PP2250 Orbis IS EPG Issue 1 PDF
PP2250 Orbis IS EPG Issue 1 PDF
PP2250 Orbis IS EPG Issue 1 PDF
optical detector
multisensor detector
heat detector
mounting base
product guide
Orbis IS is suitable for use in marine and offshore
applications as well as in land-based systems and has
been tested and approved to the following standards:
Electromagnetic Compatibility
intrinsically safe EN50130-4
Servicing 18
Intrinsically Safe Range
Features of Orbis ™ IS
What types of detector are available in the Orbis IS
Orbis IS incorporates entirely new designs, range?
both mechanical and electronic. The aim has
An optical detector, a multisensor smoke detector and
been to make installation quicker, enhance
seven classes of heat detector.
the reliability of detection and reduce the
incidence of false alarms. Orbis IS features:
• modern styling How can I tell the Orbis IS range from standard Orbis
installation and cable termination Orbis IS detectors have a printed legend around the lid
which identifies them and provides information as to
• wide operating temperature range their classification. They must be used with a certified
• StartUp™ for fast commissioning Orbis IS mounting base which also bears a printed legend.
• algorithms for transient rejection Ionisation detectors, however, use a tiny radioactive
foil. Although they are entirely safe to use, ionisation
• chamber designed to inhibit dirt penetration detectors are subject to strict regulations concerning
and thus reduce false alarms
transport, storage and disposal. Thus it is becoming
DirtAlert® warning
• automatic drift compensation with increasingly difficult to transport and hence use
ionisation detectors.
• FasTest® which reduces the time taken to Advances in optical technology mean that optical or
test detectors multisensor detectors can now be used where previously
• optional flashing LED to indicate normal ionisation detectors would have been fitted.
• SensAlert® is a safety feature. In the Should I use optical detectors to detect smoke in all
unlikely event of incorrect detector applications?
operation a yellow LED flashes once a As stated, optical detectors have long been recommended
as good general purpose smoke detectors. Laboratory
tests have been carried out to compare the performance
of optical detectors in the standard test fires described
in the European standard EN54–7: 2000.
© Apollo Fire Detectors Limited 2004/JDR
density 1.00
The results of these tests are given in Fig 1. The graph Acceptable
shows the acceptable response in terms of smoke density 0.50
line which shows how evenly the optical detectors Fig.1 Orbis Optical detector response to Test Fires
Where to use optical smoke
technical data
All data is supplied subject to change without notice.
Specifications are given at 23°C and 50% relative humidity
unless otherwise stated.
How does the orbis IS optical
detector work? Principle of detection: Material:
Photo-electric detection of light Detector and base moulded in
scattered by smoke particles white polycarbonate.
The Orbis Optical IS smoke detector operates on the
over a wide range of angles.
well established light scatter principle. The remarkable The optical arrangement Alarm Indicator:
optical design of the Orbis IS optical smoke detector comprises an infra-red emitter Integral indicator with 360°
with a prism and a photo-diode visibility (See Table 1 on page
allows it to respond to a wide spectrum of fires. at 90° to the light beam with 14 for details of flash rate)
a wide field of view. The
The sensing chamber of the Orbis IS optical smoke detector’s microprocessor Dimensions and weight of
detector contains an optical sensor which measures uses algorithms to process detector:
back-scattered light as well as the more usual forward- the sensor readings. 100mm diameter x 42mm
Weight, 75g
scattered light. Sensitivity to black smoke is greatly Sampling frequency:
improved. Once every 4 seconds Dimensions and weight of
detector in base:
The detector is calibrated so that it is highly reliable in ELECTRICAL 100mm diameter x 50mm
detecting fires but is much less likely to generate false Weight, 135g
Supply voltage:
alarms than ionisation smoke detectors. 14—28V DC ENVIRONMENTALAL
The stability of the detector–high reliability, low false Supply wiring: Operating and storage
alarm rate–is further increased by the use of algorithms 2 wires, polarity sensitive temperature
to decide when the detector should change to the –40°C to +70°C
Polarity reversal: Operating temperature is
alarm state. This removes the likelihood of a detector Not allowed restricted by the intrinsic safety
producing an alarm as a result of smoke from smoking gas classification.
Power-up time: Class T5: –40°C to +40°C
materials or from another non-fire source. <20 seconds Class T4: –40°C to +60°C
The sensing chamber has been designed to keep out The detctor must be protected
Minimum ‘detector active’ from conditions of
dust and other airborne contaminants. voltage: 12V condensation or icing.
Where to use multisensor
smoke detectors
Environmental performance
technical data
All data is supplied subject to change without notice.
Specifications are given at 23°C and 50% relative humidity
unless otherwise stated.
PRINCIPLES characteristic:
4.7kΩ connected to negative
Principle of detection: supply
Photo-electric detection of light
scattered by smoke particles MECHANICAL
over a wide range of angles.
The optical arrangement Material:
comprises an infra-red emitter Detector and base moulded in
with a prism and a photo-diode white polycarbonate.
at 90° to the light beam with a
wide field of view. The detector’s Alarm Indicator:
microprocessor uses algorithms Integral indicator with 360°
to process the sensor readings. visibility (See Table 1 on
The heat sensing element page 14)
increases the sensitivity of the
detector as the temperature Dimensions and weight of
rises. detector:
100mm diameter x 50mm
Sampling frequency: Weight, 80g
Once every 4 seconds
Dimensions and weight of
ELECTRICAL detector in base:
100mm diameter x 60mm
Supply voltage: Weight, 140g
14—28V DC
Supply wiring:
2 wires, polarity sensitive Operating and storage
Polarity reversal: –40°C to +70°C
Not allowed Operating temperature is
restricted by the intrinsic safety
Power-up time: gas classification.
<20 seconds Class T5: –40°C to +40°C
Class T4: –40°C to +60°C
Minimum ‘detector active’ The detctor must be protected
voltage: 12V from conditions of
condensation or icing.
Switch-on surge current at 24V:
105µA Humidity:
0% to 98% relative humidity
Average quiescent current at (no condensation)
85µA Wind speed:
Unaffected by wind
Alarm load:
325Ω in series with a 1.0V drop Atmospheric pressure:
Insensitive to pressure
Minimum holding voltage:
5V IP rating to EN 60529: 1992*:
Minimum voltage to light
alarm LED: Electromagnetic Compatibility:
6V The detector meets the
requirements of BS EN 61000-6-3
Alarm reset voltage: for emissions and BS EN50 130-4
<1V for susceptibility.
Where to use heat detectors
technical data
All data is supplied subject to change without notice.
Specifications are given at 23°C and 50% relative humidity
unless otherwise stated.
If the fire detection system is being designed to comply Principle of detection: Material:
Measurement of heat by means Detector and base moulded in
with BS 5839–1: 2002 heat detectors should be of a thermistor. white polycarbonate.
installed at heights of less than 12 metres with the
exception of class A1 detectors, which can be Sampling frequency: Alarm Indicator:
Once every 2 seconds Integral indicator with 360°
installed at heights up to 13.5 metres. visibility (See Table 1 on page
ELECTRICAL 14 for details of flash rate)
installing orbis IS
Orbis IS Base®
cable to be stripped. Five terminals are provided for
the cables, four being grouped together for ease of
The terminals are:
• positive IN
• positive OUT
• negative IN and OUT (common terminal)
• remote LED negative connection
• functional earth (screen)
The terminal screws are captive screws and will not
fall out of the terminals. The base is supplied with the
screws unscrewed in order to avoid unnecessary work
for the installer.
The end-of-line resistor should be connected between
the OUT+ and COM– terminals.
If it is required that all detectors be fitted with their LEDs
facing the same direction the bases must be fitted to the
ceiling observing the marking on the exterior which
indicates the position of the LED.
Orbis IS Adaptor
The bases may be connected as shown in Fig 5 where
remote LEDs, if required, are connected to the associated
Orbis IS Adaptor base.
An adaptor is available which enables Orbis detector Fig 6 shows how to connect one remote LED to more
heads to be fitted to existing Series 60 IS bases in order to than one base so that an alarm in any of the detectors
upgrade systems with minimal disruption. connected will switch the remote LED.
The existing system should conform to ATEX Certificate
No. Ex97D2054 SYST. The IS Adaptor is distinguished
by the markings “part of instrinsically safe fire detector
Terminal 4, Screen Snip along marked lines and
e t e c t o r B a s e e f a 0 6 AT E X 0 0 0 0 7 X I E C E
(Functional Earth) remove this part to lock the
fire d
detector to the base
s a f e x BA
ical y S
fitting orbis detector heads
wiring tested, the detector circuits can be populated.
Two methods are suggested:
1. Apply power and fit the detectors one by one,
starting at the base nearest the panel and working
towards the end of the circuit. As each detector is
allow all detectors to be observed. The LED status is Safety – COM – IN + COM – IN + COM – IN +
– – –
barrier LED L ED L ED
the same as method 1.
2 3 2 3
2 3
© Apollo Fire Detectors Limited 2004–2006/JDR/RHD
Fig.5 Base wiring diagram
Note: the earth terminal in the base is provided for convenience where
continuity of a cable sheath or similar is required. It is not necessary for the
correct operation of the detector nor is it provided as a termination point for a
Control safety earth.
panel If screened cable is used screen continuity should be maintained and the
screen should be earthed only at one point. The earthing point should
preferably be close to the safety barrier.
The system complies with the requirements of the CPD only if wired using
screened cable. For details of cable connections see BSEN60079–14, section
2 3 2 3
2 3
© Apollo Fire Detectors Limited 2004–2006/JDR/RHD
orbis features: LED status
StartUp™ Confirms that the detectors are wired Flashes aonce per second No Flash
in the correct polarity
FasTest® Maintenance procedure, takes just 4 Flashes once per second No Flash
secondsto functionally test and confirm
detectors arefunctioning correctly
DirtAlert™ Shows that the drift compensation No Flash Flashes once per second in StartUp
limit has been reached (Stops flashing when StartUp finishes)
SensAlert® Indicates that the sensor is not No Flash Flashes every 4 seconds (Flashes once
operating correctly per second in StartUp)
Flashing LED Detector’s red LED flashes in normal Flashes every 4 seconds No Flash
Version operation (at the end of FasTest)
Table 1
system design of the fire detectors. Thus, single channel barriers are
available either as positive or negative polarity where
The design of an intrinsically safe fire detection system the polarity refers to the polarity of the applied voltage
should only be undertaken by engineers familiar with relative to earth. The significance of this is that one side
codes of practice for detection systems and hazardous of the barrier must be connected to a high-integrity
area electrical systems. The relevant standards are (safety) earth. Although this earth connection has no
BS5839: Part 1, BS EN 60079-14:2003 respectively. effect on the operation of Orbis IS devices and is not
needed for their correct operation, it may not be
The fire detection performance of the Orbis I.S. range acceptable to the operation of the control and indicating
is the same as that of its standard counterparts but equipment. If the earth connection is not acceptable
some electrical parameters are different. Please use then the isolating barriers should be used.
the technical data given in this guide for Orbis IS
devices. Performance information given in the Orbis Galvanically Isolated Barrier
Product Guide is applicable to the Orbis I.S. range. Galvanically isolated barriers. These are also referred to
as “transformer isolated d.c. repeaters”, “isolating
The BASEEFA certification of the I.S. devices covers
interfaces” and “transformer isolated current
their characteristics as components of an intrinsically
repeaters”. They differ from conventional shunt zener
safe system and indicates that they can be used with a
barriers in that they provide electrical isolation between
margin of safety in such systems.
the input (safe area) and the output (hazardous area).
This is achieved by the use of a D.C./D.C. converter
types of safety barrier on the input side which is connected to the hazardous
area through a voltage and power-limiting resistor/
The certified system configurations allow for two zener combination similar to a conventional barrier.
types of safety barrier, each of which has its own
The galvanic isolation technique means that the circuit
advantages and disadvantages. A brief outline of their
does not need a high integrity (safety) earth and that
characteristics is given below.
the intrinsically safe circuit is fully floating. Earth leakage
Single Channel 28V/300Ω Barrier problems for control and indicating equipment are
This is the most basic type of barrier and therefore the therefore eliminated if this type of interface is used.
lowest in cost. Being passive devices, they also Note: Although the circuit does not require a high-
impose the minimum of restrictions on the operation integrity earth, it is permissible to earth either side of
the hazardous area circuit if required by other system Suitable transformer isolated current repeaters
considerations. (galvanic barriers) are shown in Table 3.
Galvanically isolated barriers are available as single
or dual channel versions and are recommended for Type see
table on No of
any application in which direct earth connections are Manufacturer AZ20984 channels Certificate no
not acceptable. Table 3 shows details of available
Pepperl & Fuchs KFDO CS 1 BAS00ATEX 7087
barriers. The galvanically isolated barrier is a two-wire EX 1.51P
device which does not need an external power supply.
MTL MTL4061 2 Ex94C2040X
wiring and cable types intrinsically safe circuits
It is not permitted to connect more than one circuit When using these enclosures with intrinsically safe
in the hazardous area to any one safety barrier and systems, it is important that segregation be provided
that circuit may not be connected to any other electrical between the IS and non-IS circuits. A distance of at
circuit. Both separate and twin cables may be used. least 50mm must be preserved between live conducting
A pair contained in a type ‘A’ or ‘B’ multicore cable parts of IS and other circuits.
(as defined in clause 12.2.2 of BS EN 60079-14:2004) If the enclosure is used as part of an IS circuit, then it
may also be used, provided that the peak voltage of must always be installed inside the safe area. Never
any circuit contained within the multicore does not install these enclosures in the hazardous area.
exceed 60V.
The capacitance and either the inductance or the
inductance to resistance (L/R) ratio of the hazardous maximum loading of IS circuit
area cables must not exceed the parameters specified
Because of the finite resistance of the safety barrier,
in Table 4. The reason for this is that energy can be
there will be a limit to the current drain which can
stored in a cable and it is necessary to use cable in
be tolerated before the voltages on the circuit fall
which energy stored is insufficient to ignite an explosive
outside the specified limits for Orbis I.S. devices.
The system certification allows up to 20 Orbis IS
To calculate the total capacitance or inductance for detectors to be connected to a single barrier circuit
the length of cables in the hazardous area, refer to with an end-of-line resistor of not less than 1.8kΩ.
Table 5, which gives typical per kilometre capacitance However, it must be ensured that the voltage available
and inductance for commonly used cables. (Note: All at each detector is above the minimum specified in
Orbis IS devices have zero equivalent capacitance the quiescent condition. It is also important to ensure
and inductance.) that the alarm load is suitable for the control and
Conductor µF/km Sheath
Size resistance Inductance core core Resistance
Cable Type Core mm2 ohm/km/core mH/km to core to sheath ohm/km
MICC Pyrotenax light duty 2 1.5 12.1 0.534 0.19 0.21 2.77
MICC Pyrotenax heavy duty 2 1.5 12.1 0.643 0.13 0.17 1.58
Table 5 Examples of electrical characteristics of cables commonly used in fire protection systems.
indicating equipment. The system certification also
allows the use of remote LED indicators. These may
be connected to individual detectors or may use a
connection common to two or more detectors as
shown in Fig. 6.
PP2250/2006/Issue 1
36 Brookside Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 1JR, England. Tel: +44 (0)23 9249 2412. Fax: +44 (0)23 9249 2754.
Email: [email protected] Website: www.apollo-fire.co.uk