Promys Problems2017 (From Uma)

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Application Problem Set

Please attempt each of the following problems. Though they can all be solved with no
more than a standard high school mathematics background, most of the problems require
considerably more ingenuity than is usually expected in high school. You should keep in
mind that we do not expect you to find complete solutions to all of them. Rather, we are
looking to see how you approach challenging problems. Here are a few suggestions:

• Think carefully about the meaning of each problem.

• Examine special cases, either through numerical examples or by drawing pictures.

• Be bold in making conjectures.

• Test your conjectures through further experimentation, and try to devise mathematical
proofs to support the surviving ones.

• Can you solve special cases of a problem, or state and solve simpler but related prob-

If you think you know the answer to a question, but cannot prove that your answer is correct,
tell us what kind of evidence you have found to support your belief. If you use books, articles,
or websites in your explorations, be sure to cite your sources.
You may find that most of the problems require some patience. Do not rush through them.
It is not unreasonable to spend a month or more thinking about the problems. It might be
good strategy to devote most of your time to a small selection of problems which you find
especially interesting. Be sure to tell us about progress you have made on problems not yet
completely solved. For each problem you solve, please justify your answer clearly
and tell us how you arrived at your solution.

1. Calculate each of the following:

13 + 53 + 33 = ??
163 + 503 + 333 = ??
1663 + 5003 + 3333 = ??
16663 + 50003 + 33333 = ??

What do you see? Can you state and prove a generalization of your observations?

2. The repeat of a positive integer is obtained by writing it twice in a row (so, for example,
the repeat of 2017 is 20172017). Is there a positive integer whose repeat is a perfect
square? If so, how many such positive integers can you find?
3. A lattice point is a point (x, y) in the plane, both of whose coordinates are integers.
It is easy to see that every lattice point can be surrounded by a small circle which
excludes all other lattice points from its interior. It is not much harder to see that it
is possible to draw a circle that has exactly two lattice points in its interior, or exactly
3, or exactly 4.

Do you think that for every positive integer n there is a circle in the plane containing
exactly n lattice points in its interior? Justify your answer.
4. According to the Journal of Irreproducible Results, any obtuse angle is a right angle!


Here is their argument. Given the obtuse angle x, we make a quadrilateral ABCD
with ∠DAB = x, and ∠ABC = 90◦ , and AD = BC. Say the perpendicular bisector
to DC meets the perpendicular bisector to AB at P . Then P A = P B and P C =
P D. So the triangles P AD and P BC have equal sides and are congruent. Thus
∠P AD = ∠P BC. But P AB is isosceles, hence ∠P AB = ∠P BA. Subtracting, gives
x = ∠P AD − ∠P AB = ∠P BC − ∠P BA = 90◦ . This is a preposterous conclusion –
just where is the mistake in the “proof” and why does the argument break down there?
5. A unit fraction is a fraction of the form n1 where n is a positive integer. Note that the
unit fraction 11 can be written as the sum of two unit fractions in the following three
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
= + = + = + .
11 12 132 22 22 132 12
Are there any other ways of decomposing 11 into the sum of two unit fractions? In
how many ways can we write 60 as the sum of two unit fractions? More generally, in
how many ways can the unit fraction n1 be written as the sum of two unit fractions? In
other words, how many ordered pairs (a, b) of positive integers a, b are there for which
1 1 1
= + ?
n a b
6. Let’s agree to say that a positive integer is prime-like if it is not divisible by 2, 3, or
5. How many prime-like positive integers are there less than 100? less than 1000? A
positive integer is very prime-like if it is not divisible by any prime less than 15. How
many very prime-like positive integers are there less than 90000? Without giving an
exact answer, can you say approximately how many very prime-like positive integers
are less than 1010 ? less than 10100 ? Explain your reasoning as carefully as you can.

7. The triangular numbers are the numbers 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, . . .. The square numbers are
the numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, . . .. The pentagonal numbers are 1, 5, 12, 22, 35, . . .. The
geometrical language is justified by the following diagrams:

Triangular numbers:

Square numbers:

Pentagonal numbers:

a. What are the first five hexagonal numbers? What are the first five septagonal
numbers? What are the first five r-gonal numbers? Give a formula for the nth
triangular number. Give a formula for the nth square number. Give a formula
for the nth pentagonal number. In general, give a formula for the nth r-gonal
b. How many numbers can you find that are simultaneously triangular and square?
How many numbers can you find that are simultaneously square and pentagonal?

8. 10 people are to be divided into 3 committees, in such a way that every committee
must have at least one member, and no person can serve on all three committees. (Note
that we do not require everybody to serve on at least one committee.) In how many
ways can this be done?
9. Let S be a set of positive real numbers. If S contains at least four distinct elements
show that there are elements x, y ∈ S such that
x−y √
0< < 3/3.
1 + xy
What can you say if S has at least 7 elements? What if S has at least n elements,
where n > 2?

10. The tail of a giant kangaroo is tied to a pole in the ground by an infinitely stretchy
elastic cord. A flea sits on the pole watching the kangaroo (hungrily). The kangaroo
sees the flea, leaps into the air and lands one mile from the pole (with its tail still
attached to the pole by the elastic cord). The flea gives chase and leaps into the air
landing on the stretched elastic cord one inch from the pole. The kangaroo, seeing this,
again leaps into the air and lands another mile away from the pole (i.e., a total of two
miles from the pole). Undaunted, the flea bravely leaps into the air again, landing on
the elastic cord one inch further along. Once again the kangaroo jumps another mile
and the flea jumps another inch along the cord. If this continues indefinitely, will the
flea ever catch up to the kangaroo? (Assume the earth is flat and extends infinitely far
in all directions.)

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