1 Su Yun-Yi
1 Su Yun-Yi
1 Su Yun-Yi
Urbana, Illinois
Doctoral Committee:
plays a key role in the success of a construction project. High productivity leads to lower
unit cost to carry out a task or operation. Analyzing construction productivity, however,
is a challenging task because of the nature of construction field conditions which contain
complex resource flows that lack the organized production lines of a manufacturing
operation, construction engineers typically spend days or weeks just to collect the data
needed to conduct basic analysis. Often when data become available, the site condition
has changed and the improvement ideas obtained from productivity analysis are already
on-going construction.
awareness provides significant potential for improving the manual processes of collecting
construction field data and, as a result, construction decisions can be made in a timely
manner which can improve productivity, saving time and money for a construction
project. Due to the complexity of construction operations in the field, location awareness
technology alone cannot solve the field productivity puzzle readily. A critical
breakthrough of transferring the location and time data into meaningful productivity
This research goes beyond applying location awareness technology to collect
construction field data and focuses on integrating the quantatitive positioning and time
information to support timely productivity analysis and decision making. The results of
the research include a rule-based position-to-operation (P2O) model and its resulting
Dedicated to my father and mother,
Ching-Liang Su and Mei-Yun Suchen
I would like to acknowledge my advisor, Professor Liang Y. Liu, for his patient
guidance, continuous encouragement and insightful advice throughout my Ph.D. study. I
have benefited so much by his open and positive attitude. I would also like to thank the
members of my dissertation committee, Professors Michael K. Kim, Khaled El-Rayes
and Frank Boukamp, for their attention and valuable suggestions to my research. I am
also thankful to Ms. Lezlie Fillman for her editing support to my dissertation.
I would like to appreciate President Chun-Hsiung Hung and Manager Po-Wen
Hung at King Long Cement Products Co., Ltd. for providing company-wide support to
my large scale case study. Their supportive staff helped me overcome many obstacles
during the data collection.
I would like to appreciate my parents, Ching-Liang Su and Mei-Yun Suchen, for
their encouragement and support in my life. I am also indebted so much to my wife,
Yen-Ting Lu, for being always supportive in every way. Without her persistence and
sacrifice, I would not able to complete my Ph.D. study. I would also like to thank our
adorable children, Kevin and Teresa, for giving me joy and happiness.
to collect data. This data collection process is critical to any improvement in the future.
However, collecting field data has been a challenging proposition because of the
complexity of construction sites and the interdependencies among resources.
Financing, Plans,
permits, etc. specifications
Away from
Supply of resources (elements) work face
At the
Effort-skill work face
Figure 1.1 Parties and their inputs to the construction process (Oglesby et al. 1989)
making at different levels (Halpin and Riggs 1992; Rojas 2008). Table 1.1 shows the
hierarchical levels in construction management and the basic focuses at each level. It is
obvious that two major focus areas are apparent in the structure. One is the basic project
and top management focus at the organizational, project, and activity levels; the other is
the basic work focus at the operation, process, and work task levels.
Table 1.1 Hierarchical levels in construction management (Halpin and Riggs 1992)
Focus Hierarchical level Description and basic focus
Company structure and business focus.
Head office and field functions.
Organizational Portfolio of projects.
Gross project attributes: total cost, duration,
profit, cash flow, percent complete.
Focus on project Project definition, contract, drawings, and
attributes and specifications.
physical Project Product definition and breakdown into project
component items activities.
Cost, time, and resource control focus.
Attainment of physical segment of project
equated to time and cost control.
Current cost, time, resource use.
Status focus.
Construction method focus.
Means of achieving construction.
Complete itemized resource list.
Synthesis of work processes.
Focus on field Basic technological sequence focus.
actions and Logical collection of work tasks.
technological Individual and mixed trade actions
processes Recognizable portion of construction operation.
Fundamental field action and work unit focus.
Intrinsic knowledge and skill at crew member
Work task
Basis of work assignment to labor.
In order to make timely and correct decisions, managers and engineers at different
levels rely on the information gathered from the sub-levels. Therefore, a system of
construction monitoring and control should originate at the work task level because a
work task is the basic descriptive unit in a construction project. A work task can also be
broken down into components which include material utilization, human factor
considerations and detailed equipment movements. These components are the basic
elements of a construction project, and provide the basis of productivity analysis.
1.1.3 Labor productivity at different levels
Labor productivity in construction has various expressions covering performance
from industry to individual crew members (Oglesby et al. 1989; Thomas et al. 1990;
Rojas 2008). Commonly, productivity is defined as the output produced per unit of
resource input. In the construction industry, the resource input is usually addressed by
the amount of time needed to complete a unit of output, and the unit of output is chosen
based on the purpose of conducting a productivity study. Therefore, labor productivity
has various expressions which correspond to the different focuses at the hierarchical
levels of construction shown in Table 1.1. Because of different types of output involved,
monetary values are commonly used to combine the output at the organizational, project
and activity levels. However, this monetary method is not an effective way to evaluate
field productivity at the operation, process and work task levels, where the number of
units completed is used for the output (Rojas 2008). In general, measuring labor
productivity over time can provide useful information to evaluate the effectiveness and
efficiency of a system, an operation or a process, and also allows managers to implement
a continuous improvement program toward high performance and cost savings.
1.1.4 Data collection techniques for work face productivity analysis
Data collection is often a difficult task because it is nearly impossible to observe
and record all the details of ongoing construction work. As a result, the existing
objective of any data collection technique is to approximate, as accurately as possible,
what is taking place in the field. Several conventional techniques have been well
employed for gathering data to support construction productivity analyses (Oglesby et al.
• Direct observations
• Questionnaires and interviews
• Activity sampling
• Field rating
• Productivity rating
• Labor-utilization factor
• 5-minute rating
• Recording of work face practices
• Still photographs
• Time studies
• Time-lapse and video films
1.1.5 Graphical representation for field productivity analyses
Analyzing work face productivity often relies on a combination of graphical tools
to represent the operation and the resources involved, for example the crew balance
charts, process charts and flow diagrams (Oglesby et al. 1989). Generally, these
graphical tools are preferred because they are intuitive to understand and effective to
communicate to construction workers. The crew balance chart, as shown in Figure 1.2, is
used to describe when all the individuals in a group spend their time carrying out specific
tasks at the work face. The process chart and flow diagram, as shown in Figure 1.3 and
Figure 1.4, together demonstrate processes where materials are moving and have been
acted upon or processed by different machines and workers. These graphical tools are
effective; however, the data needed to generate them are difficult to obtain from the
construction sites as stated in the previous sections.
Figure 1.3 An example of a process chart (Oglesby et al. 1989)
information is time-consuming and labor intensive, especially when the cycles of an
operation are long. Continuous improvement also needs data-entry to graphically
represent the operation cycle in the form of analysis tools, such as crew balance charts,
flow diagrams and process charts, for conducting further productivity analyses and
preparing productivity improvement implementation plans.
which mainly focus on resource utilization, such as materials, manpower and equipment,
are evaluated manually. This laborious method usually increases the costs and is prone to
error (Davidson and Skibniewski 1995; Navarrete 1999; Cox et al. 2002; Navon and
Sacks 2007).
1.3.3 Lack of a continuous stream of data for analysis
Current data collection methods provide sampling data for construction operation
analysis. In order to save time and cost, the observation is done for several typical
operations or cycles under known conditions (Oglesby et al. 1989; Navon 2006).
Although this collected data is enough to be analyzed for construction operations, there is
a real need to collect large amounts of data in a continuous stream of data to deal with the
uncertainty during construction.
1.3.4 Lack of reliable operation statistics for operation simulation modeling
Construction projects usually vary in time from months to years. Collecting
sufficient data to build operational statistical models is time-consuming under current
data collection techniques. Many construction simulation studies are forced to simplify
their models and collect statistically sufficient data for analysis, and a large portion of
this kind of data is difficult to obtain. The best-guess values from the experts sometimes
are used within the simulation models (Halpin and Riggs 1992). Basically, reliable
parameters which are analyzed from collected site data are critical to justify the
simulation results.
1.4 Research Objectives
In the field of data collection, the development of location awareness technologies
provides significant potential for improving the manual processes of collecting
construction field data and, as a result, construction decisions can be made in a timely
manner which can improve productivity, saving time and money for a construction
project. However, due to the complexity of construction operations in the field, location
awareness technology alone cannot solve the field productivity puzzle readily. A critical
breakthrough of transferring the location and time data into meaningful productivity
information is needed which requires the investigation of resource interdependencies
within a construction operation.
The goal of this research which goes beyond applying location awareness
technology to collect construction field data is to integrate the quantatitive positioning
and time data with operational reasoning rules to automatically generate qualitative
operation information to support timely productivity analysis and decision making. The
objectives in terms of retrieving on-site operation information from resource positions are
as follows:
• Evaluate different location tracking systems for the collection of positioning data
of critical resources and tools
• Develop a mechanism to identify on-site repetitive operations from the continuous
stream of resource positioning data
• Develop a rule-based reasoning model to retrieve operation information from
positioning and time data
1.5 Organization of Dissertation
Chapter1 addresses the research background, motivation, problem statement and
research objectives. Chapter 2 summarizes existing research related to the topic of this
research. Chapter 3 describes the methodology for conducting this research. Chapter 4
presents a concept-proving case study with a small controlled data set that confirms the
research initiatives. Chapter 5 shows field tests of three location tracking systems.
Chapter 6 presents a small scale case study using a real data stream from the chosen
location tracking system. Chapter 7 presents the extension of the research to precast
concrete production as a large scale case study which involves multiple resources.
Chapter 8 presents details of rule-based reasoning modeling for the precast concrete
production. Model validation and verification are demonstrated and discussed in Chapter
9. Finally, Chapter 10 provides conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations for
future research.
2.1 Introduction
This chapter gives an overview of existing on-site data collection and location-
aware computing technologies and systems which have been used in construction
research. The value of location information lies in the fact that location defines context.
Managing location information implies introducing context awareness. The ability to
remotely identify and locate any object, asset or even person has the potential of
changing how we work and how we utilize technology. Various location and sensor
technologies are commercially available. The following sections summarize some of the
technologies and their applications to the construction industry.
2.2 On-site Data Collection
Project control and monitoring relies on accurate, timely on-site data to support
important decision-making tasks in the field. On-site data collection, however, is a
laborious, expensive and time-consuming process. Many attempts using evolving
technologies have been made to accelerate this process and support the monitoring of
project and activity performance. Using the technologies to enhance the automation of an
on-site data collection process can help eliminate duplicate data entry, reduce paperwork,
automatically generate reports and speed delivery of electronic data for communication
(Navarrete 1999; Cox et al. 2002).
In past decades, the use of photographs and videos incorporated into construction
documents has helped engineers make communication more efficient. Time-lapse
photography or video recording on construction projects not only can document on-site
activities in a sequence during construction, but also can allow engineers to play back the
images in a shorter time during reviews and analyses. Basically, time-lapse image
recording is a sampling method from the continuous, full-length recording and reduces
the storage cost from redundant images. This recording method can still preserve the
details needed if a proper time interval is determined and can save engineers the time of
retrieving construction information from viewing the images (Navarrete 1999).
Everett et al. (1998) reported that the information retrieved from time-lapse
videos in two construction projects has succeeded in resolving construction claims and
disputes. In their case study of an earthmoving project, the time-lapse images with a 4-
second time interval allowed the project manager to reduce the excavation cost by
viewing the images to investigate the actual amount of scooped earth excavated by the
end-loader and dumped into the trucks, instead of calculating the amount of excavated
earth from the number of trucks which were not fully loaded. The other time-lapse video
tape recording showed that the delayed progress of an earth retention wall construction
was due to an inefficient and inappropriate operation sequence. Therefore, the owner was
able to successfully refuse the schedule extension proposed by the contractor.
Abeid and Arditi (2002a and 2002b) developed the system “PHOTO-NET” which
extends the use of time-lapse photography recording to as-built scheduling control. The
module “Time-Lapse Builder” within this system was designed to capture a series of
image clips at a constant time interval from a full-length construction video and generate
a desired time-lapse movie for viewing. This time-lapse movie was further integrated
into the PHOTO-NET program and linked with the as-built and as-planned bar chart
schedule and percentage of progress. When running PHOTO-NET, engineers could
visually detect the delay of schedule and the performance of equipment by viewing the
playback time-lapse movie.
A time interval setting is an important factor that will affect how well the details
retrieved from the time-lapse recording can describe the real world situation. When a
short time interval is selected, redundant recordings will increase the cost and time for
data storage and processing. Contrary to short time intervals, the desired details may be
lost when a long time interval is applied. Therefore, a proper time interval should first be
well evaluated based on the purpose of generating a time-lapse recording. Kang and
Choi (2005) reported the error rates of interpreting the crew productivities of bricklaying
with 10 different time intervals, ranging from one second to ten minutes, from the time-
lapse photographs taken at three construction sites. The study suggested that the time-
lapse photographs taken at regular time intervals of within 60 seconds could effectively
record construction operations and statistically evaluate the crew productivity with a 70%
confidence level.
In addition to photographs and videos, speech technology was introduced to
collect and record on-site information to eliminate the time of manual data entry (Tsai et
al. 2007a and 2007b). A speech recognition system working in a wireless environment
was tested on and evaluated in the on-site material management. In the system, the
worker checked on-site inventory and in-use material information and transmitted these
on-site data to the system via his/her speech. Processed by automatic speech recognition,
these data could be transformed into text format and recorded in the database for
preparing material reports. Based on the worker’s speech commands, detailed material
information could also be retrieved from the text in the database to speech and delivered
to the worker. About one-third time efficiency improvement, compared to the
conventionally manual process, was obtained from the case study. It was reported that
the background noise and the performance of speech recognition were the main factors
that affected the accuracy of this data collection system. Worker’s judgment about on-
site conditions also influenced the correctness of the recorded data.
2.3 Global Positioning System
Global positioning system (GPS) is a tracking system originally developed by the
US military to support navigation for vessels and aircraft. This system consists of 24
orbiting satellites 20,200 km above the earth, circulating every 11h 58m. These satellites
beam signals that provide reference points for receivers. The satellites are equipped with
simultaneous clocks and receivers to measure the travel time. By converting the time
information into distance a receiver can calculate, based on trilateration principles, its
three-dimensional position if the signals can be obtained from at least four satellites.
Navon and Goldschmidt (2002 and 2003) first explored the feasibility of
automatically measuring labor inputs by tracking the location of workers for project
control purposes. Labor input is an important project performance indicator because it is
a main resource in construction projects. In this study, one exploration is to check
whether the location of a worker represents his/her activity. The other is to examine the
possibility of determining the labor inputs based on those locations, measured at regular
time intervals. In order to successfully identify the labor inputs for an activity from the
labor’s locations, a conversion model with geometrical and logical associations was
developed and implemented at three construction sites.
A concept-proving prototype was developed to demonstrate that labor input can
be automatically measured and controlled through using GPS to track the locations of
labor. Navon and Goldschmidt (2003) claimed they could track the time that workers
spend working with an accuracy level of approximately10% to 20%. The researchers
also stated “the accuracy can be increased if activity-dependent decision rules are used
and a more detailed set of decision rules and/or an expert system can also increase the
Sacks et al. (2003) further integrated this prototype labor control model, based on
measurement of worker locations using GPS, with a building project model (BPM). This
object-oriented BPM model includes two important components: a data extraction
module and a location interpretation module. The data extraction module breaks down
project activities to pending activities which are associated with the locations where the
workers would be engaged. This labor control model also compares the performance by
calculating the expected labor inputs based on the planned labor rates and the work
quantities required completing each activity. The location interpretation module links the
laborer location data with the time spent at a specific location. Through a conversion
model including algorithms and decision rules, the location data can be transformed into
pending activities in which laborers are engaged. Based on the results from the
conversion model, the labor rates are calculated. With these established data, any
deviations of actual labor rates, compared to their planned rates, can help detect project
control issues.
A concept-proving prototype was developed by applying the concept described
above to earthmoving projects (Navon et al. 2004; Navon and Shpatnitsky 2005). This
research tracks earthmoving equipment at regular intervals using the GPS technology to
convert location data into equipment productivity and materials consumption. An early
warning system was also developed to detect potential deviations from the planned
specification. However, it is apparent that monitoring data from any single source does
not provide a full picture of a project. Therefore, resource data must be collected from
multiple sources simultaneously and processed together, which would provide more
meaningful information to identify the resource interactions, especially when dealing
with productivity.
Hildreth et al. (2005) incorporated GPS technology into an onboard
instrumentation system to monitor the location data and identify the start and stop of
events for calculating activity durations. Time identification modules (TIMs) were
developed to sieve through the GPS data records with both position and velocity criteria.
Another research study using GPS technology for locating fabricated pipes on an
industrial construction project was conducted by Caldas et al. (2005). The researchers
carried out a pilot field test to understand the applicability of the GPS technology to
materials tracking in the lay down yards for the pipe processing industry. It is proven
that with the assistance of the GPS technology in locating pipes, workers can save time
on searching for correct pipe elements and increase their productivity.
The suitability of using GPS to track construction vehicles in urban areas was
conducted by Lu et al. (2004). In the study, the GPS receiver can only receive proper
GPS signals within about 50% of the urban test area, and over 40% of positioning errors
were found greater than 20 meters. Instead of using stand-alone GPS to track concrete
mixer trucks in an urban area, these researchers proposed to add a dead reckoning (DR)
positioning system to supplant GPS when the GPS signals were blocked within the urban
area (Lu et al. 2007). In the secondary DR system, its positioning errors can be corrected
by the well-planned locations of roadside beacons installed along the track delivery path.
The study reported that the positioning errors of the integrated system can be reduced
from 50m to less than 10m.
2.4 Radio Frequency Identification
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a technology that can identify or detect a
mobile tag within the range of influence of a reader. This technology utilizes low
frequency transmission (FM band) to transmit data between an RF tag and the receiver
(Kannan 1999). A typical RFID system consists of tags, receivers and antennas for radio
communications. Transponders, often called tags, are the identifying units which can
carry alphanumeric code in addition to an identification number. The code can be used to
store specific properties or information about the item to which a tag is attached.
Receivers typically perform the function of detecting (sensing the frequency for
responses) the presence of a tag and transfer the data to a computer. The sensing range
and scanning ability vary and therefore are the main factors to consider in choosing a
particular receiver to match a particular application. The antennas’ function is to collect
and transmit the RF signal between the tag and the receiver.
The RFID technology is currently used in many industries including the
construction industry, for tracking inventories, theft prevention of merchandise, tracking
railroad cargos, and collecting tolls. Jaselskis et al. (1995) reviewed the RFID
technology and surveyed its potential applications to the construction industry. The
researchers concluded that RFID can be integrated into systems to track materials,
identify vehicles and equipment, and assist with cost controls. Three prototype RFID
systems, including concrete processing and handling, cost coding for labor and
equipment, and materials control have also been conducted. The limitations of applying
RFID technology for construction applications discussed in their study include locations
of equipment, nearby metallic objects, costs and workforce attitudes.
Jaselskis and El-Misalami (2003) further pilot tested one of the RFID applications
on the material receiving process of pipe supports and hangers in a power plant project
and a refinery project. Passive RFID tags with 125 KHz frequency were employed in the
tests. Researchers reported that RFID technology could reduce the time by an average of
30%. Also, there was an added benefit of RFID in terms of reading data. Glare was not
reported as an issue as compared to bar code labels, which often trigger misreads from an
optical scanner under the sun.
Other RFID application tests on tracking the delivery and receipt of fabricated
pipe spools were conducted by Song et al. (2005). One test of active RFID tags with 915
MHz frequency and a handheld reader system showed that the active RFID technology
could function well even in a congested, highly metallic environment. Another test of
active RFID tags with 433.92 MHz and a fixed reader system mounted on a portal gate
was conducted to identify pipe spools. The research concluded that it was
technologically feasible to use active RFID systems in automating detection of fabricated
pipe spool assemblies under typical transportation conditions.
Goodrum et al. (2006) developed a prototype tool tracking system to monitor
hand tools in a mobile environment. Active RFID tags with 915 MHz frequency were
used in this study. Despite successful results, the researchers warned that a cold
temperature would reduce the reading ranges of the tags. The field tests also highlighted
the primary constraints that limit active RFID being commercially applied to tool
tracking in the construction industry, including the cost of active RFID tags, and the lack
of standardized protocols.
Yin et al. (2009) developed a production management system for a precast
concrete plant by integrating an RFID system with Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) in a
wireless environment to enhance the efficiency of the information flow within the precast
plant. In the system, plant engineers used PDA and RFID hand-held readers to retrieve
the requirements for producing a component, and input the quantity information, the
results of quality inspection and the approval status of the component to proceed to the
next process station. This on-site information was then transmitted to the production
management database through the PDA and wireless network and integrated into the
corporate Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
A harsh construction environment often causes RF signal interference and reduces
the performance of position measurements. A construction asset tracking framework
combining radio frequency (RF) and ultrasound technologies was proposed to improve
the accuracy of location tracking (Jang and Skibniewski 2008; Skibniewski and Jang
2009). Based on the time-of-flight method, the distance calculated from the transmission
of RF signal in a commercial Zigbee network was corrected by the supplementary
ultrasound signal. The research reported that the root mean square (RMS) error of
distance measurement could be reduced from meters in the RF-only system to 58.6cm
within this hybrid tracking system.
Ergen et al. (2007) combined RFID technology with GPS technology for tracking
precast concrete components in a storage yard to minimize labor input for locating these
components. A gantry crane, the only equipment in the storage yard to move the precast
components, was equipped with a GPS receiver installed on the picking bar, and an RFID
reader and antenna was placed outside the operator cabin. Active RFID tags were
attached to the precast components. When a component was relocated by the crane, the
RFID system on the crane would be able to identify the component, and the GPS system
would provide the location information of the relocated component. The study reported
that the RFID system would provide consistent identification information. However,
only about 60% of the location information from the GPS system used in the study was
acceptable. It also reported that there were no problems in receiving the signals of in-
range RFID tags and GPS in the presence of a rich metal and concrete environment
during the field tests.
Rebolj et al. (2008a and 2008b) developed a construction activity monitoring
system by integrating the RFID technology with image recognition. The difference
between planned and as-built prefabricated structures was segmented and identified from
the as-built photographs by comparing these on-site images to the 4D model of the
building. The RFID system was used to track the status of these prefabricated elements.
The install schedule and the assigned status of the prefabricated elements, identified from
the images and tracked by the RFID system repetitively, were further integrated into a
building information model (BIM). The site manager was able to use this BIM to
monitor the progress of production and construction of the prefabricated elements. (Cus
Babic et al. in press).
2.5 Onboard Instrumentation
Many vehicles and equipment today have installed onboard instrumentation (OBI)
which is composed of microprocessors to record selected mechanical parameters (Kannan
1999). The main function of an OBI is to monitor in real time selected sets of mechanical
parameters so that an instant diagnosis can be implemented in case of any malfunction.
An OBI system relies on multiple sensors attached to components of the vehicle or the
equipment. These sensors measure required physical parameters for diagnosis, such as
temperature, pressure, rotating angles, moving distances, strains and weights. The data
from the sensors are to aid in the diagnosis of machine health.
Kannan and Vorster (2000) utilized the data from the OBI on the trucks in
earthmoving projects to develop an experience database for truck loading operations.
Data collected from OBI provide insight into operational characteristics such as tire
pressure and suspension load, which allow the inferences of loading condition and
payload weight. The researchers also developed an experience database to store the
continuous stream of operation data converted from OBI parameters for further
simulation and visualization of earthmoving operations to support decision-making under
different operating conditions on site.
Another study using a Potain MD 345 tower crane for automated monitoring of
lifting equipment to support a building project control system was conducted by Sacks et
al. (2005). This tower crane equipped with “Dialog-Visu” and “Top-Tracking” control
systems from its manufacturer can sense various operating data such as the gross load
weight, radius, distance of the trolley from the tower, jib-to-hook distance and jib-
slewing angle. These control systems can provide the location data to identify the hook
position in a cylindrical coordinate system around the crane’s tower. From the hook
locations associated with the loads on the hook, six crane operation periods in a crane
operation cycle can be identified: attaching/detaching/resting, loading, transporting,
stilling, unloading, and empty motion.
2.6 Ultra-wideband Positioning System
Ultra-wideband (UWB) refers to a fractional bandwidth of larger than 20% or an
absolute bandwidth of at least 500 MHz. The term ultra-wideband refers to “the
development, transmission and reception of extremely short duration pulses of radio
frequency energy, ranging from a few hundred picoseconds to a few nanoseconds”
(Beinat et al. 2007). As a sequence of these extremely short time durations, UWB
waveforms can provide inherent precision for time difference of arrival measurements.
An ultra-wideband positioning system for tracking personnel or equipment basically
comprises one processing hub, four receivers, one reference tag, and multiple tags for
individually tracked objects. Extra receivers and reference tags are needed to improve
system coverage and precision in some circumstances.
Teizer et al. (2007) introduced UWB as a data collection tool of real-time location
sensing and resource tracking for construction work zone safety and material tracking.
One indoor and one outdoor experiment were conducted in this research. The indoor
experiment used four receivers, one reference tag, and two asset tags, arranged for
tracking two-dimensional X and Y coordinates of two walking persons (two asset tags)
within a rectangular area of 6 by 3 meters. These positioning data are associated with
three pre-defined hazardous work zones; an alarm will be triggered when the positions of
the tags are within or too close to these pre-defined zones. The outdoor experiment was
to use the UWB system to track the material flow of the steel erection process inside a
building. Nine receivers, one reference tag and 6 tracking tags were used to track
individual steel beams to ascertain whether these beams were temporarily moved to a
storage yard or directly hoisted and installed in their final positions by a mobile crane as
delivery trucks arrived on site. No further detailed analysis was provided.
Cho et al. (2010) studied the performance of a commercial Ubisense UWB system
by tracking still and moving tags in various indoor circumstances. The tests employed
four receivers set up in an open space and several closed spaces with different interior
wall materials and fixtures to measure the XY positions of the still or moving tags at
control heights. The accuracy of this UWB system in the study was defined as the
difference in distance between a surveyed measurement of a total station and a tracked
tag position from the UWB system. The study reported that this UWB system can still
accurately track mobile assets in a congested closed construction space at a 50cm
accuracy level in still tag tracking and a 60cm accuracy level in moving tag tracking.
The study also reported that the factors which significantly reduce the accuracy of the
UWB system are the cordless phones working in a similar frequency range, the human
body, metal fixtures and facilities.
2.7 Wireless Local Area Network Positioning System
Because of the wide spread application of wireless technology in the past decade,
supported by underlying Radio Frequency and Infra Red transmission technologies, the
use of wireless local area networks (WLAN) has further expanded to location tracking
and is expected to continue in this trend. WLAN covers a large area and is not restricted
by line of sight. As a result, WLAN allows users to become mobile within the WLAN
area coverage. Khoury and Kamat (2009) reported three indoor experiments using a
commercial WLAN positioning system, the Ekahau Positioning Engine (EPE), to track a
mobile user’s positions on the floor. The results indicated that a position precision was
achieved to a range of 1.5 to 2 meters in two dimensional floor plans.
2.8 Digital Close-range Photogrammetry
Photogrammetry, defined by the American Society for Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing, is “the art, science and technology of obtaining reliable information
about physical objects and the environment through processes of recording, measuring,
and interpreting photographic images and patterns of recorded radiant electromagnetic
energy and other phenomena (Wolf and Dewitt 2000).” Digital close-range
photogrammetry (DCRP) is a high definition measurement technology which can be used
to acquire three-dimensional spatial data about objects captured from images. Compared
to aerial photogrammetry, close-range photogrammetry is generally used in conjunction
with object-to-camera distances less than 300 meters.
Photogrammetry offers several advantages over the conventional and well-known
land surveying methods. Stylianidis et al. (2003) reported on how to use DCRP
techniques in monitoring slope displacement. Yilmaz et al. (2007) also used DCRP to
document the geometry of historical buildings before and after restoration.
Memon et al. (2005) developed an integrated project process monitoring and
evaluation system, Digitalizing Construction Monitoring (DCM), to integrate three-
dimensional CAD drawings and digital images. This research automated the generation
of an as-built construction schedule by utilizing DCRP techniques for on-site
construction photographs and integrating it with the CAD systems. In this DCM model,
the system calculates the percentage of progress by integrating the digital images and
AutoCAD drawings and plots the actual progress bar chart in Microsoft Project software.
This as-built percentage of progress then was compared with the as-planned schedule of
work to assist project managers to recognize actual project performance.
2.9 Summary of Literature Review
The studies mentioned in previous sections have shown the trend and potential
benefits of different location tracking technologies for the construction industry. The
following sections summary these studies from two different aspects, the applicability of
location tracking technologies and the research domains in construction.
2.9.1 Applicability of location tracking technologies
In terms of technology, Table 2.1 summarizes the characteristics of different
location tracking systems (Beinat et al. 2007). A location tracking system requires the
ability to identify the tracked object’s locations/positions and time data. These
technologies listed in Table 2.1 have been introduced to different aspects of the research
domain in construction. Moving from one technology to another means changes in
application scale, accuracy, functionality, regulation and cost. Therefore, the applications
of these technologies in complicated construction environments are limited and need
extension and further study.
Table 2.1 Characteristics of location tracking systems (Beinat et al. 2007)
Location Application
Object located Operations Accuracy Coverage Limitations
system scale range
24 satellites broadcast
Global to Outdoors, poor Battery consumption,
their position. A
GPS local GPS receiver <1 m .. 20 m indoor warm-up time, indoor
receiver interpolates x,
(outdoors) availability coverage
y, z
Global to GPS signal is processed
local by receiver and support Outdoors and
A-GPS Battery consumption,
A-GPS (including network for higher 1 m ..20 m some indoor
receiver indoor coverage
urban sensitivity and lower environments
environment) consumption
The location is
Telecom Regional to approximated by the
based local Mobile phone position of the
(Cell-ID, including or SIM based connected base station. 50 m .. > 1 km Accuracy
various indoor tag Sector shape and time
versions) environments advantage can be used
to increase accuracy
Telecom Regional to
based local Mobile phone Triangulates distance
triangulati including or SIM based from base stations to 20 m… 200 m Accuracy, devices
on (e.g. indoor tag estimate position
UTOA) environments
Active Device or tag Distances from one or
RFID, Local and operating at several receivers is Coverage of
2 – 4 m, or zone Infrastructure
various indoor one of the used to detect zone or location
detection calibration
frequency environments allowed triangulate a precise receivers
bands frequencies position
The tag is activated by Proximity of the
Local and
Passive a transmitter/reader Proximity to receiver, from Proximity detection
indoor Passive tags
RFID field and sends an ID known location few cm to a few only
back meters
Detects distance
Local and
Ultra- through travel time on Receivers Regulatory
indoor Active tags 15-20 cm
wideband UWB and filters out coverage constraints
Local and
Detects object pattern Visible area for
Vision indoor Object pattern Small areas Image noise
from camera image the camera
Local, built Receivers detects Receivers Only for certain built
Ultrasonic Tag Zones, rooms
up spaces ultrasound coverage up environments
Triangulates location
TV Tag by detecting TV signals Similar to GPS Everywhere Proprietary
from known locations
Compared to the studies with OBI systems, the ones using GPS, RFID, UWB and
WLAN technologies are limited to the project/activity level and also the technologies are
confined to track single resource location per deployed sensors. There is a need to
explore and extend their applications from the project/activity level to the operation/task
Table 2.2 Tracking technologies in construction research domains
Technologies Project and Activity Level Operation and Task Level
Sacks et al. (2003): labor tracking
Navon and Goldschmidt (2003): labor
Navon et al. (2004): equipment
Navon and Shpatnitsky (2005):
equipment tracking
Caldas et al. (2005): material tracking
Jaselskis et al. (1995): concrete
supply, cost coding, material control
Jaselskis and El-Misalami (2003):
materials tracking
RFID Chin et al. (2005): material supply
chain tracking
Song et al. (2006): material tracking
Goodrum et al. (2005): small tool
Teizer et al. (2007): work zone safety
and materials tracking
Khoury and Kamat (2009): project
information retrieval
Khoury and Kamat (2009): project
information retrieval
Yao (2003): excavation terrain
Memon et al. (2005): schedule
Kannan and Vorster (2000):
earthmoving truck operation
OBI monitoring
Sacks et al. (2005): Tower crane
operation monitoring
3.1 Introduction
The methodology of the research starts with a literature review to identify existing
research and highlight opportunities where new technologies can provide better
approaches to monitoring construction crew productivity. Case studies were used to
conceptually prove research initiatives, field test the technologies, and verify and validate
research results. Figure 3.1 shows the stages of the research methodology that was
followed to carry out the research. The following sections further describe the detailed
tasks involved at each stage.
Literature review
Research results:
Time-lapse resource utilization in construction operations
applications to project and activity levels in construction research will be identified.
These previous research works create the foundation of this research, and the lessons
learned from these works continue to shape the direction of the proposed research.
3.3 Concept-proving Case Study
To understand whether or not the relationship between operations and resource
positions exists, this stage of research uses one set of simulated resource positioning data
by identifying specific processes and operations on a grid board from a completed
drainage pipe installation project. This concept-proving case study is used to verify
whether resource location information is highly associated with the operations. The
results from the case study provide a small, but controlled data set to demonstrate the
feasibility of converting positioning data with time into operation information which is
the critical information prior to productivity analysis.
3.4 Location Tracking System Assessment
The emphases on mobility have made many location tracking systems or location-
based services available in the past decade. However, every technology or system has its
limitations and suitable application areas. This research stage assesses different location
tracking systems, such as Three-dimensional Laser Scanning (3DLS), Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID), and Digital Close-range Photogrammetry (DCRP), and chooses a
proper system as the research tool to collect construction field positioning data to further
implement the proposed research.
3.5 Rule-based Position to Operation Modeling
Construction processes utilize physical resources, such as materials, workers,
tools and equipment, and integrate the functions of these resources and transform their
contributions to a final product. Intuitively, the location of a physical resource can
provide useful information about the operations this resource involves. This stage of
rule-based position to operation modeling studies and categorizes the relationships
between the location and utilization of resources, extracting the attributes that define
operations by using positioning data. An effective methodology is the classification
approach using decision tree or decision table techniques which allow the flexibility to
model data characteristics and rules (Tan et al. 2006; Han and Kamber 2006). For
example, a set of geometrical binary attributes within the decision tree, derived from the
resource locations in the training sets of data, can be used to extract and predict the
operations of the tracked resources at the specific moment when the locations of these
resources are recorded. During this research stage, a position-to-operation (P2O)
prototype was developed to manipulate the required geometrical attributes, classifiers and
rules, unique to construction productivity, from raw positioning data.
3.6 Small Scale Case Study
Before the proposed research proceeds to analyze a real complex project, a small
scale case study was used to first test the suitability of a real data stream from the chosen
location tracking system and the modeling approach derived from the simulated data
stream in the concept-proving case study. An indoor concrete cylinder test, which
involves an operator, a compaction machine and several concrete cylinders in the
Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory, was successfully used to prove the feasibility of
the concept.
3.7 Large Scale Case Study
After the small scale case study was well implemented, this research further
extended the application to the operations of a precast concrete plant. Multiple crew
workers, steel mold elements, materials and machines are involved in the daily operations.
The essentially repetitive operations of the production of precast concrete elements
provide a continuous stream of cyclical data for analysis. The as-built production
progress of the concrete element and the productivity of the crew contributing to this
concrete element were monitored over time through the reasoning model using the
continuous stream of positioning data.
3.8 Verification and Validation
To verify whether or not an operation is successfully extracted from one set of
reasoning criteria which is composed of different geometrical attribute values, a statistic
binomial test was used at this verification stage. To validate whether or not the operation
model retrieved from positions can accurately represent the real operations, comparisons
between the created model and direct observations from recorded video were drawn at
this validation stage.
3.9 Research Results
This research develops a new approach to monitoring construction productivity
based on resource positioning and time data. Additional research results include the
processes involved in testing the technologies and their strengths, weaknesses, and
applicability to the construction industry. The expected contributions of this research
include the extension of the use of time-lapse photography in the construction industry,
the generation of geometrical attributes to describe on-site operations, the development of
a rule-based reasoning model to extract construction operation information and the
generation of time-lapse resource utilization for productivity analysis.
4.1 Introduction
A concept-proving case study has been conducted to investigate the feasibility of
utilizing positioning data collected from a construction job site to automatically create a
crew balance chart for productivity analysis. A small project of drainage pipe installation
was chosen for this concept-proving study. The purpose of this case study is to use a
small and controlled data set to review the feasibility of the research initiative. It was
simplified from a real construction project, and the positions of tracked resources at a
regular time interval were simulated from manipulating miniature models on a grid board
to prepare the 4D (x, y, z, time) positioning data. Cycle time data came from the video
analysis of the real project.
4.2 Drainage Pipe Installation Project
The purpose of the new drainage project managed by the City of Decatur is to
handle excess drainage from the new Target department store located in Decatur, IL.
This project consists of installing approximately 3000 feet of pre-casting concrete
drainage pipe. The sections of drainage pipe are 8 feet long and range in diameter from
30 inches to 48 inches. The depth of the excavation ranges from 27 feet at the lowest
point to 7 feet at the Target store site.
The excavation and installation process was conducted by a local union contractor.
The construction activities were performed during a five-day work week with activities
beginning at 7am and completing at 4pm. This project was performed by a crew of 9
individuals on site, consisting of one backhoe operator, one bulldozer operator, one
helper and 6 truck drivers. This crew performed the excavation/backfill and installation
of the main drainage pipes by utilizing one backhoe, one bulldozer and six dump trucks.
The job description of the crew is listed in Table 4.1.
4.2.1 Operations of drainage pipe installation
The typical repetitive operations of this drainage pipe installation are organized in
a Cyclone model as shown in Figure 4.1. Cyclone is a general purpose simulation system
that contains the following basic modeling symbols (Halpin and Riggs 1992). This model
shows the planned operations/tasks which are necessary to implement the process of
excavation-installation-backfill. Figure 4.1 also shows the repetitive operation sub-cycles
of the backhoe, bulldozer, trucks and helper. Several truck operations marked by the
dashed line indicate that these operations occur out of the job site area. Further, this
planned model will become the standard platform to explore operational issues. This
Cyclone model can also become a basis for simulating future projects.
4.2.2 Assumptions
Several assumptions have been made and listed below in order to reduce the
complexity in creating simulated positioning data sets.
• Same type of precast concrete pipes: 8 feet long, 4 feet in diameter for each pipe.
• All pipes are installed at the same level without a slope along the longitude.
• Trench dimensions: 8 feet wide, 20 feet deep
• Only one fixed point on each tracked resource is assumed to represent the
positions of the resource over time, and its location on the resource is listed in
Table 4.2.
4.3 Rule-based Reasoning Model
Once we are able to simulate the 4D (x, y, z, time) field positioning data, a
conversion model will be needed to convert the xyz coordinates over time into operation
information. This model of converting a set of positioning and time data into related
operations is created based on the following two associations: resource-oriented
association and geometrical association.
Bulldozer Bulldozer
Idle Idle
Backfill Bulldozer Gravels Truck dump Truck return to Bulldozer Gravels
cycle backfill available gravels on site site upload available
gravels gravels
Truck Idle
Truck Truck subcycle
Backhoe subcycle
Backhoe travel
Backhoe Remove Helper
to pipe storage
Idle backhoe idle
Backhoe drug Helper connect Backhoe &
Backhoe Backhoe travel disconnect
upper trench pipe in the helper carry Tie a pipe to
Idle to bucket wire from
box away trench pipe to trench backhoe
Helper travel
Helper re- Helper Helper travel Helper subcycle to pipe storage
connect bucket idle to bucket area
to backhoe
Queue : Represents resource queuing and storage
4.3.1 Resource-oriented association
Resource-oriented association provides the resource utilization involved in each
operation. This association is created from breaking down the resource utilization from
project level to activity level and finally to operation level as shown in Table 4.3. Each
resource is marked according to its corresponding operations as shown in the column and
each operation has several resources involved as shown in the row. This association
between resources and operations provides the relevant information to identify the
operations associated with the combinations of different resources.
Big tools
Dump truck 1 & driver 1
Offload gravels X X X X X X
Backfill gravels into trench X
4.3.2 Geometrical association
Geometrical association provides the relationship between the operation and the
geometrical location of the tracked resource. A local and unique coordinate system is
needed to serve as a baseline for object tracking. This coordinate system will not only
serve the data collection system well but also will help define the site layout. Once
positioning and time data of each tracked resource have been collected, rich information
can be retrieved by these 4D data sets to help identify what is happening on site.
Location, distance and movement are the three useful attributes which can be extracted
from the 4D data to represent the geometrical association between the operations and
resources. Location attribute
A position of each tracked resource is represented by the xyz coordinates based
on a local coordinate system at a specific time. Several sets of location boundaries
specified under the same coordinate system are needed before we generate the location
attribute L(object) for each resource. Figure 4.2 shows the positions of pipes at two
different clock times mapped onto a site layout.
Time 1 Time 2
Lay down area Lay down area
Pipe 4 Pipe 4
Pipe 2
Pipe 3
Drive way Drive way
In this case, for example, time 1 is the beginning of the day and time 2 is the end
of the day. By calculating the number of pipes which are restricted within the boundaries
of lay down and trench areas, the number and the type of stored and installed pipes can be
found and managed. This information can highly benefit on-site material management,
especially when various materials and dimensions of pipes are used. This information
can also benefit the vendor’s supply chain if the information can be reported immediately
to the vendor’s manufacture database. The supplier can monitor available pipes on site
and adjust the manufacturing and delivering schedule to fit the needs of pipe installation. Distance attribute
Another useful attribute which can be retrieved from the positioning data set is the
relative distance between resources. This distance attribute D(object1-object2) shows the
relative position status of two objects. Figure 4.3 illustrates the relative positions of
backhoe and dump truck, and bulldozer and helper at time 1. This distance between two
objects can be used to identify whether one object is located within the other object’s
working zone. In Figure 4.3, when the backhoe is excavating at the front end of a trench
and dumping excavated soil onto a truck, this truck should park within the backhoe’s
boom range. For example, when the distance between the backhoe and truck is less than
15 feet then D(backhoe-truck1) = True; it can be inferred that the backhoe is probably
excavating the soil and dumping the soil into the truck. This distance between two
objects also can benefit safety management. If the distance between the helper in the
trench and the bulldozer backfilling gravel into the trench is less than the safety distance,
an alarm can be triggered.
Time 1
Lay down area
Drive way
Truck 1
32 Movement attribute
The position change in distance of an object over time can demonstrate the
dynamic movement of this object. For example, the distance of two subsequent positions
of a still object is expected to be zero or within a minimal number if a positioning error is
considered. This information constructs the individual movement attribute M(object) of
an object. Considering together the individual movement attributes among objects, a
group movement can also be identified. For example, in Figure 4.4, the backhoe with the
helper’s assistance is carrying the pipe and moving from the lay down area toward the
trench for installation. This operation of pipe transportation can be represented by the
group movement of the backhoe, helper and pipe.
is associated with a set of criteria. The blank cells without a true or false Boolean value
in a set of criteria imply that these criteria are not critical in identifying that
corresponding operation.
A complete conversion model then will consist of a number of decision tables.
Each decision table corresponds to specific operations of a tracked resource. Table 4.4
shows an example of a complete decision table for identifying backhoe’s operations on
site. Table 4.5 shows the result of a crew’s as-built operations after a simulated 4D
positioning and time data set was processed by a conversion model written in VBA code
within Microsoft Excel. The complete simulated positioning data set is enclosed in
Appendix A.
Table 4.5 Results of crew operations
Start time End time
hh:mm hh:mm Backhoe Bulldozer Helper Truck1 Truck2 Truck3 Truck4 Truck5 Truck6
09:00 09:01 Excav Backfill Idle Upload Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle
09:01 09:02 Excav Backfill Idle Upload Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle
09:02 09:03 Excav Backfill Idle Upload Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle
09:03 09:04 Excav Backfill Idle Upload Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle
09:04 09:05 Idle Backfill Water Move Move Move Move Move Move
09:05 09:06 Idle Backfill Water Out Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle
09:06 09:07 Excav Backfill Idle Out Upload Idle Idle Idle Idle
09:07 09:08 Excav Backfill Idle Out Upload Idle Idle Idle Idle
09:08 09:09 Excav Backfill Idle Out Upload Idle Idle Idle Idle
09:09 09:10 Excav Backfill Idle Out Upload Idle Idle Idle Idle
09:10 09:11 Excav Backfill Idle Out Move Move Move Move Move
09:11 09:12 Excav Backfill Idle Out Out Upload Idle Idle Idle
09:12 09:13 Excav Backfill Idle Out Out Upload Idle Idle Idle
09:13 09:14 Excav Backfill Idle Out Out Upload Idle Idle Idle
09:14 09:15 Excav Backfill Idle Out Out Upload Idle Idle Idle
09:15 09:16 Excav Backfill Idle Out Out Move Move Move Move
09:16 09:17 Excav Backfill Idle Out Out Out Upload Idle Idle
09:17 09:18 Excav Backfill Idle Out Out Out Upload Idle Idle
09:18 09:19 Excav Backfill Idle Out Out Out Upload Idle Idle
09:19 09:20 Excav Backfill Idle Out Out Out Upload Idle Idle
09:20 09:21 Idle Backfill Idle Out Out Out Move Move Move
09:21 09:22 Excav Backfill Idle Out Out Out Out Upload Idle
09:22 09:23 Excav Backfill Idle Out Out Out Out Upload Idle
09:23 09:24 Excav Backfill Idle Out Out Out Out Upload Idle
09:24 09:25 Excav Backfill Idle Out Out Out Out Upload Idle
09:25 09:26 Excav Backfill Idle Offload Out Out Out Move Move
09:26 09:27 Excav Backfill Idle Offload Out Out Out Out Upload
09:27 09:28 Excav Backfill Idle Offload Out Out Out Out Upload
09:28 09:29 Excav Backfill Idle Offload Out Out Out Out Upload
09:29 09:30 Excav Move Idle Move Out Out Out Out Upload
09:30 09:31 L-Trench Idle Idle Idle Out Out Out Out Move
09:31 09:32 Move Idle Idle Idle Offload Out Out Out Out
09:32 09:33 U-Trench1 Idle Idle Idle Offload Out Out Out Out
09:33 09:34 U-Trench1 Idle Idle Idle Offload Out Out Out Out
09:34 09:35 Bucket1 Idle Bucket1 Idle Offload Out Out Out Out
09:35 09:36 Bucket1 Idle Bucket1 Idle Move Out Out Out Out
09:36 09:37 Move Idle Move Idle Idle Offload Out Out Out
09:37 09:38 Tight Idle Pipe Idle Idle Offload Out Out Out
09:38 09:39 Carry Idle Move Idle Idle Offload Out Out Out
09:39 09:40 Install Idle Install Idle Idle Offload Out Out Out
09:40 09:41 Install Idle Install Idle Idle Move Out Out Out
09:41 09:42 Install Idle Install Idle Idle Idle Offload Out Out
09:42 09:43 Install Idle Install Idle Idle Idle Offload Out Out
09:43 09:44 Idle Idle Water Idle Idle Idle Offload Out Out
09:44 09:45 Idle Idle Water Idle Idle Idle Offload Out Out
09:45 09:46 Bucket2 Idle Bucket2 Idle Idle Idle Move Offload Out
09:46 09:47 Bucket2 Idle Bucket2 Idle Idle Idle Idle Offload Out
09:47 09:48 Move Idle Install Idle Idle Idle Idle Offload Out
09:48 09:49 Move Idle Install Idle Idle Idle Idle Offload Out
09:49 09:50 Move Idle Install Idle Idle Idle Idle Move Out
09:50 09:51 Idle Idle Install Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Out
09:51 09:52 Idle Idle Install Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Offload
09:52 09:53 Idle Idle Install Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Offload
09:53 09:54 U-Trench2 Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Offload
09:54 09:55 U-Trench2 Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Offload
09:55 09:56 U-Trench2 Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Move
09:56 09:57 U-Trench2 Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle
09:57 09:58 U-Trench2 Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle
09:58 09:59 U-Trench2 Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle
09:59 10:00 Move Idle Idle Move Move Move Move Move Move
4.4 Summary
From the case study of a small, controlled data set of a drainage pipe installation
project presented in this chapter, one can conclude that it is feasible to use a conversion
model composed of decision tables or decision trees to extract resource operations from
the positioning and time data of these resources for construction productivity analysis.
However, questions still remain whether this approach can scale up to deal with real
world applications. From the case study, identifying a reliable location tracking system
was realized to be one of the challenging issues in this research. This issue needs to be
more carefully considered to extend the research initiative from this simple case study to
more complex projects.
Every location tracking technology has its essential limitations which are related
to the accuracy and the sensing range, and construction sites pose a variety of challenges.
Some limitations are due to the technology itself and others result from the environment
where the technology is being applied. For example, the capacities and limitations of
several location tracking systems using ground-based (RFID) and satellite-based (GPS)
RF signals have been investigated by Borenstein et al. (1996). The effective ranges vary
from 5 to 75,000 m and the accuracy of position differs from 2 to 2,000 mm. These
limitations will highly affect the results of the conversion model in the research which is
used to translate the locations of objects into their operations. Therefore tracking systems
such as computer vision systems, in additional to single and combined signal-based
technologies, should also be considered and evaluated. The following chapter explores
the location tracking technologies and their strengths and limitations.
5.1 Introduction
Three classes of location tracking technologies were tested for their applicability
to track resource positions: 3D laser scanning, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID),
and Digital Close-range Photogrammetry (DCRP). The following sections describe the
field tests conducted and their applicability to the research. Another class of technology
for location tracking is the Global Positioning System (GPS). GPS provides position
tracking capabilities with very good precision; however, separate receivers at extensive
cost need to be placed on each resource for tracking its position, which makes it
impractical to track multiple resources at different locations at one time. Due to these
limitations, GPS was not included in the field test.
5.2 3D Laser Scanning
Three-dimensional laser scanning (3DLS) is a relatively new technology that
utilizes LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). It is similar to RADAR (Radio Detection
and Ranging), but uses light to measure range or distance. A laser scanner consists of an
emitting diode that produces a light source at a specific frequency. A mirror directs the
laser beam horizontally and vertically toward the target. The surface of the target then
reflects the laser beam back to the scanner. Using the principles of pulse time of flight,
the distance can be determined by the transit time. The result of a scanning task produces
a set of point clouds, which can be processed into accurate 3D models with a precision of
up to 6 to 8mm. LIDAR allows measurement of a large number of points in a relatively
short amount of time; these points allow engineers to analyze the construction geometry
in three dimensions. Figure 5.1 shows a scanner, Cyrax 2500 by Leica Geosystems Inc,
and a schema of the scanning process. Each scan covers a 40x40 degree field of view
and is capable of collecting one million points at an accuracy level of minimeters in about
15 minutes.
Figure 5.2 shows the site photo and a single scan containing a one-million point
cloud when the scanner was tested at an excavation site. Multiple Scans can be combined
into a 3D model through point cloud registration, data filtering and modeling as shown in
Figure 5.3. The points in the overlapping areas between two adjacent scans are used to
stitch/register individual scans together to generate a single, to-scale 3D excavation
model. From this registered scanning model, a complete as-built excavation terrain was
obtained for further engineering analysis.
The 3DLS technology is very promising in documenting a construction sequence,
for example, related to geotechnical analyses (Su et al. 2006). However, despite the
excellent precision of capturing 3D geometrical data of objects, 3D laser scanning has
limited use to monitor construction resources, such as workers, materials and equipment,
because of the long lead time needed to complete a scan. Workers and working
equipment moving around within the field of view of the scanner will result in noise
points during the scanning.
5.3 RFID-radar System
The RFID-radar system tested in this research is a development model
manufactured by Trolley Scan (Pty) Ltd. in South Africa. The main unit is built around a
development board from Microchip. The antenna system is composed of three patch
panel antennas, one for signal generation and the other two for receiving the signals from
either passive or active transponders. This RFID-radar system measures the path length
for the signals traveling from the transponder to the reader to determine the distance. By
comparing the two signals arriving at the two receiving patch panel antennas, the reader
is able to determine the angle of arrival of the signals from the transponder. As stated in
its RFID-radar handbook (Trolley Scan 2006), the processor inside the system is able to
handle up to 50 transponders in a range of 50 meters. The original package encompassed
10 Claymore Ecotag long-range active transponders, 5 stick-type Ecotag long-range
active transponders and 5 credit-card-type passive transponders. All long-range active
transponders use a lithium battery to supply power to the microchip. Figure 5.4 shows
the components of the system, and Figure 5.5 shows the graphical user interface of the
Figure 5.5 User interface of RFID-radar system
Current limitations of the RFID-radar system highlighted by the vendor include:
• Number of transponders in zone limited to 50 (will be increased to 100 in later
• Speed of movement limitation for tracking and prediction of movement of the
• Range limited to approximately 40 meters with current RF power 5uW passive
stick type transponders, and
• Works at present only with the current range of Ecotag type transponders.
5.3.2 Field tests
Three patch antennas were attached to six aluminum crossbars that were bolted
together to form a horizontal array. The energizer patch was placed on the right side
facing out to the sensing area while the other two detector patches were placed on the left
side of the crossbars. Suggested by the vendor, this antenna array was hung on the
handrail outside the University of Illinois Siebel Center and its elevation was about 3
meters above the ground. Transponders were placed on the cardboard boxes at 9-meter,
13.5-meter and 18-meter locations along the center line of the antenna array. Figure 5.6
shows the layout of this outdoor test.
Two additional transponders were placed on each side of the center line at a
distance of 13.5 meters from the antennas. Figure 5.7 shows the real-time locations of
these tested transponders on a 2D plot from the user interface screen during a one-hour
test. The triangle area in light yellow represents the field of view of this RFID-radar
system, and the numbers in red represent the current locations of tested transponders.
The numbers in bright yellow within the triangle area and numbers in black outside the
triangle area are the previous location readings of these transponders.
As shown in Figure 5.7, the location readings of each transponder showed high
variation over time. Moreover, a significant number of the readings were outside the 60-
degree sensing range. The measured distances and angles of transponder #39 located at
the distance of 13.5 meters in front of the antenna and sensed at a regular one-second
time interval were plotted in Figures 5.8 and 5.9. Both figures show serious fluctuations
of the measurements over time. The X-Y plot, as shown in Figure 5.10, also shows that
only 45% of the total readings (1438 out of 3200) were within an error range of ± 0.5
#39: Distance Measurements
Distamce measurements in meters 14.0
15:18:03 15:23:31 15:28:59 15:34:27 15:39:56 15:45:24 15:50:52 15:56:20 16:01:49 16:07:17 16:12:45 Time
Angle measurements in degrees
15:46:54 15:52:22 15:57:51 16:03:19 16:08:47 16:14:16 16:19:44 16:25:12 16:30:40 16:36:09 16:41:37 Time
#39: XY Plot
Y coordinates in meters
-20 0 20 40 60 80
X coordinates in meters
#35 #36 #37 #38 #39 #40 #41 #42 #43 #44 #58 #22 #23
Distance measurements in meters
12:55 13:05 13:15 13:25 13:35 13:45 13:55 14:05 14:15 14:25 14:35 14:45 14:55 15:05 15:15 15:25
5.4 Digital Close-range Photogrammetry
In the past decade, the rapid development of digital camera technology has made
digital close-range photogrammetry (DCRP) become one of the important aspects in
computer vision. DCRP is a measurement technique which is used to acquire 3D spatial
information about objects shown on the 2D images. Conventionally, the photographs
used for DCRP measurements are usually taken by one camera from various locations at
different times, and therefore the calculation is simplified by using the same camera
parameters. Because of the development of computing technology, the computing time
of DCRP calculation for the images from various cameras has been dramatically reduced
and makes the DCRP technique more promising.
5.4.1Two-view geometry and 3D reconstruction
An object shown in a 2D image is obtained from its presence in 3D object space
through an image capturing device such as a camera. That is, the 2D image of an object
is projected from a 3D world onto a 2D image along the line of sight, and therefore one
dimension is lost during this projection (Hartley and Zisserman 2003). The following
sections introduce epipolar geometry which is the basic principle leading to
reconstruction of 3D coordinates of an object from its 2D images. Image planes and coordinate systems
When cameras view a 3D scene from different locations, geometric relationships
exist between the 3D points and their 2D image projections, from which geometric
constraints can be established. In a pinhole camera as shown in Figure 5.12, the image
captured on the actual image plane is 180 degrees rotated in both x and y directions, and
is behind the focal point at a distance of focal length f. In order to better illustrate the
geometric constraints between images, a virtual image plane is introduced to provide an
unrotated image. This virtual image plane is created from rotating both x and y directions
by 180 degrees from the actual image plane and placing it at the same focal length in
front of the focal point.
Before applying epipolar geometry to reconstruct 3D coordinates, it is very
important to first understand the coordinate systems established for the 2D image space,
3D camera space and 3D object space. Figure 5.13 shows different coordinate systems
involved during the reconstruction of 3D coordinates from 2D images. The origin of a
2D image coordinate system is located at the top-left corner of the image, and the
location of a point on the image is described by x and y pixels.
f Focal length
Figure 5.12 Pinhole camera and its image planes
y2 yL
a 3D left camera coordinate system
b (3D camera space)
x1 z2
y2 a
3D user’s coordinate system
(3D object space)
Figure 5.13 Coordinate systems of different spaces
The origin in a 3D camera space is defined at the camera center where the z-axis
passes through the principal point of the image and is perpendicular to the image plane.
The focal length, width and height of the image, position of the principal point and lens
distortion coefficients are needed to transform the coordinates between the image and
camera spaces. A transformation composed of a scale constant, a rotation matrix and a
translation vector are also needed to convert the 3D camera coordinates into a user’s
coordinate system defined in the 3D object space. Epipolar Geometry
Figure 5.14 demonstrates a 3D space point P viewed by a camera from two
different locations and its projective 2D image points, PL and PR, on the virtual image
planes. CL and CR represent the focal points of the cameras when each image is taken.
As shown in Figure 5.14, the space point P, and image points PL and PR, and camera focal
points CL and CR are coplanar, and define a plane called the epipolar plane of space point
P. Points eL and eR are the epipolar points where the line joining the camera focal points
CL and CR intersects with the image planes. Lines lL and lR are the epipolar lines of space
point P where the epipolar plane intersects with each image plane. The line joining the
camera focal points is defined as the baseline because all epipolar planes of 3D space
points intersect this baseline regardless of where the space point P is located. This
provides epipolar constraints which a set of corresponding image points must satisfy.
lL lR
CL eL baseline eR CR
However, there are two camera coordinate systems involved in this epipolar
geometry from which the epipolar constraints are established. In order to reconstruct 3D
coordinates based on one of the camera coordinate systems and further transform these
coordinates to a user specified coordinate system in the real world, the relative translation
and rotation of the two images must be known. Thompson (1959) developed an iterative
solution to determine the relationship between two camera positions by solving the linear
equations from five pairs of 2D image coordinates of corresponding points on the images,
when a calibrated camera is used. Another method without using iterative calculations
was proposed by Longuet-Higgins (1981). Eight sets of image coordinates of
corresponding projective points on the two images can be used to directly solve the
essential matrix which contains the relative orientation between two images when the
camera parameters are calibrated.
5.4.2 Hardware and software
In order to produce 3D points of moving objects on the images, the same type of
two Olympus C-7000 cameras were used under the control of Cam2Com software.
Cam2Com is camera control software which can simultaneously control multiple cameras
to take time-lapse photos at a specified time interval (Sabsik Comapny 2008), as shown
in Figure 5.15. PhotoModeler is a commercial software package developed by Eos
Systems, Inc. which allows users to conduct geometrical measurements and construct 3D
models from photographs (Eos Systems, Inc. 2008).
Camera K
7.1 MP
Camera T
(3072 x 2304 pixels)
7.1 MP
(3072 x 2304 pixels)
Figure 5.15 Camera control software and two Olympus C-7000 cameras
One measured distance, one known coordinate position and two directions of the axes are
also required to be defined by the user to transform (scale, translate and rotate) the
reconstructed coordinates into the desired user’s coordinate system in the real world
Before getting good 3D results from PhotoModeler, pre-calibrated cameras are
needed to provide the system with reliable camera parameters. Each photograph taken by
different cameras needs to be assigned with a correct set of camera parameters. Once the
calibration has been performed, this information is stored in the system and can be used
to process the images captured from the same camera in the future. Table 5.2 shows both
sets of calibrated camera parameters used in the field tests.
steel mold and require more accurate point matching under these camera settings. This is
due to the effect of the uncertainty region in epipolar geometry. If additional cameras are
mounted at different locations to provide the same image content from different angles,
the uncertainty region can be eliminated, and therefore the overall accuracy can be
1 2 3
6 4
The accuracy of the reconstructed point coordinates is determined by the angle
between the two straight lines of the measured point to each focal node of the two
cameras (Hartley and Zisserman 2003). The picked matching points, as highlighted in
red in Figure 5.17, are estimates of the actual point on the image. The black area in each
case in Figure 5.17 illustrates the uncertainty region of a point coordinate measurement,
which relies on the angle of the point to the cameras. When measuring different points
on the same pair of images, the coordinates of a far away point is less precise because its
angle to two cameras becomes smaller.
(a) Close point with large angle (b) Far point with small angle
Figure 5.17 Uncertainty regions of point coordinates
In the second test, the uncertainty regions in regard to the points at different
locations are further tested in the precast concrete plant. Figure 5.18 lists 17 point
coordinates by the descending order of the angles between the cameras. Given the fixed
camera locations and views, the points which are closer to the cameras will have bigger
angles to the cameras and have less measurement biases due to the point matching
deviation of paired points from the images. Due to the limitation of the research, the
surveying data from these 17 points were not available. However, an indirect evaluation
using Camera K parameters for both images is able to highlight this error issue related to
the uncertainty region. As shown in Table 5.4, point 7 “scale_left” has the largest angle
to the cameras, which may contain less error in its measured coordinates. Columns 5 and
6 in the table show the relative distance between each point to point 7 in each set of
images. The difference of these relative distances shown in column 7 correspondingly
increase when the angles become smaller. This comparison also implies that the error
may significantly increase when a measured point locates behind Y=2800cm while its
angle to two cameras is smaller than 20 degrees under these camera settings.
Point coordinates (unit: cm) Angle
6 between
Name of
No. two
points X Y Z cameras
3 (degrees)
5 7 scale_left 655.700 1192.055 149.778 44.084
8 scale_right 863.677 1188.974 149.389 42.737
13 1 target_left1 27.431 1691.945 637.814 30.588
14 12 ref_pt1 -0.006 1680.282 282.172 30.140
4 9 axis_x1y1 0.000 1680.000 125.000 29.683
15 4 target_right1 1264.700 1679.574 415.549 29.644
12 16
17 ref_pt6 1264.134 1679.388 350.859 29.557
9 17
16 ref_pt5 1264.690 1680.055 320.764 29.487
7 8
15 ref_pt4 1264.451 1679.461 154.791 29.079
10 axis_x2 1264.460 1680.000 125.000 28.979
2 target_left2 4.007 2233.215 425.623 24.152
14 ref_pt3 3.326 2233.373 284.543 24.020
13 ref_pt2 3.432 2233.344 281.373 24.017
11 axis_y2 2.893 2233.146 125.000 23.782
Camera T Camera K 5 target_right2 1228.566 2875.680 611.165 19.235
3 target_left3 8.701 3321.820 504.629 16.947
6 target_right3 1220.363 3867.049 629.561 14.644
Figure 5.18 DCRP precast concrete plant test
5.5 Summary
3D laser scanning technology has become a popular tool to capture an object’s 3D
geometrical characteristics. However, to capture a one-million point cloud in a single
scan requires about 15 minutes. Any moving objects, such as working equipment or
walking personnel during the scanning process, will result in noise points. There is no
time differentiation associated with the points within a single scan. Therefore, the
positions of a moving object cannot be identified in time.
The RFID-radar system tested in Section 5.3 has several drawbacks. Although a
tag is able to carry a unique number for the tracked object and the system can record the
time when a signal arrives, the measurements of distance and angle between the
transponder and receivers fluctuate in a considerable range. This is due to the reflection
of the signal itself from other surfaces and the interference of other signals in the
The tests of digital close-range photogrammetry show the highest potential for
carrying out this research although the positioning data rely on picking same points from
the images at the post-processing stage. When DCRP is applied to a site, the influence of
the limitations, such as lighting and climate conditions and blocking of views, can be
minimized by a pre-planned setup of cameras and controlled target points. The
advantages of using digital close-range photogrammetry for the research are as follows:
• It is a very economical system compared to signal-based tracking systems.
• The errors of positioning data are reasonably controlled to be as small as possible
at the post-processing stage.
• There is no data fluctuation due to the interference from the environment.
• The epipolar line provides the reference to best guess the position of a point if a
point can only be seen on a single image.
• It has the capability to simulate different locations of a tracked point on an object.
• Images not only can be used to generate positioning data but also can provide
visual context for review and confirmation of work flows.
Three classes of location tracking technologies have been field tested for their
applicability to track on-site resource positions. Although the positioning data are able to
be obtained from these promising location tracking technologies, there is a need to
develop reasoning algorithms to process these positioning data into a form that can
provide meaningful and useful productivity information. The following chapter will pilot
a real world small scale case study with the assistance of DCRP technology to build a
position to operation (P2O) system with a developed reasoning model before the system
is applied to a large scale case study.
6.1 Introduction
Based on the concept-proving case study and the field tests on location tracking
technologies in the previous chapters, the proposed research will focus on using digital
close-range photogrammetry and rule-based reasoning techniques to track construction
operations. Before testing it on a large scale construction project, a small single operator-
single machine case at the UIUC Engineering Open House was used to verify the validity
of the proposed methodology on a small scale. The following sections describe the study.
6.2 Demonstration of Concrete Compaction Test
Engineering Open House is a two-day engineering showcase that opens the doors
of the University of Illinois’s engineering buildings and laboratories to demonstrate,
educate and amaze the visitors with engineering marvels. Demonstrations provided by
each discipline in civil engineering are offered to the visitors during the open house. The
concrete compaction test is one of the demonstrations which took place at Newmark Civil
Engineering Laboratory. A student from the Structures Program illustrated the
importance of concrete strength to the structure, and also demonstrated the compaction
test using concrete cylinders. The reason this case was chosen is to use a small case with
a single piece of machinery and one operator to test the validity and accuracy of the
converted operations from the position tracking of workers and materials.
In order to record the demonstration of concrete compaction, two Olympus C-
7000 cameras were set up on both sides of the balcony on the second floor of Newmark
Laboratory. The camera control software “Cam2Com” was used to control these two
cameras to simultaneously take photos at a regular time interval of 10 seconds. One pair
of photos captured by both cameras at one time provided the same context from two
different angles of camera view for creating a 3D model in the software “PhotoModeler.”
Five circular black and white targets were placed in the field of view of these two
cameras which would be used in the software to increase the accuracy of a 3D model. A
period of 33 minutes and 40 seconds was recorded, and a total of 202 pairs of photos
were captured by both cameras. The photos from one of the cameras in Figure 6.1 show
the main operations of this demonstration.
Photo frame Photo Operation
114 Cleaning: The operator uses a
small broom and dust pan to
collect and dump the dust and
small pieces of concrete debris
into a trash can at the beginning
of a cycle of demonstration.
to implement the process of the concrete compaction test. The process observed was
executed by one operator, and the time of this process was about 15 minutes.
Operator available
Dust pan
Cleaning available
Cylinder can
for test Carrying
debris Removing
Queue : Represents resource queuing and storage
the demonstration table and edge of the compaction machine. Figure 6.3 shows the
overall 3D point coordinates of the tracked objects and two boundaries generated from
time frames 112 to 202 (photo frames 112 to 202). The complete positioning data used in
this case study is affixed in Appendix B.
Light green points: operator
Orange points: cylinders
Blue points: broom
Dark green point: dust pan
Yellow points: trash can
White lines: machine and
demonstration table
In this case study, the positions of visitors were not tracked over time because
tracking numerous visitors around the whole site was not time-efficient when the DCRP
method was used. However, knowing whether or not there are visitors gathered in front
of the demonstration table can help identify the “Illustrating” operation. Therefore, the
number of visitors presenting in front of the table was visually counted from the photos.
Geometrical association provides the relationship between the positions and
operations of the tracked resources. Classifiers are used to decide the location, distance
and movement attribute values of this association. The value of each classifier was
learned from the positioning data of tracked objects and measured boundaries of the
machine and demonstration table. A classifier of 10cm is used to decide whether an
object is moving or still; when the position change in distance is greater than 10cm the
value of the movement attribute M(object) is “M.” A classifier of Y = -1268cm from the
machine boundary is used to test the location of the concrete cylinder 01; if the y-
coordinate of this cylinder is smaller than the classifier the value of its location attribute
L(cy01) is “machine.” Another Y-axis classifier from the table boundary applied to the
cylinder is -1131cm; when the y-coordinate of the cylinder is greater than this classifier
the location attribute L(cy01) is “table.” The distance attributes were not critical to the
operations and were not used in this simple case study.
Among the geometrical attributes, the movement attribute of an object can
describe the overall moving characteristics of the object for the whole time interval, and
the location and distance attributes will have two values respectively representing the
start and end conditions of the object at a time interval. That is, an object may have
different location and distance attribute values at the start and end times of a time interval
when a movement is involved in the interval. In the reasoning model, the end time value
of a location and distance attributes are used to represent the latest situations of an object,
that is, L(object) = Lend(object) and D(object1-object2) = Dend(object1-object2).
Table 6.2 shows the geometrical attributes and reasoning rules built for each
operation in the case study. Among these operations, the “carrying” and “removing”
operations could only be associated with the same movement attribute value M(cy01) =
“M” because of the same work characteristics from the operator and concrete cylinder.
Since the moving direction of the cylinder was not specified in the reasoning model, the
same reasoning rule was applied to both operations, and, therefore, the model was not
able to distinguish them from each other. However, the “removing” can be later
corrected from the retrieved “carrying” operations by reviewing the sequential values of
the location attribute L(cy01) after an operation cycle is completed.
Table 6.3 Retrieved operations at a 30 second time interval
Time interval
Attributes Operator’s Duration
(Photo frames)
operation (minute)
Start End M(op) M(cy01) M(br) M(dp) M(tc) L(cy01) No of visitors
112 115 M S M M M table 0 cleaning
115 118 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
118 121 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
121 124 M S M S S table 0 cleaning
124 127 M S M M S table 1 cleaning 4.5
127 130 M S M M S table 1 cleaning
130 133 S S M S S table 3 cleaning
133 136 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
136 139 M S M M M table 1 cleaning
139 142 M M S S S machine 17 carrying 0.5
142 145 M S S S S machine 20 compacting
145 148 M S S S S machine 22 compacting
148 151 M S S S S machine 23 compacting
151 154 S S S S S machine 24 compacting
154 157 M M S S S table 15 carrying (removing) 0.5
157 160 M S S S S table 14 illustrating
160 163 M S S S S table 12 illustrating
163 166 M M S S S table 8 carrying 0.5
166 169 M S S S S table 7 illustrating
169 172 M S S S S table 7 illustrating
172 175 S S S S S table 4 illustrating
175 178 M S S S S table 3 illustrating
178 181 M S S S S table 2 illustrating
181 184 M S S S S table 1 illustrating
184 187 M S M M S table 1 cleaning
187 190 M S M S S table 1 cleaning
190 193 M S S S S table 1 illustrating
193 196 S S S S S table 1 illustrating
196 199 M S M M S table 1 cleaning
199 202 M S M M S table 3 cleaning
235 cm
260 cm
100 Operation 1
Transportation 2
Storage 2
-1350 -1300 -1250 - 1200 -1150 - 1100 -1050 - 1000 - 950
-900 Distance 495 man-cm
6.5.2 Different time intervals
Another important tool for productivity analysis is the crew balance chart
composed of the worker’s operations over time. As shown in Table 6.3, the last two
columns provide the information needed to draw an as-built crew balance chart. During
the 15 minute operation cycle, each long or short continuous operation was interpreted at
a 30 second time interval. In order to study how different time intervals will affect the
performance of the reasoning model, a 10 second short and a one minute long time
interval, along with the use of the same classifiers and rules at the 30 second time interval
case, were applied to the same positioning data set. Table 6.4 shows the final results of
the retrieved operations and the corresponding values of attributes during the first 5
minutes when three regular time intervals (10 seconds, 30 seconds and one minute) were
applied to the positioning data. The attribute values used to decide the worker’s
operation are highlighted in red.
When a 10 second time interval was applied, two cells (20 seconds) contain an
unknown operation within the “cleaning” operation, as marked by “?”. This is due to the
operator performing the cleaning without using small cleaning tools. The duration of the
cleaning including these two short unknowns is 4.5 minutes (270 seconds). A 10 second
short “illustrating” operation was also identified before the “carrying” operation started.
When a one minute time interval was applied, the “cleaning” operation was converted
without unknowns at each interval and had the durations of 4 minutes. In addition to the
“cleaning” operation, the “carrying” operation was retrieved as a 20 second long, 30
second long and one minute long operation, respectively at the 10 second, 30 second and
one minute time intervals.
These comparisons suggest that a short operation may not be captured and
identified when a relatively longer time interval is used, and the duration of its
predecessor or successor operation will be slightly increased. It also suggests that once a
relatively short operation is captured by a longer time interval its duration will be
extended to one or two time intervals long, and this retrieved longer duration will also
shorten the duration of its predecessor or successor operation.
6.5.3 Priority of attributes and rules
From the attribute values at the one minute time interval case, the one minute
operation between photo frames 136 and 142 can be determined as either a carrying or
cleaning operation. This highlights another modeling situation in which two or more
operations may happen during a time interval and their geometrical attributes reflect their
statuses within the same interval. In this case study, because a concrete cylinder is the
critical material processed in the cycle, the short “carrying” operation was considered as a
more significant operation than the long “cleaning” operation. Therefore, the rule of
using a movement attribute of a cylinder to identify the “carrying” operation has higher
priority than the rule of using movement attributes of small tools to identify the “cleaning”
operation. Based on the priority among the attributes and reasoning rules, the “carrying”
operation was finally assigned to the interval.
6.6 Summary
This small-scale real world operation case has shown to be an effective way to
fine-tune the proposed position-to-operation (P2O) method and to make sure that the
DCRP system works properly before a large case study is conducted. This single
operator-single machine study shows that on-site operations can be well described by the
geometrical attributes proposed in the concept-proving case study. The reasoning rules
composed of different attribute values can successfully retrieve on-site operations from
the positions of resources involved.
This case study also highlights the modeling issues when a time-lapse positioning
data set is used in a rule-based reasoning model. When a time-lapse method is used to
collect the data needed, a potential sampling error will be essentially involved in the
system. Although this may seem like a potential flaw in the P2O model, in fact, a proper
sampling period (time-lapse interval) can be carefully evaluated from the operation
durations in a project to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the P2O system.
Table 6.4 Retrieved operations at different time intervals
10 second time interval 30 second time interval One minute time interval
Photo frame Attributes Operator’s Photo frame Attributes Operator’s Photo frame Attributes Operator’s
Start End M(op) M(cy01) M(br) M(dp) M(tc) L(cy01) Vstrs operation Start End M(op) M(cy01) M(br) M(dp) M(tc) L(cy01) Vstrs Operation Start End M(op) M(cy01) M(br) M(dp) M(tc) L(cy01) Vstrs Operation
112 113 M S S M M table 0 cleaning
113 114 M S M M S table 0 cleaning 112 115 M S M M M table 0 cleaning
114 115 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
112 118 M S M M M table 0 cleaning
115 116 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
116 117 M S M M S table 0 cleaning 115 118 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
117 118 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
118 119 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
119 120 M S M M S table 0 cleaning 118 121 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
120 121 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
118 124 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
121 122 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
122 123 M S M S S table 0 cleaning 121 124 M S M S S table 0 cleaning
123 124 M S S S S table 0 ?
124 125 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
125 126 M S M M S table 1 cleaning 124 127 M S M M S table 1 cleaning
126 127 M S M M S table 1 cleaning
124 130 M S M M S table 1 cleaning
127 128 M S M M S table 1 cleaning
128 129 M S M M S table 1 cleaning 127 130 M S M M S table 1 cleaning
129 130 M S M M S table 1 cleaning
130 131 M S M M S table 1 cleaning
131 132 M S M M S table 1 cleaning 130 133 S S M S S table 3 cleaning
132 133 M S M M S table 3 cleaning
130 136 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
133 134 M S M S S table 3 cleaning
134 135 S S S S S table 0 ? 133 136 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
135 136 M S M M S table 0 cleaning
136 137 M S M S S table 4 cleaning
137 138 M S M M S table 2 cleaning 136 139 M S M M M table 1 cleaning
138 139 M S M M M table 1 cleaning
136 142 M M M M M machine 17 carrying
139 140 M S S S S table 3 illustrating
140 141 M M S S S table 15 carrying 139 142 M M S S S machine 17 carrying
141 142 M M S S S machine 17 carrying
One photo frame is 10 second apart.
M: moving; S: still; table: cy01 is on the demonstration table; machine: cy01 is inside the machine.
7.1 Introduction
In the research, the relationship between operations and positions of working
resources has been preliminarily proven from the simple cases in previous chapters. In
order to further validate the research ideas, a repetitive precast concrete production cycle
is used to apply the research methodology to a real world construction production case.
7.2 Precast Concrete Plant
A Taiwanese company, family owned with about 50 employees, is a mid-size
company in its industry. Its major customers are underground cable contractors. With a
stable customer base, it offers over 100 precast concrete products ranging from 3
kilograms to 5 tons. The layout of the precast concrete plant is shown in Figure 7.1.
Office Office
Storage area
Transportation rail
assembly bay
Main storage
allocated in 5 productionn bays. The photo in Figure 7.2,, taken from the main storage area,
shows these 5 production bays. Each bay has differentt aligned steel molds and is
equipped with overhead cranes in the longitudinal direction. Concrete
oncrete is produced by the
mixer which is located north of production bay 5, and is transversely
ly transported in a
steel bucket by overhead rail to each bay, and then
n is longitudinally transited to each
mold in the bay by an overhead crane.
Rebar cages needed for the concrete element production in production bays 1 to 4
are assembled
mbled in the rebar cage as
assembly bay. They are then transversely
ly transported to
each production bay and are carried by the longitudinally moved crane to each mold. An
additional rebar cage asse
sembly area is located in production bay 5. The rebar assembly
crew moves from the rebar bay to this location and assembles
mbles the rebar cages for the
ete elements produced in bay 5 because the larger dimensions of rebar cages in this
bay are difficult to transporting them on the transver
transverse rails from the rebar bay.
Bay 5
Bay 1 Bay 2 Bay 3 Bay 4
Block 4B1 is a blank concrete box which is the extension unit for the structure. Blocks
4B2 and 4B3 have half-circle openings on the top which are installed together to create a
circle manhole opening on which manhole necks are installed. The difference between
blocks 4B2 and 4B3 is that 4B3 has an embedded water inlet at its bottom side. Block
4B4 is the end cap to close the structure and has preset holes for power cables.
Top view
larger cranes operate in parallel on the top rails along the bay while the other two smaller
cranes are also parallel running 2 meters below them.
Thirteen steel molds are aligned in two longitudinal arrays on the ground in
production bay 5. These molds are mainly used to produce the concrete blocks and end
caps for two different sizes of underground manhole structures. Molds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9,
12 and 13 are related to high-voltage power cable transmission projects. Molds 1, 3 and
9 comprise the type 2 manhole structure; Molds 2, 4, 5 and 8 comprise the type 4
structure. Table 7.1 lists the molds and types of concrete elements produced in this bay.
As listed in Table 7.1, the concrete elements are all related to two types of
underground manhole structures for high-voltage power cable transmission projects and
have the same required concrete strength of 4000 psi. Similar shapes of elements have
the same production processes.
7.3.2 Concrete placement
As shown in Figure 7.3, same type manhole blocks (4B1, 4B2, 4B3 and 4B4) are
post-tensioned together to create an underground space. The connection surfaces of two
adjacent blocks are required to be very smooth. Therefore, considering the quality and
constructability of concrete pouring, this requires tilting the mold up and pouring the
concrete from the bottom of the block. As shown in Figure 7.5, the mold opening that
receives the concrete is the bottom of the block when installed on site.
When the poured concrete reaches its initial set (usually taking 2 to 4 hours), the
mold is ready to be tilted down for demolding. After all outer mold panels are demolded,
the concrete block will stay in place for at least 16 hours for its strength development.
Once the concrete block reaches the required strength, it is ready to be removed from the
mold. This operation is usually performed the next day.
7.3.3 Mold configuration and production stages
In this research, Mold 4 which produces manhole block type 4B1 was chosen to
illustrate the research idea because the aforementioned uncertainty region of positioning
measurement in Chapter 5 Section 5.4.3 was relative small at this location. Mold 4 was
also the closest mold that could be completely viewed from the cameras and had the best
top view to eliminate the blockage of moving objects and nearby mold panels on the
ground. The production process of Mold 4 was further divided into 13 stages based on
the mold transformation during assembly, concrete pouring and demolding. At each
stage, several operations were performed to progress to the next stage. These 13 stages
and their associated mold statuses and the operations needed prior to the next stage are
organized in Table 7.2.
Table 7.2 (continued)
Stage Photo Mold Status Main operations
4 – Front Rebar cage: In Lock inner mold
cap in place Right-side panel: In panels
Left-side panel: In Install steel rod
Bottom panel: Out and PVC pipe – 4
Front cap: In corners
Install bottom
Table 7.2 (continued)
Stage Photo Mold Status Main operations
9 – Front Rebar cage: In + Conc. Remove bottom
cap Right-side panel: In panel
removed Left-side panel: In
Bottom panel: In
Front cap: Out
7.4 Data Collection System
In order to obtain quality positioning data from images, a data collection system
composed of two digital cameras, a video camcorder and a laptop computer were
installed on site along with a geometrical allocation of 6 targets and 11 reference points.
The following section describes the technical concerns under the existing plant conditions
during the hardware setup stage.
7.4.1 Hardware layout
Two Olympus C-7000 digital cameras were installed at two corners of the
transverse steel beam, as shown in Figure 7.5. The software “Cam2Com” on a laptop
computer controlled these two cameras to take simultaneous photographs at regular time
intervals and store the images to the destination folder in the laptop computer through
USB cables.
The locations of these two cameras were placed according to the site conditions,
including field of view, cabling and target placement. In order to cover the long bay 5 as
much as possible on the images, the better view for the cameras was either from the north
to the south or from the south to the north. Viewing from the east to the west or from the
west to the east limited the image to a smaller area. Since there were no walls on the
south side of the bay, the better viewing direction for the cameras was from the south to
the north to avoid glare effect. However, there was no proper working place to set up the
laptop computer. This would create an additional cabling problem to the laptop computer
if the cameras were installed on the south. Therefore, the north side in the bay was the
only possible camera location.
The batteries of the cameras and the laptop computer only last for 2 to 4 hours
which is not adequate to capture images during an 8-hour working day. The locations of
the power source, cameras and laptop computer and the distances between the power
source to the cameras and laptop computer were investigated before placement.
Another cabling problem existed between the cameras and laptop computer. The
USB cables were used to connect the devices. However, the original manufacturer’s
USB cable was only 3 feet long. Several 40-foot long USB extension cords with signal
strength enhancement were used to extend the distances between the cameras and the
laptop. Although only one extension cord for each camera was needed when each
camera station was selected, the data transmission in these compatible extension cords
was not stable when working with the original USB cable, and the photo taken task was
interrupted several times.
12 cage
Mold area
11 cage
Mold storage
4 10 area
Mold 3: Laptop
8 2: Camera T 1: Camera K
4: Camcorder
6 7
2 1
4 3
Mixer 5: Power source
A 3D model will need to be created from 2D images through the same targets on
the images. These targets should be clearly viewed from both cameras. In order to
eliminate the blockage of targets by moving objects, the candidate locations to place
circular targets were the steel columns. In PhotoModeler, these targets will serve as
control points to orient the photos taken by the cameras. A good geometrical orientation
for the photos is created by avoiding four or more targets on a common plane. Therefore,
six targets were installed at different heights on 6 steel columns around the production
Based on the concerns mentioned above, the final location to install the cameras
was the north steel beam. The advantages to placing the cameras on this side were:
• The field of view covers the most production area in this bay because the beam is
high enough for the cameras to view the production ground from the top and is
lower than the cranes to eliminate the image blockage when cranes are moving.
• This steel beam was located right next to the stairs leading to the mixer control
room. The power from this control room was close, and the platform of these
stairs served as the working area during the period of data collection. This
working platform location also reduced the cable distances between the laptop
and the cameras.
The disadvantages were mainly from the nearby concrete mixer operation as
• The structure vibration when the concrete bucket was transporting concrete to
other bays impacted the image quality.
• The spitting water when the worker was cleaning the bucket was a hazard to the
laptop computer and the cameras.
7.4.2 User coordinate system
Six black circular targets with white square background were placed on the
vertical steel columns at different heights where they could be viewed by both cameras
and also created a good geometrical reference for photo orientation. Each target is 15cm
in diameter. The locations of the other 11 orange points of 2cm in diameter were
carefully assessed and measured by a tape meter. These small orange points were the
reference points to be used for scaling, orienting and verifying the model. Figure 7.6
shows the allocation of these targets and reference points.
The user coordinate system was created from reference points placed on the steel
columns on site. According to the site measurements, the height of point 9, as listed in
Table 5.18, is 125cm above floor, and the distance from the first steel column to this
point is 16.8m. Therefore a coordinate transition of (0, 1680, 125) was applied to this
point to set the origin of the coordinate system to the first column in this production bay.
In this user coordinate system, the X axis was defined by point 9 and point 10
while the Y axis was defined by point 9 and point 11. Reference points 7 and 8 were
placed on the edges of the inner mold of Mold 9, and their distance of 208cm was
measured to scale the model. Other reference points were placed on the columns and 6
distances among this reference points were tape measured to verify the accuracy of the
the directions of reference points 9 to 10 for the X axis and points 9 to 11 for the Y axis.
The reference point 12 was placed vertically above point 9 on the same steel column.
The coordinates of point 12, as listed in Figure 5.18, showed that the error of the X
coordinate is about -0.004%, and the error of the Y coordinate is about 0.18%, which
means a small error of 10cm out of a distance of 50m in the Y axis will exist in this user
coordinate system. This error is considered acceptable for the positioning, tracking and
modeling within the 15 x 50m production bay.
7.5 Positioning Data Preparation
7.5.1 Tracked resources
From the operations observed on site and assessed from the photos, 15 resource
objects were chosen as the critical objects for position tracking. The positions of these
objects provided the necessary information to sufficiently define the operations during
the concrete element production. These tracked objects were grouped into three
categories: mold-related objects, crane-related objects and workers. Their designations
and basic descriptions are listed in Table 7.4. In terms of mobility, workers were active
resource and moved at their will, and mold-related and crane-related objects were passive
resources which were directly driven by workers or indirectly driven by workers through
the cranes.
Table 7.4 Fifteen tracked objects
Designation of
Category Description Mobility
tracked object
rbr Rebar cage
con Concrete element
Mold-related m4b Exterior bottom panel
objects m4f Front mold cap
m4l Exterior left panel
m4r Exterior right panel Passive
bh1 Big overhead crane close to cameras resource
bh2 Big overhead crane next to bh1
Crane-related sh1 Small overhead crane close to cameras
objects sh2 Small overhead crane next to sh1
s1c Cabled control unit of sh1
s2c Cabled control unit of sh2
wk1 Worker 1: local worker and crew leader
Workers wk2 Worker 2: local worker
wk3 Worker 3: Thai worker
Although tracked points on objects can provide the best visibility during
measurement, due to the limitations of the image system, the following situations were
encountered and some assumptions were made to perform the measurement.
• When an object can only be clearly seen on one image and is blocked by adjacent
objects in the view of the other image, the position measurement is determined by
picking the best guess point on the blocked image with the assistance of the
epipolar line.
• When an object is blocked on both images, this object will be considered as a
missing object whose position cannot be obtained from the images.
• When an object is out of one of the fields of view of the two images, this object is
also considered as a missing object.
The photos from 4 production cycles related to Mold 4 operations were processed
in PhotoModeler, and the position of each tracked resource was measured based on the
above guidelines. Each production cycle is composed of about 200 pairs of photos, and
the positions for each tracked resource were measured from these photos. The lunch time
and the time for the strength development of poured concrete were skipped during the
measurement. Table 7.5 summarizes the numbers of missing measurements of workers’
positions in these 4 production cycles. It can be found that about 50% of worker 2
positions were not available. This is because, except for his involvement in Mold 4
production, he primarily prepared concrete supply and worked on Mold 8 production out
of range of the cameras. The complete positioning data of these 4 sets of production
cycles are attached in the Appendix C.
rbr: Optimal point on the con: Optimal point on the m4b: Optimal point at the
lifting hanger lifting hanger top left corner
m4f: Optimal point from m4l: Optimal point at the m4r: Optimal point at the
the lifting hanger at the top top rear left corner top front right corner
rear right cap area
wk1: Optimal point from wk2: Optimal point from wk3: Optimal point from
worker’s head worker’s head worker’s head
bh1: Optimal point on the bh2: Optimal point on the sh1: Optimal point on the
top of hook top of hook top of hook
sh2: Optimal point on the s1c: Optimal point on the s2c: Optimal point on the
top of hook top of the control unit top of the control unit
8.1 Introduction
A training set, consisting of the resource positions during a production cycle with
known operations (class labels), was used to set up the classifiers and attributes and bring
in (induct) the reasoning rules which are the core components of the classification models.
These classification models will be subsequently applied to the test sets from other
production cycles to predict (deduct) unknown class labels of the resources from their
positions. The input data for the classification model is a collection of position-related
data. In this research, the set of positioning data from the production cycle of Mold 4 on
June 29, 2009 is chosen as the training set to determine the necessary information to
extract classifiers, attributes and rules for the models. The following sections describe
the methodology to build the classification models using reasoning rules for the case of
precast concrete production in this research, and the retrieved operational information is
organized in a time-lapse resource utilization table.
8.2 P2O System for Precast Concrete Production
In the research, the generation of a rule-based reasoning model using three types
of geometrical attributes to describe operations was formed from the concept-proving
case study. After the location technology assessment, an image capturing system and
position measurement software using DCRP techniques were chosen and tested in the
small scale case study. Therefore, a position to operation (P2O) system conbining an
image capturing system, position measurement software and a rule-based reasoning
model was proposed to conduct the large scale case study. Figure 8.1 shows the
components of a P2O system applied to precast concrete production.
In the system, the positions of a group of objects are measured at a regular time
interval. Each interval is an instance to deal with in the model. A specific time interval
is defined by two subsequent times, a start time and an end time. Since the time intervals
are subsequent, the start time of an interval is also the end time of the previous interval,
and its end time is also the start time of the next interval. Each time is associated with a
pair of photos captured by the image system which is composed of two cameras and the
control software Cam2Com. Each pair of photos at a time is processed in the position
measurement software PhotoModeler, and the output is a position table containing the
positions of tracked objects. Each position table can be used to explain the site
operational conditions of the resources involved at a moment in an operation process.
Time 1 Time 2 Time 3
Cameras and
A time interval
Photos Photos
at start time at end time
Position table at start time Position table at end time
Geometrical classifiers reasoning model
Production stage
reasoning module
Resource utilization
The positioning data in two associated position tables of a time interval are first
tested by a set of geometrical classifiers in the reasoning model to explicitly express the
conditions by geometrical attribute values. These values are further classified by a set of
reasoning rules to identify operations of resources during this time interval.
In the case study, a one-minute time interval was chosen to correspond with the
duration of the shortest critical production stage. In the P2O system of the case study, the
reasoning model contains two modules, the production stage module and operation
module. A production stage is first identified in the model based on the mold
configuration and provides an explicit condition to further reason about the operation
from the possible operations that may be performed at this stage. The final output of the
P2O system is a time-lapse resource utilization table containing the identified operations
of major resources, such as labor and equipment.
8.3 Geometrical Classifiers
The geometrical classifiers are used to convert quantitative positioning data into
qualitative geometrical attributes. Table 8.1 lists the classifiers and their values extracted
from the training data set. The Classifier 1 is used to decide the movement attribute of a
mold-related object or a worker. Classifier 2 is used to identify the movement attribute of
a crane. Classifier 3 is used to test the distance attribute from the relative distance of a
worker and a control unit of a small crane to identify whether or not this worker is
operating the small crane through its control unit. Classifier 4 is to decide the distance
attribute of a worker to tell whether a worker is working under small crane 1 during
production stage 9. Classifiers 5 and 6 working with Classifiers 8 to 14 can test whether
or not the mold-related objects have been placed in their installed or tilt-up positions.
Classifier 6 is assigned a bigger value than the value of Classifier 5 because the mold can
be slightly dragged about 20cm along the Y direction during the tilted-down process.
Classifiers 15 to 36 are used to define the boundary of a 3D space and test whether or not
an object is located within a pre-defined working zone. In total, 8 working zones, as
listed in Table 8.2, are established based on these x-, y-, and z-axis classifiers. Figure 8.2
shows these pre-defined working zones and classifiers 8 through 14 in a XY plot. As
shown in Figure 8.2, although the working zones A through F defined for Mold 4
production are overlapped in some areas, these working zones are mutually exclusive at
different production stages. For example, Zones A, B and C are defined for production
stages 8 and 0 through 5. Zones D and E are used at production stage 6. Zone F applies
to stages 11 and 12.
Table 8.2 Pre-defined working zones
Working zone Boundaries Values
X between Classifier 17 and Classifier 18 167 < X < 407
Zone A
Y between Classifier 26 and Classifier 28 1725 < Y < 2085
(Mold 4 inner working zone)
Z below Classifier 35 Z < 200
X between Classifier 15 and Classifier 21 17 < X < 557
Zone B Y between Classifier 25 and Classifier 29 1575 < Y < 2235
(Mold 4 outer working zone) Z below Classifier 35 Z < 200
Exclusive of Zone A
X between Classifier 15 and Classifier 21 17 < X < 557
Zone C
Y between Classifier 25 and Classifier 29 1575 < Y < 2235
(Mold 4 top working zone)
Z above Classifier 35 Z > 200
Zone D X between Classifier 16 and Classifier 20 93 < X < 513
(Mold 4 concrete pouring Y between Classifier 24 and Classifier 27 1507 < Y < 1747
working zone) Z above Classifier 36 Z > 480
Zone E X between Classifier 16 and Classifier 20 93 < X < 513
(Mold 4 tilt-up middle working Y between Classifier 24 and Classifier 27 1507 < Y < 1747
zone) Z between Classifier 35 and Classifier 36 200 < Z < 480
Zone F X between Classifier 15 and Classifier 21 17 < X < 557
(Mold 4 oil applying working Y between Classifier 23 and Classifier 30 1100 < Y < 2400
zone) Z below Classifier 35 Z < 200
X between Classifier 16 and Classifier 20 93 < X < 513
Mold 2 concrete pouring
Y between Classifier 32 and Classifier 33 2926 < Y < 3166
working zone
Z above Classifier 35 Z > 200
X between Classifier 19 and Classifier 22 500 < X < 800
Mold 12 working zone Y between Classifier 31 and Classifier 34 2900 < Y < 3700
Z below Classifier 35 Z < 200
The change in position (moving distance) of an object at time t and t+1 is
calculated from the formula:
= √ (Xt+1 – Xt)2 + (Yt+1 – Yt)2 + (Zt+1 – Zt)2
where (Xt, Yt, Zt) is the position of object A at time t, and (Xt+1, Yt+1, Zt+1) is the position
of object A at time t+1.
Mold 12
Mold 2 zone
Y (cm)
Zone B
Zone A
Zone D
Zone F
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
X (cm)
are the installed positions, working with Classifiers 5 and 6, to test whether or not a
related object has been installed in place. The 6 pre-defined working zones A through F
composed of x-, y-, and z-axis classifiers from Classifiers 15 through 36 are used to
specify a worker’s location for Mold 4 production. Table 8.3 lists the possible values of
all location attributes. During the modeling, the end attribute Lend(object) is assumed to
represent the location attribute L(object) for the whole time interval, that is, L(object) =
Table 8.3 Possible values of location attributes
Objects Associated location attributes Possible values
rbr, con, m4b, m4l and m4r Lstart(object) and Lend(object) I or O
m4f Lstart(object) and Lend(object) I, U, or O
wk1, wk2 and wk3 Lstart(object) and Lend(object) A, B, C, D, E, F, O, or n/a
I: installed position; U: tilt-up position; A, B, C, D and E: working zones A, B, C, D, E and F;
O: other positions and working zones; n/a: position data are not available
8.4.3 Movement attributes
The position change in distance between two subsequent positioning
measurements of an object can be used to identify whether or not this object moves or is
moved during the one-minute time interval of these two subsequent readings. Classifiers
1 and 2 are used to partition the moving distance data to decide the value of this
movement attribute M(object). The possible values of all movement attributes are listed
in Table 8.5.
Table 8.5 Possible values of movement attributes
Objects Associated movement attributes Possible values
All objects: rbr, con, m4b, m4f, m4l,
m4r, wk1, wk2, wk3, bh1, bh2, sh1, M(object) M, S or n/a
sh2, s1c, s2c
M: move; S: still; n/a: position data are not available
assembled and before they are unbolted, Mold 4 is an integral set. In order to address the
status of this integral mold during production stages 6 and 7, a group movement attribute
M(grp) and a location attribute L(grp) are applied. The M(grp) is generated from the
movement attribute of each individual mold-related object by the following
“IF….THEN….” statement. Because the tracked points on the mold panels m4b and m4r
are close to the tilt-up/tilt- down axis, their position changes are not sensitive to the
Classifier 1 at the beginning and the end of rotation. Therefore, the “OR” operator is used
in the statement.
A location attribute L(grp) is also created to address whether or not the integral
mold is located at the tilt-up position by isolating the attribute value “U” from the
location attribute of m4f. The application of L(grp) also has the benefit of splitting the
location attribute L(m4f) into a binary attribute as shown in Figure 8.3.
Yes No
At installed
Yes No
Installed Other
position positions
“I” “O”
After splitting the location attribute of m4f, all location attributes and movement
attributes only have two possible outcomes: “I” or “O” for L(rbr), L(con), L(m4b),
L(m4f), L(m4l) and L(m4r); “U” or “O” for L(grp); “M” or “S” for M(rbr), M(con),
M(m4b), M(m4f), M(m4l) and M(m4r); “True” or “False” for M(grp). A value 1 is
assigned to these binary attributes to represent the outcomes of “I”, “U”, “M” and “True”.
A value 0 is assigned to these binary attributes to represent the outcomes of “O”, “S” and
Table 8.5 shows the decision table composed of different combinations of 8
binary attribute values to identify production stages. The only difference between
production stages 6 and 7, the stages before and after concrete pouring, is the poured
concrete. Tracking of green concrete to distinguish production stages 6 and 7 from each
other is limited in the research. Therefore, in the decision table, only using mold
configurations to identify stage 6 and stage 7 is not sufficient, and these two stages are
considered as a combined stage ”6&7” in the model. In Table 8.6, it also shows that
M(grp) = 1 or L(grp) = 1 are the two sufficient attribute values to identify the stage
“6&7”, and the location values of other mold-related objects are not critical to this stage.
Table 8.6 Decision table for identifying production stages
production cycle is also observed in the model. Since there are no attributes specified for
other molds, this crane moving operation will be considered as an operation which is not
related to mold 4 production, unless a mold 4-related object is associated with this crane
moving operation. The following section demonstrates the rules used to identify the
worker’s operations at each stage.
In order to retrieve worker’s operations during a time interval, all attributes listed
in Tables 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5 are organized in an attribute table, shown in Table 8.7 as one
example. The operation associated with a worker is assessed and deducted from a set of
related attribute values in this table. In an attribute table, 5 cell areas provide different
critical information. In Table 8.7, the attribute values in green show the moving statuses
of objects during the time interval. Among these objects, workers are the active resources
which can move themselves, and others are passive resources whose movements are
directly driven by workers or indirectly driven by workers through the cranes. The
values in pink provide the information about whether the mold-related objects have been
installed in place at the start time and end time of the interval. The values in purple show
the nearest crane to each mold-related object. The values in blue define the working zone
where a worker is located at the start and end time. The values in orange show the small
crane control unit when the unit is within a worker’s control range.
Table 8.7 Attribute table of time interval 7:24 to 7:25 of 0629 production cycle
Objects M(object) Lstart(object) Lend(object) Dstart(objects) Dend(objects)
rbr S I I sh2 sh2
con n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
m4b S O O sh2 sh2
m4f S O O sh2 sh2
m4l M O I sh2 sh2
m4r S I I sh2 sh2
wk1 M B B s2c s2c
Workers wk2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
wk3 M O B O O
bh1 n/a
bh2 S
sh1 n/a
sh2 M
s1c n/a
s2c M
M: moving; S: still; B: working zone B; sh2: small crane 2; s2c: control unit of small crane 2; I: installed position; O:
not in place or outside pre-defined working zones for location attributes, and not associated with s1c or s2c for
distance attributes of workers; n/a: position not available.
To manipulate the information provided by the attribute values from these 5
categories in the attribute table, proper operations can be associated with the workers. As
highlighted in Chapter 6 Section 6.5.3, the reasoning rules used to identify worker’s
operations were learned from the 0629 training data set, and the priority of these rules
was organized in the sequenance of a “IF….THEN….” statement. Each statement
contains the possible operations that may be performed by a worker at one time.
Therefore, a “For….” loop statement is placed outside the “IF….THEN….” statement to
decide each worker’s operation at a specific moment from the possible operations.
The rules using related attributes identifying the operations performed by each
worker at different production stages are described below.
The typical operations during production stage 0 are to install rebar cage rbr (0P1),
to move small crane sh2 to a required position (0P2), to reset inner mold panels (0P3), to
clean and apply oil to the inner mold panels (0P4) and to climb in or out of the mold
(0P5). The “IF….THEN….” statements to identify these operations are described in
Table 8.8.
Table 8.8 Rule set for operations at production stage 0
FOR WK = wk1, wk2, wk3
IF XYZ(WK) = "n/a" THEN OP(WK) = “?”
ELSEIF M(rbr) = "M" AND D(rbr) = "sh2" AND M(sh2) = "M" AND D(WK) = "s2c"
THEN OP(WK) = "0P1"
ELSEIF M(rbr) = "S" AND M(sh2) = "M" AND D(WK) = "s2c"
THEN OP(WK) = "0P2"
ELSEIF L(WK) = “A” THEN OP(WK) = “0P3”
ELSEIF L(WK) = “B” THEN OP(WK) = “0P4”
ELSEIF L(WK) = “C” THEN OP(WK) = “0P5”
The typical operations during production stage 1 are to install mold right panel
m4r (1P1), to move small crane sh2 to a required position (1P2), to install embedded
parts inside the inner mold (1P3), to install embedded parts outside the inner mold (1P4)
and to climb in or out of the mold (1P5). The “IF….THEN….” statements to identify
these operations are described in Table 8.9.
The typical operations during production stage 2 are to install mold left panel m4l
(2P1), to move small crane sh2 to a required position (2P2), to install embedded parts
inside the inner mold (2P3), to install embedded parts outside the inner mold (2P4) and to
climb in or out of the mold (2P5). The “IF….THEN….” statements to identify these
operations are described in Table 8.10.
Table 8.10 Rule set for operations at production stage 2
FOR WK = wk1, wk2, wk3
IF XYZ(WK) = "n/a" THEN OP(WK) = “?”
ELSEIF M(m4l) = "M" AND D(m4l) = "sh2" AND M(sh2) = "M" AND D(WK) = "s2c"
THEN OP(WK) = "2P1"
ELSEIF M(m4l) = "S" AND M(sh2) = "M" AND D(WK) = "s2c"
THEN OP(WK) = "2P2"
ELSEIF L(WK) = “A” THEN OP(WK) = “2P3”
ELSEIF L(WK) = “B” THEN OP(WK) = “2P4”
ELSEIF L(WK) = “C” THEN OP(WK) = “2P5”
The typical operations during production stage 3 are to install mold front cap m4f
(3P1), to move small crane sh2 to a required position (3P2) and to assist the installation
of m4f (3P3). The “IF….THEN….” statements to identify these operations are described
in Table 8.11.
Table 8.11 Rule set for operations at production stage 3
FOR WK = wk1, wk2, wk3
IF XYZ(WK) = "n/a" THEN OP(WK) = “?”
ELSEIF M(m4f) = "M" AND D(m4f) = "sh2" AND M(sh2) = "M" AND D(WK) = "s2c"
THEN OP(WK) = "3P1"
ELSEIF M(m4f) = "S" AND M(sh2) = "M" AND D(WK) = "s2c"
THEN OP(WK) = "3P2"
ELSEIF L(WK) = “B” THEN OP(WK) = “3P3”
The typical operations during production stage 4 are to install mold bottom panel
m4b (4P1), to move small crane sh2 to a required position (4P2), to bolt inner mold
panels together (4P3), to install embedded bars from outside inner mold (4P4) and to
insert temporary bars from the top of the mold to hold embedded bars (4P5). The
“IF….THEN….” statements to identify these operations are described in Table 8.12.
The typical operations during production stage 5 are to move big crane bh2 to
mold 4 area (5P1), to move small crane sh2 away from mold 4 area (5P2), to bolt inside
mold panels (5P3), to bolt outside mold panels (5P4) and to climb in or out of the mold
(5P5). The “IF….THEN….” statements to identify these operations are described in
Table 8.13.
The typical operations during production stage 6&7 are to use big crane bh2 to tilt
the whole mold up for concrete pouring (6P1), to move big crane bh2 for a next operation
(6P2), to use big crane bh1 to tilt the whole mold down for demolding (6P3), to move big
crane bh1 for a next operation (6P4), to release the mold from big crane bh2 (6P5), to use
small crane sh2 to place vibrator (6P6), to pour concrete (6P7), to vibrate concrete and
finish concrete surface (6P8), to climb up or down on the mold (6P9) and to supply
concrete for pouring (6P10). The “IF….THEN….” statements to identify these
operations are described in Table 8.14.
Table 8.14 Rule set for operations at production stage 6&7
FOR WK = wk1
IF XYZ (WK) = "n/a" THEN OP(WK) = “?”
ELSEIF M(bh2) = “M” AND M(m4f) = “M” THEN OP(WK) = “6P1”
ELSEIF M(bh2) = “M” AND M(m4f) = “S” AND L(bh2) = “C”
THEN OP(WK) = "6P2"
ELSEIF M(bh1) = “M” AND M(m4f) = “M” THEN OP(WK) = “6P3”
ELSEIF M(bh1) = “M” AND M(m4f) = “S” AND L(bh1) = “C”
THEN OP(WK) = "6P4"
ELSEIF L(bh2) = “D” AND Lend(WK) = “D” THEN OP(WK) = "6P5"
ELSEIF Lend(sh2) = “D” AND L(WK) = “D” THEN OP(WK) = “6P6”
ELSEIF L(sh1) = “D” AND L(WK) = “D” THEN OP(WK) = “6P7”
ELSEIF L(WK) = “D” THEN OP(WK) = “6P8”
ELSEIF L(WK) = “E” THEN OP(WK) = “6P9”
ELSEIF L(sh1) = “D” AND D(WK) = “s1c” THEN OP(WK) = “6P10”
The typical operations during production stage 8 are to remove temporary bars
from the mold (8P1), to move small crane sh1 to a required position (8P2), to unbolt
inner mold (8P3), to unbolt exterior mold panels (8P4) and to climb in or out of the mold
(8P5). The “IF….THEN….” statements to identify these operations are described in
Table 8.15.
The typical operations during production stage 9 are to remove mold front cap
m4f from the mold bed (9P1) and to clean and apply oil before this cap is placed on the
ground (9P2). The “IF….THEN….” statements to identify these two operations are
described in Table 8.16.
The only operation at production stage 10 is to remove mold bottom panel m4b
from the mold bed (10P1). The “IF….THEN….” statements to identify this short
operation are described in Table 8.17.
The typical operations at production stage 11 are to remove mold left panel m4l
from the mold bed (11P1), to move small crane sh1 away from the mold bed (11P2) and
to clean and apply oil to the mold panel surfaces (11P3). The “IF….THEN….”
statements to identify these two operations are described in Table 8.18.
The typical operations at production stage 12 are to remove mold right panel m4r
from the mold bed (12P1), to move small crane sh1 away from the mold bed (12P2) and
to clean and apply oil to the mold panel surfaces (12P3). The “IF….THEN….”
statements to identify these three operations are described in Table 8.19.
Table 8.20 Time-lapse resource utilization
Time interval Production Main resources (workers and cranes)
No Start End stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2
1 7:01 7:02 0 X X 0p4 ? S ? S
2 7:02 7:03 0 0p2 0p3 0p4 ? S ? M
3 7:03 7:04 0 0p2 0p3 0p4 ? S ? M
4 7:04 7:05 0 0p2 ? 0p4 ? S ? M
5 7:05 7:06 0 0p2 ? 0p4 ? S ? M
6 7:06 7:07 0 0p1 0p3 X ? S ? rbr
7 7:07 7:08 0 0p1 ? 0p4 ? S ? rbr
8 7:08 7:09 0 X 0p5 0p4 ? S ? S
9 7:09 7:10 0 0p1 0p4 ? ? S ? rbr
10 7:10 7:11 0 0p1 0p4 0p4 ? S ? rbr
11 7:11 7:12 0 0p1 0p4 0p4 ? S ? rbr
12 7:12 7:13 1 1p2 1p4 1p3 ? S ? M
13 7:13 7:14 1 1p4 1p4 ? ? S ? S
14 7:14 7:15 1 1p4 1p4 1p3 ? S ? S
15 7:15 7:16 1 1p4 1p4 1p3 ? S ? S
16 7:16 7:17 1 X 1p4 ? ? S ? S
17 7:17 7:18 1 1p1 1p4 ? ? S ? m4r
18 7:18 7:19 1 1p1 1p4 ? ? S ? m4r
19 7:19 7:20 2 2p2 2p4 ? ? S ? M
20 7:20 7:21 2 2p2 2p4 2p3 ? S ? M
21 7:21 7:22 2 2p4 2p4 2p3 ? S ? S
22 7:22 7:23 2 2p4 2p4 2p3 ? S ? S
23 7:23 7:24 2 2p1 ? X ? S ? m4l
24 7:24 7:25 2 2p1 ? 2p4 ? S ? m4l
25 7:25 7:26 3 3p2 ? X ? S ? M
26 7:26 7:27 3 3p1 X 3p3 ? S ? m4f
27 7:27 7:28 3 3p1 X ? ? S ? m4f
28 7:28 7:29 4 4p3 4p4 4p5 ? S ? S
29 7:29 7:30 4 4p3 ? 4p5 ? S ? S
30 7:30 7:31 4 4p3 4p4 4p5 ? S ? S
31 7:31 7:32 4 X ? X ? S ? S
32 7:32 7:33 4 4p1 ? 4p4 ? S ? m4b
33 7:33 7:34 5 5p2 ? 5p4 ? S ? M
34 7:34 7:35 5 5p1 ? 5p4 ? M ? M
35 7:35 7:36 5 5p4 ? 5p4 ? S ? S
36 7:36 7:37 5 5p4 ? ? ? S ? S
37 7:37 7:38 5 ? ? ? ? S ? S
38 7:38 7:39 5 ? X ? ? S ? S
39 7:39 7:40 5 ? X X ? S ? S
40 7:40 7:41 5 ? X X ? S M S
?: position is not available
X: worker’s operation or location is not associated with Mold 4 production
0p1 to 5p4: operations at different stages
S: still
M: move
rbr, m4b, m4f, m4l and m4r: rebar cage and Mold 4 panels
8.7 Discussions
The result of the P2O system is an overall subsequent resource utilization of a
repetitive production cycle when a timely and continuous stream of positioning data is
processed. This resource utilization can help managers and engineers monitor ongoing
operations and review the performance of the resources involved. When a change of a
resource allocation is needed a timely adjustment can be made. The following sections
discuss the findings from applying the rule-based P2O system to the precast concrete
8.7.1 Other mold productions
In the case study, the information retrieval of resource operations focuses on the
Mold 4 production. It was limited to obtain the positioning data from the objects needed
for other mold productions due to the view blockage of installed cameras. Although the
positions of mold-related objects for retrieving detailed operations of other molds were
not available, the workers’ positions related to these mold productions were tracked in the
study. From their locations, the workers’ operations were identified as “X”, which means
their operations are not related to Mold 4 production when only Mold 4-related rules
were applied to the model, as shown in Table 8.20. However, when the working zones,
the Mold 2 concrete pouring working zone and Mold 12 working zone as listed in Table
8.2, were applied to the model, some of these unknowns could be further associated with
Mold 2 or Mold 12, as the before and after columns show in Table 8.21 from production
cycle 0629. Although the detailed operations related to these molds still remain unknown,
the continuity of a worker engaged in a mold production during a time frame can be
obtained. Table 8.21 also shows two error instances resulted from these less accurate
working zone rules. At the time intervals 75 and 80, worker 1 was incorrectly associated
with Mold 12 while he was passing through this working zone and returning with the big
crane 2 for the Mold 4 tilt-up operation. Compared to a general ground working zone as
the Mold 12 working zone was, the Mold 2 concrete pouring zone was a strictly isolated
area upon Mold 2 and generated more accurate results associated with the operation of
Mold 2 concrete pouring.
Table 8.21 working zones of other mold productions
Time interval Worker 3 operations Time interval Worker 1 operations
No. Start End Stage Before After No. Start End Stage Before After
39 7:39 7:40 5 X Mold2 74 8:14 8:15 6&7 6p9 6p9
40 7:40 7:41 5 X Mold2 75 8:15 8:16 6&7 X Mold12
41 7:41 7:42 5 X Mold2 76 8:16 8:17 6&7 X X
42 7:42 7:43 5 X Mold2 77 8:17 8:18 6&7 X X
43 7:43 7:44 5 X Mold2 78 8:18 8:19 6&7 6p6 6p6
44 7:44 7:45 5 X Mold2 79 8:19 8:20 6&7 X X
45 7:45 7:46 5 X Mold2 80 8:20 8:21 6&7 X Mold12
46 7:46 7:47 5 X Mold2 81 8:21 8:22 6&7 X X
47 7:47 7:48 5 X Mold2 82 8:22 8:23 6&7 X X
48 7:48 7:49 5 X Mold2 83 8:23 8:24 6&7 X Mold12
49 7:49 7:50 5 X Mold2 84 8:24 8:25 6&7 X Mold12
50 7:50 7:51 5 X Mold2 85 8:25 8:26 6&7 X Mold12
51 7:51 7:52 5 X Mold2 86 8:26 8:27 6&7 X Mold12
52 7:52 7:53 5 X Mold2 87 8:27 8:28 6&7 X Mold12
53 7:53 7:54 5 X Mold2 88 8:28 8:29 6&7 X Mold12
54 7:54 7:55 5 X Mold2 89 8:29 8:30 6&7 X Mold12
55 7:55 7:56 5 X Mold2 90 8:30 8:31 6&7 X Mold12
56 7:56 7:57 5 X Mold2 91 8:31 8:32 6&7 X Mold12
57 7:57 7:58 5 X Mold2 92 8:32 8:33 6&7 X Mold12
58 7:58 7:59 5 X Mold2 93 8:33 8:34 6&7 X Mold12
59 7:59 8:00 5 X Mold2 94 8:34 8:35 6&7 X Mold12
60 8:00 8:01 5 X Mold2 95 8:35 8:36 6&7 X Mold12
61 8:01 8:02 5 X Mold2 96 8:36 8:37 6&7 X Mold12
62 8:02 8:03 5 X Mold2 97 8:37 8:38 6&7 X Mold12
63 8:03 8:04 5 X Mold2 98 8:38 8:39 6&7 X Mold12
64 8:04 8:05 5 X Mold2 99 8:39 8:40 6&7 X Mold12
65 8:05 8:06 5 X Mold2 100 8:40 8:41 6&7 X X
66 8:06 8:07 5 X Mold2 101 8:41 8:42 6&7 X Mold12
67 8:07 8:08 5 X Mold2 102 8:42 8:43 6&7 X Mold12
68 8:08 8:09 5 X Mold2 103 8:43 8:44 6&7 X X
69 8:09 8:10 5 X Mold2 104 8:44 8:45 6&7 ? ?
70 8:10 8:11 6&7 X Mold2 105 8:45 8:46 6&7 X Mold12
71 8:11 8:12 6&7 X Mold2 106 8:46 8:47 6&7 X Mold12
72 8:12 8:13 6&7 X Mold2 107 8:47 8:48 6&7 X Mold12
73 8:13 8:14 6&7 X Mold2 108 8:48 8:49 6&7 X Mold12
74 8:14 8:15 6&7 X Mold2 109 8:49 8:50 6&7 X Mold12
75 8:15 8:16 6&7 X Mold2 110 8:50 8:51 6&7 X Mold12
76 8:16 8:17 6&7 X Mold2 111 8:51 8:52 6&7 X Mold12
77 8:17 8:18 6&7 X Mold2 112 8:52 8:53 6&7 X Mold12
78 8:18 8:19 6&7 X Mold2 113 8:53 8:54 6&7 X Mold12
79 8:19 8:20 6&7 X Mold2 114 8:54 8:55 6&7 X Mold12
80 8:20 8:21 6&7 X Mold2 115 8:55 8:56 6&7 X Mold12
81 8:21 8:22 6&7 X Mold2 116 8:56 8:57 6&7 X Mold12
?: position is not available
X: worker’s location is not associated with Mold 4, Mold 2 and Mold 12 productions
6p6 and 6p9: Mold 4 related operations at stage 6&7
Mold2: worker is associated with Mold 2 production
Mold 12: worker is associated with Mold 2 production
8.7.2 Short operations
In the case study, several short operations were observed. The duration of these
short operations is less than one minute. As a one-minute time interval is used for the
reasoning model, these short operations can be started and completed within a time
interval and may not be captured by the model. Once a short operation is captured on the
photos and identified by the model, its duration will be recorded as one minute long.
Examples are the worker’s movement of climbing in and out or up and down the mold at
different stages, such as 0p5, 1p5, 2p5, 5p5, 6p9 and 8p5 operations. These movements
are as short as about 20 seconds. However, these short operations are considered as less
important operations when compared to long operations, and their actual operation time
can be statistically estimated if sufficient production cycles are available.
Another short operation is the first bucket of concrete pouring (operation 6p7).
Since the mold is empty, the worker can pour the first bucket of the concrete in a minute
without moving around on the mold. A total of 3 buckets are needed for a mold. When
the first bucket concrete pouring is missed in the model, it will result in difficulty to
decide the duration between two supplies for the concrete supply management since there
is only one mixer serving concrete to all productions in the plant.
8.7.3 Process and operation discontinuities
The process discontinuity between two subsequent operations can be accessed
from the resource utilization table. Table 8.22 shows an example of process discontinuity
from the production cycle 0629. Mold 4 was ready to receive concrete after worker 1
placed a concrete vibrator (6p6) onto the mold at the time interval 78. However, worker
3 was still pouring the concrete at Mold 2 during the time intervals 79 through 81. This
resulted in a 3 minute process discontinuity of Mold 4 and could be discerned from the
utilization table, as marked in red in Table 8.22. In addition to the process discontinuity,
several short operation discontinuities were also observed from an isolated “X” mark
within a continuous operation from the resource utilization table, as the operations of
worker 1 show in Table 8.20. This was because worker 1 temporarily left the working
zone for some reason. In general, these two discontinuities will result in a longer cycle
Table 8.22 An example of process discontinuity
Time interval Production Main resources (workers and cranes)
No Start End stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2
78 8:18 8:19 6&7 6p6 ? X ? S ? M
79 8:19 8:20 6&7 X ? X ? S ? M
80 8:20 8:21 6&7 X ? X ? S ? M
81 8:21 8:22 6&7 X ? X ? M ? M
82 8:22 8:23 6&7 X ? 6p9 ? S ? S
83 8:23 8:24 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
84 8:24 8:25 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S M S
85 8:25 8:26 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
?: position is not available
X: worker’s operation or location is not associated with Mold 4 production
6p6, 6p8 and 6p9: Mold 4 related operations at stage 6&7
S: still
M: move
Table 8.23 An example of worker idleness
Time interval Production Main resources (workers and cranes)
No Start End stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2
86 8:26 8:27 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
87 8:27 8:28 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
88 8:28 8:29 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
89 8:29 8:30 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
90 8:30 8:31 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
91 8:31 8:32 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
92 8:32 8:33 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
93 8:33 8:34 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
94 8:34 8:35 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
95 8:35 8:36 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
96 8:36 8:37 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
97 8:37 8:38 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
98 8:38 8:39 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
99 8:39 8:40 6&7 X 6p10 6p7 ? S M S
100 8:40 8:41 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
101 8:41 8:42 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
102 8:42 8:43 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
103 8:43 8:44 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
104 8:44 8:45 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? M
105 8:45 8:46 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
?: position is not available
X: worker’s operation or location is not associated with Mold 4 production
6p7, 6p8 and 6p10: Mold 4 related operations at stage 6&7
S: still
M: move
9.1 Introduction
The study of precast concrete production presented in previous chapters
demonstrates the feasibility of using the proposed reasoning model in a large real world
case. The proposed research is to extract operation information from the positioning data
of resources collected at a regular time interval. An operation or consequent operations
are a continuous process. However, this continuous process is partitioned into a set of
time-lapse images and a set of location data at a regular time interval. To verify and
validate the model, a traditional video recording was used to record the whole continuous
process and compare it to the operation model converted from the location information.
The following sections provide a validation from comparing the model to the actual
productions recorded in videos and a statistic evaluation of the model accuracy.
9.2 Production Stages
The classifiers used to identify geometrical attributes L(object), D(object1-object2)
and M(object) from positioning data and the reasoning rules containing different
combinations of geometrical attribute values for identifying operations were learned from
the training set, the positioning data set of the 0629 production cycle. In this training set,
the positioning data were measured during the times 7:01 to 9:20 and 13:14 to 14:25.
The whole production cycle is divided into 13 stages based on the mold
configurations in the production process. Tables 9.1 through 9.4 show the difference of
duration of each stage between the video recording data and the results from the 4
production cycles used in the research. The actual durations of the two shortest stages 10
and 11 are as short as one minute, and the one minute time interval used in the model is
still able to identify these two stages as at least one time interval. The start time and end
time of each stage in the model are within a one minute range of the actual times.
Overall, the stage durations in the model are within the error range of ± 2 intervals
(minutes) for both long and short stages.
Table 9.1 Actual and retrieved durations of 0629 production stages
Actual production P2O system Duration
Start time End time Duration Start time End time Duration difference
Stage hh:mm:ss hh:mm:ss (minutes) hh:mm:ss hh:mm:ss (minutes) (minutes)
0 n/a 07:12:12 -- n/a 07:12:44 -- --
1 07:12:12 07:20:27 8.25 07:12:44 07:19:44 7 -1.25
2 07:20:27 07:25:44 5.28 07:19:44 07:25:44 6 0.72
3 07:25:44 07:28:07 2.38 07:25:44 07:28:44 3 0.62
4 07:28:07 07:34:18 6.18 07:28:44 07:33:44 5 -1.18
5 07:34:18 08:11:37 36.32 07:33:44 08:10:44 37 0.68
6 08:11:37 09:20:12 68.58 08:10:44 n/a
310 -0.42
7 09:20:12 13:21:12 241.00 n/a 13:20:44
8 13:21:12 14:06:22 45.17 13:20:44 14:05:44 45 -0.17
9 14:06:22 14:14:38 8.27 14:05:44 14:13:44 8 -0.27
10 14:14:38 14:16:03 1.42 14:13:44 14:15:44 2 0.58
11 14:16:03 14:17:13 1.17 14:15:44 14:16:44 1 -0.17
12 14:17:13 n/a -- 14:16:44 n/a -- --
Table 9.3 Actual and retrieved durations of 0702 production stages
Actual production P2O system Duration
Start time End time Duration Start time End time Duration difference
Stage hh:mm:ss hh:mm:ss (minutes) hh:mm:ss hh:mm:ss (minutes) (minutes)
0 n/a 07:07:48 -- n/a 07:08:13 -- --
1 07:07:48 07:17:07 9.32 07:08:13 07:16:13 8 -1.32
2 07:17:07 07:23:01 5.90 07:16:13 07:23:13 7 1.10
3 07:23:01 07:25:54 2.88 07:23:13 07:26:13 3 0.12
4 07:25:54 07:30:19 4.42 07:26:13 07:30:13 4 -0.42
5 07:30:19 08:11:52 41.55 07:30:13 08:11:13 41 -0.55
6 08:11:52 09:19:37 67.75 08:11:13 n/a
309.5 1.10
7 09:19:37 13:20:16 240.65 n/a 13:20:43
8 13:20:16 14:00:04 39.80 13:20:43 13:59:43 39 -0.80
9 14:00:04 14:07:37 7.55 13:59:43 14:06:43 7 -0.55
10 14:07:37 14:09:23 1.77 14:06:43 14:08:43 2 0.23
11 14:09:23 14:10:29 1.10 14:08:43 14:09:43 1 -0.1
12 14:10:29 n/a -- 14:09:43 n/a -- --
9.3 Operations
The final output of the P2O model from the precast concrete case study is a
resource utilization table focusing on Mold 4 production. This table is formed with
subsequent time intervals containing the operations of 7 resources including 3 workers
and 4 overhead cranes. The operations of these 7 resources at each subsequent interval
are converted from a pair of positioning data measured at the start and end times of the
interval. Therefore, a pair of positioning data of a time interval is an input instance of the
model, and the output is the 7 operations corresponding to the aforementioned resources.
Therefore, the accuracy of the model associated with Mold 4 production is calculated by
the number of intervals without containing any incorrect operations of the 7 resources in
all Mold 4 related intervals. In order to evaluate whether or not an operation or an
interval is correct from the model, the following guidelines are applied and the accuracy
of the model is shown in Table 9.5.
• One, two or three actual operations may occur within a time interval, such as 0p3-
0p5-0p4 operations. A retrieved operation representing one of these operations of
a resource is considered as a correct operation.
• When a time interval contains one of the Mold 4 correct or incorrect operations of
the 7 resources, this interval will be considered as a Mold 4 related interval for the
calculation of accuracy of the model.
• When an actual Mold 4 operation is incorrectly interpreted into an “X” operation,
it will be considered as an incorrect operation and the time interval will be
considered as a Mold 4 related interval.
• When a time interval contains correct operations not related to Mold 4 production,
this interval will be excluded from the accuracy calculation of Mold 4.
• A time interval will be considered as an incorrect instance when one of the Mold
4 operations of the 7 resources is incorrect.
“failure.” A “success” outcome means that a time interval is assigned a correct operation
while a “failure” outcome means an incorrect operation assignment. Each time interval
containing the retrieved operations from a set of start time and end time positioning data
is an instance. The reasoning model built from the training data set has an accuracy of
76.19% when evaluated on 525 test intervals as shown in Table 9.5. A confidence
interval between 72.81% and 80.13% is estimated for the true accuracy of the model at a
95% confidence level.
9.4 Error Analysis
Compared to the recorded videos, 31 error intervals of crane operations in the 4
production cycles were found. These errors mainly resulted from incorrect movement
attribute values of cranes. In the case study, the position of a hook was used to represent
the whole crane’s position. However, it was observed that a heavy hook of an idle crane
could swing a distance of greater than 30cm (Classifier 2), and therefore, an incorrect
movement attribute value “M” was associated with the crane. Some of the swings were
the natural movements after a crane was moved away from the Mold 4 area, and the
others were caused by a strong wind. It seems that the Classifier 2 is strict and sensitive
to these swing movements. However, these errors were not associated with Mold 4
related operations, but highlighted the reliability issue when Classifier 2 and hook
positions were used to identify a crane’s movement.
In additional to the errors involved in crane operations, the errors that occurred in
worker’s operations are more important to be discussed in detail. Table 9.6 shows the
number of errors involved in the operations of each worker. There errors can be
categorized as three types. The first type is the work idleness involved in an operation; as
discussed in Chapter 8 Section 8.7.4, this resource idleness cannot be isolated from an
operation in the P2O system. A number of the 65 error intervals (about 38.5% of total
errors) were produced due to this work idleness among worker’s operations in the 4
production cycles. As listed in Table 9.6, worker 1 and worker 2 had little idleness
during their operations while 53.7% of the operation errors of worker 3 were related to
this resource idleness. This was especially due to the long waiting time for concrete
supply when worker 3 was pouring the concrete on top of Mold 4.
The second type of error related to Mold 4 operations resulted from the minor
operations which were not specified in the system and were incorrectly identified as other
operations. These unspecified and short operations are listed below:
• To assist rebar cage and mold panel installation,
• To operate a small crane in assistance of a big crane to tilt down the mold
• To carry and place embedded parts around the mold for later installation, and
• To hook the mold panel m4f to a small crane
The third type of error was produced due to the ineffective rules composed of
insufficient geometrical information. In the model, the positions of a concrete vibrator
were not measured because of the difficulty in tracking its vibrating head. Therefore,
most of the short operations related to this vibrator became errors in the model. In
general, the second and third types of error affect about 20 time intervals in each cycle.
10.1 Conclusions
State-of-the art technologies in the area of automated data collection provide the
possibility to automatically collect as-built data for construction productivity analysis.
These automated data collection systems enable project managers and engineers to save
the time and cost of gathering productivity data in a digital and timely manner. Therefore,
timely productivity information can be immediately gathered, meaning that the
alternatives of productivity improvement can be applied on site quickly and monitored as
construction activities are taking place.
This research developed a position-to-operation (P2O) monitoring system which
is capable of providing ongoing operation information for timely productivity analyses
and decision making, and also to support resource utilization statistics for planning and
estimating future operations. The developed P2O system used a rule-based modeling
method to directly retrieve on-site operations from the positioning data of resources
involved. A time-lapse camera system was used to automatically record on-site
execution on digital photographs, and a continuous stream of positioning data was
measured from the time-lapse photos. Three common types of geometrical attributes
were used to process these positioning data to address the working status of a resource
while it is involved in construction operations. A set of classifiers and rules representing
key relationships among the geometrical attributes of resources and their corresponding
operations was extracted from training data sets and was then built into the system to
retrieve operation information.
This proposed rule-based P2O system was verified in a precast concrete
production and was capable of converting operation information from resources
positioning data at an accuracy of approximately 75%. Supported by the operation and
resource utilization information retrieved from the developed P2O system, site managers
and engineers will be able to monitor the efficiency of as-built resource allocation and
make decisions in a timely manner when improvements are needed.
10.2 Lessons learned
The P2O system, shaped from the concept-proving case study, refined in the small
scale case study and tested and verified in a large scale case study, provides a new
approach to retrieve operation information from field positioning data. A number of
lessons have been learned from these case studies.
• A rule-based reasoning model is case-oriented. The rules used in a reasoning
model differ from project to project based on the site conditions and work
requirements. The rules are learned and trained to be reliable from real world
conditions. There is a lack of a modeling platform to deal with subsequent
geometrical characteristics from 4D (x, y, z, time) positioning and time data. This
difficulty makes the modeling process much longer.
• In the research, positioning data were measured from time-lapse photos with the
assistance of circular targets to orient the photos. In the case studies, photo
orientation and positioning measurements were conducted by manually picking
and matching object points on the images. Currently, this is a time-consuming
process. Using pre-coded targets which can be automatically recognized by the
software can help save time.
• It has been found that positions of some equipment cannot be effectively tracked
due to work characteristics of the equipment. The concrete vibrator is an example.
The vibrating head is usually placed into the concrete and molds during a
vibrating operation and cannot be visually sighted or signal sensed if a sensor is
attached to the head. Tracking positions from the main body of the vibrator
provide limited information about whether or not the vibrating is in effect. The
reliability of retrieved operations with the involvement of these types of
equipment and tools will be affected.
• Identifying worker’s operations is a challenging task within the reasoning model
because a worker is an active construction resource that can act at his/her will. A
worker’s operation can be evidently identified from the attributes of equipment,
materials and tools when a worker is working with these passive resources.
Therefore, a strict-to-loose modeling technique is suggested and sets up the
priority among the rules for identifying worker’s operations.
10.3 Research Contributions
The objective of this research is to provide as-built operation information for
conducting timely productivity analysis. The P2O system was developed and applied to a
large real world case study. The contributions of this research include:
10.3.1 Extension of the use of time-lapse photography in the construction industry
Time-lapse photography is a commonly used data collection technique to
document a lengthy construction project on images. These construction images can be
immediately distributed among parties for communication or can be reviewed at a later
time for analysis. This research further applied the DCRP technique to these time-lapse
photos and extended the use of them to resource positioning tracking. This extension
resulting in a reliable and continuous stream of positioning data has made the proposed
research available.
10.3.2 Generation of geometrical attributes to describe on-site operations
Essentially, on-site operations can only be directly sensed by human beings. This
research generated three types of geometrical attributes to be associated with a resource
and the operation it involved. Different geometrical attribute values of a resource can
represent the work characteristics of a resource in operations. The use of these
geometrical attributes provides an indirect way, compared to direct human observation, to
make it feasible to describe qualitative on-site operations by quantitative geometrical
attribute values.
10.3.3 Development of a rule-based reasoning model to extract timely construction
operation information
A pattern of a set of geometrical attribute values exists among resources involved
in a repetitive operation. A rule-based reasoning model provides a means to retrieve
operation information from geometrical patterns and makes continuous productivity
monitoring achievable without human intervention. It is also flexible and easily modified
when on-site conditions are changed. Overall, this rule-based reasoning method has
made on-site operation information retrieval available from field positioning data.
10.3.4 Generation of time-lapse resource utilization for productivity analysis
Finally, the result of a P2O system developed in the research is a subsequent
time-lapse resource utilization table which contains the critical information needed to
draw as-built crew balance charts for productivity analysis. This as-built resource
utilization can support better understanding of operational efficiency problems and
possible improvements on current resource reallocation and process reorganization.
Preservation of field operation data is another benefit that provides better statistical
information for planning and estimating future operations.
10.4 Recommendations for Future Research
While attempting to achieve the objective of the research, several lessons learned
from the case studies provide insights to shape the P2O system. However, the limitations
of the research were also exposed from some of the lessons learned.
• Point picking and matching for positioning measurements is not time-efficient.
• Identifying geometrical patterns and developing reasoning rules rely on good
observations from the data.
• The current P2O system converts positioning data into operations on a time-lapse
basis. A new algorithm of converting subsequent time-lapse operations into
continuous operations is needed.
• The work characteristics of some materials and equipment, such as concrete and
vibrators, are unable to be described by geometrical attributes.
To break through these limitations is a challenging task that shapes the directions
of future research. The recommendations for future research are:
• To improve the efficiency of tracking object positions in a construction
environment using image recognition algorithms with coded targets
• To develop an object-oriented platform for learning and training geometrical
attributes and reasoning rules
• To develop a post-processing method to refine the retrieved operation results
when a repetitive production cycle is completed
• To develop generalized methods of pattern recognition and rule extraction for
common construction operations
• To incorporate imaging technology with other sensor technologies to enable root
cause study during productivity analysis
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APPENDIX A: Positioning data of concept-proving case study
Backhoe & Operator Bulldozer & Operator Truck 1 & Driver 1 Truck 2 & Driver 2 Truck 3 & Driver 3
bkh_x bkh_y bkh_z bdz_x bdz_y bdz_z tk1_x tk1_y tk1_z tk2_x tk2_y tk2_z tk3_x tk3_y tk3_z
9:00 110.3 9.8 2.0 57 10 4 110 25 12 80 25 12 50 25 12
9:01 110.1 9.8 2.1 22 10 4 110 25 12 80 25 12 50 25 12
9:02 109.7 9.9 2.1 33 10 3 110 25 12 80 25 12 50 25 12
9:03 110.2 9.8 2.2 59 10 4 110 25 12 80 25 12 50 25 12
9:04 111.0 9.8 2.1 51 10 3 110 25 12 80 25 12 50 25 12
9:05 110.2 10.2 2.0 47 10 3 NA NA NA 110 25 12 80 25 12
9:06 110.2 10.1 2.3 43 10 5 NA NA NA 110 25 12 80 25 12
9:07 109.9 9.9 2.1 20 10 3 NA NA NA 110 25 12 80 25 12
9:08 110.4 10.3 2.1 53 10 4 NA NA NA 110 25 12 80 25 12
9:09 110.9 10.4 2.2 41 10 4 NA NA NA 155 25 12 110 25 12
9:10 110.8 10.3 2.3 16 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA 110 25 12
9:11 110.5 10.0 2.3 46 10 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 110 25 12
9:12 110.6 10.1 2.1 37 10 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA 110 25 12
9:13 110.1 10.1 2.1 25 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA 110 25 12
9:14 110.2 10.1 2.0 58 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA 152 25 12
9:15 109.7 10.3 2.1 22 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:16 109.8 9.7 2.1 33 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:17 109.6 9.9 2.1 59 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:18 110.1 9.9 2.2 49 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:19 110.3 10.3 2.1 30 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:20 109.6 10.1 2.3 40 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:21 109.9 10.0 2.3 49 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:22 110.2 10.2 2.3 43 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:23 110.1 10.1 2.2 20 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:24 110.6 9.7 2.1 53 10 3 19 10 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:25 110.3 9.7 2.0 41 10 3 18 10 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:26 110.5 9.9 2.4 16 10 3 17 10 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:27 109.4 10.2 2.1 20 10 3 16 10 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:28 110.4 10.2 2.3 20 0 3 40 25 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:29 110.0 10.4 2.3 20 0 3 40 25 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA
9:30 142.7 11.2 2.3 20 0 3 40 25 12 16 10 12 NA NA NA
9:31 122.3 10.8 2.1 20 0 3 40 25 12 15 10 12 NA NA NA
9:32 111.4 9.5 2.4 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 10 12 NA NA NA
9:33 111.6 10.1 2.3 20 0 3 40 25 12 13 10 12 NA NA NA
9:34 111.7 10.1 2.0 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 NA NA NA
9:35 146.2 12.0 2.0 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 13 10 12
9:36 148.0 10.3 2.2 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 12 10 12
9:37 112.4 10.3 2.1 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 11 10 12
9:38 110.2 10.3 2.1 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 10 10 12
9:39 110.2 10.2 2.1 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:40 110.3 10.4 2.2 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:41 110.2 10.3 2.1 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:42 110.2 10.3 2.2 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:43 110.2 10.4 2.2 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:44 103.4 15.6 2.7 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:45 72.2 12.1 2.2 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:46 67.2 10.3 2.4 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:47 67.3 10.3 2.4 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:48 67.2 10.3 2.4 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:49 67.3 10.2 2.4 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:50 63.5 9.7 2.2 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:51 52.8 10.3 1.8 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:52 72.7 20.3 2.1 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:53 114.8 22.6 2.1 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:54 156.2 9.2 2.0 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:55 130.9 21.5 2.2 20 0 3 40 25 12 14 25 12 -16 25 12
9:56 118.3 9.8 2.0 20 0 3 118 25 12 88 25 12 58 25 12
9:57 118.1 9.8 2.1 30 10 4 118 25 12 88 25 12 58 25 12
9:58 117.7 9.9 2.1 41 10 3 118 25 12 88 25 12 58 25 12
9:59 118.2 9.8 2.2 67 10 4 118 25 12 88 25 12 58 25 12
10:00 119.0 9.8 2.1 58 10 3 118 25 12 88 25 12 58 25 12
APPENDIX A: Positioning data of concept-proving case study (continued)
Backhoe & Operator Bulldozer & Operator Truck 1 & Driver 1 Truck 2 & Driver 2 Truck 3 & Driver 3
bkh_x bkh_y bkh_z bdz_x bdz_y bdz_z tk1_x tk1_y tk1_z tk2_x tk2_y tk2_z tk3_x tk3_y tk3_z
10:01 118.2 10.2 2.0 54 10 3 NA NA NA 118 25 12 88 25 12
10:02 118.2 10.1 2.3 49 10 5 NA NA NA 118 25 12 88 25 12
10:03 117.9 9.9 2.1 28 10 3 NA NA NA 118 25 12 88 25 12
10:04 118.4 10.3 2.1 61 10 4 NA NA NA 118 25 12 88 25 12
10:05 118.9 10.4 2.2 49 10 4 NA NA NA 163 25 12 118 25 12
10:06 118.8 10.3 2.3 24 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA 118 25 12
10:07 118.5 10.0 2.3 54 10 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 118 25 12
10:08 118.6 10.1 2.1 45 10 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA 118 25 12
10:09 118.1 10.1 2.1 33 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA 118 25 12
10:10 118.2 10.1 2.0 66 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA 160 25 12
10:11 117.7 10.3 2.1 62 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:12 117.8 9.7 2.1 58 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:13 117.6 9.9 2.1 54 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:14 118.1 9.9 2.2 49 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:15 118.3 10.3 2.1 28 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:16 117.6 10.1 2.3 61 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:17 117.9 10.0 2.3 49 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:18 118.2 10.2 2.3 24 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:19 118.1 10.1 2.2 54 10 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:20 118.6 9.7 2.1 45 10 3 27 10 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:21 118.3 9.7 2.0 33 10 3 26 10 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:22 118.5 9.9 2.4 66 10 3 25 10 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:23 117.4 10.2 2.1 28 0 3 24 10 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:24 118.4 10.2 2.3 28 0 3 48 25 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:25 118.0 10.4 2.3 28 0 3 48 25 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA
10:26 150.7 11.2 2.3 28 0 3 48 25 12 24 10 12 NA NA NA
10:27 130.3 10.8 2.1 28 0 3 48 25 12 23 10 12 NA NA NA
10:28 119.4 9.5 2.4 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 10 12 NA NA NA
10:29 119.6 10.1 2.3 28 0 3 48 25 12 21 10 12 NA NA NA
10:30 119.7 10.1 2.0 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 NA NA NA
10:31 155.2 12.0 2.0 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 21 10 12
10:32 156.0 10.3 2.2 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 20 10 12
10:33 120.4 10.3 2.1 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 19 10 12
10:34 118.2 10.3 2.1 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 18 10 12
10:35 118.2 10.2 2.1 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:36 118.3 10.4 2.2 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:37 118.2 10.3 2.1 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:38 118.2 10.3 2.2 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:39 118.2 10.4 2.2 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:40 111.4 15.6 2.7 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:41 80.2 12.1 2.2 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:42 75.2 10.3 2.4 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:43 75.3 10.3 2.4 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:44 75.2 10.3 2.4 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:45 75.3 10.2 2.4 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:46 71.5 9.7 2.2 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:47 60.8 10.3 1.8 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:48 80.7 20.3 2.1 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:49 122.8 22.6 2.1 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:50 164.2 9.2 2.0 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:51 138.9 21.5 2.2 28 0 3 48 25 12 22 25 12 -8 25 12
10:52 126.3 9.8 2.0 28 0 3 126 25 12 96 25 12 66 25 12
APPENDIX A: Positioning data of concept-proving case study (continued)
Truck 4 & Driver 4 Truck 5 & Driver 5 Truck 6 & Driver 6 Helper Upper trench box
tk4_x tk4_y tk4_z tk5_x tk5_y tk5_z tk6_x tk6_y tk6_z hlp_x hlp_y hlp_z utb_x utb_y utb_z
9:00 20 25 12 -10 25 12 -40 25 12 190 1 10 134 10 4
9:01 20 25 12 -10 25 12 -40 25 12 190 2 10 134 10 4
9:02 20 25 12 -10 25 12 -40 25 12 190 2 10 134 10 4
9:03 20 25 12 -10 25 12 -40 25 12 190 2 10 134 10 4
9:04 20 25 12 -10 25 12 -40 25 12 165 13 10 134 10 4
9:05 50 25 12 20 25 12 -10 25 12 165 14 10 134 10 4
9:06 50 25 12 20 25 12 -10 25 12 165 12 10 134 10 4
9:07 50 25 12 20 25 12 -10 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:08 50 25 12 20 25 12 -10 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:09 80 25 12 50 25 12 20 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:10 80 25 12 50 25 12 20 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:11 80 25 12 50 25 12 20 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:12 80 25 12 50 25 12 20 25 12 165 11 10 134 10 4
9:13 80 25 12 50 25 12 20 25 12 165 12 10 134 10 4
9:14 110 25 12 80 25 12 50 25 12 165 11 10 134 10 4
9:15 110 25 12 80 25 12 50 25 12 165 12 10 134 10 4
9:16 110 25 12 80 25 12 50 25 12 165 9 10 134 10 4
9:17 110 25 12 80 25 12 50 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:18 110 25 12 80 25 12 50 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:19 149 25 12 85 25 12 80 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:20 NA NA NA 110 25 12 80 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:21 NA NA NA 110 25 12 80 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:22 NA NA NA 110 25 12 80 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:23 NA NA NA 110 25 12 80 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:24 NA NA NA 163 25 12 110 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:25 NA NA NA NA NA NA 110 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:26 NA NA NA NA NA NA 110 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:27 NA NA NA NA NA NA 110 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:28 NA NA NA NA NA NA 110 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:29 NA NA NA NA NA NA 143 25 12 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:30 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 165 10 10 134 10 4
9:31 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 165 8 10 113 10 6
9:32 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 100 8 10 97 10 -2
9:33 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 89 2 6 97 10 -2
9:34 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 89 2 6 97 10 -2
9:35 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 162 4 6 97 10 -2
9:36 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 164 9 10 97 10 -2
9:37 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 106 5 6 97 10 -2
9:38 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 98 6 -11 97 10 -2
9:39 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 97 8 -14 97 10 -2
9:40 9 10 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA 98 9 -14 97 10 -2
9:41 8 10 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA 97 8 -14 97 10 -2
9:42 -42 25 12 6 10 12 NA NA NA 89 2 8 97 10 -2
9:43 -42 25 12 5 10 12 NA NA NA 89 2 8 97 10 -2
9:44 -42 25 12 4 10 12 NA NA NA 87 7 -16 97 10 -2
9:45 -42 25 12 3 10 12 NA NA NA 87 13 -18 97 10 -2
9:46 -42 25 12 -70 25 12 NA NA NA 89 13 -14 97 10 -2
9:47 -42 25 12 -70 25 12 NA NA NA 91 12 -15 97 10 -2
9:48 -42 25 12 -70 25 12 3 10 12 95 7 -16 97 10 -2
9:49 -42 25 12 -70 25 12 2 10 12 97 7 -18 97 10 -2
9:50 -42 25 12 -70 25 12 1 10 12 165 10 10 90 10 -4
9:51 -42 25 12 -70 25 12 0 10 12 165 10 10 80 10 -8
9:52 -42 25 12 -70 25 12 -100 25 12 165 10 10 70 10 4
9:53 -42 25 12 -70 25 12 -100 25 12 165 10 10 100 21 6
9:54 -42 25 12 -70 25 12 -100 25 12 165 10 10 127 10 4
9:55 -42 25 12 -70 25 12 -100 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
9:56 28 25 12 -2 25 12 -32 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
9:57 28 25 12 -2 25 12 -32 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
9:58 28 25 12 -2 25 12 -32 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
9:59 28 25 12 -2 25 12 -32 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:00 28 25 12 -2 25 12 -32 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
APPENDIX A: Positioning data of concept-proving case study (continued)
Truck 4 & Driver 4 Truck 5 & Driver 5 Truck 6 & Driver 6 Helper Upper trench box
tk4_x tk4_y tk4_z tk5_x tk5_y tk5_z tk6_x tk6_y tk6_z hlp_x hlp_y hlp_z utb_x utb_y utb_z
10:01 58 25 12 28 25 12 -2 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:02 58 25 12 28 25 12 -2 25 12 165 11 10 147 10 4
10:03 58 25 12 28 25 12 -2 25 12 165 12 10 147 10 4
10:04 58 25 12 28 25 12 -2 25 12 165 11 10 147 10 4
10:05 88 25 12 58 25 12 28 25 12 165 12 10 147 10 4
10:06 88 25 12 58 25 12 28 25 12 165 9 10 147 10 4
10:07 88 25 12 58 25 12 28 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:08 88 25 12 58 25 12 28 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:09 88 25 12 58 25 12 28 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:10 118 25 12 88 25 12 58 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:11 118 25 12 88 25 12 58 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:12 118 25 12 88 25 12 58 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:13 118 25 12 88 25 12 58 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:14 118 25 12 88 25 12 58 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:15 157 25 12 118 25 12 88 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:16 NA NA NA 118 25 12 88 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:17 NA NA NA 118 25 12 88 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:18 NA NA NA 118 25 12 88 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:19 NA NA NA 118 25 12 88 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:20 NA NA NA 171 25 12 118 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:21 NA NA NA NA NA NA 118 25 12 165 8 10 147 10 4
10:22 NA NA NA NA NA NA 118 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:23 NA NA NA NA NA NA 118 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:24 NA NA NA NA NA NA 118 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:25 NA NA NA NA NA NA 152 25 12 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:26 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 165 10 10 147 10 4
10:27 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 165 8 10 121 10 6
10:28 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 100 8 10 105 10 -2
10:29 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 97 2 6 105 10 -2
10:30 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 97 2 6 105 10 -2
10:31 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 170 4 6 105 10 -2
10:32 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 172 9 10 105 10 -2
10:33 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 114 5 6 105 10 -2
10:34 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 106 6 -11 105 10 -2
10:35 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 105 8 -14 105 10 -2
10:36 17 10 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA 106 9 -14 105 10 -2
10:37 16 10 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA 105 8 -14 105 10 -2
10:38 -34 25 12 14 10 12 NA NA NA 97 2 8 105 10 -2
10:39 -34 25 12 13 10 12 NA NA NA 97 2 8 105 10 -2
10:40 -34 25 12 12 10 12 NA NA NA 95 7 -16 105 10 -2
10:41 -34 25 12 11 10 12 NA NA NA 95 13 -18 105 10 -2
10:42 -34 25 12 -62 25 12 NA NA NA 97 13 -14 105 10 -2
10:43 -34 25 12 -62 25 12 NA NA NA 99 12 -15 105 10 -2
10:44 -34 25 12 -62 25 12 11 10 12 103 7 -16 105 10 -2
10:45 -34 25 12 -62 25 12 10 10 12 105 7 -18 105 10 -2
10:46 -34 25 12 -62 25 12 9 10 12 165 15 10 98 10 -4
10:47 -34 25 12 -62 25 12 8 10 12 165 15 10 88 10 -8
10:48 -34 25 12 -62 25 12 -92 25 12 165 15 10 78 10 4
10:49 -34 25 12 -62 25 12 -92 25 12 165 15 10 108 21 6
10:50 -34 25 12 -62 25 12 -92 25 12 165 15 10 135 10 4
10:51 -34 25 12 -62 25 12 -92 25 12 165 15 10 153 10 4
10:52 36 25 12 6 25 12 -24 25 12 165 15 10 153 10 4
APPENDIX A: Positioning data of concept-proving case study (continued)
Lower trench box Pipe 11 Pipe 12 Pipe 13 Pipe 14
ltb_x ltb_y ltb_z pp11_x pp11_y pp11_z pp12_x pp12_y pp12_z pp13_x pp13_y pp13_z pp14_x pp14_y pp14_z
9:00 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:01 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:02 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:03 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:04 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:05 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:06 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:07 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:08 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:09 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:10 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:11 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:12 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:13 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:14 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:15 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:16 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:17 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:18 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:19 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:20 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:21 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:22 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:23 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:24 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:25 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:26 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:27 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:28 89 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:29 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:30 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:31 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:32 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:33 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:34 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:35 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:36 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 165 10 4 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:37 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 109 10 -3 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:38 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 93 10 -7 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:39 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 93 10 -12 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:40 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 93 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:41 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:42 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:43 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:44 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:45 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:46 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:47 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:48 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:49 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:50 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:51 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:52 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:53 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:54 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:55 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:56 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:57 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:58 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
9:59 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:00 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
APPENDIX A: Positioning data of concept-proving case study (continued)
Lower trench box Pipe 11 Pipe 12 Pipe 13 Pipe 14
ltb_x ltb_y ltb_z pp11_x pp11_y pp11_z pp12_x pp12_y pp12_z pp13_x pp13_y pp13_z pp14_x pp14_y pp14_z
10:01 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:02 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:03 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:04 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:05 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:06 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:07 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:08 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:09 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:10 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:11 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:12 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:13 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:14 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:15 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:16 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:17 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:18 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:19 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:20 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:21 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:22 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:23 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:24 97 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:25 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:26 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:27 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:28 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:29 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:30 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:31 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:32 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 170 10 4 176 10 4
10:33 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 117 10 -3 176 10 4
10:34 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 101 10 -7 176 10 4
10:35 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 101 10 -12 176 10 4
10:36 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 101 10 -16 176 10 4
10:37 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:38 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:39 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:40 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:41 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:42 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:43 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:44 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:45 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:46 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:47 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:48 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:49 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:50 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:51 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
10:52 105 10 -8 84 10 -16 92 10 -16 100 10 -16 176 10 4
APPENDIX B: Positioning data of small scale case study
Photo Operator Concrete cylinder 01
frame op_x op_y op_z cy01_x cy01_y cy01_z
112 -628.605 -244.163 161.575 -1100.86 309.993 84.727
113 -1259.07 136.568 106.936 -1100.89 310.301 84.554
114 -1103.074 203.299 132.245 -1100.833 310.317 84.435
115 -1133.082 372.255 153.31 -1100.92 310.253 84.517
116 -1127.533 387.652 138.05 -1100.943 310.335 84.48
117 -1128.836 349.792 128.276 -1101 310.586 84.47
118 -1241.608 200.556 66.263 -1100.838 310.282 84.452
119 -1096.38 240.49 132.141 -1101.028 310.558 84.421
120 -1119.116 248.083 131.028 -1101.028 310.543 84.576
121 -1092.686 242.928 144.36 -1101.027 310.685 84.421
122 -1090.744 223.902 134.797 -1101.084 310.826 84.376
123 -1096.989 208.819 132.58 -1100.959 310.575 84.412
124 -1076.478 204.653 131.131 -1100.989 310.325 84.428
125 -1075.551 192.106 131.071 -1101.063 310.368 84.415
126 -1203.197 214.47 138.796 -1100.981 310.311 84.462
127 -1160.493 193.007 151.662 -1101.043 310.73 84.435
128 -1124.161 398.743 144.13 -1100.905 310.196 84.497
129 -1136.804 378.511 127.733 -1100.932 310.288 84.345
130 -1129.794 360.948 127.067 -1100.929 310.235 84.323
131 -1148.46 372.344 137.825 -1100.936 310.252 84.453
132 -1112.466 346.972 139.406 -1101.074 310.796 84.314
133 -1134.693 360.325 129.592 -1101.105 310.825 84.401
134 -1126.605 350.622 133.889 -1101.057 310.525 84.27
135 -1124.336 355.105 131.947 -1101.016 310.305 84.462
136 -1128.568 336.378 153.647 -1101.12 310.369 84.472
137 -1103.959 393.996 147.567 -1101.107 310.69 84.294
138 -1114.901 367.716 139.355 -1101.118 310.758 84.395
139 -1144.601 165.916 108.614 -1101.077 310.772 84.371
140 -1216.677 189.547 154.769 -1101.049 310.735 84.474
141 -1133.643 326.942 153.526 -1118.131 315.61 120.953
142 -1196.179 241.312 152.246 -1299.891 185.507 91.684
143 -1203.825 169.648 149.16 -1300.015 185.68 91.62
144 -1248.212 253.567 153.883 -1299.981 184.904 91.642
145 -1248.015 302.272 154.148 -1300.169 185.232 91.58
146 -1230.238 301.237 154.822 -1300.14 185.397 91.408
147 -1219.023 271.345 150.189 -1300.155 185.452 91.48
148 -1255.667 263.128 106.175 -1300.067 185.374 91.594
149 -1234.317 291.661 149.983 -1299.969 185.3 91.514
150 -1236.803 296.678 151.218 -1300.343 185.478 91.35
151 -1236.205 295.215 150.068 -1300.107 185.118 91.657
152 -1234.307 292.084 148.574 -1300.15 185.538 91.559
153 -1231.89 293.012 148.46 -1300.107 185.564 91.582
154 -1230.437 294.18 148.013 -1300.275 185.484 91.494
155 -1219.181 270.844 147.384 -1300.152 185.441 91.407
156 -1224.468 149.143 137.152 -1299.897 185.461 91.682
157 -1177.3 239.161 151.941 -1044.079 166.834 65.189
158 -1178.06 260.847 154.74 -1044.105 167.541 64.817
159 -1264.708 243.981 155.312 -1044.216 167.713 64.899
160 -1264.81 242.186 151.524 -1044.206 167.703 65.241
161 -1262.708 239.541 150.149 -1044.096 167.127 65.338
162 -1162.209 286.463 154.082 -1044.126 168.011 65.025
163 -1192.79 279.88 153.999 -1043.926 167.919 65.432
164 -1120.039 271.222 148.41 -1044.239 167.392 65.074
165 -1168.52 246.177 154.207 -1044.172 167.535 65.025
166 -1088.367 176.088 147.636 -1066.522 184.613 63.225
167 -1140.464 199.388 153.817 -1066.493 184.516 63.093
168 -1118.194 209.629 150.902 -1066.551 185.003 63.071
169 -1125.093 195.098 153.012 -1066.481 184.7 62.931
170 -1093.649 234.426 143.095 -1066.408 184.147 63.173
APPENDIX B: Positioning data of small scale case study (continued)
Photo Operator Concrete cylinder 01
frame op_x op_y op_z cy01_x cy01_y cy01_z
171 -1139.6 238.97 154.57 -1066.5 184.43 63.182
172 -1113.9 221.12 152.23 -1066.3 184.54 63.268
173 -1117.7 212.02 154.37 -1066.4 184.34 63.154
174 -1106.3 233.83 146.23 -1066.6 184.16 63.179
175 -1119.4 217.46 152.98 -1066.6 184.48 63.181
176 -1142.4 231.89 151.36 -1066.5 184.2 63.248
177 -1149.7 232.83 153.79 -1066.4 184.36 63.12
178 -1139.4 233.04 149.92 -1066.5 184.43 63.126
179 -1133.3 231.08 150.58 -1066.5 184.49 63.229
180 -1147.2 233.89 153.51 -1066.5 184.37 63.066
181 -1152.5 270.66 149.06 -1066.5 184.41 63.092
182 -1142.1 219.35 152.44 -1066.5 184.25 62.974
183 -1145.8 217.61 153.73 -1066.6 184.74 63.087
184 -1144.1 221.95 152.35 -1066.5 184.36 62.929
185 -1147.9 220.3 153.23 -1066.5 184.5 62.89
186 -1129.4 216.03 138.74 -1066.6 184.82 63.055
187 -1144.7 249.47 152.96 -1066.5 184.47 63.049
188 -1166.6 243.12 153.92 -1066.4 184.4 63.169
189 -1143.6 236.86 151.14 -1066.5 184.45 63.044
190 -1140.2 238.59 151.25 -1066.4 184.55 63.05
191 -1146.3 225.01 149.72 -1066.5 184.44 63.042
192 -1143 240.9 152.5 -1066.5 184.39 63.063
193 -1124.8 270.81 154.45 -1066.4 184.39 63.203
194 -1128.8 272.57 153.51 -1066.4 184.33 63.17
195 -1129.3 270.25 153.23 -1066.7 185.16 62.871
196 -1130.5 266.97 153.8 -1066.7 184.96 63.018
197 -1123.4 285.32 153.65 -1066.6 184.83 63.037
198 -1258.1 167.06 137.18 -1066.5 184.46 63.06
199 -1167.2 209.82 67.507 -1066.5 184.44 63.071
200 -1124.7 227.32 154.08 -1066.6 184.42 62.97
201 -1141.2 240.3 153.08 -1066.6 184.35 62.946
202 -1149.4 242.27 152.84 -1066.5 184.51 63.028
APPENDIX B: Positioning data of small scale case study (continued)
Photo Broom Dust pan Trash can
frame br_x br_y br_z dp_x dp_y dp_z tc_x tc_y tc_z
112 -1277.1 144.73 45.8 -1267 139.82 45.08 -629.66 -208.3 50.5
113 -1276.1 147 50.46 -1253.6 144.32 41.19 -1215 180.1 25.57
114 -1065.9 196.14 73.69 -1128.2 223.8 60.08 -1214.6 178.42 26.72
115 -1110.1 409.58 72.77 -1159.4 395.03 84.67 -1215 179.81 26.14
116 -1095.3 391.77 71.34 -1143.1 413.26 60.02 -1214.9 179.07 26.81
117 -1113.3 351.48 63.04 -1139 347.93 59.38 -1215.1 179.54 26.41
118 -1261.4 197.72 -4.49 -1206.3 199.14 33.61 -1214.8 179.25 26.24
119 -1104.6 200.8 67.08 -1122.7 259.1 72.6 -1215.2 179.92 26.34
120 -1086.9 237.82 66.68 -1132 243.89 63.06 -1215.2 179.55 25.93
121 -1100 193.49 66.33 -1106.3 229.92 69.34 -1215.1 179.2 26.12
122 -1086.9 210.69 70.91 -1097.1 227.33 72.8 -1215.1 179.76 26
123 -1095.6 192.56 67.49 -1105.2 229.1 69.05 -1215.1 179.34 26.22
124 -1089.4 185.71 66.54 -1103.1 221.57 70.74 -1215.1 179.5 25.98
125 -1036.7 185.19 66.99 -1091.5 197.62 68.49 -1215.1 179.6 26.12
126 -1219.4 221.4 84.42 -1196.1 208.29 59.17 -1215.4 180.01 25.92
127 -1141 194.13 95.23 -1161 198.79 76.15 -1215.2 179.78 26.01
128 -1112.4 325.06 64.93 -1149 416.9 76.35 -1215.1 179.54 26.2
129 -1122 366.56 64.13 -1142.9 379.12 60.13 -1215.1 179.37 26.24
130 -1124.4 350.02 70.26 -1142.3 357.8 59.19 -1215 179.52 26.02
131 -1137.4 356.98 80.38 -1156.6 375.42 66.48 -1215.1 179.48 26.11
132 -1067.5 364.23 74.36 -1138.5 386.72 73.88 -1215.1 179.71 25.93
133 -1108.6 353.57 70.81 -1143.3 355.69 61.17 -1215.1 179.59 26.1
134 -1087.4 344.79 67.8 -1143.6 349.73 59.8 -1215.1 179.73 26.09
135 -1085.7 341.54 65.55 -1137.6 349.32 63.72 -1215.2 179.7 26.18
136 -1096.6 345.4 62.73 -1112.1 348.26 64.57 -1215.2 179.73 26.09
137 -1075 404.75 74.4 -1110.2 342.84 67.3 -1215.1 178.86 26.78
138 -1098 348.35 87.71 -1126.5 381.92 67.44 -1215.4 179.63 26.47
139 -1149.5 165.01 30.25 -1145 166.69 31.46 -1140.9 156.27 26.16
140 -1148.2 162.93 27.99 -1145 166.58 31.18 -1141 156.58 25.96
141 -1148.2 163.38 27.63 -1144.8 165.95 31.55 -1141.1 156.69 26
142 -1148.1 162.42 27.81 -1145 166.57 31.33 -1141.2 157.01 25.62
143 -1148.4 163.06 27.35 -1145 166.44 31.29 -1141.1 156.6 25.56
144 -1148.2 162.88 27.53 -1144.9 166.34 31.13 -1141.1 156.57 25.61
145 -1148.3 163.29 27.56 -1144.9 166.36 31.2 -1141.3 157.03 25.69
146 -1148.3 163.45 27.55 -1145 166.7 31.29 -1141.2 156.96 25.71
147 -1148.2 162.97 27.45 -1145 166.61 31.28 -1141.2 156.72 25.72
148 -1148.2 163.09 27.36 -1145.1 166.53 31.25 -1141.2 157.01 25.76
149 -1148.4 163.61 27.5 -1144.9 166.2 31.27 -1141.2 157.09 25.69
150 -1148.4 163.83 27.33 -1144.9 166.49 31.2 -1141.2 156.75 25.55
151 -1148.3 163.32 27.51 -1144.9 166.52 31.23 -1141.1 156.57 25.57
152 -1148.3 163.18 27.57 -1144.9 166.33 31.32 -1141.1 156.53 25.65
153 -1148.4 163.46 27.47 -1144.9 166.33 31.24 -1141.2 156.79 25.75
154 -1148.4 163.62 27.44 -1144.9 166.26 31.39 -1141.2 156.79 25.7
155 -1148.2 163.01 27.41 -1144.9 166.29 31.29 -1141.2 156.69 25.68
156 -1148.3 163.11 27.49 -1144.9 166.33 31.27 -1141.2 156.85 25.67
157 -1148.4 163.48 27.51 -1144.9 166.32 31.32 -1141.2 157.07 25.68
158 -1148.4 163.64 27.43 -1144.9 166.21 31.25 -1141.2 156.94 25.68
159 -1148.2 163.26 27.52 -1145.1 166.81 31.2 -1141.1 156.8 25.72
160 -1148.4 163.52 27.49 -1145 166.35 31.29 -1141.2 156.99 25.71
161 -1148.2 162.94 27.52 -1145.1 166.89 31.16 -1141.1 156.77 25.72
162 -1148.3 163.35 27.41 -1144.9 166.45 31.29 -1141.1 156.8 25.64
163 -1148.3 163.23 27.34 -1144.9 166.34 31.34 -1141.2 157.19 25.53
164 -1148.4 163.61 27.42 -1145 166.71 31.16 -1141.1 156.75 25.55
165 -1148.3 163.63 27.43 -1144.9 166.24 31.32 -1141.2 157.09 25.65
166 -1148.2 162.9 27.41 -1145 166.65 31.17 -1141.2 157.11 25.63
167 -1148.4 163.73 27.37 -1144.9 166.38 31.36 -1141.2 156.92 25.69
168 -1148.4 163.51 27.44 -1144.8 166.39 31.32 -1141.2 157.12 25.66
169 -1148.4 163.5 27.46 -1144.9 166.47 31.29 -1141.1 156.87 25.69
170 -1148.4 163.46 27.56 -1145 166.8 31.18 -1141.1 156.72 25.61
APPENDIX B: Positioning data of small scale case study (continued)
Photo Broom Dust pan Trash can
frame br_x br_y br_z dp_x dp_y dp_z tc_x tc_y tc_z
171 -1148.2 163.16 27.44 -1145.1 166.97 31.17 -1141.1 156.69 25.77
172 -1148.5 163.8 27.29 -1145 166.52 31.29 -1141.1 156.85 25.65
173 -1148.4 163.53 27.52 -1145.1 166.81 31.24 -1141.2 157.01 25.74
174 -1148.3 163.23 27.43 -1145 166.52 31.21 -1141.1 156.6 25.64
175 -1148.5 163.67 27.36 -1145.1 166.92 31.2 -1141.1 156.78 25.69
176 -1148.4 163.52 27.46 -1144.9 166.42 31.19 -1141.1 156.86 25.72
177 -1148.4 163.45 27.52 -1145.2 166.92 31.17 -1141.1 156.85 25.62
178 -1148.3 163.22 27.45 -1145 166.85 31.19 -1141.1 156.61 25.51
179 -1148.3 163.17 27.38 -1144.9 166.4 31.32 -1141.2 157.02 25.64
180 -1148.2 163.27 27.45 -1144.8 166.33 31.32 -1141.1 156.65 25.73
181 -1148.3 163.25 27.4 -1144.9 166.6 31.31 -1141.1 156.78 25.73
182 -1148.2 163.17 27.48 -1145.1 166.7 31.19 -1141.1 156.75 25.79
183 -1148.4 163.48 27.49 -1145 166.56 31.25 -1141.1 156.7 25.67
184 -1148.3 163.3 27.41 -1145 166.47 31.24 -1141.2 157.12 25.65
185 -1148.2 162.96 27.41 -1144.8 165.94 31.2 -1141.2 156.81 25.5
186 -1148.1 163.18 27.41 -1144.9 166.37 31.15 -1141.1 156.58 25.73
187 -1115.5 243.92 70.93 -1119 243.44 69.94 -1141.2 156.92 25.59
188 -1190.1 237.4 62.48 -1143.7 258.09 65.59 -1141.1 156.69 25.55
189 -1104.5 241.73 69.94 -1109.7 240.78 70.88 -1141.1 156.69 25.64
190 -1104.4 241.62 69.73 -1109.8 240.78 70.94 -1141.2 156.94 25.63
191 -1104.4 241.24 69.8 -1109.8 240.48 70.96 -1141.2 156.97 25.47
192 -1104.4 241.37 69.65 -1109.8 240.54 70.78 -1141.1 156.62 25.52
193 -1104.5 241.55 69.55 -1109.9 240.83 70.65 -1141 156.49 25.57
194 -1104.4 241.52 69.56 -1109.9 240.84 70.72 -1141.1 156.6 25.72
195 -1104.6 242.18 69.57 -1109.9 240.86 70.87 -1141.2 157.02 25.67
196 -1104.5 241.6 69.65 -1109.8 240.49 70.86 -1141.2 156.94 25.56
197 -1104.5 241.82 69.57 -1109.7 240.44 70.88 -1141.2 157.15 25.68
198 -1275 176.02 81.27 -1261.3 164.77 68.57 -1141 156.66 25.7
199 -1176.8 210.13 -4.68 -1158.3 216.7 -4.81 -1141.2 157.07 25.38
200 -1102.9 204.9 66.88 -1101.2 193.65 69.97 -1141.1 156.6 25.57
201 -1102.9 204.2 66.91 -1101.2 194.08 69.78 -1141.1 156.7 25.52
202 -1103 204.44 66.72 -1101.3 193.89 69.66 -1141 156.54 25.88
APPENDIX C: Positioning data of large scale case study
APPENDIX C1: Positioning data of large scale case study-0629 data set
time rbr_x rbr_y rbr_z con_x con_y con_z m4b_x m4b_y m4b_z m4f_x m4f_y m4f_z
7:01 1224.162 3350.204 203.06 n/a n/a n/a 130.544 1506.42 17.902 408.022 1354.39 50.279
7:02 1223.81 3348.68 203.041 n/a n/a n/a 130.824 1506.989 17.987 408.44 1354.986 50.918
7:03 1224.567 3350.746 202.524 n/a n/a n/a 130.631 1505.612 18.36 408.151 1354.592 50.583
7:04 1223.889 3348.093 202.769 n/a n/a n/a 130.557 1505.609 18.472 408.094 1353.973 50.857
7:05 1224.163 3351.614 202.518 n/a n/a n/a 130.755 1505.664 18.62 407.978 1354.015 50.735
7:06 1223.794 3351.347 202.498 n/a n/a n/a 130.771 1505.484 18.467 408.476 1355.158 51.254
7:07 1002.02 2875.203 346.051 n/a n/a n/a 130.924 1505.78 18.464 408.236 1354.248 50.645
7:08 948.243 2221.803 361.843 n/a n/a n/a 130.796 1505.534 18.534 408.291 1355.346 50.894
7:09 919.885 2253.376 357.975 n/a n/a n/a 130.822 1505.506 18.621 408.324 1354.245 50.603
7:10 419.658 1702.132 270.832 n/a n/a n/a 130.779 1505.797 18.58 408.2 1355.064 51.193
7:11 424.619 1703.174 155.623 n/a n/a n/a 130.65 1505.967 18.529 407.886 1355.798 50.373
7:12 418.636 1704.395 126.487 n/a n/a n/a 130.699 1505.695 18.561 407.867 1354.73 50.275
7:13 418.23 1705.241 126.484 n/a n/a n/a 130.951 1506.206 18.504 408.15 1355.42 50.478
7:14 418.225 1706.543 126.464 n/a n/a n/a 130.797 1506.176 18.558 408.34 1355.08 50.573
7:15 418.557 1705.083 126.714 n/a n/a n/a 130.467 1506.842 18.174 408.356 1355.236 50.098
7:16 418.091 1702.112 130.382 n/a n/a n/a 130.648 1505.661 19.433 407.429 1352.187 51.001
7:17 418.315 1704.708 126.912 n/a n/a n/a 130.796 1504.71 18.552 408.099 1355.438 50.463
7:18 418.252 1705.524 125.878 n/a n/a n/a 130.841 1505.391 18.475 408.144 1355.423 50.225
7:19 418.348 1704.698 126.239 n/a n/a n/a 130.867 1505.489 18.824 408.683 1354.36 50.71
7:20 418.317 1705.109 126.583 n/a n/a n/a 130.671 1505.959 18.537 408.026 1355.751 50.866
7:21 418.384 1705.273 126.557 n/a n/a n/a 130.747 1506.495 18.22 408.274 1355.472 50.732
7:22 418.091 1705.08 126.931 n/a n/a n/a 130.422 1505.694 18.496 407.731 1354.74 50.945
7:23 418.369 1704.882 127.876 n/a n/a n/a 130.519 1504.441 18.914 407.731 1354.786 50.284
7:24 418.629 1704.38 126.685 n/a n/a n/a 130.657 1504.772 19.012 407.858 1354.13 50.403
7:25 418.922 1703.928 126.97 n/a n/a n/a 131.012 1504.561 19.104 408.172 1354.617 50.315
7:26 418.572 1704.717 126.322 n/a n/a n/a 130.632 1505.558 18.367 406.491 1355.24 46.754
7:27 418.898 1704.962 126.37 n/a n/a n/a 130.662 1505.419 18.84 420.252 1991.165 222.169
7:28 418.718 1704.467 127.474 n/a n/a n/a 130.505 1505.916 18.62 409.95 2023.899 196.012
7:29 418.944 1704.598 129.154 n/a n/a n/a 130.744 1505.176 19.022 410.39 2021.573 197.581
7:30 418.418 1704.03 128.375 n/a n/a n/a 130.852 1504.892 18.854 410.378 2020.81 195.748
7:31 418.706 1704.088 127.56 n/a n/a n/a 130.708 1505.507 18.537 409.622 2024.314 195.733
7:32 418.726 1704.159 126.596 n/a n/a n/a 130.618 1505.589 18.725 410.151 2022.362 195.674
7:33 418.561 1704.261 126.739 n/a n/a n/a 131.913 1698.397 172.422 409.685 2023.953 195.244
7:34 418.578 1705.004 126.461 n/a n/a n/a 131.763 1699.567 172.998 410.011 2023.036 195.574
7:35 416.561 1706.522 124.407 n/a n/a n/a 131.173 1700.772 171.868 408.98 2016.863 194.457
7:36 416.7 1706.116 124.565 n/a n/a n/a 130.814 1701.846 172.365 409.033 2016.175 194.847
7:37 416.867 1706.173 124.933 n/a n/a n/a 130.849 1701.554 172.135 408.9 2015.899 193.885
7:38 416.748 1705.954 124.457 n/a n/a n/a 130.339 1702.816 172.07 408.351 2016.57 194.023
7:39 416.773 1706.025 125.058 n/a n/a n/a 131.039 1700.449 172.369 409.46 2015.239 193.865
7:40 416.623 1706.389 124.35 n/a n/a n/a 130.936 1701.187 172.508 409.082 2016.346 193.989
7:41 416.622 1706.671 124.466 n/a n/a n/a 130.758 1701.887 172.252 409.136 2016.33 194.181
7:42 416.722 1706.099 124.966 n/a n/a n/a 130.818 1701.462 172.276 409.136 2016.455 194.58
7:43 416.747 1706.314 124.754 n/a n/a n/a 131.16 1701.848 172.139 407.917 2016.744 195.464
7:44 416.586 1705.73 124.655 n/a n/a n/a 132.807 1703.236 172.322 408.888 2016.498 194.432
7:45 416.662 1705.737 125.71 n/a n/a n/a 131.191 1700.335 172.345 409.065 2015.219 194.208
7:46 416.731 1705.692 125.089 n/a n/a n/a 130.859 1701.266 172.523 408.971 2016.813 193.904
7:47 416.674 1706.157 125.193 n/a n/a n/a 130.511 1701.654 173.028 409.09 2016.977 194.417
7:48 416.692 1705.693 125.605 n/a n/a n/a 129.964 1703.006 172.465 408.453 2016.437 194.282
7:49 417.042 1705.425 124.627 n/a n/a n/a 130.234 1702.329 172.372 408.916 2016.282 194.15
7:50 416.773 1706.209 124.95 n/a n/a n/a 129.711 1703.108 172.346 409.649 2015.189 194.576
7:51 416.697 1706.104 124.168 n/a n/a n/a 130.021 1702.088 171.932 409.23 2016.128 194.899
7:52 416.942 1705.665 125.988 n/a n/a n/a 129.58 1702.629 172.51 408.923 2016.786 194.582
7:53 416.888 1706.274 125.009 n/a n/a n/a 130.002 1703.785 172.278 408.823 2017.413 193.715
7:54 416.874 1705.765 124.701 n/a n/a n/a 129.583 1703.144 172.936 408.886 2016.422 194.633
7:55 417.079 1706.408 125.422 n/a n/a n/a 130.504 1701.549 172.401 409.141 2015.969 193.649
7:56 416.8 1705.944 125.926 n/a n/a n/a 130.098 1702.685 172.638 409.26 2015.372 195.193
7:57 416.958 1705.894 125.58 n/a n/a n/a 129.904 1701.808 172.983 409.144 2017.176 194.664
7:58 416.705 1706.078 125.612 n/a n/a n/a 129.824 1702.124 172.579 408.883 2016.849 194.533
7:59 416.913 1706.217 125.819 n/a n/a n/a 129.977 1702.345 172.952 409.262 2014.805 194.883
8:00 416.686 1706.152 125.235 n/a n/a n/a 130.146 1701.913 172.961 409.246 2015.959 194.851
8:01 416.893 1706.166 125.501 n/a n/a n/a 130.231 1702.085 172.343 408.949 2015.981 195.025
8:02 416.805 1705.317 126.131 n/a n/a n/a 129.544 1703.531 172.48 409.217 2014.687 195.062
8:03 416.8 1705.283 125.87 n/a n/a n/a 130.363 1702.099 172.674 409.268 2016.423 194.43
8:04 416.994 1697.238 129.949 n/a n/a n/a 130.271 1701.279 172.612 409.436 2015.681 194.787
8:05 416.817 1697.828 129.063 n/a n/a n/a 129.975 1701.774 172.77 409.401 2015.067 195.117
8:06 416.983 1697.358 130.178 n/a n/a n/a 130.097 1701.659 172.087 409.067 2015.861 194.701
8:07 416.66 1697.277 130.712 n/a n/a n/a 130.072 1702.308 172.585 409.16 2015.731 194.171
8:08 416.821 1697.257 130.191 n/a n/a n/a 129.711 1703.641 172.512 408.66 2017.038 194.696
8:09 416.945 1697.709 130.189 n/a n/a n/a 130.165 1702.927 172.498 408.891 2017.127 194.518
8:10 417.035 1697.124 130.554 n/a n/a n/a 130.251 1701.87 172.896 409.414 2015.614 195.194
8:11 417.143 1680.449 126.783 n/a n/a n/a 129.478 1682.615 168.715 409.483 1986.095 241.288
8:12 416.318 1634.116 108.926 n/a n/a n/a 129.827 1623.933 142.709 409.616 1874.044 345.346
8:13 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 128.659 1556.895 24.198 405.302 1555.27 359.798
8:14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 128.988 1558.143 19.3 404.464 1547.645 360.592
8:15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 128.559 1558.193 19.683 405.379 1546.736 360.74
APPENDIX C1: Positioning data of large scale case study-0629 data set (continued)
time rbr_x rbr_y rbr_z con_x con_y con_z m4b_x m4b_y m4b_z m4f_x m4f_y m4f_z
8:16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 128.847 1557.746 19.602 405.762 1545.917 362.169
8:17 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 128.944 1557.11 19.438 405.394 1545.767 361.803
8:18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 128.389 1559.352 19.866 403.911 1547.598 361.248
8:19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 128.405 1559.069 18.864 404.489 1548.072 361.084
8:20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 128.526 1557.685 19.729 404.571 1546.742 360.561
8:21 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 128.426 1557.748 19.507 405.052 1547.917 359.632
8:22 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.938 1555.644 19.508 407.089 1540.853 363.8
8:23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.026 1555.117 20.342 406.73 1538.751 364.814
8:24 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.854 1554.543 19.67 406.733 1540.135 363.933
8:25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.731 1554.888 20.09 406.766 1541.049 364.087
8:26 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.905 1555.633 19.376 407.096 1539.11 363.715
8:27 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.102 1555.159 19.292 407.093 1540.099 364.107
8:28 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.317 1554.701 19.305 406.845 1539.167 364.143
8:29 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.994 1554.281 19.399 406.239 1540.15 364.362
8:30 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.876 1554.651 19.536 406.749 1540.343 363.695
8:31 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.721 1554.842 19.876 406.607 1541.075 363.328
8:32 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.505 1556.586 19.512 406.611 1540.555 364.724
8:33 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.063 1554.439 19.432 406.445 1540.727 364.346
8:34 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.933 1555.537 19.581 406.724 1540.001 364.03
8:35 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.098 1553.957 19.317 406.994 1538.484 364.329
8:36 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.986 1555.282 19.387 406.67 1540.052 364.149
8:37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.957 1554.952 19.538 407.096 1538.878 364.094
8:38 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.854 1554.599 19.773 406.8 1540.093 363.691
8:39 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.796 1554.908 19.376 407.123 1539.448 364.17
8:40 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.967 1554.022 20.388 407.042 1539.977 363.917
8:41 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.721 1554.147 19.268 406.528 1540.309 364.019
8:42 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.297 1553.792 19.841 407.008 1540.021 363.835
8:43 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.226 1554.06 20.116 406.475 1540.365 364.111
8:44 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.032 1555.106 20.254 406.992 1539.849 363.975
8:45 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.343 1554.284 20.03 406.786 1539.451 364.108
8:46 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.039 1553.699 20.363 406.525 1540.117 364.133
8:47 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.082 1555.629 19.044 406.827 1540.621 363.821
8:48 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.763 1555.556 19.513 407.026 1539.517 364.217
8:49 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.589 1556.09 19.802 407.071 1539.687 364.133
8:50 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.562 1555.594 18.826 406.646 1540.144 364.017
8:51 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.405 1554.507 19.753 406.856 1540.172 363.749
8:52 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.178 1554.88 20.095 406.77 1540.736 363.961
8:53 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.086 1554.312 20.135 407.186 1539.885 364.012
8:54 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.113 1555.144 20.306 407.257 1540.267 364.484
8:55 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.921 1554.936 20.092 407.043 1540.177 364.222
8:56 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.065 1554.961 20.213 407.294 1538.958 364.596
8:57 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.762 1553.977 19.893 407.332 1540.888 363.578
8:58 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.818 1553.701 20.318 407.367 1539.604 363.88
8:59 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.046 1554.97 20.021 407.02 1539.622 363.826
9:00 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.108 1554.481 20.823 406.928 1540.281 363.991
9:01 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.657 1554.566 19.129 407.751 1540.61 364.228
9:02 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.997 1554.935 19.955 407.431 1539.719 363.813
9:03 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.926 1556.41 18.868 407.234 1539.656 364.082
9:04 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.748 1554.325 20.892 407.117 1540.761 364.009
9:05 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.037 1554.536 20.271 407.157 1540.304 363.585
9:06 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.026 1554.864 20.605 406.818 1540.044 363.847
9:07 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.126 1554.403 20.321 407.116 1540.298 363.574
9:08 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.892 1554.106 20.973 406.687 1539.377 364.413
9:09 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.136 1554.456 20.014 406.75 1540.231 363.588
9:10 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.136 1554.781 20.182 406.86 1540.1 363.978
9:11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.066 1554.14 19.891 406.84 1540.383 363.709
9:12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.185 1554.284 19.472 406.813 1540.902 363.516
9:13 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.08 1555.103 20.138 406.744 1540.383 363.78
9:14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.731 1554.99 19.999 406.629 1541.073 363.568
9:15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.948 1554.611 19.987 406.965 1540.288 364.081
9:16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.834 1554.615 20.535 407.17 1539.675 364.048
9:17 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.756 1554.82 19.862 407.016 1540.339 363.806
9:18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.984 1554.956 20.14 406.947 1540.583 363.727
9:19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.949 1555.491 19.47 406.844 1540.133 363.654
9:20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.764 1555.597 19.981 406.615 1541.272 363.923
13:14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 128.885 1556.708 19.999 405.503 1547.021 362.278
13:15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 128.793 1555.152 21.16 405.371 1546.49 362.046
13:16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 128.653 1557.026 19.813 405.647 1547.929 361.989
13:17 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 128.981 1556.708 19.47 405.553 1547.339 362.114
13:18 n/a n/a n/a 417.014 1613.295 73.658 128.718 1581.85 100.769 405.464 1755.573 389.533
13:19 n/a n/a n/a 417.048 1652.505 114.151 129.757 1640.787 153.792 405.031 1929.252 313.505
13:20 n/a n/a n/a 417.055 1694.732 128.949 131.217 1700.045 172.375 406.347 2019.87 202.806
13:21 n/a n/a n/a 417.251 1696.678 129.664 130.998 1700.466 173.062 409.665 2015.408 194.694
13:22 n/a n/a n/a 417.091 1696.937 128.47 130.531 1701.664 171.996 409.056 2017.948 194.61
13:23 n/a n/a n/a 417.179 1697.106 128.637 130.027 1702.582 172.108 408.938 2017.64 194.662
APPENDIX C1: Positioning data of large scale case study-0629 data set (continued)
time rbr_x rbr_y rbr_z con_x con_y con_z m4b_x m4b_y m4b_z m4f_x m4f_y m4f_z
13:24 n/a n/a n/a 417.156 1697.402 127.613 130.057 1702.286 172.367 409.391 2017.127 194.459
13:25 n/a n/a n/a 419.418 1694.74 129.801 132.671 1699.929 172.221 411.875 2020.854 197.624
13:26 n/a n/a n/a 419.544 1694.145 130.022 132.73 1699.239 172.468 410.872 2023.488 197.108
13:27 n/a n/a n/a 418.948 1694.773 130.669 132.762 1698.166 172.741 410.81 2024.243 197.465
13:28 n/a n/a n/a 418.871 1694.351 130.621 132.681 1699.59 171.89 410.725 2024.522 197.104
13:29 n/a n/a n/a 418.637 1694.058 131.095 132.727 1698.291 172.328 410.571 2023.834 197.408
13:30 n/a n/a n/a 418.645 1694.206 130.955 132.681 1699.233 172.203 411.321 2020.971 197.362
13:31 n/a n/a n/a 418.728 1694.555 130.522 132.564 1698.226 172.416 410.62 2024.339 196.934
13:32 n/a n/a n/a 418.549 1694.73 129.334 132.736 1698.702 172.454 411.365 2020.857 197.617
13:33 n/a n/a n/a 418.592 1694.643 130.621 131.209 1701.247 173.201 410.366 2023.99 197.274
13:34 n/a n/a n/a 418.777 1694.393 131.151 131.169 1700.673 172.725 411.364 2021.484 197.333
13:35 n/a n/a n/a 418.819 1695.224 130.394 131.327 1701.185 173.809 410.885 2020.443 198.155
13:36 n/a n/a n/a 418.883 1694.993 129.924 131.013 1701.999 171.817 410.588 2024.936 196.586
13:37 n/a n/a n/a 418.762 1694.814 130.946 131.1 1701.254 172.447 410.559 2024.635 196.664
13:38 n/a n/a n/a 418.972 1694.991 130.623 131.323 1701.314 172.452 410.625 2024.912 196.55
13:39 n/a n/a n/a 418.644 1694.911 131.101 131.35 1700.63 172.546 410.525 2024.217 197.179
13:40 n/a n/a n/a 418.598 1695.093 130.765 131.268 1701.034 172.352 411.571 2021.148 197.361
13:41 n/a n/a n/a 418.775 1694.216 130.416 130.926 1701.791 172.608 410.389 2024.665 196.656
13:42 n/a n/a n/a 418.521 1694.71 130.979 131.279 1700.619 173.087 410.718 2023.88 197.728
13:43 n/a n/a n/a 418.577 1695.006 130.6 131.37 1700.125 172.76 411.376 2021.188 197.225
13:44 n/a n/a n/a 418.761 1694.461 130.638 131.405 1700.968 172.536 411.082 2022.059 197.133
13:45 n/a n/a n/a 418.803 1694.63 130.995 131.333 1701.129 172.451 410.668 2024.663 197.418
13:46 n/a n/a n/a 418.823 1694.418 131.157 131.405 1700.74 172.531 410.524 2023.704 197.043
13:47 n/a n/a n/a 418.606 1694.821 131.223 131.162 1700.801 172.304 411.52 2021.92 197.715
13:48 n/a n/a n/a 418.576 1694.361 131.545 131.079 1701.387 172.281 410.886 2022.729 197.745
13:49 n/a n/a n/a 418.413 1694.515 130.676 131.078 1700.986 172.811 411.109 2023.053 197.494
13:50 n/a n/a n/a 418.55 1693.863 131.048 131.25 1700.783 172.302 410.669 2023.63 196.742
13:51 n/a n/a n/a 418.659 1695.198 130.699 131.061 1700.727 172.387 410.487 2024.252 197.124
13:52 n/a n/a n/a 418.561 1694.48 131.27 131.047 1701.019 172.679 410.662 2023.952 197.186
13:53 n/a n/a n/a 418.692 1694.623 131.332 130.937 1701.134 172.274 411.086 2022.718 197.498
13:54 n/a n/a n/a 418.683 1694.586 131.138 131.251 1700.989 172.37 410.994 2022.946 197.835
13:55 n/a n/a n/a 418.677 1694.937 131.387 131.322 1700.096 172.499 411.006 2022.973 197.511
13:56 n/a n/a n/a 418.581 1695.286 131.699 131.127 1700.73 172.485 411.301 2021.994 198.115
13:57 n/a n/a n/a 418.677 1694.534 131.648 131.39 1700.657 172.796 410.694 2023.488 196.896
13:58 n/a n/a n/a 418.735 1694.674 131.403 131.048 1701.432 172.569 410.111 2026.294 197.133
13:59 n/a n/a n/a 418.916 1695.155 131.759 131.42 1700.639 173.254 411.119 2023.298 198.097
14:00 n/a n/a n/a 418.865 1694.396 131.207 131.037 1701.038 172.507 410.404 2025.282 197.099
14:01 n/a n/a n/a 418.712 1695.133 131.371 131.389 1701.326 171.872 410.638 2024.093 197.129
14:02 n/a n/a n/a 418.565 1695.026 131.306 131.054 1700.949 172.24 410.878 2023.166 197.629
14:03 n/a n/a n/a 418.794 1694.523 131.779 131.14 1700.637 172.427 411.337 2021.778 197.739
14:04 n/a n/a n/a 418.688 1694.382 130.871 131.215 1699.65 172.921 410.761 2022.406 197.678
14:05 n/a n/a n/a 418.679 1694.738 131.714 131.365 1700.968 172.178 411.287 2022.433 197.784
14:06 n/a n/a n/a 418.646 1694.11 131.284 132.755 1698.098 171.021 395.095 1417.224 194.03
14:07 n/a n/a n/a 418.553 1694.825 130.636 132.781 1698.766 170.631 458.765 1325.806 196.497
14:08 n/a n/a n/a 418.694 1695.006 129.805 133.02 1699.104 171.019 461.67 1247.908 197.907
14:09 n/a n/a n/a 418.22 1694.76 130.951 133.101 1701.267 170.41 463.966 1236.176 199.478
14:10 n/a n/a n/a 418.372 1695.548 130.562 132.89 1699.729 170.595 461.258 1249.44 198.262
14:11 n/a n/a n/a 418.27 1695.293 130.793 132.472 1698.438 170.687 463.497 1240.716 199.719
14:12 n/a n/a n/a 418.603 1693.861 130.085 132.905 1697.607 171.328 407.735 1373.982 110.603
14:13 n/a n/a n/a 418.554 1694.127 131.026 132.621 1698.894 171.228 400.637 1364.934 48.644
14:14 n/a n/a n/a 418.435 1694.829 131.152 137.385 1509.882 84.351 400.675 1366.341 48.395
14:15 n/a n/a n/a 418.591 1695.001 132.051 130.274 1505.26 20.692 400.947 1365.527 48.96
14:16 n/a n/a n/a 418.715 1695.338 131.04 129.722 1506.221 17.035 401.004 1365.78 48.518
14:17 n/a n/a n/a 418.544 1695.548 131.4 129.811 1505.584 16.309 401.057 1365.958 48.665
14:18 n/a n/a n/a 418.513 1695.421 131.164 129.982 1505.434 17.126 401.349 1366.14 49.122
14:19 n/a n/a n/a 418.649 1695.254 131.392 129.874 1506.644 16.949 401.035 1365.554 48.714
14:20 n/a n/a n/a 418.327 1695.63 131.454 129.55 1506.291 16.718 400.859 1366.63 48.595
14:21 n/a n/a n/a 418.374 1695.411 131.9 129.209 1506.347 16.444 401.147 1365.52 48.663
14:22 n/a n/a n/a 418.474 1695.161 131.48 129.953 1506.324 19.917 401.072 1365.547 48.597
14:23 n/a n/a n/a 418.377 1695.551 130.818 129.762 1505.475 19.698 400.849 1366.863 47.57
14:24 n/a n/a n/a 418.523 1695.174 131.562 129.655 1505.559 16.632 400.929 1366.055 48.436
14:25 n/a n/a n/a 418.486 1695.266 131.317 129.733 1506.527 19.239 401.322 1364.595 49.021
APPENDIX C1: Positioning data of large scale case study-0629 data set (continued)
time m4l_x m4l_y m4l_z m4r_x m4r_y m4r_z wk1_x wk1_y wk1_z
7:01 20.431 2419.567 139.816 602.107 1107.77 134.585 889.89 5268.362 172.067
7:02 20.746 2418.402 140.214 602.296 1107.084 135.055 516.383 3101.578 169.219
7:03 20.784 2419.682 140.125 602.223 1107.721 134.487 530.174 2067.701 165.397
7:04 20.403 2421.518 139.787 602.108 1107.872 134.298 737.369 4029.44 165.523
7:05 20.24 2420.355 139.931 602.691 1106.035 134.693 1114.091 4179.741 155.49
7:06 20.778 2417.921 140.481 603.687 1104.057 135.648 752.799 4013.062 170.253
7:07 19.574 2422.02 139.879 604.212 1103.406 136.62 522.741 2666.962 169.799
7:08 20.914 2419.588 140.324 603.892 1104.249 136.105 138.546 1494.124 163.973
7:09 20.119 2420.919 139.938 604.285 1103.575 136.871 583.94 2089.763 166.069
7:10 20.529 2420.326 139.923 603.988 1103.871 136.61 179.449 1680.95 187.237
7:11 20.284 2420.702 139.673 604.297 1104.164 135.492 288.629 1670.868 160.962
7:12 20.411 2419.667 140.305 604.15 1103.377 136.644 120.311 1785.503 160.795
7:13 20.337 2420.967 139.624 604.151 1104.249 135.943 6.893 1775.049 82.888
7:14 20.705 2419.972 139.649 604.053 1104.569 136.099 345.073 1683.22 165.338
7:15 20.359 2418.906 139.936 604.035 1104.501 135.907 241.211 1704.089 114.974
7:16 20.581 2418.782 141.486 603.894 1104.782 135.966 424.274 2090.238 182.878
7:17 20.829 2418.456 140.166 603.943 1104.113 135.875 168.433 1502.659 153.539
7:18 20.444 2419.173 140.232 498.638 1564.986 163.667 544.057 1560.784 163.083
7:19 21.219 2418.073 140.457 438.993 1702.267 174.56 449.683 2055.428 149.342
7:20 20.562 2418.959 139.881 443.506 1710.963 171.22 528.371 2172.628 161.722
7:21 20.824 2418.789 140.751 443.724 1710.498 171.214 70.188 1903.15 164.9
7:22 20.745 2419.732 140.888 443.264 1710.341 171.237 56.166 1919.359 166.22
7:23 20.849 2419.223 140.605 443.736 1709.723 171.109 61.582 1916.285 166.31
7:24 108.575 2224.584 202.288 443.46 1709.954 171.224 67.414 2176.465 164.697
7:25 132.713 2115.145 174.612 443.676 1709.332 171.998 86.079 1886.104 169.61
7:26 131.713 2115.299 173.9 443.392 1709.959 171.087 126.204 1077.8 121.528
7:27 131.688 2115.37 173.891 443.493 1708.869 171.204 154.5 1629.043 193.698
7:28 131.674 2114.745 173.982 443.427 1708.854 170.335 162.862 1731.05 346.716
7:29 132.133 2113.475 174.068 443.577 1708.547 171.031 202.838 1832.421 165.812
7:30 132.023 2114.352 173.929 443.096 1708.413 170.804 215.888 2045.169 160.35
7:31 131.956 2113.889 173.86 444.708 1705.287 171.612 350.395 2011.282 167.001
7:32 131.76 2114.062 174.019 444.778 1705.913 171.344 295.53 1470.464 163.626
7:33 132.031 2113.965 174.095 444.501 1705.97 170.809 139.365 1629.755 169.052
7:34 131.995 2114.564 174.052 443.779 1707.303 172.377 625.886 3121.646 168.243
7:35 132.828 2103.293 172.714 441.879 1708.304 170.437 88.614 1694.285 163.412
7:36 133.161 2103.838 172.46 442.112 1708.279 170.352 93.96 2034.044 164.539
7:37 132.85 2103.483 172.803 442.352 1708.678 171.108 75.949 1674.444 163.526
7:38 132.541 2103.033 172.786 441.81 1709.825 170.485 n/a n/a n/a
7:39 133.358 2103.137 172.581 442.358 1707.982 170.895 n/a n/a n/a
7:40 133.299 2103.176 172.314 442.335 1708.309 170.932 n/a n/a n/a
7:41 132.925 2103.164 172.57 442.2 1708.748 170.858 n/a n/a n/a
7:42 133.042 2102.226 172.996 442.298 1708.425 170.897 n/a n/a n/a
7:43 133.258 2102.644 172.909 442.554 1708.931 170.455 350.765 1800.573 170.519
7:44 133.011 2103.326 173.025 442.361 1708.111 170.289 185.097 1828.185 166.426
7:45 133.405 2101.342 173.509 442.324 1707.597 170.953 67.561 1763.667 161.268
7:46 133.113 2102.137 172.44 442.356 1708.38 170.885 101.416 1954.686 129.091
7:47 133.837 2102.726 172.209 442.137 1707.396 170.418 73.596 1775.42 166.288
7:48 133.043 2103.276 172.951 442.133 1708.03 171.121 93.192 2056.905 168.834
7:49 133.066 2103.395 172.599 442.209 1709.302 170.838 94.933 1771.363 165.387
7:50 133.02 2103.336 172.161 442.046 1709.451 171.205 122.962 1934.781 121.323
7:51 133.044 2102.634 172.346 442.03 1708.973 170.828 n/a n/a n/a
7:52 132.832 2103.51 171.937 442.213 1707.969 171.053 98.545 2094.428 166.442
7:53 133.017 2103.818 172.289 442.074 1709.283 170.559 n/a n/a n/a
7:54 132.916 2102.094 172.997 442.161 1708.549 171.232 n/a n/a n/a
7:55 133.307 2102.177 172.596 442.286 1708.633 171.038 n/a n/a n/a
7:56 133.304 2101.954 172.591 442.33 1708.627 171.174 482.163 2023.408 163.59
7:57 133.159 2101.842 172.979 442.217 1708.075 171.274 520.412 1929.349 99.034
7:58 132.968 2102.167 172.812 442.043 1708.873 170.956 81.292 2025.583 166.865
7:59 133.246 2102.439 172.957 442.17 1708.813 171.231 n/a n/a n/a
8:00 133.123 2103.153 172.702 442.016 1708.894 171.169 352.006 1821.957 166.556
8:01 133.189 2103.044 172.86 442.087 1707.277 170.879 n/a n/a n/a
8:02 133.393 2103.997 172.979 442.392 1708.394 170.505 206.433 1932.35 163.148
8:03 133.589 2103.878 172.576 442.425 1708.088 171.088 n/a n/a n/a
8:04 133.572 2103.072 172.778 442.185 1706.961 171.05 66.386 1783.708 164.149
8:05 133.62 2102.932 172.411 442.362 1707.9 170.58 91.047 2482.703 167.505
8:06 133.196 2102.117 172.901 442.394 1708.281 170.885 574.425 3240.047 164.428
8:07 133.335 2101.987 173.147 442.269 1708.062 171.225 489.965 3474.12 165.935
8:08 133.418 2102.077 172.654 442.283 1707.353 170.933 952.651 4652.4 165.528
8:09 132.976 2104.348 173.252 442.29 1708.223 170.65 539.829 2338.925 165.508
8:10 133.376 2102.485 173.404 442.231 1708.248 170.995 499.259 2071.392 156.058
8:11 133.427 2099.619 232.727 439.765 1689.773 167.668 95.544 1650.614 163.783
8:12 131.506 1971.223 377.252 440.713 1629.427 146.184 489.234 2159.619 166.644
8:13 127.585 1570.766 439.063 440.006 1563.8 27.363 493.2 2152.875 164.303
8:14 126.585 1567.936 437.041 440.022 1565.103 26.426 336.601 1632.335 591.445
8:15 126.33 1568.528 437.35 440.111 1565.12 27.395 486.151 1723.946 161.041
APPENDIX C1: Positioning data of large scale case study-0629 data set (continued)
time m4l_x m4l_y m4l_z m4r_x m4r_y m4r_z wk1_x wk1_y wk1_z
8:16 126.585 1567.317 437.355 440.27 1564.694 27.345 563.075 3234.776 168.556
8:17 126.676 1567.084 437.502 440.249 1564.17 27.27 142.916 3260.56 163.197
8:18 126.349 1567.693 437.637 439.774 1564.973 27.589 503.486 1813.672 167.263
8:19 126.395 1568.573 437.441 439.864 1566.042 27.105 411.077 1653.623 548.001
8:20 126.399 1567.018 437.352 440.002 1564.83 27.347 371.832 2127.474 159.068
8:21 126.343 1568.074 437.244 440.213 1565.574 26.657 535.431 3183.176 163.184
8:22 127.63 1561.122 438.799 441.615 1561.599 27.477 496.6 2927.332 168.902
8:23 127.748 1560.567 439.194 441.725 1561.684 27.995 1314.945 1838.472 182.32
8:24 127.522 1560.342 438.982 441.362 1562.481 27.604 519.152 3058.097 167.645
8:25 127.432 1560.559 438.655 441.304 1561.47 27.396 540.112 3084.066 167.446
8:26 127.948 1559.595 439.074 441.572 1562.35 27.386 622.485 3109.514 167.849
8:27 127.598 1561.604 438.645 441.741 1562.408 27.21 529.555 3400.791 166.875
8:28 127.368 1561.492 438.628 441.497 1561.746 27.897 575.514 3307.062 160.69
8:29 127.607 1560.909 438.577 441.537 1561.869 27.129 619.495 3182.441 163.884
8:30 127.716 1561.143 438.634 441.528 1562.348 26.802 577.369 3156.63 166.079
8:31 127.598 1560.749 439.035 441.418 1562.239 27.514 684.205 3454.398 119.803
8:32 127.349 1562.318 438.492 441.583 1562.095 27.29 638.299 3282.33 157.794
8:33 127.6 1561.768 438.601 441.675 1562.446 27.114 666.277 3422.76 116.264
8:34 127.501 1561.978 438.704 441.575 1562.545 27.127 722.325 3466.512 94.509
8:35 127.512 1560.725 438.803 441.868 1561.446 27.154 645.439 3272.767 126.923
8:36 127.445 1561.104 438.794 441.402 1562.79 26.965 642.736 3312.44 133.27
8:37 127.612 1560.664 438.967 441.565 1561.92 27.36 645.811 3284.298 157.78
8:38 127.599 1560.238 439.184 441.666 1562.12 27.309 501.661 2983.329 167.205
8:39 127.43 1561.126 438.822 441.49 1562.844 26.934 738.355 3344.918 145.481
8:40 127.524 1560.114 438.649 441.335 1562.152 27.283 754.211 3283.907 155.39
8:41 127.393 1560.381 438.995 441.408 1562.363 27.121 491.543 3133.096 163.346
8:42 127.891 1559.549 438.861 441.797 1561.104 27.319 702.69 3285.468 167.917
8:43 127.547 1560.915 439.07 441.645 1562.847 27.152 528.143 3384.081 170.572
8:44 127.806 1560.568 439.089 441.622 1561.688 27.468 468.481 3325.359 169.517
8:45 127.712 1561.231 438.789 441.662 1562.207 27.463 n/a n/a n/a
8:46 127.466 1560.34 438.707 441.394 1561.764 27.357 608.122 3490.309 170.412
8:47 127.417 1561.187 438.83 441.872 1561.621 27.216 530.458 3509.861 167.959
8:48 127.502 1561.451 439.037 441.928 1561.776 27.671 587.899 3186.533 167.384
8:49 127.815 1560.652 438.544 441.654 1562.348 27.654 664.678 3399.607 145.026
8:50 127.484 1561.243 438.763 441.393 1563.068 26.717 602.947 3305.587 162.611
8:51 127.414 1560.642 439.021 441.552 1562.355 27.364 685.958 3429.905 158.214
8:52 127.424 1561.778 438.893 441.503 1562.693 27.108 511.951 3364.78 168.347
8:53 127.641 1560.748 438.724 441.541 1561.624 27.604 643.428 3429.481 120.857
8:54 127.618 1561.309 438.663 441.595 1562.648 27.467 606.846 3118.082 125.461
8:55 127.532 1561.187 438.481 441.594 1561.48 27.463 747.888 3183.863 164.9
8:56 127.65 1561.822 437.954 441.622 1562.024 27.162 613.445 3134.446 162.01
8:57 127.764 1561.601 439.072 441.774 1562.52 27.332 542.72 3292.298 167.448
8:58 127.749 1561.989 438.762 441.589 1562.012 27.58 n/a n/a n/a
8:59 127.76 1560.442 438.835 441.552 1562.056 27.432 n/a n/a n/a
9:00 127.693 1560.827 438.803 441.59 1562.323 27.561 n/a n/a n/a
9:01 128.267 1561.075 436.926 442.512 1562.359 26.425 n/a n/a n/a
9:02 127.379 1561.705 438.746 441.614 1562.094 27.469 n/a n/a n/a
9:03 127.552 1561.812 439.009 441.857 1563.086 26.944 n/a n/a n/a
9:04 127.373 1560.865 438.245 441.264 1561.85 27.945 n/a n/a n/a
9:05 127.607 1561.45 438.738 441.746 1562.617 27.337 n/a n/a n/a
9:06 127.61 1561.544 438.759 441.41 1562.037 27.818 n/a n/a n/a
9:07 127.819 1561.137 438.868 441.674 1562.273 27.444 n/a n/a n/a
9:08 127.812 1560.713 438.992 441.477 1562.261 27.681 n/a n/a n/a
9:09 127.544 1560.827 439.132 441.393 1562.671 27.358 n/a n/a n/a
9:10 127.41 1561.248 438.782 441.521 1562.732 27.336 n/a n/a n/a
9:11 127.657 1560.448 439.081 441.575 1561.962 27.59 n/a n/a n/a
9:12 127.592 1561.233 438.913 441.67 1562.131 27.187 n/a n/a n/a
9:13 127.699 1560.991 439.127 441.566 1562.698 27.314 n/a n/a n/a
9:14 127.5 1561.461 439.051 441.35 1562.562 27.259 566.283 3206.536 164.82
9:15 127.63 1561.008 438.879 441.623 1562.395 27.631 704.889 2547.582 157.246
9:16 127.53 1560.994 438.824 441.494 1562.046 27.617 424.575 2789.171 160.505
9:17 127.508 1561.413 438.865 441.556 1561.921 27.414 932.81 2514.059 153.719
9:18 127.632 1561.233 438.49 441.759 1562.458 27.405 368.825 2399.8 183.641
9:19 127.607 1560.653 439.166 441.589 1562.606 27.345 91.386 2207.955 161.952
9:20 127.45 1561.426 438.729 441.559 1562.677 27.459 110.08 2254.316 164.679
13:14 127.135 1568.842 436.834 440.645 1566.073 26.701 585.016 2411.683 164.559
13:15 127.098 1568.022 437.446 440.505 1565.7 27.726 629.422 2091.703 163.632
13:16 127.083 1569.59 437.209 440.637 1566.656 26.927 607.854 2067.34 162.794
13:17 127.109 1569.136 437.282 440.481 1567.058 26.857 495.988 2063.023 163.825
13:18 132.007 1814.444 448.299 440.876 1590.527 107.08 509.814 2153.526 166.775
13:19 133.533 2011.113 336.326 440.927 1647.068 155.363 445.955 2219.183 163.174
13:20 133.092 2102.257 181.811 441.903 1703.83 169.423 n/a n/a n/a
13:21 133.851 2103.857 174.434 441.906 1710.982 169.674 512.155 2861.677 164.007
13:22 133.309 2105.318 173.663 442.317 1711.585 169.924 464.01 3474.855 165.802
13:23 133.369 2104.526 173.592 441.928 1711.252 170.015 471.254 3503.611 167.644
APPENDIX C1: Positioning data of large scale case study-0629 data set (continued)
time m4l_x m4l_y m4l_z m4r_x m4r_y m4r_z wk1_x wk1_y wk1_z
13:24 133.277 2105.599 173.969 442.176 1712.022 170.091 480.252 2813.368 166.842
13:25 131.481 2116.668 174.731 444.291 1709.891 171.404 510.426 3650.018 170.862
13:26 131.737 2116.461 175.42 444.386 1709.135 171.543 515.715 3663.817 168.033
13:27 132.078 2116.992 174.904 444.217 1710.198 171.403 257.193 3590.433 189.504
13:28 132.069 2118.311 174.643 444.481 1710.661 171.465 144.585 3659.506 168.062
13:29 132.178 2117.089 174.621 444.199 1710.562 171.4 557.693 3568.507 165.715
13:30 131.951 2117.049 174.952 444.144 1709.283 171.338 642.504 3557.987 166.049
13:31 131.822 2116.388 175.024 443.933 1709.157 171.345 541.317 3165.085 166.42
13:32 132.053 2117.124 175.321 443.984 1709.225 171.19 784.584 1845.072 164.006
13:33 131.667 2117.209 174.99 443.889 1710.067 171.577 494.755 3581.232 167.113
13:34 131.957 2116.445 175.183 443.893 1709.639 171.345 548.981 3405.502 164.866
13:35 131.897 2117.281 174.919 444.152 1710.572 170.83 584.95 3545.66 159.305
13:36 131.69 2118.633 174.982 444.154 1710.907 171.254 564.865 3516.956 165.429
13:37 131.734 2118.139 174.868 444.143 1711.217 171.22 615.95 3431.853 163.51
13:38 131.776 2117.972 175.008 444.57 1709.988 171.336 604.99 3302.183 146.695
13:39 131.718 2117.314 175.227 444.162 1710.332 171.581 740.012 3282.555 166.017
13:40 131.907 2117.562 174.9 444.238 1710.592 170.724 755.942 3299.85 166.274
13:41 131.53 2118.324 174.906 444.256 1710.876 171.357 708.04 3441.456 163.079
13:42 131.79 2116.362 175.139 444.125 1710.071 171.387 649.502 3335.886 128.386
13:43 132.032 2116.65 174.831 444.403 1710.162 171.192 798.925 3187.53 113.062
13:44 131.845 2118.071 175.197 444.377 1711.069 171.018 676.521 3332.615 106.22
13:45 131.881 2117.201 174.725 444.125 1711.373 171.236 626.201 3252.567 165.233
13:46 131.852 2117.93 174.774 444.26 1710.569 171.108 598.711 3147.956 167.994
13:47 131.951 2117.55 175.31 444.129 1710.801 171.184 725.19 3263.754 167.002
13:48 131.931 2116.139 175.878 444.43 1710.894 171.273 518.11 3376.484 157.033
13:49 131.964 2116.519 174.879 444.254 1710.242 171.177 546.688 3546.707 134.255
13:50 131.989 2116.258 175.462 444.347 1709.895 171.021 380.711 3121.98 180.128
13:51 131.64 2117.795 174.641 444.127 1711.545 170.81 415.089 3182.931 340.07
13:52 131.973 2117.307 174.781 444.071 1710.616 171.152 233.752 3199.821 344.358
13:53 131.606 2118.084 174.601 444.284 1710.035 171.635 196.551 3555.052 259.871
13:54 131.914 2117.779 174.984 444.19 1711.295 171.302 186.861 3498.839 336.528
13:55 131.884 2117.815 174.744 444.11 1711.172 170.898 428.339 3517.018 338.174
13:56 131.842 2117.888 175.117 444.185 1710.987 170.904 423.181 3368.538 337.525
13:57 132.031 2117.208 175.161 444.275 1711.006 171.311 450.502 3060.018 168.596
13:58 131.507 2118.072 174.753 444.674 1710.441 171.259 444.851 3629.72 168.038
13:59 131.9 2116.966 175.49 444.264 1711.047 171.777 1268.791 1787.098 165.601
14:00 131.86 2118.003 174.765 444.349 1711.411 171.127 521.231 2855.719 166.739
14:01 131.94 2117.533 175.213 444.373 1711.462 171.063 516.183 3617.018 164.899
14:02 131.695 2118.319 174.773 444.152 1709.69 171.155 741.946 4629.908 170.856
14:03 131.999 2117.443 174.734 444.298 1709.754 171.346 944.202 5065.937 156.048
14:04 132.2 2116.059 174.943 444.252 1709.799 171.322 973.292 5237.634 157.724
14:05 131.826 2117.198 174.877 444.061 1711.088 171.039 1124.39 5244.581 160.883
14:06 131.592 2115.715 174.742 443.966 1710.235 171.565 988.902 5154.074 171.215
14:07 131.489 2116.605 174.434 443.863 1710.975 171.287 1090.303 5263.038 157.938
14:08 131.727 2115.859 174.667 444.145 1710.367 171.055 1030.714 5272.2 169.66
14:09 131.481 2115.279 174.622 444.184 1709.284 171.131 784.575 5271.901 149.669
14:10 131.519 2115.869 174.366 443.916 1709.839 171.333 1093.392 5292.72 167.237
14:11 131.672 2116.017 174.512 443.724 1709.917 171.471 808.216 4999.355 173.649
14:12 131.657 2116.379 174.895 443.646 1709.202 171.522 1124.868 5623.805 159.3
14:13 131.284 2115.848 174.64 443.903 1709.615 170.891 n/a n/a n/a
14:14 131.356 2116.054 174.487 443.579 1709.211 171.213 n/a n/a n/a
14:15 131.373 2117.107 173.811 443.865 1709.529 170.755 n/a n/a n/a
14:16 10.239 2373.464 141.936 443.927 1710.345 170.977 n/a n/a n/a
14:17 9.713 2373.74 141.722 605.896 1100.43 139.77 n/a n/a n/a
14:18 9.939 2372.389 142.063 606.812 1099.686 139.83 n/a n/a n/a
14:19 9.845 2373.881 142.286 606.709 1100.266 140.242 1056.038 4955.178 173.011
14:20 10.87 2375.927 141.98 606.413 1100.83 139.514 1137.301 4962.624 177.999
14:21 9.739 2375.221 142.247 606.362 1100.347 140.142 621.127 3590.071 94.468
14:22 9.918 2375.666 142.09 606.503 1100.386 139.832 614.52 2276.618 166.697
14:23 9.616 2376.214 141.054 606.353 1100.203 139.926 509.504 2579.643 167.199
14:24 9.703 2376.244 142.36 606.545 1099.555 140.111 795.459 1926.775 167.327
14:25 9.646 2375.246 141.224 606.013 1100.888 139.471 1247.156 1799.197 167.509
APPENDIX C1: Positioning data of large scale case study-0629 data set (continued)
time wk2_x wk2_y wk2_z wk3_x wk3_y wk3_z bh1_x bh1_y bh1_z bh2_x bh2_y bh2_z
7:01 431.692 1782.543 141.341 428.285 2092.272 173.096 n/a n/a n/a 769.395 4375.488 475.812
7:02 489.408 2317.429 150.845 74.351 1851.534 164.12 n/a n/a n/a 769.006 4373.982 474.898
7:03 338.383 2016.343 155.889 231.689 1639.382 171.319 n/a n/a n/a 770.041 4372.199 474.171
7:04 205.01 2053.859 136.819 85.504 1934.568 166.707 n/a n/a n/a 770.494 4374.182 473.858
7:05 n/a n/a n/a 309.85 2152.283 171.216 n/a n/a n/a 770.401 4368.734 474.734
7:06 n/a n/a n/a 500.28 1980.776 160.694 n/a n/a n/a 769.701 4371.941 474.465
7:07 353.985 2012.298 159.013 588.05 2046.264 157.607 n/a n/a n/a 769.544 4376.123 475.872
7:08 n/a n/a n/a 440.161 1721.608 155.555 n/a n/a n/a 769.783 4372.015 473.996
7:09 392.865 2000.606 215.997 480.694 1844.383 92.501 n/a n/a n/a 770.141 4376.487 475.103
7:10 143.923 2035.522 83.284 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 769.88 4380.328 475.451
7:11 489.418 1582.723 148.794 492.224 1664.462 162.941 n/a n/a n/a 770.624 4375.516 474.253
7:12 458.031 2066.959 150.577 245.852 2145.637 174.143 n/a n/a n/a 769.901 4374.226 474.019
7:13 461.377 2027.552 152.082 380.746 2001.943 169.408 n/a n/a n/a 769.369 4374.68 474.115
7:14 448.27 1949.985 124.896 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 769.759 4379.009 474.674
7:15 454.754 1871.792 150.045 362.523 1885.51 160.7 n/a n/a n/a 769.898 4373.864 474.91
7:16 464.173 1787.854 153.319 359.267 1813.533 164.072 n/a n/a n/a 769.085 4371.088 477.982
7:17 443.921 1774.008 116.404 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 770.583 4378.75 474.559
7:18 124.091 1746.113 146.02 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 770.076 4378.442 475.014
7:19 126.837 1808.937 148.184 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 771.49 4382.366 473.447
7:20 131.551 1928.401 110.815 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 769.619 4377.698 474.53
7:21 114.985 1956.671 159.14 191.603 1976.31 152.706 n/a n/a n/a 769.925 4374.23 473.839
7:22 113.386 2008.468 152.379 197.561 2049.481 155.343 n/a n/a n/a 770.433 4378.064 473.869
7:23 110.717 2081.088 156.672 208.441 2065.752 162.552 n/a n/a n/a 770.949 4380.415 473.62
7:24 n/a n/a n/a 566.155 1685.909 162.059 n/a n/a n/a 770.605 4375.034 475.242
7:25 n/a n/a n/a 35.458 2153.738 168.674 n/a n/a n/a 770.457 4377.82 474.747
7:26 n/a n/a n/a 539.869 1056.248 171.851 n/a n/a n/a 769.756 4380.967 475.444
7:27 1032.136 1091.871 141.961 490.458 1664.863 169.831 n/a n/a n/a 770.363 4373.172 475.094
7:28 139.083 1426.188 147.501 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 770.735 4375.876 475.087
7:29 78.693 2114.388 155.763 148.083 2070.337 335.55 n/a n/a n/a 771.006 4380.763 475.2
7:30 n/a n/a n/a 425.306 2124.314 260.15 n/a n/a n/a 770.332 4372.79 474.987
7:31 40.431 1640.789 153.233 202.998 1709.842 338.348 n/a n/a n/a 769.703 4377.384 475.701
7:32 n/a n/a n/a 458.314 1497.181 160.595 n/a n/a n/a 770.611 4378.657 476.563
7:33 n/a n/a n/a 426.22 1645.758 172.286 n/a n/a n/a 771.096 4380.614 474.345
7:34 n/a n/a n/a 444.079 1702.359 105.926 n/a n/a n/a 770.434 4373.189 474.894
7:35 n/a n/a n/a 475.43 1997.12 159.294 n/a n/a n/a 755.936 4229.997 457.054
7:36 n/a n/a n/a 530.254 1695.35 168.559 n/a n/a n/a 755.956 4230.511 456.921
7:37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 757.105 4233.366 456.52
7:38 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 756.735 4237.301 458.074
7:39 505.653 707.446 158.058 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 758.09 4235.945 458.166
7:40 78.896 2765.212 158.959 415.406 3086.66 490.737 n/a n/a n/a 756.815 4233.473 456.92
7:41 497.033 2510.379 157.744 214.931 3033.736 583.707 n/a n/a n/a 757.174 4236.233 457.084
7:42 n/a n/a n/a 269.34 3051.98 565.421 n/a n/a n/a 757.615 4236.619 456.838
7:43 n/a n/a n/a 218.305 3031.612 582.038 n/a n/a n/a 756.746 4233.397 457.737
7:44 n/a n/a n/a 382.486 3026.994 580.898 n/a n/a n/a 756.481 4233.647 457.822
7:45 469.923 2058.763 156.265 368.18 3074.02 580.006 n/a n/a n/a 755.979 4231.688 458.001
7:46 n/a n/a n/a 304.832 3065.384 564.649 n/a n/a n/a 756.468 4236.81 457.376
7:47 452.56 1514.809 156.493 167.81 3040.362 574.085 n/a n/a n/a 757.591 4233.285 458.267
7:48 n/a n/a n/a 212.113 3017.816 583.609 n/a n/a n/a 757.567 4235.869 458.035
7:49 n/a n/a n/a 210.417 3067.322 577.251 n/a n/a n/a 758.404 4235.752 458.241
7:50 n/a n/a n/a 167.988 3006.144 574.559 n/a n/a n/a 757.721 4238.452 458.212
7:51 n/a n/a n/a 186.842 3014.47 584.989 n/a n/a n/a 757.889 4236.857 458.452
7:52 440.659 2784.738 158.787 340.327 3034.373 572.545 n/a n/a n/a 757.383 4236.897 457.668
7:53 73.14 2835.883 156.272 275.785 3068.563 576.27 n/a n/a n/a 757.999 4239.801 456.593
7:54 418.957 2187.75 157.834 415.062 3065.051 555.482 n/a n/a n/a 758.194 4241.231 458.794
7:55 n/a n/a n/a 436.527 3031.025 499.839 n/a n/a n/a 757.242 4230.485 456.123
7:56 n/a n/a n/a 402.637 3071.128 532.659 n/a n/a n/a 758.453 4238.142 456.019
7:57 487.177 1732.504 156.217 372.097 3023.535 579.715 n/a n/a n/a 758.072 4237.954 458.446
7:58 485.434 1898.064 154.839 427.847 3011.801 576.956 n/a n/a n/a 758.125 4239.218 458.441
7:59 483.735 1966.306 154.823 386.233 3009.673 578.506 n/a n/a n/a 757.6 4238.94 458.148
8:00 467.023 2069.578 153.568 357.159 3041.858 577.441 n/a n/a n/a 758.301 4240.488 458.375
8:01 479.6 2000.55 93.957 400.305 3039.099 571.816 n/a n/a n/a 758.038 4240.33 456.875
8:02 467.866 1769.988 84.576 409.791 3056.09 565.926 n/a n/a n/a 756.979 4233.757 457.281
8:03 439.143 1650.28 154.572 432.659 3057.743 575.788 n/a n/a n/a 756.902 4238.679 457.078
8:04 228.517 1682.29 92.146 415.384 3079.338 536.828 n/a n/a n/a 757.153 4233.793 459.212
8:05 312.32 1652.521 153.069 400.8 3064.283 578.537 n/a n/a n/a 757.445 4241.897 458.383
8:06 203.803 1621.421 155.417 224.246 3043.832 577.636 n/a n/a n/a 813.768 4409.919 430.974
8:07 331.221 1675.84 87.287 166.233 3034.551 560.776 n/a n/a n/a 790.36 4498.173 291.972
8:08 129.47 1672.449 86.31 189.677 3061.203 581.652 n/a n/a n/a 945.977 4554.633 190.044
8:09 432.016 1595.362 154.469 172.341 3065.628 577.173 n/a n/a n/a 632.517 3004.095 192.985
8:10 n/a n/a n/a 227.313 3028.751 575.936 n/a n/a n/a 286.19 2120.978 185.756
8:11 n/a n/a n/a 194.923 3066.082 575.327 n/a n/a n/a 286.942 2088.554 300.443
8:12 n/a n/a n/a 192.722 3074.296 570.209 n/a n/a n/a 285.563 2028.082 464.347
8:13 n/a n/a n/a 217.666 3072.512 568.143 n/a n/a n/a 285.405 1610.412 625.102
8:14 n/a n/a n/a 337.825 3050.451 567.817 n/a n/a n/a 286.231 1635.701 584.333
8:15 515.76 1624.915 156.336 382.56 3064.538 573.826 n/a n/a n/a 622.236 2541.003 576.451
APPENDIX C1: Positioning data of large scale case study-0629 data set (continued)
time wk2_x wk2_y wk2_z wk3_x wk3_y wk3_z bh1_x bh1_y bh1_z bh2_x bh2_y bh2_z
8:16 524.248 1527.627 158.333 453.365 3054.805 489.209 n/a n/a n/a 613.348 3938.94 563.944
8:17 n/a n/a n/a 358.659 3058.923 576.494 n/a n/a n/a 608.791 3939.438 565.871
8:18 n/a n/a n/a 178.71 3068.761 490.509 n/a n/a n/a 608.11 3943.527 564.744
8:19 n/a n/a n/a 198.058 3062.72 493.29 n/a n/a n/a 606.037 3945.585 564.978
8:20 n/a n/a n/a 271.324 3018.606 492.147 n/a n/a n/a 605.881 3941.437 564.444
8:21 n/a n/a n/a 352.749 3061.883 493.978 n/a n/a n/a 605.594 3938.511 565.163
8:22 n/a n/a n/a 416.641 3081.963 495.493 n/a n/a n/a 753.999 4358.506 528.989
8:23 n/a n/a n/a 495.374 1676.201 298.072 n/a n/a n/a 754.965 4353.648 512.631
8:24 103.208 1159.647 158.036 293.899 1617.726 589.739 n/a n/a n/a 756.552 4333.392 514.121
8:25 259.086 1126.99 157.022 375.34 1641.589 594.01 n/a n/a n/a 758.587 4352.685 514.141
8:26 n/a n/a n/a 288.021 1607.753 584.551 n/a n/a n/a 757.07 4351.246 513.02
8:27 n/a n/a n/a 378.104 1649.635 593.358 n/a n/a n/a 756.821 4340.228 513.82
8:28 n/a n/a n/a 398.489 1629.8 593.526 n/a n/a n/a 757.394 4344.762 513.821
8:29 n/a n/a n/a 214.292 1601.247 591.303 n/a n/a n/a 758.123 4346.594 512.41
8:30 n/a n/a n/a 271.16 1611.363 586.275 n/a n/a n/a 757.145 4342.717 511.704
8:31 n/a n/a n/a 202.347 1602.602 597.295 n/a n/a n/a 757.832 4341.286 512.982
8:32 n/a n/a n/a 384.629 1602.646 593.002 n/a n/a n/a 758.224 4347.704 512.34
8:33 n/a n/a n/a 378.848 1612.311 592.239 n/a n/a n/a 756.779 4343.122 513.515
8:34 n/a n/a n/a 384.914 1603.503 593.786 n/a n/a n/a 757.882 4349.818 512.444
8:35 n/a n/a n/a 386.42 1604.083 594.04 n/a n/a n/a 757.97 4351.527 514.04
8:36 n/a n/a n/a 393.822 1606.723 597.491 n/a n/a n/a 757.767 4353.563 513.758
8:37 n/a n/a n/a 367.379 1595.847 597.126 n/a n/a n/a 757.21 4355.134 513.004
8:38 n/a n/a n/a 392.858 1655.878 597.823 n/a n/a n/a 758.033 4350.872 513.291
8:39 31.602 1221.79 149.114 376.164 1636.912 595.242 n/a n/a n/a 757.051 4354.089 513.448
8:40 77.385 1273.261 156.013 251.091 1616.234 587.531 n/a n/a n/a 755.671 4344.134 514.813
8:41 n/a n/a n/a 194.144 1614.099 597.127 n/a n/a n/a 757.15 4353.35 515.119
8:42 n/a n/a n/a 222.105 1625.285 596.496 n/a n/a n/a 757.756 4346.507 514.388
8:43 n/a n/a n/a 202.429 1628.549 594.459 n/a n/a n/a 757.723 4346.781 514.188
8:44 n/a n/a n/a 184.356 1588.351 594.997 n/a n/a n/a 758.057 4350.476 514.1
8:45 n/a n/a n/a 180.676 1589.259 588.555 n/a n/a n/a 757.46 4344.733 512.972
8:46 n/a n/a n/a 202.267 1582.894 590.243 n/a n/a n/a 758.051 4350.331 513.232
8:47 n/a n/a n/a 194.504 1612.146 593.738 n/a n/a n/a 758.391 4344.29 513.911
8:48 n/a n/a n/a 167.309 1624.476 584.38 n/a n/a n/a 758.868 4350.965 513.324
8:49 514.686 2238.021 154.994 203.143 1589.678 591.333 n/a n/a n/a 758.127 4352.283 513.022
8:50 496.179 1994.533 156.118 174.395 1651.195 594.285 n/a n/a n/a 757.23 4345.869 512.947
8:51 n/a n/a n/a 171.287 1647.199 591.922 n/a n/a n/a 758.028 4350.952 513.571
8:52 n/a n/a n/a 166.547 1659.303 586.807 n/a n/a n/a 757.508 4345.91 514.365
8:53 n/a n/a n/a 209.769 1619.314 586.993 n/a n/a n/a 757.943 4351.488 514.017
8:54 n/a n/a n/a 292.729 1617.781 592.971 n/a n/a n/a 756.99 4348.807 514.742
8:55 555.341 1342.816 154.923 323.407 1624.205 590.406 n/a n/a n/a 757.454 4350.829 514.832
8:56 n/a n/a n/a 258.314 1649.384 590.479 n/a n/a n/a 757.594 4351.451 515.631
8:57 n/a n/a n/a 376.893 1635.809 593.538 n/a n/a n/a 758.436 4352.352 514.624
8:58 n/a n/a n/a 409.648 1574.978 585.055 n/a n/a n/a 757.308 4347.539 513.878
8:59 n/a n/a n/a 434.245 1658.366 530.719 n/a n/a n/a 758.481 4352.55 512.907
9:00 n/a n/a n/a 433.197 1594.756 552.122 n/a n/a n/a 756.58 4345.18 514.411
9:01 n/a n/a n/a 428.623 1615.471 542.514 n/a n/a n/a 757.656 4351.932 515.277
9:02 n/a n/a n/a 446.681 1609.824 522.416 n/a n/a n/a 758.494 4356.359 513.184
9:03 n/a n/a n/a 445.796 1627.934 520.875 n/a n/a n/a 757.08 4354.578 511.474
9:04 1140.914 1154.744 160.581 400.426 1626.987 588.91 n/a n/a n/a 757.309 4354.307 513.752
9:05 1207.297 1332.031 162.016 417.253 1610.82 585.159 n/a n/a n/a 758.389 4354.532 511.908
9:06 1188.344 1262.627 147.299 420.175 1641.618 588.388 n/a n/a n/a 757.66 4354.19 511.879
9:07 950.332 1138.57 159.971 387.002 1643.222 592.076 n/a n/a n/a 758.516 4350.491 512.149
9:08 1014.422 1109.335 150.914 413.545 1650.26 591.623 n/a n/a n/a 758.545 4352.821 512.934
9:09 1079.439 1300.447 154.804 271.537 1592.054 597.564 n/a n/a n/a 758.147 4354.126 514.339
9:10 560.665 1501.038 156.256 350.874 1635.426 584.3 n/a n/a n/a 757.053 4354.964 512.351
9:11 400.557 1264.75 157.419 449.361 1660.45 509.064 n/a n/a n/a 757.811 4346.777 514.437
9:12 n/a n/a n/a 345.192 1627.374 591.882 n/a n/a n/a 757.724 4353.942 514.104
9:13 491.166 1808.642 159.749 332.768 1634.386 589.604 n/a n/a n/a 758.027 4351.631 513.068
9:14 596.618 1802.58 155.054 159.361 1654.439 508.063 n/a n/a n/a 756.924 4355.382 514.164
9:15 469.375 1817.112 158.79 211.457 1606.514 503.985 n/a n/a n/a 757.922 4351.352 513.158
9:16 522.301 2935.296 162.39 340.335 1661.77 554.073 n/a n/a n/a 758.033 4349.783 514.097
9:17 912.252 2733.135 160.743 364.995 1641.947 504.063 n/a n/a n/a 757.193 4356.493 513.337
9:18 n/a n/a n/a 419.511 1665.78 501.566 n/a n/a n/a 757.488 4356.104 513.603
9:19 504.885 1953.585 160.405 484.042 1674.363 281.778 n/a n/a n/a 757.675 4353.701 515.218
9:20 513.618 1565.725 157.537 510.705 1501.204 166.259 n/a n/a n/a 758.072 4347.917 515.064
13:14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 727.307 4125.285 499.756
13:15 n/a n/a n/a 291.943 1460.471 172.936 n/a n/a n/a 727.33 4128.681 499.33
13:16 n/a n/a n/a 249.783 1511.105 167.616 n/a n/a n/a 727.312 4124.08 497.528
13:17 n/a n/a n/a 494.073 1636.528 397.213 276.875 1792.641 614.804 726.909 4122.798 498.361
13:18 n/a n/a n/a 507.111 1352.959 171.064 284.265 1928.417 581.833 727.198 4126.718 496.019
13:19 n/a n/a n/a 529.974 1403.738 165.749 284.081 2049.283 414.791 727.301 4125.559 496.241
13:20 n/a n/a n/a 554.619 1385.133 170.157 284.873 2096.649 253.297 727.266 4127.296 496.094
13:21 n/a n/a n/a 594.205 2383.861 169.296 576.74 3072.85 260.811 727.227 4120.635 497.38
13:22 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 304.637 3209.725 426.147 727.528 4129.665 495.956
13:23 n/a n/a n/a 222.54 3063.387 587.771 291.972 3115.666 571.635 727.042 4124.438 496.881
APPENDIX C1: Positioning data of large scale case study-0629 data set (continued)
time wk2_x wk2_y wk2_z wk3_x wk3_y wk3_z bh1_x bh1_y bh1_z bh2_x bh2_y bh2_z
13:24 520.838 1858.042 151.994 627.493 2761.861 171.16 298.411 3178.053 639.047 727.492 4126.343 495.295
13:25 529.611 1299.588 159.929 517.18 2913.077 173.846 295.846 3487.334 505.157 737.753 4274.357 513.96
13:26 425.494 1622.101 160.701 n/a n/a n/a 297.381 3583.909 339.84 738.821 4274.359 516.313
13:27 343.36 1639.783 157.706 n/a n/a n/a 294.422 3626.258 194.223 737.556 4272.142 514.183
13:28 179.621 1678.996 173.142 n/a n/a n/a 293.293 3620.761 350.52 738.208 4273.343 515.583
13:29 149.847 1668.757 77.002 n/a n/a n/a 291.213 3618.288 518.257 738.258 4273.421 516.661
13:30 72.308 1778.597 154.741 n/a n/a n/a 291.902 3614.395 681.766 738.62 4271.759 514.567
13:31 85.734 1884.844 157.034 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 738.176 4273.423 514.838
13:32 89.756 2026.804 158.524 60.315 2794.644 172.164 n/a n/a n/a 738.129 4269.347 514.516
13:33 132.946 2157.968 76.127 432.63 3122.277 172.281 n/a n/a n/a 737.822 4273.105 515.24
13:34 175.308 1607.954 161.912 468.211 3147.738 171.757 n/a n/a n/a 737.675 4270.891 514.844
13:35 493.549 1785.002 155.84 306.885 3131.715 176.573 n/a n/a n/a 737.957 4271.136 514.818
13:36 496.316 2041.597 152.756 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 738.597 4270.732 515.121
13:37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 738.406 4272.71 513.69
13:38 477.585 2019.683 85.108 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 738.596 4275.64 515.234
13:39 474.34 1721.625 87.263 111.537 3449.704 176.792 n/a n/a n/a 737.918 4275.499 514.191
13:40 487.785 1599.994 158.881 106.457 3548.157 175.274 n/a n/a n/a 738.287 4275.42 514.769
13:41 736.421 2345.106 155.925 103.138 3551.424 169.238 n/a n/a n/a 738.913 4276.533 515.119
13:42 503.647 1721.896 157.287 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 738.713 4275.346 515.048
13:43 78.223 2027.811 159.705 109.779 3744.044 41.898 n/a n/a n/a 738.704 4276.385 514.753
13:44 507.545 1713.963 157.7 587.113 3242.393 172.747 n/a n/a n/a 738.653 4277.352 514.836
13:45 433.776 1724.083 273.082 499.14 3429.602 171.686 n/a n/a n/a 738.539 4275.495 513.931
13:46 413.232 1760.258 263.474 490.833 3531.499 172.073 n/a n/a n/a 738.465 4275.614 515.357
13:47 n/a n/a n/a 472.371 3371.896 79.906 n/a n/a n/a 738.447 4277.269 515.19
13:48 203.395 2039.785 151.225 56.764 3108.966 170.317 n/a n/a n/a 738.709 4276.171 515.775
13:49 351.114 1795.242 173.088 86.497 3404.177 108.51 n/a n/a n/a 738.279 4274.76 514.936
13:50 353.988 2042.435 157.188 462.068 3433.336 101.836 n/a n/a n/a 738.298 4274.838 514.899
13:51 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 737.407 4273.821 514.938
13:52 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 738.401 4273.885 514.036
13:53 n/a n/a n/a 284.753 3468.51 173.18 n/a n/a n/a 738.483 4278.106 514.635
13:54 349.988 1945.528 156.693 360.208 3464.183 174.108 n/a n/a n/a 738.573 4274.572 514.973
13:55 227.199 2047.677 155.541 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 738.893 4275.767 514.846
13:56 225.807 1899.516 151.582 232.307 3509.743 172.156 n/a n/a n/a 738.56 4270.873 515.035
13:57 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 738.478 4271.855 515.305
13:58 n/a n/a n/a 374.126 3511.332 164.7 n/a n/a n/a 738.502 4274.075 514.457
13:59 370.754 2066.314 274.309 262.636 3453.027 169.375 n/a n/a n/a 738.422 4270.498 515.934
14:00 356.182 2099.474 340.746 388.089 3263.02 235.323 n/a n/a n/a 738.966 4272.997 514.684
14:01 212.825 2093.58 278.559 668.513 1515.231 172.913 n/a n/a n/a 738.448 4270.309 515.527
14:02 177.646 1751.021 331.401 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 738.791 4276.476 514.832
14:03 347.621 1738.664 332.341 681.055 1070.872 166.634 n/a n/a n/a 737.607 4274.383 514.179
14:04 424.811 1824.018 336.995 544.861 696.381 168.353 n/a n/a n/a 738.906 4274.613 514.172
14:05 287.865 1719.503 338.937 842.826 962.323 226.115 n/a n/a n/a 738.693 4275.61 514.248
14:06 509.818 1690.06 155.246 561.592 1128.08 170.28 n/a n/a n/a 739.069 4275.113 515.098
14:07 264.274 1099.208 174.418 40.898 1233.826 167.002 n/a n/a n/a 738.535 4273.149 514.443
14:08 544.539 1625.628 154.04 414.066 1272.631 168.081 n/a n/a n/a 739.1 4272.906 514.612
14:09 68.817 3778.712 162.745 447.788 1263.99 165.376 n/a n/a n/a 738.721 4275.28 514.435
14:10 559.034 2141.274 152.803 213.512 1137.677 172.637 n/a n/a n/a 739.012 4271.796 514.381
14:11 n/a n/a n/a 335.964 1055.484 169.751 n/a n/a n/a 738.786 4271.26 514.672
14:12 490.131 1134.945 154.857 44.351 1485.287 169.343 n/a n/a n/a 738.322 4272.762 513.141
14:13 601.98 1620.381 135.898 105.857 1452.03 170.353 n/a n/a n/a 737.713 4267.846 514.034
14:14 64.156 1531.794 152.388 47.437 1383.34 167.203 n/a n/a n/a 735.304 4260.389 512.997
14:15 87.725 2139.496 159.371 172.579 1596.446 107.161 n/a n/a n/a 734.934 4260.339 512.616
14:16 527.907 2056.219 155.056 397.677 1642.647 113.292 n/a n/a n/a 734.736 4260.647 513.419
14:17 544.876 1322.282 157.423 82.732 1932.011 82.622 n/a n/a n/a 735.48 4262.998 511.991
14:18 538.306 1419.501 154.97 81.357 2195.438 169.513 n/a n/a n/a 735.287 4257.689 512.45
14:19 418.808 1179.608 112.534 73.618 2082.959 155.403 n/a n/a n/a 735.726 4260.715 511.869
14:20 -1.882 1260.432 140.652 492.445 1982.552 88.074 n/a n/a n/a 735.328 4263.952 513.543
14:21 83.426 1957.249 155.159 38.287 1719.254 165.985 n/a n/a n/a 735.676 4257.474 512.74
14:22 97.107 2095.677 132.898 506.856 1466.003 168.954 n/a n/a n/a 735.196 4262.309 512.946
14:23 60.204 2329.36 145.307 514.507 1105.346 168.023 n/a n/a n/a 565.806 4728.079 515.161
14:24 632.788 1830.315 161.048 731.833 2833.324 171.509 n/a n/a n/a 573.637 4855.766 513.816
14:25 n/a n/a n/a 775.364 2672.933 172.122 n/a n/a n/a 574.456 4858.128 512.375
APPENDIX C1: Positioning data of large scale case study-0629 data set (continued)
time sh1_x sh1_y sh1_z sh2_x sh2_y sh2_z s1c_x s1c_y s1c_z s2c_x s2c_y s2c_z
7:01 n/a n/a n/a 495.836 1360.969 332.37 n/a n/a n/a 496.343 1347.155 92.54
7:02 n/a n/a n/a 495.978 1359.654 333.094 n/a n/a n/a 497.602 1346.871 94.557
7:03 n/a n/a n/a 495.336 2090.749 343.712 n/a n/a n/a 539.09 2100.823 90.273
7:04 n/a n/a n/a 767.363 4079.964 331.713 n/a n/a n/a 762.128 3987.226 108.953
7:05 n/a n/a n/a 940.068 4100.24 290.787 n/a n/a n/a 1082.174 4203.584 121.715
7:06 n/a n/a n/a 930.551 4126.884 368.514 n/a n/a n/a 777.18 3985.102 134.901
7:07 n/a n/a n/a 772.983 2887.39 574.023 n/a n/a n/a 577.242 2760.953 152.129
7:08 n/a n/a n/a 710.019 2171.657 574.344 n/a n/a n/a 642.995 2034.517 124.839
7:09 n/a n/a n/a 694.281 2170.932 573.912 n/a n/a n/a 598.108 2057.813 131.548
7:10 n/a n/a n/a 295.644 1902.224 490.013 n/a n/a n/a 203.689 1725.746 146.849
7:11 n/a n/a n/a 291.755 1899.971 379.134 n/a n/a n/a 305.926 1709.963 126.593
7:12 n/a n/a n/a 273.348 1935.02 325.418 n/a n/a n/a 153.689 1775.521 162.355
7:13 n/a n/a n/a 256.144 1606.44 469.747 n/a n/a n/a 161.299 1719.653 65.711
7:14 n/a n/a n/a 250.638 1600.315 470.065 n/a n/a n/a 214.107 1693.716 69.976
7:15 n/a n/a n/a 250.469 1603.91 469.863 n/a n/a n/a 215.326 1656.751 78.37
7:16 n/a n/a n/a 250.159 1602.621 473.26 n/a n/a n/a 219.433 1658.122 75.187
7:17 n/a n/a n/a 250.392 1600.79 470.585 n/a n/a n/a 194.632 1552.028 88.092
7:18 n/a n/a n/a 497.807 1769.168 469.526 n/a n/a n/a 529.314 1588.87 100.769
7:19 n/a n/a n/a 430.448 1906.669 480.49 n/a n/a n/a 448.263 1850.186 101.318
7:20 n/a n/a n/a 429.228 2195.39 460.695 n/a n/a n/a 537.839 2210.795 89.634
7:21 n/a n/a n/a 67.658 2206.158 423.465 n/a n/a n/a 87.144 2193.673 97.831
7:22 n/a n/a n/a 66.704 2207.094 422.382 n/a n/a n/a 84.117 2197.142 102.314
7:23 n/a n/a n/a 67.71 2206.991 422.897 n/a n/a n/a 88.943 2193.229 99.736
7:24 n/a n/a n/a 116.776 2036.823 486.776 n/a n/a n/a 52.048 2203.518 97.418
7:25 n/a n/a n/a 140.694 1902.587 458.466 n/a n/a n/a 118.015 1852.061 109.685
7:26 n/a n/a n/a 288.83 1244.375 260.952 n/a n/a n/a 157.456 1096.004 134.337
7:27 n/a n/a n/a 290.31 1914.989 428.587 n/a n/a n/a 157.623 1711.953 147.478
7:28 n/a n/a n/a 295.237 1641.973 489.172 n/a n/a n/a 178.312 1708.777 116.855
7:29 n/a n/a n/a 297.395 1613.674 490.063 n/a n/a n/a 292.612 1601.981 103.88
7:30 n/a n/a n/a 296.708 1615.582 489.562 n/a n/a n/a 285.129 1614.27 105.686
7:31 n/a n/a n/a 297.55 1616.923 489.174 n/a n/a n/a 286.761 1621.712 102.279
7:32 n/a n/a n/a 297.436 1617.076 472.004 n/a n/a n/a 317.864 1499.515 115.407
7:33 n/a n/a n/a 288.641 1713.891 571.561 n/a n/a n/a 166.612 1657.627 112.912
7:34 n/a n/a n/a 529.085 3087.35 527.607 n/a n/a n/a 671.576 3152.051 134.891
7:35 n/a n/a n/a 530.887 3398.449 511.047 n/a n/a n/a 535.696 3387.432 113.779
7:36 n/a n/a n/a 531.33 3395.619 512.353 n/a n/a n/a 535.234 3386.713 114.636
7:37 n/a n/a n/a 531.091 3393.463 512.551 n/a n/a n/a 536.233 3384.328 114.175
7:38 n/a n/a n/a 531.272 3398.534 512.579 n/a n/a n/a 536.247 3381.764 115.788
7:39 n/a n/a n/a 531.38 3398.336 512.011 566.787 721.021 182.646 534.9 3381.922 114.233
7:40 177.032 2878.599 639.998 530.858 3397.508 512.922 91.034 2809.908 139.911 535.217 3386.323 114.813
7:41 576.03 2475.532 590.007 531.157 3396.386 512.919 520.31 2481.875 127.029 534.8 3387.25 114.881
7:42 n/a n/a n/a 531.223 3396.346 512.657 n/a n/a n/a 535.385 3386.106 113.847
7:43 n/a n/a n/a 531.31 3396.921 512.675 n/a n/a n/a 534.995 3384.119 114.555
7:44 n/a n/a n/a 531.156 3394.789 512.164 n/a n/a n/a 533.436 3378.812 112.06
7:45 553.08 2194.274 602.738 531.347 3394.835 512.96 491.361 2089.879 114.239 535.536 3386.496 114.701
7:46 184.826 3078.09 638.979 531.286 3395.413 512.679 n/a n/a n/a 534.914 3386.859 114.718
7:47 598.462 1380.291 478.147 531.623 3393.292 513.644 489.684 1474.042 106.316 534.969 3384.447 114.861
7:48 n/a n/a n/a 531.339 3394.18 512.707 n/a n/a n/a 534.461 3384.117 114.315
7:49 n/a n/a n/a 531.705 3393.658 512.082 n/a n/a n/a 534.925 3384.109 114.115
7:50 n/a n/a n/a 531.327 3395.198 513.469 n/a n/a n/a 534.695 3384.834 114.274
7:51 n/a n/a n/a 531.581 3391.992 513.527 n/a n/a n/a 535.894 3384.47 113.175
7:52 453.589 2974.238 637.169 531.854 3393.48 513.346 425.038 2780.148 166.893 535.556 3386.492 113.606
7:53 167.241 3015.686 640.14 531.671 3396.002 513.908 46.642 2826.359 172.15 535.951 3384.696 113.272
7:54 606.428 1959.809 624.71 531.363 3394.513 513.622 442.621 2135.983 136.85 536.411 3385.204 113.061
7:55 n/a n/a n/a 531.419 3394.028 512.319 n/a n/a n/a 536.483 3387.552 113.233
7:56 n/a n/a n/a 531.173 3396.455 512.281 n/a n/a n/a 535.529 3383.863 115.024
7:57 n/a n/a n/a 531.459 3395.154 513.013 n/a n/a n/a 536.164 3385.612 113.774
7:58 n/a n/a n/a 531.265 3395.669 512.552 n/a n/a n/a 535.72 3386.812 112.319
7:59 n/a n/a n/a 531.336 3397.015 512.149 n/a n/a n/a 535.337 3384.738 113.981
8:00 n/a n/a n/a 531.177 3396.11 512.607 n/a n/a n/a 535.988 3384.453 114.695
8:01 n/a n/a n/a 531.368 3397.087 512.64 n/a n/a n/a 535.927 3382.437 113.434
8:02 n/a n/a n/a 531.465 3392.848 513.228 n/a n/a n/a 535.054 3383.684 115.046
8:03 n/a n/a n/a 531.161 3394.295 511.406 n/a n/a n/a 535.759 3381.034 113.402
8:04 n/a n/a n/a 531.194 3395.714 511.903 n/a n/a n/a 535.676 3381.317 112.248
8:05 n/a n/a n/a 530.854 3396.338 513.402 n/a n/a n/a 535.859 3383.489 112.84
8:06 n/a n/a n/a 531.475 3394.182 513.157 n/a n/a n/a 535.678 3385.051 115.607
8:07 n/a n/a n/a 530.994 3384.826 257.112 n/a n/a n/a 506.766 3493.91 83.549
8:08 n/a n/a n/a 543.976 3392.202 173.489 n/a n/a n/a 551.07 3372.907 103.743
8:09 n/a n/a n/a 532.102 2203.487 174.127 n/a n/a n/a 535.638 2306.37 107.922
8:10 n/a n/a n/a 534.445 1331.938 179.341 n/a n/a n/a 540.17 1310.149 101.887
8:11 n/a n/a n/a 535.043 1342.685 177.968 n/a n/a n/a 536.844 1324.04 101.095
8:12 n/a n/a n/a 535.904 1346.91 180.21 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:13 n/a n/a n/a 535.855 1348.01 179.463 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:14 n/a n/a n/a 536.266 1347.65 178.361 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:15 n/a n/a n/a 526.218 1750.162 211.781 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
APPENDIX C1: Positioning data of large scale case study-0629 data set (continued)
time sh1_x sh1_y sh1_z sh2_x sh2_y sh2_z s1c_x s1c_y s1c_z s2c_x s2c_y s2c_z
8:16 n/a n/a n/a 530.902 3101.729 489.333 n/a n/a n/a 548.856 3193.866 126.768
8:17 n/a n/a n/a 558.888 3060.922 613.434 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:18 n/a n/a n/a 348.277 1654.829 637.276 n/a n/a n/a 474.827 1767.806 137.243
8:19 n/a n/a n/a 362.159 1637.296 539.598 n/a n/a n/a 440.776 1680.006 460.553
8:20 n/a n/a n/a 512.789 2073.374 438.315 n/a n/a n/a 650.194 2062.067 132.664
8:21 n/a n/a n/a 518.843 3330.714 217.328 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:22 n/a n/a n/a 494.229 3420.825 178.402 n/a n/a n/a 530.171 3397.277 108.563
8:23 n/a n/a n/a 493.238 3425.144 177.849 n/a n/a n/a 513.202 3429.823 104.914
8:24 137.595 1340.297 639.113 493.773 3424.958 178.193 117.574 1197.079 114.368 518.079 3409.857 104.771
8:25 343.071 1259.044 637.405 494.702 3423.523 178.571 302.099 1088.129 120.163 519.122 3408.268 100.442
8:26 n/a n/a n/a 493.631 3422.111 178.623 n/a n/a n/a 518.452 3415.591 102.585
8:27 n/a n/a n/a 501.592 3432.351 209.607 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:28 n/a n/a n/a 652.534 3326.757 310.589 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:29 n/a n/a n/a 723.661 3170.997 360.735 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:30 n/a n/a n/a 658.788 3174.586 242.478 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:31 n/a n/a n/a 663.858 3189.178 296.206 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:32 n/a n/a n/a 664.4 3186.776 296.143 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:33 n/a n/a n/a 663.511 3194.991 295.695 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:34 n/a n/a n/a 664.186 3188.254 295.769 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:35 n/a n/a n/a 664.471 3186.375 295.546 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:36 n/a n/a n/a 664.379 3186.034 295.964 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:37 n/a n/a n/a 664.296 3186.707 295.321 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:38 n/a n/a n/a 664.623 3187.75 296.221 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:39 147.868 1387.517 654.094 664.647 3187.714 296.312 58.049 1265.623 112.027 n/a n/a n/a
8:40 131.434 1611.258 663.933 663.583 3188.07 296.555 83.142 1316.265 151.573 n/a n/a n/a
8:41 n/a n/a n/a 664.33 3189.237 296.203 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:42 n/a n/a n/a 753.741 3350.155 300.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:43 n/a n/a n/a 493.346 3346.136 320.38 n/a n/a n/a 488.494 3344.126 118.643
8:44 n/a n/a n/a 480.9 3393.508 312.248 n/a n/a n/a 491.47 3332.774 107.768
8:45 n/a n/a n/a 667.468 3561.913 313.703 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:46 n/a n/a n/a 655.975 3549.728 317.988 n/a n/a n/a 639.744 3460.301 111.641
8:47 n/a n/a n/a 658.296 3546.305 306.907 n/a n/a n/a 542.85 3536.295 111.841
8:48 n/a n/a n/a 669.427 3129.829 366.208 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:49 n/a n/a n/a 668.591 3149.024 365.77 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:50 n/a n/a n/a 668.96 3148.288 365.763 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:51 n/a n/a n/a 669.311 3148.7 365.672 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:52 n/a n/a n/a 669.248 3144.465 366.385 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:53 n/a n/a n/a 668.85 3145.996 366.81 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:54 673.13 656.106 458.138 669.112 3144.028 366.348 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:55 434.001 1642.295 664.021 669.249 3147.794 366.217 523.968 1384.166 142.266 n/a n/a n/a
8:56 186.693 1543.017 670.275 669.333 3146.006 365.767 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:57 n/a n/a n/a 520.532 3635.172 368.411 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:58 n/a n/a n/a 510.387 3645.269 368.146 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:59 n/a n/a n/a 509.414 3642.027 368.952 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:00 n/a n/a n/a 509.189 3649.2 369.097 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:01 n/a n/a n/a 509.343 3648.93 368.045 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:02 752.789 1461.418 356.855 508.056 3653.43 367.861 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:03 1082.619 1354.082 363.16 508.86 3649.794 366.726 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:04 1109.08 1344.993 315.543 508.985 3647.493 367.748 1120.09 1197.908 109.781 n/a n/a n/a
9:05 1079.188 1137.174 314.382 508.458 3652.086 367.858 1080.196 1127.116 68.361 n/a n/a n/a
9:06 1084.746 1142.367 315.028 509.063 3646.292 368.162 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:07 765.81 1113.106 360.762 509.034 3643.889 367.776 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:08 865.028 1122.054 348.265 508.903 3645.669 367.836 1034.117 1149.2 128.083 n/a n/a n/a
9:09 1030.733 1315.83 289.25 508.458 3649.197 367.598 1058.619 1282.839 102.593 n/a n/a n/a
9:10 517.631 1430.058 286.744 508.187 3648.262 368.14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:11 546.739 1415.824 274.622 509.111 3645.243 367.952 443.842 1303.276 91.554 n/a n/a n/a
9:12 447.615 1632.569 549.523 508.932 3646.872 368.328 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:13 614.078 1725.512 602.461 508.181 3649.791 368.444 529.375 1771.528 85.343 n/a n/a n/a
9:14 632.522 1722.738 266.292 519.467 3209.076 367.945 592.181 1748.841 90.336 n/a n/a n/a
9:15 612.626 1739.061 133.743 674.614 2642.275 318.55 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:16 643.399 1693.643 140.765 418.715 2830.853 262.376 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:17 627.406 1733.898 132.54 878.161 2674.25 346.594 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:18 633.044 1719.163 133.478 294.576 2385.555 387.975 n/a n/a n/a 341.361 2429.737 111.678
9:19 632.388 1720.48 133.758 295.267 2372.574 384.745 n/a n/a n/a 84.977 2251.406 142.631
9:20 634.127 1689.747 135.78 294.99 2371.525 384.747 539.285 1521.15 117.131 93.403 2286.597 143.427
13:14 562.921 940.167 283.659 624.865 2390.727 268.608 560.075 922.732 64.654 593.691 2370.985 108.717
13:15 562.154 942.568 283.932 286.831 1540.46 197.221 559.294 946.272 66.333 283.303 1469.143 88.574
13:16 563.12 939.391 284.252 284.774 1529.672 253.702 563.342 930.008 67.785 203.104 1503.436 134.772
13:17 563.156 940.475 283.793 282.627 1544.073 316.497 561.021 926.756 66.11 283.24 1526.734 99.247
13:18 563.112 939.257 283.227 287.691 1546.306 340.446 562.741 925.533 66.65 471.615 1404.517 144.204
13:19 563.033 939.703 283.722 598.663 1476.83 236.654 562.1 924.229 67.593 558.287 1446.383 152.422
13:20 563.165 939.484 283.741 587.178 1455.975 240.931 564.729 922.213 66.328 574.022 1428.635 166.837
13:21 563.243 941.13 283.692 579.249 2503.295 237.36 562.458 937.271 66.409 594.604 2424.069 115.969
13:22 562.626 939.504 283.573 300.994 2960.09 239.644 563.072 925.817 66.17 n/a n/a n/a
13:23 562.803 940.287 283.574 303.836 2957.241 266.252 565.602 924.578 67.792 n/a n/a n/a
APPENDIX C1: Positioning data of large scale case study-0629 data set (continued)
time sh1_x sh1_y sh1_z sh2_x sh2_y sh2_z s1c_x s1c_y s1c_z s2c_x s2c_y s2c_z
13:24 563.523 938.185 284.313 293.404 2959.064 330.816 559.056 931.672 66.924 452.246 2812.781 150.12
13:25 564.592 925.082 282.915 459.45 3008.324 171.007 561.502 919.418 64.525 493.108 2924.391 130.053
13:26 564.028 924.23 283.214 611.07 3029.504 189.855 566.184 909.363 63.993 570.513 2959.646 106.754
13:27 564.094 924.607 283.435 599.647 3011.029 190.154 562.852 910.316 63.172 570.176 2959.676 108.522
13:28 563.499 925.246 283.31 581.943 3008.75 189.731 564.221 907.763 64.235 570.576 2960.479 107.59
13:29 563.899 923.909 283.86 589.385 3015.058 189.588 561.676 912.352 64.862 570.158 2959.58 109.079
13:30 563.636 923.326 283.642 588.663 3013.286 189.996 562.733 908.946 64.321 570.257 2958.9 108.848
13:31 563.811 923.936 283.263 588.166 3016.423 189.898 562.705 914.535 63.979 570.34 2958.655 108.076
13:32 563.464 922.86 284.033 588.21 3014.802 189.089 562.371 904.573 65.38 570.031 2960.62 109.088
13:33 563.713 923.396 283.618 551.477 3616.513 193.904 562.544 911.954 62.049 n/a n/a n/a
13:34 563.714 924.46 283.555 578.143 3373.986 345.466 564.704 915.436 65.536 566.95 3381.764 127.957
13:35 563.955 924.402 283.455 651.586 3549.563 303.224 563.93 915.287 64.615 594.588 3530.686 105.291
13:36 563.891 924.49 283.444 652.234 3572.422 427.986 563.921 910.805 64.924 594.277 3540.815 101.973
13:37 563.958 925.464 283.457 653.252 3413.349 418.316 564.177 916.049 63.894 603.529 3439.156 105.637
13:38 563.943 922.606 283.415 618.114 3329.02 406.684 564.164 919.219 64.031 n/a n/a n/a
13:39 563.92 923.974 283.237 695.462 3319.286 434.481 563.846 915.15 64.054 699.134 3306.316 124.897
13:40 568.804 1443.936 202.867 713.579 3353.706 385.804 516.269 1545.493 99.046 n/a n/a n/a
13:41 564.74 2188.768 291.347 680 3396.695 384.546 693.625 2371.999 109.254 687.631 3453.203 106.772
13:42 560.757 2186.215 329.356 680.78 3525.659 448.152 440.192 2111.426 183.444 686.974 3489.564 101.042
13:43 562.71 2185.236 328.299 680.945 3526.045 447.386 438.923 2114.311 184.194 687.913 3497.797 103.552
13:44 563.107 2187.638 327.894 681.028 3527.485 446.727 439.719 2112.463 183.034 685.977 3506.817 101.707
13:45 564.261 2183.655 328.788 681.537 3341.258 445.01 439.009 2115.841 183.129 n/a n/a n/a
13:46 563.546 2184.913 328.289 660.582 3155.355 359.783 438.457 2116.627 183.143 n/a n/a n/a
13:47 563.706 2185.316 328.447 787.865 3357.865 347.821 439.761 2112.371 183.527 n/a n/a n/a
13:48 562.906 2185.949 328.945 578.335 3382.058 334.424 439.037 2115.507 183.573 519.663 3333.215 116.841
13:49 562.487 2185.709 328.848 616.748 3517.26 145.958 439.016 2111.21 183.121 530.986 3494.576 105.41
13:50 563.329 2184.382 328.548 430.027 3205.002 332.48 439.785 2112.153 183.528 422.433 3173.899 196.432
13:51 563.146 2185.557 329.803 428.802 3210.51 492.016 440.008 2111.132 183.588 397.532 3187.478 248.82
13:52 563.344 2185.239 328.808 180.793 3214.637 421.355 439.847 2107.067 183.531 247.314 3222.346 249.714
13:53 563.783 2186.711 328.757 176.104 3557.762 402.741 440.386 2110.792 182.659 145.871 3622.243 218.987
13:54 563.97 2184.286 328.733 181.768 3571.689 487.642 440.638 2109.875 182.945 213.741 3552.217 301.518
13:55 564.136 2184.958 328.245 412.155 3570.637 339.932 440.19 2111.175 182.805 461.672 3541.913 274.332
13:56 563.969 2185.332 328.583 491.674 3321.154 443.01 440.096 2110.401 183.767 447.402 3371.26 245.912
13:57 564.125 2185.532 328.207 494.991 3097.641 223.289 440.663 2109.143 183.433 482.915 3089.408 99.921
13:58 563.517 2185.833 329.026 496.424 3096.648 210.192 439.697 2109.518 183.231 505.719 3078.016 107.95
13:59 563.715 2186.774 367.058 496.509 3099.51 210.472 413.767 2100.749 199.02 505.011 3075.041 106.233
14:00 402.127 2076.409 553.67 496.28 3099.16 209.505 355.854 2066.655 245.327 503.984 3073.226 104.801
14:01 161.837 2079.543 548.163 496.724 3099.782 210.653 200.758 2062.547 216.143 503.973 3068.799 106.922
14:02 160.02 1723.755 479.76 497.118 3100.464 210.138 201.687 1718.194 239.015 502.696 3063.884 106.742
14:03 403.949 1727.495 483.099 496.411 3098.807 209.694 367.834 1712.24 292.187 499.324 3079.409 104.89
14:04 333.421 1894.703 562.308 496.919 3099.26 209.483 403.041 1816.406 266.919 501.725 3079.976 107.886
14:05 288.99 1913.228 399.956 496.839 3098.448 210.277 306.736 1755.289 246.222 503.239 3080.909 105.624
14:06 288.752 1277.738 400.115 496.197 3097.769 209.243 429.942 1395.478 177.829 502.705 3075.947 105.313
14:07 289.043 1280.749 400.453 497.375 3096.899 209.928 471.861 1283.813 180.407 501.475 3077.229 108.099
14:08 289.322 1285.688 401.137 497.282 3096.982 210.747 452.103 1205.964 180.506 503.951 3067.664 106.649
14:09 291.3 1277.527 400.425 497.14 3095.489 210.98 455.525 1191.84 184.426 504.121 3067.539 109.345
14:10 289.395 1283.248 400.959 497.08 3096.276 209.71 451.749 1204.311 181.067 502.611 3074.311 107.731
14:11 290.567 1278.713 399.857 497.294 3097.594 209.645 455.077 1194.324 183.724 502.351 3075.125 108.09
14:12 289.822 1250.24 312.346 496.514 3098.631 209.874 446.638 1152.468 109.088 502.806 3074.747 109.728
14:13 610.758 1530.673 196.862 496.74 3098.472 210.568 599.204 1592.56 112.627 503.326 3074.403 105.103
14:14 287.496 1517.593 231.951 494.599 3094.207 210.219 114.404 1526.505 100.26 501.525 3068.663 106.544
14:15 127.065 1915.729 349.882 495.594 3093.818 209.365 87.03 2123.744 105.471 501.383 3067.909 108.184
14:16 467.029 1936.465 343.117 495.545 3093.133 209.433 486.848 2057.864 114.856 502.004 3066.74 108.851
14:17 510.697 1278.226 272.401 495.295 3094.562 210.225 509.446 1336.679 77.728 501.337 3068.813 108.096
14:18 610.232 752.241 208.326 495.719 3093.454 210.057 562.002 741.112 175.487 501.266 3067.857 108.588
14:19 569.791 766.077 207.8 495.408 3093.819 209.814 561.263 741.71 175.456 501.654 3068.584 105.699
14:20 582.901 760.534 207.66 495.72 3094.195 210.068 561.098 741.699 175.45 502.086 3065.662 109.144
14:21 579.046 759.979 207.782 495.634 3092.984 209.968 561.277 741.972 175.298 501.68 3068.265 108.729
14:22 582.165 762.438 207.798 492.757 2236 208.472 561.106 742.026 174.96 565.687 2240.171 104.055
14:23 580.787 762.928 207.294 492.236 1930.269 208.842 561.034 741.784 175.031 500.324 1913.566 104.672
14:24 579.803 762.214 207.453 579.307 2811.648 210.46 561.017 741.748 175.667 573.056 2837.332 107.888
14:25 580.754 761.439 207.639 511.718 3173.858 349.196 561.274 741.99 175.408 n/a n/a n/a
APPENDIX C2: Positioning data of large scale case study-0630 data set
time rbr_x rbr_y rbr_z con_x con_y con_z m4b_x m4b_y m4b_z m4f_x m4f_y m4f_z
7:13 419.892 1703.221 127.458 n/a n/a n/a 129.852 1505.79 20.296 400.671 1365.648 50.903
7:14 419.542 1703.438 126.407 n/a n/a n/a 129.237 1506.455 20.184 400.592 1366.293 50.818
7:15 419.504 1703.24 126.495 n/a n/a n/a 129.544 1506.034 20.217 400.868 1365.928 50.714
7:16 419.814 1702.261 126.404 n/a n/a n/a 129.575 1505.527 20.202 400.707 1365.767 50.686
7:17 419.742 1702.747 126.047 n/a n/a n/a 129.341 1506.014 20.152 400.623 1366.529 50.488
7:18 418.499 1700.78 125.769 n/a n/a n/a 129.707 1504.803 20.342 400.675 1365.336 50.995
7:19 417.63 1702.296 126.672 n/a n/a n/a 129.347 1505.786 20.234 400.68 1366.283 50.624
7:20 417.836 1701.894 125.995 n/a n/a n/a 129.631 1505.715 20.19 400.626 1365.577 50.893
7:21 417.77 1702.309 125.605 n/a n/a n/a 129.242 1506.061 20.172 400.719 1365.935 50.311
7:22 417.675 1702.41 125.36 n/a n/a n/a 129.343 1505.851 20.402 400.604 1365.854 50.58
7:23 417.796 1702.516 125.111 n/a n/a n/a 129.32 1506.254 19.839 400.811 1366.014 50.433
7:24 417.676 1702.424 125.203 n/a n/a n/a 129.121 1506.176 20.097 400.728 1365.97 50.565
7:25 417.605 1702.757 125.179 n/a n/a n/a 129.72 1504.938 20.048 400.751 1365.774 50.666
7:26 418.257 1702.511 125.068 n/a n/a n/a 128.778 1507.158 19.607 400.541 1366.179 49.811
7:27 417.778 1702.862 125.254 n/a n/a n/a 129.4 1506.233 20.174 400.417 1366.788 50.331
7:28 417.6 1703.494 124.774 n/a n/a n/a 129.044 1507.2 19.866 390.522 1393.014 121.375
7:29 417.877 1703.07 124.029 n/a n/a n/a 128.968 1507.212 19.861 410.603 2023.666 195.155
7:30 417.591 1703.196 124.621 n/a n/a n/a 129.219 1507.254 18.91 410.891 2021.878 195.213
7:31 417.583 1703.025 124.768 n/a n/a n/a 128.981 1506.81 19.642 410.607 2023.965 195.747
7:32 417.122 1704.052 124.243 n/a n/a n/a 129.491 1505.681 20.646 410.639 2023.033 196.269
7:33 417.63 1702.874 124.714 n/a n/a n/a 129.272 1506.168 20.041 410.513 2022.973 196.603
7:34 417.681 1703.375 124.439 n/a n/a n/a 129.138 1507.05 19.552 410.528 2023.617 195.913
7:35 418.151 1702.987 125.823 n/a n/a n/a 132.125 1706.977 155.805 410.16 2022.575 196.554
7:36 418.189 1704.224 124.546 n/a n/a n/a 130.38 1700.678 173.271 410.584 2022.159 195.971
7:37 418.055 1704.697 125.071 n/a n/a n/a 130.337 1701.492 171.436 410.371 2022.57 195.677
7:38 417.724 1702.019 125.494 n/a n/a n/a 130.234 1701.705 170.999 410.606 2022.414 196.197
7:39 418.019 1703.357 124.988 n/a n/a n/a 129.928 1700.763 172.443 410.376 2022.207 195.988
7:40 418.072 1703.888 124.501 n/a n/a n/a 130.07 1700.92 172.622 410.592 2022.445 195.956
7:41 418.102 1704.061 124.274 n/a n/a n/a 130.241 1700.237 172.782 410.766 2022.682 196.078
7:42 418.003 1702.785 125.801 n/a n/a n/a 130.209 1700.456 173.391 410.818 2022.795 196.677
7:43 417.894 1704.664 124.609 n/a n/a n/a 130.105 1701.657 172.597 410.688 2022.5 196.264
7:44 418.16 1703.488 124.425 n/a n/a n/a 130.294 1700.259 172.831 410.567 2021.728 196.229
7:45 418.14 1703.946 124.585 n/a n/a n/a 130.372 1700.014 173.134 410.523 2022.176 195.918
7:46 418.082 1703.498 124.828 n/a n/a n/a 130.025 1700.84 172.847 410.617 2021.293 195.987
7:47 418.117 1703.425 125.029 n/a n/a n/a 130.073 1700.433 172.759 410.398 2022.031 196.002
7:48 418.033 1704.686 124.476 n/a n/a n/a 129.969 1700.96 173.061 410.482 2022.159 196.297
7:49 418.195 1704.011 124.549 n/a n/a n/a 130.533 1701.209 172.802 410.69 2022.328 196.725
7:50 418.045 1703.767 125.018 n/a n/a n/a 130.677 1698.509 172.611 410.979 2021.405 195.819
7:51 417.79 1704.357 125.133 n/a n/a n/a 130.029 1698.676 173.742 410.276 2021.928 196.552
7:52 418 1704.203 124.498 n/a n/a n/a 130.401 1700.618 171.981 410.513 2022.672 195.815
7:53 418.296 1704.011 124.739 n/a n/a n/a 130.118 1699.969 173.113 410.43 2022 196.434
7:54 418.309 1704.255 124.963 n/a n/a n/a 130.145 1699.371 173.006 410.235 2022.453 196.22
7:55 418.499 1703.969 124.544 n/a n/a n/a 130.51 1699.743 173.129 410.207 2022.937 196.271
7:56 418.417 1703.936 124.699 n/a n/a n/a 130.125 1700.174 172.883 410.401 2023.03 196.705
7:57 418.178 1704.236 124.652 n/a n/a n/a 130.049 1699.583 173.035 410.656 2022.12 196.043
7:58 418.12 1699.992 124.09 n/a n/a n/a 129.999 1701.239 172.682 410.808 2022.068 196.47
7:59 418.328 1699.431 123.833 n/a n/a n/a 130.341 1699.74 173.218 410.614 2021.795 196.551
8:00 418.524 1700.259 124.24 n/a n/a n/a 130.594 1700.069 173.172 410.365 2021.371 196.038
8:01 418.367 1700.71 123.86 n/a n/a n/a 130.212 1701.417 173.196 410.261 2021.958 195.683
8:02 418.329 1699.573 123.739 n/a n/a n/a 130.585 1701.176 173.212 410.313 2022.968 195.852
8:03 418.198 1699.853 123.757 n/a n/a n/a 129.824 1702.551 172.686 410.088 2023.395 195.237
8:04 418.174 1700.052 123.405 n/a n/a n/a 130.018 1701.476 173.774 410.907 2021.677 195.894
8:05 418.437 1700.57 124.821 n/a n/a n/a 130.538 1701.403 172.955 410.653 2021.798 196.296
8:06 418.425 1699.912 124.771 n/a n/a n/a 130.64 1698.677 172.532 410.565 2021.518 195.715
8:07 418.192 1700.179 124.541 n/a n/a n/a 130.089 1701.894 171.701 410.26 2022.475 195.593
8:08 418.322 1700.069 124.311 n/a n/a n/a 129.983 1699.392 171.88 410.458 2022.078 195.845
8:09 419.045 1695.104 129.302 n/a n/a n/a 130.402 1701.163 172.544 410.679 2022.338 196.251
8:10 418.389 1700.091 124.17 n/a n/a n/a 129.955 1701.565 172.314 411.006 2022.917 195.744
8:11 418.104 1700.095 123.601 n/a n/a n/a 130.015 1701.53 173.414 410.383 2022.325 195.65
8:12 418.766 1695.972 128.281 n/a n/a n/a 130.465 1700.795 172.798 409.95 2023.463 195.351
8:13 419.413 1695.012 128.484 n/a n/a n/a 130.813 1700.95 172.952 410.518 2022.25 195.803
8:14 418.965 1695.783 129.406 n/a n/a n/a 130.502 1700.797 173.522 410.062 2023.79 196.031
8:15 418.898 1696.116 128.493 n/a n/a n/a 130.394 1701.007 172.829 411.06 2021.357 196.145
8:16 418.919 1696.277 128.488 n/a n/a n/a 130.391 1701.269 172.904 410.759 2021.544 195.845
8:17 419.179 1677.953 124.407 n/a n/a n/a 130.101 1679.859 166.004 409.942 1991.074 246.486
8:18 418.823 1636.162 104.339 n/a n/a n/a 130.956 1620.756 140.419 409.806 1874.613 351.932
8:19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.613 1552.038 19.468 409.701 1535.4 363.799
8:20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.974 1553.09 18.305 409.335 1535.523 364.513
8:21 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.219 1552.606 20.052 409.46 1535.621 364.191
8:22 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.056 1552.739 18.822 409.401 1535.137 364.017
8:23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.114 1552.464 19.653 409.81 1535.693 364.411
8:24 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.462 1552.473 18.788 410.186 1535.796 363.888
8:25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.099 1552.845 18.242 410.089 1535.331 364.655
8:26 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.3 1551.396 19.019 410.358 1535.221 364.59
8:27 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.438 1552.169 18.006 410.118 1535.801 364.621
APPENDIX C2: Positioning data of large scale case study-0630 data set (continued)
time rbr_x rbr_y rbr_z con_x con_y con_z m4b_x m4b_y m4b_z m4f_x m4f_y m4f_z
8:28 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.015 1552.243 17.543 410.352 1535.512 364.402
8:29 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.28 1551.887 18.685 410.274 1535.307 363.804
8:30 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.093 1551.364 18.636 410.115 1535.283 364.689
8:31 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.267 1550.844 18.445 410.5 1533.709 364.444
8:32 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.11 1551.017 18.846 410.124 1534.515 364.595
8:33 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.865 1551.989 18.305 409.916 1535.477 364.504
8:34 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.197 1552.189 18.107 410.007 1535.991 364.333
8:35 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.322 1550.999 18.357 409.787 1535.447 364.865
8:36 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.069 1551.45 18.659 410.254 1535.681 364.508
8:37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.113 1550.948 18.497 409.877 1535.446 364.746
8:38 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.15 1551.378 18.207 410.157 1535.404 364.385
8:39 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.205 1551.079 18.954 410.144 1535.374 364.435
8:40 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.384 1551.51 18.287 410.18 1535.898 363.972
8:41 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.52 1551.725 18.429 410.125 1536.117 364.018
8:42 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.557 1551.195 18.071 410.027 1535.93 364.052
8:43 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.681 1552.753 18.35 410.114 1535.877 364.81
8:44 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.013 1551.879 18.452 410.224 1536.258 364.308
8:45 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.942 1552.701 17.994 410.053 1536.765 364.788
8:46 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.392 1551.496 18.202 409.872 1535.723 364.88
8:47 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.468 1551.93 18.49 410.007 1536.153 364.213
8:48 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.036 1551.912 18.506 409.832 1535.837 364.558
8:49 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.694 1551.397 18.641 410.251 1535.863 364.365
8:50 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.275 1551.501 18.222 409.932 1535.628 364.355
8:51 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.052 1551.843 18.58 410.1 1535.985 364.705
8:52 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.102 1551.975 18.931 409.754 1536.206 364.048
8:53 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.583 1550.929 19.11 410.149 1536.316 364.935
8:54 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.941 1553.24 18.805 410.161 1536.03 364.42
8:55 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.103 1553.124 18.083 410.194 1535.898 364.233
8:56 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.393 1552.524 18.449 410.354 1536.074 364.333
8:57 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.01 1552.405 18.75 410.183 1535.964 364.638
8:58 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.67 1551.487 18.677 410.363 1535.977 364.301
8:59 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.989 1551.825 18.567 409.969 1536.303 364.394
9:00 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.503 1551.959 18.976 410.149 1537.09 364.225
9:01 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.609 1551.567 18.985 410.244 1535.567 364.618
9:02 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.064 1552.605 18.476 410.027 1536.634 364.177
9:03 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.31 1551.422 19.478 410.24 1535.175 363.798
9:04 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.296 1551.54 19.447 410.203 1535.485 364.398
9:05 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.344 1552.306 18.971 410.198 1535.811 364.346
9:06 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.69 1552.421 19.321 409.738 1536.606 364.601
9:07 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.362 1551.79 18.871 410.233 1535.554 363.95
9:08 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.913 1552.357 19.453 409.925 1536.364 364.168
9:09 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.935 1552.426 19.345 409.925 1536.417 364.343
9:10 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.052 1552.105 17.994 410.162 1536.442 363.865
9:11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.117 1552.033 18.99 410.115 1536.519 364.222
9:12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.127 1552.419 19.312 410.21 1535.956 364.238
9:13 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.927 1552.673 19.03 409.927 1536.666 364.278
9:14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.05 1552.275 19.303 410.003 1536.154 364.405
9:15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.244 1551.858 19.3 410.009 1536.251 364.393
9:16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.374 1551.848 19.327 410.055 1536.104 364.393
9:17 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.217 1552.481 18.446 410.119 1536.315 363.746
9:18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.041 1553.084 18.44 410.205 1536.117 364.395
9:19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.967 1552.729 18.338 409.908 1536.083 363.921
9:20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.87 1553.311 17.791 409.873 1537.028 364.055
9:21 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.044 1552.851 18.134 410.168 1536.455 363.967
9:22 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.064 1552.767 18.568 410.104 1536.511 363.86
9:23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.374 1552.063 18.634 410.145 1536.153 363.815
9:24 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.366 1552.326 18.808 410.415 1536.28 363.856
9:25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.845 1553.149 18.767 409.728 1536.616 364.377
9:26 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.051 1552.915 19.067 409.984 1537.046 364.058
9:27 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.152 1552.807 17.962 410.053 1536.072 364.016
9:28 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.079 1552.407 19.277 410.108 1536.011 364.018
9:29 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.573 1550.208 22.636 410.219 1535.961 363.733
9:30 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.73 1553.531 18.9 410.127 1536.332 363.909
9:31 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.966 1553.01 18.647 410.248 1536.193 364.264
9:32 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.283 1552.817 17.403 410.338 1535.909 364.016
9:33 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.379 1551.308 19.144 410.359 1536.215 364.204
13:15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.521 1551.791 19.701 411.149 1534.146 364.86
13:16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.247 1551.213 18.848 410.93 1534.426 364.606
13:17 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.273 1551.474 17.909 410.774 1534.836 364.695
13:18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.418 1551.42 18.213 410.988 1535.357 364.714
13:19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.775 1552.248 25.383 408.67 1556.995 371.677
13:20 n/a n/a n/a 419.337 1632.491 106.971 131.474 1613.95 141.757 408.477 1873.055 352.918
13:21 n/a n/a n/a 419.58 1676.225 125.969 131.96 1675.743 166.795 407.407 1996.618 248.894
13:22 n/a n/a n/a 419.007 1694.927 130.611 131.872 1700.725 171.35 409.193 2029.706 196.864
13:23 n/a n/a n/a 419.425 1695.233 130.223 132.265 1701.373 171.14 409.423 2029.901 196.396
APPENDIX C2: Positioning data of large scale case study-0630 data set (continued)
time rbr_x rbr_y rbr_z con_x con_y con_z m4b_x m4b_y m4b_z m4f_x m4f_y m4f_z
13:24 n/a n/a n/a 419.084 1695.886 129.543 131.59 1701.938 171.075 409.061 2030.358 195.971
13:25 n/a n/a n/a 419.088 1695.457 130.107 132.191 1700.837 171.007 409.08 2029.683 196.118
13:26 n/a n/a n/a 419.004 1695.588 130.278 131.99 1700.57 171.396 409.093 2029.408 196.395
13:27 n/a n/a n/a 419.077 1694.987 130.423 132.061 1700.202 171.287 409.01 2029.537 196.68
13:28 n/a n/a n/a 418.926 1695.926 129.533 132.11 1700.854 170.847 409.181 2029.86 195.73
13:29 n/a n/a n/a 418.787 1695.462 130.438 131.594 1701.27 170.972 409.062 2028.317 195.929
13:30 n/a n/a n/a 418.802 1695.613 130.689 131.649 1701.29 171.378 409.06 2029.708 195.974
13:31 n/a n/a n/a 418.977 1695.05 130.714 131.444 1701.764 171.022 409.071 2029.462 196.374
13:32 n/a n/a n/a 418.853 1695.565 130.027 131.916 1700.662 171.178 409.072 2029.412 196.087
13:33 n/a n/a n/a 419.128 1695.085 129.39 131.928 1700.907 172.181 409.174 2028.8 195.869
13:34 n/a n/a n/a 419.119 1695.707 130.306 131.788 1701.492 171.932 408.911 2030.387 196.268
13:35 n/a n/a n/a 419.1 1695.043 130.459 131.849 1702.618 170.653 409.036 2030.542 196.132
13:36 n/a n/a n/a 419.084 1695.106 130.482 132.09 1700.901 171.159 409.216 2029.296 196.754
13:37 n/a n/a n/a 418.84 1695.086 130.846 131.976 1701.208 171.611 409.123 2028.16 196.84
13:38 n/a n/a n/a 418.962 1695.523 129.995 131.583 1701.458 170.766 409.57 2027.909 196.433
13:39 n/a n/a n/a 419.161 1695.838 130.127 132.056 1701.476 170.458 409.442 2028.739 196.218
13:40 n/a n/a n/a 419.004 1695.574 130.475 131.917 1700.965 170.963 409.359 2028.818 196.522
13:41 n/a n/a n/a 419.012 1695.634 130.634 131.727 1701.455 170.555 409.42 2029.492 196.397
13:42 n/a n/a n/a 418.999 1694.985 130.261 131.931 1700.751 170.364 409.196 2028.635 196.47
13:43 n/a n/a n/a 418.968 1695.404 130.562 131.565 1700.345 170.985 408.759 2029.944 195.658
13:44 n/a n/a n/a 418.985 1695.244 130.395 131.873 1700.557 170.804 408.747 2029.808 196.559
13:45 n/a n/a n/a 418.851 1695.864 129.137 131.763 1701.301 169.77 409.074 2029.722 196.816
13:46 n/a n/a n/a 418.975 1695.445 130.053 131.867 1700.792 170.37 408.994 2029.691 196.336
13:47 n/a n/a n/a 418.8 1695.671 130.098 131.765 1701.024 170.331 408.985 2029.785 196.56
13:48 n/a n/a n/a 418.928 1695.386 130.456 131.548 1701.836 170.251 409.05 2029.154 196.059
13:49 n/a n/a n/a 418.809 1695.615 130.085 131.086 1702.284 169.516 408.678 2029.4 196.235
13:50 n/a n/a n/a 419.289 1695.141 130.019 131.943 1701.379 170.44 409.536 2028.458 196.531
13:51 n/a n/a n/a 418.951 1694.859 130.791 131.508 1700.228 171.086 408.796 2029.382 196.839
13:52 n/a n/a n/a 418.528 1696.004 130.174 131.24 1701.047 169.661 408.352 2029.681 195.535
13:53 n/a n/a n/a 418.617 1695.654 130.224 130.886 1699.117 170.905 408.596 2028.039 195.77
13:54 n/a n/a n/a 418.519 1695.443 130.013 131.258 1699.334 170.939 408.924 2027.273 196.241
13:55 n/a n/a n/a 418.326 1695.411 130.011 130.664 1699.026 171.759 408.167 2028.88 195.758
13:56 n/a n/a n/a 418.188 1696.297 130.057 130.963 1699.11 171.137 408.516 2029.067 196.102
13:57 n/a n/a n/a 418.41 1695.393 130.433 130.541 1699.501 171.094 408.629 2028.572 195.979
13:58 n/a n/a n/a 418.436 1695.812 130.181 130.158 1699.357 172.014 408.277 2027.957 196.665
13:59 n/a n/a n/a 418.499 1695.543 129.544 131.911 1699.35 171.362 408.586 2027.56 196.05
14:00 n/a n/a n/a 418.35 1695.559 130.467 132.307 1700.146 170.875 408.721 2028.524 196.094
14:01 n/a n/a n/a 418.322 1695.457 130.216 131.417 1700.257 170.282 409.703 2025.385 198.12
14:02 n/a n/a n/a 418.326 1695.773 130.098 131.645 1699.971 170.749 409.768 2025.126 203.031
14:03 n/a n/a n/a 418.16 1695.824 130.19 132.207 1699.783 171.047 438.609 1396.838 181.508
14:04 n/a n/a n/a 418.223 1695.503 130.432 132.342 1699.274 171.355 432.28 1411.192 182.307
14:05 n/a n/a n/a 418.326 1695.889 130.004 132.169 1700.312 171.11 437.589 1404.185 182.73
14:06 n/a n/a n/a 418.125 1695.682 130.362 132.134 1699.371 171.478 436.865 1403.354 182.459
14:07 n/a n/a n/a 418.195 1695.956 130.267 132.159 1699.811 171.273 434.991 1404.948 181.895
14:08 n/a n/a n/a 418.201 1695.406 129.99 132.111 1700.017 170.963 449.644 1374.953 181.9
14:09 n/a n/a n/a 418.226 1696.362 130.158 131.993 1700.794 170.38 417.336 1429.862 182.279
14:10 n/a n/a n/a 418.378 1695.684 130.006 131.662 1701.139 170.257 398.22 1447.903 182.502
14:11 n/a n/a n/a 418.204 1695.066 130.35 131.533 1700.751 170.594 395.274 1449.626 182.759
14:12 n/a n/a n/a 418.375 1695.751 129.841 131.691 1701.507 170.454 395.146 1449.631 182.293
14:13 n/a n/a n/a 418.247 1695.955 130.329 132.242 1699.976 170.853 404.921 1374.279 47.829
14:14 n/a n/a n/a 418.33 1695.656 130.209 132.073 1700.633 170.813 404.873 1374.228 47.666
14:15 n/a n/a n/a 418.301 1695.513 130.432 132.067 1699.808 170.939 404.786 1374.8 47.308
14:16 n/a n/a n/a 418.345 1695.883 129.764 131.962 1700.37 170.578 404.783 1374.984 47.936
14:17 n/a n/a n/a 418.339 1695.937 130.367 133.351 1510.588 99.579 404.972 1373.888 47.8
14:18 n/a n/a n/a 418.327 1695.749 130.102 125.728 1501.666 19.214 405.039 1374.459 47.643
14:19 n/a n/a n/a 418.396 1695.778 130.424 125.486 1501.598 19.27 404.861 1375.015 47.151
14:20 n/a n/a n/a 418.296 1696.366 130.188 125.86 1501.474 18.582 404.988 1375.006 47.99
14:21 n/a n/a n/a 418.229 1696.215 130.394 125.583 1501.631 19.264 405.014 1374.127 47.32
14:22 n/a n/a n/a 418.463 1695.901 130.838 125.575 1501.63 19.184 404.804 1374.616 48.123
14:23 n/a n/a n/a 418.248 1695.328 130.165 125.874 1500.213 19.758 404.996 1373.809 47.251
14:24 n/a n/a n/a 418.326 1695.873 130.081 125.808 1500.735 19.777 404.87 1373.718 47.799
14:25 n/a n/a n/a 418.256 1695.976 130.238 125.667 1501.295 19.212 404.898 1374.02 48.057
14:26 n/a n/a n/a 418.195 1696.125 130.179 125.597 1501.75 19.571 404.795 1374.44 47.593
14:27 n/a n/a n/a 418.296 1695.272 130.469 125.83 1500.479 19.635 404.696 1374.278 48.053
14:28 n/a n/a n/a 418.445 1695.399 129.762 125.917 1501.099 19.518 404.989 1373.878 47.529
14:29 n/a n/a n/a 418.423 1695.627 130.273 125.599 1501.455 19.034 404.903 1374.47 47.445
14:30 n/a n/a n/a 418.274 1696.202 130.141 125.458 1502.131 19.079 404.495 1374.885 47.085
APPENDIX C2: Positioning data of large scale case study-0630 data set (continued)
time m4l_x m4l_y m4l_z m4r_x m4r_y m4r_z wk1_x wk1_y wk1_z
7:13 10.258 2356.94 143.859 605.621 1099.507 138.603 302.155 1666.595 163.331
7:14 9.941 2357.36 143.873 605.318 1100.204 138.128 222.045 1684.597 163.232
7:15 10.353 2355.366 144.437 605.671 1100.181 138.219 198.379 2095.388 192.26
7:16 10.251 2355.55 143.917 605.577 1099.404 138.596 n/a n/a n/a
7:17 10.32 2355.942 144.383 605.396 1100.145 138.404 511.941 1657.592 166.035
7:18 10.152 2356.468 143.795 605.824 1099.565 138.796 513.973 1191.281 164.436
7:19 10.102 2356.299 143.904 438.279 1702.175 170.993 467.1 1778.352 144.43
7:20 10.265 2355.455 144.224 443.226 1709.777 170.876 516.326 1981.757 166.165
7:21 9.966 2356.281 143.668 443.082 1710.536 170.598 105.409 2186.288 169.961
7:22 10.138 2356.002 144.196 442.859 1711.341 170.563 123.064 2123.38 166.055
7:23 10.219 2356.21 143.41 443.209 1710.594 170.375 3.297 2379.335 167.511
7:24 9.471 2357.098 144.329 443.131 1710.279 170.6 n/a n/a n/a
7:25 9.881 2358.424 143.561 443.056 1711.562 170.822 92.747 2400.983 167.358
7:26 136.971 2153.003 219.272 443.632 1709.297 170.827 82.322 1795.823 157.202
7:27 128.017 2118.935 173.987 442.955 1711.234 170.554 286.186 1327.46 168.315
7:28 128.233 2119.777 174.319 443.284 1710.418 170.803 96.348 1130.108 163.702
7:29 127.762 2120.702 174.054 443.442 1710.371 169.731 116.173 1659.441 161.246
7:30 129.624 2118.838 173.585 443.727 1708.983 170.264 159.241 1898.964 346.848
7:31 129.133 2118.365 174.081 443.446 1710.111 170.006 160.149 2031.058 269.528
7:32 129.734 2116.733 174.584 443.433 1709.657 170.407 400.87 2074.77 262.618
7:33 129.506 2116.799 174.416 443.163 1710.385 170.113 189.532 1717.624 277.462
7:34 129.223 2116.771 174.705 443.402 1710.027 170.083 n/a n/a n/a
7:35 128.852 2115.929 174.616 443.069 1708.854 170.376 222.256 2043.481 163.238
7:36 128.953 2118.051 173.926 443.205 1710.03 169.891 331.579 2054.865 157.933
7:37 128.847 2118.624 174.143 442.81 1710.013 169.218 n/a n/a n/a
7:38 129.358 2116.115 174.655 443.179 1709.487 170.239 n/a n/a n/a
7:39 128.862 2117.548 174.292 443.025 1709.825 169.897 n/a n/a n/a
7:40 128.759 2117.481 174.181 443.163 1708.604 169.948 n/a n/a n/a
7:41 129.208 2117.879 174.047 443.19 1709.107 170.364 n/a n/a n/a
7:42 132.026 2113.222 174.897 443.07 1708.623 171.16 n/a n/a n/a
7:43 131.965 2115.354 174.62 443.194 1709.688 169.759 220.865 1901.691 163.088
7:44 131.909 2116.458 174.675 443.151 1707.118 170.025 180.979 1731.859 272.677
7:45 131.942 2117.131 173.682 442.974 1708.682 170.299 90.223 2054.877 171.268
7:46 131.838 2116.083 174.439 442.864 1708.613 170.39 104.553 1949.417 111.998
7:47 131.866 2116.292 173.913 443.094 1708.182 170.161 82.878 1779.058 165.021
7:48 131.948 2116.182 174.449 443.015 1709.67 169.764 98.606 1945.978 167.6
7:49 131.955 2116.668 174.863 442.944 1710.077 170.059 88.224 1701.093 161.154
7:50 132.067 2116.572 174.08 443.024 1708.721 169.954 124.046 1997.008 69.984
7:51 132.001 2115.539 175.422 442.76 1708.415 170.076 84.314 2094.641 169.116
7:52 132.079 2116.729 174.31 442.846 1708.806 170.115 105.935 2133.342 158.836
7:53 131.781 2116.067 174.854 442.909 1709.153 170.213 94.922 2096.331 166.647
7:54 131.992 2116.475 174.564 443.065 1709.253 169.998 n/a n/a n/a
7:55 132.294 2115.671 174.731 443.275 1708.124 170.408 n/a n/a n/a
7:56 131.879 2116.419 174.561 442.828 1708.718 170.37 n/a n/a n/a
7:57 131.951 2116.531 174.368 442.685 1708.588 170.159 496.919 2076.903 167.477
7:58 131.843 2117.251 174.37 442.998 1709.58 170.084 483.284 2079.148 160.423
7:59 132.05 2116.306 174.362 443.211 1708.686 170.143 483.688 2069.584 167.796
8:00 132.199 2115.994 175.069 443.535 1709.092 170.236 470.647 2112.522 165.053
8:01 132.134 2117.118 174.668 443.181 1709.34 170.164 480.214 2039.34 162.464
8:02 132.328 2117.381 174.089 442.451 1710.158 169.911 488.155 1758.271 165.7
8:03 131.707 2117.79 173.856 442.621 1709.848 169.732 457.485 1861.699 95.699
8:04 131.952 2117.534 174.927 442.49 1710.035 169.987 94.361 1850.899 165.206
8:05 132.177 2117.058 174.653 442.718 1709.43 169.517 n/a n/a n/a
8:06 132.392 2116.239 174.907 443.111 1708.258 170.263 n/a n/a n/a
8:07 131.966 2117.809 174.842 442.726 1708.751 169.453 219.516 2062.176 162.714
8:08 131.964 2117.242 174.551 442.786 1708.962 169.908 334.765 1819.582 165.947
8:09 132.292 2117.362 174.369 442.938 1708.781 169.797 349.046 2039.688 162.937
8:10 131.985 2117.71 174.19 442.834 1709.437 169.56 194.283 1795.446 207.185
8:11 131.896 2117.174 174.374 442.666 1709.359 170.015 58.32 2365.089 165.416
8:12 132.082 2116.868 174.619 442.682 1709.547 169.536 723.623 4075.806 167.054
8:13 132.446 2116.916 173.943 442.865 1709.049 170.022 992.756 5068.636 183.849
8:14 132.023 2117.117 174.129 442.632 1709.547 170.679 781.227 4677.092 174.05
8:15 131.88 2117.481 174.244 442.505 1710.234 169.737 531.986 2682.033 167.288
8:16 131.903 2117.478 174.481 443.026 1709.29 169.918 353.455 2226.059 166.786
8:17 132.481 2091.866 238.106 442.401 1684.548 166.646 432.602 1552.936 163.796
8:18 132.637 1969.164 379.085 441.881 1626.761 144.395 476.02 2146.357 167.575
8:19 131.322 1562.118 439.182 442.867 1564.649 30.119 490.518 2194.199 162.351
8:20 130.967 1561.815 439.488 442.59 1565.394 29.719 486.369 2195.695 164.916
8:21 130.991 1561.948 439.293 442.08 1565.655 31.419 487.092 2194.11 166.543
8:22 130.783 1562.928 438.575 442.307 1565.268 30.378 483.705 2179.235 167.076
8:23 130.979 1562.035 439.134 442.333 1565.125 31.049 477.21 2180.388 165.494
8:24 131.294 1562.445 439.251 443.195 1565.264 29.727 509.623 1556.128 164.106
8:25 131.499 1562.265 438.889 443.174 1565.163 31.17 337.543 1630.603 593.575
8:26 131.621 1562.056 438.891 443.06 1564.594 31.312 334.53 1686.71 589.33
8:27 131.628 1562.033 439.004 442.957 1565.432 31.391 262.561 1650.417 586.674
APPENDIX C2: Positioning data of large scale case study-0630 data set (continued)
time m4l_x m4l_y m4l_z m4r_x m4r_y m4r_z wk1_x wk1_y wk1_z
8:28 131.619 1563.387 438.988 443.143 1565.993 30.141 438.536 1672.997 518.032
8:29 131.294 1563.608 438.507 443.226 1565.501 29.399 513.395 2095.055 164.939
8:30 131.367 1562.713 438.952 443.488 1565.12 31.628 696.786 2199.321 77.403
8:31 131.851 1560.963 439.018 443.364 1564.223 30.982 509.017 2206.204 163.574
8:32 131.485 1562.151 439.172 443.056 1565.07 31.022 736.118 2370.506 165.466
8:33 131.232 1562.457 439.184 443.043 1565.013 31.383 1295.024 1772.783 166.308
8:34 131.248 1562.965 439.185 443.588 1565.07 30.763 801.819 1992.118 163.997
8:35 130.819 1562.939 438.7 443.345 1564.501 30.865 549.914 3099.371 169.348
8:36 131.5 1562.386 439.348 443.815 1563.893 31.785 626.165 3200.155 168.283
8:37 131.294 1562.317 439.08 442.944 1565.858 30.926 603.852 3396.273 163.807
8:38 131.228 1563.034 438.95 442.846 1564.913 30.833 512.846 3269.964 168.895
8:39 130.998 1563.475 438.502 443.062 1566.029 30.546 535.919 3109.022 169.324
8:40 131.012 1563.588 438.955 443.552 1565.411 30.793 622.274 3450.218 163.304
8:41 131.335 1563.468 439.212 443.348 1566.393 31.137 597.788 3389.751 167.349
8:42 131.131 1563.287 438.894 443.279 1566.182 30.797 732.125 3251.038 167.448
8:43 131.168 1563.444 439.401 443.001 1565.876 31.793 609.076 3610.951 107.066
8:44 130.596 1561.754 438.929 443.081 1566.221 31.324 616.197 3387.349 118.302
8:45 130.647 1560.929 439.032 442.873 1566.68 30.928 604.377 3139.884 166.163
8:46 131.253 1560.763 438.963 443.032 1566.143 30.984 623.077 3266.494 166.67
8:47 131.08 1561.34 439.538 443.235 1566.105 30.737 679.141 3332.931 129.061
8:48 131.56 1560.854 439.38 442.805 1564.913 31.383 677.683 3236.279 122.103
8:49 131.455 1561.225 439.423 443.26 1565.519 30.409 742.388 3312.935 109.263
8:50 131.2 1561.396 438.944 443.302 1565.436 30.485 648.138 3412.502 148.502
8:51 130.601 1561.165 439.572 443.179 1565.84 30.817 634.54 3422.358 157.393
8:52 130.855 1560.794 439.55 443.016 1565.998 29.626 654.266 3243.975 163.475
8:53 131.322 1561.952 439.096 443.322 1565.403 31.796 469.077 3002.079 168.787
8:54 131.289 1561.384 439.753 443.189 1566.485 30.646 745.948 3200.531 161.992
8:55 131.37 1562.252 439.011 443.509 1566.166 29.674 494.653 3422.329 166.18
8:56 131.444 1562.825 439.314 443.551 1566.934 30.141 n/a n/a n/a
8:57 131.476 1562.341 439.398 443.395 1566.608 30.266 534.727 3348.352 164.851
8:58 131.324 1562.644 439.303 443.541 1566.741 29.787 698.361 3465.63 152.705
8:59 131.212 1562.694 439.199 443.372 1566.414 30.426 553.624 3520.474 170.573
9:00 131.741 1562.29 439.128 443.327 1566.62 30.177 542.693 3525.708 170.136
9:01 131.324 1562.693 439.059 443.279 1566.368 29.937 535.903 3551.553 170.109
9:02 131.219 1564.245 438.991 443.589 1566.929 30.232 672.434 3292.646 152.802
9:03 131.469 1562.022 439.058 443.441 1566.093 30.669 632.015 3104.696 170.727
9:04 131.601 1561.802 439.138 443.629 1565.951 31.021 607.22 3230.481 167.557
9:05 131.796 1561.915 439.171 443.747 1566.419 30.482 591.201 3402.756 165.255
9:06 130.964 1562.548 438.979 443.076 1567.046 30.331 716.093 3242.06 168.432
9:07 131.946 1559.602 439.329 443.364 1566.701 29.738 685.886 3144.522 128.204
9:08 131.289 1562.416 439.13 443.159 1566.218 31.344 582.103 3221.464 108.277
9:09 131.106 1562.796 438.625 443.24 1566.274 31.109 777.894 3282.744 89.174
9:10 131.092 1562.297 439.101 443.06 1566.702 30.227 775.301 3283.215 107.964
9:11 131.352 1562.05 439.061 443.144 1566.77 30.301 567.53 3086.5 168.396
9:12 131.408 1562.771 438.663 443.543 1566.408 30.763 n/a n/a n/a
9:13 131.214 1562.882 439.335 443.156 1567.213 30.425 n/a n/a n/a
9:14 131.246 1562.734 438.874 443.272 1566.263 30.377 n/a n/a n/a
9:15 131.435 1562.555 438.912 443.498 1566.371 30.716 n/a n/a n/a
9:16 131.494 1562.337 438.887 443.308 1566.271 30.646 521.449 3034.943 168.524
9:17 131.232 1562.97 438.791 443.374 1567.34 29.654 529.681 3053.816 169.446
9:18 131.348 1563.173 438.938 443.438 1566.794 30.3 548.376 3259.935 168.946
9:19 131.089 1562.829 439.029 443.383 1567.039 29.839 431.948 3039.269 166.874
9:20 131.034 1563.472 438.852 443.011 1566.859 29.148 278.705 3365.417 168.556
9:21 131.052 1562.998 438.995 442.918 1566.175 29.84 239.212 3414.331 168.462
9:22 131.111 1563.1 438.803 443.228 1565.679 30.29 391.147 3115.176 187.823
9:23 131.139 1563.148 438.984 442.889 1566.573 30.189 269.796 1851.128 164.903
9:24 131.42 1563.367 439.063 443.191 1567.026 29.728 514.514 1892.513 162.661
9:25 131.38 1562.828 438.803 442.71 1566.366 30.18 530.459 1923.658 166.808
9:26 131.167 1563.349 438.908 442.895 1566.623 30.222 n/a n/a n/a
9:27 131.312 1562.788 438.888 443.016 1566.456 29.698 380.246 2038.634 160.869
9:28 131.004 1562.858 438.449 443.207 1565.954 30.543 423.085 2074.183 161.214
9:29 131.639 1559.017 439.532 442.603 1564.888 33.772 251.766 1778.9 164.847
9:30 131.323 1562.816 438.72 443.292 1566.58 30.543 451.882 1762.955 162.627
9:31 131.177 1563.476 438.656 442.958 1566.557 30.389 19.152 1631.387 156.866
9:32 131.458 1562.947 438.814 443.392 1566.451 29.17 112.767 2177.836 161.304
9:33 131.485 1563.206 438.697 443.357 1566.433 30.361 n/a n/a n/a
13:15 131.481 1561.535 440.348 444.234 1564.049 31.497 788.047 2019.054 165.055
13:16 131.158 1563.044 439.686 443.907 1563.446 31.003 784.898 1998.956 165.6
13:17 131.341 1563.283 440.016 443.908 1565.511 30.462 557.876 2080.319 164.594
13:18 131.189 1563.211 440.392 444.221 1565.173 30.489 438.786 2193.325 168.018
13:19 130.294 1585.844 445.809 442.732 1564.274 33.928 529.515 1682.557 170.537
13:20 131.841 1959.002 384.885 442.576 1625.618 143.733 490.251 2261.558 164.495
13:21 131.264 2090.266 246.643 443.33 1683.666 168.146 428.752 2238.993 169.833
13:22 129.372 2111.423 174.828 443.982 1710.662 170.92 486.307 2300.13 167.82
13:23 130.26 2109.718 175.215 444.491 1711.147 170.654 279.678 3631.833 188.211
APPENDIX C2: Positioning data of large scale case study-0630 data set (continued)
time m4l_x m4l_y m4l_z m4r_x m4r_y m4r_z wk1_x wk1_y wk1_z
13:24 129.542 2110.391 175.632 444.269 1710.839 170.27 n/a n/a n/a
13:25 130.191 2108.805 175.666 444.246 1709.688 170.374 77.023 3019.981 177.511
13:26 130.112 2110.198 175.227 443.877 1710.302 170.705 511.519 3565.331 169.679
13:27 129.561 2112.599 175.082 443.811 1710.254 170.459 480.199 3655.768 170.51
13:28 129.604 2111.835 175.662 444.018 1710.633 169.695 504.297 3519.93 170.11
13:29 130.664 2108.881 175.595 443.915 1710.124 170.553 482.493 3479.471 170.619
13:30 130.843 2110.193 175.777 443.883 1710.336 170.774 499.993 3485.095 169.961
13:31 130 2111.817 175.811 443.796 1710.786 170.476 465.926 3476.591 169.821
13:32 130.045 2110.14 175.316 443.786 1710.471 170.565 464.964 3468.857 173.085
13:33 130.048 2110.27 175.243 443.795 1710.572 170.305 473.216 3449.911 172.67
13:34 129.833 2111.345 174.528 443.939 1710.705 170.201 454.453 3441.035 169.786
13:35 129.946 2111.122 174.873 443.862 1710.878 170.136 453.23 3457.205 169.625
13:36 130.16 2110.511 174.73 444.081 1710.303 170.51 453.564 3462.381 168.915
13:37 130.102 2109.691 175.363 443.746 1710.05 171.034 450.497 3465.191 170.097
13:38 130.725 2108.741 175.661 444.195 1709.739 169.975 486.877 3235.406 169.62
13:39 130.613 2109.757 175.745 444.31 1710.319 169.547 494.219 3187.827 170.223
13:40 130.506 2109.56 175.689 444.271 1710.941 170.342 n/a n/a n/a
13:41 130.406 2109.809 175.139 444.193 1711.328 170.382 730.456 2167.835 164.808
13:42 129.994 2110.2 175.296 444.261 1710.689 170.305 595.416 3131.366 167.25
13:43 130.597 2109.249 175.478 444.389 1710.627 170.365 548.476 3349.825 169.567
13:44 129.94 2110.227 175.163 443.951 1709.872 170.296 659.253 3429.971 161.268
13:45 130.339 2110.261 175.039 444.294 1711.318 169.245 550.238 3484.331 166.332
13:46 130.422 2109.473 175.434 444.285 1710.764 170.379 572.111 3417.158 167.25
13:47 130.369 2109.843 175.835 444.18 1711.194 170.148 586.058 3273.728 168.141
13:48 130.626 2109.379 175.801 444.425 1710.673 170.402 751.419 3333.397 163.933
13:49 130.068 2110.574 175.287 443.701 1712.319 169.902 617.066 3260.957 165.359
13:50 130.963 2109.13 175.511 444.77 1710.615 170.004 583.518 3082.344 165.445
13:51 130.567 2108.843 175.293 444.294 1710.486 170.997 631.051 3457.016 109.702
13:52 130.187 2109.089 174.998 443.723 1710.976 170.539 639.631 3251.861 168.799
13:53 130.861 2108.743 175.515 443.937 1710.131 170.438 661.547 3241.761 168.461
13:54 130.713 2107.467 175.638 443.869 1710.281 170.496 787.679 3329.67 172.67
13:55 130.679 2107.265 175.576 443.762 1710.097 170.669 501.024 3349.785 175.638
13:56 130.62 2109.6 175.454 443.727 1710.8 170.49 473.65 3392.836 172.161
13:57 130.528 2109.268 175.223 443.709 1710.458 170.645 1161.56 5007.23 156.86
13:58 130.644 2108.138 175.134 443.551 1709.867 171.468 n/a n/a n/a
13:59 130.911 2108.541 174.995 443.826 1709.41 170.986 n/a n/a n/a
14:00 130.92 2110.633 175.067 444.012 1710.273 170.446 n/a n/a n/a
14:01 129.782 2109.867 174.876 443.759 1710.669 170.275 n/a n/a n/a
14:02 129.495 2108.572 175.65 443.956 1710.186 170.328 n/a n/a n/a
14:03 130.077 2109.052 173.872 443.782 1710.118 170.522 n/a n/a n/a
14:04 130.292 2108.07 174.087 443.804 1709.729 170.758 941.697 5128.785 181.225
14:05 130.146 2109.372 174.025 443.854 1710.589 170.602 n/a n/a n/a
14:06 130.202 2107.938 174.474 443.658 1709.742 170.866 n/a n/a n/a
14:07 130.12 2109.019 174.188 443.793 1710.143 170.806 n/a n/a n/a
14:08 130.122 2108.917 173.983 443.825 1710.099 170.439 n/a n/a n/a
14:09 129.955 2110.396 173.499 443.812 1710.8 169.965 n/a n/a n/a
14:10 130.098 2109.564 173.662 443.848 1710.487 169.972 1097.657 5124.248 171.265
14:11 130.001 2109.23 173.659 443.28 1711.317 170.062 726.009 4633.391 175.795
14:12 130.055 2109.981 173.547 443.325 1712.218 169.861 647.288 3876.421 164.494
14:13 130.257 2108.864 173.735 443.984 1710.364 170.108 994.264 5091.264 184.975
14:14 130.011 2109.729 173.746 443.916 1710.53 170.264 1114.956 5117.799 172.265
14:15 130.142 2108.433 173.9 443.869 1710.107 170.382 742.119 4615.357 174.815
14:16 129.886 2109.432 173.758 443.664 1710.628 170.031 1052.421 4619.702 175.066
14:17 130.17 2108.288 174.414 443.991 1710.041 171.184 1102.77 5036.665 177.586
14:18 130.011 2109.988 173.567 443.924 1710.435 170.02 782.989 4756.398 181.226
14:19 9.476 2398.258 140.868 443.773 1710.762 170.335 511.003 3714.765 169.434
14:20 10.032 2398.764 140.929 477.133 1113.436 149.023 556.664 3405.403 169.051
14:21 9.857 2397.322 141.862 601.292 1101.923 137.346 711.162 3446.488 169.03
14:22 9.787 2397.628 141.017 601.317 1101.392 137.342 757.057 2241.774 72.06
14:23 10.391 2395.535 142.074 601.26 1101.317 137.228 540.091 2012.897 160.404
14:24 9.372 2397.651 141.941 601.284 1101.252 137.621 91.93 2091.747 169.985
14:25 10.1 2397.141 141.771 601.345 1101.431 137.579 511.054 2055.454 138.252
14:26 10.026 2397.863 142.326 601.389 1101.735 137.191 498.745 1953.119 165.374
14:27 10.224 2395.858 142.191 601.251 1101.173 137.797 1260.753 1716.925 181.499
14:28 10.187 2396.416 140.072 601.582 1101.344 137.405 748.955 4111.169 166.566
14:29 9.858 2397.491 140.638 601.263 1101.746 137.235 1028.498 4899.852 168.256
14:30 10.663 2396.612 141.241 601.168 1102.399 137.167 1098.011 4888.566 174.743
APPENDIX C2: Positioning data of large scale case study-0630 data set (continued)
time wk2_x wk2_y wk2_z wk3_x wk3_y wk3_z bh1_x bh1_y bh1_z bh2_x bh2_y bh2_z
7:13 441.141 2096.889 117.549 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 916.147 4380.69 476.522
7:14 454.213 1981.309 149.593 361.235 2010.077 158.894 n/a n/a n/a 916.598 4380.518 475.958
7:15 440.062 1932.843 117.43 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 917.589 4384.665 474.189
7:16 443.645 1882.033 135.129 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 917.299 4384.471 474.106
7:17 467.379 1734.084 152.043 344.663 1771.945 170.199 n/a n/a n/a 917.388 4384.697 474.592
7:18 168.812 1712.002 102.486 223.743 1790.589 165.218 n/a n/a n/a 918.01 4387.02 473.81
7:19 100.384 1786.61 153.597 208.19 1790.142 164.035 n/a n/a n/a 918.513 4387.19 474.398
7:20 127.058 1903.973 84.081 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 917.818 4380.304 475.568
7:21 107.799 1915.279 159.514 220.484 1864.173 167.076 n/a n/a n/a 917.661 4384.99 474.241
7:22 117.815 1947.385 162.109 208.523 1922.657 167.606 n/a n/a n/a 918.133 4384.477 474.262
7:23 134.8 2015.788 147.308 198.537 1980.042 124.965 n/a n/a n/a 918.929 4388.32 474.461
7:24 112.787 2070.32 158.844 218.053 2035.709 167.631 n/a n/a n/a 918.863 4387.455 474.626
7:25 126.046 1971.062 107.076 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 918.12 4386.018 474.116
7:26 109.581 2020.587 160.939 516.627 1591.491 165.813 n/a n/a n/a 918.782 4389.333 474.159
7:27 284.062 1378.436 158.265 55.025 2563.344 165.212 n/a n/a n/a 918.122 4385.5 475.044
7:28 993.23 1180.959 154.752 4.82 3195.626 167.073 n/a n/a n/a 918.7 4388.118 473.992
7:29 n/a n/a n/a 509.619 1787.621 162.779 n/a n/a n/a 918.561 4385.97 474.2
7:30 n/a n/a n/a 63.669 2084.075 171.614 n/a n/a n/a 918.075 4391.024 475.142
7:31 n/a n/a n/a 500.176 2120.335 170.411 n/a n/a n/a 918.163 4388.219 474.752
7:32 n/a n/a n/a 458.358 1661.79 164.404 n/a n/a n/a 918.109 4386.629 476.169
7:33 n/a n/a n/a 186.144 1696.79 105.323 n/a n/a n/a 917.519 4384.986 475.217
7:34 n/a n/a n/a 243.12 1503.949 171.254 n/a n/a n/a 918.388 4386.877 474.291
7:35 116.661 1615.73 152.905 420.175 1551.979 168.709 n/a n/a n/a 919.278 4390.807 474.481
7:36 n/a n/a n/a 493.886 1695.246 172.57 n/a n/a n/a 918.685 4390.708 474.058
7:37 n/a n/a n/a 485.566 1964.782 170.079 n/a n/a n/a 918.448 4385.305 474.594
7:38 735.411 677.708 321.245 144.839 1658.198 84.112 n/a n/a n/a 919.078 4390.96 473.347
7:39 n/a n/a n/a 109.728 1838.442 155.56 n/a n/a n/a 919.186 4390.857 473.825
7:40 n/a n/a n/a 470.56 1724.642 83.508 n/a n/a n/a 919.208 4389.509 473.468
7:41 n/a n/a n/a 91.652 1706.099 165.334 n/a n/a n/a 918.615 4385.763 475.094
7:42 n/a n/a n/a 479.963 1853.563 167.415 n/a n/a n/a 920.526 4391.606 475.175
7:43 871.582 823.884 332.183 460.983 2028.938 101.527 n/a n/a n/a 918.713 4390.768 475.295
7:44 n/a n/a n/a 480.098 1318.326 164.14 n/a n/a n/a 917.239 4385.536 475.327
7:45 n/a n/a n/a 562.122 903.896 170.497 n/a n/a n/a 918.124 4389.699 474.814
7:46 n/a n/a n/a 539.2 730.109 156.367 n/a n/a n/a 918.217 4387.414 475.994
7:47 868.29 912.125 321.675 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 919.747 4391.279 474.314
7:48 934.7 868.284 311.16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 918.402 4386.735 475.4
7:49 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 918.12 4386.778 477.489
7:50 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 918.432 4385.616 476.679
7:51 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 918.432 4380.834 476.387
7:52 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 918.966 4391.696 475.421
7:53 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 918.606 4387.187 476.808
7:54 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 917.71 4384.076 475.869
7:55 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 918.614 4387.825 476.172
7:56 n/a n/a n/a 895.537 845.444 334.504 n/a n/a n/a 918.354 4386.9 477.426
7:57 n/a n/a n/a 901.775 874.206 328.659 n/a n/a n/a 919.343 4389.59 476.496
7:58 n/a n/a n/a 907.638 929.342 296.078 n/a n/a n/a 919.143 4386.035 476.067
7:59 811.889 792.225 326.898 849.691 926.114 329.856 n/a n/a n/a 918.973 4391.865 476.049
8:00 736.097 749.604 330.515 781.758 923.885 338.231 n/a n/a n/a 918 4387.625 476.934
8:01 779.549 916.406 332.365 869.411 928.308 337.211 n/a n/a n/a 918.227 4385.3 477.554
8:02 635.948 667.708 333.239 768.329 956.694 302.624 n/a n/a n/a 918.056 4383.551 478.016
8:03 n/a n/a n/a 821.053 937.036 322.378 n/a n/a n/a 918.526 4381.311 476.805
8:04 n/a n/a n/a 705.845 940.776 333.195 n/a n/a n/a 919.479 4387.344 476.994
8:05 524.855 1606.767 150.95 667.159 932.75 301.677 n/a n/a n/a 918.583 4388.879 475.728
8:06 160.388 1666.88 103.453 680.729 897.537 320.783 n/a n/a n/a 917.781 4384.384 477.116
8:07 218.421 1655.772 153.522 690.289 839.999 328.705 n/a n/a n/a 918.114 4381.917 477.256
8:08 316.235 1672.549 148.996 705.743 823.638 337.878 n/a n/a n/a 917.548 4379.252 477.281
8:09 121.784 1659.94 78.969 715.881 781.609 297.533 n/a n/a n/a 918.496 4385.862 476.839
8:10 139.537 1643.635 153.33 876.55 865.923 326.566 n/a n/a n/a 919.181 4387.034 475.662
8:11 558.192 1704.33 148.501 727.029 840.595 326.016 n/a n/a n/a 918.904 4388.242 476.453
8:12 506.6 2074.248 148.627 671.216 732.111 327.422 n/a n/a n/a 827.555 4737.749 473.551
8:13 406.91 1437.342 145.382 694.25 647.32 343.423 n/a n/a n/a 890.249 4717.12 310.054
8:14 406.064 1492.492 151.634 700.509 616.858 326.662 n/a n/a n/a 897.493 4720.647 198.586
8:15 490.805 715.072 146.042 688.464 598.167 321.261 n/a n/a n/a 492.731 2641.53 195.767
8:16 n/a n/a n/a 692.139 607.312 338.72 n/a n/a n/a 284.325 2124.15 190.116
8:17 n/a n/a n/a 701.47 609.829 310.242 n/a n/a n/a 286.98 2106.117 309.323
8:18 n/a n/a n/a 733.519 645.633 317.131 n/a n/a n/a 287.134 2031.261 474.601
8:19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 283.059 1626.812 604.695
8:20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 281.177 1592.954 601.645
8:21 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 281.502 1592.4 601.788
8:22 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 281.535 1591.9 601.955
8:23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 281.509 1593.305 601.658
8:24 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 281.529 1594.762 600.868
8:25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 282.32 1591.673 601.644
8:26 362.342 1098.504 140.167 798.134 799.936 330.193 n/a n/a n/a 289.723 2083.196 603.518
8:27 33.901 1364.624 161.679 722.127 781.518 290.621 n/a n/a n/a 285.408 2065.467 603.777
APPENDIX C2: Positioning data of large scale case study-0630 data set (continued)
time wk2_x wk2_y wk2_z wk3_x wk3_y wk3_z bh1_x bh1_y bh1_z bh2_x bh2_y bh2_z
8:28 128.644 1272.866 155.926 743.739 661.414 323.401 n/a n/a n/a 292.417 2285.386 603.697
8:29 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 715.126 3392.658 601.536
8:30 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 685.78 4221.795 499.017
8:31 n/a n/a n/a 512.296 700.476 149.908 n/a n/a n/a 684.738 4213.917 334.56
8:32 n/a n/a n/a 502.919 735.065 144.355 n/a n/a n/a 689.103 4208.689 276.404
8:33 n/a n/a n/a 1173.477 1107.974 166.268 n/a n/a n/a 692.362 4203.394 276.087
8:34 851.403 753.256 234.982 468.411 1404.719 163.193 n/a n/a n/a 697.747 4205.126 276.186
8:35 801.468 725.653 251.466 362.314 1614.889 592.652 n/a n/a n/a 702.184 4206.245 276.843
8:36 785.939 797.302 283.976 458.007 1649.315 510.668 n/a n/a n/a 704.361 4202.061 277.055
8:37 676.986 779.411 236.814 243.209 1590.16 594.453 n/a n/a n/a 702.458 4206.244 277.052
8:38 785.944 828.451 243.753 246.613 1610.567 591.24 n/a n/a n/a 703.637 4211.605 274.315
8:39 813.327 829.746 246.074 306.854 1586.572 585.83 n/a n/a n/a 702.054 4200.076 279.083
8:40 n/a n/a n/a 372.817 1607.762 597.359 n/a n/a n/a 702.356 4205.817 276.669
8:41 743.463 919.018 244.822 357.5 1615.694 597.772 n/a n/a n/a 702.597 4210.423 276.045
8:42 n/a n/a n/a 357.834 1624.438 600.107 n/a n/a n/a 702.735 4207.247 277.196
8:43 n/a n/a n/a 377.848 1622.194 595.924 n/a n/a n/a 700.654 4195.394 279.837
8:44 n/a n/a n/a 384.779 1636.51 594.749 n/a n/a n/a 703.032 4203.307 278.027
8:45 41.585 1340.32 162.527 251.055 1618.995 590.051 n/a n/a n/a 702.822 4199.099 276.244
8:46 590.154 1022.725 153.161 233.511 1600.94 599.321 n/a n/a n/a 703.346 4209.696 275.809
8:47 n/a n/a n/a 208.341 1638.828 595.831 n/a n/a n/a 703.126 4210.533 277.85
8:48 n/a n/a n/a 243.547 1623.127 588.388 n/a n/a n/a 703.293 4208.698 277.137
8:49 677.343 687.106 241.619 147.627 1566.327 531.69 n/a n/a n/a 703.334 4205.3 277.885
8:50 731.621 640.26 237.401 150.278 1575.784 574.042 n/a n/a n/a 702.976 4207.284 275.619
8:51 662.443 561.036 247.351 164.39 1569.259 549.681 n/a n/a n/a 703.508 4204.929 276.699
8:52 n/a n/a n/a 176.282 1595.571 593.917 n/a n/a n/a 703.395 4201.208 276.937
8:53 n/a n/a n/a 158.07 1631.681 590.377 n/a n/a n/a 702.833 4204.307 275.974
8:54 n/a n/a n/a 184.911 1632.925 598.912 n/a n/a n/a 703.165 4207.022 275.54
8:55 n/a n/a n/a 155.877 1605.68 538.896 n/a n/a n/a 702.697 4209.782 276.451
8:56 n/a n/a n/a 177.722 1670.771 587.556 n/a n/a n/a 703.05 4205.489 276.971
8:57 n/a n/a n/a 137.389 1636.505 532.523 n/a n/a n/a 702.966 4205.733 276.366
8:58 n/a n/a n/a 142.936 1642.968 543.786 n/a n/a n/a 702.355 4204.728 276.879
8:59 n/a n/a n/a 142.178 1599.591 533.324 n/a n/a n/a 701.952 4200.406 280.23
9:00 n/a n/a n/a 162.993 1610.065 591.48 n/a n/a n/a 701.429 4199.915 279.391
9:01 n/a n/a n/a 357.273 1602.962 596.84 n/a n/a n/a 703.011 4204.459 278.085
9:02 n/a n/a n/a 438.883 1669.436 518.321 n/a n/a n/a 702.581 4203.289 276.646
9:03 n/a n/a n/a 365.78 1609.096 590.2 n/a n/a n/a 703.008 4206.995 277.685
9:04 n/a n/a n/a 389.07 1616.014 590.621 n/a n/a n/a 702.508 4207.566 278.339
9:05 n/a n/a n/a 377.848 1623.886 599.118 n/a n/a n/a 702.844 4207.2 276.016
9:06 n/a n/a n/a 367.888 1605.679 598.549 n/a n/a n/a 702.353 4206.13 276.229
9:07 n/a n/a n/a 368.379 1627.435 599.49 n/a n/a n/a 703.106 4206.946 277.75
9:08 n/a n/a n/a 348.223 1628.042 597.991 n/a n/a n/a 702.995 4205.12 277.312
9:09 512.025 1347.53 157.218 351.009 1648.269 592.923 n/a n/a n/a 702.439 4208.671 277.008
9:10 76.082 1292.942 153.866 298.975 1585.915 586.397 n/a n/a n/a 702.338 4205.035 277.79
9:11 n/a n/a n/a 370.165 1637.003 596.901 n/a n/a n/a 702.163 4201.951 276.747
9:12 n/a n/a n/a 383.741 1611.365 602.025 n/a n/a n/a 703.086 4210.474 277.223
9:13 n/a n/a n/a 384.475 1643.109 590.454 n/a n/a n/a 702.581 4209.828 276.441
9:14 n/a n/a n/a 396.746 1590.161 598.82 n/a n/a n/a 703.448 4201.513 277.077
9:15 n/a n/a n/a 404.767 1586.464 592.326 n/a n/a n/a 702.05 4208.554 276.46
9:16 782.074 830.547 254.008 429.699 1622.366 564.407 n/a n/a n/a 703.591 4206.684 276.797
9:17 780.535 722.277 318.386 423.483 1635.352 563.328 n/a n/a n/a 702.521 4208.498 277.307
9:18 814.227 757.179 301.824 416.644 1666.509 589.838 n/a n/a n/a 702.395 4202.946 278.104
9:19 799.792 769.565 261.491 417.868 1637.216 583.502 n/a n/a n/a 702.197 4207.841 276.413
9:20 900.167 819.722 241.72 377.028 1670.048 597.606 n/a n/a n/a 703.141 4204.55 276.961
9:21 920.308 947.738 251.101 349.707 1658.545 594.882 n/a n/a n/a 702.074 4206.774 278.603
9:22 n/a n/a n/a 365.098 1658.871 593.147 n/a n/a n/a 702.818 4209.252 277.724
9:23 n/a n/a n/a 431.603 1640.667 588.899 n/a n/a n/a 702.4 4207.787 275.82
9:24 n/a n/a n/a 421.488 1641.321 585.963 n/a n/a n/a 702.889 4209.741 276.978
9:25 549.128 1192.924 163.741 206.022 1578.323 584.465 n/a n/a n/a 702.35 4207.814 276.448
9:26 447.231 1235.106 150.165 372.393 1611.322 582.347 n/a n/a n/a 702.669 4207.693 274.398
9:27 500.485 1274.017 151.672 469.638 1674.83 514.834 n/a n/a n/a 704.038 4204.883 277.61
9:28 504.908 1251.594 159.699 355.293 1608.199 582.839 n/a n/a n/a 703.083 4208.587 275.572
9:29 514.142 915.307 190.974 147.858 1649.582 508.822 n/a n/a n/a 703.808 4211.532 275.729
9:30 509.542 939.095 316.956 305.62 1602.037 514.733 n/a n/a n/a 702.539 4208.63 276.364
9:31 n/a n/a n/a 360.007 1618.412 504.745 n/a n/a n/a 703.001 4207.938 275.959
9:32 n/a n/a n/a 403.924 1619.589 494.091 n/a n/a n/a 702.452 4202.55 276.015
9:33 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 702.501 4207.148 277.306
13:15 n/a n/a n/a 560.744 1063.999 172.542 n/a n/a n/a 344.411 4869.821 523.398
13:16 n/a n/a n/a 190.383 1528.231 167.597 n/a n/a n/a 345.036 4875.37 521.742
13:17 n/a n/a n/a 286.473 1462.302 172.133 n/a n/a n/a 344.602 4873.888 522.152
13:18 n/a n/a n/a 389.05 1652.843 606.346 295.14 1682.414 645.343 344.821 4869.572 522.805
13:19 n/a n/a n/a 634.217 1582.924 171.569 288.107 1792.578 653.526 345.215 4866.242 522.405
13:20 n/a n/a n/a 519.91 1420.196 172.414 284.033 2042.526 485.576 344.612 4869.078 522.768
13:21 n/a n/a n/a 672.713 1538.241 171.801 283.421 2102.22 318.667 344.851 4866.118 522.335
13:22 n/a n/a n/a 348.918 1485.987 172.706 601.155 2354 213.34 344.8 4863.741 522.799
13:23 1180.016 2612.958 151.804 659.763 2428.466 169.174 263.572 3610.95 210.301 344.157 4866.881 522.676
APPENDIX C2: Positioning data of large scale case study-0630 data set (continued)
time wk2_x wk2_y wk2_z wk3_x wk3_y wk3_z bh1_x bh1_y bh1_z bh2_x bh2_y bh2_z
13:24 n/a n/a n/a 623.522 2842.687 176.222 291.321 3611.154 188.708 345.146 4865.415 521.554
13:25 n/a n/a n/a 620.445 2874.37 169.319 296.088 3586.878 284.476 345.196 4863.491 522.615
13:26 n/a n/a n/a 642.247 2867.12 178.541 294.891 3532.895 447.264 345.646 4862.036 522.141
13:27 1218.038 2315.864 150.516 655.867 2809.166 178.172 293.86 3343.45 614.559 344.661 4868.872 522.217
13:28 497.888 1735.464 149.966 500.571 3122.997 407.045 293.981 3072.818 635.852 345.301 4862.707 522.138
13:29 650.418 1029.08 159.939 1196.907 1116.602 169.021 n/a n/a n/a 345.034 4864.702 521.754
13:30 n/a n/a n/a 1207.157 1127.878 151.45 n/a n/a n/a 345.632 4865.8 523.54
13:31 n/a n/a n/a 91.63 1517.505 169.753 n/a n/a n/a 344.582 4865.821 523.763
13:32 n/a n/a n/a 396.851 1654.738 174.438 n/a n/a n/a 345.136 4865.215 524.493
13:33 n/a n/a n/a 193.936 1640.315 164.722 n/a n/a n/a 345.177 4868.145 524.513
13:34 805.492 1021.286 159.919 175.375 1677.423 85.011 n/a n/a n/a 344.916 4866.253 526.596
13:35 1057.583 979.65 151.985 523.961 1796.233 168.295 n/a n/a n/a 345.169 4868.289 528.647
13:36 n/a n/a n/a 476.182 1904.467 172.841 n/a n/a n/a 345.308 4873.361 527.573
13:37 n/a n/a n/a 481.655 2069.375 168.089 n/a n/a n/a 344.573 4867.747 527.152
13:38 n/a n/a n/a 453.903 1858.553 90.231 n/a n/a n/a 345.222 4863.917 524.754
13:39 439.178 1249.079 159.23 91.704 1730.134 167.435 n/a n/a n/a 344.728 4866.436 525.532
13:40 475.552 3353.051 163.418 100.339 1983.586 170.289 n/a n/a n/a 344.321 4868 525.388
13:41 506.493 3577.609 161.55 84.223 2088.437 166.285 n/a n/a n/a 345.357 4869.558 525.292
13:42 549.222 3021.806 161.41 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 344.52 4868.387 525.229
13:43 491.255 1753.498 161.64 117.951 1972.348 78.06 n/a n/a n/a 344.374 4868.205 525.742
13:44 n/a n/a n/a 104.394 1560.149 172.97 n/a n/a n/a 344.343 4872.897 524.736
13:45 71.459 1823.038 152.716 363.712 1746.318 268.503 n/a n/a n/a 344.193 4873.322 526.008
13:46 332.67 1843.114 160.716 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 344.105 4871.111 526.733
13:47 n/a n/a n/a 239.397 1965.324 169.622 n/a n/a n/a 345.272 4868.136 525.978
13:48 n/a n/a n/a 216.264 1992.039 169.419 n/a n/a n/a 344.543 4865.802 527.564
13:49 353.119 1894.591 160.128 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 344.387 4870.453 526.712
13:50 339.147 2038.465 158.141 344.747 1807.046 167.599 n/a n/a n/a 345.822 4861.099 526.555
13:51 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 344.117 4865.504 527.967
13:52 n/a n/a n/a 636.306 1582.474 170.796 n/a n/a n/a 345.372 4837.573 524.832
13:53 n/a n/a n/a 584.412 1403.811 173.101 n/a n/a n/a 345.649 4838.315 523.943
13:54 351.917 2014.348 220.837 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 345.564 4841.547 523.826
13:55 355.17 2080.812 331.506 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 345.748 4838.68 524.14
13:56 180.833 2103.708 260.823 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 345.954 4837.359 523.048
13:57 163.818 2016.747 340.233 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 345.977 4838.547 524.592
13:58 223.262 1726.638 345.562 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 346.011 4838.396 523.457
13:59 352.051 1710.815 340.891 1031.988 1042.5 161.022 n/a n/a n/a 346.214 4838.756 524.567
14:00 414.12 1774.543 339.75 559.047 925.381 169.165 n/a n/a n/a 346.353 4840.938 523.786
14:01 149.635 1773.665 343.492 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 346.197 4846.018 524.761
14:02 532.522 1711.687 157.397 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 345.659 4847.902 525.892
14:03 185.513 1579.006 126.499 115.336 1464.3 170.248 n/a n/a n/a 345.73 4838.315 523.838
14:04 119.593 1443.665 154.184 81.824 1339.978 168.911 n/a n/a n/a 346.072 4838.09 522.922
14:05 108.155 1448.407 153.606 94.858 1352.53 167.18 n/a n/a n/a 346.08 4842.08 524.745
14:06 96.899 1408.133 151.058 54.221 1300.819 165.719 n/a n/a n/a 346.242 4836.498 523.83
14:07 97.211 1349.914 151.983 65.949 1258.914 167.414 n/a n/a n/a 345.516 4842.058 524.19
14:08 n/a n/a n/a 251.024 1387.527 164.506 n/a n/a n/a 346.446 4836.862 524.131
14:09 563.959 1365.843 156.484 509.32 1412.913 165.832 n/a n/a n/a 346.169 4836.664 524.396
14:10 38.603 1613.107 157.938 59.699 1449.872 168.03 n/a n/a n/a 346.351 4840.728 523.124
14:11 39.851 2176.974 159.89 235.349 1030.737 160.945 n/a n/a n/a 346.308 4839.266 523.062
14:12 563.778 1453.038 157.285 340.522 1220.036 168.414 n/a n/a n/a 345.953 4843.133 524.11
14:13 314.32 1485.015 161.958 149.435 1088.325 129.563 n/a n/a n/a 346.636 4837.342 522.308
14:14 173.016 1501.703 156.173 107.016 1426.005 166.035 n/a n/a n/a 346.029 4846.189 522.495
14:15 489.621 1630.419 157.875 105.737 1467.191 169.856 n/a n/a n/a 383.501 4633.908 580.091
14:16 521.65 1501.159 159.099 135.541 1394.526 166.712 n/a n/a n/a 924.636 4651.833 478.805
14:17 64.171 1514.316 154.222 139.702 1172.121 162.245 n/a n/a n/a 917.949 4772.046 473.261
14:18 97.442 1712.31 116.778 108.647 1273.908 165.183 n/a n/a n/a 763.94 4707.492 475.394
14:19 92.895 2200.966 160.173 403.445 1438.603 148.977 n/a n/a n/a 514.729 4193.672 503.542
14:20 486.271 1489.336 162.744 176.224 1455.609 88.933 n/a n/a n/a 521.847 4179.772 504.37
14:21 463.474 1335.362 161.456 75.895 2074.226 173.871 n/a n/a n/a 515.612 4180.423 504.067
14:22 547.137 1462.196 154.887 85.122 2217.011 118.851 n/a n/a n/a 510.915 3400.206 504.75
14:23 514.458 1118.341 159.831 94.608 2226.463 119.477 n/a n/a n/a 503.664 3151.246 505.71
14:24 64.674 2247.423 154.784 110.065 1541.852 169.039 n/a n/a n/a 510.496 1929.79 506.769
14:25 80.199 2121.903 111.558 35.286 1675.774 171.665 n/a n/a n/a 505.367 1930.291 506.11
14:26 59.551 2014.993 138.749 378.088 1475.105 172.094 n/a n/a n/a 464.369 1912.008 396.716
14:27 n/a n/a n/a 530.281 1051.579 166.393 n/a n/a n/a 456.237 1917.687 394.938
14:28 558.108 2501.335 153.282 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 454.443 1915.33 395.191
14:29 164.038 1508.831 156.476 480.499 1591.61 170.029 n/a n/a n/a 454.794 1915.672 395.351
14:30 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 454.731 1917.284 395.152
APPENDIX C2: Positioning data of large scale case study-0630 data set (continued)
time sh1_x sh1_y sh1_z sh2_x sh2_y sh2_z s1c_x s1c_y s1c_z s2c_x s2c_y s2c_z
7:13 n/a n/a n/a 287.832 1550.172 463.37 n/a n/a n/a 299.111 1485.998 105.711
7:14 n/a n/a n/a 286.496 1566.783 461.895 n/a n/a n/a 292.944 1542.09 99.755
7:15 n/a n/a n/a 286.94 1576.5 461.848 n/a n/a n/a 293.597 1579.581 98.414
7:16 n/a n/a n/a 287.259 1574.279 461.526 n/a n/a n/a 293.685 1571.812 98.339
7:17 n/a n/a n/a 286.889 1576.409 461.53 n/a n/a n/a 294.686 1574.29 98.918
7:18 n/a n/a n/a 579.192 1293.918 429.807 n/a n/a n/a 542.782 1221.436 121.939
7:19 n/a n/a n/a 430.761 1905.943 479.204 n/a n/a n/a 473.967 1822.773 106.759
7:20 n/a n/a n/a 463.709 2001.356 447.637 n/a n/a n/a 523.112 1990.456 119.562
7:21 n/a n/a n/a 77.319 2182.855 435.141 n/a n/a n/a 65.333 2232.339 106.126
7:22 n/a n/a n/a 59.364 2182.145 427.217 n/a n/a n/a 76.385 2178.631 100.716
7:23 n/a n/a n/a 60.183 2179.998 427.675 n/a n/a n/a 94.172 2165.348 95.768
7:24 n/a n/a n/a 59.369 2181.761 427.083 n/a n/a n/a 81.668 2181.513 97.653
7:25 n/a n/a n/a 59.516 2181.838 427.954 n/a n/a n/a 108.089 2372.108 129.071
7:26 n/a n/a n/a 143.094 1948.582 492.191 n/a n/a n/a 91.945 1811.309 113.547
7:27 n/a n/a n/a 280.47 1247.726 408.667 n/a n/a n/a 236.972 1303.006 102.424
7:28 n/a n/a n/a 277.817 1257.761 335.336 n/a n/a n/a 143.672 1110.453 129.95
7:29 n/a n/a n/a 282.513 1925.448 409.564 n/a n/a n/a 156.314 1695.965 159.267
7:30 n/a n/a n/a 298.239 1952.44 391.087 n/a n/a n/a 172.789 1954.18 301.818
7:31 n/a n/a n/a 297.836 1634.39 471.253 n/a n/a n/a 324.767 1645.412 99.919
7:32 n/a n/a n/a 288.415 1623.959 471.101 n/a n/a n/a 285.384 1607.661 98.308
7:33 n/a n/a n/a 290.303 1626.083 471.791 n/a n/a n/a 293.947 1611.955 99.247
7:34 n/a n/a n/a 289.277 1527.992 394.131 n/a n/a n/a 278.275 1511.228 116.945
7:35 n/a n/a n/a 286.71 1720.683 563.44 n/a n/a n/a 159.938 1632.662 118.408
7:36 n/a n/a n/a 601.828 1586.803 484.694 n/a n/a n/a 521.879 1661.662 118.192
7:37 n/a n/a n/a 600.605 1579.792 479.87 n/a n/a n/a 610.032 1563.335 122.015
7:38 n/a n/a n/a 600.132 1580.978 479.897 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:39 n/a n/a n/a 600.844 1580.566 480.015 n/a n/a n/a 600.713 1599.19 111.96
7:40 n/a n/a n/a 601.48 1581.524 479.927 n/a n/a n/a 600.141 1597.292 111.887
7:41 n/a n/a n/a 601.663 1582.359 479.527 n/a n/a n/a 600.074 1595.76 112.597
7:42 n/a n/a n/a 600.951 1581.223 480.625 n/a n/a n/a 598.476 1596.039 116.215
7:43 n/a n/a n/a 600.753 1580.532 480.348 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:44 n/a n/a n/a 600.585 1580.94 479.897 n/a n/a n/a 600.566 1597.285 112.297
7:45 n/a n/a n/a 600.659 1580.329 480.52 n/a n/a n/a 600.766 1597.893 111.858
7:46 n/a n/a n/a 600.52 1580.763 479.946 n/a n/a n/a 600.492 1598.235 111.58
7:47 n/a n/a n/a 600.665 1580.872 479.868 835.851 910.322 297.549 n/a n/a n/a
7:48 n/a n/a n/a 600.693 1581.375 479.574 n/a n/a n/a 600.893 1599.945 111.345
7:49 n/a n/a n/a 600.545 1580.153 479.466 n/a n/a n/a 602.895 1596.298 111.753
7:50 n/a n/a n/a 600.467 1580.6 480.608 n/a n/a n/a 602.485 1594.26 112.563
7:51 n/a n/a n/a 600.297 1580.619 480.223 n/a n/a n/a 600.992 1596.387 112.921
7:52 n/a n/a n/a 600.655 1580.887 479.901 n/a n/a n/a 600.707 1599.726 111.42
7:53 n/a n/a n/a 600.893 1581.281 479.934 n/a n/a n/a 600.957 1599.962 111.634
7:54 n/a n/a n/a 600.671 1581.746 479.329 n/a n/a n/a 600.725 1600.304 111.001
7:55 n/a n/a n/a 600.597 1580.952 480.4 n/a n/a n/a 601.115 1600.211 111.211
7:56 n/a n/a n/a 600.625 1580.658 480.006 n/a n/a n/a 600.756 1600.888 110.798
7:57 n/a n/a n/a 600.515 1580.969 480.059 n/a n/a n/a 600.626 1600.332 111.023
7:58 n/a n/a n/a 600.761 1582.035 480.636 n/a n/a n/a 600.376 1599.197 111.285
7:59 n/a n/a n/a 600.328 1579.502 479.673 820.264 779.997 245.752 600.69 1599.528 111.545
8:00 n/a n/a n/a 600.703 1580.392 479.71 758.538 698.191 337.784 n/a n/a n/a
8:01 702.306 865.798 418.738 600.589 1580.782 480.326 n/a n/a n/a 600.953 1599.921 111.355
8:02 n/a n/a n/a 600.656 1579.878 480.349 624.551 655.593 237.136 n/a n/a n/a
8:03 n/a n/a n/a 600.409 1580.464 480.231 n/a n/a n/a 600.627 1600.293 111.058
8:04 n/a n/a n/a 600.504 1580.195 479.777 n/a n/a n/a 600.764 1599.707 110.525
8:05 n/a n/a n/a 600.873 1580.873 480.551 n/a n/a n/a 601.26 1599.284 111.265
8:06 n/a n/a n/a 600.597 1580.311 480.426 n/a n/a n/a 601.253 1600.135 111.058
8:07 n/a n/a n/a 600.155 1580.619 479.653 n/a n/a n/a 600.671 1600.11 111.044
8:08 n/a n/a n/a 600.418 1580.575 480.543 n/a n/a n/a 600.669 1599.545 111.419
8:09 n/a n/a n/a 600.505 1580.539 479.721 n/a n/a n/a 600.908 1599.726 111.474
8:10 n/a n/a n/a 600.792 1581.283 479.399 n/a n/a n/a 600.817 1600.758 110.799
8:11 n/a n/a n/a 600.497 1580.321 480.525 n/a n/a n/a 600.606 1599.497 111.25
8:12 n/a n/a n/a 571.658 2139.605 208.479 n/a n/a n/a 543.497 2097.104 106.225
8:13 n/a n/a n/a 545.928 1565.445 282.615 n/a n/a n/a 408.401 1418.592 133.876
8:14 n/a n/a n/a 496.663 1383.257 619.559 n/a n/a n/a 443.968 1454.187 109.058
8:15 n/a n/a n/a 502.822 1379.106 640.338 n/a n/a n/a 491.17 1371.755 94.866
8:16 n/a n/a n/a 502.102 1378.797 640.788 n/a n/a n/a 496.535 1374.631 101.4
8:17 n/a n/a n/a 502.335 1379.148 640.677 n/a n/a n/a 496.222 1375.216 99.462
8:18 n/a n/a n/a 502.276 1378.263 639.991 n/a n/a n/a 496.663 1375.017 101.202
8:19 n/a n/a n/a 502.225 1378.446 640.803 n/a n/a n/a 497.121 1374.556 100.738
8:20 n/a n/a n/a 502.049 1378.284 640.83 n/a n/a n/a 496.478 1374.518 100.739
8:21 n/a n/a n/a 502.313 1378.433 640.972 n/a n/a n/a 497.468 1374.713 101.323
8:22 n/a n/a n/a 502.339 1377.585 640.591 n/a n/a n/a 496.598 1374.361 101.007
8:23 n/a n/a n/a 502.29 1377.992 640.689 n/a n/a n/a 497.057 1374.597 101.305
8:24 n/a n/a n/a 370.781 1419.517 640.727 n/a n/a n/a 460.946 1535.214 126.568
8:25 n/a n/a n/a 364.441 1434.43 636.547 n/a n/a n/a 443.652 1601.315 160.788
8:26 587.23 1148.607 636.782 371.855 1629.759 589.891 348.413 1132.848 137.226 316.825 1648 505.292
8:27 131.903 1655.139 664.722 366.652 1965.346 518.138 52.45 1379.195 189.205 363.044 1992.127 102.461
APPENDIX C2: Positioning data of large scale case study-0630 data set (continued)
time sh1_x sh1_y sh1_z sh2_x sh2_y sh2_z s1c_x s1c_y s1c_z s2c_x s2c_y s2c_z
8:28 284.456 1257.85 586.397 367.693 1973.155 518.06 155.278 1242.937 109.874 375.871 1956.244 100.163
8:29 n/a n/a n/a 596.563 2186.783 489.724 n/a n/a n/a 558.901 2145.791 100.701
8:30 n/a n/a n/a 613.113 2179.219 171.213 n/a n/a n/a 601.832 2150.888 98.477
8:31 n/a n/a n/a 610.161 2168.507 261.956 n/a n/a n/a 612.423 2153.175 99.525
8:32 n/a n/a n/a 511.574 3143.578 293.44 n/a n/a n/a 515.447 3145.099 101.648
8:33 n/a n/a n/a 519.331 3158.665 292.292 n/a n/a n/a 517.722 3159.681 97.93
8:34 n/a n/a n/a 516.164 3144.489 293.945 n/a n/a n/a 515.992 3154.966 100.619
8:35 n/a n/a n/a 516.169 3158.244 294.271 n/a n/a n/a 517.801 3146.472 92.823
8:36 n/a n/a n/a 517.1 3147.068 293.465 n/a n/a n/a 518.941 3147.546 100.315
8:37 n/a n/a n/a 656.838 3330.157 299.789 n/a n/a n/a 591.02 3344.379 111.92
8:38 n/a n/a n/a 660.297 3205.453 371.745 n/a n/a n/a 535.564 3287.462 120.304
8:39 n/a n/a n/a 538.063 3077.978 317.489 n/a n/a n/a 521.176 3063.427 108.64
8:40 n/a n/a n/a 541.531 3036.901 235.942 n/a n/a n/a 547.362 3044.551 102.156
8:41 n/a n/a n/a 542.567 3036.233 236.38 n/a n/a n/a 547.272 3038.103 101.91
8:42 n/a n/a n/a 541.905 3039.098 235.238 n/a n/a n/a 546.004 3043.946 101.907
8:43 n/a n/a n/a 543.405 3043.626 234.688 n/a n/a n/a 546.778 3046.051 98.108
8:44 n/a n/a n/a 541.994 3038.492 235.282 n/a n/a n/a 548.548 3030.726 102.959
8:45 125.323 1612.642 666.062 541.697 3033.988 236.442 59.169 1383.331 127.286 547.963 3032.719 104.42
8:46 599.087 1258.233 603.729 541.636 3036.468 236.17 604.028 1058.777 106.892 548.65 3031.258 104.409
8:47 n/a n/a n/a 542.203 3036.647 236.094 n/a n/a n/a 548.107 3022.451 105.891
8:48 n/a n/a n/a 541.893 3037.677 235.935 n/a n/a n/a 548.067 3033.088 104.656
8:49 n/a n/a n/a 541.912 3038.128 235.735 n/a n/a n/a 548.71 3029.154 104.353
8:50 n/a n/a n/a 541.972 3037.833 235.7 n/a n/a n/a 548.745 3029.52 104.693
8:51 n/a n/a n/a 541.789 3038.292 236.263 n/a n/a n/a 548.94 3026.639 103.711
8:52 n/a n/a n/a 541.525 3041.402 234.753 n/a n/a n/a 548.5 3029.5 102.402
8:53 n/a n/a n/a 540.716 3049.757 277.016 n/a n/a n/a 500.676 2996.027 102.58
8:54 n/a n/a n/a 693.746 3350.348 337.737 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:55 n/a n/a n/a 567.489 3373.872 319.528 n/a n/a n/a 512.527 3392.264 102.359
8:56 n/a n/a n/a 586.953 3542.168 305.649 n/a n/a n/a 587.356 3525.528 102.487
8:57 n/a n/a n/a 588.168 3550.212 305.732 n/a n/a n/a 590.255 3549.355 100.967
8:58 n/a n/a n/a 589.625 3550.984 306.093 n/a n/a n/a 594.134 3538.09 101.832
8:59 n/a n/a n/a 642.981 3554.627 353.895 n/a n/a n/a 595.263 3521.01 104.197
9:00 n/a n/a n/a 640.968 3549.949 455.936 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:01 n/a n/a n/a 641.974 3554.185 456.427 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:02 n/a n/a n/a 665.78 3357.049 353.304 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:03 n/a n/a n/a 791.719 3014.156 417.366 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:04 n/a n/a n/a 594.596 3377.047 394.297 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:05 n/a n/a n/a 499.605 3371.257 395.78 n/a n/a n/a 610.771 3378.288 106.441
9:06 n/a n/a n/a 500.844 3376.736 394.992 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:07 n/a n/a n/a 501.039 3375.942 395.08 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:08 n/a n/a n/a 500.576 3375.264 394.929 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:09 606.502 1568.119 647.314 500.285 3379.231 394.793 504.2 1404.656 109.917 n/a n/a n/a
9:10 166.225 1583.875 667.506 500.98 3374.203 395.609 95.171 1337.324 130.499 n/a n/a n/a
9:11 934.076 1108.129 524.221 500.793 3375.432 395.27 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:12 n/a n/a n/a 500.104 3376.559 395.513 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:13 n/a n/a n/a 500.57 3376.748 395.169 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:14 n/a n/a n/a 500.619 3376.475 394.767 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:15 n/a n/a n/a 500.663 3376.361 395.157 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:16 n/a n/a n/a 500.541 3377.052 394.978 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:17 n/a n/a n/a 500.423 3376.512 395.752 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:18 n/a n/a n/a 500.458 3224.582 396.249 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:19 n/a n/a n/a 499.918 3093.545 277.812 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:20 n/a n/a n/a 291.379 3425.053 447.178 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:21 n/a n/a n/a 295.527 3394.809 413.979 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:22 n/a n/a n/a 294.412 3370.854 409.918 n/a n/a n/a 334.698 3185.811 188.548
9:23 n/a n/a n/a 384.923 2171.15 452.387 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:24 n/a n/a n/a 280.484 2032.306 409.299 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:25 583.385 1472.136 504.179 280.813 2024.408 410.64 548.97 1244.301 111.938 n/a n/a n/a
9:26 469.487 1476.149 522.94 281.381 2030.532 411.913 473.205 1269.753 99.622 438.208 1881.116 195.587
9:27 487.256 1474.308 521.774 281.306 2033.001 411.036 523.652 1294.056 95.82 449.264 2141.056 195.638
9:28 380.168 1584.521 629.516 279.201 2026.824 411.236 464.369 1323.265 128.236 470.398 2092.865 194.457
9:29 357.595 937.359 579.76 281.243 2031.701 410.917 472.108 940.321 200.527 424.842 1852.828 194.598
9:30 357.375 924.897 516.155 281.188 2028.803 411.641 445.808 957.142 76.977 n/a n/a n/a
9:31 n/a n/a n/a 281.341 2032.003 426.859 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:32 n/a n/a n/a 279.157 2027.508 427.192 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:33 n/a n/a n/a 278.883 2031.598 426.858 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:15 n/a n/a n/a 536.832 3504.859 345.692 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:16 297.819 1512.53 207.615 537.752 3504.722 345.76 204.547 1500.541 82.013 n/a n/a n/a
13:17 287.921 1522.91 255.972 537.056 3508.621 345.971 273.313 1508.359 102.224 n/a n/a n/a
13:18 288.502 1525.978 292.393 536.953 3506.508 346.054 292.598 1513.08 67.224 n/a n/a n/a
13:19 285.31 1532.626 349.547 537.068 3506.486 345.005 505.539 1657.374 131.302 n/a n/a n/a
13:20 467.676 1431.537 141.248 536.895 3507.264 345.728 494.276 1414.249 69.068 n/a n/a n/a
13:21 538.841 1416.789 235.193 537.062 3506.128 346.184 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:22 569.923 1414.811 236.571 537.171 3505.84 346 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:23 571.275 1420.495 235.775 537.38 3869.332 347.001 n/a n/a n/a 523.59 3887.779 105.622
APPENDIX C2: Positioning data of large scale case study-0630 data set (continued)
time sh1_x sh1_y sh1_z sh2_x sh2_y sh2_z s1c_x s1c_y s1c_z s2c_x s2c_y s2c_z
13:24 568.678 1421.978 234.984 537.696 3868.046 346.123 n/a n/a n/a 523.414 3891.06 105.194
13:25 567.372 1422.903 235.647 537.44 3867.643 347.067 n/a n/a n/a 523.592 3887.584 106.077
13:26 565.812 1422.913 235.264 537.327 3868.288 347.298 n/a n/a n/a 523.652 3886.224 103.062
13:27 567.046 1422.572 235.87 537.639 3868.552 346.903 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:28 566.649 1424.227 234.684 538.018 3865.207 347.087 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:29 567.621 1419.513 235.853 646.123 3966.766 249.417 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:30 566.217 1425.579 234.909 924.958 4123.4 376.123 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:31 566.584 1423.054 235.365 757.191 2641.389 575.912 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:32 567.182 1420.528 235.377 1043.557 2352.229 441.653 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:33 567.552 1421.791 234.608 982.467 2644.551 543.144 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:34 810.892 1000.302 340.422 548.761 3907.386 321.624 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:35 854.081 1023.133 336.797 554.411 3879.725 324.477 n/a n/a n/a 562.288 3852.388 100.177
13:36 n/a n/a n/a 553.673 3875.289 324.763 n/a n/a n/a 556.306 3856.47 106.168
13:37 n/a n/a n/a 554.581 3875.211 324.734 n/a n/a n/a 555.871 3863.978 101.491
13:38 n/a n/a n/a 554.271 3876.764 325.115 n/a n/a n/a 553.539 3869.31 103.862
13:39 560.136 1212.885 245.304 554.957 3874.906 324.141 477.225 1260.606 75.369 556.89 3863.661 105.962
13:40 700.248 3105.134 193.688 554.704 3875.572 324.437 520.241 3360.789 135.718 558.237 3857.842 106.85
13:41 487.947 3497.444 344.563 553.226 3882.632 324.036 505.175 3558.007 84.546 556.957 3859.717 104.602
13:42 564.727 3005.614 371.874 553.788 3877.893 325.027 557.292 3020.128 91.221 553.176 3863.49 102.452
13:43 568.367 2093.082 402.584 651.724 3371.346 408.07 427.585 2113.001 192.424 594.095 3354.909 114.563
13:44 567.279 2104.784 402.083 658.21 3405.924 379.492 427.487 2111.87 192.297 631.709 3412.745 112.558
13:45 566.932 2100.152 401.677 651.782 3570.258 405.621 428.192 2115.043 192.48 583.264 3524.7 104.794
13:46 567.276 2101.571 401.331 625.154 3420.809 425.689 427.703 2113.126 192.592 594.417 3377.148 111.081
13:47 566.902 2102.799 401.206 625.707 3330.227 442.422 427.617 2114.137 192.396 n/a n/a n/a
13:48 567.375 2100.193 401.631 725.082 3358.95 399.265 427.756 2113.96 192.179 n/a n/a n/a
13:49 567.075 2101.914 401.305 941.587 4139.315 339.706 427.508 2114.056 192.049 n/a n/a n/a
13:50 567.826 2100.276 401.255 856.088 3639.262 535.275 428.338 2112.518 192.697 752.732 3896.587 181.946
13:51 567.493 2101.26 401.831 387.979 3408.569 341.796 427.971 2113.907 192.392 164.389 3582.764 170.787
13:52 566.485 2100.571 400.895 641.169 3338.303 440.701 428.19 2111.044 191.795 679.476 3275.29 105.167
13:53 566.68 2099.525 400.432 733.409 3237.884 357.001 428.364 2110.634 191.622 702.206 3255.603 101.906
13:54 566.671 2099.903 400.781 808.768 3344.602 355.872 428.501 2110.147 191.616 809.206 3323.833 109.659
13:55 397.77 2084.436 482.156 502.711 3368.251 350.206 378.276 2039.142 264.28 482.257 3286.152 120.519
13:56 173.74 2080.229 482.083 502.518 3584.205 334.531 175.634 2119.315 191.499 498.451 3586.47 98.455
13:57 154.657 1922.409 559.183 498.963 3585.745 335.35 156.523 1995.856 270.664 497.568 3583.306 98.518
13:58 161.325 1734.914 594.325 498.721 3573.483 334.652 243.942 1720.405 247.324 497.381 3578.006 96.148
13:59 404.045 1734.043 512.775 498.934 3572.011 333.695 358.59 1685.525 239.835 497.033 3576.914 107.94
14:00 295.028 1901.582 447.48 498.774 3572.909 334.973 406.628 1847.842 273.579 498.025 3576.369 93.052
14:01 285.979 1907.393 401.623 498.275 3573.709 334.015 173.158 1744.988 245.298 497.731 3575.785 93.79
14:02 286.506 1911.174 406.659 498.2 3572.324 334.367 484.138 1746.189 129.437 498.673 3584.894 97.967
14:03 286.823 1307.856 390.679 498.431 3572.451 334.617 413.915 1215.062 167.565 498.055 3577.492 94.113
14:04 287.065 1311.019 390.723 498.567 3572.643 334.653 420.822 1227.698 168.278 497.059 3567.318 101.489
14:05 286.614 1312.132 390.303 498.688 3571.949 334.279 414.92 1222.067 167.378 499.091 3591.03 96.63
14:06 287.103 1309.748 390.018 498.251 3570.69 334.782 418.379 1221.526 168.246 499.263 3586.42 91.63
14:07 287.196 1309.026 390.381 498.261 3573.756 335.147 419.44 1221.741 169.003 498.285 3576.806 96.949
14:08 286.349 1309.355 390.178 498.481 3573.365 334.754 396.421 1198.541 167.781 496.567 3568.872 98.951
14:09 286.515 1311.134 390.139 905.749 4094.387 325.598 433.043 1245.312 168.708 958.242 4310.766 165.041
14:10 286.862 1309.997 390.25 921.723 4106.186 431.907 443.72 1268.004 169.069 885.815 4310.984 157.585
14:11 286.386 1310.001 390.659 1027.023 3244.708 514.267 444.652 1270.219 169.522 779.823 3331.844 181.638
14:12 286.852 1310.773 390.2 1038.229 3207.632 435.855 445.026 1270.47 169.692 804.216 3237.948 149.556
14:13 265.639 1230.175 243.069 1031.249 3215.618 434.862 292.425 1454.936 102.574 813.64 3155.493 167.919
14:14 290.75 1385.623 307.1 1032.607 3221.046 434.675 178.465 1499.204 85.566 813.452 3157.115 166.484
14:15 520.768 1730 335.414 1032.344 3219.513 436.098 483.702 1636.774 99.081 814.544 3157.788 168.237
14:16 538.758 1550.42 215.954 1032.162 3219.548 434.745 516.551 1527.679 118.666 809.948 3158.549 152.982
14:17 283.266 1524.891 246.306 1032.203 3220.412 435.254 103.948 1509.872 98.5 813.155 3154.037 167.708
14:18 106.241 1914.374 342.057 1032.162 3222.236 435.561 117.302 1765.111 122.083 813.744 3156.853 167.101
14:19 31.233 2217.352 313.735 1032.241 3221.167 435.673 81.105 2219.438 84.325 813.157 3157.539 168.07
14:20 503.985 1318.483 349.486 718.036 3490.215 534.992 488.398 1455.016 86.902 608.134 3407.635 117.232
14:21 525.819 1313.386 223.434 729.594 3489.702 202.425 479.404 1290.164 76.663 757.593 3484.085 94.537
14:22 643.513 558.608 225.422 540.273 2197.016 178.284 n/a n/a n/a 661.289 2715.154 204.192
14:23 617.652 563.954 227.504 531.345 1577.681 307.171 n/a n/a n/a 536.619 1558.565 100.286
14:24 606.798 565.533 226.369 535.015 1578.196 307.818 n/a n/a n/a 536.871 1558.429 100.787
14:25 626.921 563.865 226.271 535.29 1579.165 306.854 n/a n/a n/a 537.431 1556.754 99.32
14:26 621.89 563.062 226.547 535.04 1579.113 307.179 n/a n/a n/a 537.615 1556.73 100.83
14:27 620.055 563.237 226.387 534.968 1578.995 307.849 n/a n/a n/a 537.75 1555.642 100.467
14:28 620.136 562.832 226.67 535.573 1579.173 307.015 n/a n/a n/a 537.567 1556.805 99.857
14:29 619.367 563.446 226.791 534.753 1578.658 307.403 n/a n/a n/a 536.722 1555.102 99.986
14:30 619.388 564.083 226.196 534.757 1579.256 307.025 n/a n/a n/a 537.233 1557.241 99.799
APPENDIX C3: Positioning data of large scale case study-0702 data set
time rbr_x rbr_y rbr_z con_x con_y con_z m4b_x m4b_y m4b_z m4f_x m4f_y m4f_z
7:06 987.392 1809.315 340.814 n/a n/a n/a 120.554 1510.06 18.574 782.042 2501.726 30.927
7:07 426.27 1701.455 224.5 n/a n/a n/a 120.263 1510.991 18.212 781.672 2502.012 30.798
7:08 417.994 1694.459 127.587 n/a n/a n/a 120.541 1509.971 18.349 782.065 2502.45 31.245
7:09 417.936 1703.857 128.161 n/a n/a n/a 120.46 1510.599 17.837 782.001 2501.813 30.947
7:10 417.729 1703.776 127.838 n/a n/a n/a 120.136 1509.027 18.255 781.91 2501.449 30.99
7:11 418.181 1703.583 127.819 n/a n/a n/a 120.408 1509.596 18.324 781.82 2501.091 30.749
7:12 417.933 1703.87 128.118 n/a n/a n/a 120.164 1510.405 17.81 781.685 2500.917 30.706
7:13 417.877 1703.228 128.207 n/a n/a n/a 120.245 1509.67 18.435 781.731 2501.181 30.722
7:14 417.84 1703.507 128.408 n/a n/a n/a 120.311 1509.444 18.556 781.801 2501.284 30.746
7:15 418.364 1703.725 128.671 n/a n/a n/a 120.364 1510.592 17.754 781.693 2501.41 30.305
7:16 418.005 1703.422 127.692 n/a n/a n/a 120.153 1510.368 17.964 782.091 2503.178 31.024
7:17 417.835 1703.874 126.864 n/a n/a n/a 120.058 1510.011 18.051 781.904 2501.043 30.952
7:18 417.856 1703.425 127.876 n/a n/a n/a 120.008 1509.257 18.542 782.186 2502.698 31.242
7:19 418.134 1703.846 127.867 n/a n/a n/a 120.491 1509.696 18.435 782.145 2502.146 31.282
7:20 417.862 1703.959 128.031 n/a n/a n/a 120.3 1510.376 18.171 781.45 2500.892 30.224
7:21 417.755 1703.465 127.816 n/a n/a n/a 120.111 1510.78 18.363 781.635 2501.494 30.323
7:22 417.994 1703.552 128.346 n/a n/a n/a 120.1 1510.188 17.896 781.74 2500.606 30.546
7:23 418.915 1703.408 127.188 n/a n/a n/a 120.173 1510.119 18.046 781.611 2501.77 30.261
7:24 419.107 1703.022 127.61 n/a n/a n/a 120.477 1510.116 18.175 781.667 2499.916 30.027
7:25 418.699 1703.118 127.559 n/a n/a n/a 120.039 1509.792 18.067 530.1 2098.948 306.246
7:26 418.712 1703.53 127.595 n/a n/a n/a 120.264 1510.274 17.975 405.821 2039.558 195.34
7:27 418.665 1703.391 127.204 n/a n/a n/a 120.215 1509.211 17.993 406.247 2041.674 194.19
7:28 418.697 1702.949 128.047 n/a n/a n/a 120.334 1509.469 18.187 406.665 2041.024 194.185
7:29 419.676 1703.83 127.013 n/a n/a n/a 120.103 1509.375 17.383 405.993 2041.808 192.047
7:30 419.407 1704.991 132.204 n/a n/a n/a 131.04 1700.336 173.414 406.119 2040.433 193.967
7:31 419.713 1706.205 131.736 n/a n/a n/a 130.957 1702.164 172.786 406.024 2041.223 193.213
7:32 419.497 1706.1 132.302 n/a n/a n/a 130.502 1702.4 173.301 406.029 2040.199 193.156
7:33 419.738 1706.881 131.226 n/a n/a n/a 130.908 1702.265 173.205 406.12 2040.797 193.675
7:34 419.86 1707.806 131.313 n/a n/a n/a 130.946 1701.311 173.756 405.83 2040.584 194.091
7:35 419.347 1706.465 131.231 n/a n/a n/a 130.408 1703.294 172.911 405.874 2041.708 193.623
7:36 419.703 1705.212 130.61 n/a n/a n/a 130.713 1701.887 172.957 405.857 2038.377 194.332
7:37 419.712 1706.735 131.184 n/a n/a n/a 130.786 1701.625 173.299 406.019 2040.174 192.997
7:38 419.578 1707.762 130.874 n/a n/a n/a 130.462 1702.699 172.703 405.948 2041.078 193.202
7:39 419.895 1707.001 130.701 n/a n/a n/a 130.791 1702.165 173.216 406.224 2040.891 194.053
7:40 419.584 1706.313 131.841 n/a n/a n/a 130.694 1703.675 172.697 405.793 2039.251 193.512
7:41 419.601 1706.276 131.416 n/a n/a n/a 130.951 1702.093 172.946 405.971 2041.216 192.905
7:42 419.224 1707.056 131.071 n/a n/a n/a 131.127 1701.247 173.624 406.063 2042.276 194.826
7:43 419.923 1710.549 127.818 n/a n/a n/a 130.873 1702.013 173.156 406.204 2040.083 195.585
7:44 419.909 1710.526 128.283 n/a n/a n/a 131.302 1700.325 173.745 406.148 2041.934 194.869
7:45 419.885 1710.431 128.484 n/a n/a n/a 130.942 1701.795 173.017 406.227 2042.001 194.61
7:46 420.096 1711.311 127.635 n/a n/a n/a 130.772 1702.802 172.902 406.082 2040.058 194.242
7:47 419.855 1710.864 128.359 n/a n/a n/a 130.654 1701.807 173.437 406.058 2041.855 194.635
7:48 420.192 1711.234 128.013 n/a n/a n/a 130.808 1701.927 172.775 406.085 2041.61 194.54
7:49 420.191 1710.417 127.5 n/a n/a n/a 130.691 1701.659 172.936 406.256 2042.428 194.375
7:50 420.19 1710.342 128.849 n/a n/a n/a 130.91 1702.012 173.473 406.196 2041.333 194.671
7:51 420.098 1710.786 127.95 n/a n/a n/a 130.697 1701.571 173.226 405.943 2040.764 194.447
7:52 420.379 1711.2 127.795 n/a n/a n/a 130.692 1702.436 173.068 406.16 2040.552 194.779
7:53 420.266 1710.035 127.824 n/a n/a n/a 130.948 1700.91 173.514 405.821 2039.362 194.661
7:54 420.096 1711.254 128.184 n/a n/a n/a 130.711 1701.995 172.796 406.16 2041.759 193.562
7:55 420.019 1710.539 128.373 n/a n/a n/a 130.741 1700.48 173.178 406.153 2040.908 193.817
7:56 420.148 1710.506 128.286 n/a n/a n/a 130.661 1701.84 173.104 406.341 2041.61 194.198
7:57 420.278 1710.312 128.608 n/a n/a n/a 130.819 1701.829 172.908 406.115 2041.499 194.083
7:58 420.178 1710.592 129.494 n/a n/a n/a 130.779 1701.67 173.002 406.051 2042.538 194.324
7:59 420.319 1710.272 128.642 n/a n/a n/a 130.787 1701.183 173.09 406.392 2040.913 194.198
8:00 420.188 1710.452 128.512 n/a n/a n/a 130.769 1701.215 172.891 406.242 2041.763 194.265
8:01 420.336 1710.793 128.575 n/a n/a n/a 130.44 1701.6 172.789 406.129 2042.201 194.014
8:02 420.08 1711.183 128.763 n/a n/a n/a 130.298 1702.494 172.697 406.148 2041.9 193.993
8:03 420.207 1710.302 128.559 n/a n/a n/a 130.731 1701.35 173.056 406.264 2041.294 194.534
8:04 416.94 1705.065 130.078 n/a n/a n/a 130.719 1701.839 172.875 405.991 2039.859 194.471
8:05 420.413 1697.91 131.779 n/a n/a n/a 130.958 1701.222 173.283 405.683 2038.278 194.282
8:06 420.267 1696.804 131.561 n/a n/a n/a 131.074 1700.555 172.614 405.61 2037.845 193.012
8:07 420.557 1697.519 131.155 n/a n/a n/a 130.587 1702.646 172.25 406.037 2042.438 193.914
8:08 420.456 1696.608 132.919 n/a n/a n/a 130.807 1701.277 172.892 406.183 2042.187 194.493
8:09 420.66 1697.425 131.024 n/a n/a n/a 130.66 1702.262 172.935 406.242 2042.658 193.853
8:10 420.568 1697.291 131.526 n/a n/a n/a 130.862 1703.065 172.444 406.243 2041.181 194.647
8:11 420.356 1696.495 133.14 n/a n/a n/a 130.82 1702.976 173.029 406.251 2043.511 193.11
8:12 419.884 1687.415 126.908 n/a n/a n/a 130.764 1685.858 172.449 406.298 2024.891 223.252
8:13 420.202 1644.457 109.072 n/a n/a n/a 132.382 1630.121 148.676 406.553 1913.871 334.285
8:14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.633 1568.604 79.038 407.907 1695.653 398.066
8:15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.757 1552.04 21.292 407.714 1540.757 365.206
8:16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.708 1551.467 21.451 407.956 1539.958 365.426
8:17 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.59 1552.811 21.079 407.209 1538.266 365.51
8:18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.829 1552.433 20.778 407.209 1538.24 366.511
8:19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.864 1551.644 21.207 407.454 1536.776 366.458
8:20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.42 1553.368 20.8 407.239 1537.279 365.041
APPENDIX C3: Positioning data of large scale case study-0702 data set (continued)
time rbr_x rbr_y rbr_z con_x con_y con_z m4b_x m4b_y m4b_z m4f_x m4f_y m4f_z
8:21 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.783 1552.404 21.561 407.056 1537.925 365.993
8:22 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.562 1550.487 22.02 407.288 1537.353 366.068
8:23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.452 1551.895 21.424 407.106 1537.306 365.245
8:24 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.322 1552.323 21.465 408.018 1537.278 365.263
8:25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.762 1551.024 21.844 406.979 1537.685 365.075
8:26 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.306 1553.078 21.081 407.125 1537.324 364.723
8:27 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.463 1552.191 21.656 407.142 1537.47 365.195
8:28 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.699 1551.537 21.553 407.085 1538.517 365.085
8:29 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.453 1552.095 21.366 407.328 1537.348 365.077
8:30 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.527 1552.168 21.327 407.237 1537.029 365.01
8:31 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.651 1552.086 21.724 407.3 1537.269 365.12
8:32 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.504 1551.499 21.561 407.023 1537.817 364.939
8:33 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.613 1551.691 21.904 406.958 1537.96 365.398
8:34 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.581 1551.647 21.773 406.322 1535.427 365.944
8:35 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.257 1553.024 21.301 408.299 1539.484 364.227
8:36 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.676 1552.837 20.392 406.816 1539.244 365.037
8:37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.537 1552.455 21.506 407.638 1538.525 365.149
8:38 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.719 1551.927 21.272 407.164 1538.835 365.156
8:39 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.42 1552.328 21.058 407.354 1538.076 365.286
8:40 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.7 1551.733 21.248 406.897 1538.368 365.282
8:41 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.459 1551.292 21.462 407.023 1537.648 365.807
8:42 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.823 1552 21.067 407.185 1539.173 365.472
8:43 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.871 1552.667 21.015 407.511 1537.916 365.376
8:44 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.804 1551.182 21.371 407.159 1538.393 365.363
8:45 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.468 1552.156 21.2 406.91 1538.427 365.474
8:46 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.403 1552.375 21.086 407.177 1537.977 365.544
8:47 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.508 1551.691 21.397 407.062 1538.119 365.725
8:48 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.797 1551.588 21.451 407.048 1538.328 365.381
8:49 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.753 1552.294 21.155 407.249 1539.475 365.535
8:50 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.704 1551.698 21.407 407.573 1537.72 365.554
8:51 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.621 1552.099 21.566 407.145 1538.915 365.218
8:52 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.727 1551.676 21.568 406.848 1537.647 365.34
8:53 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.602 1552.423 20.985 406.715 1537.898 365.262
8:54 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.647 1553.688 20.276 406.982 1539.026 365.585
8:55 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.592 1551.518 21.956 406.802 1538.219 365.133
8:56 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.483 1551.757 21.678 406.451 1538.616 365.36
8:57 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.701 1552.22 21.477 406.947 1538.044 365.434
8:58 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.438 1550.979 21.739 406.94 1537.009 365.719
8:59 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.614 1552.401 21.098 407.162 1537.691 365.036
9:00 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.114 1552 21.083 406.497 1539.03 365.066
9:01 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.616 1550.278 21.685 406.913 1538.327 365.184
9:02 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.133 1551.523 20.988 406.707 1538.639 365.202
9:03 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.425 1551.489 21.437 406.885 1537.979 365.054
9:04 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.098 1552.828 20.936 407.076 1538.066 365.225
9:05 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.463 1552.659 21.256 406.812 1538.225 365.514
9:06 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.544 1551.331 21.912 406.648 1538.436 365.586
9:07 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.598 1552.386 20.491 407.265 1537.412 365.472
9:08 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.279 1552.183 21.083 406.571 1538.507 365.448
9:09 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.454 1552.331 21.098 406.955 1538.764 365.35
9:10 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.403 1551.67 21.044 406.809 1538.55 365.122
9:11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.699 1551.934 21.412 406.892 1538.214 365.81
9:12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.436 1551.207 21.285 407.347 1537.163 365.615
9:13 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.362 1553.103 20.957 407.196 1538.006 365.28
9:14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.54 1552.352 20.731 406.959 1538.194 365.673
9:15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.017 1552.538 20.974 406.751 1538.408 365.582
9:16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.209 1551.785 21.436 406.803 1537.841 365.397
9:17 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.351 1553.137 20.67 406.879 1537.69 365.559
9:18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.35 1552.611 21.207 407.149 1537.599 365.458
9:19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.608 1553.139 21.033 407.02 1539.424 364.798
9:20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.484 1552.509 20.908 407.097 1537.701 365.395
13:14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.512 1553.375 19.71 406.264 1539.927 364.793
13:15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.003 1552.799 19.59 406.883 1539.338 364.454
13:16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.742 1553.12 19.453 406.637 1539.41 364.893
13:17 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.63 1558.323 29.371 406.528 1568.198 375.916
13:18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.053 1612.41 136.358 407.1 1867.61 358.783
13:19 n/a n/a n/a 420.27 1673.953 126.381 129.978 1676.348 165.759 405.982 1995.699 255.56
13:20 n/a n/a n/a 419.714 1697.614 132.536 130.517 1703.911 170.884 405.995 2037.741 193.573
13:21 n/a n/a n/a 419.909 1697.422 132.456 130.795 1701.068 172.59 405.991 2037.396 193.649
13:22 n/a n/a n/a 419.757 1695.822 132.155 130.727 1701.059 172.523 405.88 2037.114 193.633
13:23 n/a n/a n/a 419.814 1697.158 132.489 130.452 1701.245 172.508 405.642 2036.327 193.84
13:24 n/a n/a n/a 419.609 1696.284 131.568 130.356 1702.828 171.763 406.421 2035.738 193.834
13:25 n/a n/a n/a 418.886 1699.984 133.391 131.448 1705.935 170.541 405.696 2036.339 193.776
13:26 n/a n/a n/a 419.153 1695.07 131.232 130.605 1703.289 171.431 405.812 2037.861 193.102
13:27 n/a n/a n/a 419.118 1696.686 130.494 130.364 1702.864 171.787 405.148 2038.459 192.926
13:28 n/a n/a n/a 419.314 1695.625 131.057 130.703 1703.278 171.61 405.766 2036.921 193.23
APPENDIX C3: Positioning data of large scale case study-0702 data set (continued)
time rbr_x rbr_y rbr_z con_x con_y con_z m4b_x m4b_y m4b_z m4f_x m4f_y m4f_z
13:29 n/a n/a n/a 419.243 1695.531 131.621 130.491 1703.636 171.25 405.724 2037.092 193.345
13:30 n/a n/a n/a 419.151 1696.304 131.384 130.64 1704.156 171.156 405.48 2037.044 193.357
13:31 n/a n/a n/a 418.965 1695.976 131.315 130.553 1702.536 171.735 405.657 2036.951 193.184
13:32 n/a n/a n/a 418.97 1696.314 131.092 130.272 1703.058 171.176 405.101 2038.925 192.861
13:33 n/a n/a n/a 419.169 1696.458 131.219 130.249 1703.183 171.45 405.839 2037.283 193.64
13:34 n/a n/a n/a 419.06 1696.332 131.194 130.544 1702.232 171.375 405.907 2036.981 193.033
13:35 n/a n/a n/a 419.052 1695.679 131.182 130.494 1702.583 171.359 405.381 2037.225 193.161
13:36 n/a n/a n/a 419.079 1696.342 131.391 130.03 1702.99 171.452 405.312 2038.006 192.778
13:37 n/a n/a n/a 418.981 1696.068 131.207 130.178 1702.579 171.243 405.572 2037.111 193.26
13:38 n/a n/a n/a 418.949 1696.043 130.901 130.488 1702.055 171.581 405.425 2037.783 193.026
13:39 n/a n/a n/a 419.154 1695.794 131.252 130.372 1702.097 171.474 405.642 2037.468 193.061
13:40 n/a n/a n/a 419.105 1696.008 131.027 129.793 1703.257 171.683 405.331 2037.678 193.291
13:41 n/a n/a n/a 418.998 1696.123 131.393 130.357 1702.31 171.647 405.272 2038.125 193.339
13:42 n/a n/a n/a 418.939 1696.341 130.943 130.26 1702.694 171.584 405.551 2037.232 192.965
13:43 n/a n/a n/a 419.195 1696.035 130.856 130.518 1701.284 172.25 405.725 2037.277 193.344
13:44 n/a n/a n/a 419.125 1696.27 130.966 130.284 1701.624 172.016 405.66 2036.608 193.111
13:45 n/a n/a n/a 419.112 1695.957 130.873 130.794 1700.685 171.825 405.663 2037.16 193.493
13:46 n/a n/a n/a 418.976 1696.351 130.698 130.661 1700.965 171.971 405.783 2036.611 193.406
13:47 n/a n/a n/a 418.944 1696.005 131.025 130.537 1701.526 171.888 405.222 2037.796 193.146
13:48 n/a n/a n/a 418.908 1696.464 130.432 130.401 1702.173 172.022 405.473 2037.755 192.931
13:49 n/a n/a n/a 418.75 1696.805 130.555 130.414 1702.207 171.492 405.598 2037.372 192.483
13:50 n/a n/a n/a 419.012 1695.866 130.996 129.831 1701.874 172.307 405.605 2035.923 193.239
13:51 n/a n/a n/a 419.065 1696.082 130.512 130.096 1702.105 171.912 405.726 2038.099 193.439
13:52 n/a n/a n/a 419.164 1695.44 130.988 130.232 1701.268 172.223 405.964 2036.957 193.297
13:53 n/a n/a n/a 419.017 1695.687 130.936 129.946 1701.856 171.842 405.566 2037.361 192.937
13:54 n/a n/a n/a 418.877 1695.833 131.173 130.247 1702.252 171.759 405.665 2036.707 193.977
13:55 n/a n/a n/a 419.068 1695.92 130.897 130.272 1701.295 172.105 405.7 2038.122 193.231
13:56 n/a n/a n/a 419.001 1695.677 130.974 130.22 1701.154 172.175 405.327 2036.64 193.798
13:57 n/a n/a n/a 419.198 1695.823 130.586 130.152 1701.591 171.561 405.872 2037.509 193.069
13:58 n/a n/a n/a 419.112 1695.683 130.901 130.146 1702.239 171.548 405.573 2037.704 192.849
13:59 n/a n/a n/a 419.271 1695.466 131.197 130.788 1700.699 172.848 406.081 2038.619 192.444
14:00 n/a n/a n/a 419.514 1695.004 131.728 130.941 1702.471 170.566 398.141 1469.09 190.308
14:01 n/a n/a n/a 419.237 1695.575 131.28 130.448 1702.814 170.628 424.16 1441.952 193.48
14:02 n/a n/a n/a 419.497 1695.769 131.376 130.484 1702.767 170.422 424.183 1431.586 190.551
14:03 n/a n/a n/a 419.141 1695.668 131.697 131.277 1701.583 170.699 331.68 1151.708 190.074
14:04 n/a n/a n/a 418.984 1695.813 131.568 130.679 1701.626 171.062 325.401 1150.302 189.87
14:05 n/a n/a n/a 419.317 1696.128 131.524 130.305 1703.327 170.104 405.173 1357.927 49.332
14:06 n/a n/a n/a 419.415 1695.915 131.385 130.385 1702.105 170.536 405.436 1357.868 48.976
14:07 n/a n/a n/a 419.429 1695.951 131.526 138.904 1667.756 161.473 405.427 1358.07 49.078
14:08 n/a n/a n/a 419.172 1695.752 130.935 128.017 1517.572 18.863 405.482 1358.607 49.324
14:09 n/a n/a n/a 419.161 1696.001 130.704 127.872 1518.056 19.085 405.464 1358.002 49.034
14:10 n/a n/a n/a 419.112 1695.295 130.565 127.94 1517.953 18.848 405.745 1357.152 49.734
14:11 n/a n/a n/a 419.117 1695.815 131.229 127.641 1518.654 18.689 405.537 1358.203 48.869
14:12 n/a n/a n/a 419.002 1695.94 131 127.717 1517.781 18.915 405.171 1357.794 49.045
14:13 n/a n/a n/a 419.067 1695.801 131.553 127.663 1517.644 19.015 405.221 1358.461 49.118
14:14 n/a n/a n/a 419.088 1696.508 131.071 127.633 1518.059 18.956 405.242 1358.617 49.168
14:15 n/a n/a n/a 419.187 1695.789 131.343 127.909 1517.582 18.852 405.357 1358.545 49.26
14:16 n/a n/a n/a 419.02 1696.051 131.75 127.642 1518.172 18.602 405.258 1358.839 49.412
14:17 n/a n/a n/a 419.017 1696.048 131.63 127.421 1518.433 18.042 405.161 1358.235 49.652
14:18 n/a n/a n/a 419.006 1695.885 132.08 127.824 1517.865 19.036 405.502 1358.446 49.241
14:19 n/a n/a n/a 419.027 1696.305 131.737 127.745 1517.965 18.913 405.176 1358.037 49.375
14:20 n/a n/a n/a 419.089 1695.861 131.554 127.54 1518.055 18.759 405.415 1359.49 48.736
14:21 n/a n/a n/a 419.12 1695.001 131.438 128.063 1517.147 19.248 405.146 1357.975 49.144
14:22 n/a n/a n/a 419.197 1696.003 131.463 127.581 1518.224 18.889 405.194 1359.004 49.237
14:23 n/a n/a n/a 419.142 1695.605 131.407 127.783 1517.401 19.202 404.966 1357.749 49.572
APPENDIX C3: Positioning data of large scale case study-0702 data set (continued)
time m4l_x m4l_y m4l_z m4r_x m4r_y m4r_z wk1_x wk1_y wk1_z
7:06 13.388 2433.157 139.037 601.707 1098.938 137.885 539.332 1725.771 167.4
7:07 12.969 2434.854 138.553 601.975 1099.156 137.924 186.556 1668.677 182.909
7:08 13.071 2435.641 138.89 602.159 1099.065 137.566 126.231 1693.326 153.918
7:09 12.984 2435.584 137.846 601.69 1099.528 137.795 80.855 1746.622 163.831
7:10 13.294 2433.367 138.682 601.44 1099.673 137.121 479.7 2119.436 165.775
7:11 13.321 2432.029 139.105 601.8 1099.26 137.545 355.626 1674.135 167.866
7:12 13.098 2434.137 138.479 601.628 1099.485 137.505 222.801 1689.598 126.287
7:13 13.506 2432.187 139.026 601.834 1099.355 137.309 652.301 2312.536 164.976
7:14 13.337 2434.219 138.52 601.915 1098.99 137.55 505.03 1318.05 166.175
7:15 13.221 2435.173 138.549 564.437 1108.335 138.758 595.946 1069.326 161.465
7:16 13.174 2435.005 138.523 439.404 1703.964 172.159 453.361 1736.56 125.046
7:17 13.119 2434.415 138.747 444.9 1710.469 171.833 483.197 1831.867 107.102
7:18 13.45 2434.885 138.553 444.867 1710.235 172.157 87.531 2221.081 167.389
7:19 13.646 2433.883 138.954 445.052 1710.784 172.015 195.943 2145.683 170.5
7:20 13.596 2433.731 139.149 444.751 1710.653 171.773 100.596 2237.751 164.702
7:21 13.417 2434.379 139.02 444.866 1711.37 171.712 58.076 1959.916 162.161
7:22 84.247 2154.555 212.088 444.843 1711.957 171.422 41.136 2112.505 168.719
7:23 129.193 2121.449 174.871 444.757 1710.907 172.014 54.568 2060.245 164.653
7:24 129.874 2119.722 175.179 444.91 1710.161 171.955 540.61 2122.195 165.699
7:25 129.763 2121.366 174.526 444.13 1710.818 171.639 383.897 1601.167 193.903
7:26 129.516 2120.005 175.277 444.223 1711.014 171.046 174.563 1833.836 259.139
7:27 129.536 2120.171 174.852 443.935 1712.271 170.509 n/a n/a n/a
7:28 130.011 2119.144 174.961 443.976 1712.092 170.854 n/a n/a n/a
7:29 129.495 2121.328 174.523 443.63 1712.233 173.172 220.723 2024.119 164.12
7:30 129.557 2119.188 175.568 444.311 1710.801 171.244 n/a n/a n/a
7:31 129.662 2119.149 175.137 444.295 1709.396 170.804 336.643 2034.095 162.381
7:32 129.536 2122.279 174.865 443.962 1711.212 170.832 n/a n/a n/a
7:33 129.452 2121.658 174.625 444.081 1710.824 170.923 n/a n/a n/a
7:34 129.585 2121.398 174.903 443.885 1711.326 170.774 n/a n/a n/a
7:35 129.824 2120.334 175.605 444.059 1710.498 170.756 n/a n/a n/a
7:36 130.235 2118.499 175.98 444.31 1710.265 171.209 n/a n/a n/a
7:37 130.204 2122.432 175.658 444.355 1711.177 173.026 380.541 1764.747 228.651
7:38 129.919 2120.359 175.886 443.656 1710.638 170.976 86.234 2129.391 165.106
7:39 130.399 2122.45 175.332 444.208 1711.814 171.264 112.088 1998.679 106.744
7:40 130.414 2121.102 175.839 443.839 1710.999 170.74 109.045 1757.672 119.054
7:41 130.446 2121.396 175.968 443.964 1710.863 170.815 86.727 1936.655 168.709
7:42 130.658 2118.933 176.026 443.825 1710.788 170.682 112.16 1871.866 168.942
7:43 130.713 2119.946 176.862 444.024 1710.391 170.949 123.043 1734.34 87.031
7:44 130.785 2119.05 176.431 443.865 1709.981 171.102 120.35 1971.117 124.238
7:45 130.979 2118.417 176.197 444.184 1709.564 170.802 101.171 2117.545 167.78
7:46 130.691 2121.632 175.233 444.467 1711.972 169.833 93.483 2086.492 166.792
7:47 130.556 2119.361 176.457 443.759 1710.615 170.818 n/a n/a n/a
7:48 130.762 2121.651 175.972 444.183 1710.719 170.249 n/a n/a n/a
7:49 130.878 2121.777 176.044 444.15 1711.048 170.758 n/a n/a n/a
7:50 130.833 2120.932 175.896 444.065 1710.497 170.653 80.864 1935.375 166.007
7:51 131.071 2122.534 175.854 444.109 1710.961 170.282 n/a n/a n/a
7:52 130.852 2120.845 176.625 444.297 1711.218 171.248 368.454 1814.847 172.964
7:53 130.783 2121.919 176.409 444.16 1711.227 170.557 n/a n/a n/a
7:54 130.601 2120.766 176.255 443.813 1710.888 170.935 224.008 1933.288 165.472
7:55 130.832 2119.255 175.778 443.819 1710.047 170.591 n/a n/a n/a
7:56 131.118 2119.028 176.037 443.929 1710.489 170.867 n/a n/a n/a
7:57 131.058 2120.541 176.217 443.885 1709.871 170.909 n/a n/a n/a
7:58 130.966 2120.718 176.137 443.747 1711.566 170.579 298.273 1641.41 163.521
7:59 131.335 2121.074 176.113 444.17 1710.379 171.508 387.72 1690.305 95.674
8:00 131.18 2120.53 176.271 444.002 1711.016 170.764 n/a n/a n/a
8:01 130.588 2121.713 175.803 444.072 1710.828 170.792 304.74 1670.526 161.334
8:02 130.853 2121.508 176.077 444.004 1711.367 170.767 136.205 1656.646 164.908
8:03 131.056 2120.929 175.959 444.102 1710.259 170.704 136.946 1681.176 116.748
8:04 130.882 2120.191 176.25 443.974 1711.117 171.149 426.988 1672.601 134.648
8:05 130.926 2121.588 176.552 444.249 1711.57 171.361 n/a n/a n/a
8:06 130.426 2119.888 176.035 443.534 1711.244 170.318 492.445 2546.702 166.67
8:07 130.794 2121.332 176.032 444.101 1710.847 170.535 562.694 2450.097 165.979
8:08 130.891 2121.889 176.263 444.196 1711.478 171.128 545.05 1713.313 163.53
8:09 130.86 2121.581 175.661 444.357 1711.241 171.065 718.484 4601.607 168.836
8:10 131.393 2120.604 175.938 443.981 1710.994 171.356 523.273 3660.107 165.977
8:11 130.89 2121.021 176.009 444.184 1711.494 170.965 n/a n/a n/a
8:12 131.302 2098.047 214.741 444.007 1696.794 170.461 78.988 1775.841 163.86
8:13 131.723 1996.653 358.872 443.422 1636.596 149.6 468.517 2132.995 168.537
8:14 131.932 1756.592 462.589 443.002 1576.389 88.023 527.121 2129.07 166.302
8:15 131.295 1564.619 441.089 442.311 1560.857 27.311 506.922 1626.036 294.583
8:16 131.419 1563.865 441.161 442.423 1560.143 27.415 351.476 1611.58 592.976
8:17 130.986 1565.229 441.161 442.459 1561.538 26.992 322.677 1624.433 590.629
8:18 131.13 1565.671 440.687 442.507 1561.269 26.928 451.066 1838.803 165.771
8:19 131.365 1564.272 440.538 441.972 1562.334 27.322 521.003 2329.205 165.382
8:20 131.093 1564.944 440.822 442.256 1561.134 26.898 524.951 2617.166 164.147
APPENDIX C3: Positioning data of large scale case study-0702 data set (continued)
time m4l_x m4l_y m4l_z m4r_x m4r_y m4r_z wk1_x wk1_y wk1_z
8:21 130.753 1563.679 441.056 442.604 1561.316 27.354 n/a n/a n/a
8:22 130.785 1564.09 441.032 442.41 1560.216 27.69 1300.884 1791.507 159.119
8:23 130.461 1565.43 440.592 442.586 1561.252 26.854 1269.253 1837.885 161.87
8:24 130.899 1564.338 441.253 442.617 1561.186 26.292 564.935 3122.422 159.94
8:25 130.872 1564.361 441.267 442.235 1561.707 26.513 595.95 3151.676 163.395
8:26 130.669 1565.752 441.23 442.267 1561.98 27.148 655.076 3375.164 122.821
8:27 130.941 1564.994 441.307 442.32 1561.351 27.352 681.531 3313.655 163.181
8:28 131.024 1564.878 441.193 441.288 1563.935 26.412 566.693 3228.105 164.46
8:29 130.854 1564.415 441.041 442.367 1562.331 26.502 656.126 3200.282 167.026
8:30 130.774 1563.441 441.152 442.289 1561.965 26.61 719.586 3284.904 160.127
8:31 131.039 1564.609 441.02 442.369 1561.912 26.973 604.431 3306.863 121.07
8:32 130.581 1565.81 441.1 442.174 1561.641 27.502 587.472 3434.687 167.143
8:33 130.838 1564.367 440.482 442.436 1561.085 26.621 628.772 3503.268 91.298
8:34 130.751 1563.56 441.14 442.236 1561.834 26.841 675.603 3462.33 86.208
8:35 130.302 1565.645 441.238 442.231 1562.218 26.728 727.203 3256.825 165.506
8:36 130.923 1565.158 440.164 442.607 1561.843 26.5 593.553 3398.576 94.765
8:37 130.971 1564.671 440.932 442.297 1561.937 27.013 86.139 2893.159 165.48
8:38 131.228 1565.532 440.516 442.515 1561.874 27.42 444.282 3289.148 149.085
8:39 130.643 1565.778 441.015 442.347 1562.451 26.269 633.541 3303.425 156.934
8:40 130.792 1565.817 441.083 442.089 1562.774 26.777 572.488 3527.956 158.3
8:41 130.743 1565.57 440.573 442.094 1561.091 27.069 776.487 3407.735 121.004
8:42 130.871 1565.686 441.329 442.367 1561.724 26.562 517.98 3351.837 153.465
8:43 130.834 1565.969 441.292 442.581 1561.681 26.108 620.055 3346.189 143.61
8:44 130.954 1564.661 441.058 442.474 1561.379 26.786 741.597 3316.075 159.27
8:45 131.008 1565.426 441.402 442.445 1561.99 26.947 476.384 3468.246 161.19
8:46 130.794 1566.27 441.328 442.147 1562.345 26.243 561.19 3134.194 163.473
8:47 130.682 1566.008 441.214 442.149 1561.779 26.752 n/a n/a n/a
8:48 130.806 1563.832 441.418 442.309 1561.222 26.952 655.084 3490.816 162.239
8:49 130.948 1565.28 441.474 442.647 1561.548 26.102 603.197 3562.507 163.789
8:50 130.753 1564.629 441.454 442.297 1562.135 26.734 616.627 3563.961 159.157
8:51 130.532 1565.896 441.22 442.37 1562.281 26.848 682.646 3324.378 146.243
8:52 130.881 1564.796 441.226 441.995 1561.376 27.471 659.832 3131.145 158.75
8:53 130.301 1565.031 440.288 442.077 1562.415 26.514 568.904 3287.62 166.763
8:54 129.761 1567.478 440.016 441.899 1562.717 26.805 610.383 3327.748 165.141
8:55 130.493 1565.268 440.965 441.982 1562.201 26.663 653.863 3450.333 160.165
8:56 130.926 1564.577 440.409 442.143 1561.741 26.996 736.934 3275.375 162.505
8:57 130.688 1566.251 440.454 442.313 1561.151 27.054 623.022 3470.648 157.591
8:58 130.94 1564.482 440.832 441.894 1561.783 27.724 625.898 3497.352 87.293
8:59 130.792 1564.517 440.82 442.374 1562.041 26.372 758.654 3249.552 162.386
9:00 130.354 1565.906 440.93 441.997 1561.585 26.429 755.597 3262.482 104.813
9:01 130.553 1564.987 440.603 441.955 1561.287 27.584 492.444 3024.649 167.642
9:02 130.613 1565.663 440.378 442.02 1561.257 27.209 1272.246 1804.336 158.395
9:03 130.541 1565.023 440.899 441.923 1561.976 26.727 951.668 1814.491 163.288
9:04 130.63 1565.602 441.076 442.289 1561.456 26.757 528.626 3094.084 166.121
9:05 130.696 1564.92 441.478 442.179 1562.689 27.556 563.207 3102.772 166.767
9:06 130.353 1564.131 440.882 442.043 1562.317 27.851 629.126 3251.938 165.028
9:07 130.803 1564.786 440.494 442.213 1562.316 26.437 492.14 1983.841 161.397
9:08 130.326 1564.262 441.282 441.865 1562.226 27.18 418.491 1219.97 332.109
9:09 130.131 1565.855 440.939 442.053 1562.457 27.486 221.508 1007.281 348.759
9:10 130.28 1565.944 440.514 441.937 1561.588 27.489 527.728 1435.001 162.374
9:11 130.563 1564.715 440.837 442.035 1561.4 27.424 75.82 2098.799 164.714
9:12 130.715 1565 440.669 441.9 1561.219 27.327 427.815 2187.836 164.15
9:13 130.12 1564.869 440.754 442.044 1563.529 26.43 309.801 1988.444 135.33
9:14 130.35 1565.611 440.181 442.448 1562.262 26.891 499.05 2263.699 163.743
9:15 130.26 1566.571 440.832 441.745 1562.394 26.985 504.984 1974.482 163.561
9:16 130.285 1565.384 440.78 441.683 1562.196 27.081 162.09 1800.514 108.056
9:17 130.315 1565.41 440.598 442.15 1563.335 26.518 332.36 2248.538 169.778
9:18 131.186 1564.014 441.322 441.983 1562.187 27.043 342.283 1966.334 166.133
9:19 131.084 1565.953 441.329 442.39 1562.371 26.795 307.661 1798.921 165.491
9:20 130.981 1564.47 441.304 441.982 1562.424 27.279 440.629 2306.921 149.659
13:14 130.086 1566.716 439.794 442.257 1560.636 27.578 786.267 1996.957 163.015
13:15 129.981 1567 440.072 441.974 1561.199 27.704 783.106 1954.57 156.134
13:16 130.087 1566.353 439.803 442.191 1561.873 28.034 736.424 2087.761 163.029
13:17 131.429 1596.907 447.623 444.146 1556.45 40.361 504.204 1709.268 162.143
13:18 128.923 1957.871 398.373 443.113 1620.907 141.722 471.544 2274.12 167.489
13:19 132.093 2083.468 260.437 442.736 1680.922 167.136 469.508 2276.042 167.139
13:20 130.788 2117.779 173.115 444.265 1708.947 171.562 n/a n/a n/a
13:21 130.586 2118.133 173.88 444.298 1708.877 170.938 341.402 1508.021 163.254
13:22 131.098 2119.763 173.763 444.437 1708.399 171.852 n/a n/a n/a
13:23 130.896 2120.701 173.08 444.456 1708.391 171.654 471.41 1493.92 162.583
13:24 130.959 2119.77 173.875 443.465 1710.728 170.705 487.237 1494.296 165.476
13:25 130.899 2119.598 174.849 443.498 1709.549 169.287 n/a n/a n/a
13:26 131.158 2118.933 173.939 444.078 1708.786 171.09 554.252 1579.659 161.967
13:27 131.106 2118.751 174.405 444.079 1709.211 171.366 513.273 1678.499 163.127
13:28 131.105 2119.08 174.001 444.324 1708.982 170.917 505.47 2811.718 162.853
APPENDIX C3: Positioning data of large scale case study-0702 data set (continued)
time m4l_x m4l_y m4l_z m4r_x m4r_y m4r_z wk1_x wk1_y wk1_z
13:29 130.832 2120.329 174.131 443.951 1709.463 171.666 513.906 3698.914 164.695
13:30 130.667 2120.004 173.602 444.207 1709.834 171.412 550.294 3452.124 166.216
13:31 131.783 2120.153 174.542 444.031 1708.314 171.025 625.94 3434.554 160.997
13:32 130.832 2118.276 174.3 444.091 1708.621 171.252 535.473 3519.1 167.677
13:33 130.878 2120.015 173.618 444.27 1708.802 171.533 602.095 3424.653 164.07
13:34 130.743 2119.73 173.48 444.136 1708.945 171.644 571.461 3392.24 168.465
13:35 130.571 2119.549 172.826 444.078 1709.323 171.209 601.668 3271.118 167.233
13:36 130.472 2120.459 173.006 443.958 1709.603 171.538 713.721 3243.699 164.303
13:37 130.663 2119.411 172.678 444.009 1708.899 171.126 742.72 3444.34 167.643
13:38 130.399 2119.957 173.387 443.714 1710.082 170.538 568.321 3144.387 167.177
13:39 130.674 2119.026 173.634 444.505 1709.858 170.905 663.829 3275.663 97.875
13:40 130.55 2119.386 173.269 444.162 1709.862 170.95 571.274 3417.575 154.941
13:41 130.607 2118.637 174.327 443.916 1711.06 170.806 613.356 3170.156 170.009
13:42 130.786 2118.268 173.371 444.222 1709.801 170.954 766.971 3292.584 165.006
13:43 130.569 2119.259 172.589 444.448 1710.187 170.775 569.232 3386.816 156.509
13:44 130.767 2119.945 173.203 444.106 1709.563 170.668 523.655 3683.347 167.02
13:45 130.685 2119.596 173.609 443.967 1709.536 170.816 563.235 2774.616 165.598
13:46 130.675 2119.752 172.739 443.999 1709.887 170.374 1259.333 1765.137 155.84
13:47 130.423 2119.063 172.988 444.155 1708.942 171.094 594.011 2436.932 162.509
13:48 130.537 2120.586 173.184 444.176 1709.161 171.007 537.574 3797.363 166.622
13:49 130.373 2119.632 172.845 444.248 1710.954 171.074 1041.731 4816.053 160.609
13:50 130.768 2117.946 173.854 444.265 1708.791 171.51 1016.3 4715.701 161.457
13:51 130.853 2119.13 173.648 444.208 1710.376 170.792 1162.281 5058.805 158.223
13:52 130.669 2118.555 173.476 444.167 1709.974 171.143 n/a n/a n/a
13:53 130.622 2118.88 173.44 444.214 1709.837 170.967 n/a n/a n/a
13:54 130.808 2118.299 173.45 444.168 1710.559 170.594 n/a n/a n/a
13:55 130.551 2119.641 173.027 444.453 1709.836 170.373 1102.352 5059.948 161.765
13:56 130.744 2118.329 173.475 444.579 1709.606 170.437 n/a n/a n/a
13:57 130.683 2118.584 173.696 444.606 1709.177 170.704 n/a n/a n/a
13:58 130.528 2119.457 173.263 444.588 1710.461 170.422 n/a n/a n/a
13:59 130.807 2117.309 173.81 444.666 1709.864 171.416 n/a n/a n/a
14:00 130.691 2117.413 173.768 444.355 1709.99 171.136 n/a n/a n/a
14:01 130.683 2119.555 173.563 444.508 1710.525 170.232 n/a n/a n/a
14:02 130.763 2117.802 173.454 444.62 1709.506 170.967 n/a n/a n/a
14:03 130.675 2118.145 173.423 444.394 1710.563 171.209 n/a n/a n/a
14:04 130.903 2117.781 173.61 444.378 1709.066 171.239 n/a n/a n/a
14:05 130.473 2118.252 173.246 444.372 1709.582 171.238 n/a n/a n/a
14:06 130.726 2119.061 173.307 444.62 1709.551 171.011 1097.5 4965.874 169.055
14:07 130.576 2117.181 173.823 444.469 1709.889 170.992 1146.281 5209.141 160.823
14:08 130.656 2118.032 173.873 444.53 1709.727 171.076 804.099 4852.037 168.416
14:09 71.494 2388.227 190.372 444.393 1709.541 170.592 1067.381 4822.358 161.141
14:10 6.701 2408.44 137.782 536.724 1480.874 162.134 798.859 4848.093 167.162
14:11 7.086 2407.696 138.251 604.181 1110.449 137.106 n/a n/a n/a
14:12 6.336 2405.561 137.529 603.775 1110.613 136.808 n/a n/a n/a
14:13 7.052 2406.736 137.828 604.146 1110.499 137.029 n/a n/a n/a
14:14 6.438 2407.899 137.519 604.07 1110.781 136.814 n/a n/a n/a
14:15 6.743 2406.76 137.494 604.307 1109.826 136.972 n/a n/a n/a
14:16 6.597 2407.939 137.717 604.11 1110.576 136.972 n/a n/a n/a
14:17 6.038 2408.606 137.42 603.963 1110.293 136.924 n/a n/a n/a
14:18 6.614 2409.776 137.265 604.484 1110.188 137.021 n/a n/a n/a
14:19 7.056 2407.23 138.634 604.118 1110.984 137 n/a n/a n/a
14:20 6.761 2410.478 137.285 603.929 1111.447 136.759 n/a n/a n/a
14:21 6.709 2407.789 137.835 604.294 1109.61 136.999 n/a n/a n/a
14:22 6.585 2408.747 137.476 604.098 1110.46 137.161 n/a n/a n/a
14:23 6.874 2407.694 137.88 604.264 1111.034 136.967 n/a n/a n/a
APPENDIX C3: Positioning data of large scale case study-0702 data set (continued)
time wk2_x wk2_y wk2_z wk3_x wk3_y wk3_z bh1_x bh1_y bh1_z bh2_x bh2_y bh2_z
7:06 404.967 1964.034 251.549 341.12 2253.32 172.966 n/a n/a n/a 929.733 4469.793 488.811
7:07 266.298 1678.034 152.952 254.052 2155.402 171.102 n/a n/a n/a 929.383 4467.344 490.571
7:08 392.856 1627.727 185.702 546.906 1687.897 168.715 n/a n/a n/a 929.649 4469.363 490.138
7:09 457.549 2056.904 123.172 315.864 1857.154 163.062 n/a n/a n/a 930.523 4472.302 489.206
7:10 469.869 2037.353 151.382 352.445 2036.491 168.01 n/a n/a n/a 930.77 4469.381 489.832
7:11 445.342 1947.887 124.041 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 931.154 4470.959 489.455
7:12 458.567 1886.017 154.91 360.872 1900.304 166.631 n/a n/a n/a 930.21 4468.686 490.349
7:13 451.743 1846.98 112.215 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 931.029 4470.472 490.206
7:14 451.202 1721.426 144.291 363.123 1764.18 171.902 n/a n/a n/a 931.511 4472.482 489.179
7:15 346 1677.464 143.149 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 931.164 4475.077 489.767
7:16 130.302 1744.981 109.115 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 929.765 4465.417 491.378
7:17 114.913 1851.54 153.503 209.502 1813.256 167.953 n/a n/a n/a 931.416 4473.126 490.599
7:18 133.115 1906.135 162.82 199.205 1879.089 165.705 n/a n/a n/a 931.033 4469.325 491.173
7:19 133.352 1998.863 99.734 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 930.75 4471.65 491.512
7:20 134.483 2080.141 105.223 215.253 1987.5 165.346 n/a n/a n/a 931.197 4472.769 491.509
7:21 116.703 2063.958 158.376 193.994 2049.685 130.564 n/a n/a n/a 930.744 4474.277 492.675
7:22 40.954 1685.149 158.725 281.597 1769.498 235.839 n/a n/a n/a 932.42 4480.844 491.733
7:23 88.462 1919.144 160.065 78.132 2213.865 169.486 n/a n/a n/a 932.02 4477.027 489.95
7:24 82.119 2216.697 158.813 483.227 2086.899 167.195 n/a n/a n/a 930.298 4474.337 492.078
7:25 n/a n/a n/a 610.479 1572.552 166.446 n/a n/a n/a 931.738 4470.617 490.844
7:26 70.176 2103.838 144.666 408.421 2012.392 266.591 n/a n/a n/a 931.513 4475.718 490.56
7:27 n/a n/a n/a 449.808 2083.431 339.678 n/a n/a n/a 931.455 4476.683 491.285
7:28 99.199 1689.945 155.206 194.377 1736.707 346.731 n/a n/a n/a 929.966 4469.635 490.211
7:29 n/a n/a n/a 427.051 1476.193 165.135 n/a n/a n/a 930.572 4467.334 489.71
7:30 144.649 1623.024 144.279 447.481 1640.647 170.781 n/a n/a n/a 931.319 4474.568 489.965
7:31 n/a n/a n/a 459.408 1949.022 160.999 n/a n/a n/a 929.64 4468.111 491.342
7:32 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 930.014 4469.507 489.077
7:33 n/a n/a n/a 111.615 1850.2 160.068 n/a n/a n/a 929.922 4467.212 490.778
7:34 n/a n/a n/a 515.251 1754.528 169.979 n/a n/a n/a 930.576 4472.688 492.446
7:35 n/a n/a n/a 137.862 1672.075 118.61 n/a n/a n/a 931.525 4479.449 488.632
7:36 n/a n/a n/a 491.331 1907.892 168.717 n/a n/a n/a 930.74 4476.218 490.014
7:37 n/a n/a n/a 478.199 2034.753 114.323 n/a n/a n/a 931.837 4479.598 488.951
7:38 n/a n/a n/a 483.6 1840.273 158.205 n/a n/a n/a 930.759 4473.372 489.414
7:39 n/a n/a n/a 495.516 1981.381 167.724 n/a n/a n/a 931.601 4473.608 489.8
7:40 n/a n/a n/a 487.442 2115.208 92.304 n/a n/a n/a 930.117 4468.14 489.49
7:41 n/a n/a n/a 468.137 1797.892 97.233 n/a n/a n/a 932.287 4482.363 490.417
7:42 n/a n/a n/a 418.651 1626.813 179.857 n/a n/a n/a 931.316 4484.046 489.005
7:43 n/a n/a n/a 489.105 2102.063 168.821 n/a n/a n/a 929.947 4474.999 488.975
7:44 n/a n/a n/a 553.591 1742.538 172.048 n/a n/a n/a 930.682 4477.775 490.046
7:45 n/a n/a n/a 1185.312 1109.317 163.44 n/a n/a n/a 930.663 4477.629 490.192
7:46 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 931.201 4475.501 489.351
7:47 803.256 739.286 324.788 588.12 1001.068 171.349 n/a n/a n/a 931.322 4479.687 488.658
7:48 824.566 753.953 324.776 578.935 807.429 162.255 n/a n/a n/a 931.386 4477.379 489.093
7:49 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 930.752 4478.261 489.953
7:50 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 930.27 4474.772 491.3
7:51 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 929.468 4471.516 490.865
7:52 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 930.649 4476.921 491.618
7:53 1268.383 1422.912 153.421 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 931.44 4482.636 490.01
7:54 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 930.74 4478.047 491.145
7:55 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 929.779 4473.06 491.208
7:56 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 931.405 4478.666 490.317
7:57 n/a n/a n/a 929.75 875.545 329.959 n/a n/a n/a 930.366 4476.661 490.806
7:58 n/a n/a n/a 921.88 865.345 330.863 n/a n/a n/a 930.665 4474.612 489.605
7:59 n/a n/a n/a 900.927 929.673 333.48 n/a n/a n/a 930.006 4474.457 490.979
8:00 n/a n/a n/a 911.419 943.974 317.699 n/a n/a n/a 930.501 4472.286 490.45
8:01 n/a n/a n/a 875.54 915.502 331.431 n/a n/a n/a 929.741 4467.49 490.212
8:02 n/a n/a n/a 823.363 931.797 325.347 n/a n/a n/a 931.549 4478.398 489.835
8:03 778.108 730.419 327.606 773.449 924.903 334.524 n/a n/a n/a 931.031 4475.898 489.696
8:04 767.877 869.865 323.237 794.765 935.209 342.932 n/a n/a n/a 930.989 4478.146 489.494
8:05 656.566 809.004 332.861 829.402 832.193 328.076 n/a n/a n/a 930.417 4475.605 491.193
8:06 n/a n/a n/a 723.302 915.202 327.942 n/a n/a n/a 931.625 4488.967 489.989
8:07 n/a n/a n/a 786.129 926.821 338.983 n/a n/a n/a 925.056 4806.625 367.934
8:08 n/a n/a n/a 707.981 950.899 307.629 n/a n/a n/a 922.929 4796.35 303.443
8:09 n/a n/a n/a 835.021 946.159 320.816 n/a n/a n/a 939.857 4913.739 190.048
8:10 446.449 1434.732 163.636 710.589 919.997 341.643 n/a n/a n/a 487.027 3571.02 193.141
8:11 473.354 1216.265 159.915 687.619 811.417 326.637 n/a n/a n/a 281.821 2133.929 185.314
8:12 n/a n/a n/a 690.958 894.877 333.526 n/a n/a n/a 286.085 2106.61 279.312
8:13 n/a n/a n/a 700.782 758.148 339.733 n/a n/a n/a 288.115 2049.499 446.017
8:14 n/a n/a n/a 663.09 711.699 345.177 n/a n/a n/a 287.247 1824.296 616.192
8:15 n/a n/a n/a 688.104 755.523 328.724 n/a n/a n/a 282.094 1586.893 570.234
8:16 n/a n/a n/a 680.835 662.392 323.657 n/a n/a n/a 726.02 2283.356 561.419
8:17 n/a n/a n/a 667.904 657.268 335.296 n/a n/a n/a 710.014 2530.83 559.854
8:18 n/a n/a n/a 653.419 571.961 323.569 n/a n/a n/a 723.392 2712.061 559.148
8:19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 720.225 4270.777 511.842
8:20 305.923 1628.639 584.695 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 720.384 4268.383 345.218
APPENDIX C3: Positioning data of large scale case study-0702 data set (continued)
time wk2_x wk2_y wk2_z wk3_x wk3_y wk3_z bh1_x bh1_y bh1_z bh2_x bh2_y bh2_z
8:21 339.827 1642.807 586.91 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 730.008 4326.242 262.668
8:22 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 730.842 4331.187 261.588
8:23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 720.749 4338.873 261.164
8:24 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 716.949 4337.403 259.979
8:25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 715.046 4343.306 260.67
8:26 775.754 748.66 322.222 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 713.858 4341.083 262.029
8:27 784.796 835.573 251.357 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 714.817 4339.466 259.71
8:28 826.112 826.753 260.003 558.335 721.749 160.845 n/a n/a n/a 715.273 4339.901 259.521
8:29 870.748 786.646 245.197 537.893 845.122 155.235 n/a n/a n/a 715.319 4337.138 260.046
8:30 778.936 751.161 254.513 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 715.186 4338.354 260.3
8:31 768.351 725.428 247.605 384.453 1622.934 597.946 n/a n/a n/a 715.329 4344.817 261.382
8:32 n/a n/a n/a 381.154 1630.616 601.333 n/a n/a n/a 715.07 4343.304 261.022
8:33 n/a n/a n/a 327.688 1628.521 596.094 n/a n/a n/a 714.546 4343.974 260.316
8:34 n/a n/a n/a 399.843 1703.421 518.556 n/a n/a n/a 714.246 4339.813 262.044
8:35 32.148 1299.593 155.079 252.379 1620.404 597.135 n/a n/a n/a 713.592 4335.399 263.648
8:36 n/a n/a n/a 191.984 1610.165 589.8 n/a n/a n/a 713.874 4337.844 261.626
8:37 n/a n/a n/a 212.88 1635.767 598.81 n/a n/a n/a 714.601 4339.538 261.16
8:38 n/a n/a n/a 175.138 1612.995 594.922 n/a n/a n/a 714.427 4334.084 260.768
8:39 687.021 890.573 242.224 208.907 1578.36 603.766 n/a n/a n/a 715.252 4340.859 261.155
8:40 903.417 920.405 238.558 230.12 1627.324 596.853 n/a n/a n/a 714.132 4335.119 260.324
8:41 n/a n/a n/a 191.871 1643.259 604.194 n/a n/a n/a 714.944 4341.843 258.374
8:42 n/a n/a n/a 143.783 1617.133 534.242 n/a n/a n/a 714.458 4338.878 260.11
8:43 n/a n/a n/a 190.439 1634.333 600.656 n/a n/a n/a 714.675 4339.139 260.808
8:44 n/a n/a n/a 205.263 1623.401 598.5 n/a n/a n/a 714.872 4347.027 263.087
8:45 n/a n/a n/a 180.266 1640.381 592.986 n/a n/a n/a 714.197 4340.987 261.087
8:46 n/a n/a n/a 208.569 1584.967 601.707 n/a n/a n/a 713.873 4338.971 262.524
8:47 n/a n/a n/a 376.185 1615.458 599.545 n/a n/a n/a 714.828 4336.998 261.262
8:48 n/a n/a n/a 370.399 1600.723 600.456 n/a n/a n/a 714.68 4342.756 261.588
8:49 n/a n/a n/a 377.712 1596.745 601.656 n/a n/a n/a 714.265 4338.636 260.625
8:50 n/a n/a n/a 370.052 1592.88 601.99 n/a n/a n/a 713.548 4341.275 260.611
8:51 n/a n/a n/a 371.532 1588.819 602.659 n/a n/a n/a 714.392 4338.337 261.367
8:52 n/a n/a n/a 366.375 1607.455 600.948 n/a n/a n/a 715.471 4336.953 262.144
8:53 508.569 1323.121 154.038 319.014 1619.533 598.952 n/a n/a n/a 715.663 4348.845 260.839
8:54 97.829 1417.622 155.804 322.813 1604.946 596.999 n/a n/a n/a 714.873 4338.846 261.855
8:55 n/a n/a n/a 358.946 1632.557 596.677 n/a n/a n/a 715.745 4340.486 260.56
8:56 n/a n/a n/a 380.518 1616.172 585.152 n/a n/a n/a 714.998 4338.993 261.397
8:57 659.248 569.585 247.341 394.698 1621.56 599.019 n/a n/a n/a 714.938 4336.706 260.875
8:58 701.221 630.331 245.62 426.763 1583.302 552.07 n/a n/a n/a 715.776 4339.284 262.405
8:59 644.447 567.731 267.314 400.643 1575.478 591.814 n/a n/a n/a 715.055 4336.863 262.293
9:00 n/a n/a n/a 435.565 1604.835 529.051 n/a n/a n/a 716.098 4340.264 261.419
9:01 n/a n/a n/a 443.942 1627.351 546.229 n/a n/a n/a 715.534 4338.418 262.162
9:02 n/a n/a n/a 425.191 1638.509 555.291 n/a n/a n/a 715.473 4341.896 262.135
9:03 n/a n/a n/a 449.805 1651.708 539.689 n/a n/a n/a 715.586 4345.351 261.313
9:04 n/a n/a n/a 430.679 1673.507 545.924 n/a n/a n/a 715.683 4340.637 260.063
9:05 n/a n/a n/a 448.693 1676.566 529.073 n/a n/a n/a 715.598 4342.295 262.291
9:06 n/a n/a n/a 360.215 1624.844 583.524 n/a n/a n/a 715.62 4339.864 262.168
9:07 n/a n/a n/a 415.511 1618.115 595.53 n/a n/a n/a 715.972 4341.521 260.372
9:08 n/a n/a n/a 424.592 1594.602 588.013 n/a n/a n/a 715.495 4340.263 260.244
9:09 n/a n/a n/a 375.924 1650.246 595.012 n/a n/a n/a 715.719 4341.316 261.1
9:10 n/a n/a n/a 206.596 1610.443 590.145 n/a n/a n/a 716.388 4342.813 261.941
9:11 513.292 1058.652 157.074 314.057 1651.644 590.984 n/a n/a n/a 716.376 4341.893 261.825
9:12 n/a n/a n/a 381.193 1628.174 593.314 n/a n/a n/a 716.193 4342.726 259.951
9:13 n/a n/a n/a 442.156 1626.883 538.994 n/a n/a n/a 716.708 4343.965 262.122
9:14 545.833 1389.797 153.765 367.196 1612.667 593.544 n/a n/a n/a 714.396 4336.412 259.779
9:15 n/a n/a n/a 351.777 1616.254 591.286 n/a n/a n/a 715.938 4345.203 259.898
9:16 n/a n/a n/a 167.141 1685.762 509.265 n/a n/a n/a 716.074 4334.357 260.209
9:17 485.423 1211.974 156.022 234.64 1660.987 512.471 n/a n/a n/a 715.733 4337.433 260.089
9:18 492.641 1349.941 155.4 413.221 1617.057 524.508 n/a n/a n/a 715.711 4342.456 260.62
9:19 473.4 1342.975 156.994 417.337 1651.765 505.07 n/a n/a n/a 715.139 4338.705 261.751
9:20 501.019 1324.633 157.023 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 715.05 4347.228 261.519
13:14 n/a n/a n/a 289.291 1692.779 554.958 n/a n/a n/a 518.414 3321.868 512.045
13:15 n/a n/a n/a 462.619 1631.573 480.806 253.601 1682.852 617.821 518.39 3322.078 511.109
13:16 n/a n/a n/a 644.569 1518.222 164.46 255.208 1678.55 622.078 519.006 3325.018 510.289
13:17 n/a n/a n/a 670.965 1486.074 168.66 287.186 1767.115 659.548 518.721 3323.568 510.424
13:18 n/a n/a n/a 480.574 1481.623 165.238 285.691 2031.466 493.441 518.379 3324.293 510.405
13:19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 284.108 2105.068 324.979 518.274 3326.858 511.011
13:20 n/a n/a n/a 85.174 1494.453 169.016 293.831 2133.332 193.595 518.492 3325.895 510.362
13:21 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 297.4 1424.697 193.019 518.762 3329.449 511.388
13:22 n/a n/a n/a 604.839 666.201 166.962 292.835 1396.307 317.8 518.563 3327.642 510.977
13:23 689.93 1027.911 159.638 n/a n/a n/a 293.739 1312.598 482.815 518.525 3327.557 510.57
13:24 942.459 1015.84 155.902 520.785 886.961 164.497 n/a n/a n/a 518.473 3326.625 510.462
13:25 634.642 999.423 157.903 381.931 1616.729 184.321 295.441 1224.58 687.104 518.867 3328.875 508.65
13:26 n/a n/a n/a 470.664 1657.102 172.354 n/a n/a n/a 518.579 3327.276 511.796
13:27 n/a n/a n/a 307.464 1646.627 169.433 n/a n/a n/a 518.906 3326.488 511.135
13:28 n/a n/a n/a 133.435 1687.356 100.016 n/a n/a n/a 517.802 3478.172 511.322
APPENDIX C3: Positioning data of large scale case study-0702 data set (continued)
time wk2_x wk2_y wk2_z wk3_x wk3_y wk3_z bh1_x bh1_y bh1_z bh2_x bh2_y bh2_z
13:29 n/a n/a n/a 316.89 1679.489 86.13 n/a n/a n/a 519.815 4052.967 511.956
13:30 n/a n/a n/a 74.967 1815.682 165.835 n/a n/a n/a 526.988 4059.005 511.792
13:31 n/a n/a n/a 81.279 1988.79 167.427 n/a n/a n/a 518.175 4066.774 511.413
13:32 n/a n/a n/a 89.147 2101.345 172.007 n/a n/a n/a 517.304 4066.008 511.217
13:33 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 520.036 4057.951 511.467
13:34 n/a n/a n/a 117.758 1942.071 90.043 n/a n/a n/a 518.539 4062.253 510.694
13:35 n/a n/a n/a 103.885 1541.479 168.677 n/a n/a n/a 518.92 4062.62 511.397
13:36 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 518.759 4061.338 511.662
13:37 n/a n/a n/a 30.977 1590.204 170.358 n/a n/a n/a 518.82 4063.461 509.992
13:38 621.908 1018.538 157.898 481.315 1833.7 167.433 n/a n/a n/a 518.825 4060.762 511.465
13:39 1015.543 1025.916 152.315 492.117 2103.557 167.279 n/a n/a n/a 518.216 4066.548 510.141
13:40 770.905 1135.662 155.044 461.356 2030.646 89.451 n/a n/a n/a 518.216 4061.847 510.43
13:41 n/a n/a n/a 452.006 1808.637 88.051 n/a n/a n/a 518.905 4065.473 511.601
13:42 624.448 1035.184 156.259 85.947 1988.826 166.988 n/a n/a n/a 518.808 4065.48 512.75
13:43 611.752 2034.669 151.587 473.415 1944.354 89.704 n/a n/a n/a 518.566 4065.214 511.147
13:44 101.705 1505.505 152.812 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 519.042 4065.003 510.607
13:45 n/a n/a n/a 350.006 1973.676 163.631 n/a n/a n/a 518.391 4065.075 510.204
13:46 n/a n/a n/a 343.834 2052.343 167.829 n/a n/a n/a 518.314 4062.992 510.301
13:47 333.497 1785.516 173.527 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 518.7 4062.39 512.177
13:48 218.366 2062.882 153.135 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 519.53 4066.752 511.293
13:49 n/a n/a n/a 219.709 2045.074 163.925 n/a n/a n/a 944.958 4665.288 505.751
13:50 n/a n/a n/a 247.73 1874.368 161.579 n/a n/a n/a 954.398 4660.822 507.744
13:51 n/a n/a n/a 521.214 1651.321 167.042 n/a n/a n/a 962.126 4669.263 508.29
13:52 297.582 1936.532 155.72 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 961.772 4661.116 507.485
13:53 421.35 2074.943 339.294 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 962.609 4667.303 506.968
13:54 374.775 2096.128 334.559 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 962.031 4661.721 506.356
13:55 220.882 2096.501 278.089 964.795 1149.015 157.97 n/a n/a n/a 963.337 4668.04 507.133
13:56 203.985 1735.564 337.569 631.191 1101.04 164.062 n/a n/a n/a 962.892 4664.502 508.914
13:57 376.973 1734.785 342.716 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 963.186 4666.657 508.696
13:58 429.951 1904.864 338.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 963.224 4668.659 508.659
13:59 304.16 1723.234 346.081 904.058 1057.419 162.766 n/a n/a n/a 962.834 4665.223 508.026
14:00 448.883 1541.587 159.757 43.454 1597.186 163.314 n/a n/a n/a 963.9 4671.286 507.586
14:01 354.261 1213.329 159.692 231.867 1354.42 168.111 n/a n/a n/a 964.479 4672.363 508.418
14:02 501.39 1342.284 156.022 412.272 1064.643 159.338 n/a n/a n/a 964.443 4667.946 507.536
14:03 96.661 1809.954 92.666 292.813 1199.798 144.644 n/a n/a n/a 964.315 4669.007 507.973
14:04 55.02 2182.881 159.031 559.408 1082.668 164.095 n/a n/a n/a 963.818 4667.363 508.99
14:05 170.867 1105.457 109.874 489.085 1297.716 168.107 n/a n/a n/a 963.421 4662.523 507.44
14:06 568.185 2038.499 152.877 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 963.335 4666.557 507.984
14:07 110.007 1589.354 154.834 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 963.233 4664.831 508.134
14:08 98.754 1378.981 153.631 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 963.638 4663.088 508.037
14:09 111.431 2242.87 126.43 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 963.729 4670.523 508.501
14:10 534.613 1909.94 152.888 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 962.236 4663.411 509.346
14:11 478.866 1221.283 157.304 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 963.41 4670.082 508.331
14:12 532.2 1292.481 97.641 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 963.594 4665.97 508.521
14:13 254.436 1661.834 111.151 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 962.715 4661.215 508.05
14:14 40.908 2388.538 87.71 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 963.549 4669.146 509.235
14:15 70.309 2115.234 160.529 740.798 1031.224 169.77 n/a n/a n/a 963.354 4667.197 508.636
14:16 455.331 1987.705 99.81 533.106 1533.151 166.666 n/a n/a n/a 963.377 4664.682 508.235
14:17 -1.611 1580.638 154.038 518.939 1139.905 169.927 n/a n/a n/a 963.105 4657.999 509.644
14:18 92.21 2103.312 101.443 670.201 2378.194 168.842 n/a n/a n/a 962.865 4668.579 508.909
14:19 76.27 2318.176 160.037 512.479 2009.322 168.643 n/a n/a n/a 963.42 4665.157 509.027
14:20 n/a n/a n/a 517.73 3519.401 168.235 n/a n/a n/a 965.843 4314.63 525.383
14:21 n/a n/a n/a 716.179 2300.946 166.438 n/a n/a n/a 544.738 2240.087 499.988
14:22 n/a n/a n/a 534.198 1932.556 158.774 n/a n/a n/a 469.214 1919.545 497.172
14:23 n/a n/a n/a 1178.016 1112.957 171.797 n/a n/a n/a 457.95 1904.259 408.085
APPENDIX C3: Positioning data of large scale case study-0702 data set (continued)
time sh1_x sh1_y sh1_z sh2_x sh2_y sh2_z s1c_x s1c_y s1c_z s2c_x s2c_y s2c_z
7:06 553.823 798.106 211.911 781.899 1939.832 569.19 n/a n/a n/a 680.251 1824.711 127.075
7:07 554.535 797.869 211.932 294.008 1906.608 453.654 n/a n/a n/a 234.739 1660.053 156.58
7:08 554.107 798.176 211.699 289.745 1910.944 337.971 n/a n/a n/a 291.875 1703.112 129.161
7:09 553.921 798.211 211.816 228.065 1769.702 455.146 n/a n/a n/a 112.689 1719.696 119.065
7:10 554.183 798.076 211.529 233.232 1604.584 455.66 n/a n/a n/a 228.262 1604.209 134.579
7:11 554.309 797.49 211.648 234.546 1602.581 455.76 n/a n/a n/a 243.142 1593.459 136.125
7:12 553.839 798.229 211.579 234.296 1602.68 454.921 n/a n/a n/a 241.877 1594.93 135.985
7:13 553.879 798.684 211.572 234.214 1603.332 454.857 n/a n/a n/a 244.096 1592.87 136.235
7:14 554.269 797.938 211.941 573.757 1307.067 428.839 n/a n/a n/a 538.653 1292.979 103.268
7:15 554.271 798.296 211.292 544.218 1308.565 452.395 n/a n/a n/a 597.123 1124.51 122.882
7:16 554.205 798.575 211.597 435.598 1913.132 480.23 n/a n/a n/a 457.653 1886.869 121.187
7:17 554.067 798.292 211.265 448.896 1912.064 463.207 n/a n/a n/a 456.912 1882.25 110.051
7:18 553.964 798.493 211.408 77.616 2200.993 413.879 n/a n/a n/a 62.162 2270.536 112.235
7:19 554.476 798.345 211.78 52.517 2206.157 428.209 n/a n/a n/a 68.217 2178.95 103.76
7:20 554.039 798.469 211.481 51.648 2207.459 428.529 n/a n/a n/a 84.571 2228.95 105.591
7:21 553.691 798.657 211.797 51.289 2208.615 427.453 n/a n/a n/a 84.209 2185.087 99.832
7:22 554.487 798.257 211.426 77.546 1951.972 488.547 n/a n/a n/a 42.792 2072.683 122.081
7:23 554.119 798.215 211.503 134.832 2077.979 468.775 n/a n/a n/a 102.45 2033.067 131.519
7:24 554.387 797.899 211.756 667.534 2398.912 253.339 n/a n/a n/a 580.445 2178.38 145.76
7:25 554.303 798.425 211.129 461.285 1925.367 508.607 n/a n/a n/a 398.191 1662.264 168.873
7:26 554.313 798.165 211.225 285.765 1921.605 374.436 n/a n/a n/a 165.267 1838.89 190.38
7:27 553.99 797.821 211.704 295.005 1611.718 483.754 n/a n/a n/a 315.724 1570.078 145.011
7:28 554.129 798.574 211.442 294.145 1614.63 482.993 n/a n/a n/a 303.374 1604.008 133.295
7:29 554.577 798.707 211.322 293.564 1551.003 412.135 n/a n/a n/a 389.157 1420.06 182.32
7:30 554.553 798.151 211.068 287.851 1694.791 575.903 n/a n/a n/a 189.577 1651.298 118.789
7:31 554.371 798.349 210.861 633.106 1696.332 526.589 n/a n/a n/a 634.391 1700.362 119.714
7:32 554.239 798.614 211.395 633.878 1696.98 526.091 n/a n/a n/a 631.959 1702.99 118.849
7:33 n/a n/a n/a 632.486 1696.057 526.369 n/a n/a n/a 622.944 1699.154 104.304
7:34 n/a n/a n/a 632.407 1694.711 526.455 n/a n/a n/a 623.398 1699.436 99.384
7:35 n/a n/a n/a 632.845 1697.956 526.731 n/a n/a n/a 624.433 1700.894 98.683
7:36 n/a n/a n/a 632.767 1696.242 526.228 n/a n/a n/a 624.75 1699.617 98.274
7:37 n/a n/a n/a 632.929 1698.313 525.873 n/a n/a n/a 624.727 1701.811 99.636
7:38 n/a n/a n/a 632.77 1697.107 526.972 n/a n/a n/a 624.477 1700.295 99.166
7:39 n/a n/a n/a 633.116 1696.971 526.657 n/a n/a n/a 625.15 1700.348 98.876
7:40 n/a n/a n/a 632.605 1697.035 526.565 n/a n/a n/a 624.384 1701.463 99.518
7:41 n/a n/a n/a 633.028 1696.944 525.866 n/a n/a n/a 624.461 1701.964 97.867
7:42 n/a n/a n/a 632.728 1697.024 526.232 n/a n/a n/a 624.361 1699.653 98.691
7:43 n/a n/a n/a 633.225 1696.869 526.291 n/a n/a n/a 625.235 1699.716 99.528
7:44 n/a n/a n/a 633.052 1696.546 526.462 n/a n/a n/a 624.547 1701.193 98.683
7:45 n/a n/a n/a 632.78 1696.582 526.529 n/a n/a n/a 625.114 1700.13 99.313
7:46 n/a n/a n/a 633.075 1696.253 526.236 n/a n/a n/a 625.419 1702.9 97.887
7:47 n/a n/a n/a 633.058 1696.239 526.051 779.502 786.713 232.65 624.194 1700.855 98.591
7:48 n/a n/a n/a 632.959 1695.787 526.035 805.138 752.887 226.532 625.374 1700.414 98.873
7:49 n/a n/a n/a 633.441 1696.04 526.426 n/a n/a n/a 623.594 1703.496 97.702
7:50 n/a n/a n/a 632.794 1696.721 526.527 n/a n/a n/a 624.921 1701.202 99.005
7:51 n/a n/a n/a 633.094 1696.806 526.659 n/a n/a n/a 625.165 1700.099 98.989
7:52 n/a n/a n/a 633.431 1696.795 525.952 n/a n/a n/a 625.129 1700.249 99.254
7:53 n/a n/a n/a 633.522 1696.927 525.892 n/a n/a n/a 624.347 1701.948 98.982
7:54 n/a n/a n/a 633.071 1696.403 526.5 n/a n/a n/a 625.375 1701.123 99.463
7:55 n/a n/a n/a 633.191 1697.559 526.89 n/a n/a n/a 625.5 1700.035 99.281
7:56 n/a n/a n/a 633.074 1697.169 526.19 n/a n/a n/a 625.4 1700.455 99.273
7:57 n/a n/a n/a 633.067 1695.439 526.365 n/a n/a n/a 624.834 1700.586 99.798
7:58 n/a n/a n/a 633.083 1697.643 526.34 n/a n/a n/a 625.093 1700.795 99.372
7:59 n/a n/a n/a 633.262 1696.782 526.536 n/a n/a n/a 625.163 1699.84 99.424
8:00 n/a n/a n/a 632.884 1696.463 526.621 n/a n/a n/a 625.116 1701.847 98.929
8:01 n/a n/a n/a 632.975 1696.899 526.449 n/a n/a n/a 625.669 1700.707 99.308
8:02 n/a n/a n/a 632.896 1697.174 526.849 n/a n/a n/a 623.984 1703.36 98.93
8:03 n/a n/a n/a 633.386 1696.654 526.529 804.35 717.442 251.437 624.979 1699.257 99.598
8:04 873.806 846.175 417.725 633.225 1697.732 526.501 788.282 806.836 311.468 624.768 1700.6 100.122
8:05 687.334 928.679 419.08 633.205 1696.68 525.993 701.469 819.174 255.493 625.801 1700.074 97.844
8:06 n/a n/a n/a 631.394 2406.721 451.275 n/a n/a n/a 553.01 2514.057 121.69
8:07 n/a n/a n/a 625.923 2442.349 150.081 n/a n/a n/a 557.703 2490.658 134.964
8:08 n/a n/a n/a 611.782 1602.038 240.108 n/a n/a n/a 544.321 1656.535 129.745
8:09 n/a n/a n/a 558.249 1428.95 284.075 n/a n/a n/a 576.498 1420.994 101.715
8:10 n/a n/a n/a 559.322 1350.358 352.854 n/a n/a n/a 546.046 1379.721 115.35
8:11 n/a n/a n/a 561.184 1337.346 558.465 n/a n/a n/a 509.341 1255.269 111.437
8:12 n/a n/a n/a 561.886 1329.761 619.62 n/a n/a n/a 562.982 1302.357 130.497
8:13 n/a n/a n/a 562.017 1330.414 619.44 n/a n/a n/a 569.745 1306.209 134.181
8:14 n/a n/a n/a 561.661 1330.32 620.048 n/a n/a n/a 568.216 1301.879 129.132
8:15 n/a n/a n/a 372.821 1481.18 620.008 n/a n/a n/a 447.409 1593.715 131.756
8:16 n/a n/a n/a 374.962 1481.478 620.104 n/a n/a n/a 448.618 1590.416 133.205
8:17 n/a n/a n/a 388.77 1629.682 564.41 n/a n/a n/a 314.705 1585.05 499.127
8:18 n/a n/a n/a 376.711 1981.657 519.304 n/a n/a n/a 429.538 1798.822 94.206
8:19 n/a n/a n/a 634.563 2311.059 265.571 n/a n/a n/a 562.433 2356.102 92.451
8:20 192.987 1602.815 661.437 627.791 2672.778 283.867 260.216 1636.73 574.675 564.66 2668.694 103.257
APPENDIX C3: Positioning data of large scale case study-0702 data set (continued)
time sh1_x sh1_y sh1_z sh2_x sh2_y sh2_z s1c_x s1c_y s1c_z s2c_x s2c_y s2c_z
8:21 483.155 1302.609 644.511 498.826 3265.483 284.6 354.168 1597.866 504.635 494.592 3217.064 99.739
8:22 n/a n/a n/a 504.256 3299.603 281.52 n/a n/a n/a 505.894 3233.801 97.772
8:23 n/a n/a n/a 502.202 3283.437 282.284 n/a n/a n/a 511.424 3247.862 96.553
8:24 n/a n/a n/a 507.278 3256.897 284.565 n/a n/a n/a 510.199 3244.932 98.932
8:25 n/a n/a n/a 506.973 3263.002 284.294 n/a n/a n/a 508.156 3250.478 97.368
8:26 n/a n/a n/a 506.806 3259.313 284.185 n/a n/a n/a 509.653 3244.212 98.458
8:27 n/a n/a n/a 636.505 3416.328 313.86 n/a n/a n/a 724.17 3338.052 124.312
8:28 n/a n/a n/a 707.521 3189.585 366.358 n/a n/a n/a 594.477 3178.87 117.002
8:29 n/a n/a n/a 699.259 3171.311 185.387 n/a n/a n/a 689.788 3191.038 105.562
8:30 n/a n/a n/a 620.147 3184.317 290.151 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:31 n/a n/a n/a 622.259 3198.15 289.312 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:32 n/a n/a n/a 622.837 3205.914 289.074 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:33 n/a n/a n/a 622.737 3208.28 288.625 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:34 568.752 1381.108 545.897 622.501 3199.863 288.537 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:35 133.195 1617.837 663.419 623.816 3199.399 290.754 60.208 1356.674 139.104 n/a n/a n/a
8:36 593.29 981.683 630.771 623.517 3196.931 289.572 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:37 n/a n/a n/a 624.247 3197.703 289.94 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:38 n/a n/a n/a 624.326 3194.653 289.408 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:39 n/a n/a n/a 623.875 3196.715 289.803 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:40 n/a n/a n/a 624.972 3192.473 289.826 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:41 n/a n/a n/a 623.448 3201.761 289.65 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:42 n/a n/a n/a 623.287 3201.561 288.319 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:43 n/a n/a n/a 624.175 3192.619 290.669 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:44 n/a n/a n/a 800.883 3339.724 324.072 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:45 n/a n/a n/a 465.718 3400.341 316.492 n/a n/a n/a 433.967 3421.896 106.168
8:46 n/a n/a n/a 635.402 3599.673 298.46 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:47 n/a n/a n/a 638.078 3602.662 298.334 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:48 n/a n/a n/a 638.363 3605.499 298.422 n/a n/a n/a 631.509 3593.092 105.474
8:49 n/a n/a n/a 626.614 3574.459 451.475 n/a n/a n/a 618.296 3537.049 79.095
8:50 n/a n/a n/a 623.385 3573.308 450.911 n/a n/a n/a 648.309 3716.332 89.55
8:51 n/a n/a n/a 663.994 3379.978 361.108 n/a n/a n/a 648.417 3715.759 90.003
8:52 n/a n/a n/a 717.758 3087.547 368.658 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:53 604.838 1574.427 658.013 664.988 3376.267 364.112 518.092 1374.783 109.086 600.799 3316.107 124.888
8:54 175.08 1410.287 672.205 444.142 3336.35 367.744 100.162 1364.052 114.301 436.022 3346.072 103.787
8:55 n/a n/a n/a 442.126 3323.408 367.893 n/a n/a n/a 439.962 3350.569 99.795
8:56 n/a n/a n/a 444.118 3326.23 367.679 n/a n/a n/a 439.424 3345.076 98.873
8:57 n/a n/a n/a 443.991 3327.565 368.049 n/a n/a n/a 440.298 3355.589 97.199
8:58 n/a n/a n/a 443.743 3330.43 368.374 n/a n/a n/a 439.341 3349.413 100.463
8:59 n/a n/a n/a 443.888 3329.411 368.359 n/a n/a n/a 439.534 3348.366 99.986
9:00 n/a n/a n/a 443.93 3329.778 367.418 n/a n/a n/a 440.012 3353.297 97.927
9:01 n/a n/a n/a 443.5 3328.614 368.113 n/a n/a n/a 440.11 3352.523 98.792
9:02 n/a n/a n/a 444.047 3327.678 367.826 n/a n/a n/a 439.404 3346.424 99.134
9:03 n/a n/a n/a 443.887 3329.649 367.584 n/a n/a n/a 439.52 3351.677 98.108
9:04 n/a n/a n/a 443.84 3328.466 368.422 n/a n/a n/a 439.466 3346.819 99.458
9:05 n/a n/a n/a 443.959 3328.596 368.474 n/a n/a n/a 439.536 3348.924 97.613
9:06 n/a n/a n/a 605.124 3195.185 310.977 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:07 n/a n/a n/a 521.869 1929.385 416.73 n/a n/a n/a 494.713 1959.705 102.237
9:08 n/a n/a n/a 349.824 1187.449 419.571 n/a n/a n/a 457.808 1255.061 307.851
9:09 n/a n/a n/a 286.193 1192.783 398.846 n/a n/a n/a 234.839 994.996 269.93
9:10 n/a n/a n/a 697.363 1695.87 513.805 n/a n/a n/a 563.04 1487.888 157.134
9:11 512.377 1106.707 369.701 301.171 2106.733 392.995 490.057 1084.94 94.707 425.069 1998.163 166.418
9:12 289.507 959.915 328.571 301.026 2108.175 393.246 n/a n/a n/a 409.729 1960.905 171.928
9:13 n/a n/a n/a 299.293 2094.378 394.202 n/a n/a n/a 452.182 2013.156 171.47
9:14 438.27 1637.507 510.518 301.465 2103.289 391.16 512.072 1412.582 101.476 461.045 2032.783 172.047
9:15 424.94 1463.006 669.917 302.876 2100.176 418.472 456.352 1399.566 81.342 460.502 2055.562 195.132
9:16 424.874 1462.313 670.604 305.99 2092.332 425.237 n/a n/a n/a 447.854 1953.904 207.718
9:17 424.891 1462.155 670.715 306.78 2093.724 425.738 n/a n/a n/a 444.091 1968.952 203.914
9:18 425.14 1461.919 670.629 302.812 2092.157 425.039 n/a n/a n/a 437.994 1959.836 205.15
9:19 424.729 1463.607 670.599 303.808 2086.108 424.748 n/a n/a n/a 437.655 1963.575 203.381
9:20 425.121 1462.623 670.519 305.966 2106.944 285.22 n/a n/a n/a 399.827 2290.553 146.377
13:14 n/a n/a n/a 288.174 1530.342 286.978 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:15 n/a n/a n/a 288.545 1527.707 287.439 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:16 n/a n/a n/a 288.352 1527.581 287.548 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:17 n/a n/a n/a 283.711 1543.343 354.374 n/a n/a n/a 463.183 1656.383 155.797
13:18 n/a n/a n/a 437.264 1497.331 136.036 n/a n/a n/a 464.999 1440.851 110.912
13:19 n/a n/a n/a 601.28 662.694 219.675 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:21 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:22 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:24 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:26 n/a n/a n/a 567.557 1297.908 220.748 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:27 n/a n/a n/a 566.977 1644.034 220.756 n/a n/a n/a 568.491 1702.154 101.576
13:28 n/a n/a n/a 564.98 2919.461 222.154 n/a n/a n/a 537.035 2823.568 104.762
APPENDIX C3: Positioning data of large scale case study-0702 data set (continued)
time sh1_x sh1_y sh1_z sh2_x sh2_y sh2_z s1c_x s1c_y s1c_z s2c_x s2c_y s2c_z
13:29 n/a n/a n/a 566.573 3680.55 264.582 n/a n/a n/a 513.755 3654.139 104.994
13:30 n/a n/a n/a 675.111 3501.144 412.406 n/a n/a n/a 582.019 3486.144 122.374
13:31 n/a n/a n/a 650.689 3388.176 377.138 n/a n/a n/a 594.723 3428.385 102.477
13:32 n/a n/a n/a 633.191 3549.311 397.004 n/a n/a n/a 567.497 3502.705 104.532
13:33 n/a n/a n/a 636.885 3409.906 444.142 n/a n/a n/a 591.193 3421.703 102.015
13:34 n/a n/a n/a 608.327 3374.462 411.779 n/a n/a n/a 568.423 3373.345 106.424
13:35 n/a n/a n/a 657.859 3305.633 410.913 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:36 n/a n/a n/a 712.015 3306 438.012 n/a n/a n/a 750.233 3305.165 127.932
13:37 817.488 1029.139 348.381 724.434 3396.793 441.337 n/a n/a n/a 712.093 3414.221 109.093
13:38 817.488 1024.124 348.826 470.156 3399.347 441.867 n/a n/a n/a 473.299 3434.95 93.399
13:39 817.673 1007.652 352.985 468.873 3399.661 442.002 n/a n/a n/a 472.626 3413.472 93.76
13:40 801.559 1078.325 317.532 468.047 3396.554 441.963 n/a n/a n/a 469.759 3397.741 96.755
13:41 n/a n/a n/a 654.223 3099.783 442.587 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:42 588.267 960.758 315.867 735.555 3352.042 366.916 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:43 663.521 2061.645 201.184 606.391 3377.512 366.228 627.325 2055.382 80.862 n/a n/a n/a
13:44 477.603 2113.924 290.244 582.752 3701.201 298.723 474.664 2110.625 62.704 552.43 3651.064 105.177
13:45 484.457 2112.496 290.591 505.366 2792.949 153.096 474.245 2105.789 64.867 514.865 2724.249 108.621
13:46 487.504 2115.363 290.172 497.249 2829.531 152.201 490.64 2110.459 63.412 497.368 2830.515 95.641
13:47 485.171 2111.639 291.93 496.576 2792.806 152.55 481.523 2114.403 60.92 498.449 2839.912 92.001
13:48 484.311 2114.703 289.876 497.095 2794.906 152.532 477.29 2109.992 64.286 495.186 2814.487 93.543
13:49 485.178 2113.69 290.55 496.061 2809.231 151.908 479.711 2123.684 59.732 495.245 2814.402 94.607
13:50 484.849 2114.447 290.55 497.947 2809.099 151.729 477.574 2122.206 56.221 494.943 2809.362 94.723
13:51 485.384 2113.062 291.407 498.06 2808.573 151.084 477.629 2125.09 63.275 494.911 2808.176 95.169
13:52 485.131 2113.192 291.218 497.639 2805.365 151.586 478.869 2131.067 57.45 495.685 2810.064 95.254
13:53 484.4 2114.174 291.839 497.599 2807.831 152.232 477.05 2123.521 64.582 495.306 2809.348 95.65
13:54 413.781 2086.369 494.525 498.166 2816.059 148.168 354.609 2064.721 251.979 495.012 2806.804 96.875
13:55 168.664 2088.928 472.607 497.519 2805.805 151.796 201.003 2135.733 211.322 495.057 2810.344 95.235
13:56 162.028 1737.329 468.536 497.477 2808.502 149.978 213.41 1766.457 291.151 494.546 2805.969 97.016
13:57 411.756 1734.678 473.131 496.754 2800.217 154.3 385.142 1697.86 290.173 495.201 2808.064 95.777
13:58 336.924 1905.049 481.397 497.513 2808.762 151.729 381.091 1896.385 310.614 495.788 2813.882 94.624
13:59 287.917 1907.619 402.168 497.362 2808.771 151.281 324.316 1725.401 245.989 495.354 2813.695 95.25
14:00 295.483 1321.892 400.046 498.135 2810.296 149.727 455.054 1299.431 177.72 495.403 2812.095 95.634
14:01 296.296 1320.053 400.205 497.329 2804.667 151.671 447.833 1261.434 178.659 495.314 2811.427 96.209
14:02 294.174 1316.007 400.233 497.709 2807.476 151.439 443.206 1249.513 179.306 495.458 2812.251 96.047
14:03 293.747 1318.871 400.138 497.013 2805.89 152.23 403.58 1445.965 175.517 495.377 2812.985 96.382
14:04 293.328 1318.132 400.166 497.748 2806.078 151.931 405.36 1440.122 175.381 495.313 2808.87 96.063
14:05 273.006 1224.144 234.807 497.329 2805.562 153.199 454.267 1286.634 103.642 495.254 2809.707 96.636
14:06 615.88 2041.191 219.595 497.733 2808.14 150.852 588.737 2022.633 76.657 495.533 2812.956 94.711
14:07 297.867 1657.298 318.06 496.952 2806.303 152.47 138.683 1609.125 97.139 495.317 2811.839 94.98
14:08 252.435 1451.457 199.78 497.293 2806.964 151.453 116.691 1414.717 96.317 495.341 2813.392 95.37
14:09 74.869 2188.386 345.77 497.357 2808.08 151.565 79.69 2307.978 122.184 495.638 2813.269 95.266
14:10 506.443 1684.521 350.333 498.953 2804.429 151.261 486.113 1896.258 116.85 494.875 2810.121 97.277
14:11 514.099 1231.183 190.353 497.269 2806.253 150.993 463.508 1253.858 109.662 495.284 2806.868 96.402
14:12 592.195 848.17 219.219 497.078 2807.537 152.024 n/a n/a n/a 495.161 2811.127 96.144
14:13 578.422 853.104 219.291 497.597 2807.282 150.894 n/a n/a n/a 495.592 2810.914 95.368
14:14 580.752 848.312 219.121 497.387 2805.601 151.157 n/a n/a n/a 495.015 2811.214 95.285
14:15 580.651 847.753 218.965 497.36 2805.664 151.112 n/a n/a n/a 495.658 2808.056 95.721
14:16 581.131 848.718 219.013 496.856 2807.362 152.206 n/a n/a n/a 495.185 2812.364 95.543
14:17 581.226 848.861 218.937 497.276 2808.82 150.916 n/a n/a n/a 495.179 2811.71 95.459
14:18 581.45 848.77 219.028 567.068 2329.275 127.071 n/a n/a n/a 641.338 2334.25 104.775
14:19 581.572 848.547 219.364 489.871 1941.546 327.139 n/a n/a n/a 517.208 1979.432 96.824
14:20 581.516 849.672 219.083 407.636 1274.947 326.509 n/a n/a n/a 412.445 1287.611 99.581
14:21 581.27 847.835 219.339 406.275 1267.171 327.317 n/a n/a n/a 410.621 1273.206 98.781
14:22 581.209 848.346 219.226 407.47 1268.637 326.715 n/a n/a n/a 413.663 1273.675 99.208
14:23 580.971 848.232 219.111 408.465 1268.145 326.745 n/a n/a n/a 415.324 1274.334 98.711
APPENDIX C4: Positioning data of large scale case study-0703 data set
time rbr_x rbr_y rbr_z con_x con_y con_z m4b_x m4b_y m4b_z m4f_x m4f_y m4f_z
7:17 417.007 1705.453 127.223 n/a n/a n/a 128.006 1517.834 19.201 405.998 1357.863 49.253
7:18 417.061 1705.777 126.564 n/a n/a n/a 127.916 1518.043 18.765 405.87 1357.998 48.85
7:19 417.033 1705.911 127.389 n/a n/a n/a 127.894 1518.263 19.032 406.005 1358.634 49.417
7:20 416.763 1705.452 127.308 n/a n/a n/a 127.577 1517.944 18.819 405.588 1357.967 49.422
7:21 417.075 1705.144 127.39 n/a n/a n/a 128.029 1517.431 19.047 405.817 1357.783 49.35
7:22 416.795 1705.623 127.437 n/a n/a n/a 127.671 1517.877 19.006 405.447 1357.979 49.101
7:23 417.277 1704.767 127.922 n/a n/a n/a 127.887 1517.883 19.153 405.699 1358.161 49.663
7:24 417.218 1705.065 127.438 n/a n/a n/a 127.54 1517.986 18.475 405.235 1358.572 49.022
7:25 417.368 1704.589 128.026 n/a n/a n/a 128.189 1517.275 18.519 411.041 1380.337 201.435
7:26 417.034 1705.932 127.75 n/a n/a n/a 127.785 1518.103 18.989 411.67 2022.18 196.864
7:27 417.034 1704.698 128.512 n/a n/a n/a 128.067 1516.81 19.252 411.768 2020.495 197.256
7:28 416.811 1705.135 127.129 n/a n/a n/a 127.379 1518.278 18.78 411.645 2021.346 196.932
7:29 419.312 1705.13 127.925 n/a n/a n/a 128.016 1517.435 19.276 411.641 2021.514 196.803
7:30 419.339 1705.122 127.041 n/a n/a n/a 130.809 1700.178 172.304 411.634 2021.122 197.208
7:31 418.961 1705.799 127.204 n/a n/a n/a 130.788 1700.22 172.075 411.833 2021.114 196.624
7:32 419.421 1704.754 127.049 n/a n/a n/a 130.914 1699.682 172.532 411.976 2020.141 197.164
7:33 419.17 1704.85 127.61 n/a n/a n/a 130.729 1701.093 171.909 411.627 2021.228 197.172
7:34 419.35 1704.494 126.709 n/a n/a n/a 130.92 1700.806 171.654 411.771 2020.433 197.188
7:35 419.223 1705.474 126.638 n/a n/a n/a 130.337 1702.441 171.355 411.662 2021.453 196.918
7:36 419.124 1705.267 127.444 n/a n/a n/a 130.786 1701.365 171.619 411.633 2021.407 196.74
7:37 419.106 1704.948 126.802 n/a n/a n/a 130.836 1701.46 171.456 411.765 2021.517 197.038
7:38 419.051 1704.928 126.781 n/a n/a n/a 130.7 1701.627 171.708 411.617 2021.214 196.922
7:39 418.824 1705.377 126.686 n/a n/a n/a 130.706 1701.407 171.91 411.516 2021.759 196.784
7:40 418.921 1705.228 127.439 n/a n/a n/a 130.744 1701.647 171.592 411.562 2021.77 197.054
7:41 418.916 1705.112 126.705 n/a n/a n/a 130.627 1701.401 171.342 411.785 2020.534 197.203
7:42 418.967 1704.911 126.925 n/a n/a n/a 130.817 1701.109 171.779 411.604 2021.225 196.759
7:43 418.934 1704.886 127.205 n/a n/a n/a 130.935 1700.706 171.351 411.694 2020.636 196.862
7:44 418.782 1705.054 126.902 n/a n/a n/a 130.887 1701.267 171.522 411.893 2020.567 196.859
7:45 418.986 1705.511 126.384 n/a n/a n/a 130.717 1701.752 171.412 411.512 2021.862 196.829
7:46 418.785 1704.903 127.127 n/a n/a n/a 130.913 1701.068 171.62 411.861 2020.548 197.284
7:47 418.79 1705.53 127.045 n/a n/a n/a 130.793 1701.91 171.566 411.901 2021.421 196.946
7:48 418.785 1706.042 126.786 n/a n/a n/a 130.647 1701.991 171.695 411.773 2021.341 196.82
7:49 419.158 1701.876 126.772 n/a n/a n/a 130.731 1701.73 171.596 411.606 2021.983 196.814
7:50 418.926 1701.591 127.059 n/a n/a n/a 130.716 1701.51 171.461 411.532 2021.645 197.069
7:51 419 1701.592 127.2 n/a n/a n/a 130.72 1701.44 172.157 411.729 2021.588 196.853
7:52 419.058 1702.098 127.049 n/a n/a n/a 130.527 1702.203 172.083 411.628 2021.886 197.087
7:53 419.081 1701.774 126.627 n/a n/a n/a 130.876 1701.261 171.728 411.632 2021.541 196.755
7:54 419.043 1702.141 127.057 n/a n/a n/a 130.587 1702.324 171.657 411.522 2022.328 196.853
7:55 418.98 1701.302 126.495 n/a n/a n/a 130.659 1701.262 171.885 411.794 2020.912 196.848
7:56 419.053 1701.77 127.352 n/a n/a n/a 130.792 1701.494 171.855 411.75 2021.492 197.084
7:57 419.4 1701.026 126.951 n/a n/a n/a 131.042 1700.773 171.881 411.832 2020.486 197.246
7:58 419.194 1702.081 127.296 n/a n/a n/a 130.679 1701.978 171.694 411.884 2021.496 196.866
7:59 419.224 1702.197 126.951 n/a n/a n/a 130.746 1701.934 171.655 411.83 2021.775 196.955
8:00 419.079 1701.409 127.724 n/a n/a n/a 130.699 1701.515 171.782 411.802 2021.55 196.88
8:01 419.131 1701.197 128.081 n/a n/a n/a 130.97 1700.955 171.273 411.865 2020.353 197.242
8:02 419.165 1701.817 127.582 n/a n/a n/a 130.928 1701.314 171.907 411.928 2020.663 197.173
8:03 417.564 1700.723 128.039 n/a n/a n/a 131.097 1700.815 171.797 411.787 2020.878 196.799
8:04 417.767 1699.84 127.969 n/a n/a n/a 130.939 1700.862 171.734 411.731 2021.145 196.634
8:05 417.578 1700.802 129.205 n/a n/a n/a 131.256 1700.958 170.953 411.956 2021.797 196.341
8:06 417.45 1700.483 129.569 n/a n/a n/a 130.93 1700.872 171.619 411.768 2021.164 197.092
8:07 417.317 1700.407 129.626 n/a n/a n/a 130.678 1700.999 171.767 411.523 2021.901 197.107
8:08 417.497 1700.562 129.337 n/a n/a n/a 130.957 1701.049 172.28 411.992 2020.64 196.967
8:09 417.265 1701.326 129.588 n/a n/a n/a 130.595 1701.54 171.736 411.537 2021.516 197.353
8:10 417.408 1700.912 129.722 n/a n/a n/a 130.747 1701.441 171.471 411.613 2021.472 197.301
8:11 417.465 1700.877 129.54 n/a n/a n/a 130.92 1701.369 171.805 411.829 2021.174 197.401
8:12 417.673 1700.631 129.58 n/a n/a n/a 130.93 1701.39 171.738 411.779 2021.378 197.03
8:13 417.633 1700.951 129.58 n/a n/a n/a 131.021 1701.033 171.82 412.113 2020.718 197.121
8:14 417.275 1700.654 129.451 n/a n/a n/a 130.912 1701.182 171.738 411.875 2020.48 197.148
8:15 419.593 1663.511 121.757 n/a n/a n/a 129.671 1661.275 162.972 410.898 1961.857 284.863
8:16 419.387 1657.253 118.936 n/a n/a n/a 130.026 1654.936 156.74 406.847 1947.698 302.612
8:17 419.486 1624.868 99.797 n/a n/a n/a 129.424 1604.956 128.24 405.935 1846.165 373.551
8:18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.864 1552.724 19.181 406.964 1537.638 363.579
8:19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.739 1552.521 18.785 407.182 1537.368 363.094
8:20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.916 1552.23 19.47 406.959 1537.176 363.677
8:21 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.368 1553.151 18.65 406.755 1538.584 362.924
8:22 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.696 1552.55 18.943 407.124 1537.598 363.23
8:23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.554 1552.397 18.965 406.807 1537.826 363.269
8:24 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.271 1552.031 19.092 407.45 1537.221 363.225
8:25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.074 1552.111 19.271 407.217 1537.523 363.441
8:26 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.671 1552.394 19.796 406.857 1537.808 363.899
8:27 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.448 1552.512 18.865 406.659 1537.959 363.113
8:28 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.645 1552.5 19.19 406.622 1537.943 363.131
8:29 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.472 1553.202 18.771 406.647 1538.45 362.782
8:30 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.528 1552.797 19.379 406.64 1538.184 363.294
8:31 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.704 1552.554 18.996 406.514 1538.323 362.995
APPENDIX C4: Positioning data of large scale case study-0703 data set (continued)
time rbr_x rbr_y rbr_z con_x con_y con_z m4b_x m4b_y m4b_z m4f_x m4f_y m4f_z
8:32 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.449 1552.953 19.087 406.488 1538.509 363.13
8:33 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.643 1552.768 19.038 406.81 1538.374 363.049
8:34 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.387 1553.116 18.624 406.326 1538.775 362.859
8:35 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.652 1552.081 19.041 406.533 1537.894 362.673
8:36 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.557 1552.511 18.862 406.492 1538.353 362.862
8:37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.673 1551.969 19.003 406.626 1537.502 362.876
8:38 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.269 1552.448 19.65 406.163 1538.29 363.475
8:39 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.772 1552.634 19.137 406.802 1538.02 362.798
8:40 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.519 1552.949 19.833 406.41 1538.346 363.56
8:41 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.548 1553.413 19.284 406.704 1538.633 363.282
8:42 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.482 1553.043 19.325 406.422 1538.785 363.436
8:43 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.557 1553.036 18.919 406.622 1538.398 362.905
8:44 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.506 1553.168 18.916 406.709 1538.21 363.06
8:45 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.583 1553.136 19.427 406.581 1538.193 362.908
8:46 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.617 1552.926 19.105 406.514 1538.518 362.986
8:47 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.478 1552.655 19.472 406.338 1538.272 363.343
8:48 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.462 1553.47 19.148 406.42 1539.142 362.569
8:49 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.202 1553.089 18.656 406.356 1539.037 362.883
8:50 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.586 1553.336 18.751 406.62 1538.731 362.875
8:51 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.383 1553.057 19.582 406.495 1538.507 363.447
8:52 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.541 1553.323 18.868 406.63 1538.767 362.831
8:53 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.26 1553.64 19.037 406.498 1538.731 362.662
8:54 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.238 1553.991 18.827 406.615 1539.326 362.647
8:55 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.437 1553.436 19.181 406.578 1538.766 363.146
8:56 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.363 1553.623 18.877 406.374 1539.141 363.027
8:57 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.132 1553.997 18.951 406.235 1539.633 362.612
8:58 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.597 1552.934 19.415 406.421 1539.084 363.247
8:59 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.126 1553.586 18.94 406.28 1539.069 363.133
9:00 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.432 1552.664 18.996 406.065 1539.185 362.972
9:01 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.301 1553.236 19.805 406.352 1538.584 363.318
9:02 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.285 1553.539 19.791 406.366 1538.885 363.316
9:03 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.282 1553.308 19.093 406.232 1539.443 363.064
9:04 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.207 1554.002 19.139 406.243 1539.638 363.195
9:05 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.151 1554.156 19.194 406.359 1539.839 363.34
9:06 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.381 1553.376 19.109 406.56 1539.08 363.115
9:07 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.372 1554.576 19.731 406.699 1540.098 362.448
9:08 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.421 1553.42 19.514 406.451 1539.271 363.397
9:09 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.214 1554.03 19.105 406.401 1540.04 363.182
9:10 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.209 1554.435 19.168 406.385 1540.19 363.186
9:11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.106 1554.311 18.808 406.25 1540.138 362.826
9:12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.115 1553.913 18.832 406.177 1539.786 362.845
9:13 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.977 1554.141 18.625 406.214 1539.758 362.854
9:14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.138 1554.083 19.068 406.346 1539.534 362.818
9:15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.006 1554.605 19.468 406.341 1540.26 363.503
9:16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.254 1553.541 19.056 406.18 1539.759 363.041
9:17 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.509 1554.097 18.839 406.56 1539.813 362.902
9:18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.911 1554.883 18.284 406.109 1540.849 362.552
9:19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.148 1554.248 18.676 406.197 1540.287 362.908
9:20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.625 1553.584 19.402 406.721 1539.34 363.253
9:21 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.387 1553.906 18.841 406.477 1539.551 362.846
9:22 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.399 1553.498 19.002 406.386 1539.883 362.97
9:23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.227 1554.19 18.593 406.474 1539.75 362.706
9:24 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 129.72 1554.757 18.39 406.653 1540.242 361.567
9:25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.438 1553.573 18.914 406.372 1539.847 362.757
9:26 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.323 1553.514 19.157 406.434 1539.531 362.951
9:27 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.596 1553.462 19.071 406.655 1539.39 363.022
9:28 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.238 1554.125 19.337 406.373 1539.672 363.123
9:29 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.501 1553.083 19.442 406.554 1538.271 362.869
13:12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.156 1553.683 19.08 407.808 1536.456 363.334
13:13 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.012 1553.057 19.211 407.303 1536.793 363.072
13:14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.213 1553.992 18.824 407.952 1536.415 363.081
13:15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.266 1553.233 18.683 407.91 1536.075 362.965
13:16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 130.336 1554.399 18.772 408.165 1536.461 363.268
13:17 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.129 1553.589 19.038 408.111 1537.305 363.01
13:18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 131.08 1553.624 19.054 408.093 1537.314 363.121
13:19 n/a n/a n/a 419.168 1617.141 82.895 130.4 1586.563 114.157 405.808 1792.322 386.073
13:20 n/a n/a n/a 418.759 1657.525 117.705 130.594 1651.156 157.303 406.395 1948.067 301.78
13:21 n/a n/a n/a 418.759 1696.496 130.329 130.719 1700.739 172.1 409.437 2027.733 196.079
13:22 n/a n/a n/a 418.733 1697.076 129.995 130.656 1701.993 171.262 409.22 2028.557 195.92
13:23 n/a n/a n/a 418.797 1696.784 129.856 130.712 1702.073 170.867 409.57 2027.459 195.791
13:24 n/a n/a n/a 418.796 1696.458 130.054 130.846 1701.307 171.401 409.697 2026.917 195.966
13:25 n/a n/a n/a 418.815 1696.613 130.022 130.708 1701.773 171.905 409.51 2027.724 195.888
13:26 n/a n/a n/a 418.562 1697.238 129.672 130.512 1701.239 172.038 409.311 2028.154 195.608
13:27 n/a n/a n/a 418.745 1696.906 129.823 130.541 1701.318 171.811 409.474 2027.677 195.481
13:28 n/a n/a n/a 418.636 1697.387 129.505 130.328 1701.314 172.099 409.26 2028.24 195.289
APPENDIX C4: Positioning data of large scale case study-0703 data set (continued)
time rbr_x rbr_y rbr_z con_x con_y con_z m4b_x m4b_y m4b_z m4f_x m4f_y m4f_z
13:29 n/a n/a n/a 418.713 1696.831 129.882 130.646 1700.908 171.684 409.502 2027.54 195.698
13:30 n/a n/a n/a 418.885 1696.602 130.008 130.625 1701.203 172.007 409.361 2028.175 195.655
13:31 n/a n/a n/a 418.63 1695.817 129.434 130.652 1700.956 171.746 409.52 2027.513 194.963
13:32 n/a n/a n/a 418.644 1695.642 130.21 130.586 1701.05 172.15 409.223 2028.226 195.777
13:33 n/a n/a n/a 418.474 1696.074 129.894 130.507 1701.199 172.383 409.392 2028.142 195.404
13:34 n/a n/a n/a 418.625 1696.029 130.18 130.765 1701.653 171.763 409.517 2027.942 195.843
13:35 n/a n/a n/a 418.627 1695.493 130.407 130.526 1700.839 171.784 409.318 2028.126 195.898
13:36 n/a n/a n/a 418.589 1695.221 130.82 130.521 1702.017 171.597 409.136 2027.801 196.189
13:37 n/a n/a n/a 418.62 1695.487 130.721 130.558 1701.139 171.785 409.214 2028.247 196.052
13:38 n/a n/a n/a 418.438 1695.301 130.457 129.937 1701.593 171.911 409.214 2027.535 196.045
13:39 n/a n/a n/a 418.65 1695.941 130.459 130.422 1701.465 171.662 409.267 2028.286 196.037
13:40 n/a n/a n/a 418.697 1695.464 130.516 130.45 1701.271 172.061 409.213 2027.971 195.96
13:41 n/a n/a n/a 418.743 1695.411 130.725 130.539 1701.283 171.845 409.403 2027.409 196.151
13:42 n/a n/a n/a 418.451 1695.86 130.478 130.419 1701.156 171.861 409.203 2028.047 195.964
13:43 n/a n/a n/a 418.591 1695.358 130.352 130.541 1700.674 172.181 409.317 2027.197 195.978
13:44 n/a n/a n/a 418.74 1695.942 130.427 130.634 1701.031 171.996 409.37 2028.282 195.945
13:45 n/a n/a n/a 418.673 1695.947 130.414 130.469 1701.565 172.114 409.335 2028.34 195.997
13:46 n/a n/a n/a 418.708 1695.334 130.704 130.587 1701.033 171.79 409.363 2028.218 196.15
13:47 n/a n/a n/a 418.547 1695.642 130.644 130.428 1701.044 172.077 409.202 2028.147 196.19
13:48 n/a n/a n/a 418.391 1695.697 130.954 130.514 1701.008 171.166 409.445 2027.725 196.472
13:49 n/a n/a n/a 418.299 1696.107 130.933 130.201 1701.8 170.614 409.099 2028.774 196.456
13:50 n/a n/a n/a 418.298 1695.822 130.752 130.35 1701.058 170.803 409.082 2028.347 196.46
13:51 n/a n/a n/a 418.284 1695.532 130.788 130.459 1700.989 170.983 409.235 2028.26 196.323
13:52 n/a n/a n/a 418.189 1696.385 130.455 130.356 1701.478 171.127 409.155 2028.826 195.999
13:53 n/a n/a n/a 418.221 1696.179 130.515 130.204 1701.392 170.592 409.247 2027.989 196.175
13:54 n/a n/a n/a 418.366 1695.48 130.748 130.351 1701.115 170.895 409.4 2027.921 196.244
13:55 n/a n/a n/a 418.279 1695.766 131.298 129.931 1701.516 170.657 408.775 2028.682 196.944
13:56 n/a n/a n/a 418.204 1695.811 130.733 130.051 1701.365 172.008 408.741 2029.179 196.121
13:57 n/a n/a n/a 418.495 1695.641 130.365 130.278 1701.828 171.803 409.146 2029.444 195.503
13:58 n/a n/a n/a 418.637 1695.815 130.641 130.296 1701.66 172.024 409.196 2028.145 195.737
13:59 n/a n/a n/a 418.475 1696.106 130.095 130.128 1702.146 171.693 409.056 2029.293 195.569
14:00 n/a n/a n/a 418.283 1695.877 130.196 130.098 1701.711 171.654 409.106 2028.841 195.516
14:01 n/a n/a n/a 418.468 1695.827 130.204 130.24 1701.723 171.869 409.127 2028.976 195.591
14:02 n/a n/a n/a 418.39 1696.199 129.882 130.201 1701.968 171.813 409.172 2029.203 195.384
14:03 n/a n/a n/a 418.46 1695.97 129.824 130.24 1701.415 171.724 410.201 2024.988 199.387
14:04 n/a n/a n/a 418.247 1696.306 130.547 130.197 1701.869 170.778 432.75 1417.57 202.22
14:05 n/a n/a n/a 418.4 1695.383 130.866 130.249 1701.646 170.662 437.706 1403.384 198.346
14:06 n/a n/a n/a 418.631 1695.237 130.978 130.315 1701.108 170.85 447.571 1407.369 201.477
14:07 n/a n/a n/a 418.744 1695.416 129.927 130.561 1701.619 170.366 431.068 1435.045 202.448
14:08 n/a n/a n/a 418.382 1695.802 130.437 130.158 1701.516 170.516 416.603 1440.839 201.6
14:09 n/a n/a n/a 418.397 1695.96 130.589 130.132 1701.492 170.827 408.818 1451.36 202.826
14:10 n/a n/a n/a 418.554 1695.434 130.635 130.239 1701.537 170.834 413.543 1365.254 94.971
14:11 n/a n/a n/a 418.422 1695.283 130.631 130.071 1701.568 170.727 410.461 1367.964 47.142
14:12 n/a n/a n/a 418.437 1695.55 129.879 130.329 1701.255 171.061 410.49 1367.992 46.583
14:13 n/a n/a n/a 418.151 1695.731 129.967 127.162 1503.053 19.877 410.119 1368.222 47.025
14:14 n/a n/a n/a 418.445 1695.592 130.935 127.564 1502.225 19.945 410.469 1367.652 47.612
14:15 n/a n/a n/a 418.388 1696.621 129.885 127.516 1503.519 19.745 410.55 1368.281 46.554
14:16 n/a n/a n/a 418.332 1695.705 130.718 127.276 1502.864 20.015 410.56 1367.849 47.971
14:17 n/a n/a n/a 418.5 1696.434 130.035 127.516 1503.227 19.943 410.601 1368.151 47.861
14:18 n/a n/a n/a 418.303 1695.783 130.642 125.22 1506.523 18.629 410.418 1368.114 47.974
14:19 n/a n/a n/a 418.289 1696.08 130.662 125.414 1506.26 18.666 410.481 1368.293 48.119
14:20 n/a n/a n/a 418.295 1696.101 130.132 125.273 1506.535 18.992 410.529 1368.4 47.567
14:21 n/a n/a n/a 418.412 1696.113 130.014 127.594 1503.274 19.592 410.621 1368.098 47.367
14:22 n/a n/a n/a 418.279 1695.074 129.837 127.485 1502.94 20.665 410.286 1367.773 47.448
14:23 n/a n/a n/a 418.273 1695.734 130.174 127.283 1502.783 20.13 410.213 1368.125 47.734
APPENDIX C4: Positioning data of large scale case study-0703 data set (continued)
time m4l_x m4l_y m4l_z m4r_x m4r_y m4r_z wk1_x wk1_y wk1_z
7:17 7.757 2380.675 142.89 438.477 1703.449 170.75 463.076 2030.637 152.185
7:18 7.741 2381.811 142.383 442.624 1710.759 170.301 508.4 1977.301 158.587
7:19 7.904 2381.887 142.509 442.585 1710.666 170.214 215.026 1148.97 158.357
7:20 7.589 2381.522 142.471 442.433 1710.238 170.199 151.791 1510.125 156.459
7:21 7.754 2381.247 142.548 442.687 1710.11 170.276 116.559 2255.523 165.567
7:22 7.597 2381.284 142.683 442.423 1710.51 170.296 123.833 2247.723 168.184
7:23 59.592 2302.878 232.315 442.565 1710.332 170.594 73.92 1827.679 159.479
7:24 130.201 2116.503 173.508 442.418 1710.344 170.374 252.359 1366.793 163.763
7:25 130.617 2115.818 173.738 442.58 1709.961 170.615 89.005 1124.6 159.28
7:26 130.336 2116.923 173.996 443.467 1711.183 170.519 158.42 1834.397 350.153
7:27 130.388 2115.589 174.112 443.55 1709.798 170.46 n/a n/a n/a
7:28 130.117 2116.653 174.018 443.437 1710.601 170.703 333.896 2038.651 164.114
7:29 130.407 2115.821 174.37 443.541 1710.201 170.814 205.262 2046.151 140.511
7:30 130.193 2116.313 173.988 443.455 1710.111 171.015 n/a n/a n/a
7:31 130.445 2115.966 174.539 443.507 1710.379 170.414 342.809 2019.694 166.359
7:32 130.409 2115.8 174.253 443.588 1709.845 170.858 n/a n/a n/a
7:33 130.216 2116.328 174.34 443.376 1710.17 170.941 212.378 2007.771 159.877
7:34 130.381 2115.71 174.143 443.507 1709.92 170.827 340.853 1801.116 169.025
7:35 130.146 2116.644 174.16 443.547 1710.531 170.76 n/a n/a n/a
7:36 130.282 2116.33 173.99 443.531 1710.362 170.584 221.495 1948.023 164.49
7:37 130.277 2116.792 174.043 443.616 1710.44 170.859 154.94 1696.958 258.485
7:38 130.179 2116.578 174.353 443.47 1710.615 170.635 79.725 2061.122 167.811
7:39 130.166 2116.446 175.056 443.374 1710.706 170.628 109.857 1923.33 72.169
7:40 130.28 2116.438 174.828 443.51 1710.567 170.92 70.711 1837.636 164.101
7:41 131.41 2116.685 174.361 443.396 1710.432 170.825 86.028 1978.295 165.469
7:42 131.482 2116.782 174.779 443.527 1710.052 170.642 106.716 1725.208 162.274
7:43 131.554 2116.449 174.371 443.471 1709.783 170.676 108.301 1942.612 141.148
7:44 131.526 2116.902 174.526 443.492 1710.426 170.538 124.028 2029.486 79.175
7:45 131.323 2117.622 174.426 443.444 1710.605 170.738 90.324 2080.363 168.331
7:46 131.534 2116.539 174.618 443.601 1709.887 171.054 n/a n/a n/a
7:47 131.488 2117.44 174.453 443.532 1710.962 170.697 n/a n/a n/a
7:48 131.403 2117.488 174.847 443.445 1710.902 170.62 n/a n/a n/a
7:49 131.38 2117.551 174.672 443.518 1710.645 170.685 480.465 2085.93 155.659
7:50 131.905 2116.189 174.651 443.459 1710.463 170.853 476.196 2067.035 161.939
7:51 132.027 2115.966 175.358 443.438 1710.746 170.633 80.976 1717.031 164.77
7:52 131.664 2117.013 175.357 443.4 1711.162 170.793 n/a n/a n/a
7:53 132.031 2115.723 175.235 443.646 1710.267 169.681 350.076 1849.086 164.503
7:54 131.724 2115.26 175.597 443.318 1710.074 170.37 n/a n/a n/a
7:55 131.829 2114.522 175.449 443.48 1710.431 169.432 226.276 2035.775 163.735
7:56 132.008 2117.777 174.983 443.321 1709.75 169.852 365.14 1753.391 250.111
7:57 132.221 2115.169 175.255 443.582 1708.779 170.166 289.682 1660.353 130.502
7:58 131.887 2116.543 175.121 443.348 1710.222 170.126 160.5 1697.641 71.152
7:59 131.805 2116.694 174.954 443.437 1709.734 170.565 354.788 1648.917 160.279
8:00 131.971 2116.152 175.068 443.381 1709.583 169.747 315.82 1670.314 160.207
8:01 132.152 2115.055 175.31 443.411 1708.924 170.562 212.21 1660.04 76.417
8:02 132.169 2115.591 175.339 443.693 1710.32 169.74 395.033 1650.356 159.326
8:03 132.238 2115.104 175.801 443.775 1709.734 170.137 416.107 1630.846 156.507
8:04 132.098 2115.648 175.146 443.552 1708.703 169.631 393.896 1677.156 133.719
8:05 131.233 2118.391 173.495 443.974 1710.006 169.389 132.898 1667.786 158.284
8:06 132.101 2115.644 175.527 443.604 1709.948 170.451 142.752 1679.681 117.171
8:07 131.804 2116.244 175.087 443.357 1710.247 170.405 12.844 1216.628 159.328
8:08 131.586 2116.855 175.424 443.716 1709.863 169.689 397.16 1653.514 164.319
8:09 131.28 2117.075 174.849 443.361 1710.356 170.541 119.043 1463.847 167.399
8:10 131.322 2117.348 174.642 443.416 1709.286 170.659 502.525 3636.996 168.92
8:11 131.507 2117.281 174.889 443.431 1709.384 170.159 745.14 4493.764 165.377
8:12 131.621 2116.88 174.986 443.488 1709.307 169.966 1071.742 4699.962 174.384
8:13 131.67 2116.982 174.832 443.595 1709.195 169.906 585.169 2465.812 161.306
8:14 131.574 2116.879 174.876 443.641 1710 169.767 n/a n/a n/a
8:15 132.178 2058.482 287.787 442.559 1667.712 164.035 447.213 1655.457 115.681
8:16 132.487 2039.807 310.329 442.66 1659.012 160.748 397.113 1657.13 102.685
8:17 131.745 1918.814 410.161 442.467 1612.722 133.153 517.174 2139.528 166.305
8:18 129.841 1561.523 439.1 442.592 1562.081 29.754 488.057 1631.062 251.836
8:19 129.91 1560.674 439.062 442.544 1562.18 29.291 220.02 1612.998 593.724
8:20 129.886 1560.911 439.265 442.688 1561.435 30.292 230.855 1650.508 587.892
8:21 129.483 1561.44 439.211 442.312 1562.524 29.324 487.576 1618.851 438.412
8:22 129.841 1561.477 439.374 442.526 1561.849 29.554 618.362 2508.27 166.752
8:23 129.805 1560.646 439.622 442.264 1562.215 29.283 528.088 2901.594 164.427
8:24 130.196 1560.951 438.721 442.798 1561.406 29.456 41.721 3126.8 163.198
8:25 129.879 1560.801 439.371 442.5 1562.14 29.466 448.777 1919.721 165.997
8:26 129.744 1561.128 439.379 442.16 1561.982 30.343 345.418 2184.769 165.771
8:27 129.527 1561.08 439.557 442.371 1561.926 29.344 497.45 2617.019 165.756
8:28 129.646 1561.52 439.259 442.07 1562.271 29.579 1257.831 1750.148 162.807
8:29 129.576 1562.03 439.245 442.037 1563.12 29.217 -15.015 2441.246 165.492
8:30 129.631 1561.725 439.078 441.938 1563.062 29.65 392.104 2240.696 163
8:31 129.776 1561.251 439.209 442.299 1562.198 29.507 1267.691 1812.601 165.07
APPENDIX C4: Positioning data of large scale case study-0703 data set (continued)
time m4l_x m4l_y m4l_z m4r_x m4r_y m4r_z wk1_x wk1_y wk1_z
8:32 129.581 1561.824 439.446 442.105 1562.45 29.602 600.901 3143.107 167.51
8:33 129.805 1561.578 438.919 442.121 1562.863 29.288 676.114 3251.685 114.23
8:34 129.51 1561.848 438.918 441.877 1562.929 28.864 634.632 3197.084 165.632
8:35 129.734 1560.774 439.113 441.917 1562.385 28.931 637.191 3161.846 167.41
8:36 130.124 1561.153 439.108 441.989 1562.262 29.249 663.222 3236.544 132.322
8:37 129.78 1560.647 439.521 442.04 1562.134 29.129 630.331 3446.846 129.596
8:38 129.892 1560.997 439.839 441.579 1562.716 29.873 569.361 3099.095 166.956
8:39 129.83 1561.312 439.379 442.176 1562.009 29.55 668.918 3402.384 110.69
8:40 129.561 1561.809 439.354 441.989 1562.646 30.421 533.435 3211.193 97.835
8:41 129.616 1561.897 439.328 442.262 1562.703 29.996 715.211 3135.708 115.653
8:42 129.554 1562.001 439.496 442.014 1563.254 29.645 -15.987 2424.939 128.978
8:43 129.751 1561.81 439.248 441.889 1563.017 29.487 723.746 3382.025 139.094
8:44 129.973 1561.491 439.174 441.986 1562.573 29.584 581.441 3179.117 166.776
8:45 129.967 1560.984 439.463 441.938 1563.102 29.307 416.283 2867.849 166.32
8:46 130.198 1561.345 439.313 441.948 1562.783 29.412 607.237 3562.527 125.657
8:47 129.766 1561.567 439.129 441.757 1562.636 29.634 688.122 3272.957 160.934
8:48 129.936 1561.701 439.386 441.998 1562.937 29.103 n/a n/a n/a
8:49 129.67 1560.971 439.377 441.92 1563.317 28.932 769.906 3165.899 133.097
8:50 129.982 1561.461 439.527 442.224 1563.047 29.054 488.584 3185.152 145.781
8:51 129.971 1561.38 439.395 441.96 1562.616 30.061 n/a n/a n/a
8:52 130.153 1561.781 439.435 441.976 1562.672 29.546 576.29 3160.692 166.793
8:53 129.887 1562.106 439.264 441.924 1563.776 29 720.714 3101.588 124.551
8:54 129.789 1562.123 439.306 442.111 1563.895 28.828 521.196 3524.384 167.513
8:55 129.91 1561.773 439.345 441.884 1563.825 29.418 622.379 3530.424 163.496
8:56 129.762 1562.288 439.52 441.861 1563.681 29.213 665.194 3250.88 168.757
8:57 129.645 1562.611 439.445 441.904 1563.618 28.946 799.723 2969.92 137.44
8:58 130.015 1561.4 439.442 442.14 1563.348 29.766 639.511 3137.469 166.101
8:59 129.562 1562.188 439.361 441.702 1563.678 29.442 647.523 3290.789 161.457
9:00 129.738 1561.508 439.002 441.852 1563.132 29.13 611.167 3426.03 132.669
9:01 129.594 1561.533 439.262 441.856 1562.945 29.815 654.314 3427.41 161.659
9:02 129.731 1561.751 439.811 441.919 1563.007 29.795 684.766 3158.398 113.677
9:03 129.805 1561.861 439.767 441.919 1563.107 29.561 625.784 3461.432 92.169
9:04 129.711 1562.067 439.512 441.951 1563.302 29.92 665.446 3457.306 107.548
9:05 129.568 1562.758 439.574 441.784 1564.148 29.541 550.419 3303.821 97.355
9:06 129.728 1561.826 439.463 442.074 1563.783 29.358 763.688 3338.755 91.18
9:07 129.94 1562.865 439.731 442.118 1564.102 28.446 545.716 3265.732 164.659
9:08 129.917 1561.659 439.859 442.065 1562.987 29.757 517.425 3341.435 169.662
9:09 129.603 1562.99 439.289 441.673 1563.836 29.527 767.065 2199.351 162.889
9:10 129.671 1562.87 439.655 442.058 1564.187 29.631 717.645 2177.863 166.824
9:11 130.002 1561.999 439.957 441.618 1564.631 28.918 552.962 3803.05 164.667
9:12 130.378 1560.858 439.822 441.639 1563.925 29.307 554.465 3794.09 164.857
9:13 129.466 1562.484 439.47 441.642 1564.401 28.904 555.766 3783.329 162.218
9:14 129.624 1562.383 439.366 441.661 1564.119 29.091 515.444 3730.892 165.74
9:15 129.443 1563.362 439.167 441.738 1564.056 29.986 496.427 2021.893 163.864
9:16 129.657 1562.513 439.51 441.865 1564.065 29.161 517.444 1895.498 165.401
9:17 129.929 1562.568 439.082 442.092 1564.257 29.483 504.795 1905.363 165.146
9:18 129.688 1562.964 439.873 441.79 1564.869 28.887 512.969 1970.278 166.283
9:19 129.115 1563.254 439.158 441.807 1564.129 29.359 516.054 1873.049 165.241
9:20 130.006 1562.504 439.468 442.194 1563.786 29.726 576.191 2170.363 164.836
9:21 129.441 1563.018 439.597 441.891 1564.025 29.164 518.298 3633.437 167.424
9:22 129.418 1562.819 439.679 441.988 1563.582 29.32 749.575 4587.742 163.667
9:23 129.292 1563.425 439.222 441.779 1564.151 29.045 741.53 4474.982 162.245
9:24 129.236 1564.269 439.303 442.033 1564.222 27.77 705.212 4520.035 163.763
9:25 129.828 1561.978 439.215 442.011 1563.867 29.132 n/a n/a n/a
9:26 129.789 1562.428 439.629 441.936 1562.654 29.569 742.693 4336.303 166.488
9:27 129.871 1562.498 439.536 442.236 1563.791 29.128 555.777 3380.35 167.04
9:28 129.781 1562.805 439.574 441.882 1563.912 29.766 555.383 3409.609 168.749
9:29 129.456 1561.805 439.614 441.957 1563.288 29.275 147.513 3387.433 167.168
13:12 131.803 1558.277 439.097 442.509 1562.544 29.277 1254.717 1753.618 158.634
13:13 131.87 1558.451 439.229 442.799 1562.875 29.092 1230.371 1810.185 161.737
13:14 131.738 1559.077 439.118 442.71 1562.3 29.188 n/a n/a n/a
13:15 131.556 1558.565 439.596 442.966 1561.992 29.066 781.417 1993.919 160.879
13:16 131.553 1559.245 439.092 443.029 1562.736 29.451 106.539 2269.958 161.278
13:17 130.989 1558.637 438.98 442.722 1563.205 29.189 232.155 2188.403 163.85
13:18 131.92 1559.184 439.336 442.915 1562.693 29.372 478.059 1440.986 164.696
13:19 131.561 1862.111 436.854 441.831 1599.574 119.909 513.48 2288.206 162.857
13:20 130.062 2049.802 319.062 442.608 1656.924 160.858 380.889 2274.573 167.165
13:21 130.206 2105.345 175.286 443.729 1708.715 170.899 288.912 2198.96 173.369
13:22 130.166 2105.473 175.18 443.687 1708.953 170.763 515.335 3356.909 166.979
13:23 130.342 2106.796 174.951 443.711 1708.904 170.605 446.48 3540.902 167.723
13:24 130.566 2106.132 174.489 443.774 1708.467 170.803 320.14 3629.874 166.899
13:25 130.286 2107.186 174.844 443.716 1708.839 170.704 535.512 3187.387 170.417
13:26 130.161 2108.152 174.831 443.633 1709.193 170.486 512.742 3639.785 169.377
13:27 130.158 2108.48 174.465 443.76 1709.11 170.357 514.986 3671.608 170.48
13:28 130.048 2107.457 175.016 443.549 1708.989 170.332 n/a n/a n/a
APPENDIX C4: Positioning data of large scale case study-0703 data set (continued)
time m4l_x m4l_y m4l_z m4r_x m4r_y m4r_z wk1_x wk1_y wk1_z
13:29 130.223 2106.964 174.646 443.672 1708.954 170.521 628.879 3585.466 166.505
13:30 130.241 2106.934 174.885 443.717 1709.174 170.623 631.22 3563.913 169.359
13:31 130.362 2106.783 174.722 443.617 1709.241 169.923 632.517 3575.327 168.53
13:32 130.216 2106.772 175.157 443.712 1708.995 170.613 522.953 2771.317 166.897
13:33 130.194 2107.132 175.314 443.595 1709.19 170.314 1023.059 1817.202 166.35
13:34 130.355 2106.795 174.823 443.976 1710.007 170.49 514.765 3639.765 168.295
13:35 130.167 2106.91 174.579 443.587 1709.022 170.759 597.239 3411.199 160.82
13:36 130.078 2107.058 174.683 443.719 1709.81 171.018 631.219 3522.842 165.822
13:37 130.061 2107.289 174.581 443.836 1709.774 170.868 557.526 3540.688 166.043
13:38 130.583 2105.92 175.143 443.674 1709.861 170.675 609.646 3426.139 167.874
13:39 130.629 2106.188 174.743 443.801 1710.222 170.759 566.174 3386.653 169.478
13:40 130.076 2107.668 174.759 443.773 1709.771 170.223 642.093 3265.313 165.712
13:41 130.097 2107.125 174.798 443.955 1710.005 170.736 745.152 3338.106 166.915
13:42 130.036 2107.156 174.75 443.659 1710.147 170.217 647.502 3368.333 128.276
13:43 130.174 2106.627 174.961 443.81 1709.613 170.394 613.54 3221.15 110.74
13:44 130.234 2107.306 174.769 443.704 1709.26 170.834 663.527 3437.745 88.089
13:45 130.206 2107.54 174.951 443.794 1710.54 170.716 622.65 3306.173 152.038
13:46 130.195 2107.158 174.68 443.844 1710.198 170.812 723.941 3256.327 162.792
13:47 130.66 2105.899 175.114 443.716 1710.263 170.816 566.466 3286.391 128.851
13:48 130.734 2096.532 177.056 443.579 1710.19 171.057 529.812 3595.936 167.745
13:49 130.473 2100.517 175.873 443.271 1709.795 170.281 449.174 3193.266 261.022
13:50 130.598 2099.611 175.992 443.516 1710.252 170.5 362.192 3188.597 338.866
13:51 130.729 2101.48 175.768 443.351 1709.389 169.998 159.677 3245.256 336.076
13:52 130.684 2103.066 175.799 443.297 1709.675 170.243 174.018 3511.387 341.394
13:53 130.66 2103.344 175.069 443.429 1710.559 170.073 411.104 3531.276 285.516
13:54 130.604 2103.518 175.323 443.395 1709.261 169.914 406.103 3205.797 350.908
13:55 130.288 2104.811 174.871 443.02 1709.638 170.589 n/a n/a n/a
13:56 130.395 2104.882 175.358 443.247 1710.212 170.454 893.903 1821.793 165.796
13:57 130.704 2105.274 175.189 443.36 1709.769 169.965 939.609 5255.42 159.015
13:58 130.632 2105.03 175.384 443.356 1709.496 170.158 1115.033 5494.486 151.13
13:59 130.513 2105.428 175.095 443.226 1710.201 169.788 765.529 5515.589 149.804
14:00 130.467 2105.195 175.025 443.156 1709.714 169.747 1026.423 5224.894 167.521
14:01 130.603 2105.115 175.175 443.281 1709.728 170.507 803.692 5259.866 162.736
14:02 130.575 2105.531 175.206 443.291 1709.956 169.708 1132.338 5710.299 152.246
14:03 130.58 2104.661 175.073 443.226 1709.55 170.205 n/a n/a n/a
14:04 130.497 2106.132 174.926 442.828 1708.101 169.618 n/a n/a n/a
14:05 130.716 2112.768 173.328 443.177 1708.815 169.639 n/a n/a n/a
14:06 130.778 2112.192 173.737 443.02 1708.477 170.537 n/a n/a n/a
14:07 131.023 2111.005 173.63 443.506 1709.358 170.551 n/a n/a n/a
14:08 130.576 2109.765 173.852 443.187 1711.04 170.468 n/a n/a n/a
14:09 130.673 2113.162 173.669 442.871 1710.73 170.109 n/a n/a n/a
14:10 130.672 2112.979 173.576 443.189 1709.66 170.274 n/a n/a n/a
14:11 130.492 2112.59 173.626 443.227 1710.599 170.059 n/a n/a n/a
14:12 130.821 2112.641 173.899 443.288 1709.322 170.302 n/a n/a n/a
14:13 130.511 2114.413 173.401 443.267 1710.587 170.207 n/a n/a n/a
14:14 13.135 2408.634 141.654 443.447 1709.946 170.613 1102.874 4822.579 162.391
14:15 12.732 2412.136 141.187 525.641 1079.627 161.434 1106.01 4487 166.893
14:16 12.662 2411.019 141.555 603.211 1099.541 135.703 489.119 3090.938 170.812
14:17 12.784 2411.881 141.186 603.587 1099.675 135.671 684.401 2102.786 163.008
14:18 12.74 2411.111 141.262 603.401 1099.851 135.701 293.168 2210.183 162.626
14:19 13.034 2410.271 141.32 603.488 1099.684 136.019 492.028 2072.554 167.673
14:20 12.68 2411.083 141.226 603.497 1100.001 135.489 487.984 2579.592 165.351
14:21 12.882 2411.873 140.797 603.599 1099.329 135.414 583.022 2417.148 164.797
14:22 13.508 2409.906 141.524 603.252 1099.546 135.288 518.012 2035.91 165.364
14:23 13.412 2409.424 142.036 603.286 1099.487 135.558 1201.297 1715.601 163.726
APPENDIX C4: Positioning data of large scale case study-0703 data set (continued)
time wk2_x wk2_y wk2_z wk3_x wk3_y wk3_z bh1_x bh1_y bh1_z bh2_x bh2_y bh2_z
7:17 115.038 1796.649 155.991 227.675 1805.182 170.481 n/a n/a n/a 945.167 4221.728 496.397
7:18 123.433 1863.724 156.234 214.507 1805.528 170.782 n/a n/a n/a 945.216 4221.749 495.339
7:19 89.792 1939.056 146.683 218.971 1855.458 168.929 n/a n/a n/a 945.755 4220.907 495.932
7:20 131.312 1983.17 96.358 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 945.987 4224.69 495.97
7:21 120.061 2065.207 141.856 198.264 1992.276 129.231 n/a n/a n/a 945.974 4220.384 495.689
7:22 101.13 2090.002 162.983 219.64 2060.93 169.349 n/a n/a n/a 945.605 4220.862 495.864
7:23 185.312 2243.453 166.776 417.102 1757.489 231.571 n/a n/a n/a 945.764 4223.05 495.442
7:24 84.732 1696.827 163.431 470.467 1192.489 164.215 n/a n/a n/a 945.442 4216.46 495.588
7:25 545.11 2056.066 159.125 562.531 1250.699 168.326 n/a n/a n/a 945.76 4220.8 495.16
7:26 57.583 2099.419 158.798 133.908 2052.32 346.626 n/a n/a n/a 945.656 4220.783 495.971
7:27 410.35 2149.101 132.665 419.645 2125.53 260.409 n/a n/a n/a 945.884 4222.113 495.702
7:28 156.804 1683.494 158.436 150.123 1738.891 339.974 n/a n/a n/a 945.573 4219.179 495.231
7:29 143.952 1465.984 164.612 490.04 1450.342 174.004 n/a n/a n/a 945.213 4219.815 495.171
7:30 253.33 1616.331 153.317 467.43 1714.284 164.863 n/a n/a n/a 945.383 4220.899 495.048
7:31 105.785 1671.944 160.168 475.169 1996.307 161.947 n/a n/a n/a 946.097 4219.996 494.982
7:32 89.269 2110.825 156.919 547.263 1682.551 171.218 n/a n/a n/a 945.251 4219.251 496.116
7:33 n/a n/a n/a 110.084 1700.169 170.987 n/a n/a n/a 945.465 4221.149 495.071
7:34 n/a n/a n/a 494.071 1930.763 171.999 n/a n/a n/a 945.65 4222.453 495.776
7:35 n/a n/a n/a 479.486 1963.069 94.899 n/a n/a n/a 944.809 4221.174 495.562
7:36 n/a n/a n/a 493.647 1746.427 168.738 n/a n/a n/a 945.339 4220.709 495.437
7:37 n/a n/a n/a 463.164 2031.524 160.562 n/a n/a n/a 946.049 4223.04 495.285
7:38 n/a n/a n/a 470.319 2059.379 68.484 n/a n/a n/a 945.251 4219.339 495.315
7:39 n/a n/a n/a 472.787 1739.516 140.525 n/a n/a n/a 945.672 4221.193 494.898
7:40 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 945.187 4217.594 495.856
7:41 n/a n/a n/a 750.966 1033.02 170.981 n/a n/a n/a 945.591 4220.791 495.271
7:42 n/a n/a n/a 505.122 3092.33 411.839 n/a n/a n/a 945.664 4220.206 494.924
7:43 n/a n/a n/a 369.565 3077.573 584.13 n/a n/a n/a 945.651 4223.005 494.646
7:44 n/a n/a n/a 390.584 3120.326 593.658 n/a n/a n/a 945.334 4221.28 495.35
7:45 n/a n/a n/a 383.173 3118.306 539.129 n/a n/a n/a 945.509 4224.656 495.996
7:46 n/a n/a n/a 461.281 3149.19 515.945 n/a n/a n/a 945.151 4220.235 495.374
7:47 1066.74 970.336 153.722 217.172 3100.18 588.879 n/a n/a n/a 945.861 4223.17 496.406
7:48 22.169 2755.906 159.561 314.272 3084.623 588.163 n/a n/a n/a 945.484 4219.293 495.447
7:49 90.973 2817.935 153.407 249.457 3137.669 590.29 n/a n/a n/a 945.304 4219.003 496.415
7:50 555.696 1640.103 160.881 225.509 3104.03 593.295 n/a n/a n/a 945.515 4221.974 495.237
7:51 n/a n/a n/a 210 3150.424 595.167 n/a n/a n/a 946.013 4222.466 495.263
7:52 n/a n/a n/a 201.267 3043.097 585.033 n/a n/a n/a 945.849 4226.345 495.335
7:53 n/a n/a n/a 221.997 3072.978 589.795 n/a n/a n/a 945.979 4223.563 495.852
7:54 n/a n/a n/a 213.19 3113.212 596.171 n/a n/a n/a 945.777 4224.635 495.344
7:55 n/a n/a n/a 207.154 3115.761 597.488 n/a n/a n/a 946.194 4227.29 495.887
7:56 n/a n/a n/a 194.458 3137.569 598.022 n/a n/a n/a 946.004 4225.763 495.895
7:57 n/a n/a n/a 170.402 3080.847 577.088 n/a n/a n/a 945.541 4222.617 496.14
7:58 n/a n/a n/a 238.086 3121.34 591.05 n/a n/a n/a 945.621 4223.88 495.299
7:59 n/a n/a n/a 170.136 3159.483 586.529 n/a n/a n/a 945.607 4225.5 495.554
8:00 n/a n/a n/a 184.446 3162.217 594.564 n/a n/a n/a 946.138 4224.792 496.145
8:01 n/a n/a n/a 176.105 3137.524 577.725 n/a n/a n/a 945.159 4221.387 496.163
8:02 n/a n/a n/a 183.009 3132.94 586.849 n/a n/a n/a 945.533 4220.365 496.189
8:03 n/a n/a n/a 340.692 3097.682 593.869 n/a n/a n/a 945.752 4223.33 494.552
8:04 966.73 1246.932 156.152 380.717 3096.073 597.04 n/a n/a n/a 946.054 4225.928 494.881
8:05 560.647 2808.023 158.592 322.913 3083.064 590.317 n/a n/a n/a 946.347 4230.525 494.624
8:06 n/a n/a n/a 314.865 3112.377 590.872 n/a n/a n/a 946.263 4227.1 495.789
8:07 n/a n/a n/a 422.845 3137.342 542.01 n/a n/a n/a 946.219 4228.455 495.647
8:08 n/a n/a n/a 420.827 3101.48 549.263 n/a n/a n/a 945.835 4224.12 495.513
8:09 n/a n/a n/a 428.641 3126.447 550.139 n/a n/a n/a 945.491 4222.614 495.427
8:10 546.128 3387.347 161.55 426.6 3085.386 550.892 n/a n/a n/a 943.482 4854.633 462.479
8:11 460.28 1313.056 159.805 433.235 3089.287 544.643 n/a n/a n/a 947.269 4830.114 296.547
8:12 n/a n/a n/a 437.648 3100.85 544.726 n/a n/a n/a 882.102 4536.206 201.296
8:13 n/a n/a n/a 428.17 3106.696 570.514 n/a n/a n/a 571.614 2384.381 198.864
8:14 n/a n/a n/a 430.885 3077.497 595.944 n/a n/a n/a 294.124 2116.93 194.614
8:15 n/a n/a n/a 419.119 3097.885 590.254 n/a n/a n/a 286.928 2072.841 358.791
8:16 n/a n/a n/a 380.781 3083.83 597.05 n/a n/a n/a 285.979 2068.171 387.946
8:17 n/a n/a n/a 427.846 3125.024 577.415 n/a n/a n/a 286.851 1997.211 517.892
8:18 n/a n/a n/a 416.137 3105.049 593.296 n/a n/a n/a 285.178 1569.571 584.434
8:19 511.319 1609.502 158.224 391.841 3123.869 587.36 n/a n/a n/a 701.962 2208.51 583.028
8:20 31.61 1297.256 156.263 200.639 3077.044 584.169 n/a n/a n/a 714.852 3168.328 531.744
8:21 n/a n/a n/a 337.209 3162.25 593.695 n/a n/a n/a 719.177 3163.535 532.491
8:22 n/a n/a n/a 424.664 3073.407 579.193 n/a n/a n/a 719.582 4221.947 533.086
8:23 n/a n/a n/a 417.658 3111.512 595.809 n/a n/a n/a 707.561 4254.775 531.256
8:24 n/a n/a n/a 276.172 3071.838 588.821 n/a n/a n/a 701.967 4259.719 532.177
8:25 433.687 1648.018 520.588 193.119 3121.057 506.928 n/a n/a n/a 711.867 4255.14 530.862
8:26 513.748 1094.315 152.214 305.894 3119.129 507.694 n/a n/a n/a 717.337 4247.719 531.365
8:27 n/a n/a n/a 418.54 3112.405 505.459 n/a n/a n/a 714.105 4248.88 533.04
8:28 n/a n/a n/a 496.871 3129.276 258.766 n/a n/a n/a 711.581 4240.662 530.568
8:29 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 714 4237.485 528.513
8:30 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 712.775 4239.98 529.02
8:31 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 713 4241.001 529.047
APPENDIX C4: Positioning data of large scale case study-0703 data set (continued)
time wk2_x wk2_y wk2_z wk3_x wk3_y wk3_z bh1_x bh1_y bh1_z bh2_x bh2_y bh2_z
8:32 n/a n/a n/a 503.054 1071.355 171.578 n/a n/a n/a 713.09 4238.669 529.136
8:33 n/a n/a n/a 339.971 1589.446 525.28 n/a n/a n/a 712.562 4238.125 529.824
8:34 50.703 1289.083 158.844 245.618 1604.582 590.077 n/a n/a n/a 713.379 4233.457 529.058
8:35 n/a n/a n/a 311.175 1618.838 592.276 n/a n/a n/a 712.764 4241.777 527.117
8:36 n/a n/a n/a 255.795 1621.398 596.372 n/a n/a n/a 712.926 4240.11 528.996
8:37 n/a n/a n/a 220.419 1644.577 601.701 n/a n/a n/a 713.403 4236.256 528.999
8:38 n/a n/a n/a 176.733 1618.684 586.514 n/a n/a n/a 712.607 4234.302 529.73
8:39 n/a n/a n/a 225.603 1622.713 594.563 n/a n/a n/a 713.586 4239.408 528.089
8:40 n/a n/a n/a 143.429 1602.998 595.606 n/a n/a n/a 712.557 4233.408 529.544
8:41 n/a n/a n/a 155.556 1640.07 590.713 n/a n/a n/a 713.007 4234.468 528.169
8:42 n/a n/a n/a 180.903 1641.556 599.994 n/a n/a n/a 713.702 4237.763 527.619
8:43 n/a n/a n/a 159.108 1633.269 592.608 n/a n/a n/a 713.634 4241.686 527.494
8:44 n/a n/a n/a 150.861 1657.098 591.101 n/a n/a n/a 712.856 4236.99 529.527
8:45 n/a n/a n/a 138.66 1618.099 526.781 n/a n/a n/a 712.781 4238.919 529.702
8:46 n/a n/a n/a 173.137 1656.589 595.4 n/a n/a n/a 713.073 4240.363 529.541
8:47 n/a n/a n/a 234.724 1655.496 599.881 n/a n/a n/a 713.402 4237.786 529.056
8:48 n/a n/a n/a 307.961 1622.828 567.746 n/a n/a n/a 712.487 4236.377 532.323
8:49 n/a n/a n/a 360.198 1604.992 598.429 n/a n/a n/a 712.754 4239.68 529.557
8:50 n/a n/a n/a 360.476 1609.671 599.338 n/a n/a n/a 712.939 4241.749 529.453
8:51 n/a n/a n/a 481.698 1646.353 447.371 n/a n/a n/a 713.389 4241.1 528.394
8:52 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 713.321 4241.581 527.145
8:53 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 713.453 4243.367 528.453
8:54 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 714.052 4235.792 529.787
8:55 n/a n/a n/a 1194.655 1168.389 167.285 n/a n/a n/a 713.517 4239.619 529.494
8:56 n/a n/a n/a 588.28 1386.071 174.98 n/a n/a n/a 713.27 4238.459 527.996
8:57 n/a n/a n/a 347.919 1615.875 599.435 n/a n/a n/a 713.438 4238.774 527.857
8:58 n/a n/a n/a 339.207 1616.845 598.52 n/a n/a n/a 713.542 4242.668 528.829
8:59 530.08 1350.741 156.507 334.41 1633.324 597.48 n/a n/a n/a 713.283 4248.31 528.392
9:00 43.185 1224.147 152.959 329.023 1617.681 586.047 n/a n/a n/a 714.208 4242.447 528.65
9:01 n/a n/a n/a 198.165 1631.893 592.49 n/a n/a n/a 712.725 4231.397 530.938
9:02 n/a n/a n/a 342.136 1641.617 594.764 n/a n/a n/a 713.463 4240.188 529.45
9:03 n/a n/a n/a 400.887 1595.119 591.485 n/a n/a n/a 712.055 4235.112 528.088
9:04 n/a n/a n/a 415.006 1629.912 587.827 n/a n/a n/a 712.07 4236.445 528.837
9:05 n/a n/a n/a 375.835 1582.822 597.538 n/a n/a n/a 712.605 4236.978 529.007
9:06 505.264 1205.766 157.175 334.891 1616.371 591.165 n/a n/a n/a 711.906 4238.49 528.677
9:07 520.635 1817.392 162.773 365.81 1622.573 596.758 n/a n/a n/a 711.03 4230.539 531.581
9:08 n/a n/a n/a 404.008 1599.607 592.693 n/a n/a n/a 712.37 4234.148 528.413
9:09 n/a n/a n/a 377.484 1602.332 597.393 n/a n/a n/a 713.022 4235.269 527.833
9:10 n/a n/a n/a 426.484 1637.134 578.918 n/a n/a n/a 712.144 4235.92 527.803
9:11 n/a n/a n/a 396.009 1620.093 598.487 n/a n/a n/a 877.873 4438.832 429.181
9:12 n/a n/a n/a 414.831 1683.221 544.534 n/a n/a n/a 876.002 4482.024 262.709
9:13 n/a n/a n/a 409.048 1642.645 593.897 n/a n/a n/a 887.871 4429.484 185.613
9:14 n/a n/a n/a 387.309 1584.872 598.302 n/a n/a n/a 869.564 4449.731 183.922
9:15 n/a n/a n/a 166.706 1571.48 588.567 n/a n/a n/a 895.717 4430.122 184.138
9:16 n/a n/a n/a 426.658 1610.932 588.056 n/a n/a n/a 870.678 4438.942 184.892
9:17 n/a n/a n/a 355.237 1623.697 597.969 n/a n/a n/a 891.875 4441.869 184.221
9:18 n/a n/a n/a 158.906 1692.099 500.692 n/a n/a n/a 874.526 4438.582 186.076
9:19 n/a n/a n/a 310.712 1581.11 596.113 n/a n/a n/a 887.795 4429.284 185.857
9:20 n/a n/a n/a 254.875 1593.014 590.248 n/a n/a n/a 877.955 4438.561 183.462
9:21 n/a n/a n/a 382.379 1622.828 601.229 n/a n/a n/a 883.315 4475.104 182.801
9:22 n/a n/a n/a 358.809 1593.438 599.195 n/a n/a n/a 878.651 4736.034 182.85
9:23 n/a n/a n/a 366.858 1622.245 593.089 n/a n/a n/a 888.047 4697.045 338.833
9:24 376.153 1281.885 178.015 305.227 1614.228 599.768 n/a n/a n/a 884.538 4665.03 497.535
9:25 425.902 1924.168 156.395 183.065 1632.721 588.252 n/a n/a n/a 884.6 4661.455 497.491
9:26 628.927 3415.306 169.824 261.52 1607.263 509.509 n/a n/a n/a 885.595 4151.209 509.824
9:27 705.36 3291.375 154.029 386.801 1668.365 530.552 n/a n/a n/a 886.609 4154.653 512.816
9:28 716.498 3466.951 160.089 485.883 1642.072 220.305 n/a n/a n/a 884.73 4154.687 511.082
9:29 509.584 2720.443 155.567 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 883.839 4153.893 512.55
13:12 n/a n/a n/a 440.082 1415.741 168.604 n/a n/a n/a 930.698 4147.787 542.64
13:13 n/a n/a n/a 528.634 1300.249 163.307 n/a n/a n/a 930.652 4146.213 543.533
13:14 n/a n/a n/a 357.352 1449.742 162.754 n/a n/a n/a 931.1 4150.852 542.158
13:15 n/a n/a n/a 500.292 1494.598 167.697 n/a n/a n/a 930.199 4143.984 543.558
13:16 n/a n/a n/a 611.869 1611.514 166.309 n/a n/a n/a 931.202 4149.041 542.995
13:17 738.7 2507.073 152.726 246.844 1651.244 599.721 265.349 1714.235 674.245 930.916 4151.491 542.646
13:18 n/a n/a n/a 681.923 1541.603 167.514 285.677 1766.976 656.029 930.702 4145.999 543.163
13:19 n/a n/a n/a 535.851 1303.257 167.275 283.492 1970.845 561.147 930.572 4147.748 542.775
13:20 n/a n/a n/a 850.194 1697.23 172.891 283.268 2091.451 392.682 931.02 4150.153 542.46
13:21 n/a n/a n/a 828.452 1810.315 168.733 288.871 2123.868 228.982 930.614 4149.64 543.016
13:22 1231.87 2302.429 156.72 n/a n/a n/a 295.255 3269.534 286.605 931.023 4151.463 543.044
13:23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 331.768 3310.456 452.607 931.393 4151.744 543.058
13:24 n/a n/a n/a 496.74 3129.428 326.727 285.731 3208.139 618.897 931.503 4151.299 543.059
13:25 500.112 1139.945 156.143 560.64 3104.972 174.064 290.785 3351.77 626.352 931.459 4153.147 543.729
13:26 314.502 1634.692 157.852 494.885 3004.513 155.028 292.401 3541.821 458.957 931.045 4152.655 542.377
13:27 206.134 1626.944 163.58 33.903 2933.73 175.726 293.156 3584.35 291.768 930.998 4151.479 543.619
13:28 94.761 1669.158 159.454 n/a n/a n/a 285.999 3596.615 224.229 930.971 4151.064 543.342
APPENDIX C4: Positioning data of large scale case study-0703 data set (continued)
time wk2_x wk2_y wk2_z wk3_x wk3_y wk3_z bh1_x bh1_y bh1_z bh2_x bh2_y bh2_z
13:29 306.853 1645.126 99.401 n/a n/a n/a 283.784 3616.021 390.206 930.395 4147.489 542.928
13:30 410.828 1666.163 150.785 n/a n/a n/a 287.772 3622.834 552.624 930.833 4151.528 542.982
13:31 492.717 1811.669 161.15 n/a n/a n/a 284.411 3342.056 707.976 931.063 4148.068 543.004
13:32 478.617 2138.024 153.63 424.628 3125.684 173.976 n/a n/a n/a 930.501 4149.405 542.366
13:33 478.712 2131.628 160.992 420.402 3116.302 173.058 n/a n/a n/a 930.905 4146.407 543.105
13:34 n/a n/a n/a 188.02 3110.994 176.595 n/a n/a n/a 931.078 4150.509 542.315
13:35 450.701 2055.408 61.841 116.548 3267.885 84.189 n/a n/a n/a 931.066 4150.534 541.558
13:36 466.675 1578.513 148.32 329.327 3184.491 104.229 n/a n/a n/a 930.345 4147.339 545.787
13:37 94.446 1905.509 161.093 496.019 3348.324 173.6 n/a n/a n/a 931.212 4152.691 542.363
13:38 83.618 2070.66 160.976 487.76 3565.353 172.893 n/a n/a n/a 931.047 4151.066 542.888
13:39 89.686 2103.759 81.086 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 931.067 4151.586 542.801
13:40 141.897 1636.78 159.5 456.605 3400.5 103.751 n/a n/a n/a 931.433 4150.347 543.019
13:41 97.1 2103.285 146.887 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 930.666 4152.092 543.215
13:42 519.397 1787.033 159.912 79.178 3426.335 170.349 n/a n/a n/a 931.053 4151.529 542.812
13:43 n/a n/a n/a 116.866 3542.637 164.715 n/a n/a n/a 930.524 4145.005 543.215
13:44 n/a n/a n/a 126.99 3275.599 82.33 n/a n/a n/a 930.381 4151.666 544.229
13:45 n/a n/a n/a 87.708 3276.405 172.171 n/a n/a n/a 930.708 4148.836 543
13:46 353.073 1847.559 162.319 79.545 3546.289 171.317 n/a n/a n/a 930.88 4149.124 543.983
13:47 214.689 1893.708 157.73 492.165 3296.196 173.418 n/a n/a n/a 930.964 4152.29 542.211
13:48 n/a n/a n/a 180.686 3190.577 241.964 n/a n/a n/a 932.191 4152.416 545.032
13:49 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 932.257 4151.184 542.003
13:50 355.117 2025.987 161.614 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 932.097 4151.421 542.69
13:51 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 932.364 4157.291 542.203
13:52 n/a n/a n/a 357.178 3417.131 172.995 n/a n/a n/a 932.107 4149.458 543.772
13:53 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 932.408 4151.159 543.12
13:54 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 932.015 4152.242 543.051
13:55 357.878 1713.184 342.352 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 931.767 4145.367 543.61
13:56 360.366 1717.926 344.962 227.456 3516.49 171.351 n/a n/a n/a 931.8 4149.811 542.887
13:57 213.32 1723.219 340.024 268.118 3318.946 174.643 n/a n/a n/a 932.357 4150.922 541.213
13:58 180.443 2110.184 260.645 139.477 3257.175 275.198 n/a n/a n/a 931.708 4149.55 542.637
13:59 266.082 2106.003 342.67 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 931.778 4151.577 542.469
14:00 350.482 2103.133 272.027 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 932.257 4151.738 541.29
14:01 436.949 1819.733 342.032 554.426 2111.341 170.239 n/a n/a n/a 931.994 4150.353 541.015
14:02 383.951 2027.438 321.338 551.58 1816.042 173.048 n/a n/a n/a 932.193 4152.037 541.462
14:03 369.837 1739.183 260.767 1209.634 1150.573 167.453 n/a n/a n/a 931.988 4149.098 540.748
14:04 358.933 1510.52 157.024 134.282 1526.047 175.949 n/a n/a n/a 932.137 4152.981 542.052
14:05 217.638 1337.785 155.321 97.344 1309.794 172.509 n/a n/a n/a 931.551 4145.243 543.177
14:06 233.888 1336.627 160.688 93.129 1324.44 176.598 n/a n/a n/a 932.052 4152.33 541.409
14:07 494.192 1155.986 154.67 567.372 1509.177 167.299 n/a n/a n/a 932.174 4150.51 542.243
14:08 39.659 2083.157 156.445 230.13 1390.309 168.379 n/a n/a n/a 932.443 4150.252 540.674
14:09 504.462 1904.689 159.234 321.064 1392.478 166.96 n/a n/a n/a 931.885 4148.902 541.536
14:10 468.835 1128.661 158.537 35.914 1385.636 172.564 n/a n/a n/a 931.47 4147.334 542.448
14:11 546.635 2039.435 157.686 637.814 1520.85 172.216 n/a n/a n/a 931.218 4144.61 542.177
14:12 134.121 1631.653 160.678 29.858 1527.573 172.024 n/a n/a n/a 932.144 4148.509 541.179
14:13 64.879 1926.863 162.186 158.541 1631.389 114.833 n/a n/a n/a 931.854 4146.404 542.199
14:14 559.462 2204.415 158.673 196.871 1688.986 165.676 n/a n/a n/a 932.666 4148.528 542.235
14:15 484.148 1293.726 158.242 73.721 2434.801 172.516 n/a n/a n/a 931.822 4150.627 542.542
14:16 504.068 1528.622 156.233 85.15 2193.648 165.13 n/a n/a n/a 931.91 4150.304 542.252
14:17 71.684 2080.289 161.92 532.558 1529.801 164.247 n/a n/a n/a 932.176 4148.718 542.032
14:18 67.127 2164.595 162.096 555.104 1170.556 166.933 n/a n/a n/a 932.932 4155.121 541.581
14:19 63.897 2282.214 155.829 73.5 1544.626 80.763 n/a n/a n/a 931.974 4149.069 541.866
14:20 70.281 2161.031 160.42 500.748 1180.349 169.498 n/a n/a n/a 554.508 4152.484 545.035
14:21 1092.007 1162.943 150.838 47.213 1553.119 171.231 n/a n/a n/a 535.515 2136.017 542.65
14:22 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 538.479 1984.351 488.689
14:23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 454.35 1921.423 401.608
APPENDIX C4: Positioning data of large scale case study-0703 data set (continued)
time sh1_x sh1_y sh1_z sh2_x sh2_y sh2_z s1c_x s1c_y s1c_z s2c_x s2c_y s2c_z
7:17 n/a n/a n/a 432.974 1908.899 477.272 n/a n/a n/a 447.694 1878.501 99.156
7:18 n/a n/a n/a 464.424 2183.242 454.691 n/a n/a n/a 526.738 2026.162 136.037
7:19 n/a n/a n/a 72.656 2197.791 406.916 n/a n/a n/a 98.549 2177.592 115.145
7:20 n/a n/a n/a 72.725 2197.354 406.381 n/a n/a n/a 83.549 2200.049 115.727
7:21 n/a n/a n/a 72.818 2197.35 407.332 n/a n/a n/a 104.704 2242.162 112.534
7:22 n/a n/a n/a 72.349 2197.974 407.574 n/a n/a n/a 111.301 2205.478 130.436
7:23 n/a n/a n/a 78.903 2108.346 489.341 n/a n/a n/a 106.993 1836.941 161.997
7:24 n/a n/a n/a 266.396 1321.656 381.83 n/a n/a n/a 260.442 1392.253 94.486
7:25 n/a n/a n/a 289.571 1257.62 408.921 n/a n/a n/a 113.952 1150.638 125.095
7:26 n/a n/a n/a 324.323 1919.405 397.22 n/a n/a n/a 174.436 1813.745 254.082
7:27 n/a n/a n/a 297.395 1562.539 473.095 n/a n/a n/a 259.106 1685.933 193.648
7:28 n/a n/a n/a 297.575 1566.239 472.762 n/a n/a n/a 258.983 1684.855 193.466
7:29 n/a n/a n/a 290.348 1525.908 416.053 n/a n/a n/a 180.358 1502.013 105.892
7:30 n/a n/a n/a 291.649 1711.674 538.147 n/a n/a n/a 286.887 1659.818 102.253
7:31 n/a n/a n/a 617.423 1896.711 492.196 n/a n/a n/a 598.634 1903.029 100.175
7:32 n/a n/a n/a 618.359 1894.866 493.315 n/a n/a n/a 608.494 1892.717 101.858
7:33 n/a n/a n/a 618.261 1895.579 493.475 n/a n/a n/a 608.742 1892.618 101.093
7:34 n/a n/a n/a 618.253 1896.311 492.718 n/a n/a n/a 608.877 1893.447 101.04
7:35 n/a n/a n/a 618.178 1895.41 492.985 n/a n/a n/a 608.354 1893.055 101.013
7:36 n/a n/a n/a 618.153 1895.462 492.291 n/a n/a n/a 608.117 1892.846 100.976
7:37 n/a n/a n/a 618.351 1896.686 492.896 n/a n/a n/a 608.608 1893.88 100.735
7:38 n/a n/a n/a 618.076 1892.398 493.261 n/a n/a n/a 608.413 1893.215 100.84
7:39 n/a n/a n/a 617.925 1895.621 492.96 n/a n/a n/a 608.422 1892.967 101.42
7:40 n/a n/a n/a 618.067 1895.571 493.468 n/a n/a n/a 608.489 1893.213 101.544
7:41 n/a n/a n/a 617.861 1895.257 492.73 n/a n/a n/a 608.11 1893.107 99.177
7:42 571.649 2867.731 626.255 617.608 3492.016 490.115 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:43 158.83 2918.682 657.156 618.241 3483.088 489.655 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:44 992.191 1090.716 492.944 618.172 3482.217 488.59 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:45 n/a n/a n/a 617.845 3485.238 489.355 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:46 n/a n/a n/a 617.988 3483.36 490.134 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:47 1088.104 1243.769 474.096 617.783 3484.271 489.346 1060.326 993.345 114.267 n/a n/a n/a
7:48 168.009 2847.006 661.476 618.415 3483.217 489.673 56.547 2740.726 114.651 n/a n/a n/a
7:49 137.161 3135.303 649.458 618.348 3482.253 489.885 102.972 2851.085 129.012 n/a n/a n/a
7:50 774.055 1876.267 517.084 617.893 3484.719 489.878 602.152 1652.619 131.987 n/a n/a n/a
7:51 n/a n/a n/a 618.288 3483.161 489.714 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:52 n/a n/a n/a 617.708 3485.113 490.43 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:53 n/a n/a n/a 618.094 3485.385 489.916 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:54 n/a n/a n/a 617.828 3484.601 489.767 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:55 n/a n/a n/a 617.79 3485.97 489.008 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:56 n/a n/a n/a 617.819 3485.206 488.989 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:57 n/a n/a n/a 618.097 3485.258 489.166 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:58 n/a n/a n/a 617.72 3485.677 488.821 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
7:59 n/a n/a n/a 617.805 3487.869 489.773 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:00 n/a n/a n/a 617.919 3486.206 489.339 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:01 n/a n/a n/a 617.666 3485.747 489.717 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:02 n/a n/a n/a 618.023 3483.871 488.738 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:03 n/a n/a n/a 618.004 3484.778 488.363 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:04 1093.244 1454.84 463.605 617.953 3487.525 488.654 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:05 439.157 3088.761 661.95 617.715 3487.712 488.861 528.029 2867.615 129.129 n/a n/a n/a
8:06 188.81 3120.022 659.915 618.026 3486.598 489.579 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:07 n/a n/a n/a 618.321 3486.006 489.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:08 n/a n/a n/a 617.875 3485.619 489.73 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:09 n/a n/a n/a 617.987 3484.356 489.122 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:10 n/a n/a n/a 617.807 3486.517 469.171 n/a n/a n/a 587.028 3385.168 107.954
8:11 n/a n/a n/a 500.972 1579.765 335.312 n/a n/a n/a 491.624 1308.92 147.217
8:12 n/a n/a n/a 492.725 1297.696 334.634 n/a n/a n/a 505.603 1257.399 100.331
8:13 n/a n/a n/a 499.494 1311.058 334.355 n/a n/a n/a 498.96 1290.638 99.383
8:14 n/a n/a n/a 499.048 1317.228 334.321 n/a n/a n/a 501.474 1301.689 97.169
8:15 n/a n/a n/a 498.226 1311.934 334.807 n/a n/a n/a 509.655 1284.991 98.599
8:16 n/a n/a n/a 498.294 1312.321 334.518 n/a n/a n/a 511.763 1282.661 99.329
8:17 n/a n/a n/a 498.644 1311.778 333.773 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:18 n/a n/a n/a 498.929 1311.305 334.119 n/a n/a n/a 509.501 1283.298 99.088
8:19 625.388 1344.348 668.3 561.423 1889.756 336.074 532.355 1578.357 202.804 517.072 1700.374 127.699
8:20 122.468 1661.768 660.226 535.089 1991.631 335.143 71.834 1341.687 152.404 539.088 1976.381 98.375
8:21 n/a n/a n/a 533.407 1979.864 335.153 n/a n/a n/a 535.505 1964.822 94.681
8:22 n/a n/a n/a 544.316 2586.552 215.522 n/a n/a n/a 601.177 2526.718 146.756
8:23 n/a n/a n/a 552.269 3173.579 449.472 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:24 n/a n/a n/a 562.899 2937.804 644.313 n/a n/a n/a 600.046 2910.749 99.666
8:25 n/a n/a n/a 386.39 1656.058 650.403 n/a n/a n/a 419.518 1845.638 145.739
8:26 n/a n/a n/a 460.228 2176.811 503.441 n/a n/a n/a 398.309 2166.421 107.956
8:27 n/a n/a n/a 557.983 2611.408 172.649 n/a n/a n/a 594.107 2564.037 99.572
8:28 n/a n/a n/a 574.965 2589.051 175.127 n/a n/a n/a 583.485 2579.981 98.69
8:29 n/a n/a n/a 575.374 2588.315 175.346 n/a n/a n/a 575.681 2575.319 98.265
8:30 n/a n/a n/a 575.548 2591.301 174.314 n/a n/a n/a 573.964 2564.821 100.923
8:31 n/a n/a n/a 575.254 2588.957 174.335 n/a n/a n/a 574.203 2564.119 101.677
APPENDIX C4: Positioning data of large scale case study-0703 data set (continued)
time sh1_x sh1_y sh1_z sh2_x sh2_y sh2_z s1c_x s1c_y s1c_z s2c_x s2c_y s2c_z
8:32 n/a n/a n/a 517.081 3258.392 304.801 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:33 815.159 821.055 612.266 661.848 3360.394 307.452 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:34 128.794 1591.184 653.734 735.856 3179.572 358.796 80.14 1337.964 129.662 n/a n/a n/a
8:35 179.768 1528.65 665.802 717.226 3148.866 205.247 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:36 n/a n/a n/a 619.167 3152.203 267.192 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:37 n/a n/a n/a 620.894 3137.596 268.216 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:38 n/a n/a n/a 623.216 3124.509 269.454 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:39 n/a n/a n/a 623.742 3119.506 269.866 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:40 n/a n/a n/a 617.514 3154.66 267.056 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:41 n/a n/a n/a 618.303 3152.141 267.052 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:42 n/a n/a n/a 619.659 3145.312 267.556 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:43 n/a n/a n/a 620.913 3137.733 267.559 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:44 n/a n/a n/a 623.894 3118.296 269.917 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:45 n/a n/a n/a 620.962 3137.503 267.89 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:46 n/a n/a n/a 621.25 3136.175 268.797 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:47 n/a n/a n/a 615.774 3169.965 265.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:48 n/a n/a n/a 610.837 3202.895 261.34 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:49 n/a n/a n/a 820.64 3303.457 303.187 n/a n/a n/a 751.965 3204.746 113.246
8:50 n/a n/a n/a 474.615 3344.138 313.21 n/a n/a n/a 485.955 3329.661 140.101
8:51 n/a n/a n/a 631.543 3542.507 295.416 n/a n/a n/a 640.449 3512.506 104.488
8:52 n/a n/a n/a 629.594 3550.87 295.715 n/a n/a n/a 623.2 3537.483 103.927
8:53 n/a n/a n/a 629.622 3551.422 295.256 n/a n/a n/a 624.353 3530.099 98.047
8:54 n/a n/a n/a 620.168 3547.764 449.673 n/a n/a n/a 582.738 3546.868 130.721
8:55 n/a n/a n/a 617.57 3546.941 450.095 n/a n/a n/a 625.057 3481.854 101.637
8:56 n/a n/a n/a 666.119 3362.758 433.01 n/a n/a n/a 698.591 3261.54 104.481
8:57 n/a n/a n/a 818.353 2964.756 338.567 n/a n/a n/a 762.212 2948.986 110.629
8:58 n/a n/a n/a 749.643 2981.284 460.747 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8:59 617.37 1610.673 639.197 491.726 3344.913 371.606 524 1398.808 118.986 489.218 3324.698 101.482
9:00 152.859 1384.889 669.667 494.016 3344.798 372.679 68.213 1269.368 117.353 492.48 3348.561 97.719
9:01 414.227 1271.126 666.197 493.981 3342.627 371.533 344.081 1172.889 105.76 492.098 3351.7 100.213
9:02 n/a n/a n/a 494.409 3342.552 372.395 n/a n/a n/a 493.165 3354.011 97.503
9:03 n/a n/a n/a 493.369 3342.724 371.507 n/a n/a n/a 499.452 3322.756 98.241
9:04 n/a n/a n/a 493.303 3341.128 372.019 n/a n/a n/a 499.38 3317.351 97.425
9:05 n/a n/a n/a 493.707 3341.426 372.378 n/a n/a n/a 497.44 3311.99 102.253
9:06 n/a n/a n/a 493.263 3342.654 372.339 n/a n/a n/a 497.274 3303.973 103.142
9:07 n/a n/a n/a 493.398 3341.631 371.935 n/a n/a n/a 494.683 3330.182 104.314
9:08 n/a n/a n/a 495.717 3648.885 373.348 n/a n/a n/a 489.672 3670.899 98.544
9:09 n/a n/a n/a 496.039 3645.349 373.299 n/a n/a n/a 489.893 3673.792 99.192
9:10 n/a n/a n/a 496.646 3639.976 373.667 n/a n/a n/a 496.613 3648.836 98.338
9:11 n/a n/a n/a 495.835 3631.484 373.63 n/a n/a n/a 491.035 3676.779 98.137
9:12 n/a n/a n/a 497.049 3637.544 373.44 n/a n/a n/a 490.485 3682.196 99.132
9:13 n/a n/a n/a 496.998 3638.656 373.44 n/a n/a n/a 493.988 3659.058 99.618
9:14 n/a n/a n/a 570.209 3641.073 273.069 n/a n/a n/a 521.558 3665.856 106.256
9:15 n/a n/a n/a 559.734 1844.385 446.675 n/a n/a n/a 499.695 1970.829 111.372
9:16 n/a n/a n/a 506.759 1689.942 485.302 n/a n/a n/a 514.001 1815.761 128.103
9:17 n/a n/a n/a 405.692 1669.294 562.009 n/a n/a n/a 473.404 1852.682 126.853
9:18 n/a n/a n/a 639.26 1773.641 438.457 n/a n/a n/a 535.773 1910.22 126.676
9:19 n/a n/a n/a 627.098 1907.374 135.237 n/a n/a n/a 538.104 1934.578 107.496
9:20 n/a n/a n/a 637.305 2277.852 132.847 n/a n/a n/a 607.083 2219.222 94.294
9:21 n/a n/a n/a 574.811 3661.124 250.359 n/a n/a n/a 553.227 3607.144 100.971
9:22 n/a n/a n/a 513.204 3647.271 310.66 n/a n/a n/a 521.886 3632.619 98.456
9:23 n/a n/a n/a 517.902 3642.47 311.589 n/a n/a n/a 525.684 3604.979 99.903
9:24 418.316 1629.467 664.208 514.452 3649.715 310.056 381.876 1343.056 143.842 517.478 3643.864 99.337
9:25 362.724 2046.587 651.759 516.521 3640.85 311.624 423.929 1985.599 109.122 516.348 3646.651 98.585
9:26 660.517 3329.167 335.359 516.162 3638.129 311.597 617.211 3452.131 104.95 522.21 3634.455 100.052
9:27 670.637 3213.323 315.011 515.344 3642.478 312.501 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:28 673.258 3238.653 300.937 515.93 3642.751 312.85 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
9:29 670.292 2729.842 364.749 516.009 3640.231 312.992 557.544 2736.545 75.376 n/a n/a n/a
13:12 n/a n/a n/a 680.951 1527.531 285.002 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:13 n/a n/a n/a 527.682 1435.591 217.607 n/a n/a n/a 513.409 1364.981 117.283
13:14 n/a n/a n/a 288.336 1523.179 233.232 n/a n/a n/a 290.329 1502.841 94.035
13:15 n/a n/a n/a 289.317 1526.646 253.865 n/a n/a n/a 305.207 1509.526 101.208
13:16 n/a n/a n/a 289.402 1527.248 253.85 n/a n/a n/a 296.213 1512.721 92.73
13:17 n/a n/a n/a 289.499 1527.025 253.624 n/a n/a n/a 298.919 1515.97 94.098
13:18 n/a n/a n/a 289.991 1526.105 253.941 n/a n/a n/a 450.177 1475.214 119.621
13:19 n/a n/a n/a 288.006 1539.063 281.882 n/a n/a n/a 490.008 1345.685 159.13
13:20 n/a n/a n/a 682.888 1530.391 225.38 n/a n/a n/a 796.268 1667.372 136.608
13:21 n/a n/a n/a 678.576 1689.346 221.356 n/a n/a n/a 776.911 1776.065 125.593
13:22 n/a n/a n/a 339.515 3010.611 226.449 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:23 n/a n/a n/a 302.24 2997.515 231.004 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:24 n/a n/a n/a 304.449 3008.51 282.824 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:25 n/a n/a n/a 292.574 3036.492 392.885 n/a n/a n/a 490.397 3126.112 153.001
13:26 n/a n/a n/a 459.464 2949.818 121.814 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:27 n/a n/a n/a 559.971 2987.568 149.568 n/a n/a n/a 581.659 2934.678 103.289
13:28 n/a n/a n/a 559.212 2991.132 148.618 n/a n/a n/a 581.69 2937.595 102.737
APPENDIX C4: Positioning data of large scale case study-0703 data set (continued)
time sh1_x sh1_y sh1_z sh2_x sh2_y sh2_z s1c_x s1c_y s1c_z s2c_x s2c_y s2c_z
13:29 n/a n/a n/a 559.419 2987.535 149.281 n/a n/a n/a 582.015 2935.949 103.552
13:30 n/a n/a n/a 559.577 2989.507 148.53 n/a n/a n/a 581.688 2937.15 103.77
13:31 n/a n/a n/a 559.668 2990.69 148.875 n/a n/a n/a 581.845 2933.897 103.204
13:32 n/a n/a n/a 559.219 2992.483 148.641 n/a n/a n/a 581.726 2936 103.453
13:33 n/a n/a n/a 560.091 2987.278 148.675 n/a n/a n/a 582.197 2934.892 103.794
13:34 n/a n/a n/a 586.948 3641.577 153.511 n/a n/a n/a 542.064 3609.703 102.934
13:35 n/a n/a n/a 645.628 3370.549 381.014 n/a n/a n/a 643.798 3440.309 81.883
13:36 n/a n/a n/a 667.329 3544.819 387.133 n/a n/a n/a 665.581 3490.706 105.431
13:37 n/a n/a n/a 642.399 3564.833 375.999 n/a n/a n/a 573.711 3536.748 98.729
13:38 n/a n/a n/a 659.466 3412.631 426.894 n/a n/a n/a 619.24 3421.541 103.707
13:39 n/a n/a n/a 613.945 3382.83 442.248 n/a n/a n/a 580.416 3332.445 113.131
13:40 n/a n/a n/a 637.391 3304.955 395.169 n/a n/a n/a 671.813 3269.63 105.698
13:41 n/a n/a n/a 706.534 3357.503 427.279 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:42 n/a n/a n/a 704.112 3481.279 441.325 n/a n/a n/a 705.799 3467.718 103.129
13:43 n/a n/a n/a 704.881 3484.306 441.273 n/a n/a n/a 705.06 3464.013 101.221
13:44 n/a n/a n/a 704.817 3484.832 441.494 n/a n/a n/a 711.35 3463.023 99.436
13:45 n/a n/a n/a 679.636 3341.188 380.621 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:46 n/a n/a n/a 733.3 3344.313 360.241 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:47 n/a n/a n/a 601.651 3352.941 359.272 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
13:48 n/a n/a n/a 581.52 3624.4 253.239 n/a n/a n/a 574.644 3590.58 99.019
13:49 n/a n/a n/a 500.91 3029.028 236.844 n/a n/a n/a 431.65 3185.371 195.683
13:50 n/a n/a n/a 416.677 3225.717 483.49 n/a n/a n/a 385.078 3183.713 248.462
13:51 n/a n/a n/a 176.185 3222.95 464.856 n/a n/a n/a 144.49 3243.901 257.435
13:52 n/a n/a n/a 178.134 3555.871 382.923 n/a n/a n/a 204.687 3535.903 294.037
13:53 n/a n/a n/a 424.524 3564.514 340.497 n/a n/a n/a 463.771 3558.88 264.55
13:54 n/a n/a n/a 417.727 3153.709 401.659 n/a n/a n/a 393.74 3182.825 265.247
13:55 512.562 1495.525 314.254 414.706 3065.305 347.468 376.743 1677.028 234.439 423.961 3138.265 99.635
13:56 403.176 1742.986 508.85 413.961 3068.726 347.874 372.227 1699.406 246.897 420.151 3045.26 102.994
13:57 162.76 1734.894 471.817 414.154 3066.593 348.003 235.778 1749.318 249.09 409.739 3075.179 99.057
13:58 164.402 2104.989 494.361 413.669 3070.926 348.069 198.278 2113.231 198.567 408.992 3071.447 101.268
13:59 333.447 2097.326 563.678 413.956 3071.245 347.757 301.62 2102.097 262.963 409.98 3085.416 99.561
14:00 401.268 2091.075 491.462 414.454 3068.705 347.843 379.995 2055.427 202.912 409.903 3082.23 98.203
14:01 341.684 1886.593 450.11 414.129 3069.582 348.22 403.375 1855.578 308.421 410.016 3084.095 98.731
14:02 335.269 1896.349 419.18 414.058 3070.818 348.588 385.512 2084.772 252.335 409.483 3077.973 98.687
14:03 289.753 1910.589 401.824 413.888 3070.679 347.915 394.954 1713.111 186.005 410.367 3083.213 98.847
14:04 291.708 1314.45 407.288 413.708 3069.971 348.267 445.013 1300.734 183.701 411.407 3095.803 97.275
14:05 290.704 1312.035 408.123 414.291 3067.933 348.657 442.781 1289.484 182.913 410.16 3086.845 98.971
14:06 294.008 1317.365 407.705 414.093 3070.551 348.076 445.888 1290.592 187.079 409.366 3077.731 99.718
14:07 296.911 1315.367 406.539 414.514 3066.578 348.568 455.631 1317.82 189.015 411.092 3084.698 98.805
14:08 294.295 1311.991 407.57 414.067 3066.281 348.291 450.838 1327.254 188.415 410.479 3084.998 98.507
14:09 291.487 1316.452 406.657 414.259 3067.608 349.397 445.689 1337.2 187.257 409.87 3082.067 99.35
14:10 292.064 1231.705 298.363 413.998 3066.927 348.04 444.551 1157.454 92.767 409.69 3078.431 99.39
14:11 612.229 2086.688 285.273 414.317 3065.887 347.984 595.908 2027.155 76.676 410.308 3082.77 100.293
14:12 285.507 1650.3 310.08 414.202 3067.685 347.914 182.636 1663.449 94.29 411.449 3091.406 97.634
14:13 105.016 1926.301 248.792 413.899 3066.862 348.069 90.481 1954.035 132.954 409.953 3084.878 98.908
14:14 513.969 2159.436 303.111 414.568 3065.758 348.019 526.003 2205.897 81.02 408.91 3066.225 101.542
14:15 536.512 1289.933 347.632 414.182 3069.035 348.569 506.872 1285.302 101.863 410.506 3090.306 98.686
14:16 653.554 966.561 343.024 414.642 3069.412 347.317 630.6 955.206 67.926 486.455 3001.662 128.307
14:17 653.533 966.919 343.261 627.646 2041.574 189.483 634.632 945.377 72.997 641.744 2093.306 103.117
14:18 653.605 967.19 342.686 632.721 2055.261 237.873 632.908 949.775 70.025 626.598 2059.362 97.514
14:19 653.414 967.618 342.866 497.238 2032.711 277.648 633.741 947.297 70.368 474.485 2043.49 119.62
14:20 653.469 967.207 342.81 521.269 1582.706 313.067 634.201 947.586 70.705 522.184 1575.834 99.125
14:21 653.485 967.401 342.919 519.24 1588.348 312.263 633.41 948.882 68.529 522.735 1577.037 98.609
14:22 653.424 967.372 343.33 517.514 1588.383 310.579 633.638 946.623 71.068 522.315 1576.255 99.333
14:23 653.275 966.775 343.012 517.608 1590.079 311.272 633.227 947.841 70.322 525.037 1569.698 100.344
APPENDIX D: Results of resource utilization
APPENDIX D1: Results of resource utilization-0629 data set
No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2 No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2
1 7:01 7:02 0 X X 0p4 ? S ? S 61 8:01 8:02 5 5p3 5p4 X ? S ? S
2 7:02 7:03 0 0p2 0p3 0p4 ? S ? M 62 8:02 8:03 5 ? 5p4 X ? S ? S
3 7:03 7:04 0 0p2 0p3 0p4 ? S ? M 63 8:03 8:04 5 5p4 5p4 X ? S ? S
4 7:04 7:05 0 0p2 ? 0p4 ? S ? M 64 8:04 8:05 5 X 5p4 X ? S ? S
5 7:05 7:06 0 0p2 ? 0p4 ? S ? M 65 8:05 8:06 5 5p1 5p4 X ? M ? S
6 7:06 7:07 0 0p1 0p3 X ? S ? rbr 66 8:06 8:07 5 5p1 5p4 X ? M ? M
7 7:07 7:08 0 0p1 ? 0p4 ? S ? rbr 67 8:07 8:08 5 5p1 5p4 X ? M ? M
8 7:08 7:09 0 X 0p5 0p4 ? S ? S 68 8:08 8:09 5 5p1 5p4 X ? M ? M
9 7:09 7:10 0 0p1 0p4 ? ? S ? rbr 69 8:09 8:10 5 5p1 ? X ? M ? M
10 7:10 7:11 0 0p1 0p4 0p4 ? S ? rbr 70 8:10 8:11 6&7 6p1 ? X ? grp ? S
11 7:11 7:12 0 0p1 0p4 0p4 ? S ? rbr 71 8:11 8:12 6&7 6p1 ? X ? grp ? S
12 7:12 7:13 1 1p2 1p4 1p3 ? S ? M 72 8:12 8:13 6&7 6p1 ? X ? grp ? S
13 7:13 7:14 1 1p4 1p4 ? ? S ? S 73 8:13 8:14 6&7 6p2 ? X ? M ? S
14 7:14 7:15 1 1p4 1p4 1p3 ? S ? S 74 8:14 8:15 6&7 6p9 X X ? M ? M
15 7:15 7:16 1 1p4 1p4 1p3 ? S ? S 75 8:15 8:16 6&7 X X X ? M ? M
16 7:16 7:17 1 X 1p4 ? ? S ? S 76 8:16 8:17 6&7 X ? X ? S ? M
17 7:17 7:18 1 1p1 1p4 ? ? S ? m4r 77 8:17 8:18 6&7 X ? X ? S ? M
18 7:18 7:19 1 1p1 1p4 ? ? S ? m4r 78 8:18 8:19 6&7 6p6 ? X ? S ? M
19 7:19 7:20 2 2p2 2p4 ? ? S ? M 79 8:19 8:20 6&7 X ? X ? S ? M
20 7:20 7:21 2 2p2 2p4 2p3 ? S ? M 80 8:20 8:21 6&7 X ? X ? S ? M
21 7:21 7:22 2 2p4 2p4 2p3 ? S ? S 81 8:21 8:22 6&7 X ? X ? M ? M
22 7:22 7:23 2 2p4 2p4 2p3 ? S ? S 82 8:22 8:23 6&7 X ? 6p9 ? S ? S
23 7:23 7:24 2 2p1 ? X ? S ? m4l 83 8:23 8:24 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
24 7:24 7:25 2 2p1 ? 2p4 ? S ? m4l 84 8:24 8:25 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S M S
25 7:25 7:26 3 3p2 ? X ? S ? M 85 8:25 8:26 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
26 7:26 7:27 3 3p1 X 3p3 ? S ? m4f 86 8:26 8:27 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
27 7:27 7:28 3 3p1 X ? ? S ? m4f 87 8:27 8:28 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
28 7:28 7:29 4 4p3 4p4 4p5 ? S ? S 88 8:28 8:29 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
29 7:29 7:30 4 4p3 ? 4p5 ? S ? S 89 8:29 8:30 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
30 7:30 7:31 4 4p3 4p4 4p5 ? S ? S 90 8:30 8:31 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
31 7:31 7:32 4 X ? X ? S ? S 91 8:31 8:32 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
32 7:32 7:33 4 4p1 ? 4p4 ? S ? m4b 92 8:32 8:33 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
33 7:33 7:34 5 5p2 ? 5p4 ? S ? M 93 8:33 8:34 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
34 7:34 7:35 5 5p1 ? 5p4 ? M ? M 94 8:34 8:35 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
35 7:35 7:36 5 5p4 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 95 8:35 8:36 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
36 7:36 7:37 5 5p4 ? ? ? S ? S 96 8:36 8:37 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
37 7:37 7:38 5 ? ? ? ? S ? S 97 8:37 8:38 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
38 7:38 7:39 5 ? X ? ? S ? S 98 8:38 8:39 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
39 7:39 7:40 5 ? X X ? S ? S 99 8:39 8:40 6&7 X 6p10 6p7 ? S M S
40 7:40 7:41 5 ? X X ? S M S 100 8:40 8:41 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
41 7:41 7:42 5 ? ? X ? S ? S 101 8:41 8:42 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
42 7:42 7:43 5 5p3 ? X ? S ? S 102 8:42 8:43 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
43 7:43 7:44 5 5p3 ? X ? S ? S 103 8:43 8:44 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
44 7:44 7:45 5 5p4 5p4 X ? S ? S 104 8:44 8:45 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? M
45 7:45 7:46 5 5p4 ? X ? S M S 105 8:45 8:46 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
46 7:46 7:47 5 5p4 X X ? S M S 106 8:46 8:47 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
47 7:47 7:48 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 107 8:47 8:48 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
48 7:48 7:49 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 108 8:48 8:49 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
49 7:49 7:50 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 109 8:49 8:50 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
50 7:50 7:51 5 ? ? X ? S ? S 110 8:50 8:51 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
51 7:51 7:52 5 5p4 X X ? S ? S 111 8:51 8:52 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
52 7:52 7:53 5 ? X X ? S M S 112 8:52 8:53 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
53 7:53 7:54 5 ? 5p4 X ? S M S 113 8:53 8:54 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
54 7:54 7:55 5 ? ? X ? S ? S 114 8:54 8:55 6&7 X 6p10 6p7 ? S M S
55 7:55 7:56 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 115 8:55 8:56 6&7 X ? 6p7 ? S M S
56 7:56 7:57 5 5p4 5p4 X ? S ? S 116 8:56 8:57 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
57 7:57 7:58 5 5p4 5p4 X ? S ? S 117 8:57 8:58 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? S
58 7:58 7:59 5 ? 5p4 X ? S ? S 118 8:58 8:59 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? S
59 7:59 8:00 5 5p3 5p4 X ? S ? S 119 8:59 9:00 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? S
60 8:00 8:01 5 ? 5p4 X ? S ? S 120 9:00 9:01 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? S
APPENDIX D1: Results of resource utilization-0629 data set (continued)
No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2 No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2
121 9:01 9:02 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? S 181 13:55 13:56 8 X 8p3 X ? S S M
122 9:02 9:03 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S M S 182 13:56 13:57 8 X ? ? ? S S M
123 9:03 9:04 6&7 ? X 6p8 ? S M S 183 13:57 13:58 8 X ? X ? S S S
124 9:04 9:05 6&7 ? X 6p8 ? S M S 184 13:58 13:59 8 X 8p1 X ? S bar S
125 9:05 9:06 6&7 ? X 6p8 ? S S S 185 13:59 14:00 8 X 8p1 X ? S bar S
126 9:06 9:07 6&7 ? X 6p8 ? S M S 186 14:00 14:01 8 X 8p1 X ? S bar S
127 9:07 9:08 6&7 ? X 6p8 ? S M S 187 14:01 14:02 8 X 8p1 ? ? S bar S
128 9:08 9:09 6&7 ? X 6p8 ? S M S 188 14:02 14:03 8 X 8p1 X ? S bar S
129 9:09 9:10 6&7 ? X 6p8 ? S M S 189 14:03 14:04 8 X 8p1 X ? S bar S
130 9:10 9:11 6&7 ? X 6p8 ? S M S 190 14:04 14:05 8 X 8p1 X ? S bar S
131 9:11 9:12 6&7 ? ? 6p7 ? S M S 191 14:05 14:06 9 X 9p1 X ? S m4f S
132 9:12 9:13 6&7 ? X 6p8 ? S M S 192 14:06 14:07 9 X 9p2 9p2 ? S m4f S
133 9:13 9:14 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S M M 193 14:07 14:08 9 X X 9p2 ? S m4f S
134 9:14 9:15 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S M M 194 14:08 14:09 9 X X 9p2 ? S m4f S
135 9:15 9:16 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S M M 195 14:09 14:10 9 X X 9p2 ? S m4f S
136 9:16 9:17 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S M M 196 14:10 14:11 9 X ? 9p2 ? S m4f S
137 9:17 9:18 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S S M 197 14:11 14:12 9 X 9p1 X ? S m4f S
138 9:18 9:19 6&7 X X 6p9 ? S S S 198 14:12 14:13 9 ? 9p1 X ? S m4f S
139 9:19 9:20 6&7 X X X ? S M S 199 14:13 14:14 10 ? 10p1 X ? S m4b S
140 13:14 13:15 6&7 X ? X ? S S M 200 14:14 14:15 10 ? 10p1 X ? S m4b S
141 13:15 13:16 6&7 X ? 6p9 ? S S M 201 14:15 14:16 11 ? 11p1 11p3 ? S m4l S
142 13:16 13:17 6&7 X ? 6p9 ? S S M 202 14:16 14:17 12 ? 12p1 12p3 ? S m4r S
143 13:17 13:18 6&7 6p3 ? X grp S S S 203 14:17 14:18 12 ? 12p2 12p3 ? S M S
144 13:18 13:19 6&7 6p3 ? X grp S S M 204 14:18 14:19 12 X 12p3 12p3 ? S M S
145 13:19 13:20 6&7 ? ? X grp S S S 205 14:19 14:20 12 X X 12p3 ? S S S
146 13:20 13:21 8 X ? X M S S M 206 14:20 14:21 12 X 12p3 12p3 ? S S S
147 13:21 13:22 8 X ? ? M S S M 207 14:21 14:22 12 X 12p3 12p3 ? S S M
148 13:22 13:23 8 X ? X M S S S 208 14:22 14:23 12 X 12p3 12p3 ? M S M
149 13:23 13:24 8 X 8p4 X M S S M 209 14:23 14:24 12 X X X ? M S M
150 13:24 13:25 8 X X X M M S M 210 14:24 14:25 12 X ? X ? S S M
151 13:25 13:26 8 X 8p4 ? M S S M
152 13:26 13:27 8 X 8p4 ? M S S S
153 13:27 13:28 8 X 8p4 ? M S S S
154 13:28 13:29 8 X 8p4 ? M S S S
155 13:29 13:30 8 X 8p4 ? M S S S
156 13:30 13:31 8 X 8p4 ? ? S S S
157 13:31 13:32 8 X 8p4 X ? S S S
158 13:32 13:33 8 X 8p4 X ? S S M
159 13:33 13:34 8 X 8p4 X ? S S M
160 13:34 13:35 8 X 8p4 X ? S S M
161 13:35 13:36 8 X 8p4 ? ? S S M
162 13:36 13:37 8 X ? ? ? S S M
163 13:37 13:38 8 X 8p4 ? ? S S M
164 13:38 13:39 8 X 8p4 X ? S S M
165 13:39 13:40 8 X 8p2 X ? S M M
166 13:40 13:41 8 X 8p2 X ? S M M
167 13:41 13:42 8 X 8p2 ? ? S M M
168 13:42 13:43 8 X 8p4 X ? S S S
169 13:43 13:44 8 X 8p4 X ? S S S
170 13:44 13:45 8 X 8p5 X ? S S M
171 13:45 13:46 8 X 8p5 X ? S S M
172 13:46 13:47 8 X ? X ? S S M
173 13:47 13:48 8 X 8p3 X ? S S M
174 13:48 13:49 8 X 8p3 X ? S S M
175 13:49 13:50 8 X 8p3 X ? S S M
176 13:50 13:51 8 X ? ? ? S S M
177 13:51 13:52 8 X ? ? ? S S M
178 13:52 13:53 8 X ? X ? S S M
179 13:53 13:54 8 X 8p3 X ? S S M
180 13:54 13:55 8 X 8p3 ? ? S S M
APPENDIX D2: Results of resource utilization-0630 data set
No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2 No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2
1 7:13 7:14 1 1p4 1p4 1p3 ? S ? S 61 8:13 8:14 5 5p1 5p2 X ? M ? M
2 7:14 7:15 1 1p4 1p4 ? ? S ? S 62 8:14 8:15 5 5p1 X X ? M ? S
3 7:15 7:16 1 ? 1p4 ? ? S ? S 63 8:15 8:16 5 5p1 ? X ? M ? S
4 7:16 7:17 1 1p4 1p4 1p3 ? S ? S 64 8:16 8:17 6&7 6p1 ? X ? grp ? S
5 7:17 7:18 1 1p2 1p4 1p3 ? S ? M 65 8:17 8:18 6&7 6p1 ? X ? grp ? S
6 7:18 7:19 1 1p1 1p4 1p3 ? S ? m4r 66 8:18 8:19 6&7 6p1 ? ? ? grp ? S
7 7:19 7:20 2 2p2 2p4 ? ? S ? M 67 8:19 8:20 6&7 6p2 ? ? ? M ? S
8 7:20 7:21 2 2p2 2p4 2p3 ? S ? M 68 8:20 8:21 6&7 X ? ? ? S ? S
9 7:21 7:22 2 2p4 2p4 2p3 ? S ? S 69 8:21 8:22 6&7 X ? ? ? S ? S
10 7:22 7:23 2 X 2p4 2p3 ? S ? S 70 8:22 8:23 6&7 X ? ? ? S ? S
11 7:23 7:24 2 ? 2p4 2p3 ? S ? S 71 8:23 8:24 6&7 6p9 ? ? ? S ? M
12 7:24 7:25 2 X 2p4 ? ? S ? S 72 8:24 8:25 6&7 6p8 ? ? ? S ? S
13 7:25 7:26 2 2p1 2p4 2p4 ? S ? m4l 73 8:25 8:26 6&7 6p2 X X ? M ? M
14 7:26 7:27 2 2p1 2p1 X ? S ? m4l 74 8:26 8:27 6&7 6p7 6p10 X ? S M M
15 7:27 7:28 3 3p1 3p1 X ? S ? m4f 75 8:27 8:28 6&7 6p8 X X ? M M S
16 7:28 7:29 3 3p1 ? 3p3 ? S ? m4f 76 8:28 8:29 6&7 X ? ? ? M ? M
17 7:29 7:30 4 4p2 ? 4p4 ? S ? M 77 8:29 8:30 6&7 X ? ? ? M ? M
18 7:30 7:31 4 4p2 ? 4p4 ? S ? M 78 8:30 8:31 6&7 X ? X ? M ? M
19 7:31 7:32 4 4p5 ? 4p4 ? S ? S 79 8:31 8:32 6&7 X ? X ? M ? M
20 7:32 7:33 4 4p5 ? 4p4 ? S ? S 80 8:32 8:33 6&7 X ? X ? S ? S
21 7:33 7:34 4 ? ? 4p2 ? S ? M 81 8:33 8:34 6&7 X X X ? S ? S
22 7:34 7:35 4 4p3 4p1 4p1 ? S ? m4b 82 8:34 8:35 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
23 7:35 7:36 4 4p3 ? 4p1 ? S ? m4b 83 8:35 8:36 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
24 7:36 7:37 5 ? ? 5p4 ? S ? S 84 8:36 8:37 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? M
25 7:37 7:38 5 ? X 5p4 ? S ? S 85 8:37 8:38 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? M
26 7:38 7:39 5 ? ? 5p4 ? S ? S 86 8:38 8:39 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? M
27 7:39 7:40 5 ? ? 5p4 ? S ? S 87 8:39 8:40 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
28 7:40 7:41 5 ? ? 5p4 ? S ? S 88 8:40 8:41 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
29 7:41 7:42 5 ? ? 5p4 ? S ? S 89 8:41 8:42 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
30 7:42 7:43 5 5p3 X 5p4 ? S ? S 90 8:42 8:43 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
31 7:43 7:44 5 5p5 ? X ? S ? S 91 8:43 8:44 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
32 7:44 7:45 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 92 8:44 8:45 6&7 X 6p10 6p7 ? S ? S
33 7:45 7:46 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 93 8:45 8:46 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S M S
34 7:46 7:47 5 5p4 X ? ? S ? S 94 8:46 8:47 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
35 7:47 7:48 5 5p4 X ? ? S ? S 95 8:47 8:48 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
36 7:48 7:49 5 5p4 ? ? ? S ? S 96 8:48 8:49 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
37 7:49 7:50 5 5p4 ? ? ? S ? S 97 8:49 8:50 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
38 7:50 7:51 5 5p4 ? ? ? S ? S 98 8:50 8:51 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
39 7:51 7:52 5 5p4 ? ? ? S ? S 99 8:51 8:52 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
40 7:52 7:53 5 5p4 ? ? ? S ? S 100 8:52 8:53 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
41 7:53 7:54 5 ? ? ? ? S ? S 101 8:53 8:54 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
42 7:54 7:55 5 ? ? ? ? S ? S 102 8:54 8:55 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
43 7:55 7:56 5 ? ? X ? S ? S 103 8:55 8:56 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? M
44 7:56 7:57 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 104 8:56 8:57 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
45 7:57 7:58 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 105 8:57 8:58 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
46 7:58 7:59 5 5p4 X X ? S ? S 106 8:58 8:59 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
47 7:59 8:00 5 5p4 X X ? S ? S 107 8:59 9:00 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
48 8:00 8:01 5 5p4 X X ? S ? S 108 9:00 9:01 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
49 8:01 8:02 5 5p4 X X ? S ? S 109 9:01 9:02 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
50 8:02 8:03 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 110 9:02 9:03 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
51 8:03 8:04 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 111 9:03 9:04 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
52 8:04 8:05 5 ? 5p4 X ? S ? S 112 9:04 9:05 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
53 8:05 8:06 5 ? 5p4 X ? S ? S 113 9:05 9:06 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
54 8:06 8:07 5 5p3 5p4 X ? S ? S 114 9:06 9:07 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
55 8:07 8:08 5 5p3 5p4 X ? S ? S 115 9:07 9:08 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
56 8:08 8:09 5 5p3 5p4 X ? S ? S 116 9:08 9:09 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
57 8:09 8:10 5 5p5 5p4 X ? S ? S 117 9:09 9:10 6&7 X 6p10 6p7 ? S M S
58 8:10 8:11 5 X X X ? S ? S 118 9:10 9:11 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S M S
59 8:11 8:12 5 5p1 5p2 X ? M ? M 119 9:11 9:12 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? S
60 8:12 8:13 5 5p1 5p2 X ? M ? M 120 9:12 9:13 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? S
APPENDIX D2: Results of resource utilization-0630 data set (continued)
No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2 No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2
121 9:13 9:14 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? S 181 13:55 13:56 8 X 8p1 ? ? S bar M
122 9:14 9:15 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? S 182 13:56 13:57 8 X 8p1 ? ? S bar S
123 9:15 9:16 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S 183 13:57 13:58 8 ? 8p1 ? ? S bar S
124 9:16 9:17 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S 184 13:58 13:59 8 ? 8p1 X ? S bar S
125 9:17 9:18 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? M 185 13:59 14:00 8 ? 8p1 X ? S bar S
126 9:18 9:19 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? M 186 14:00 14:01 8 ? 8p1 ? ? S bar S
127 9:19 9:20 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? M 187 14:01 14:02 8 ? 8p4 ? ? S S S
128 9:20 9:21 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? M 188 14:02 14:03 9 ? 9p1 9p2 ? S m4f S
129 9:21 9:22 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S 189 14:03 14:04 9 X 9p2 9p2 ? S m4f S
130 9:22 9:23 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M 190 14:04 14:05 9 ? 9p2 9p2 ? S m4f S
131 9:23 9:24 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M 191 14:05 14:06 9 ? 9p2 9p2 ? S m4f S
132 9:24 9:25 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S 192 14:06 14:07 9 ? 9p2 9p2 ? S m4f S
133 9:25 9:26 6&7 ? X 6p8 ? S M S 193 14:07 14:08 9 ? ? 9p2 ? S m4f S
134 9:26 9:27 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S S S 194 14:08 14:09 9 ? X 9p2 ? S m4f M
135 9:27 9:28 6&7 X 6p10 6p7 ? S M S 195 14:09 14:10 9 X X 9p2 ? S m4f M
136 9:28 9:29 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S M S 196 14:10 14:11 9 X X X ? S m4f M
137 9:29 9:30 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S M S 197 14:11 14:12 9 X X 9p2 ? S m4f M
138 9:30 9:31 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S 198 14:12 14:13 9 X 9p1 9p1 ? S m4f S
139 9:31 9:32 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S 199 14:13 14:14 9 X X X ? S M S
140 9:32 9:33 6&7 ? ? ? ? S ? S 200 14:14 14:15 9 X X X ? M M S
141 13:15 13:16 6&7 X ? 6p9 ? S ? S 201 14:15 14:16 9 X X X ? M M S
142 13:16 13:17 6&7 X ? X ? S M S 202 14:16 14:17 10 X 10p1 X ? M m4b S
143 13:17 13:18 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S M S 203 14:17 14:18 10 X 10p1 X ? M m4b S
144 13:18 13:19 6&7 6p3 ? X grp S M S 204 14:18 14:19 11 X 11p1 11p3 ? M m4l S
145 13:19 13:20 6&7 6p3 ? X grp S M S 205 14:19 14:20 12 X 12p1 12p3 ? S m4r M
146 13:20 13:21 6&7 6p3 ? X grp S M S 206 14:20 14:21 12 X 12p1 12p3 ? S m4r M
147 13:21 13:22 6&7 6p3 ? X grp S M S 207 14:21 14:22 12 X 12p2 12p3 ? M M M
148 13:22 13:23 8 X X X M S S M 208 14:22 14:23 12 12p3 12p3 12p3 ? M S M
149 13:23 13:24 8 ? ? X M S S S 209 14:23 14:24 12 12p3 12p3 12p3 ? M S S
150 13:24 13:25 8 X ? X M S S S 210 14:24 14:25 12 12p3 12p3 12p3 ? S S S
151 13:25 13:26 8 X ? X M S S S 211 14:25 14:26 12 12p3 12p3 12p3 ? M S S
152 13:26 13:27 8 X X X M S S S 212 14:26 14:27 12 X ? X ? S S S
153 13:27 13:28 8 X 8p4 X M S S S 213 14:27 14:28 12 X X ? ? S S S
154 13:28 13:29 8 X X X ? S S M 214 14:28 14:29 12 X 12p3 12p3 ? S S S
155 13:29 13:30 8 X ? X ? S S M 215 14:29 14:30 12 X ? ? ? S S S
156 13:30 13:31 8 X ? X ? S S M
157 13:31 13:32 8 X ? 8p4 ? S S M
158 13:32 13:33 8 X ? 8p4 ? S S M
159 13:33 13:34 8 X X 8p4 ? S M M
160 13:34 13:35 8 X X 8p4 ? S M S
161 13:35 13:36 8 X ? 8p4 ? S ? S
162 13:36 13:37 8 X ? 8p4 ? S ? S
163 13:37 13:38 8 X ? 8p4 ? S ? S
164 13:38 13:39 8 X X 8p4 ? S ? S
165 13:39 13:40 8 ? 8p2 8p4 ? S M S
166 13:40 13:41 8 X 8p2 8p4 ? S M S
167 13:41 13:42 8 X 8p2 ? ? S M S
168 13:42 13:43 8 X 8p2 8p4 ? S M M
169 13:43 13:44 8 X ? X ? S S M
170 13:44 13:45 8 X 8p4 8p5 ? S S M
171 13:45 13:46 8 X 8p3 ? ? S S M
172 13:46 13:47 8 X ? 8p3 ? S S M
173 13:47 13:48 8 X ? 8p3 ? S S M
174 13:48 13:49 8 X 8p3 ? ? S S M
175 13:49 13:50 8 X 8p3 8p3 ? S S M
176 13:50 13:51 8 X ? ? ? S S M
177 13:51 13:52 8 X ? X ? S S M
178 13:52 13:53 8 X ? X ? S S M
179 13:53 13:54 8 X 8p5 ? ? S S M
180 13:54 13:55 8 X 8p1 ? ? S bar M
APPENDIX D3: Results of resource utilization-0702 data set
No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2 No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2
1 7:06 7:07 0 0p1 0p1 0p4 ? S S rbr 61 8:06 8:07 5 5p1 ? X ? M ? M
2 7:07 7:08 0 0p1 0p1 0p4 ? S S rbr 62 8:07 8:08 5 5p1 ? X ? M ? M
3 7:08 7:09 1 1p2 1p4 1p3 ? S S M 63 8:08 8:09 5 5p1 ? X ? M ? M
4 7:09 7:10 1 1p2 1p4 1p3 ? S S M 64 8:09 8:10 5 5p1 X X ? M ? M
5 7:10 7:11 1 1p4 1p4 ? ? S S S 65 8:10 8:11 5 ? 5p2 X ? M ? M
6 7:11 7:12 1 1p4 1p4 1p3 ? S S S 66 8:11 8:12 6&7 6p1 ? X ? grp ? M
7 7:12 7:13 1 X 1p4 ? ? S S S 67 8:12 8:13 6&7 6p1 ? X ? grp ? S
8 7:13 7:14 1 1p2 1p4 1p3 ? S S M 68 8:13 8:14 6&7 6p1 ? X ? grp ? S
9 7:14 7:15 1 1p1 1p4 ? ? S S M 69 8:14 8:15 6&7 6p1 ? X ? grp ? M
10 7:15 7:16 1 1p1 1p4 ? ? S S M 70 8:15 8:16 6&7 6p8 ? X ? M ? S
11 7:16 7:17 2 2p4 2p4 2p3 ? S S S 71 8:16 8:17 6&7 6p6 ? X ? M ? M
12 7:17 7:18 2 2p2 2p4 2p3 ? S S M 72 8:17 8:18 6&7 X ? X ? M ? M
13 7:18 7:19 2 2p4 2p4 ? ? S S S 73 8:18 8:19 6&7 X ? ? ? M ? M
14 7:19 7:20 2 X 2p4 2p3 ? S S S 74 8:19 8:20 6&7 X 6p7 ? ? M ? M
15 7:20 7:21 2 2p4 2p4 2p3 ? S S S 75 8:20 8:21 6&7 ? 6p8 ? ? M M M
16 7:21 7:22 2 2p1 2p4 2p5 ? S S m4l 76 8:21 8:22 6&7 X ? ? ? S ? M
17 7:22 7:23 2 2p1 2p1 2p4 ? S S m4l 77 8:22 8:23 6&7 X ? ? ? S ? S
18 7:23 7:24 3 3p2 3p2 3p3 ? S S M 78 8:23 8:24 6&7 X ? ? ? S ? S
19 7:24 7:25 3 3p1 ? X ? S S m4f 79 8:24 8:25 6&7 X ? ? ? S ? S
20 7:25 7:26 3 3p1 3p3 X ? S S m4f 80 8:25 8:26 6&7 X X ? ? S ? S
21 7:26 7:27 4 ? ? 4p5 ? S S M 81 8:26 8:27 6&7 X X ? ? S ? M
22 7:27 7:28 4 ? 4p4 4p5 ? S S S 82 8:27 8:28 6&7 X X X ? S ? M
23 7:28 7:29 4 4p3 ? 4p2 ? S S M 83 8:28 8:29 6&7 X X X ? S ? M
24 7:29 7:30 4 ? 4p1 4p1 ? S S m4b 84 8:29 8:30 6&7 X X ? ? S ? M
25 7:30 7:31 5 5p3 ? 5p4 ? S S M 85 8:30 8:31 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
26 7:31 7:32 5 ? ? ? ? S S S 86 8:31 8:32 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
27 7:32 7:33 5 ? ? 5p4 ? S ? S 87 8:32 8:33 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
28 7:33 7:34 5 ? ? 5p4 ? S ? S 88 8:33 8:34 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
29 7:34 7:35 5 ? ? 5p4 ? S ? S 89 8:34 8:35 6&7 X 6p10 6p7 ? S M S
30 7:35 7:36 5 ? ? 5p4 ? S ? S 90 8:35 8:36 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S M S
31 7:36 7:37 5 5p5 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 91 8:36 8:37 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
32 7:37 7:38 5 5p4 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 92 8:37 8:38 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
33 7:38 7:39 5 5p4 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 93 8:38 8:39 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
34 7:39 7:40 5 5p4 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 94 8:39 8:40 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
35 7:40 7:41 5 5p4 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 95 8:40 8:41 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
36 7:41 7:42 5 5p4 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 96 8:41 8:42 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
37 7:42 7:43 5 5p4 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 97 8:42 8:43 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
38 7:43 7:44 5 5p4 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 98 8:43 8:44 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
39 7:44 7:45 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 99 8:44 8:45 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
40 7:45 7:46 5 5p4 ? ? ? S ? S 100 8:45 8:46 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
41 7:46 7:47 5 ? X X ? S ? S 101 8:46 8:47 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? S
42 7:47 7:48 5 ? X X ? S ? S 102 8:47 8:48 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
43 7:48 7:49 5 ? ? ? ? S ? S 103 8:48 8:49 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
44 7:49 7:50 5 5p4 ? ? ? S ? S 104 8:49 8:50 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
45 7:50 7:51 5 ? ? ? ? S ? S 105 8:50 8:51 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
46 7:51 7:52 5 5p3 ? ? ? S ? S 106 8:51 8:52 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
47 7:52 7:53 5 ? X ? ? S ? S 107 8:52 8:53 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? M
48 7:53 7:54 5 5p3 ? ? ? S ? S 108 8:53 8:54 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S M M
49 7:54 7:55 5 ? ? ? ? S ? S 109 8:54 8:55 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
50 7:55 7:56 5 ? ? ? ? S ? S 110 8:55 8:56 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
51 7:56 7:57 5 ? ? X ? S ? S 111 8:56 8:57 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
52 7:57 7:58 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 112 8:57 8:58 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
53 7:58 7:59 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 113 8:58 8:59 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
54 7:59 8:00 5 ? ? X ? S ? S 114 8:59 9:00 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
55 8:00 8:01 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 115 9:00 9:01 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
56 8:01 8:02 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 116 9:01 9:02 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
57 8:02 8:03 5 5p4 X X ? S ? S 117 9:02 9:03 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
58 8:03 8:04 5 5p4 X X ? S ? S 118 9:03 9:04 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
59 8:04 8:05 5 ? X X ? S M S 119 9:04 9:05 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
60 8:05 8:06 5 5p2 ? X ? S ? M 120 9:05 9:06 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
APPENDIX D3: Results of resource utilization-0702 data set (continued)
No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2 No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2
121 9:06 9:07 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M 181 14:00 14:01 9 ? 9p2 9p2 ? S m4f S
122 9:07 9:08 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M 182 14:01 14:02 9 ? 9p2 X ? S m4f S
123 9:08 9:09 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M 183 14:02 14:03 9 ? X 9p2 ? S m4f S
124 9:09 9:10 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M 184 14:03 14:04 9 ? X X ? S m4f S
125 9:10 9:11 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? M 185 14:04 14:05 9 ? X 9p1 ? S m4f S
126 9:11 9:12 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S M S 186 14:05 14:06 9 X X ? ? S M S
127 9:12 9:13 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S 187 14:06 14:07 10 X 10p1 ? ? S m4b S
128 9:13 9:14 6&7 X 6p10 6p7 ? S ? S 188 14:07 14:08 10 X 10p1 ? ? S m4b S
129 9:14 9:15 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S M S 189 14:08 14:09 11 X 11p1 ? ? S m4l S
130 9:15 9:16 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S S S 190 14:09 14:10 12 X 12p1 ? ? S m4l S
131 9:16 9:17 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S S S 191 14:10 14:11 12 ? 12p1 ? ? S m4r S
132 9:17 9:18 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S S S 192 14:11 14:12 12 ? 12p2 ? ? S M S
133 9:18 9:19 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S S S 193 14:12 14:13 12 ? 12p3 ? ? S S S
134 9:19 9:20 6&7 X X ? ? S S M 194 14:13 14:14 12 ? 12p3 ? ? S S S
135 13:14 13:15 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S 195 14:14 14:15 12 ? 12p3 X ? S S S
136 13:15 13:16 6&7 X ? X S S ? S 196 14:15 14:16 12 ? 12p3 12p3 ? S S S
137 13:16 13:17 6&7 6p3 ? X grp S ? M 197 14:16 14:17 12 ? X 12p3 ? S S S
138 13:17 13:18 6&7 6p3 ? X grp S ? M 198 14:17 14:18 12 ? 12p3 X ? S S M
139 13:18 13:19 6&7 6p3 ? ? grp S ? M 199 14:18 14:19 12 ? 12p3 12p3 ? S S M
140 13:19 13:20 6&7 ? ? X grp S ? ? 200 14:19 14:20 12 ? ? X ? M S M
141 13:20 13:21 8 X ? ? M S ? ? 201 14:20 14:21 12 ? ? X ? M S S
142 13:21 13:22 8 ? ? X M S ? ? 202 14:21 14:22 12 ? ? 12p3 ? M S S
143 13:22 13:23 8 X X ? M S ? ? 203 14:22 14:23 12 ? ? X ? M S S
144 13:23 13:24 8 X X X ? S ? ?
145 13:24 13:25 8 ? X 8p4 ? S ? ?
146 13:25 13:26 8 8p4 ? 8p4 ? S ? ?
147 13:26 13:27 8 8p4 ? 8p4 ? S ? M
148 13:27 13:28 8 X ? 8p4 ? M ? M
149 13:28 13:29 8 X ? 8p4 ? M ? M
150 13:29 13:30 8 X ? 8p4 ? S ? M
151 13:30 13:31 8 X ? 8p4 ? S ? M
152 13:31 13:32 8 X ? 8p4 ? S ? M
153 13:32 13:33 8 X ? ? ? S ? M
154 13:33 13:34 8 X ? 8p4 ? S ? M
155 13:34 13:35 8 X ? X ? S ? M
156 13:35 13:36 8 X ? ? ? S ? M
157 13:36 13:37 8 X ? 8p4 ? S ? M
158 13:37 13:38 8 X X 8p4 ? S S M
159 13:38 13:39 8 X X 8p4 ? S S S
160 13:39 13:40 8 X X 8p4 ? S M S
161 13:40 13:41 8 X ? 8p4 ? S ? M
162 13:41 13:42 8 X X 8p4 ? S ? M
163 13:42 13:43 8 X 8p2 8p4 ? S M M
164 13:43 13:44 8 X 8p2 ? ? S M M
165 13:44 13:45 8 X ? 8p3 ? S S M
166 13:45 13:46 8 X ? 8p3 ? S S M
167 13:46 13:47 8 X 8p3 ? ? S S M
168 13:47 13:48 8 X 8p3 ? ? S S S
169 13:48 13:49 8 X ? 8p3 ? M S S
170 13:49 13:50 8 X ? 8p3 ? S S S
171 13:50 13:51 8 X ? 8p4 ? S S S
172 13:51 13:52 8 ? 8p3 ? ? S S S
173 13:52 13:53 8 ? 8p5 ? ? S S S
174 13:53 13:54 8 ? 8p1 ? ? S bar S
175 13:54 13:55 8 X 8p1 X ? S bar S
176 13:55 13:56 8 ? 8p1 X ? S bar S
177 13:56 13:57 8 ? 8p1 ? ? S bar S
178 13:57 13:58 8 ? 8p1 ? ? S bar S
179 13:58 13:59 8 ? 8p1 X ? S bar S
180 13:59 14:00 9 ? 9p1 X ? S m4f S
APPENDIX D4: Results of resource utilization-0703 data set
No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2 No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2
1 7:17 7:18 2 2p2 2p4 2p3 ? S ? M 61 8:17 8:18 6&7 6p1 ? X ? grp ? S
2 7:18 7:19 2 2p2 2p4 2p3 ? S ? M 62 8:18 8:19 6&7 6p8 6p9 X ? M ? M
3 7:19 7:20 2 X 2p4 ? ? S ? S 63 8:19 8:20 6&7 6p7 6p10 X ? M M M
4 7:20 7:21 2 X 2p4 2p3 ? S ? S 64 8:20 8:21 6&7 6p9 ? X ? S ? S
5 7:21 7:22 2 X 2p4 2p3 ? S ? S 65 8:21 8:22 6&7 X ? X ? M ? M
6 7:22 7:23 2 2p1 X 2p5 ? S ? m4l 66 8:22 8:23 6&7 X ? X ? M ? M
7 7:23 7:24 2 2p1 2p4 X ? S ? m4l 67 8:23 8:24 6&7 X ? X ? S ? M
8 7:24 7:25 3 3p1 3p3 X ? S ? m4f 68 8:24 8:25 6&7 X 6p6 X ? S ? M
9 7:25 7:26 3 3p1 3p3 X ? S ? m4f 69 8:25 8:26 6&7 X X X ? S ? M
10 7:26 7:27 4 ? 4p4 4p5 ? S ? M 70 8:26 8:27 6&7 X ? X ? S ? M
11 7:27 7:28 4 4p3 4p4 4p5 ? S ? S 71 8:27 8:28 6&7 X ? X ? S ? S
12 7:28 7:29 4 4p3 4p2 X ? S ? M 72 8:28 8:29 6&7 X ? ? ? S ? S
13 7:29 7:30 4 ? 4p1 4p4 ? S ? m4b 73 8:29 8:30 6&7 X ? ? ? S ? S
14 7:30 7:31 5 5p3 5p2 5p4 ? S ? M 74 8:30 8:31 6&7 X ? ? ? S ? S
15 7:31 7:32 5 ? 5p4 5p4 ? S ? S 75 8:31 8:32 6&7 X ? X ? S ? M
16 7:32 7:33 5 5p3 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 76 8:32 8:33 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
17 7:33 7:34 5 5p3 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 77 8:33 8:34 6&7 X 6p10 6p7 ? S M M
18 7:34 7:35 5 ? ? 5p4 ? S ? S 78 8:34 8:35 6&7 X ? 6p7 ? S M M
19 7:35 7:36 5 5p3 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 79 8:35 8:36 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
20 7:36 7:37 5 5p5 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 80 8:36 8:37 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
21 7:37 7:38 5 5p4 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 81 8:37 8:38 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
22 7:38 7:39 5 5p4 ? 5p4 ? S ? S 82 8:38 8:39 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
23 7:39 7:40 5 5p4 ? ? ? S ? S 83 8:39 8:40 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
24 7:40 7:41 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 84 8:40 8:41 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
25 7:41 7:42 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? M 85 8:41 8:42 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
26 7:42 7:43 5 5p4 ? X ? S M S 86 8:42 8:43 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
27 7:43 7:44 5 5p4 ? X ? S M S 87 8:43 8:44 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
28 7:44 7:45 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 88 8:44 8:45 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
29 7:45 7:46 5 ? ? X ? S ? S 89 8:45 8:46 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
30 7:46 7:47 5 ? X X ? S ? S 90 8:46 8:47 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
31 7:47 7:48 5 ? X X ? S M S 91 8:47 8:48 6&7 ? ? 6p8 ? S ? M
32 7:48 7:49 5 5p4 X X ? S M S 92 8:48 8:49 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
33 7:49 7:50 5 5p4 5p4 X ? S M S 93 8:49 8:50 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
34 7:50 7:51 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 94 8:50 8:51 6&7 ? ? 6p9 ? S ? M
35 7:51 7:52 5 ? ? X ? S ? S 95 8:51 8:52 6&7 X ? ? ? S ? S
36 7:52 7:53 5 5p3 ? X ? S ? S 96 8:52 8:53 6&7 X ? ? ? S ? S
37 7:53 7:54 5 ? ? X ? S ? S 97 8:53 8:54 6&7 X ? ? ? S ? M
38 7:54 7:55 5 5p3 ? X ? S ? S 98 8:54 8:55 6&7 X ? X ? S ? S
39 7:55 7:56 5 5p5 ? X ? S ? S 99 8:55 8:56 6&7 X ? X ? S ? M
40 7:56 7:57 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 100 8:56 8:57 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
41 7:57 7:58 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 101 8:57 8:58 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
42 7:58 7:59 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 102 8:58 8:59 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? M
43 7:59 8:00 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 103 8:59 9:00 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S M S
44 8:00 8:01 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 104 9:00 9:01 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S M S
45 8:01 8:02 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 105 9:01 9:02 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
46 8:02 8:03 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 106 9:02 9:03 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
47 8:03 8:04 5 5p4 X X ? S ? S 107 9:03 9:04 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
48 8:04 8:05 5 5p4 X X ? S M S 108 9:04 9:05 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
49 8:05 8:06 5 5p4 ? X ? S M S 109 9:05 9:06 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
50 8:06 8:07 5 X ? X ? S ? S 110 9:06 9:07 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S
51 8:07 8:08 5 5p4 ? X ? S ? S 111 9:07 9:08 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
52 8:08 8:09 5 X ? X ? S ? S 112 9:08 9:09 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
53 8:09 8:10 5 5p1 X X ? M ? S 113 9:09 9:10 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? S
54 8:10 8:11 5 5p1 5p2 X ? M ? M 114 9:10 9:11 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? M ? S
55 8:11 8:12 5 5p1 ? X ? M ? M 115 9:11 9:12 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? M ? S
56 8:12 8:13 5 5p1 ? X ? M ? S 116 9:12 9:13 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? M ? S
57 8:13 8:14 5 ? ? X ? M ? S 117 9:13 9:14 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M
58 8:14 8:15 6&7 6p1 ? X ? grp ? S 118 9:14 9:15 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? M ? M
59 8:15 8:16 6&7 6p9 ? X ? S ? S 119 9:15 9:16 6&7 X ? 6p6 ? S ? M
60 8:16 8:17 6&7 6p1 ? X ? grp ? S 120 9:16 9:17 6&7 X ? 6p6 ? S ? M
APPENDIX D4: Results of resource utilization-0703 data set (continued)
No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2 No start end Stage wk1 wk2 wk3 bh1 bh2 sh1 sh2
121 9:17 9:18 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M 181 14:00 14:01 8 X 8p1 8p4 ? S bar S
122 9:18 9:19 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M 182 14:01 14:02 8 X 8p1 8p4 ? S bar S
123 9:19 9:20 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? S ? M 183 14:02 14:03 8 ? 8p1 X ? S bar S
124 9:20 9:21 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? M ? M 184 14:03 14:04 9 ? 9p1 9p2 ? S m4f S
125 9:21 9:22 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? M ? M 185 14:04 14:05 9 ? 9p2 9p2 ? S m4f S
126 9:22 9:23 6&7 X ? 6p8 ? M ? S 186 14:05 14:06 9 ? 9p2 9p2 ? S m4f S
127 9:23 9:24 6&7 X 6p10 6p7 ? M ? S 187 14:06 14:07 9 ? 9p2 X ? S m4f S
128 9:24 9:25 6&7 ? X 6p8 ? S M S 188 14:07 14:08 9 ? X 9p2 ? S m4f S
129 9:25 9:26 6&7 X X 6p8 ? M M S 189 14:08 14:09 9 ? X 9p2 ? S m4f S
130 9:26 9:27 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S M S 190 14:09 14:10 9 ? 9p1 X ? S m4f S
131 9:27 9:28 6&7 X X 6p9 ? S S S 191 14:10 14:11 9 ? 9p1 X ? S m4f S
132 9:28 9:29 6&7 X X ? ? S M S 192 14:11 14:12 9 ? X X ? S M S
133 13:12 13:13 6&7 X ? X ? S ? M 193 14:12 14:13 10 ? 10p1 X ? S m4b S
134 13:13 13:14 6&7 ? ? X ? S ? M 194 14:13 14:14 11 X 11p1 11p3 ? S m4l S
135 13:14 13:15 6&7 X ? X ? S ? S 195 14:14 14:15 12 X 12p1 X ? S m4r S
136 13:15 13:16 6&7 X ? X ? S ? S 196 14:15 14:16 12 X 12p1 12p3 ? S m4r S
137 13:16 13:17 6&7 X X 6p8 ? S ? S 197 14:16 14:17 12 X 12p3 12p3 ? S S M
138 13:17 13:18 6&7 6p4 ? X M S ? S 198 14:17 14:18 12 12p3 12p3 12p3 ? S S M
139 13:18 13:19 6&7 6p3 ? X grp S ? M 199 14:18 14:19 12 12p3 12p3 12p3 ? S S M
140 13:19 13:20 6&7 6p3 ? X grp S ? M 200 14:19 14:20 12 X 12p3 12p3 ? M S M
141 13:20 13:21 6&7 6p3 ? X grp S ? M 201 14:20 14:21 12 X X 12p3 ? M S S
142 13:21 13:22 8 X X ? M S ? M 202 14:21 14:22 12 12p3 ? ? ? M S S
143 13:22 13:23 8 X ? ? M S ? M 203 14:22 14:23 12 X ? ? ? M S S
144 13:23 13:24 8 X ? X M S ? M
145 13:24 13:25 8 X X X M S ? M
146 13:25 13:26 8 X 8p4 X M S ? M
147 13:26 13:27 8 X 8p4 X M S ? M
148 13:27 13:28 8 ? 8p4 ? M S ? S
149 13:28 13:29 8 X 8p4 ? M S ? S
150 13:29 13:30 8 X 8p4 ? M S ? S
151 13:30 13:31 8 X 8p4 ? M S ? S
152 13:31 13:32 8 X 8p4 X ? S ? S
153 13:32 13:33 8 X 8p4 X ? S ? S
154 13:33 13:34 8 X ? X ? S ? M
155 13:34 13:35 8 X 8p4 X ? S ? M
156 13:35 13:36 8 X 8p4 X ? S ? M
157 13:36 13:37 8 X 8p4 X ? S ? M
158 13:37 13:38 8 X 8p4 X ? S ? M
159 13:38 13:39 8 X 8p4 ? ? S ? M
160 13:39 13:40 8 X 8p4 X ? S ? M
161 13:40 13:41 8 X 8p4 ? ? S ? M
162 13:41 13:42 8 X 8p4 X ? S ? M
163 13:42 13:43 8 X ? X ? S ? S
164 13:43 13:44 8 X ? X ? S ? S
165 13:44 13:45 8 X ? X ? S ? M
166 13:45 13:46 8 X 8p3 X ? S ? M
167 13:46 13:47 8 X 8p3 X ? S ? M
168 13:47 13:48 8 X ? X ? S ? M
169 13:48 13:49 8 X ? ? ? S ? M
170 13:49 13:50 8 X 8p3 ? ? S ? M
171 13:50 13:51 8 X ? ? ? S ? M
172 13:51 13:52 8 X ? X ? S ? M
173 13:52 13:53 8 X ? ? ? S ? M
174 13:53 13:54 8 X ? ? ? S ? M
175 13:54 13:55 8 ? 8p1 ? ? S bar M
176 13:55 13:56 8 X 8p1 X ? S bar S
177 13:56 13:57 8 X 8p1 X ? S bar S
178 13:57 13:58 8 X 8p1 X ? S bar S
179 13:58 13:59 8 X 8p1 ? ? S bar S
180 13:59 14:00 8 X 8p1 ? ? S bar S
APPENDIX E: VBA code of large scale Cells(1, 10) = "sh1"
Cells(1, 11) = "sh2"
case study 'read data (0-start, 1-end)
For i = 1 To 211
t0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 1)
Sub Production()
t1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 1)
rbr_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 3)
mov = 15
rbr_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 4)
mov_crane = 30
rbr_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 5)
dist_cntrl = 120
rbr_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 3)
dist_sh1 = 300
rbr_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 4)
xydist_sh1 = 270
rbr_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 5)
hght_m4f = 60
box_xz = 15
con_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 7)
box_y = 30
con_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 8)
rbr_in_x = 417
con_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 9)
rbr_in_y = 1704
con_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 7)
rbr_in_z = 126
con_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 8)
con_in_x = 419
con_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 9)
con_in_y = 1695
con_in_z = 131
m4b_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 11)
m4b_in_x = 131
m4b_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 12)
m4b_in_y = 1701
m4b_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 13)
m4b_in_z = 172
m4b_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 11)
m4f_in_x = 408
m4b_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 12)
m4f_in_y = 2020
m4b_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 13)
m4f_in_z = 196
m4l_in_x = 132
m4f_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 15)
m4l_in_y = 2111
m4f_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 16)
m4l_in_z = 174
m4f_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 17)
m4r_in_x = 443
m4f_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 15)
m4r_in_y = 1709
m4f_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 16)
m4r_in_z = 171
m4f_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 17)
m4f_up_x = 407
m4f_up_y = 1541
m4l_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 19)
m4f_up_z = 364
m4l_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 20)
zoneA_x1 = 167
m4l_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 21)
zoneA_x2 = 407
m4l_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 19)
zoneA_y1 = 1725
m4l_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 20)
zoneA_y2 = 2085
m4l_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 21)
zoneB_x1 = 17
zoneB_x2 = 557
m4r_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 23)
zoneB_y1 = 1575
m4r_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 24)
zoneB_y2 = 2235
m4r_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 25)
zoneC_z1 = 200
m4r_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 23)
zoneD_x1 = 93
m4r_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 24)
zoneD_x2 = 513
m4r_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 25)
zoneD_y1 = 1507
zoneD_y2 = 1747
wk1_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 27)
zoneD_z1 = 480
wk1_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 28)
zoneOL_y1 = 1100
wk1_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 29)
zoneOL_y2 = 2400
wk1_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 27)
mold2_y1 = 2926
wk1_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 28)
mold2_y2 = 3166
wk1_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 29)
mold12_x1 = 500
mold12_x2 = 800
wk2_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 31)
mold12_y1 = 2900
wk2_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 32)
mold12_y2 = 3700
wk2_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 33)
wk2_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 31)
wk2_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 32)
Cells(1, 1) = "No"
wk2_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 33)
Cells(1, 2) = "start"
Cells(1, 3) = "end"
wk3_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 35)
Cells(1, 4) = "Stage"
wk3_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 36)
Cells(1, 5) = "wk1"
wk3_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 37)
Cells(1, 6) = "wk2"
wk3_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 35)
Cells(1, 7) = "wk3"
wk3_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 36)
Cells(1, 8) = "bh1"
wk3_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 37)
Cells(1, 9) = "bh2"
APPENDIX E: VBA code of large scale 'check individual moving attribute
If M_dist_rbr = "n/a" Then
M_rbr = 0
case study (continued) ElseIf M_dist_rbr > mov Then
M_rbr = 1
bh1_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 39)
Else: M_rbr = 0
bh1_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 40)
End If
bh1_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 41)
bh1_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 39)
If M_dist_con = "n/a" Then
bh1_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 40)
M_con = 0
bh1_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 41)
ElseIf M_dist_con > mov Then
M_con = 1
bh2_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 43)
Else: M_con = 0
bh2_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 44)
End If
bh2_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 45)
bh2_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 43)
If M_dist_m4b > mov Then
bh2_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 44)
M_m4b = 1
bh2_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 45)
Else: M_m4b = 0
End If
sh1_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 47)
sh1_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 48)
If M_dist_m4f > mov Then
sh1_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 49)
M_m4f = 1
sh1_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 47)
Else: M_m4f = 0
sh1_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 48)
End If
sh1_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 49)
If M_dist_m4l > mov Then
sh2_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 51)
M_m4l = 1
sh2_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 52)
Else: M_m4l = 0
sh2_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 53)
End If
sh2_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 51)
sh2_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 52)
If M_dist_m4r > mov Then
sh2_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 53)
M_m4r = 1
Else: M_m4r = 0
s1c_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 55)
End If
s1c_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 56)
s1c_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 57)
'check group moving attribute
s1c_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 55)
If M_m4f = 1 And M_rbr + M_con + M_m4b + M_m4l +
s1c_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 56)
M_m4r > 0 Then
s1c_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 57)
M_grp = 1
Else: M_grp = 0
s2c_x0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 59)
End If
s2c_y0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 60)
s2c_z0 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 1, 61)
'check individual in or out
s2c_x1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 59)
If M_rbr = 1 Then
s2c_y1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 60)
L_rbr = 0
s2c_z1 = Sheets("0629").Cells(i + 2, 61)
ElseIf rbr_x1 = "n/a" Then
L_rbr = 0
'calculate rbr-con-m4b-m4f-m4l-m4r moving distance
ElseIf Abs(rbr_x1 - rbr_in_x) < box_xz And Abs(rbr_y1 -
If rbr_x1 = "n/a" Then
rbr_in_y) < box_y And Abs(rbr_z1 - rbr_in_z) < box_xz
M_dist_rbr = "n/a"
L_rbr = 1
M_dist_rbr = Sqr((rbr_x1 - rbr_x0) ^ 2 + (rbr_y1 - rbr_y0) ^
Else: L_rbr = 0
2 + (rbr_z1 - rbr_z0) ^ 2)
End If
End If
If M_con = 1 Then
If con_x0 = "n/a" Then
L_con = 0
M_dist_con = "n/a"
ElseIf con_x0 = "n/a" Then
Else: M_dist_con = Sqr((con_x1 - con_x0) ^ 2 + (con_y1 -
L_con = 0
con_y0) ^ 2 + (con_z1 - con_z0) ^ 2)
ElseIf Abs(con_x1 - con_in_x) < box_xz And Abs(con_y1 -
End If
con_in_y) < box_y And Abs(con_z1 - con_in_z) < box_xz
M_dist_m4b = Sqr((m4b_x1 - m4b_x0) ^ 2 + (m4b_y1 -
L_con = 1
m4b_y0) ^ 2 + (m4b_z1 - m4b_z0) ^ 2)
Else: L_con = 0
M_dist_m4f = Sqr((m4f_x1 - m4f_x0) ^ 2 + (m4f_y1 -
End If
m4f_y0) ^ 2 + (m4f_z1 - m4f_z0) ^ 2)
M_dist_m4l = Sqr((m4l_x1 - m4l_x0) ^ 2 + (m4l_y1 -
If M_m4b = 1 Then
m4l_y0) ^ 2 + (m4l_z1 - m4l_z0) ^ 2)
L_m4b = 0
M_dist_m4r = Sqr((m4r_x1 - m4r_x0) ^ 2 + (m4r_y1 -
ElseIf Abs(m4b_x1 - m4b_in_x) < box_xz And Abs(m4b_y1
m4r_y0) ^ 2 + (m4r_z1 - m4r_z0) ^ 2)
- m4b_in_y) < box_y And Abs(m4b_z1 - m4b_in_z) <
box_xz Then
APPENDIX E: VBA code of large scale ElseIf L_con = 1 And L_m4r = 1 And L_m4l = 1 And
L_m4b = 1 And L_rbr + L_m4f = 0 Then
stg = 9
case study (continued) ElseIf L_con = 1 And L_m4r = 1 And L_m4l = 1 And L_rbr
+ L_m4f + L_m4b = 0 Then
L_m4b = 1
stg = 10
Else: L_m4b = 0
ElseIf L_con = 1 And L_m4r = 1 And L_rbr + L_m4f +
End If
L_m4b + L_m4l = 0 Then
stg = 11
If M_m4f = 1 Then
ElseIf L_con = 1 And L_rbr + L_m4f + L_m4b + L_m4l +
L_m4f = 0
L_m4r = 0 Then
ElseIf Abs(m4f_x1 - m4f_in_x) < box_xz And Abs(m4f_y1 -
stg = 12
m4f_in_y) < box_y And Abs(m4f_z1 - m4f_in_z) < box_xz
Else: stg = "error"
End If
L_m4f = 1
Else: L_m4f = 0
'find workers wk1 wk2 wk3 location attributes (A, B, C and
End If
Out), except stage 6&7
'''wk1 at time 0
If M_m4l = 1 Then
If wk1_x0 = "n/a" Then
L_m4l = 0
L0_wk1 = "?"
ElseIf Abs(m4l_x1 - m4l_in_x) < box_xz And Abs(m4l_y1 -
ElseIf (wk1_x0 > zoneB_x1) And (wk1_x0 < zoneB_x2)
m4l_in_y) < box_y And Abs(m4l_z1 - m4l_in_z) < box_xz
And (wk1_y0 > zoneB_y1) And (wk1_y0 < zoneB_y2) And
wk1_z0 > zoneC_z1 Then
L_m4l = 1
L0_wk1 = "C"
Else: L_m4l = 0
ElseIf (wk1_x0 > zoneA_x1) And (wk1_x0 < zoneA_x2)
End If
And (wk1_y0 > zoneA_y1) And (wk1_y0 < zoneA_y2) And
wk1_z0 < zoneC_z1 Then
If M_m4r = 1 Then
L0_wk1 = "A"
L_m4r = 0
ElseIf (wk1_x0 > zoneB_x1) And (wk1_x0 < zoneB_x2)
ElseIf Abs(m4r_x1 - m4r_in_x) < box_xz And Abs(m4r_y1 -
And (wk1_y0 > zoneB_y1) And (wk1_y0 < zoneB_y2) And
m4r_in_y) < box_y And Abs(m4r_z1 - m4r_in_z) < box_xz
wk1_z0 < zoneC_z1 Then
L0_wk1 = "B"
L_m4r = 1
Else: L0_wk1 = "X"
Else: L_m4r = 0
End If
End If
'''wk1 at time 1
If wk1_x1 = "n/a" Then
'check group up or out
L1_wk1 = "?"
If M_grp = 1 Then
ElseIf (wk1_x1 > zoneB_x1) And (wk1_x1 < zoneB_x2)
L_grp = 0
And (wk1_y1 > zoneB_y1) And (wk1_y1 < zoneB_y2) And
ElseIf M_m4f = 0 And Abs(m4f_x1 - m4f_up_x) < box_xz
wk1_z1 > zoneC_z1 Then
And Abs(m4f_y1 - m4f_up_y) < box_y And Abs(m4f_z1 -
L1_wk1 = "C"
m4f_up_z) < box_xz Then
ElseIf (wk1_x1 > zoneA_x1) And (wk1_x1 < zoneA_x2)
L_grp = 1
And (wk1_y1 > zoneA_y1) And (wk1_y1 < zoneA_y2) And
Else: L_grp = 0
wk1_z1 < zoneC_z1 Then
End If
L1_wk1 = "A"
ElseIf (wk1_x1 > zoneB_x1) And (wk1_x1 < zoneB_x2)
'check production stage
And (wk1_y1 > zoneB_y1) And (wk1_y1 < zoneB_y2) And
If M_grp + L_grp > 0 Then
wk1_z1 < zoneC_z1 Then
stg = "6&7"
L1_wk1 = "B"
ElseIf L_rbr + L_con + L_m4b + L_m4f + L_m4l + L_m4r =
Else: L1_wk1 = "X"
0 Then
End If
stg = 0
L_wk1 = L1_wk1
ElseIf L_rbr = 1 And L_con + L_m4b + L_m4f + L_m4l +
'''wk2 at time 0
L_m4r = 0 Then
If wk2_x0 = "n/a" Then
stg = 1
L0_wk2 = "?"
ElseIf L_rbr = 1 And L_m4r = 1 And L_con + L_m4b +
ElseIf (wk2_x0 > zoneB_x1) And (wk2_x0 < zoneB_x2)
L_m4f + L_m4l = 0 Then
And (wk2_y0 > zoneB_y1) And (wk2_y0 < zoneB_y2) And
stg = 2
wk2_z0 > zoneC_z1 Then
ElseIf L_rbr = 1 And L_m4r = 1 And L_m4l = 1 And L_con
L0_wk2 = "C"
+ L_m4b + L_m4f = 0 Then
ElseIf (wk2_x0 > zoneA_x1) And (wk2_x0 < zoneA_x2)
stg = 3
And (wk2_y0 > zoneA_y1) And (wk2_y0 < zoneA_y2) And
ElseIf L_rbr = 1 And L_m4r = 1 And L_m4l = 1 And L_m4f
wk2_z0 < zoneC_z1 Then
= 1 And L_con + L_m4b = 0 Then
L0_wk2 = "A"
stg = 4
ElseIf (wk2_x0 > zoneB_x1) And (wk2_x0 < zoneB_x2)
ElseIf L_rbr = 1 And L_m4r = 1 And L_m4l = 1 And L_m4f
And (wk2_y0 > zoneB_y1) And (wk2_y0 < zoneB_y2) And
= 1 And L_m4b = 1 And L_con = 0 Then
wk2_z0 < zoneC_z1 Then
stg = 5
L0_wk2 = "B"
ElseIf L_con = 1 And L_m4r = 1 And L_m4l = 1 And L_m4f
Else: L0_wk2 = "X"
= 1 And L_m4b = 1 And L_rbr = 0 Then
End If
stg = 8
'''wk2 at time 1
APPENDIX E: VBA code of large scale 'calculate relative distance: m4f & sh2 at time 0 and 1
If Not (m4f_x0 = "n/a") And Not (sh2_x0 = "n/a") Then
dist0_m4fsh2 = Sqr((m4f_x0 - sh2_x0) ^ 2 + (m4f_y0 -
case study (continued) sh2_y0) ^ 2 + (m4f_z0 - sh2_z0) ^ 2)
Else: dist0_m4fsh2 = 9999
If wk2_x1 = "n/a" Then
End If
L1_wk2 = "?"
If Not (m4f_x1 = "n/a") And Not (sh2_x1 = "n/a") Then
ElseIf (wk2_x1 > zoneB_x1) And (wk2_x1 < zoneB_x2)
dist1_m4fsh2 = Sqr((m4f_x1 - sh2_x1) ^ 2 + (m4f_y1 -
And (wk2_y1 > zoneB_y1) And (wk2_y1 < zoneB_y2) And
sh2_y1) ^ 2 + (m4f_z1 - sh2_z1) ^ 2)
wk2_z1 > zoneC_z1 Then
Else: dist1_m4fsh2 = 9999
L1_wk2 = "C"
End If
ElseIf (wk2_x1 > zoneA_x1) And (wk2_x1 < zoneA_x2)
'find minimum distance at time 0 and 1
And (wk2_y1 > zoneA_y1) And (wk2_y1 < zoneA_y2) And
If dist1_m4fsh1 = dist0_m4fsh1 Then
wk2_z1 < zoneC_z1 Then
dist_m4fsh1 = 9999
L1_wk2 = "A"
ElseIf dist1_m4fsh1 < dist0_m4fsh1 Then
ElseIf (wk2_x1 > zoneB_x1) And (wk2_x1 < zoneB_x2)
dist_m4fsh1 = dist1_m4fsh1
And (wk2_y1 > zoneB_y1) And (wk2_y1 < zoneB_y2) And
Else: dist_m4fsh1 = dist0_m4fsh1
wk2_z1 < zoneC_z1 Then
End If
L1_wk2 = "B"
If dist1_m4fsh2 = dist0_m4fsh2 Then
Else: L1_wk2 = "X"
dist_m4fsh2 = 9999
End If
ElseIf dist1_m4fsh2 < dist0_m4fsh2 Then
L_wk2 = L1_wk2
dist_m4fsh2 = dist1_m4fsh2
'''wk3 at time 0
Else: dist_m4fsh2 = dist0_m4fsh2
If wk3_x0 = "n/a" Then
End If
L0_wk3 = "?"
'find distance attributr: m4f & sh1 sh2
ElseIf (wk3_x0 > zoneB_x1) And (wk3_x0 < zoneB_x2)
If dist_m4fsh1 > dist_m4fsh2 Then
And (wk3_y0 > zoneB_y1) And (wk3_y0 < zoneB_y2) And
D_m4fsh = "sh2"
wk3_z0 > zoneC_z1 Then
Else: D_m4fsh = "sh1"
L0_wk3 = "C"
End If
ElseIf (wk3_x0 > zoneA_x1) And (wk3_x0 < zoneA_x2)
And (wk3_y0 > zoneA_y1) And (wk3_y0 < zoneA_y2) And
'check distance attribute: m4b & sh1 sh2
wk3_z0 < zoneC_z1 Then
'calculate relative distance: m4b & sh1 at time 0 and 1
L0_wk3 = "A"
If Not (m4b_x0 = "n/a") And Not (sh1_x0 = "n/a") Then
ElseIf (wk3_x0 > zoneB_x1) And (wk3_x0 < zoneB_x2)
dist0_m4bsh1 = Sqr((m4b_x0 - sh1_x0) ^ 2 + (m4b_y0 -
And (wk3_y0 > zoneB_y1) And (wk3_y0 < zoneB_y2) And
sh1_y0) ^ 2 + (m4b_z0 - sh1_z0) ^ 2)
wk3_z0 < zoneC_z1 Then
Else: dist0_m4bsh1 = 9999
L0_wk3 = "B"
End If
Else: L0_wk3 = "X"
If Not (m4b_x1 = "n/a") And Not (sh1_x1 = "n/a") Then
End If
dist1_m4bsh1 = Sqr((m4b_x1 - sh1_x1) ^ 2 + (m4b_y1 -
'''wk3 at time 1
sh1_y1) ^ 2 + (m4b_z1 - sh1_z1) ^ 2)
If wk3_x1 = "n/a" Then
Else: dist1_m4bsh1 = 9999
L1_wk3 = "?"
End If
ElseIf (wk3_x1 > zoneB_x1) And (wk3_x1 < zoneB_x2)
'calculate relative distance: m4b & sh2 at time 0 and 1
And (wk3_y1 > zoneB_y1) And (wk3_y1 < zoneB_y2) And
If Not (m4b_x0 = "n/a") And Not (sh2_x0 = "n/a") Then
wk3_z1 > zoneC_z1 Then
dist0_m4bsh2 = Sqr((m4b_x0 - sh2_x0) ^ 2 + (m4b_y0 -
L1_wk3 = "C"
sh2_y0) ^ 2 + (m4b_z0 - sh2_z0) ^ 2)
ElseIf (wk3_x1 > zoneA_x1) And (wk3_x1 < zoneA_x2)
Else: dist0_m4bsh2 = 9999
And (wk3_y1 > zoneA_y1) And (wk3_y1 < zoneA_y2) And
End If
wk3_z1 < zoneC_z1 Then
If Not (m4b_x1 = "n/a") And Not (sh2_x1 = "n/a") Then
L1_wk3 = "A"
dist1_m4bsh2 = Sqr((m4b_x1 - sh2_x1) ^ 2 + (m4b_y1 -
ElseIf (wk3_x1 > zoneB_x1) And (wk3_x1 < zoneB_x2)
sh2_y1) ^ 2 + (m4b_z1 - sh2_z1) ^ 2)
And (wk3_y1 > zoneB_y1) And (wk3_y1 < zoneB_y2) And
Else: dist1_m4bsh2 = 9999
wk3_z1 < zoneC_z1 Then
End If
L1_wk3 = "B"
'find minimum distance at time 0 and 1
Else: L1_wk3 = "X"
If dist1_m4bsh1 = dist0_m4bsh1 Then
End If
dist_m4bsh1 = 9999
L_wk3 = L1_wk3
ElseIf dist1_m4bsh1 < dist0_m4bsh1 Then
dist_m4bsh1 = dist1_m4bsh1
'check distance attribute: m4f & sh1 sh2
Else: dist_m4bsh1 = dist0_m4bsh1
'calculate relative distance: m4f & sh1 at time 0 and 1
End If
If Not (m4f_x0 = "n/a") And Not (sh1_x0 = "n/a") Then
If dist1_m4bsh2 = dist0_m4bsh2 Then
dist0_m4fsh1 = Sqr((m4f_x0 - sh1_x0) ^ 2 + (m4f_y0 -
dist_m4bsh2 = 9999
sh1_y0) ^ 2 + (m4f_z0 - sh1_z0) ^ 2)
ElseIf dist1_m4bsh2 < dist0_m4bsh2 Then
Else: dist0_m4fsh1 = 9999
dist_m4bsh2 = dist1_m4bsh2
End If
Else: dist_m4bsh2 = dist0_m4bsh2
If Not (m4f_x1 = "n/a") And Not (sh1_x1 = "n/a") Then
End If
dist1_m4fsh1 = Sqr((m4f_x1 - sh1_x1) ^ 2 + (m4f_y1 -
'find distance attributr: m4b & sh1 sh2
sh1_y1) ^ 2 + (m4f_z1 - sh1_z1) ^ 2)
If dist_m4bsh1 > dist_m4bsh2 Then
Else: dist1_m4fsh1 = 9999
D_m4bsh = "sh2"
End If
Else: D_m4bsh = "sh1"
APPENDIX E: VBA code of large scale Else: dist1_m4rsh2 = 9999
End If
'find minimum distance at time 0 and 1
case study (continued) If dist1_m4rsh1 = dist0_m4rsh1 Then
dist_m4rsh1 = 9999
End If
ElseIf dist1_m4rsh1 < dist0_m4rsh1 Then
dist_m4rsh1 = dist1_m4rsh1
'check distance attribute: m4l & sh1 sh2
Else: dist_m4rsh1 = dist0_m4rsh1
'calculate relative distance: m4l & sh1 at time 0 and 1
End If
If Not (m4l_x0 = "n/a") And Not (sh1_x0 = "n/a") Then
If dist1_m4rsh2 = dist0_m4rsh2 Then
dist0_m4lsh1 = Sqr((m4l_x0 - sh1_x0) ^ 2 + (m4l_y0 -
dist_m4rsh2 = 9999
sh1_y0) ^ 2 + (m4l_z0 - sh1_z0) ^ 2)
ElseIf dist1_m4rsh2 < dist0_m4rsh2 Then
Else: dist0_m4lsh1 = 9999
dist_m4rsh2 = dist1_m4rsh2
End If
Else: dist_m4rsh2 = dist0_m4rsh2
If Not (m4l_x1 = "n/a") And Not (sh1_x1 = "n/a") Then
End If
dist1_m4lsh1 = Sqr((m4l_x1 - sh1_x1) ^ 2 + (m4l_y1 -
'find distance attributr: m4r & sh1 sh2
sh1_y1) ^ 2 + (m4l_z1 - sh1_z1) ^ 2)
If dist_m4rsh1 > dist_m4rsh2 Then
Else: dist1_m4lsh1 = 9999
D_m4rsh = "sh2"
End If
Else: D_m4rsh = "sh1"
'calculate relative distance: m4l & sh2 at time 0 and 1
End If
If Not (m4l_x0 = "n/a") And Not (sh2_x0 = "n/a") Then
dist0_m4lsh2 = Sqr((m4l_x0 - sh2_x0) ^ 2 + (m4l_y0 -
sh2_y0) ^ 2 + (m4l_z0 - sh2_z0) ^ 2)
'check distance attribute: wk1 wk2 wk3 & s1c s2c
Else: dist0_m4lsh2 = 9999
'calculatte relative distance: wk1 & s1c at time 0 and 1
End If
If Not (wk1_x0 = "n/a") And Not (s1c_x0 = "n/a") Then
If Not (m4l_x1 = "n/a") And Not (sh2_x1 = "n/a") Then
dist0_wk1s1c = Sqr((wk1_x0 - s1c_x0) ^ 2 + (wk1_y0 -
dist1_m4lsh2 = Sqr((m4l_x1 - sh2_x1) ^ 2 + (m4l_y1 -
s1c_y0) ^ 2 + (wk1_z0 - s1c_z0) ^ 2)
sh2_y1) ^ 2 + (m4l_z1 - sh2_z1) ^ 2)
Else: dist0_wk1s1c = 9999
Else: dist1_m4lsh2 = 9999
End If
End If
If Not (wk1_x1 = "n/a") And Not (s1c_x1 = "n/a") Then
'find minimum distance at time 0 and 1
dist1_wk1s1c = Sqr((wk1_x1 - s1c_x1) ^ 2 + (wk1_y1 -
If dist1_m4lsh1 = dist0_m4lsh1 Then
s1c_y1) ^ 2 + (wk1_z1 - s1c_z1) ^ 2)
dist_m4lsh1 = 9999
Else: dist1_wk1s1c = 9999
ElseIf dist1_m4lsh1 < dist0_m4lsh1 Then
End If
dist_m4lsh1 = dist1_m4lsh1
'calculatte relative distance: wk1 & s2c at time 0 and 1
Else: dist_m4lsh1 = dist0_m4lsh1
If Not (wk1_x0 = "n/a") And Not (s2c_x0 = "n/a") Then
End If
dist0_wk1s2c = Sqr((wk1_x0 - s2c_x0) ^ 2 + (wk1_y0 -
If dist1_m4lsh2 = dist0_m4lsh2 Then
s2c_y0) ^ 2 + (wk1_z0 - s2c_z0) ^ 2)
dist_m4lsh2 = 9999
Else: dist0_wk1s2c = 9999
ElseIf dist1_m4lsh2 < dist0_m4lsh2 Then
End If
dist_m4lsh2 = dist1_m4lsh2
If Not (wk1_x1 = "n/a") And Not (s2c_x1 = "n/a") Then
Else: dist_m4lsh2 = dist0_m4lsh2
dist1_wk1s2c = Sqr((wk1_x1 - s2c_x1) ^ 2 + (wk1_y1 -
End If
s2c_y1) ^ 2 + (wk1_z1 - s2c_z1) ^ 2)
'find distance attributr: m4l & sh1 sh2
Else: dist1_wk1s2c = 9999
If dist_m4lsh1 > dist_m4lsh2 Then
End If
D_m4lsh = "sh2"
'wk1 distance attribute
Else: D_m4lsh = "sh1"
If dist0_wk1s1c < 120 Or dist1_wk1s1c < 120 Then
End If
D_wk1 = "s1c"
ElseIf dist0_wk1s2c < 120 Or dist1_wk1s2c < 120 Then
'check distance attribute: m4r & sh1 sh2
D_wk1 = "s2c"
'calculate relative distance: m4r & sh1 at time 0 and 1
Else: D_wk1 = "X"
If Not (m4r_x0 = "n/a") And Not (sh1_x0 = "n/a") Then
End If
dist0_m4rsh1 = Sqr((m4r_x0 - sh1_x0) ^ 2 + (m4r_y0 -
sh1_y0) ^ 2 + (m4r_z0 - sh1_z0) ^ 2)
'calculatte relative distance: wk2 & s1c at time 0 and 1
Else: dist0_m4rsh1 = 9999
If Not (wk2_x0 = "n/a") And Not (s1c_x0 = "n/a") Then
End If
dist0_wk2s1c = Sqr((wk2_x0 - s1c_x0) ^ 2 + (wk2_y0 -
If Not (m4r_x1 = "n/a") And Not (sh1_x1 = "n/a") Then
s1c_y0) ^ 2 + (wk2_z0 - s1c_z0) ^ 2)
dist1_m4rsh1 = Sqr((m4r_x1 - sh1_x1) ^ 2 + (m4r_y1 -
Else: dist0_wk2s1c = 9999
sh1_y1) ^ 2 + (m4r_z1 - sh1_z1) ^ 2)
End If
Else: dist1_m4rsh1 = 9999
If Not (wk2_x1 = "n/a") And Not (s1c_x1 = "n/a") Then
End If
dist1_wk2s1c = Sqr((wk2_x1 - s1c_x1) ^ 2 + (wk2_y1 -
'calculate relative distance: m4r & sh2 at time 0 and 1
s1c_y1) ^ 2 + (wk2_z1 - s1c_z1) ^ 2)
If Not (m4r_x0 = "n/a") And Not (sh2_x0 = "n/a") Then
Else: dist1_wk2s1c = 9999
dist0_m4rsh2 = Sqr((m4r_x0 - sh2_x0) ^ 2 + (m4r_y0 -
End If
sh2_y0) ^ 2 + (m4r_z0 - sh2_z0) ^ 2)
'calculatte relative distance: wk2 & s2c at time 0 and 1
Else: dist0_m4rsh2 = 9999
If Not (wk2_x0 = "n/a") And Not (s2c_x0 = "n/a") Then
End If
dist0_wk2s2c = Sqr((wk2_x0 - s2c_x0) ^ 2 + (wk2_y0 -
If Not (m4r_x1 = "n/a") And Not (sh2_x1 = "n/a") Then
s2c_y0) ^ 2 + (wk2_z0 - s2c_z0) ^ 2)
dist1_m4rsh2 = Sqr((m4r_x1 - sh2_x1) ^ 2 + (m4r_y1 -
Else: dist0_wk2s2c = 9999
sh2_y1) ^ 2 + (m4r_z1 - sh2_z1) ^ 2)
End If
APPENDIX E: VBA code of large scale If sh2_x0 = "n/a" Or sh2_x1 = "n/a" Then
M_dist_sh2 = "n/a"
case study (continued) M_dist_sh2 = Sqr((sh2_x1 - sh2_x0) ^ 2 + (sh2_y1 - sh2_y0)
^ 2 + (sh2_z1 - sh2_z0) ^ 2)
If Not (wk2_x1 = "n/a") And Not (s2c_x1 = "n/a") Then
End If
dist1_wk2s2c = Sqr((wk2_x1 - s2c_x1) ^ 2 + (wk2_y1 -
s2c_y1) ^ 2 + (wk2_z1 - s2c_z1) ^ 2)
'check crane moving attribute
Else: dist1_wk2s2c = 9999
If M_dist_bh1 = "n/a" Then
End If
M_bh1 = "?"
'wk2 distance attribute
ElseIf M_dist_bh1 > mov_crane Then
If dist0_wk2s1c < 120 Or dist1_wk2s1c < 120 Then
M_bh1 = 1
D_wk2 = "s1c"
Else: M_bh1 = 0
ElseIf dist0_wk2s2c < 120 Or dist1_wk2s2c < 120 Then
End If
D_wk2 = "s2c"
Else: D_wk2 = "X"
If M_dist_bh2 = "n/a" Then
End If
M_bh2 = "?"
ElseIf M_dist_bh2 > mov_crane Then
'calculatte relative distance: wk3 & s1c at time 0 and 1
M_bh2 = 1
If Not (wk3_x0 = "n/a") And Not (s1c_x0 = "n/a") Then
Else: M_bh2 = 0
dist0_wk3s1c = Sqr((wk3_x0 - s1c_x0) ^ 2 + (wk3_y0 -
End If
s1c_y0) ^ 2 + (wk3_z0 - s1c_z0) ^ 2)
Else: dist0_wk3s1c = 9999
If M_dist_sh1 = "n/a" Then
End If
M_sh1 = "?"
If Not (wk3_x1 = "n/a") And Not (s1c_x1 = "n/a") Then
ElseIf M_dist_sh1 > mov_crane Then
dist1_wk3s1c = Sqr((wk3_x1 - s1c_x1) ^ 2 + (wk3_y1 -
M_sh1 = 1
s1c_y1) ^ 2 + (wk3_z1 - s1c_z1) ^ 2)
Else: M_sh1 = 0
Else: dist1_wk3s1c = 9999
End If
End If
'calculatte relative distance: wk3 & s2c at time 0 and 1
If M_dist_sh2 = "n/a" Then
If Not (wk3_x0 = "n/a") And Not (s2c_x0 = "n/a") Then
M_sh2 = "?"
dist0_wk3s2c = Sqr((wk3_x0 - s2c_x0) ^ 2 + (wk3_y0 -
ElseIf M_dist_sh2 > mov_crane Then
s2c_y0) ^ 2 + (wk3_z0 - s2c_z0) ^ 2)
M_sh2 = 1
Else: dist0_wk3s2c = 9999
Else: M_sh2 = 0
End If
End If
If Not (wk3_x1 = "n/a") And Not (s2c_x1 = "n/a") Then
dist1_wk3s2c = Sqr((wk3_x1 - s2c_x1) ^ 2 + (wk3_y1 -
'check crane operations
s2c_y1) ^ 2 + (wk3_z1 - s2c_z1) ^ 2)
Else: dist1_wk3s2c = 9999
If M_dist_bh1 = "n/a" Then
End If
op_bh1 = "?"
'wk3 distance attribute
ElseIf M_grp = 1 And M_bh1 = 1 Then
If dist0_wk3s1c < 120 Or dist1_wk3s1c < 120 Then
op_bh1 = "grp"
D_wk3 = "s1c"
ElseIf M_bh1 = 1 Then
ElseIf dist0_wk3s2c < 120 Or dist1_wk3s2c < 120 Then
op_bh1 = "M"
D_wk3 = "s2c"
ElseIf M_bh1 = 0 Then
Else: D_wk3 = "X"
op_bh1 = "S"
End If
Else: op_bh1 = "X"
End If
'calculate crane moving distance
If bh1_x0 = "n/a" Or bh1_x1 = "n/a" Then
If M_dist_bh2 = "n/a" Then
M_dist_bh1 = "n/a"
op_bh2 = "?"
ElseIf M_grp = 1 And M_bh2 = 1 Then
M_dist_bh1 = Sqr((bh1_x1 - bh1_x0) ^ 2 + (bh1_y1 -
op_bh2 = "grp"
bh1_y0) ^ 2 + (bh1_z1 - bh1_z0) ^ 2)
ElseIf M_bh2 = 1 Then
End If
op_bh2 = "M"
ElseIf M_bh2 = 0 Then
If bh2_x0 = "n/a" Or bh2_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_bh2 = "S"
M_dist_bh2 = "n/a"
Else: op_bh2 = "X"
End If
M_dist_bh2 = Sqr((bh2_x1 - bh2_x0) ^ 2 + (bh2_y1 -
bh2_y0) ^ 2 + (bh2_z1 - bh2_z0) ^ 2)
End If
If M_dist_sh1 = "n/a" Then
op_sh1 = "?"
If sh1_x0 = "n/a" Or sh1_x1 = "n/a" Then
ElseIf M_grp = 1 And M_sh1 = 1 Then
M_dist_sh1 = "n/a"
op_sh1 = "M"
ElseIf M_grp = 1 And M_sh1 = 0 Then
M_dist_sh1 = Sqr((sh1_x1 - sh1_x0) ^ 2 + (sh1_y1 - sh1_y0)
op_sh1 = "S"
^ 2 + (sh1_z1 - sh1_z0) ^ 2)
ElseIf M_m4b = 1 And M_sh1 = 1 And D_m4bsh = "sh1"
End If
op_sh1 = "m4b"
APPENDIX E: VBA code of large scale GoTo Stage11
ElseIf stg = 12 Then
GoTo Stage12
case study (continued) Else: GoTo Writedata
End If
ElseIf M_m4f = 1 And M_sh1 = 1 And D_m4fsh = "sh1"
'check operations at stage 0-rbr
op_sh1 = "m4f"
ElseIf M_m4l = 1 And M_sh1 = 1 And D_m4lsh = "sh1"
If wk1_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_wk1 = "?"
op_sh1 = "m4l"
ElseIf M_rbr = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s2c" Then
ElseIf M_m4r = 1 And M_sh1 = 1 And D_m4rsh = "sh1"
op_wk1 = "0p1"
ElseIf M_rbr = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s2c" Then
op_sh1 = "m4r"
op_wk1 = "0p2"
ElseIf M_sh1 = 1 Then
ElseIf L_wk1 = "A" Then
op_sh1 = "M"
op_wk1 = "0p3"
ElseIf M_sh1 = 0 Then
ElseIf L_wk1 = "B" Then
op_sh1 = "S"
op_wk1 = "0p4"
Else: op_sh1 = "X"
ElseIf L_wk1 = "C" Then
End If
op_wk1 = "0p5"
Else: op_wk1 = "X"
If M_dist_sh2 = "n/a" Then
End If
op_sh2 = "?"
ElseIf M_grp = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 Then
If wk2_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_sh2 = "M"
op_wk2 = "?"
ElseIf M_grp = 1 And M_sh2 = 0 Then
ElseIf M_rbr = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s2c" Then
op_sh2 = "S"
op_wk2 = "0p1"
ElseIf M_rbr = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 Then
ElseIf M_rbr = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s2c" Then
op_sh2 = "rbr"
op_wk2 = "0p2"
ElseIf M_m4b = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_m4bsh = "sh2"
ElseIf L_wk2 = "A" Then
op_wk2 = "0p3"
op_sh2 = "m4b"
ElseIf L_wk2 = "B" Then
ElseIf M_m4f = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_m4fsh = "sh2"
op_wk2 = "0p4"
ElseIf L_wk2 = "C" Then
op_sh2 = "m4f"
op_wk2 = "0p5"
ElseIf M_m4l = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_m4lsh = "sh2"
Else: op_wk2 = "X"
End If
op_sh2 = "m4l"
ElseIf M_m4r = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_m4rsh = "sh2"
If wk3_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_wk3 = "?"
op_sh2 = "m4r"
ElseIf M_rbr = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s2c" Then
ElseIf M_sh2 = 1 Then
op_wk3 = "0p1"
op_sh2 = "M"
ElseIf M_rbr = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s2c" Then
ElseIf M_sh2 = 0 Then
op_wk3 = "0p2"
op_sh2 = "S"
ElseIf L_wk3 = "A" Then
Else: op_sh2 = "X"
op_wk3 = "0p3"
End If
ElseIf L_wk3 = "B" Then
op_wk3 = "0p4"
'check worker operations
ElseIf L_wk3 = "C" Then
If stg = 0 Then
op_wk3 = "0p5"
GoTo Stage0
Else: op_wk3 = "X"
ElseIf stg = 1 Then
End If
GoTo Stage1
GoTo Writedata
ElseIf stg = 2 Then
GoTo Stage2
'check operations at stage 1-m4r
ElseIf stg = 3 Then
GoTo Stage3
If wk1_x1 = "n/a" Then
ElseIf stg = 4 Then
op_wk1 = "?"
GoTo Stage4
ElseIf M_m4r = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s2c" Then
ElseIf stg = 5 Then
op_wk1 = "1p1"
GoTo Stage5
ElseIf M_m4r = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s2c" Then
ElseIf stg = "6&7" Then
op_wk1 = "1p2"
GoTo Stage6
ElseIf L_wk1 = "A" Then
ElseIf stg = 8 Then
op_wk1 = "1p3"
GoTo Stage8
ElseIf L_wk1 = "B" Then
ElseIf stg = 9 Then
op_wk1 = "1p4"
GoTo Stage9
ElseIf L_wk1 = "C" Then
ElseIf stg = 10 Then
op_wk1 = "1p5"
GoTo Stage10
Else: op_wk1 = "X"
ElseIf stg = 11 Then
End If
APPENDIX E: VBA code of large scale ElseIf M_m4l = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s2c" Then
op_wk3 = "2p1"
ElseIf M_m4l = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s2c" Then
case study (continued) op_wk3 = "2p2"
ElseIf L_wk3 = "A" Then
If wk2_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_wk3 = "2p3"
op_wk2 = "?"
ElseIf L_wk3 = "B" Then
ElseIf M_m4r = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s2c" Then
op_wk3 = "2p4"
op_wk2 = "1p1"
ElseIf L_wk3 = "C" Then
ElseIf M_m4r = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s2c" Then
op_wk3 = "2p5"
op_wk2 = "1p2"
Else: op_wk3 = "X"
ElseIf L_wk2 = "A" Then
End If
op_wk2 = "1p3"
GoTo Writedata
ElseIf L_wk2 = "B" Then
op_wk2 = "1p4"
'check operations at stage 3-m4f
ElseIf L_wk2 = "C" Then
op_wk2 = "1p5"
If wk1_x1 = "n/a" Then
Else: op_wk2 = "X"
op_wk1 = "?"
End If
ElseIf M_m4f = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s2c" Then
op_wk1 = "3p1"
If wk3_x1 = "n/a" Then
ElseIf M_m4f = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s2c" Then
op_wk3 = "?"
op_wk1 = "3p2"
ElseIf M_m4r = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s2c" Then
ElseIf L_wk1 = "B" Then
op_wk3 = "1p1"
op_wk1 = "3p3"
ElseIf M_m4r = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s2c" Then
Else: op_wk1 = "X"
op_wk3 = "1p2"
End If
ElseIf L_wk3 = "A" Then
op_wk3 = "1p3"
If wk2_x1 = "n/a" Then
ElseIf L_wk3 = "B" Then
op_wk2 = "?"
op_wk3 = "1p4"
ElseIf M_m4f = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s2c" Then
ElseIf L_wk3 = "C" Then
op_wk2 = "3p1"
op_wk3 = "1p5"
ElseIf M_m4f = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s2c" Then
Else: op_wk3 = "X"
op_wk2 = "3p2"
End If
ElseIf L_wk2 = "B" Then
GoTo Writedata
op_wk2 = "3p3"
Else: op_wk2 = "X"
'check operations at stage 2-m4l
End If
If wk1_x1 = "n/a" Then
If wk3_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_wk1 = "?"
op_wk3 = "?"
ElseIf M_m4l = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s2c" Then
ElseIf M_m4f = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s2c" Then
op_wk1 = "2p1"
op_wk3 = "3p1"
ElseIf M_m4l = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s2c" Then
ElseIf M_m4f = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s2c" Then
op_wk1 = "2p2"
op_wk3 = "3p2"
ElseIf L_wk1 = "A" Then
ElseIf L_wk3 = "B" Then
op_wk1 = "2p3"
op_wk3 = "3p3"
ElseIf L_wk1 = "B" Then
Else: op_wk3 = "X"
op_wk1 = "2p4"
End If
ElseIf L_wk1 = "C" Then
GoTo Writedata
op_wk1 = "2p5"
Else: op_wk1 = "X"
'check operations at stage 4-m4b
End If
If wk1_x1 = "n/a" Then
If wk2_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_wk1 = "?"
op_wk2 = "?"
ElseIf M_m4b = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s2c" Then
ElseIf M_m4l = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s2c" Then
op_wk1 = "4p1"
op_wk2 = "2p1"
ElseIf M_m4b = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s2c" Then
ElseIf M_m4l = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s2c" Then
op_wk1 = "4p2"
op_wk2 = "2p2"
ElseIf L_wk1 = "A" Then
ElseIf L_wk2 = "A" Then
op_wk1 = "4p3"
op_wk2 = "2p3"
ElseIf L_wk1 = "B" Then
ElseIf L_wk2 = "B" Then
op_wk1 = "4p4"
op_wk2 = "2p4"
ElseIf L_wk1 = "C" Then
ElseIf L_wk2 = "C" Then
op_wk1 = "4p5"
op_wk2 = "2p5"
Else: op_wk1 = "X"
Else: op_wk2 = "X"
End If
End If
If wk2_x1 = "n/a" Then
If wk3_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_wk2 = "?"
op_wk3 = "?"
ElseIf M_m4b = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s2c" Then
APPENDIX E: VBA code of large scale op_wk3 = "5p4"
ElseIf L_wk3 = "C" Then
op_wk3 = "5p5"
case study (continued) Else: op_wk3 = "X"
End If
op_wk2 = "4p1"
GoTo Writedata
ElseIf M_m4b = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s2c" Then
op_wk2 = "4p2"
'check operations at stage 6&7
ElseIf L_wk2 = "A" Then
op_wk2 = "4p3"
'find workers wk1 wk2 wk3 location attributes (D, E and Out)
ElseIf L_wk2 = "B" Then
only for stage 6&7
op_wk2 = "4p4"
'''wk1 at time 0
ElseIf L_wk2 = "C" Then
If wk1_x0 = "n/a" Then
op_wk2 = "4p5"
L0_wk1 = "?"
Else: op_wk2 = "X"
ElseIf (wk1_x0 > zoneD_x1) And (wk1_x0 < zoneD_x2)
End If
And (wk1_y0 > zoneD_y1) And (wk1_y0 < zoneD_y2) And
wk1_z0 > zoneD_z1 Then
If wk3_x1 = "n/a" Then
L0_wk1 = "D"
op_wk3 = "?"
ElseIf (wk1_x0 > zoneD_x1) And (wk1_x0 < zoneD_x2)
ElseIf M_m4b = 1 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s2c" Then
And (wk1_y0 > zoneD_y1) And (wk1_y0 < zoneD_y2) And
op_wk3 = "4p1"
wk1_z0 < zoneD_z1 Then
ElseIf M_m4b = 0 And M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s2c" Then
L0_wk1 = "E"
op_wk3 = "4p2"
Else: L0_wk1 = "X"
ElseIf L_wk3 = "A" Then
End If
op_wk3 = "4p3"
'''wk1 at time 1
ElseIf L_wk3 = "B" Then
If wk1_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_wk3 = "4p4"
L1_wk1 = "?"
ElseIf L_wk3 = "C" Then
ElseIf (wk1_x1 > zoneD_x1) And (wk1_x1 < zoneD_x2)
op_wk3 = "4p5"
And (wk1_y1 > zoneD_y1) And (wk1_y1 < zoneD_y2) And
Else: op_wk3 = "X"
wk1_z1 > zoneD_z1 Then
End If
L1_wk1 = "D"
GoTo Writedata
ElseIf (wk1_x1 > zoneD_x1) And (wk1_x1 < zoneD_x2)
And (wk1_y1 > zoneD_y1) And (wk1_y1 < zoneD_y2) And
'check operations at stage 5
wk1_z1 < zoneD_z1 Then
L1_wk1 = "E"
If wk1_x1 = "n/a" Then
Else: L1_wk1 = "X"
op_wk1 = "?"
End If
ElseIf M_bh2 = 1 Then
L_wk1 = L1_wk1
op_wk1 = "5p1"
ElseIf M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s2c" Then
'''wk2 at time 0
op_wk1 = "5p2"
If wk2_x0 = "n/a" Then
ElseIf L_wk1 = "A" Then
L0_wk2 = "?"
op_wk1 = "5p3"
ElseIf (wk2_x0 > zoneD_x1) And (wk2_x0 < zoneD_x2)
ElseIf L_wk1 = "B" Then
And (wk2_y0 > zoneD_y1) And (wk2_y0 < zoneD_y2) And
op_wk1 = "5p4"
wk2_z0 > zoneD_z1 Then
ElseIf L_wk1 = "C" Then
L0_wk2 = "D"
op_wk1 = "5p5"
ElseIf (wk2_x0 > zoneD_x1) And (wk2_x0 < zoneD_x2)
Else: op_wk1 = "X"
And (wk2_y0 > zoneD_y1) And (wk2_y0 < zoneD_y2) And
End If
wk2_z0 < zoneD_z1 Then
L0_wk2 = "E"
If wk2_x1 = "n/a" Then
Else: L0_wk2 = "X"
op_wk2 = "?"
End If
ElseIf M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s2c" Then
'''wk2 at time 1
op_wk2 = "5p2"
If wk2_x1 = "n/a" Then
ElseIf L_wk2 = "A" Then
L1_wk2 = "?"
op_wk2 = "5p3"
ElseIf (wk2_x1 > zoneD_x1) And (wk2_x1 < zoneD_x2)
ElseIf L_wk2 = "B" Then
And (wk2_y1 > zoneD_y1) And (wk2_y1 < zoneD_y2) And
op_wk2 = "5p4"
wk2_z1 > zoneD_z1 Then
ElseIf L_wk2 = "C" Then
L1_wk2 = "D"
op_wk2 = "5p5"
ElseIf (wk2_x1 > zoneD_x1) And (wk2_x1 < zoneD_x2)
Else: op_wk2 = "X"
And (wk2_y1 > zoneD_y1) And (wk2_y1 < zoneD_y2) And
End If
wk2_z1 < zoneD_z1 Then
L1_wk2 = "E"
If wk3_x1 = "n/a" Then
Else: L1_wk2 = "X"
op_wk3 = "?"
End If
ElseIf M_sh2 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s2c" Then
L_wk2 = L1_wk2
op_wk3 = "5p2"
ElseIf L_wk3 = "A" Then
'''wk3 at time 0
op_wk3 = "5p3"
If wk3_x0 = "n/a" Then
ElseIf L_wk3 = "B" Then
L0_wk3 = "?"
APPENDIX E: VBA code of large scale L_sh2 = "D"
Else: L_sh2 = "X"
End If
case study (continued)
'wk1 operations at stage 6&7
ElseIf (wk3_x0 > zoneD_x1) And (wk3_x0 < zoneD_x2)
If wk1_x1 = "n/a" Then
And (wk3_y0 > zoneD_y1) And (wk3_y0 < zoneD_y2) And
op_wk1 = "?"
wk3_z0 > zoneD_z1 Then
ElseIf M_bh2 = 1 And M_m4f = 1 Then
L0_wk3 = "D"
op_wk1 = "6p1"
ElseIf (wk3_x0 > zoneD_x1) And (wk3_x0 < zoneD_x2)
ElseIf M_bh2 = 1 And M_m4f = 0 And L_bh2 = "C" Then
And (wk3_y0 > zoneD_y1) And (wk3_y0 < zoneD_y2) And
op_wk1 = "6p2"
wk3_z0 < zoneD_z1 Then
ElseIf M_bh1 = 1 And M_m4f = 1 Then
L0_wk3 = "E"
op_wk1 = "6p3"
Else: L0_wk3 = "X"
ElseIf M_bh1 = 1 And M_m4f = 0 And L_bh1 = "C" Then
End If
op_wk1 = "6p4"
'''wk3 at time 1
ElseIf L_bh2 = "D" And L_wk1 = "D" Then
If wk3_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_wk1 = "6p5"
L1_wk3 = "?"
ElseIf L_bh1 = "D" And L_wk1 = "D" Then
ElseIf (wk3_x1 > zoneD_x1) And (wk3_x1 < zoneD_x2)
op_wk1 = "6p5"
And (wk3_y1 > zoneD_y1) And (wk3_y1 < zoneD_y2) And
ElseIf L_sh2 = "D" And L_wk1 = "D" Then
wk3_z1 > zoneD_z1 Then
op_wk1 = "6p6"
L1_wk3 = "D"
ElseIf L_sh1 = "D" And L_wk1 = "D" Then
ElseIf (wk3_x1 > zoneD_x1) And (wk3_x1 < zoneD_x2)
op_wk1 = "6p7"
And (wk3_y1 > zoneD_y1) And (wk3_y1 < zoneD_y2) And
ElseIf L_wk1 = "D" Then
wk3_z1 < zoneD_z1 Then
op_wk1 = "6p8"
L1_wk3 = "E"
ElseIf L_wk1 = "E" Then
Else: L1_wk3 = "X"
op_wk1 = "6p9"
End If
ElseIf L_sh1 = "D" And D_wk1 = "s1c" Then
L_wk3 = L1_wk3
op_wk1 = "6p10"
Else: op_wk1 = "X"
'find bh1 bh2 location attribute: C D
End If
If bh1_x1 = "n/a" Then
L_bh1 = "?"
'wk2 operations at stage 6&7
ElseIf (bh1_x1 > zoneB_x1) And (bh1_x1 < zoneB_x2) And
If wk2_x1 = "n/a" Then
(bh1_y1 > zoneB_y1) And (bh1_y1 < zoneB_y2) Then
op_wk2 = "?"
L_bh1 = "C"
ElseIf L_bh2 = "D" And L_wk2 = "D" Then
ElseIf (bh1_x1 > zoneD_x1) And (bh1_x1 < zoneD_x2) And
op_wk2 = "6p5"
(bh1_y1 > zoneD_y1) And (bh1_y1 < zoneD_y2) And
ElseIf L_bh1 = "D" And L_wk2 = "D" Then
(bh1_z1 > zoneD_z1) Then
op_wk2 = "6p5"
L_bh1 = "D"
ElseIf L_sh2 = "D" And L_wk2 = "D" Then
Else: L_bh1 = "X"
op_wk2 = "6p6"
End If
ElseIf L_sh1 = "D" And L_wk2 = "D" Then
op_wk2 = "6p7"
If bh2_x1 = "n/a" Then
ElseIf L_wk2 = "D" Then
L_bh2 = "?"
op_wk2 = "6p8"
ElseIf (bh2_x1 > zoneB_x1) And (bh2_x1 < zoneB_x2) And
ElseIf L_wk2 = "E" Then
(bh2_y1 > zoneB_y1) And (bh2_y1 < zoneB_y2) Then
op_wk2 = "6p9"
L_bh2 = "C"
ElseIf L_sh1 = "D" And D_wk2 = "s1c" Then
ElseIf (bh2_x1 > zoneD_x1) And (bh2_x1 < zoneD_x2) And
op_wk2 = "6p10"
(bh2_y1 > zoneD_y1) And (bh2_y1 < zoneD_y2) And
Else: op_wk2 = "X"
(bh2_z1 > zoneD_z1) Then
End If
L_bh2 = "D"
Else: L_bh2 = "X"
'wk3 operations at stage 6&7
End If
If wk3_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_wk3 = "?"
'find sh1 sh2 location attribute D
ElseIf L_bh2 = "D" And L_wk3 = "D" Then
If sh1_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_wk3 = "6p5"
L_sh1 = "?"
ElseIf L_bh1 = "D" And L_wk3 = "D" Then
ElseIf (sh1_x1 > zoneD_x1) And (sh1_x1 < zoneD_x2) And
op_wk3 = "6p5"
(sh1_y1 > zoneD_y1) And (sh1_y1 < zoneD_y2) And
ElseIf L_sh2 = "D" And L_wk3 = "D" Then
(sh1_z1 > zoneD_z1) Then
op_wk3 = "6p6"
L_sh1 = "D"
ElseIf L_sh1 = "D" And L_wk3 = "D" Then
Else: L_sh1 = "X"
op_wk3 = "6p7"
End If
ElseIf L_wk3 = "D" Then
op_wk3 = "6p8"
If sh2_x1 = "n/a" Then
ElseIf L_wk3 = "E" Then
L_sh2 = "?"
op_wk3 = "6p9"
ElseIf (sh2_x1 > zoneD_x1) And (sh2_x1 < zoneD_x2) And
ElseIf L_sh1 = "D" And D_wk3 = "s1c" Then
(sh2_y1 > zoneD_y1) And (sh2_y1 < zoneD_y2) And
op_wk3 = "6p10"
(sh2_z1 > zoneD_z1) Then
Else: op_wk3 = "X"
APPENDIX E: VBA code of large scale xydist1_wk2sh1 = Sqr((wk2_x1 - sh1_x1) ^ 2 + (wk2_y1 -
sh1_y1) ^ 2)
Else: xydist1_wk2sh1 = 9999
case study (continued) End If
End If
If Not (wk3_x1 = "n/a") And Not (sh1_x1 = "n/a") Then
GoTo Writedata
xydist1_wk3sh1 = Sqr((wk3_x1 - sh1_x1) ^ 2 + (wk3_y1 -
sh1_y1) ^ 2)
'check operations at stage 8-unbolt
Else: xydist1_wk3sh1 = 9999
End If
If wk1_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_wk1 = "?"
'wk1 operations
ElseIf L_wk1 = "C" And D_wk1 = "s1c" Then
If wk1_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_wk1 = "8p1"
op_wk1 = "?"
op_sh1 = "bar"
ElseIf M_m4f = 1 And M_sh1 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s1c" Then
ElseIf M_sh1 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s1c" Then
op_wk1 = "9p1"
op_wk1 = "8p2"
ElseIf m4f_z1 > hght_m4f And xydist1_wk1sh1 <
ElseIf L_wk1 = "A" Then
xydist_sh1 Then
op_wk1 = "8p3"
op_wk1 = "9p2"
ElseIf L_wk1 = "B" Then
Else: op_wk1 = "X"
op_wk1 = "8p4"
End If
ElseIf L_wk1 = "C" Then
op_wk1 = "8p5"
If wk2_x1 = "n/a" Then
Else: op_wk1 = "X"
op_wk2 = "?"
End If
ElseIf M_m4f = 1 And M_sh1 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s1c" Then
op_wk2 = "9p1"
If wk2_x1 = "n/a" Then
ElseIf m4f_z1 > hght_m4f And xydist1_wk2sh1 <
op_wk2 = "?"
xydist_sh1 Then
ElseIf L_wk2 = "C" And D_wk2 = "s1c" Then
op_wk2 = "9p2"
op_wk2 = "8p1"
Else: op_wk2 = "X"
op_sh1 = "bar"
End If
ElseIf M_sh1 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s1c" Then
op_wk2 = "8p2"
If wk3_x1 = "n/a" Then
ElseIf L_wk2 = "A" Then
op_wk3 = "?"
op_wk2 = "8p3"
ElseIf M_m4f = 1 And M_sh1 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s1c" Then
ElseIf L_wk2 = "B" Then
op_wk3 = "9p1"
op_wk2 = "8p4"
ElseIf m4f_z1 > hght_m4f And xydist1_wk3sh1 <
ElseIf L_wk2 = "C" Then
xydist_sh1 Then
op_wk2 = "8p5"
op_wk3 = "9p2"
Else: op_wk2 = "X"
Else: op_wk3 = "X"
End If
End If
'check hanging m4f for cleaning 9p2
If wk3_x1 = "n/a" Then
If m4f_z0 > hght_m4f And dist0_m4fsh1 < dist_sh1 Then
op_wk3 = "?"
op_sh1 = "m4f"
ElseIf L_wk3 = "C" And D_wk3 = "s1c" Then
op_wk3 = "8p1"
End If
op_sh1 = "bar"
GoTo Writedata
ElseIf M_sh1 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s1c" Then
op_wk3 = "8p2"
'check operations at stage 10-m4b
ElseIf L_wk3 = "A" Then
op_wk3 = "8p3"
If wk1_x1 = "n/a" Then
ElseIf L_wk3 = "B" Then
op_wk1 = "?"
op_wk3 = "8p4"
ElseIf M_m4b = 1 And M_sh1 = 1 And D_wk1 = "s1c" Then
ElseIf L_wk3 = "C" Then
op_wk1 = "10p1"
op_wk3 = "8p5"
Else: op_wk1 = "X"
Else: op_wk3 = "X"
End If
End If
GoTo Writedata
If wk2_x1 = "n/a" Then
op_wk2 = "?"
'check operations at stage 9-m4f
ElseIf M_m4b = 1 And M_sh1 = 1 And D_wk2 = "s1c" Then
op_wk2 = "10p1"
'calculate relative xy distance: workers & sh1
Else: op_wk2 = "X"
If Not (wk1_x1 = "n/a") And Not (sh1_x1 = "n/a") Then
End If
xydist1_wk1sh1 = Sqr((wk1_x1 - sh1_x1) ^ 2 + (wk1_y1 -
sh1_y1) ^ 2)
If wk3_x1 = "n/a" Then
Else: xydist1_wk1sh1 = 9999
op_wk3 = "?"
End If
ElseIf M_m4b = 1 And M_sh1 = 1 And D_wk3 = "s1c" Then
op_wk3 = "10p1"
If Not (wk2_x1 = "n/a") And Not (sh1_x1 = "n/a") Then
Else: op_wk3 = "X"
End If
APPENDIX E: VBA code of large scale End If