Sticky Traps Brochure.233100013
Sticky Traps Brochure.233100013
Sticky Traps Brochure.233100013
Small flying insect pests are attracted by the unique yellow color and stick to the non-drying glue coating
the trap
Many insect pests are difficult to control with insecticides. By catching the winged adults with Yellow
Sticky Traps before they reach the plants, the build up of pests will be delayed. Existing insect
populations may also be reduced. If the problem is severe biological controls may be used.
Yellow sticky traps are a non toxic way to control and monitor – whiteflies, aphids, Onion fly, Cabbage
white butterfly, fruit flies, thrips, cucumber beetles, fungus gnats, leafhoppers, froghoppers, moths, , flea
beetles, leaf miners etc.
As an integral part of integrated pest management program they can be used in greenhouses, homes,
orchards, flower and vegetable gardens, anywhere insects are a problem.
The glue does not dry out and the traps will last until the surface area is completely covered with insects,
even through rain.
White traps are for monitoring flea beetles and tarnished plant bugs
If the sole purpose is to monitor pest populations then traps can used a much lower density at ~ 1 trap per 100 to
1000 square meters depending on the crop and the size of the glasshouse.
How to Use
Remove the protective cover paper from the traps. Suspend the traps just above the plants using the wire
provided. Additional traps may be suspended near vents and doors to catch any insects flying from
outside. Where plants are grown on benches, traps may be laid horizontally on the bench, removing the
cover paper from the upper surface.
Pheromone Chemicals
The name you can always trust
When to Use
Best results will be achieved if traps are introduced early in the season, before the pest is established. If
adults are already present they should be disturbed by tapping the plants.
The trap will stay sticky and attractive for several months. They should be changed sooner if more than
half the surface is covered with insects or dust.
After introduction of predators, suspend the traps well above the crop, or use laid flat on the bench. If
used as directed they will trap adult insects not affected by predators.
Monitoring methods:
Yellow sticky cards and potato pieces placed on potting media are good methods for monitoring adult
and larval populations, respectively.
For Fungus Gnats Sticky Traps are most effective when place horizontally on the potting media surface,
although vertically positioned cards hung over the crop canopy are also effective and trap more of other
types of insect pests as well. In greenhouses cards placed under the benches, close to intake vents, near
doorways and outside the greenhouse can provide additional information to detect breeding areas.
3) The level and length of suppression resulting from the implementation of suppression tactics.
To trap other pests, add essential oils or other scents for your specific pest.
• Grapefruit oil (or shredded grapefruit peel) will attract fruit flies
• Cinnamon oil, cypress oil, and rosemary oil will also attract thrips
• Melissa oil will also attract thrips, fungus gnat, and biting insects like horse flies, deer flies and
• Kumquat will also attract biting insects like horse flies, deer flies and mosquitoes
Pheromone Chemicals
The name you can always trust
Yellow pan / sticky traps: - Set up yellow pan / sticky traps for monitoring whitefly @ 25
yellow pans / sticky traps per ha. Locally available empty yellow palmoline tins coated with
grease / Vaseline / castor oil on outer surface may also be used.
3. JNKVV, Jabalpur, MP
Set up yellow pan/sticky traps for monitoring whitefly @ 25 yellow pans/sticky traps/ha.
White flies can be trapped by hanging bright yellow sticky traps at the height of the crop
ETL’s – Department of Agriculture, Directorate of Plant Protection & Storage - GOI, - COTTON
Jassids : jassids or nymphs per leaf or appearance of second grade jassid injury.
(Yellowing in the margins of the leaves)
Whitefly : 5 – 10 nymphs or adults per leaf before 9 AM.
Aphids : 10 % affected plants counted randomly.
Thrips : 5 – 10 thrips / leaf
Pheromone Chemicals
The name you can always trust