5 Ways Your Move To Bim Pays Off
5 Ways Your Move To Bim Pays Off
5 Ways Your Move To Bim Pays Off
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Building Information Modeling is a way to While BIM is a process and not software, and
design, construct, and operate buildings that the shift from CAD to BIM involves changes What is The Autodesk Architecture,
involves creating and using intelligent 3D models. that go beyond a simple software upgrade, the Engineering, and Construction Collection?
Building professionals recognize that BIM can BIM software package you select can make all
alleviate many of the business challenges they the difference in the benefits you realize. The The AEC Collection is a rich portfolio of
face by facilitating more effective collaboration Architecture, Engineering, and Construction interoperable BIM and CAD software. You
and providing greater project insight earlier in Collection from Autodesk a powerful portfolio of choose the individual products you want
the design and construction process. BIM can BIM tools that extends the power of BIM through to download and install – whether it’s for
also provide firms with a significant competitive interoperable software and services. Simply stated, occasional use, to meet requirements of a
advantage along with other substantial and long- Autodesk BIM gives you the power to do more. particular project or client, or to explore new
lasting benefits. workflows. The AEC Collection includes access
See the top five ways the AEC Collection maximizes to these software solutions and services.
But what’s the best way to make sure your firm is your BIM investment.
getting full value from its BIM investment?
Autodesk Revit software by itself delivers the tools for better project outcomes associated with BIM, but when you deploy Revit as
part of the AEC Collection its power significantly increases. The Collection includes software and services that work with Revit to
help you fully explore ideas, carefully evaluate design options, and make well-informed design decisions.
Capture ideas and conceptualize Spend more time designing and less Explore parametric designs using Understand your design before it’s built
designs using FormIt, and sketches time drawing by generating responsive Revit’s computational design tools for and make smarter design decisions
and massing studies automatically 3D models in BIM. Place intelligent design optimization and generation using Insight cloud-based analysis
translate into BIM data within Revit. elements such as walls, doors, and of complex forms. Whereas in a 2D services to optimize and iterate during
Thanks to native integration with windows only once, and Revit will process you might explore just a few the design phase. Perform sun and
FormIt, you can avoid rework and automatically create accurate floor options, Dynamo and Revit make it shadow studies using accurate lighting
enjoy a seamless, efficient workflow plans, elevations, sections, schedules, easy to explore dozens of options. and materials to see how light will affect
between concept and design. With 3D views, and renderings. Access Extend computational design into your model, or run an illuminance study
Revit Live, you can turn your model into Revit’s robust library of pre-made other professional applications down to see a rendering of light within a room.
an immersive experience in one click. elements, or create your own using the line for more effective work with With powerful performance analysis
Walk through your model to experience its accessible content creation tools. project teams. engines, you can optimize building
your design in virtual reality and better Drawings stay coordinated and in order performance early in the design process,
understand your design before its built. for easier simulation and visualization. run cost estimates, monitor changes
in performance over the course of the
project, and understand how the building
will perform over its lifetime.
Together, the products in the AEC Collection amplify the effectiveness of BIM as a process that drives efficiency. The interoperability of software
on the Autodesk platform minimizes the risk of data translation errors, resulting in smoother and faster design processes. As BIM has evolved, the
efficiency advantages have gained momentum. Time saved translates into enhanced margins, and fewer errors leads to reduced risk and rework.
Any investment in software, regardless of size, should be taken seriously. Value and ROI always matter! When you subscribe to multiple
Autodesk software solutions as part of a Collection, you get significant cost savings for maximized ROI.
Use one BIM platform for all Save by making Support CAD and
design disciplines Fewer RFIs decisions earlier BIM workflows
Only Revit supports integrated, Reduce change orders with Conduct analysis early-on to optimize Maintain access to the CAD software and
multidiscipline workflows that connect multidiscipline coordination, using building performance and structural industry-specific versions you’ve relied on
teams and tools and extends design Navisworks Manage software to review integrity – saving both design time and continue to use. Even if you’ve moved
to detailing. With everyone in the multi-sourced integrated models and and resources during the construction to BIM, having AutoCAD at your fingertips
project collaborating in a common BIM to identify and resolve design phase phase. keeps you connected to the full design
environment, you can more efficiently conflicts. Plus, automate laborious team.
and effectively coordinate and share tasks such as specifying materials, or
model data – avoiding the confusion, generating bill of materials.
clashes, and re-work that add cost and
time to projects.
Do more and your business grows, it’s that simple. BIM and the AEC Collection lets you
expand the scope of services you offer to clients. With the AEC Collection, you’re ready to offer
services that you may currently be contracting to outside consultants.
Visualize in-house Sell the plan Own the analysis Partner beyond design
External agencies bill a lot for the Create as-built or historical models Conduct building performance Extend BIM services downstream
gorgeous visualizations your clients that project owners can reference when analyses, including HVAC and into detailing, fabrication, and into
want. Expand your offering by creating they operate or maintain buildings. lighting, test wind loads, verify code preconstruction. Model with greater
stunning photorealistic renderings Provide clients accurate data from even compliance, and generate detailed levels of detail that can drive the
or visualizations that clients can use confined and hard-to-access spaces. reports. fabrication process seamlessly for MEP
in their own presentations. Generate and structural systems.
sophisticated, populated, walk-
through renderings that help clients
understand a design before it’s real.
Having BIM capabilities puts you in a position of strength, helping you better meet client
and regulatory mandates for use of BIM in projects. Put yourself in a better position to grow
your firm.
Always BIM-ready Market yourself well Be ready for future design challenges
Be equipped to meet owner requirements and Use tools in the AEC Collection to prepare more You’ll always have access to the latest innovative
government mandates. As BIM adoption grows compelling proposals and visualizations that software and cloud technologies as soon as they’re
world-wide, an increasing number of government win bids. With 3ds Max and Rendering, your released, for whatever challenges come your way.
entities, as well as project owners, are specifying visualizations will seal the deal. The palette of tools in the Collection are always
that projects be designed in BIM. Whether you’re at-hand when you need them to meet the unique
fully BIM adopted and just need to have AutoCAD requirements of each project.
on hand, or you’re making the move from CAD-
based design to BIM, the AEC Collection helps
ensure that you have the software you need for
both BIM and CAD workflows.
AutoCAD and verticals including AutoCAD Robot Structural Analysis Professional Recap Pro
Architecture and AutoCAD MEP Structural analysis software for structural modeling to Use reality-capture laser scanning and photogrammetry to better
As a common CAD platform used throughout the industry, this simulate wind load in the design and engineering workflow. understand existing conditions and verify as-built conditions.
suite of AutoCAD products allows you to access and create
documentation and share with all partners on the project team. Advance Steel Rendering
Detailing software for steel design, detailing, fabrication and Create quick and easy high quality renders and panoramas
Revit construction. from Revit and Navisworks.
BIM software for architects, engineers, and construction
professionals. Structural Bridge Design Structural Analysis for Revit
Bridge design software for the loading, analysis, and code A cloud-based building structural analysis tool.
Navisworks Manage checking of small- to medium-span bridges.
Project review software with advanced coordination, 5D AutoCAD Civil 3D
analysis, and simulation tools. Fabrication CADmep A tool for road, rail, and earthworks detailing, cut and fills,
Use manufacturer-specific content to create fabrication-ready landscaping, and getting to machine control.
3ds Max MEP detailed models for more accurate constructability.
3D software for creating stunning visualizations to convey InfraWorks
design intent and win projects. FormIt Pro A conceptual design tool for infrastructure that links to Civil
An architectural modeling tool for conceptual design with 3D and allows you to create construction site layouts, traffic
Dynamo Studio location data, levels, images, and materials. Collaborate on simulations, and visualizations.
Standalone programming environment for exploring models in real time and run energy and solar analyses.
parametric conceptual designs. Vehicle Tracking
Insight For analyzing site movements in advance and ensuring that
Revit Live A cloud-based analysis tool for improving energy and trucks, cranes, and large vehicles can move within the site.
Architectural visualization service that creates immersive environmental performance throughout the building lifecycle.
visualizations of Revit models in one click.
The true benefit of the AEC Collection is that it positions you to be ready for any
future design challenges.
Whether it’s a move to BIM or a realization that you need to expand your current BIM
capabilities, the AEC Collection is the most cost-effective way to ensure that you’re
among the first to have access to the technologies of the future, as they roll out.