Rubric For Science Process Skills
Rubric For Science Process Skills
Rubric For Science Process Skills
Hypothesis / Collecting /
Score Procedures Observations
Prediction Recording Data
Complete listing of all
Complete thought steps to be followed
Chooses and properly uses Data is recorded correctly
Based on prior knowledge and/or Specifies all measured
necessary tools / instruments Measurements/labels are
observation amounts with numbers
4 Specifically related to the (5 minutes, 1 cup water,
(i.e., hand lens) when specified correctly
High appropriate Data collected has uniform
problem or question etc.)
achievement at Does not state opinions or labels (i.e., all in mL)
Adds reason to show thinking Order of steps is logical
grade level, use anthropomorphic Logical order
behind prediction / hypothesis Anticipates steps that
consistently descriptions (give human Information can be easily read
Reasons should reflect scientific will be necessary before
qualities to non-human
uses skills performing experiment. Student organizes data in
thought with appropriate objects/concepts)
independently Conducts multiple trials appropriate format (chart,
Records observations graph, etc.) without help from
Independent-written by student Identifies all variables to through words or drawings teacher
without teacher help be controlled and
experimental variable.
Lists most of the steps
Properly uses necessary
to be followed
tools / instruments (i.e., hand Data is recorded correctly
Specifies most
lens) when appropriate
Complete thought measured amounts with Measurements/labels are
3 Based on prior knowledge and/or numbers (5 minutes, 1
Does not state opinions or
specified correctly
Demonstrates use anthropomorphic
observation cup water, etc.) Data collected has uniform
grade level descriptions (give human
Specifically related to the Order of steps is logical labels (i.e., all in mL)
skills qualities to non-human
problem or question Identifies experimental Logical order
variable and some Information can be easily read
Records observations
variables to be
through words or drawings
Improperly uses necessary
Lists some of the steps
tools / instruments when tools Data is recorded with some
Incomplete thought to be followed
2 Not based on prior knowledge Order of steps is logical
are appropriate mistakes
Developing States opinions or uses Data not completely labeled
and/or observation Lists experimental
grade level anthropomorphic descriptions No logical order
Only somewhat related to variable, but does not list
skills (give human qualities to non- Information may be difficult to
problem or question variables to be human objects/concepts) read
Does not record observations
Blank, does not verbalize or
1 record prediction / hypothesis Does not use necessary tools Data not recorded
Performing Lists some of the steps
Not based on prior knowledge to be followed / instruments when tools are Data recorded incorrectly (not
below grade and/or observation appropriate labeled, no logical order, etc.)
level, needs to Does not relate to problem/ Does not record observations Incomplete information
improve question
Score Analyze Data Conclusions
Independent-written by student without teacher help
Checks data to see if information recorded is Complete sentences or thought
reasonable/logical. Can explain why some pieces of data Explains how data supported (or didn’t support)
may not fit (explains sources of error). the original hypothesis
4 Can generate simple questions about data collected States results of experiment (after examining
High achievement Complete sentence (when applicable); complete thought accuracy of data)
at grade level, Can explain verbally or in writing how data is organized Clearly reflects original question
consistently uses (understands organization of charts/graphs, etc.) Interprets meaning of results by applying it
skills Can accurately state/write results of experiment based on correctly to a bigger “science concept”
independently data Independent-written by student without teacher
Can determine if data was collected/recorded accurately help
Evaluates relevance of data collected to original question With teacher help may develop new questions
Clearly understands reliability of data increases with based on conclusion
increased repetition of experiment)
Checks data to see if information recorded is
Complete sentence (when applicable); complete thought Complete sentence or thought
3 Can explain verbally or in writing how data is organized States results of experiment
Demonstrates Can accurately state/write results of experiment based on Clearly reflects original question
grade level skills data Interprets meaning of the results by applying it
Can determine if data was collected/recorded accurately correctly to a bigger “science concept”
Evaluates relevance of data collected with original question
Understand reliability of data increases with repetition
Overlooks data collected that is not logical or reasonable
Incomplete sentence or thought
Sentence is not complete and/or thoughts are
Cannot clearly explain how data is organized (difficulty
2 understanding charts/graphs)
Developing grade States results of experiment
Cannot accurately state/write results of experiment based on
level skills Attempts to apply results to the bigger picture
“science concept” (on the right track)
Cannot specify relevance of data collected to original
question and/or explanation is only somewhat reasonable
Evaluation of information is not related to actual data
1 collected and/or is not a reasonable explanation of results
Performing below Indecipherable
Incomplete sentence or thought
grade level, needs Incomplete-little attempt to develop conclusion
No or little attempt to determine results
to improve Doesn’t relate to experiment
*Draws conclusions: Decides how data supported or didn’t support the original hypothesis; determines the relevance of data in comparison with
the key question and hypothesis; examines accuracy of data and outcome of experiment; possibly reevaluates/changes hypothesis and redesigns
experiments as a result; suggests new questions related to the experiment that could be investigated.
Rubrik untuk Keterampilan Proses Ilmiah (Revisi)
Hipotesis / Mengumpulkan /
Skor Prosedur Pengamatan
Ramalan Data rekaman
Pikiran lengkap Data direkam dengan
Daftar lengkap semua langkah
Berdasarkan pengetahuan Memilih dan benar
yang harus diikuti
dan / atau pengamatan menggunakan alat / instrumen Pengukuran / label
Menentukan semuajumlah
sebelumnya yang benar (mis., Lensa ditentukan dengan benar
4 Khususnya terkait dengan
terukur dengan angka (5 menit, 1
tangan) bila sesuai Data yang dikumpulkan
Prestasi tinggi di gelas air, dll.)
masalah atau pertanyaan Tidak menyatakan memiliki label seragam (yaitu,
tingkat kelas, Urutan langkahnya logis
Menambahkan alasan untuk pendapat atau menggunakan semua dalam mL)
konsisten Antisipasi langkah-langkah
menunjukkan pemikiran dibalik deskripsi antropomorfis Urutan logis
menggunakan yang akan diperlukan sebelum
prediksi / hipotesis (memberi kualitas manusia Informasi bisa mudah
keterampilan melakukan eksperimen.
Alasan harus mencerminkan pada objek / konsep non- dibaca
secara mandiri Lakukan beberapa uji coba manusia)
pemikiran ilmiah dengan kosa kata Siswa mengatur data
Mengidentifikasi semua Catatlah pengamatan
yang sesuai dalam format yang sesuai
variabel yang akan dikontrol dan melalui kata-kata atau gambar
Independen-ditulis oleh (grafik, grafik, dll.) Tanpa
variabel eksperimen.
siswa tanpa bantuan guru bantuan guru
Gunakan alat / instrumen
yang benar dengan benar Data direkam dengan
Cantumkan sebagian
(misalnya, lensa tangan) bila benar
besar langkahnya diikuti
Pikiran lengkap sesuai Pengukuran / label
Menentukan jumlah
3 Berdasarkan pengetahuan
yangpaling banyak diukur dengan
Tidak menyatakan ditentukan dengan benar
Menunjukkan dan / atau pengamatan pendapat atau menggunakan Data yang dikumpulkan
angka (5 menit, 1 gelas air, dll.)
keterampilan sebelumnya deskripsi antropomorfis memiliki label seragam (yaitu,
Urutan langkahnya logis
tingkat kelas Khususnya terkait dengan (memberi kualitas manusia semua dalam mL)
Mengidentifikasi variabel
masalah atau pertanyaan pada objek / konsep non- Urutan logis
eksperimen dan beberapa variabel manusia) Informasi bisa mudah
yang akan dikontrol.
Catatlah pengamatan dibaca
melalui kata-kata atau gambar
Tidak benar
menggunakan alat / instrumen
Gagal tidak lengkap yang diperlukan saat alat Data direkam dengan
Buat daftar beberapa langkah
Tidak berdasarkan sesuai beberapa kesalahan
2 pengetahuan dan / atau
yang harus diikuti
Menyatakan pendapat Data tidak diberi label
Mengembangkan Urutan langkahnya logis
pengamatan sebelumnya atau menggunakan deskripsi lengkap
keterampilan Daftar variabel eksperimental ,
Hanya sedikit yang antropomorfis (memberi Tidak ada perintah logis
tingkat kelas namun tidak mencantumkan variabel kualitas manusia pada objek /
berkaitan dengan masalah atau Informasi mungkin sulit
yang akan dikontrol.
pertanyaan konsep non-manusia) dibaca
Tidak mencatat
1 Kosong, tidak verbalisasi Buat daftar beberapa langkah Tidak menggunakan Data tidak direkam
Pertunjukan di atau catatan prediksi / hipotesis yang harus diikuti alat / instrumen yang Data direkam salah (tidak
bawah tingkat Tidak berdasarkan diperlukan saat alat sesuai berlabel, tidak ada urutan logis,
pengetahuan dan / atau
kelas, perlu pengamatan sebelumnya Tidak mencatat dll)
ditingkatkan Tidak berhubungan dengan pengamatan Informasi tidak lengkap
masalah / pertanyaan
* Menarik kesimpulan: Memutuskan bagaimana data didukung atau tidak mendukung hipotesis asli; menentukan relevansi data dibandingkan
dengan pertanyaan kunci dan hipotesis; memeriksa keakuratan data dan hasil percobaan; mungkin mengevaluasi ulang / mengubah hipotesis
dan mendesain ulang eksperimen sebagai hasilnya; menyarankan pertanyaan baru terkait percobaan yang bisa diselidiki.