Abb-Bdew-Whitepaper v4 2016 07 en
Abb-Bdew-Whitepaper v4 2016 07 en
Abb-Bdew-Whitepaper v4 2016 07 en
2 Requirements
2.1.1 General
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
The contractor provides a contact person, who will be the No product requirement, but system
single point of contact for IT security related topics during the relevant, part of project organization.
bidding process, the system design phase and throughout the
projected period of system operations.
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
When selecting cryptographic standards, regulations and Web server access with HTTPS:
national restrictions are to be considered. Only state-of-the- See Cyber Security Deployment
art cryptographic standards and key lengths are to be used. Guideline Release 11
From the current state of scientific and technical knowledge, Chapter 1.3 and Chapter 4 (1KGT 150
these standards and key lengths shall also be considered 906).
secure for the foreseeable future. Cryptographic algorithms
developed in-house shall not be used. Whenever possible, VPN based on IPSEC:
well-known cryptographic libraries should be used when see RTU500 series Function
implementing cryptographic functions to avoid Description Release 11 Part 9
implementation bugs. Chapter 3 (1KGT 150 896)
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
System services and daemons, data and functions, which are 1. Firmware:
used during development or for system testing only shall be All unused ports are deactivated. No
verifiably removed or deactivated before the systems goes backdoors or debug entries are active.
2. PLC-Online-Debugger:
see Cyber Security Deployment
Guideline Release 11
Chapter 1.2.4 (1KGT 150 906).
2.1.2 Documentation
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
The contractor shall provide the customer with Integrator requirement
documentation covering the high-level design of the entire
system. The documentation shall be available not later than
the time of the acceptance test and shall include the
description of the system concept and of the interaction of all
system components. The documentation shall characterise
especially the details, interactions and dependencies of the
system components which are security relevant or which
deserve special protection. Furthermore, the documentation
shall list and describe in brief implementation details of
security related functions (e.g. used cryptographic standards).
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
The base systems of all IP-based networked system not applicable for RTU,
components shall be secured with virus and malware No third party software can be
protection software. As an alternative to installing antivirus downloaded and activated in the RTU.
software on each system component, the contractor may Command line interface is not
implement a comprehensive antivirus and malware available in the RTU
protection concept, which provides an equivalent protection.
The patterns of the antivirus and malware protection
software shall be automatically and timely updated without
using a direct connection to update-servers located in
external networks like the internet. A possible
implementation would be to use an internal update server.
The time when the patterns are updated shall be
configurable. An alternative to automatic updates is a well-
defined and documented secure manual process, through
which the pattern updates are installed in the system, for
example on an isolated central update server.
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
a) If technically feasible, the systems Firewall should use only Webserver access with HTTPS:
secure communication standards and protocols which see Cyber Security Deployment
provide integrity checks, authentication and, if applicable, Guideline Release 11
encryption. In particular, secure communication shall be used Chapter 4 (1KGT 150 906)
for remote administration or transmission of user log on
information. The transmission of password information in Webserver access with HTTPS:
clear text is not allowed (e.g. no telnet protocol, no Unix rsh VPN based on IPSEC
services). An up-to-date list of secure protocols can be see Function Description Release 11
provided by the client according to its internal formalities. Part 9
Chapter 3 and 4 (1KGT 150 896)
Rel. 12.x:
- SNMP V3 (on roadmap)
- online configuration of IP-address
c) It shall be possible to integrate network components, Versio nadministartion, remote patch
which are provided by the contractor within a central asset management available (see above)
and patch management process.
d) If technically feasible, the IP protocol is used on WAN lines. Webserver access with HTTPS:
Unencrypted application layer protocols should be secured by VPN based on IPSEC
encryption on lower network layers (e. g.. with SSL/TLS see Function Description Part 9
encryption or by using VPN technologies). Chapter 3 (1KGT 150 896)
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
f) If shared network infrastructure components (e. g. VLAN or Responsibility of customer
MPLS technology) will be used the network with the highest
protection level requirement determines the security
requirements of the used hardware components and their
configuration. Concurrent use of the network hardware for
networks with different protection levels is permitted only if
this concurrent use does not decrease the security level or
the availability.
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
Please note: the term “maintenance” used in this document Responsibility of customer
denotes all service processes commissioned by the client or
system operator, e. g.repairs, fault analyses, failure and fault
corrections, system enhancements and adjustments etc.
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
c) Maintenance shall be performed by defined and trained Responsibility of customer
contractor personnel only, using secure systems only. The
systems used for remote access are physically or logically
disconnected from other systems and networks during a
remote access session. A physical separation should be
d) A defined maintenance process (compare above) shall Responsibility of customer
ensure that maintenance personnel can only access systems,
services and data they need for maintenance tasks.
e) The maintenance personnel shall comply with the security Responsibility of customer
requirements of DEWA and shall be approved prior to
f) Local maintenance by service personnel poses a significant Responsibility of customer
security threat. Attachment of contractor’s hardware (e.g.
laptops, USB devices) to the process network should be
avoided. If this is not feasible, the hardware must be
approved by the client, specifically secured and shall be
scanned for malware before attaching it. The contractor shall
provide evidence that an adequate internal security policy is
2.4 Application
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
The system shall utilize a role-based user model, in which at RTU500 supports user account
least the following user roles are defined: management (UAM) with role based
Administrator: A user, who installs, maintains and access control (RBAC):
administrates the system. Therefore, the administrator see Cyber Security Deployment
role has the authorization and the according privileges to Guideline Release 11
change the system and security configuration and Chapter 2 (1KGT 150 906).
Auditor: User role, which solely has the permission to Rel. 12.x: according to IEC62351
inspect and archive the audit, logs.
Operator: User who performs regular system operations.
This might include the privilege to change operational
system settings.
Data-Display: User, who is allowed to view the status of
the system and to read defined datasets but is not
allowed to make any changes to the system.
If applicable, a “Backup Operator” role is defined, which is
allowed to backup relevant system and application data. The
system shall allow for a granular access control on data and
resources. The default access permissions shall conform to a
secure system configuration. Security relevant system
configuration data can only be read or changed by the
administrator role. For normal system use, the operator or
data display role permissions shall be sufficient. Individual
user accounts can be disabled without removing them from
the system.
d) If technically feasible, 2-factor authentication shall be used, Can be implemented within the
for example SmartCards or security tokens. system
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
e) Data used for user identification and authentication shall Available
not solely be provided from sources external to the process
Integration with a central, process net internal directory On the roadmap
service should be considered
f) Successful and failed log on attempts shall be logged SYSLOG events, security archive:
centrally. see Cyber Security Deployment
Guideline Release 11
Chapter 3 (1KGT 150 906)
If applicable, the following items shall be implemented after
paramount consideration of safe system operation and
availability issues:
1. The system should implement mechanisms which allow 1. Login / Logout
for a secure and reproducible switching of user session
during system operations.
2. If applicable and technically feasible user sessions should 2. Automatic logout, timeout time
be locked after a configurable time of inactivity. configurable by administrator
3. After a configurable number of failed log-on attempts, a
security event message should be logged and, if 3 Alarms are configurable, account
applicable, the account should be locked. blocking not supported
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
Only standard application level protocols approved by the Webserver access with HTTPS:
client shall be used. Exceptions shall be approved by the see Cyber Security Deployment
customer and documented. Protocols that protect the Guideline Release 11
integrity of the transferred data and ensure correct Chapter 4 (1KGT 150 906)
authentication and authorisation of the communication
partners should be preferred. Furthermore the used Webserver access with HTTPS:
protocols should provide timestamps or secure sequence VPN based on IPSEC
numbers to prevent re-injection of prior sent messages. If see Function Description Release 11
applicable, encryption of the protocol data should be Part 9
implemented. The previous requirements also apply to non- Chapter 3 and 4 (1KGT 150 896)
standard, proprietary or in-house developed protocols.
Rel. 12.x: IEC104 secure, IEEE802.1X
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
i) The system shall overwrite the oldest stored audit records if FIFO principle, max. 10.000 entries:
the audit trail is full. The system shall issue a warning if the see Cyber Security Deployment
storage capacity decreases below a reasonable threshold. Guideline Release 11
Chapter 2.2.1 (1KGT 150 906)
j) Security relevant events shall be integrable into an existing Security relevant events can be
alarm management. processed (i.e. can be sent to network
control center):
see Cyber Security Deployment
Guideline Release 11
Chapter 3.4 (1KGT 150 906)
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
b) The system shall be developed according to well-known documented process of secure
development standards and quality management/assurance development , guidelines, audit:
processes. Development and testing of the system shall be see ABB_SDL_Whitepaper
done by independent teams. Test plans, test concepts, SDIP (software depelopment
expected and actual test results shall be documented in a improvement program):
comprehensible way; they shall be available for inspection by Chapter 2.1
the customer. Gatemodel: Chapter 2.2
Testprocedure: Chapter 3.7
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
Provision and Installation of updates, enhancements and Integrator requirement
patches shall be carried out in consultation with the customer
according to a well-defined process. RTU supports as follows:
On the contractor side, dedicated and trained personnel, Decription of changes:
using particularly secured systems, shall carry out see Release Notes (internal)
Release Notes for security patches:
Grid Automation Cyber security
Cyber security alerts and notifications
Current Firmware:
see RTU500 Series Functions and
Software (Download center)
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
The contractor shall have a well-defined vulnerability A vulnerability handling process in 5
management process to address security vulnerabilities. The steps is established:
process allows all involved and external parties to report see ABB_SDL_Whitepaper
actual or potential vulnerabilities. Furthermore, the Chapter 3.8 and 3.8.1
contractor shall obtain up-to-date information about security
problems and vulnerabilities, which might affect the system Reports about security issues
or its components. The vulnerability management process
shall define how a potential vulnerability is verified, classified, Findings and their treatment, affected
fixed and how recommend measurements are reported to all ABB products, particularly RTU, are
system owners. Furthermore, the process shall define published by ABB:
timelines for each step in the vulnerability management
process. The contractor shall early inform the customer about see ABB Cyber Security Homepage
known security vulnerabilities, even if there is no patch
available. The customer shall treat this information
ISO/IEC Reference RTU-Relevant
Requirement Implementation
The contractor shall provide documented operational not applicable for RTU, system
concepts and tested disaster recovery concepts and approach
procedures for defined emergency and crisis scenarios. The
recovery concepts shall include a specification of the recovery
time objectives. The documentation and procedures are
adjusted after relevant system updates and the procedures
are re-tested during system release acceptance procedures.