuesday D A cinema
B day trip
7 Wednesday D
c football
8 Thursday D D homework
E no plans
9 Friday D F shopping
G swimming
10 Saturday D
H theatre
Tip strip
Questions 6-10
• The boy goes through his plans from Monday- Saturday in o rder. Listen carefully for the activities listed A-H.
• If you miss an activity, don 't worry. You can check it whe n you li st en the second time.
Part 3
Questions 11-15
Listen to Darren talking to a friend about a book report he has to write for school.
For each question, choose the right answer (A, B or C).
You will hear the conversation twice .
® book report.
B book.
C story.
A all of it
B none of it
C half of it
A Flight 221.
B Flight 211 .
c Flight 212.
A 20th November.
B 2nd November.
c 12th November.
A tonight
B at the weekend
c next week
A 6.00.
B 7.15.
c 7.00.
Questions 16-20
MP3 Player
The discount is: 20%
Part 5
Questions 21-25
School Concert
Name of school band: As You Like lt
Room: (24)
Parts 1-2
The Speaking paper lasts for 8-10 minutes. lt has two parts and name, where you come from, your family, your studies, etc. Th is
carries a total of 25 marks. Th ere are two candidates and two part of the paper tests the language you need to talk to people
examiners. One examiner interacts with the candidates and the when you meet them for the first time.
other examiner acts as the assessor and does not join in the Part 2 (3-4 minutes)
con versation . The candidates are assessed on their performance
In Part 2, you talk to your partner. The exam iner sets up the
of the whole test
activity. You and your partner ask and answer questions using
Part 1 (5-6 minutes) information given in the prompt material t hat the examiner will
In Part 1, the examiner asks you and your partner questions give you. This part of the paper tests your ability to give factual
in turn. These are questions about your personal details: your information of a non-personal kind related to daily life.
Part 1 Part 2
• If you don't understand a question, ask the examiner to • If you are answering questions, listen to you r partner's
re peat it Say Can you repeat the question, please? or Please questions carefully. If you don't understand any questions, it
repeat the question. is important that you ask you r partner to repeat it or say /'m
• Try t o answer questions about yourself using more than sorry I don't understand.
one w ord. • Make sure you look at all the information on the card. The
If a qu estion begins with Tell us about ... extend your answer questions your partner asks you wi ll not be in the same order
even more. Say as many things as you can about the topic. as the information that appears on your card.
When yo u are preparing, it will help you to record yourself, • If you are asking questions, try to form clear questions that
so that you can hear what you have done well and what you your partner will understand. Use question words like When?
need to do better. What/ Where? How? etc. to form your questions based on
the task card (see example below)
• When you are preparing, it wi ll help you to record yourself,
so that you can hear what you have done well and what you
need to do better.
Greetings and introductions
Tip strip At the beginning of Part 1, the examiner greets you and your partner, asks for your
names and asks you to spell something.
Part 1
• Practise spelling out
your first name and Giving information about where you are from, what you do, and what you study
surname so that you
can do this easily. The examiner asks you and your partner about where you come from/live, and for
• Practise the information about your school/studies.
pronunciation of
school subjects
Giving general information about yourself
• When the examiner
says 'Tell me something The examiner asks you about your daily life, past experience or future plans. You
about ... ', try to include may be asked about your likes and dislikes, recent experiences or to describe and
as much detail
as possible.
compare places.
Part 2
• Listen to your partner Extended response
and ask him/her to
repeat something if you In the final section of Part 1, the examiner asks you 'Tell me something about ... '
don't understand. for you to give a longer response on a personal topic. You should say at least
• Look at all the three things.
information on the card
to prepare for your
partner's questions .
• Look at the task card
and use question words
like When? What?
Where7 How? to form
[The examiner gives a question card to Candidate 8 and an answer card to
questions. Candidate A]
Candidate A, there is some information about an athletics club. {Turn to page 51)
Candidate B, you don't know anything about the athletics club, so ask A some
questions about it. {Turn to page 52) Now B, ask A your questions about the athletics
club and A, you answer them.
Questions 1-5
8 C D E F G H
0 You may be late. I o I .!. ===== = =
• •
F Boats for hire
£10 for 30 minutes
• •
School library:
G Use your student card to
borrow books
H No skateboarding during
school times
Questions 6-10
- : c- - ,G AN D WR I-
Part 3
Questions 11-15
~ A Yes, lam.
Hello, are you Sam?
~ B Yes, I have. J
~ C Yes, it is. J
I o I .!. = =
Questions 16-20
Teacher: Does that mean you don 't have it for me? A Actually, I need to speak to you about
Wendy: 16 ....... .
B That's just it. I haven't finished it yet.
Teacher: Can I ask why? c Thanks , Miss. Don't worry I'll have it for
you by then.
Wendy: 17 ....... .
D I don 't have a computer.
Teacher: Don't tell me you lost the project. Don't worry. I can be there on Monday.
Teacher: OK. Don't worry. Can you have it for me G I did! I started it again but I haven't
on Monday? finished it yet.
Wendy: 20 ...... . .
Questions 21-27
Read the article about three television shows and then answer the questions.
For questions 21-27, mark A, B or Con your answer sheet.
Dance School
Dance School is a new teen drama about a group of students who all
want to become dancers. lt follows their lives in a school for dancers
in New York. The story is told through the eyes of Tina Giles, a
farm girl who dreams of becoming a ballerina. On her first day at the
school she meets Joe, Heather and John . Together they try hard to
achieve their dream . Dance School is on every Monday night at 7.00.
Bert is a new comedy cartoon series for older kids. lt fol lows the funny times of
Bert and his family in a small town in America. Each episode is a new story. In this
week's episode, Bert's younger sister gets a part in the school play. Bert isn't happy
because he too wants to be in the play. He does everything he can think of to get
his wish! Bert is on every Wednesday at 6.00 pm .
A learn to draw.
8 learn to paint.
C learn something new.
A in a city.
8 in a village.
C on a farm.
A on a farm .
8 at her new school.
C years ago.
A students.
8 a family.
C an American town .
Part 5
Questions 28-35
0 A on B in C at I o I .!. =B C
29 A as B like c of
30 A But B And c So
32 A does B do c doing
Questions 36-40
Read the descriptions of some things that you can find at school and at home.
What is the word for each one?
The first letter is already there . There is one space for each other letter in the word.
For questions 36-40 , write the words on your answer sheet.
Questions 41-50
Example: @] I where I
Dear Tania,
You 'll find it (46) ... ...... . Cheap Books. (47) .. .... .... is a store in the
shopping centre across (48) ... .. ..... road from school. Try to get
(49 ) .. ...... .. by Friday (50) ...... ... . you will need to read some of it
over th e weekend .
Best wishes,
B. Peac hey
Questions 51-55
Romeo and Juliet From: David MacDonald (d.macdonald @horizon .com)
Question 56
You are going out. Leave a note for your parents . Tell them:
• where you are going.
• who you are going with.
• what time you will be home.
Questions 1-5
A B @
- .· ~~·
A B c
2 Where are the boys going to meet their friend?
t=t tUt
[i] w; I~
A B c
3 Which card does Nicole buy?
A B c
3 2 1
A B c
A B c
Part 2
Questions 6-10
0 Cousin 0
B cycling
7 Brother D
c fishing
8 Mum D D
E golf
9 Dad D F skiing
G swimming
10 Granddad D
H tennis
Part 3
Questions 11-15
® laptop.
8 desktop computer.
C mobile phone.
A Computer Warehouse.
8 the supermarket.
c Frank's Computers.
12 The shop is on
A Elizabeth Street.
8 Mersey Road.
c Mary Street.
A £500
8 £550
c £600
A on Saturday.
8 tonight.
C on Friday night.
A 10 o'clock.
8 11 o'clock.
C 1 o'clock.
Part 4
Questions 16-20
Music lessons
Instrument: piano
Day: (16)
Time: (17)
Questions 21-25
Name: The Princess and the frog
Greetings and introductions
At the beginning of Part 1, the examiner greets you and your partner, asks for your
names and asks you to spell something.
Giving information about where you are from, what you do, and what you study
The examiner asks you and your partner about where you come from/live, and for
information about your school/studies .
Extended response
In the final section of Part 1, the examiner asks you 'Tell me something about ... '
for you to give a longer response on a personal topic. You should say at least
three things.
[The examiner gives a question card to Candidate 8 and an answer card to
Candidate A}
Visuals for Speaking Tests
Student A
• name/bookshop?
• open/Sunday?
• time/open?
• sell/schoolbooks?
• phone number?
Athletics club
• name/club?
• for children?
• website?
• when/training!
• address/
Birthday Party
• name/boy?
• when/party?
• time/party?
• phone number?
• address?
Pete's Books
117 Jones Street
9 am -5 pm.
Telephone: 267 8911
In this part of the test, the examiner will ask you a few questions about you and your life. Be prepared to give
suitable answers on topics such as your name, where you live, your family, your studies, your daily life, likes and
dislikes, etc.
• Extend your answers. Say more than just • If you can 't remember the word for something, say it
one word. another way.
• Ask the examiner to repeat if you have not
understood .
In this part of the test, you will have to ask and answer questions with your partner about a situation based on
pictu res and written prompts .
• When you ask questions, think of the type of • When you answer questions, ask your partner for
information you need and then choose the right clarification if you have not understood.
question word .
~' -
Email or postcard
From : Matt
Begin by
greeting the
Hi Matt •- ------ ------- -- ---- ---- --- ------ --- ---- ---- ---------------- ---- pe rson you are
writing to.
Thank you for you r email. Can we see 'New Police
~'---------- -- -------------- ------- --- ---
Answer the
Story'? Jack Chen is in the film and I think he is very
funny. I work on Saturday morn ings so I can meet you naturally and
in complete
on Saturday afternoon. I like eating burgers. We can sentences.
get a burger after the film.
End by signing
Peter • --- -- -------- --------- ---- ---------- ------- -- ---- ----------- -- off with your
• Imag ine you are w riti ng t o someone you know well. Think of
int erest ing w ays to answ er his/h er questions.
• Use short f orm s, e.g . 'I've j ust painte d' not 'I have j ust pai nted'.
• Greet t hem an d say goodbye in a fr iend ly way.
• Ma ke sure you commu nicate your message as clearly as possib le.
• Check you have w ri tten between 25 and 35 words.
You have lost your new mobile phone. Write a notice to put on
the wall at your school.
• where you lost your mobile phone .
• what your mobile phone looks like .
• how to return it to you .
Includ e
all the
Lost .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - --- -- - - - - - _,_
You are going out. Leave a note for your parents. Tell them :
• where you are going.
• who you are going with .
• what time you will be home .
Begin by
Write in Hi Mum and Dad,~ - -- ---- - -------------- - - --- ---- greeting the
complete person you
- -- ~ I'm going to John's house after school with
sentences are writing
and give Jane and Peter. You can call me on 8890012. the note for.
detai ls. At 7 o'clock John's mum will bring me home in
the car. I am OK. Don't worry End by
Sa m ~ ------ -------------- ----------------- - - - - -- ----- signing off
you r name.
Candidate Signature Candidate No.
'.!:, .!:, .!:, c 0 .
Examination Title Examination Ic!o c!o c!o c.!.
Details 16 c.!, 6 6
Centre ido do do do
! ~~~~
12., 2., 2., 2.,
Supervisor: I .:!, .:!, .:!, .:!, '
If the candidate is ABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here = :!.:,:!.:,:!.:,:!.:,
6 6 6 6 1
: ~~~~ ~
AB C 11 1A B C
11 1A BC DE F G H •-
7 1AB C
12 IA BC
=== c:::::Jc::::Jc:::::Jc:::::Jc::::Jc::::::Jc::::Jc::::J
18 IA BC DE F G H •-
8 1AB C
=== 13 IA BC
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19 IA BC DE F G H •-
5 1!!£~~!,.2,!:!,
9 1AB C
10 IA BC
14 IA BC
15 IA BC
20 1A BC DE F G H •-
Turn over for
Parts 6-9 -+ -••-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ..• DP488/386
Reproduced w ith kind permi ssion f rom Cam bridge Eng lish Language Assessment ANS W ER SH EET S El
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38 1 IJ I)
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. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .
~~~ ANSWER SHEETS Reproduced with kind permission from Cambridge English Language Assessment
Language Assessment
Part of t he Unive rsity of Camb ridge -
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Examination Title
ABSENT "tm W · DRAWN'~' .ct. hE =
Use a PENCIL (8 or HB).
Run out a 1y answer you want to change with an :;rase·
For Parts 1, 2 and 3·
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Mark ONE lettm for each quest1or
for example, if you t'lin'< C is the right answer to the 0
quest1on rark your answer sheet i ke tris.
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numbers (16 to 25) l·ke this O.JI;?
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write here
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•KET L DP741/0BB
Reproduced with kind permission from Cambridge English Language Assessment ANSWER SHEETS IIDI
KET for Schools Top 20 Questions
1 What is the format of the KET for Schools exam, and 13 In Paper 1 (Reading and Writing) will extra time
are all the papers taken on the same day? be given for me to transfer my answers to the
There are three papers: answer sheet?
1 Reading and Writing (1 hour 10 minutes) No. You must do this in the 1 hour and 10 minutes you
2 Listening (about 30 minutes) are given to complete the exam .
3 Speaking (8-10 minutes)
14 In Paper 2 (Listening) will extra time be given for me
Papers 1 and 2 are always taken on the same day. The
to transfer my answers to the answer sheet?
Speaking test may be taken on the same day or on a
Yes . You will be given some time at the end of the test
different day.
for this .
2 How is KET for Schools different from KET?
15 How many times will I hear each recording in Paper 2
KET for Schools follows the same format as KET.
The difference is that the content and topics in KET
You will hear each recording twice.
for Schools are more suitable for the interests and
experiences of younger people. 16 Can I ask any questions if I don't understand
something in Papers 1 (Reading and Writing) and 2
3 What level is KET for Schools?
KET is aligned to the Council of Europe Common
The only questions you can ask are those that relate to
European Framework of Reference (CEFR). KET is level
the rules of the exam. For example, the time you have,
A2 in the CEFR.
where to write your name or your answers, completing the
4 Is KET for Schools suitable for teenagers from answer sheet, whether or not you can use a pen, etc. You
any culture? cannot ask for any help with the test items themselves .
Yes . All tasks are written to avoid any cultural bias.
17 Can I ask any questions if I don't understand
5 How many marks are needed to pass the exam? something in Paper 3 (Speaking)?
Pass with merit = 85-1 00% Yes. You can ask the examiner to repeat a question in Part
Pass= 70-84% 1 and to repeat the instructions in Part 2. If you still don't
A1 = 45-69% understand, tell the examiner you don't understand . You
can ask your partner to repeat or clarify when they are
6 Do I have to pass each paper in order to pass
asking you questions or answering your questions in Part 2.
the exam?
No. Each paper doesn't have a pass or fai l mark. The 18 In Paper 3 (Speaking), do I have to go in with another
final mark a candidate gets in KET for Schools is an student? Can I choose my partner?
average mark obtained by adding the marks for all three You cannot be examined alone. You will usually be
papers together. examined with one other candidate , but if you are one of
the last candidates to be examined and there is an odd
7 What mark do I need to get to pass the exam overall?
number of candidates on the day, you may be examined
To achieve a pass in the KET for Schools exam a
in a group of three . In some smaller centres you may be
candidate must receive a minimum of 70% as an
able to choose your partner, but in bigger centres this
overall average.
may not be possible.
8 Can I use pens or pencils in the exam?
19 In Paper 3 (Speaking), is it a good idea to prepare
In KET for Schools a cand idate must use a pencil in
what I am going to say in Part 1?
all papers.
it's a good idea to practise saying your name, spelling
9 If I write entirely in capital letters, does this affect your surname and talking about yourself (your family,
my score? school, school subjects, hobbies, etc.). it is important
No . Candidates are "flot penalised for writing in capitals in that you answer the examiner's questions and that you
the exam . do so naturally, so listen carefully and think about the
questions you have been asked . If you give a prepared
10 Am I allowed to use a dictionary?
speech you may not answer the examiner's question.
You will lose marks if your answers are irrelevant.
11 Is correct spelling important in Paper 1 (Reading
20 In Paper 3 (Speaking), what if I can't understand my
and Writing)?
partner in Part 2 or if he/she can't understand me?
it is important only in Parts 6, 7 and 8.
If there is a communication breakdown between you and
12 Is correct spelling important in Paper 2 (Listening)? your partner in Part 2, try to solve the problem between
it is important only in Parts 4 and 5. you . For example, ask your partner for clarification or
to repeat a question or an answer, or help your partner
if necessary. You will be given credit for helping your
partner if he/she is having difficulty.
FOCUS Exam Practice : Cambridge English Key for SchooLs offers
students intens ive exam practice and suppo rt , and works alongs ide
the Students' Book. Powered by Practice Tests PLus, it comb ines
realistic exam practice with guidance and strategies for dealing w it h
each exam paper.
The fuLL audio material for t he Listen ing tests is avai l ab le on line at
This book contains material taken from Practice Tests PLus Key for SchooLs.
The Practice Tests PLus series provides authentic practice for the Cambridge English exams,
including complete tests with guidance and useful tips which maximise Learners' chances
of exceLLing. Get even more practice tests in the fuLL Practice Tests PLus series.
32 - 40 A2/ A2+
Le vel I
38 - 48 A2+ / B I
Leve I 2
Pr el i mina r y
43 - 58 BI / BI+
Lev el 3
59 - 70 B2/B2+ Fir st
Level 4
69 - 78 B2+ / C I