621c Final Unit 1
621c Final Unit 1
621c Final Unit 1
WITH OUR FAMILIES? Families share a
sense of unity and tradition that often centers
around mealtimes, cuisine, and celebrations.
Jeffrey Hitt
Sample Curriculum Unit for Grades 3-4
Unit Design
Materials: Include all materials including technology: Internet access, Smartboard, Handouts for students
(links provided), pencils, pre-made papel picado banners, various styles of colored paper, scissors for every
student, Day of the Dead by Tony Johnston (either book or youtube video can be used), worksheet/handout
(link below), YouTube access (link below), writing journals
Alaska Content and Geography: A.1 Use maps and globes to locate places and regions.
Subject area Art: D.2 relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical contexts to
Standards: deepen understanding.
B.3 perform, present and/or produce artistic work.
ELA: R.KI.3 Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact
over the course of a text.
R.IK.7 Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats,
including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.
Social studies B.3. Relate how people create similarities and differences among
Lesson 1
Lesson 1 Objectives: Students will be able to:
a. Distinguish that Mexico and the US are neighbors and
both a part of North America.
b. Locate the US, Alaska, Canada and Mexico on a map.
Understand that much of the US population is
comprised of immigrants from Mexico.
Refer to the starting objectives and recap discussions with
Lesson 2
Lesson 2 objectives Students will be able to:
Explain that Papel picado are banners used to
decorate festivals in Mexico. Special decorations can
give a holiday extra importance.
Design, create and assemble personalized papel
ART Lesson 2) Group discussion
1. HOOK: Class discussion: How do we decorate for certain Applications to real life
holidays? ASK: I wonder what we would do if we lived in a Direct instruction and
different country, like Mexico? demonstration
2. Pass out plastic banners (papel picado) to allow students Coaching
to see and touch them. Involve students in hanging the
banner somewhere in the classroom. Hands on—making papel
3. Watch videos on how to make your own papel picado picado
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i5goy38vIo Video Clip -instructional
Which holidays could we use these banners to
Lesson 3
Lesson 3 Objectives: Students will be able to:
a. Identify and describe the different types of foods are
made to celebrate holidays in different countries. The
family in this book are making empanadas, pan de
muerto, mole, tamales, caña, and calaveras de azúcar
to celebrate the Mexican holiday Día de los Muertos.
b. Describe or translate empanadas, pan de muerto,
mole, tamales, caña, and calaveras de azúcar.
c. Explain and describe the celebration of the Mexican
holiday Día de los Muertos
ELA HOOK: “We’ve discussed celebrating holidays with our
Hook: families. Besides decorating, what is something else special
that we enjoy doing with our families on holidays? (Eating!)
Invite students to share their favorite holiday food with the
class. (Christmas cookies, birthday cake, Thanksgiving turkey,
ELA: 1. Introduce the book Day of the Dead by Tony Johnston. Class Discussion
Explain that Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday in Small Group Performance Task
November where families get together and have huge Reading Comprehension quiz
meals and celebrate their ancestors and family members Vocabulary review (entrance
that have died. NOTE: Emphasize that this is not a scary ticket)
holiday (just because it has “dead’ in the name, but rather
it is a celebration of life.
Lesson 4
Lesson 4 Objectives: Students will be able to:
a. Relate that celebrations help us form and express our
societal opinions about how we view things like death.
b. Compare and contrast various cultures’ Day of the
Dead celebrations.
Social 1. Activate any prior knowledge by asking students Review prior
Studies: questions. Great example questions include: Can knowledge/learning
anyone think of a feast of the dead that is popular in KWL Graphic organizer
current times? Can any of you tell us a little about the Concrete application of learned
Día de los Muertos? material
2. Create a KWL Chart on the board to assess students’ Video Clip
prior knowledge of this holiday. Refer to this Worksheets
assessment to help strategize what to focus on in the Performance task
lesson. Reflection
Venn Diagram
3. HOOK: Did you know that in Mexico they say that the
Dead will be angry with us if we cry for them? They
think that we should celebrate and be happy and joyful
to be alive. They view death as just passing on to the
next phase and that it is nothing to be afraid of. What
do you think? FILM CLIP of Land of the Remembered
from the movie Book of Life. (Chapter 15 @ minute
7. Have students work in small groups to create Venn
diagrams of memorial celebrations. Compare and
contrast these holidays in Mexico and one of these
8. Have students answer writing questions from handout
on Day of the Dead.
Each of these holidays honors the same thing, but in
different ways: with sadness, with superstition, with a
celebration and with respect. Which holiday would you
most like to celebrate? Why do you think it is best to
honor your ancestors in this way?
Lesson 5
“How/why/what do we celebrate with our families?” Group discussion
Real life application
Hands on- project
Performance activity
Writing task
Show students picture of a Day of the Dead altar and
explain that the ofrendas are made to honor the
dead. “An altar is made in honor of the deceased and
can be displayed at a grave site or in the home.
Offerings of food, beverages and prized possessions
are displayed.”
Ask: “what are some of things you would want to put
on an ofrenda?
Have students design their own ofrenda. What foods
and decorations would it have? What about special
personal items? They can write or draw this in their
writing journals.
Ask: How would this ofrenda make your family
feel connected to you after you are gone?
Conduct a quick write of unit information in table teams of Self-Evaluation/Reflection
four. Writing task
Self-Reflection/assessment: Conclude with student self- Review and assess
evaluation regarding their views on holidays by writing a Applications to real life
response to this prompt: “How/why/what do we celebrate Cooperative group review:
with our families?” quick write
Review unit goals and objectives to confirm if they have
been met.
Learner Variability based on content pre-assessment and class demographics:
The class is comprised of 12 3rd graders and 7 4th graders. (9 boys/10 girls). All are
American(Alaskan) born and from Anglo families. There are some mixed nationalities where
one parent is from another culture (Mexican/American, Dutch/American, Japanese/American)
but none speak a second language at home. There are no students with disabilities, 1-2 with
IEPs and 2-3 in the Gifted and Talented program.
Differentiated Assessments:
A chain of ongoing assessments and formative assessment opportunities will be used to adapt instruction to
the needs of various learners as the unit progresses, including:
Pre-assessment –diet, conversation about Mexico and holiday
Alternate performance task for students who have already demonstrated mastery of the content: for
example, creating an ofrenda.
IEP students will work on basic elements of the lesson related to enduring understandings in addition
to skills covered in IEP, in concert with special education teacher.
Formative assessment: Teacher observation and data collection during small group instruction and
interaction to insure misconceptions are cleared up as they arise.
Conduct “teacher talk” groups to gauge how students’ work is progressing, where they are confused or
stuck, how they are using their time, etc. in order to assist them effectively.
Rubrics, that clearly describe and define the elements and criteria related to the content goals and
objectives, are reviewed at the beginning of the unit, are referred to during the unit, and used to
evaluate performance.
Differentiated Instruction
When reading the text, students who have difficulty reading will be provided with supported reading
strategies: e.g., Video portions of text or read aloud/think aloud. For those who are more auditory
learners and for EL students, graphic organizers are used as a visual means to distill text. In addition to
the main text, alternate levels of reading of varying levels of complexity will be offered to all students to
support their understanding of the content.
Key vocabulary will be introduced (“front-loaded”) using visuals
Oral language support: small group work and pair share cooperative structures will be used to structure
academic language and concept development.
In writing, ELL students will be permitted use their native language, and use dual language dictionaries
along with conferences with the teacher to work their writing into English. They may also diagram and
draw their understandings placing captions or explanations under the pictures. It will be expected that
all students will write at their level of skill.
Differentiation Strategies for the process/product/assessment
Visual- video
Kinesthetic- labeling worksheets
Auditory- group and one-on-one discussions and
Students on IEP’s can work with a partner to evaluate maps and answer questions on the worksheet.
Lesson 2: ART
Differentiation Strategies for the process/product/assessment
Visual- video
Visual/ Kinesthetic – seeing and touching premade banners
Kinesthetic- working with art materials.
Kinesthetic- giving a presentation
Auditory- listening to personal presentations
Differentiation: if students are having trouble with concept, draw lines on the paper that they
can follow with scissors to create cutouts.
Help students having trouble working with scissors. Provide pencil and paper to draw a banner
for those that are unable to use scissors
Lesson 3: ELA
Differentiation Strategies for the process/product/assessment
Visual/Auditory- looking and listening to book or video
Kinesthetic Performing skit with other students
Auditory – listening to other students’ skits
Students who are emotionally unable to perform may write about or draw something that happened in
the book.
ELL: research the etymologies of these Spanish words. Talk about cognates like azúcar/sugar,
Grouping strategies
Small group instruction will be used with those students needing extra support with concept attainment
(based on information from pre-assessment)
Student may choose to work independently or with a partner, if they prefer, on tasks that are usually set
up for groups or teams.
Fair and equal participation
Equity is supported through the use of cooperative strategies such as Think-Pair -Share and random,
systematic calling-on of students during discussions, tasks, and processing.
Equity is also supported in the acknowledgement that celebrating holidays looks different for different
individuals and groups.
Student behavior needs
All tasks will be modeled and coached:
Brief, one minute, brain breaks will be embedded at about 20 minute intervals – depending on lesson
Students who have difficulty hearing or seeing will be seated near the front during direct instruction and
during guest speaker visit. (Mobility issues do not need to be addressed for this class.)
Learning Styles/Multiple Intelligences/ Understanding by Design
Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning opportunities are provided throughout the unit. The multiple
intelligences of Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical, Interpersonal, Spatial, Body/Kinesthetic, and
Intrapersonal are utilized throughout the lesson.
The three levels of Universal Design for Learning are also embedded in the unit. Students are: 1)
involved in identifying and categorizing information to set up the foundation for their understanding of
nutrition and the effects of good nutrition, 2) involved in planning, performing, organizing, and
expressing the content and concepts surrounding good nutrition via the performance tasks as they
move toward demonstrating their understanding of good nutrition and the effects of nutrition and, 3)
engaged in motivating, engaging, challenging, interesting, and relevant tasks throughout the unit.
Enrichment: Advanced students may be allowed to research these death feasts more deeply by using
library or internet resources. Advanced students may focus on one specific area of a death feast, such
as a dance or traditional table setting, and present that to the class.
Cultural relevance is embedded in this unit because we are learning about holidays and cultures, both our
own and those from other countries, particularly Mexico. The culminating performance task, You’re
invited…. challenges students to reflect on their own cultural traditions.
Access to cultural capital is developed in this unit through conversations about the practice and reality of
personal and community celebrations. This provides a perspective on the overall social expectations of
what makes holiday. A comparison of a Christmas in the US vs. Hannukah in Israel can be one of the
differentiation pieces for this unit. In addition, students prior learning and knowledge are accessed through
strategies like “Begin with the End”, where a review and recapitulation of prior learning is done at the
beginning of each new set of lessons.
Language proficiency is also addressed in that the oral discussions and vocabulary development tasks of
the unit contribute to the oral language development of the EL students. Reading is done either through
choral reading, in pairs, or in small groups so the limited English speakers as well as struggling readers
have the opportunity to learn the content without having to struggle so much to get meaning from the
reading. Writing is differentiated for everyone as students write at their own level of skill. What is important
is that students have opportunities to connect their work to the enduring understandings through a variety
learning styles embedded in the instruction and assessments.
Rubrics for Travel Brochure and Friendly Letter
Traditional Assessment Item Bank
Days of the Dead around the World worksheets
Rubric for Travel Brochure
4 3 2 1
Organization My brochure has My brochure has My formatting is a I think my brochure
excellent formatting. It good formatting but is little random. I need might confuse the
includes heading and missing either to clean it up for reader. I need to
subheadings and eye- headings or better organization. clean it up!
catching designs subheadings
Ideas My brochure has My brochure has many My brochure has The information I
accurate facts. It also accurate facts. I need many facts, but I’m included is not really
gives relevant to include or improve not sure if they are all appropriate for this
information such as a list either a list of things to true. audience. I should
of things to bring to bring or the history of rethink my ideas and
Mexico and the history of the holiday. I also forgot to add try again.
Dias de los Muertos. my packing list
and/or the history.
Conventions All of my writing is in Most of my writing is Some of my writing is I forgot to write my
complete sentences. done in complete done in complete ideas in complete
sentences. sentences. sentences.
Capitalization and
punctuation are correct Most of the I need to recheck my I also need to
through the brochure. capitialization and capitalization and remember the rules
punctuation are punctuation. of punctuation and
correct throughout. capitalization.
Graphics All of my pictures match My pictures, graphics I need to add a few My graphics and text
the text. I have included: and text all work well more pictures to go don’t really match. I
A map of together. with my text. I also also forgot to add
Oaxaca, Mexico I included too many need to make sure I maps and restaurant
5 pictures of Dias pictures and it have both a map and pictures.
de los Muertos distracts from the text. visual information
Pictures or My maps and about restaurants.
menus from local restaurant references
restaurants in are clear.
Rubric for Friendly Letter
4 3 2 1
Letter My letter has all 5 My letter only has 4 My letter is missing a I need to review the 5
parts components: heading, components. I few of the important components of a
greeting, body, closing, and forgot one! components. letter.
Content My letter has 3 or more My letter is 2 My message is Message is not
paragraphs. Message is paragraphs and the mostly clear. Letter is focused. My ideas
clear, precise, and message is clear. only one paragraph wander. The reader
persuasive. It also and needs for detail. will probably be
encourages a response from confused.
the reader.
Planning My letter answers all the 5W’s My letter contains I forgot to include the My letter is missing
components of an invitation— most, but not all, of invitation information! the 3 parts of
who, what, when, where, why the 5Ws in an planning: invitation,
invitation. I need to describe all menu, or activities.
I describe the variety of foods of the food we will
served to the guests: soup I describe most, but eat!
and/or salad, meat, not all, of the foods
vegetables, fruit, bread, we will eat. I forgot to tell about
beverages and dessert the cool activities we
My letter discusses will do.
My letter explains in detail the games and
possible activities or games activities, but
we will do/play. doesn’t provide
much detail or
Presenta Margins are present on all Margins are Margins are present Margins are present
tion sides and text is centered on present on all four on all four sides. on all four sides.
top and bottom. Spacing sides. Text is not Spacing has 1-3 Spacing has four or
follows correct friendly letter centered. Spacing errors. more errors.
format with spaces between follows correct
paragraphs. friendly letter
Conventi Excellent punctuation, Very good Punctuation, spelling, My poor writing
ons spelling and grammar. I made punctuation, and grammar slightly distracts the reader
less than 5 errors. spelling and distract the reader. I from my message.
grammar. I made made less than 10 There are more than
less than 7 errors. errors. 10 mistakes. Too
Traditional Assessment Item Bank
In the book Day of the Dead, What special bread was made What is the reason behind the
what do the parents keep telling for the holiday? Dia de los Muertos ?
the children when they ask to
taste the food?
a. Sugar skulls a. Trick or treating
a. no! b. Dinner rolls b. Dressing in costumes
b. Espérense c. Pan de muerto c. Being scared by ghosts
c. Por favor d. Pan dulce d. Celebrating with family
d. tomorrow
Answer C Answer: D
Answer: B
Name 3 traditional things you Describe how to make papel If you could make an ofrenda for
could place on an altar (ofrenda) picados. List material you need someone you loved – who
to honor a loved one who have and instructions on how-to would it be, what personal
died. create. ( things would you put on their
ofrenda and why??
(Remember: traditional, not Be sure to: (write in three bulleted
personal items) limit to 5 sentences responses)
list a minimum 3 worth 7pts
possible answers: water, materials (scissors, Answer all three questions: 3
candles, marigolds, food, pan paper, trashcan, pts
de muerto, papel picado, marker/pencil, string) List 3 or personal items for
flowers, copal, salt, sugar skulls include cutting, folding, ofrenda 1 point
and some description of List connections between loved
negative space and one and all above items (3
mirroring points each)
2. _____ B. to feel sad
3. _____ C. marigold
about the
tamales death of
woman (in a
4. _____ D. 3. _____ to C. a thing manner)
calaveras mourn offered,
3. _____ copal C. souls of
de azucar especially as
children who
a gift
5. _____ E. have die
mole 4. _____ D. a group of
4. _____ D. burning
offering Mexican
angelitos incense left
Answers. 1: D, 2:C, 3:E, 4:A, at altars
5: B
5. _____ E. a Spanish 5. _____ la E. candles
word that catrina
means cut
Answers: 1:E, 2:A, 3:D, 4:C,
tissue paper
It is believed that the children's In Mexico, the names of the Before Spanish colonization,
spirits return to be fed by their Catholic holy days that fall on Dias de los Muertos was
families on this day, November 1 and November 2, originally celebrated in the
__________ are ________(1) and _______ season according to
_________(2) Aztec traditions.
Preferred answer, November
1st Preferred answer: All Saints Preferred answer; Summer,
Day and All Souls Day August
CLOZE PASSAGE COMPLETION ITEMS (3 passages) Topic: cultural celebrations of the dead
Directions: Based on our study of Dias de los Muertos write the correct word or term in the
blank provided.
Passage 1 Passage 2 Passage 3
As Carlos Olmedo explains, During Dia De Los Muertos, Many other _____ around the
“For Mexicans, death was part families visit _______ to world have similar traditions of a
bring ofrendas (offerings) to
of life. For us, it was like going day set aside to visit the graves
from day to night so we didn’t the deceased, such flowers, of deceased family members.
feel something we were losing; candles and food. Parties are Often included in these
it was just a step more.” often held during the annual traditions are celebrations, food,
event, which can involve the and beverages, In _____, Obon
Instead of being ____, Day of entire community, and it is is held in August to celebrate
the Dead is a happy celebration, thought that _______ will ancestors. It comes from the
a joyous day to remember all bless those who honor their Chinese tradition of “Ghost
the good memories from times dead relatives with good luck, Month”, I Afric
past with your loved ones. wisdom and protection.