United States: (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0055142 A1
United States: (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0055142 A1
United States: (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0055142 A1
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Patent Application Publication Feb. 27, 2014 Sheet 2 0f 4 US 2014/0055142 A1
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US 2014/0055142 A1 Feb. 27, 2014
METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR THE impressed current and the measured voltage. Alternatively,
MEASUREMENT OF A RESISTANCE OF A so-called Kelvin clamps may be used instead of separate
SWITCHING CONTACT OF AN ELECTRICAL current and voltage clamps. In Kelvin clamps, tWo jaWs of a
CIRCUIT BREAKER respective clamp are electrically isolated from one another,
and the current is supplied via one of the tWo jaWs, While the
RELATED CASE INFORMATION voltage is tapped via the other of the tWo jaWs. The advantage
of such Kelvin claWs resides in that only one clamp is to be
[0001] The present invention claims priority to European clamped at each side of the circuit breaker.
Application No. 120060405, ?ledAug. 24, 2013 the entirety [0007] As described above, for the micro-ohm measure
of Which is incorporated herein by reference. ment a current source and a voltage meter can be used so that
voltage measurements can be successively conducted at the
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION different sWitching contacts. A plurality of voltage meters
[0002] The present invention relates to a method and an may be used as Well, the current being impressed With the aid
apparatus for the measurement of a resistance of a switching of a common current source via several contacts and a plu
contact of an electrical poWer sWitch (a so-called circuit rality of voltage values being determined With the plurality of
breaker) as Well as a method and an apparatus for the mea voltage meters.
surement of resistances of switching contacts arranged in a [0008] As dangerous high voltage can occur at many places
series connection of an electrical circuit breaker. In particular, in a poWer engineering installation, for example in a trans
the present invention relates to a measurement of transition former station, it is necessary that the circuit breaker is
resistances or contact resistances of a closed sWitching con grounded during the micro -ohm measurement. For example,
tact or of closed sWitching contacts of such an electrical the circuit breaker can be disconnected at both sides from the
circuit breaker. remaining energy netWork and can be grounded at one side.
[0003] PoWer sWitches, Which are also called high voltage The micro-ohm measurement can then precisely be con
sWitches, load sWitches or circuit breakers, are used in the ducted When the sWitching contact is closed or When the
?eld of poWer engineering or energy technology to establish sWitching contacts are closed. Often further measurements
an electrical connection under load or to disconnect such a have to be conducted at the circuit breaker, Which require that
connection. The nominal voltages of circuit breakers may be the sWitching contact is at least temporarily opened, for
in the range from a feW volts to some hundred kilovolts. in the example a measurement of the time that takes the sWitch to
event of a short circuit, the sWitched load currents may be in open. For such measurements a grounding at both sides of the
the range of some ten kiloamperes. Therefore, for a reliable sWitch is recommendable to avoid that persons conducting
operation of the circuit breaker, for example the transition the measurement are exposed to danger. Therefore, for the
resistance of a sWitching contact or of a plurality of sWitching micro-ohm measurement, one of the tWo groundings Will be
contacts connected in series of the electrical circuit breaker removed for the duration of the measurement, Which hoWever
are tested in the course of revisions. is very cumbersome, or in the case of a grounding at both
sides the micro-ohm measurement becomes inaccurate due to
[0004] Circuit breakers for medium voltage equipment
usually have only one sWitching contact Which can be opened the parallel grounding loop.
or closed. Circuit breakers in high voltage or ultra-high volt [0009] In order to be able to e?iciently conduct a micro
age systems can comprise a plurality of sWitching contacts, ohm measurement at a circuit breaker, the circuit breaker may
so-called interrupter units, in a series connection. In such a be grounded at both sides, and With a DC-current clamp or a
series connection of a plurality of interrupter units, generally shunt the portion of the current Which ?oWs from the current
capacitors dimensioned in the range of some pikofarads are source through the grounding equipment can be determined
arranged in parallel to the individual interrupter units so as to and can be used to correct the measured resistance. While this
uniformly distribute the voltage over the individual inter method is very precise, it is disadvantageous in that additional
rupter units. In general, several interrupter units in a phase of measurements are necessary by means of the current clamp or
a circuit breaker are opened and closed at the same time. the shunt.
[0005] The resistance measurement at a closed sWitching [0010] Therefore, it is the object of the present invention to
enable an e?icient resistance measurement or micro-ohm
contact, Which is also referred to as micro-ohm measurement,
is for circuit breakers a standard process for the assessment of measurement for one or a plurality of sWitching contacts of an
the quality or the Wear condition of the circuit breaker. electrical circuit breaker With expo sure of personnel conduct
ing the resistance measurement to danger being avoided.
[0006] The micro-ohm measurement is usually conducted
by impressing a high direct current of 100 ampere, for SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
example, over the closed sWitching contact. For this purpose,
the current is supplied via current clamps that are clamped at [0011] According to an embodiment of the present inven
both sides of the circuit breaker to the conductors that lead tion, this object is achieved by a method for the measurement
aWay from the circuit breaker. With the aid of further clamps of a resistance of a sWitching contact of an electrical circuit
the voltage is tapped at both sides of the circuit breaker as breaker according to claim 1, an apparatus for the measure
Well. The voltage clamps are usually mounted closer to the ment of a resistance of a sWitching contact of an electrical
sWitching contact of the circuit breaker, a 4-Wire measure circuit breaker according to claim 6, a test environment for the
ment being conducted With this arrangement. This prevents measurement of a resistance of a sWitching contact of an
that the voltage drop at the current clamps is measured With electrical circuit breaker according to claim 8, a method for
the measurement, Which Would falsify the measurement the measurement of resistances of sWitching contacts of a
result. The resistance of the closed sWitching contact, includ circuit breaker arranged in a series connection according to
ing the resistance of the conductors from the voltage clamps claim 1 0, and an apparatus for the measurement of resistances
to the sWitching contact, can be determined from the of sWitching contacts of a circuit breaker arranged in a series
US 2014/0055142 A1 Feb. 27, 2014
connection according to claim 19. The dependent claims contact of the circuit breaker. Further, the apparatus com
de?ne preferred or advantageous embodiments of the inven prises a resistance measurement device that can be coupled
tion. With the control unit and the circuit breaker. The resistance
[0012] According to the present invention, a method for the measurement device is able to determine a ?rst resistance
measurement of a resistance of a sWitching contact of an value across the circuit breaker When the circuit breaker is
electrical circuit breaker is provided. In this method, a ?rst grounded at both sides and the sWitching contact of the circuit
resistance value across the circuit breaker is determined While breaker is closed. Further, the resistance measurement device
the circuit breaker is grounded at both sides and the sWitching is able to determine a second resistance value of the circuit
contact is closed. Further, a second resistance value across the breaker When the circuit breaker is grounded at both sides and
circuit breaker is determined While the circuit breaker is the sWitching contact is open. The resistance measurement
grounded at both sides and the sWitching contact is open. The device determines the resistance of the closed sWitching con
resistance of the closed sWitching contact is then determined tact on the basis of the ?rst resistance value and the second
in dependence upon the ?rst resistance value and the second resistance value. Especially When the resistance measure
resistance value. The grounding at both sides, for example, ment device is coupled With the control unit for opening and
can be achieved by tWo grounding devices or grounding sets closing the sWitching contact of the circuit breaker, the resis
that connect ground or earth With the corresponding conduc tance measurement can be conducted in a fully automated
tors. Alternatively, the grounding can be achieved With the aid manner. For example, after the resistance measurement
of one grounding device that is connected to ground only once device has been connected to the electrical circuit breaker and
and has several terminals by means of Which grounding is the circuit breaker has been grounded at both sides, ?rst the
possible. The ?rst resistance value, When the sWitching con sWitching contact of the circuit breaker can be closed auto
tact is closed, corresponds to a resistance of the parallel matically, then the ?rst resistance value can be measured, and
circuit of the closed sWitching contact and the grounding. The thereafter the second resistance value can be measured after
second resistance value corresponds to the grounding resis the sWitching contact has been automatically opened. Finally,
tance. For example, the resistance of the closed sWitching the resistance measurement device can determine the resis
contact RSWl-tch can be determined by the folloWing equation: tance of the sWitching contact in accordance With the above
equation and output the resistance.
[0017] Furthermore, the apparatus may be con?gured for
[0013] R1 is the ?rst resistance value, and R2 is the second carrying out the method and its corresponding embodiments
resistance value. The measurement can be conducted very described above and, therefore, also comprises the advan
precisely as the Wiring does not have to be changed betWeen tages described above.
the tWo measurements. [0018] According to a further embodiment of the invention,
[0014] According to an embodiment of the invention, the a test environment for the measurement of a resistance of a
?rst and second resistance values are determined by impress sWitching contact of an electrical circuit breaker is provided.
ing a direct current in the circuit breaker, Which is grounded at The test environment comprises the circuit breaker, a ?rst
both sides, and by measuring a voltage across the circuit grounding device, a second grounding device, and a resis
breaker. Thus, conventional micro-ohm measurement tance measurement device. The ?rst grounding device can be
devices can be used for determining the ?rst and second coupled With a ?rst side of the circuit breaker to ground the
resistance values. ?rst side of the circuit breaker. The second grounding device
[0015] The circuit breaker can comprise a three-phase can be coupled With a second side of the circuit breaker to
sWitch. At least one sWitching contact is assigned to each ground this side. The resistance measurement device can be
phase. Three-phase sWitches can comprise a common sWitch coupled With both sides of the circuit breaker such that a ?rst
ing drive or three separate sWitching drives. In the case of resistance value across the circuit breaker can be determined
some three-phase sWitches, it is also possible that single by means of the resistance measurement device When the
phases can be sWitched individually, for example in cases circuit breaker is grounded at both sides and the sWitching
Where an error occurs at one phase only so that the sWitch-off contact is closed, While a second resistance value across the
of only this one phase is necessary. The method described circuit breaker can be determined When the circuit breaker is
above can be applied for each phase individually and, there grounded at both sides and the sWitching contact is opened.
fore, is also suitable for multiple-phase circuit breakers. The Further, the resistance of the closed sWitching contact can be
method can be conducted simultaneously at tWo or more determined With the aid of the resistance measurement device
phases, thus enabling an ef?cient test of a multi-phase sWitch based on the ?rst and second resistance values.
or circuit breaker. According to a further embodiment, the [0019] According to another embodiment of the invention,
circuit breaker may comprise an ultra-high voltage sWitch, a a method for the measurement of resistances of sWitching
high voltage sWitch, or a medium voltage sWitch. As the contacts of an electrical circuit breaker is provided. The
method is independent from the voltage, that is to be sWitching contacts of the circuit breaker are arranged in a
sWitched, of the circuit breaker, it can be used for medium series connection. In this method, a ?rst measurement current
voltage sWitches having a nominal voltage in the range 1 is fed or impressed in a ?rst direction through a ?rst sWitching
kV-45 kV, for a high voltage sWitch having a nominal voltage contact of the sWitching contacts arranged in the series con
in the range 45 kV-150 kV, or for an ultra-high voltage sWitch nection. Furthermore, a second measurement current is fed or
having a nominal voltage of more than 150 kV, for example. impressed in a second direction through a second sWitching
[001 6] According to a further embodiment of the invention, contact of the sWitching contacts arranged in the series con
an apparatus for the measurement of a resistance of a sWitch nection. With respect to the series connection of the sWitching
ing contact of an electrical circuit breaker is provided. The contacts, the ?rst and second directions of the ?rst and second
apparatus comprises a control unit for controlling the electri measurement currents are opposite to one another. The series
cal circuit breaker to selectively open or close the sWitching connection is grounded at both sides, that is, the ?rst and
US 2014/0055142 A1 Feb. 27, 2014
second measurement currents are supplied While the series no current ?oWs through the grounding loop. Thereby, the
connection is grounded at both sides. A resistance value of the resistances of the ?rst and second sWitching contacts can be
?rst switching contact is determined based on the ?rst mea determined With a high accuracy.
surement current While the ?rst and second switching con [0024] Preferably, the ?rst sWitching contact and the sec
tacts are closed. In other Words, the ?rst and second measure ond sWitching contact are arranged adjacent to one another in
ment currents are fed in opposite directions in the series the series connection of the sWitching contacts of the circuit
connection of the sWitching contacts. In the case of tWo breaker.
sWitching contacts, for example, the measurement currents [0025] According to a further embodiment, the circuit
can be supplied from a point betWeen the sWitching contacts breaker comprises a plurality of pairs of sWitching contacts.A
to points at both ends of the circuit breaker by means of respective pair of sWitching contacts comprises the above
corresponding current sources. If the ?rst measurement cur de?ned ?rst and second sWitching contacts that are arranged
rent and the second measurement current are both 100 adjacent to one another. The method described above for the
ampere, for example, a current of 100 ampere thus ?oWs from measurement of the resistance of the respective ?rst and sec
the center point betWeen both sWitching contacts in a ?rst ond sWitching contacts is carried out at the same time at a
direction through the ?rst sWitching contact, and a further plurality of the pairs of adjacent ?rst and second sWitching
current of 100 ampere ?oWs from this point in the opposite contacts of the circuit breaker. Due to the different current
direction through the second sWitching contact. In the case of directions in the ?rst and second sWitching contacts, in par
symmetrical conditions, i.e., if both closed sWitching contacts ticular in the case of the above described symmetrical condi
have approximately or exactly the same resistance, substan tions, a total voltage across each pair of sWitching contacts is
tially the same voltage drop occurs at both sWitching contacts, Zero. Thus, the pairs of sWitching contacts do not affect one
the voltage drop at the closed ?rst sWitching contact having an another during the simultaneous measurement. Furthermore,
opposite direction compared to the voltage drop across the the voltage across the grounding loop is also Zero during a
closed second sWitching contact. Thus, substantially no cur simultaneous measurement at a plurality of pairs of adjacent
rent ?oWs through the groundings that are connected to both sWitching contacts so that the measurement is not affected by
sides of the circuit breaker for security reasons, so that there the grounding of the circuit breaker. In addition, by means of
is substantially no voltage drop at the groundings. Thus, the the both-sided grounding of the circuit breaker, a person
grounding does not affect the measurement of the resistance conducting the resistance measurement can be protected
value of the ?rst sWitching contact. against unintentional high voltages.
[0020] According to an embodiment of the invention, a [0026] As described above, the circuit breaker can com
resistance value of the second sWitching contact can be deter prise an ultra-high voltage sWitch, a high voltage sWitch or a
mined based on the second measurement current When the medium voltage sWitch, for example.
?rst and second sWitching contacts are closed. As substan
[0027] Finally, according to another embodiment of the
tially no voltage is applied to the grounding loop so that invention, an apparatus for the measurement of resistances of
substantially no current ?oWs through the grounding, the sWitching contacts of an electrical circuit breaker is provided.
resistance of the second sWitching contact can also be deter
The apparatus comprises a ?rst device for feeding a ?rst
mined With a high accuracy. measurement current in a ?rst direction through a ?rst sWitch
[0021] If the circuit breaker comprises more than tWo ing contact of the sWitching contacts arranged in the series
sWitching contacts arranged in a series connection, the further connection. Furthermore, the apparatus comprises a device
sWitching contacts may be closed during the determination of for feeding a second measurement current in a second direc
the resistance values of the ?rst and second sWitching con tion through a second sWitching contact of the sWitching
tacts.As substantially no current ?oWs through the grounding contacts arranged in the series connection. With respect to the
loop, in the case of a circuit breaker, for example, With four series connection of the sWitching contacts, the ?rst and sec
sWitching contacts With only tWo of the sWitching contacts ond directions of the ?rst and second measurement currents
being presently measured as described above, all four sWitch are opposite to one another. The ?rst and second measure
ing contacts can be closed Without affecting the measure ment currents are fed in or supplied While the series connec
ment. In this case, the circuit breaker may be grounded at both tion is grounded at both sides. The apparatus further com
sides. Thus, the circuit breaker can be sWitched in its conven prises a processing unit that is coupled With the ?rst and
tional operating modes, i.e., either all sWitching contacts can second feeding devices and With the circuit breaker. The
be opened or all sWitching contacts can be closed. processing unit is con?gured to determine a ?rst resistance
[0022] According to a further embodiment, the resistance value of the ?rst sWitching contact based on the ?rst measure
values of the ?rst and second sWitching contacts are deter ment current While the ?rst and second sWitching contacts are
mined by measuring a ?rst voltage across the ?rst sWitching closed. For example, the processing unit can determine a
contact and a second voltage across the second sWitching voltage drop across the ?rst sWitching contact and can deter
contact. Then, the resistance of the ?rst sWitching contact can mine the resistance value of the closed ?rst sWitching contact
be determined based on the ?rst measurement current and the on the basis of the ?rst measurement current and the voltage
?rst voltage. Thus, conventional resistance measurement drop across the ?rst sWitching contact. As the ?rst and second
devices can be used for carrying out the method described measurement currents How in opposite directions through the
above. series connection of the sWitching contacts of the circuit
[0023] According to another embodiment, the ?rst and sec breaker, the absolute amount of the voltage drop across the
ond measurement currents are adjusted such that a voltage ?rst sWitching contact and across the second sWitching con
drop across the ?rst sWitching contact is equal to a voltage tact is the same if the resistances of the ?rst and second
drop across the second sWitching contact. Thereby, the above sWitching contacts are substantially the same and the mea
described symmetry can be established, i.e., it can be ensured surement currents are suitably chosen. HoWever, the direc
that no voltage drop occurs across the grounding loop so that tions of the voltages are opposite to one another, so that no
US 2014/0055142 A1 Feb. 27, 2014
voltage occurs across the grounding loop formed by the both tance values are determined one after the other. One resis
sided grounding of the series connection, and thus no current tance value R1 is determined When the sWitching contact 16 is
?oWs through the grounding loop. Thereby, the resistance closed, and one resistance value R2 is determined When the
measurement is not affected by the grounding loop. sWitching contact 16 is open. The resistance Rl thus corre
sponds to a resistance of a parallel circuit of the resistance of
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS the sWitching contact 16 and the resistance of the grounding
[0028] In the following, preferred embodiments of the loop via the grounding devices 14 and 15, While the resistance
invention Will be described in more detail With reference to R2 only corresponds to the resistance of the grounding loop
the accompanying draWing. via the grounding devices 14 and 15. The resistance of the
[0029] FIG. 1 shoWs a test environment Which comprises an closed sWitching contact 16 can be calculated from these tWo
electrical circuit breaker being grounded at both sides and an resistance values using the equation described above. This is
apparatus for the measurement of a resistance of a sWitching done by the processing unit 20. In addition, the processing
contact of the circuit breaker according to an embodiment of unit 20 can selectively open and close the sWitching contact
the present invention. 16 via the control unit 21, so that the processing unit 20 can
[0030] FIGS. 2-4 shoW test arrangements With an apparatus conduct both resistance measurements one after the other
for the measurement of resistances of sWitching contacts of When the sWitching contact is open and When the sWitching
an electrical circuit breaker according to further embodi contact is closed, respectively, and thereafter calculate the
ments of the present invention. resistance of the closed sWitching contact 16 therefrom. The
order, in Which both resistance measurements are conducted,
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION is arbitrary. Alternatively, the processing unit 20 can instruct
[0031] FIG. 1 shoWs a test environment 10 With a circuit an operator through a corresponding display to open or close
breaker or poWer sWitch 11 Which selectively connects or the sWitching contact 16 manually or by means of a corre
disconnects a ?rst high voltage line 12 and a second high sponding actuator device if no automatic control via the con
voltage line 13. The test environment 10 further comprises a trol unit 21 and the connection 28 is provided. As the circuit
?rst grounding device or grounding set 14 coupled With a ?rst breaker 11 is grounded at both sides during the Whole mea
side of the circuit breaker 11 and a second grounding device surement, it can be ensured that no dangerous high voltages
or grounding set 15 coupled With a second side of the circuit occur at the circuit breaker 11.
breaker 11. The grounding of the circuit breaker 11 at both [0034] FIG. 2 shoWs a further test environment 50 With a
sides ensures that no dangerous high voltages occur at the circuit breaker 51 having tWo sWitching contacts 56 and 57.
circuit breaker 11. The test environment 10 further comprises The sWitching contacts 56 and 57 are arranged in a series
a micro-ohm measurement apparatus 17 Which is coupled connection. The circuit breaker 51 can comprise further
With both sides of the circuit breaker 11 via four connections sWitching contacts Which are arranged in a series connection
24-27. The circuit breaker 11 comprises an electrical sWitch together With the sWitching contacts 56 and 57. In general, the
ing contact 16 that can be selectively opened or closed by a sWitching contacts 56 and 57 and the further sWitching con
control drive 19 and a mechanical coupling 18 to establish a tacts, if any, are selectively opened or closed at the same time
connection betWeen the lines 12 and 13 or to interrupt the by an actuator (not shoWn). The circuit breaker 51 is coupled
connection. The control drive 19, for example, can be con With high voltage lines 52 and 53 Which can be selectively
trolled via a control line 28 to open or close the sWitching connected or disconnected by means of the sWitching con
contact 16. Furthermore, it is also possible that the control tacts 56, 57. The test environment 50 further comprises tWo
drive 19 is manually controlled or actuated by an operator to grounding devices or grounding sets 54 and 55 Which connect
selectively open or close the sWitching contact 16. the high voltage lines 52 and 53, respectively, With ground or
[0032] The apparatus 17 comprises a resistance measure earth. In addition, the test environment 50 comprises an appa
ment device Which, for example, comprises a current source ratus 58 for the measurement of the resistances of the sWitch
23 and a voltage meter 22. Via the connections 24 and 25, the ing contacts 56 and 57. The apparatus 58 comprises a ?rst
current source 23 supplies and impresses a current I ?oWing resistance measurement device comprising a voltage meter
through the circuit breaker 11 and both grounding devices 14, 60 and a current source 61, and a second resistance measure
15, and the voltage meter 22 detects via the connections 26, ment device comprising a voltage meter 66 and a current
27 a voltage drop V across the circuit breaker 11. The appa source 67. The ?rst resistance measurement device 60, 61 is
ratus 17 further comprises a processing unit 20 Which deter connected through connections 62-65 With the ?rst sWitching
mines or calculates a resistance across the circuit breaker 11 contact 56 such that a current I l of the current source 61 can
on the basis of the current I impressed by the current source 23 be impressed via the sWitching contact 65 When the sWitching
and the voltage V measured by the voltage meter 22. In contact 56 is closed. The voltage meter 60 is connected
addition, the processing unit 20 is coupled With a control unit through the connections 64 and 65 With the sWitching contact
21 of the apparatus 17, the control unit 21 controlling the 56 such that a voltage drop Ul across the sWitching contact 56
control drive 19 of the circuit breaker 11 via the connection can be measured. Similar to the ?rst resistance measurement
28. Thus, the processing unit 20 is able to selectively open or device 60, 61, the second resistance measurement device 66,
close the sWitching contact 16. In the folloWing, the function 67 is coupled With the sWitching contact 57 through connec
ing and operation of the apparatus 17 Will be described. tions 68-71 to impress a current I2 ?oWing through the closed
[0033] First, the circuit breaker 11 is grounded at both sides sWitching contact 57 and to measure a voltage drop U2 across
by means of the grounding devices 14 and 15. Then, as shoWn the sWitching contact 57. A processing unit 59 is connected
in FIG. 1, the resistance measurement device 22, 23 is con With the resistance measurement devices 60, 61 and 66, 67,
nected to the circuit breaker 11 such that a resistance across respectively. The operating principle and functioning of the
the circuit breaker 11 can be measured. Thereafter, tWo resis apparatus 58 Will be described in the folloWing.
US 2014/0055142 A1 Feb. 27, 2014
[0035] First, the high voltage lines 52, 53, Which are con connection With FIG. 1 can be conducted also With the
nected to both ends of the circuit breaker 51, are connected arrangement shoWn in FIG. 3. For example, the sWitch 73 can
With ground or earth via the grounding devices 54, 55. Then, be closed, While the sWitch 72 can be opened. Then, a micro
the apparatus is connected to the sWitching contacts 56 and 57 ohm measurement of the sWitching contact 56 can be carried
as described above. Thereafter, the sWitching contacts are out With the resistance measurement device 60, 61 as
closed. A current I 1 is impressed onto the high voltage line 52 described above in connection With FIG. 1. If the sWitch 72 is
by the current source 61. Therefore, the current I l partly ?oWs closed and the sWitch 73 is open, a micro-ohm measurement
as a current ISl from the left to the right through the closed can be carried out at the sWitching contact 57 With the resis
sWitching contact 56 and partly as a current IE1 to ground or tance measurement device 66, 67 as Was described above in
earth through the grounding device 54. The current source 67 connection With FIG. 1.
impresses a current I2 onto the high voltage line 53. The [0037] FIG. 4 shoWs a test environment 50 Which substan
current I2 partly ?oWs as a current I$2 from the right to the left tially corresponds to the test environment 50 of FIG. 2. In
through the closed sWitching contact 57 and partly as a cur addition, the test environment 50 of FIG. 4 comprises a third
rent IE2 to ground or earth through the grounding device 55. grounding device 74 Which couples a point betWeen the
Due to the transition resistance of the sWitching contact 56 a sWitching contact 56 and the sWitching contact 57 With
voltage drop Ul occurs across the sWitching contact 56. Like ground or earth. In this arrangement, a micro-ohm measure
Wise, a voltage drop U2 occurs across the sWitching contact 57 ment of the sWitching contact 56 can be conducted With the
due to the transition resistance of the sWitching contact 57. As aid of the resistance measurement device 60, 61 as Was
the currents I S1 and I S2 are supplied in opposite directions, the described above in connection With FIG. 1. Furthermore, a
voltage drops U1 and U2 likeWise have opposite directions. If micro-ohm measurement of the sWitching contact 57 can be
the transition resistances of the sWitching contacts 56 and 57 conducted With the aid of the resistance measurement device
are substantially the same and, in addition, the currents I 1 and 66, 67 as described above in connection With FIG. 1. Both
I2 have substantially the same amount, the voltage drops U1 micro-ohm measurements at the sWitching contacts 56 and 57
and U2 have the same amount as Well. Thereby, the voltage can be conducted at the same time. It canbe ensured by means
drop UE across the grounding loop is Zero, so that the currents of this additional grounding 74 that a high voltage does also
IEl and IE2 are both Zero as Well. In this case, the current ISl not occur betWeen the sWitching contacts 56 and 57.
through the sWitching contact 56 corresponds to the current What is claimed is:
I1, so that the transition resistance of the sWitching contact 56 1. A method for the measurement of a resistance of a
can be determined solely in dependence upon the current I l sWitching contact of an electrical circuit breaker, comprising
and the voltage Ul measured by the voltage meter 60. Like the steps:
Wise, the transition resistance of the closed sWitching contact determining a ?rst resistance value across the circuit
57 can be determined solely based on the current I2, Which in breaker While the circuit breaker is grounded at both
this case corresponds to the current I52, and the voltage U2 sides and the sWitching contact is closed;
measured by the voltage meter 66. As the sWitching contacts determining a second resistance value across the circuit
56 and 57 in general are identical in con?guration and are breaker While the circuit breaker is grounded at both
subject to a similar stress and Wear, they generally have the sides and the sWitching contact is open; and
same transition resistance in the closed condition, so that the determining the resistance of the closed sWitching contact
above described requirements can be ful?lled and for this on the basis of the ?rst resistance value and the second
so-called symmetrical case a simple and precise determina resistance value.
tion of the transition resistances is possible. The processing 2. The method according to claim 1, Wherein the determin
unit 59 can determine and output the respective resistance ing of the ?rst and second resistance values respectively com
values on the basis of information provided by the resistance prises:
measurement devices 60, 61 and 66, 67. In the event that the impressing a direct current in the circuit breaker Which is
transition resistances of the sWitching contacts 56 and 57 are grounded at both sides; and
not the same, the processing device 59 can adjust the currents measuring a voltage across the circuit breaker.
I1 and I2 such that the voltage drops U1 and U2 substantially 3. The method according to claim 1, Wherein the circuit
have the same amount. Thereby, it is achieved that, even in breaker comprises a three-phase sWitch, each phase being
this non-symmetrical case, the voltage UE across the ground assigned to a sWitching contact.
ing loop is substantially Zero, so that the transition resistance 4. The method according to claim 1, Wherein the method is
of the individual sWitching contacts 56 and 57 can be deter simultaneously carried out for a plurality of sWitching con
mined on the basis of the current I l and I2, respectively, and tacts of the circuit breaker.
the voltage drop U1 and U2, respectively. 5. The method according to claim 1, Wherein the circuit
[0036] FIG. 3 shoWs a further test environment 50 Which breaker comprises one of an ultra-high voltage sWitch, a high
substantially corresponds to the test environment 50 of FIG. 2 voltage sWitch, and a medium voltage sWitch.
and, in addition, comprises tWo additional sWitches 72 and 73 6. An apparatus for the measurement of a resistance of a
arranged in parallel to the sWitching contacts 56 and 57, sWitching contact of an electrical circuit breaker, comprising:
respectively. This alloWs that, even if the sWitching contacts a control unit for controlling the electrical circuit breaker to
56 and 57 are open, a current can be driven through the selectively open or close the sWitching contact of the
grounding loop realiZed by the grounding devices 54 and 55 circuit breaker; and
to be able to determine the resistance of the grounding loop. a resistance measurement device Which is con?gured to be
The resistance of the grounding loop can be used for the coupled to the control unit and Which is con?gured to
correction of resistance values that are determined When the determine a ?rst resistance value across the circuit
sWitching contacts 56, 57 are closed. In other Words, by breaker While the circuit breaker is grounded at both
means of the sWitches 72, 73 the method described above in sides and the sWitching contact is closed, determine a
US 2014/0055142 A1 Feb. 27, 2014
second resistance value across the circuit breaker While measuring a second voltage across the second sWitching
the circuit breaker is grounded at both sides and the contact.
switching contact is open, and determine the resistance 14. The method according to claim 10, Wherein the ?rst and
of the closed switching contact on the basis of the ?rst second measurement currents are fed While the circuit
resistance value and the second resistance value. breaker is grounded at both sides.
7. The apparatus according to claim 6, Wherein the appa 15. The method according to claim 10, Wherein the ?rst
ratus is con?gured to carry out the method according to any measurement current and the second measurement current
one of claims 1-5. are adjusted such that a voltage drop across the ?rst sWitching
8. A test environment for the measurement of a resistance contact equals a voltage drop across the second sWitching
of a sWitching contact of an electrical circuit breaker, com contact.
prising: 1 6. The method according to claim 1 0, Wherein in the series
the circuit breaker, connection the ?rst sWitching contact is arranged adjacent to
a ?rst grounding device Which is con?gured to be coupled the second sWitching contact.
With the circuit breaker for grounding a ?rst side of the 17. The method according to claim 10, Wherein the circuit
circuit breaker; breaker comprises a plurality of pairs of sWitching contacts,
a second grounding device Which is con?gured to be
each of the pairs of sWitching contacts comprising a ?rst
coupled With the circuit breaker for grounding a second sWitching contact and an adjacent second sWitching contact,
and Wherein the method is simultaneously carried out on
side of the circuit breaker; and
several of the pairs of adjacent sWitching contacts of the
a resistance measurement device Which is con?gured to be
circuit breaker.
coupled With the circuit breaker and Which is con?gured
18. The method according to claim 10, Wherein the circuit
to determine a ?rst resistance value across the circuit
breaker comprises one of an ultra-high voltage sWitch, a high
breaker While the circuit breaker is grounded at both
voltage sWitch, and a medium voltage sWitch.
sides and the sWitching contact is closed, determine a
19. An apparatus for the measurement of resistances of
second resistance value across the circuit breaker While
the circuit breaker is grounded at both sides and the sWitching contacts arranged in a series connection of an elec
sWitching contact is open, and determine the resistance trical circuit breaker, comprising:
of the closed sWitching contact on the basis of the ?rst a ?rst device for feeding a ?rst measurement current in a
resistance value and the second resistance value. ?rst direction through a ?rst sWitching contact of the
9. The test environment according to claim 8, further com
sWitching contacts arranged in the series connection;
a second device for feeding a second measurement current
prising the apparatus according to claim 6.
in a second direction through a second sWitching contact
10. A method for the measurement of resistances of sWitch
of the sWitching contacts arranged in the series connec
ing contacts arranged in a series connection of an electrical
tion, the ?rst direction and the second direction being
circuit breaker, comprising the steps: opposite to one another With respect to the series con
feeding a ?rst measurement current in a ?rst direction nection of the sWitching contacts, and the ?rst measure
through a ?rst sWitching contact of the sWitching con ment current and the second measurement current being
tacts arranged in the series connection; fed While the series connection is grounded at both sides;
feeding a second measurement current in a second direc and
tion through a second sWitching contact of the sWitching a processing unit Which is coupled to the ?rst device and
contacts arranged in the series connection, the ?rst direc the second device and Which is con?gured to determine
tion and the second direction being opposite to one a resistance value of the ?rst sWitching contact on the
another With respect to the series connection of the basis of the ?rst measurement current While the ?rst
sWitching contacts, and the ?rst measurement current sWitching contact and the second sWitching contact are
and the second measurement current being fed While the closed.
series connection is grounded at both sides; and 20. The apparatus according to claim 19, Wherein a ?rst
determining a resistance value of the ?rst sWitching contact sWitch is connected in parallel With the ?rst sWitching contact
on the basis of the ?rst measurement current While the and a second sWitch is connected in parallel With the second
?rst sWitching contact and the second sWitching contact sWitching contact.
are closed. 21. The apparatus according to claim 19, Wherein a ?rst
11. The method according to claim 10, further comprising grounding device is connected With the ?rst sWitching contact
the step: and a second grounding device is connected With the second
determining a resistance value of the second sWitching sWitching contact.
contact based on the second measurement current While 22. The apparatus according to claim 21, Wherein a third
the ?rst sWitching contact and the second sWitching grounding device is connected With a point betWeen the ?rst
contact are closed. sWitching contact and the second sWitching contact.
12. The method according to claim 11, Wherein the sWitch 23. The apparatus according to claim 19, Wherein the appa
ing contacts of the circuit breaker are closed While the deter ratus is con?gured to carry out a method comprising the steps
mining of the resistance values of the ?rst and second sWitch of:
ing contacts. feeding the ?rst measurement current in the ?rst direction
13. The method according to claim 11, Wherein the deter through the ?rst sWitching contact of the sWitching con
mining of the resistance values of the ?rst and second sWitch tacts arranged in the series connection;
ing contacts comprises: feeding the second measurement current in the second
measuring a ?rst voltage across the ?rst sWitching contact; direction through the second sWitching contact of the
and sWitching contacts arranged in the series connection, the
US 2014/0055142 A1 Feb. 27, 2014