Sse Unit Plan

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SSE Thematic Unit

Design for Instruction (DFI) SSE 3312 Unit Plan

Theme: Exploration of the 5 regions of the United States Grade level: 3

Group Members: Lauren R.



Morgan H.

Learning Goal: Students will be able to identify each of the five regions of the United States

as well as specific information regarding culture, landforms, animals, vegetation, and


SS standards you plan to include (at least 3):

1. SS.3.G.2.2-Identify the five regions of the United States.

2. SS.3.G.2.3-Label the states in the five regions of the United States.

3. SS.3.A.1.2-Utilize technology resources to gather information from primary and secondary


LAFS/MAFS/SC, etc. standards you plan to include (at least 1):

1. LAFS.3.L.1.2-Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English

capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

a. Capitalize appropriate words in titles.

b. Use commas in addresses.

c. Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue.

d. Form and use possessives.

e. Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other studied words and for adding

suffixes to base words (e.g., sitting, smiled, cries, happiness).

f. Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based

spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.

g. Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check

and correct spellings.

Pre-Post assessment ideas: Presentations (graded by rubric introduced day 1)

● Pre-assessment: Students will participate in a Kahoot to assess current knowledge about

the 5 regions of the United States a week prior.

● Post-assessment: will be a presentation on the region each group was given and a flip

book filled with new information on the regions they learned about during the

presentations. After completing presentation and notes on others regions, the students

will take the Kahoot again, to assess information gained.

Who is the exceptional student you are planning for and what is their special need?

Miguel- Hearing impaired

Outline below, what will take place on each day? Who is responsible for typing that lesson?
Day 1: Introduction

● Students will be introduced to the five regions using this video and provided

an engagement activity using color coded cutouts of the united states like a


● We will then try to use background knowledge to have students engage in

discussion using the questions:

a. Have you traveled to another state?

b. Did you do anything in those others states if you traveled?

c. What made that area different from where we are currently living?

● Each region will be assigned one group and flip books will be handed out.

Each day the students will get into their groups and research, using books and

technology, the topic of the day for that region and put their gathered information

into a presentation. By the end of each day they should, for example, have one

slide done on that topic of their region.

Each day we will define the topic and provide examples as to what the students

should be searching for when they are researching the topic of the day for their


Day 2: Culture and Accents


● Each student will participate in a dialect quiz to stir up background


● We will define culture and accents for the students which they will record in

their flip books.

● We will provide examples of what things need to be discussed in their

presentations about cultures in their different regions. Maybe even tell them

which culture to study depending on the time constraints that way it is more

narrow for them to search and find relevant information.

● By the end of the period the students will gather and record the information

they found on the culture in their region and add that to their pre-existing

presentation started on day 1.

Day 3: Landforms
● First the class will discuss what landforms are, and what they know about


● Then i can have the kids pull up this article amongst the

groups so they can have examples of landforms, as well as see if any of

these landmarks are in their regions.

● After this they can record their definition of landforms in their flip books

along with examples from the articles.

● After giving the students examples I will give them time to do their own

research in their groups, and discuss what we’re looking for in their


● By the end of the SS period the students should have enough information to

fill out their flipbook as well as add information to their presentation.

Day 4: Animals, Vegetation & Climate

● Discuss with the class what flora and fauna are. (Flora: plants, fauna:

animals). Discuss what climate means. Why are each important to an area?

Discuss what kinds of flora, fauna and climate we see where we live, and

give examples if necessary.

● Students will split into groups and explore the link: (Southwest and

Southeast will need to know what states are in their region, as link for both

are labelled ‘South’) Tell students what will be expected from this section

for their presentation.

● Groups will fill out the Animals, Vegetation & Climate tab in their flipbook

and add this new information to presentation plans.

Day 5: Student Presentations

● Students will present the information they have learned to their peers

● By the end of the day, students will know a plethora of information about the

different regions and their culture, landforms, animals, vegetation, and more

● Post-assessment: Students will once again take the “Pre-Assessment”

Kahoot quiz to assess what they now know after this week’s unit

Note (bullet) technology use below:

● Ipads

● Internet

● Smartboard

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